
Upload: pedro-marin-sanchez

Post on 14-Jan-2016




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La poliquistosis renal autosmica dominante (PQRAD) es la enfermedad renal hereditaria ms frecuente. Se caracteriza por la progresiva aparicin de quistes renales que acaban conduciendo a la enfermedad renal crnica terminal as como por la asociacin con manifestaciones en otros rganos, siendo la ms frecuente la poliquistosis heptica. La infeccin y el sangrado qustico son complicaciones muy prevalentes de la PQRAD con una morbi-mortalidad no despreciable. Su diagnstico es complejo por la inespecificidad de las manifiestaciones clnicas y por las limitaciones de las pruebas complementarias, siendo en la prctica clnica el diagnstico, en la mayora de los casos, de infeccin qustica probable sin obtener un diagnstico de confirmacin. Presentamos, por la complejidad diagnstica que supone, el caso de un paciente con PQRAD afectado de sepsis secundaria a quiste heptico infectado, en un hospital de tercer nivel que present evolucin favorable tras el tratamiento aplicado. Palabras clave: poliquistosis renal autosmica dominante (PQRAD), infeccin intraqustica, poliquistosis heptica, infeccin quiste hepticoTRADUCCIN GOOGLE

The Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is the most common hereditary renal disease. It is characterized by progressive development of kidney cysts that eventually leading to end-stage renal disease as well as by association with other organ manifestations, its the most frequent polycystic liver disease. Cystic infection and bleeding are very prevalent complications of ADPKD with a non-negligible morbidity and mortality. Its diagnosis is complex by the unspecified of the clinical appearance and limitations of the additional testing in clinical practice being diagnosed in majority cases of probable cystic infection without a diagnosis confirmation. We present, by the complexity diagnostic which involve, the case of a patient with ADPKD affected with secondary sepsis to hepatic cyst infection, in a tertiary hospital who presented a favorable outcome after the treatment applied hepatic cyst.Keywords: autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD), intracyst infection, polycystic liver disease, hepatic cyst infection