&(*(6 620$ 0lfurilop &roohfwlrq 9roxph...2,qwurgxfwlrq wr ,qyhqwru\ &(*(6 620$ 0lfurilop...

PLF09*9RO1 &(*(6620$0LFURILOP&ROOHFWLRQ (QJOLVK/DQJXDJH,QYHQWRU\1 %\8QLWHG6WDWHV+RORFDXVW0HPRULDO0XVHXP &DWDORJXHU6RILH’HVFDPSV 6XSHUYLVLRQ3URMHFW+HQU\0D\HUDQG.ODXV0OOHU *HQHUDOLQWURGXFWLRQWR,QYHQWRU\&(*(6620$ 0LFURILOP&ROOHFWLRQ9ROXPH E\6RILH’HVFDPSV This catalogue contains a survey inventory of the contents of the CEGES/SOMA microfilm collection. D PRUH GHWDLOHG KLVWRU\ RI WKLV FROOHFWLRQ FDQ EH IRXQG DW WKH HQG RI WKLV VXPPDU\ The catalogue has been inventoried in six volumes: Volume 1 contains numbers 1160-8033 Volume 2 contains numbers 8034-14907 Volume 3 contains numbers 14908-21781 Volume 4 contains numbers 21782-28650 The basis of the first four volumes follows the original register-numbers. Volume 5 : Appendix A 1-281 A smaller number of microfilms did not have an original registration number. As they are part of the collection and contain relevant materials on concentration camps, we decided to assemble them in an appendix in volume 5. The microfilms received a continuous numeration preceded by the letter A. In this appendix A, we used per category sub-headings such as camps, prisons, labor, Marburg. We also structured the materials from concentration camps following their respective provenance (Dachau, Buchenwald, Auschwitz). Volume 6 : Appendix P 1-532 An estimated 5% of the films have been surveyed prior to this inventory by CEGES archivist Mrs. Isabelle Ponteville. This early partial catalogue was conducted in French and used a more detailed database format (number, description, language, provenance, names and/or keywords). The description covers the numbers 1-982 and 28653-31719 (with most numbers catalogued). We added this catalogue as an appendix (P) as well as translations of key words.

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Page 1: &(*(6 620$ 0LFURILOP &ROOHFWLRQ 9ROXPH...2,QWURGXFWLRQ WR ,QYHQWRU\ &(*(6 620$ 0LFURILOP &ROOHFWLRQ 9ROXPH Volume 4 contains numbers 21782-28650. It follows the original register numbers



E\�6RILH�'HVFDPSV� This catalogue contains a survey inventory of the contents of the CEGES/SOMA microfilm collection. �D� PRUH� GHWDLOHG� KLVWRU\� RI� WKLV� FROOHFWLRQ� FDQ� EH� IRXQG� DW� WKH� HQG� RI� WKLV�VXPPDU\��� The catalogue has been inventoried in six volumes: Volume 1 contains numbers 1160-8033 Volume 2 contains numbers 8034-14907 Volume 3 contains numbers 14908-21781 Volume 4 contains numbers 21782-28650 The basis of the first four volumes follows the original register-numbers. Volume 5 : Appendix A 1-281 A smaller number of microfilms did not have an original registration number. As they are part of the collection and contain relevant materials on concentration camps, we decided to assemble them in an appendix in volume 5. The microfilms received a continuous numeration preceded by the letter A. In this appendix A, we used per category sub-headings such as camps, prisons, labor, Marburg. We also structured the materials from concentration camps following their respective provenance (Dachau, Buchenwald, Auschwitz). Volume 6 : Appendix P 1-532 An estimated 5% of the films have been surveyed prior to this inventory by CEGES archivist Mrs. Isabelle Ponteville. This early partial catalogue was conducted in French and used a more detailed database format (number, description, language, provenance, names and/or keywords). The description covers the numbers 1-982 and 28653-31719 (with most numbers catalogued). We added this catalogue as an appendix (P) as well as translations of key words.

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Volume 4 contains numbers 21782-28650. It follows the original register numbers. To facilitate the research for records on a specific subject, we used a classification based on themes. For each category, we chose a main heading (please see listing below). Some of the main headings are followed by names of locations, others are directly followed by the description of the contents.

• Camp records CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, CAMP RECORDS, Bergen-Belsen, CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, CAMP RECORDS, Dora-Mittelbau, CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, CAMP RECORDS, Flossenbürg, CAMP RECORDS, Gross-Rosen, CAMP RECORDS, Lublin-Majdanek, CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, CAMP RECORDS, Natzweiler, CAMP RECORDS, Neuengamme, CAMP RECORDS, Ravensbrück, CAMP RECORDS, Sachsenhausen, CAMP RECORDS, Treblinka, CAMP RECORDS, Majdanek CAMP RECORDS, Stutthof CAMP RECORDS, Beaune la Rolande CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, CAMP RECORDS, Les Milles, CAMP RECORDS, Noé, CAMP RECORDS, Pithiviers, CAMP RECORDS, Vernet

• Transit camp records TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy,

• Records on Jewish persons • Prison records

PRISON RECORDS, Name of the prison, description of the contents. • Resistance records • Forced Labor Related records

Slave Labor Related records • Death Certificates • Press records �

PRESS RECORDS, Name of the printed publication, date.�• Judicial records • Underground press records

UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, Name of the underground journal, date.

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• Gestapo Records • Records on Collaboration • German Army Records • Belgian Army Records • Hospital records

HOSPITAL RECORDS, Name of the hospital, Description of the contents. • Hostage records • Majestic records

For some of the records, we used combinations of the main categories. Some have a double or even triple main heading. Several records received the double main heading CAMP RECORDS/PRISON RECORDS, containing mostly testimonies on camps (not necessarily concentration camps), prisons or prison camps (Straflager). Another double main heading is JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, used for some official journals. A third grouping is FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, used for records on persons who refused to carry out forced labor.

0DLQ�KHDGLQJV� &$03�5(&25'6�This main heading includes all kind of records on concentration- and extermination camps as well as on the .RPPDQGRV of those camps. However, in some cases it is also used to indicate records on labor camps, prison camps (Straflager), even on prisons. Many of the microfilms regarding camps were filmed at the International Tracing Service (ITS) in Arolsen. For camp-related records of the ITS we used a specific description: CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service. These records contain information on individual persons. Besides the ITS, there are also other organisations that produced camp-related records (such as the United Restitution Office). In this case we used the description: CAMP RECORDS, Records of the QDPH�RI�WKH�RUJDQLVDWLRQ. As for the records on concentration camps, the name of the camp is mentioned in its original language followed by a description of the contents (transport lists, lists of internees, reports on camps, testimonies on internment in camps, extract from registers,) 75$16,7�&$03�5(&25'6�Records on Drancy, the main transit camp in France, and on the Dossin-Kazerne in Malines/Mechelen, the main transit camp for Jews in Belgium, (lists, testimonies, certificates of internment in the camp, requests for certificates to document the internment in the camp, individual cards). 5(&25'6�21�-(:,6+�3(56216�Records of Jewish organisations (such as : Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre, Vereeniging van Joodsche Politieke Gevangenen, Comité Israélite des Réfugiés victimes des lois raciales, Centraal Beheer van Joodse Weldadigheid en Maatschappelijk Hulpbetoon, Jodenvereeniging van België, Unie der Joodse slachtoffers van den Oorlog – Union des Juifs victimes de la guerre, Comité Central Israélite, Service Européen des Recherches des Juifs

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déportés et dispersés). These kind of documents are described as follows: RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the QDPH�RI�WKH�RUJDQLVDWLRQ� These records contain diverse material on Jewish persons: testimonies, passports, lists, requests for certificates as evidence of looted Jewish property, requests for information on persons, questionnaires on persons, records on looting of property. If you look for records on individual Jews, you can easily find them by looking for the main description RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS. Only when we found specific records on individual Jews, we used the description UHFRUGV�RQ�-HZLVK�SHUVRQV. For that reason, we also advise you to check CAMP RECORDS and TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS. Additionally, it could also be interesting to look for JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge. Sometimes, they include measures on Jewish persons. )25&('�$1'�6/$9(�/$%25�5(/$7('�5(&25'6�Forced labor : Compulsory labor beginning in October 1942. Slave labor : Forced labor in/for concentration camps. This main heading does not only include records on slave and forced labor but also on voluntary labor. It is not always clear whether we are dealing with slave or voluntary workers. Due to the time restrictions of the development of this inventory, we could not make this distinction and instead used a general heading. This main description contains a range of various documents: - FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS: Specific documents related to labor: convocations, 'LHQVWYHUSIOLFKWXQJVEHVFKHLGH, travel passes,… - FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS: Requests to be recognized as a deported forced laborer, decisions of committees on this status. - FORCED AND SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS: Testimonies: Testimonies from slave laborers on their summons of departure to Germany, internment in a camp, eventually arrest. Mostly, those testimonies do not contain detailed reports. The term ‘testimony’ includes not only testimonies from a slave/forced laborer but also on a slave/forced laborer. - SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS: Lists of persons who worked for a company dependent on a concentration camp. 5(6,67$1&(�5(&25'6�As the main heading indicates, this kind of records gathers documents on the resistance and its members (attestation on members of the resistance, testimonies on persons who were arrested for their activities and eventually on the prisons and/or camps where they were imprisoned, testimonies on and from members of the resistance, information forms on members of the resistance, certificates, cards of political prisoners, questionnaires on political prisoners,… Only in a few cases, the organisational structure of resistance is mentioned. I included the (records on) political prisoners under this main heading without indicating their act or reason for detention. Decisions of the Ministerie van Wederopbouw – Aanvaardingscommissie der Politieke Gevangenen en van hun Rechthebbenden (Ministry of Reconstruction – Commission on the status of Political Prisoners) are decisions on the recognition of the status of political prisoners. When a journal/article is about the resistance, we used a double main heading: PRESS RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS.

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'($7+�&(57,),&$7(6�As for the records on labor, the death certificates contain diverse material as death certificates, lists of deceased or buried persons, testimonies on deceased persons/deportees, testimonies and information on missing persons, requests for information on missing persons, identification cards of deceased, records on exhumations and (re)burial, records on repatriation. The collection contains a large number of information sheets on deceased people - information forms on deported persons, which give information on their identity, the prisons or camps they were interned, the place of death and/or possibly information on the repatriation. -8',&,$/�5(&25'6�Extracts from trials, 3HUVRQDO�$NWHQ. 81'(5*5281'�35(66�5(&25'6�For illegal press, we used the main heading underground press records. In most of the cases, the main heading is followed by the name of the printed publication and the complete date, month or year of publication. 6+$()�SHAEF is the abbreviation for Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Forces. We only used the main heading SHAEF. They always include Shaef-cards. In regard to Belgian citizens those Shaef-cards contain information about the liberated political and Jewish prisoners (prisons, camps) and the large number of Belgian forced laborers in the industrial centre of the ‘Ruhrgebiet’. The questionnaires of repatriated political prisoners are included under RESISTANCE RECORDS. 0$5%85*�DQG�0$-(67,&�Record groups named after the location where they were found. Marburg records document the German Military regime in Belgium and the North of France. Majestic records contain documents concerning the German occupation in France (except for the North of France). 35,621�5(&25'6�The main heading is –if possible- followed by the name of the prison. These heading contain prison cards, lists of inmates, extracts from registers of the prison. +263,7$/�5(&25'6�As with the prison records, the main heading is followed by the name of the hospital. It deals with lists of hospitalised persons, medical records (Krankengeschichten,… ) 35(66�5(&25'6�This category contains extracts from printed publications. *(50$1�$50<�5(&25'6�Cards of the :HKUPDFKWVDXVNXQIWVWHOOH, information forms of the Wehrmachtsauskunftstelle on missing/deceased persons, testimonies on incorporation in the German army.

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5(&25'6�21�&2//$%25$7,21�This category contains testimonies on and lists of persons who joined German or pro-German formations. The testimonies not only identify persons who wore German uniforms but also contain rumours on collaboration without the evidence included under this main heading.

��5HPDUNV� Names of cities and towns can be spelled in diverse ways. For example : Brussels, Brussel, Bruxelles. (following the original language of the documents?) Due to the large number of small microfilms, altogether containing 31719 numbers, some records didn’t receive a complete description, but only an indication, for example: Letter or Lettre (French), Note. As some of the records don’t really belong to a specific theme, no main heading was mentioned:

- Attestation of invalidity. - Bill. - Records on compensation. - Medical records. - Records on civil war victims. - Records on traffic accident. - …

In the continuous numbering, some of the numbers are missing. We mentioned this with the description ‘Not on the roll’.

+LVWRU\�RI�&ROOHFWLRQ��E\�.ODXV�0�OOHU��&(*(6�6RPD has a large collection of post-war microfilms that originally were part of the collection of the ‘Administration du Service des Victimes de la guerre’ at the Belgium Ministry of health. Originally founded as the ‘Commissariat Belge au Repatriement’ (CBR) in 1944 by the Belgian government in exile and functioning as the central Belgian agency to coordinate repatriation affords, the CBR and later ‘Administration’ was connected to various ministries until it became a subdivision of the Ministry of Health in July 1950. The main function of the CBR in the immediate post-war years was to help with the repatriation of Belgian citizens. This work was done by Belgian Liaison Officers (BLO) who worked closely with and under the supervision of the Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Forces (SHAEF) and the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA). Both were responsible for the large-scale repatriation affords. The 400 Belgian Liaison Officers were placed under their military command and reported back to the ‘Commissariat’ or the ‘Mission Militaire Belge’ or the Belgian Red Cross or the Belgian

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Secret Service, due to the unclear post-war administrational situation. The CBR became the central agency to deal with these questions until 1950. Although the immediate task of the various Belgian Liaison Officers was to identify Belgians and facilitate their repatriation, archival searches for relevant materials in prisons became a sideline of the immediate post-war activities. The activities of the Belgian Liaison Officers started to generate archival records, in the first years very selective records from various archives and funds. In July 1945, 274.070 of 300.000 Belgians were repatriated; the search for the resting 30.000 also lead to an increase of interest into a more solid documentation of the still missing Belgians as well as of the war crimes committed against Belgians. Probably the most important Belgian Liaison Officer became Madame de Dorlodot, both the Belgian representative at the ‘International Tracing Service’ (ITC) in Arolsen since 1955 and the Belgian representative of the ‘Mission Belge en France’ . Madame de Dorlodot microfilmed most of the documents relating to incarcerated Belgians in Nazi camps and prisons within the ITC-archives in Arolsen. Buchenwald, Mauthausen and Auschwitz are the three most extensively copied collections. The vast majority of Auschwitz-related documents were neither filmed in Krakow nor Arolsen, but were copies of the French mission that had collected a vast amounts of documents earlier. Madame de Dorlodot copied them later for Belgium. She also filmed systematically in French departments. However, whereas she copied entire registries and transportation lists of the camps, her work in France was different. She selected in the respective departmental archives in France only documents concerning Belgians and often created lists from original documents, thus bringing a more diverse collection to the ‘Administration’ microfilms, original documents, lists created by her based on original documents. Living herself in Paris, she worked for the CBR and later the ‘Administration’ until 1982 and collected archival materials on Belgians in France (hospitals, prisons, camps), but also got copies of already existing microfilms from French ministries and the Centre de Documentation Juive Contemporaine (JDC). Many of the films from the collection were provided by her. Madame de Dorlodot resigned in 1982 as the last Belgian Liaison Officer still working on the field. Her resignation also meant the closure of the Belgian archival microfilm acquisition program. Another important Belgian Liaison Officer was Lt. De Maen who was representing the CBR and its successor organisations in the British zone (since 1949), the American zone (since1951) and the French zone (1955) of Germany: The ‘Administration’ continued to work with the ‘zone’ structure also after 1949. De Maen’ s mission – although focused on pension and recognition questions – collected documents and microfilms as well. He died in 1962. Early missions to East- and Central Europe in the late 40’ s focussed on repatriation, documents were acquired as secondary sources and not systematically as e.g. later in France and Arolsen. However, the various activities of the Belgian Liaison Officers contributed to the large microfilm collection.

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The ‘Administration’ of the Belgium Ministry of Health treated the microfilms as secondary sources and used them for their main tasks: identifying victims; providing documentation in individual cases for pension, health, repatriation and war crimes trials. An estimated 95% of the microfilms were printed and the print-outs became the basis for the paper collection of the Ministry of Health, with the exception of documents originating in Belgium and some original documents Belgian Liaison Officers collected abroad (see example Madame de Dorlodot). Due to the minor attention that was given to the microfilm collection itself by the Ministry of Health, the Ministry transferred the collection in the mid-90’ s to CEGES/SOMA. The collection, consisting of the original and small microfilms of altogether 31719 rolls, was restored in the process of its inventory in 2001/2002 and copied for USHMM Archives.

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21782. Testimony on executed person evacuated from Halberstadt. 21783. SHAEF;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, travel pass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, Quittungskarte; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Transportliste belgischer Arbeitskräfte – Erfurt; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Auszug aus den Listen der Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Wolfenbüttel; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der auf Zeche Osterfeld als Zivilarbeiter beschäftigt gewesenen Ausländer; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Schulenburger Landstrasse- Hannover; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Schulenburger Landstrasse- Hannover; Verzeichnis der belgischen Staatsangehörigen die in der Zeit vom 1. Mai 1940 in der Stadt Rheinhausen wohnen oder gewohnt haben, verstorben oder beerdigt sind; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Belgians who worked in Osnabrück – Klöckner Werk AG; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis belgischen Arbeiter in der Zeit von September 1939 bis Dezember 1947 bei der IG Farbenindustrie Aktiengesellschaft tätig und bei uns versichert waren; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis über die bei der Firma G. Lorenz A.G. z. Zeit beschäftigt belgische Staatsangehörigen.

21784. Avis de conseil d’ état. 21785. JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 9 Dec 1959. 21786. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass,

travel pass, information form of worker, Arbeitsbuch für Ausländer; Medical records – Records of Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Auszug aus den Listen der Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Wolfenbüttel; List of Belgians who left Gelsenkirchen for an unknown destination; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der belgischen Staatsangehörigen die in Fabriken uns. Innerhalb der Gemeinde Gr. Twülpstedt beschäftigt gewesenen sind oder noch sind; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Aufstellung über die bei der Accumulatoren Fabrik AG Werk Hannover beschäftigt sind.

21787. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Namentliche Liste der Krankenkassen aus denen die in der Zeit vom 3. September 1939 bis 8. Mai 1945 versicherte Personen nichtdeutscher Staatsangehörigkeit; JUDICIAL RECORDS, List of all judicial records – Wiesbaden;

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FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Friedberg; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers; SHAEF.

21788. Records on industrial accident and compensation. 21789. Not on the roll. 21790. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony

on person who refused to carry out forced labor. 21791. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942 – 1943; CAMP RECORDS, Request for certificate of deportation.

21792. Floor plans. 21793. Records on compensation. 21794. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1943. 21795. Records on compensation - Investigation in Germany to determine if person

received a compensation from German services. 21796. Not on the roll. 21797. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Auszug aus den Listen der Allgemeine

Ortskrankenkasse Wolfenbüttel; List of all nationals – Kassel; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Namensliste der in der Zeit vom 2. September 1939 bis 15. Juli 1946 bei der Chemischen Fabrik Griesheim beschäftigten Ausländer; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers of the company Schlesische Zellwolle Aktiengesellschaft; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Namenslisten der in der Zeit vom 2. September 1939 bis 15. Juli 1946 bei der Farbwerken Höchst beschäftigte Ausländer; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers, request for pass, travel pass, information form of worker; Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

21798. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of Belgians of the Company “Gebr. Giulini” GmbH in Ludwigshafen; List of political, social security and labour employment office records; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Auszug aus den Krankenbuechern der IG Farbenindustrie Ludwigshafen, 20 Oct 1943 – 3 Nov 1943; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers of the Steinkohlenbergwerke S.K. Essen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers, travel pass, request for pass; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

21799. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for pass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated; SHAEF;

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Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; List of foreigners who stayed in the community Ravensberg, 2 September 1939 – 25 April 1945.

21800. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Death certificate, 1940 and 1941; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Photos of the Dossin Kazerne Mecheln.

21801. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service. 21802. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident. 21803. Medical records – Records of Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien. 21804. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942. 21805. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on member of the resistance,

DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1944. 21806. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased. 21807. Not on the roll. 21808. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident;

RECORDS ON COLLABORATION, Records; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on member of the Belgian Army of Partisans, 1945; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1944; Birth certificate; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on person who refused to carry forced labor.

21809. Photos of men. 21810. Diverse records. 21811. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, Überweisungsschein,

request for pass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, certificate of identity; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

21812. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942 - 1943.

21813. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Information form of worker; List of nationals – Kassel; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Bad Bramstedt; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Namensliste der in der Zeit vom 2. September 1939 bis 15. Juli 1946 bei der Chemischen Fabrik Griesheim beschäftigten Ausländer; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, request for pass, Überweisungsschein; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

21814. CAMP RECORDS, Rivesaltes, Certificate of internment. 21815. Records on compensation - Investigation in Germany to determine if person

received a compensation from German services. 21816. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Namenslisten der in der Zeit vom 2.

September 1939 bis 15. July 1946 bei der Chemischen Fabrik Griesheim beschäftigten Ausländer; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, travel pass, Quittungskarte, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, Arbeitsbuch für Ausländer;

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Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Gewerbliche Arbeitskräfte über bei der Firma C. Lorenz A.G. z. Zt. beschäftigte belgische Staatsangehörige; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers of the Deutsche Reichsbahn – Werk Hannover; List of political, social security and labour employment office records - Kassel; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Information form of worker; List of all nationals – Kassel; HOSPITAL RECORDS, St. Vinzenz Hospital Dinslaken, Verzeichnis der hier behandelten belgischen Staatsangehörigen.

21817. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Zuckerfabrik Glauzig, Liste der Belgier; HOSPITAL RECORDS, List of persons of the Werklazarett 12 – Salzgitter; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, Überweisungsschein, request for pass; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

21818. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Lager der Firma Schmidt & Clemens Lager II Berghausen; Verzeichnis der Belgier die in Unterwürden gewohnt haben; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der im Betrieb Wetzell Gummiwerke Aktiengesellschaft Hildesheim seit dem 3. September 1939 beschäftigter Belgier; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Krankenkasse Bremerhaven und Landkreis Wesermünde; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Information form of worker, Überweisungsschein, travel pass, request for pass; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

21819. SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, travel pass, request for pass, Quittungskarte, records on industrial accident; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Liste der Belgier – Firma “Geb. Giulini” GmbH Ludwigshafen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Betriebskrankenkasse der Farbenfabriken Bayer Uerdingen/Niederrheim; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Auszug aus den Listen der Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Wolfenbuettel ueber Personen belgischer Staatsangehörigkeit der in der Zeit vom 3. September 1939 bis 8. Mai 1945 bei der Kasse versichert waren; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der während des Krieges gemeldet gewesenen belgische Arbeitskräfte.

21820. Records on compensation - Investigation in Germany to determine if person received a compensation from German services.

21821. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Payment to certain political prisoners liberated before 15 September 1944.

21822. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the United Hias Service. 21823. Request for documents on deportation of persons.

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21824. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Convocation; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1944; Acte de notoriété.

21825. Records on pension; Birth certificate.

21826. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, travel pass; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Namenslisten der in der Zeit vom 2. September 1939 bis 15. Juli 1946 bei der Farbwerken Höchst beschäftigte Ausländer; List of all nationals – Kassel; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Liste der belgischen Arbeiter welche Mitglied der Betriebskrankenkasse Farbenfabriken Bayer waren, Sept 1939 – 1945.

21827. Medical records. 21828. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942. 21829. Note on the composition of the Services of the Personnel, 30 Nov 1959. 21830. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass,

general count of persons who have to be repatriated, Arbeitsbuch für Ausländer, travel pass; SHAEF; Medical records - Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Aufstellung über die bei der Accumulatoren Fabrik A.G. Werk Hannover beschäftigte Personen.

21831. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Belgians registered with the Tiefbau Berufsgenossenschaft Berlin Wilmersdorf; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Krankenhaus Watenst. Salzg., List of treated persons; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Aufstellung über bei der Firma G. Lorenz A.G. beschäftigte belgische Staatsangehörigen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Namenslisten der in der Zeit vom 2. September 1939 bis 15. Juli 1946 bei der Farbwerken Höchst beschäftigte Ausländer; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, Überweisungsschein, request for pass; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

21832. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942.

21833. RECORDS ON COLLABORATION. 21834. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, certificate of identity,

request for pass; PRISON RECORDS, Zuchthäuser Waldheim, Prison card, 1945.

21835. Not on the roll. 21836. Not on the roll. 21837. Statistical surveys of sir De Maen – Records on exhumations, movements and

individual research for deceased. 21838. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Poster of exposition in Gent organized by the

Fraternization of the Secret Army.

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21839. Photos of men. 21840. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1945 and 1946. 21841. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass,

Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers, general count of persons who have to be repatriated; GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtsauskunftstelle information form; SHAEF.

21842. PRISON RECORDS, Huy, Lists. 21843. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein. 21844. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, Überweisungsschein,

Arbeitsbuch für Ausländer, general count for persons who have to be repatriated, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers, request for pass; Liste der Kriegsgefangenen, Deportierten, Arbeiter und Flüchtlingen – Gemeinde Rheinbroke; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Zu meldende und abzugebende Unfallvorgänge der Tiefbau Berufsgenossenschaft Berlin Wilmersdorf; Gasthaus Bertquelle Ernst Timm in Hamburg; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

21845. HOSPITAL RECORDS, Heil- und Pflegeanstalt Galkhausen, List of treated persons.

21846. Letter. 21847. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942 – 1944; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card.

21848. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Anwerbebestätigung, travel pass, request for pass, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers, Urlaubschein, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid; Medical records; SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse für die Stadt Osnabrück; List of political, social security and labour employment office records; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Personal-Akten, 1945.

21849. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Anwerbebestätigung, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, Arbeitsbuch für Ausländer, travel pass, general count of persons; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse für die Stadt Osnabruck.

21850. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, travel pass, Quittungskarte, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers, information form of worker; Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF; Transport Antwerpen, 1 Dec 1941; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of Belgians of the Company “Gebr. Giulini” GmbH in Ludwigshafen;

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FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis ausländischer Staatsangehöriger die bei der Vereinigte Innungskrankenkasse SK Mühlheim a.d. Ruhr versichert sind.

21851. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Belgians who worked in the Lager Hermann Goering; GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Rechtsberate allgemeine Liste.

21852. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for pass, travel pas, Überweisungsschein, information form of worker, Quittungskarte, general count of persons who have to be repatriated; SHAEF.

21853. Not on the roll. 21854. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942 – 1944; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre.

21855. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment; CAMP RECORDS, Information on deported persons.

21856. HOSPITAL RECORDS, Citadelle Huy, File of the prison. 21857. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1943. 21858. Card of research for missing person;

GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtsauskunftstelle card. 21859. Medical records;

Birth certificate; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1944; Certificate of nationality; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records on persons who refused to carry out forced labor.

21860. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for pass, travel pass, Überweisungsschein, Anwerbebestätigung, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers who worked in the companies of synthetic petrol Hermann Goering in Mosh; Liste der Ausländer im Ortsteil Wilhelmsruh.

21861. SHAEF. 21862. Not on the roll. 21863. Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien. 21864. Not on the roll. 21865. Not on the roll. 21866. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, travel pass,

Anwerbebestätigung, request for pass, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der bei der Firma D&C Stainmühler beschäftigt und bei unseren Krankenkasse versichert gewesenen belgischen Arbeiter; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Lager HAK-Werk Tarpenbeck Hamburg;

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FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Camp for workers – Hanseatisches Kettenwerk;

HOSPITAL RECORDS, St. Marienhospital Oberhausen-Osterfeld, List of treated persons; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps - “Lager Fischertals” in Wuppertal-Barmen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of Belgians who stayed in the camp “Lager Fischertals” in Wuppertal-Barmen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of Belgians insured by the Betriebskrankenkasse der Fa. Vereinigte Deutsche Metallwerke A.G. Frankfurt a. Main – Heddenheim; JUDICIAL RECORDS, List of all judicial records – Obernburg.

21867. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Information form of political prisoner.

21868. Diverse records. 21869. Photo of grave (Volume Recherche Scientifique en Stomatologie). 21870. Not on the roll. 21871. Not on the roll. 21872. CAMP RECORDS, Records on person who stayed in Buchenwald. 21873. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased. 21874. SHAEF;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Certificate of identity, travel pass, request for pass.

21875. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, travel pass, request for pass, Quittungskarte, Anwerbebestätigung; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

21876. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Auszug aus den Listen der Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Braunschweig über Personen belgischer Staatsangehörigkeit die ab September 1939 bei der Kasse versichert waren; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Aufstellung einer Liste der Krankenkassen die während der Kriegszeit in dem Kreise bestanden; Namensliste aller Militär- und Zivilpersonen der Vereinigten Personen Frankfurt / Main; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Belgians who were insured by the Betriebskrankenkasse der firma s.w. Zandus-Bergisch Gladbach; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Anwerbebestätigung, request for pass, travel pass; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

21877. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Information form of worker; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Nachweisung der ausländischer Arbeiter die vom 3. September 1939 bis 8. Mai 1945 in Hilden und Haan beschäftigt und versichert waren; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Städtisches Krankenhaus Nordstadt in Hannover, List of treated persons;

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FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Liste der belgischen Arbeiter welche Mitglied der Betriebskrankenkasse Farbenfabriken Bayer Uerdingen/Niederrheim waren, Sept 1939 – 1945; Verzeichnis betreffend Nachforschungen über Zivil- und Militärangehörigen der Vereinten Nationen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps - Arbeiterlager der Baufirma Gottfried Tesch i.d. Wifo in Bremen-Farge; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers of the Arbeiterlager der Baufirma Gottfried Tesch i.d. Wifo Bremen-Farge; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Namenslisten der in der Zeit vom 2. September 1939 bis 15. Juli 1946 bei der Farbwerken Höchst beschäftigte Ausländer; Liste der Kriegsgefangenen, Deportierten, Arbeiter und Flüchtlinge – Rheinbrohl; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Stiftshospital zum hl Nikolaus in Andernach, Verzeichnis der in Hospital stationär behandelten ausländischen Staatsangehörigen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Auszug aus den Listen der Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Braunschweig über Personen belgischer Staatsangehörigkeit die ab September 1939 bei der Kasse versichert waren; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Dreifaltigkeitskrankenhaus in Wesseling, Im Krankenhaus belgische Patienten stationär behandelt; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers of Petrix – Werke H; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, In Oberlangwitz wohnhaft gewesene belgische Arbeiter; Belgians who stayed in Hönningen; CAMP RECORDS, Aussenkommando Meppen (Kommando of Neuengamme), Kommandobestand, 16 Jan 1945; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, Anwerbebestätigung, general count of persons who have to be repatriated; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

21878. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Certificate of identity, Überweisungsschein, Anwerbebestätigung, request for pass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers, Arbeitsbuch für Ausländers; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

21879. Research for persons. 21880. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Anwerbebestätigung, records on

compensation; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Information form of political prisoner, testimony on member of the Secret Army; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment.

21881. Records on civil war victims. 21882. Agreement on borrowing films. 21883. JUDICIAL RECORDS/CAMP RECORDS, Records on/of the trial of Nuremberg. 21884. CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Photos;

CAMP RECORDS, Maidanek, Photos; CAMP RECORDS, Ghettos of Varsovie, Photos;

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CAMP RECORDS, Ghetto of Lodz, Photos. 21885. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Records on project of law on the status of soldiers who

joined the German or British army during the war 1940 – 1945. 21886. Report on the German-Belgian negotiations on social security. 21887. Records on the budget for the year 1960. 21888. Note. 21889. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite;

RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Record of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre.

21890. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, record on the industrial accident en compensation; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

21891. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der bei der Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Frankfurt a.M. versichert gewesenen Angehörigen der Vereinten Nationen und anderen Ausländern, information form.

21892. SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, information form; Medical records; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Namentliche Liste der vom 2. September 1939 bis 25. April 1945 dauernd oder zeitweilig in Gemeinde Tübingen onwesenden Ausländer; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Städtisches Krankenhaus Velbert, Nachweisung der ab 1940 bis 3. Januar 1947 im Krankenhaus untergebracht gewesenen Belgier; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Liesipen Hilfskrankenhaus, Seit Bestehen des Krankenhaus und Altersheim Oeventrop ab 15. November 1945 untergebrachte Personen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of Belgians who stayed at the camp “ Lager der Firma Böhner in Velbert” ; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps - Lager der Firma Böhner in Velbert; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Persons insured by the Betriebskrankenkasse der Rütgerswerke AG Castrop-Rauscel.

21893. Listes des G.T.E. 21894. Diverse material. 21895. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased. 21896. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for pass, Überweisungsschein,

Anwerbebestätigung, records on industrial accident and compensation; Medical records; SHAEF.

21897. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Anwerbebestätigung, travel pass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated; Medical records; SHAEF.

21898. Nachforschung über Zivil- und Militärangehörigen der Vereinten Nationen, Nachforschung nach Vermisten; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Zu meldende und abzugebende Unfallvorgänge des Tiefbau-Berufsgenossenschaft;

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FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for pass, information form, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers, Überweisungsschein, Anwerbebestätigung; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF; HOSPITAL RECORDS, St. Josefs Hospital in Duisburg-Laar, Aufstellung über die im Hospital verpflegten belgischen Zivilarbeiter.

21901. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, Anwerbebestätigung, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, information form; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF; HOSPITAL RECORDS, St. Josefshospital Gelsenkirchen-Gorst, Namentliche Liste der vom 2. September 1939 bis 25. April 1945 dauernd oder zeitweilig in den Kommandos Gemeinde Hochdorf bestätigten Ausländer; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Städtisches Krankenhaus Altötting, Liste derjenigem belgischen Staatsangehörigen die in der Zeit vom 10. Mai 1940 bis 20. Dezember 1945 im Städtischen Krankenhaus im Behandlung standen; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Krankenhaus Siloah-Hannover, List of treated persons.

21902. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, Anwerbebestätigung, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers; SHAEF; Medical records - Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Städtisches Krankenhaus Düsseldorf-Berrate, Liste der Belgier welche ab 1940 im Krankenhaus untergebracht wurden; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Belgische Staatsangehörige die bei der Fa. Henschel beschäftigt waren.

21903. Notes. 21904. Photos. 21905. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Information form of political prisoners;

RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment.

21906. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Request for recognition of person who refused to carry out forced labor.

21907. CAMP RECORDS, Photo of Deckenschule. 21908. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, certificate of identity,

request for pass. 21909. Records on compensation - Investigation in Germany to determine if person

received a compensation from German services. 21910. SHAEF;

Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for pass, certificate of identity, convocation, Anwerbebestätigung.

21911. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis über die während des Krieges bei der Firma Klöckner-Humboldt Deutz Köln beschäftigt gewesenenen belgische Arbeiter;

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SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Bei der Firma C. Lorenz AG beschäftigt gewesene Belgier; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Austellung einer Liste der Krankenkassen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Auszug aus den Listen der Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Wolfenbüttel; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Auszug aus den Listen der Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Braunschweig über Personen belgischer Staatsangehörigkeit die ab September 1939 bei der Kasse versichert waren; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Namensliste der in der Zeit vom 2. September 1939 bis 15. Juli 1946 bei der Chemischen Fabrik Griesheim beschäftigten Ausländer.

21912. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, travel pass, request for pass, Anwerbebestätigung, records on industrial accident and compensation, general count of persons who have to be repatriated; SHAEF; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Städtisches Krankenhaus Erding, Belgische Staatsangehörige welche vom 10. Mai 1940 bis 15. Januar 1947 im Krankenhaus stationiert waren; List of all nationals – Kulmbach; Namentliste aller Militär- und Zivilpersonen der Vereinigten Nationen, anderen Ausländer, deutscher Juden und Staatenlosen die vorübergehend oder dauernd in Frankfurt / Main sich aufgehalten haben aber jetzt nicht mehr dort wohnhaft sind; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Mehlmann.

21913. CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Death certificate, 1945; CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Death certificate, 1945; CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Death certificate, 1943.

21914. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service. 21915. JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 18 Jan 1960. 21916. SHAEF;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1944; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment; CAMP RECORDS, Les Milles, Certificate of internment.

21917. List of the ‘Amicales des Camps’ . 21918. Request to borrow the film ‘Nacht und Nebel’ . 21919. Not on the roll. 21920. Note. 21921. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment.

21922. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS. 21923. Note. 21924. Birth certificate;

Certificate of nationality; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Information form of political prisoner;

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FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on person who refused to carry out forced labor.

21925. Not on the roll. 21926. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony on deceased (bombardment). 21927. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, File on anti-Jewish propaganda in Belgium –

articles form Le Soir, The Times, La Laterne, le Flambeau. 21928. SHAEF;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; Liste der im Amtsgericht Wilhelmshaven vom 1940 bis 1945 eingesessenen belgischen Staatsangehörigen; List of all nationals – Gross-Gerau; List of foreigners,12 Sept 1939 – 25 April 1945; Nachforschung nach Ausländers; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Meldung der Betriebskrankenkasse der Adam Opel Aktiengesellschaft; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der bei der Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Frankfurt a.M. versichert gewesenen Angehörigen der Vereinten Nationen und anderen Ausländern; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Hannover; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Arbeitsbuch für Ausländer, Überweisungsschein, travel pass, request for pass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated; SHAEF.

21929. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, travel pass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, Anwerbebestätigung, Quittungskarte, Arbeitsbuch für Ausländer; Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Aufstellung über pflichtsversicherte ausländische Arbeiter bei der Firma Gockel & Nieburg in Bochum, 1940 – 1944; List of all nationals – Budingen; List of political, social security and labour employment office records.

21930. Verpflichtungsbescheid. 21931. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942 – 1943; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card; CAMP RECORDS, Request for certificate of internment.

21932. Marriage certificate; Records on compensation.

21933. SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Anwerbebestätigung, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, request for pass, Arbeitsbuch für Ausländer; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Gewerbliche Arbeitskräfte über die bei der Firma G. Lorenz AG beschäftigt gewesenen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Von Zuckerfabrik Glauzig, Klepzig zur entl. kommende belgische W-Arbeiter.

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21934. Medical records. 21935. Not on the roll. 21936. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the

Betriebskrankenkasse der Fa. Vereinigte Deutsche Metallwerke A.G. – Frankfurt/Main; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of insured; List of volunteers who left to go to work in Germany – Kortrijk; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Arbeiterlager Howaldtwerke – Hamburg; SHAEF; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, request for pass, Überweisungsschein, Anwerbebestätigung, general count of persons who have to be repatriated.

21937. SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Seite 8 der Nachweisung der Personen nichtdeutscher Staatsangehörigkeit die in der Zeit vom 3. September 1939 bis 8. Mai 1945 bei der Firma Bergische Stahl-Industrie in Remscheid beschäftigt und während der gleichem Zeit bei deren Betriebskrankenkassen versichert waren; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Betriebs- Galswerke Ruhr Aktiengesellschaft Essen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Liste der ausländischen Arbeiter die in dem Jahren 1938 bis 1945 gearbeitet haben; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, A. Ehrenreich und Cie Düsseldorf – Uberkassel; List of all nationals – München.

21938. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on compensation for industrial accident.

21939. SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, travel pass, Anwerbebestätigung, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, certificate of identity; SHAEF.

21940. CAMP RECORDS, Flossenbürg, Photo. 21941. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1945;

SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, Überweisungsschein, certificate of identity, request for pass.

21942. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers; SHAEF; Medical records; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Bei der Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse für den Kreis Wittlage seit dem 1. September 1939 versichert gewesenen belgischen Arbeitskräfte; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Lager der Fa Hoch und Tiefbau Holzmann und der Fa. Conti-Werker – Lindener Hafen Hannover;

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FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Nachweisung der bei der Firma Holzmann & Co beschäftigt gewesenen belgischen Staatsangehörigen; Namentliste aller Militär- und Zivilpersonen der Vereinigten Nationen, anderen Ausländer, deutscher Juden und Saatenlosen die vorübergehend oder dauernd in der Gemeinde Frankfurt sich aufgehalten haben aber jetzt nicht mehr dort wohnhaft sind; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons in the Hein Lehmann & Co Aktiengesellschaft Düsseldorf-Oberbilk.

21943. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers, Überweisungsschein, request for pass; Medical records – records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

21944. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Arbeitskarte, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, request for pass, Überweisungsschein, travel pass, convocation, information form; Medical records; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Ministerie van Wederopbouw – Aanvaardingscommissie der Politieke Gevangenen en van hun Rechthebbenden (Ministry of Reconstruction – Commission on the status of political prisoners).

21945. JUDICIAL RECORDS/JOURNAL RECORCS, Bundesgesetzblatt, 21 Dec 1950. 21946. HOSPITAL RECORDS, St. Vinzenz Krankenhaus Hanau a.M., Testimony on stay

in the hospital, 20 Sept 1943 – 14 Jan 1944; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS.

21947. Medical records. 21948. GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Letter of a German soldier, 15 Dec 1954. 21949. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Information form, Überweisungsschein,

Quittungskarte, travel pass; SHAEF; Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; List of all nationals – Augsburg; Auszug aus den Listen der Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Braunschweig; Namentliste aller Militär- und Zivilpersonen der Vereinigten Nationen, anderen Ausländer, deutscher Juden und Staatenlosen die vorübergehend oder dauernd in der Gemeinde Frankfurt sich aufgehalten haben aber jetzt nicht mehr dort wohnhaft sind.

21950. Article 14.1. of the budget of the Ministry of Public Health and Family for 1960. 21951. Not on the roll. 21952. Agreement on borrowing films. 21953. Not on the roll. 21954. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942 – 1943; CAMP RECORDS, Request for certificate of internment; CAMP RECORDS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre.

21955. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite. 21956. Records on civil war victims. 21957. Note concernant remise en état des locaux occupés par la Mission de Bad

Godesberg; CAMP RECORDS, Breendonk, Bagnards et bourreaux – texte et dessins de Jacques

Ochs (1 page);

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Text - Le gout de la vie en Belgique en 1922-1923. 21958. CAMP RECORDS, Breendonk, Records of the Museum of Breendonk – judicial

records on crimes/criminals in Breendonk; CAMP RECORDS, Breendonk, Records of the Museum of Breendonk – Journal ‘Breendonck’ (Bulletin Officiel de la Section de Bruxelles de l’ Association Nationale des Rescapés de Breendonk), March 1947; CAMP RECORDS, Breendonk, Records of the Museum of Breendonk – Registration cards; CAMP RECORDS, Breendonk, Records of the Museum of Breendonk – Report on the organisation of the camp Breendonk; CAMP RECORDS, Breendonk, Records of the Museum of Breendonk – Orders (Tagesbefehl, Wichtige Zusätze, Besondere WachvorschriftMerkblatt für Waffengebrauch, 1941); CAMP RECORDS, Breendonk, Records of the Museum of Breendonk – Records on the inscriptions on the walls of the cells (+ photos).

21959. Not on the roll. 21960. Not on the roll. 21961. Not on the roll. 21962. PRISON RECORDS, Zuchthaus Rheinbach, Prison card, 1943;

PRISON RECORDS, Zuchthaus Coswig, Prison card, 1944; PRISON RECORDS, Untersuchungsanstalt Hamburg-Stadt, Prison card, 1942; PRISON RECORDS, Männergefängnis Lübeck-Lauerhof, Prison card, 1941; PRISON RECORDS, Strafgefängnis Bochum, Prison card, 1944; PRISON RECORDS, Zuchthaus Hameln, Prison card, 1945; PRISON RECORDS, Frauengefängnis Fühlsbüttel, Prison card, 1942; PRISON RECORDS, Strafgefängnis in Wittlich, Prison card, 1943; PRISON RECORDS, Gefängnis Köln, Prison card, 1943; PRISON RECORDS, Untersuchungshaftanstalt Essen, Prison card, 1942.

21963. Not on the roll. 21964. Information form;

HOSPITAL RECORDS, Hilfskrankenhaus Immakulata Neusse am Rhein, List of treated persons.

21965. Records on civil war victims. 21966. Ferdinand Keller-Saarbrücken – Register of payment. 21967. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Belgians who worked in the Cercle of

Saarbrücken, 2 Sept 1939 – 8 May 1945; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Information form; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Aufstellung der Belegeschaftsstaerke von Baustelle Ludwigshafen Luftschutzbunker, Friesen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Ferdinand Keller – Saarbrücken - Register of payment.

21968. Photos , 7 Sept 1945 – camp-courtroom. 21969. SHAEF. 21970. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire, request for pass,

Überweisungsschein; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Unfallklinik Hannover, Nachweis von Belgier.

21971. Medical records - Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, travel pass, request for pass; SHAEF;

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FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Arbeiterlager Jargestrasse Lokal u. Braubach in Hamburg; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Liste der belgischer Zivilarbeiter die im Arbeiterlager Jargestrasse Lokal und Braubach in Hamburg untergebracht und bei der Fa. Heidenreich & Harbeck beschäftigt waren; JUDICIAL RECORDS, List of all judicial records – Wiesbaden; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons of the Loewe Werkzeugmachinen Aktiengesellschaft; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, See-Berufsgenossenschaft, Seemanskartei.

21972. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident and compensation.

21973. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1943; CAMP RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Esterwegen, List of deceased political prisoners in Esterwegen.

21974. Request for permission to show the films ‘Nacht und Nebel’ and ‘Les Moulins de la Mort’ .

21975. CAMP RECORDS, Herzogenbosch, Sachsenhausen, Mauthausen, Survey of arrested persons.

21976. Diverse records. 21977. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records on the status of political prisoner;

TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Certificate of deportation; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942.

21978. Claims for damage; Birth certificate; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate.

21979. Medical records; Birth certificate.

21980. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite. 21981. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Photos of the persecution of the Jewish

people. 21982. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Information form;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of Belgians of the Company “ Gebr. Giulini” GmbH in Ludwigshafen.

21983. SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, certificate of identity, request for pass, travel pass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated; Medical records.

21984. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsscheinigung, certificate of identity, travel pass, request for pass, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid, Secours d’ Hiver; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

21985. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Testimony on deceased. 21986. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on compensation for industrial accident.

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21987. PRISON RECORDS, Zuchthaus Brandenburg-Görden, Hingerichtete, verstorbene und überführte Inhaftierte des Zuchthauses; PRISON RECORDS, Zuchthaus Brandenburg, Sonderfall Sonnenburg; PRESS RECORDS, Article – News from liberated political prisoners; PRESS RECORDS, Article – Martyr ‘s death of a Belgian; PRISON RECORDS/CAMP RECORDS, Interrogation of Wolvelaer Charles, ex-political prisoner, on Bochum, Esterwegen and the prison of Untermansfeld; PRISON RECORDS/CAMP RECORDS, Interrogation of Henry Jeanne on prison Zweibruchen, Ravensbrück and Mauthausen; PRISON RECORDS, List of Nacht und Nebel-prisoners; CAMP RECORDS, Report of doctor René Dumont on Esterwegen, Gross-Strelitz and Gross-Rosen; PRISON RECORDS, Jauer, Report on the prison Jauer; PRISON RECORDS, List of Belgian political prisoners in the prison Rheinbach and executed in Köln; JUDICIAL RECORDS, List of Angeklagten in Strafsachen wegen Spionage, 1942; PRISON RECORDS, List of 6 political deported persons (Nacht und Nebel) transferred from the prison of Ebrah to the prison in Nuremberg, 30 Dec 1944; PRISON RECORDS, Kreuzburg camp, List of female prisoners detained at Kreuzburg camp, October 1944 – March 1945; PRISON RECORDS, Aufstellung der männlichen belgischen Staatsangehörigen – Waldheim/Sachsen; PRISON RECORDS, Zuchthaus Sonnenburg, Some aspects of the prison; PRISON RECORDS, Regensburg, Register of the prison of Regensburg; PRISON RECORDS, Verzeichnis zu überstellten Nacht und Nebel-Gefangenen; PRISON RECORDS, Zuchthaus Siegburg, Extracts from the Wiedersehens-Feier der ehemaligen politischen Gefangenen des Zuchthauses; PRISON RECORDS, Magdeburg, Verzeichnis von ausländischen Häftlingen; PRISON RECORDS, List of persons coming from Wolfenbüttel, passed the prison of Brandenburg-Görden on 13th April 1945 and were transferred to Magdeburg; Research in the Anatomic Institution of Wurzburg; PRISON RECORDS, Sonnenburg, General report on the prison; PRISON RECORDS, München, Belgians executed in the prison of München; PRISON RECORDS, Zentrallgefängnis Cottbus, List of internees.

21988. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Convocation. 21989. PRISON RECORDS, Diverse prisons, Lists. 21990. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942. 21991. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942 – 1944; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card.

21992. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, travel pass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, information form; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF; PRISON RECORDS, Untersuchungshaftanstalt Hamburg-Stadt, Prison card, 1942; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Krankenkasse Bremerhaven und Landkreis Weesermunde; List of all nationals – München;

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FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Namenslisten der in der Zeit vom 2. September 1939 bis 15. Juli 1946 bei der Farbwerken Höchst beschäftigte Ausländer.

21993. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, Quittungskarte, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, information form; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF; List of all nationals – München; Namentliste aller Militär- und Zivilpersonen der Vereinigten Nationen, anderen Ausländer, deutscher Juden und Staatenlosen die vorübergehend oder dauernd im Stadtkreis Frankfurt sich aufgehalten haben.

21994. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, information form, Quittungskarte, request for pass; Medical records - Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Auszug aus den Listen der Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Wolfenbüttel; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der im Betrieb Wetzell Gummiwerke Aktiengesellschaft in Hildesheim seit dem 3. September 1939 beschäftigter Belgier; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Stadtkrankenkhaus Siegen, Liste der in den Jahren 1939 bis 1945 im Stadtkrankenhaus behandelten Belgier; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der bei der Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Frankfurt a. M. versichert gewesenen Angehörigen der Vereinten Nationen und anderen Ausländern.

21995. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, travel pass, Arbeitsbuch für Ausländer; Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

21996. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, Anwerbebestätigung; Medical records; SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Betriebskrankenkasse of I.A. Henchels in Solingen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Lager der Firma Schmidt & Clemens, Lager II Berghausen; Verzeichnis der Belgier die in Unterwürden gewohnt haben; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/HSR, Unterkunft für Kriegsgefangene und Freiwillige Arbeiter der Firmen Ruhrstahl A.G. Berlin, Löffler, Rose, Ortn, Reuber, Welper; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/HSR, Diverse Unterkünfte bei der Ruhrstahl A.G. Berlin; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Liste der im Amtsgericht Wilhelmshaven von 1940 bis 1945 ingesassenen Belgier; PRISON RECORDS, Aachen, Extract from prison register; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der bei der Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Frankfurt a. M. versichert gewesenen Angehörigen der Vereinten Nationen und anderen Ausländern;

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HOSPITAL RECORDS, DRK Berta-Krankenhaus, Liste der im Krankenhaus aufgenommenen Belgier, 1940 – Dec 1945.

21997. CAMP RECORDS, Struthof (Natzweiler), Records on result of research for information on internment and decease in Struthof.

21998. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service; CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, Death certificate, 1945; CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Death certificate, 1942; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Ansbach, Death certificate, 1945.

21999. SHAEF; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card.

22000. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Anwerbebestätigung, travel pass, request for pass, Quittungskarte, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, records on industrial accident; Medical records - Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; JUDICIAL RECORDS, List of all judicial records – Wiesbaden; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Teilnehmer-Verzeichnis - Deutschen Arbeitsfront; Namentliche Liste der belgischen Zivilpersonen die im Stadtbezirk Stromberg aufgehalten haben; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of Belgians of the Company “ Gebr. Giulini” GmbH in Ludwigshafen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Lager Bremer Chaussee Rotenburg; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Arbeiterlager Immenlager Dörverden; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Arbeiterlager Immenlager Dörverden; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der bei der Firma Robert Nicolay im Gemeinde Scheinl beschäftigt gewesenen Belgier und zwar nach dem 3. September 1939 Zivilarbeiter.

22001. List of all nationals – Kassel; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers insured by the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Bottrop; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Bei der Bergwerksgesellschaft Aktiengesellschaft Bergwerksdirektion in Buer beschäftigt gewesenen Belgier; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

22002. Records on the persecution of the crimes against the Reich or against the occupying power in the the occupied territories; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Photo of the Dossinkazerne Mecheln.

22003. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Verzeichnis der Belgier die nach dem 3. September 1939 beschäftigt waren im Reichs b. Aus.; HOSPITAL RECORDS, St. Marien Hospital Mülheim-Ruhr, Aufstellung der belgischen Staatsangehörigen, 9 Juli 1943 – 3 April 1945.

22004. Diverse material.

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22005. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, certificate of identity, travel pass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated; SHAEF.

22006. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, general count of persons who have to be repatriated; SHAEF; RECORDS ON COLLABORATION, Testimony on member of the Garde Wallon.

22007. CAMP RECORDS, Diverse photos of the camps. 22008. Diploma Ecole Moyenne Communale. 22009. SHAEF;

Photos; CAMP RECORDS, Neuengamme, Plan of the camp.

22010. Records on the agreement for borrowing the films ‘Nacht und Nebel’ and ‘Les Moulins de la Mort’ .

22011. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1943.

22012. SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, request for pass, travel pass; RECORDS ON HOSTAGES, Modena; Medical card; GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtsauskunftstelle card; PRISON RECORDS, Strafgefängnis Hagen, Prison card, 1943.

22013. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Personal-Akte, 1943. 22014. Birth certificate;

RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment; JUDICIAL RECORDS; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony.

22015. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein; Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

22016. Photos of men. 22017. SHAEF;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, Anwerbebestätigung, travel pass; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; PRISON RECORDS, Haftanstalt Hamburg-Harburg, Prison card, 1944; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Johanniter Krankenhaus Oberhausen-Starade, List of treated persons; Verzeichnis der belgischen Staatsangehörighen die in der Stadt Rheinhausen wohnen oder gewohnt haben oder hier verstorben oder beerdigt sind, 1 May 1940 – 1 June 1947; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, travel pass, request for pass, certificate of identity, convocation, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid, secours d’ hiver, Anwerbebestätigung; Medical records; SHAEF.

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22018. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942.

22019. Medical records. 22020. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942; Records on expelled persons, Hasselt, 1941.

22021. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, travel pass, Vorläufiger Fremdenpass, Sammelkonto Wanderarbeiter aus Belgien, testimony.

22022. Not on the roll. 22023. Not on the roll. 22024. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Auf dem Getrauensfriedhof Halle /S bestatteten

belgischen Staatsangehörigen. 22025. List of civil victims of war;

Report of the ‘Comité de vigilance patriotique’ of Bourg-Leopold on the events of September 1944.

22026. CAMP RECORDS, Flossenbürg, Photos of the camp. 22027. Agreement on borrowing and records on films (‘Nacht und Nebel’ and ‘Les Moulins

de la Mort’ ). 22028. CAMP RECORDS, Flossenbürg, Photos (exposition). 22029. Hommage de l’ Amicale des prisonniers politiques belges – Merksplas-Watten,

Photos. 22030. Photos Bourg-Leopold – exposition. 22031. GERMAN ARMY RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Verwaltungsbezirke der

Kommandanturen, 1 June 1942; GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Verzeichnis der Dienststellen die dem Militärbefehlshaber direkt unterstehen.

22032. Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien. 22033. SHAEF. 22034. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, travel pass,

request for pass, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers, Quittungskarte; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF; List of all nationals – Fürth; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Bergwerksgesellschaften und Zechen; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Liste der im Hüttenhospital stationär behandelten Belgier; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Evangelisches Krankenhaus Essen-Borbeck, List of treated persons; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Huyssens-Stiftung – Evangelisches Krankenhaus, List of treated persons; Namentliche Liste der Belgier, Luxemburger und der Bewohner von Eupen und Malmedy stationär behandelt; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der bei der Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Frankfurt a. M. versichert gewesenen Angehörigen der Vereinten Nationen und anderen Ausländern; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Inappschafts-Krankenhaus Bochum-Langendrer, List of treated persons; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Lager der Berg. Stahlindustrie-Papenberg; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Zivilarbeiterlager Phönixhütte;

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FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers of the Zivilarbeiterlager Phönixhütte; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Zivilarbeiterlager der Zeche Glückaufsagen.

22035. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, travel pass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated; PRISON RECORDS, Prison card; Namentliche Liste der Ausländer die für dauernd oder zeitweise im Kreise Tetting untergebracht waren oder die im Gemeinde in der Zeit zwischen dem 2. September 1939 und 25. April 1945 passiert haben; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps - Zivilarbeiterlager der Bergwerksdirektion Zweckel Gladbeck; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Camp for workers Bahngelände; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers of the camp Bahngelände; JUDICIAL RECORDS, List of all judicial records – Augsburg; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Meldung aller Belgier, Luxemburger und Einwohner Eupen-Malmedy die seit dem 10. Mai 1940 in Krankenhaus aufgenommen wurden.

22036. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for pass, Überweisungsschein, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, travel pass, Anwerbebestätigung; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der bei der Betriebskrankenkasse Kienzle Apparate G.m.b.H. versichert gewesene Ausländer; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Zusammenstellung der bei verschiedenen Arbeitgeber im Stadtgebiet Witten beschäftigt gewesenen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of Belgians who worked in Rottweil s/ Necker; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Namentliche Liste der vom 2. September 1939 bis 25. April 1945 dauernd oder zeitweilig in den Kommandos der Gemeinde Eutingen beschäftigt gewesenen.

22037. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for pass, Überweisungsschein, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, travel pass, Anwerbebestätigung; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF; List of all nationals – Kassel, Nürnberg; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons who worked by Friedrich Helbig Eisenbeton- Hoch- und Tiefbau in Kiel; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers of the Baugeschäft Kiel; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der belgischen Staatsangehörigen die in der Zeit von 1. Mai 1940 in der Stadt Rheinhausen wohnen oder gewohnt haben oder verstorben oder beerdigt sind.

22038. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment;

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SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942 - 1944; CAMP RECORDS, Les Milles, Certificate of internment.

22039. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment.

22040. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card.

22041. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, request for pass, certificate of identity; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

22042. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony, Überweisungsschein, convocation, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid; SHAEF; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Information form.

22043. GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtauskunftstelle information form; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Dortmund Hoerder Hüttenverein Aktiengesellschaft.

22044. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942 - 1944; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre.

22044. Agreement on borrowing fims (‘Nacht und Nebel’ and ‘ Les Moulins de la Mort’ ); Birth certificate; Medical records; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for recognition of deported slave laborers; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment.

22045. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, travel pass, request for pass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, secours d’ hiver; Medical records – records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF; PRISON RECORDS, Zuchthaus Hameln, Prison card, 1944; PRISON RECORDS, Zuchthaus Rheinbach, Prison card, 1943; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Personal-Akte ,1943; List of all nationals – Augsburg; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Belgische Staatsangehörige die in Werdau/Sachsen beschäftigt gewesen sind.

22046. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for pass, Überweisungsschein, travel pass, Anwerbebestätigung, Arbeitsbuch für Ausländer; Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; PRISON RECORDS, Politische Gefängnis Aachen, 1941; List of all nationals – Kassel;

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FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Arbeiterlager der Baufirma Gottfried Tesch i.d. Wifo; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Auszug aus dem Lagerbuch der firma Gottlieb Tesch – Bremen-Farge; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers of the Bergwerksgesellschaft Dahlbusch Gelsenkirchen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Arbeiter in der Bahnunterhaltung beschäftigten – Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg.

22046. JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge. 22047. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass,

travel pass, information form; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF; RECORDS ON COLLABORATION, Persons who were member of hostile organisations; HOSPITAL RECORDS, St. Antonius Hospital Kleve z. Zt, List of treated persons; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Städtisches Krankenhaus Wilhelmshaven, List of treated persons.

22048. Information on missing person. 22049. SHAEF. 22050. Photos of men. 22051. Medical records. 22052. SHAEF. 22053. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der bei der Allgemeine

Ortskrankenkasse Frankfurt a. M. versichert gewesenen Angehörigen der Vereinten Nationen und anderen Ausländern; List of nationals – Kassel; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Aufstellung über die bei der Accumulatoren Fabrik A.G. Werk Hannover beschäftigt gewesenen belgischen Staatsangehörigen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Arbeiterlager in Gleidingen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Ausländerlager der Wülfeher-Eisenwerkes in Hannover-Wilfel.

22054. Information form. 22055. SHAEF. 22056. CAMP RECORDS, Photos of the Comité International d’ Auschwitz. 22057. Wehrstammblatt;

SHAEF. 22058. JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 16 Febr 1960. 22059. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Verwertung des Besitzes anlaesslich der An-

und Aussiedlung der Juden, 26 September 1942. 22060. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Ministerie van Wederopbouw –

Aanvaardingscommissie der Politieke Gevangenen en van hun Rechthebbenden (Ministry of Reconstruction – Commission on the status of political prisoners).

22061. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records of the Confédération Nationale des Prisonniers Politiques et Ayants-Droit; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment;

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RESISTANCE RECORDS, Information form of political prisoner; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Arbeitsbuch für Ausländer; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Payment to some political prisoners liberated before 15th September 1944.

22062. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, request for pass, Quittungskarte, Arbeitsbuch für Ausländer; SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers of the Gewerkschaft Walsum Duisburg-Hamborn; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Marien-Hospital, List of treated persons; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers of the Gelsenkirchen Bergwerk Aktiengesellschaft; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942; CAMP RECORDS, Request for certificate of deportation.

22063. Liste de l’ audit de Liège. 22064. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de

la Guerre. 22065. Not on the roll. 22066. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942 – 1943; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for pass.

22067. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Ministerie van Wederopbouw – Aanvaardingscommissie der Politieke Gevangenen en van hun Rechthebbenden (Ministry of Reconstruction – Commission on the status of political prisoners).

22068. Records on civil war victims. 22069. JUDICIAL RECORDS/CAMP RECORDS, Records on the trial of Nuremberg. 22070. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942. 22071. CAMP RECORDS, Herzogenbosch, List;

CAMP RECORDS, Vught, Liste der Belgier im Schutzhaftlager. 22071. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for pass, Überweisungsschein,

general count of persons who have to be repatriated; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

22072. RECORDS ON HOSTAGES, Stalag XC, Personalkarte; RECORDS ON HOSTAGES, Stalag XB, Personalkarte.

22073. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Judicial records, 1943; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Information form of political prisoner.

22074. RECORDS ON COLLABORATION/GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, List of persons who have served the German Army of other German services – Mons; List of all nationals – Amberg; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers of the Gewerkschaft Walsum Duisburg-Hamborn; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of Belgians who stayed in the camp Arbeitslager – Waldlager Dünkhoppwerk in Kunsebeck;

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FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Ausländische Arbeitsnehmer der Werft Nabiskrug G.M.B.H. Rendsburg, 1939 – 1945; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Betriebskrankenkasse der Duisburger Kupferhuette; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Stadtkrankenhaus Siegen, Liste der in den Jahren 1939 bis 1945 im Stadtkrankenhaus behandelten Belgier; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers of the Kölsch-Fölzer Werke AG; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Städtisches Krankenhaus Halberstadt, List of treated persons; PRISON RECORDS, Liste der belgischen Staatsangehörigen in den Gefängnissen des Landes Württemberg-Baden; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, travel pass, general count for pass, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländer; PRISON RECORDS, Strafgefängnis Nbg Zellenstrasse, Prison card, 1944; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

22075. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942 – 1944.

22076. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated; Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Gemeinschaftslager der Kontinental – Hackethal – Post Hannover; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers of the Gemeinschaftslager der Kontinental – Hackethal – Post Hannover; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Krankenanstalt Ludwigsburg, List of treated persons; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Camillus-Hospital Walsum, Information form; HOSPITAL RECORDS, St. Marienshospital, List of treated persons; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Polizeigefängnis Dortmund; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Städtisches Krankenhaus Velbert, Nachweisung der ab 1940 im Krankenhaus untergebracht gewesenen Belgier; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Belgische Staatsangehörige die bei der Fa. Henschel beschäftigt werden; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of worker of the Gewerkschaft Walsum Duisburg-Hamborn; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Krankenhaus Watenstedt –Salzg., List of treated persons; HOSPITAL RECORDS, St. Josefs-Hospital Dortmund, List of treated persons; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Universitätsklinik Münster, List of treated persons; HOSPITAL RECORDS, St. Marienhospital in Lünen/Westfalen, Stationäre Aufnahme im Hospital, 1939 – 1945.

22077. GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Rechtsberate allgemeine Liste - Bestätigung und Abhebung von Urteilen.

22078. Records on compensation - Investigation in Germany to determine if person received a compensation from German services.

22079. Note. 22080. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on compensation.

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22081. PRISON RECORDS, Charleroi, Prison card; SHAEF.

22082. Photos; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Mortuary card of political prisoner, 1945.

22083. Medical rcords; Certificate of good behaviour; Birth certificate.

22084. Birth- and marriage certificate; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Information form of political prisoner.

22085. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on compensation of slave laborers in the companies Krupp.

22086.- FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Arbeitslager Konsum; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der während des Krieges 1939 – 1945 in Wijk auf Föhr zum Arbeitseinsatz aufhältlich gewesenen Belgier; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Information form; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons of the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Hannover; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Zivilarbeiterlager Oerweg 126 Recklinghausen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers on the Zivilarbeiterlager Oerweg 126 Recklinghausen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Schulenburger Landstrasse 138 mit Nebenlager Schöneworth 8 und auf dem Loh 1 in Hannover; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Namentliche Liste über belgische Staatsangehörige die in dem Lager der Reichsbahn Schulenburger Landstrasse 138 untergebracht wurden; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Prosper-Hospitals Recklinghausen, Verwaltung des Hospitals; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Betriebskrankenkasse Thender Wuppermann; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Lager II z. Zt Jakobi Bottrop; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers of the Lager II z. Zt Jakobi Bottrop; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, travel pass; SHAEF; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

22087. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1944 and 1939; Birth certificate.

