resumen gramatical - english grammar

Aquí la manera más fácil de entender el problema de los verbos en Inglés. 1.The Four English Structures: La mayoría de oraciones en Inglés presenta el siguiente formato : Sujeto Verbo Complemento ¡ Concéntrate en el verbo ! En Inglés sólo existen 04 sistemas verbales, o estructuras El verbo de cualquier oración en Inglés sólo podrá pertenecer a uno de esos 04 sistemas verbales o estructuras. Los 04 únicos sistemas verbales o estructuras en Inglés son: 1. Be 2. Verbo de Acción 3. Modal 4. Verbo Have Veamos cada uno: 1.1.Estructura Be (01/ 04): ¿Cómo es Be en afirmativo? ¿Cómo es Be en negativo? I am professional. I am not a professional. I’m professional I’m not a professional You are in class You’re in class You are not in class You’re not in class You aren’t in class He is an accountant He’s an accountant She is a designer She’s a designer It is useful It’s useful He is not an accountant He’s not an accountant He isn’t an accountant She is not a designer She’s not a designer She isn’t a designer It is not useful It’s not useful It isn’t useful We are here We’re here They are programmers They’re programmers You are customers You’re customers We are not here We’re not here We aren’t here They are not programmers They’re not programmers They aren’t programmers You are not customers You’re not customers You aren’t customers Wealth Tips: 1. Be en afirmativo sólo puede ser am is are 2. Se niega Be agregándole NOT al verbo. 3. Las preguntas en cualquier estructura pueden ser de dos tipos Página 1

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Aquí la manera más fácil de entender el problema de los verbos en Inglés.

1.The Four English Structures:La mayoría de oraciones en Inglés presenta el siguiente formato :

Sujeto Verbo Complemento

¡ Concéntrate en el verbo !

En Inglés sólo existen 04 sistemas verbales, o estructuras

El verbo de cualquier oración en Inglés sólo podrá pertenecer a uno de esos 04 sistemas verbales o estructuras.

Los 04 únicos sistemas verbales o estructuras en Inglés son:

1. Be2. Verbo de Acción3. Modal4. Verbo Have

Veamos cada uno:

1.1.Estructura Be (01/ 04):

¿Cómo es Be en afirmativo?

¿Cómo es Be en negativo?

I am professional.I’m professional

I am not a professionalI’m not a professional

You are in classYou’re in class

You are not in classYou’re not in classYou aren’t in class

He is an accountantHe’s an accountant

She is a designerShe’s a designer

He is not an accountantHe’s not an accountantHe isn’t an accountant

She is not a designerShe’s not a designerShe isn’t a designer

It is usefulIt’s useful

It is not usefulIt’s not usefulIt isn’t useful

We are hereWe’re here

They are programmers

They’re programmers

You are customersYou’re customers

We are not hereWe’re not hereWe aren’t here

They are not programmersThey’re not

programmersThey aren’t programmers

You are not customersYou’re not customersYou aren’t customers

Wealth Tips:1. Be en afirmativo sólo puede ser



2. Se niega Be agregándole NOT al verbo.3. Las preguntas en cualquier estructura

pueden ser de dos tipos

Yes/No QuestionsWh Questions

4. Yes/No Questions son aquellas cuyas respuestas son Si o No, por ejemplo:

Are You happy at Wealth?Yes, I am.

No, I’m not.

5. Wh Questions son aquellas preguntas que me piden información, por ejemplo:

What is your name?Where are You from?

Who are You?

¿Cómo es Be en y/n questions?

¿Cómo es Be en Wh questions?

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Is She in Class?

Are They sad?Am I your


Why are You here?What Time is the class?What colour is your car?When are the classes?

How often are the classes ??

Wealth Tips:1. Be va adelante del sujeto en

pregunta.2. A veces las Wh questions son

complementadas, por ejemplo :

What ColourWhat TimeHow often

How deepHow big

How wide

3. Una y/n question puede tener respuestas cortas y largas, ambas significan los mismo, por ejemplo:

Is the class interesting?yes, it is.

No, it isn’t.o

yes, it is interesting.No, it isn’t interesting.

4. No se puede usar una contracción en una respuesta corta en afirmativo; las contracciones se usan si viene una o más palabras después, por ejemplo:

Are You from Wealth Sac?Yes, I’m (WRONG)

debe decir:

Yes, I’m from Wealth Sac.o

Yes, I am.

5. Repasemos Wh questions:What is your surname?What time is the conference?What colour is the cover?Where is the meeting?When is the presentation?Who is the chairman?Whose van is that?Whose PC is that? Why is it so expensive?Which is your mobile? The samsumg or the nokia.?How is business?How many people are here?How much is it in dollars?How far is the business centre?How wide is this room?How often are the sales meetings?How old are You?How tall are You?How long is the table?How long is the exam?What is the business like?Where are You from?Who are You with?Who is this document for?

Wealth Tips:1. Tanto la pregunta What…like? como

la pregunta How significan Cómo, veamos la diferencia:

What….. like? , apunta a la descripción física, fíjate en las respuestas siguientes (éstas son 100% descriptivas, objetivas):

What is the business like?You get a 30% commission per client.

What is the weather like?It’s cold and cloudy.

What are You like?I am tall and fat.

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How apunta a la opinión, a lo subjetivo, la respuesta es más variable (la respuesta es más subjetiva que descriptiva), fíjate en las respuestas siguientes:

How is the business?It’s fine.

How is the weather?It’s ok

How are You?Not bad, thanks, and You?

2. Recuerda que la palabra like tiene dos significados:

Gustar:I like Rock.

we like Peruvian food.y

CómoWalk like an Egyptian

like a virgin

3. Entonces cuando preguntes What…like? Estarás preguntando “Como qué o similar a qué es tal o cual cosa” –

What is the car like?Como qué es el carro?

Cómo es el carro descriptivamente?

4. Which y What significan ambos Cuál, la diferencia es que Which requiere que se mencionen o se sobrentiendan las opciones, What asume las opciones como muchas y por lo tal no las menciona, veamos unos ejemplos:

Which is your car? The Nissan or the Toyota.

Which is your mobile? The nokia, the Motorola or the Kyocera

Which is your surname?. Caldin, Mason or Smith.

What is your name?What’s your mobile?

What’s your surname?

5. Preguntas con How much, How many y Whose van siempre complementadas, veamos :

How much sugar …?How much money…?

How many students… ?How many programs…?

Whose PC…?Whose bag…?

6. Siempre que tengas una pregunta Wh con una preposición al final, debes leerla al revés, por ejemplo:

Where are You from?What is it like?

Who are You with?When is it for?

How long are You here for?

1.2.Estructura Action Verbs (02/ 04) :Es aquella que incluye a los verbos en sí menos “Be”, por ejemplo:

I work in Lima

Aquí no se está usando “Be” estamos en otra estructura, muchos alumnos mal formados usan la frase :

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I’m work

La cual significa “Yo soy o Yo estoy trabajo” la cual no tiene sentido amenos que nuestro nombre sea en efecto “Work”.

¿Cómo es Action Verbs en afirmativo?I work in Lima

You work in LimaHe works in LimaShe works in LimaIt works in LimaWe work in Lima

They work in LimaYou work in Lima

¿Cómo es Action Verbs en negativo?

I don’t work in LimaYou don’t work in Lima

He doesn’t work in LimaShe doesn’t work in LimaIt doesn’t work in LimaWe don’t work in Lima

They don’t work in LimaYou don’t work in Lima

¿Cómo es Action Verbs en y/n questions?

Do I work in Lima ?Do You work in Lima ?

Does He work in Lima ?Does She work in Lima ?Does It work in Lima ?Do We work in Lima ?

Do They work in Lima ?

¿Cómo es Action Verbs en w/n questions?

Where do I work ?Why do You work in Lima ?

When does He work in Lima ?How often does She work in

Lima ?How long does It work in Lima ?

Who do They work for ?

What time do They work?

Wealth Tips:1. Action Verbs en tercera persona

implica que el verbo lleve una “s” al final.

2. Action Verbs requiere auxiliares para el negativo y las preguntas.

3. Action Verbs en tercera persona (He,She, It) requiere del auxiliar “does”, cuando se usa “does” el verbo ya no lleva “s”.

4. Si el verbo tiene una tercera persona como sujeto y termina en –o/-ch/-s/-x/-sh/-z se debe agregar “es”, por ejemplo:



My son goes to school on SaturdaysThat woman always passes her courses

5. Cuando un Action verb termine en consonante e “- y”, se cambiará la “- y” por “i” y se agregará “es”:



6. Así como en toda estructura, existen respuestas cortas y largas, veamos:

Does your brother work with You?Yes, He does.

oYes, He works with me.

7. El verbo de acción “tener” o “have” no se convierte en “haves” (x) sino

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en”has”, veamos algunos ejemplos:

I have a good class.She has problems at work.

My car has a new hi-fi.They have some relatives in


My father doesn’t have a yatch.Sue doesn’t have a plan for that.Do You have a title in Business?

Does She have a good position in that company?

Do They have backgoround on that?

8. Esta estructura es aquella de los verbos en sí, aquellos que no son ni Be, ni modales, ni Have

1.3.Estructura Modals ( 03/ 04) :Los modales siempre van de a dos, el modal y el verbo modificado, cada modal le da una modificación distinta al significado del verbo, sólo son los siguientes: :

Modal Verbo










Yo puedo trabajarYo trabajaréYo trabajaríaYo podríatrabajarYo podía trabajarYo podría trabajarYo podría trabajarYo debería trabajarYo debo trabajarYo he de trabajar

¿Cómo es el afirmativo de los


YouHe SheIt

We You The








Wealth Tips:1. No se le agrega “s” al Modal cuando

el sujeto es tercera persona (He,, She, it).

¿Cómo es el negativo de losModales?

IYouHe SheIt

We You They



Might notMay not



Wealth Tips:1. Los modales se niegan agregando

“not” al final del mismo.2. Recuerda los irregulares “shan’t” y


¿Cómo es el interrogativo de losModales?

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IYouHeSheItWeYou They

work ?

Wealth Tips:1. Modals en preguntas van

adelante del sujeto.2. Recuerda que en Modals no se

agrega “s” ni al verbo ni al modal.

