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  • 8/6/2019 Espacios Publicos Discusion Pasado Peru


    14 3

    antpoda n 5 jul io-d ic iembr e de 2007 pginas 143-168 issn 1900-5407

    Fecha de recepcin: abril de 2007 | Fecha de aceptacin: noviembre de 2007

    P P P P

    E S PA C I O S P B L I C O S P A R A L A D I S C U S I N S O B R EE L P A S A D O R E C I E N E D E P E R

    C y n t h i a E . M i l t o n

    Canada Research Chair in Latin American History

    Dpartement dHistoire

    Universit de Montral, Canad

    [email protected]

    A B S T R A C T In the atermath o civil conict

    and a truth commission into twenty years

    o violence (1980-2000) , Peru is presently

    engaged in the difcult task o estalishing

    overarching narratives that provide rameworks

    or organizing personal and collective memories

    in the ew pulic spaces availale or the

    discussion o this recent past. This article looksat two pulic spaces, a series o per ormative

    events in Ayacucho during the sumission o

    the truth commissions Final Report , and Limas

    memorysite, The Eye that Cries. One contentious

    memory is over who are appropriate victims and

    heroes to rememer.

    K e y w o R d S :

    Peru, Political Violence, Memory, Perormance.

    R e S U M e N Despus del conicto armado

    interno y una comisin de verdad que

    investig los veinte aos precedentes

    (1980-2000), Per est en el proceso de

    escriir en espacios plicos las narrativas

    que proveen las marcas para organizar las

    memorias individuales y colectivas de este

    pasado reciente. Este traao estudia dosespacios plicos, una serie de eventos en

    Ayacucho durante la entrega del Inorme fnal

    de la Comisin de Verdad y el monumentoEl

    ojo que llora en Lima. Una de las memorias

    ms conictivas apunta a quin es la vctima

    apropiada y el hroe nacional para recordar.

    P A L A B R A S C L A V e :

    Per, violencia poltica, memoria, perormance.

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    k l by wk w b m --ml z. T cvr w : 69,8 l , 4, , m 6, l wy y l, bySendero Luminoso (SP), m w by m bl, m, .T y m w campesino, Q k m P l. T w l w P- l m Ay, Hl, Am,J, S M 85 m. T P- Cmm, D. Slm L, b-m l Inorme fnal P Rbl,Alj l, ll y l bl l:

    l w l-l , , ; , l, , m w l m m (L, 4:148). I w k ly lm z m , l l - l m m j -, w k w k l ll l w l bl-, , b mm l. P

    w my l bl w b lk l.

    A l m l bl bl m l P, z mlx, m- . T k : b y w z ( bly l ), blm l l , - m l ll m. Il, I lk bl w mm x- k l. T lm l bl m w m mm P m Jly 1 A . A w P mm- mmy l , l l bl m m w mm, , l . I wxml bl m m cvr: m k l bm Final Report cvr Hm, Ay; mm-

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    y,El ojo que llora (T Ey C). I l by by k q P ll bly - l l , by l l mmlz, l m w bl m .

    T xm bl w cvr, m bm cvr , - l mmEl ojo que llora l lz w m bl mmyb blm l , -fl -w m. T lk bl m mm-y m l m m

    l ll y, mb mmy, l l bl mmy (Cmb, ; Smm, 6; yl,). T mz m space w marge demaneuvre wl m bl w, l bl mmb (m lby fl mm).

    T l l bw m mmy l, l, mblm mmy m mwk l m . A by S J. S

    (4), mblm mm mm l bl m-bl m bly, x w m mmy . A l mmy k, w , mm, m bl m l by. T b lm , , yl bj l (S, 4).Bl , m my q , xl l lw, llw: - bl , cvr, m , Elojo que llora w m w y m b? (Ml-, 7). T bl blk l mm. Wmm x, w , l-l ( bm mblm mm), w m bl ( bm l mm l)?. Hw bq m w fl l cvr? O m

    2 The concepts o loose memories and lore are also orrowed rom Steve j. Stern (2004).

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    llw cvr bl l l llw l m -ll m, qly, l .

    he creation of a truth commission

    U bm Inorme fnal w y by cvr, P l l b l w ly m P b -l llw . T cvr b m, l q m m mb m, ll cvr, y mm-, ly . Hw, w bl

    , j by, by l, m, ll cvr.