22088. CAMP RECORDS, Pithiviers, ‘Chez les hébergés au camp de Pithiviers’ from Israel Jakubowicz, 14 May 1941.

22089. CAMP RECORDS, Neuengamme, Certificate of presumed decease, 1944 and 1945; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1945; CAMP RECORDS, Neuengamme, Death certificate, 1944 and 1945.

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22090. SHAEF. 22091. Note on the personnel of the ‘Union Minière de Haut Katanga des Mines, Usines et

Ateliers de Kipushi’ . 22092. Note. 22093. GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtsauskunftstelle card;

DEATH CERTIFICATES, Kriegssterbefallanzeige, 1940. 22094. CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Register of the camp. 22095. Note. 22096. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942 – 1944; CAMP RECORDS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre.

22097. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, request for pass, travel pass, Anwerbebestätigung, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF; List of all nationals – Kassel; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Evangelisches Diakonissenhaus in Leipzig, List of treated persons; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Zu meldende und abzugebende Unfallvorgänge der Tiefbau-Berufsgenossenschaft.

22098. Liste des présumés belges qui étaient l’ objet de remise de tickets d’ aliementation par la mairie of Vendome pendant l’ occupation.

22099. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1945; CAMP RECORDS, Neuengamme, Death certificate, 1945; CAMP REGISTER, Lübeck, Death certificate, 1945; CAMP REGISTER, Sandbostel, Death certificate, 1945.

22100. GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtsauskunftstelle card; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, travel pass, request for pass; SHAEF; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

22101. Personalbeschreibung. 22102. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Photos. 22103. JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 4 March 1960. 22104. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Arbeitsgenehmingen der belgischen

Arbeitnehmer die von 1940 bis 1945 in Betrieb Hans Conrad Tiefbauunternehmung Kiel beschäftigt waren; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Betriebskrankenkasse Th. Goldschmidt A.G. Essen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Persons insured by the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Hannover; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Aufstellung einer Liste der Krankenkassen die während der Kriegszeit in dem Kreise bestanden; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Betrieb der Maschinenfabrik Augsburg-Nurnberg AG Werk Gustavburg; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Belgians who worked in Sarrebrück, 2 Sept 1939 – 4 August 1945; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Krankenhaus Berlin-Britz, List of treated persons, 1 Sept 1939 – 30 March 1946;

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FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Arbeiterlager der Baufirma Gottfried Tesch i.d. Wifo in Bremen-Farge; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of Belgians who worked in the Direction des Chemins de fer Allemands; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, travel pass, Unfallanzeige; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

22105. SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, travel pass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of Belgians of the Company “ Gebr. Giulini” GmbH in Ludwigshafen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers of the Bergwerksgesellschaft Hibernia Aktiengesellschaft Bergwerksdirektion Gladbeck Zeche Rheinhausen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der beschäftigt gewesenen belgischen Zivilarbeiter Gewerkschaft Zeche Heinrich Essen, Kupferdreh; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers of the Bergwerksgesellschaft Dahlbusch Gelsenkirchen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers of the Hütten- und Walzwerks Berufsgenossenschaft Oberhausen-Rhld; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der beschäftigt gewesenen Belgier nach dem 3. September 1939 bei der Firma Harkort. Eichen Edelstahlwerke GmbH Hagen-Westfalen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis von belgischen Staatsangehörigen die in den Fabriken usw. Innerhalb der Gemeinde Helmstadt beschäftigt gewesen sind oder noch beschäftigt sind; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Unfallanzeige – Knappschafts-Berufsgenossenschaft.

22106. SHAEF; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Judicial records, 1940; Medical records.

22107. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Certificate of identity, request for pass; JUDICIAL RECORDS/ PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 22 April 1954.

22108. Note, 1960. 22109. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942 – 1944; Note to the administrations of the provinces and local councils, seat of a provincial, local council institution or supported by Jewish education, 31 Dec 1941.

22110. Medical records; Birth certificate; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on person who refused to carry out forced labor.

22111. Records on compensation - Investigation in Germany to determine if person received a compensation from German services.

22112. List of persons who received visa to go to D.P. transit camp Bedbuy; Records of the Krankenkasse Bremerhaven und Landkreis Wesermunde.

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22113. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, request for pass, Überweisungsschein, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, information form; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Meldung aller Personen nichtdeutscher Staatsangehörigkeit die in der Zeit vom 3. September 1939 wegen krimineller oder politischer Verfehlungen von den Polizeidienstellen registriert worden sind – Stadt Castrop- Rauscel; Ausländer im Ortsteil Wilhelmsruh; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der auf der Schachtanlage Nordstern beschäftigt gewesenen ausländischen Zivilarbeiter.

22114. HOSPITAL RECORDS, Krankenhaus der Stadt Bassum, List of treated persons; List of all nationals – Giesen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Zu meldende und abzugebende Unfallvorgänge der Tiefbau Berufsgenossenschaft; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers of the Deutsche Reichsbahn Hannover; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der beschäftigt gewesenen Belgier By Heinrich Koch Söhne; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Friedberg; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in Hambourg-Sarre, 2 Sept 1939 – 8 May 1945; SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, travel pass, Quittungskarte; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

22115. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Ausländerlager Lager Fremdenheim in Hamburg; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers of the Ausländerlager Lager Fremdenheim in Hamburg; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Namentliche Aufstellung über belgische Staatsangehörige die im Lager der Reichsbahn Schulenburger untergebracht wurden; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Schulenburger Landstrasse 138 mit Nebenlager Schöneworth 8 und auf dem Loh 1; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, request for pass, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers, Überweisungsschein, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, information form; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

22116. JUDICIAL RECORDS/JOURNAL RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Extract from Moniteur Belge on political prisoners in Germany, 22 April 1954.

22117. CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Registration cards; CAMP RECORDS, Registration cards; CAMP RECORDS, Abendappell – Morgenappell, 27 Nov 1944.

22118. Not on the roll. 22119. GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Table – organisation of the Sicherheitspolizei. 22120. PRISON RECORDS, Huy, Gefangenentransport nach Huy, 18 Feb 194;

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PRISON RECORDS, Zitadelle Huy, Liste der Ausländerlager Lager Fremdenheim in Hamburgerwahrungsgelden für die Leute von der Zitadelle Huy nach Herzogenbosch überführten Häftlinge; PRISON RECORDS, Saint-Gillis, Information form; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Judicial records, 1943.

22121. SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, travel pass, certificate of identity, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid, decision of the deported slave laborer, information form; Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Ministerie van Wederopbouw – Aanvaardingscommissie der Politieke Gevangenen en van hun Rechthebbenden (Ministry of Reconstruction – Commission on the status of political prisoners).

22122. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Information on persons.

22123. Not on the roll. 22124. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on compensation. 22125. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942 – 1944; CAMP RECORDS, Request for information on persons.

22126. SHAEF. 22127. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on request for compensation. 22128. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS. 22129. Bills of doctors. 22130. Document. 22131. SHAEF;

GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtauskunftstelle card. 22132. Medical records;

RESISTANCE RECORDS, Information form and certificate of member of the Resistance; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records of the Confédération Nationale pour Prisonniers Politiques et Ayants-Droit; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Ministerie van Wederopbouw – Aanvaardingscommissie der Politieke Gevangenen en van hun Rechthebbenden (Ministry of Reconstruction – Commission on the status of political prisoners); RECORDS ON COLLABORATION, Testimony.

22133. Transportliste Namur, 7 Sept 1943; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Nachforschung nach Arbeiter; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers of the Gewerkschaft Walsum; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers of the Gew. Des Steinkohlen Bergwerk Friedrich der Groβe in Herne i.W.; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Camillus-Hospital Walsum, List of treated persons, 1 Sept 1939 – 8 May 1945; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Zivilarbeiterlager Dildorferstrasse 47 in Essen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Zivilarbeiterlager Dildorferstrasse 47 in Essen;

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FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Liste von Personen der Vereinten Nationen die im Betriebe der Bergwerksgesellschaft Hibernia Zeche Shamrock I/II Herne gearbeitet haben; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Betriebskrankenkasse der Duisburger Kupferhütte; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers of the Loewe Werkzeugmaschinen Aktiengesellschaft Berlin; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse für den Kreis Stadthagen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of Belgians who left Gelsenkirchen for an unknown destination; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, travel pass, request for pass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, Arbeitsbuch für Ausländer; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

22134. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Im Werdau/Sachsen beschäftigt gewesene Personen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of Belgians who worked in the Forges et Aciéries de Dilling in Dillingen-Sarre; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der in der Zeit von September 1939 bis zur Kapitulation bei der Allgemeinen Ortskrankenkasse für den Landkreis Frieland in jever versichert gewesenen belgischen Arbeiter; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der während des Krieges gemeldet gewesenen belgische Arbeitskräfte; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Friedberg; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Aufstellung einer Liste der Krankenkassen die während des Kriegszeit in Köln waren; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Lager der Firma Schmidt & Clemens Lager II (Berghausen); FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Anwerbebestätigung, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, request for pass, travel pass, Quittungskarte; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

22135. List of all nationals – Kassel and München; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Aufstellung über die Belgier bei der Betriebskrankenkasse der DEMAG A.G. Werk Duisburg versichert gewesen, 3 Sept 1939 – 8 May 1945; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of the Hansestadt Lübeck; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers of the West Flugzeugbau Grub A; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Anwerbebestätigung, request for pass; Medical records; PRISON RECORDS.

22136. Medical records. 22137. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment;

CAMP RECORDS, Argelès-sur-Mer, Certificate of internment;

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SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942.

22138. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS. 22139. Contract?. 22140. Records on exposition. 22141. Not on the roll. 22142. Records on civil war victims. 22143. CAMP RECORDS, Sachsenhausen, Les faux mannageurs de Sachsenhausen. 22144. Lists?. 22144. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, request for pass,

Überweisungsschein, Quittungskarte, Anwerbebestätigung; Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

22145. List of all health and medical records – Marburg; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of Belgians of the Company “ Gebr. Giulini” GmbH in Ludwigshafen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der bei der Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Frankfurt a.M. versichert gewesenen Angehörigen der Vereinten Nationen und anderen Ausländern; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Anwerbebestätigung, request for pass, travel pass, Quittungskarte, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers, Arbeitsbuch für Ausländer; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien;

22146. Records on prohibition to have on occupation (professor) and on the closing of the University of Brussels;

MARBURG RECORDS, Records on resistance in schools/universities. 22147. Record on compensation for victims of industrial accidents. 22148. Kaart van wedden en belastbare vergoedingen, 1959. 22149. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Belgische Staatsangehörige die bei der

Familie Henschel beschäftigt waren. 22150. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records on compensation for stolen furniture

by the Germans; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942 – 1944.

22151. Records on the film ‘Nacht und Nebel’ . 22152. Extract from an English book – Medical records;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Liste der bei der Baufirma Gottlieb Tesch Bremen-Farge beschäftigt gewesenen Belgier; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Arbeiterlager der Baufirma Gottfried Tesch i.d. Wifo; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Belgische Arbeiter Bayerische Motorenwerke München-Milbertshafen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Zu meldende und abzumeldende Unfallvorgänge der Tiefbau-Berufsgenossenschaft; List of all nationals – München; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons who worked in the local authorities of the canton of Bergheim; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Quittungskarte, Anwerbebestätigung, travel pass, request for pass;

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Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

22153. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Anwerbebestätigung, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers, request for pass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, records on Unfallanzeige; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF; Transport der Rückkehr, 14 March 1944; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers of Kronprinz Aktiengesellschaft für Metallindustrie Solingen Ohligs; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Arbeiterlager Sportplatz Hildesheim; List of all nationals – Kassel; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Namenslisten der in der Zeit vom 2. September 1939 bis 15. Juli 1946 bei der Farbwerken Höchst beschäftigte Ausländer; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, E. Merck Darmstadt; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers insured by the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Friedberg; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der im Landkreis Münchberg seit dem 10. Mai 1940 wohnhaft gewesenen Belgier.

22154. SHAEF. 22155. Diverse material. 22156. Photo of man. 22157. Birth certificate;

Medical records; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Decision of the Commission de Contrôle pour Déportés; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment.

22158. Note. 22159. English text - Maximum Likelihood estimates of the proportion of patients cured by

cancer therapy by John W. Boag. 22160. Records on film ‘Nacht und Nebel’ . 22161. Medical records;

RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment; Testimony on person arrested for detention of weapons; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony of person who refused to carry out forced labor.

22162. Note. 22163. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records of the Organisation Todt

Bekleidungskammer – Urlauberleitstelle. 22164. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Lohnabrechnung - Hydrierwerke Pölitz

Aktiengesellschaft Stettin-Pölitz; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers insured by the Betriebskrankenkasse der Rütgerswerke Aktiengesellschaft in Sastrop;

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FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers of the Gewerkschaft Walsum; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Namenslisten der in der Zeit vom 2. September 1939 bis 15. Juli 1946 bei der Farbwerken Höchst beschäftigte Ausländer; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Städtisches Karl-Olga-Krankenhaus Friedrichshafen, Liste der in der Zeit vom 2. September 1939 bis 25. April 1945 je einchliesslich auf der Inneren Abteilung des Krankenhaus in Behandlung gewesenen; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Städtisches Krankenhaus Neuhöllz I Berlin-Buchow-Ost, List of foreigners who were treated in the hospital; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Belgians who stayed in Halberstadt; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers of the Vereinigte Glansstoff Fabriken A.G., Werk Elsterberg; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Belgische Arbeiter Bayerische Motoren-Werke München-Milbertshafen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, Anwerbebestätigung, travel pass; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

22165. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Namenslisten der in der Zeit vom 2. September 1939 bis 15. Juli 1946 bei der Farbwerken Höchst beschäftigte Ausländer; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Gewerkschaft Walsum; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Anwerbebestätigung, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, request for pass, travel pass.

22166. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Eisenwerk Brühl; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers for the Eisenwerk Brühl; Allierten Staatsangehörigen die in der Zeit vom 2. September 1939 bis 8. Mai 1945 in Saarbrücken waren; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Knappschaft-Krankenhaus Gelsenkirchen, Liste der im Krankenhaus von 1940 bis 1945 stationär behandelten Belgier; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Rückkehrschein, request for pass; SHAEF; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

22167. Diverse material. 22168. Note on payment of compensation arrears;

Records on compensation - Investigation in Germany to determine if person received a compensation from German services.

22169. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942 – 1944.

22170. RECORDS ON HOSTAGES, Stalag XVII, Medical card; SHAEF;

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FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, certificate of identity, request for pass, travel pass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated.

22171. CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Documentation of the museum of Auschwitz – Prämienscheine und Einzahlungslisten.

22172. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Certificate of identity; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Information form of political prisoner.

22173. Photos of men. 22174A. SHAEF;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Certificate of identity, request for pass, secours d’ hiver, Überweisungsschein, travel pass, convocation; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Wounded persons treated after the bombardment of 11th May 1944.

22175A. CAMP RECORDS, Breendonk, Photo of the cell of Marcel Dumonceau. 22175. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony. 22176A. HOSPITAL RECORDS, Stadtkrankenhaus Leipzig, List of treated persons. 22176. SHAEF;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Anwerbebestätigung, convocation, certificate, request for pass, travel pass; Medical record – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

22177. CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Registration card; CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen.

22177. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers, travel pass, request for pass, information form; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

22178. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942 – 1943.

22179. CAMP RECORDS, Mittelbau, Stärkemeldung, 27 Jan 1945. 22180. Zahlungsauftrag – Deutsche Verrechnungskasse Berlin. 22181. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Ministerie van Wederopbouw –

Aanvaardingscommissie der Politieke Gevangenen en van hun Rechthebbenden (Ministry of Reconstruction – Commission on the status of political prisoners).

22182. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service; CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Death certificate, 1942.

22183. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony; Birth certificate; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on person who refused to carry out forced labor; Medical records; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1940 and 1953.

22184. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Betriebskrankenkasse der Fa. Haniel & Lueg Düsseldorf; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Nachforschung nach vermissten;

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FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Namenslisten der in der Zeit vom 2. September 1939 bis 15. Juli 1946 bei der Farbwerken Höchst beschäftigte Ausländer; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, Anwerbebestätigung; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

22185. SHAEF; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Anwerbebestätigung, request for pass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, travel pass.

22186. CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Transport Salzungen, 5 Jan 1945; CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Gefangenentransport nach Buchenwald, 8 August 1944; CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Registration card.

22187. PRISON RECORDS, Citadelle of Liège, Register. 22188. HOSPITAL RECORDS, Sachsenhausen, List of the hospital. 22189. SHAEF;

Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Anwerbebestätigung, request for pass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, travel pass; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Braunschweig; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Krankenhaus Clementinenhaus Hannover, List of treated persons.

22190. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1943.

22191. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1943; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Individual card; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre; CAMP RECORDS, Request for certificate of pass.

22193. PRISON RECORDS, Lager Beverloo, Card; Medical card; SHAEF.

22194. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony; Unreadable.

22195. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942, 1944.

22196. Pro-Justitia. 22197. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Testimony on deceased. 22198. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1940. 22199. SHAEF;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, request for pass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated.

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22200. GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Testimony of person forced to join the German Army.

22201. Medical records. 22202. CAMP RECORDS, Miranda (Spain), Photos. 22203. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein,

Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid. 22204. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for pass, travel pass, certificate

of identity. 22205. Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, travel pass, information form; SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of Belgians of the Company “ Gebr. Giulini” GmbH in Ludwigshafen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Liste der Belgier der Zuckerfabrik Glauzig; List of all nationals – Geisenhausen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers by the Lübecker Flender-Werke.

22206. Record on request for certificate of incarceration. 22207. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Judicial records, 1943. 22208. CAMP RECORDS/ JUDICIAL RECORDS, Records on the trial of Nuremberg. 22209. Records on compensation - Investigation in Germany to determine if person

received a compensation from German services. 22210. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942, 1944; Request for certificate to complete file; CAMP RECORDS, Records of the Intenational Tracing Service.

22211. CAMP RECORDS, Schandelah, Death certificate, 1945; CAMP RECORDS, Neuengamme, Judicial declaration of decease, 1945; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Ministerie van Wederopbouw – Aanvaardingscommissie der Politieke Gevangenen en van hun Rechthebbenden (Ministry of Reconstruction – Commission on the status of political prisoners).

22212. CAMP RECORDS, Natzweiler, Transportliste von Allach nach Haslach-Kinzigthal i. Schwarzwald von Mauthausen, 9 Nov 1942; CAMP RECORDS, Zugang am 6. September 1944 von Konzentrationslager Natzweiler; CAMP RECORDS, Natzweiler, Zugangsbuch-Nummernbuch; CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Registration card; CAMP RECORDS, Natzweiler, Namentliche Aufstellung der Nacht und Nebel-Häftlinge des Arbeitslagers Kochem, 1945.

22213. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for pass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, Anwerbebestätigung, Überweisungsschein; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der auf Zeche Osterfeld als Zivilarbeiter beschäftigt gewesenen Ausländer; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, SK Bottrop; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers by Walter Seller - Straβen u. Tiefbauunternehmen Bündheim – Bad-Herzung;

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FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Persons attached to the Innerungskasse in Bonn; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Dreifaltigkeitskrankenhaus in Wesseling, Liste der im Krankenhaus stationär behandelten Personen; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Stadtkrankenhaus Marienburg, List of treated persons; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Nachweisung der auf dem Steinkohlenbergwerk Rheinpraussen Schacht V beschäftigt gewesenen Zivilarbeiter Hamburg.

22214. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers by Josef Kortlang & Söhne Bauunternehmung Köln- Mülheim; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, travel pass; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis über die während das Krieges bei der Firma Klöckner-Humboldt Deutz A.G. Köln beschäftigt gewesenen belgischen Arbeiter; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der Belgier die nach dem 3. September 1939 beschäftigt waren in Reichsbahn Werk; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Aufstellung über bei der Firma G. Lorenz A.G. beschäftigte belgischen Staatsangehörigen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Aufstellung einer Liste der bei der Betrieb-Vereinigte Schmegel- und Maschinen-Fabriken AG Hannover- Hainholz versicherten Personen nichtdeutscher Staatsangehörigkeit, 3 Sept 1939 – 8 May 1945.

22215. CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Photos and mortuary card, 1945; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Ministerie van Wederopbouw – Aanvaardingscommissie der Politieke Gevangenen en van hun Rechthebbenden (Ministry of Reconstruction – Commission on the status of political prisoners); DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1944 and 1945.

22216. CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Transport Kalb, Heinrich, 20 Jan 1945. 22217. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment; CAMP RECORDS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS/CAMP RECORDS, Request for information on Israelites;

22218. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, General count of persons who have to be repatriated, travel pass, request for pass, Anwerbebestätigung, Überweisungsschein, records on industrial accident; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF; Belgische Staatsangehörige die in Werdau/Sachsen beschäftigt gewesen sind; Nachforschungen in Krankenhäusern; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of Belgians of the Company “ Gebr. Giulini” GmbH in Ludwigshafen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der bei der Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Frankfurt a.M. versichert gewesenen Angehörigen der Vereinten Nationen und anderen Ausländern;

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FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Bei der Steinkohlen Bergwerke AG in Essen beschäftigt gewesenen Personen; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Aufstellung über bei der Firma G. Lorenz A.G. beschäftigte belgische Staatsangehörigen.

22219. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, General count of persons who have to be repatriated, travel pass, request for pass, Anwerbebestätigung, Überweisungsschein, records on industrial accident; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Ortskrankenkasse Friedberg; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Dolberg Aktiengesellschaft Dortmund; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Betrieb der Fa. Goetzewerke Friedrich Goetz Aktiengesellschaft Burscheid.

22220. Testimony on accident. 22221. Not on the roll. 22222. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for pass, travel pass, certificate

of identity, Überweisungsschein; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; List of expelled persons with permission to settle in Brussels, 1941; Records on expelled persons.

22223. Medical records. 22224. Records on exposition. 22225. PRESS RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Verordnungsblatt des

Militärbefehlshaber in Belgien und Frankreich für die besetzten Gebiete Belgiens und Nordfrankreichs, 25 July 1940; PRESS RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Verordnungsblatt des Militärbefehlshaber in Belgien und Frankreich für die besetzten Gebiete Belgiens und Nordfrankreichs, 7 August 1940; PRESS RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Verordnungsblatt des Militärbefehlshaber in Belgien und Frankreich für die besetzten Gebiete Belgiens und Nordfrankreichs, 19 Oct 1940; PRESS RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Verordnungsblatt des Militärbefehlshaber in Belgien und Frankreich für die besetzten Gebiete Belgiens und Nordfrankreichs, 23 Dec 1940; PRESS RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Verordnungsblatt des Militärbefehlshaber in Belgien und Frankreich für die besetzten Gebiete Belgiens und Nordfrankreichs, 28 Nov 1942; PRESS RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Verordnungsblatt des Militärbefehlshaber in Belgien und Frankreich für die besetzten Gebiete Belgiens und Nordfrankreichs, 10 Sept 1940; PRESS RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Verordnungsblatt des Militärbefehlshaber in Belgien und Frankreich für die besetzten Gebiete Belgiens und Nordfrankreichs, 7 Oct 1940.

22226. Agreement on borrowing films (‘Nacht und Nebel’ and ‘Les Moulins de la Mort’ ). 22227. CAMP RECORDS, Gross-Rosen, Photo. 22228. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony

on person who refused to carry out forced labor.

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22229. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, travel pass; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Wolfenbuettel; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers of the Klöckner-Werke AG Osnabrück; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Judicial records, 1944; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der bei der Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Frankfurt a.M. versichert gewesenen Angehörigen der Vereinten Nationen und anderen Ausländern; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Aufstellung über bei der Firma G. Lorenz A.G. beschäftigte belgische Staatsangehörigen.

22230. SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, information form, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers, travel pass, request for pass; List of workers in Uberlungwitz; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Betriebskrankenkasse Salzmann & Comp; List of all nationals – Kassel.

22231. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Aufstellung über die bei der Accumulatoren Fabrik A.G. Werk Hannover beschäftigt gewesenen Personen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse für den Kreis Sanders; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Information form, general count of persons who have to be repatriated; SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, request for pass, Überweisungsschein, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, records on Unfallanzeige; SHAEF; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Namenliste aller hier beschäftigt gewesenen Angehörigen der Vereinten Nationen mit Angabe der Arbeitgeber.

22232. Birth certificate. 22233. Records on agreement on borrowing films (‘Nacht und Nebel’ ). 22234. Records on compensation - Investigation in Germany to determine if person

received a compensation from German services. 22235. SHAEF. 22236. Medical records;

Birth certificate. 22237. Medical records;

HOSPITAL RECORDS, St. Ignatius Hospital Breda, Testimony on wounded person; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on person who refused to carry out forced labor.

22238. Records on film ‘Nacht und Nebel’ .

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on hiding a person who refused to carry our work; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on member of the Secret Army.

22241. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for pass, Quittungskarte, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers, travel pass, Überweisungsschein; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Schulenburger Landstrasse 138a mit Nebenlager Schöneworth 8 und auf dem Loh 2 Hannover; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Namentliche Aufstellung über belgische Staatsangehörige die in dem Lager der Reichsbahn Schulenburger Landstrasse 138 untergebracht waren; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Bei der Baufirma Gottlieb Tesch in Bremen-Farge beschäftigt gewesenen Personen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Arbeitslager der Baufirma Gottlieb Tesch in Bremen-Farge.

22242. Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, Arbeitsbuch für Auslander; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der auf der Schachtanlage Nordstern beschäftigt gewesenen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Belgians who worked in Zeche Hugo in Gelsenkirchen-Buer for the Harpener Bergbau AG.

22243. RECORDS ON COLLABORATION, Volunteers in the Waffen SS in the marine or the Lufwaffe.

22244. Records on exposition. 22245. Namentliche Liste der Ausländer die für dauernd oder Zeitweise im Kreise Tetting

untergebracht waren oder die im Gemeinde in der Zeit zwischen dem 2. September 1939 und 25. April 1945 passiert haben; Stadtkreis Osnabrück; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse für den Kreis Stadthagen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of Belgians of the Company “ Gebr. Giulini” GmbH in Ludwigshafen; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Städtische Krankenanstalten Solingen, List of treated persons; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass; Medical records; SHAEF.

22246. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Polizeigefängnis Steinstrasse 48 Dortmund; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Zivilarbeiterlager Oerweg 126 in Recklinghausen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Zivilarbeiterlager Oerweg 126 in Recklinghausen;

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FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of Belgians of the Company “ Gebr. Giulini” GmbH in Ludwigshafen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, travel pass, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF; GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtauskunftstelle card; List of persons who joined the German Army or other services; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Bergwerksgesellschaft Hibernia Aktiengesellschaft Bergwerksdirektion Gladbeck, List of workers; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers for the Zeche Neu-Iserlohn Siebenplaneten.

22247. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for pass, Überweisungsschein; SHAEF.

22248. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS. 22249. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1943; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for pass.

22250. Records on civil war victims. 22251. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1944. 22252. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers by the

Bergwerkgesellschaft Dahlbusch Gelsenkirchen. 22253. Arrêté-loi relatif à la creation de la Croix des Evadés du 25 février 1944. 22254. SHAEF;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Certificate of identity, Überweisungsschein, travel pass, request for pass, Anwerbebestätigung.

22255. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, request for pass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, Überweisungsschein; SHAEF.

22256. Records on compensation - Investigation in Germany to determine if person received a compensation from German services.

22257. HOSPITAL RECORDS, Ev. Luth. Diakonissenhaus Leipizg, List of treated persons. 22258. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1943; TRACING CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Photo of person in the Sammellager.

22259. Records on civil war victims. 22260. CAMP RECORDS, Schandelah, Death certificate, 1945;

CAMP RECORDS, Neuengamme, Death certificate, 1945; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1945 (+ photos).

22261. HOSPITAL RECORDS, St. Willehad-Hospital Wilhelmshafen, Liste der Ausländer, 1 Sept 1939 – 8 August 1945; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers - Zeche Carl Funke; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for pass, Überweisungsschein, travel pass, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid; SHAEF; List of political, social security and labour employment office records; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers by the Bergwerksgesellschaft Aktiengesellschaft Zeche Rheinhausen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers for the Zeche Osterfeld;

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Medical records. 22262. HOSPITAL RECORDS, Ev. Luth. Diakonissenhaus Leipzig, List of treated persons;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Personen beschäftigt bei Költgen & Cie Bergisch Gladbach; List of all nationals – Herzfeld; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Betriebskrankenkasse der Firma F.W. Zandes Bergisch Gladbach; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, travel pass; SHAEF.

22263. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Arbeiterlager Steinlager Eibia Dörverd; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Arbeiterlager Steinlager Eibia Dörverd; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Anwerbebestätigung, request for pass, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers.

22264. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Lager Bürgerstrasse 45 in Remscheid; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Lager Bürgerstrasse 45 in Remscheid; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Zivilarbeiterlager der Zeche König-Ludwig Ickerothweg 7/8 Recklinghausen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, Überweisungsschein, Anwerbebestätigung, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers, general count of persons who have to be repatriated; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Zivilarbeiterlager der Zeche König-Ludwig Ickerothweg 7/8 Recklinghausen; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Städtisches Krankenkhaus in Riesa/Thüringen, List of foreign nationals who were treated in the hospital, 1943 – 1945; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Krankenhaus Kraiburg, List of persons in the hospital, 10 May 1940 - ; RECORDS ON COLLABORATION/GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, List of persons who joined the German Army or its other services; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Lager II z. Zt. Jakobi Heidestrasse Bottrop; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Lager II z. Zt. Jakobi Heidestrasse Bottrop.

22265. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1943-1944; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment;

22266. Marriage certificate. 22267. Records on civil war victims. 22268. PRISON RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Register of the prison.

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22269. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for decease; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on compensation; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Städtische Krankenanstalten Solingen, Records of treated persons; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Heimkehrer-Erklärung;

22270. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Ministerie van Wederopbouw – Aanvaardingscommissie der Politieke Gevangenen en van hun Rechthebbenden (Ministry of Reconstruction – Commission on the status of political prisoners) (+ photo).

22271. CAMP RECORDS, Neuengamme, 1942; CAMP RECORDS, Neuengamme, Extract from death register; CAMP RECORDS, Neuengamme, Extract from crematory register.

22272. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1943; TRACING CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Individual card.

22273. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, travel pass, request for pass; SHAEF; Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Nachweisung über die während des Zeit vom 3. September 1939 bis 8. Mai 1945 bei der Betriebskrankenkasse der Textilausrüstungs-Gesellschaft in Krefeld versichert gewesenen; List of Belgians who left Gelsenkirchen for an unknown destination; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of unknown nationals who were registered by the Betriebskrankenkasse der Stahlwerk A.G. Osnabrueck; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Persons who worked for the Zeche Hugo in Gelsenkirchen for Bergbau AG; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Lager II z. Zt. Jakobi Heidestrasse in Bottrop; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers of the Lager II z. Zt. Jakobi Heidestrasse in Bottrop; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers of the Loewe Werkzeugmaschinen Aktiegensgellschaft Berlin.

22274. List of all nationals – München; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers, request for pass, Quittungskarte; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF; Staatenlosen die vorübergehend oder dauernd in Frankfurt / Main sich aufgehalten haben aber jetzt nicht mehr dort wohnhaft sind; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers of the Gewerkschaft Walsum; List of Belgians who left Gelsenkirchen for an unknown destination.

22275. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Ministerie van Wederopbouw – Aanvaardingscommissie der Politieke Gevangenen en van hun Rechthebbenden (Ministry of Reconstruction – Commission on the status of political prisoners).

22276. Birth- and marriage certificate. 22277. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on compensation. 22278. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Request for certificate of spoliation;

CAMP RECORDS, Request for certificate of deportation;

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SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944.

22279. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, travel pass, request for pass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, records on Unfallanzeige; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF; PRISON RECORDS, Haftanstalt Aachen, Prison card, 1942.

22280. CAMP RECORDS, Checking report. 22281. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned

political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment;

22282. Records on compensation - Investigation in Germany to determine if person received a compensation from German services.

22283. List of addresses where Jewish furniture has been looted on request of the Germans. 22284. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid,

convocation, secours d’ hiver. 22285. Diverse material. 22286. Documents personnels. 22287. DEATH CERTIFICATES, File on exhumation. 22288. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Interrogation of ex-political prisoner;

RESISTANCE RECORDS, Information on liberated political prisoners. 22289. CAMP RECORDS, Dora, Extract from declaration of political prisoner;

CAMP RECORDS, Majdanek, Report on Majdanek – concentration and extermination camp; CAMP RECORDS, Treblinka, Report on Extermination camp Treblinka; CAMP RECORDS, Stutthof, Report on the camp; PRISON RECORDS, Records on Polish and Jewish persons who are liberated from the judicial institutions of execution of punishment; CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Letter from Goering on his plan on the construction of the “ Buna-Werk” in Auschwitz; CAMP RECORDS, Belzec, Report on the extermination camp; CAMP RECORDS, Sobibor, Declarations from persons deported from Westerbork to Sobibor; CAMP RECORDS, Sobibor, Report on the camp; CAMP RECORDS, Chelmno, Report on the extermination camp; PRESS RECORDS/CAMP RECORDS, Extract from La Libre Parole – Terezin.

22290. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony, Urlaubschein; Birth certificate.

22291. Lists of Belgians to the Stadt KHK. 22292. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, information form,

certificate of identity, Haupt Meldebogen, travel pass, request for pass. 22293. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein,

Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid. 22294. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1945. 22295. SHAEF. 22296. Records on compensation. 22297. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Extract from PV on exhumation and reburial of prisoners

buried on the moment of the events of June 1940 in the cemetery of Saint-Léonard d’ Alencon.

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22298. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Diverse records on deceased. 22299. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers of the Loewe

Werkzeugmaschinen Aktiengesellschaft Berlin; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Zivilarbeiterlager der Bergwerksdirektion Zweckel Gladbeck; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Zivilarbeiterlager der Bergwerksdirektion Zweckel Gladbeck; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Namenslisten der in der Zeit vom 2. September 1939 bis 15. Juli 1946 bei der Farbwerken Höchst beschäftigte Ausländer; Seznam byvalyck zamestnancé belgiché narednosti; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers of the Goetwerke SK Bottrop Bergwerksgesellschaft Dahlbusch; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Belgier die von 1940 im Bergmannsheil II Buer stationär behandelt wurden; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Namentliche Liste der Belgier die durch das Zivilarbeiterlager der Zeche Gottfried –Wilhelm im Essen-Recklinghausen gegangen sind; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Zivilarbeiterlager Essen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Kriegsgefangenen- und Zivilarbeiterlager Scheiberstr. Bottrop; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Kriegsgefangenen- und Zivilarbeiterlager Scheiberstr. Bottrop; HOSPITAL RECORDS, St. Barbara Hospital Gladbeck, List of treated persons; List of nationals – Kassel; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse fuer die Stadt Osnabrueck; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Name der Arbeitsgebers Textilwerke Karl Anton Henschel in Kassel; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, request for pass, Überweisungsschein, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

22300. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, travel pass, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers, Anwerbebestätigung; Medical records; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Zivilarbeiter bei der Firma Bochumer Verein für Guβstahlfabrikation Aktiengesellschaft Bochum; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Gem.-Lager Wollkämmerei in Hamburg; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Gem.-Lager Wollkämmerei in Hamburg; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse fuer die Stadt Goslar in Gosla; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers for the Zeche Osterfeld; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Braunschweig.

22301. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in different companies;

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FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, travel pass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated; SHAEF.

22302. Not on the roll. 22303. Not on the roll. 22304. File. 22305. CAMP RECORDS, Argeles-sur-Mer, Certificate of internment;

Nachweisung der ausländischen Staatsangehörigen die in der Zeit vom 3. September 1939 bis 31. March 1946 in Rotenburg/Hann gewohnt haben.

22306. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Aufstellung ueber nichtdeutsche Staatsangehörige die in der Zeit vom 3. September 1939 bis 8. Mai 1945 beschäftigt waren und versichert bei der Betriebskrankenkasse der Vereinigten Glaswerke Stolberg; List of all nationals – Wetzlar; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for pass, Überweisungsschein, general count of persons who have to be repatriated; SHAEF; Medical records.

22307. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1943; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre; CAMP RECORDS, Records of the United Restitution Organisation.

22308. PRISON RECORDS , Lille, Extract of the register “ 600” – volume of the year 1944 – List of Belgians who were condemned by the Tribunal Correctionel de Lille; PRISON RECORDS, Loos, List of interned Belgians.

22309. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records on political prisoners; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on person who refused to carry out forced labor; Birth certificate.

22310. Records on civil war victims. 22311. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, 268 cards of spoliation – List of Isha Marchal. 22312. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid,

Überweisungsschein, certificate of identity; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF; CAMP RECORDS, Registration card.

22313. Not on the roll. 22314. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Arbeitsbuch für Ausländer. 22315. Medical records;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, information form, decision on the status of deported slave laborer; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Commission de Contrôle pour Réfractaires.

22316. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, travel pass, Quittungskarte; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien;

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FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Zivilarbeiterlager der Zeche König-Ludwig Ickerothweg in Recklinghausen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Zivilarbeiterlager der Zeche König-Ludwig Ickerothweg in Recklinghausen.

22317. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, travel pass, records on industrial accident, information form; SHAEF; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Lager II z. Zt. Jakobi Heidestrasse in Bottrop; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Lager II z. Zt. Jakobi Heidestrasse in Bottrop; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Nach dem 3. September 1939 auf der Schachtanlage Zweckel im Gladbeck-Zweckel beschäftigt gewesenen; JUDICIAL RECORDS, List of all judicial records - Augsburg; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Auf der Schachtanlage Prosper III in Bottrop beschäftigt gewesenen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers of the Zeche Osterfeld; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Aufstellung über bei der Firma G. Lorenz A.G. beschäftigte belgische Staatsangehörigen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Lager der Firma Textilfaser AG Wuppertal; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Lager der Firma Textilfaser AG Wuppertal; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Ev. Luth. Diakonissen Hospital Leipzig, List of treated persons; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Ferdinand Keller – Saarbrücken - Register of payment.

22318. Photo of man. 22319 SHAEF;

PRISON RECORDS, Haftanstalt Aachen, Prison card, 1944. 22320. CAMP RECORDS, Häftlingskrankenbau Mittelbau, Liste der Verstorbenen im

Krankenbau, 15 March 1945. 22321. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment. 22322. Records on civil war victims. 22323. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, travel pass,

Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers; SHAEF; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Städtisches Krankenhaus Ingastadt, Aufstellung über die vom 10. Mai 1940 bis Januar 1947 im Krankenhaus stationär behandelten Personen. List of Belgians who left Gelsenkirchen.

22324. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, H. Gustav Burmoister; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Arbeitslager Kurhaus Bad Oldesloe; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der im Fremdarbeiterlager Kurhaus Bad Oldesloe” ; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Zu meldende und abzugebende Unfallvorgänge der Tiefbau- Berufsgenossenschaft;

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FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for pass, travel pass, Überweisungsschein, Quittungskarte, general count of persons who have to be repatriated; SHAEF; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

22325. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Record on compensation. 22326. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service. 22327. CAMP RECORDS, Sachsenhausen, Allgemeine Lagerordnung;

Record on the Sicherheitsdienst des RF SD-Hauptamt; CAMP RECORDS, Gross-Rosen, Transportliste Auschwitz - Gross-Rosen; CAMP RECORDS, Gross-Rsosen, List of internees; CAMP RECORDS, Gross-Rosen, Transportlist of the camp Gross-Rosen and Friedland; CAMP RECORDS, Sachsenhausen, Records on the camp.

22328. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Testimony on arrested person. 22329. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony of persons who have to be repatriated.

22330. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual card, 1944. 22331. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Record on missing person. 22332. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1944;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Decision on the status of deported slave laborer.

22333. SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Anwerbebestätigung, request for pass, travel pass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

22334. Medical records; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on person who refused to carry out forced labor.

22335. CAMP RECORDS, Neuengamme, Photo. 22336. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, general count of persons

who have to be repatriated, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, Arbeitsbuch für Ausländer, information form; Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Zivilarbeiterlager Frankenstrasse in Essen; List of political, social security and labour employment office records - Freising; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Arbeiterlager der Baufirma Gottfried Tesch i.d. Wifo Bremen-Farge; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Arbeiterlager der Baufirma Gottfried Tesch i.d. Wifo Bremen-Farge; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Namentliche Liste der Belgier die durch das Zivilarbeiterlager der Zeche Gottfried Wilhelm in Essen- Recklinghausen gegangen sind; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers for the R. Dolberg Aktiengesellschaft Dortmund;

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FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Friedberg.

22337. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1943-1944.

22338. Not on the roll. 22339. Medical report of victim of industrial accident. 22340. SHAEF;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for pass, Arbeitsbuch für Ausländer, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers, Überweisungsschein, Urlaubschein; Medical records; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Ausländerlager Alter Warf Lager Varel; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Ausländerlager Alter Warf Lager Varel; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Nachforschung seitens deutscher Behörden nach Angehöriger der Vereinten Nationen und anderen Ausländern; Liste aller belgischen Staatsangehörigen die vor dem 10. Mai 1940 in Belgien gewohnt haben und dann während des Krieges in Kleinwallstadt wohnten; JUDICIAL RECORDS, List of all judicial records – Harmstadt.

22341. CAMP RECORDS, Récébédou, Testimony on treated person coming from camp Récébédou.

22342. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of Belgians of the Company “ Gebr. Giulini” GmbH in Ludwigshafen. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Belgische Staatsangehörige die in Werdau/Sachsen beschäftigt gewesen sind.

22343. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Betriebskrankenkasse Glanz Stafflager Erlenbach; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Namenslisten der in der Zeit vom 2. September 1939 bis 15. Juli 1946 bei der Farbwerken Höchst beschäftigte Ausländer; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Vereinigte Werke Harburg; List of all nationals – Augsburg.

22344. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Request for information (bodies), information on persons escaped from train.

22345. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers of the Bergwerksgesellschaft Dahlbusch Gelsenkirchen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for pass, records on Unfallanzeige, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, Überweisungsschein; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

22346. List of all nationals – Augsburg; JUDICIAL RECORDS, List of all judicial records – Wiesbaden; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of Belgians of the Company “ Gebr. Giulini” GmbH in Ludwigshafen;

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SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Lager Fried. Alfredstrasse in Rheinhausen; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Lager Fried. Alfredstrasse in Rheinhausen; Verzeichnis der belgischen Staatsangehörigen die vom 1. Mai 1940 bis 12. Juni 1947 in der Stadt Rheinhausen wohnen oder gewohnt haben oder hier verstorben oder beerdigt sind; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Krankenhaus Wilhelmshaven – Abteilung Peterstrasse, List of persons; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Liste von Personen der Vereinten Nationen die im Betriebe der Gelsenkirchen Bergwerke A.G. Zeche Pluto Wanne-Richel gearbeitet haben; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Namentliche Liste der vom 2. September 1939 bis 25. April 1945 dauernd oder zeitweilig in den Kommandos Gemeinde Butingen beschäftigter Ausländer; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der bei der Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Frankfurt a.M. versichert gewesenen Angehörigen der Vereinten Nationen und anderen Ausländern; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Krankenkasse Bremerhaven u. Landkreis Weesermünde; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis belgischen Arbeiter in der Zeit von September 1939 bis Dezember 1947 bei der IG Farbenindustrie Aktiengesellschaft tätig und bei uns versichert waren; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, General count of persons who have to be repatriated, travel pass, request for pass, Überweisungsschein; PRISON RECORDS, Gerichtsgefängnis Nienburg/Weser, Prison card, 1943.

22347. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Zu meldende und abzugebende Unfallvorgänge der Tiefbau-Berufsgenossenschaft; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/DEATH CERTIFICATES, Nachforschungen nach belgischen Arbeitern; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers - H. Gustav Burmoister Tiefbau Straβenbau; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Arbeiterlager – Wiesenfeldlager; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Hannover; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Krankenhaus Siloah, List of treated persons; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, General count of persons who have to be repatriated, Überweisungsschein; SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Liste der bei der Baufirma Gottlieb Tech Bremen Farge beschäftigt gewesenen personen.

22348. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, E. Merck Darmstadt; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Hannover; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Arbeiterlager Bahnhof Börsum;

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FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Braunschweig; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Ausländerlager Reichsbahnlager Varel; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers of the Ausländerlager Reichsbahnlager Varel; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps - Ausländerlager 77 und Nebenlager Hannover; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Ausländerlager bei der Wollwäscherei- und Kämerei in Hannover; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, travel pass, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

22349. SHAEF. 22350. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment. 22351. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card;

RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Centraal Beheer van Joodse Weldadigheid en Maatschappelijk Hulpbetoon.

22352. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps - Lager der Fa. Ruhrstahl AG am sportplatz; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps - Gemeinschaftslager Bismarckplatz; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps - Lager für freiwillige Arbeiter Marxstrasse Welper; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident – Hütten- und WalzwerksBerufsgenossenschaft.

22353. Birth certificate; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Mention of presumed decease, 1945; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment.

22354. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS; Medical records.

22355. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Reichsbahnlager – Bahnmeisterei Hamburg; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Reichsbahnlager – Bahnmeisterei Hamburg; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers for the Firma Junkers & Cie in Dessau; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Lager für Arbeiter – Lager Altengrod in Wilhelmshaven; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Lager für Arbeiter – Lager Altengrod in Wilhelmshaven; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Betriebskrankenkasse Wollwäscherei und Kämmerei in Hannover; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Ausländerlager 77 und Nebenlager in Hannover;

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FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Zivilarbeiterlager in Essen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers of the Zivilarbeiterlager in Essen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der bei der Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Frankfurt a.M. versichert gewesenen Angehörigen der Vereinten Nationen und anderen Ausländern.

22356. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS. 22357. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, travel pass,

general count of persons who have to be repatriated, request for pass, Fremdenpass, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der auf Zeche Osterfeld als Zivilarbeiter beschäftigt gewesene Arbeiter; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Ausländerlager-Langer Morgen II Motorenwerk Augsburg-Nurnberg; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Ausländerlager-Langer Morgen II Motorenwerk Augsburg-Nurnberg; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Nachforschung nach belgische Arbeiter; HOSPITAL RECORDS, St. Josefshospital in Gelsenkirchen-Horst, List of Belgians who were treated in the hospital; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Ausländerlager der Howaldtwerke Langer Morgen I in Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Ausländerlager der Howaldtwerke Langer Morgen in Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Aufstellung über der bei der Accumulatoren Fabrik AG Werk Hannover beschäftigt gewesene Arbeiter; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Betriebskrankenkasse Stahl und Roehrenwerk Reisholz AG; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Betriebskrankenkasse der Glaswerke Ruhr Aktiengesellschaft in Essen.�

22358. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, request for pass, Vorläufiger Fremdenpass; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Betriebskrankenkasse der Glaswerke; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Betriebskrankenkasse der Klöckner Werke AG Düsseldorf; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Aufstellung über bei der Firma G. Lorenz A.G. beschäftigte belgische Staatsangehörigen; List of Belgians who stayed in Nierrwied.

22359. Ausländer im Ortsteil Wilhelmsruh; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of Belgians of the Company “ Gebr. Giulini” GmbH in Ludwigshafen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Arbeiterlager II in Lemwerder;

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FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Arbeiterlager II in Lemwerder; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse der Nebenstelle Leichlingen Opladen; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Aufstellung über bei der Firma G. Lorenz A.G. beschäftigte belgische Staatsangehörigen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, travel pass, request for pass, Fremdenpass; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF; PRISON RECORDS, Gefängnis Düsseldorf-Derendorf, Prison card, 1941.

22360. SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, travel pass, request for pass, certificate of identity.

22361. PRESS RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 21 April 1959. 22362. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, general count of persons

who have to be repatriated, request for pass, Überweisungsschein; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF; RECORDS ON COLLABORATION/GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, List of persons who joined the German Army or other German services – Sint-Niklaas; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of Belgians of the Company “ Gebr. Giulini” GmbH in Ludwigshafen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons who worked for Forges et Aéries de Dilling in Dillingen-Sarre; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Reichsbahnlager Minden; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Reichsbahnlager Minden; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Wilhelm Graaf-Baugeschäft Kiel; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Betriebskrankenkasse Henschel u. Sohn in Kassel; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons by Henschel u. Sohn in Kassel.

22363. List of political, social security and labour employment office records - Kassel; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Hannover; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Ev. Luth. Diakonissenhaus Leipzig, List of treated persons; Namentliche Liste der Ausländer die dauernd oder zeitweise im Gemeinde Eriskirch in der Zeit vom 2. September 1939 bis 25. April 1945 passiert haben; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Ortskrankenkasse Friedberg; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, travel pass, request for pass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

22364. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, travel pass, request for pass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien;

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SHAEF. 22365. HOSPITAL RECORDS, Heilstätte Seltersberg Gieβen. 22366. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Letter of lawyer on looting of Jewish property. 22367. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card; CAMP RECORDS, Request for certificate of deportation.

22368. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service. 22369. Marriage certificate;

Records on Reichsversicherungsordnung. 22370. Not on the roll. 22371. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, information form, general

count of persons who have to be repatriated; SHAEF; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Ministerie van Wederopbouw – Aanvaardingscommissie der Politieke Gevangenen en van hun Rechthebbenden (Ministry of Reconstruction – Commission on the status of political prisoners); TRACING CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Testimony on person who stayed in the Dossinkazerne.

22372. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Betriebskrankenkasse der Farbenfabriken Bayer Uerdingen/Niederrheim; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse für den Kreis Hameln; List of political, social security and labour employment office records – Gross-Gerau.

22373. CAMP RECORDS, Neuengamme, Testimony on person who was in the camp; Medical records.

22374. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony. 22375. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Diverse records. 22376. Diverse records. 22377. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Certificate on hiding Jew;

DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1945. 22378. Letters (Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre). 22379. PRESS RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS/SLAVE RELATED LABOR

RECORDS, Erfahrungsbericht über die Bearbeitung der vom Bureau 3ème accord Belgo-Allemand der landesversicherungsanstalt Rheinprovinz übersondten Akten.

22380. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, travel pass, request for pass, Anwerbebestätigung, Quittungskarte; Medical records; SHAEF; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der bei der Fried. Krupp A.G., Friedrich Alfred Hütte in Rheinhausen beschäftigte Arbeiter; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Lager Friedr. Alfredstrasse Rheinhausen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Workers for the Bergwerksgesellschaft Atkiengesellschaft Gruppe Bochum; List of all nationals – Regensburg; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Knappschafts Krankenhaus Bochum-Langendreer, List of persons in the hospital;

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HOSPITAL RECORDS, St. Christophorus Krankenhaus Werne, Nachweisung der im Krankenhaus behandelten ausländischen Patienten, 1 Sept 1939 – 8 May 1945; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons who worked for the Bergwerksgesellschaft Hibernia Aktiengesellschaft Bergwerksdirektion Buer; HOSPITAL RECORDS, St. Camillus Hospital Walsum, List of treated persons; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Zivilarbeiterlager der Zeche König Ludwig I Ickerothweg Recklinghausen; Meldung aller Personen nichtdeutscher Staatsangehörigkeit die in der Zeit vom 3. September 1939 wegen krimineller oder politischer Verfehlungen von den Polizeidienststellen registriert worden sind.

22381. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, travel pass, request for pass, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers, information form; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1944; GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtsauskunftstelle card; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Arbeiterlager Sportplatz Hildesheim; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Arbeiterlager Sportplatz Hildesheim; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers for Josef Kortlang & Söhne GmbH Bauunternehmung Köln-Mühlheim; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Hansestadt Lübeck; List of all nationals – Obernburg; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers of the Lager AEG Berliner Strasse; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Ev. Luth. Diakonissenhaus Leipzig, List of treated persons; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der belgischen Staatsangehörigen die in der Zeit von 1. Mai 1940 in der Stadt Rheinhausen wohnen oder gewohnt haben oder verstorben oder beerdigt sind.

22382. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, Quittungskarte, request for pass, Überweisungsschein; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Workers for the Hans Conrad Baumeister Bauunternehmung Kiel; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers for H. Kropp & Co Berlin; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers for the Eisenbeton-, Hoch-, Tief- und Brückenbau Bremen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Flensburg.

22383. SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, travel pass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Betriebskrankenkasse der Farbenfabriken Bayer Uerdingen/Niederrheim;

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FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Betriebskrankenkasse der Farbenfabriken Bayer Leverkusen.

22384. SHAEF; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Anwerbebestätigung, request for pass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, information form, travel pass; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Wolfenbüttel; HOSPITAL RECORDS, St. Josefs-Krankenhaus Hilden-Rhein, List of treated persons; List of all nationals – Kassel; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers for the Reichsbahn Ausb. Werk Speldorf.

22385. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, travel pass, request for pass, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers; SHAEF; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers for the Wilhelm Graaf Baugeschäft Kiel; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Werftarbeiterlager-Zeughausmarkt Hamburg 3; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Werftarbeiterlager-Zeughausmarkt Hamburg 3; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Arbeiterlager I in Elsfleth; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Arbeiterlager I in Elsfleth; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Schulenburger Landstrasse 138a mit Nebenlager Schöneworth 8 und auf dem Loh 1 Hannover; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers of the Schulenburger Landstrasse 138a mit Nebenlager Schöneworth 8 und auf dem Loh 1 Hannover; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Zivilarbeiterlager Prinz-Friedrichstr. 68 Essen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Zivilarbeiterlager Prinz-Friedrichstr. 68 Essen; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Huyssens-Stiftung Essen (Ev. Krankenhaus), List of treated persons; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers of the Zeche Carl Funke; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Reichsbetriebskrankenkasse Wilhelmshaven.

22386. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Quittungskarte, request for pass, travel pass, Urlaubschein, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, information form; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF; Hansestadt Lübeck;

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FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers for the Klöckner Werke Osnabrück; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Namenslisten der in der Zeit vom 2. September 1939 bis 15. Juli 1946 bei der Farbwerken Höchst beschäftigte Ausländer.

22387. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, Anwerbebestätigung; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Zeche Osterfeld; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Kriegsgefangenenlager Hannöverstestrasse Dortmund; HOSPITAL RECORDS, List of persons treated in Dinslaken; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Betriebskrankenkasse der Dynamit A.G. Troisdorf; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Firma Harhort Eichen Edelstahlwerke GmbH Hagen-West; List of Belgians who left Gelsenkirchen for an unknown destination; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

22388. SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, travel pass, request for pass, certificate of identity.

22389. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony, Quittungskarte; Birth certificate.

22390. List of all health and medical records – Regensburg; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for pass, Überweisungsschein, travel pass, certificate of identity, records on Unfallanzeige; SHAEF.

22391. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Report on the results of research for missing person. 22392. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1944; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card.

22393. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1943.

22394. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid, certificate of identity, request for pass.

22395. Declaration of inscription in the registers of Belgium. 22396. SHAEF;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, travel pass, request for pass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, information form; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons who worked in the Lager AEG Berlinerstr.; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Der im Betriebe der Gelsenkirchener Bergwerks AG Zeche Pluto beschäftigt gewesenen; List of all nationals – Kassel; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Aufstellung über bei der Firma G. Lorenz A.G. beschäftigte belgische Staatsangehörigen.

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22397. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Information form, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Aufstellung über bei der Firma G. Lorenz A.G. beschäftigte belgische Staatsangehörigen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Gummersbach.

22398. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, travel pass, Fremdenpass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, information form; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Zivilarbeiterlager Heissenerstr. Essen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Zivilarbeiterlager Heissenerstr. Essen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Ausländerlager Seemanshaus Hamburg; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Ausländerlager Seemanshaus Hamburg.

22399. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, travel pass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Bei der Norddeutschen Affinerie Hamburg beschäftigt; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Namensliste der in der Zeit vom 2. September 1939 bis 15. Juli 1946 bei der Chemischen Fabrik Griesheim beschäftigten Ausländer.

22400. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, travel pass, request for pass; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of Belgians of the Company “ Gebr. Giulini” GmbH in Ludwigshafen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Aufstellung über die bei der Accumulatoren Fabrik AG Werk Hannover beschäftigt gewesene Arbeiter.

22401. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, Anwerbebestätigung; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Betriebskrankenkasse der Flensburger Schiffsbaugesellschaft Flensburg; Belgians who stayed in the canton of Bergheim; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der Belgier nach dem 3. September beschäftigt; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Wolfenbüttel;

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FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Gemeinschaftslager Wesermünde; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Gemeinschaftslager Wesermünde; PRISON RECORDS, Untersuchungshaftanstalt Dortmund, Nachweisung über sämtliche Belgier die eingesessen haben, 1940 – 1945; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Fremdarbeiterlager Trollsee Flensburg; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Fremdarbeiterlager Trollsee Flensburg.

22402. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Belgians who worked in Osnabrück – Klöckner Werk AG; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of Belgians of the Company “ Gebr. Giulini” GmbH in Ludwigshafen; RECORDS ON HOSTAGES/FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of the Kriegsgefangenen-Arbeitskommando 942 Lager Morgen II Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Betriebskrankenkasse Stahl und Roehrenwerke; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Liste über Belgier die durch das Ausländerlager Langer Morgen II Motorenwerk Augsburg Nürnberg-Hamburg gegangen sind; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Nachweisung der ausländischen Arbeiter die vom 3. September 1939 bis 8. Mai 1945 in Hilden und Haar beschäftigt und versichert sind; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Städtische Krankenanstalten Düsseldorf, Zusammenstellung der in den Krankenanstalten behandelten, 1942-1945; SHAEF; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated.

22403. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Heimkehrer-Erklärung.

22404. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Zeche St. Mathias Erbstolin I/II und Maria in Bochum-Linden.

22405. Claim for damage; Medical records; Certificate of nationality.

22406. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records on removal of furniture of Israelites in Charleroi.

22407. Medical records. 22408. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein. 22409. Records on compensation;

Records on compensation - Investigation in Germany to determine if person received a compensation from German services.

22410. PRESS RECORDS, Extract from book “ Monarchie constitutionelle” page 343-346. 22411. CAMP RECORDS, Gross-Rosen, Prospection of the camp Gross-Rosen and Görlitz;

CAMP RECORDS, Gross-Rosen, Evacuation of the camps in Silesie; CAMP RECORDS, Gross-Rosen, Report of a former political prisoner; CAMP RECORDS, Report of political prisoner.

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22412. Request for certificate for spoliation of furniture; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1943; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment.

22413. Form for research. 22414. SHAEF;

Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, request for pass, certificate of identity.

22415. CAMP RECORDS, Natzweiler, Registration card; CAMP RECORDS, Ebensee (Kommando of Mauthausen), Registration card; CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Registration card; SHAEF.

22416. CAMP RECORDS, List of Nacht und Nebel-prisoners; CAMP RECORDS, Zugang am 9. April 1945 vom Kalsheim; CAMP RECORDS, Zugang am 6. September 1944 vom Konzentrationslager Natzweiler; PRISON RECORDS, Fresnes and Cherche-Midi, List of prisoners.

22417. Records on civil war victims. 22418. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased;

DEATH CERTIFICATES, Heimkehrer-Erklärung; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on compensation.

22419. CAMP RECORDS, Esterwegen, List of political prisoners. 22420. SHAEF;

Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for pass, Quittungskarte, travel pass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Arbeiterlager der Baufirma Gottfried Tesch i.d. Wifo Bremen-Farge.

22421. JUDICIAL RECORDS, List of all judicial records – Wiesbaden; List of the Hansestadt Hamburg; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Wiesenfeldlager Glinde; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, information form; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Namenslisten der in der Zeit vom 2. September 1939 bis 15. Juli 1946 bei der Farbwerken Höchst beschäftigte Ausländer; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Nominal roll of non-German nationals employed by Rendsburg Labouroffice; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Krankenkasse Bremerhaven und Landkreis Weesermünde; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der bei der Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Frankfurt a.M. versichert gewesenen Angehörigen der Vereinten Nationen und anderen Ausländern.

22422. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, travel pass, request for pass; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien;

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SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Belgians who worked in the Vereinigte Glanzstoff Fabriken AG in Obernburg a. Main; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse für den Kreis Grafschaft Diepholz; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers by Ohligser Leiner und Baumwolleweberei Aktiengesellschaft Solingen; HOSPITAL RECORDS, St. Willehad Hospital Wilhelmshaven, Liste der Ausländer die in der Zeit vom 1. September 1939 bis 8. August 1945 im Krankenhaus stationär behandelt wurden; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Ausländer die vor 1939-1945 bei Voigtländer-Gevaert GmbH Berlin- Spindlersfeld gearbeitet haben.

22423. UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, Le Flambeau, May 1944; UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, La Belgique Indépendante, 30 Oct 1941; UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, Le Peuple, 24 August 1944; UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, Le Peuple, 1 May 1944; UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, Le Peuple, Nov 1943; UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, L’ Insoumis, 30 Sept 1944; UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, Front, Nov 1943; UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, Front, 5 and 17 June 1944; UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, Front, 30 Sept 1944; UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, La Libre Belgique, 1 June 1941; UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, La Libre Belgique, 15 March 1942; UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, La Libre Belgique, 15 June 1942; UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, La Libre Belgique, 1 August 1942; UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, La Libre Belgique, 1 Jan 1943; UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, La Libre Belgique, 1 July 1943; UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, La Libre Belgique, 15 August 1943; UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, La Libre Belgique, 1 Dec 1941; UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, La Libre Belgique, 15 Jan 1942; UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, La Libre Belgique, 15 March 1943; UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, La Libre Belgique, 1 Dec 1943; UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, La voix des Belges, 22 March 1942; UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, La voix des Belges, 25 Oct 1942; UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, La voix des Belges, Aug 1943; UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, La voix des Belges, Jan 1944; UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, La voix des Belges, 25 Oct 1941; UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, La voix des Belges, Feb 1942; UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, Wallonnie Catolique, 15 Feb 1944; UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, Le Combattant, July 1942; UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, L’ Espoir, June 1942; UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, L’ Espoir, Feb 1943; UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, Churchill-Gazette, Aug 1942; UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, Het Vrije Woord, Dec 1940; UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, L’ Echo de Belgique, 17 Oct 1943; UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, Vrank en Vrij, March 1944; UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, Roi et Patrie, July 1941; UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, Le Monde du Travail, Aug 1943; UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, Le Drapeau Rouge, July 1942.

22424. CAMP RECORDS, Gross-Raming (Kommando of Mauthausen), List;

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on person who refused to carry out forced labor. 22426. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Commission de Contrôle pour

Résistants Civils; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Ministerie van Wederopbouw – Aanvaardingscommissie der Politieke Gevangenen en van hun Rechthebbenden (Ministry of Reconstruction – Commission on the status of political prisoners); FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, convocation, request for pass, information form; SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Decision on the status of a deported slave laborer; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Records on sabotage, 1944.

22427. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1944; Medical records.

22428. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records on decision on political prisoner; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Ministerie van Wederopbouw – Aanvaardingscommissie der Politieke Gevangenen en van hun Rechthebbenden (Ministry of Reconstruction – Commission on the status of political prisoners); Photo of man.

22429. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Ferdinand Keller – Saarbrücken - Register of payment; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Information form; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Arbeiterlager Steinlager Eibia Dörverden; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Arbeiterlager Steinlager Eibia Dörverden; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, travel pass, request for pass, Quittungskarte; SHAEF; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

22430. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Hersfeld; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Betriebskrankenkasse Salzmann & Comp. Kassel; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Belgians who worked in the ‘Jute-Spinnerei und Weberei’ in Bremen and insured by the Betriebskrankenkasse of this company; List of all nationals – München; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Baufirma Gottfried Tesch i.d. Wifo; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Baufirma Gottfried Tesch i.d. Wifo; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, travel pass; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

22431. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Name der Arbeitsgebers – Textilwerke Karl Anton Henschel in Kassel;

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FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Betriebskrankenkasse Salzmann & Comp. Kassel; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Allgemeine Orts- und Landkrankenkasse für den Kreis Osterode; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Nachweisung über die während der Zeit vom 3. September 1939 bis 8. Mai 1945 bei der Betriebskrankenkasse der Textilausrüstungs-Gesellschaft in Krefeld versichert gewesenen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, travel pass, request for pass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

22432. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Information form – fichier Israélite. 22433. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Records on laws, 15 Nov 1877. 22434. Medical records;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on person who refused to carry out forced labor; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony; Records on pensions for war victims; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Payment to certain political prisoners liberated after 15th September 1944.

22435. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Letter. 22436. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Extract from book (Recueil de lois). 22437. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, travel pass,

Anwerbebestätigung, Urlaubkarte, general count of persons who have to be repatriated; SHAEF; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkarte für die Stadt Goslar; Transportliste vom 21. September 1943; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons who stayed at the camp ‘Arbeitslager-Waldlager Dürkoppwerk’ in Kunsebeck; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Kriegsgefangenenlager Gastwirtschaft Römerkrug Elsen; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Städtisches Krankenhaus Halle, List of treated persons, 10 May 1940 – 11 March 1946; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Aufstellung über die im Arbeitslager der Reichsbahn in Elsen-Gastwirtschaft Röhrerkrug- argenthaltlich gewesenen belgischen Staatsangehörigen.

22438. Records on civil war victims. 22439. HOSPITAL RECORDS, Wuppertal-Bremen, List. 22440. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite. 22441. Documents personnels. 22442. Notes; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificates. 22443. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for pass, travel pass, general

count of persons who have to be repatriated, Überweisungsschein;

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SHAEF; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Zu meldende und abzugebende Unfallvorgänge der Tiefbau-Berufsgenossenschaft; Belgians who left Gelsenkirchen for an unknown destination; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Arbeiterlager der Baufirma Gottfried Tesch i.d. Wifo; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Nominal roll of non-German nationals by Rendsburg Labour Office.

22444. List of all nationals – München; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Lager der Eisengiesserei Dorsten; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Lager der Eisengiesserei Dorsten; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der beschäftigt gewesenen belgischen Zivilarbeiter nach dem 3. September 1939 bei Gewerkschaft Zeche Heinrich in Essen-Kupferdreh; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers of the Gewerkschaft Walsum; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, information form; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

22445. Not on the roll. 22446. Not on the roll. 22447. Not on the roll. 22448. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, certificate of

identity, travel pass, request for pass; SHAEF.