1.4.Estructura Have ( 04/ 04 )La palabra “have” puede tener dos significados:

Significado 01: El Verbo de acción Tener

(+)You have problems at work.She has many projects.They have little time for that.

(-)You don´t have problems at work.She doesn´t have many projects.They don´t havelittle time for that.

(?)Do You have problems at work?Does She have many projects?Do They have little time for that?

Significado 02: El verbo auxiliarHe /Ha

Si “have o has” significan “he o ha” el verbo que le sigue terminará en “ado o ido “.

Si “have o has” significan “he o ha”, ya no serán Action verbs. Estaremos en la estructura “have”.

Wealth tips_1.En la estructura “have”,“have o has” significan “he o ha” y son seguidos de un verbo en participio (los que terminan en “ado” o “ido”).

2.Veamos: recuerda que “have” aquí ya no significa “tener”, leamos:

I have finished my homework.You have reduced weight.He has gone home early.She has sent the fax.It has been my Pc for years.We have been here for 01 hour.They have written the documents.You have understood.

3. Como se llama estructura “have”, eso implica que juego con “have” para contracciones en el afirmativo, negativo y preguntas.

4. En afirmativo puedo contraer “have”:

I’ve read all the book.He’s been here all the afternoon.She´s lost her passport.They´ve flown to Miami. 5. En negativo, “have” recibe al negador

“not” OJO! Solo cuando “have” significa “he o ha”

I haven’t finished yet.You haven’t done it.She hasn’t travelled yet.We haven’t been promoted.6. En pregunta, cuando “have” significa

“he o ha”, “have” pasa adelante del sujeto:

Have You finished?Has he done it?has She been here lately?Hast it exceeded the USD.10000?

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Have We met before?have They launched the product?7. Entonces cuando veas la palabra

haveEsa palabra podrá significar

tenery será un verbo de acción.

She has problems.

O podrá significar he o ha

Y estarás en la estructura “have”She has finished.

8. Loe verbos tiene 03 tiempos:presente: go (ir)pasado: went (fue)participio: gone (ido)9. Entonces la estructura “have”

tiene la siguiente fórmula:have/has + participio

10. Los británicos cuando dicen “tener” usan la estructura “have” acompañándola del verbo “got”.


¿Cómo se dice “tener” en Inglés británico?

I have got a new projectI ‘ve got a new project

You have got a good English service.

You‘ve got a good English service.

It has got a non-integrated mainboard.

It ‘s got a non-integrated mainboard

He has got experience in networking.

He ‘s got experience in networking

She has got a new supervisor.

She’s got a new supervisor.

We have got new workstations.We‘ve got new workstations

They have got the passwords.They’ve got the passwords.

¿Cómo se dice “no tengo “ en Inglés británico?

I haven’t got a new project

You haven’t got a good English service.

It hasn’t got a non-integrated mainboard.

He hasn’t got experience in networking.

She hasn’t got a new supervisor.

We haven’t got new workstations.

They haven’t got the passwords.

¿Cómo se pregunta?

Have I got a new project ?

Have You got a good English service ?.

Has It got a non-integrated mainboard ?.

Has He got experience in networking. ?

Has She got a new supervisor ?.

Have We got new workstations ?.

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Have They got the passwords. ?

Wealth Tips:1. Asociando las 04 estructuras

vemos que hay dos maneras de decir “tener” :

La primera con el verbo de acción “have” y “ has” para la tercera

persona, veamos:

He has a good team.He doesn’t have a good team.Does He have a good team?

Yes, He does.No, He doesn’t.

Why does He Have a good team?

La segunda con la nueva estructura que hemos aprendido, la estructura


He has got a good team.He’s got a good team.

He hasn’t got a good team.Has He got a ggod Team?

Yes, he has.No, He hasn’t.

Why has He got a good team?

Significando ambas lo mismo

2.Personal Pronouns.Son:2.1.Subject pronouns:Son aquellos que reemplazan al que hace la acción, son los siguientes:

Subject Pronouns

Pronombres del sujeto




We You They

EllaEsto - EstaNosotrosUstedes


Task:Reemplace con el correspondiente pronombre del sujeto:

Work isn’t ready yet.My exams are next week

Your boss is quite exigent.Your secretary speaks English well

My sisters and I love red wine.The engineers can do that.

Music is fascinating

2.2.Object Pronouns:Son aquellos que reemplazan al que recibe la acción, son los siguientes:

Object Pronouns

Pronombres del objeto


You Them

a mia ti a el

a ella a esto

a nosotrosa ustedes

a allos

Task:Reemplace con el correspondiente pronombre del objeto:

Buy that product!Put the diskettes on the table .

Do You know my wife?Doctor Lee checks my personnel every

yearMy boss loves his son.

I know your MD, She’s great.Could You call Tommy , please?

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2.3.Reflexive Pronouns:Son aquellos que reemplazan tanto al que hace como al que recibe la acción, son los siguientes:

Object Pronouns

Pronombres del objeto



a mi mismosa ti mismoa el mismo

a ella mismaa esto mismo

a nosotros mismos

a ustedes mismos

a ellos mismos

Veamos los siguientes ejemplos:

Men understand themselves.Women love themselves.

I love myself.She cut herself yesterday.

Be yourself.Do You really know yourself?

Wealth Tips:1.Un caso que se da con los pronombre reflexivos es cómo se diría :

“uno debe preocuparse por uno mismo”

one must worry about oneself

2.El pronombre reflexivo también sirve para dar a entender que uno lo hizo sólo, en este caso se puede o no usar la preposición”by”, veamos:

I will solve it by myself.I will try it myself.

Do it yourself!

They are developing the programme by themselves.

3.El pronombre reflexivo sirve también para enfatizar quien lo hizo o lo hará, va adelante del sujeto, veamos

The president himself congratulated us.I myself prepared it for You, my love.My daughter herserf tidies his room.

3.The Possessive3.1.General Possessive:La formula general del posesivo se forma agregando ‘ s al final del sustantivo, veamos:

The doctor’s officeThe secretary’s desk

¿Cómo se hace con “students”, “news” o “James”?

¿Cuándo los sustantivos acaban en “s” se les agrega apóstrofe y “s” o sólo el apóstrofe?

Si son nombres propios cualquiera de las dos formas, veamos:

James’s carJames’ car

Ines’s notebookInes’ notebook

Si son sustantivos en general tanto en singular como plural, ya no va la “s” después del apóstrofe, veamos:

Boss’ officeStudents’ room

3.2.Possessive Adjectives:

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En este caso se reemplaza al poseedor, son los siguientes::

Possessive Adjectives



MiVuestro (de Tú)

Su (de él)Su (de ella)Su (de eso)

NuestroVuestro de

ustedesSu ( de ellos)

Wealth Tips:1. Debes recordar que en Inglés

los adjetivos no tienen ni plural ni singular, ni masculino ni femenino, así, “our” por ejemplo, significa:


2. Yo no digo: :that is my.

porque significaría ese es “mi”,

¿mi qué?,le falta algo.

Debo decir:

That’s my office

y aquí si estoy dando una información completa.3. Entonces recuerda los

“adjetivos posesivos” necesitan un sustantivo

4. Algunos ejemplos:She’s my new assistant.

I am your instructor

They are his dogsTheir head office is in Istanbul

He is her new controllerOur father loves seafood

3.3.Possessive Pronouns :En este caso se reemplaza al poseedor y a lo poseído, son los siguientes::

Possessive Pronouns





MíoTuyoSuyo (de él)Suya (de ella)Suyo (de eso)NuestroVuestroSuyo (de ellos)

Wealth Tips:1. Debes recordar que en Inglés los

pronombres no tienen ni plural ni singular, ni masculino ni femenino, así, “ours” por ejemplo, significa:


2. Yo no digo: :that is mine office.

porque significaría ese es la “mía oficina”,

Debo decir:That’s mine

That office is mine3. Entonces recuerda los “pronombres

posesivos” no necesitan un sustantivo, van solos.

4. Veamos algunos ejemplos:Cars?, Mine is the best.

I don’t like your eyes, I like hers

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The job is yours.This land is theirs

3.4.The Possessive with Of :Este posesivo usa la preposición “of” que significa “de”.

Esta forma de posesivo tiene dos posibilidades, veamos:

3.4.1.Que el poseedor sea una cosa o un grupo de cosas :Aquí no hay nada de qué preocuparse ya que es igual al español, veamos:

The screen of the computerThe cover of the magazine

The length of the showThe arrival of the plane

The knob of the doorThe lord of the rings

3.4.2.Que el poseedor sea una persona o un grupo de personas :Aquí el poseedor deberá ir o con apóstrofe y “s” o con pronombre posesivo, veamos:

The job of Mary’sThe job of hers

The office of mine

The problem of the engineers’sThe problem of theirs

Veamos algunos ejemplos:

That friend of yours is a bit strange.Son of mine! It’s time for your

independenceFriends of mine! Cheers!

This is the house of my sister’s

4.The Plural4.1.Final “-s”4.1.2 .La forma más sencilla del plural es cuando se le agrega “s” al final del sustantivo, veamos:

accountants – accountantsbay – bays

engineer – engineersholiday – holidayslawyer – lawyersnurse – nurses

assistant – assistantsprogrammer – programmers

attorney – attorneysstudent – studentssurvey –surveysvalley – valleys

4.1.2.Una variante de la forma anterior es cuando el sustantivo acaba en “consonante e Y”, en este caso la “Y” se cambia por “i” y se agrega “es”, veamos:

Lorry - lorries (grúa)Body – bodies

Memory – memoriesStory – stories

Dictionary – dictionariesMistery – misteries

Company – companies

4.1.3. Otra variante es cuando el sustantivo acaba en sonido “f”, en este caso se quita la letra “-f” y se agrega “-ves”, veamos:

knife – knives (cuchillo)life – lives

wife – wiveshalf – halves

scarf - scarvesshelf – shelves (repisa)

4.2.Final “-es”Cuando el sustantivo recibe una “-s” al final y termina en :

“-s”, “z”, “ ch”, “sh”, “-x” u “-o”

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se le agregará el sufijo“-es”

Por ejemplo:Bus – busses

Church – churchesSandwich – sandwiches

Ash –ashesBox – boxes

Class – classesQuiz – quizzes

Tomato –tomatoesMosquito – mosquitoes

Hero – heroes

4.3.Sustantivo no cambiaOtro caso es cuando el sustantivo es el mismo tanto para el singular como para el plural.Ejemplos:

Sheep-sheepDeer – deerFish – fish

Means – means (medio de)Series – series (serie de )

Species – species (especie de )

Plurales Irregulares4.4.1.Algunos sustantivos sólo van en plural, veamos:

trousers – trouserspants pants

shorts – shortspyjamas – pyjamasglasses – glassesscissors – sicssors

Algunos ejemplos:

My new pants are cool.Those glasses are the latest.