    T blm mm m b qkly. Ply l x m J Fjm l xl. A mm bl - P m wy m m w my, -bl mm by -Cl W 4. IJly 1, m m Vl P l mlqy wy y, Comisin de Verdad, l-

    q m by P m , ml x- lw, mly ml q Gml, A,Cl, S A. Hm m Deen-sora del Pueblo m l Cmm(Y, : 17; 47-48).

    T m , Alj l, k Cmmb l mm l mlly bj-, m m wl mm b. I l, cvr l wll m P wy- m, w m by l. T Cmm m w b-l lm , bly , l m

    3 Political parties and the media played an active role in distorting and silencing truths y challenging the fndingso the cvr two months eore theFinal Reportwas made pulic. This continued ater the pulication o theIn-

    orme nal. Degregori (2004: 84). Eorts to silence discussion include threats to the welare o commissioners,deenders o human rights, and victims o violence, such as threats lodged anonymously in Octoer 2005.

    4 Greg Grandin and Thomas Kluock envision truth commissions as a product o post-Cold War reckonings withthe past that served political and institutional ends (Radical History Review, 2006: 1-10).

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    198 . T Cmm wl l w fm m bw P- (Al 1 D Sm, N. 65-1, 1).

    T cvr bm Final Report, b lm 17, m, P Alj l A 8, Lm llwy mmy Ay. T l cvr w my, l l- m lm P, ly l5, -my l b S P6, bly P ll l b y m , l y Al G m m1985-199. T cvr my Fjm Sende-

    ro Luminoso by m m b mm m f, by b l l l ronderos mmy -l m Sendero Luminoso. I m, ml-ly l m Bl y, G Pz, ly Fjmm w l m l P- bl y m : cvr, x mb m l by P ll xl lw 18 y (cvr, 2003: C-l l).

    Wl cvr m j P, lll, cvr m w mm b (Hy, 1). C by l l Il C l J by l -m , P cvr w bl bl b-y l mm. D b x w mm, l, cvr ml : cvr - wy y ( Cmm l m- m w bl x m), lm

    5 Men and women were aected dierently y the violence: over 75 percent o the victims were men over f-teen years o age most etween the ages o twenty and orty nine and were the result oSendero Luminosotargeting local leaders or killed y the military; most women who died were the victims o indiscriminate vio-lence and massacres leveled against communities.

    6 While the cvr named the armed groupSendero Luminoso 1.5 percent as the main perpetrators to violenceand to a much lesser extent the uran-ased Revolutionary Movement o Tpac Amaru or mrta 1.5 percent,the cvr also placed responsiility in the hands o successive governments, the armed orces and police, the lat-ter two 29 and 6.6 percent respectively. Inorme Final, Tomo II, Los actores del conicto, and Conclusionesgenerales,

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    fl l m Q l S7. Lk S A Rl Cm-m, trc, P cvr wk m- m -x. I S A, l l trc w w Sy ly b lm. I P, bl audiencias pblicas w l -m w mm l lll P bl mk m (L, 4: 1)8. Fm bl, cvr m m l. T bl - w q mm L Am (Amy I-l, 4: ).

    T cvr l b m mm. F , cvr w bly w Cl kw R- Cmm, 199-1991 w m l ly l . I P, cvr - k, , w,l ll A mm, - l l 9. E m-lm trc S A w ly m l w llly m, xl ly l

    mm l A. R, P mm mlyl l 198- l l -y m lm w b q l. T , m bly b- l, y x m, ll m, cvr m l lyz ll, l, ll l x b -l (cvr, ).