22449. SHAEF. 22450. Medical records;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for recognition of deported slave laborer.

22451. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on person who refused to carry out forced labor; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on accident.

22452. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942,1944; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre.

22453. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, travel pass, request for pass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers, Anwerbebestätigung; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

22454. Letter on borrowing film (‘Nuit et Brouillard’ ) – Confédération Nationale pour Prisonniers Politiques et Ayants-Droit – section Harelbeke, 19 May 1960.

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22457. Belgian Senate – Bill to change the Royal Decree of 7 Jan 1936 on the regula of the loans of mortgage and for the organization of the control of the loans of mortgage.

22455. Note on research for information on persons; JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECPRDS, Moniteur Belge, 23 August 1958.

22456. JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECPRDS, Moniteur Belge, 23 August 1958. 22457. Sénat de Belgique – Projet de loi modifiant l’ arrêté royal du 7 janvier 1936

réglementant les prêts hypothécaires et organisant le contrôle des entreprises de prêts hypothécaires.

22458. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment.

22459. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der belgischen Arbeiter der Firma R. Rautenbach in Solingen.

22460. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Records on missing person. 22461. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, request for pass. 22462. Records on civil war victims. 22463. Records on civil war victims. 22464. HOSPITAL RECORDS, Wiener städtisches Krankenhaus Wieden, Verzeichnis;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis über die bei der Allgemeinen Ortskrankenhaus für den Kreis Wiedenbrück in Gütersloh versichert gewesenen belgischen Arbeiter.

22465. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Extract from judicial file. 22466. Medical file. 22467. Record. 22468. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, General count of persons who have to

be repatriated, request for pass, Überweisungsschein, certificate of identity; Medical records – records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

22469. Records on civil war victims. 22470. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite. 22471. HOSPITAL RECORDS, Nachweisung über etwaige Aufnahme in ein Standort,

Feld-, Kriegs- oder Reservelazarett. 22472. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the

Betriebskrankenkasse der Vereinigten Siemens-Werke; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, Quittungskarte, travel pass; SHAEF; Der Vorstand der Untersuchungshaftanstalt bei dem Kriminalgericht Berlin NW40 – Alt Moabit.

22473. PRISON RECORDS, Moabit-Berlin, Extract from register. 22474. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records of the Confédération Nationale pour

Prisonniers Politiques et Ayants-Droit; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Information form for the status of political prisoners.

22475. RECORDS ON HOSTAGES, Medical card; RECORDS ON HOSTAGES, Stalag IX/3 Alten Grabowx, Personalkarte; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, certificate of identity, request for pass.

22476. Belgians who left Gelsenkirchen for an unknown destination; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis auf Zeche Osterfeld als Zivilarbeiter beschäftigt gewesenen Ausländer;

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SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers for the Gewerkschaft des Steinkohlenbergwerks Langenbrahm Essen – IG Farbenindustrie; HOSPITAL RECORDS, St. Marienhospital in Herne i. Westf., Belgier im Hospital in stationäre Behandlung gelegen, 1940-1945; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse für den Landkreis Ammerland Westerstede i.D.; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers by Hoesch Aktiengesellschaft – Abteilung Honenlimburg; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, travel pass, request for pass; SHAEF.

22477. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for pass, travel pass, certificate of identity; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien;

22478. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942 – 1944; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Information form – fichier Israélite.

22479. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Aufstellung über die im Arbeitslager der Reichsbahn in Elsen-Gastwirtschaft Rörerkrug argenthältlich gewesenen belgischen Staatsangehörigen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Aufstellung der in der Zeit von 3. September 1939 bis 8. Mai 1945 versicherte Personen nichtdeutscher Staatsangehörigkeit – Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Bonn; JUDICIAL RECORDS, List of judicial records – Kassel; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der bei der Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Frankfurt a.M. versichert gewesenen Angehörigen der Vereinten Nationen und anderen Ausländern; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Städtisches Krankenhaus Erding, Belgische Staatsangehörigen welche vom 10. Mai 1940 bis 15. Januar 1947 im Krankenhaus stationiert waren; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Städtisches Krankenhaus Ingolstadt, Personen welche vom 10. Mai 1940 bis Januar 1947 im Krankenhaus stationiert waren; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for pass, Anwerbebestätigung, Überweisungsschein; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

22480. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for pass, Anwerbebestätigung, Überweisungsschein; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Suchverfahren über Ausländer – Süddeutsche Edel und Unedelmetall Berufsgenossenschaft Stuttgart; Stadtkreis Osnabrück; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis über die während des Krieges bei der Firma Klöckner-Humboldt Deutz AG Köln beschäftigt gewesenen belgischen Arbeiter; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Zeche Graf Moltke-Gladbeck;

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HOSPITAL RECORDS, Unfallklinik Fundstrasse 1A Hannover; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of Betriebskrankenkasse der Kloeckner-Werke AG Werk Düsseldorf; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Kruppschafts-Krankenhaus Bottrop, List of treated persons; PRISON RECORDS, Belgischen Staatsangehörigen und Ausländern die vor dem 10. Mai 1940 in Belgien gelebt haben und die in der Zeit vom 10. Mai 1940 bis 15. Dezember 1946 in den Haftanstalten als Häftling einsassen; List of political, social security and labour employment office records – Offenbach a.M.; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Belgische Arbeitskräfte die am 10. März 1941 der Firma Alketz Altmärkischen Kettenwerk GmbH Berlin- Borsigwalde zugewiesen wurden.

22481. HOSPITAL RECORDS, Lists on Belgian patients. 22482. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service;

CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Death certificate, 1942; CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Death certificate, 1945.

22483. Photos of men. 22484. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte, Überweisungsschein,

certificate of identity, request for pass; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

22485. PRISON RECORDS, St. Bernard de Loos Leclille, Testimony on prisoner. 22486. Reçu - Greffe civil de tribunal de 1er Instance. 22487. Records on request for compensation as political prisoner who stayed in

Ravensbrück. 22488. Information form. 22489. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass,

travel pass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der auf Zeche Osterfeld als Zivilarbeiter beschäftigt gewesenen Ausländer; HOSPITAL RECORDS, St. Josef-Hospital in Duisburg-Laar, Aufstellung über die im Hospital verpflegten belgischen Zivilarbeiter; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Städtisches Krankenhaus Wuppertal, List of treated persons; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Städtisches Krankenhaus Velbert, Nachweisung der ab 1940 im Krankenhaus untergebracht gewesenen Belgier; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Nachforschung in Krankenhäusern; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers for the Gewerkschaft Walsum – Duisburg-Hamborn.

22490. PRISON RECORDS/ SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons of Belgian nationality coming from the ‘Straflager’ Impelmann, transferred to Mülheim-Ruhr/Flughafen and on 19th and 20th November 1944 to the company Friedrich-Alfred-Hütte Rheinhausen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of Belgians who worked at Gewerkschaft Walsum Duisburg – Hamburg; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers for the Steinkohlenbergwerke AG (Zeche Monopol) SK Essen; Belgier – Polizeibehörde in Dortmund;

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HOSPITAL RECORDS, St. Christophorus Krankenhaus Werne, Nachweisung der im Krankenhaus vom 1. September 1939 bis 8. Mai 1945 behandelten ausländischen Patienten; List of all nationals – München; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workes by the Gewerkschaft des Steinkohlenbergwerke Langenbrahm, Essen.

22491. HOSPITAL RECORDS, St. Josefs-Hospital Haan/Rheinl., List of treated persons. 22492. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Judicial file on Company of Arthur Pierre on

delivering vans for transportation of Jewish property. 22493. Records on compenation. 22494. Records on compensation - Investigation in Germany to determine if person

received a compensation from German services. 22495. Nachforschung seitens deutscher Behörden nach Angehörigen der Vereinten

Nationen und anderen Ausländern; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers by the Bergbau AG Oberhausen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Ausländerlager Peute Hamburg; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Liste der Belgier die im Lager DAK Hamburg Veddel wohnhaft waren; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Zivilarbeiter Evingstrasse 170 Dortmund; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Belgier seit 1940 in stationärer Krankenhausbehandlung – Oberkassel/Bonn; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers by the Bergbau AG Zeche Hugo in Gelsenkirchen-Buer; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Wolfenbuettel; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Zivilarbeiter - Zeche Minister Stein – Dortmund; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, travel pass, request for pass; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

22496. HOSPITAL RECORDS, Johanniter Krankenhaus Oberhausen-Sterkrade, List of treated persons; Belgians who left Gelsenkirchen for an unknown destination; List of all nationals - Marktschorgast; JUDICIAL RECORDS, List of all judicial records - Fulmbach; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Evangelisches Krankenhaus Oberhausen, List of treated persons; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Marienhospital Gelsenkirchen, List of treated persons; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Personen die durch das Lager II der Zeche Jakobi Bottrop gegangen sind; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Ravensburg, Belgians who stay in the hospital; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Städtisches Krankenhaus Nordstadt, List of treated persons; Liste der Personen die dauernd oder zeitweilig in Friedrichshafen gewohnt haben; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Lager II z. Zt. Jakobi-Heidestr. Bottrop;

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FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Aufstellung über einen Transport auslaendischer Arbeitskräfte vom 2. März 1943 fuer die Firma Zahnrad Fabrik AG Friedrichshafen a.B; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, travel pass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated; SHAEF.

22497. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Kronprinz Aktiengesellschaft für Metallindustrie Solingen-Ohligs; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Städtisches Krankenhaus Wilhelmshaven, List of treated persons; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Workers in Berlin; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Deutsche Stell Aktiengesellschaft Werk Harburg; PRISON RECORDS, Gefängnis Wuppertal, Untersuchungshäftlinge welche seit 1940 in der Gefängnis Wuppertal waren; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, request for pass, travel pass; SHAEF; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Namensliste der nach dem 3. September 1939 auf der Schachtanlage Zweckel in gladback-Zweckel beschäftigt gewesenen.

22498. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, Anwerbebestätigung, travel pass, request for information on deported slave laborer, information form; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of Belgians of the Company “ Gebr. Giulini” GmbH in Ludwigshafen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der belgischen Staatsangehörigen die in der Zeit von 1. Mai 1940 in der Stadt Rheinhausen wohnen oder gewohnt haben oder verstorben oder beerdigt sind; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the AEG Apparatenfabriken Treptow Berlin; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Usines d’ Essence Synthétique Hermann Göring; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Aufstellung über bei der Firma G. Lorenz A.G. beschäftigte belgische Staatsangehörigen.

22499. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated; SHAEF; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Gem.-Lager Wolfkämmerei Industriestr. Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons who worked in the Gem.-Lager Wolfkämmerei Industriestr. Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg.

22500. HOSPITAL RECORDS, Aufstellung Belgier, Luxemburger, Einwohner der Gebiete Eupen und Malmedy die seit dem 10. Mai 1940 bis 15. June 1946 in ehem. Reservelazaretts (Braunschweig) behandelt werden; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Im Firma Harhort-Eichen Edelstahlwerke nach dem 3. September 1939 beschäftigt gewesenen;

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HOSPITAL RECORDS, St. Barbara Hospital Gladbeck i.W., List of persons who stayed at the hospital; PRISON RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Meldung aller Personen nichtdeutscher Staatsangehörigkeit die in der Zeit vom 3. September 1939 bis 8. Mai 1945 wegen krimineller oder politischer Verfehlungen von den Polizeidienststellen registriert werden sind – Dusseldorf; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der bei der Friedr. Krupp AG, Friedrich Alfred Hütte in Rheinhausen beschäftigt gewesenen Belgier; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers for the Steinkohlenbergwerk Rheinpreusse; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers for the Bergwerksgesellschaft Hibernia Aktiengesellschaft Bergwerksdirektion Buer; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers for the Bergwerksgesellschaft Hibernia Aktiengesellschaft Gladbeck Zeche Rheinhausen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Arbeiterlager der Fa. Johann Botter Bremen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Arbeiterlager der Fa. Johann Botter Bremen; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Johanniter Krankenhaus Oberhausen-Sterkrade, List of persons treated at the hospital; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Namentliches Verzeichnis der nach dem 3. September 1939 auf den Möllerschächten in Gladbeck beschäftigt gewesenen Fremdarbeiter belgischer Nationalität; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers for the Harpener Bergbau AG Zeche Hugo Gelsenkirchen Buer; PRISON RECORDS, Polizeigefängnis Hamm, Namentliche Liste der während des Krieges im Polizeigefängnis Hamm (Westf.) inhaftierten belgischen Staatsangehörigen; HOSPITAL RECORDS, St. Barbara Hospital Gladbeck, List of treated persons; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Krankenhaus Siloah Hannover, List of treated persons; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Kriegsgefängnis und Zivilarbeiterlager Gladbeck; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Städtisches Krankenhaus Stadt Wetter, List of treated persons; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Städtisches Krankenhaus Wieden, Verzeichnis der in der Zeit vom 10. Mai 1940 bis 4. August 1945 im Krankenhaus in Pflege gestandenen belgischen Staatsangehörigen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated; SHAEF; Medical records.

22501. Records on compensation. 22502. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942 – 1944; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre.

22503. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942 – 1944.

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22504. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, request for pass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, information form, Überweisungsschein; SHAEF.

22505. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein; SHAEF; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

22506. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein; SHAEF; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

22507. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Payment to certain political prisoners liberated after 15th September 1944.

22508. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Testimony on arrested person (possession of weapons); RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment.

22509. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on person who refused to carry out forced labor; DEATH CERTIFICATES.

22510. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on compensation; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for decease.

22511. Medical records; Birth certificate; Certificate of nationality; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment; GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, List of Belgians forced to join the German Army; GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Extract from Wehrstammrolle; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Zu meldende und abzugebende Unfallvorgänge der Tiefbau-Berufsgenossenschaft .

22512. CAMP RECORDS, Gusen, Registration card; CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, List of Belgian deportees deceased in Mauthausen after May 1st 1945; Liste des belges des cantons rédimés incorporés de force dans l’ armée allemande; Extract from Wehrstammrolle; Zu meldende und abzugebende Unfallvorgänge der tiefbau-Berufsgenossenschaft.

22513. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment. 22514. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for pass, Überweisungsschein,

travel pass; SHAEF; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

22515. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, general count for persons who have to be repatriated, request for pass, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers, Quittungskarte, information form; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Namenslisten der in der Zeit vom 2. September 1939 bis 15. Juli 1946 bei der Farbwerken Höchst beschäftigte Ausländer;

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List of all nationals – Frankfurt a.M.; List of political, social security and labour employment office records - Kassel; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der bei der Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Frankfurt a.M. versichert gewesenen Angehörigen der Vereinten Nationen und anderen Ausländern; List of Belgians who passed the Stadtkreis Hamm during the war; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

22516. SHAEF; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Anwerbebestätigung, Fremdenpass, Überweisungsschein, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers; RECORDS ON COLLABORATION, List of persons who were member of hostile or anti-national organisations – Hofstade and Antwerpen; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Aufstellung über bei der Firma G. Lorenz A.G. beschäftigte belgische Staatsangehörigen; PRISON RECORDS, Frauengefängnis Barns.??.

22517. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid, request for pass, Überweisungsschein, Anwerbebestätigung, general count of persons who have to be repatriated; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse für die Stadt Göttingen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of Belgians assured by the ‘Betriebskrankenkasse der Farbenfabriken Bayer’ in Leverkusen; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Städtisches Krankenhaus Ingolstadt, Aufstellung über die vom 10. Mai 1940 bis Januar 1947 im Krankenhaus stationär behandelten Belgier; List of political, social security and labour employment office records – Kassel; JUDICIAL RECORDS, List of all judicial records – Kassel; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps - Lager der Firma Gebr. Winkelsträter; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Lager der Firma Gebr. Winkelsträter; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of Belgians who stayed at the camp Unterhuftslager “ Zum Grünen Jäger” Lübeckerstrasse 30 in Hamburg-Wellingsbuttel.

22518. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein; Medical records; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1945; SHAEF.

22519. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment; CAMP RECORDS, Noé and Vernet, Testimony on stay; CAMP RECORDS, Flossenbürg, Death certificate, 14 Feb 1945; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Basses Pyrénées, Death certificate, 1941.

22520. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on person who refused to carry out forced labor.

22521. GESTAPO RECORDS, File Gestapo Germany and France- Documentation of the Centre de Documentation Juive Contemporaine; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Flücht von Juden aus dem Judentransport am 13. Februar 1943;

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RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Abschub von Juden nach dem Osten; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Verhaftung von Juden; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Nachrichten-Übermittlung – Judentransport von Marseille nach Drancy; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Abtransport von Juden aus dem Judenlager Drancy nach dem Osten; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Kennzeichnung der Juden; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS/GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Beschlagnahmebuch des Sicherheitspolizei – Kommandos Marseille, 14 June 1943 – [12 Aug 1944]; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Festnahme von Juden im besetzten Gebiet Frankreichs ohne Seine-Departement, 5 Oct 1942: RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Festnahme von Juden in den Departementen Seine et Marne und Seine et Oisne; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Liste vom Sicherheitspolizei-Kommando Châlons-sur-Marne am 9./10. Oktober 1942 festgenommenen Juden (am 16. Oktober 1942 nach Drancy Überführt); RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Judentransport von Bordeaux nach Drancy am 26. Oktober 1942; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Transportliste der überstellten Juden aus den Departementen Meurthe et Moselle, Meuse und Vosges nach dem Internierungslager Drancy, 21 Oktober 1942; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Verzeichnis der am 21. Oktober 1942 festgenommenen Juden; Aktenhaltung im Reich, 1 July 1944; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Abschublisten über Evakuierungen von Juden aus Frankreich in der Zeit von 29. April 1942 bis 30. May 1944; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Deportation der auf Grund der Bekanntmachung des Militärbefehlshaber in Frankreich vom 14. Dezember 1941 für Arbeitsleistung im Osten festgenommenen Juden, 24 Dec 1941; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Deportierung von Juden und Kommunisten; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Verhaltung von Juden auf Grund der Bekanntmachung des Militärbefehlshaber in Frankreich zum Zwecke der Deportation nach dem Osten; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Deportation von Juden zur Arbeitsleistung im Osten; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Liste der vom Lagerarzt bei der Untersuchung auf Arbeitsfähigkeit als arbeitsunfähig befundenen Juden, 1 and 7 Jan 1942; CAMP RECORDS, Les Milles, Report on the situation in the camp Les Milles; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Weitere Judentransporte aus Frankreich; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS/CAMP RECORDS, Telegrammbrief – Sonderzüge mit jüdischen Arbeitern nach Auschwitz, 19 June 1942; Besprechungspunkte für die Unterredung mit dem französichen Staatssekretär für die Polizei, Bousquet, 21 July 1942; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Abtransport von Juden aus dem besetzten und unbesetzten Gebiet Frankreichs, 28 July 1942; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Verhaftung von Juden im unbesetzten Gebiet, 31 July 1942; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, R Judenaktion, 29 Aug 1942; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Evakuierung von Juden, 3 and 5 Sept 1942;

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Abschrift von französischen Wirtschafts- und Finanzministerium ausgestellte Ausfuhrbewilligen für Edelsteine Schmuksachen und Sammlungsgegenstände, 1943; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Records on Aktion “ Tiger” (Marseille), 2 March 1943; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Überstellung von staatenlosen Juden aus dem Lager Westerburg in das Internierungslager Vittel, 23 April 1944; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Überstellung von Juden aus dem Haftlager von Compiègne in das Judenlager Drancy, 10 March 1943; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Juden im Konzentrationslager Beaune, 30 April 1942; Report – Fröhliches Konzentrationslager – Französische Juden Arbeiter mit “ Bakschisch” , 4 April 1942; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Records on Judenlager Beaune-la-Rolande; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Festnahme von Juden ausländischen Staatsangehörigkeit durch die französische Polizei, 23 Feb 1943; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Classement journaliers des internés; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Bericht – Judentransport, 28 June 1943; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Judentransport am Sonntag 18. Juli 1943; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Juden aus dem Generalgouvernement im Internierungslager Vittel bei Epinel, 23 Aug 1943; Records on Sonderzug Da 901, 13 Sept 1943; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Records on Judentransport am Donnerstag 7. Oktober 1943; Fahrplan Gültig ab 1. November 1943 Da 901; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Judentransport aus Frankreich; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Judentransport, 28 Oct 1943; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Judentransport vom Bahnhof Bobigny nach Auschwitz, 1 Oct and 20 Nov 1943; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Unterbringung von Juden in Mégève; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Abschub von Juden aus dem Judenlager Drancy im Rahmen der “ Luna-Aktion” ; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Records on ‘aus den Küstengebieten evakuierte und in andere Departementen überwiesene Juden’ , 8 Sept 1944; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Records on ‘weitere Deportation von Juden’ , 17 March 1944; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Records on Deportierung von Juden nach dem Osten, 10 March 1942; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Nationalitätenaufstellung der Deportationsjuden; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Massnahmen gegen Juden, 20 March 1942; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Bewachung des bevorstehenden Judentransporten, 21 March 1942; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Abtransport der Juden aus Compiègne bezw. Drancy, 20 March 1942; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Deportierung von Juden; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Bevorstehenden Judenstransport, 26 March 1942; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Ausrüstungsgegenstände der am 27. März 1942 dorthin abtransportierten Juden; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Abtransport von Ausrüstungsgegenstände für das Konzentrationslager Auschwitz in Auschwitz, 22 April 1942;

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RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Erstellung genereller Richtlinien für weitere Judentransporte; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Besprechungspunkt für Bousquet, 15 June 1942; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Sonderzüge mit jüdischen Arbeitern nach Auschwitz, 19 June 1941; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Sonderzüge für Arbeiter nach Auschwitz, 19 June 1942; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Auffassung Bousquet’ s über eine weitgekende verselbständigung der französischen Polizei des besetzten Gebieten, 8 July 1942; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Abbeförderung von Juden aus Frankreich nach Auschwitz, 14 July 1942; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Abtransport von Juden am 19. Juli 1942 aus Drancy; Transportliste Rennes, 16 July 1942; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Abtransport von Juden zum Zwecke der Arbeitseinsatzes im Reich, 16 July 1942; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Fahrt durch das unbesetzte Gebiet – Besichtigung von Judenlagern, 20 July 1942; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Wahrstellung für Judentransportzüge, 21 July 1942; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Ankunft der Juden aus dem unbesetzte Gebiet, 5 Aug 1942; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Liste der am 20. Juli 1942 zum Abschub gekommenen Juden, 14 Aug 1942; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Conference in Reichssicherheitshauptamt Berlin on the Jewish question, 28 Aug 1942; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Tagung beim Reichssicherheitshauptamt am 28. August 1942 über Judenfragen; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Abfahrt von Juden französichen Staatsangehörigen am Montag dem 21. September 1942 aus dem Lager Pithiviers; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Ausweisung der im Dienstsellenbereich ansässigen Juden; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Abtransport von Juden aus dem Haftlager Drancy bei Paris nach dem Konzentrationslager Auschwitz, 31 Oct 1942; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Abschub von Juden französischer Staatsangehörigen aus dem Judenlager Drancy nach Auschwitz, 10 Feb 1943; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Abschub von Juden aus dem Judenlager Drancy bei Paris nach Auschwitz and Cholm, 25 Feb 1943; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Records on Pithiviers and Beaune-la-Rolande; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Überstellung von Juden aus dem Judenlager Drancy in das Lager Beaune-la-Rolande, 2 March 1942; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Gegenwärtigen Stand der Judenfrage in Frankreich, 6 March and 21 July 1943; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Records on Lager Drancy, 10 March 1943; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Überstellung von Juden aus dem Haftlager von Compiègne in das Judenlager Drancy, 10 March 1942.

22522. RECORDS ON MOBELAKTION, Two files on Möbelaktion. 22523. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Ausgabe von Arbeitsausrüstung. 22524. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,


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22525. CAMP RECORDS, Rivesaltes, Certificate of internment; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Unie der Joodsche Slachtoffers van den Oorlog.

22526. Photo of man. 22527. Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien. 22528. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers who went to Germany,

24 March 1944. 22529. List of Belgians who lived in the American occupation-zone;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons who were insured by the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Castren-Raurel; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Namentliche Liste der allierten Staatsangehörigen die vom 2. September 1939 bis 8. Mai 1945 im Saarland gearbeitet haben; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Heissenerstr. 224 Essen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis von belgischen Fremdarbeiter welche im freiwilligen Ausländerwohnlager in Essen Borbeck gewhohnt haben; List of political, social security and labour employment office records – Kassel; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Zivilarbeiterlager des Cement Werken Fortune Gesehe; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Nominal roll of non-German nationals employed by Rendsburg labour office; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Arbeitslager der Fa. Fehrmann & Co Hamburg; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Arbeitslager der Fa. Fehrmann & Co Hamburg; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of volunteers – Kortrijk; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, General count of persons who have to be repatriated, Überweisungsschein, request for pass; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

22530. RECORDS ON SPOLIATION, Records on spoliation. 22531. Testimony on accident. 22532. Medical records. 22533. Not on the roll. 22534. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, information form,

general count of persons who have to be repatriated, travel pass, request for pass; SHAEF; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Judicial records, 1944; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Ministerie van Wederopbouw – Aanvaardingscommissie der Politieke Gevangenen en van hun Rechthebbenden (Ministry of Reconstruction – Commission on the status of political prisoners); RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Commission de Contrôle pour Résistants Civils; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Commission de Contrôle pour Résistants par la Presse Clandestine.

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22535. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Arbeitslager Opitzstrasse 19/21 Hamburg; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Arbeitslager Opitzstrasse 19/21 Hamburg; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der belgischen Staatsangehörigen die in der Zeit von 1. Mai 1940 in der Stadt Rheinhausen wohnen oder gewohnt haben oder verstorben oder beerdigt sind; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers by August Reuschel & Co; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Ferdinand Keller; List of all nationals – Regensburg; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Betriebskrankenkasse der Vereinigte Glanzstoff Fabriken A.G. Werk Kelsterbach A.M.; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Hersfeld; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Bethanien, Iserlohn, Liste der Personen die sich im Krankenhaus in stationärer Behandlung befanden; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Aufstellung über die im Kassenbezirk beschäftigt gewesenen und gemeldeten belgischen Arbeiter; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Städtisches Krankenhaus Wilhelmshaven, Patients under medical treatment, 1939 – 1945; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Personen die bei dem Hydrierwerk Scholven beschäftigt sind und wohnen in Gladbeck Gem. Lager; RECORDS ON COLLBORATION, List of persons who joined German services – Gent; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der auf der Schachtanlage Nordstern beschäftigt ausländischen Zivilarbeiter; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers for the Gelsenkirchener Bergwerks A.G. Zeche Pluto; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, request for pass, Überweisungsschein, Quittungskarte, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid.

22536. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Namenslisten der in der Zeit vom 2. September 1939 bis 15. Juli 1946 bei der Farbwerken Höchst beschäftigte Ausländer; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Herne; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Braunschweig; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Reichsbahnlager-Bahnmeisterei-Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Reichsbahnlager-Bahnmeisterei-Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of volunteers who left to Germany – Kortrijk; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Harpener Bergbau Zeche Hugo – Gelsenkirchen-Buer;

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FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, Anwerbebestätigung, travel pass; SHAEF; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

22537. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Ausländerlager – Lager Fremdenheim Hamburg; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Ausländerlager – Lager Fremdenheim Hamburg; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers of the Kölsch Fölzer Werker AG; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Namensliste der in der Zeit vom 2. September 1939 bis 15. Juli 1946 bei der Chemischen Fabrik Griesheim beschäftigten Ausländer; List of political, social security and labour employment office records - Kassel; RECORDS ON COLLABORATION, List of persons who joined the German or pro-German organisations – Turnhout; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Lohnabrechnung – Hydrierwerke Pölitz Aktiengesellschaft Stettin-Pölitz; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der bei der Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Frankfurt a.M. versichert gewesenen Angehörigen der Vereinten Nationen und anderen Ausländern.

22538. Not on the roll. 22539. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident and

compensation. 22540 CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment;

CAMP RECORDS, Records of the United Restitution Office; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card; CAMP RECORDS, Request for certificate of internment; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944.

22541. Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien. 22542. SHAEF. 22543. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass,

general count of persons who have to be repatriated, Anwerbebestätigung; SHAEF; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; PRISON RECORDS, Untersuchungshaftanstalt, Prison card, 1944; List of political, social security and labour employment office records – Friedberg.

22544. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, General count of persons who have to be repatriated, Überweisungsschein, Anwerbebestätigung, travel pass; SHAEF; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of Belgians of the Company “ Gebr. Giulini” GmbH in Ludwigshafen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Wolfenbuettel; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps - Kriegsgefangenenlager Lager I Trillkewerk in Hildesheim;

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FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Kriegsgefangenenlager Lager I Trillkewerk in Hildesheim; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Firma Junkers & Co in Dessau; List of political, social security and labour employment office records – Kassel; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Betriebskrankenkasse I.A. Henckels Solingen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers for the Zinnwerke Wilhelmsburg GmbH Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Transport am 3. August 1944 Opfl Zitadelle; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers -GAA; Asse, AA Oberhausen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers for the Fa. Gutshoffnungshütte Oberhausen.

22545. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, Anwerbebestätigung; SHAEF; Medical records;�FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of Belgians of the Company “ Gebr. Giulini” GmbH in Ludwigshafen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons – Arbeitsamt St. Niklaas – Office Dendermonde; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Arbeiterlager-Wiesenfeldlager Glinde;�FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers of the Arbeiterlager-Wiesenfeldlager Glinde; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Arbeiterlager – Vorland I – Deutsche Werft – Hamburg- Finkenwerder; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Arbeiterlager – Vorland I – Deutsche Werft – Hamburg-Finkenwerder; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Liste der bei der Baufirma Gottlieb Tesch – Bremen-Farge- beschäftigt gewesenen Belgier; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps - Baufirma Gottlieb Tesch – Bremen-Farge; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der bei der Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Frankfurt a.M. versichert gewesenen Angehörigen der Vereinten Nationen und anderen Ausländern.

22546. Information form. CAMP RECORDS, Information form on person interned in Drancy and Birkenau.

22547. SHAEF; Medical records.

22548. Service des Garde-Meubles, information form; Contract of the Garde-Meubles.

22549. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service. 22550. Birth certificate;

RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment.

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22551. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment; Medical records; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision on the status of person who have to be repatriated; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1945.

22552. Not on the roll. 22553. Request for certificate on spoliation of furniture;

Testimony on loss of furniture. 22554. RECORDS ON COLLABORATION, List of persons who were member of anti-

national or hostile organisations; HOSPITAL RECORDS, St. Marienkrankenhaus in Brandenburg/Havel, Liste für die belgischen Staansangehörigen im Krankenhaus; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Betriebskrankenkasse der Fa. Vereinte Deutsche Metallwerke A.G. Frankfurt/Main; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of Belgians of the Company “ Gebr. Giulini” GmbH in Ludwigshafen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, request for pass, Anwerbebestätigung, Fremdenpass; SHAEF; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

22555. List of political, social security and labour employment office records – Kassel; SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, General count of persons who have to be repatriated, request for pass, Überweisungsschein, Anwerbebestätigung, Personalienbogen für Arbeiter; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Liste über die Ausländer die bei der Firma Bonler Fertigung- GmbH Berlin Werk Obernheim in der Höchst beschäftigt waren 1 Sept 1939 – April 1945; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse für den Landkreis Friesland in Jever; JUDICIAL RECORDS, List of judicial records – Kaufbeuren.

22556. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers, general count of persons who have to be repatriated; SHAEF; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Bei der Norddeutschen Affinerie Hamburg beschäftigt gewesene belgische Arbeiter; List of political, social security and labour employment office records – Kassel; HOSPITAL RECORDS, St. Josefs-Hospital Gelsenkirchen Horst, List of treated persons; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of Belgians of the Company “ Gebr. Giulini” GmbH in Ludwigshafen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Namenslisten der in der Zeit vom 2. September 1939 bis 15. Juli 1946 bei der Farbwerken Höchst beschäftigte Ausländer.

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22557. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of Belgians of the Company “ Gebr. Giulini” GmbH in Ludwigshafen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Belgians who stayed at the camp ‘Lager Caspari’ in Remsched; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Betriebskrankenkasse der Stahl und Roehren; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Lager der Fa. Wender & Dürholt Remscheid; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Nachweisung über die während der Zeit vom 3. September 1939 bis 8. Mai 1945 bei der Betriebskrankenkasse der Textilausrüstungs Gesellschaft in Krefeld versichert gewesenen belgischen Staatsangehörigen; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Kreiskrankenhaus Möllerstift, List of treated persons; PRISON RECORDS, Klingelpuetz Prison, List; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis über die bei der Allgemeinen Ortskrankenkasse für den Kreis Wiedenbrück in Gütersloh versichert gewesenen belgischen Arbeiter; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Lohnsteuerkarte, request for pass, travel pass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, Personalienbogen für Arbeiter; SHAEF; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

22558. Aufstellung der männlichen belgischen Staatsangehörigen – Waldheim/Sachsen; Liste der im Amtsgericht Wilhelmshaven von 1940 bis 1945 eingesessenen belgischen Staatsangehörigen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der bei der Allgemeinen Ortskrankenkasse für den Kreis Arnsberg in Arnsberg in der Zeit vom September 1939 bis zum Kriegsende gemeldeten belgischen Arbeiter; PRISON RECORDS, Haftanstalt Oldenburg; HOSPITAL RECORDS, St. Bernwardskrankenhaus Hildesheim, List of treated persons; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, In den Jahren vom 1939 bis 1945 bei Hochtief Aktiengesellschaft für Hoch und Tiefbauten beschäftigten Fremdarbeiter; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse für den Rhein-Wupperkreis – Zweitstelle Leverkusen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers for the Gewerkschaft Walsum-Duisburg Hamborn; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Lager für Arbeiter – Lager ‘Zweite Einfahrt’ Wilhelmshaven; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Lager für Arbeiter – Lager ‘Zweite Einfahrt’ Wilhelmshaven; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Städtisches Krankenhaus Wilhelmshaven, Patients under medical treatment, 1939 – 1945; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Anwerbebestätigung, request for pass; SHAEF; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

22559. Records on compensation - Investigation in Germany to determine if person received a compensation from German services.

22560. PRISON RECORDS, Information form;

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RESISTANCE RECORDS, Information form and testimony of political prisoner; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment.

22561. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service. 22562 FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the

Betriebskrankenkasse der firma J.W. Janders Gladbeck; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Unterkunft für Kriegsgefangene u. Freiwillige Arbeiter nachstehender Firmen: Ruhrstahl A.G., Bein, Löffler, Rose, Orth, Reuber, Welper; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Diverse Unterkünfte bei der Ruhrstahl AG; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Aufstellung der von 1939 bis 1945 beschäftigte Arbeiter bei der Neue und Norddeutsche und Vereinigte Elbeschiffahrt; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons who worked for the Vereinigte Glansstoff-Fabriken A.G. Werk Elsterberg; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Berliner Verkehrs-Betriebe Lohn- und Gehaltsstelle; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Städtisches Krankenhaus Wilhelmshave, List of treated persons; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid, Anwerbebestätigung, request for pass, Quittungskarte, general count of persons who have to be repatriated; SHAEF; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

22563. List of all nationals – München; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Belgians who worked in the Stadtkreis Gelsenkirchen for different German and Belgian companies; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Vereinigte Betriebskrankenkasse Zweigstelle Kassel; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of Belgians between 18 and 55 years old who live in the district of the commissioner’ s office of the police of Lidlau; HOSPITAL RECORDS, St. Josephs-Krankenhaus Wipperfürth, List of treated persons; PRISON RECORDS, Gerichtsgefängnis Peine, Verzeichnis über Angehörigen der Vereinten Nationen die in den Jahren 1939 – 1945 in Haft waren; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Betriebskrankenkasse der Klöckner Werke AG Düsseldorf; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Aufstellung über die im Arbeitslager der Reichsbahn in Elsen-Rörerkrug aufenthaltlich gewesenen belgischen Staatsangehörigen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Namenslisten der in der Zeit vom 2. September 1939 bis 15. Juli 1946 bei der Farbwerken Höchst beschäftigte Ausländer; SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for pass, Überweisungsschein, Quittungskarte, Anwerbebestätigung; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; PRISON RECORDS, Untersuchungshaftanstalt Essen, Prison card, 1942;

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PRISON RECORDS, Gefängnis Aachen, Prison card, 1942. 22564. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1943-1944; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Request for certificate of internment.

22565. Records of the Service Gardes-Meubles. 22566. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, General count of persons who have to

be repatriated, travel pass. 22567. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1944; CAMP RECORDS, Request for certificate of deportation.

22568. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Verordnungsblatt des Militärbefehlshaber in Belgien und Frankreich für die besetzten Gebiete Belgiens und Nordfrankreichs, 17 June 1940.

22569. Photos of men. 22570. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1943; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre.

22571. SHAEF; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

22572. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased. 22573. Notes. 22574. Birth- and marriage certificate. 22575. CAMP RECORDS, Registration card;

CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Registration card; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1943-1944.

22576. Records on compensation for victim of the nazis. 22577. Note. 22578. Testimony on spoliation of furniture, 22 Feb 1943. 22579. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the

Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Osnabrueck; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers for the Philipp Holzmann Aktiengesellschaft Hambourg; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Hospital Waldberol, List of treated persons; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for pass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, Anwerbebestätigung, Überweisungsschein; SHAEF; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

22580. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on Unfallsache; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Heimkehrer-Erklärung.

22581. CAMP RECORDS, Vught, Information form and registration card; CAMP RECORDS, Liste der Belgier im Schutzhaftlager, 25 June 1944.

22582. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, travel pass, information form, general count of persons who have to be repatriated; SHAEF; Medical records; PRISON RECORDS, Strafgefängnis und Untersuchungshaftanstalt Köln, Prison card, 1944;

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FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Decision of the Commission de Contrôle pour Déportés; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Commission de Contrôle pour Résistants Civils.

22583. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Information form. 22584. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the

Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Braunschweig; List of all health and medical records – Wiesbaden; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Rotes Kreuz Krankenhaus, List of treated persons; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Cards of Belgian workers – Concordiahütte Bendorf/Rhein; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Mellmann; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, Anwerbebestätigung; SHAEF; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

22585. Lettre (Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre). 22586. Not on the roll. 22587. HOSPITAL RECORDS, St. Janshospital Brugge, Certificate of treatment;

RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records of the Confédération Nantionale pour Prisonniers Politiques et Ayants-Droit; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Ministerie van Wederopbouw – Aanvaardingscommissie der Politieke Gevangenen en van hun Rechthebbenden (Ministry of Reconstruction – Commission on the status of political prisoners); FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Commission de Contrôle pour Réfractaires; RECORDS ON COLLABORATION.

22588. Medical records. 22589. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful

camps – Arbeitserziehungslager Nordmarck in Kiel/Hassee; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Gestapo-Lager Drachensee in Kiel; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of the Lager of the Stadtkreis Kiel.

22590. Files - Gardes Meubles. 22591. PRISON RECORDS, Zellengefängnis Berlin, Ehemalige inhaftierte allierte

Staatsangehörige in dem Gefängnis; List of political, social security and labour employment office records - Kassel; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Namentliche Liste der vom 2. September 1939 bis 25. April 1945 dauernd oder zeitweilig in den Kommandos der hiesigen Gemeinde Balingen tätigen Ausländer; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers for the Steinkohlenbergwerke AG Zeche Monopol Graf Moltke Galdbeck; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Lager Burgerstrasse 45 Remscheid; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Lager Burgerstrasse 45 Remscheid; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Formloser Auszug aus dem Grundbuch von Belgiern die zwischen 1940 und 1945 bei der Firma Augsburger Buntweberei Riedinger beschäftigt waren;

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JUDICIAL RECORDS, Belgians registered by the Police of Dessau; PRISON RECORDS, Tegel in Berlin, Aufstellung über die hier seit 1939 in Haft gewesenen Belgier; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers, request for pass, information form; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF; PRISON RECORDS, Gerichtsgefängnis Bremen-Blumenthal, Namentliche Liste der von September 1939 inhaftierten Belgier; JUDICIAL RECORDS, List of all judicial records – Augsburg.

22592. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, travel pass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated; SHAEF; List of political, social security and labour employment office records – Gross-Gerau; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Zivilarbeiterlager Hindenburgstrasse 12 Essen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Zivilarbeiterlager Hindenburgstrasse 12 Essen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers for the Hanseatisches Kettenwerk-Tarperbeck; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der im Arbeiterlager in Lemwerder gewesenen Belgier.

22593. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid, request for pass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, Anwerbebestätigung; SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Betriebskrankenkasse der Firma Klöckner-Humboldt-Deutz AG Köln; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Kronprinz Aktiengesellschaft für Metallindustrie Solingen-Ohlings; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of Belgians who worked in the Direction des Chemins de Fer Allemands in Schwerin.

22594. Records on compensation for decease of son. 22595. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident. 22596. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for pass, certificate of identity,

travel pass, questionnaire; Testimony on stay in camp Kannap; Records on pension of invalidity.

22597. SHAEF; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1943; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment; CAMP RECORDS, Information on persons.

22598. Records on civil war victims. 22599. Not on the roll.

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22600. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony. 22601. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers for the AEG

Apparatenfabrik Treptow Berlin; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Ortskrankenkasse für den Kreis Bremervörde; List of all nationals – Kassel; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse für den Stadtkreis Billefeld; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Stadtkreis Osnabrück; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, request for pass, Anwerbebestätigung, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

22602. List of political, social security and labour employment office records - Berlin Neerhölln; List of Belgians who lived in Gimborn since 1st of May 1940; HOSPITAL RECORDS, St. Johans Hospital Hagen-Boele, List of treated persons; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Judicial records, 1940; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for pass, Quittungskarte, Überweisungsschein, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers, Vorläufiger Fremdenpass; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

22603. List of political, social security and labour employment office records – Kassel; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Ausländer im Ortsteil Wilhelmsruh.

22604. SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for pass, Überweisungsschein, Abkehr-Buch, travel pass; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Namenslisten der in der Zeit vom 2. September 1939 bis 15. Juli 1946 bei der Farbwerken Höchst beschäftigte Ausländer; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Hospital Dinslaken, Verzeichnis der behandelten belgischen Staatsangehörigen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Zivilarbeiterlager Frankenstrasse 30 in Essen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Namentliche Liste der Belgier die durch das Zivilarbeiterlager der Zeche Gottfried Wilhelm in Essen Recklinghausen gegangen sind; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Zivilarbeiterlager der Zeche König Ludwig I Ickerothweg Recklinghausen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Zivilarbeiterlager der Zeche König Ludwig I Ickerothweg Recklinghausen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der beschäftigt gewesenen belgischen Zivilarbeiter nach dem 3. September 1939 - Gewerkschaft Zeche Heinrich Essen-Kupferdreh; RECORDS ON COLLABORATION, List of persons who have joined the German Army or other organisations;

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FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der auf der Schachtanlage Nordstern beschäftigt gewesenen ausländischen Zivilarbeiter.

22605. Hansestadt Lübeck; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Städtisches Krankenhaus Barum, List of treated persons; SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, request for pass, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Johanniter Krankenhaus Dohna-Heidenau, Aufstellung von Patienten belgischer Nationalität welche in der Zeit von 1940 bis 1945 im Krankenhaus in stationärer Behandlung gewesen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Goslar; List of all nationals – Donauwörth.

22606. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942,1944.

22607. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942; CAMP RECORDS, Rivesaltes, Certificate of internment; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment.

22608. Photos of men; Birth certificate; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on person who refused to carry out forced labor; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Urlaubschein, testimony; Medical records; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony and decision of the Ministerie van Wederopbouw – Aanvaardingscommissie der PolitiekeGevangenen en van hun Rechthebbenden (Ministry of Reconstruction – Commission on the status of political prisoners); JUDICIAL RECORDS; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment.

22609. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident. 22610. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service;

CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, List; CAMP RECORDS, Monowitz, Information form.

22611. Records on compensation for victim of the Nazis. 22612. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, travel pass,

request for pass, certificate of identity; SHAEF; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; PRISON RECORDS, Charleroi, Prison card.

22613A. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Certificate of presumed decease, 1945; RECORDS ON COLLABORATION; Medical records.

22614. Medical records;

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FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein; PRISON RECORDS, Charleroi, Prison card.

22615. SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, General count of persons who have to be repatriated.

22616. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid, travel pass.

22617. Birth certificate; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Information form of person who refused to carry out forced labor; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Information form of political prisoner; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment.

22618. RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Letter from lawyer of Jewish persons on spoliation of furniture; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Request for certificate of looting of furniture.

22619. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1943.

22620. Not on the roll. 22621. Photos of men. 22622. CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Register. 22623. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de

la Guerre; Certificate for spoliation of furniture by the Germans.

22624. HOSPITAL RECORDS, Hospital Brauweiler, Belgians who are or were hospitalised; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Folizer-Revier 161, List; List of health and medical records – Witzenhausen; List of persons in the Gemeinde Clausthal-Zellerfeld; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Betriebskrankenkasse der Farbenfabriken Bayer Uerdingen/Niederrheim; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of Belgian workers in the Rheinische Kunstleidefabrik in Krefeld/Linn; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Anwerbebestätigung, request for pass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Städtisches Marienkrankenhaus Umberg, Aufnahmebogen; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

22625. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Berliner Verkehrs-Betriebe; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, E. Merck – Darmstadt; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Information form, request for pass, travel pass, Quittungskarte, Überweisungsschein, Anwerbebestätigung, general count of persons who have to be repatriated; SHAEF; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien;

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Nachforschung seitens deutscher Behörden nach Angehörigen der Vereinten Nationen und anderen Ausländern; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Betriebskrankenkasse der Aktiengesellschaft des Altenbergs für Bergbau und Zuhhüttenbetrieb; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Wolfenbüttel; Namentliche Liste der belgischen Zivilpersonen die sich im Stadtbezirk Schramberg aufgehalten haben.

22626. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, travel pass, request for pass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, Auenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Name of account “ Fremdarbeiter” Belgien – Reichsbahn Bremen; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Knappschaftskrankenhaus Bochum-Langendreer, Medical records; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Katholisches Krankenhaus Gelsenkirchen-Rotthausen, List of treated persons; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Lager II z. Zt. Jakobi Heidestrasse Bottrop.

22627. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Friedberg; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Lager der Fa. Dynamit A.G.-Aussenkommando d. Zuchthauses Siegburg Troisdorf; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Lager der Fa. Dynamit A.G.-Aussenkommando d. Zuchthauses Siegburg Troisdorf; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Aufstellung über die bei der Krankenkasse der Waggenfabrik Uerding zu Krefeld/Uerdingen in der Zeit vom 3. September bis 8. Mai 1945 versicherten Personen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers for the Bergbau AG Ewald-König Ludwig Herten i.W.; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Arbeitslager Kurhaus Bad Oldesloe; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons in the Arbeitslager Kurhaus Bad Oldesloe; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Betriebskrankenkasse der Firma Kammgarnspinnerei M. Gladback; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Berliner Verkehrs-Betriebe.

22628. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Bergisch-Gladback; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Information form, Anwerbebestätigung, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers, Arbeitsbuch für Ausländers; SHAEF; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; Nachforschung – Vereinigte Betriebskrankenkasse Zweigstelle Kassel;

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FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers for the Bunawerk in Shkopau; List of all nationals – Kassel; List of political, social security and labour employment office records – Kassel; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Schulenburger Landstrasse 138a mit Nebenlager Schönewoth 8 und auf dem Loh I; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Bergwerksgesellschaft Hibernia Aktiengesellschaft Bergwerksdirektion Gladbeck, List of workers.

22629. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased. 22630. HOSPITAL RECORDS, Krankenhaus Lichtenstein, Französische, belgische und

luxemburgische Staatsangehörige im Krankenhaus in Behandlung, 1 September 1939 - 22 March 1946; Belgians who lived in Aschau; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Belgian workers in the Usines Erla in Taucha-Leipzig; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Friedberg; Ausländer im Ortsteil Wilhelmsruh; List of political, social security and labour employment office records – Kassel; List of political, social security and labour employment office records – Berlin; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Hannover; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Vereinigte Glansstoff-Fabriken AG Werk Elsterberg; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Namentliche Aufstellung über belgische Staatsangehörige die in dem Lager Reichsbahn Schulenburger Klöcknerwerke AG Werk Osnabrück; PRISON RECORDS, Untersuchungshaftanstalt Hamburg, Prison card, 1943; SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, General count of persons who have to be repatriated, request for pass; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

22631. GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Veränderungsmitteilung. 22632. Extracts from list of company in Plauen. 22633. PRISON RECORDS, Plauen, Extract from list of prisoners;

JUDICIAL RECORDS, Personal-Akte, 1943. 22634. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Bergwerksgesellschaft Hibernia

Aktiengesellschaft Bergwerksdirektion Gladbeck, List of workers; Nachforschung seitens deutscher Behörden nach Angehörigen der Vereinten Nationen und anderen Ausländern; List of all nationals – Kassel; GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Belgians between 18 and 55 years old who live in the district of the police of Essen-Frillendorf and who were registered for enrolment in the ‘Waffen SS-Germanische SS-Sturmbanne” ; PRISON RECORDS, Untersuchungshaftanstalt Hamburg, Prison card, 1943; List of political, social security and labour employment office records – Freising; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, Überweisungsschein, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers, Anwerbebestätigung;

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SHAEF. 22635. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Result of research for person. 22636. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1943; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card.

22637. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Result of research for information on stay in Gurs. 22638. Testimony on person who shot on car;

RESISTANCE RECORDS, Information form; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment.

22639. Records on compensation - Investigation in Germany to determine if person received a compensation from German services.

22640. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident. 22641. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass,

general count of persons who have to be repatriated, Anwerbebestätigung; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF; List of all nationals – Bad Neustadt; List of all nationals – München; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Volunteers in Germany – Amay; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Betriebskrankenkasse der Dynamit AG Troisdorf; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Lager der Fa. Dynamit AG Aussenkommando d. Zuchthauses Siegburg Troisdorf; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Krankenhaus Lichtenstein, Französische, belgische und luxemburgische Staatsangehörige im Krankenhaus in Behandlung, 1 September 1939 - 22 March 1946.

26242. Knappschafts-Krankenhaus Bochum-Langendreer, List of treated persons; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Lager der Firma Schmidt & Clemens, Lager II Berghausen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der Belgier die in Unterwürden gewohnt haben; List of political, social security and labour employment office records – Kassel; CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Zugang Belgier, 2 July 1943; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Personen die bei der Fa. Henschel beschäftigt waren; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Braunschweig; PRISON RECORDS, Hanfanstalt Augsburg, Liste der Strafgefangenen belgischer Staatsangehörigkeit die in der Zeit vom 10. Mai 1940 bis 15. Dezember 1946 in der Hafanstalt inhaftiert waren; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Betriebskrankenkasse Henschel u. Sohn GmbH Kassel; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Mühlenbau und Industrie Aktiengesellschaft Braunschweig; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse für der Kreis Bremervorde;

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FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Zivilarbeiterlager der Zeche König Ludwig Ickerothweg Recklinghausen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Zivilarbeiterlager der Zeche König Ludwig Ickerothweg Recklinghausen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der auf der Schachtanlage Nordstein beschäftigt gewesenen.

26243. CAMP RECORDS, Flossenbürg, Zugänge vom 27. Dezember 1944; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Schulenburger Landstrasse 138a mit Nebenlager Schönewoth 8 und auf dem Loh I; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Schulenburger Landstrasse 138a mit Nebenlager Schönewoth 8 und auf dem Loh I; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of insured by the Essener Betriebskrankenkasse der sueddeutsche Eisenbahn Ges. Zu Darmstadt in Essel; RECORDS ON COLLABORATION/GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, List of persons who joined anti-national or hostile organisations; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Hersfeld; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers - Buna Werk Schkopau; CAMP RECORDS, Flossenbürg, Belgians transferred from Flossenbürg to Gross-Rosen; PRISON RECORDS, Strafanstalt Amberg, Liste belgischer Staatsangehörigen die in der Zeit vom 10. Mai 1940 bis 15. Dezember 1946 in Strafanstalt eingesessenen waren; CAMP RECORDS, Flossenbürg, Zugänge, March 1945; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Betriebskrankenkasse der Fa. Vereinigte Deutsche Metallwerke AG Frankfurt/Main; List of all nationals – Nurnberg; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Rosenheim; PRISON RECORDS, Prison of Straubing, Belgians and foreigners who lived in Belgium before 10th of May 1940 and who were in the prison, 10 May 1940 – 15 Dec 1946; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Information form, Überweisungsschein, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, request for pass, Arbeitsbuch für Ausländer; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

22644. SHAEF. 22645. Bills – medical records;

Testimony on arrest. 22646. Medical records;

RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on arrest and internment in Spain. 22647. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Letter on decease of person. 22648. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1945. 22649. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful

camps – Arbeitslager der deutschen Werft Hamburg; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Arbeitslager der deutschen Werft Hamburg;

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FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Lager Oberspree, Verlängerte Moosstrasse; List of all health and medical records – Ansbach; Halberstadt; JUDICIAL RECORDS, List of all judicial records – Obernburg; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Oldenburg; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Bergwerksgesellschaft Dahlbusch Gelsenkirchen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Anwerbebestätigung, Überweisungsschein, travel pass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, Aufenthaltsanzeige eine Ausländers, Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

22650. HOSPITAL RECORDS, Stadtkrankenhaus in Osterburg, Extract from list of foreigners who were treated in the hospital; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Allgemeinen Krankenhaus ST. Goerg in Hamburg, Liste der ab 3. September 1939 in Krankenhaus behandelten Personen; PRISON RECORDS, Gerichts-Gefängnis in Schwarzenbek, Interned Belgians; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Ausländerlager Seemannshaus – Hamburg; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Ausländerlager Motorenwerk Augsburg-Nürnberg; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Ausländerlager Motorenwerk Augsburg-Nürnberg; List of all nationals – München; Liste aller Personen belgischer Nationalität die durch das Lager II der Zeche Jakobi Bottrop gegangen sind; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Lager II der Zeche Jakobi Bottrop; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Anwerbebestätigung, Überweisungsschein, travel pass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, Aufenthaltsanzeige eine Ausländers; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Decision of the Commission de Contrôle pour Déportés; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

22651. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased. 22652. Records on civil war victims. 22653. Records on pass;

SHAEF; Medical records.

22654. PRESS RECORDS, Article – Pensions d’ Invalidité et de Décès des Victimes Civiles de la Guerre.

22656. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment. 22657. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment. 22658. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Hütten- und Walzwerk

Berufsgenosschenschaft; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Augusta-Krankenhaus Düsseldorf, List of treated persons.

22659. Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

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22660. Records on civil war victims. 22661. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased;

DEATH CERTIFICATES, Testimony on missing person. 22662. Files (war victims). 22663. Notes. 22664. SHAEF;

Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien. 22665. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Information form of political prisoner;

Birth- and marriage certificate; Records on accident; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment.

22666. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Vorläufiger Fremdenpass, Überweisungsschein, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, Anwerbebestätigung, travel pass, request for pass; SHAEF; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Belgians in the Neukircher Eisenwerk, 1940-1945; Belgians who left Gelsenkirchen for an unknown destination; PRISON RECORDS, Untersuchungshaftanstalt Plauen i.W., Prison card; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Vereinigte Glansstoff-Fabriken AG Werk Elsterberg; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Halberstadt; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Lohnabrechnung Hydrierwerke Pölitz Aktiengesellschaft Stettin-Pölitz; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers for the Harpener Bergbau Zeche Hugo Gelsenkirchen Buer; List of all nationals – Nürnberg; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Belgians who stayed in the camp “ Arbeitslager –Waldlager Dürkoppwerk in Kunsebeck.

22667. SHAEF; Medical records – Medical card; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid, convocation, Secours d’ Hiver, Anwerbebestätigung, request for pass, certificate of identity.

22668. CAMP RECORDS, Records on International Tracing Service. 22669. Records on civil war victims. 22670. Note. 22671. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1944; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card; CAMP RECORDS, Request for certificate of deportation.

22672. HOSPITAL RECORDS, Universitätsklinik Kiel, List of treated persons; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Wolfenbuettel; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Gewerkschaft Walsum Duisburg-Hamborn.

22673. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein;

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JUDICIAL RECORDS, Sicherheitshaftbefehl-Charleroi, 1943; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual card, 1944; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on Unfallanzeige.

22674. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Information form of political prisoner; Medical records;�RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment.

22675. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Dortmund; List of political, social security and labour employment office records – Kassel; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Städtisches Krankenhaus Hannover, List of treated persons; List of all nationals – Kassel; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers for the Hans Conrad – Baumeister Tiefbauunternehmung Kiel; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Belgians who stayed at the hospital of the city – Usines Hermann Goering Wolfenbüttel; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Anwerbebestätigung, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, Überweisungsschein, request for pass; SHAEF.

22676. List of political, social security and labour employment office records – Gross-Gerdau; List of political, social security and labour employment office records – Wiesbaden; List of political, social security and labour employment office records – Kassel; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Nachweisung über die bei der Allgemeinen Ortskrankenkasse des Kreises Lippstadt versichert gewesenen belgischen Arbeitskräfte; RECORDS ON COLLABORATION/GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, List of persons who joined anti-national or hostile organisations; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS Liste aller Personen belgischer Nationalität die durch das Lager II der Zeche Jakobi Bottrop gegangen sind; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Lager II der Zeche Jakobi Bottrop; Dr. Med. Dass, Kiel-Hollenau; PRISON RECORDS, Strafgefängnis Tegel in Berlin, Aufstellung über die seit 1939 in Haft gewesenen Belgier; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons who worked for the Vereinigte Glansstoff-Fabriken Werk Elsterberg; SHAEF; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, request for pass, Anwerbebestätigung.

22677. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944; CAMP RECORDS, Vernet d’ Ariège, Certificate of internment;

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CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card; CAMP RECORDS, Request for certificate of deportation.

22678. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1945; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident and on compensation; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased.

22679. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on person who refused to carry out forced labor; Medical records; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Payment to some political prisoners liberated before 15th September 1944; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment.

22680. Selling contract. 22681. RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Centraal Beheer van Joodse

Weldadigheid en Maatschappelijk Hulpbetoon. 22682. Proposal of the conversation of two officers of research for 1961. 22683. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Lohnüberweisungsliste für die Zeit vom

4. Juni bis 17. Juni 1944 – Organisation Todt Einheit Olsch und Co. Köln; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Lohnüberweisungsliste für Juni 1944 - Stephan Sturm Bauunternehmung Neuss – Grimlinghausen; RECORDS ON COLLABORATION, List of Belgians pro-German organisations – Gent; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Kölsch – Fölzer Werke AG; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Voigt & Haefiner AG Frankfurt A.M.; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der bei der Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Frankfurt a.M. versichert gewesenen Angehörigen der Vereinten Nationen und anderen Ausländern; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of Belgians of the Company “ Gebr. Giulini” GmbH in Ludwigshafen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Arbeiterlager – Wiesenfeldlager in Glinde; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons in the Arbeiterlager – Wiesenfeldlager in Glinde; List of political, social security and labour employment office records – Kassel; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Lager Nordbau, Hartriegelstrasse; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Anwerbebestätigung, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, travel pass, record on industrial accident; SHAEF; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

22684. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, request for pass, information form, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers, Quittungskarte, certificate of identity;

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SHAEF; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Aufstellung über bei der Firma G. Lorenz A.G. beschäftigte belgische Staatsangehörigen; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Reserve-Lazarett Oberschule in Oschatz, Extract from list of foreigners who were treated in the Reserve-Lazarett; List of all nationals – Augsburg; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Hütten und Walzwerks Berufsgenossenschaft Oberhausen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Steinkohlenbergwerke Zeche Monopol SK Essen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Betriebskrankenkasse der Akkumulatoren Fabrik AG Meldestelle Hannover; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Delphinstrasst Nr. 1 Wesermünde; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Johanniter Krankenhaus Oberhausen Sterkrade, List of treated persons.

22685. Note. 22686. SHAEF;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, questionnaire.

22687. Letters on furniture (Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre). 22688. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on person in concentration camp Gross-

Rosen. 22689. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1943; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment; CAMP RECORDS, Rivesaltes, Certificate of internment.

22690. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, certificate of identity, request for pass, travel pass; PRISON RECORDS, Untersuchungshaftanstalt Hamburg, Prison card, 1942.

22691. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1943.

22692. JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 30 July 1960. 22693. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Testimony on presumed decease – train accident. 22694. DEATH CERTIFICATES. 22695. Records on compensation for spoliation of property. 22696. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Lohnsteuerkarte. 22697. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS. 22698. Medical records;

RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment.

22699. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1943; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card.

22700. CAMP RECORDS, Records on persons who were interned in concentration camps. 22701. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 22702. Medical records;


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FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, General count of persons who have to be repatriated, request for recognition of deported slave laborer.

22703. Inventory of furniture and other objects of the apartment of madam Brodman, Abtransport von Liftvans nach Deutschland.

22704. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944.

22705. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Personal-Akte; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1944.

22706. Folder – Max. 3 persons – 240 kg. 22707. BELGIAN ARMY RECORDS, Records on punishment for criminal acts. 22708. Records on civil war victims. 22709. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1944. 22710. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment;

CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card; Records on spoliation of objects; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Information form – Card index of Israelites.

22711. Records on civil war victims. 22712. Records on compensation - Investigation in Germany to determine if person

received a compensation from German services. 22713. CAMP RECORDS, International Tracing Service records on the Deutsches Rotes

Kreuz – Suchdienst Hamburg; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Testimony on negative results of research for missing woman; CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Death certificate, 1942.

22714. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre.

22715. Records on civil war victims. 22716. CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, Cards on Belgians and persons who lived in

Belgium (Individual cards, Schreibstubenkarten, cards of deceased, cards of internees, cards per Block).

22717. Records on the Instruction of the ‘Reichsführer SS’ on the arrest of persons hostile to the state, 27 Aug 1941.

22718. Records on camps. 22719. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1943. 22720. List of persons introduced to be executed comme reprisal for the murders on

Walloon Soldiers of the Legion; RECORDS ON HOSTAGES, Orders on the execution of hostages as retaliatory measures; RECORDS ON HOSTAGES, Records on execution of hostages, 11 Sept 1942; List of the Sicherheitsdienst of terrorists proposed to be executed on order of the Militärbefehlshaber for bomb attack on the house of the SS Gruppenführer Jungclaus; List of the Sicherheitsdienst of of terrorists proposed to be executed on order of the Militärbefehlshaber for bomb attack on the rooms of the service of the SS Gruppenführer Jungclaus, on the room of the NSDAP and for attacks on members of the Walloon watchmen of the Guard of Namen, 27 Feb 1944;

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RECORDS ON HOSTAGES, Orders on execution of hostages as retaliatory measure; Execution of terrorists as retaliatory measure.

22721. CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Neuzugänge vom Konzentrationslager Auschwitz, 26 Jan 1945.

22722. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein. 22723. Birth- and marriage certificate;

Medical records; Certificate of good behaviour.

22724. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite. 22725. GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Soldbuch. 22726. Records on compensation - Investigation in Germany to determine if person

received a compensation from German services.

22727. Testimony on arrested person. 22728. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment. 22729. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944.

22730. CAMP RECORDS, Vernet, Certificate of internment; CAMP RECORDS, Vernet, Death certificate, 1942; Testimony on negative result on research for missing person.

22731. CAMP RECORDS, Ravensbrück, Report on the transport of prisoners from Ravensbrück to Sweden in vans from the Swedish Red Cross shot at, 25 May 1945; CAMP RECORDS, Schandelah (Kommando of Neuengamme), Declaration from sir Lauenwirt on the registration numbers of the prisoners deceased in Schandelah; CAMP RECORDS, Neuengamme, Statement taken in the hospital in Elsene from French political prisoner Castet Serge on Neuengamme; PRISON RECORDS, Report on the discussion of 10th October 1941 on the Wehrmachtsgefängnisse in Belgium, 13 Oct 1941; GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Report on the discussion on 17th September between the Chief of the Military Government, Reeder, and Sturmbahnführer Dr. Canares, 22 Sept 1941.

22732. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Information form for the recognition of person who refused to carry out forced labor; CAMP RECORDS, Testimony on stay in camps and persons in camps.

22733. Medical records; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident.

22734. Records on compensation - Investigation in Germany to determine if person received a compensation from German services.

22735. Note. 22736. Diverse records - Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre. 22737. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1943. 22738. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite;

Records on compensation for lost property. 22739. Records on compensation - Investigation in Germany to determine if person

received a compensation from German services; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Heimkehrer-Erklärung.

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22740. Lettre. 22741. Bill of doctor;

RESISTANCE RECORDS, Certificate on status of member of the armed resistance; Military sign of honour of second class of seniority; Medal of honour of volunteer 1940 – 1945; PRISON RECORDS, Visit to the detention room Morsbach from Halle a.d. Saale – former chaplain in Halle, 8 Jan 1947; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Act of Accusation – ‘Witte Brigade’ en ‘Belgisch Vrijwilligers Legioen’ , 21 June 1948; PRISON RECORDS, Bochum, Liste of political prisoners who were interned in the prison.

22742. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service. 22743. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Information form of political prisoner. 22744. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942. 22745. Records on Rückerstattungsanspruche. 22746. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Judicial files. 22747. JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 2 Nov 1946. 22748. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942, 1944. 22749. Medical records. 22750. SHAEF. 22751. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, general count of

persons who have to be repatriated; SHAEF.

22752. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Bergwerksgesellschaft Dahlbusch-Gelsenkirchen.

22753. Records on accident; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Request for information form for deported Jews.

22754. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, convocation, travel pass, certificate of identity, request for pass; SHAEF.

22755. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1960, 1941. 22756. CAMP RECORDS. 22757. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, certificate of identity,

Einlieferungsschein, Überweisungsschein, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid, general count of persons who have to be repartriated, request for pass, decision on the status of deported slave laborer; Medical records; SHAEF; RECORDS ON HOSTAGES, Stalag XIB, Personalkarte; RECORDS ON HOSTAGES, Stalag XVIII, Medical card; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Hôpital St. Laurent, Request for information on person in archives of the hospital; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Commission de Contrôle pour Réfractaires.