Her tights are so sexy.

4.4.2.Otro caso es de algunos sustantivos que terminan en “-s” pero son singulares, veamos ::







Algunos ejemplos:

Economics is a quite difficult careerThere is good news for You!,

Mathematics is always important

4.4.3. Algunos sustantivos cambian totalmente en plural, veamos:

child – childrenmouse – mice

ox- oxen (buey)person – peoplefoot – feet (pies)

goose – geese (ganso)man – men

woman – women 4.4.4. Los siguientes sustantivos son grupales, veamos:

the governmentthe staffthe teamthe family

the audiencethe police

the committee The armyThe class

The enemyThe cheering crowd (la barra – la multitud

que grita)the committee

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Estos sustantivos grupales pueden ser usados para referirse al grupo en si, veamos:

The government is in charge of the education politics

The government is determined to beat recesion

The team is ready for that challenge (reto)

The police has the obligation of protecting citizens

My family is big, We are 45 relatives

O para referirse a los integrantes del grupo, en este caso el verbo ya no irá en singular sino en plural, aquí la traducción debe ser “los del...”, veamos:

The government are peruvianThe team are worried

The police are badly paidMy family are big, we are all fat and

tallThe gabinet are discussing a new

law package

File 05 The Countable and The UncountableLos sustantivos se clasifican en dos tipos contables y no-contables, veamos:

5.1.The UncountableAquellas sustancias o materiales en bruto que no se pueden contar , las producciones y los conceptos, ejemplos :







Pollution (contaminación)Oil


Estos no contables se vuelven contables con unidades de medida, veamos:

A piece of newsA piece of furniture

02 bottles of red wine01 litre of milk

300 grams of hamhalf a kilo of meat

a glass of winea cup of coffee

100 sheets of paperthree cans of beer

a teaspoon of sugar20 galloons of petrol

5.1.1.La pregunta para los No-Contables es How Much (Cuánto de ..)

Veamos algunos ejemplos:

How much money have You got?How much beer do You usually drink ?

How much wine does it need?How much sugar do You take ?

How much corruption is there in politics? 5.2.The Countable.

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Todo aquello que tiene plural y puede contarse.

5.2..1.La pregunta para los Contables es How many (Cuántos ..)

How many people are in class?How many business men love the

country?How many branches does the

company have?How many hours a day would You

like to work?

Wealth Tips:1. Recuerda que “people” es

“personas” y es plural, se dice:

How many people are there in class now?

Los artículos se dividen en dos :


6.1. Undefinite Articles:Son :


6.1.1. Se usa “an” cuando la siguiente palabra empiece en vocal o sonido vocal, veamos:

an orangean applean hour

an honorable manan hourly session

an urnan umbrella

6.1.2. Se usa “a” cuando la siguiente palabra empiece en letra o sonido consonante, veamos:

a cara budgeta hotela house

a hospitala hope

a horrible thinga universitya unification

a uniforma union

a unique institutea universal language

a usual thinga unit

a utopiaa union

a european countrya urban problem

a computerWealth Tips:1. Recuerda que “a” o “ an” significan

“uno” o “una”, por lo tanto sólo pueden ser usados en singular.

2. En función a lo anterior no se puede utilizar “a” o “an” en plurales o en no-contables, por ejemplo:

a sugara peoplea beer

6.2. Definite ArticleEs el Artículo

The(el, la, los, las)

Veamos algunos ejemplos:The project is feasibleThe people are here

The instructors at Wealth are perfect

Wealth Tips:

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1. ¿Cuál es la diferencia?I want a job

I want the job2. ¿Cuándo se obvia “the”?Un primer caso es cuando se usa un nombre propio, aquí el artículo es innecesario, veamos:

Niko’s officeTom’s assistant

Un Segundo caso es la diferencia entre “last year” y “the last year”, veamos:

Usaré “last year” para referirme a el año pasado, no es necesario el artículo, si te digo el año pasado es obvio que sabes a cuál nos referimos, veamos:

Last year was my graduationLast year was more profitable for

meI went to London last year

Usaré “The last year” cuando me refiera al último año de una temporada o período, veamos:

The last year of university is the heaviest

The last year of school is very sadThe last year of my master was


Cuando se usa un plural o un incontable sin artículo te refieres a lo general, veamos:

Love is necessary for menPeru makes excellent coffee

English is vital for your purposesBabies need milk

Secretaries need to be understood

Sin embargo si se pone artículo se particulariza, se refiere a un sector ya definido, veamos los mismos sustantivos:

The love of the mother is endlessPlease, We are waiting for the coffee

The English of Scotland is a bit differentThe babies need dehydrated milk

Oh! yes, I remember the secretaries

File 07 Some, Any and No7.1.Some.Some significa :

Algo de , algunosAlgunos ejemplos:

I know some members of the clubShe has some friends in ItalyWe are drinking some beer

They want some wineI will see some clients this afternoon

We have got some problemsShe needs some love

Wealth Tips1. Some tiene pronombres compuestos

como:somebody – someone (alguien)

somewhere (algún lugar)something (algo)

sometime – sometimessomeway – somehow (de algún modo)

2. Algunos ejemplos con pronombres compuestos :

I know somebody who can help YouThere is somewhere nice in that city

She will buy something for the flu (gripe)You can do something for me

We will eat somewhere.

3. Some no va en negativo.4. Se hacen preguntas con “Some”

cuando se suponga que la respuesta

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será “si”, esto es cuando hayan indicios o cuando se ofrezca algo, veamos:

is there some beer?(en un pub)

Have You got some sugar?(en una cafeteria)

Do You want some Pizza?(una invitación)

Do You want to go somewhere?(a alguien que goza de tu


7.2. Any Any en afirmativo significa :

cualquierVeamos algunos ejemplos:

Any student deserves (merece) respect

Any doctor here is a specialistAny instructor at Wealth is a

leaderAny woman has love to give

You can do anything, my love.Let’s go anywhere.

You can call anybodyAnybody in Germany speaks

EnglishAnywhere in London is wonderful

Anything of You is special

Wealth Tips:1. En preguntas “any” significará

Algún Algunos algo de

2. Las preguntas con any no asumen nada con respecto a la respuesta, las preguntas con any son las más usada, veamos:

Do You have any questions?Will You go anywhere after work?Do You need anything from me?

is there any sugar?Have You got any money?

3. En negativo any significa nada de ningún o ningunos, siempre y cuando el verbo vaya en negativo.

4. Recuerda que para el negativo se niega el verbo y se agrega any, veamos algunos ejemplos:

I don’t need any moneyThere aren’t any people at the

conferenceYou haven’t got any experience on that

businessI won’t go anywhere tonight

He doesn’t know anybody hereThere isn’t any sugar in my coffee

I don’t understand anything

7.3.No No significa cero, es un adjetivo nulo, se usa con el verbo en afirmativo, veamos algunos casos:

I know nowhere in MexicoShe loves nobody

I have no problems with YouI like nothing in this shopI can say nothing about it

They have no projects on thatThe program needs no more reviews

The tank has got no gasWe want to go nowhere

I understand nothing

File 08 Action Verbs in Present TenseLos verbos de acción poseen una única estructura en común, ya la conocemos, pero a la vez, de ellos se podría decir que de acuerdo a su significado se dividen en dos grupos:

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8.1.Verbos Rutinarios:Cuando el sujeto ejecuta al verbo. Aquí el verbo expresa una acción en sí. Estos verbos aceptan adverbios de frecuencia como:





Veamos algunos ejemplos (date cuenta que el sujeto “ejecuta

” al verbo):

I always workShe never arrives at the office on

timeThey sometimes visit the

distributorsShe rarely e-mails me

We occasionally see our chairman

8.2. Verbos no – rutinarios :Aquí el sujeto no ejecuta al verbo. El verbo sólo describe (no expresa acción) y no suelen necesitar adverbios de frecuencia salvo casos excepcionales, veamos:

We love MusicMy dog has a white spot.

They like seafoodI prefer Wealth

Wealth Tips1. Los adverbios de frecuencia van

antes de los verbos de acción, veamos:

I always prayShe never pays taxes

They usually travel to the highlands2. Los adverbios de frecuencia van

después de las otras tres estructuras, veamos:You can always be better (modals)

They are never late (be)It has always got the best price (have)

3. Recuerda que siempre que uses una expresión de tiempo , ésta debe ir al final.We work from monday to saturday

She has classes in the eveningsThey run in the mornings

4. Si deseas colocar la expresión de tiempo al inicio, síguela de una coma, veamos:From monday to saturday, We work

In the evenings, She has classesIn the mornings, They run

5. Finalmente debes recordar que para preguntar por frecuencias debes hacerlo con How often, veamos:How often do You go to the church?How often do You do You attend a

conference?How often do eat Italian food?

File 09.The ProgressiveEl progresivo se forma de la siguiente manera:

Be + Verb (ing)

La terminación “ing” al final del verbo equivale a “ando” o “endo”, así:

I am speaking EnglishYou are paying attention to me

We are having a class now

Wealth Tips1. Si se agrega ing a un monosílabo, se

duplica la última consonante de ese monosílabo, veamos:

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hit – hittingput – putting

clap – clappingget – gettingrun – running

2. Si acaba en sílaba acentuada , duplica la última consonante, veamos:

begin – beginningrefer – referring

regret – regretting3. Si acaba en consonante + vocal

+ “L” , se duplica la “L”, veamos:

travel – travellingmodel – modelling

4. Si el verbo termina en consonante e “y”, se agrega ing sin cambio alguno, veamos::

tidy – tidyingstudy – studyingworry – worrying

cry – cryingfry - frying

5. Si se trata de una palabra que termina en consonante e ie se cambia la ie por ying, veamos:

die – dyinglie – lying

El Progresivo tiene tres funciones básicas:

9.1.Right Now (justo ahora)Se usa para describir lo que está ocurriendo ahora, justo en este momento:

We are having classes at this moment

You are listening to meI am speaking EnglishLook! They are coming

Excuse me, are You waiting for me?He is not working now.Are You thinking of me?

