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  • 8/7/2019 Competencias informacion


    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    , " - , v u aUV l i :1UVl l !'\.UU11\':: t'age 1 01 1.

    Collaboration RubricName

    IScore II Contribute I

    CoHeets a Researeh & Does not Colleets very Colleets sorneeolleet any little basic great deal of Gather information- information- infonnation--Infonnation information aH relates tothe topie.that relates to sorne relates to most relates tothe topie. the topie. the topie.Relays very Relays a greatRelays sorneDoes not dealoflittle basieShare relayany information- information- information--Infonnation infonnation to sorne relates to most relates to all relates toteammates. the topie. the topie. the topie.

    Does not hand Hands in most Hands in most Hands in all Be Punetual in any assignments assignments on assignmentsassignments. late. time. on time. DTake

    Responsibility Does not Performs allperfonn any Performs very Performs nearlyFulfill Team duties ofduties ofRole's Duties Httle duties. all duties. assigned teamassigned team role.role.

    Either givestoo little Offers a fairDoes notPartieipate in information or Offers sorne amount ofspeak duringScienee information information- importantthe scieneeConferenee which is most is relevant. information-eonferenee. irrelevant to all is relevant.topie.Rarely does the U sually does the Always doesAlways relys assigned work- assigned work- the assignedShare Equally on others to -ofien needs rarely needs work withoutdo the work. reminding. reminding. having to be

    Beginning Developing Accomplished Exemplary1 2 3 4

    http://edweb.sdsu.edultritonltidepoolunit/Rubries/eollrubrie.htmI 3/18/2008

  • 8/7/2019 Competencias informacion


    L-UUl:1UUll:111Ull I\.UUI H':: rl:1ge;: Ul

    reminded.'. 11 1I ILJ1\ 11VaJue Otbers' Viewpoints

    Usually doing1s always most ofthe Listens, but Listens andListen to Other talking --never talking --rare1y sornetimes talks speaks a fairTeammates allows anyone allows others too mucho amount.else to speak. to speak.Usually N ever arguesCooperate with Sometimesargues with Rarely argues. withTearnmates argues.tearnmates. teammates. D

    Ofien sides Always helpsUsually wants with friendsMake Fair Usually considers team to reachto have things instead ofDecisions all views. a fairtheir way. considering all decision.views.

    Total IDReturn to the C a b r U I Q T i ~ p o o l Stl1QY page.

    http://edweb.sdsu.edultritonltidepoolunit/Rubrics/collrubric.htrnl 3/18/2008

  • 8/7/2019 Competencias informacion


    Chemistry I Biochemistry Assessment RubricPurposeAssess students' research papers and proJects in order to evaluate students' individual works and obtaln qualitative and quantitative dataregarding studentS,' information literacy.Scoring Rubric1. Effectively search the chemicalliterature and retrieve background information relevant to the purpose.

    Excellent =3 GoodlAdequate = 2 Needs Work =1 Not evident = OFind chemistry-specific sources ofbackground information such asencyclopedias, treatises, compited works,and review articles.

    Sources or text Includereference to somechemistry-speciftcsources of backgroundinformation.

    Sources or text indudereference to few chemistry-specific sources ofbackground information.No chemistry-specific sources ofbackgroundinformationevident.

    2. Use Chemlcal Abstracts and other databases to find emprical sources and complete a comprehensive subject search.Excellent =3 Good/Adequate =2 Needs Work =1 Not evident = O

    Find scholarly journal artlcles to supportarguments and assertions. Supports al! arguments withcited evidence. Most argumentssupported with citedevidence.Few argumentssupported with citedevidence.

    Virtually noargumentssupported withclted evidence.Utilize reviewed articles or authoritativesites to fulfill research needs. AII sources from reviewedsources (peer-reviewed oreditor-reviewed) o rauthoritative websites.Sorne sources fromreviewed sources(peer-reviewed oreditor-reviewed) orauthoritative sites, andsome sources from outof-date and/or biasedsources.