22758. CAMP RECORDS, Request for original copy of certificate of incarceration. 22759. Photos of men;


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FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on Invalidenversicherung, Quittungskarte.

22760. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, certificate of identity, request for pass, travel pass; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

22761. RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Les Fermes écoles de l’ ort et la déportation; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, List of deported persons of the Ferme-Ecole La Roche; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Bericht über die Kinderkolonie des Schweizer Roten Kreuz in Montégul-Plantaurel (Arriège); RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, The Jewish Question – Document on the camps of internment in France, Drancy-Compiègne; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Bordeaux – The consequences of the German occupation; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Report on the camp Merignac; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Testimony of Mr. Raymond Lévi on his deportation and evacuation; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Chaplain - Visit to the Hôtel Bompard, 28 April 1942; CAMP RECORDS, Records on the camp of Masseube, 16 June 1943; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Confidental report on the Gestapo of Nice, Service anti-Juif à l’ Hôtel Excelsion; CAMP RECORDS, Report on the camps of internment on 31 July 1941; CAMP RECORDS, General report on the activity of chaplains in the camps and groups of T.E. during the month April 1942; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Note on the Israelite foreign workers of the Mine of Dantoux (Dordogne); CAMP RECORDS, Records on the cemetery of Récébédou, 16 June 1943; CAMP RECORDS, Note on the 647th GTE of Chanclade (Dordogne); CAMP RECORDS, Note on the 652th GTE of Mauzac (Dordogne); CAMP RECORDS, Records on foreign workers; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Report on looting and deportation of foreign Israelites, Feb-March 1943; CAMP RECORDS, Report of inspection – Auchéres; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, General situation of the Jews sent to Sulus-les-B.; CAMP RECORDS, Short report on the groups of foreign workers; CAMP RECORDS, Lists of diverse camps of internment; CAMP RECORDS, Testimony for the coordination committee of Toulouse; CAMP RECORDS, Report of a visit to the camp Saint-Cyprien; CAMP RECORDS, Report of a visit to the camp Vernet; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Statistic of Israelites in the centers of lodging, of camps of internment, refugee centers, of evacuations and sifting, Asylum for foreigners and sanatorium for internees, July 1942; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Statistics of Israelites in the G.T.E., July 1942; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, The situation of the Jews in Belgium; CAMP RECORDS, Information on the camps in Haute-Silésie; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Testimonies of liberated persons on the camp Drancy – 20 August – beginning of November 1941;

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TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Report on the conditions of living in Drancy; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Letters of three internees of Drancy; CAMP RECORDS, Report on the situation in the centers of lodging of and the camps in the not-occupied zone; CAMP RECORDS, Statistics; CAMP RECORDS, Records on the Oeuvres Sociales du Centre d’ Acceuil de Monts près de Tours; CAMP RECORDS, Visite à la permanence des assistantes sociales à Pithiviers et Beaune-la-Rolande; CAMP RECORDS, The creations of deportation in the area of Marseille; CAMP RECORDS, Information on the camps of Haute-Silésie; CAMP RECORDS, Testimony of an escaped person from Belgium; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Records on mass-arrests of Jews and deported persons in the West, Sept 1942; CAMP RECORDS, Situation on 25th August 1942 – Pithiviers and Beaune-la-Rolande; CAMP RECORDS, Extract from report on the camps Auschwitz, Birkenau and Majdanek; CAMP RECORDS, List of persons transferred from Louveciennes to Drancy, 22 July 1944; CAMP RECORDS, Nominal list of internees of the centre Rabes; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, List of foreigners of the GTE transferred to the camp of Bourgez, 3 March 1943; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, List of foreign Israelites coming from Puy-de-Dome arrived in Nexon; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, List of foreign Israelites transferred to the occupied zone; CAMP RECORDS, List of foreign workers; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, List of Israelite internees in the center of the ‘Chateau Le Roc’ ; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, List of Jews in the center Sereilhac and not liberated; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, List of Polish Jews in the center Sereilhac and not liberated; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, List of Israelites in Mayze; CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Statistics; CAMP RECORDS, List of executed persons of Theron and Saint-Orse; CAMP RECORDS, Crimes corporals – civils déportés ou tortures; CAMP RECORDS, Crimes of war in Saint de Noblak; CAMP RECORDS, List of persons executed who were interned in the prison of Limoges; CAMP RECORDS, List of crimes of war by the Germans – Saint-Germain-les Belles; CAMP RECORDS, Deported and executed persons of Limoges; CAMP RECORDS, List of political internees incarcerated in the prison of Limoges; CAMP RECORDS, Testimony on the events during the incarceration in the camps of Saint-Cyprien, Gurs, Mastembo; CAMP RECORDS, Quelques exemplaires de la tyrannie raciste; CAMP RECORDS, Atrocités nazis;

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CAMP RECORDS, La Barbarie standardisée; CAMP RECORDS, Testimony of Mr. Kusiner on the camp Auschwitz; CAMP RECORDS, Deportations of 1942; CAMP RECORDS, Report on the camp by the Civil Internees of Sospel; CAMP RECORDS, List of persons buried in Noé; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, List of deceased Israelites in the camp of Récébédou and buried in the cemetery of Portet; Report on the tragedy of Guerry; List of ‘Martyres du Puits de Guerry’ .


on person who refused to carry out forced labor; CAMP RECORDS, Testimony on evacuation of Kommando Zwickau for a death march; CAMP RECORDS, Zwickau, Testimony on person in the Kommando.

22764. RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Records on deported persons. 22765. Urkunde 22766. CAMP RECORDS, Extract from list;

CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Information form. 22767. RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Request for information to make an application for

compensation for flee. 22768. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment. 22769 FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony

on person who refused to carry out forced labor. 22770. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment;

CAMP RECORDS, Rivesaltes, Certificate of internment; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records on the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944.

22771. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony. 22772. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on compensation for industrial

accident; PRISON RECORDS, Gerichtsgefängnis Velzen, List; PRISON RECORDS, Gerichtsgefängnis Basum, Auszug aus dem Gefangenenbuch des Gerichtsgefängnis, 1937 – 1971.

22773. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service; CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Death certificate, 1945; CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Death certificate, 1941 and 1942; CAMP RECORDS, Flossenbürg, Death certificate, 1945.

22774. CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, Cards of Belgians or persons who lived in Belgium – Individual cards of internees, Schreibstubekarten, cards of deceased, cards of internees, cards per Block.

22775. CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Interrogation by mrs. J. Grosman, of a former interned of the concentration camp Auschwitz, Sir Léopold Zaremban, commandant of the camp for displaced persons Aschaffenburg; CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Chapitre II – Concentration and extermination and extermination camp Auschwitz.

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22776. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on person who refused to carry out forced labor; Medical records; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Testimony on decease in consequence of explosion; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1945; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Ministerie van Wederopbouw – Aanvaardingscommissie der Politieke Gevangenen en van hun Rechthebbenden (Ministry of Reconstruction – Commission on the status of political prisoners); RESISTANCE RECORDS, Information form of political prisoner; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Payment to some political prisoners liberated after 15th September 1944.

22777. CAMP RECORDS, Mention of lack of prove of decease in Auschwitz. 22778. CAMP RECORDS, Information on person interned in Dachau and Buchenwald. 22779. Records on pension of invalidity. 22780. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony

on person who refused to carry out forced labor. 22781. Extract from register of pensions;

Medical records. 22782. DEATH CERTIFICATES. 22783. CAMP RECORDS, Request for certificate on death of person in concentration camp

to receive compensation. 22784. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment;

CAMP RECORDS, Rivesaltes, Certificate of internment; CAMP RECORDS, Request for certificate of emptying apartment by the Germans.

22785. Letter of the ‘Fraternelle des Amicales des camps’ on organisation of exposition. 22786. Photos of men. 22787. Medical records;

RESISTANCE RECORDS, Certificate on member of the ‘Milices Patriotiques’ . 22788. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment;

CAMP RECORDS, Rivesaltes, Certificate of internment. 22789. Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien;


on deceased; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Totenschein, 1944.

22791. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein; CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service.

22792. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, information form; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual card, 1945.

22793. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased; Records on Entschädigungsantrage; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1943;

22794. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment; CAMP RECORDS, Request for certificate.

22795. Not on the roll. 22796. HOSPITAL RECORDS, Johanniterkrankenhaus in Nebra, Belgians who were

treated at the hospital;

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HOSPITAL RECORDS, Aufstellung über im Lazarett behandelte Belgier. 22797. PRISON RECORDS, Häftlinge ohne Haftbefehl in der Kriegs-

Wehrmachtshaftanstalt Charleroi, 1943; PRISON RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, List.

22798. Medical records. 22799. Nürnberg, List. 22800. GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtsauskunftstelle card;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein; SHAEF; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Thür. Landeskrankenhaus Stadt Roda, Krankengeschichte.

22801. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, request for pass, Überweisungsschein, certificate of identity.

22802. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on member of the resistance; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony on returned hostage who was forced to work in Germany; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Information form of political prisoner; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Personal-Akte; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Request on recognition of person who refused to carry out forced labor.

22803. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942; RECORDS JEWISH PERSONS, Testimony on spoliation of property of hiding Jews.

22804. RECORDS ON COLLABORATION. 22805. Not on the roll. 22806. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1945;

SHAEF. 22807. Note. 22808. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1944; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre; Request for compensation of lost of property in house.

22809. Information from the ‘caisses d’ assurances maladies’ . 22810. Request for certificate of English occupation after German Occupation;

Records on and Certificate of looting of furniture by the German army; Quartieranweisung, 6 Jan 1942; Quartieranweisung, 17 April 1942; Quartieranweisung, 4 Sept 1941; Quartieranweisung, 14 July 1941; Quartieranweisung, 11 Nov 1941; Quartieranweisung, 1 Feb 1941; Quartieranweisung, 30 Nov 1940.

22811. Testimony of possession of ‘Anmeldebescheinigung von Kriegsschaden’ . 22812. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony on stay in Posen and request

to receive pass of labor, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, travel pass, certificate of identity.

22813. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, travel pass, request for pass, certificate of identity, convocation, Secours d’ Hiver.

22814. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Judicial declaration of decease, 1942.

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22815. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942.


22817. Records on compensation - Investigation in Germany to determine if person received a compensation from German services.

22818. Veränderungsmitteilung. 22819. Not on the roll. 22820. HOSPITAL RECORDS, Krankenhaus Düren, International Tracing Service

Verzeichnis der im Krankenhaus verpflegten Ausländer, 1944. 22821. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records on file of claimant of the status of members of

the resistance (illegal press); RESISTANCE RECORDS, Information form; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Certificate of member of the ‘Milices Patriotiques – Front de l’ Indépendance’ ; Report on the file of member of the armed resistance; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision on the recognition of member of the resistance; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Judicial records on theft, 1943; Birth certificate.

22822. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision on the recognition of member of the resistance.

22823. Ministerial Decision – Service des Pensions des victimes civiles de la guerre. 22824. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1944. 22825. Records on compensation - Investigation in Germany to determine if person

received a compensation from German services. 22824. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1944. 22826. List of claimed apartments - Brussels. 22827. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1944. 22828. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Heimkehrer-Erklärung. 22829. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony on volunteer,

Überweisungsschein. 22830. Records of the ‘Caisse Centrale de la Répartition des cotisatisions Sociales’ . 22831. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment;

CAMP RECORDS, Rivesaltes, Certificate of internment; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1943.

22832. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1943.

22833. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Certificate; Certificate of liberation; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Card of identity of foreign worker; GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Certificate of person who refused to join the Wehrmacht; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision on the status of person who refused to carry out forced labor;

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FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for recognition of deported slave laborer.

22834. Records on confiscation of household and furniture during the German occupation. 22835. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1944; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card; Certificate on looting of furniture.

22836. Records on measures on spoliation in Boulogne sur Mer. 22837. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1943;


the Commission de Contrôle pour Réfractaires; Medical records; RECORDS ON HOSTAGES, Stalag XVIII, Medical card.

22839. Diverse records. 22840. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on Unfallprotokol, testimony;

Medical records; Testimony on political prisoners who stayed in Dachau; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony.

22841. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1943.

22842. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card. 22843. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1944. 22844. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony. 22845. CAMP RECORDS, Monowitz, Liste der Krankenbau - Cards from the

‘Alphabetische Kartei’ . 22846. Birth certificate;

Records on ‘Unfallrente’ . 22847. Agreement on borrowing films – Nuit et Brouiilard;

CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, Original Card. 22848. PRESS RECORDS, Verordnungsblatt des Militärbefehlshaber in Belgien und

Frankreich für die besetzten Gebiete Belgiens und Nordfrankreichs, 5 Nov 1940; PRESS RECORDS, Verordnungsblatt des Militärbefehlshaber in Belgien und Frankreich für die besetzten Gebiete Belgiens und Nordfrankreichs, 2 Dec 1941; PRESS RECORDS, Verordnungsblatt des Militärbefehlshaber in Belgien und Frankreich für die besetzten Gebiete Belgiens und Nordfrankreichs, 10 June 1941; PRESS RECORDS, Verordnungsblatt des Militärbefehlshaber in Belgien und Frankreich für die besetzten Gebiete Belgiens und Nordfrankreichs, 5 Sept 1941; PRESS RECORDS, Verordnungsblatt des Militärbefehlshaber in Belgien und Frankreich für die besetzten Gebiete Belgiens und Nordfrankreichs, 2 Feb 1942; PRESS RECORDS, Verordnungsblatt des Militärbefehlshaber in Belgien und Frankreich für die besetzten Gebiete Belgiens und Nordfrankreichs, 18 and 28 March 1942; PRESS RECORDS, Verordnungsblatt des Militärbefehlshaber in Belgien und Frankreich für die besetzten Gebiete Belgiens und Nordfrankreichs, 15 April 1942; PRESS RECORDS, Verordnungsblatt des Militärbefehlshaber in Belgien und Frankreich für die besetzten Gebiete Belgiens und Nordfrankreichs, 15 May 1942; PRESS RECORDS, Verordnungsblatt des Militärbefehlshaber in Belgien und Frankreich für die besetzten Gebiete Belgiens und Nordfrankreichs, 1 June 1942;

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PRESS RECORDS, Verordnungsblatt des Militärbefehlshaber in Belgien und Frankreich für die besetzten Gebiete Belgiens und Nordfrankreichs, 24 April 1942; PRESS RECORDS, Verordnungsblatt des Militärbefehlshaber in Belgien und Frankreich für die besetzten Gebiete Belgiens und Nordfrankreichs, 12 August 1942; PRESS RECORDS, Verordnungsblatt des Militärbefehlshaber in Belgien und Frankreich für die besetzten Gebiete Belgiens und Nordfrankreichs, 2 Oct 1942.

22849. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony, Urlaubschein, decision on the ‘Einsatz’ ; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on hiding a person who refused to carry out forced labor; GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Information form of a Belgian incorporated in the German Army; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on person who refused to carry out forced labor.

22850. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942,1944.

22851. Photos of men; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Testimony on person missing since bombardment; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Judicial records on person who fought against Belgium; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony.

22852. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Testimony on deceased person, Death certificate, 1944. 22853. Request for certificate of spoliation of furniture. 22854. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite. 22855. MARBURG RECORDSGruppe VII Arbeitseinzatz – Abschrift betreffend Betriebe

welche beim Anzug von Kräften frei zu stellen bezw. Zu schönen sind, 11 dec 1942; MARBURG RECORDS, Gruppe VII Arbeitseinzatz - Abschrift betreffend Massnahmen für eine Steigereung der Kräftegewinnung für ds Reich, 20 Feb 1943.

22856. Request for certificate of deportation. 22857. PRISON RECORDS, Sint-Gilles, Information form on person who was imprisoned. 22858. Records on compensation. 22859. Card Limbourg. 22860. Birth- and marriage certificate. 22861. Records on films – ‘Nuit et Brouillard’ and ‘Les Moulins de la Mort’ . 22862. Not on the roll. 22863. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Letter of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la

Guerre. 22864. SHAEF. 22865. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony;

Information form for pension. 22866. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony. 22867. CAMP RECORDS, Testimony on stay at camp Siebenhirten;

Medical records; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Information form and testimony; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment.

22868. Results of research for persons. 22869. SHAEF. 22870. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for pass, records on

‘Kontraktbrühige’ .

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22871. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944.

22872. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Judicial records, 1943. 22873. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, testimony,

testimony on accident; Medical records.

22874. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Centraal Beheer van Joodse Weldadigheid en Maatschappelijk Hulpbetoon; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Fichier Israélite; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records on spoliation.

22875. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Testimony. 22876. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, convocation,

Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid, questionnaire, Anwerbebestätigung, Secours d’ Hiver, travel pass, certificate of identity, request for pass, Laufzettel für Karteikarten.

22877. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass. 22878. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein,

Anwerbebestätigung, certificate of identity, travel pass, request for pass, Secours d’ Hiver, convocation; PRISON RECORDS, Gefängnis Aachen, Prison card, 1942.

22879. PRISON RECORDS; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Secours d’ Hiver, Laufzettel für Karteikarten, Überweisungsschein, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid.

22880. Extract from register of divorce. 22881. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Meldung über Bruch der

Arbeitsvertrages. 22882. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Certificate on member of the resistance (Illegal Press). 22883. Photos of men. 22884. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, travel pass,

request for pass, convocation, questionnaire, Anwerbebestätigung, certificate of identity; Medical records, Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

22885. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1943; Request for certificate for spoliation of furniture; SLAVE ON JEWISH PERSONS, Information form - Fichier Israélite.

22886. DEATH CAMP RECORDS, Testimony on deceased. 22887. Records of the Israeli Embassy, request for information on Jews in Belgium. 22888. GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtsauskunftstelle information form;

GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Testimony on person forced to join the German army.

22889. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Individual research for deceased; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Heimkehrer -Erklärung; GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtsauskunftstelle card; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on Unfallsache.

22890. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre records – Convention belgo-allemand pour l’ application de la loi du 19 juillet 1957 – Mesure de spoliation en Belgique;

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RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Ergebnisprotokol über die Besprechung mit Vertretern der belgischen Vervolgten - Organisation Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre.

22891. HOSPITAL RECORDS, Stadtkrankenhaus Radeburg, Extract from the list of foreigners who were treated at the hospital.

22892. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Anwerbebestätigung, convocation, Secours d’ Hiver, request for pass, travel pass, questionnaire, certificate of identity; Medical card.

22893. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein. 22894. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1945;

CAMP RECORDS, Neuengamme, Death certificate, 1944 and 1945; CAMP RECORDS, Oberstraubling (Kommando of Flossenbürg), Death certificate, 1945; CAMP RECORDS, Flossenbürg, Judicial declaration of decease, 1945; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Ministerie van Wederopbouw – Aanvaardingscommissie der Politieke Gevangenen en van hun Rechthebbenden (Ministry of Reconstruction – Commission on the status of political prisoners).

22895. Medical records, Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien. 22896. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Declaration on and certificate of member of the

resistance; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment.

22897. CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, List. 22898. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment;

CAMP RECORDS, Noé, Certificate of internment; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942.

22899. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony on deceased worker; Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

22900. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony. 22901. Records on civil war victims. 22902. Not on the roll. 22903. SHAEF. 22904. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS. 22905. List – research for missing persons;

CAMP RECORDS, Natzweiler, Zugang am 6. September 1944; CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Überstellungen; CAMP RECORDS, Zugänge vom 1. September 1941.

22906. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1944 and 1945; CAMP RECORDS, Neuengamme, Death certificate, 1945; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Ministerie van Wederopbouw – Aanvaardingscommissie der Politieke Gevangenen en van hun Rechthebbenden (Ministry of Reconstruction – Commission on the status of political prisoners); Photos of men.

22907. SHAEF. 22908. Records on spoliation of furniture. 22909. Certificate on spoliation of household.

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22910. Note. 22911. TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Bescheinigung;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1943.

22912. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Individual research for deceased; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records for compensation.

22913. CAMP RECORDS, Natzweiler, List. 22914. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for pass, certificate of identity,

travel pass. 22915. Not on the roll. 22916. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Certificate of political prisoner who stayed at different

concentration camps. 22917. Birth certificate;

Medical records, Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Ministerie van Wederopbouw – Aanvaardingscommissie der Politieke Gevangenen en van hun Rechthebbenden (Ministry of Reconstruction – Commission on the status of political prisoners).

22918. Medical records- bills of doctors; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Personal-Akten; Request for compensation; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony.

22919. CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Veränderungsmeldung, 30 Dec 1944; CAMP RECORDS, List.

22920. CAMP RECORDS, Request for incarceration; CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Death certificate, 1941.

22921. JUDICIAL RECORDS/ PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 30 June 1960. 22922. Note. 22923. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein. 22924. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Judicial records (Kriegswirtschaftsverbrechen), 1943. 22925. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1943-1944; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card; CAMP RECORDS, Rivesaltes, Certificate of internment.

22926. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Records on decease during bombardment; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on ‘Unfallsache’ .

22927. Photos of men. 22928. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1943; CAMP RECORDS, Request for certificate.

22929. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony on bombardments during work in Germany; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment; Questionnaire on the request for pension of invalidity for soldier 1940-1945; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Information form of political prisoner.

22930. Records on spoliation.

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22931. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Law on approval of the agreement between Belgium and France on the pensions for invalidity and decease of civil war victims, signed in Brussels on 20th September 1958.

22932. Medical records. 22933. Marriage certificate. 22934. SHAEF;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, General count of person who have to be repatriated.

22935. Records on spoliation. 22936. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on person who refused to carry out forced labor; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Mention of decease in Germany, 1945.

22937. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, certificate of identity, request for pass, convocation, Überweisungsschein, Secours d’ Hiver; Medical records; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Judicial records on theft, 1942.

22938. Convention de louage d’ industrie. 22939. Note. 22940. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1943; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre.

22941. SHAEF. 22942. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, convocation,

travel pass, certificate of indentity, request for pass, Anwerbebestätigung. 22943. JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 27 August 1960. 22944. Extrait concernant le cadre 1961. 22945. Note d’ hotel. 22946. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein,

Anwerbebestätigung, request for pass; Medical records; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Payment to certain political prisoners liberated before 15th September 1944; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment; PRISON RECORDS, Testimony on person in Straflager of Hollten Auberhausen.

22947. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Kölsch-Fölzer Werke AG Siegen Dortmund; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der belgischen Staatsangehörigen bei der Reichsbahn in Rheinhausen Uerdingen; List - Kreis Wolfenbüttel; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Nachweisung der Arbeitskräfte belgischer Nationalität Hannover-Ricklingen.

22948. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1943; CAMP RECORDS, Request for certificate of deportation.

22949. Records on spoliation of furniture.

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22950. Questionnaire on spoliation. 22951. Medical records, Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien. 22952. CAMP RECORDS, Dora-Mittelbau, List;

CAMP RECORDS, Dora-Mittelbau, Registration card. 22953. PRESS RECORDS, Article on pensions of invalidity and decease for civil war

victims; JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 29 July 1960.

22954. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1945. 22955. SHAEF. 22956. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1943; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Individual card.

22957. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Nachforschung nach vermissten; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1944.

22958. Records on pensions of civil war victims; Medical records; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein; SHAEF.

22959. Records on compensation. 22960. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accidents;

Medical records; PRISON RECORDS, Kriegswehrmachtgefängnis Sint-Gillis, Card.

22961 JUDICIAL RECORDS, Judicial files – Braunschweig. 22962. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Secours d’ Hiver,

certificate of identity, travel pass, request for pass. 22963. Records on spoliation of furniture. 22964. CAMP RECORDS, Zugang am 25. Juni 1943. 22965. SHAEF;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, convocation. 22966. Medical records, Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Decision of the Commission de Contrôle pour Déportés.

22967. Records of the Confédération Nationale pour Prisonniers Politiques et Ayants-Droit. 22968. Birth- and marriage certificate, certificate of nationality. 22969. Registre pour l’ enregistrement des inhabitants du commune qui ont participé à la

fourniture des prestations requises pour l’ autorité militaire en exécutant de la loi du 12 May 1927.

22970. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records on person who refused to carry out forced labor; Bills.

22971. SLAVE LABOUR RELATED RECORDS, Records of the Groβhandel Lagerei-Berufsgenossenschaft in Mannheim.

22972. SHAEF; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942, 1944; Records on compensation for victim of the persecution.

22973. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1943.

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22974. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony on wounded person in Bochum; Information form for the Service of civil war victims – deported persons; Medical records; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Stadtkrankenhaus Peine, Liste der belgische Patienten, 1 April 1943 – 31 March 1944; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Sportplatz Hildesheim.

22975. Convention de louage d’ Industrie. 22976. Records on spoliation. 22977. Postcard –Avis de réception. 22978. Request for approval of living in apartment;

Records on the organisation of film showing – ‘Nacht und Nebel’ and ‘Les Moulins de la Mort’ ; Agreement on borrowing films.

22979. Lettres (Notaire). 22980. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1943; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment.

22981. Extract from register of pension. 22982. Records on compensation for spoliation. 22983. Not on the roll. 22984. CAMP RECORDS, Krankenbau Monowitz, List. 22985. No contents. 22986. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, general count of

persons who have to be repatriated; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony on wounded worker – Medical records; Request for pension; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Belgians who worked for the Lübecker Flander-Werke Aktiengesellschaft Lübeck-Siems.

22987. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records of the Confédération Nationale pour Prisonniers Politiques et Ayants-Droit; Testimony on arrested person ( suspected of murder on German soldier).

22988. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Individual research for deceased; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on insurance.

22989. PRISON RECORDS, Strafgefängnis Spandau, Prison card, 1944; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Judicial records (illicit trade), 1944.

22990. Request for certificate on spoliation of persons deported to concentration camps; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1944.

22991. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942 –1944; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre.

22992. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on person who refused to carry out forced labor; Testimony on arrested person who stayed in Natweiler;

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Information of person – last news from Natzweiler and Flossenbürg. 22993. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass,

travel pass; Medical records; SHAEF.

22994. Photos. 22993. Photos of men. 22995. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1944. 22996. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony, information form,

Überweisungsschein, request for pass, decision of the Commission de Contrôle pour Déportés; Birth certificate; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Ministerie van Wederopbouw – Aanvaardingscommissie der Politieke Gevangenen en van hun Rechthebbenden (Ministry of Reconstruction – Commission on the status of political prisoners); Medical records, Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Commission de Contrôle pour Réfractaires, information form; Birth certificate; SHAEF.

22997. Medical records, Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein.

22998. CAMP RECORDS, Blechhammer, Death certificate, 1943. 22999. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony

on person who refused to carry out forced labor; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on member of the resistance.

23000. Medical records. 23001. Birth certificate;

Death certificate, 1958; Medical records.

23002. Wehrstammrolle; Antrag an Familienunterhalt; Birth certificate; Medical records; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on person who refused to carry out forced labor; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Ministerie van Wederopbouw – Aanvaardingscommissie der Politieke Gevangenen en van hun Rechthebbenden (Ministry of Reconstruction – Commission on the status of political prisoners); RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records of the Confédération Nationale pour Prisonniers Politiques et Ayants-Droit; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony.

23003. RECORDS OF COLLABORATION. 23004. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942, 1944; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Bescheinigung;

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Request for information on persons. 23005. Records on spoliation. 23006. Records on compensation - Investigation in Germany to determine if person

received a compensation from German services. 23007. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Records on grave of unknown person. 23008. Records on civil war victims. 23009. CAMP RECORDS, Vaihingen/Natzweiler, Individual card;

CAMP RECORDS, Echterdingen (Kommando of Natzweiler), List and individual card; CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service; CAMP RECORDS, Natzweiler, Registration card; List; CAMP RECORDS, Ensingen (Vaihingen) , Death certificate, 1945.

23011. HOSPITAL RECORDS, Hôpital Auxiliaire Arlon, Card of entry and departure. 23010. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Lohnbescheinigung für Kranke

Arbeitsunfähigheitsbescheinigung; Medical records.

23012. RECORDS ON MÖBEL-AKTION, Records on spoliation of furniture; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Centraal Beheer van Joodse Weldadigheid en Maatschappelijk Hulpbetoon; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Information form – Fichier Israélite.

23013. Records of the Krankenkasse. 23014. CAMP RECORDS, Neuengamme, List of Husum-Stadthagen;

CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, Registration cards (Individual cards of internees, Schreibstubekasten, cards of deceased, cards per Block).

23015. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1943-1944; Request if name is found on list of deported persons.

23016. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony; Medical records; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Information form of political prisoner; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized of the resistance who don’ t receive payment.

23017. Records on spoliation of furniture. 23018. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1944; CAMP RECORDS, Request for certificate of internment.

23019. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Record of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre.

23020. Bulletin de reconduction de signalement. 23021. Report on personnel. 23022. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Individual research for deceased;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Heimkehrer-Erklärung.

23023. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, information form. 23024. HOSPITAL RECORDS, Stadtkrankenhaus Dresden-Friedrichstadt, List of treated

persons. 23025. List. 23026. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident. 23027. SHAEF;

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FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire, Überweisungsschein. 23028. Document. 23029. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1944. 23030. Bordereau – Annex d’ un cheque collectif Œuvre National des Ancien Combattants -

Bordereau d’ assignation. 23031. Records on compensation for spoliation of furniture. 23032. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1945;

JUDICIAL RECORDS, Several questionnaires of the ‘Auditoriat Militaire’ . 23033. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1943; CAMP RECORDS, Argelès-sur-Mer, Certificate of internment; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre.

23034. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records on the trial of Nurembuerg, Archives of the Jewish contemporary Center of Documentation.

23035. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on hiding a person who refused to carry out forced labor, testimony on person who have to be repatriated; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Certificate of work; Marriage certificate; Records on pension of family of civil war victim.

23036. PRISON RECORDS, Negative result on research in the Maison d’ Arrêt de Besancon; CAMP RECORDS, Information on persons who stayed in Gurs, Les Milles, Rivesaltes, Récébédou; Records on traffic accident; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1940; Records on pension.

23037. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Personalkarte, 1943; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Individual research for deceased, Heimkehrer-Erklärung.

23038. Not on the roll. 23039. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on Rente. 23040. Records of the International Tracing Service on compensation for worker;

CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Death certificate, 1942; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1940 and 1945; CAMP RECORDS, Ebensee, Death certificate, 1945; CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, Death certificate, 1942 and 1945.

23041. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944.

23042. TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Bescheinigung; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1943-1944.

23043. Records on pension. 23044. SHAEF;

CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Death certificate, 1944; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Hôpital Auxiliaire n° 13 in Arck, Medical record.

23045. RECORDS ON MÖBEKAKTION, Records on spoliation of household.

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23046. Records on compensation for spoliation of furniture. 23047. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Judicial records on espionage, 1944. 23048. JUDICIAL RECORDS/ PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 20 July 1946 and 16-

17 Nov 1942. 23049. DEATH CERTIFICATES. 23050. CAMP RECORDS, Rivesaltes, Certificate of internment;

CAMP RECORDS, Records of the United Restitution Office. 23051. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1943; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment; CAMP RECORDS, Request for certificate of deportation.

23052. Bills for medicine; Medical records; Birth certificate; Testimony on arrested person; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on person who refused to carry out forced labor.

23053. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident and compensation.

23054. HOSPITAL RECORDS, Landeskrankenhaus Detmold, Aufstellung über im Lazarett behandelte Eupen-Malmedyer.

23055. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

23056. Request for information on subjects of the cards of displacement who were in Antwerpen at the moment of the German occupation.

23057. Photos of persons. 23058. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid. 23059. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1943; CAMP RECORDS, Request for certificate of deportation; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Negative result on research for information of deceased person.

23060. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Report on the file on “ Scaldia” Verbindingsdek Antwerpen on situation during the war.

23061. GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Extract from Rechtsberate allgemeine Liste; PRISON RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Extract from Kammerbuch; PRISON RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Extract from Repertoire II.

23062. JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Journal Officielle de la République Française.

23063. Agreement on borrowing films ‘Nacht und Nebel’ ; Request for approval of showing films ‘Nacht und Nebel’ and ‘Les Moulins de la Mort’ .

23064. CAMP RECORDS, Rivesaltes, Certificate of internment; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card.

23065. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Information on Jewish person who stayed in Revel; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1943;

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RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre; Records on spoliation of furniture.

23066. PRESS RECORDS, Article from ‘La Libre Belgique’ on the Œuvre Nationale des Invalides de la Guerre, 8 June 1958; Report on the Oeuvre Nationale des Invalides de la Guerre.

23067. CAMP RECORDS, Neuengamme, Records on ‘Effeketen und Wertsachen des ehemaligen Konzentrationslagers’ .

23068. Bills of doctors. 23069. Medal of honour. 23070. Agreement on borrowing films. 23071. Envelope. 23072. Records on compensation;

Marriage certificate. 23073. Hansestadt Hamburg, List. 23074. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Judicial records on ‘Feindbegünstigung’ , 1943. 23075. Medical records. 23076. HOSPITAL RECORDS, Kruppsche Krankenanstalten Essen, List of treated persons;

CAMP RECORDS, Deckenschule, Testimony on person who stays at the disciplinary camp Deckenschule in Essen; Medical records.

23077. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, General count of persons who have to be repatriated, testimony; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Commission de Contrôle pour Réfractaires; Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

23078. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre; CAMP RECORDS, Records of the United Hias Service; CAMP RECORDS, Records of the United Restitution Office.

23079. Request for birth- and marriage certificates of family. 23080. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records on Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la

Guerre; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1943; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Haft der Aenderungen, 12 Jan 1944.

23081. TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Photos of the exposition on the concentration camps.

23082. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Individual research for deceased; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accidents and compensation.

23083. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Ausweis, Quittungskarte, Anwerbebestätigung, Rückkehrschein; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1945; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Ministerie van Wederopbouw – Aanvaardingscommissie der Politieke Gevangenen en van hun Rechthebbenden (Ministry of Reconstruction – Commission on the status of political prisoners); Birth certificate;

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Medical records; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment.

23084. Agreement on borrowing films. 23085. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Diverse material (photos). 23086. Request for information and certificate of internment. 23087. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service. 23088. Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien. 23089. CAMP RECORDS, Information on persons deceased in Auschwitz. 23090. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony, declaration of a slave


investigation of the case of a person who refused to carry out forced labor; Medical records.

23092. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Request for certificate of deportation.

23093. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Suche nach Angehörigen der Vereinten Nationen; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Universitäts-Nerven Klinik in Kiel, Extract from the Krankengeschichten of the Klinik.

23094. JUDICIAL RECORDS, List of all judicial records – Frankfurt a/Main; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Namensliste aller während der Zeit vom 2. September 1939 bis 15. Juli 1946 bei der Deutschen Reichsbahn beschäftigten Ausländer.

23095. CAMP RECORDS, Bergen-Belsen, Reproduction of photos. 23096. Photos of men. 23097. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, Anwerbebestätigung,

general count of persons who have to be repatriated, Überweisungsschein, convocation, certificate of identity, Secours d’ Hiver, request for pass; SHAEF; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records on political prisoner.

23098. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Order of the Verwaltung des jüdischen Grundbesitzes in Belgien on apartment.

23099. JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 13 Oct 1960. 23100. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Notes and documents on the persecution of

Jewish persons. 23101. CAMP RECORDS, Gross-Rosen, Extract from register on LäuseKontrolle (Stuben 1

& 5). 23102. Liste der bei der Aunnungskrankenkasse Goslar versicherten Belgier;

CAMP RECORDS, List of belgians passed Miranda. 23103. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/DEATH CERTIFICATE, Records on

deceased worker; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1944.

23104. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Letter on wounds of worker. 23105. Not on the roll. 23106. CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, Extract from register. 23107. Records on spoliation of household of Jews. 23108. Bills of pharmacies;

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Medical records; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on and information form of member of the Secret Army.

23109. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Anwerbebestätigung, request for pass; SHAEF.

23110. Request for certificate of spoliation of furniture. 23111. Request for information of persons. 23112. Medical records;

Bills of ‘Garage Georges Woestijn – Kortrijk’ . 23113. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident and

compensation. 23114. Medical records;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Information form. 23115. Diverse material. 23116. Records on compensation for worker;

Medical records. 23117. Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony on industrial accident. 23118. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Mention of decease, 1944;

Krankenausweis. 23119. Diverse records. 23118. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Questionnaire on person arrested for anti-German

propaganda. 23120. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre; Request for information on person; CAMP RECORDS, Request for certificate of deportation.

23121. Medical records. 23122. Request for investigation on case of missing person. 23123. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident;

DEATH CERTIFICATE, Heimkehrer-Erklärung. 23124. SHAEF;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, certificate of identity, request for pass; Request for information for repatriation; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Questionnaire on disappeared soldier during the war 1940-1945.

23126. Extract from register of population – Antwerpen and Borgerhout; Certificate of registration, St. Jans Molenbeek.

23127. CAMP RECORDS, Photos of diverse concentration camps. 23128. CAMP RECORDS, Request for certificate of deportation;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942.

23129. Not on the roll.

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23130. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Secours d’ Hiver, certificate of identity, travel pass, request for pass, Überweisungsschein.

23131. Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien. 23132. Medical records. 23133. CAMP RECORDS, Vaihingen, Cards. 23134. Not on the roll. 23135. PRESS RECORDS, Article from ‘La Dernière Heure’ -Les histoires les plus

extraordinaires. Les aventures de la ‘Rote Kapelle’ . Le Réseau d’ espionage communiste qui fit la nique à Hitler; PRESS RECORDS, Die Rote Kapelle funkt für den Kreml, 1 May 1954; PRESS RECORDS, Article from ‘Le Soir’ – Les souvenirs d’ un agent secret Kurt Singer – Les grands espions de ma carrière.

23136. Not on the roll. 23137. Certificate of residence – Berchem;

Extract from register of population - Antwerpen. 23138. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Letter on compensation for property of Jewish

persons. 23139. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1943 – 1944; CAMP RECORDS, Request for certificate of deporation.

23140. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony. 23141. Not on the roll. 23142. CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, Veränderungsmeldungen, 18 Feb 1942 – 30 Nov

1942; CAMP RECORDS, Gusen (Kommando of Mauthausen), Veränderungsmeldungen, 1 Dec 1942 – 30 Sept 1944, 1 Oct 1944 – 11 Feb 1944 and 19 Feb 1944 – 31 July 1944, 31 Jan 1945 – 30 April 1945; CAMP RECORDS, Ebensee (Kommando of Mauthausen), Revierbuch; CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, Veränderungsmeldungen, 30 June 1941 – 25 Dec 194?.

23143. PRISON RECORDS, Polizeigefängnis Wien, Register B of internees of the prison. 23144. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful

camps – Arbeitslager II Lemwerder; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der im Arbeitslager II gewesenen Belgier – Lemwerder; Namentliste aller Militär- und Zivilpersonen der Vereinigten Nationen, anderen Ausländer, deutscher Juden und Staatenlosen die vorübergehend oder dauernd in der Gemeinde Frankfurt sich aufgehalten haben aber jetzt nicht mehr dort wohnhaft sind.

23145. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident. 23146. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for pass, travel pass, certificate

of identity; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

23147. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1943; CAMP RECORDS, Records of the United Restitution Office; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Information form – Fichier Israélite.

23148. Medical records;

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HOSPITAL RECORDS, Krankenanstalten des Ennepe Ruhr-Kreises, Nachweis der in der von 1940 bis 1945 in Krankenanstalten behandelten belgischen Staatsangehörigen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Betriebskrankenkasse der Ruhrstahl Aktiengesellschaft Rattingen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der Unfälle ausländischer Staatsangehöriger – Hütten- und Walzwerks-Berugsgenossenschaft Dortmund, 3 September 1939 – 8 May 1945.

23149. GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtsauskunftstelle card. 23150. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Bescheinigung.

23151. Request for borrowing film ‘Nacht und Nebel’ . 23152. Kriegszählkarte;


documents for the Commission de Contrôle pour Réfractaires, 7 Oct 1960. 23154. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony;

SHAEF; Birth certificate; Testimony on arrested person; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Ministerie van Wederopbouw – Aanvaardingscommissie der Politieke Gevangenen en van hun Rechthebbenden (Ministry of Reconstruction – Commission on the status of political prisoners).

23155. SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for pass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated.

23156. Birth certificate. 23157. Photos – exposition - Thielbeck. 23158. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein,

Anwerbebestätigung, request for pass, Secours d’ Hiver, Anwerbebestätigung, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid, convocation, travel pass; PRISON RECORDS, Gefängnis Wittlich, Prison card, 1942; PRISON RECORDS, Gefängnis Aachen, Prison card, 1943.

23159. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Card, Überweisungschein, convocation, request for pass, Secours d’ Hiver; PRISON RECORDS, Politische Gefängnis Aachen, Prison card, 1941; PRISON RECORDS, Haftanstalt Aachen, Prison card, 1941.

23160. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Note on victim of slave labor. 23161. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942.

23162. Diplôme – Collège Cardinal Mercier in Braine l’ Alleud – Section Humanités latines, 1951.

23163. Not on the roll. 23164. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned

political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment.

23165. Medical records. 23166. Photos of men.

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23167. SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein.

23168. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident. 23169. CAMP RECORDS, Monowitz, Two pages from list of the Krankenbau. 23170. JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 20 Dec 1960. 23171. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on assurance for industrial

accidents. 23172. Records on Berufsgenossenschaft. 23173. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident;

Information form of civil war victims; Medical records.

23174. JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 15 Dec 1960. 23175. Medical records. 23176. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Loos, Information on incarcerated persons;

Birth certificate; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1960; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Negative result on research for person.

23177. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein. 23178. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942 – 1943; Request for certificate of spoliation of furniture.

23179. Records on spoliation – immeubles requisistionés – Ville de Bruxelles. 23180. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony

on person who refused to carry out forced labor; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony on industrial accident; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Zu meldende und abzugebende Unfallvorgänge der Tiefbau-Berugsgenossenschaft; Medical records.

23181. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Todesbescheinigung and death certificate, 1943; Medical records; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on person who refused to carry out forced labor.

23182. CAMP RECORDS, Registration card; CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, Extract from Zugangsbuch.

23183. Medical records. 23184. Medical records. 23185. Certificate of good behaviour. 23186. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned

political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment.

23187. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942 – 1944.

23188. Information form of the Oeuvre Nationale de l’ Enfance Service Social. 23189. Note. 23190. Cards – Alphabetical cards. 23191. File – Some rules for an efficient reporting.

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23192. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942 – 1944; CAMP RECORDS, Request for information on deportation; CAMP RECORDS, Request for certificate of deportation; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre.

23193. Records on disabled veteran. 23194. Card of identity. 23195. Note on spoliation of furniture. 23196. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Secours d’ Hiver,

Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid, convocation, questionnaire; Medical records.

23197. Information on persons. 23198. CAMP RECORDS, Rivesaltes, Certificate of internment. 23199. Not on the roll. 23200. Not on the roll. 23201. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Records on compensation for decease;

Testimony on traffic accident; SHAEF.

23202. JUDICIAL RECORDS/ RECORDS ON SPOLIATION, Records on ‘Rückerstattung gegen das Deutsche Reich wegen Entzehung von Hausrat, Schmuk u. Wertsachen.

23203. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Convocation, request for pass, testimony, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid, travel pass, Überweisungsschein, Secours d’ Hiver, certificate of identity; Medical records.

23204. JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 14 Dec 1960. 23205. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1943. 23206. GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Namentliche Verlustmeldung über Unterführer und

Mannschaften vor dem Feinde Gefallene und Verwundete, Vermiβte oder Gefangene, 4 Jan 1944 – 13 Feb 1944.

23207. CAMP RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Records on the trial of Breendonk. 23208. Ordonnance de non-lieu. 23209. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, certificate of identity,

request for pass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, Überweisungsschein, Anwerbebestätigung; Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

23210. Note on impossibility to give information in case on spoliation. 23211. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire, travel pass, request for

pass, Überweisungsschein, convocation, testimony, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid; Medical records.

23212. JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 16 Jan 1949. 23213. Extrait registre envois postaux – 6 May 1960. 23214. RECORDS ON COLLABORATION. 23215. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942 – 1944; CAMP RECORDS, Records of the United Restitution Office; CAMP RECORDS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre.

23216. JUDICIAL RECORDS. 23217. CAMP RECORDS, Records on compensation for decease in Dachau.

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23218. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942 – 1944; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card; CAMP RECORDS, Request for certificate of deportation; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the United Service Hias.

23219. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps - Arbeitslager der Baufirma Gottfried Tesch i.d. Wifo Bremen-Farge; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Arbeitslager der Baufirma Gottfried Tesch i.d. Wifo Bremen-Farge.

23220. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service. 23221. Birth- and marriage certificate;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on compensation; Medical records.

23222. Medical records; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Request for compensation for decease; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Testimony on deceased.

23223. Records on request for compensation for political prisoner; Birth certificate; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, request for pass; Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

23224. Extrait de compte. 23225. SHAEF;

Card Limbourg; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment; CAMP RECORDS, Les Milles, Certificate of internment.

23226. Birth certificate. 23227. GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtsauskunftstelle card. 23228. Photo of man;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Arbeitskarte; Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

23229. Photos of men; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Rückkehrschein.

23230. CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, Registration card. 23231. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942 – 1944.

23232. Records on spoliation. 23233. Medical records. 23234. SHAEF. 23235. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942, 1944; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Bescheinigung.

23236. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite. 23237. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony. 23238. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Information form, certificate;

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RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment.

23239. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 23240. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Individual research for decease, Heimkehrer-Erklärung,

Ausgabe über einen Toten; Records on Rente.

23241. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on assurance. 23242. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1943. 23243. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records of assurance. 23244. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass;

SHAEF; Card of repatriated person; Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

23245. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1943; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre.

23246. SHAEF; RECORDS ON HOSTAGES, Stalag XIII A, Personalkarte; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, certificate of identity, request for pas; 3 registers of sick Persons – Hammelberg.

23247. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 23248. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accidents and

compensation. 23249. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on accident;

Medical records; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment.

23250. Medical records. 23251. Bon spécial de transport à échanger à la gare de départ. 23252. Records on spoliation. 23253. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service;

CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Death certificate, 1942; CAMP RECORDS, Hailfingen (Kommando of Natzweiler), Death certificate, 1944.

23254. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 23255. TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Mecheln, Bescheinigung. 23256. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS. 23257. Diploma. 23258. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1945;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Judicial records.

23259. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident, medical records.

23260. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1960; Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on ‘Unfallversicherungsstelle’ .

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23261. Letter. 23262. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment;

CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942.

23263. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 23264. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Individual card of and testimony on deceased, 1944. 23265. Medical records;

HOSPITAL RECORDS, Marianen Hospital Werl, List of treated persons; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony on industrial accident.

23266. Bills of medicine. 23267. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1944.

23268. Records on compensation. 23269. Letter of the Compagnie des Propiétaires Réunis to Sir Müller – Bruxelles. 23270. JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 23 Dec 1960. 23271. GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Certificate of incorporation in the German Army;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony, Photo of man.

23272. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1943-1944.

23273. HOSPITAL RECORDS, St. Franziskus Hospital Köln-Ehrenfeld, Belgier im Krankenhaus untergebracht, 1940 – 28 Feb 1946.

23274. GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtauskunftstelle card. 23276. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte, Lohnsteuerkarte, card of

assurance of invalidity. 23277. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942 – 1943; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card.

23278. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, travel pass, questionnaire, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, request for pass, decision of the Commission de Contrôle pour Déportés; SHAEF.

23279. RECORDS ON COLLABORATION, Records on disappeared person. 23280. Records of the Confédération Nationale pour Prisonniers Politiques et Ayants-Droit. 23281. Records on pension. 23282. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte, Lohnsteuerkarte. 23283. SHAEF. 23284. Records on civil war victims. 23285. PRESS RECORDS, Extract from journal ‘Jurisprudence’ , 25 April 1960. 23286. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein. 23287. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, convocation,

request for pass, certificate of identity, travel pass, Anwerbebestätigung, Secours d’ Hiver, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid.

23288. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre.

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23289. Record on civil war victim. 23290. Records on the Belgian-German Social Assurance;

DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1943, 1944 and 1945; GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtauskunftstelle information form.

23291. CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Death certificate, 1945. 23292. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Request for certificate for wearing the Star of

David. 22293. Document. 23294. Records on compensation for decease in Dachau. 23295. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942 – 1943; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre.

23296. Record on civil war victim. 23297. CAMP RECORDS, Note on the concentration camps in the Netherlands;

CAMP RECORDS, Ravensbrück, Testimony. 23298. Request for information on persons;

DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1950; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Information on internment; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Death certificate, 1941; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1940.

23299. RECORDS ON HOSTAGES, Stalag IXC, Certificate of internment of hostage. 23300. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned

political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment.

23301. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Lohnbescheinigung, Quittungskarte; Photos of men.

23302. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1943; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Vereeniging van Joodsche Politieke Gevangenen.

23303. Records on request on spoliation. 23304. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service;

CAMP RECORDS, Registration card. 23305. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942; Certificate of registration in the registers of population – Berchem.

23306. Records on compensation - Investigation in Germany to determine if person received a compensation from German services.

23307. Result on research for information on person. 23308. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony on deported worker of the

Organisation Todt; Medical records; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Stadtkrankenhaus Rotenberg, List of treated persons.

23309. Records on compensation - Investigation in Germany to determine if person received a compensation from German services.

23310. SHAEF. 23311. Records on Unfallrente.

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23312. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, certificate of identity, travel pass, request for pass, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid, convocation, Secours d’ Hiver.

23313. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Certificate of identity, travel pass, request for pass, Überweisungsschein.

23314. SHAEF. 23315. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein,

Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid, convocation, travel pass, request for pass, Laufzettel für Karteikarten; Medical records.

23316. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1943.

23317. Birth certificate; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on member of the resistance; Bills of doctors.

23318. PRESS RECORDS, Verordnungsblatt des Militärbefehlshaber in Belgien und Frankreich für die besetzten Gebiete Belgiens und Nordfrankreichs, 7 March 1942; PRESS RECORDS, Verordnungsblatt des Militärbefehlshaber in Belgien und Frankreich für die besetzten Gebiete Belgiens und Nordfrankreichs, 6 May 1943; PRESS RECORDS, Verordnungsblatt des Militärbefehlshaber in Belgien und Frankreich für die besetzten Gebiete Belgiens und Nordfrankreichs, 30 June 1943; PRESS RECORDS, Verordnungsblatt des Militärbefehlshaber in Belgien und Frankreich für die besetzten Gebiete Belgiens und Nordfrankreichs, 7 Jan 1944; PRESS RECORDS, Verordnungsblatt des Militärbefehlshaber in Belgien und Frankreich für die besetzten Gebiete Belgiens und Nordfrankreichs, 29 April 1944; JUDICIAL RECORDS/FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Neuordnung der Erfassung von Arbeitskräften für das Reich – Aushebung der Geburtsjahr 1920/1921, 6 Sept 1943; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Deutsche Arbeitseinsatzdienststellen und Ihre Aussenstellen; JUDICIAL RECORDS/FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Übersicht über Personengruppen die gelegentlich der Aushebung der Geburtsjahrgänge 1922/1924 von der Dienststelle in das Reich freizustellen sind, 12 March 1944; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Heeresgruppen Verordnungsblatt für die besetzten Gebieten, 10 May 1940.

23319. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1943; CAMP RECORDS, Request for certificate of disparation or decease of deported person.

23320. Certificate of divorce; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Certificate on the status of member of the Armed Resistance (MP); Diploma of dactylology.

23321. PRISON RECORDS, Zitadelle Huy, Liste der am 16. Januar 1942 in der Zitadelle einsitzenden Internierten; Verzeichnis der am 30. Januar 1942 leitenden Sanitätsoffiziere der 0589 haftunfähig geschriebenen Geiseln usw; PRISON RECORDS, Mons (Charleroi)Eingestellten – Wachgeisel, 15 Oct 1942.

23322. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 23323. Notes, 1942.

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23324. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment.

23325. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Antrag auf Ausgabe von Arbeiterwochenkarten.

23326. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records on member of the resistance. 23327. Bills of doctors. 23328. Transportlist – Feldgendarmerie, 8 Aug 1944;

PRISON RECORDS, Zitadelle Lüttich, Einlieferungsschein- List of Arbeitsdienstverpflichtete überstellte; CAMP RECORDS, Breendonk, Transportliste vom Aufgangslager Breendonk nach Buchenwald, 1944; CAMP RECORDS, Gefangenentransport nach Buchenwald, 16 June 1944, 8 Aug 1944.

23329. PRISON RECORDS, Zitadelle Huy, Liste der auf der Zitadelle am 11. Februar 1943 einsitzenden Geisel und Sicherheitshäftlinge.

23330. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein. 23331. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1943; Card Limbourg; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card.

23332. Etat des medicaments fournis. 23333. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, request for pass,

Quittungskarte, certificate of identity, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid, Urlaubschein, convocation, Überweisungsschein; PRISON RECORDS, Kriegswehrmachtgefängnis Sint-Gillis, List; Medical records.

23334. Meldung über Erschiessung Kriegsger. Zum tode verurteilten Personen, 6 Nov and 20 May 1942; In Belgien als Sühnemassnahme durchgeführte Erschiessungen von Terroristen in den Jahren 1942, 1943 and 1944, 13 Dec 1944; Erwägungen über die Erschiessung von Geiseln, 12 Sept 1941; Unreadable; CAMP RECORDS, Breendonk, Rapport sur le deportation de civils politiques belges internés dans le camp de Breendonc; JUDICIAL RECORDS; Erfassung und Überwachung der Offiziere und Berufsunteroffiziere der demobilisierten belgischen Armee, Dec 1942; Ontruiming der gevangenissen en interneringskampen van de militaire omschrijving, April and May 1944; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Judicial records; Liste – Räumung der Wohnungen der Juden (Antwerpen), Schreiben 20. Oktober 1942; PRISON RECORDS, Extract from register; PRISON RECORDS, Huy, Namentliche Liste der am 21. Mai nach Zitadelle Huy überst. Häftlinge mit Aufstellung der Geldbeträge und Wertsachen; CAMP RECORDS, Breendonk, Liste der am 29. Juni 1943 aus dem A-Lager Breendonk überstellten S-Häftlingen a. Anordnung SD Brüssel; PRISON RECORDS, Huy, Wertgegenständeder am 21. Mai 1943 nach Huy überstellten belgischen Sicherheitshäftlinge;

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RESISTANCE RECORDS, Extract from ‘Livre d’ Or de la résistance belge’ ; Diverse orders.

23335. Compétence des organismes policiers ayant fonctionné en Belgique pendant l’ occupation; Verfolgung von Straftaten gegen das Reich und die Besatzungsmacht in die besetzten Gebieten, 29 August 1942; Überstellung von zum tode verurteilten Landeseinwohnern deren Urteile noch nicht vollstreckbar sind, 3 Dec 1943; Unreadable; PRISON RECORDS, Zuchthaus.., Prison card, 1942; PRISON RECORDS, Wehrmachtsgefängnis Sint-Gillis, Prison card, 1944; PRISON RECORDS, Zuchthaus Rheinbach, Prison card, 1944.

23336. PRISON RECORDS, Zitadelle Huy, Zugeführt der Zitadelle, 4 Oct 1943; CAMP RECORDS, Herzogenbosch, Überstellten Sicherheitshäftlingen in das Konzentrationslager; PRISON RECORDS, Liste der zur Ueberstellung Sicherheitshäftlingen mit Sicherheitshaftbefehl des Militärbefehlshabers Brüssel.

23337. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1943; Card Limbourg; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre.

23338. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1943-1944; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Individual card; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, List of Jews forced to work; PRESS RECORDS/CAMP RECORDS, Les Crimes de Guerre commis sous l’ occupation de la Belgique 1940-1945. Le camp de Tortures de Breendonk, 1948.

23339. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, List of Jews forced to work. 23340. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Certificate of member of the Armed Resistance. 23341. Document personnel (Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre). 23342. Not on the roll. 23343. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 23344. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Transportliste Arbeitserziehungslager –

Aussenstelle Arlon, 17 March 1944. 23345. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service;

CAMP RECORDS, Nordhausen am Harz, Death certificate, 1945. 23346. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 23347. GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Extract from Rechtsberate allgemeine Liste -

Bestätigung und Abhebung von Urteilen. 23348. PRISON RECORDS/CAMP RECORDS, List of places of internment in Belgium. 23349. Not on the roll. 23350. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Record on Star of David, Jewish doctor,

Jewish nurse. 23351. PRESS RECORDS, Article on compensation for victims of the Nazis;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1944.

23352. Photos; Records on and photo of commemorative plaque for the deported workers.

23353. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte.

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23354. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony, convocation; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment.

23355. Postlisten, June – Sept 1943. 23356. PRISON RECORDS, Zitadelle Huy, Explication for the comprehension and

translation of the registers of the Zitadelle Huy; PRISON RECORDS, Zitadelle Huy, Lists.

23357. Medical records. 23358. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Request on the status of political prisoner;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, travel pass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, request for pass; SHAEF; PRISON RECORDS, Politische Gefängnis Aachen, Prison card, 1941; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Ministerie van Wederopbouw – Aanvaardingscommissie der Politieke Gevangenen en van hun Rechthebbenden (Ministry of Reconstruction – Commission on the status of political prisoners); RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Commission de Contrôle pour Résistants Civils.

23359. CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, Deceased after the liberation – Hospital of Ebensee; CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, Verstorbene Häftlinge des Konzentrationslagers; CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, Abgangsbuch des Krankenhauses; CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, Totenliste, 5 May 1945 – 18 May 1945; CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, Individual cards from the Abgangsliste; GESTAPO RECORDS, List – Gestapo Hamburg; List of Husum-Stadthagen – property list; CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Verzeichnis von ehem. Häftlingen des Konzentrationslagers verstorben nach den Befreiung des Lagers durch die Rote Armee; CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Im Lagerkrankenhaus des polnisches Roten Kreuzes, 27 Jan 1945.

23360. JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 22 Dec 1960. 23361. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, travel pass,

request for pass, certificate of identity, Anwerbebestätigung, Überweisungsschein, convocation, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid; PRISON RECORDS, Strafgefängnis und Untersuchungshaftanstalt Hannover, Prison card, 1944.

23363. SHAEF; Medical records.

23364. Records on civil war victims. 23365. Records (Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre). 23366. Records on Berufsgenossenschaft. 23367. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1945. 23368. Records on civil war victims. 23369. CAMP RECORDS, Certificate of stay in the camp Oberhausen;

Medical records. 23370. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Certificate of decease during bombardment, 1945. 23371. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1943. 23372. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Testimony on deceased during bombardment;

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FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, General count of persons who have to be repatriated.

23373. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1944; Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

23374. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Individual research for deceased, Heimkehrer-Erklärung. 23375. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Lohnsteuerkarte, Quittungskarte. 23376. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Report of interrogation. 23377. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Certificates. 23378. Certificate on spoliation. 23379. Note – loi fédérale visant à indemnities des victimes de persécutions nationales-

socialistes. 23380. Diverse records. 23381. Records on civil war victims. 23382. HOSPITAL RECORDS, Anderlecht, Register. 23383. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, general count of

persons who have to be repatriated, travel pass, request for pass; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Ministerie van Wederopbouw – Aanvaardingscommissie der Politieke Gevangenen en van hun Rechthebbenden (Ministry of Reconstruction – Commission on the status of political prisoners).

23384. Card Limbourg; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944.

23385. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Individual research for deceased; GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtsauskunftstelle card.

23386. International Tracing Service result of research for persons in archives Service Internationale des Recherches.

23387. Notes on Berufsgenossenschaft. 23388. Card Limbourg;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1943; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card; CAMP RECORDS, Request for certificate of deportation.

23389. Note; Extract from register of population. 23390. Document personnel. 23391. Notes. 23392. Not on the roll. 23393. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Fichier on Israelites furniture – Company Van

Hyck. 23394. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned

political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment; Medical records; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte.

23395. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on compensation for industrial accident.

23396. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 23397. PRESS RECORDS, Article – Compensation pour des Victimes de la persécution


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23398. Records on compensation - Investigation in Germany to determine if person received a compensation from German services.

23399. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS. 23400. Request for compensation for deceased;

RECORDS ON BELGIAN ARMY, Certificate for definitive furlough. 23401. Records on assurance. 23402. Records on spoliation. 23403. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942; CAMP RECORDS, Rivesaltes, Certificate of internment; CAMP RECORDS, Request for certificate of deportation.

23404. Note. 23405. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Negative result on research for place of burial. 23406. Records on compensation for loss of deported member of family and for spoliation

of household. 23407. SHAEF. 23408. RECORDS ON HOSTAGE, Stalag XVII B, Medical cards;

RECORDS ON HOSTAGES, Testimony on prisoner of war; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for pass, decision of the Commission de Contrôle pour Déportés, Überweisungschein.

23409. Birth certificate. 23410. RECORDS ON COLLABORATION. 23411. Information on seizure of furniture. 23412. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1943. 23413. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1944; Card Limbourg.

23414. PRISON RECORDS, Prison Verviers, Persons who was imprisoned during the occupation; PRISON RECORDS, Namen, Namen von Geiseln; PRISON RECORDS, Zitadelle Huy, Angehörige der ehemaligen belgischen Luftwaffe, festgenommenen und in die Zitadelle eingeliefert, 1942; Liste der Geiseln für den Mord in Laeken am 11. Juli 1941.

23415. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Testimony on decease; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Information form, testimony on industrial accident.

23416. PRISON RECORDS, Vorst, Belgians who were imprisoned; PRISON RECORDS, Vorst, List of deceased Belgians.

23417. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite; Card Limbourg; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card; SHAEF; CAMP RECORDS, Les Milles, Certificate of internment.

23418. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Testimony on disappeared person. 23419. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1943;

DEATH CERTIFICATE, Testimony on missing person. 23420. Medical records;


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23421. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Testimony on deceased, individual card and death certificate, 1945; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Liste der Belgier – Dortmunder Brückenbau; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Mention of decease, 1944.

23422. Medical records; Records on request for compensation of invalidity.

23423. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 23424. Bills of doctors. 23424. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment;

DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1940, 1942, 1960 and 1961. 23425. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1940 and 1941;

Birth- and marriage certificate; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Testimony on decease; Certificate of nationality.

23426. Records on compensation; Medical records.

23427. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1943; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre.

23428. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1943; Card Limbourg; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card.

23429. Medical records; Birth certificate; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on person arrested for listening the English radio; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1942.

23430. RECORDS ON HOSTAGES, Altengrabow (XIB), Personalkarte; RECORDS ON HOSTAGES, Altengrabow (XIA), Personalkarte.

23431. Letter to the Miltitärbefehlshaber in Belgien und Nordfrankreich on Möbelaktion in the area of the Kreiskommandantur Brugge; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Table of costs for 57 political prisoners.

23432. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Questionnaire on disappeared person; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1944; Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

23433. Certificate of registration – Antwerpen, Schaarbeek; Extract from register of population – Antwerpen; Certificate on spoliation of furniture by the Germans; CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Table of correspondence between the date of departure of Jewish convoys from France and their dates of arrival in Auschwitz – Archives of Auschwitz.

23434. Document personnel. 23435. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the Amicale Internationale de Neuengamme. 23436. Lettre concernant rentes aux ascendants des travailleurs déportés et qui ont été

victime d’ un accident de travail. 23437. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1944.

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23438. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942.

23439. Records on Möbelaktion. 23440. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1943; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment.

23441. Diverse records. 23442. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Individual research for deceased, Heimkehrer-Erklärung;

DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1945. 23443. Photos of men;

Card of services during the war of 1940-1945. 23444. Medical records. 23445. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1943; Records on spoliation; Extract from register of population – Borgerhout; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Individual card; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre.

23446. Comte d’ Histoire d’ une ligne d’ évasion – Cécile Jouan. 23447. Agreement on borrowing films. 23448. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der bei der Allgemeine

Ortskrankenkasse Frankfurt a.M. versichert gewesenen Angehörigen der Vereinten Nationen und andere Nationen; Request on compensation for decease.

23449. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on member of the resistance; Medical records.

23450. CAMP RECORDS, Dora, Zugangsbuch. 23451. TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Rivesaltes, Individual cards, lists of internees;

RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Instructions concerning Israelites in France (records on foreign workers, lists of Belgians in Savoie); TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Records on the centre of Montéliau; Correspondence – regrouping-centres; Table Alphabétique générale des étrangers expulsés de France, 1941; Refugees or expulsed foreigners staying in Savoie.

23452. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Bestattungsscheine, persönliche Verhaltnisse der Verstorbenen; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificates, 1943 and 1944.

23453. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Judicial files – Amtsgericht Hamburg. 23454. HOSPITAL RECORDS, St. Vincenz-Hospital Menden, List of treated persons;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List. 23455. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, General count of persons who have to

be repatriated; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Testimony on deceased.

23456. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, travel pass, request for pass, certificate of identity, convocation.

23457. Note de frais – firme Louis Ghemar. 23458. Bills of doctors.

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23459. Records on Berufsgenossenschaft. 23460. Records on civil war victims. 23461. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942; Request for information on persons.

23462. Comte d’ histoire d’ une ligne d’ évasion; PRESS RECORDS, The listener. The Comet Line. By Sir Brian Horrocks, 14 Jan 1960.

23463. CAMP RECORDS, Fort Barraux, List of internees. 23464. Letter? 23465. Letter of the Confédération Nationale pour Prisonniers Politiques et Ayants-Droit. 23466. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on arrested person;

Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien. 23467. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment.

23468. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1943; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment.

23469. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, List of Jews from the center of foreigners; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942.

23470. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Certificates. 23471. Not on the roll. 23472. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony. 23473. SHAEF;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, convocation, travel pass, request for pass.

23474. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for pass, Überweisungsschein, Anwerbebestätigung, convocation; SHAEF.

23475. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony. 23476. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment.

23477. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1943; CAMP RECORDS, Request for certificate of deportation.