Are We having a good time?What are You doing?

Hey1Where are You going?Look! She is coming here.

Listen! somebody is opening the door.Why is She crying?

9.2. This period (en este período)Se usa el progresivo también para hablar de hechos que están ocurriendo durante una temporada, veamos::

I‘m taking Yoga classesShe’s learning to drive

We are planning to get marriedThey are visiting CuzcoShe is working better

You are preparing for the examIs She enjoying her trip?

Are They discussing that these days?What are You doing these days?

9.3.Future Plans (planes para el futuro) El progresivo se usa para describir lo que ya has planificado (con anterioridad. Lectura de tu agenda) para el futuro, veamos:

We are working tomorrowShe is coming back from Holliday next

weekWe are finishing classes in 01 hour timeThey are flying to Istanbul in two days

time.I am eating some Italian food this

SundayI’m not going there tonight.

They are not going to the conference next year.

Are You coming tomorrow?What are You doing tonight?

Where are You going after class?When are You taking vacations?

Who are You hiring finally?

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File 10 Prepositions 1

File 11 Stative VerbsAnalicemos las siguientes oraciones:

I like Wealth Sac

I’m liking Wealth Sac

¿Cuál es la diferencia?

I like Wealth Sac

Aquí la idea ya está posicionada, estas convencido que Wealth Sac es lo que necesitas si de Inglés se


I’m liking Wealth SacAquí al ver que todo lo que Wealth Sac se comprometió a darte se está cumpliendo y que en verdad se está

satisfaciendo tu necesidad de Inglés, vas haciéndote de una idea clara sobre Wealth Sac, algo como

que está empezando a gustarte.

Caso 2My Boss understands

ComputingEl entiende de computo.

My Boss is understanding computing

Recién está entendiendo.

Caso 3I think I can pass

Estás convencido de que sí puedes pasar

I am thinking I can passWealth Sac ya te está

convenciendo que sí puedes pasar y en corto tiempo.

Caso 4I need the medicine

Un caso normal de necesidad de un medicamento

I am needing the medicine!!!!!!Si no se le provee al paciente de esa

medicina en la brevedad del caso habrá problemas.

Caso 5I believe in Jesus Christ

Un creyente

I am believing in Jesus ChristAlguien que antes no creía y ahora

empieza a creer en el poder de la palabra de nuestro señor Jesús Cristo

Caso nSI usas el verbo en presente simple implica regularidad, algo normal.

SI usas el verbo en progresivo implica algo reciente, un cambio, algo que

recién se está dando.

Wealth Tips:1.No hay incorrecto, cada cual en cada situación.2. Se llaman Stative Verbs cuando no van en progresivo, si Yo digo “I need money” la necesidad sigue hasta que consiga el dinero, no es necesario ponerlo en progresivo, el verbo sólo se da a basto para expresar continuidad, pero si dices “I am needing money” es un caso de exaltación, estás al filo.

File 12 The FutureMuchos alumnos de Inglés usan fórmulas de futuro inapropiadas, analiza el siguiente cuadro y detecta qué forma es para qué objetivo:

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Future Examples TranslationsFuture


planes personaleslo que está en tu


I am working tomorrowThey are getting married next moth.We are going on Holliday next month

I am not traveling next weekI’m not having lunch today, I’m having classes.

Are You coming tomorrow?What are You doing tomorrow?

Where are You going after classes?

Trabajo mañanaEllos se casan el próximo mes

Vamos de vacaciones el prox.mesNo viajo la próxima semana.

No almuerzo hoy tengo clasesVienes mañana?

Qué haces mañana?Dónde irás después de clases?

Present for future

Planes personalesPlanes


I work tomorrowThey get married next moth.

I don’t work tomorrowDo You come tomorrow?

What do You do tomorrow?The bank opens at 10 am today

The plane arrives at 6:00pm this friday.The banks doesn’t open at 10 am today

Does the bank open at 10 am today?What time does the bank open today?

Trabajo mañana.Ellos se casan el prox.,mes

No trabajo mañana.Vienes mañana.

Qué haces mañana?El banco abre a las 10 hoy.

El vuelo arriba alas 6 este viernes.El banco no abre a las 10 hoy.

El banco abre a las 10 hoy?A Qué hora abre el banco hoy?

Modal Will

Intenciones recién decididasdecisiones inmediatasfuturo no


I will work tomorrow, Yes I’ll come for two hours.I’ll have the roast lamb, it looks delicious.

They will get married, They are one for the other. I won’t work tomorrow, I’m so tired.

Will You work tomorrow? I won’t.Where will You go now? Nobody is at home.

What will You do ? Now that You are out of work.

Trabajaré mañana. Si, vendré por dos horas.

Comeré el codero al horno, luce rico.

Ellos se casarán, son el uno para el otro.

No trabajaré mañana, estoy tan cansado

Trabajarás mañana?, Yo no. Dónde irás ahora? Nadie está en

casa,.Qué harás ahora? que estás sin


Modal Shall

compromisos morales

En pregunta está restringido a I o

We.En pregunta es una


I shall work tomorrow. It’s my responsibility.I shall live by the rules of my religion.

We shall cooperate, They really need us..We shall raise our voice for those who cannot

speak.I shan’t work tomorrow, We never do it.

Shall I help You?Oh, sorry!, Shall I leave?

Shall I call You after work?Shall We stop and have some coffee?

What shall We do now?Where shall We go?

He de trabajar mañana, es mi responsabilidad.

He de vivir por las reglas de mi religión.

Hemos de cooperar, Ellos realmente nos necesitan.

Hemos de alzar nuestras voces por aquellos que no pueden hablar.

No he de trabajar mañana, Nunca lo hacemos.

Te ayudo?Lo siento, Me voy?

Te llamo después de trabajar?Paramos y nos tomamos un café?

Qué hacemos ahora?Dónde vamos?

FutureBe going to

Decisión al futuroPredicciones con

I am going to work tomorrow, You won’t stop me.We are going to buy our car next week. We have

the money.I’m going to eat spaghetti tonight. Mom promised

so.We are going to take vacations in January.

Voy a trabajar mañana, No me detendrás.

Vamos a comprar nuestro carro la próxima semana. Tenemos el

dinero.Voy a comer spaghetti esta noche.

Mi mamá lo prometió así.

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sustento I’m not going to do that, It’s against my principles.

Are You going to finish it on time?

Vamos a tomar vacaciones en enero.

No voy a hacer eso, está contra mis principios.

Vas a acabarlo a tiempo?

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File 13 .The Past Tense of Be:


Present PastI am … I was…

You are… You were…He is…She is…

It …

He was…She was…It was…

We are…They are…You are…

We were…They were…You were…

La estructura es la misma, sólo que el verbo cambia al pasado, veamos:

I was at home yesterday.You weren’t here yesterday.

My boss was in a meeting all morning.Her sister was sick last week.The conference was excellent.

We were tired after the ceremony.The children were amazed at the

show.Was the conference centre clean?Were the documents complete?

Was there a soccer match yesterday?There weren’t any people in the

streetsWhere were You at the weekend?

How was your flight?How many people were there with

You?When was your anniversary?

File 14 .Commands and Suggestions:Los imperativo s se dividen en dos grupos :

14.1. Commands (Ordenes):Sólo va le verbo, no el sujeto.

Open the door, please!Please, type this!Call me tonight!

Just Do it!Do it like this!

Don’t do that!Don’t think so much about it!

Don’t be ridiculous!Don’t do it like that!Don’t be like that!

14.2. Suggestions(Sugerenecias):Tres formas:

Let’s (verbo)Es el sufijo” emos” ”amos”, veamos:

Let’s stop now!Let’s do that!Let’s dance!

Let’s have a drink!

Let’s not do that!Let’s not go there!

Let’s not go!

Why don’t ……….!

Why don’t You come tomorrow !Why don’t You study for the exam!

Why don’t You resign!

Shall….?Shall I help You?

(¿te ayudo?)

Shall I repeat it?(¿repito?)

Shall We dance?(¿bailamos?)

Shall We have something to eat?(¿comemos algo?

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Wealth Tips:Lo único que debes recordar es que “Shall” se usa sólo con “I” o “We”.

File 15 .Adjectives:

¿Cómo hago con los adjectivos?

¿Cómo los ordeno?

Aquí las famosísimas reglas de descarte Wealth - sigue los siguientes pasos:

1. El sustantivo debe ir siempre al final de la cadena:

a) Fast an aluminum black sports car

b) Fast aluminum sport car ac) A black fast aluminum sports

card) A fast black aluminum sports


Wealth Tip: Aquí vemos que la opción b) no cumple la regla.

2. Si hay un determinante (presentador), éste debe ir al inicio de todas maneras:

a) Fast an aluminum black sports car

b) Fast aluminum sport car ac) A black fast aluminum sports

card) A fast black aluminum sports


Wealth Tip: 1. Determiner es todo aquél que

determina o que presenta algo, por ejemplo:

Artículos: The, a, anCuantificadores: Many, some, a

lot ofPosesivos: My, Your, His, Her..Números: One, Two..

2. Revisando mis tres restantes alternativas, elimino la opción a) ya que no tiene un presentador o determinante al inicio.

3. Me quedan la opción c) y d).

4. Lo más constatable debe estar más cerca del sustantivo (más a la derecha), lo menos constatable más alejado (más a la izquierda):

a) Fast an aluminum black sports car

b) Fast aluminum sport car ac) A black fast aluminum sports card) A fast black aluminum sports car

Wealth Tip:1.Entonces debo preguntarme qué es más constatable que sea negro o que sea rápido, definitivamente el color es más constatable que la rapidez, la rapidez es más relativa.

¡EL Sr.Kudo puede ser un genio y Wealth lo máximo, pero esto no me

convence!OK, aquí algunas reglas adicionales. Recuerda:



T – A – C-

N – M - E


T – A – C

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N – M - E

En rima :

T – A – C

N – M - E

¿Qué significaba?