    T mm w cvr m x m w wy P Cmm w bl w-

    7 While Quechua is one o Perus ofcial languages since 1993, at the time o the cvr there was no program ostudies in translation, and thereore no trained proessionals. As Carlos Ivn Degregori has pointed out, long-standing socio-economic, linguistic and gender divides were recreated in the composition o the commissionitsel: among the cvr commissioners, only one spoke and understood Quechua, while another partially under-stood, thus maintaining a strong linguistic gap etween the mainly middle-class, male except or two wom-en commissioners and the 75 percent Quechua-speaking victim (Degregori, 2004).

    8 The cvr held eight pulic hearings with victims or amily memers, seven pulic assemlies, and fve theme-ased hearings on suect s o anti-terrorist legislation, displaced persons, universities, women, and teach-ing (cvr , 2003).

    9 Article 3 o Decreto Supremo n. 065-2001-pcm .

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    m my mm. My mm mm , w ll m m l .I P, m m m l-l m l by ll Fjm m(D, : 95). I , qk m m- mm w jy bl, ly m-m 1.

    T ll m q-m Fjm my w l llw b bl l P m 198 .T m cvr bl m -l. B l l m bly bly k ly b

    . Cll y m bl m k b . Wl ll m lwy b m Yyk, l - w retablos tablas by Ay S l, ly lk huaynospumpin my bm l l - l , m mmy bl - b 11. T cvr lmy xby mk bl m bl. T , -ll bm

    bl, l m, l . T l w w bl -m m bm cvr Final Report l l Ay, m bl mm Lm,El ojo que llora.

    Performative events in uamanga, yacucho

    O Auust 28 ad 29th, 2003, a seies pematie eets wee staed

    t mak the ulmiati the cvrs labu, the publiati the Inorme f-

    nal. I the mai plaza, t e e, a hue stae i the shape a retablo, a

    typti bx with leels, had bee set up the aial the mmissies.

    But utside this emus stae built by the state, the eets aud the

    plaza seemed me sptaeus ee i may wee pmted by ngos. O the

    plaza was a pste bad with aius ewspape lippis abut the peedi

    10 At the time o writing this article, these udicial trials are underway, including that o Alerto Fuimori, thoughthe scale is limited. by Septemer 2005, only orty three cases were under prosecution rom o the some twohundred and fty warrants issued y the Human Rights Omudsman.

    11 Onretablos see Ule (2005); on tablas see Lemli and Millones (2004); onpumpin, see Ritter (2003).

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    p u b l i c s p a c e s o r t h e d i s c u s s i o n o r p e r u ' s r e c e n t p a s t | c y n t h i a e . m i l t o n


    twety yeas ad a plae peple t wite thei thuhts. Sme mmets

    epeated messaes the cvr we hae t emembe i de t t epeat;

    we hae t kw the tuth, et. Othes wee me hstile why suh expese

    a stae a mmissi whe peple eed epaatis? O, alli the

    cvr a Lie Cmmissi. Aud the plaza, lii the steet, shl hilde

    laid ut wes ad halk t desi apets, alombras, desibi ad depit-

    i difeet aspets the amed it. Am the may apets was e

    whihhilde ated ut Death as ptayed by the Gim Reape i e

    e, Peae as a ael-de i the ppsite e, ad a Ayauha, she-

    shie by i the ete. Athe apet shwed a wma weepi with a y-

    i hild he bak ad the plea dt et (Fi. 1).

    g 1. a m (k ) y wg wm .

    A b , w Pz b b ll- lk y Hm, Ay. T A Nl Fml S, D y D l P (Nl A- K, D D Rl P), anasep, A Y O Vm S-Pll Vl (A- J H Vm l Vl Sl), AlzPl Rl Am ( Am Pl Rly All-), apra, , , l m m lz, m q ll , D? (W y?), my ll m m, m j m l (F. ).

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    g 2. p -g vg m j.

    A ml wlk q, b w, , b . A m ll m w mm by l. T - l . A m Um l m mly z mmy, mly w. T

    l k m Amz P, l y Ay. H w m mmy w ll , , w .

    Cl by, m w l ymbl pacha vela - l . Tpacha vela A my m mly mmb. T m mly k kmy w by l. O ,wm by l l, w l . I l, y l l b w w (F. ).