23478. Table of lawyers at the Court of First Instance in Antwerpen. 23479. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Meldung eines Betriebsunfalles;

Medical records; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, request for pass, certificate of identity; GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtsauskunftstelle card; SHAEF.

23480. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, certificate of identity, Anwerbebestätigung, request for pass, convocation, testimony.

23481. Records on spoliation. 23482. Not on the roll. 23483. Not on the roll.

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23484. Certificate of nationality; Birth certificate; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1944 and 1952.

23485. Unreadable. 23486. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1944; Testimony on spoliation of household.

23487. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on ‘Unfallsache’ . 23488. RECORDS ON THE BELGIAN ARMY, Testimony on soldier. 23489. RECORDS ON COLLABORATION. 23490. Medical records. 23491. List of all nationals – Kulmbach. 23492. Records on compensation - Investigation in Germany to determine if person

received a compensation from German services. 23493. PRESS RECORDS, Zeitung ohne Namen. Überparteiliches Blatt für Freiheit, Recht

und Menschenwürde. Offizielles Organ des Bundes der Verfolgte des Naziregimes – Kameradschaft darf keine Phrase sein, 28 April 1950; PRESS RECORDS, Münchner Merkur – Grundsteinlegung für Konzentrations-Gedächtnishalle, 1-2 May 1950; PRESS RECORDS, Der Volkswille – Dr. Ehard legte Grundstein für die Gedächtnishalle in Dachau, 2 May 1950; PRESS RECORDS, Fränkische Tagespost – Dem Gedenken der Gemordeten, 2 May 1950; PRESS RECORDS, Nürnberger Nachrichten, Gründstein für ein Konzentrations-Ehrenmal, 2 May 1950; PRESS RECORDS, Der Allgäuer – Der Staatsakt in Dachau, 2 May 1950; PRESS RECORDS, Der Allgäuer, Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Freiheit und Recht, 2 May 1950; PRESS RECORDS, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Die Befreiungsfeier in Dachau, 2 May 1950; PRESS RECORDS, Die Neue Zeitung - Feierliche Gedenkstunde für die Opfer von Dachau, 2 May 1950; PRESS RECORDS, Frankfurter Rundschau – Gedächtnisfeier für die Opfer von Dachau, 3 May 1950; PRESS RECORDS, Donau-Kurier – Grundsteinlegung in Dachau, 3 May 1950; PRESS RECORDS, Mittelbayerische Zeitung – Das Mahnmal von Dachau, 3 May 1950.

23494. Records on spoliation. 23495. Card Limbourg;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942 – 1944; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card.

23496. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1943; Card Limbourg; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre.

23497. Partly unreadable. 23498. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Individual research for deceased, Heimkehrer-Erklärung;

Records on ‘Rentenantrag’ .

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23499. CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Report on the camp. 23501. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1943; Card Limbourg; CAMP RECORDS, Records of the United Restitution Office.

23502. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card.

23503. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on political prisoners; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment; Records on accident; Medical records.

23504. CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Extract from register of entries. 23505. Extract from register of population – Brussel. 23506. Not on the roll. 23507. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment; Statistique provisoire pour les ? déportés et internés.

23508. SHAEF; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment.

23509. RECORDS ON COLLABORATION, Testimony on person who joined the Waffen SS.

23510. Testimony on wounded person during bombardment; Medical records.

23511. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1944. 23512. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for compensation for wounds;

Medical records. 23513. Records on compensation. 23514. Card Limbourg;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1943.

23515. Photos of men; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Sammelkonto Wanderarbeiter aus Belgien.

23516. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on ‘Unfallsache’ . 23517. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass,

Arbeitsbuch für Ausländer, travel pass; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; PRISON RECORDS, Politische Gefängnis Aachen, Prison card, 1941.

23518. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, General count of persons who have to be repatriated, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers, Quittungskarte, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, Anwerbebestätigung; Medical records; SHAEF.

23519. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony. 23520. CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Extract from register.

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23521. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 23522. Document personnel. 23523. Document personnel. 23524. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte, Lohnsteuerkarte. 23525. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate and individual card of deceased, 1943;

Medical records. 23526. Not on the roll. 23527. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Personal-Akten – Hamburg. 23528. Not on the roll. 23529. Not on the roll. 23530. Records of exposition – records on Jewish doctor, on Jewish nurse, on Star of David,

lists. 23531. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1944;

Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien. 23532. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1943;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident. 23533. Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony on wounded worker. 23534. CAMP RECORDS, Letter from the ‘Fraternelle des Amicales des camps’ on the

organisation of an exposition of the life in concentration camps, 1961. 23535. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the

Betriebskrankenkasse Hüttenverein Werk Dortmund; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of the Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe Lehn. U. Gehaltsstelle; Belgier im Ortsteil Wilhelmsruh; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Liste der auf Westhausen beschäftigt gewesenen Belgier; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons on the Flugzeugbau- Gesellschaft Bremen.

23536. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers; Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps. 23537. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942, 1943; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card.

23538. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps - Lager der Firma Kohlwes Dortmund; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records of the Hoch- und Tiefbau Lüdenscheid.

23538. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1943; Card Limbourg; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card.

23539. Order of expulsion, 1941; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Judicial records on ‘Feindbegünstigung’ ; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Mecheln, Bescheinigung.

23540. CAMP RECORDS, Schandelah (Neuengamme), Registration card; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of deportation; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1943;

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Lists? 23541. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 23542. SHAEF. 23543. Diverse records – exposition London. 23544. Not on the roll. 23545. Medical records;

Bills of pharmacies and doctors. 23546. Not on the roll. 23547. CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Block- und Rapportbuch. 23548. Not on the roll. 23549. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1943; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment; Card Limbourg; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Centraal Beheer van Joodse Weldadigheid en Maatschappelijk Hulpbetoon; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre.

23550. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1943.

23551. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Genehmigung zur Beschäftigung des unten-bezeichneten Ausländers.

23552. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment.

23553. Medical records. 23554. Testimony on member of Organisation Todt in Stalingrad. 23555. Medical records;

Certificate of registration – Anderlecht; Birth- and marriage certificate; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1944.

23556. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Note on death certificate. 23557. JUDICIAL RECORDS. 23558. Card Limbourg;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1944.

23559. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1944; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Testimony on deceased during bombardment.

23560. Records on compensation - Investigation in Germany to determine if person received a compensation from German services.

23561. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of insured by the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse für der Stadt Goslar.

23562. RECORDS ON COLLABORATION, Testimony on not returned member of the Waffen SS.

23563. CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Questionnaire on internee; CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Study on Buchenwald and its Kommandos.

23564. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 23565. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, general count of

persons who have to be repatriated; SHAEF;

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JUDICIAL RECORDS, Judicial records, 1945. 23566. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942. 23567. PRISON RECORDS, Zuchthaus Siegburg, Auszug aus dem Gefangenenbuch;

Records on compensation for deceased; GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtsauskunftstelle information form.

23568. PRISON RECORDS, Zuchthaus Rheinhausen, Prison card, 1944; PRISON RECORDS, Haftanstalt Aachen, Prison card, 1940.

23569. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite. 23570. Medical records. 23571. CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Information on deceased in Auschwitz. 23572. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony;

Birth certificate; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on person who refused to carry out forced labor.

23573. Personal letters. 23574. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, 8 Photos of Mala Zimelbaum and 6 photos of

man – Israelite resistance. 23575. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Arbeitsbescheinigung. 23576. Request for films (Nacht und Nebel’ and ‘Les Moulins de la Mort’ ) for the

‘Nationale Strijdersbond’ , 1961. 23577. CAMP RECORDS, Vernet, Report on the internment;

CAMP RECORDS, Farge, Report on the conditions in the concentration camp; PRISON RECORDS, List of Belgians who were imprisoned in Wesermünde-Leke since 1940, who were deceased and those who are still in the prison; CAMP RECORDS, Allendorf, Report on the camp; Investigation report of Hessische-Lichtenau; Investigation report of Aussenkommando of Buchenwald in Arolsen; Massacre of prisoners by the SS in Hirzenhain; CAMP RECORDS, Convoy of political prisoners who were moved from Kochendorf to Dachau on 31st March 1945; CAMP RECORDS, Auerbach (Kommando of Natzweiler), Records on the Kommando; CAMP RECORDS, Liste der am 28. März 1945 im Arbeitslager Neckerelz befindlichen Häftlingen; CAMP RECORDS, Liste der im Konzentrationslager Neckargerach verstorbenen Schutzhaft-Gefangene; CAMP RECORDS, Liste der im Konzentrationslager Leonberg verstorbenen Häftlingen; CAMP RECORDS, Aussenkommandos of ‘SS Sonderlager Hinzert’ in Langendiebach; PRISON RECORDS, Investigation report on Wehlheiden Prison in Kassel.

23578. CAMP RECORDS, Card Limbourg; Extract from register of population – Brussel; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Mecheln, Haft der Aenderungen, 12 Jan 1944; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944.

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23579. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1943; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Individual card.

23579. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Meldung über Bruch des Arbeitvertrages.

23580. Records on spoliation – request for information on house and furniture. 23581. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Judicial records, 1961. 23582. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1960 and 1961;

CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Death certificate, 1940. 23583. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Testimony and records on drowned worker. 23584. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Unfall-Akten, 1941. 23585. Not on the roll. 23586. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Individual research for deceased;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on person who refused to carry out forced labor; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1945; Medical records; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on and certificate of member of the resistance; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Information on and certificate of political prisoner; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records on refusal of recognition of member of the resistance; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment.

23587. Photo. 23588. SHAEF;

PRISON RECORDS, Namen, Card. 23589. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident. 23590. Records on ‘Wiederherstellung von Versicherungs-Unterlagen’ . 23591. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1943; CAMP RECORDS, Vernet d’ Ariège, Certificate of internment; Certificate of registration in the registers of population of person deceased in Auschwitz- Antwerpen – Berchem.

23592. CAMP RECORDS, Request for information on person deported to Neckarelz; CAMP RECORDS, Statement on some transports of prisoners from the Schäbich Hall penitentiary to other institutions referring to transports of Nacht und Nebel-prisoners; CAMP RECORDS, Map of Kochendorf-Dachau – convoy of political prisoners , 1-2 April 1945; CAMP RECORDS, Convoy of political prisoners who were moved from Kochendorf to Dachau on 31st Marh 1945; CAMP RECORDS, Report on the research for disappeared persons of the camp Sandbostel.

23593. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass. 23594. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein;

Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien. 23595. HOSPITAL RECORDS, St. Marienhospital Drensteinfurt, Liste aller im

Krankenhaus verstorbenen Belgier.

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23596. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident. 23597. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS. 23598. Testimony on wounded persons. 23599. RESISTANCE RECORDS/PRISON RECORDS, Testimony on person in prison of

Brugge for espionage; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Rückkehrschein.

23600. Medical records; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on arrested person.

23601. Diverse records. 23602. Not on the roll. 23603. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Individual research for deceased – records on

compensation. 23604. Card Limbourg;

CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1943.

23605. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1943; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Bescheinigung; CAMP RECORDS, Records of the United Restitution Office.

23606. Records on exposition (underground press and photos). 23607. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1943.

23608. Records on spoliation. 23609. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1944; CAMP RECORDS, Records of the United Restitution Office.

23610. Records on compensation. 23611. Information on persons;

Extrait des recettes; Borderel der afhoudingen – Kas voor oorlogspensioenen.

23612. Medical records. 23613. CAMP RECORDS, Registration card;

CAMP RECORDS, Neuengamme and Bergen-Belsen, List of political prisoners who were treated at the 88 British General Hospital in Rotenburg-Unterstedt; CAMP RECORDS, Sachsenhausen, Arrivals and departures, 1 Sept 1941 – 31 Oct 1941; PRISON RECORDS, Frauengefängnis Jauer, Abgangskalender. Moments of departure, 1948 and 1949; CAMP RECORDS, ?, Kommandobuch; CAMP RECORDS, ?, Häftlingen-Stand der Beschäftigung, Jan 1944; CAMP RECORDS, Krankenbau Birkenbau, Medikamentenverbrauch, 1 Nov 1942; CAMP RECORDS, Sachenhausen, Todesfälle im Konzentrationslager, Oct – Dec 1942, May – Oct 1944, Jan – March 1945; PRISON RECORDS, Frauengefängnis Jauer Ja XIII, Invaliden Karten, 22 June 1942 – 6 Jan 1945; CAMP RECORDS, Häftlingskrankenbau Mittelbau I, Revieraufnahme, 29 Sept 1944 – 13 Dec 1944;

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CAMP RECORDS, Esterwegen, Sterbebuch of camp VII. 23614. Medical records;

List of all nationals – Coetzlar. 23615. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Records on decease. 23616. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Information form of missing person. 23617. Records on compensation for deceased. 23618. Wachbuch, 3 March 1942 – 11 June 1942;

Namen festgenommene Geiseln; PRISON RECORDSISON RECORDS, Zitadelle Huy, Namen festgenommene Geiseln in Zitadelle Huy eingeliefert, 5 June 1942; Geiseln für den Mord in Laeken, 11 July 1941; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Sicherheitshaftbefehl – espionage, 1944.

23619. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Ministerie van Wederopbouw – Aanvaardingscommissie der Politieke Gevangenen en van hun Rechthebbenden (Ministry of Reconstruction – Commission on the status of political prisoners); RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on member of the resistance; Records on the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; RECORDS ON HOSTAGES, Application of the status of hostage; Certificate of repatriation for wounded or sick prisoner of war.

23620. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment;

23621. Records on compensation for orphans. 23622. Letter on ‘Geiselerschieβung’ – espionage, 11 Sept 1942;

In Belgien als Sühnemasnahme durchgeführte Erschiessungen von Terroristen in den Jahren 1942, 1945 und 1944 (amounts); Abschrift Fernschreiben, 20 Oct 1941; Meldung über Erschieβung von Kriegsgerichtlich zum Tode verurteilten Personen, 5 Nov and 20 May 1942; Erwägung über die Erschiessung von Geiseln, 12 Sept 1942.

23623. Photos; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Record of the Fraternelle des Agents Parachutistes.

23624. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1943; SHAEF.

23625. PRESS RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Verordnungsblatt des Militärbefehlshaber in Belgien und Frankreich für die besetzten Gebiete Belgiens und Nordfrankreichs, 5 Nov 1940; PRESS RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Verordnungsblatt des Militärbefehlshaber in Belgien und Frankreich für die besetzten Gebiete Belgiens und Nordfrankreichs, 10 June 1941; PRESS RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Verordnungsblatt des Militärbefehlshaber in Belgien und Frankreich für die besetzten Gebiete Belgiens und Nordfrankreichs, 5 Sept 1941; PRESS RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Verordnungsblatt des Militärbefehlshaber in Belgien und Frankreich für die besetzten Gebiete Belgiens und Nordfrankreichs, 18 March 1942; PRESS RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Verordnungsblatt des Militärbefehlshaber in Belgien und Frankreich für die besetzten Gebiete Belgiens und Nordfrankreichs, 15 May 1942;

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PRESS RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Verordnungsblatt des Militärbefehlshaber in Belgien und Frankreich für die besetzten Gebiete Belgiens und Nordfrankreichs, 1 June 1942; PRESS RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Verordnungsblatt des Militärbefehlshaber in Belgien und Frankreich für die besetzten Gebiete Belgiens und Nordfrankreichs,12 August 1942; PRESS RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Verordnungsblatt des Militärbefehlshaber in Belgien und Frankreich für die besetzten Gebiete Belgiens und Nordfrankreichs, 7 August 1940; PRESS RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Verordnungsblatt des Militärbefehlshaber in Belgien und Frankreich für die besetzten Gebiete Belgiens und Nordfrankreichs, 12 August 1942; PRESS RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Verordnungsblatt des Militärbefehlshaber in Belgien und Frankreich für die besetzten Gebiete Belgiens und Nordfrankreichs, 2 Oct 1942; PRESS RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Verordnungsblatt des Militärbefehlshaber in Belgien und Frankreich für die besetzten Gebiete Belgiens und Nordfrankreichs, 17 and 25 June 1940; PRESS RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Verordnungsblatt des Militärbefehlshaber in Belgien und Frankreich für die besetzten Gebiete Belgiens und Nordfrankreichs, 19 Oct 1940; PRESS RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Verordnungsblatt des Militärbefehlshaber in Belgien und Frankreich für die besetzten Gebiete Belgiens und Nordfrankreichs, 10 May 1940; CAMP RECORDS, Registration card; List?; CAMP RECORDS, Gross-Rosen, Death certificate, 1944; Letter of the chaplain of the German Army Henrich Kreutzberg to a woman with information on her deceased son; PRISON RECORDS, Köln, Information form.

23626. Afschrift tot naricht aan vrouwelijke dienstchefs i.v.m. verlof voor borstvoeding. 23627. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Judicial records. 23628. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite. 23629. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Information on service to apply to in order to receive

the status of member of the resistance, certificate of member of the resistance. 23630. CAMP RECORDS, International Tracing Service – certificate of incarceration

(Buchenwald-Gross-Rosen-Dachau). 23631. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony

on person who refused to carry out forced labor; Bill/fee of doctors.

23632. Records on pension of civil war victim. 23633. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Secours d’ Hiver. 23634. CAMP RECORDS, ‘An Exhibition of Bitterness’ ;

PRESS RECORDS, The man who h… for his own body – the Eichmann Trial, 3 May 1961; PRESS RECORDS, Message of hate does not belong to the city. Christians should boycott this – exhibition; CAMP RECORDS, Copy of letter from the Rev. W.W. Simpson to the detention room of Conventry;

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CAMP RECORDS, Records on the attack by the detention room of Coventry on the exhibition – Association of Nazicamp survivors.

23635. Request for certificate of spoliation. 23636. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on member of the resistance (liberation of

Denain), certificate of member of the French resistance. 23637. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Testimony of Israelite. 23638. Request for/records on certificates of spoliation of furniture. 23639. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942, 1944. 23640. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS. 23641. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Personal-Akte - ‘Wehrdienstenziehung’ , 1942;

GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtsauskunftstelle card. 23642. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, testimony,

convocation, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, questionnaire; SHAEF; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

23643. Not on the roll. 23644. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942; Request for information on deported person.

23645. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Identification photos, records on exhumation and photos. 23646. Not on the roll. 23647. Not on the roll. 23648. Records on compensation. 23649. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Testimony on deceased;

Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1944 and 1945.

23650. Note du Mlle de Dorlodot; Lettre du Maire de Seine et Marne.

23651. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony. 23652. Diverse records. 23653. SHAEF. 23654. RECORDS ON COLLABORATION. 23655. GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Bestätigung und Abhebung von Urteilen;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of Belgians of the Company “ Gebr. Giulini” GmbH in Ludwigshafen.

23556. Bills of pharmacies – Medical records. 23657. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned

political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment.

23658. Request for certificate and medical certificate of deceased. 23559. PRESS RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 26 April 1961. 23660. CAMP RECORDS, Gross-Rosen, Registration camp;

CAMP RECORDS, Gross-Rosen, Death certificate, 1944. 23661. SHAEF;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Anwerbebestätigung, travel pass, certificate of identity, request for pass.

23662. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Judicial records, 1942. 23663. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein;

GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtauskunftstelle card;

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SHAEF. 23664. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass,

travel pass; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers who left for Germany, 29 April 1943; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Ministerie van Wederopbouw – Aanvaardingscommissie der Politieke Gevangenen en van hun Rechthebbenden (Ministry of Reconstruction – Commission on the status of political prisoners).

23665. TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Bescheinigung; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1943; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Vereeniging van Joodsche Politieke Gevangenen; CAMP RECORDS, Request for certificate of deportation; Card Limbourg.

23666. Not on the roll. 23667. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident. 23668. CAMP RECORDS, Les Milles, Certificate of internment;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942.

23668. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, travel pass; SHAEF.

23669. Not on the roll. 23670. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for pass, travel pass,

Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid, Überweisungsschein, certificate of identity. 23671. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on ‘Unfallsache’ . 23672. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Judicial records on espionage, 1944. 23673. Records on compensation - Investigation in Germany to determine if person

received a compensation from German services. 23674. SHAEF;

Card Limbourg; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment; Certificate of registration and extract from register of population in Berchem.

23675. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1945. 23676. JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 9 May 1961. 23677. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Information form – Fichier Israelite.

23678. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Individual card.

23679. Rentenantrag. 23680. Medical records;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Certificate of member of the ‘Groupe Hoornaert-Dirix’ of the Armed Resistance; PRISON RECORDS, Zuchthaus Rheinbach, Testimony on political prisoner in the prison.

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23681. Records on traffic accident. 23682. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS. 23683. Birth- and marriage certificate. 23684. Not on the roll. 23685. SHAEF;

Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien. 23686. Records on compensation - Investigation in Germany to determine if person

received a compensation from German services; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS.

23687. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1945; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Testimony on deceased during bombardment, 1945.

23688. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 23690. PRISON RECORDS, Tegel, 39 Personal-Akten. 23691. Photos of men. 23692. Records on pension. 23693. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1943; Letter to receive documents on compensation of war damage; Abtransport aus besichtigten Wohungen; Extract from register of population – Borgerhout; Certificate of compostion of house.

23694. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 23695. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein,

Anwerbebestätigung; SHAEF.

23696. Card Limbourg; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942, 1944.

23697. Certificate on spoliation. 23698. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Mention of decease of worker, 1943. 23699. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Testimony, 1945;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records of the Deutsche Werbestelle Roeselare; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of the Kreis Friesland.

23700. GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtauskunftstelle card; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Testimony on deceased during bombardment, Death certificate, 1944.

23701. Medical records. 23702. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on ‘Unfallsache’ . 23703. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Testimony on presumed deceased during bombardment. 23704. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident. 23705. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Testimony on missing person - member of the NSKK. 23706. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein. 23707. JUDICIAL RECORDS/ PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 20 May 1961. 23708. JUDICIAL RECORDS/ PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 17 May 1961. 23709. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Polizeiliche Abmeldung, 1931. 23710. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate and testimony on deceased during

bombardment. 23711. CAMP RECORDS, Heinkel, Häftlingsbestand im Arbeitslager Heinkel. 23712. List of the Stadkreis Gelsenkirchen.

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23713. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Personal-Akten. 23714. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of 4 Belgians who stayed at the

camp T.L. and T.O. ‘Entenfangweg 13 Hannover’ ; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps - ‘Entenfangweg 13 Hannover’ .

23715. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident. 23716. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony on accident;

Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien. 23717. Bills of doctors;

Birth- and marriage certificate; Testimony on traffic accident.

23718. Birth certificate; Order on dismissing the charges against person for helping hostile political plans, 1946.

23719. Bills of pharmacies; Medical records.

23720. Medical records. 23721. Records on civil war victims. 23722. SHAEF. 23723. Medical card. 23724. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the United Hias Service. 23725. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1943; CAMP RECORDS, Records of the United Restitution Office.

23726. Documents personnels. 23727. PRISON RECORDS, Charleroi, Prison card;

PRISON RECORDS, Luik, Prison card; PRISON RECORDS, Merksplas, Bescheinigung; PRISON RECORDS, German Prisons – Prison cards, judicial records; CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Registration card; CAMP RECORDS, Breendonk, Namentliche Liste der am 21. May nach Zitadelle Huy überstellten Häftlingen; CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Registration card; CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Registration card; CAMP RECORDS, Dora-Mittelbau, Registration card and death certificate, 1945; CAMP RECORDS, Flossenbürg, Registration card, CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, Registration card, CAMP RECORDS, Natzweiler, Registration card, CAMP RECORDS, Neuengamme, Registration card, CAMP RECORDS, Sachsenhausen, Registration card and death certificate, 1945; CAMP RECORDS, Vught and Kommandos, Registration card.

23728. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942.

23729. Not on the roll. 23730. Records on compensation - Investigation in Germany to determine if person

received a compensation from German services. 23731. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Mention of decease, 1945. 23732. Diverse records. 23733. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte, Überweisungsschein,

request for pass;

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RECORDS ON THE GERMAN ARMY, Wehrstammblatt; Medical records – records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

23734. RECORDS ON THE GERMAN ARMY, Wehrmachtauskunftstelle card; Testimony on ‘légionnaires wallons’ died on the Russian front.

23735. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Lohnkonto, Quittungskarte, Lohnsteuerkarte, Arbeitsbuch für Ausländer.

23736. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire, certificate of identity, travel pass; Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

23737. CAMP RECORDS, Registration card. 23738. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1943; Extract from register of population – Borgerhout and Anwerpen; Certificate of registration – Antwerpen.

23739. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS. 23740. Certificate for the status of political prisoner;

Birth certificate; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Erfassung von Arbeitskräfte.

23741. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 23742. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1955. 23743. Records on pension of civil war victims. 23744. Records on compensation (pension for orphan). 23745. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Aktenvermerk betr. Transportmittel fur den

Abtransport der Lifts bzw. anderer jüdischer Möbel, 1 June 1942. 23746. SHAEF. 23747. Testimony on beating a deported person. 23748. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS. 23749. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Records on compensation for deceased. 23750. JUDICIAL RECORDS, 45 Personal-Akten. 23751. Medical records. 23752. Medical records. 23753. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Individual research for deceased;

Records on Entschädigungsverfahren-Renten. 23754. PRISON RECORDS, Citadelle Liège, Kammerbuch. 23755. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1943. 23756. Information on person. 23757. Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Arbeitsbuch für Ausländer. 23758. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on ‘Arbeitsunfall’ ;

Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien. 23759. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 23760. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on ‘Unfallsache’ . 23761. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 23762. List? 23763. JUDICIAL RECORDS, 37 Personal-Akten. 23764. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service;

DEATH CERTIFICATE, Individual research – Heimkehrer-Erklärung. 23765. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident.

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23766. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 23767. PRISON RECORDS, Zuchthaus Siegburg, Auszug aus dem Gefangenenbuch,

1942/1943. 23768. Exhibition not anti-German;

Camps display records the facts of death. 23769. Diverse records. 23770. Records of the Confédération Nationale pour Prisonniers Politiques et Ayants-Droit;

RESISTANCE RECORDS, Information form for the status of political prisoner. 23771. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 23772. Records on industrial accident. 23773. CAMP RECORDS, Theresienstadt, Political prisoners deceased in Theresienstadt

since March 1945. 23774. Extracts from birth certificates. 23775. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service;

DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1940 and 1945. 23776. List of political, social security and labour employment office records – Berlin-

Neukoeln. 23777. Records on civil war victims. 23778. Document allemand. 23779. Testimony on traffic accident. 23780. Medical records. 23781. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweissungsschein, request for pass;

SHAEF. 23782. Diverse records. 23783. Card Limbourg;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942.

23784. JUDICIAL RECORDS, 51 Personal-Akten. 23785. Records on Auszahlung der Witwenrente. 23786. SHAEF. 23787. SHAEF;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944; Card Limbourg; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre.

23788. Records on compensation for spoliation. 23789. Records on ‘Unfall’ . 23790. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate and individual card, testimony, 1945. 23791. SHAEF;

GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtauskunftstelle card; Medical records – records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

23792. SHAEF; Medical card – Zittau; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, certificate of indentity, Secours d’ Hiver, request for pass; Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

23793. Wehrstammblatt; GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtauskunftstelle card; Medical records – records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

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23794. GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtauskunftstelle card and Wehrmachtsauskunftstelle information form.

23795. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Declaration of decease of Belgian worker, 1944; Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

23796. HOSPITAL RECORDS, Ev. Luth. Diakonissenhaus Leipzig, List of treated persons; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Res.-Lazarett Braunlage, Belgier, Luxemburger und Einwohner der Gebiete Eupen und Malmedy die seit dem 1. Mai 1940 bis 14. Juni 1946 im Lazarett behandelt wurden; Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Belgians deceased in Bremen-Milte.

23797. Records for assistance of the Fonds d’ Indemnisation du UNHCR. 23798. Records on request for compensation for apartment. 23799. Medical records. 23800. Bills of pharmacies. 23802. Diverse records. 23801. Medical records. 23803. Wehrstammblatt;

GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtauskunftstelle card; SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, travel pass, Anwerbebestätigung, convocation; BELGIAN ARMY RECORDS, Certificate of (military) campaign.

23804. CAMP RECORDS, Breendonk, Liste des Anciens de Breendonk. 23805. Diverse records. 23806. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Certificates. 23807. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment;

CAMP RECORDS, Les Milles, Certificate of internment; CAMP RECORDS, Request for certificate of spoliation.

23808. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Testimony on deceased cause of bombardment; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Information form of ‘Zivilarbeiter’ ; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in Hoesch Aktiengesellschaft Ruegenbard Olpe i.W.; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps - Zivilarbeiterlager der Fa. Hoesch A.G. Olpe; Records on ‘Erweiterung einer Bescheinigung über die bisher gewährte Kriegsentschädigung für ein Rückerstaatsverfahren gegen des Deutsche Reich in Belgien’ ; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Testimony on spoliation of furniture.

23809. Medical records. 23810. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1945;

Birth- and marriage certificate. 23811. Pro-Justitia. 23812. JUDICIAL RECORDS;

Testimony on wounded person - bombardment. 23813. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942. 23814. Certificates.

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23815. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Genehmigungsschein, Bestätigungszeugnis, Quittungskarte.

23816. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Lohnsteuerkarte, Testimony on deceased worker.

23817. Medical records; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony on wounded worker.

23818. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, General count of persons who have to be repatriated; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on person who refused to carry out forced labor; Medical records.

23819. Records for pension for wounds of bombardment. 23820. Diverse records. 23821. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1943;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

23822. Records on compensation - Investigation in Germany to determine if person received a compensation from German services.

23823. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on ‘Unfallanzeige’ . 23824. Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien. 23825. Diploma. 23826. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942; Records on Reichserstattungsverfahren.

23827. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1943. 23828. JUDICIAL RECORDS, 39 Personal-Akten. 23829. Extract from register of population – Bruxelles. 23830. SHAEF;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942.

23831. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944; CAMP RECORDS, Records of the United Restitution Office; CAMP RECORDS, Request for certificate of deportation.

23832. Records on compensation. 23833. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS. 23834. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on wounded worker;

Records on ‘Unfallversicherung’ ; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1956 and 1960; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Testimony on deceased and missing person; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Strafsache gegen Arbeiter, 1942.

23835. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1943; CAMP RECORDS, Rivesaltes, Certificate of internment; SHAEF.

23836. Report on conclusion on conditions of buildings. 23837. PRISON RECORDS, Halle, Testimony of decease, 1943;

PRISON RECORDS, Halle, Testimony on young executed Belgians, 1944; DEATH CERTIFICATE, List of executed Belgians in Halle a/Saale.

23838. Certificate of registration in the registers of population – Antwerpen;

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Extract from register of population – Antwerpen. 23839. Medical records;

Birth- and marriage certificate; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1944; Certificate of registration – Anderlecht; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Records on compensation for decease.

23840. JUDICIAL RECORDS, 39 Personal-Akten. 23841. Request for copy of page from file on spoliation;

Extract from register of population – Borgerhout. 23842. Card of treatment. 23843. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Records on the Deutsche Krankenkasse Organisation Todt-

Nord – Durchführung der Sozialversicherung der im Rahmen der Organisation Todt in Dänemark und Nordwegen eingesetzten nichtdeutscher und ausländischen Unternhemerarbeiter und – angestellten, 15 April 1943.

23844. Marriage certificate. 23845. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Information form, request for pass,

travel pass; Medical records.

23846. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Heimkehrer-Erklärung, records of the Union de Recherches relative aux Victimes de la Guerre.

23847. CAMP RECORDS, Rivesaltes, Certificate of internment; CAMP RECORDS, Les Milles, Certificate of internment; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual cards; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944; CAMP RECORDS, Request for certificate of deportation.

23848. Records on compensation for political prisoners. 23849. Birth- and marriage certificate;

DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1942 and 1943; Extract from register of population.

23850. Etat récapitulatif rectifiant le traitment d’ octroyer dans la fonction exercée aux actes insignés ci-après.

23851. Extract from register of population – Antwerpen; Records on spoliation.

23852. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre; CARD Limbourg; CAMP RECORDS, Request for date of decease in concentration camp.

23853. Final report on the complex. 23854. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service. 23855. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942. 23856. Records on pensions for windows. 23857. Request for answers for compensation of spoliation of furniture. 23858. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,


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Card Limbourg; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card.

23859. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony. 23860. Amounts due to Dahten. 23861. Request for extract from marriage- and death certificate. 23862. Liste der Saisonarbeiter die sich nach Frankreich begeben, 1943;

DEATH CERTIFICATE, Certificate of presumed decease, 1942; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Information form of the Belgian National Tracing Bureau on person presumed deceased in 1942.

23863. Information form of the Belgian National Tracing Bureau. 23864. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1943;

CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service. 23865. Extract from register of population –Deurne, Antwerpen;

Certificate of registration in the register of foreigners– Brussels; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment; CAMP RECORDS, Rivesaltes, Certificate of internment: CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card.

23866. Records on Rente. 23867. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident. 23868. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1944; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card; Certificate of registration – Anderlecht; Extract from the registers of trade – Brussels.

23869. Certificate of registration in the register of population – Antwerpen; Certificate of residence – Berchem.

23870. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1944.

23871. Records on compensation - Investigation in Germany to determine if person received a compensation from German services.

23872. JUDICIAL RECORDS, 45 Personal-Akten. 23873. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1943; Card Limbourg.

23874. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944; Card Limbourg; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card.

23875. Medical records; SHAEF; Photos of men.

23876. SHAEF; GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtauskunftstelle information form; Wehrstammblatt.

23877. DEATH CERTIFICATE, List of disappeared persons 1940 – 1945; Letter of Sint-Maartenfonds Antwerpen.

23878. Les éléments d’ organisation administrative + 1 page from course. 23879. Card Limbourg;

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SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card.

23880. Record. 23881. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein. 23882. SHAEF. 23883. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Individual research for deceased. 23884. CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Veränderungsmeldungen Gunstloff-Werk II

Maschinenablader, 7 April 1943 – 2 Dec 1943 and 24 Nov 1944 – 12 Jan 1945; CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Veränderungsmeldungen Block 39, July 1943 – July 1944.

23885. Request for information on persons for the service of pensions for civil victims. 23886. CAMP RECORDS, Gross-Rosen, Abgang im Konzentrationslager am 5. Januar

1945; CAMP RECORDS, Gross-Rosen, Entlassungsliste Arbeitserziehungshäftlinge, 3 Jan 1945.

23887. List? 23888. Certificate of spoliation. 23889. Certificate of residence. 23890. Request for films ‘Nacht und Nebel’ and ‘Les Moulins de la Mort’ for the ‘Réunion

du Cercle Culturelle paroisse Oignies’ . 23891. Request for information on person for the status of political internee. 23892. SHAEF;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein. 23893. JUDICIAL RECORDS, 42 Personal-Akten. 23894. Records of the Oeuvre Nationale des Anciens Combattants. 23895. Records on compensation. 23896. Records on compensation for decease.

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1943; SHAEF; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment; CAMP RECORDS, Les Milles, Certificate of internment; CAMP RECORDS, Vernet d’ Ariège, Certificate of internment; Card Limbourg; Extract from register of population – Antwerpen, Sint-Gillis; Certificate of registration – Antwerpen; CAMP RECORDS, Request for certificate of deportation.

23897. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite; SHAEF; Card Limbourg. 23898. Medical records. 23899. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual cards. 23900. Records on pension for industrial accident. 23901. SHAEF. 23902. JUDICIAL RECORDS, 52 Personal-Akten. 23903. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942; SHAEF;

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Certificate of registration – Antwerpen; Extract from register of population – Antwerpen.

23904. Diverse records. 23905. Names of witnesses of the accident in Germany;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Records on decease Organisation Todt Russia – Records on compensation.

23906. SHAEF. 23907. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident, 1944. 23908. Medical records. 23909. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned

political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment.

23910. JUDICIAL RECORDS, 56 Personal-Akten. 23911. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942, 1944; Card Limbourg; CAMP RECORDS, Records of the United Restitution Office; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Request for certificate of spoliation.

23912. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Bescheinigung, Dienstverpflichtungsbeschied, Ausländer-Ausweis.

23913. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, travel pass, request for pass; SHAEF; Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

23914. Records on compensation; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1943; Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

23915. Ltters. 23916. Letter. 23917. Medical records. 23918. JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 24 March 1948;

RECORDS ON COLLABORATION. 23919. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned

political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment; CAMP RECORDS, Certificate of deportation; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Information form; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre.

23920. Bordeaux, Numerical List. 23921. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on illegal press. 23922. Diverse records. 23923. Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien;

Request on compensation of invalidity. 23924. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Ausgabe von Arbeitsrüstung

Werbestelle Antwerpen – Transport vom 13. April 1942. 23925. Verzeichnis der Unfallversicherungsstelle. 23926. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Individual research for deceased;

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FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident and compensation.

23927. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Individual research for deceased; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on ‘Sozialversicherung’ .

23928. Records on furniture – spoliation. 23929. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre.

23930. File of the Auditoriat Militaire Namur, 1944. 23931. CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, Records on deceased in the camp. 23932. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Personal-Akte. 23933. CAMP RECORDS, Registration card;

CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Registration card; 23934. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment;

Extract from register of population – Antwerpen; Card Limbourg; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1943.

23935. Declaration of spoliation of furniture, 1944; Certificate of registration – Antwerpen; Records on compensation for spoliation; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942; Request for information of nationality of members of the family.

23936. Records on compensation. 23937. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, questionnaire,

travel pass, request for pass, certificate of identity; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; Records on compensation; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Arbeitslager Oltenser Eisenwerke Hamburg-Altona; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Arbeitslager Oltenser Eisenwerke Hamburg-Altona.

23938. Card Limbourg. 23939. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942; Certificate of registration in the register of population – Antwerpen; Extract from the register of population – Antwerpen.

23940. Bills of pharmacies. 23941. SHAEF. 23942. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Lager Ausweis Gemeinschaftslager für

ausländische Arbeiter – Berlin, Schöneberg; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, request for pass.

23943. JUDICIAL RECORDS, List of accused Belgian. 23944. Result of research for persons. 23945. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Arbeitsbescheinigung, Quittungskarte. 23946. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1943; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment;

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SHAEF. 23947. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1943; Card Limbourg.

23948. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment; Certificate of registration – Saint-Gilles-lez-Bruxelles; SHAEF; Extract from register of population and certificate of registration – Antwerpen; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records on spoliation of furniture.

23949. Request for certificate of looted goods and money. 23950. Schéma – modalité de jugement dans le cadre du 3eme accord Belgo-Allemand. 23951. Records on compensation. 23952. Request for information on person from the Service Internationale des Recherches. 23953. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 23954. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service. 23955. PRISON RECORDS, Gerichtsgefängnis Freiburg, Prison cards;

JUDICIAL RECORDS, Judicial records, 1942. 23956. Extract from register of population – Anwerpen;

Request for information on children. 23957. Document allemand. 23958. PRISON RECORDS, Essen, International Tracing Service extract from register of

the prison. 23959. Ordonnance. 23960. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1943; Request for information on persons.

23961. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944; Card Limbourg; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card.

23962. Certificate of registration in the register of population – Antwerpen; Records on ‘Erteilung eine Bescheinigung der entziehung von Hausrat und Inventar der Möbel-Aktion; Extract from register of population – Antwerpen, Borgerhout; Extract from register of foreigners.

23963. GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Extract from Rechtsberate allgemeine Liste 7. 23964. Medical records;

DEATH CERTIFICATE, Certificate of presumed decease, 1945; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Testimony on disappeared person.

23964. Card Limbourg; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite.

23965. Not on the roll. 23966. Rentenantrag. 23967. Certificate of full-time assistant of doctor. 23968. Certificates. 23969. Diverse records. 23970. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1943. 23971. Records of the Confédération Nationale pour Prisonniers Politiques et Ayants-Droit

– information form for request for recognition of claimant of political prisoner.

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23972. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Heimkehrer-Erklärung, individual research for deceased; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, records on ‘Unfallsache’ .

23973. Records on ‘Unfallrentenantrag’ . 23974. Records on the degree of deputy, 1961. 23975. Records on ‘Unfallsache’ . 23976. SHAEF;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, General count of person who have to be repatriated, certificate of identity, travel pass; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Ministerie van Wederopbouw – Aanvaardingscommissie der Politieke Gevangenen en van hun Rechthebbenden (Ministry of Reconstruction – Commission on the status of political prisoners); Abmeldung von der Ortskrankenkasse Kiel; PRISON RECORDS, Maison d’ Arrêt d’ Annecy, Extract from the register of the prison.

23977. Records on ‘Unfallrente’ . 23978. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte, Fremdenpass. 23979. Bills of doctors. 23980. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 23981. CAMP RECORDS, Récébédou, Certificate of internment;

CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment. 23982. Alphabetical list of municipalities – Institut National de Statistique. 23983. Note. 23984. Certificate of spoliation of furniture. 23985. Ministerial decision, 20 July 1961. 23986. Note on file of worker – records on compensation. 23986. Fees of doctors. 23987. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Information

form of and testimony on person who refused to carry out forced labor; Birth certificate; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS.

23988. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Hermann Schäler Baugeschäft Berlin-Schmargendorf.

23989. CAMP RECORDS, Registration card; Sondergerichtsanklage, 3 Jan 1944; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Judicial records, 1942.

23990. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942.

23991. Records of looting of house; Certificate of residence – Schaarbeek.

23392. Records on certificate of spoliation, 26 April 1946. 23993. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, certificate of identity,

request for pass. 23994. Not on the roll. 23995. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS. 23996. Records on and card for research of missing person. 23997. Letter (Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre). 23998. Krankheitsbescheinigung;

JUDICIAL RECORDS, Decision, 26 June 1959; Records on the Oeuvre Nationale des Orphelins, Veuves et Ascendants des Victimes de la Guerre.

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23999. Extract from ‘Receuil des arrêts et avis du conseil d’ état’ . 24000. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/DEATH CERTIFICATE, Records on

deceased worker during bombardment. 24001. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1943; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment; SHAEF.

24002. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Fremdenpass. 24003. Records of Krankenkasse. 24004. Ärztliche Untersuchungen durch das Office Medico-Légal im Auftrage deutscher

Versicherungsträger – Bergbau Berufsgenossenschaft Bochum. 24005. Testimony on traffic accident. 24006. Records on body of identified soldier. 24007. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Personal-Akte on ‘Feindbegünstigung’ , 1945. 24008. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident. 24009. Records on civil war victims. 24010. Request compensation Möbel-Aktion. 24011. Birth certificate. 24012. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Royal Decree on payment for higher functions. 24013. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1943; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment.

24014. Negative result of research for death certificate. 24015. Records on compensation – Commissions des Invalides de la Guerre. 24016. Report of a questionnaire by sir Dumonceau de Bergendael on Israelites who stayed

in the ‘château des Fougères’ in Boitsfort. 24017. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942; Card Limbourg.

24018. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 24019. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned

political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment; Information form on persons who helped persons who went into hiding.

24020. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident - Berufsgenossenschaft der Feinmechanik und Elektrotechnik Berlin.

24021. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1943.

24022. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate.

24023. Form for claimant of prisoner of war. 24024. Certificate of French nationality. 24025. Medical records. 24026. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942. 24027. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 24028. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Individual research for deceased, Heimkehrer-Erklärung;

Records on Versicherungsunterlagen. 24029. Records on pension.

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24030. Marriage certificate. 24031. RECORDS ON COLLABORATION. 24032. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records on person suspected of propaganda. 24033. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 24034. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein. 24035. Photos of family. 24036. Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien. 24037. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1943. 24038. Negative result on research for information on person. 24039. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, List mentioning the files ‘Verwaltung’ on

Jewish property in possession of the Ministery of Public Health – Service of documentation.

24040. Fees of doctors. 24041. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned

political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment.

24042. RECORDS ON COLLABORATION, Testimony on member of a hostile organisation.

24043. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service; Certificate of registration – St. Gilles-Lez-Bruxelles, Brussel, Antwerpen; Extract from registration of population – Antwerpen; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942; Card Limbourg; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card.

24044. Not on the roll. 24045. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1943. 24046. Not on the roll. 24047. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on ‘Unfallsache’ . 24048. Medical records. 24049. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned

political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment; Medical records for payment to political prisoner; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Information form.

24050. JUDICIAL RECORDS, 50 Personal-Akten. 24051. SHAEF;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, General count of persons who have to be repatriated, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, travel pass, Anwerbebestätigung, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid.

24052. Diverse records. 24053. Records on file for compensation of decease. 24054. PRISON RECORDS, Zuchthaus Rheinbach, Prison card, 1943;

RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment; Medical records; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Information form of person who helped persons who refused to carry out forced labor.

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24055. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1943; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Certificate on person deceased during deportation.

24056. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1943.

24057. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Personal-Akten. 24058. Records on spoliation. 24059. Records on compensation - Investigation in Germany to determine if person

received a compensation from German services. 24060. Extract from register of population – Antwerpen;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1943-1944.

24061. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Individual research for deceased; Records on compensation.

24062. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Individual research for deceased, Heimkehrer-Erklärung. 24063. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite;

Card Limbourg; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Information form – Fichier Israelite; Records on spoliation; Certificate of registration in the register of population – Antwerpen; Extract from register of population – Antwerpen.

24064. Medical records. 24065. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1944; Card Limbourg; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card.

24066. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1943.

24067. DEATH CERTIFICATE. 24068. DEATH CERTIFICATES. 24069. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid,

testimony, Rückkehrschein; Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

24070. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, vorläufiger Ausweis, Wehrstammblatt.

24071. SHAEF; Certificate of registration – St. Gilles-lez-Bruxelles.

24072. Rapport d’ activité, letter. 24073. Records on sanctions against alcohol during duty in office. 24074. Certificate of invalidity – military pensions. 24075. Selling conditions of fire extinghuishers – contract of maintenance. 24076. Not on the roll. 24077. Record on civil war victims. 24078. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned

political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment.

24079. Birth certificate; Information form on person arrested and deported to Kahla; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on person who refused to carry out forced labor.

24080. JUDICIAL RECORDS, 60 Personal-Akten.

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24081. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on ‘Unfallsache’ – Süddeutsche Edel und Unedelmetall Berufsgenossenschaft Pforzheim.

24082. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942; Card Limbourg.

24083. Marriage certificate. 24084. Request on borrowing films. 24085. Institut Supérieur de Commerce de Bruxelles – Principes d’ organisation du travail

des administrations publiques. 24086. Records on the Third Agreement between Belgium and Germany on social security. 24087. Medical records;

Birth certificate; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on person who refused to carry out forced labor.

24087. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment. 24088. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1944. 24089. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass;

SHAEF. 24090. SHAEF. 24091. Birth certificate;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on person who refused to carry out forced labor; Certificate of nationality.

24092. Medical records. 24093. Not on the roll. 24094. PRESS RECORDS, Extract from ‘Bulletin d’ Information des Prisonniers Politiques,

résistants et combattants, n° 27. 24095. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, general count of

persons who have to be repatriated, travel pass, request for pass; SHAEF; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Ministerie van Wederopbouw – Aanvaardingscommissie der Politieke Gevangenen en van hun Rechthebbenden (Ministry of Reconstruction – Commission on the status of political prisoners); Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

24096. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Bundesbahn Ausführungsbehörde für Unfallversicherung Frankfurt Main.

24097. Testimony on traffic accident. 24098. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS;

Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien. 24099. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Records on discovered bodies. 24100. JUDICIAL RECORDS, 41 Personal-Akten. 24101. Records on the application of the third agreement on file on mortal accident. 24102. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Abkehrschein, Quittungskarte. 24103. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment. 24104. JUDICIAL RECORDS, 38 Personal-Akten. 24105. PRISON RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Repertory I, 17 Sept 1940-23 July 1942;

PRISON RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Repertory II, 12 August 1942-31 Dec 1943;

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PRISON RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Repertory III, 1 Jan 1944-31 August 1944; PRISON RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Kammerbuch.

24106. Records on compensation. 24107. Documents sur l’ application integrale de l’ arrêté royal du 31 mai 1958. 24108. Records on compensation - Investigation in Germany to determine if person

received a compensation from German services. 24109. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for pass, travel pass, certificate

of identity. 24110. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1943-1944. 24111. SHAEF;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1943.

24112. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records of the Berufsgenossenschaft der chemischen Industrie Hamburg, records on deceased worker; Records on pension for widow of deceased worker.

24113. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Certificate. 24114. Records on compensation for person who refused to carry out forced labor. 24115. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Information form for the status of political prisoner and

claimant. 24116. Birth certificate;

Certificate of nationality; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on person who refused to carry out forced labor.

24117. DEATH CERTIFICATE/SLR, Mention of decease of worker, questionnaire on deceased worker, individual card, 1943.

24118. Records on ‘Rentenantrag’ ; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Individual research for deceased.

24119. Records on compensation - Investigation in Germany to determine if person received a compensation from German services.

24120. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on ‘Unfallversicherung’ , Questionnaire.

24121. Records on spoliation. 24122. Request for compensation for spoliation of furntiture;

Certificate of registration in the register of population – Antwerpen; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment.

24123. List of warehouses in Antwerpen with looted furniture from Israelites. 24124. CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Register of entries. 24125. PRISON RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Kammerbuch. 24126. CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, Numeric register. 24127. Documents personnels. 24128. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Individual research for deceased. 24129. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on accident –

Berufsgenossenschaft des chemischen Industrie Hamburg Nordwetsliche Eisen- und Stahl Berufsgeossenschaft.

24130. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein; Medical records; SHAEF.

24131. SHAEF. 24132. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte.

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24133. Unreadable. 24134. Unreadable. 24135. Bills of doctors. 24136. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Convocation, travel pass, request for

pass, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid, decision of the Commission de Contrôle pour Déportés.

24137. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942; CAMP RECORDS, Information on person who were in the Ghetto Varsovie.

24138. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1943; CAMP RECORDS, Request for information on deported persons.

24139. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Cards of Belgians who worked in the Kreis Ratzeburg.

24140. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS. 24141. Note on spoliation. 24142. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1944;

Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

24143. Records on compensation; Birth- and marriage certificate; Certificate of nationality; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1945; Medical records.

24144. Birth certificate; Medical records.

24145. PRISON RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Kammerbuch. 24146. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1942. 24147. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS;

DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1943. 24148. Diverse records. 24149. Records on compensation. 24150. CAMP RECORDS, Montreuil-Bellay, List of internees of Belgian nationality or

concentration camps of nomads. 24151. SHAEF. 23152. Records on civil war victims. 24153. CAMP RECORDS, Rcords of the International Tracing Service. 24154. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1944; Extract from the register of population – Antwerpen.

24155. Medical records; Birth certificate; Certificate of nationality; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony.

24156. RECORDS ON COLLABORATION. 24157. Records on spoliation. 24158. Certificate of registration – Antwerpen;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1943; Card Limbourg.

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24159. Medical records. 24160. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1945, 1953 and 1956;

Marriage certificate. 24161. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident. 24162. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident. 24163. Birth certificate;

DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1941, 1953 and 1959; Certificate of nationality.

24164. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1943 and 1944; Birth- and marriage certificate; Request for pension for widows.

24165. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, travel pass, request for pass; SHAEF; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgium.

24166. Birth certificate; Request for pension of invalidity; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1940 and 1944; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on industrial accident; Certificate of nationality.

29167. CAMP RECORDS, Rivesaltes, Certificate of internment; Records on spoliation; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942; Records on pension.

29168. Birth- and marriage certificate; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1940, 1944 and 1951; Request for war pension.

24169. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1943-1944.

24170. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS. 24171. Records on compensation - Investigation in Germany to determine if person

received a compensation from German services. 24172. Birth- and marriage certificate;

DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1942 and 1943; Certificate of divorce; Request for war pension.

24173. Note. 24174. Letter on sending alphabetical list of Sachsenhausen. 24175. Linthof, Testimony on deceased. 24176. Medical records. 24177. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Secours d’ Hiver,

request for pass, Anwerbebestätigung, certificate of identity, convocation, travel pass.

24178. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, General count of persons who have to be repatriated, decision of the Commission de Contrôle pour Déportés, Überweisungsschein, travel pass, request for pass, convocation; SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Commission de Contrôle pour Réfractaires;

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24179. Birth- and marriage certificate. 24180. Marriage certificate. 24181. Birth- and marriage certificate. 24182. Birth- and marriage certificate. 24183. Medical records;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Information form of worker. 24184. Marriage certificate;

Certificate of nationality. 24185. Certificate of French nationality, certificate of nationality. 24186. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte, Beitragsquittungskarte

Ausländerbetreuung der Deutschen Arbeitersfront. 24187. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Diverse records. 24188. Birth certificate;

Request for compensation. 24189. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident. 24190. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned

political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment.

24191. Negative result for birth certificate of person. 24192. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Individual research for deceased;

Records on Rentensache – Entschädigungsverfahren. 24193. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1943.

24194. Medical records; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Information form of person arrested for sabotage.

24195. Medical records. 24196. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1943; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Passport of Jewish person; CAMP RECORDS, Request for documents on deportation; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records on forced labor and wearing the Star of David.

24197. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Individual cards of Belgians who worked in the company AEG Berlin, 1939-1945.

24198. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service. 24199. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Individual research. 24200. Records on marriage licence. 24201. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned

political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment.

24202. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on accident – Berufsgenossenschaft der Filmmechanik und Electrotchnik.

24203. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1956; Medical records.

24204. Certificate of nationality; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Testimony on deceased during bombardment; Birth certificate.

24205. List of civil victims who try to receive benefit of the French-Belgian convention; List of files of widows, orphans and claimants;

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List of files – pensions. 24206. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on ‘Unfallsache’ . 24207. Records of the Commission for compensation-pensions. 24208. Not on the roll. 24209. Not on the roll. 24210. Card Limbourg;

Records on spoliation of furniture; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment; CAMP RECORDS, Les Milles, Certificate of internment; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Certificate on internment and deportation.

24211. Medical records; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Certificate on compensation for deported slave laborer.

24212. Not on the roll. 24213. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Convocation,

Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid, Überweisungsschein. 24214. Not on the roll. 24215. Not on the roll. 24216. Not on the roll. 24217. Records on repatriated prisoner. 24218. PRISON RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Register of entries and departures, 1 Oct 1941 – 9

Nov 1943; PRISON RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Zugangs- und Abgangsbuch, 30 April 1941 – 16 June 1941; PRISON RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Book of sick, wounded and deceased (soldiers) – hôpital St. Gilles, Schaerbeck, Liège, etc.; PRISON RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Transport, 24 Dec 1943 – 13 May 1944; PRISON RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Zugang und Abgangsbuch, 9 Feb1941 – 29 April 1941; PRISON RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, “ D” Kammer – List of transports from the prison, 10 Sept 1942 – 28 August 1944; PRISON RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Abteilung B. Krankenbuch, 15 Dec 1941 – 9 July 1942; PRISON RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Abteilung B. Krankenbuch, 31 Jan 1942 – 20 April 1942; PRISON RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Part of a register Kammer – Décharges colis militaries allemands et belges, 15 Feb 1942 – 1 Dec 1943.

24219. PRISON RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Alphabetical register, 20 May 1944-31 August 1944; PRISON RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Register of amounts token in possession from incarcerated persons; PRISON RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Register of prisoners, 1 Feb 1941 – 30 Nov 1941; PRISON RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Register of accusations; PRISON RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Durchangsliste, 22 June 1944 – 31 August 1944.

24220. Bills of doctors. 24221. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1961. 24222. Records on pension for invalidity. 24223. Records on pension. 24224. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein. 24225. SHAEF.

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24226. Not on the roll. 24227. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Information on deceased;

Auffanglager Etterbeek, Request for packet with toiletry and cloth; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on deceased person who refused to carry out forced labor.

24227. PRISON RECORDS, Antwerpen, Register II, 23 June 1942 – 24 May 1943; PRISON RECORDS, Antwerpen, Repertory I, 12 March 1942 – 30 August 1944; PRISON RECORDS, Antwerpen, Register I, 19 May 1940 – 23 June 1942; PRISON RECORDS, Antwerpen, Repertory II, 5 May 1942 – 29 August 1944.

24228. Medical records; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Testimony on drown person.

24229. Records on civil war victims. 24230. Bills of doctors. 24331. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1944; CAMP RECORDS, Request for certificate of deportation.

24232. Records on spoliation, 8 July 1945. 24233. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1944; CAMP RECORDS, Rivesaltes, Certificate of internment; Extract from register of population; Records on spoliation.

24234. Request for films ‘Nacht und Nebel’ and ‘Les Moulins de la Mort’ – request from the Front de l’ Indépendance Régionale de Bruxelles; Agreement on borrowing films.

24235. PRISON RECORDS, Antwerpen, List of 3746 Belgians who were incarcerated; PRISON RECORDS, Antwerpen, Internees at disposal of the German army leadership – Register I, 19 May 1940 – 23 June 1942; PRISON RECORDS, Antwerpen, Internees at disposal of the German army leadership – Register II, 23 June 1942 – 1 Sept 1944; PRISON RECORDS, Antwerpen, Extracts from copies I-II-II, 19 May 1940 – 1 Sept 1944; PRISON RECORDS, Antwerpen, List of 1790 incarcerated persons; PRISON RECORDS, Antwerpen, List of 736 Belgians who were interned; PRISON RECORDS, Antwerpen, List of 728 Belgians who were interned; PRISON RECORDS, Antwerpen, List of 30 deceased who were interned; DEATH CERTIFICATE, List of 74 Belgians probably deceased in Belgium or in Germany (resource : prison of Antwerpen).

24236. CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, List of entries, 28 Jan 1943; CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Neuzugänge, 25 Dec 1944.

24237. Bill – Les Pompes Funèbres Demey, 1961. 24238. Medical records for compensation. 24239. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on ‘Unfallsache’ –

Berufsgenossenschaft der Feinmechanik und Elektrotechnik Stuttgart. 24240. Certificate of nationality. 24241. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, general count of

persons who have to be repatriated, request for pass, travel pass, decision of the Commission de Contrôle pour Déportés; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Commission de Contrôle pour Réfractaires;

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RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Commission de Contrôle pour Résistants par la Presse Clandestine; SHAEF.

24242. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, convocation, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid, request for pass, certificate of identity, Anwerbebestätigung; PRISON RECORDS, Charleroi, Prison card; Namen von belgischen Dienstverpflichteten die seit längerer Zeit erkrankt sind und an derem weitern Arbeitseinsatz wir keine Interesse haben, 30 Sept 1943; Medical records.

24243. Extract from register of population – Antwerpen; Records on spoliation.

24244. Certificate. 24245. HOSPITAL RECORDS, Ev. Luth. Diakonissenhaus Leipzig, List of Flemish

persons. 24246. RECORDS ON COLLABORATION, Testimony on pro-German and rexist. 24247. CAMP RECORDS, Rivesaltes, Certificate of internment;

Extract from register of population – Antwerpen. 24248. Records on residence of person presumed deceased in Auschwitz. 24249. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Sammelkonto Wanderarbeiter aus

Belgien, Bescheinigung, Quittungskarte, Anwerbebestätigung; Photo of woman.

24250. List of all health and medical records – Wiesbaden; List of political, social security and labour employment office records - Kassel; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on person wounded during bombardment in Germany.

24251. HOSPITAL RECORDS, Berta Krankenhaus der Friedrich Alfred Hütte Rheinhausen, Person treated in the hospital, 1942; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, certificate of identity, request for pass; Medical records; SHAEF.

24252. Card Limbourg; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944.

24253. Card Limbourg; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944.

24254. Records on French-Belgian agreement. 24255. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony on deceased worker. 24256. PRESS RECORDS, Mort dans le camp de concentration de Terezine le 8 juin 1945 -

Extract from poem ‘Le Veilleur du … ’ ; PRESS RECORDS/PRISON RECORDS, Last letter from Volral Fernande, beheaded in Wolfenbüttel, 7 August 1944; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Comment nos soldats affrontent le peloton d’ exécution ennemi – how our soldiers defied the execution, Last letters of two ‘chasseurs ardennais’ – Emile and André Gustin in Grand-Halleux, 2 August 1943; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Last letter of Fernand François from Stavelot, 2 August 1943; PRESS RECORDS, Poem of Rene Blieck;

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DEATH CERTIFICATES, Last letters of executed members of the resistance – Citadelle de Liège; DEATH CERTIFICATES/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Letter of Frédéric-Otto Bauer – Front d’ Indépendance, 14 July 1944; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Last letter of Hubert Braun, 20 June 1943; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Ludovic Jacobs, 11 Jan 1944.

24257. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1955 and 1957. 24257. PRISON RECORDS, Arlon, Haftliste, 1940 –1944;

PRISON RECORDS, Arlon, Alphabetical list of registers – List of person who live in Belgium and were imprisoned; PRISON RECORDS, Arlon, Namensverzeichnis, 1942 – 1944; PRISON RECORDS, Arlon, List of Germans and persons who live in Germany and were imprisoned; PRISON RECORDS, Arlon, Register, 6 July 1944 – 1 Sept 1944; PRISON RECORDS, Arlon, Register, 28 Sept 1940 – 21 Jan 1944; PRISON RECORDS, Arlon, Repertorium – Namensverzeichnis Strafliste, 1941; PRISON RECORDS, Saint-Léonard, 1939 – 1940; PRISON RECORDS, Saint-Léonard. I. Teil, 1941.

24258. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Records on disappeared person. 24259. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1944; Card Limbourg.

24260. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony on wounded worker. 24261. Records on compensation - Investigation in Germany to determine if person

received a compensation from German services. 24262. Information on person. 24263. Pro-Justitia. 24264. Birth certificate;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS /RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on person who refused to carry out forced labor; Certificate of nationality.

24265. CAMP RECORDS, Nordhausen-Bergen-Belsen, Death certificate, 1945; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on member of the resistance.

24266. Negative result on request for certificate of internment in Loos; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on political prisoner.

24267. Medical records. 24268. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942, 1944.

24269. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1944; Request for compensation.

24270. SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Certificate of identity, travel pass, request for pass.

24271. Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; PRISON RECORDS, Charleroi, Prison card; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, certificate of identity, request for pass, travel pass; SHAEF.

24272. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Notice of decease, 1945.

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24273. Card Limbourg; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944.

24274. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Certificate of furniture left behind when they left – records on spoliation.

24275. Agreement on borrowing films ‘Les Moulins de la Mort’ . 24276. Records on compensation - Investigation in Germany to determine if person

received a compensation from German services. 24277. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, travel pass,

request for pass; Medical records; Birth certificate.

24278. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records on spoliation. 24279. PRISON RECORDS, Arlon, ST. II, Strafsacheliste, 1941, 1942;

PRISON RECORDS, Arlon, Verzeichnis über Ordnungsstrafen, 28 March 1942 – 17 June 1943; GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Rechtsberate allgemeine Liste, 1944 and 1942; PRISON RECORDS, Arlon, Verzeichnis über Ordnungsstrafen. PRISON RECORDS, Arlon, Verzeichnis der abzugebenden Akten über Ordnungsstrafen 1941-1944.

24280. Records on pension of invalidity. 24281. Certificate of nationality. 24282. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Information form of political prisoner, Certificate of and

testimony on member of the ‘Front de l’ Indépendance’ ; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment.

24283. Certificate of nationality; Records on pension; Medical records; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony on industrial accident, Arbeiter-Urlaubskarte, Quittungskarte, Genehmigungsschein für den Betriebsführer.

24284. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on ‘Unfallsache’ – Bergbau Berufsgenossenschaft Bochum.

24285. Note. 24286. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1944; Card Limbourg.

24287. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Quittungskarte, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid, travel pass, request for pass, certificate of identity, convocation; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

24288. Diverse records. 24289. SHAEF. 24290. Medical records. 24291. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Anwerbebestätigung;

PRISON RECORDS, Zuchthaus Rheinbach, Prison card, 1944;

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RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment.

24292. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1944. 24293. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony. 24294. Register of medecine. 24295. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1943; Certificate of registration in the register of population, Antwerpen; Records on spoliation.

24296. PRESS RECORDS, Het Nieuwe Klimaat – Article ‘Vlaamse betoging te Brussel op 22 oktober. Betoging van de Vlaamse Eensgezindheid’ , Okt-Nov 1961.

24297. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942.

24298. JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 28 Oct 1961. 24299. JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 17 Oct 1961. 24300. Card for counting the civil sick and wounded war victims. 24301. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on accident – Bau

Berufsgenossenschaft Hamburg. 24302. Records on compensation for deported person deceased in Auschwitz;

Records of the Confédération Nationale pour Prisonniers Politques et Ayants-Droit – Application of the status of prisoner of war.

24303. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Judicial records, 1943. 24304. Certificate of registration in register of population – Antwerpen;

CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card; Card Limbourg.

24305. Certificate of claimant of the law of 21 June 1960 on the status of soldier. 24306. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Individual research for deceased;

GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtauskunftstelle information form; Records on ‘Rentesache’ .

24307. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS. 24308. Tableau section 2 Invalides. 24309. Deutsche Patentanmeldung. 24310. Card Limbourg;

Extract from register of the population – Berchem; Records on compensation.

24311. Medical records. 24312. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on accident – Bergbau

Berufsgenossenschaft Bochum. 24313. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony. 24314. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, General count of persons who have to

be repatriated, decision of the Commission de Contrôle pour Déportés; SHAEF.

24315. Information on woman. 24316. CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Extract from register;

CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Information form. 24317. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942. 24318. Documents personnels.

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24319. Fees of doctor. 24320. Medical records. 24321. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records on ‘Entschädigungssache’ . 24322. Records on files on spoliation. 24323. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1943. 24324. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942, 1944. 24325. SHAEF. 24326. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein,

Anwerbebestätigung, Quittungskarte; Medical records – records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

24327. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942.

24328. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1943. 24329. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Arbeitsbuch für Ausländer,

Arbeitskarte. 24330. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942, 1944; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment; CAMP RECORDS, Les Milles, Certificate of internment; CAMP RECORDS, Fort-Barraux, Certificate of internment; Card Limbourg; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre; Records on spoliation.

24331. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1943; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Testimony on deceased worker during bombardment.