¿un ejercicio?

Ok, here We go!

The words are : brown/boots/a pair of/enormous/ leather/cowboy/ antique/ American/beautiful.




Aplicando las reglas de descarte Wealth, la primera forma debe ser:

A pair of beautiful/……………/boots.

Ok, vamos a lo Segundo,

¿Cómo era la segunda regla?

T – A – C

N – M - E

¿Cómo, cómo?

T – A – C

N – M – E

¿Qué significaba?



enormous antique brown

american leather cowboy boots

Conjugando ambas reglas resultaría:

A pair of beautiful enormous antique brown american leather cowboy boots

File 16 .Adjectives into Adverbs:Analizemos las siguientes frases:

Mary looks beautiful.

Mary dances beautifully.

En la primera oración Mary no hace acción alguna, el verbo “look” sólo la describe pero no dice nada que ella haga; sin embargo en la segunda oración Mary sí hace una acción.

En la primera oración, el verbo no expresa acción y como tal requiere de un adjetivo.

En la segunda el verbo si expresa acción y como tal para referirse a esa acción se necesita de un adverbio. Los Adverbios se refieren a los verbos que expresan acción.

Veamos más ejemplos:

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My boss programs slowly.Your secretary works perfectly.

My CEO speaks loudly.Wealth explains clearly.

Wealth Tips:1. Los adverbios se forman

agregando la terminación “ly” al final del adjetivo.

2. Los siguientes adjetivos no reciben una “ly” al final, son los siguientes:

HardShe has a hard character (adj)

She works hard (adv) *

FastIt’s a fast server

Do it fast!

RareIt was a rare situation

You speak rare

GoodThis is a good courseWealth does it well

QuickYou must be a quick worker.

Work quick, please !Work quickly, please !

Veamos ejemplos en general:

You are acting strangely.We work hard everyday.

She is speaking sincerely.Do it accurately.

Do your things well.Come here quickly

3. Este tema se debería llamar “Adverbios de manera” ya que indican la manera como un verbo realiza su acción.

4. Los adverbios de manera responden a la pregunta “How?”(¿Cömo?)

5. Cuando un verbo no expresa acción y no requiere de adverbios de manera, se llama “linking verb” o verbo de enlace.

Veamos la oración inicial:

Mary looks beautiful

Aquí “look” no expresa acción, es un verbo que enlaza a “Mary” con “beautiful”, en otras palabras es un verbo descriptivo y para describir requiere de un adjetivo.

Otros ejemplos:

The wine tastes delicious.The pizza smells good.

Your skin feels soft.That sounds perfect.

You appear a bit surprised

6. Entonces los verbos pueden expresar

Acción, y requerirán un adverbio de manera que nos diga la manera como la acción se realiza, por ejemplo:

Mary dances beautifully

o dicho verbo podría expresar Descripción, que pida un adjetivo para describir al sujeto y no al verbo, por ejemplo:.

Mary looks beautiful

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File 17 Prepositions 2

Prepositions of Place At (1)

at the doorat your deskat the windowat the the computer

He's at the window talking on the telephone.

at the traffic lightsst the roundabouts)

Turn left at the traffic lights.

at the bus stopat the bus stationat the train stationat the airport

She works at the airport.

at the frontat the back

When I go to a conference, I always sit at the front .

at the end of the streetat the end of the avenue

at the end of the roadat the end of the highway)

My hometown is at the end of Wealth road.

at the topat the bottom

Sign the contract at the bottom of the page.

at receptionat a company

Verónica works at reception at WEALTH.

On (1)

on a platformon the the roofon the ceiling

on the wallon the flooron the boardon one side

The marketing staff are at a meeting on the third floor.Our new target markets are indicated on the electronic board.That innovating board is on the wall.

on the lefton the right

on the left-hand side)

Here are some London features, on the left You see The Big Ben, which is a big clock, in the middle a tipical guard, and on the right-hand side , the coach, which is a two-story bus.Remember that there, people drive on the left.

on a chairon a benchon a table

on a platform)

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The patient is on a bench, being examined by the doctor.

on page

Uff! I'm very tired, I'm going to bed, I am on page 50 of a book of a hundred, that's ok!

on the coaston the riveron the ocean

Tacna is on the south coast of Perú.Perú is on the south pacific, its

capital, Lima, is on the Rimac river.

on the wayTortugas beach is on the way to Chimbote.

In (2)

in bedIn hospitalIn prison

She will be in hospital for two more weeks.

At (2)

at schoolat university

at workat home

My nephew Renato is still at school.

at an eventat a place where an event takes


First we were at a conference at the boardroom, and then at a party at the tennis court.

at the seaside

Miami is at the seaside .

On (2)

On a farmOn the field

On the prairie)

Uncle Joe used to work on a farm.

¿ In = At ?

We feel happy at the cinema.(We like the pictures)

We feel happy in the cinema.(We like the place)

Arrive In / At

arrive in a cityarrive in a country

I arrived in the states in 1991, I waited in Miami for two hours and then I arrived in Washington.

arrive at workarrive at the office

arrive at schoolarrive at any place but


Niko always arrives late at work, at university, at the meetings, at anywhere.

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In / At / On a corner

on the corner of a streetat the corner of a street

There's usually a cop on/at the corner of that street.

on the corner of ___and _____

There's a monument on the corner of San Borja Norte and Quiñones Avenue.

in the corner of a room

He's installing a video set in the corner of our room.

Means of transportIn

in my carin a taxi)

I always go to work in a taxi.


on a bicycleon a Trainon the bus

on the 8:00 am planeon a boaton a ship

We traveled on a ship in the Caribbean

on footFiona "The terrrible" goes to work on foot.

By generalby carby taxi

I always go to work by taxi.

by bicycleby public transport

by Trainby bus

by planeby boatby ship

We traveled by ship in the Caribbean

by airby seaby rail

by roadby underground

Command "alpha" will go by sea, "beta" will travel by rail, "gamma" will do it by road, and We "delta" will travel by air.

Means of Communication


on the telephoneon the mobile

He's calling WEALTH on the phone.

on televisionon the radio

on the internet

We always watch "Friends" on TV.

By (general)

by internetby radioby phone

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by satellite

We communicate by e-mail.

Time (2)

¿On time / In time ?

It's 11:00 am

On time

A: Finally We are here.B: The meeting is at 11:00, We are on time.

In time

A: Finally We are here.B: The meeting is at 11:30, We are in time. Let's have some coffee!

¿At the end / In the end?

1. At the beginning of the day (period/ something), he said he was feeling bad.

2. Then at the end of the day (period/something), he said he was feeling worse.

3. So We called for an ambulance.4. In the end (finally) it was

nothing serious.

File 18 QuantifiersLos Cuantificadores varían de acuerdo a si las cantidades a cuantificar son :



18.1.Cantidades Grandes

contable No-contable+ a lot (of)

manya lot (of)

- many much¿ many much


We will sell many productsWe will sell a lot of productsWe won’t sell many productsWill We sell many products?

No-Contables:We will need a lot of money.We won’t need much money.Will Wee need much money?

18.2. Pequeñas cantidades:

contable No-contableIdeas

positivasa few a little

Ideas negativas

few little

Ideas Positivas:Quiere decir que lo poco que tengo me permitirá cumplir con mi objetivo, veamos:

I have a few dollars, We can buy that.I have a little money, We can buy that

Ideas NegativasQuiere decir que lo poco que tengo no me permitirá cumplir con mi objetivo, veamos:

I have few dollars, We can’t buy that.

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I have little money, We can’t buy that

File 19 Another, Other or Others?

Analicemos la siguiente palabra:


ahora separémosla en sus dos componentes:

an other

Wealth Tips1. “an” significa :

un-uno –una2.”other” significa :


¿Cuál es correcto?

a. another sugarb. another students.c. another day.

La respuesta es obvia :

( c )

La razón es muy sencilla:


se usa con “contables en singular”. Para los “contables en plural “ y los “no contables” osea el resto, se usa “other”, veamos:

It’s another problem at workI need another computer, this is too


We need other sugar to make that cake

For that product other plastic is required.

There are other products on the market.

We love business, other people don’t.

Recuerda el siguiente cuadro:


another day Singular


otherdays Plural

sugar Non-Count

others ------ Plural Countable

Wealth Tips:

1. “Others” se usa solo, veamos:

We are catholic, others are protestants.

Our cars are new, others are old.We have goals, others do not.

2. Se llaman “indefinite” por lo indefinido, si digo “deme otra azúcar, esta no”, no estoy siendo definido, sólo quiero otra azúcar, pudiendo ser ésta blanca, rubia, impalpable, etc...

3. Puedo ser definido simplemente anteponiendo el artículo definido

“the”, veamos:


day Singular

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other Countabledays Plural

sugar Non-Count


------ Plural Countable

4. SI digo “deme la otra”, ya estoy definiendo, veamos algunos ejemplos:

The other shops are more expensive.

Buy from us, not form the others.For that Cake We will need the

other sugar.The other medicines are more

natural, buy them.The other students are from


File 20 Past Tense of Action VerbsEl pasado de los verbos de acción requiere dos anotaciones:

Anotación 01.En vez de “do o does” deberás usar:


Anotación 02.En afirmativo los verbos serán :

20.1.RegularesAquellos que para formar su pasado en afirmativo reciben una “ed” al final, veamos:

She passed the exam with Wealth yesterday..We stopped two hours ago.Last Saturday She visited me.They called me three days ago.

He traveled after the exam.