    S llw by ll . Al Mzk anasep. H w w ll m- cvr, y mmb: mw w wll b mmb w . A apra mmb l m m-. H w m m w - m lm. H m bl apra l l m Al G cvr m bl m Lm. H -m bl apra mmb l l

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    pueblo; y () l x ; l mmb w apristas m1.

    g 3. a ym v my mm v .

    T Inorme fnal - m y llw. U b , mm l mmy Ay-. T cvr, Slm L, m

    w l by Q . H by k- A m y: w y mm my Ay P, w cvr w my w jy mm (L,4: 16). T m lz w ll, w w re-tablo-. My l b l ly. O k y mm: b bl w, ll m, . A m w fl D. L w apristas w . Pw l m ronderos w m mb w b m cvr m lm m l (F. 4).

    12 In theInorme nal, the cvr registered 8,173 death and disappearances during the apra government, o which58 percent were at triuted to Shining Path and suversive organizations and 30 percent to state securityorces (cvr , 2003).

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    g 4. r m m , cvr fg.

    L , m m mm l. D ml m. A mll Ak . M Plm, Jl Hml, Cl Fl, Nlly

    M huaynos Q S. Ty ,w, , l , b, j: l ; Mmm q l; l l l q ; z; mb m; j b y; q lm l E. T wl ly ll w m by m m w ll retablo-; Pmm, Amz ml, , l b m (F. 5). Mm-b q ly Fl Rm BmFlw m huayno by R Dl mmm lyl l m bw l H,Ay 1969. D S P, k w, bm m b . y ayacuchano y m bly (R, 6). I , w Rm el pueblo. T w w w bl l w (S, D, Kk, 1995: 6).

    Pbl m bm- Inorme fnal mm. Ty m , ly ly , b l q-

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    l l m m b l, , l.P my mk wy m l, ly b l x by l w k , ml l, l m l, l l ; m ly b my l m . A m -y: by l w ly, m - m wll l l (Jl, ; Jl Km, ;S, 4; Wl, 1999). T m Ay w w l l l w- k b (D, 4).

    B, k mmb mm w ; mm m bm Inorme fnal m . T wll cvr mmy, fly bl m mblm mm m -l l l .

    he rying, leeding ye : contestationover public space and public memories

    C b q m. I - m, bl bm m mm b , , k y. M-m mmy , m l mmb (Y, 199). I y, Mm-y, L Bk bl mmm bly yl l ll mmy: mmy bl m m mmy l- -ll b (Bk, 5: 96). El ojo quellora mmy bl -ll, l - b l P k b. El ojoque llora b m mm - P , k mmy k P (D, 7; H, 7; S, 4).

    N m Lm, ql l b- J M, l lm mm ll mm-b m l m 198 . Ul A 8, 5,w y bm Inorme fnal,El ojo que llora m

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    l mmy j lLa avenida de la memoria. T mm l w q Cm M, b- l,w w y. Sm , ll m Cy , w 6, b m, , y m, mk -lk wy l w b-lk-lk k w mb mll y ly w (F. 6). T l k l l l 1.Olly m C L, -Clmb , b , w mml y y l m- l m A A, m (C, 6).F , m bl m: M

    E Pachamama Madre Tierra w w l (C, 6). Symbl m y mm: , lby wl l ml-ly mb ky mb ; l w ,w S C. T -lk m mbl m ; l, m R Hll m (C, 6). Tq mm bl y lmy m

    m w ly b. R m. l, m w wy bk m, ml. A A P D Hm(A P Hm R), aprodeh y y , b l mly w - xl, y, j y (aprodeh, 7).T D-b , Lk Ml, w El ojo que llora k - m cvr y xb Yuyanapaq. Para recordar. M by w m l, Ml wk w . S b wk El ojo que llora14.