24332. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment.

24333. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS. 24334. JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge. 24335. Photo. 24336. JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 26 Oct 1961. 24337. PRISON RECORDS, Eupen, Gefangenenbuch I, 12 Sept 1940-29 June 1941;

PRISON RECORDS, Eupen, Gefangenenbuch, II, 29 June 1941-25 Nov 1941; PRISON RECORDS, Eupen, Gefangenenbuch, III, 29 Nov 1941-17 Feb 1942; PRISON RECORDS, Eupen, Gefangenenbuch, IV, 15 Feb 1942-4 July 1942.

24338. Medical records. 24339. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on member of the resistance. 24340. DEATH CERTIFICATE. 24341. CAMP RECORDS, Argelès-sur-Mer (Pyrénées Orientales), Belgians and foreigners

susceptible to be repatriated to Belgium who stay at the camp; CAMP RECORDS, Brahm (Aude), List of foreigners who are in Belgium at present; CAMP RECORDS, Brahm, Polish persons who live in Belgium and stayed at the camp, 4 Nov 1940; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Israelites who were interned in the camp and live in Belgium;

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CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Belgians and foreigners who live in Belgium and stayed at the camp; CAMP RECORDS, Brahm, Foreigners who live in Belgium and were interned in the camp; CAMP RECORDS, Rieucros (Lozère), Foreigners who live in Belgium and were interned in the camp CAMP RECORDS, St. Cyprien, Foreigners who live in Belgium and were interned in the camp CAMP RECORDS, Vernet, Foreigners who live in Belgium and were interned in the camp; CAMP RECORDS, Vernet, Belgians who are still in the camp on 16th March 1941.

24342. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Individual research for deceased. 24343. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Certificate of member of the Secret Army;

BELGIAN ARMY RECORDS, Definitive furlough – national militia; BELGIAN ARMY RECORDS, Extract from register of railway troops; BELGIAN ARMY RECORDS, Proposal to award a decoration of National Appreciation; BELGIAN ARMY RECORDS, Proposal to award of decorations.

24344. CAMP RECORDS, International Tracing Service records on compensation for wearing the Star of David; CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Death certificate, 1945; CAMP RECORDS, Ensingen, Death certificate, 1945.

24345. Bill for delivery of flowers for funeral. 24346. Birth- and marriage certificate;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Übersicht über beschäftigt gewesene Ausländer – Stadkreis Witten.

24347. Records of the Kreiskrankenhausverwaltung Villenau – Kreis Reding. 24348. Records on the degree of officer. 24349. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942; Extract from register of population – Borgerhout.

24350. Certificate of nationality; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on person who refused to carry out forced labor and stayed at concentration camp Minden.

24351. PRISON RECORDS, Eupen, Register V, 5 July 1942 – 16 Dec 1942; PRISON RECORDS, Eupen, Register VI, 16 Dec 1942 – 15 April 1943; PRISON RECORDS, Eupen, Register VII, 15 April 1943 – 15 August 1943.

24352. Not on the roll. 24353. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1944. 24354. Contract of engagement – temporary activity as clerk for the 'Service des Déportés

de la Reconstruction'. 24355. Medical records. 24356. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942. 24357. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der bei der Allgemeine

Ortskrankenkasse Fulda versichert gewesenen Angehörigen der Vereinten Nationen und anderen Ausländer; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Arbeitslager Steinlager “ Eibia” Dörverden;

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FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Namenslisten der in der Zeit vom 2. September 1939 bis 15. Juli 1946 bei der Farbwerken Höchst beschäftigte Ausländer; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Belgians who were insured by the Betriebskrankenkasse Dürkoppwerke AG Bidefeld.

24358. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1955. 24359. Graphics 2 – International comparison of the rates of war pensions (widows and

orphans). 24360. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Judicial records, 1961. 24361. Report of a questionnaire on Firme A. Pierre;

RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Request for answers for file on compensation for spoliation of furniture of Israelites; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records on spoliation of furniture from Israelites.

24362. Diverse records. 24363. Records on pass; SHAEF; Records on repatriation. 24364. Records of the Ministry of National Defense. 24365. File on social assurance; Medical records. 24366. Records on third Belgian-German agreement. 24367. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1942;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records of the Abteilung Kortrijk on deceased worker.

24368. Request for medical file of member of the Légion Wallonie who is incapacitated – compensation of invalidity.

24369. SHAEF; Certificate of registration in the register of foreigners; CAMP RECORDS, Les Milles, Certificate of internment; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment; Records on compenstation.

24370. Records on compensation; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Judicial records ‘wegen Entschädigung’ ; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1943-1944; SHAEF; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment; CAMP RECORDS, Les Milles, Certificate of internment.

24371. Documents allemands. 24372. Not on the roll. 24373. Documents personnels. 24374. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records on the status of political prisoners. 24375. SHAEF;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, convocation; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgier.

24376. SHAEF. 24377. HOSPITAL RECORDS, Hugeland-Krankenhaus Berlin-Buch, Verzeichnis der im

Krankenhaus behandelten Belgier; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Records on deceased deported person.

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24378. CAMP RECORDS, Gross-Rosen, List of arrivals on 30th October 1944. 24379. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service;

CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Death certificate, 1945; Report on questionnaire on compensation for confiscation of furniture.

24380. SHAEF; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment; Certificate of registration - Vorst.

24381. Records on payment for orphans. 24382. CAMP RECORDS, Heidel, List of deceased Belgians in the transit camp;

DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1944; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Testimony on deceased slave laborer.

24383. HOSPITAL RECORDS, Krankenhaus Wiederbrück, Liste der seit 39 im Krankenhaus stationär behandelten Belgier; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Evang. Krankenhaus Elsey Hohenlimburg, List of treated persons.

24384. Liste – Kreis Nienburg-Weser. 24385. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Extract from list of Belgians joining the

Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Bielefeld. 24386. Birth certificate;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on person who refused to carry out forced labor.

24387. Records on third Belgian-German agreement. 24388. Diverse records. 24389. Records of the ‘Herdenkingscomité van het Provinciaal Mausoleum der Politieke

Gevangenen – Menen’ on borrowing film, 1961; Agreement of borrowing film ‘Nacht und Nebel’ and ‘Les Moulins de la Mort’ .

24390. Not on the roll. 24391. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service;

Request for certificate of incarceration; CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Death certificate, 1943; CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Death certificate, 1945.

24392. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Testimony on deceased, death certificate, 1944; Personal- und Lohnstammkarte.


24394. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1945, Testimony on deceased. 24395. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte, Sammelkonto

Wanderarbeiter aus Belgien. 24396. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Information form, report of a

questionnaire on worker; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Negative result on research for person in the card-index of Gurs; Medical certificate; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Declaration of decease, 1944; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident.

24397. Not on the roll. 24398. Records on pension of invalidity;

Birth certificate. 24399. Bills of pharmacies and fees of doctors. 24400. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Heimkehrer-Erklärung.

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24401. CAMP RECORDS, Gross-Rosen, Testimony on arrested person who stayed in Gross-Rosen and probably died in 1945; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony on worker for the Organisation Todt; Birth certificate; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on person arrested for refusing to carry out forced labor.

24402. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, certificate of identity, request for pass.

24403. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, General count of persons who have to be repatriated; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Todesanzeige, 1944.

24404. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Verordnungsblatt des Militärbefehlshaber in Belgien und Frankreich für die besetzten Gebiete Belgiens und Nordfrankreichs, 2 Dec 1941.

24405. Not on the roll. 24406. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Letter on request for pension. 24407. Records/cards on spoliation – Conurbation Brussels (2 rolls). 24408. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on accident – Hütten und

Walzwerks-Berufsgenossenschaft Dortmund. 24409. Medical records;

Birth certificate; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony on arrested person.

24410. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942.

24411. Card Limbourg; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942; SHAEF.

24412. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1943; CAMP RECORDS, Records of the United Restitution Office.

24413. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment; CAMP RECORDS, Rivesaltes, Certificate of internment; CAMP RECORDS, Brens, Certificate of internment; CAMP RECORDS, Récébédou, Certificate of internment; Card Limbourg.

24414. CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Extract from List. 24415. Records on compensation - Investigation in Germany to determine if person

received a compensation from German services. 24416. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Testimony on deported person deceased during

bombardment; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Certificate of deported slave laborer; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Namentliche Liste der in den Jahren 1941 bis 1945 beschäftigt gewesenen Arbeiter und Arbeiterinnen belgischer Staatsangehörigkeit.

24417. JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 25 Nov 1961. 24418. Medical records. 24419. SHAEF;

PRISON RECORDS, Maison de Correction Versailles, Extract from register;

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FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for pass, Überweisungsschein, certificate of identity, travel pass; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1945.

24420. Certificate of registration – Antwerpen; Records on spoliation.

24421. Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien. 24422. Records of the ‘Invalidenversicherung’ . 24423. Letters. 24424. Card Limbourg;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942; Extract from register of population – Antwerpen; Request for certificate for spoliation of furniture; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Judicial records against the Land Nordrheim Westfalen Düsseldorf ‘wegen Entschädigung’ .

24425. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS. 24426. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on hiding members of the underground

movement. 24427. Not on the roll. 24428. Note. 24429. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1944; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Bescheinigung.

24430. Card Limbourg; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944.

24431. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1943; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony on deceased victims of industrial accident; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

24432. Fees of doctors. 24433. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Documents sur objects relevés d’ une exhumation. 24434. Card Limbourg;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944.

24435. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Information form of person who refused to carry out forced labor.

24436. Birth- and marriage certificate; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1944; Certificate of nationality; Bill for treatment in hospital; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for recognition of deported slave laborer.

24437. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment; CAMP RECORDS, Les Milles, Certificate of internment.

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24438. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Ministerie van Wederopbouw – Aanvaardingscommissie der Politieke Gevangenen en van hun Rechthebbenden (Ministry of Reconstruction – Commission on the status of political prisoners); Medical records; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, convocation, information form; SHAEF; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Strafnachricht; RESISTANCE RECORDS/CAMP RECORDS, Information form of person who stayed in Ariège for political activities.

24439. Bills of doctors. 24440. Notes for miss de Dorlodot. 24441. Individual card (of missing person?). 24442. Ausländerbetreuung. 24443. Medical records. 24444. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1944; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Vereeniging van Joodsche Politieke Gevangenen; Card Limbourg; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Request for certificate of deportation.

24445. Records on compensation - Investigation in Germany to determine if person received a compensation from German services.

24446. Notes of sir Vandezande (records on civil war victims). 24447. Medical records. 24448. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1943; Card Limbourg.

24449. BELGIAN ARMY RECORDS, Testimony on soldier who burned their military booklet escaped from the train, returned to Lille; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1959; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Testimony on wife of deceased person.

24450. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Rückkehrschein, Urlaubschein. 24451. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident;

Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1944.

24452. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Abgangsbescheinigung, Anwerbebestätigung, Rückkehrschein, Arbeitsunfähigkeitsbescheinigung, Urlaubschein; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

24453. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/DEATH CERTIFICATE, Records on deceased worker – testimony, information form, death certificate, 1942.

24454. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Individual research for deceased, Heimkehrer-Erklärung; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1941 and 1944; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Todesanzeige, 1941; Records on Entschädigungssache.

24455. Medical records. 24456. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942;

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CAMP RECORDS, Request for certificate of deportation. 24457. Records on compensation - Investigation in Germany to determine if person

received a compensation from German services. 24458. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 24459. Card Limbourg;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein. 24460. Information on person. 24461. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for records on deported slave

laborer. 24462. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned

political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment.

24463. PRISON RECORDS, Bochum, List of political prisoners who were imprisoned. 24464. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Ausweiskarte, Ausländer-Ausweis,

Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid; Declaration of ownership; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Journal officiel de l’ état français – Lois et décrets, 19 Sept 1942.

24465. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1943; CAMP RECORDS, Request for certificate of deportation.

24466. Not on the roll. 24467. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 24468. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 24469. Birth certificate. 24470. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned

political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment.

24471. Medical records. 24472. CAMP RECORDS, Request for certificate of deportation;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1943.

24473. TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Information on not returned deported person; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Decision of the Commission de Contrôle pour Déportés.

24474. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942.

24475. SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, request for pass, certificate of identity.

24476. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Records on burials, death certificate, 1945. 24477. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony

on arrest of person who refused to carry out forced labor. 24778. SHAEF;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, Anwerbebestätigung, Überweisungsschein.

24479. PRISON RECORDS, Prison Centrale Luxembourg, List of internees of Belgian nationality, 10 May 1940 – 10 Sept 1944.

24480. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Individual card, 1944.

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24481. CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Testimony on deported and deceased person. 24482. Certificate of registration in the register of population – Antwerpen. 24483. CAMP RECORDS, Gross-Rosen, Cards of the ‘Revier’ . 24484. Records on compensation. 24485. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Judicial records against Land Nordrheim-Westfalen

Düsseldorf ‘wegen Entschädigung’ . 24486. Photo of man;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Information to family on interned person who refused to carry out forced labor.

24487. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 24488. Request for film ‘Nacht und Nebel’ for the ‘Herdenkingscomité van het Provinciaal

Mausoleum der politieke gevangenen – Menen’ , 1961. 24489. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1943; CAMP RECORDS, Request for certificate of deportation.

24490. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1944 and 1945; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Testimony on deceased person.

24491. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Information form, request for records on person who refused to carry out forced labor; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for records on deported slave laborer; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment.

24492. Records on civil war victims. 24493. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1944; Extract from the register of population – Berchem.

24494. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony. 24495. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, travel pass,

request for pass. 24496. List of files of widows. 24497. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1944; Certificate on spoliation of furniture.

24498. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 24499. Pages from file on spoliation. 24500. Records on furniture left behind by fugitives;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1943.

24501. Request for information on persons; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1940.

24502. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942.

24503. SHAEF; Medical records; Testimony on injury in air raid shelter in Germany.

24504. Lettre personnelle. 24505. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on ‘Unfallsache’ .

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24506. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1943; Certificate of spoliation of furniture; CAMP RECORDS, Request for certificate of deportation; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment; CAMP RECORDS, Les Milles, Certificate of internment; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Ersuchung am Zusendung von Kleidung, Toilette, Wäsche.

24507. SHAEF. 24508. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, general count of

persons who have to be repatriated. 24509. Medical records. 24510. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1961. 24511. Certificate of registration – Anderlecht, Sint-Gillis, Brussels;

Extract from register of population – Anderlecht; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1940; Marriage certificate.

24512. Information on person. 24513. Estimate of the costs of a copy of film ‘Nacht und Nebel’ . 24514. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Individual research for deceased;

Records on ‘Rentenantrag’ . 24515. Document personnel. 24516. PRISON RECORDS, Vorst, List of imprisoned persons;

PRISON RECORDS, Hasselt, Lists. 24517. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942, 1944; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre.

24518. Medical records; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS.

24519. CAMP RECORDS, Neuengamme, Testimony on person who was in the camp. 24520. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1943; CAMP RECORDS, Request for certificate of deportation.

24521. CAMP RECORDS, Dongelberg, 75 Women domiciled in Belgium interned in the ‘Interniertenlager’ Dongelberg; List of persons who received their stamps of rationing – town Dongelbergen; Orders – Dongelbergen; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1944; Ausgangsbuch, 21 July 1942; Deportation from Malines to Vittel, 23 Feb 1944; List of cards of invalids in the Ilag N° 8 in Giromagny, end of Nov 1944.

24522. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS. 24523. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1943; Mention on error on stamp on card of not deported person; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Bescheinigung.

24524. PRISON RECORDS, Zuchthaus Hameln, Prison card, 1943; CAMP RECORDS, Gross-Rosen, Death certificate, 1943;

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CAMP RECORDS, List – Hameln-Gross-Rosen. 24525. Medical records;

Certificate of nationality. 24526. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for recognition of deported

slave laborer; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Information form of person who did sabotage; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on arrest of person suspected from distribution of anti-German tracts.

24527. PRISON RECORDS, Citadelle de Huy, Personal-Akten and judicial records. 24528. Records on accident. 24529. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Individual research for decease, Heimkehrer-Erklärung;

Records on ‘Entschädigungssache’ . 24530. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Ministerie van Wederopbouw –

Aanvaardingscommissie der Politieke Gevangenen en van hun Rechthebbenden (Ministry of Reconstruction – Commission on the status of political prisoners); RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Commission de Contrôle pour Résistants Civils; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Commission de Contrôle pour Résistants par la Presse.

24531. Medical records. 24532. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Certificate. 24533. Certificate of registration – Antwerpen;

CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service; Records on spoliation.

24534. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid.

24535. SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte; Medical records.

24536. SHAEF; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1944.

24537. CAMP RECORDS, Records on ‘Rückerstattungsverfahren’ for person deported from Malines to concentration camps.

24538. Document personnel. 24539. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Report of an interrogation by Mrs.

Vandenberghe, 29 June 1950. 24540. Card Limbourg;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942, 1944; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Request for death certificate; CAMP RECORDS, Request for certificate of deportation; CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service.

24541. Request for documents for compensation for persons deceased in Auschwitz; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Request for compensation of deceased political prisoner.

24542. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on arrested member of the resistance.

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24543. Records on civil war victims. 24544. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942, 1944; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment; CAMP RECORDS, Request for certificate of deportation.

24545. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942.

24546. Not on the roll. 24547. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS. 24548. Declaration of the mayor of Auvelais that the largest part of the population has been

evacuated in May 1940. 24549. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service;

RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Request for help on tracing Jewish person. 25550. PRISON RECORDS, Citadelle de Huy, Personal-Akten and judicial records. 24551. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Individual research for deceased;

GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtauskunftstelle information form; Records on spoliation; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1945.

24552. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS. 24553. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Official note on budget, 1962, 1961. 24554. Letter on borrowing films for the ‘Provinciaal Herdenkingscomité Mausoleum der

politieke gevangenen – Menen’ ; Request for borrowing films - Union belge des prisonniers politiques et ayants-droit de la Résistance provinciale de Luxembourg.

24555. Card Limbourg; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942; CAMP RECORDS, Records of the United Restitution Office.

24556. Note. 24557. SHAEF;

Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Convocation, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid, travel pass, request for pass, certificate of identity, Secours d’ Hiver, Überweisungsschein; GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtauskunftstelle card.

24558. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1943; Certificate of registration – Antwerpen; Records on spoliation of furniture; Card Limbourg.

24559. Information on person. 24560. PRISON RECORDS, Citadelle de Huy, Personal-Akten and judicial records. 24561. Certificate of registration – Borgerhout. 24562. Denial of having been tailor for the Zwarte Brigade during the war. 24563. Verleseliste zur Wehrstammkarte des Geburtsjahrganges (Gemeinde Raeren), 1901;

HOSPITAL RECORDS, Städtisches Krankenhaus Stassfurt, List of treated persons; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Städtisches Krankenhaus Stassfurt, Information form of treated persons.

24564. Altocomisionade de las Naciones unidas para los refugiados del UNHCR (fondo para asistencia a las perseguidas por motives de nacionalidad).

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24565. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre.

24566. Certificate of registration in the register of population – Antwerpen. 24567. Records on compensation - Investigation in Germany to determine if person

received a compensation from German services. 24568. Request for films ‘Nacht und Nebel’ and ‘Les Moulins de la Mort’ – comité du

souvenir du Mausolée Provincial des Prisonniers Politiques – Menin, 1961; Request for delay of presentation of films – Union Belge des Prisonniers Politiques et Ayants-Droit de la Résistance.

24569. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Heimkehrer-Erklärung; Report of the conference of the delegates of institutions of belgian and german insurances held in the Landesversicherunsanstalt Rheinprovinz.

24570. Records on compensation. 24571. SHAEF;

Medical records – records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien. 24572. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for pass, information form of

worker, travel pass, convocation; SHAEF; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Ministerie van Wederopbouw – Aanvaardingscommissie der Politieke Gevangenen en van hun Rechthebbenden (Ministry of Reconstruction – Commission on the status of political prisoners).

24573. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on worker for the Organisation Todt, Überweisungsschein; Zahlbogen über Familienunterstützung.

24574. Certificate of registration in the register of population – Antwerpen. 24575. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942; Request for allowance of pension for industrial accident; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Namentliche Liste der nach dem 1. Mai 1940 in Krefeld verstorbenen und begrabenen belgischen Staatsangehörigen; DEATH CERTIFICATE, List of placement of graves of 13 Belgians deceased in Krefeld.

24576. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Individual research for deceased, Heimkehrer-Erklärung; Records on ‘Rente’ .

24577. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942.

24578. Amp-foto Amsterdam – Order. 24579. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on ‘Unfallanzeige’ . 24580. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony on worker and medical

records on the worker. 24581. Communication on familiar insurance policy which covers the civil responsability of

your children during the reunion of the scouts. 24582. Records on compensation. 24583. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Testimony on deceased. 24584. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records on the request of claimants for the execution of

soldiers of the resistance and deceased political prisoners during captivity. 24585. Records on civil war victims.

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24586. Medical records, bills of pharmacies. 24587. Fees of doctors. 24588. Fees of doctors. 24589. Records on civil war victims. 24590. Fees of doctors. 24591. Extrait de compte, extrait du registre des recettes, avis de débit du virement. 24592. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony

on person who refused to carry out forced labor. 24593. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Request for film - comité du souvenir du Mausolée

Provincial des Prisonniers Politiques – Menin, 1961. 24594. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Contract, Testimony,

Überweisungsschein; Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

24595. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Anwerbebestätigung, travel pass. 24596. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1944; Card Limbourg; CAMP RECORDS, Request for information on periods of internment in concentration camps.

24597. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on compensation of industrial accident; Medical records.

24598. SHAEF. 24599. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Negative result of research for person in the

archives of the Ministry of War Veterans, results of research for person on list of Jewish internees of the camp Borgo-s-Dalmazo.

24600. Records on compensation - Investigation in Germany to determine if person received a compensation from German services.

24601. Records on compensation. 24602. Information on person. 24603. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment;

CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service. 24604. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Judicial records on compensation against the Land

Nordrheim-Westfalen because of ‘Entschädigung’ . 24605. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, records on

industrial accident. 24606. SHAEF;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein. 24607. SHAEF. 24608. SHAEF;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid. 24609. PRISON RECORDS, Citadelle de Huy, Judicial records and Personal-Akten. 24610. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, New request for compensation for apartment

of Jewish person. 24611. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on ‘Unfallsache’ ;

Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien. 24612. Records on compensation for claimants of deported persons. 24613. Card Limbourg;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942, 1944;

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RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre; CAMP RECORDS, Request for certificate of deportation; CAMP RECORDS, Records of the United Restitution Office.

24614. JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 18 Jan 1962. 24615. Records on pension. 24616. Extract from register of population – Antwerpen;

CAMP RECORDS, Records on compensation for internment in Fort de Chaploy and Rivesaltes.

24617. Medical records. 24618. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records on compensation for claimant of political

prisoner deceased in Auschwitz; CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Death certificate, 1942; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records on political prisoner.

24619. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Ellrich, Bergen-Belsen - Request for compensation of decease of persons, testimony on political prisoner.

24620. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records on compensation. 24621. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records on compensation. 24622. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records on compensation. 24623. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre.

24624. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony; Medical records.

24625. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1945. 24626. Note. 24627. Diverse records. 24628. Request for certificate of deportation and presumed decease;

Negative result on research for information on person; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Centraal Beheer van Joodse Weldadigheid en Maatschappelijk Hulpbetoon; Request for compensation for spoliation of furniture; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre.

24629. Bills of doctors. 24630. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Antrag auf Ausgabe von

Arbeitsrückfahrkarten, Rückkehrschein. 24631. RECORDS ON HOSTAGES, Stalag VIII, Personalkarte. 24632. Birth certificate;

Certificate of nationality. 24633. Request for records on compensation for spoliation. 24634. HOSPITAL RECORDS, Medical records of diverse hospitals. 24635. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on compensation of industrial

accident. 24636. Information on person. 24637. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1944; Card Limbourg; CAMP RECORDS, Request for certificate of deportation;

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RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre.

24638. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment; CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service; CAMP RECORDS, Request for information on deportation.

24639. Documents personnels. 24640. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1940;

Birth- and marriage certificate; Certificate of French nationality.

24641. PRISON RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Testimony on cell-mate. 24642. Records on buying the film ‘Nacht und Nebel’ . 24643. Records on the way of payment of costs of medical expertises by the medical-legal

office within the framework of the third Belgian-German agreement. 24644. Records on civil war victims. 24645. CAMP RECORDS, Gusen, Death certificate, 1944;

SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Anwerbebestätigung, Secours d’ Hiver, request for pass, travel pass, certificate of identity; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; PRISON RECORDS, Strafgefängnis und Untersuchungshaftanstalt Hagen i.W., Prison card, 1943; PRISON RECORDS, Haftanstalt Dortmund, Prison card, 1944; PRISON RECORDS, Strafgefängnis Bochum, Prison card, 1943.

24647. SHAEF. 24648. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1943; SHAEF; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

24649. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942, 1943; Request for information on persons.

24650. Note. 24651. Bills of pharmacies. 24652. Request for information or repatriation. 24653. Records on card of nomade. 24654. Medical records. 24655. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Individual research for deceased, Heimkehrer-Erklärung. 24656. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records on spoliation. 24657. Marriage certificate;

DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1961. 24658. Medical records, records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien. 24659. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records on

the decision of the Commission de Contrôle pour Réfractaires. 24660. Not on the roll. 24661. Records on spoliation – request for compensation. 24662. Request for research for persons. 24663. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942, 1944; Card Limbourg.

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24664. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service. 24665. Fees of doctors. 24666. Fees of doctors. 24667. Certificate of person who took up office with the ‘Geïnspecteerde en gesubsidieerde

Vrije Vaktekenschool’ 1920-1961; Civil decoration for teacher.

24668. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service. 24669. Records on compensation. 24670. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 24671. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony on deceased worker. 24672. PRISON RECORDS, Maison d’ Arrêt de la Santé – Paris XIV, List of individuals of

Belgian nationality who were incarcerated, 10 May 1940 – 31 Dec 1944. 24673. HOSPITAL RECORDS, St.-Joseph-Krankenhaus Wipperfürth, Belgier die von

1940 bis 9. November 1946 im Krankenhaus untergebracht waren; Medical records.

24674. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte, Secours d’ Hiver, Questionnaire, Überweisungsschein, travel pass, request for pass, certificate of identity, Rückkerschein; SHAEF; Medical records.

24675. Records on compensation - Investigation in Germany to determine if person received a compensation from German services.

24676. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Individual card and death certificate, 1944; Records on the commission of invalidity.

24677. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment; Records of the Confédération Nationale pour Prisonniers Politiques et Ayants-Droit.

24678. Birth certificate. 24679. Request by guardian to become a recognition for orphans of a civil war victim. 24680. Birth certificate;

Certificate of nationality. 24681. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records on compensation. 24682. PRISON RECORDS, List of executed Belgians in Dortmund. 24683. Records on compensation. 24684. PRISON RECORDS, Citadelle de Huy, Judicial records, Personal-Akten. 24685. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942; SHAEF.

24686. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Grenzläuferkarte, Aufnahmeschein, testimony; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Fahrdienst-Berufsausweis – Aachener Kleinahn-Gesellschaft.

24687. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony. 24688. Request for film ‘Nacht und Nebel’ and ‘Les Moulins de la Mort’ – Comité du

souvenir Mausolée Pronviciale des Prisonniers Politiques – Menin, 1962. 24689. Certificate of registration in the register of population – Antwerpen. 24690. Information on woman. 24691. Marriage certificate. 24692. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Individual card of deceased, 1944;

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FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, General count of persons who have to be repatriated.

24693. Letter. 24694. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on wounded worker,

information form of deceased/industrial accident. 24695. Records on compensation;

Records on recuperation of Jewish properties who lived in Belgium; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre; Extract from register of foreigners – Seraing; Extract from register of population – Antwerpen; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Centraal Beheer van Joodse Weldadigheid en Maatschappelijk Hulpbetoon; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite.

24696. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Bescheinigung. 24697. Information on person. 24698. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Fremdenpass, Lohnbuch für die

Kleider- und Wäschekonfektion. 24699. Request for film ‘Les Moulins de la Mort’ . 24700. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Lohnsteuerkarte, Bescheinigung,

Quittungskarte, Sammelbuch. 24701. Medical records – records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien. 24702. Certificate on persons in the register of refugees of Nieuwpoort, 14 Jan 1940. 24703. Birth- and marriage certificate. 24704. Letters on ‘protection’ . 24705. Note on request for compensation to the account of the Federal Republic of

Germany of physical damage suffered by forced mobilized persons in the Wehrmacht during and caused by service in the Wehrmacht; Pensions of forced mobilized in the Wehrmacht and their claimants.

24706. Records on series of papers on bringing criminals of war before the International Military court on Nuremburg.

24707. SHAEF; Einlage zur Versicherungskarte.

24708. Information on woman. 24709. Marriage certificate. 24710. Bills of doctors – medical records. 24711. PRISON RECORDS, Citadelle de Huy, Judicial records and Personal-Akten. 24712. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1944; CAMP RECORDS, Records of the United Restitution Office; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records on compensation for deportation of Jewish persons to Drancy.

24713. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Individual research for deceased. 24714. Records on films – Argos films. 24715. Letter. 24716. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned

political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment.

24717. Card Limbourg. 24718. Diverse records.

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24719. Certificate of registration in the register of population – Deurne; Extract from register of population – Antwerpen.

24720. Records on spoliation of furniture. 24721. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Refusal of the status of member of the armed resistance;

CAMP RECORDS, Breendonk, Testimony on incarceration; Liste, contrat de garde-meubles – Office de propiétaire.

24722. File on spoliation. 24723. Records on compensation - Investigation in Germany to determine if person

received a compensation from German services. 24724. List of all health and medical records – Friedberg/Hessen;

SHAEF; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Ministerie van Wederopbouw – Aanvaardingscommissie der Politieke Gevangenen en van hun Rechthebbenden (Ministry of Reconstruction – Commission on the status of political prisoners); PRISON RECORDS, Zuchthaus Rheinbach, Prison card, 1943; PRISON RECORDS, Zuchthaus Siegburg, Prison card, 1943.


on person who refused to carry out forced labor. 24727. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for recognition of deported

slave laborer. 24728. Not on the roll. 24729. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony;

Medical records. 24730. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records on compensation. 24731. Diverse records. 24732. PRISON RECORDS, Citadelle de Huy, Judicial records and Personal-Akten. 24733. SHAEF. 24734. Negative result of research for person in the archives of the camp of Barcarès,

information on stay in St.Cyprien. 24735. Note on third agreement. 24736. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Individual research for deceased, Heimkehrer-Erklärung;

GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtsauskunftstelle information form; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1944.

24737. Records on pension. 24738. Birth certificate, 1942. 24739. PRESS RECORDS, Articles. 24740. Records on third Belgian-German agreement. 24741. Request for certificate of non-returned persons;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1943.

24742. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records on expelled. 24743. Request for information on deportation. 24744. Records on spoliation;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1944.

24745. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1943; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Information form of deceased worker.

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24746. TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Records on request for compensation of internee; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1944.

24747. Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien. 24748. Records on pension and compensation of invalidity. 24749. Records on spoliation. 24750. Royal Decree on payment of sum of 80 millions DM by the German Federal

Republic for the agreement between the kingdom of Belgium and the German Federal Republic on payments for Belgians who were subject of the measures of the National-Socialist persecution, 28 Sept 1960.

24751. Records on compensation – records on spoliation. 24752. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, information form. 24753. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Bescheinigung, Mark-Konto-Deutsche

Bank filial Hamburg. 24754. Bulletin de signalement. 24755. Extract from the register of population – Antwerpen;

RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records on spoliation. 24756. Record on third Belgian-German agreement. 24757. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1943; Card Limbourg.

24758. GERMAN ARMY RECORDS , Rechtsberate allgemeine Liste 4. 24759. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1944. 24760. Records on compensation. 24761. Record on civil war victim. 24762. Birth- and marriage certificate. 24763. PRISON RECORDS, Citadelle de Huy, Judicial records and Personal-Akten. 24764. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, records on

industrial accident. 24765. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942; Certificate of registration in Antwerpen and of spoliation of furniture and household; Extract from register of population – Antwerpen.

24766. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944; Card Limbourg.

24767. Records on ‘Rückerstattungsverfahren’ . 24768. Records on compensation for spoliation;

JUDICIAL RECORDS, Strafanzeige wegen Vergehens gegen die Beschlagnahmeverordnung vom 20. Mai 1940.

24769. HOSPITAL RECORDS/DEATH CERTIFICATES, Announcement of decease in Allgemeines Krankenhaus St. Georg, 1945.

24770. SHAEF. 24771. SHAEF. 24772. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment;

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PRESS RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Verordnungsblatt des Militärbefehlshaber in Belgien und Frankreich für die besetzten Gebiete Belgiens und Nordfrankreichs, 21 April 1942; PRESS RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Verordnungsblatt des Militärbefehlshaber in Belgien und Frankreich für die besetzten Gebiete Belgiens und Nordfrankreichs, 12 August 1942; Certificate of death, 1950; Records on athorney on restitution from the German government for property taken – Antwerpen.

24773. Card Limbourg. 24774. Birth certificate;

Medical records; Questionnaire/information form of civil victim; Records of the Commission Civile d’ Invalidité de Charleroi.

24775. Medical records; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony.

24776. Records on spoliation. 24777. Request for information on foreigner. 24778. Records on pension of civil war victim;

Testimony on murdered man; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Request for information if person received the status of member of the resistance; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony, information form, Certificate; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Card of member of the Front de l‘ Indépendance, Armée belge des Partisans.

24779. JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 13 Feb 1962. 24780. PRISON RECORDS, Citadelle de Huy, Judicial records and Personal-Akten. 24781. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte, Bescheinigung,

testimony. 24782. SHAEF;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Certificate of identity, Überweisungsschein, request for pass.

24783. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 24784. Document over de uitkering van rente. 24785. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records on compensation for claimant of political

prisoner; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1958.

24786. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, travel pass, request for pass, records on Kontraktbruch, convocation, Einlieferungsschein, Questionnaire; SHAEF; Medical records; PRISON RECORDS, Politische Gefängnis Aachen, Prison card (espionage), 1941; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Ministerie van Wederopbouw – Aanvaardingscommissie der Politieke Gevangenen en van hun Rechthebbenden (Ministry of Reconstruction – Commission on the status of political prisoners).

24787. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, General count of persons who have to be repatriated, information form; Medical records;

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HOSPITAL RECORDS, Krankenhaus Schwarmstedt, Belgians who were hospitalised.

24788. Bon de commande – Film ‘Nacht und Nebel’ . 24789. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/DEATH CERTIFICATE, Questionnaire

on deceased worker, announcement of decease, 1943. 24790. Records on costs for microfilming documents of Nurembuerg + survey of the

numbers of the documents. 24791. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment;

Records on spoliation. 24792. Letter. 24793. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Individual research for deceased. 24794. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, information form;

GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtauskunftstelle card; Medical card; SHAEF.

24795. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Anwerbebestätigung. 24796. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Individual research for deceased. 24797. GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtauskunftstelle card. 24798. Record on civil war victims. 24799. Records on arrested person. 24800. JUDICIAL RECORDS. 24801. Letter of lawyer on restitution claims against the German government about the

confiscation or sequestration of their goods; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite; CAMP RECORDS, Request for compensation of spoliation; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment; Extract from register of population – Borgerhout.

24802. Negative result of research in archives; Records on ‘Rückerstattungssache’ .

24803. Request for medical expertise. 24804. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942; SHAEF; CAMP RECORDS, Request for certificates of presumed deceased; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre.

24805. Compensation to certain political prisoners who don’ t have the possibility for maintenance.

24806. Medical records. 24807. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein;

PRISON RECORDS, Untersuchungshaftanstalt Hannover, Prison card, 1944; Ersuchen um Ausführung eines transportes.

24808. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/DEATH CERTIFICATE, Records on industrial accident and death certificate, 1943; Medical records.

24809. General count of persons who have to be repatriated; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate and individual card, 1945.

24810. Request for documents for the status of person who refused to carry out forced labor. 24811. Medical records – Berlin (American, French, British and Russian Sector);


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24813. Document personnel. 24814. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Individual card of deceased, 1945. 24815. Request for document for compensation of spoliation and decease of person;

Medical records. 24816. Records on compensation - Investigation in Germany to determine if person

received a compensation from German services – orphan. 24817. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident –

compensation. 24818. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942; Card Limbourg; CAMP RECORDS, Records of the United Restitution Office.

24819. Certificate of registration in the register of foreigners – no right to stay in Belgium; Extract from register of population – Berchem.

24820. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Royal Decree. 24821. Records on compensation - Records of the Civil Commission of Invalidity. 24822. Records on compensation for forced enlisting in the Werhmacht. 24823. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment;

Certificate of registration – Brussels; Certificate of registration in the register of foreigners; Extract from register of population – Sint-Gillis.

24824. Bill – Institut Médical des Mutualités Socialistes de la flandre Occidentale – Menin. 24825. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, information form,

testimony. 24826. Bill – Institut Médical St. Joseph in Sleidinge. 24827. Records on civil war victims. 24828. PRISON RECORDS, Citadelle de Huy, Judicial records and Personal-Akten. 24829. Records on ‘Antrag auf Schadensersatz wegen Entziehung von Umzugsgut’ . 24830. Information form for compensation. 24831. Card Limbourg;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1943; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre; Request for information on Jewish family, deported to Germany.

24832. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944; Card Limbourg.

24833. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Request for compensation of spoliation.

24834. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS. 24835. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 24836. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Testimony on deceased, 1944. 24837. Fees of doctors and pharmacists;

Medical records. 24838. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony;

Medical records. 24839. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite;

RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Certificate on spoliation of furniture.

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24840. Records on looting of furniture during the war in favour of the Reich; Survey of sailed purchases loaded with furniture past the Southlock (Zuidersluis Antwerpen).

24841. PRISON RECORDS, Citadelle de Huy, Judicial records and Personal-Akten. 24842. Records on compensation - Investigation in Germany to determine if person

received a compensation from German services for decease of person in Auschwitz. 24843. Medical records. 24844. Card Limbourg;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944.

24845. Bills of doctor. 24846. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for pass, travel pass, certificate

of identity; Medical records – records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

24847. CAMP RECORDS, Neuengamme, 818 Cards of individuals. 24848. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service;

CAMP RECORDS, Request for information; CAMP RECORDS, Sachsenhausen, Death certificate, 1940.

24849. Not on the roll. 24850. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of Belgians of the Company “ Gebr.

Giulini” GmbH in Ludwigshafen. 24851. Document betreffende beoordeling van de film ‘Les Moulins de la Mort’ . 24852. Bills of a medical institute in Menen, clinique Dr. Léon Neuens Charleroi. 24853. DEATH CERTIFICATE/FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Death

certificate, records on deceased worker in industrial accident, information form of deceased worker.

24854. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony. 24855. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1943; CAMP RECORDS, Request for certificate of deportation (Malines-Auschwitz); RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre.

24856. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1945. 24857. Records on compensation for person unable to work. 24858. Not on the roll. 24859. Records on spoliation of furniture. 24860. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Individual research for deceased;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on Rente. 24861. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, records on

industrial accident. 24862. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, General count of persons who have to

be repatriated, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, travel pass, Sammelkonto Wanderarbeiter aus Belgien, Vorläufiger Fremdenpass; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

24863. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942.

24864. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein. 24865. SHAEF. 24866. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein;

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SHAEF. 24867. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment;

SHAEF; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card.

24868. Medical records. 24869. Marriage certificate;

Certificate of nationality. 24870. Medical records. 24871. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned

political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Information form of person who refused to carry out forced labor RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Ministerie van Wederopbouw – Aanvaardingscommissie der Politieke Gevangenen en van hun Rechthebbenden (Ministry of Reconstruction – Commission on the status of political prisoners); RESISTANCE RECORDS, Payment to some political prisoners.

24872. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1945; PRISON RECORDS, Strafgefängnis Hagen i.W., Prison card, 1944.

24873. CAMP RECORDS, Neuengamme, 442 individual cards. 24874. JUDICIAL RECORDS. 24875. RECORDS ON COLLABORATION. 24876. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment;

Records on spoliation. 24877. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on insurance for industrial

accidents. 24878. Birth certificate;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for recognition of deported slave laborer.

24879. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Convention 19 of the O.I.T. 24880. CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Extract from register. 24881. CAMP RECORDS, Neuengamme, 757 Individual cards. 24882. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1944; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Centraal Beheer van Joodse Weldadigheid en Maatschappelijk Hulpbetoon.

24883. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Journal des Tribunaux, 29 Oct 1961. 24884. BELGIAN ARMY RECORDS, Postcard of service of Belgian soldier, 1929;

BELGIAN ARMY RECORDS, Authorization to go home where the order to join the army will arrive, 1928.

24885. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Note of the Ministry of Finances Administration of War Victims on children of the nation.

24886. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Royal Decree, 4 Jan 1962. 24887. Medical records. 24888. SHAEF. 24889. Note (+annex). 24890. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Centraal Beheer van Joodse Weldadigheid en Maatschappelijk Hulpbetoon;

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RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Information form – Fichier Israelite; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre; CAMP RECORDS, Records of the United Restitution Office.

24891. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment; Certificate of registration in the register of population – Schaarbeek.

24892. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on member of the Secret Army. 24893. SHAEF. 24894. SHAEF;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein; GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtauskunftstelle card; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on ‘Unfallanzeige’ .

24895. CAMP RECORDS, Neuengamme, 220 Individual cards. 24896. Medical records. 24897. Card Limbourg;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944.

24898. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942.

24899. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 24900. SHAEF;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, Questionnaire, convocation, request for pass, travel pass, Überweisungsschein, decision of the Commission de Contrôle pour Déportés, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Commission de Contrôle pour Résistants Civils.

24901. Bills of doctors. 24902. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment;

Card Limbourg; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942; Extract from register of population – Borgerhout.

24903. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony, Überweisungsschein, Sammelkonto Wanderarbeiter aus Belgien.

24904. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment; Negative result on research for person in the cards of St. Sulpice.

24905. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Royal Decree on the personnel of the service of missions in foreign countries of the Belgian commissioner’ s office for Repatriation.

24906. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service; CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Death certificate, 1942.

24907. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers for Herman Windel GmbH Windelsbleiche; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

24908. SHAEF. 24909. Records on compensation for orphans. 24910. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 24911. List of Belgians – Leonberg/Sachsen. 24912. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Secours d’ Hiver;

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SHAEF. 24913. File on spoliation. 24914. Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Urlaubschein, Vorläufiger Fremdenpass. 24915. Medical certificate. 24916. Records on compensation to liaison officers for staying in foreign countries;

JUDICIAL RECORDS, Royal Decree, 1948. 24917. CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Cards of individuals. 24918. Medical records. 24919. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Request for declaration of decease. 24920. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942; SHAEF; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment; Extract from register of population – Antwerpen; Card Limbourg.

24921. JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 21 August 1935; JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 11 April 1948; JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 29 Oct 1936; JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 18 July 1930; JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 4 Dec 1946; JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 16 June 1937; JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 18 Oct 1946.

24922. Marriage certificate. 24923. Record on civil war victims. 24924. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1943; Request for information on persons.

24925. Anschriften der United Restitution Office-Büros; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records on spoliation of furniture.

24926. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942.

24927. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident. 24928. JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 21/22 June 1937. 24929. Request for film ‘Nacht und Nebel’ and ‘Les Moulins de la Mort’ – Comité du

souvenir Mausolée Pronviciale des Prisonniers Politiques – Menin. 24930. Medical records;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on person who refused to carry out forced labor.

24931. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment; SHAEF; Certificate of registration of register of population – Antwerpen; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Haft der Aenderungen, 12 Jan 1944.

24932. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records of the Werbestelle. 24933. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte, Ausländerbetraung des

Deutsche Arbeitsfront. 24934. Agreement on borrowing film ‘ Les Moulins de la Mort’ . 24935. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/DEATH CERTIFICATE, Testimony on

decease of worker during bombardment. 24936. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony.

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24937. CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Cards of individuals. 24938. Not on the roll. 24939. Note of work – (convention Franco-Belge). 24940. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on compensation of industrial

accident. 24941. GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Anmelde-Fragebogen für den Dienst in der NSKK-

Brigade Luftwaffe; GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Testimony on member of the Luftwaffe; Fees of pharmacies and doctors – medical records.

24942. Card Limbourg; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment; CAMP RECORDS, Vernet d’ Ariège, Certificate of internment; CAMP RECORDS, Barcares, Certificate of internment; CAMP RECORDS, Rivesaltes, Certificate of internment; Records on deported family and spoliation of furniture.

24943. Records on spoliation. 24944. Records of the ‘Compagnie des propiétaires réunis pour l’ assurance à primes contre

l’ incendie, les explosions et le chômage’ . 24945. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on ‘Unfallversicherung’ ,

Überweisungsschein. 24946. Records on pension of widow. 24947. Agreement to restore film. 24948. CAMP RECORDS, Heinkel, Häftlingsbestand, 12 Feb 1945;

CAMP RECORDS, Sachenhausen, Extract from register. 24949. Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien. 24950. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1943-1944. 24951. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, General count of persons who have to

be repatriated, information form, Überweisungsschein, request for pass; SHAEF; Medical records; GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtauskunftstelle card.

24952. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment; Bills of doctors – medical records.

24953. CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, 238 Cards of individuals. 24954. General concepts on the control on the payment of expenses. 24955. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Bescheinigung, Urlaubschein,

Sammelkonto Wandelarbeiter aus Belgien. 24956. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, travel pass,

request for pass, certificate of identity; SHAEF.

24957. Allgemeine Warenverkehr-Gesellschaft Brüssel – Aufforderung, 12 Dec 1942; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records on claiming Jewish luggage by the Sicherheitsdienst; Records on spoliation; List of luggage stored in the warehouse.

24958. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment; CAMP RECORDS, Les Milles, Certificate of internment;

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CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card. 24959. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 24960. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein;

Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

24961. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Judicial records against Nordrhein/Westfalen ‘wegen Entschädigung’ ; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Bescheinigung.

24962. Request for compensation for person incarcerated in Breendonk and person interned in Auschwitz.

24963. Not on the roll. 24964. Medical records. 24965. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment;

Extract from register of population - Antwerpen, Borgerhout; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records on spoliation of goods.

24966. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service; Records of the International Refugee Organisation; CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Death certificate, 1942.

24967. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1943; CAMP RECORDS, Request for compensation for damage during the war of prisoner of Buchenwald; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Certificate of deportation; Certificate of registration – St. Gillis-lez-Bruxelles.

24968. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Individual research for deceased; Records on ‘Rentenantrag’ .

24969. Card Limbourg; CAMP RECORDS, Records of the United Restitution Office.

24970. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment; Medical records.

24971. Note envoyée par Mr Schafer Fritz (Düsseldorf) à Mr De Maen. 24972. Aufforderung folgende Wohnungen bei Abt. VIII des Quartierartes. 24973. Records on spoliation. 24974. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite;

CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card; CAMP RECORDS, Rivesaltes, Certificate of internment; Certificate of registration – St. Gillis-lez-Bruxelles; Records – certificate of spoliation.

24975. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on ‘Unfallversicherung’ . 24976. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Individual research for deceased;

Records on ‘Rentenantrag’ ; GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtauskunftstelle information form.

24977. CAMP RECORDS, Vught, Cards of individuals. 24978. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on deceased worker – industrial

accident. 24979. Records on compensation;

Medical records; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on wounded worker.

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24980. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Auszug aus den Listen der Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Braunschweig über Personen belgischer Staatsangehörigkeit die ab September 1939 bei der Kasse versichert waren; Medical records – records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

24981. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/DEATH CERTIFICATE, Records on deceased worker, 1944.

24982. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment. 24983. Certificate of nationality;

Birth certificate. 24984. Records on heir of political prisoner. 24985. Fees of doctors. 24986. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942, 1944. 24987. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Records on decease of worker, 1944;

DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1944 and 1945; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/DEATH CERTIFICATE, Records on compensation of deceased worker, information form of deceased worker.

24988. General count of persons who have to be repatriated; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1945; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Testimony on deceased worker during bombardment.

24989. Certificate of registration in the register of population – Brussels; Records on request for compensation for spoliation of furniture, 1943.

24990. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records on recognition of political prisoner 1914-1918. 24991. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Übersicht über die Leistungen nach dem

Bundesversorgungsgesetz, Stand am 1. Juni 1960. 24992. Medical records;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony on wounded worker during bombardment.

24993. RECORDS ON COLLABORATION. 24994. Medical records;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Rückkehrschein; Records on wounded civilians.

24995. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942, 1944.

24996. Records on compensation - Investigation in Germany to determine if person received a compensation from German services.

24997. Fees of doctors and pharmacists. 24998. Medical records;

Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien. 24999. CAMP RECORDS, Vught, Cards of individuals;

CAMP RECORDS, Sachsenhausen, Cards of individuals. 25000. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/DEATH CERTIFICATE, Records on

decease of worker during bombardment. 25001. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Sammelkonto Wanderarbeiter aus

Belgien, Quittungskarte. 25002. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942; CAMP RECORDS, Les Milles, Certificate of internment; Request for advice in request for compensation for spoliation of furniture.

25003. Announcement of new address in Brazil of claimant of deceased political prisoner.

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25004. Birth certificate; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1941.

25005. Fees of doctors. 25006. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony on accident;

Medical records. 25007. HOSPITAL RECORDS, Diverse hospitals, Cards of hospitalised Belgians. 25008. Request for information of repatriation of person. 25009. Records of the Commission d’ aggrégation des Médecins spécialistes en biologie

clinique; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Royal Decree, 3 July and 2 August 1961.

25010. Records on request for compensation for orphan (parents deceased in Auschwitz). 25011. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Arbeitskarte. 25012. Records on spoliation of furniture. 24013. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS. 25014. CAMP RECORDS, Information on research on stay of person in the camp of

internment St. Julien (Ardèche); CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Death certificate, 1942; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1944.

25015. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Testimony on deceased during bombardment. 25016. Certificate on spoliation. 25017. CAMP RECORDS, Sachsenhausen, Cards of individuals. 25018. CAMP RECORDS, Noé, Certificate of internment;

Certificate of registration in the register of population – Antwerpen. 25019. Note/Royal Decree on payment for victims of the nationalsocialist persecution, 23

Nov 1961. 25020. Request for compensation. 25021. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1944; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Request for certificate of deportation of Jewish person.

25022. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Individual research for deceased. 25023. Records on the application of the third agreement between Belgium and Germany. 25024. Records on the application of the third agreement between Belgium and Germany. 25025. Records on request for compensation for orphan (parents deceased in Auschwitz). 25026. Information form for request for claimant of political prisoner. 25027. Certificate of registration – Antwerpen;

Records on spoliation of furniture and household. 25028. SHAEF. 25029. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service;

Negative result of research for person; CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, Death certificate, 1945; CAMP RECORDS, Theresienstadt, Death certificate, 1942.

25030. HOSPITAL RECORDS, Evangelisches Krankenhaus in Gladback, List of treated persons.

25031. Medical records. 25032. JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 21 April 1962. 25033. Marriage certificate. 25034. Records for compensation.

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25035. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942, 1944.

25036. SHAEF. 25037. Questionnaire on person wounded during explosion of armaments. 25038. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/DEATH CERTIFICATE, Testimony on

deceased worker in consequence of bombardment. 25039. Records on compensation for spoliation of furniture. 25040. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment;

Certificate of registration in the registers of foreigners; Extract from register of population – Antwerpen, Borgerhout; Questionnaire.

25041. Not on the roll. 25042. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1943; Card Limbourg.

25043. Records on claimant of political prisoner. 25044. File on civil war victims. 25045. Records of the Confédération Nationale pour Prisonniers Politques et Ayants-Droit;

JUDICIAL RECORDS, Judicial records against Land Nordrhein/Westfalen. 25046. Record on civil war victims. 25047. Certificate of identity. 25048. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Journal Officiel de la République Française, 30 August

1961. 25049. Card Limbourg;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1943.

25050. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1943 and 1944; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Testimony on deceased in consequence of bombardment; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Krankenblatt einer Zivilarbeiter; Medical records.

25051. Records on compensation. 25052. Fees of doctors. 25053. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942. 25054. Bills of pharmacie. 25055. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein. 25056. SHAEF;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, certificate of identity, request for pass, Überweisungsschein, Anwerbebestätigung.

25057. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1943; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre.

25058. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on ‘Invalidenversicherung’ . 25059. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite;

Records on request for compensation for spoliation of furniture. 25060. Decree of the regent on the personnel of the service of missions in foreign countries

of the commissioner’ s office for repatriation, 8 March 1948. 25061. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on ‘Unfallsache’ . 25062. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite;

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Certificate of registration in register of population – Berchem. 25063. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942. 25064. Request for compensation for claimant of political prisoner;

Request for documents on compensation for victim of National-Socialist measures of persecution.

25065. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Request for pension for political prisoner, information form of member of the resistance; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment.

25066. Records on compensation. 25067. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS. (Italian language). 25068. Records on compensation - Investigation in Germany to determine if person

received a compensation from German services. 25069. CAMP RECORDS, Flossenbürg, Cards of individuals. 25070. Note. 25071. Medical records - Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien. 25072. Records on ‘Rückerstattungssache’ + Lists ‘Umzugsgut’ . 25073. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records on compensation for claimant of political

prisoner. 25074. Medical records. 25075. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, certificate of

identity, request for pass. 25076. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, convocation,

travel pass, certificate of identity, request for pass, Secours d’ Hiver; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

25077. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, convocation. 25078. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Individual research for deceased. 25079. SHAEF;

DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1944; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

25080. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid.

25081. Medical records; SHAEF.

25082. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, travel pass, request for pass; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

25083. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for information on slave laborer.

25084. Birth certificate. 25085. DEATH CERTIFICATE/FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on

deceased worker. 25086. Records on file on compensation. 25087. Negative result on research for person in archives of camp Barcarès and information

on internee of camp St. Cyprien. 25088. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Testimony on deceased during bombardment, Request for

information for slave laborer, Individual card of deceased worker, 1945. 25089. Aviatic-Models – Maquette.

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25090. Certificate of identity. 25091. CAMP RECORDS, Sachsenhausen, Sonderkommando, 1944. 25092. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Information on political prisoner buried in Austria –

Amicale nationale des anciens prisonniers politiques et ayants-droit de Dachau. 25093. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Information form of Israelite;

HOSPITAL RECORDS/RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Onze-Lieve-Vrouw Gasthuis Mechelen, List of names of Israelites coming from the ‘Kazerne Dossin’ , treated during the occupation.

25094. Records on compensation. 25095. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Individual research for deceased, Heimkehrer-Erklärung;

GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtauskunftstelle information form; Records on ‘Rente’ .

25096. HOSPITAL RECORDS, Katholischer Krankenhaus Philippus-Stift Essen Borbeck, List of hospitalised Belgians, 1940-1945; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Betriebskrankenkasse Aktiengesellschaft des Altenbergs für Bergbau und Zukhüttenbetrieb; SHAEF; Medical records; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Betriebskrankenkasse Hüttenverein Werk Dortmund; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Krankenhaus Westfalen, Nachweisung der im Krankenhaus behandelten Belgier; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1943.

25097. Medical records. 25098. CAMP RECORDS, Rivesaltes, Certificate of internment;

CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment. 25099. Records on compensation. 25100. Records on civil war victims. 25101. Receipt of the Belgian commissioner’ s office for repatriation. 25102. List. 25103. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Individual research for deceased;

Records on ‘Rente’ . 25104. SHAEF. 25105. CAMP RECORDS, Records on compensation for victims of the national-socialist

persecution; CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Death certificate, 1942.

25106. CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Veränderungsmeldungen, 4 March 1942 – 7 May 1942; CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Veränderungsmeldungen, 5 July 1942 – 19 August 1942; CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Veränderungsmeldungen, 7 May 1942 – 5 July 1942.

25107. Records on compensation - Investigation in Germany to determine if person received a compensation from German services.

25108. Records on accident. 25109. Records on compensation. 25110. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Antrag aus Ausgabe von

Arbeiterrückfahrkarten, Lohnsteuerkarte, Sammelkonto Wanderarbeiter aus Belgien.

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25111. CAMP RECORDS, Sachsenhausen, Report on the trial of Sachsenhausen. 25112. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on accident and compensation. 25113. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1943; Card Limbourg; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Vereeniging van Joodsche Politieke Gevangenen.

25114. Files on spoliation. 25115. HOSPITAL RECORDS, 2 pages from list of the Gasthuis Mechelen. 25116. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records on compensation for claimant of political

prisoner deceased in concentration camp. 25117. CAMP RECORDS, Schandelah, Judicial declaration of decease, 1945;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942.�

25118. SHAEF; Certificate of registration – St. Josse-ten-Noode.

25119. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS. 25120. Records on request for certificate of internment in camps and of decease. 25121. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for

information or repatriation, general count of persons who have to be repatriated. 25122. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Anwerbebestätigung, request for pass. 25123. Marriage certificate;

DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1944. 25124. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records on compensation for claimant of political

prisoner. 25125. CAMP RECORDS, Request for compensation for claimant of victim of the Nazi-

persecution. 25126. Medical records. 25127. Record on civil war victims. 25128. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1945. 25129. CAMP RECORDS, Sachsenhausen, Anmeldung von Neu-Eingänger;

CAMP RECORDS, Sachsenhausen, 25 pages Manuscript – Concentration camp Sachsenhausen from E. Büge; CAMP RECORDS, Sachsenhausen, Letter from the Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands on deathlists of Sachsenhausen.

25130. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment. 25131. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service. 25132. Marriage certificate. 25133. Testimony on traffic accident. 25134. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1943; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre.

25135. Records on compensation. 25136. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on compensation for industrial

accident. 25137. CAMP RECORDS, Request for compensation for deceased in Mauthausen, 1945;

CAMP RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Request for compensation for deceased in Breendonk; CAMP RECORDS, Ellrich, Death certificate, 1945.

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25138. Certificate of registration – Anderlecht; Records of the ‘Mutualité Centrale du Brabant Bruxelles’ ; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Information form of deceased.

25139. Statistics of payments done in name of the civil war victim to members of the Wehrmacht and to their claimants.

25140. Diverse material. 25141. Records on compensation – Fédération Nationale des travailleurs déportés et

réfractaires. 25142. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte;

SHAEF; GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtauskunftstelle card; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

25143. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records on compensation, certificate of member of the Armed Resistance, Death certificate, 1943 and 1944.

25144. Notice on (negative) result on research in archives of Gurs; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Death certificate, 1941.

25145. SHAEF. 25146. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the August Thyssen

Hütte AG Duisburg; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Individual card of deceased worker, 1945; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Aufstellung einer Liste der Krankenkassen die während der Kriegszeit in den Kreise bestanden.

25147. CAMP RECORDS, Pithiviers, Information on deported person; CAMP RECORDS, Request for certificate of deportation; CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service.

25148. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on ‘Unfallanzeige’ ; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1944.

25149. Records on compensation. 25150. Records on compensation for victims of the persecution. 25151. Letter from the Wiener Library – request to return desiderata list – microfilm of

Nuremberg documents. 25152. Records on compensation. 25153. GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtauskunftstelle information form;

Records on compensation. 25154. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on compensation;

DEATH CERTIFICATE/FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on deceased worker, 1942; Medical records; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1944; Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

25155. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Individual research for deceased. 25156. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Records on deceased in consequence of bombardment,

death certificate, 1943 and 1944; Medical records – records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on victim of industrial accident and compensation; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Ausländische Arbeiter die der Firma Alkett Bln. Borsigwalde zugewiesen waren, 4 May 1943.

25157. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment;

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SHAEF. 25158. Records on compensation for claimant of political prisoner;

Records on request for compensation for spoliation of furniture; CAMP RECORDS, Records on compensation for deported person (Malines-Auschwitz); Certificate of life, certificate of nationality.

25159. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records on ‘Aktion für die Liquidierung des jüdischen Gewerbevermögens – Möbelaktion.

25160. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Urlaubschein, Kontrollkarte, Werks-Ausweis, Vorläufiger Fremdenpass, testimony, Überweisungsschein.

25161. Letter on copy of the film ‘Les Moulins de la Mort’ . 25162. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1943; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre.

25163. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on deceased worker, 1944; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Anwerbebestätigung; Medical records; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1944; Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

25164. Medical records. 25165. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Arbeitskarte;

DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1945; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/DEATH CERTIFICATE, Testimony on deceased worker in consequence of bombardment, death certificate, 1943.

25166. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944; CAMP RECORDS, Records of the United Restitution Office.

25167. Records on compensation for civil war victim. 25168. Records on compensation. 25169. Wehrstammblatt;

GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtauskunftstelle card; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Convocation; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1944.

25170. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, travel pass, request for pass, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid, certificate of identity.

25171. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Testimony on deceased in consequence of bombardment, 1945.

25172. Diverse records. 25173. CAMP RECORDS, Harzungen, Dispensary register. 25174. CAMP RECORDS, Registration card. 25175. SHAEF. 25176. Request for compensation. 25177. Records on compensation - Investigation in Germany to determine if person

received a compensation from German services. 25178. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS. 25179. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942. 25180. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service. 25181. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte.

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25182. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate and individual card of deceased, 1945. 25183. Medical certificates. 25184. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records on compensation – political prisoner. 25185. Records on compensation. 25186. Records on civil war victims. 25187. Records on third Belgian-German agreement. 25188. Birth certificate. 25189. Medical records. 25190. Notes. 25191. Records on compensation. 25192. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Individual research for deceased. 25193. Birth certificate. 25194. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment;

Records on request for buying diamants in silver. 25195. Not on the roll. 25196. Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, request for pass, convocation, Überweisungsschein.

25197. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records on compensation for claimant of political prisoner.

25198. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on member of the resistance; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Ministerie van Wederopbouw – Aanvaardingscommissie der Politieke Gevangenen en van hun Rechthebbenden (Ministry of Reconstruction – Commission on the status of political prisoners); Birth certificate; Medical records.

25199. Bills of doctors and pharmacies; GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtauskunftstelle information form; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid.

25200. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Ministerie van Wederopbouw – Aanvaardingscommissie der Politieke Gevangenen en van hun Rechthebbenden (Ministry of Reconstruction – Commission on the status of political prisoners); Information form of refuged hostage; Medical records; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Convocation, decision of the Commission de Contrôle pour Déportés, travel pass, request for pass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated; SHAEF.

25201. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records on compensation for claimant of political prisoner.

25202. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records on compensation for claimant of political prisoner.

25203. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records on compensation for claimant of political prisoner.

25204. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records on compensation for claimant of political prisoner.

25205. Requests for compensation. 25206. Requests for compensation. 25207. Request for compensation for deceased in Mauthausen;

Request for payment to political prisoner;

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Request for payment to claimant of Jewish person interned in concentration camp. 25208. Request for compensation for political prisoner;

Request for compensation for victims of the national-socialist persecution. 25209. Records on compensation for political prisoners. 25210. Request for compensation. 25211. Requests for compensation. 25212. Records on compensation for political prisoners and victims of the national-socialist

persecution. 25213. Records on compensation for claimant of political prisoner. 25214. Records on compensation - Investigation in Germany to determine if person

received a compensation from German services. 25215. List of files? 25216. Certificate of registration – Antwerpen;

Records on spoliation. 25217. PRISON RECORDS, Citadelle de Liège – Kammerbuch, 15 March 1943 – 27 May

1943; PRISON RECORDS, Citadelle de Liège – Kammerbuch, 13 May 1943 – 18 August 1944; PRISON RECORDS, Citadelle de Liège – Kammerbuch, Register of personal objects; PRISON RECORDS, Citadelle de Liège – Kammerbuch, 27 Oct 1942 – 22 July 1943; PRISON RECORDS, Citadelle de Liège – Kammerbuch, 17 July 1943 – 28 Oct 1943; PRISON RECORDS, Saint-Léonard, Register 2714 – 5000.

25218. Medical records. 25219. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942. 25220. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1944. 25221. Records on compensation. 25222. Records on compensation for political prisoner. 25223. Birth- and marriage certificate. 25224. Card Limbourg;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944.

25225. PRISON RECORDS, Saint-Léonard Liège, Register, 6001 – 8000. 25226. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1943; Card Limbourg.

25227. CAMP RECORDS, Records on ‘Etablissement d’ un mémorial pour les prisonniers civils du SS Lager Essen Altendorf Deckenschule; CAMP RECORDS, Sonderlager Deckenschule, List.

25228. Records on compensation for civil war victim. 25229. PRISON RECORDS, Saint-Léonard Liège, Quittungskarte, 22 Jan 1944 – 1 August

1944; PRISON RECORDS, Saint-Léonard Liège, Kammerbuch, 27 Oct 1942 – 22 July 1943; PRISON RECORDS, Saint-Léonard Liège, Kammerbuch, 18 June 1942 – 3 Feb 1943.

25230. Records on compensation for deceased in bombardment;

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Antrag an die ‘Agence Centrale des prisonniers de guerre’ , Gent – Internationales Komitee zum Roten Kreuz auf Nachrichtenvermittlung.

25231. CAMP RECORDS, Les Milles, Records on research on internment in camp. 25232. Records on compensation for claimant of political prisoner. 25233. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony

on person who refused to carry out forced labor; Medical records.

25234. Records on pension. 25235. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1943-1944. 25236. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Individual research for deceased, Heimkehrer-Erklärung;

Records on compensation for worker wounded due to explosion. 25237. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service;

DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1944. 25238. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein;

SHAEF; Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

25239. PRISON RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, 14 Nov 1940 – 18 August 1944; PRISON RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Militär.

25240. HOSPITAL RECORDS, Städtisches Krankenhaus Nürnberg, Declaration of stay in the hospital, 1945.

25241. Not on the roll. 25242. TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Bescheinigung;

RESISTANCE RECORDS, Certificate of member of the resistance. 25243. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Note – Verwaltung on Jewish goods. 25244. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1943; Certificate of registration – Antwerpen; Records on spoliation of furniture.