20.2..IrregularesSon aquellos que para el pasado en afirmativo cambian y para eso debes memorizarte la siguiente lista:

PONER LISTAbe - was/werebecome – llegar a ser - becamebegin – empezar - beganbreak- romper - brokebring – traer - broughtbuild – construir - builtbuy – comprar - boughtcatch – coger - caughtchoose – elegir - chosecome – venir - camecost – costar - costcut – cortar - cutdeal – negociar - dealtdo – hacer - diddraw – dibujar - drewdrink – beber - drankdrive – manejar - droveeat – comer - atefall – caer - fellfeel – sentir - feltfind – encontrar - foundfly – volar - flewforbid – prohibir - forbadeforget – olvidar - forgotget – conseguir - gotgive – dar - gavego – ir - wentgrow – crecer - grewhave – tener - had

hear - oir - heardhide – esconder - hidhit – golpear - hithold – coger - heldhurt – herir - hurtkeep – mantener - keptknow – saber - knewlay – echarse - laid

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lead – liderar - ledlearn – aprender - learntleave – dejar, partir - leftlend – prestar - lentLet - permitir - letLie –mentir - LayLose – perder - lostMake – hacer - madeMean - significar - meantMeet – conocer - metPay – pagar - paidQuit – irse de - quitRead – leer - readRide – montar - rode

Ring – timbrar - rang

Rise – subir - rose

Run – corer - ran

Say – decir - said

See – ver - saw

Sell – vender - sold

Send – enviar - sentSet – establecer - setShake – sacudir - shook

Shoot – disparar - shot

Show – mostrar - showed

Shut – cerrar - shut

Sing – cantar - sang

Sit – sentar - sat

Sleep – dormir - sleptSpeak – hablar - spoke

Spend – gastar/pasar el tiempo - spent

Spread – esparcir - spread

Stand – parar/soportar - stood

Steal – robar - stole

Stick – pegar - stuck

Swim – nadar - swam

Take – tomar/llevar - took

Teach – enseñar - taught

Tell – contar - told

Think – pensar - thought

Throw – lanzar - threw

Understand – entender - understood

Wear – usar - wore

Win – ganar una competencia - won

Write – escribir - wrote

Veamos algunos ejemplos, tradúcelos:

He became CEO at the age of fifty one.

They bought it on sale last time.

Engineers had to contact Headquarters.

It cost USD.250,000 including tax

We made it together.

I heard that in the corridor this morning.

I spoke about the new fares.

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People believed in him.

The concert started on time.

We arrived in time, so We drank some coffee

and talked about our future.

I played soccer last weekend.

We liked the show

We grew at wealth, as professionals nd as human beings..

Veamos más ejemplos en negativo y preguntas:

I didn’t do that.They didn’t go to the conference, They didn’t want.

I didn’t call her on her birthday, I forgot.She didn’t understand the explanation I gave her.It didn’t cost that much, It was cheap.They didn’t have the money to buy that, so They lost the opportunity.I didn’t love You, I just worried about You.Sorry, Could You repeat that I didn’t catch your name.

Did You lose the address?Did You catch that ?Did You understand me?Did the meeting finish late?Did the students pass the exam?Did the machine work well?Yes, it did.No, It didn’t.Where did You go yesterday?What did You do this morning?How did You travel there?Why didn’t You call me?

How many clients did You have last year?How much did You pay for that?When did You arrive?Whose PC did You use?

Wealth Tips:1. Verás que cuando va el auxiliar “did” el

verbo va en su forma simple.2. En afirmativo no se suele usar el

auxiliar, pero si se usa es para enfatizar el significado del verbo, veamos:

I work everyday.Yo trabajo cada día.

I do work everydayYo SI trabajo cada día

I worked yesterday.Yo trabajé ayer.

I did work yesterday.Yo SI trabajé ayer

3. Recuerda para los verbos de acción tanto en presente como en pasado, en negativo y preguntas es el auxiliar el que indica el tiempo:

You don’t speak Greek.You didn’t speak Greek.

Do You study English? Yes, I do.Did You study English ?Yes, I did.

File 21 The Comparative and Superlative

El comparativo se divide en tres temas:

21.1. Igualdad.Se usa :

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Wealth tips:1. Entre “” pueden ir :

Adjetivos:Audi is as good as Ford

This is as old as thatShe looks as pretty as her

Wealth is as excellent as Oxford

Adjetivos con sustantivoI am as good professional as You

This is as fast car as thatCindy is as competent lawyer as


AdverbsShe drives as carefully as HimWe speak as clearly as native

speakersThey work as quickly as us

I work as hard as usual

21.2. Uno más que el otro1. Se agregará al adjetivo el sufijo


sólo si el adjetivo es


bisilábico (cuya segunda sílaba sea

“consonante”e “y”)

veamos:hot – hotter

Today is hotter than yesterday

small – smaller My last car looks smaller than my new


nice - nicer

She is nicer than her


heavy – heavierThis screen is heavier than that

happy - happierToday I’m happier than yesterday

2. Un caso particular es el de el adjetivo angosto, su comparativo es :


3. Si no es ni monosílabo, ni un bisilábico que termine en consonante e “y”, se antepondrá la palabra :


Wealth is more accurate than the othersThis pizza tastes more delicious than thatStudent A is more intelligent than student B.This site is more modern than the former one.Our service is more serious than that.Peter drives more carefully than his brotherI drive more slowly than my fatherMy secretary speaks more clearly than me

5. Los adjetivos que no coinciden con ninguna de las reglas son los siguientes:

good - betterYou are doing better now

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bad – worseToday was the worse day in my life

far – furtherFrom home, my job is further than

my school 21.3.Uno menos que el otro:Tres casos:

Adjetivos y AdverbiosSe Usa “less”

Last year was less profitable than this yearAn Audi is less expensive than a FerrariIt’s less cold than yesterdayThey are less good than UsYou work less hard than MeI speak English less clearly than my secretary

Contables Se usa “fewer”

Last year We had fewer students than this There are fewer cops in the streets nowadaysFewer people now use an stationery phone

Non-CountablesSe usa “less”

This sweet coffee requires less sugarMy new car needs less oil than my old oneNow, It takes me less time to finish my tasksWe are making less money than in the past

Wealth Tips1. Antes del comparative se pueden

usar intensificadores como :

a bita littlemucha lotfar


That hotel is a bit more expensive than this.EMERGENCY “Inglés Urgente” is much more expensive then GOLD “Comunícate con el Inglés adecuado”.

Our English programs are far more serious than the competence.

This year We are working a lot harder than last.

2. El Superlativo implica que ya no se compara en vista de que uno es el supremo, por eso siempre se requiere del artículo “The”.

3. Se agregará al adjetivo el sufijo


sólo si el adjetivo es


bisilábico (cuya segunda sílaba sea “consonante”

e “y”)


The twin towers are no the tallest buildings in the world anymore.

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This mobile is the thinnest in its categoryToday was the heaviest day in my lifeI am the happiest man in the world

4. Si no es ni monosílabo, ni un bisilábico que termine en consonante e “y”, se antepondrá la palabra

“the most”

This is the most exciting course on the marketShe is the most beautiful woman in the officeHe acts the most naturally of allShe cooks the most deliciously of all

5. Los casos irregulares del superlativo son los siguientes:

good – the bestThe Smiths is one of the best groups of the 80’s

Bad-the worstThat is the worst turnover of our


Far – the furthestWe as professionals should always try

to go the furthest possible

6. Donde se usaba

“less” se usará “The least”

donde se usaba

“fewer” se usará “The fewest”


This is the least expensive mainboard on the market

If You travel, take the fewest things possibleTry to eat the least sugar possibleYou always smile the least naturallyYou always answer the most easily

File 22 The Present Perfect

El Presente Perfecto presenta la siguiente fórmula:

Have + Verb (participle form)

Wealth Tips:1. Los Verbos tiene tres formas de

acuerdo al tiempo, veamos:

Forma PresenteMVLL writes books

(MVLL escribe libros)

Forma Pasada :MVLL wrote “La tía Julia” in the 70’s.(MVLL escribió “La tía Julia “ en los


Forma ParticipiaMVLL has written many books

(MVLL ha escrito muchos libros)

En castellano el participio es aquel que termina en “ado” o “ido” .

Los verbos en pasado y participio se clasifican en regulares (los cuales terminan en “ed” o “d” ) e irregulares (los cuales cambian del presnte al pasado) según lsa siguiente lista:


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El presente perfecto me sirve para hablar de periodos de tiempo que tienen conexión con le presente o se siguen dando, no confundir con el pasado simple o Past Simple, veamos 05 situaciones de diferenciación:

Situation 01

She has been here for two hours.

Ella ha estado aquí por dos horas, aún está aquí, su conexión con el presente es obvia, compárala con la siguiente

She was here yesterday.


Situation 02

Profits have fallen dramaticallyAquí, te están diciendo que las utilidades han caído dramáticamente y aún siguen cayendo, se siguen sintiendo los efectos – hay una total conexión al presente.

Profits fell last semestreAquí, te están diciendo que las utilidades cayeron el semestre anterior, pero no hay conexión alguna con el presente. A lo mejor ahora les está yendo muy bien.

Situation 03

I have been in this company for years.

Aquí, la persona te está diciendo que desde que empezó a trabajar

en esa empresa no ha dejado de hacerlo. Lo sigue haciendo y hay la probabilidad que siga así en el futuro.

I was in that company three years ago.

Aquí, la persona te está contando una experiencia del pasado, no necesariamente hay conexión con el presente.

Situation 04They have gone .

Aquí dices que ellos se han ido, ósea que ya no están, han partido. Aquí lo

que se está diciendo realmente es que YA NO ESTAN.

They went to Italy three years ago.Aquí, vemos que el uso del pasado no tiene ninguna conexión con el presente.,Acá te refieres a un hecho concreto del pasado SIN NINGUNA CONEXIÓN CON EL PRESENTE.

Situation 05Mr.Toledo has been our

president for more than a year.La referencia aquí es que desde hace más de un año el Sr.Toledo asumió el poder y desde ese momento hasta la

fecha no ha dejado de hacerlo y hay la total probabilidad de que continúe


Mr.Odría was our president between 1948 and 1956.

Aquí nos están diciendo que el Sr.Odría fue nuestro presidente, demás está mencionar su mínima relación con el


Wealth Tips:

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1. Concluimos que el Presente Perfecto se usa para eventos que empezaron en el pasado y que tiene una total conexión con el presente y el Pasado justo para eso: hablar del pasado, veamos:

Yo digo

“Mario vargas Llosa has writen many books”,

pero no puedo decir

“Shakespeare has writen Hamlet”

2. Con el Presente perfecto se puede usar la preposición de tiempo

forpara referirme a periodos de tiempo, veamos algunos ejemplos:

I have lived here for two years.3. También se puede usar la

preposición de tiemposince

para referirme a las fechas exactas del inicio de u periodo, veamos algunos ejemplos:

I have lived here since the year 2000

4. El presente perfecto usa también la expresión :

yet“Yet” se usa siempre al final de oraciones negativas y preguntas.