    S l y Final Report, P , , l m Elojo que llora. S-l mmm k l : lmmb my Dy D, m I-

    13 The numer o stones is according to the aprodeh wesite,, accessed March 18, 2007.

    14 Conversacin con Lika Mutal, y Roxana Chirinos. ria, Date accessed March 15, 2007.

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    l Wm Dy, l B y my, m .I m bl m m wll l ml- l, l, m j m- . I m l mmb , lly ml w m l . T mm w P mmm mmb by - w m b 15.

    g 6.El ojo que llora mmy lm sm 2007.p y Y rj, p21 (W m g).

    T mm ll m q. T my xml wl m wym l (Bk, 5). I 1999 Cl I-l M C S H (Il C-l Mm C H S) w b mm l m l . O 7 Nmb 6,El ojo que llora bm mm-

    15 e.g. aprodeh sent out an invitation on Decemer 6, 2006 to come and help restore the names on the Interna-tional Human Rights Day. Email correspondence,Para que no se repita, Decemer 7, 2006.

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    b wk, j mm l Vll Gml Cl D Sx S A.

    Lk my bl , mm w y. I-, ymbl l b q q wl m ml m k ml -. M ly,El ojo que llora, w lly ll b l mlmy wy cvr, ly l. T b mmy, w l, w -l P m l.T l y m m, bm ojo de la tormenta, y m 6,

    Smb 7.A by I-Am C Hm R (C

    Im D Hm), cidh, b C R ll ll -ll m mmy x. I Nmb 6, cidh m l Penal Miguel Castro Castro.Per. T cidh l lll kllby mly Fjm senderista l -y Ml C C 199. A q , P l z bly xjl

    kll, lly m m ml. T mm l ymbl . T cidh l w y, S l ll l lm m senderistas kll CC b m mmEl ojo que llora. T , w, l l lsenderistas w l m l m ll w m l16. T mk by bw m w wll cvr m Ay bm Inorme fnal. B cidh l m m m xl blm m: w l mm bl y m m

    16 Caso del Penal Miguel Castro Castro vs. Per Date accessedMarch 22, 2007. The strangeness o this ruling is urther heightened y one udges reerences to Alert Camus

    La peste and jos SaramagoBlindness as appropriate allegories to rutality and violence in the Castro Castrocase and to the human conscience made maniest and symolized today in the monument El ojo que llorain the recognition o the suering y the victims and as an expression o solidarity with them. Section Votorazonado del juez A.A. Canado Trinade, point 19.

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    l ly m m b w mm- m?

    A l b l bl b l b-lm m, l cidh m- El ojo que llora: w El Diario Expreso ll mm b y lm m - m l ly b m senderistas17. OEl ojo que llora ll bl mm, my- J M . T w m mm m El ojo que llora w - - m (W, 7). U m y ml , A Pz y Ez

    z mm P q (A P H, I O I W H A) z bl y,Om l Pz (Om P), Jy 1 . O y, - k m w b m -m by ll El ojo que llora mm ; A l , y m w .

    Elojo que llora bm P l. Al G - cidh l y b z P-

    l m j cidh llw CC b by l . G ll P m-m ml m cidh. H l k y k l ly P- ll. S bl ll mlm l w b, my J M, L Eq Om, l mm l Jy. H l m m l xm lw ly b l m ww y mm (La Primera, 7). Fly my-, l ll l blm m m l-l ll: lw Al , 1968, Cm MwElojo que llora l b l bl

    17 The cover oExpreso on january 3, 2007 has a picture oElojo que llora with the lead ar ticle heading thereexists a monument to terrorists, existe un monumento a terroristas.

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    . F ,Elojo que llora y lyk l l b bl 18.

    B m ym Elojo que llora, m y mmb, w b l mm mmy. Wlaprodeh w m Sy Jy 1, 7 Elojo que llora, , mly A Fml V-m l Vl (A Rl Vm - Vl), aavit w m k m. Ol m mm, aavit,M C, b ly w m. S ml m Fy Jy 19 mmb m

    m, ly ml senderistas kll C C , m.

    T cidh l l m S P mmb kll C C m m l m b G m l m wy y. O M 1, 7, P G lw Decreto Supremo mmb m l l w b l w m bl El Peruano w ,

    P ly by mb b lw m (El Peruano, 7).