25245. PRISON RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, 7 Registers. 25246. Not on the roll. 25247. Certificate of registration in the register of population –Sint-Gillis;

Records on compensation for victims of the national-socialist persecution; Records on compensation for political prisoner.

25248. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1943; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre; CAMP RECORDS, Request for certificate of arrest and deportation.

25249. Records on spoliation. 25250. Records on compensation;

Extract from register of population – Liège; Certificate of non-divorce.

25251. Records on compensation. 25252. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Individual research for deceased. 25253. Files of spoliations. 25254. PRISON RECORDS, Mons, Register;

PRISON RECORDS, Malines, Register; PRISON RECORDS, Malines, Registers.

25255. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on/list of workers.

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25256. SHAEF; Medical records.

25257. Certificate of registration – Antwerpen, Brussels; Extract from register of population – Antwerpen.

25258. SHAEF. 25259. Medical records - records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien. 25260. Not on the roll. 25261. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, travel pass,

request for pass, decision of the Commission de Contrôle pour Déportés; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Ministerie van Wederopbouw – Aanvaardingscommissie der Politieke Gevangenen en van hun Rechthebbenden (Ministry of Reconstruction – Commission on the status of political prisoners); FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Commission de Contrôle pour Réfractaires; Registration form of labor unionist with the Christian Syndicate.

25262. Records on compensation; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Maria-Johanna-Hospital in Rees und Haus Aspel, Verzeichnis der Belgier die sich in der Zeit vom 30. May 1942 bis 1. April 1945 im Hospital in stationärer Behandlung befanden.

25263. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte, Überweisungsschein, request for pass; SHAEF.

25264. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service. 25265. Medical records;

Birth certificate. 25266. Request for compensation for deceased in Sachsenhausen. 25267. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1943; CAMP RECORDS, Records of the United Restitution Office.

25268. CAMP RECORDS, Natzweiler, Sterbe-Zweitbuch; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of foreign workers of Berlin-Hannover-Mannehim.

25269. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, certificate of identity, request for pass; Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

25270. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment; Card Limbourg; CAMP RECORDS, Request for information on person (Malines-Auschwitz).

25271. TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, List of deported persons; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Alphabetical register.

25272. Certificate of registration – Antwerpen – records on spoliation. 25273. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment;

Certificate of registration – St. Gilles-lez-Bruxelles, Schaarbeek. 25274. Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien. 25275. Records on compensation;

DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1951, 1960, 1961. 25276. Diverse records. 25277. Testimony on activity of sabotage.

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25278. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment. 25279. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Individual research for deceased, Heimkehrer-Erklärung;

Records on compensation; GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtauskunftstelle information form.

25280. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Individual research for deceased. 25281. Not on the roll. 25282. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, 973 Belgians who stayed in Belgium

and who received an ‘Ausweis’ to have access to the workshops of the company Hazmann à St. Trond; PRISON RECORDS, Tournai, List of 615 Belgians incarcerated in the prison; PRISON RECORDS, Beverloo, Foreign internees; PRISON RECORDS, Turnhout, List of prisoners, 15 Jan 1943 – 24 July 1943.

25283. Records on compensation for decease in Mauthausen; Declaration of nationality.

25284. Birth- and marriage certificate; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on ‘Unfallsache’ .


25286. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Individual research for deceased; Records on compensation.

25287. JUDICIAL RECORDS/FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, 55 p. German law on industrial accidents.

25288. CAMP RECORDS, Request for compensation for deceased in Mauthausen; CAMP RECORDS, Request for compensation for deceased in Auschwitz.

25289. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment.

25290. Records on pension; Medical records.

25291. CAMP RECORDS, Argelès-sur-Mer, Certificate of internment; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment.

25292. Request for compensation. 25393. Records on spoliation. 25294. Certificate of registration – Antwerpen, Anderlecht;

CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Service Sociale Juif; SHAEF.

25295. Medical records; Testimonies/reports on explosion of armaments (+ photos of place).

25296. Records on pension for invalidity; Birth certificate; Records on explosion of armament.

25297. Records on request for compensation. 25298. Records on compensation for victims of the persecutions of the Nazis. 25299. Testimony on woman. 25300. Certificate of identity;

GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtauskunftstelle information form. 25301. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Death certificate, 1941;

CAMP RECORDS, Récébédou, Death certificate, 1942;

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CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Notice on (negative) result on research for trace of person in the camp Gurs.

25302. Records on compensation for victims of the national-socialist persecution. 25303. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de

la Guerre; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1943.

25304. Bills of doctors – Medical records. 25306. CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Revier – Books of X-rays, 5 March 1941 – 13 April

1943; CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Röntgen, 18 March 1943 – 13 April 1943; CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Register of internees who were X-rayed.

25307. SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, General count of persons who have to be repatriated, request for pass, travel pass, Überweisungsschein, Anwerbebestätigung; DEATH CERTIFICATE, Death certificate, 1944.

25308. Report of a questionnaire by sir Dumonceau in the prison of Sint-Gilles on spoliation of furniture.

25309. Records on civil war pension; Medical records; Testimony on sick worker.

25310. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre.

25311. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1943-1944.

25312. Mention of information on deceased persons. 25313. RECORDS ON COLLABORATION, Report on a questionnaire by sir Forest and

sir Dumonceau de Bergendal in the prison of Saint-Gilles, 16 May 1962. 25314. Records on compensation for war victim;

DEATH CERTIFICATE, Individual research for deceased. 25315. Diverse records. 25316. Record on compensation for claimant of deceased political prisoner. 25317. Records on request for compensation for persons deceased in Auschwitz;

Testimony on hiding person for the Germans. 25318. Medical records. 25319. Testimony on traffic accident. 25320. Note. 25321. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Note, Arrangement of amounts (capital) to be used for the

constitution of the pensions (rente) circular (letter) of the Ministère Intérieure. 25322. Not on the roll. 25323. Not on the roll. 25324. CAMP RECORDS, Kahla E, Report on the camp;

PRISON RECORDS, Zuchthaus Brandenburg, Liste der Gefangenen-Personalakten des Zuchthauses Brandenburg; CAMP RECORDS, Arbeitslager Erich – Mittelbau, Liste étalbie par jour du 5 décembre 1944 au 31 mars 1945 des prisonniers belges entré, sortis ou morts dans ce camp;

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PRISON RECORDS, Abgabe von Gefangenen, Überstellungen nach Gefängisse und Lagern; CAMP RECORDS, Sachsenhausen, Arrivals and departures, 1 Sept 1941 – 31 Oct 1941; CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Notes and reports/camp diary; CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, International list; CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, List of deceased prisoners.

25325. PRISON RECORDS, Jauer, Abgangskalender; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Sammelkonto Wanderarbeiter aus Belgien, Kontrollkarte, Vorläufiger Fremdenpass.

25326. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records on compensation for political prisoners. 25327. Records on civil war victims. 25328. SHAEF;

Certificate of registration – Antwerpen; Extract from register of population – Antwerpen.

25329. SHAEF; Records on persons – negative result of research on internment in Vernet.

25330. Diverse records. 25331. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1943. 25332. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records on compensation for claimant of political

prisoner. 25333. Extract from register of population – Borgerhout;

CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment. 25334. DEATH CERTIFICATE, Individual research for deceased;

GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtauskunftstelle information form. 25335. SHAEF;

HOSPITAL RECORDS, Landeskrankenanstalten Salzburg, Liste der belgischen Staatsangehörigen; Medical certificate of Belgian who stayed at the center of repatriation Mulhouse; HOSPITAL RECORDS, St. Jozefs-Hospital in Duisburg-Laar, List of 301 Belgian civil workers who were treated at the hospital.

25336. Report on the declaration on reason of arrest and internment in the prison of Rijsel. 25337. Fees of doctors and pharmacists. 25337. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1943; Card Limbourg; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre.

25338. Records on missing person. 25339. Not on the roll. 25340. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Certificate on forced enlisting in the

military organisation Organisation Todt. 25341. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid, general

count of persons who have to be repatriated, travel pass, request for pass; SHAEF.

25342. SHAEF. 25343 Certificate of registration – Antwerpen – records on spoliation of furniture. 25344. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942, 1944.

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25345. Medical records. 25346. Records on compensation for victims of Nazisme. 25347. Medical records. 25348. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein,

Anwerbebestätigung, request for pass, travel pass, convocation, certificate of identity, information form.

25349. PRISON RECORDS, Beverlo, Register; PRISON RECORDS, Jauer, Registers of the prison; PRISON RECORDS, Mons, Registers of the prison; PRISON RECORDS, Brandenburg, Register; PRISON RECORDS, Tournai, Untersuchungsbuch; PRISON RECORDS, Huy, Register; PRISON RECORDS, Bayreuth, Register.

25350. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1944; Records on ‘Entschädigungssache’ .

25351. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Extract from ‘Droit Civil et Commerciel’ . 25352. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident –

Medical records. 25353. CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Het Nederlandsche Roode Kruis (The Dutch Red

Cross) Deel VI (Part VI) Auschwitz; CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Het Nederlandsche Roode Kruis (The Dutch Red Cross) Deel III (Part III) Auschwitz; CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, List of deceased – Revier, Jan 1942 – August 1942; CAMP RECORDS, Züfa, Register of population in the Kommando, 11 Feb 1943 – 29 Jan 1945; CAMP RECORDS, Golleschau (Kommando of Auschwitz), Cards; Hospital Bergen-Rügen, List of the hospital; Two registers of Wittenberg.

25354. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1944. 25355. SHAEF;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

25356. CAMP RECORDS, Rivesaltes, Certificate of internment; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1943.

25357. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of companies Herman-Göring in Most.

25358. Certificate of registration – Antwerpen – records on spoliation of furniture and household.


25360. Medical records; Certificate of person who went into hiding.

25361. Records on compensation for decease of person in Ravensbrück; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records on compensation for political prisoner.

25362. List of cards of Belgian workers in the “ Goering Werke” Stalinovy-Zavody. 25363. Report of a questionnaire by sir Dumonceau de Bergendal in St. Gilles on looting of

furniture. 25364. Card Limbourg;

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SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1943; CAMP RECORDS, Certificate of registration – Antwerp – Records on spoliation of furniture and household; Extract from register of population – Antwerpen.

25365. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for recognition of deported slave laborer, testimony.

25366. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records on compensation for political prisoner deceased in concentration camp.

25367. Records on compensation for destroyed apartment during bombardment. 25368. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte, Überweisungsschein;

Medical records - Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF; CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, Death certificate, 1945.

25369. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1945. 25370. CAMP RECORDS, Golleschau (Kommando of Auschwitz), Stand der

Beschäftigung; Hospice Jr AA Bruxelles, Register of decease; CAMP RECORDS, Golleschau (Kommando of Auschwitz), List of Israelite internees.

25371. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Anwerbebestätigung, Rückkehrschein, Sammelkonto Wanderarbeiter aus Belgien, Testimony.

25372. Records on compensation for political prisoner deceased in Neuengamme. 25373. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1944;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on ‘Unfallversicherung’ . 25374. Letter on third agreement. 25375. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Report on the activity of the Secret Army-Zone 5-Sector

V-Groupe D; RESISTANCE RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Pygmalion, Articles, 1945; Photos; RESISTANCE RECORDS/ PRESS RECORDS, Articles on the Secret Army.

25376. Request for borrowing films ‘Nacht und Nebel’ and ‘Les Moulins de la Mort’ ; Agreement on borrowing films ‘Nacht und Nebel’ and ‘Les Moulins de la Mort’ .

25377. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1943; Card Limbourg; Request for inventory of furniture looted by the Germans.

25378. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased; Records on ‘Rente – Bundesentschädigungsgesetz’ .

25379. JUDICIAL RECORDS, 195 pages Reichsversicherungsverordnung – Unfallversicherung.

25380. CAMP RECORDS, Les Milles, Certificate of internment; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1953; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Information on person in the register of Gurs.

25381. Prix d’ une rente immédiate sur deux têtes de même age reversible en totalité; Note for sir Radoux-Rogier – Judicial adviser of the Ministry of the Public Health and Family Administration of War Victims – Arrangement of amounts for the constitution/payment of the pensions (rente).

25382. CAMP RECORDS, Ravensbrück, Registration card, information on person.

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25383. CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Departure of convoys via Drancy to Auschwitz. 25384. Extract from register of population, Berchem, Borgerhout, Antwerpen;

Certificate of registration – Antwerpen – records on spoliation. 25385. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1944. 25386. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1943. 25387. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Testimony on deceased in consequence of bombardment;

Medical records. 25388. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased. 25389. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on ‘Unfallsache’ . 25390. DEATH CERTIFICATES. 25391. CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, List of prisoners and deported persons;

CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, List of Belgian political prisoners who left Weimar, 13 May 1945; CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, List of political prisoners who stay in Weimar in repatriation or have already been repatriated; CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Liste (Fragebogen); CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, List of Belgians; CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Alphabetical and numerical list of Belgians; CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Livre principal et livre des décomptes comptables (grootboek-rekeningboek).

25392. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Notes. 25393. Records on civil war victims. 25394. Fees of doctors and pharmacists;

Testimony on traffic accident. 25395. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records on compensation for claimants of political

prisoners. 25396. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1942. 25397. Medical records;


25398. Instruction for application of the decree of August 29 1961 regarding the modalities of payment of compensation to French who were victims of the nationalsocialist persecutions.

25399. Records on compensation. 25400. Diploma – Mechanic metalworker. 25401. Certificate of registration – Antwerpen – records on spoliation of furniture and

household. 25402. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records on compensation for claimant of political

prisoner; CAMP RECORDS, Records on compensation for victim of the Nazisme.

25403. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Request for certificate of decease. 25404. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1943; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment.

25405. Projets de cadre – 12 cards, 1963. 25406. Quotation for the construction of a house in Brussels. 25407. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,


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Card Limbourg; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment.

25408. Medical records. 25409. Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien;

Records on compensation for claimant of political prisoner. 25410. Requests for compensation. 25411. Records on compensation for persons deceased in concentration camps;

Certificate of registration in the register of population – Elsene. 25412. Records on the status of political prisoner;

Records on Belgian refugee victim of bombardment. 25413. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service;

CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Death certificate, 1942. 25414. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS. 25415. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on ‘Unfallwaisenrente’ . 25416. Records on compensation. 25417. Records on compensation for claimant of political prisoner. 25418. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1943; Card Limbourg; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre; Information on identity of person for certificate of forced residence in Limbourg.

25419. Records on pension. 25420. Testimony on arrest of suspect member of the member of the ‘Witte Brigade’ . 25421. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased, Heimkehrer-Erklärung;

DEATH CERTIFICATES, Todesanzeige, 1942; Records on ‘Entschädigungssache’ .

25422. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1943; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment; Records on certificate of deportation; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Information for deportation with the XXIInd convoy.

25423. Wehrstammrolle. 25424. Records on copy of film ‘Nacht und Nebel’ . 25425. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records on compensation for claimant of political

prisoner. 25426. Medical records;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony. 25427. Information of person. 25428. Records on accident. 25429. Records on victim of train accident (by sabotage). 25430. SHAEF;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, General count of persons who have to be repatriated, travel pass, request for pass; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Commission de Contrôle pour Résistants civils.

25431. Wehrstammblatt; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF;

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GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtauskunftstelle card; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Sammelkonto Wanderarbeiter aus Belgien, Anwerbebestätigung.

25432. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1944. 25433. Certificate of registration in the register of population – Brussels;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS Records on spoliation of furniture.

25434. CAMP RECORDS, Vittel, Information of person interned in the camp. 25435. Certificate for file of compensation. 25436. Medical records. 25437. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein,

Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Beschäftigte Zivilarbeiter in dem Basaltwerken Niedersachsen in Güntersen; SHAEF.

25438. JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 21 Oct 1954; JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 2 April 1939.

25439. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Beschäftigungsnachweis, Arbeitsbescheinigung.

25440. Diverse material. 25441. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1944; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre.

25442. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1943; Records on ‘Rückerstattungssache’ .

25443. Information form of civil war victim, medical records. 25444. Wehrstammblatt;

SHAEF. 25445. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1943; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre.

25446. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite; SHAEF.

25447. Birth- and marriage certificate. 25448. Records on microfilming ‘Nuremberg Documents’ . 25449. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Result of tracing internment. 25450. PRISON RECORDS, Beverloo, Register of personal objects of internees. 25451. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942; Request for certificate of deportation.

25452. Request for compensation; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Certificate of identity, testimony of accident.

25452. Request for compensation for victims of the persecution of the Nazis. 25453. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful

camps – Ausländerlager 88-Eisenwerk Wülfel;

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FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers – Ausländerlager des Wülferer-Eisenwerkes in Hannover-Wüffel.

25454. Document allemand. 25455. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de

la Guerre; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Übersicht über die Arbeitsvorhaben der Arbeitsgruppe Belgien in zeitlicher Reihenfolge.

25456. Records on workers. 25457. List of political, social security and labour employment office records – Kempten-

Allgäu. 25458. Records on compensation for claimant of political prisoner. 25459. PRISON RECORDS, Sint-Gilles, Condamned. 25460. Certificate of registration – Antwerpen – records on spoliation of furniture. 25461. JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 2 April 1939. 25462. Records on compensation for spoliation of furniture. 25463. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1943. 25464. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on compensation for deceased

of industrial accident. 25465. Medical records;

Records on compensation of deported persons who stayed in concentration camp. 25466. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Request for death certifcate;

Records on deported person. 25467. Documents personnels. 25468. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records on recognition of status of political prisoner. 25469. Records on compensation. 25470. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, general count of

persons who have to be repatriated. 25471. Records on compensation;

RESISTANCE RECORDS, Information on political prisoner. 25472. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1943; CAMP RECORDS, Records of the United Restitution Office.

25473. Medical records. 25474. Medical records;

Records on ‘Rentenzahlungen’ ; Card of repatriated person.

25475. LAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony on industrial accident, Arbeitsbuch; SHAEF.

25476. Extract from register of population – Antwerpen. 25477. Diverse material. 25478. Records on compensation - Investigation in Germany to determine if person

received a compensation from German services. 25479. Records on compensation - Investigation in Germany to determine if person

received a compensation from German services. 25480. Records on compensation. 25481. Certificate of nationality;

Fees of doctors. 25482. Extract from register of population – Borgerhout;

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Certificate of registration – Antwerpen – records on spoliation of furniture. 25483. HOSPITAL RECORDS, Hôpital St. Pierre Bruxelles, Medical records. 25484. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1941. 25485. Letter. 25486. Records on compensation;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid, request for pass, Guideline for foreign workers who go to work in Germany eighter in the industry or as employee, May 1942, Notice for Belgian workers and employees, March 1941; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Kontrollzettel, Überweisungsschein.

25487. TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Bescheinigung; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite.

25488. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, General count of persons who have to be repatriated; SHAEF; Medical records.

25489. Records on civil war victims. 25490. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony. 25491. CAMP RECORDS, Watten, Einzelsachen;

CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, Register of entries of women; CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, List of internees; CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, List of deceased; CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, Survey/list of individual cards of Belgians.

25492. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/DEATH CERTIFICATES, Records on compensation for deceased worker.

25493. Certificate of registration – Antwerpen – records on spoliation of furniture. 25494. SHAEF. 25495. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Fahndungslistes – Registers A-I-II-III-IV;

JUDICIAL RECORDS, Kommando-Stadsbefehle; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Besondere Anordnungen, 25 Oct 1940 – 31 Dec 1941.

25496. Certificate of registration in the register of population – Antwerpen; Extract from register of population, Antwerpen – Borgerhout.

25497. Records on compensation. 25498. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1945. 25499. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the United Restitution Office;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942.

25500. HOSPITAL RECORDS, Städtisches Gesundheitsamt Wetzlar; SHAEF; Medical records; Testimony on wounded and operated person; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der Angehörigen der Vereinten Nationen und anderen Ausländer von 1939 bis 1945 – Betriebskrankenkasse für die Burger Eisenwerke.

25501. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, General count of persons who have to be repatriated, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, travel pass, convocation; SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Commission de Contrôle pour Réfractaires.

25502. Records on pension;

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RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records on the status of political prisoner.

25503. Fahndungen – registers V-IX. 25504. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased, Heimkehrer-Erklärung;

GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtauskunftstelle information form; Records on compensation.

25505. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS. 25506. Records on compensation. 25507. Anweisung von Beschäfsräumer;

Report on questionnaires by sir Dumonceau de Bergendael in Brussels, 5 and 6 Sept 1962; Records on warehouse of furniture furnished during the war in Rue de Transvaal by the occupying authorities.

25508. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1957; Birth certificate.

25509. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased, Heimkehrer-Erklärung; Records on ‘Rentenangelegenheit’ .

25510. CAMP RECORDS, Natzweiler, Records on the camp for exposition (Lagerartz on Tod des Scheitzhäftlings).

25511. GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Records on compensation for persons forced enlisted in the Wehrmacht.

25512. PRISON RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Saint-Gilles, Judicial files. 25513. Medical records – records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien. 25514. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Fahndungen – Meldeblatt der Zentralfahndungsstelle für die

besetzten Westgebiete; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Fahndungen – Deutsches Kriminalpolizeiblatt.

25515. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Notice on decease, 1942. 25516. Medical records of persons who stayed in concentration camp;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on person who refused to carry out forced labor; Note on payment to claimants of executed, deceased or missing persons; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment.

25517. CAMP RECORDS, Request for certificate of internment and deportation; CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service.

25518. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service. 25519. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1943. 25520. PRISON RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Sint-Gilles, Judicial files. 25521. PRISON RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Sint-Gilles, Judicial files. 25522. Records on compensation;

Records on request for recognition of deported person; Bills of pharmacies; Medical records.

25523. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased. 25524. Records on ‘Unfallsache’ . 25525. Birth- and marriage certificate;

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DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1945. 25526. HOSPITAL RECORDS, St. Vinzenz-Krankenhaus Essen-Stoppenberg, List of

treated persons. 25527. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony, Rückkehrschein,

Quittungskarte. 25528. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Testimony on deceased in consequence of bombardment. 25529. JUDICIAL RECORDS. 25530. Medical records. 25531. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1944. 25532. Booklet of nursing in favour of former prisoner of war;

Medical records. 25333. CAMP RECORDS, Sachsenhausen, Information on the Medical Service of the

camp. 25534. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card;

CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment; SHAEF.


25536. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, request for pass, Anwerbebestätigung, Überweisungsschein; Medical records – records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

25537. GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtauskunftstelle card; SHAEF.

25538. Records on compensation for claimants of political prisoners. 25539. Testimony on train accident, 1945. 25540. Certificate of registration – Antwerpen – records on spoliation of furniture;

Extract from register of population – Antwerpen. 25541. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Certificate of worker;

Medical records. 25542. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS;

Birth- and marriage certificate; Records on ‘Kinderzulage-Waisenrente’ .

25543. CAMP RECORDS, Sandbostel, List of deported Belgians entered the camp before the liberation; CAMP RECORDS, Sandbostel, List of Belgians who were interned.

25544. Letter on exposition in Anderlecht. 25545. PRISON RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Judicial files. 25546. PRISON RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Judicial files. 25547. Request for borrowing films ‘Nacht und Nebel’ and ‘Les Moulins de la Mort’ . 25548. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, testimony on

industrial accident; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1945; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Testimony on deceased; Medical records; SHAEF.

25549. Certificate of French nationality. 25550. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942, 1944;

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DEATH CERTIFICATES, Request for death certificate. 25551. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1943; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment; Extract from the register of population – Borgerhout.

25552. PRISON RECORDS/ JUDICIAL RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Judicial files. 25553. Bills;

Records on compensation of accident. 25554. Indications to simplify the visit of the exposition on the prisons and concentration

camps. 25555. DEATH CERTIFICATES, 1943. 25556. Information form of deported person;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1944; GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtauskunftstelle card.

25557. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Certificate of consolidation for insurance – industrial accident.

25558. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942, 1943; CAMP RECORDS, Records of the United Restitution Office.

25559. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service; CAMP RECORDS, Gusen, Death certificate, 1943.

25560. PRISON RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Judicial files. 25561. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1943; CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service; General conditions of ‘garde-meubles’ (furnishing) – Arthur Pierre.

25562. Note. 25563. Medical records. 25564. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS. 25565. Certificate of registration – Antwerpen (Berchem) – records on spoliation of

furniture. 25566. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Amicale des ex-prisonniers politiques de Silésie,

Request for help/documents on exposition on the resistance and on deportation; Request from the Œuvre National des Invalides de la Guerre for material for exposition on concentration camps; Agreement on borrowing films.

25667. Notice of (negative) result on research for person interned in the camp of Brens; Notice of (negative) result on research for person interned in St. Julien; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1943 and 1945.

25568. Records on compensation for persons deceased in Auschwitz. 25569. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned

political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment; Testimony on prisoner.

25570. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers. 25571. Medical records. 25572. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1943; Card Limbourg.

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25573. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased. 25574. PRISON RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Judicial files. 25575. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein. 25576. Records on compensation for political prisoner. 25577. PRISON RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Judicial files. 25578. Diverse material. 25579. CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, Zugangsbuch Frauen. 25580. PRISON RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Judicial files. 25581. PRISON RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Judicial files. 25582. Certificate. 25583. SHAEF. 25584. Certificate of nationality;

Medical records. 25585. PRISON RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Judicial records. 25586. Extract from register of population – Antwerpen, Borgerhout;

Certificate of registration in the register of population – Antwerpen; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment.

25587. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der bei der Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Frankfurt a.M. versichert gewesenen Angehörigen der Vereinten Nationen und anderen Ausländern.

25588. Request for compensation for claimants of victims of the Nazis. 25589. Letter – Rheinz Anvers - Umzugsgüler, 1940. 25590. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Ausländerbetreuung der deutschen

Arbeitsfront Beitragsquittungskarte, Quittungskarte, Urlaubschein. 25591. CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, Überstellungen und Entlassungen. 25592. Birth certificate. 25593. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1943; CAMP RECORDS, Request for certificate of deportation.

25594. Form for medical records. 25595. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Anwerbebestätigung,

Überweisungsschein, convocation. 25596. PRISON RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Judicial files. 25597. PRISON RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Judicial files. 25598. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the United Restitution Office. 25599. SHAEF;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Anwerbebestätigung, request for pass, questionnaire; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

25600. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942.

25601. Instruction for the application of the French-Belgian convention, 20 Sept 1958. 25602. PRISON RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Judicial files. 25603. PRISON RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Judicial files. 25604. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on sick pay of worker. 25605. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony. 25606. Records on compensation for execution of persons;

DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1960; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on person who went into hiding person who worked illegal.

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25607. PRESS RECORDS, Journal SHAEF, 15 April 1945. 25608. Judicial records on Möbel-Aktion. 25609. Tafel “ Glückzeitiger” – Geistesepochen, Kunstepochen, politische Epochen. 25610. PRISON RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Judicial files. 25611. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1944;

Auszahlungsschein. 25612. PRISON RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Judicial files. 25613. Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien. 25614. Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien;

SHAEF. 25615. SHAEF;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for pass; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

25616. Extract from birth certificate. 25617. CAMP RECORDS, Vught, Registration card;

Book by M. Goffart – Nacht und Nebel – Amicale Nationale des Prisonniers Politiques de Sachsenhausen.

25618. Report of the Ecole Normale Verviers. 25619. Records on compensation. 25620. Farde ‘Prospection des bibliothèques et archives’ pour exposition. 25621. PRISON RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Judicial files. 25622. PRISON RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Judicial files. 25623. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on ‘Unfallversicherung’ . 25624. Certificate of nationality;

Request for compensation for the claimant of political prisoner. 25625. Fees of doctors;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Questionnaire on person who refused to carry out forced labor; Birth- and marriage certificate; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1944.

25626. SHAEF; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Bescheinigung.

25627. PRISON RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Judicial files. 25628. CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Brochure ‘Remember That’ . 25629. SHAEF;

Medical records; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Zu meldende und abzugebende Unfallvorgänge der Tiefbau-Berufsgenossenschaft.

25630. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on arrest of person for hiding parachutists; Medical records.

25631. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony on deceased worker, 1945. 25632. PRISON RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Judicial files. 25633. Certificate of nationality;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on person who refused to carry out forced labor; Letter of the Confédération Nationale pour Prisoniers Politiques et Ayants-Droit.

25634. Medical records. 25635. Medical file. 25636. Medical records. 25637. Records on compensation.

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25638. TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Abschubliste – Transport von Drancy nach Auschwitz aus den Lagern Beaune la Rolande, Noé, Pithiviers, Les Milles, Récébédou, 28 August 1942; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Abschubliste – Transport von Drancy nach Auschwitz aus den Lagern Beaune-la-Rolande, Pithiviers, Bordeaux-Bacalan, Bordeaux-Mérignac, Tombebouc, Septfonds, Chalons s/S, Belfort, Drancy, Récébédou, 31 August 1942; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Abschubliste – Transport von Drancy nach Auschwitz aus den Lagern “ Drancy 1+2” , 2 September 1942; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Abschubliste – Transport von Drancy nach Auschwitz aus den Lagern Gurs, Noé, Vernet, 4 September 1942; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Abschubliste – Transport von Drancy nach Auschwitz aus den Lagern Drancy, Les Milles, 7 September 1942; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Abschubliste – Transport von Drancy nach Auschwitz aus den Lagern Septfonds, Les Milles, Rivesaltes, Poitiers, Casseneuil, Saint-Sulpice, 9 September 1942; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Abschubliste – Transport von Drancy nach Auschwitz aus den Lagern Drancy, Divers, Saint-Sulpice, Poitiers, La Lande, 11 September 1942; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Abschubliste – Transport von Drancy nach Auschwitz aus den Lagern Drancy, Chalons, Toulouse, Compiègne, La Lande, Belfort, 14 September 1942; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Abschubliste – Transport von Drancy nach Auschwitz aus den Lagern Drancy, Rivesaltes, 16/17 September 1942; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Abschubliste – Transport von Drancy nach Auschwitz aus den Lagern Drancy, Pithiviers, Verschiedene, 18 September 1942; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Abschubliste – Transport aus Pithiviers nach Auschwitz, 21 September 1942; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Abschubliste – Transport von Drancy nach Auschwitz, 24, 27and 29 July 1942; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Abschubliste – Transport von Pithiviers nach Auschwitz, 31 July and 3 August 1942; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Abschubliste – Transport von Beaune-la-Rolande nach Auschwitz, 5 and 7 August 1942; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Abschubliste – Transport von Drancy nach Auschwitz, 10, 12, 14, 17, 19 and 21 August 1942; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Abschubliste – Transport von Drancy nach Auschwitz aus den Lagern Beaune-la-Rolande, Pithiviers, Belfort, Drancy I and II, 24 August 1942; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Abschubliste – Transport von Drancy nach Auschwitz aus den Lagern Pithiviers, Drancy, Rivesaltes, Verschiedene, 26 August 1942.

25639. PRISON RECORDS/ JUDICIAL RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Judicial files. 25640. Oeuvre Nationale des Invalides de la Guerre – invitation for reunion of the

Commission of Homes, information on trip to St. Ode. 25641. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony, request for recognition of

deported slave laborer; Bills of doctors; Request on compensation for internees of concentration camp.

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25642. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942.

25643. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on compensation. 25644. PRISON RECORDS/ JUDICIAL RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Judicial files. 25645. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein. 25646. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1944; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Request for certificate of deportation.

25647. Records on compensation for claimants of political prisoner. 25648. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein,

Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid, Quittungskarte, Urlaubschein, Sammelkonto Wanderarbeiter aus Belgien, travel pass, request for pass, certificate of identity.

25649. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service. 25650. JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 15 Oct 1962. 25651. Medical records. 25652. PRISON RECORDS, Waldheim Sachsen, Aufstellung der männlichen belgischen

Staatsangehörigen; PRISON RECORDS, Waldheim Sachsen, Aufstellung der weiblichen belgischen Staatsangehörigen; PRISON RECORDS, Von dem Zentralgefängnis Cottbus nach Waldheim überführte Belgierinnen.


decease of worker. 25655. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Zu meldende und abzugebende

Unfallvorgänge der Tiefbau-Berufsgenossenschaft; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1945.

25656. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for decease; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte, testimony; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1945.

25657. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records on compensation for political prisoners; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1944; Birth certificate; Medical records; PRESS RECORDS, Article on fatigue.

25658. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1962; Records on compensation for political prisoner.

25659. Report of the Commission of Advice on payments in favour of Dutch victims of the nationalsocialist persecution.

25660. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Bescheinigung, Kontrollkarte, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid, Sammelkonto Wanderarbeiter aus Belgien, travel pass, libretto di lavoro, Vorläufiger Fremdenpass.

25661. Medical records. 25662. RECORDS ON HOSTAGES, Entlassungsschein für kranke Kriegsgefangene,

testimony. 25663. Records on compensation for persons deported to and deceased in Auschwitz;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944;

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CAMP RECORDS, Request for certificate of deportation. 25664. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Circular on transfer/movement of service, 15 May 1950. 25665. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records on the recognition of political prisoner. 25666. Records on passport. 25667. Not on the roll. 25668. SHAEF. 25668. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Information form, travel pass, request

for pass, certificate of identity. 25669. Bills of pharmacies. 25670. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1943. 25671. Card Limbourg;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944; Request for compensation of deportation.

25672. Medical certificate; SHAEF.

25673. Records on pension for war victims. 25674. Birth- and marriage certificate;

Certificate of nationality. 25675. Records on compensation for deported person. 25676. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased;

Records on compensation of invalidity; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate; PRISON RECORDS, Zuchthaus Sonnenburg, List.

25677. Medical records. 25678. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment;

CAMP RECORDS, Noé, Certificate of internment; Anmeldung von Entschädigungsansprüchen – Malines-Auschwitz.

25679. Birth certificate; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Testimony on deceased; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Arbeitskarte, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate.

25680. JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 26 Oct 1962. 25681. CAMP RECORDS, Neuengamme, Testimony on person who stayed in

Neuengamme. 25682. Records on compensation. 25683. Ashford School East Hill. 25684. Agreement on borrowing films ‘Nacht und Nebel’ and ‘Les Moulins de la Mort’ . 25685. CAMP RECORDS, Research for missing Belgians during the war in the

concentration camps of the Kreis Kiel; CAMP RECORDS, Report of Captain Lechat, Belgian Liaison officer in Hambourg – Translation of a general report of the police of the Kreis Kiel of 6th November 1942 on the concentration camp of Kiel-Rusee (Polizeigefängnis Baracke Kiel-Russee) and Arbeitserziehungslager Nordmark (AEL Nordmark); CAMP RECORDS, Copy of the testimony made for the police of Kiel by Mrs Annemargret Hölzel.

25686. Medical records.

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25687. Certificate of nationality. 25688. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased;

‘Records on Rentenverfahren’ . 25689. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Certificate of identity, request for pass,

general count of persons who have to be repatriated, Anwerbebestätigung; SHAEF; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Commission de Contrôle pour Réfractaires; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Untersuchungshaftanstalt Berlin, Prison card, 1942.

25690. Records on compensation for victims of the Nazis; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Hospice Auxiliaire d’ Anderlecht, Certificate of forced residence, 14 June 1944 – 24 April 1945; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Certificate of stay at the hospital Erasme in Borgerhout and deportation to Malines; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944.

25691. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1945; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Research for information on person.

25692. Application for registration as a citizen of the United Kingdom and colonies. 25693. SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, File on worker. 25694. SHAEF. 25695. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, information form. 25696. Records of the Confédération Nationale pour Prisoniers Politiques et Ayants-Droit,

records on exposition. 25697. Records on the third agreement. 25698. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service. 25699. Birth- and marriage certificate. 25700. Brochure on the fund of compensation UNHCR. 25701. Letter on request for pension for widow of civil prisoner of the war. 25702. Medical records. 25703. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony, Sammelkonto

Wanderarbeiter aus Belgien. 25704. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942; CAMP RECORDS, Certificate of deportation Malines-Auschwitz; CAMP RECORDS, Personal Anmeldung von Entschädigungsansprüchen.

25705. PRISON RECORDS, Huy, Register. 25706. CAMP RECORDS, Records on compensation for deportation – two cards of

internees of Buchenwald. 25707. Records on civil war victims. 25708. Not on the roll. 25709. Records on third Belgian-German agreement. 25710. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de

la Guerre. 25711. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Judicial records (Sint-Gillis). 25712. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1944. 25713. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte.

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25714. Records on civil war victims. 25715. Records on compensation for spoliation;

Extract from register of population – Antwerpen; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942.

25716. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Meldung der seit dem 3. September 1939 bei Osnabrücker Metallwerke J. Kampschuhe u. Co beschäftigten; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse fur die Stadt Osnabrueck.

25717. List Kreis Neinburg/Weser – Gemeinde Liebenau. 25718. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Judicial records (Sint-Gillis). 25719. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Urlaubschein, Bescheinigung,

Fahrkarte. 25720. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Certificate of deceased in consequence of bombardment;

DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1945; Medical records.

25721. Medical records. 25722. Records on civil war victims. 25723. Marriage certificate. 25724. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1944. 25725. Request for information or repatriation. 25726. Records on copy of film ‘Nacht und Nebel’ . 25727. Notice on (negative) result of research;


industrial accident. 25729. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein;

Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien. 25730. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 25731. PRISON RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Judicial files. 25732. PRISON RECORDS/ JUDICIAL RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Judicial files. 25733. CAMP RECORDS, Breendonk, Image of the monument Breendonk. 25734. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on ‘Unfallsache’ . 25735. PRISON RECORDS/ JUDICIAL RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Judicial files. 25736. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony. 25737. Request for information on foreigner. 25738. CAMP RECORDS, Persons who let to know collectively that they arrived in good

health in the camp Birkenau on 8th May 1943. 25739. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment.

25740. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on accident. 25741. Bills Statramar Expéditions-affrètements Assurances entreposages. 25742. Testimony on arrested person;

Records on compensation for victims of the persecution of the Nazis; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records on compensation for political prisoner, Certificate of recognition of political prisoner.

25743. Letters. 25744. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Vorläufiger Fremdenpass, testimony;


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Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien. 25745. PRISON RECORDS/ JUDICIAL RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Judicial files. 25746. PRISON RECORDS/ JUDICIAL RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Judicial files. 25747. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942, 1944. 25748. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Unfallanzeige. 25749. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for pass, convocation,

Überweisungsschein, travel pass. 25750. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, convocation,

certificate of identity, request for pass, travel pass. 25751. Medical records. 25752. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1943. 25753. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, testimony, travel

pass. 25754. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony on victim of bombardment. 25755. PRISON RECORDS/ JUDICIAL RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Judicial files. 25756. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1944. 25757. Records on compensation for political prisoner. 25758. PRISON RECORDS/ JUDICIAL RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Judicial files. 25759. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Zu meldende und abzugebende

Unfallvorgänge der Tiefbau-Berufsgenossenschaft. 25760. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased, Heimkehrer-Erklärung;

Records on ‘Rente. 25761. Records on compensation –political prisoner- victim of the Nazis. 25762. PRISON RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Gestapo prison Kiel, Identification

card for ex-political prisoner of Gestapo prison Kiel; RESISTANCE RECORDS/PRISON RECORDS, Certificate on internment for distribution of communist ‘Flügblätter’ from Holland to Germany; CAMP RECORDS, Records on compensation for claimant of persons deceased in concentration camp.

25763. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records on the group OMBR. 25764. CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, Death certificate, 1945;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein. 25765. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment;

CAMP RECORDS, Les Milles, Certificate of internment. 25766. PRISON RECORDS/ JUDICIAL RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Judicial files.�25767. PRISON RECORDS/ JUDICIAL RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Judicial files. 25768. CAMP RECORDS, Les Milles, Certificate of internment;

Records on compensation. 25769. Records on person for deceased person;

DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1945; Birth- and marriage certificate; Soldbuch.

25770. Record son compensation for victims of the nationalsocialist persecution; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records on compensation for claimants of political prisoner.

25771. Certificate of registration in the register of foreigners – Oudergem. 25772. List of all health and medical records – Wiesbaden.

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25773. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for authorization to employ a foreign worker.

25774. Bill - Betonwerken-Bouwmaterialen Alfons De Cremer; Instruction for the payment of loans – Nationaal Werk voor Oorlogsinvaliden.

25775. Programm of Knowledge required for the literary and scientific exam – French and Dutch Brochure on the exam.

25776. Medical file. 25777. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte – medical records. 25778. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on ‘Unfallsache’ . 25779. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/DEATH CERTIFICATES, Records on

compensation for decease in consequence of bombardment; Birth certificate.

25780. Records on request for pension of invalidity; Request for compensation for political prisoner deceased in Dachau.

25781. Medical records. 25782. Birth- and marriage certificate. 25783. PRESS RECORDS, Les Crimes de Guerre lors de la libération du territoire nationale

- Forêt, Sept 1944, 1946. 25784. Certificate of nationality;

Birth certificate; Bills of doctors; Medical records; Records on compensation for deported slave laborer.

25785. Records on compensation. 25786. PRISON RECORDS/ JUDICIAL RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Judicial files. 25787. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte, Überweisungsschein. 25787. Note on splitting up the Liberal Syndicate of agents of Public Services;

Certificate of the national militia. 25788. Not on the roll. 25789. PRISON RECORDS/ JUDICIAL RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Judicial files. 25790. Records on compensation - Investigation in Germany to determine if person

received a compensation from German services; Records on compensation for claimant of deceased.

25791. Records on compensation. 25792. Records on compensation for political prisoner who stayed in Neuengamme. 25793. Bill – Tirage 16 société d’ exploitation des Laboratoires du form réduit – film ‘Nacht

und Nebel’ . 25794. Information form of political prisoner liberated before 15th September 1944 –

compensation; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records on member of the resistance - Secret Army.

25795. Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien. 25796. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment;

Records on compensation for Möbel-aktion – spoliation of goods. 25797. Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien. 25798. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased, Heimkehrer-Erklärung;

Records on ‘Rentesache’ . 25799. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Lager Unter-Wuerden, Individual card of deceased,

1945; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, request for pass; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien;

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SHAEF. 25800. Medical records. 25801. PRISON RECORDS/ JUDICIAL RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Judicial files. 25802. SHAEF. 25803. PRESS RECORDS, De Oorlogsmisdaden bedreven gedurende de bevrijding van het

Belgisch Grondgebied – Forêt, Sept 1944 – Crimes of War committed during the liberation of the Belgian territory.

25804. DEATH CERTIFICATES/CAMP RECORDS, List of persons, some deceased in Auschwitz, some in unknown place.

25805. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid. 25806. Notice on (negative) result on research;

Records on spoliation of goods. 25807. Records on compensation for decease;

Medical records; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony.

25808. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Rückkehrschein; Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

25809. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Service Social Juif. 25810. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on ‘Unfallsache’ . 25811. Brochure – State of the personnel of the ‘Oeuvre Nationale des Invalides de la

Guerre’ (National Works for Disabled Veterans). 25812. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on ‘Unfallsache’ ;

Birth- and marriage certificate. 25813. Card Limbourg;

CAMP RECORDS, Records of the United Restitution Office; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Request for certificate of deportation.

25814. CAMP RECORDS, Les Milles, Certificate of internment. 25815. Records on civil war victims. 25816. Diverse records. 25817. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass,

Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid, Überweisungsschein, Sammelkonto Wanderarbeiter aus Belgien.

25818. Medical records. 25819. Passport. 25820. Envelope. 25821. SHAEF;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for pass, Überweisungsschein, travel pass; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

25822. Letter on request for certificates of internment. 25823. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned

political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment; Testimony on shot in café; Medical records.

25824. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1943.

25825. SHAEF;

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FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers.

25826. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Sammelkonto Wanderarbeiter aus Belgien.

25827. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased. 25827. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Cards of Jewish children placed in the homes

for children during the war. 25828. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Diverse records. 25829. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records on

person who refused to carry out forced labor, testimony on hiding a person who refused to carry out forced labor.

25830. Birth- and marriage certificate; Certificate of nationality.

25831. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Draft of law on agreement of the general convention on social insurance between Belgium and Germany, 30 Oct 1962.

25832. Diverse records. 25833. Medical records;

Records on persons treated after bombardment; CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Testimony on internment in the camp.

25834. PRISON RECORDS/ JUDICIAL RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Judicial files. 25835. Rentensache. 25836. Records on compensation. 25837. Birth certificate;

TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Certificate of internment. 25838. Records on compensation for deceased political prisoner. 25839. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony;

Medical records; Certificate of nationality.

25840. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Vorläufiger Fremdenpass, records of the Landesversicherungsanstalt Rheinprovinz Düsseldorf.

25841. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Centraal Beheer van Joodse Weldadigheid en Maatschappelijk Hulpbetoon; CAMP RECORDS, Records of the United Restitution Office.

25842. Records on deported person for patriotic activities. 25843. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de

la Guerre; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Service Social Juif; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Cards of children – extract from list of hidden children.

25844. PRISON RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Judicial files. 25845. Card Limbourg. 25846. PRISON RECORDS/ JUDICIAL RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Judicial files. 25847. Records on the compensation for political prisoner. 25848. Request from the Fraternelle des Amicales de Camps for material and documents on

life in concentration camps – exposition. 25749. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1942.

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25750. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, records on ‘Unfallanzeige’ ; SHAEF; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

25851. SHAEF. 25852. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, travel pass,

request for pass; SHAEF; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

25853. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service. 25854. PRISON RECORDS/ JUDICIAL RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Judicial files. 25855. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on ‘Unfallsache’ . 25856. Proposal for the budget, 1963;

Survey of the modifications executed to the budget of the Ministry of Public Health and Family, 1962.

25857. Records on compensation - Investigation in Germany to determine if person received a compensation from German services.

25858. Lettre addressee au Major-Médecin de la prison de Saint-Gilles. 25859. Statistics, Oct-Dec 1962. 25860. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment. 25861. Records on civil war victims. 25862. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Ausweis, Sammelkonto Wanderarbeiter

aus Belgien. 25863. CAMP RECORDS, Pithiviers, Certificate of internment;

DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1942; Birth certificate.

25864. Extract from register of population – Antwerpen; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942.

25865. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Certificate and card of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre.

25866. PRISON RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Judicial records. 25867. Ablieferung von Bargeld und Anmeldung von Reichsmarkklanten bei

Geldinstituten; Personal-Ausweis – British zone.

25868. Bill – société Belge des liages d’ isolation Portugais. 25869. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Testimony on stay in Straflager, deportation and decease. 25870. Records on compensation for political prisoner. 25871. Rentenangelegenheit. 25872. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, information form. 25873. Request for information to give a survey of graves of war victims in Europa;

DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1945.

25874. SHAEF. 25875. JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 15 Jan 1963. 25876. Research for children. 25877. Card Limbourg;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944; Records on compensation for spoliation of furniture.

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25878. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records of person who refused to carry out forced labor.

25879. JUDICIAL RECORDS. 25880. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased. 25881. Diverse material. 25882. Thomas Meadows & Co – Décompte des débours et rémunérations pour

dédommagement et expédition. 25883. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Sammelkonto Wanderarbeiter aus

Belgien, Vorläufiger Fremdenpass. 25884. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony. 25885. Bills of doctors and pharmacies;

Medical records; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on person who refused to carry out forced labor.

25886. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Personal-Akte, 1943. 25887. Testimony on non-returned person. 25888. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased. 25889. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on person who refused to carry out forced labor.

25890. Card Limbourg. 25991. Records on request for pension. 25992. Medical records. 25893. SHAEF;

PRISON RECORDS, Gefangenenlager Oberems in Gütersloh, Prison card, 1945; PRISON RECORDS, Zuchthaus Werl, Prison card, 1945; PRISON RECORDS, Strafgefängnis und Untersuchungshaftanstalt Wuppertal, Prison card, 1943; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Certificate of identity, travel pass, request for pass; Records on German ‘Rente’ .

25894. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased. 25895. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1944. 25896. Records on third Belgian-German agreement. 25897. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, General count of persons who have to

be repatriated, convocation, Überweisungsschein, request for information on slave laborer, request for pass, travel pass; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Commission de Contrôle pour Réfractaires; SHAEF.

25898. Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien. 25899. PRISON RECORDS/ JUDICIAL RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Judicial files. 25900. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Bundesversorgungsgesetz, 27 June 1960. 25901. Information form on persons. 25902. Result of questionnaire for Belgian internees in the camp of the area Aubemas;


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DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1942. 25903. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Records on deceased worker. 25904. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS. 25905. GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtauskunftstelle card;

SHAEF. 25906. GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtauskunftstelle card;

SHAEF; Wehrstammblatt.

25907. Medical records – bills of doctors. 25908. Medical records. 25909. Testimony on person who is unable to work due to explosion of armaments. 25910. Record on third Belgian-German agreement. 25911. Diverse records. 25912. Record on third Belgian-German agreement. 25913. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Vorläufiger Fremdenpass,

Betriebsbescheinigung, Überweisungsschein, Anwerbebestätigung, convocation; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

25914. Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Arbeiterlager Steinlager “ Eibia” Dörverden; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps - Arbeiterlager Steinlager “ Eibia” Dörverden.

25915. Information on persons. 25916. Card Limbourg;

CAMP RECORDS, Records of the United Restitution Office; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Service Social Juif; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Centraal Beheer van Joodse Weldadigheid en Maatschappelijk Hulpbetoon.

25917. Medical records. 25918. Fees of doctors. 25919. RECORDS ON MOBELAKTION, Judenmoebel in wehrmachtsunterkuenften-

RECORDS ON MOBELAKTION, Abtransport fuer die Bombengeschaedigten im Reich, 18 August 1944; RECORDS ON MOBELAKTION, Abtransport von Liftvans nach Deutschland, 13 July 1942; RECORDS ON MOBELAKTION, M-Aktion – Jüdischer Möbilar, September 1942; RECORDS ON MOBELAKTION, Jüdische Möbel und Koffer im Lager Tours und Taxis in Brüssel, 19 October 1942; RECORDS ON MOBELAKTION, M-Aktion, July 1942; RECORDS ON MOBELAKTION, Erfassung der Jüdenmöbel und Einrichtungsgegenstände in den Wehrmachtsunterkunften, 17 Januaary 1944; RECORDS ON MOBELAKTION, Möbelaktion in belgien – Zuverfügungstellung der im Belgien lageraden Liftvans für die Bombengeschädigten des Westens, 8 May 1942; Besprechung 1 June 1942; Unreadable.

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25920. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1943.

25921. SHAEF. 25922. PRISON RECORDS, Beverloo-Sint-Gillis, Card of civil internee – poste civil. 25923. Letter. 25924. Records on ‘Rückerstattungssache’ ;

Records on Möbel-Aktion - Attesttion on spoliation of furniture. 25925. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Certificate of identity, travel pass. 25926. PRISON RECORDS/ JUDICIAL RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Judicial files. 25927. Records on pension. 25928. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service;

CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Death certificate, 1945; CAMP RECORDS, Ellrich, Death certificate, 1945.

25929. Records on payment. 25930. JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 24 Jan 1963. 25931. Birth certificate. 25932. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS. 25933. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 25934. Medical records;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony. 25935. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, travel pass. 25936. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Records on compensation for deceased;

DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1959. 25937. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased;

Image of monument ‘Geschundene mensliche Kreator Mahnmal am Grabfeld von 1204 Opfer des Nationalsozialismus auf dem Frankfurt Hauptfriendhof’ ; GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtauskunftstelle information form.

25938. PRISON RECORDS/ JUDICIAL RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Judicial files. 25939. SHAEF. 25940. SHAEF;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein. 25941. Records on compensation;

Birth certificate. 25942. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Testimony on deceased during bombardment. 25943. Records on ‘Liftvans von den Deutschen Okkupationsbehörden in Belgien

beschädigungslos beschlagnamt’ . 25944. PRISON RECORDS/ JUDICIAL RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Judicial files. 25945. Notes. 25946. Records on request for compensation for victims of World War II. 25947. Records on compensation. 25948. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment. 25949. Card of repatriated person;

Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; Fremdenpass.

25950. Records on request for compensation for persons incarcerated by the Nazis. 25951. Slimming diet – General guidelines. 25952. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the United Restitution Office;

DEATH CERTIFICATES, Request for information on places and dates of decease. 25953. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased. 25954. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Testimony on deceased.

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25955. Card Limbourg; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment; CAMP RECORDS, Noé, Certificate of internment; CAMP RECORDS, Request for certificate of arrest and deportation; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1943.

25956. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, convocation, Anwerbebestätigung, information form, travel pass, request for pass; Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

25957. Medical file. 25958. Testimony of hostage who landed in Erziehungslager Bremen and died in the

hospital. 25959. Medical records. 25960. Letter. 25961. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased;

Rentensache. 25962. CAMP RECORDS, Theresienstadt, Death certificate, 1942. 25963. CAMP RECORDS, Les Milles, Certificate of internment. 25964. List of colonies depending of the ONE who were occupied by the German or the

allied authorities. 25965. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1950;

DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased; Medical records.

25966. Not on the roll. 25967. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of Belgians who stayed in the

Lager- Wolsdorferstr. 38 in Siegburg; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps - Lager- Wolsdorferstr. 38 in Siegburg.

25968. Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtauskunftstelle card; Wehrstammblatt; SHAEF.

25969. Request for borrowing films ‘Nacht und Nebel’ and ‘Les Moulins de la Mort’ . 25970. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony. 25971. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Judicial files (Sint-Gillis). 25972. Diverse records. 25973. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for pass, certificate of identity. 25974. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1944; CAMP RECORDS, Request for certificate of deporation.

25975. Medical records. 25976. Records on pension of deceased in concentration camp. 25977. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, Sammelkonto

Wanderarbeiter aus Belgien, Arbeitsbuch; Medical records.

25978. Extrait de la brochure ‘Sauté du Monde’ . 25979. Records on compensation - Investigation in Germany to determine if person

received a compensation from German services. 25980. Diverse records. 25981. Not on the roll.

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25982. PRISON RECORDS/ JUDICIAL RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Judicial files. 25983. Testimony on arrested person. 25984. Diverse records. 25985. Information form for claimant of prisoner of war. 25986. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on recognition of deported

slave laborer; Testimony on deceased in camp.

25987. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Testimony; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Sammelkonto Wanderarbeiter aus Belgien.

25988. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service. 25989. PRISON RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Judicial records. 25990. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, certificate of pass, request

for pass, Arbeitsbuch für Ausländer, Vorläufiger Fremdenpass, Arbeitskarte, Lagerausweis.

25991. Diploma of competence – Handels- en beroepsschool, 1953. 25992. CAMP RECORDS, Testimony on Jewish person who was deported to Malines and

Auschwitz; Records on compensation for spoliation of furniture.

25993. JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 28 Feb 1963. 25994. PRISON RECORDS/ JUDICIAL RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Judicial files. 25995. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records on compensation for political prisoner,

information on political prisoner. 25996. Medical records;

RESISTANCE RECORDS, Payment to some political prisoners liberated before 15th Sept 1944.

25997. SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Anwerbebestätigung; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1945; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

25998. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Verordnungsblatt des Militärbefehlshaber in Belgien und Frankreich für die besetzten Gebiete Belgiens und Nordfrankreichs, 12 August 1942; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Verordnungsblatt des Militärbefehlshaber in Belgien und Frankreich für die besetzten Gebiete Belgiens und Nordfrankreichs, 10 June 1944.

25999. HOSPITAL RECORDS, Hôpital de Bavière, List of treated persons. 26000. Medical records. 26001. Bills – pharmacies. 26002. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Arbeitsbuch für

Ausländer, Quittungskarte; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

26003. Records on compensation; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite.

26004. PRISON RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Judicial files. 26005. Diverse records. 26006. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1941 and 1943;

DEATH CERTIFICATES, Certificate of decease during bombardment, 1943; Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Belgische Arbeiter verstorben durch Feindeinwirkung im Lager Hiesfeld, Rotbachtal, 27 April 1943.

26007. Records on compensation.

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26008. Records on pension of invalidity. 26009. Medical records. 26010. Records on compensation for claimant of political prisoner. 26011. Bill – L. Bonnivert – Tous cerceuils et fournitures militaires. 26012. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1943. 26013. Certificate of nationality;

Marriage certificate. 26014. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 26015. PRISON RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Judicial files. 26016. Medical card;


26017. Bills of doctors; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for recognition of deported person, testimony.

26018. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Besondere Anordnungen der Militärbefehlshaber in Belgien und Nordfrankreich der Militärverwaltung Abteilung Wirtschaft, 9, 12, 13, 16, 20 and 23 June 1940; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Besondere Anordnungen der Militärbefehlshaber in Belgien und Nordfrankreich der Militärverwaltung Abteilung Wirtschaft, 1, 5, 7, 12, 28 July 1940; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Besondere Anordnungen der Militärbefehlshaber in Belgien und Nordfrankreich der Militärverwaltung Abteilung Wirtschaft, 14 and 28 August 1940.

26019. Maintenance of windows during the year 1963 – Apartments in Brussels. 26020. PRISON RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Judicial files. 26021. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Besondere Anordnungen der Militärbefehlshaber in Belgien

und Nordfrankreich der Militärverwaltung Abteilung Wirtschaft, 31 April 1942. 26022. Records on compensation for political prisoner. 26023. Not on the roll. 26024. Medical records. 26024. Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony, records on deceased worker. 26025. Rückerstattungssache;

DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased. 26026. Certificate of Polish nationality;

Birth certificate; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on person who refused to carry out forced labor.

26027. General count of persons who have to be repatriated; Testimony on arrested person (sabotage) deceased in consequence of bombardment.

26028. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Besondere Anordnungen der Militärbefehlshaber in Belgien und Nordfrankreich der Militärverwaltung Abteilung Wirtschaft, 4 and 14 Sept 1940; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Besondere Anordnungen der Militärbefehlshaber in Belgien und Nordfrankreich der Militärverwaltung Abteilung Wirtschaft, 18, 19, 22 Oct 1940;

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JUDICIAL RECORDS, Besondere Anordnungen der Militärbefehlshaber in Belgien und Nordfrankreich der Militärverwaltung Abteilung Wirtschaft, 9, 14, 22 Nov 1940; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Besondere Anordnungen der Militärbefehlshaber in Belgien und Nordfrankreich der Militärverwaltung Abteilung Wirtschaft, 31 Dec 1940; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Besondere Anordnungen der Militärbefehlshaber in Belgien und Nordfrankreich der Militärverwaltung Abteilung Wirtschaft, 31 April 1942; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Besondere Anordnungen der Militärbefehlshaber in Belgien und Nordfrankreich der Militärverwaltung Abteilung Wirtschaft, 24 March 1943; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Besondere Anordnungen der Militärbefehlshaber in Belgien und Nordfrankreich der Militärverwaltung Abteilung Wirtschaft, 12 April 1943; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Besondere Anordnungen der Militärbefehlshaber in Belgien und Nordfrankreich der Militärverwaltung Abteilung Wirtschaft, 7 May 1943; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Besondere Anordnungen der Militärbefehlshaber in Belgien und Nordfrankreich der Militärverwaltung Abteilung Wirtschaft, 1 June 1944.

26029. Records on compensation for deceased worker. 26030. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Judicial files (Sint-Gillis). 26031. Letter. 26032. PRISON RECORDS/ JUDICIAL RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Judicial files. 26033. Liste of dates of liberation of some cities and areas of Belgium. 26034. Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien;

DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1943; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Im Lager Hiesfeld, Rotbachtal durch Feindeinwirkung verstorbenen belgischen Arbeiter, 27 April 1943.

26035. Diverse records. 26036. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 26037. CAMP RECORDS, Breendonk, Brochure�'L'enfer de Breendonk by Frans Fischler';

CAMP RECORDS, Breendonk, Brochure 'Breendonk. Bagnards et bourreaux'; CAMP RECORDS, Breendonk, File of photos – file Ochs; CAMP RECORDS, Soir, 9 Nov 1943; CAMP RECORDS/ UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, Le Flambeau; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Etablissement d' un registre des Juifs; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Enseignement Juif.

26038. CAMP RECORDS/ PRISON RECORDS, List of camps and prisons in the files of persons who received the medal of political prisoner 1914-1918; CAMP RECORDS/ PRISON RECORDS, List of camps and prisons in Germany on cards; PRISON RECORDS, List of prisons in Germany of which a list of incarcerated persons is in possession of the Mission; PRISON RECORDS, List of registers of incarceration.

26039. Records on pension for industrial accident. 26040. SHAEF. 26041. JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 28 Feb 1963. 26042. JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Extract from Moniteur Belge , 28 Feb

1963 and 12 April 1963. 26043. Certificate of looting of part of the 'Résidence Palace' during the Germany


SHAEF. 26045. SHAEF.

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26046. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, convocation, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, certificate of identity, request for pass, travel pass; information form; SHAEF.

26047. SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, testimony.

26048. Records of the 'Commission Civile d' invalidité de guerre'. 26049. PRISON RECORDS, Gefängnis Düsseldorf-Derendorf, Prison card, 1945;

PRISON RECORDS, Liste der Personen nicht belgischer Staatsangehörigkeit die in Belgien vor 1940 gewohnt haben und in der Zeit von 1940 im Gefängnis eingesessen haben.

26050. TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Testimony on arrested person who was interned in Vernet and Drancy.

26051. PRISON RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Judicial files. 26052. Bill – Transports internationaux Schenker & Co Soc. An. Anvers. 26053. Marriage certificate. 26054. PRISON RECORDS/ JUDICIAL RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Judicial files. 26055. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte, Versicherungskarte,

Lohnsteuerkarte, Arbeitsbuch. 26056. Notes. 26057. SHAEF;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, convocation. 26058. HOSPITAL RECORDS, Städtisches Krankenhaus Velbert, Nachweisung der ab

1940 bis zum 13. Januar 1947 im Krankenhaus untergebracht gewesenen Belgier. 26059. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, certificate of

identity, request for pass; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der bei der Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Frankfurt a. M. versichert gewesenen Angehörigen der Vereinten Nationen und anderen Ausländern

26060. SHAEF. 26061. Request for information on person. 26062. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein,

Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid. 26063. SHAEF. 26064. Personalkarte. 26065. Order form of copying the film "Nuit et Brouillard". 26066. Records on compensation for political prisoner. 26067. Soldbuch. 26068. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein;

GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtauskunftstelle card; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

26069. Card Limbourg; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942; Records on compensation.

26070. Request of the 'Fraternelle des amicales de camps' for material for exposition. 26071. Records on compensation. 26072. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident.

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26073. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps - Zivilarbeiterlager Evingstrasse 170 Dortmund; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Zivilarbeiterlager Evingstrasse 170 Dortmund.

26074. Note on spoliation. 26075. Records on requests for compensation/pension for civil war victims. 26076. Card Limbourg;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite. 26077. Records on pensions. 26078. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein. 26079. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein. 26080. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1944. 26081. Belgisch Nationaal Werk tot Bestrijding der Tuberculose – Medical records. 26082. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Lohnsteuerkarte, Überweisungsschein,

information form, Sammelkonto Wanderarbeiter aus Belgien, travel pass, Vorläufiger Fremdenpass; SHAEF.

26083. Records on pensions. 26084. PRISON RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Judicial files. 26085. PRISON RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Judicial files. 26086. Certificate empowered�to help vicitms of the persecution on matter of nationality in

their files of compensation. 26087. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Extracts of the register of Jewish persons –

concordance allemande, 28 Oct 1940. 26088. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Testimony;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942.

26089. Records on third Belgian-German agreement. 26090. Letter on premies in arrears. 26091. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, convocation. 26092. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Information form -

Betriebskrankenkasse der Fa. Vereinigte Deutsche Metallwerke A.G. Frankfurt/Main Hedderheim.

26093. Certificate of life. 26094. Records on compensation. 26095. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Sterbeurkunde; Records on repatriation. 26096. File on spoliation. 26097. Records on pension;

Medical records. 26098. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942. 26099. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942. 26100. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony, Quittungskarte, information

form, travel pass, Sammelkonto Wanderarbeiter aus Belgien; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

26101. CAMP RECORDS, Treblinka, Text and photos of the camp. 26102. Not on the roll.

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26102. GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Rechtsberate allgemeine Liste 1-2-3 + Liste. 26103. Records of the Confédération Nationale pour Prisonniers Politiques et Ayants-Droit. 26104. Medical records – records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien;

Records of 'Unfallversicherungsstelle'. 26105. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony;

Testimony on traffic accident. 26106. SHAEF;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Arbeitsunfähigkeitsbescheinigung; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien;

26107. SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for pass; Medical records - Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

26108. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service; CAMP RECORDS, Ellrich, Death certificate, 1945.

26109. Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Arbeitsunfähigkeitsbescheinigung; JUDICIAL RECORDS, List of all judicial records – Regensburg; List of political, social security and labour employment office records- Regensburg; List of all nationals – Regensburg; Testimony on wounded person during the deportation.

26110. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Der Militärbefehlshaber in Belgien und Nordfrankreich – Der Militärverwaltungschef Abteilung Wirtschaft – Sonderanordnungen, 6 Oct 1943; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Der Militärbefehlshaber in Belgien und Nordfrankreich – Der Militärverwaltungschef Abteilung Wirtschaft – Sonderanordnungen, 24 June 1943; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Der Militärbefehlshaber in Belgien und Nordfrankreich – Der Militärverwaltungschef Abteilung Wirtschaft – Sonderanordnungen, 1 Sept 1943.

26111. Diverse records. 26112. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on person who refused to carry out forced labor; Medical records; DEATH CERTIFICATES.

26113. Unfallmeldung. 26114. SHAEF. 26115. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid,

Vorläufiger Fremdenpass. 26116. Photos of the Mausoleum in Menen. 26117. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1943; Request for information on deported person.

26118. Medical records. 26119. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Information form, Überweisungsschein,

request for pass, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers, Arbeitskarte, travel pass, Request for pass; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

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26120. Records on compensation for political prisoners, persons deceased due to Nazi-persecution.