En Oraciones Negativas significa aún

Por ejemplo:I haven’t finished yet.

You haven’t graduated yet.They haven’t gone to Miami yet.

En preguntas significa:


Have You finished yet?Has She called You yet?

Have They become professionals yet?

5. Con el Presente Perfecto se usa también la expresión:

already“Already” se usa principalmente en afirmativo, y pregunta, veamos:Afirmativo:

They have already leftThey have left already

(Ya se han ido)

I have already told You twiceI have told You twice already(Ya te lo he dicho dos veces)

She has already finished the projectShe has finished the project already

(Ella ya ha acabado el proyecto)

You’ve already understood this topicYou’ve understood this topic already

(Ya has entendido este tema)


Have You already heard about it?Have You heard about it already?

Have You already understood ?Have You understood already?

Has She already finished ?Has She finished already?

6. Otra expresión que se usa con el presente perfecto es :

justCuyo significado es “recientemente”, “acaba de...”, y se usa principalmente

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en el afirmativo y las preguntas, veamos:

Afirmativo:I’ve just passed my English Exam

thanks to Wealth. I’m very happy with them.

(Acabo de pasar mi examen de Inglés gracias a Wealth. Estoy muy contento

con ellos)

She’s just come from the Caribbean, She’s looking an excellent tan.(Ella acaba del caribe, luce un

excelente bronceado)

I’ve just finished. Let’s go!(Acabo de terminar, Vamos!)

Preguntas:She’s not here?. Has She just left? She was here a few minutes ago.

(No esta aquí?, Se acaba de ir?, Estaba aquí unos minutos atrás)

Have They just come back from work? They really look tired.

(Acaban de regresar del trabajo? Realmente lucen cansados)

Has She just changed her job? I thought She was still in the same

company. (Ella acaba de cambiar de trabajo?,

pensé que seguía en el mismo trabajo)

7. Otra expresión que se usa con el presente perfecto es :


“Ever” se puede usar en afirmativo significando “que haya ..”(se suele usar con el superlativo), en negativo (significando “nunca”) y en pregunta

cuyo significado es “alguna vez?”, veamos:Afirmativo:This is the best course I’ve ever takenThis is the best English instructor I’ve

ever metYou are the best woman I’ve ever

loved.This is the most active company I’ve

ever worked for.

NegativoI haven’t ever worked under so much

pressure.She hasn’t ever eaten in such a fine

restaurant.You haven’t ever had a service like this

before.We haven’t ever talked about that

really.It hasn’t ever been so difficult to get a


Pregunta:Have You ever loved somebody?Has She ever used that system?

Has He ever dealt with those figures?Has He ever liaised with such

businessmen?Have You ever been trained this way?Has there ever been a good president

in Peru?Has there been an earthquake? In Lima

Have there ever been good soccer players in Peru?

Have there ever been good business people from The PUCP?

8. Finalmente queda mencionar que con el presente perfecto se puede usar también el adverbio de frecuencia:

neverveamos:You’ve never seen something like this.

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She’s never gone there. It’s her first time.

We’ve never given so many examples .

9. ¿Qué significa la siguiente oración?

I have been reading this book for two weeks

Significa que has estado leyendo de manera continua el citado libro por dos semanas, veamos más ejemplos:

I’ve been trying to call You.They’ve been calling me all week.We’ve been working on this for a

month .I haven’t been doing that.

Have You been studying, son?Have You been reading this,


¿y Cómo se llama este tema?Obvio, El Presente Perfecto Progresivo.

File 23 The Past Perfect Tense El pasado perfecto se usa cuando se tiene dos tiempos pasados y se desea indicar cual de ellos sucedió antes que el otro.

Veamos dos hechos en pasado:

1. You called me on the phone.2. I came home.

Supongamos que cuando Yo llegué, Tú ya habías llamado antes, para estos casos se dirá lo siguiente:

You had called when I came home(Tú habías llamado cuando Yo llegué a casa)

Wealth Tips:1. El hecho que se dio antes va

con el auxiliar “Had” que significa “había”.

2. Como “Had” está en estructura “Have” requiere de un verbo adicional en pasado participio.

3. “Had” no cambia para la tercera persona He, She o It.

4. “Had” puede contraerse como” ‘d”, veamos:

She’d worked here before I did.They ‘d gone there before I did.

Veamos algunos ejemplos:

You had finished school by 1995.You had already passed the exam

when We called You.We had been The Niko León

group before We started Wealth Sac.

We hadn’t ever finished a work behind schedule until You started

to run the company.We hadn’t ever sold English

materials until one of our clients gave us the idea.

The Incas hadn’t heard about Catholicism until the Spaniards

conquerors came to these lands.

Had You done that before I did?Had You had a previous working experience before You joined this


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Had the students had enough preparation before They took

the exams?

Where had The Huns lived before They invaded Europe?Who had been the president

before Mr. García?

File 24 The conditionals

Los condicionales se pueden dividir en 04 tipos principales, aprendámoslos!:

Condicional 1: If I do, I will.Aquí el antecedente es muy posible de ocurrir. Fórmula

If I do, I will do

If I study, I will pass.If I get that job, I will buy my car

in a year.If She loves me, I will marry her.We won’t pay You, if You don’t

give us an invoice.I am not going to pass If I don’t

study hard now.You shall lose your job if You do


Will You make a profit if You invest in that?

Will You take it if I make You a rather considerable discount?

Will it be enough if I stop here?

Condicional 2: If I did, I would.

Aquí el antecedente es algo remoto de ocurrir. Implica “si tal cosa ocurriese...”


If I did, I would do

If I knew English, I would be studying for my title now.

If She loved me , I would be happy.If I had a new PC, I could work faster.

You could charge more for your services if You had your professional

title.If You spoke more slowly I could

understand You.All my money would go on taxies If I

didn’t have a car .Would You keep a secret if I told You

one?Would You let me kiss You if I tried?

Would You be my wife if I asked You?

What would You do if You had AIDS?What would You do if You lost your job

now?Where would You go if You started

holidays today?What would You sell in the states if You

had customers there?

Wealth Tips:1. En este condicional el verbo be

es “were” para todos los sujetos, no se suele usar “was”, veamos:

If You were here, I would kiss You.If He were here , he wouldn’t permit

that.If You were in the European market

what would You export?

Condicional 3 : If I had done, I would have done

En este condicional se dicen cosas como “Qué hubiera pasado si las cosas hubiesen sido o no hubiesen sido de tal o cual manera”,

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Fórmula: If I had done, I would have done.

If I had saved, I would have bought my car.

If You had told me , I would have understood.

If They hadn’t come, We wouldn’t have talked about it.

You wouldn’t have got that post if Your boss hadn’t seen You working


We wouldn’t have grown if We hadn’t been successful in our Bach


You wouldn’t have known how to deal with that post if You hadn’t had enough previous management


If You had considered the idea of studying English in university times, wouldn’t You have passed the exam?

If that company had offered 10% more, would They have got the


If sales had grown by a half more We would have increased our share in the

market this year.

If The Companía Peruana de teléfonos hadn’t been taken over by Telefónica

de España, telecommunications services in Peru wouldn’t have

developed as They have.

If You had saved, You would have bought a new car.

You would have already got your title if You had studied English before.

Wealth Tips:

1. Como consecuencia del condiconal 03

If I had done, I would have done

se podría agregar un tercer consecuente .

…so I would do

completando la saga:

If I had done, I would have done, so I would do

Un ejemplo?Ok!

Si El hubiese ahorrado, El habría comprado ese carro, entonces El

tendría ese carro ahora.

Saltemos la premisa intermedia.

Si El hubiese ahorrado, El tendría ese carro ahora

If He had saved, He would have that car now.

Aquí se habla de la realidad en función al pasado, algo como “si las cosas hubiesen sido de otra forma, yo estaría o no estaría haciendo tal o cual cosa”, veamos:

If I had done, I would do

If I had passed my English Exam, I would be a lawyer now.

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If I had studied English before, I would speak it now.

If We had overcome our target in the local market , We would be exporting


If I hadn’t heard about Wealth, I wouldn’t be here taking classes.

If I hadn’t had those previous posts before, I couldn’t afford to run my

own business.

You couldn’t take this programme if You hadn’t studied English before.

Could You pass your exam now if You hadn’t studied at Wealth? . I guess


What could You do now if You hadn’t saved that much?

Where could You go now if You hadn’t bought your things when You were


2. Otro sub-caso del condicional es el considerado Condicional Fáctico o de Hecho, este condicional se da para las reglas o cosas ya establecidas donde no hay nada que predecir, veamos:

If You heat water, It boils.

¿Acaso no se puede usar el condicional 01 y decir?

If You heat water, It will boil

Si, pero el sub-caso mencionado sólo se usa cuando se habla de reglas como la mencionada, con

Will es más general como consecuencia es más usado.

3. Finalmente recordemos las 03 fórmulas del condicional

Condicional 1Si estudio, pasaré.

If I study, I will pass.

Sub-casoIf You heat water, It boils

Condicional 2Si estudiase, pasaría

If I studied, I would pass

Condicional 3Si hubiese estudiado, habría pasado

If I had studied, I would have passed

Sub-casoSi hubiese estudiado, Hoy sería

abogadoIf I had studied, I would be a

lawyer now

File 25 The Passive Voice

La voz pasiva es la inversa de la voz activa, en la “voz activa” alguien hace algo, en cambio en la “voz pasiva” algo es hecho por alguien, veamos su fórmula:

Be + Verbo en participio

Wealth Tips:1. “Be” indicará el tiempo.2. La oración debe expresar lo

mismo que la voz activa.3. Veamos la siguientes secuencias:

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Peter teaches programmingProgramming is taught by Peter

Peter taught programmingProgramming was taught by Peter

Peter has taught programmingProgramming has been taught by


Peter had taught programmingProgramming had been taught by


Peter is teaching programmingProgramming is being taught by


Peter is going to teach programming

Programming is going to be taught by Peter

Peter was teaching programmingProgramming was being taught by


Peter was going to teach programming

Programming was going to be taught by Peter

Peter will teach programmingProgramming will be taught by


Peter can teach programmingProgramming can be taught by


Peter could teach programmingProgramming could be taught by


Peter shall teach programming

Programming shall be taught by Peter

Peter may teach programmingProgramming may be taught by Peter

4. Como habrás visto el significado es el mismo, sólo que en la voz pasiva el objeto del verbo pasa a ser el nuevo sujeto.