    Many sources from outof date and/or biasedsources, few peer-reviewed sources.

    No peer-reviewedsources used.

    3. Understand what a cited reference search is and how it can be useful for research. Understand the importance of the peer review process.1Excellent =3 !Good/Adequate =2 I Needs \York:::::'. INotevident = OBritt Fagerheim I IEBSS Research Forum ALA Annual Conference 2007

  • 8/7/2019 Competencias informacion


    Seareh Web of Seienee to identify andtocate eited referenees of aspeeifieauthorSeareh Web of Seienee to identify andtocate eited referenees of aspeelfiea er.4. Evaluate websites and other infonnation resourees

    Excellent =3 Goodl Adequate =2 Needs Work =1 Not evident=OEvaluate the authority andappropriateness of an informationsouree.

    Identifies and/oracknowledges al! authors'eredentials andaeknowledges the purposeor bias of each souree.

    Identifies and/oraeknowledges mostauthors' credentials andaeknowledges thepurpose or bias of mostsourees.

    Does not identify oracknowledge authors'eredentials for mostsourees or does notaeknowledge thepurpose or bias of mostsourees.

    Does not identifyor aeknowledgeauthors'eredentials or doesnot acknowledgethe purpose orbias of sources.Corroborate information found inwebsltes with information from reviewedsourees.Sourees published within appropriatetime frame for eurrent and/or historicalreferenee.Al! sourees published inappropriate time frame. Most sourees publishedin appropriate timeframe.

    Few sourees publishedin approprlate timeframe.Al! sources out ofdate.

    5. Read, digest and synthesize the infonnatlon that is found.Excellent = 3 GoodlAdequate =2 Needs Work =1 Not evident = O

    Select infonnation that provides evidencetor the topie. AII sources clearly related totopie. Most sourees clearlyrelated to topie. Many sourees unrelatedto topie or relevanee isunclear.

    Virtuallyallsourees unrelatedto topie.Synthesize and integrate information byparaphrasing and quoting effectivety. Al! quotes and paraphrasesare integrated into the textappropriately andeffectivety.

    Most quotes andparaphrases areIntegrated Into the textappropriately andeffectively, with someplaeed into text without_oy e o n n ~ e t l o n s d r a w n

    Many quotes andparaphrases placed intext without anyeonneetions drawn oreomments Ineluded.- -

    Most quotes andparaphrasesplaced in textwithout anyeonneetions drawnor eommentsincluded.Britt Fagerheim I britt,faqerlleimC)lJsu,edu I EBSS Research Forum ALA Annual Conferenee 2007

  • 8/7/2019 Competencias informacion


    _.... _.,.._.", ........ _.. - - _. - ..... , .p-- - . - ~ - - ~ - _ . ~ - - _. __._._ ...... -- - __.- --..... -- ... - .._-_._.....~ - _ . ~ ~ ~ ~ . : : : : L . ~ - - _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . ~ . _ . - ~ Excellent =3 Good/Adequate =2 Needs Work =1 Not evldent = O

    Correctly cite sources according to APAcitation style or other style. AII references cited in APAformat with virtually noerrors in formatoMost references areIdentified, with sorneerrors In fonnat.

    Insufficient or incorrectinformation for manysources, with frequenterrors in formato

    No bibliography orlist of citedsources.Correctly identify and acknowledgeoriginal source(s) of paraphrasedelements.

    Al! paraphrased entriescorrectly cited.

    Most paraphrasedentries correctly cited.

    Al! paraphrased entriescorrectly clted.

    Al! paraphrasedentries correcttycited.

    Sources:Emmons, Mari< and Wanda Martn. "Engaging Conversation: Evaluating the C ontribution of Library Instruction to the Quality of Student Research."College &Research Libraries 63.6 (2002): 545-559.