    I w ml b w l m P m w l . J m m l Elojo que llora, m qlly .Nm -ll bl l (Ml, 5). By m m l l w , m b x- m cvrInorme fnal ly m m-, mlly . A q G , kb l mm by m bm m k . T l m lxl w , w - mm, ronderos. G m

    18 Ley 19679. The television program Presencia Cultural rought to light this issue two years earlier, and againin 2007 upon the recent controversy. A video o this program is availale at Date accessed No-vemer 15, 2007.

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    l mk S P l ll mly . I ml m mm : , q wy S P lly l w lm , l mm, l m P; m by mm ml; - -mmy ; lly m l m ly mm xb l q ; bl bly mlly l m mm l by .

    By l m m b , ml-

    y, l, l- , by cvr,El ojo que llora m-ml k m m. T b m P w w m m l.T Ml mml j w m-l l l mmy, b wl l , m llm l m, m wmm m (P q R, 7). Al m w l l mm, b

    ll: , ll Dmb6 m , lm. S m blk (El Comercio, 6).

    Elojo que llora w - mmy P.T m m , -l m. P b l Lm, Elojo que llora b-m mmy k P, m P lly b, ly lly , - . V Ll bl El Pas El Comercio cidh l P m mm . Hy, w, b mblP y ll bl l l , -y, ll m l wy w (V Ll, 7).

    V Ll w . O Smb , Cl x Alb Fjm P m l- 19. T x y, m wl wy

    19 Fuimori seemed to gamle that Chile, a country that did not have a record o extraditing heads o state, wouldnot send him to Peru. He came to Chile in Novemer 2005 in order to presumaly coordinate his political return.

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    w k b k wm, bk -l l l , y, l mm , l ll mm S, Cml kFjm P ll b. T F-jm l b lz mm w k ly l, b ly P (F. 7). A ml l m wll-w w y , LkMl w mm w lk lk Pmm, ME, y bl ll . T w mbl w w P y w l w y m bm w ml, l y w m (Ml, 7). I fl

    w y w lz m w k m m wyy. P, m mly, y ll -m: y Fjm x lm m L C m B Al-, m w m m b El Ojoque Llor, w mly mmb lb w Fj-m x. W lm lly , w-, P m .

    onclusion: Perus politics of truth-telling and memorialization

    T -ll lm P ll mml-z w (198-). T k Elojoque llora w y lm m bl m-y P lk lly b . P m l , , b , m bl mm (D-, 4: 84). T Elojo que llora m m mm. A Nl Iz, ll Elojo que llora mm m

    He was detained at the request o the Peruvian government, and on Septemer 21, 2007, the Supreme Courto Chile overturned an earlier decision thus approving Fuimoris extradition. As the present Garca governmenthas the support oujimoristas, headed y Fuimoris daughter Keiko, some analysts worry that a kind o Garcia-Fuimori entente might result in a mock court case and minor punishment o Fuimori (Ziechi, 2007). Fuimoriis presently serving a six-year sentence or ause o power while eing tried or his involvement in two mas-sacres.

    20 A video o the meeting o Families o the Victims o La Catuta and barrios Altos to celerate the extradition oFuimori is availale at http: // bw1pUrh28.

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    w , m mk blk l b y [limeos] mly w l (Byly, 7). I lm Elojo que llora, Gl Oz P, m L C, ly y l mly mmb, w y y mmy (Prensa Libre,7;La R-publica, 7).

    g 7.El ojo que llora vm. p y Y rj, p21(W m g).

    I m l, w blm wly wl wll kwl cvr , m - mm jky my . T cvr w bl m bl m-lx l . O bl l bl m- bm Inorme fnal mmy Elojo quellora. Ty b ll mm bl

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    , l l . G l -m P l , xl bly l m bl . Lkw, - lm Elojo que llora m l w mlx l by mmy: m P w my, m my - l , w by bw m , m, m l.

    P ly f l k bl - mwk z l llmm w bl P .T Elojo que llora G w-

    m l , l - x . T k mm x lly m- by cvr, blly ly Ay bm Inorme fnal, m lly , , Elojo que llora.

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