5. Así mismo el tiempo de la oración en voz activa es el mismo en la voz pasiva, aquí manda el verbo Be.

6. Al verbo BE se le agrega la versión participia del verbo, veamos:

Teaches=is taughtTaught=was taught

has taught=has been taughthad taught=had been taughtis teaching=is being taught

is going to teach=is going to be taught

was teaching=was being taughtwas going to teach=was going to

be taughtwill teach=will be taughtcan teach=can be taught

could teach=could be taughtshall teach=shall be taughtmay teach=may be taught

7. Para el negativo y las preguntas sólo debes las 04 únicas formas de preguntas que existen, ya que sólo hay 04 estructuras.

8. Tanto en Be, modals o have , el verbo se pasa a delante del sujeto y punto :

Is the cheque going to be paid tomorrow?

was She examined by the doctor?Have We been invited?

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Is the bank closed?Will I be hired?

Will it be done by the end of December?

Had Peru been invaded before that?

When is the conference going to be given?

Where was the collection bought?How many people are going to be

invited?Why will it be done like that?

When will it be sold?How long has it been done ?

File 26 The Reported speech Sólo se pueden reportar oraciones o preguntas, para poder reportar es necesario tener dos elementos

1. Un introductor .2. Una oración a reportar

El introductor no es mas que aquel que introduce la oración, por ejemplo:

Mary saysJohn always tells me

Sue told mePeter said

She asked mePeter asked Tommy

I wonder

Reportar requiere de :

un conector

Este conector varía de acuerdo a si se trata de oraciones o preguntas, entonces el reporte se divide en dos sub-temas:

26.1. Reporte de Oraciones

En el reporte de oraciones el conector es:


En el caso de el reporte de oraciones no es necesario poner el conector, veamos las siguientes oraciones:

Mary says “ I love my boyfriend” (action verb)Mary says “ I will love my boyfriend”(modals)Mary says “ I am in love with my boyfriend”(BE)Mary says “ I have loved my boyfriend all my life” (have)

Ahora reportemos, recordemos que acá el conector es “that” y no es indispensable:

Mary says She loves her boyfriend (action verb)Mary says She will love her boyfriend(modals)Mary says She is in love with her boyfriend(BE)Mary says She has loved her boyfriend all her life (have)

Con conector?

Mary says that She loves her boyfriend (action verb)Mary says that She will love her boyfriend(modals)Mary says that She is in love with her boyfriend(BE)Mary says that She has loved her boyfriend all her life (have)

Bien, ahora veamos las mismas oraciones a ser reportadas pero esta

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vez con un introductor en pasado, veamos:

Mary said “ I love my boyfriend” (action verb)Mary said “ I will love my boyfriend”(modals)Mary said “ I am in love with my boyfriend”(BE)Mary said “ I have loved my boyfriend all my life” (have)

Bien, reportemos sin conector:

Mary said She loved her boyfriend (action verb)Mary said She would love her boyfriend(modals)Mary said She was in love with her boyfriend(BE)Mary said She had loved her boyfriend all her life (have)

Con conector:

Mary said that She loved her boyfriend (action verb)Mary said that She would love her boyfriend(modals)Mary said that She was in love with her boyfriend(BE)Mary said that She had loved her boyfriend all her life (have)

Wealth Tips:1. Notarás que cuando se reporta

en pasado el modal cambia a una forma pasada, así:

Will cambia a WouldMay cambia a MightShall cambia a MightCan cambia a Could

2. Notarás también que sólo hay 04 tipos de reporte tanto en presente como en pasado ya


26.2. Reporte de PreguntasLas preguntas se dividen en dos tipos :

a) Y/n questions

Do You love me?Are You in love with me?

Will You love me?Have You loved me?

Did You call me?Were You in my class yesterday ?

Could You remember my name?Had You had a previous job before the last?

Cuando reportas una Yes no question debes seguir los siguientes tres pasos:

1. Empieza con el introductor.2. El conector debe ser

“if”sólo si es “y/n questions”.

3. agregar:Sujeto + verbo + complemento(los mismos de la y/n question)

4. El tiempo del introductor y el del reporte deben coincidir.

¿Reportamos?Ok!“Do You love me?”(tell me)

“Are You in love with me?”(I need to know)

“Have You finished your task?”(Peter)______________________________________

“Do You understand my report?” (I wonder)

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“Will You explain the project for me tonight?” (Tell me)


“Can Your lawyers deal with that situation?” (I need to know)

“Will You tell me your results?” (Dr.Jones asks his secretary)

“Are You ready to start your speech?”(Mrs. Jones aks his assistant-Mary?)

“Have You always loved me?”(John asks his wife)

“Do You remember my last boss?”(Mr.Roberts asks Ms.Wong)

“Do You think I love You?”(Sue asks his husband)

“Had You finished university by1995”(Tom asks his colleague Rose)

“Were You in my mother’s house yesterday?(Nick asks Clare)


“Will You tell me your results?” (Dr.Jones asked his secretary)

“Are You ready to start your speech?”(Mrs. Jones asked his assistant-Mary?)

“Have You always loved me?”(John asked his wife)

“Do You remember my last boss?”(Mr.Roberts asked Ms.Wong)

“Do You think I love You?”(Sue asked his husband)

“Had You finished university by1995”(Tom asked his colleague Rose)

“Were You in my mother’s house yesterday?(Nick asked Clare)


b)Las preguntas pueden ser “Wh” también, para este caso sigue las siguientes reglas:

1. Empieza con el introductor.2. El conector debe ser

“Wh”¡la misma pregunta!

3. agregar:

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Sujeto + verbo + complemento

(los mismos de la Wh-question)4. El tiempo del introductor y el

del reporte deben coincidir.


“Where are You?” (Tell me)

“Why weren’t You in class yesterday?”(I wonder)

“Who is that girl?”(I need to know)

“How many courses are You taking ?”(Tell me)

“Who do You report to?” (I want You to tell me)______________________________________

“When will finish your task” (Tell me)

“How much do You pay for your English classes?” (I need You to tell me)

“Why do always come late to your office?”(Mr. Thomas asks his son)

“When are We going to get married?”(Jane her fiancé)

“When did You finish your classes?”(Uncle Joe asks Timmy)

“How long have You lived in this city?”(Customs Officer asks Mary)

“What is it for”(Mary asks her sister)______________________________________

“How much have your prices decreased lately?”(The creditor asks me)

“How long ago did You finish school?”(He asks me )

“Where were You when I called You?”(I asked my daughter)

“Who will You invite to your graduation party?”(They asks me)

“What can I do for You?”(I ask Mr. Wilson)


“Why do always come late to your office?”(Mr. Thomas asked his son)

“When are We going to get married?”(Jane asked her fiancé)

“When did You finish your classes?”(Uncle Joe asked Timmy)

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“How long have You lived in this city?”(Customs Officer asked Mary)

“What is it for”(Mary asked her sister)______________________________________

“How much have your prices decreased lately?”(The creditor asked me)

“How long ago did You finish school?”(He asked me )

“Where were You when I called You?”(I asked my daughter)

“Who will You invite to your graduation party?”(They asked me)

“What can I do for You?”(I asked Mr. Wilson)


FILE 29Prepositions of Place

been in / been to

(I am in London now)

I've been in London for two weeks and I don't want to leave.

(I am no t in London now)I've been to London two times, and I would go there for a third one.

Other prepositions of place

Between(entre dos personas)/ in the middle of

The Chairman is between our boss and his new secretary.

Among(entre tres o más personas)

We're among the workers.

In front of/ ahead of/ across from/ *opposite

Professor Smith is in front of the students.

Behind/ in back of

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Doctor Bald is behind patientJones

Over/ above(encima sin tocar)

below/ under(debajo tocenado o sin tocar)

Bridge Apache is over river Colorado.

River Colorado is below bridge Apache.

by(por, alrededor)

near(cerca a )

The sphinx is near the pyramids.Gizeh Pyramids are by the sphinx.

outside(afuera de)

inside(dentro de)

Astronaut LLaury is outside the shuttle.The other astronauts are inside the shuttle.

Far from(lejos de)

Mars is far from planet earth.

Across/ crossing (cruzando)

San Francisco is crossing the bridge.

Beyond(más allá de)

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Soldier Rodriguez is beyond the border with Ecuador.

Against(contrario a / opuesto a)

We usually play against the other institutes.

Around/ round(alrededor de)

I ride my bike around my house

Beside / next to(al lado de)

to/on the left/right(a la izq/der de)

Professor Smith is next to her desk.She is beside the board.The globe is on the right.The globe is on her left.

Prepositions of motion and direction

To / toward(hacia)

He's running to the office

Into(hacia dentro)

The ball is going into the basket


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She's jumping onto the pool.

From ….to/toward(de…..a)

The warship is going from London to the balkans.

Out of/ off(saliendo de)

Go out of the road at km.45.

Up/ down

Mr.Jones is going down the stairs.

Through(a traves de)

People access internet through the phone line.

Along/ up /down/ over(a lo largo de )

To get to the theatre go along this avenue and turn left at block 33.

Past(pasando )

Please, Sir, stop past the bank.

Back to(de vuelta a)

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Mariscal, get back to the office right away!!!!


In the past to get to America, sailors had to go across the Atlantic.

Round(alrededor de )

Cops go round the city to keep security in it.

No Prepositions

I go to work on foot.(direction)


*I go home by train*I go downtown by underground.

*home or downtown don't use any preposition

Prepositions of pay

In cash

I hate credits , I always pay in cash.

By chequecredit cardmonthly transfer

I've got no cash, Can I pay by credit card.

More prepositions of time

Till / Until( hasta)

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I'll wait for a taxi till/ until 2:00 o'clock.I won't wait for a taxi until/ till 2:00 o'clock.

Since (desde)For(por)

Mr. Jones has worked for WEALTH SAC since October 1998.Mr. Jones has worked for WEALTH SAC for six months..

Materiales originales WEALTH SAC. Author: Nicolás León / 999 021 252.

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