    Britt Fagerheim [email protected] IEBSS Research Forum ALA Annual Conference 2007

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/7/2019 Competencias informacion


    FIU I f lORIDA INTERNATIONAL U:'-IIVERSlTYInformation Competency Rubric:

    EmergingNeed for improvement outweighsapparent strengths. Evidence ofthe outcome presentoDevelopingStrengths and need fo rimprovement are aboutequal.

    CompetentShows skill in this outcome.Improvement still needed.StrongApples outcome in multplecontexts. Many strengths arepresento


    Seeks information only whenprompted. Does not discouragethe nquiry of others.

    Generates questions withoutprompts; seeks answersinconsistently.

    Formulates a question orinquiry. Generates andfoflows through withquestons; asks for help andclarification.

    !Values and engages in regularinqury and seeks newinformation tor lifelong learning.



    Utilizes convenient and knownsources of intormation. Usesorganizing tool to assist search.

    Identities convenient and knownsources of in(ormation.

    Identifies that additionalinformaton is needed.Experiments with newstrategies and methods.Develops knowledge ofsources central to Individual,discipline, field and/oreducational needs.

    Applies several regularapproaches to modify,update or learn.Looks at sources, seesdifferences and selects fromamong them.

    Applies a repertoire of creativeand flexible information seekingstrategies in order to navigatethe unfamiliar, take action orsolve a problem. ~ Evaluates appropriate sourcesin order to access relevantinfarmation.Selectively uses most

    Uses tools Recognizes and attempts to usetools that are readily available. Uses required tools, withsome direction. Develops creative projectsusing a variety of tools.appropriate technological andorganizational tools in order toaccess and manipulateinformation.

    Evaluates Recognzes that some sources aremore credible/reliable thanothers.

    Selects sources relative tocontext and need.Applies the understanding ofcontext to determine whenand how to use selectedsources.

    Appraises information in orderto evaluate quality, relevance,or perspective.Synthesizes new information

    Synthesizes Recognzes that there aremultiple sources of information.Relates new informaton toexisting knowledge andexperience.

    Integrates prevously heldbeliefs, assumptions andknowledge with existingknowledge.

    with current understanding andexperience in order to createsomethng new, acquire insight,transform values, or expandknowledge base.UsesInformationResponsibly

    Recognizes that there areappropriate and inappropriateuses of information.Identif ies applicable laws,regulations and standardsregarding information use.

    Applies knowledge of laws,regulations and standardstor intormation use.

    Examines and uses ethicalstandards in order to useinformation appropriately andresDonsiblv.

    Adapted from Perce College (WA) 4/8/09

  • 8/7/2019 Competencias informacion


    Rubrics for Assessing Information Competence in the California State University Prepared by the CSU Information Competence Initiative Purpose:

    Recent qualitative, perfonnance-based 1ibrary assessment efforts in the California StateUniversity system shed light on how students look for infonnation, and what skills and abilitiesthey use to formulate research questions, find, evaluate, and use infonnation resources. iIt is not uncommon for students to be satisfied with whatever information they find first, and "togo with what they know", preferring to use search engines and websites over library porta)s,online catalogs, or subscription databases.Evidence indicates that students have difficulty fonnulating a research question, do notmake effective and efficient use of their time, are not aware of the wide variety of informationchoices and fonnats available to them, and do not systematically and critically evaluate thesources they do find. Students tend to use web-based electronic information sources foundthrough search engines over other fonnats, placing more value on current electronic informationsources than on more in-depth discussions often found in books or journal articles. In addition, itIs not uncommon for students to guess when looking for information, rather than to demonstratethe ability to effectively use search techniques that directly fulfill an information need.The purpose of these rubrics is to provide descriptions of perfonnance-based guidelineswhich can help to distinguish between levels of student performance. In addition, the rubrics canbe used

    1. To define criteria for successful student learning of infonnation competence principIes.2. To align content, instruction, and assessment to promote the learning of infonnationcompetence principIes based upon the Informaton Literacy Competency Standards ForHgher Educaton (2000) published by the Association of College and Research Libraries(ACRL).3. To facilitate the diagnosis, evaluation, and improvement of student work using a commonstandard.4. To foster and enhance partnerships between discipline and library faculty members

    CRL Standard eginning lProficient dvancedl. Determine the Student is unable to Student can uestion i8xtent ofthe effectively fonnulate a 'focused, clear, andnformation IformuIate a uestion that is ompIete. Keyeeded esearch question focused and clear. iconcepts and termsased on an Student identifies are identified.linformation need. oncepts related to xtensivehe topic, and can .nfonnation sourcesfind a sufficient re identified inumber of umerous potential.nformation fonnats.esources to meethe informationeed.CRL Standard eginning roficient dvanced

  • 8/7/2019 Competencias informacion


    Access the Student is Student executes an Student s aware

    isciolineultiple andverse sources andiewpoints ofinformaton areompared andvaluatedaccording to

    'specific criter ia!appropriate for theiscipline. Studentlis able to matchicriteria to a specificinformaton need,land can articulateow identifiedIsources relate to theontext of theIdiscipline.

    Student is aware ofhe breadth andepth of researchn a topic, and isble to reflect onIsearch strategy,synthesize andintegrate'nformation frorn aariety of sources,idrawappropriateIconc1usions, and is

    lable to clearlyornmunicate ideaso others

    eeded nfocused and ppropriate search nd able to analyzenformation nclear about lstrategy within a search results, andffectiveJy and search strategy. easonable amount valuate thefficiently ime is not used f time. Student ppropriateness ofreffectively and an solve problems he variety of (or)fficiently. y finding a variety ultiple relevantnformation f relevant sources ofgathered lacks .nformation informaton thatelevance, quality, esources, and can irectly fulfill annd balance. valuate search 'nformation needffectiveness, for the particular

    Evaluate Student is unaware Student examinesnformation and f criteria that information usingits Sources ight be used to riteria such asiCritically 'udge informaton uthority,uality. Little effort redibility,.s made to examine e1evance,he informaton imeliness, and

    Ilocated accuracy, andlis able to make'udgments abouthat to keep andhat to discard.

    Use Student is not Student usesnformation laware of the ppropriate ffectiveJy to .nformation informaton to ccompUsh a ecessary to 'solve a problem, Specific Purpose esearch a topic, nswer a question,nd the types of rite a paper, orata that would be lother purposesseful nIformulating a onvincing rgument. nformation is lincomplete and oes not support he intended

    CRL Standard roficient


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    . Understand the Student is unclear Student gives creditStudentconomic, Legal, egarding proper for works used by nderstands and

    and Social Issues itation format, uoting and listing ecognizes thesurrounding the nd/or copies and eferences. Student oncept ofse of araphrases the .s an ethical .ntellectualnformation, and 'nfonnat ion and onsumer and roperty, canccess an d Use ideas of others roducer of efend himlherselfnformation ithout giving infonnation, and if challenged, andthicaUyand credit to authors. nderstands how an properlyegally Student does not free access to incorporate theow how to .nformation, and .deas/publishedistinguish betweenfree expression, orks of others.nfonnat ion that is ontribute to a into their own workbjectve and emocratic society. ulding uponiased, and does hem. Student can

    ot know the role rticulate the valuehat free access to f infonnation to ainfonnation plays free and democraticin a democratic society, and can usesociety. specific criteria toiscem objectivity/fact from bias/ropaganda.



    Sources Consulted: Big6 Associates, LLC. . RubriclorAssessment: Integrated Problem Solving Model. 2002. Colorado Department of Education. Rubricslor Assessment olInlormation Literacy. December 1998. North High School Library, Downers Grove, IL. Research Process Rubric. MaTch 2002.

  • 8/7/2019 Competencias informacion