26121. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records on persons. 26122. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Record on person.. 26123. Pamphlet ‘Samoyède 1943-1944’ . 26124. Note of the Ministry of Public Health and Family, 11 March 1963. 26125. JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 1 Dec 1962. 26126. CAMP RECORDS, Diverse camps, Definitive report on camps. 26127. Records on compensation for spoliation of furniture and goods;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite. 26128. Report on camp Koksijde Dorp;

Report on the investigation on camps of the Organisation Todt on the Belgian coast. 26129. CAMP RECORDS, Diverse camps, Definitive report on camps. 26130. CAMP RECORDS, Diverse camps, Definitive report on camps. 26131. CAMP RECORDS, Diverse camps, Definitive report on camps. 26132. JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 23 March 1963. 26133. JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 4 April 1963. 26134. JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 28 March 1963. 26135. Records on pension. 26136. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1943. 26137. Letter. 26138. Card Limbourg;

Certificate of registration in the register of population - Antwerpen. 26139. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony on industrial accident. 26140. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Rückkehrschein. 26141. Not on the roll. 26142. Records on compensation for victims of the Nazisme. 26143. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service. 26144. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein;

SHAEF. 26145. Diverse records. 26146. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 26147. SHAEF;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Urlaubschein, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers.

26148. Note on replacement of Sir De Maen deceased on 22 March 1963. 26149. CAMP RECORDS, Diverse camps, Definitive report on camps. 26150. CAMP RECORDS, Diverse camps, Definitive report on camps. 26151. CAMP RECORDS, Diverse camps, Definitive report on camps. 26152. CAMP RECORDS, Diverse camps, Definitive report on camps. 26153. CAMP RECORDS, Diverse camps, Definitive report on camps. 26154. Medical records. 26155. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1944; CAMP RECORDS, Request for information on deportation; CAMP RECORDS, Records of the United Restitution Office.

26156. Records on pension.�26157. Report of activities – Mission Germany, 1962. 26158. Photo of the Mausoleum in Menen.

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26159. Records on compensation for exterminated persons. 26160. Plan Auvelais – Bureau de Contributions (Office of taxes). 26161. Plan – disposition table expo. 26162. Records on files for compensation. 26163. Request for information on persons. 26164. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service;

CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Death certificate, 1942. 26165. GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, La Belgique sous les nazis – Belgium under the

Nazis by Paul Delandsheere and Alphonse Ooms. 26166. Propositions budgétaires. 26167. Certificate of registration in the register of foreigners of Brussels. 26168. Documents allemands. 26169. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased;

PRISON RECORDS, Strafgefängnis und Untersuchungshaftanstalt Hannover, Prison card, 1943; CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service.

26170. Diverse records. 26171. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Quittungskarte;

SHAEF. 26172. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Auszug aus den Listen der Allgemeine

Ortskrankenkasse Wolfenbuettel ueber Personen belgischer Staatsangehörigkeit die in der Zeit vom 3. September 1939 bis 8. Mai 1945 bei der Kasse versichert waren – information form.

26173. CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, Entries and departures of Belgians; CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, List of deceased Belgians; CAMP RECORDS, Registration card; CAMP RECORDS, Gefangenentransport nach Buchenwald, 20 May 1944; CAMP RECORDS, Ravensbrück, Report on the camp of youth by mrs. Lethouck-Gerbehaye Simone; JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Verordnungsblatt, 10 May 1940; Records on execution in Belgium; PRISON RECORDS, Essen, Personal-Akten; PRISON RECORDS, Rheinbach, Personal-Akten; PRESS RECORDS, Sans Heine mais sans crainte – journal de Emile Delacroix depuis son arrestation par la Gestapo jusqu' à sa mort (journal of Emile Delacroix since his arrest by the Gestapo till his death).

26174. CAMP RECORDS, Addenda to the definitive report on Duisburg n°19. 26175. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte, Steuerkarte,

Überweisungsschein; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

26176. Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre. 26177. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Certificate of identity, request for pass,

travel pass, Überweisungsschein, information form, Vorläufiger Fremdenpass; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

26178. Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien. 26179. Records of the Confédération Nationale pour Prisonniers Politiques et Ayants-Droit;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on person who refused to carry out forced labor.

26180. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Lohnüberweisungsliste.

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26181. CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Letter on German cards on Belgian persons interned in Buchenwald.

26182. CAMP RECORDS, Gross-Rosen, Registration card; PRISON RECORDS, Records on German prisons; CAMP RECORDS, Neuengamme, Report on the lifting of the ship(wreck) Thielbeck; CAMP RECORDS, Neuengamme, Register of the Citadelle Huy mentioning the transports to Neuengamme, 22 Sept 1941.

26183. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, request for pass, travel pass, decision of the Commission de Contrôle pour Déportés; Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

26184. Letter. 26185. Information on persons. 26186. CAMP RECORDS, Breendonk, Album-souvenir der postmannen, politieke

gevangenen, ontsnapten uit Breendonk – Album of postmen, political prisoners, escaped from Breendonk; CAMP RECORDS, Six amis viendront de soir – Gilbert Sadi Kirschen; CAMP RECORDS, Camps de concentration – crimes contre la personne humaine; PRESS RECORDS, Après quatre ans d’ occupation by Marcel Houtman; PRESS RECORDS, Der SS-Staat – Das system der Deutsche Konzentrationslager – Eugen Kogan.

26187. Records on pension for accident; Medical records.

26188. PRESS RECORDS, Breendonck – Bulletin Officiel de la Section de Bruxelles de l’ Association Nationale des Rescapés de Breendonck, March 1947; CAMP RECORDS, Breendonk – Album-Souvenir des postiers, prisonniers politique, rescapé – Breendonk; ‘Six amis viendront ce soir’ by Gilbert-Sadi Kirschen.

26189. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1945; Medical records.

26190. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1943.

26191. Medical records. 26192. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte, Ausweis. 26193. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records on status of political prisoners and on

compensation. 26194. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1944; Card Limbourg; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Vereeniging van Joodsche Politieke Gevangenen.

26195. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident. 26196. Records on compensation for claimant of political prisoners;

DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1955. 26197. Medical records. 29198. Bills of pharmacies. 26199. Fees of doctors.

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26200. Records on civil war victims. 26201. Fees of doctors. 26202. Diverse records. 26203. Records on ‘Unfallanzeige’ . 26204. SHAEF;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Anwerbebestätigung, Überweisungsschein.

26205. Proposal of changing the budget of 1963 – Missions. 26206. Marriage certificate. 26207. Request for pension, certificate of nationality, certificate of identity. 26208. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Certificate of identity, request for pass,

travel pass; Medical records – records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

26209. Certificate of nationality; Testimony on arrest of British person.

26210. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1943; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony on industrial accident.

26211. CAMP RECORDS, Reports on doubtful camps (Altendorf-Dahlhausen, Bermaringen, Bitterfeld, Clairmond, Daun, Kyllburg, Bittburg, Waxweiler, Durrenberg, Wethau, Eickel, Gaggenau, Gravelines, Petite Synthe, Grifte, Heumar, Kramat, St.-Polquin, Ostarbeiterlager der Firma Kugelfischer, Aix-en-Chapelle, Lager Burtscheider Kurhaus, Waren-Müritz Güstrov, Zwolle) – Files of former political prisoners.

26212. CAMP RECORDS, Breendonk, De oorlogsmisdaden bedreven onder de besetting van België 1940-1945 – Het folteringskamp Breendonk – Crimes of war committed during the occupation of Belgium 1940-1945 – The camp of tortures Breendonk.

26213. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records on compensation for claimant of political prisoner.

26214. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Sammelkonto Wanderarbeiter aus Belgien, Postsparbuch, Ausweiskarte, travel pass, Rückkehrschein, Bescheinigung, Urlaubschein.

26215. Information on person liberated from Nexon; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment.

26216. SHAEF. 26217. Records on ‘Unfallsache’ . 26218. Not on the roll. 26219. Alphabetical repertory of files – achives Brusseler Treuhandgesellschaft. 26220. DEATH CERTIFICATES/COR, Testimony on member of the Légion SS Wallonnie

who knew deceased person. 26221. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records on claimant of political prisoners. 26222. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for pass, Überweisungsschein,

certificate of identity, information form; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

26223. Photos of man and woman. 26224. Records on request for repatriation. 26225. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1943. 26226. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Abschlagzahlung vom 16. bis 31. März

1944 – Baustelle Wittdün;

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FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List Fa. Jos. Weiser & Söhne Bauunternehmung Baustelle Sylt-Süd – Abschlagzahlung vom 16. bis 31. März 1944 – Baustelle Küche und Lager Wittdün; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Zusammenstellung der Lohnüberweisungsbeiträge für Fremdländer der Baustellten Sylt – Abschlagzahlung der Periode vom 1. bis 15. April 1944; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Fa. Jos. Weiser & Söhne Bauunternehmung Baustelle Sylt-Süd – Lohnüberweisungen bom 1. bis 15. April 1944.

26227. SHAEF. 26228. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS. 26229. CAMP RECORDS, Notes on exposition on concentration camps. 26230. CAMP RECORDS, Notes on exposition on concentration camps. 26231. TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, XVI. Transport – List, 24, 27, 28 and 29

Oct 1942; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, List of Belgians in the camp, 15 May 1942; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Diverse lists; CAMP RECORDS, Rivesaltes, Belgians or presumed Belgians interned in the camp Rivesaltes; CAMP RECORDS, Testimony/Report on the camp Lublin; CAMP RECORDS, Testimony/Report on the camp Majdanek.

26232. CAMP RECORDS, Les Milles, Certificate of internment; CAMP RECORDS, Golleschau ( Kommando of Auschwitz), List; CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Häftlinge Stand der Beschäftigung, Dec 1943; CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Nachtrag zur Veränderungsmeldung vom 10. Februar 1945 – Namentliche Aufstellung der Neuzugänge Konzentrationslager Gross-Rosen Lager II; CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Transport Auschwitz-Buchenwald via Gross-Rosen, 10 Dec 1945; CAMP RECORDS, Transports Auschwitz-Buchenwald, 23 and 27 Jan 1945 and 9 Feb 1945; CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Nachtrag zur Veränderungsmeldung vom 23. Januar 1945 – Namentliche Aufstellung der Neuzugänge vom Konzentrationslager Auschwitz Block 56; CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Nachtrag zur Veränderungsmeldung vom 27. Januar 1945 – Namentliche Aufstellung der Neuzugänge vom Konzentrationslager Auschwitz; CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Nachtrag zur Veränderungsmeldung vom 27. Januar 1945 – Namentliche Aufstellung der Neuzugänge Block 43; CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Nachtrag zur Veränderungsmeldung vom 24. Februar 1945 – Namentliche Aufstellung der Neuzugänge Konzentrationslager Auschwitz Lager II; Einsatzstab prospection des bibliothèques-archives; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Changing transfers of convoys; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, List of interned Jews caught by the German authorities, 14 Dec 1941; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment and individual card.

26233. Certificate of life; Records on compensation for claimants of political prisoners.

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26234. Request from the Confédération Nationale des Prisonniers Politiques et Ayants-Droit for material on exposition on the life in concentration camps and request for the films ‘Nacht und Nebel’ and ‘Les Moulins de la Mort’ .

26235. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS; BELGIAN ARMY RECORDS, Testimony on refusal of convocation to join the Belgian Army.

26236. Nationaal Werk voor Oorlogsinvaliden (National Works for Disabled Veterans) – Record of the session of the Board (of management), 9 and 16 1963; Nationaal Werk voor Oorlogsinvaliden (National Works for Disabled Veterans)– Record of the meeting of 27th April 1963.

26237. JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 10 Dec 1954; JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 10 and 27 Nov 1954; JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 22 Oct 1954; JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 14 and 22 April 1954.

26238. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Etat des tombes des militaries belges identifiés dans le département de la Seine-inférieure – State of graves of Belgian soldiers identified in the Department of the Seine-Inférieure.

26239. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Mention of decease of worker; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der beschäftigt gewesenen Belgier und zwar nach dem 3. September 1939 – Firma Heinrich Koch Söhne.

26240. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service; Records on ‘Rückerstattungsanspruch’ .

26241. Records on compensation. 26242. Request for compensation. 26243. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte, travel pass. 26244. Not on the roll. 26245. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein;

HOSPITAL RECORDS, Städtisches Krankenhaus Aschersleben, Records of the hospital.

26246. Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, certificate of identity of foreigner.

26247. CAMP RECORDS, Babitz, Note on the camp and its Kommandos. 26248. Testimony on nationality. 26249. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased, Heimkehrer-Erklärung;

GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtauskunftstelle information form; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on compensation for industrial accident.

26250. CAMP RECORDS, Request of the Confédération Nationale des Prisonniers Politiques et Ayants-Droit for material for the exposition on the life in concentration camps.

26251. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment. 26252. Letter on sources on war victims. 26253. CAMP RECORDS, Vught, Sachsenhausen, Fichier;

PRISON RECORDS, Aachen, Register of the prison. 26254. PRISON RECORDS, Tournai, Mons, Beverloo, Anvers, Charleroi, Hasselt, Saint-

Léonard Liège, Citadelle Liège, Lists; PRISON RECORDS, Arlon, Strafliste; PRISON RECORDS, Huy, Register I;

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PRISON RECORDS, Namur, Extract from register of incarceration; PRISON RECORDS, Haftlager Tournai, List; PRISON RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Kammerbuch.

26255. PRISON RECORDS, Eupen, Register of incarceration; PRISON RECORDS, Turnhout, Brugge, Gent, Leuven, Lists.

26256. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual card of deceased, Testimony on deceased in consequence of bombardment, 1944.

26257. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Personal-akte, 1943. 26258. Birth certificate;

Certificate of nationality; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on arrested person who refused to carry out forced labor.

26259. Certificate of life. 26260. HOSPITAL RECORDS, Medical records from municipal hospitals of Krefeld on

Belgian workers. 26261. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card;

CAMP RECORDS, Les Milles, Certificate of internment. 26262. Not on the roll. 26263. CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Mala Zimetbaum – Hero of Auschwitz;

TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Registration card; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942.

26264. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony, Anwerbebestätigung, Sammelkonto Wanderarbeiter aus Belgien, Lohnsteuerkarte, Quittungskarte.

26265. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Malmedy-Eupen, Amtsblatt, 6 Jan 1923; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Malmedy-Eupen, Amtsblatt, 1, 8 and 15 Dec 1923.

26266. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1944. 26267. Certificate of life. 26268. GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Abmeldung bei der polizeilichen Meldebehörde

verricht zum Wehrdienst. 26269. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, General count of persons who have to

be repatriated, Überweisungsschein; SHAEF.

26270. Records on compensation for spoliation of furniture. 26271. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein;

Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien. 26272. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Wiemer & Trachte Eisenbeton und

Tiefbau – Zusammenstellung der Lohnüberweisungslisten der Belgier für Lohnung vom 1. bis 31 Dezember 1943 and 1. Februar bis 30 April 1944.

26273. TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, TransportListe XVII. 26274. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS. 26275. Diploma nursery;

Medical records. 26276. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased;

CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Nummmerbesetzung im Konzentrationslager Auschwitz.

26277. CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Nummernbesetzung im Konzentrationslager Auschwitz.

26278. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1943;

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FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for pass, travel pass, Aufenthaltsanzeige, general count of persons; Medical certificate.

26279. Records on missing person; CAMP RECORDS, Sachsenhausen, List of the ‘Pflegeanstalt’ ; Medical records.

26280. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Lohnsteuerkarte, Bescheinigung, Quittungskarte.

26281. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

26282. Not on the roll. 26283. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Zeche Graf Meltke Gladbeck. 26284. JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 12 Sept 1943. 26285. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment. 26286. Records on compensation for victim of bombardment during slave labor. 26287. Mention of new address;

Request for documents for compensation for decease of political prisoners; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate; Birth certificate, certificate of nationality; RESISTANCE RECORDS,Testimony on arrest.

26288. Score of La flute de Jade. 26289. Medical records. 26290. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, records on

'industrial accident'; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1943, 1945; Birth certificate.

26291. Medical records; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Personal-Akte, 1944.

26292. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1944; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Information form.

26293. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein. 26294. CAMP RECORDS, Verzeichnis der nach ausserhalb transportierten Gefangenen;

CAMP RECORDS, Transport vom Nacht und Nebel-Gefangenen am 7. Februar 1944 in das Strafgefangenenlager VII in Esterwegen/Papenburg; CAMP RECORDS, Gross-Rosen, List of arrivals, 30 Oct 1944; PRISON RECORDS, Gefängnis Aachen, Prison card, 1942; CAMP RECORDS, Gross-Rosen, Death certificate, 1944; Register?.

26295. Records on compensation for claimant of political prisoner; Certificate of registration – St. Josse-ten-Noode; Certificate of life.

26296. Records on pension; Birth- and marriage certificate; Certificate of nationality; Card for counting civil sick and wounded persons.

26297. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944; Card Limbourg; CAMP RECORDS, Records of the United Restitution Office;

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Request for documents on deportation of Belgian and internment in Breendonk – records for the file of compensation; Request for date and place of decease of deported person.

26298. PRESS RECORDS, De Oorlogsmisdaden bedreven gedurende de bezetting van het Belgisch grondgebied – The crimes of war committed during the occupation of the Belgian territory, 1946.

26299. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service. 26300. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony

on person who have to be repatriated; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Marienhospital Duisburg-Hochfeld, List of treated persons, 1942 – 1945; Medical records.

26301. Letter and envelope. 26302. Records on file for pension. 26303. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Request to find family of Belgian members of the

resistance condamned to death in Germany. 26304. Medical records –Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Sammelkonto Wanderarbeiter aus Belgien.

26305. Information on person. 26306. Faculté de Médecine de Paris, Thèse pour le Doctorat en médecine par Fully

Georges, L' identification de squelettes des déportés morts dans les camps de concentration allemands – président: M. Piedelievre – Thesis for doctorate in medecine – identification of deported persons deceased in the German concentration camps.

26307. Card for the application of the third agreement. 26308. Letter on received amount. 26309. Birth- and marriage certificate. 26310. Letter on compensation. 26311. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte, Lohnsteuerkarte. 26312. Record on ‘Invalidenversicherung’ . 26313. Note. 26314. Records on third Belgian-German agreement. 26315. Note on spoliation of furniture – Rückerstattungssache. 26316. Medical records. 26317. Testimony on shot –accident. 26318. DEATH CERTIFICATES/FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on

deceased worker. 26319. Not on the roll. 26320. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein;

SHAEF; Medical records - Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

26321. Records on request for compensation for deported workers, wounded during bombardment.

26322. PRISON RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Judicial files. 26323. Diverse records. 26324. HOSPITAL RECORDS, St Fransiskus Hospital, Akten Westfalen. 26325. CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Song – ‘Les Marais’ by the political prisoners who

worked on the reclamation of swamp and built the camp Dachau. 26326. SHAEF.

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26327. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, card of Kinderheim Linkebeek.

26328. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Lohnüberweisungsliste Aug. Pape Bielefeld Strassenbau-Teerstrassenbau Tiefbau Brückenbau Eisenbetonbau, Eisenbahnbau, Steinbruckbetriebe, 1 March 1944 – 31 March 1944;General count of persons who have to be repatriated; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1945.

26329. Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, testimony on deceased worker, 1943.

26330. Records on the French-Belgian agreement on compensation; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on person who refused to carry out forced labor.

26331. Not on the roll. 26332. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased. 26333. SHAEF;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Information form. 26334. Records on compensation. 26335. PRISON RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Judicial files. 26336. Letter with norms of support, 1944. 26337. Card of the insurance for invalidity. 26338. Request for documents for compensation for deportation Malines-Auschwitz;

Request for meisure of house looted by the Germans. 26339. Records on military pension;

DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1962. 26340. CAMP RECORDS, Diverse camps, Definitive report on camps. 26341. Records on compensation. 26342. Letter on request to borrow film 'Nuit et Brouillard'. 26343. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1944;

Birth- and marriage certificate; Certificate of registration – Brussels.


GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtauskunftstelle card; Krankenblatt.

26346. Proposal of changing of the budget, 1963. 26347. Medical certificate;

Birth certificate. 26348. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Report of interrogation of member of the resistance

(illegal press). 26349. Notice on (negative) result on research for person. 26350. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1944. 26351. SHAEF;

Wehrstammblatt; Medical certificate; GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtauskunftstelle card.

26352. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Passport of Jewish person; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1943.

26353. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on worker.

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26354. CAMP RECORDS, Diverse camps, Definitive report on camps. 26355. Extract from register of population – Ransart, 1942. 26356. CAMP RECORDS/PRISON RECORDS, Mauthausen, Songs of prisons and camps

representated by the 'Patriote Résistant' – 'Chant d' espoir des bagnards de Mauthausen' composed by Jean Cayrol & Remis Gillis; CAMP RECORDS/PRISON RECORDS, Mauthausen, Songs of prisons and camps representated by the 'Patriote Résistant' – 'Si je ne reviens pas' composed in Mauthausen by Remy Gillis; CAMP RECORDS/PRISON RECORDS, Breendonk, Songs of prisons and camps representated by the 'Patriote Résistant' – Le chant de Breendonck, Oct 1942; CAMP RECORDS/PRISON RECORDS, Songs of prisons and camps representated by the 'Patriote Résistant' – Sanuis Martyrum; CAMP RECORDS/PRISON RECORDS, Songs of prisons and camps representated by the 'Patriote Résistant' – Chant d' espoir; CAMP RECORDS/PRISON RECORDS, Songs of prisons and camps representated by the 'Patriote Résistant' – Le chant des marais; CAMP RECORDS/PRISON RECORDS, Songs of prisons and camps representated by the 'Patriote Résistant' – A Compiègne (Frontstalag 122); CAMP RECORDS/PRISON RECORDS, Songs of prisons and camps representated by the 'Patriote Résistant' – Le chant des déportés; CAMP RECORDS/PRISON RECORDS, Songs of prisons and camps representated by the 'Patriote Résistant' – Le chant de la libération.

26357. Records on third Belgian-German agreement. 26358. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Bundesgesetzblatt, 9 May 1963. 26359. Not on the roll. 26360. CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Photos. 26361. Request for pension for deceased political prisoner in Auschwitz;

Letters on compensation for victims of the Nazis who were interned in concentration camps.

26362. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service. 23363. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1944; PRESS RECORDS, Trois condamnations à mort, 23 Feb 1944; CAMP RECORDS, Registration card; PRESS RECORDS, Zes communistische terroristen gefusilleerd te Brussel – Six communist terrorists executed in Brussels, 17 Feb 1944.

23364. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, General count of persons who have to be repatriated, cards of workers, information form, convocation, Überweisungsschein; SHAEF; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

23365. PRISON RECORDS, Rheinbach, List of prisoners, 1940-1945. 26366. PRISON RECORDS, Liste über die seit dem 10. Mai 1940 im Landesgerichtlichen

Gefangenenhaus Feldkirch im Haft gewesenen belgischen Staatsangehörigen; PRISON RECORDS, Verzeichnis über die vom 10. Mai 1940 im Gefangenenhaus des Bezirksgerichtes Montafon in Schruns in Haft gewesenen Belgier; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Zu meldende und abzugebende Unfallvorgänge der Tiefbau Berufsgenossenschaft.

26367. PRISON RECORDS, Citadelle de Huy, Information on the Citadelle. 26368. List of members of the Amicale – escaped from the last convoy, 3 Sept 1944;

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Lists?; PRISON RECORDS, Durchgangsliste der Gefangenenkasse Z, 22 June 1944 – 31 August 1944.

26369. CAMP RECORDS, Diverse camps, Definitive report on camps. 26370. Not on the roll. 26371. Medical records. 26372. Records on compensation for spoliation of furniture. 26373. PRISON RECORDS, Charleroi, Gefangenenbuch für Untersuchungs-Haft. 26374. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Certificate of activities for the resistance. 26375. Birth certificate;

Records on compensation for victims of the Nazis. 26376. Letters. 26377. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1944; Card Limbourg.

26378. JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Verordnungsblatt des Militärbefehlshaber in Belgien und Frankreich für die besetzten Gebiete Belgiens und Nordfrankreichs, 17 June 1940; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on workers; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Übersicht über die Personengruppen die gelegentlich der Aushebung der Geburtsjahrgänge 1922-1924 von der Dienstverpflichtung in das Reich freizustellen sind.

26379. CAMP RECORDS, Diverse camps, Definitive report on camps. 26380. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942, 1944; CAMP RECORDS, Records of the United Restitution Office; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Request for certificate of deportation.

26381. Letter on copying of film 'Nacht und Nebel'. 26382. Note on compensation for orphan. 26383. Devisenschutzkommando Belgien – Verzeichnis der Ermittlungs-und Strafakten. 26384. Medical report. 26385. CAMP RECORDS, Diverse camps, Definitive report on camps. 26386. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Report on help to Jewish children during the

war. 26387. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite. 26388. CAMP RECORDS, Registration card;

CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Registration card; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Names of Jews executed while escaping in the night of 19 to 21 April 1943.

26389. Documents allemands. 26390. Note on social reclassing of disabled persons – List of local authorities. 26391. CAMP RECORDS, Esterwegen, Transport von Nacht und Nebel-Gefangenen am 7.

Februar 1944 in das Strafgefangenenlager VII in Esterwegen/Papenburg. 26392. Not on the roll. 26393. HOSPITAL RECORDS, Auszug aus dem Hauptkrankenbuch des Reservelazaretts

Lüneburg; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Nachforschungen nach einen vermissten belgischen Staatsangehörigen.

26394. SHAEF.

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26395. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment.

26396. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Les enfants – text on Jewish children; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, List of victims of their work for the protection of the Jewish childhood; CAMP RECORDS, Diverse camps, Definitive report on camps.

26397. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual card of deceased, 1944; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Auszug aus dem Sterberegister, 1944.

26398. Certificate of life. 26399. Records on pension for claimants in the Département du Nord. 26400. CAMP RECORDS, Diverse camps, Definitive report on camps. 26401. PRISON RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Transport from Sint-Gillis to Merksplas, 5 Feb

1942. 26402. Extra sheet of changing of the credit to the budget of 1963 of the department of

Public Health and Family. 26403. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1947;

Birth- and marriage certificate; Certificate of French nationality.

26404. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on arrest of person who refused to carry out forced labor.

26405. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Personal-Akte, 1944. 26406. SHAEF;

HOSPITAL RECORDS, Beglaubigter Auszug aus dem Hauptkrankenbuch des Reserve-Lazarett in Siegburg, 1944; GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtauskunftstelle card; Wehrstammblatt; Medical certificate; PRISON RECORDS, Esterwegen, Testimony on diverse prisons.

26407. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1943; Photos; CAMP RECORDS, Gross-Rosen, List of arrivals, 30 Oct 1944.

26408. Fees of doctors. 26409. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony

on person who refused to carry out forced labor; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment.

26410. CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, List of registration numbers. 26411. CAMP RECORDS, Diverse camps, Definitive report on camps. 26412. CAMP RECORDS, Gross-Rosen, Photos. 26413. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS. 26414. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Letter on the organisation of an exposition –

La lutte des Juifs contre Hitler et le Nazisme – The battle of the Jews against Hitler and the Nazisme.

26415. CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz (Revier), X-rays, 8 Oct 1942 – 25 May 1943. 26416. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Sperrstunden-Ausweis für Jüden, 1943;

RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Card of Jodenvereniging in België;

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RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Judenvereinigung in Belgien – Statistik der Paketstelle Hilfswerk für Arbeitseinsatzpflichtigen - Ortsvorstand Antwerpen; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Recapitulatif State of income and outlay of the service of assistance to internees of the camp Malines from 1st January till 30th June 1943; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Report on the financial situation of the local committee of Antwerp of the Association des Juifs en Belgique for the period from 1st January till 30th June 1943.

26417. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased, Heimkehrer-Erklärung; Records on compensation.

26418. Not on the roll. 26419. Marriage certificate. 26420. Information on person. 26421. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid,

Überweisungsschein. 26422. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Lists of Jewish children. 26423. Not on the roll. 26424. Records on compensation. 26425. GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Information form Rechtsberate allgemeine Liste;

JUDICIAL RECORDS, Personal-Akte, 1944. 26426. Bill for medecine. 26427. Photos and names from the book 'Helden en Martelaren' – 'Heroes and Martyrs'. 26428. DEATH CERTIFICATES/FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony

and death certificate of deceased worker, 1945; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Lohnüberweisungsliste für die Zeit vom 16. Juni bis 30. Juni 1944 und vom 1. bis 15. Juni 1944 -Dortmunder Brückenbau C.H. Judo Organisation Todt-Stahlbautrupp.

26429. Records on compensation. 26430. Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS. 26431. Records on compensation. 26432. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942, 1944; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Centraal Beheer van Joodse Weldadigheid en Maatschappelijk Hulpbetoon; CAMP RECORDS, Records of the United Restitution Office.

26433. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, certificate, request for pass; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

26434. CAMP RECORDS, Diverse camps, Definitive report on camps. 26435. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1943-1944; CAMP RECORDS, Request for certificate of deportation.

26436. Medical records; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS.

26437. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein; SHAEF; GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtauskunstelle card; Medical certificate.

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26438. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Convocation, information form, request for pass, travel pass, Anwerbebestätigung, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid, Überweisungsschein; SHAEF.

26439. Records on compensation. 26440. Acte notariel. 26441. CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Matériel exécuté par le Ministère de la Santé

Publique et de la famille et destiné au Musée d’ Auschwitz. 26442. CAMP RECORDS, Diverse camps, Definitive report on camps. 26443. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment. 26444. Fees of doctors. 26445. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Anwerbebestätigung;

DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, records on decease of worker, 1943. 26446. SHAEF. 26447. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service. 26448. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1943; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Information form – Fichier Israelite.

26449. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate and records on deceased worker, 1944. 26450. Problèmes fiscaux pratiques – les réductions du précompte immobilier, 11 July

1963. 26451. Extract from budget. 26452. CAMP RECORDS, Diverse camps, Definitive report on camps – the camps in

France. 26453. Street map and list of required material. 26454. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1943-1944. 26455. Medical records. 26456. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony;

RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony. 26457. Letter on film 'Nuit et Brouillard'. 26458. Records on pension;

Medical records. 26459. Certificate of life;

Certificate of registration – Sint-Gillis. 26460. Records on certificate of pension of invalidity. 26461. Records on compensation;

PRESS RECORDS, Article 'Compensation for Belgian Nazi victims’ . 26462. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1943; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Request for certificate of deportation; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Information form – Fichier Israelite.

26463. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Lohnüberweisungen für die Zeit vom 1. Juli bis 15. Juli 1944 – Lohnabschriften für Überweisung belg. Löhne Arbeitsbörse Ed. Züblin & Cie A-G Niederlassung Duisburg; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1944.

26464. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Livre d' Or de la Résistance Belge 1940-1945 Martyrologe de la resistance.

26465. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, card of worker.

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26466. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Record on compensation for industrial accident.

26467. Postcard to Belgium; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Vorläufiger Fremdenpass.

26468. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1962; Result of research for person.

26469. Medical records. 26470. CAMP RECORDS, Diverse camps, Definitive report on camps – the camps in

France. 26471. Photos of men and women. 26472. Records on pension. 26473. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of Bergwerksgesellschaft

Dahlbusch Gelsenkirchen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis von belgischen Staatsangehörigen die in den Fabriken usw. Innerhalb der Gemeinde Helmstedt beschäftigt gewesen sind oder noch beschäftigt sind.

26474. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein. 26475. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein;

SHAEF. 26476. Diverse records. 26477. Extract from file of deceased person, 1962. 26478. Certificate of nationality. 26479. Records on 'Unfallsache'. 26480. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein;

SHAEF. 26481. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1944; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card.

26482. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte, testimony, Ausweiskarte, vorläufiger Fremdenpass, certificate of identity, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid, travel pass.

26483. CAMP RECORDS, Diverse camps, Definitive report on camps – the camps in Northern Africa.

26484. Fees of doctors. 26485. SHAEF. 26486. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Card of the Association des Juifs en Belgique;

RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Bescheinigung betrifft Tragen des Judensterns gültig bis zum 31. Juli 1942.

26487. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased. 26488. CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Information form. 26489. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased. 26490. CAMP RECORDS, Definitive reports on camps. 26491. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942. 26492. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942. 26493. Records on compensation. 26494. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS. 26495. Medical records;

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FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Couleurs et vernis E. Ernoud-Bernard Namur – Testimony on accident with V1-bomb.

26496. SHAEF. 26497. JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 6 and 10 August 1963. 26498. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the

Gemeinschaftslager Munster Ost; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Gemeinschaftslager Munster Ost.

25499. Information on persons. 26500. CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Röntgen-Befund-Buch des Häftlingskrankenhauses

des Konzentrationslager Auschwitz, 26 May 1943 – 7 August 1943; CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Diathermie-Behandlung, 8 July 1943 – 3 Sept 1943; CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Röntgen Station Häftlingskrankenbau, 8 August 1943 – 31 August 1943; CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Röntgen, 1 Sept 1943 – 9 Sept 1943; CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Röntgen, 15 Sept 1943 – 23 Dec 1943.

26501. GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Bestätigung und Abhebung von Urteilen. 26502. Diverse records. 26503. Decision on person who took up arms against Belgium – decision not to prosecute

the accused; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1944.

26504. Marriage certificate. 26505. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1944. 26506. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1944.

26507. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the 'Association des Juifs en Belgique'; Photo of man.

26508. GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtauskunftstelle card; Information form.

26509. Records on compensation. 26510. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Note on the ministerial decisions on the personnel. 26511. Not on the roll. 26512. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942. 26513. CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Röntgen-Befund-Buch des Häftlingskrankenhauses,

23 Dec 1943 – 7 April 1944; CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Röntgen-Befund-Buch des Häftlingskrankenhauses, 16 Feb 1944 – 7 April 1944; CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Röntgen-Befund-Buch des Häftlingskrankenhauses, 24 May 1944 – 3 August 1944.

26514. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Vorschuss Monat Juni 1944 – Baustelle Haltingen-Herzichshütte, 19 June 1944; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Lohnüberweisungsliste für die Zeit vom 1. bis 15. Juni 1944 – Ed. Züblin & Cie A.G. Niederlassung Duisburg.

26515. Diverse records. 26516. Records on social security. 26517. CAMP RECORDS, Rivesaltes, Certificate of internment.

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26518. Records on compensation; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Bescheinigung.

26519. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony, Überweisungsschein, request for pass; Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

26520. Records on certifcate of incarceration. 26521. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service. 26522. Request for compensation. 26523. Diverse records. 26524. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte, Lohnsteuerkarte. 26525. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Quittungskarte,

Arbeitsbuch für Ausländer. 26526. CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Death certifcate, 1942. 26527. Records on accident. 26528. Not on the roll. 26529. CAMP RECORDS, Sachsenhausen, Entlassungsschein, 3 June 1942. 26530. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942; Extract from register of population – Antwerpen; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Centraal Beheer van Joodse Weldadigheid en Maatschappelijk Hulpbetoon.

26531. Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Certificate of identity, Überweisungsschein, Arbeiter-Urlaubkarte, testimony, Quittungskarte, travel pass; SHAEF; PRISON RECORDS, Untersuchungshaftanstalt Hamburg, Prison card, 1944; PRISON RECORDS, Haftanstalt Hamburg Harburg, Prison card, 1944.

26532. Records on procedure for appealing. 26533. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Belgians condamned by the Amtsgericht Duisburg;

Ewald Betringhaus Duisburg; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Belgians deceased and buried in Sarrebruck; Verzeichnis der im L.S. Revier 6 anwesenden flämischen Staatsangehörigen im Alter von 18 bis 35 Jahren.

26534. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS. 26535. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Rückkehrschein, Überweisungsschein,

general count of persons who have to be repatriated, Quittungskarte; SHAEF.

26536. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of the Betriebskrankenkasse Farbenfabriken Bayer Uerdingen/Niederrheim; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Aufstellung der im Stadtkreis Krefeld während des Krieges beschäftigt gewesenen Belgier.

26537. PRISON RECORDS, Gefängnis Düsseldorf-Derendorf, Liste der Personen nicht belgischer Staatsangehörigkeit die in Belgien vor 1940 gewohnt haben und in der Zeit von 1940 im Gefängnis eingesessen haben; PRISON RECORDS, Gefängnis Düsseldorf-Derendorf, Liste der belgischen Staatsangehörigen und der in Belgien vor 1940 wohnhaften Fremden, sowie der Einwohner Eupen und Malmedy die seit 1940 in der Anstalt eingesessen haben.

26538. SHAEF. 26539. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte.

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22540. Extract from strafregister; Certificate of good behaviour.

25641. Card Limbourg; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Request for certificate of deportation.

25642. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers Krefeld. 26543. Extract from criminal record. 26544. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony and records on the status of

deported worker. 26545. Medical records. 26546. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Belgians who joined the

Betriebskrankenkasse für die Fabrik Viersener AG für Spinnerei und Weberei in Viersen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for pass, information form, Arbeitskarte für ausländische Arbeitkräfte, Fahrschein, Bescheinigung, Sammelkonto Wanderarbeiter aus Belgien, Urlaubschein, travel pass; SHAEF; Medical record – records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; List of all nationals – Kassel.

26547. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased. 26548. Medical records – fees of doctors. 26549. Medical records. 26550. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony, Quittungskarte,

Anwerbebestätigung, travel pass, Antrag auf Ausgabe von Arbeiterrückfahrkarten, vorläufiger Fremdenpass; JUDICIAL RECORDS/FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Merkblatt über die Krankenversicherungsmässige Versorgung der Familienangehörigen der im Deutschen Reiche beschäftigten Arbeiter und Angestellten aus den Niederlanden, Belgien und den besetzten französischen Gebiete.

26551. PRESS RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Article ' Hommage Autrichien au Général Ivan Gérard'; PRESS RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Article 'La Flame du Souvenir – Une émouvante cérémonie' from 'L' Union', Jan 1963.

26552. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service. 26553. Note. 26554. Photo of persons (in official uniform). 26555. Medical records. 26556. Birth- and marriage certificate. 26557. Request for certificate of spoliation of furniture – records on compensation. 26558. Birth certificate;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Request for recognition of person who refused to carry out forced labor; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony.

26559. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS. 26560. PRESS RECORDS, Les crimes de guerre pendant la contre-offensive de von

Rundstedt dans les Ardennes. Dec 1944 – Jan 1945 – Bande, 1946; PRESS RECORDS CAMP RECORDS, Breendonk, Les crimes de guerre sous l' occupation de la Belgique 1940-1945 – Le camp de tortures de Breendonck;

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PRESS RECORDS, Les crimes de guerre lors de l’ invasion du territoire national mai 1940 – La déstruction de la bibliothèque de l' université de Louvain; PRESS RECORDS, Les crimes de guerre lors de la libération du territoire national septembre 1944 – région de Dinant; PRESS RECORDS, De oorlogsmisdaden gepleegd tijdens de bevrijding van 's lands grondgebied september 1944 –gewest Hoei-Namen; PRESS RECORDS, De oorlogsmisdaden bedreven gedurende de bevrijding van het Belgisch grondgebied – het Gebied van Oost-en West-vlaanderen; PRESS RECORDS, De oorlogsmisdaden gepleegd tijdens het tegenoffensief von Rundstedt in de Ardennen Dec 1944 – Jan 1945; PRESS RECORDS, Les crimes de guerre lors de la libération du territoire national septembre 1944 – Forêt; PRESS RECORDS, Les crimes de guerre pendant la contre-offensive de von Rundstedt dans les Ardennes. Dec 1944 – Jan 1945 – Stavelot; PRESS RECORDS, De oorlogsmisdaden gepleegd bij de invasie van het nationaal grondgebied mei 1940 – De verwoesting der Bibliotheek van de Hogeschool van Leuven.

26561. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Personalkarte für Wohnlager.

26562. Extract from register of population – Antwerpen. 26563. Records on compensation. 26564. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1943; Card Limbourg; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Request for certificate of deportation.

26566. PRESS RECORDS, De oorlogsmisdaden bedreven gedurende de bezetting van het Belgisch grondgebied mei 1940 – Vinkt en omstreken – Les crimes de guerre commis lors de l' invasion du territoire national Mai 1940 – les manaeres de Vinkt, 1948 (the war crimes committed during the occupation of the Belgian territory May 1940 – Vinkt and environs).

26567. Information on persons. 26568. Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Städtisches Krankenhaus Kaiser Friedrich in Schonebeck, Hospitalised Belgians.

26569. Records on 'Unfallsache'. 26570. Records on military pensions of invalidity. 26571. Not on the roll. 26572. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1943. 26573. Records on compensation for claimants of political prisoner deceased in

Ravensbrück. 26574. Records on compensation for decease. 26575. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment. 26576. Records on national debt. 26577. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased. 26578. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS. 26579. Records on compensation. 26580. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,


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CAMP RECORDS, Les Milles, Certificate of internment; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment.

26581. CAMP RECORDS, Sachsenhausen, Transfers from Sachsenhausen to Kommando Kochendorf.

26582. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment. 26583. CAMP RECORDS, Diverse camps, Definitive report on camps. 26584. Birth- and marriage certificate. 26585. PRESS RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, L' Armée Belge des Partisans by

Pierre Bodaert. 26586. Unreadable. 26587. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment. 26588. RECORDS ON COLLABORATION. 26589. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Steuerkarte. 26590. Request for certificate on spoliation of furniture – records on compensation. 26591. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1961. 26592. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte, Urlaubschein,

Arbeitsbuch; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

26593. Curriculum Vitae of Thomas Armand; JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge.

26594. Records on compensation for accident. 26595. File – signalement O.N.I.G (Œuvre National des Invalides de la Guerre). 26596. Not on the roll. 26597. Information on persons (gypsies). 26598. Estimate of the damage caused by accident (collision with lorry), 17 Sept 1963. 26599. File of the O.N.I.G. (Oeuvre Nationale des Invalides de la Guerre). 26600. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein;

SHAEF. 26601. Information on person who fought on the Russian Front. 26602. Certificate of registration – Vorst, Schaarbeek;

Extract from register of population – Antwerpen; Extract from criminal record.

26603. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid, Urlaubschein, travel pass, testimony.

26604. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Testimony on persons who fleed for the persecution of Jewish persons.

26605. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte, testimony, Arbeitsbuch für Ausländer, records on 'Unfallanzeige'.

26606. Bills of pharmacies. 26607. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite. 26608. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment;

CAMP RECORDS, Rivesaltes, Certificate of internment. 26609. Not on the roll. 26610. Records on compensation. 26611. RECORDS ON COLLABORATION. 26612. CAMP RECORDS, Diverse camps, Definitive report on camps. 26613. CAMP RECORDS, Bergen-Belsen, List of death certificate of political prisoners. 26614. PRESS RECORDS, Article 'Un émouvant hommage à Monseigner Gramman'. 26615. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Zusatzprotokoll zum Allgemeinen Abkommen zwischen

dem Königreich Belgien und der Bundesrepublik Deutschland über Soziale

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Sicherheit vom 7. Dezember 1957 zur Dritten Zusatzvereinbarung und zum Schussprotokoll zu dem Allgemeinen Abkommen vom 7. Dezember 1957.

26616. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Senate of Belgium – Session of 20th June 1961 – Bill on introducing pension for deportation.

26617. CAMP RECORDS, Text 'Présence belge au Musée d' Auschwitz'. 26618. CAMP RECORDS, Neuengamme, Entlassungsschein, 10 August1943. 26619. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Records on deceased in Abbeville in consequence of

bombardment, 1943. 26620. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Request for certificate of deportation from

France. 26621. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Bescheinigung, Arbeitskarte,

Quittungskarte, Sammelkonto Wanderarbeiter aus Belgien. 26622. Records on pension. 26623. CAMP RECORDS, Diverse camps, Definitive report on camps. 26624. Medical records. 26625. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on deceased worker, 1943. 26626. Medical records. 26627. Birth- and marriage certificate. 26628. PRESS RECORDS, Extract from 'Le Soir' – L' Affaire de faux mandats d' Avesnes,

21 Oct 1935; Description of soldier known as deserter.

26629. Letters; Records on civil war victims. 26630. The National Archives Washington - Guides to German records microfilmed at

Alexandria, VA – N° 4. records of the Organization Todt, (1958); The National Archives Washington - Guides to German records microfilmed at Alexandria, VA – N° 5. Miscellaneous German Records Collection (Part I), (1958); The National Archives Washington - Guides to German records microfilmed at Alexandria, VA – N° 6. Records of Nazi Cultural and Research Institutions and Records pertaining to Axis relations and interests in the Far East, (1959); The National Archives Washington - Guides to German records microfilmed at Alexandria, VA – N° 7. Records of Headquarters, German Armed Forces High Command (Part I), (1959); The National Archives Washington - Guides to German records microfilmed at Alexandria, VA – N° 8. Miscellaneous German Records Collection (Part II), (1959); The National Archives Washington - Guides to German records microfilmed at Alexandria, VA – N° 9. Records of Private German Individuals,(1959).

26631. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1943; Card Limbourg.

26632. Certificate of registration – Anderlecht, Antwerpen; 26633. Questionnaire of a soldier. 26634. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Entlassungsschein, Bescheinigung,

Antrag auf Ausgabe von Arbeiterrückfahrkarten, Urlaubschein, Überweisungsschein.

26635. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Bundessozial Hilfsgesetz, 30 June 1961. 26636. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony. 26637. Medical records. 26638. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS;

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DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual card of deceased political prisoner, 1944, death certificate, 1944, note on exhumation, 1945; PRISON RECORDS, Zuchthaus Hameln, Prison card, 1943; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Judicial records on espionage, 1943.

26639. Medical records. 26640. Medical records. 26641. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1943; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Haft der Aenderungen, 12 Jan 1944.

26642. Certificate of registration – Antwerpen; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records on Jewish person; Composition of family who lived in Antwerpen from 1st Jan 1940 till 31st Dec 1940.

26643. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased. 26644. Letter and envelope. 26645. PRESS RECORDS, Brochure 'La Belgique';

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Testimony on deceased during bombardment, death certificate, 1944.

26646. Records on compensation. 26647. Certificate of registration in the register of population – Antwerpen;

Extract from register of population – Antwerpen. 26648. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records of the Deutsche Werbestelle;

Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien. 26649. Records on military pensions. 26650. Photos of man;

CAMP RECORDS, Sachsenhausen, Registration card. 26651. PRESS RECORDS, Poem, Gerbe de fleurs offerte aux fusillés de la Citadelle de

Liège; PRESS RECORDS, Poem, Le chanoine par Mathieu Voncken aumônier des fusillés; PRESS RECORDS, A.L.A. Bechem – Message pour Philomène Martyrologe; PRESS RECORDS, La Guerre Secrète.

26652. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1943.

26653. Medical records. 26654. Certificate of registration – Sint-Gillis;

Certificate of life; Records on compensation for claimant of political prisoner.

26655. SHAEF. 26656. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1943. 26657. Records on pension. 26658. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Arbeitsbescheinigung,

Überweisungsschein, testimony, travel pass. 26659. Medical records. 26660. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass,

travel pass, Anwerbebestätigung, information form, certificate of identity, decision

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of the Commission de Contrôle pour Déportés, information form, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, records on accident; SHAEF; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Ministerie van Wederopbouw – Aanvaardingscommissie der Politieke Gevangenen en van hun Rechthebbenden (Ministry of Reconstruction – Commission on the status of political prisoners).

26661. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS. 26662. Records on compensation for work;

List of titular of a file for civil victims - Oeuvre Nationale des Invalides de la Guerre; Note on compensation.

26663. Records on 'Rückerstattungssache'. 26664. Unreadable. 26665. Request for research in the documentation of the Service Internationale des

Recherches for information on deceased in Sachsenhausen. 26666. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident,

vorläufiger Fremdenpass. 26667. Medical records. 26668. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1944. 26669. Unreadable. 26670. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS. 26671. Avis de changement d’ adresse; Letter. 26672. RECORDS ON COLLABORATION. 26673. Records on compensation. 26674. Liste de recommandés. 26675. JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Extract from Moniteur Belge. 26676. CAMP RECORDS, Diverse camps, Definitive report on camps. 26676. Records on pension (Certificate of life, Death certificate). 26677. SHAEF. 26678. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 26679. Certificate of registration – Antwerpen;

Extract from register of population – Antwerpen. 26680. Certificate of registration – Brussels. 26681. Not on the roll. 26682. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1943; Request for certificate of deportation.

26684. CAMP RECORDS, Diverse camps, Definitive report on camps. 26685. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased, Heimkehrer-Erklärung. 26686. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS. 26687. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident. 26688. Extracts from records of Grosshandel Lagerei Berufsgenossenschaft in Mannheim;

JUDICIAL RECORDS, List of all judicial records – Bichen, Dautphe, Giebringhausen; List of all nationals – Kassel.

26689. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Hütten- und Walzwerksberufsgenossenschaft;

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FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Nordwestliche Eisen & Stahl Berufsgenossenschaft; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on ‘Ausländische Unfallverletzt aus Belgien’ ; LAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Belgians who were registered in Germany by diverse Berufsgenossenschaften.

26690. Records on compensation for deceased in bombardment; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Testimony on deceased worker in consequence of bombardment.

26691. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942.

26692. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Two tables – Morts pour la Belgique (Deceased for Belgium).

26693. Extract from register of population – Antwerpen; Certifcate of registration – Antwerpen; Records on compensation for spoliation of goods.

26694. Records on compensation. 26695. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942. 26696. Fees of doctors. 26697. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Ergänzende Verhaltensvorschriften 393, 22 July 1940. 26698. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Ersatzkarte für Arbeitsbuch, request for

pass, Bescheinigung, Anwerbebestätigung, travel pass, Sammelkonto Wanderarbeiter aus Belgien.

26699. CAMP RECORDS, Diverse camps, Definitive report on camps. 26700. Extract from register of population – Antwerpen. 26701. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass;

SHAEF; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

26702. Testimony on arrested person who stayed in camps. 26703. GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtsauskunftstelle card. 26704. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on the status of slave laborer;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records on the status of person who refused to carry out forced labor.

26705. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS. 26706. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased. 26707. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony,

Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid, Arbeitsbuch für Ausländer, Urlaubschein, Empfangsbescheinigung Dresdner Bank, Sammelkonto Wanderabeiter aus Belgien.

26708. Letter - Unreadable. 26709. SHAEF;

Medical records. 26710. Medical records;

PRISON RECORDS, Testimony on person deported to Wolfenbuettel. 26711. Extract from register of population – Deurne, Antwerpen;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942.

26712. SHAEF. 26713. Convention de garantie de Bail. 26714. Photos.

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26715. SHAEF; RECORDS ON HOSTAGES, Stalag, Medical card.

26716. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on person who refused to carry out forced labor.

26717. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Anwerbebestätigung, certificate of identity.

26718. Records on pension of deceased worker. 26719. The National Archives Washington - Guides to German records microfilmed at

Alexandria, VA – N°10 Records of the Reich Ministry for Armaments and War Production, (1959); The National Archives Washington - Guides to German records microfilmed at Alexandria, VA – N° 11. Fragmentary Records of Miscellaneous Reich Ministries and Offices, (1959); The National Archives Washington - Guides to German records microfilmed at Alexandria, VA – N° 12. Records of the Headquarters of the German Army High Command (Part I), (1959); The National Archives Washington - Guides to German records microfilmed at Alexandria, VA – N° 13. Records of the Reich Air Ministry (Reichsluftfahrtministerium) 1918 – 1945, (19549); The National Archives Washington - Guides to German records microfilmed at Alexandria, VA – N° 14. Records of the German field Commands, Armies (Part I), (1959); The National Archives Washington - Guides to German records microfilmed at Alexandria, VA – N° 15. Records of former German and Japanese Embassies and Consulates, 1890 – 1945, (1959); The National Archives Washington - Guides to German records microfilmed at Alexandria, VA – N° 16. Records of the Deutsches Ausland-Institut, Stuttgart Part I: Records on Resettlement, (1959).

26720. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein; Photos; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines.

26721. Extract from book. 26722. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Note 63 – Organisation de 'Publicontact';

CAMP RECORDS, Registration card; CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Registration card.

26723. Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien. 26724. Birth certificate;

Certificate of nationality; Request for certificate of deportation.

26725. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Anwerbebestätigung. 26726. File on persons. 26727. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Testimony on missing persons. 26728. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony on industrial accident. 26729. SHAEF. 26730. PRISON RECORDS, Strafgefangenenlager Neu-Sustrum, Lists of Belgians interned

in the prison, 9 March 1944. 26731. PRESS RECORDS, Brochure – Trois partisans – trois héros. 26732. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Request for compensation for claimant of political


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26733. Auszahlungsschein für Kranken-, Haus oder Taschengeld. 26734. CAMP RECORDS, Records, lists, photos for exposition. 26735. Request for information on persons;

Bills of pharmacies. 26736. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Vorläufiger Fremdenpass,

Überweisungsschein; SHAEF.

26737. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte, Beitragsquittungskarte, Lohnsteuerkarte.

26738. Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien. 26739. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Ersatzkarte für Arbeitsbuch, records on

'Unfallanzeige'. 26740. RECORDS ON HOSTAGES, Card of member of 'Amicale des anciens prisonniers

de guerre belges du Stalag IA'; RECORDS ON HOSTAGES, Entlassungsschein der belgische Kriegsgefangene.

26741. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Arbeitsbescheinigung, vorläufiger Fremdenpass, Ausweis für Ausländer; Medical records – records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Bescheinigung über als Einsatzzeiten der Reichsversicherungsordnung infragekommende Zeiten; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Mitgliederkrankenkschein der Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Köln.

26742. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased; Records on compensation - Investigation in Germany to determine if person received a compensation from German Services.

26743. Medical records. 26744. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Information form;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Bei der Firma C. Lorenz A.G. s. Zt. Beschäftigte belgische Staatsangehörige.

26745. JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Extract from Reichsgesetzblatt, 1939. 26746. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on decease of Belgian worker,

1942. 26747. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Judicial files. 26748. Extract from register of population – Berchem;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942, 1944.

26749. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List and information form of the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Goslar, 1944.

26750. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on person who refused to carry out forced labor.

26751. Records on compensation. 26752. Note. 26753. Medical records. 26754. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased. 26755. Medical records;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid, Empfangsbescheinigung der Dresdner Bank, Lohnsteuerkarte, Quittungskarte, Arbeitsbuch für Ausländer, vorläufiger Fremdenpass.

26756. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Hoofdstuk 13 Burgerlijke en militaire invaliden, oorlogsslachtoffers en rechthebbenden, oudstrijders en rechthebbenden.

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26757. Certificate of registration in the register of population – Antwerpen, Saint-Gilles-les-Bruxelles; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944.

26758. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1941, 1942 and 1962; Request for information – information form on woman.

26759. Request for compensation for political prisoner. 26760. GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Rechtsberate allgemeine Liste - Bestätigung und

Abhebung von Urteilen; JUDICIAL RECORDS, List of condamned Belgians.

26761. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 26762. Certificate of registration in the register of population – Antwerpen. 26763. Medical certificate. 26764. Order of expulsion – Antwerpen;

JUDICIAL RECORDS/RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Strafverfügung, 1941; Card Limbourg; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1943-1944; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Bescheinigung, 29 June 1943; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Order on hungarian persons and on wearing the Star of David, 6 June 1942.

26765. GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Rechtsberate allgemeine Liste - Bestätigung und Abhebung von Urteilen, 1943.

26766. Medical records – records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; Request for repatriation of person; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Beglaubigter Auszug aus dem Hauptkrankenbuch des Marine-Lazarett in Malente; Letter of DeVlag on compensation for incapacity of work.

26767. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Sammelkonto Wanderarbeiter aus Belgien, Anwerbebestätigung, Lohnüberweisungen belgischer Arbeitskräfte, Quittungskarte, travel pass.

26768. Record on civil war victim. 26769. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1944;

JUDICIAL RECORDS, Act of accusation – espionage, 4 Oct 1943; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Anklageschrift (political prisoner), 4 Oct 1943; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Act of accusation, 30 Jan 1943.

26770. Extract from register of population – Borgerhout; Certificate of registration in the register of population – Antwerpen.

26771. Records on accident and on compensation. 26772. The National Archives Washington - Guides to German records microfilmed at

Alexandria, N° 17. Records of Headquarters, German Armed forced High Command (Part II); The National Archives Washington - Guides to German records microfilmed at Alexandria, N° 18. Records of Headquarters, German Armed forced High Command (Part III); The National Archives Washington - Guides to German records microfilmed at Alexandria, N° 19. Records of Headquarters, German Armed forced High Command (Part IV); The National Archives Washington - Guides to German records microfilmed at Alexandria, N° 20. Records of the National Socialist German Labor Party (Part II);

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The National Archives Washington - Guides to German records microfilmed at Alexandria, N° 21. Records of the Deutsches Ausland-Institut, Stuttgart. Part II: The General Records; The National Archives Washington - Guides to German records microfilmed at Alexandria, N° 22. Records of the Reich Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda.

26773. Certificate of life; Request for compensation for deceased in concentration camp; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on hiding a person who refused to carry out forced labor; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1943.

26774. PRISON RECORDS, Tournai, List; PRISON RECORDS, Citadelle de Liège, Sint-Gillis, Individual card; PRISON RECORDS, List of transfers from Sint-Gilles to Köln; PRISON RECORDS/CAMP RECORDS, Vught, Registration card; PRISON RECORDS, Charleroi, Extract from register; PRISON RECORDS, Citadelle de Liège, Extract from register; PRISON RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Extract from register; PRISON RECORDS, Saint-Léonard Liège, Extract from register; GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Rechtsberate allgemeine Liste 6 and Rechtsberate allgemeine Liste 7; PRISON RECORDS, Ebrach, Extract from register.

26775. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased, Heimkehrer-Erklärung; Records on 'Wiedergutmachung des national-sozialistischen Unrechts.

26776. CAMP RECORDS, Esterwegen, List, 26 Oct 1945. 26777. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident. 26778. Records on civil war victims. 26779. Certificate of civil war victim. 26780. Request for certificate for spoliation. 26781. Documents allemands. 26782. Request for information on deportation. 26783. Diverse records. 26784. Diverse records. 26785. CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Règlement disciplinaire et pénal pour le camp de

prisonniers de Dachau, 1 Oct 1933; CAMP RECORDS, Traitement des détenus qui tombent sous l’ application de l’ ordonnance NN, 7 June 1943; CAMP RECORDS, Ordre sur détenus aptes au travail qui doivent être envoyés dans les camps de concentration, 17 Dec 1942.

26786. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944; Request for information on deportation; Records on spoliation of furniture.

26787. Request for recognition of deported slave laborer. 26788. Testimony on political prisoner in Vaihingen + medical records. 29789. CAMP RECORDS, Diverse camps, Definitive report on camps. 26790. Photos. 26791. Registre “ Impressions de l’ exposition de Tournai». 26792. Records on accident;

Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

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26793. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Testimony on deceased worker, death certificate, 1944. 26794. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Certificate of collaboration with the Comité

National de Défense des Juifs; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Nachtaktion gegen versteckte Juden.

26795. Opgaven voor het miljoenen foto-spel. 26796. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1944; Card Limbourg; CAMP RECORDS, Records on the United Restitution Office; Request for information on deportation.�

26797. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Information form on deceased in Duisburg, 1945. 26798. CAMP RECORDS, List of unknown nationals compiled from Konzentrationslager-

cards extracted from the original documents of the Berufsgenossenschaft der Chemischen Industrie Hamburg.

26799. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte, Lohnsteuerkarte. 26800. Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Anwerbebestätigung, testimony, Sonderausweis, vorläufiger Fremdenpass; RECORDS ON COLLABORATION, Certificate on member of the Rexistische Schutzkorps.

26801. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Letter on 'Tombeau martyr juif inconnu'. 26802. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service;

CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Death certificate, 1942; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1940.

26803. PRISON RECORDS, Strafgefängnis und Untersuchungshaftanstalt Hannover, Prison card, 1943; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1943.

26804. Records on pension. 26805. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942, 1943; Card Limbourg; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Service Social Juif.

26806. Records on civil war victims. 26807. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein. 26808. List of Belgians who joined the Sec B.G. Hamburg. 26809. Result of research for victim of explosion of bomb, 1940. 26810. Records on compensation for victims of the persecution. 26811. Personal file. 26812. Personal file – beroep against the decision of the Civil Commission of Invalidity of

Brussels. 26813. Medical records;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Antrag aus Ausgabe von Arbeiterrückkehrfahrkarten, Urlaubschein, Aussteuerungsbescheid, Quittungskarte, Lohnsteuerkarte, Arbeitskarte.

26814. Card Limbourg; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942; Request for information on deportation.

26815. Card Eibia. 26816. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records on spoliation of furniture.

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26817. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident. 26818. Medical records. 26819. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 26820. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased, Heimkehrer-Erklärung;

Records on compensation. 26821. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Bijlage - List of Jews wounded and shot by

the German guards of the train from Mechelen, 19-20 April 1943 + photos. 26822. Medical records. 26823. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for pass, travel pass. 26824. Certificate of registration – Liège;

Request for information on deportation; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942, 1944; Card Limbourg.

26825. RECORDS ON COLLABORATION, Testimony on member of the SS. 26826. SHAEF. 28827. RESISTANCE RECORDS. 28828. Card Limbourg;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942.

26829. Personsausweis –Sicherheits- und Hilfsdienst i.o. der Luftschutzwarndienst. 26830. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased. 26831. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1943-1944. 26832. Records on pension. 26833. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Rückkehrschein. 26834. Prof. Dr. Chr. P. Raven – Anatomische Atlas + lijst der gebruikte anatomische

termen met hun equivalenten volgens de Parijse nomenclatuur (Anatomical atlas + list of used anatomical terms with their equivalents according to the nomenclature of Paris).

26835. CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Gefangenentransport nach Buchenwald, 20 May 1944; CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Gefangenentransport nach Buchenwald, 16 June 1944; CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Gefangenentransport nach Buchenwald, 8 August 1944; CAMP RECORDS, Der Sicherheitspolizei Antwerpen werden am 9. August 1944 folgenden Gefangene übergeben; CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Neuzugänge, 27 June 1943.

26836. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Testimony on treated person coming from Gurs; CAMP RECORDS, Noé, Testimony on person coming from Noé.

26837. SHAEF. 26838. Information on political prisoner – records on compensation. 26839. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Payment to certain political prisoners;

Medical records. 26840. Medical records. 26841. Bail Commerciale. 26842. PRESS RECORDS, Ce que vous devez savoir de la nouvelle loi fiscale par Georges

Vrijdaghs/What you should know about the new fiscal law by Georges Vrijdaghs.

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26843. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Anwerbebestätigung, convocation, Überweisungsschein, questionnaire, travel pass, Sammelkonto Wanderarbeiter aus Belgien, vorläufiger Fremdenpass, request for pass; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

26844. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942.

26845. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Comité IV : Terreur et résistance sous-comité IV : Histoire des Mouvements de Résistants – research on the resistance in Belgium 1940-1945 made in Belgium during the period 1945-1950.

26846. Letter. 26847. Extract from register of population – Berchem. 26848. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, File of industrial accident. 29849. CAMP RECORDS, Argelès-sur-Mer, Certificate of internment. 26850. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1943; Certificate of registration – Antwerpen.

26851. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Records on deceased worker. 26852. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Payment to certain prolitical prisoners who were

liberated before 15th September 1944; Medical certificate.

26853. Certificate of identity; Birth certificate.

26854. SHAEF. 26855. Request for compensation for decease of person during bombardment. 26856. Abtransport aus besichtigten Wohungen. 26857. Medical records;

DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1945; Birth- and marriage certificate.

26858. Letters. 26859. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Records on person who was estimated as deceased. 26860. Card Limbourg. 26861. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1943. 26862. Certified copy of an entry of birth. 26863. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Rückkehrschein

für italienische Arbeitskräfte, Lohnliste; Belgian and other ships on which P. Heilmand has sailed.

26864. CAMP RECORDS, Nummern-Verzeichnis der DP-Lager in Österreich; CAMP RECORDS, Alphabetisches Verzeichnis der DP-Lager in Österreich.

26865. Not on the roll. 26866. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942, 1944; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Service Social Juif; Request for documents on deportation; Registration card - Fiche Matriculaire – Belgian and British Forces.

26867. CAMP RECORDS, Diverse camps, Definitive report on camps. 26868. Records on archives. 26869. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony. 26870. Document personnel. 26871. Extract from register of population – Berchem;

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Request for documents on deportation. 26872. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Bescheinigung, Quittunskarte. 26873. Not on the roll. 26874. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Photos of the synagoge Rue de la Régence;

RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Anti-Jewish tract. 26875. Letter from Berlin, 26 August 1942. 26876. RECORDS ON COLLABORATION, Testimony on person entered the Waffen SS. 26877. CAMP RECORDS, Diverse camps, Definitive report on camps – Study, information

and lists of hostages, 1940 – 1944. 26878. Wehrstammblatt;

Medical records; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, request for pass, questionnaire, Überweisungsschein, Antrag auf Ausgabe von Arbeiterwohenkarte; SHAEF; Notice on (negative) result of request for compensation.

26879. Records on spoliation – certificate of putting up moveable property, testimony on spoliation of furniture of deported persons.

26880. Fees of doctors. 26881. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Information form on political prisoner;

Birth certificate; Medical records; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony.

26882. Fees of doctors. 26883. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on volunteer –

Überweisungsschein, individual card of decease 1944, testimony on industrial accident.

26884. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944; Extract from register of population – Liège.

26885. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Extract from the International Tracing Service records – Telegramm of the Militärbefehlshaber in Frankreid on notification of Jewish household effects in occupied areas, 4 Feb 1942; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Note on fundamental arrangement on goods belonging to Jews, 19 June 1942; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Note on utilisation of Jewish furniture in the occupied territories in the East, 8 and 21 Feb 1942.

26885. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Telegram on mobilisation of Jews in the occupied territories in the East, 8 Feb 1942.

26886. CAMP RECORDS, Diverse camps, Definitive report on camps. 26887. Medical records. 26888. SHAEF. 26890. DEATH CERTIFICATES. 26891. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Ausweis, Quittungskarte;

Auskunft aus der Strafregister; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

26892. Records of the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre. 26893. Request for compensation for damage of war. 26894. SHAEF.

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26895. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Letter with testimony on collection for wives of deceased workers, 28 Oct 1942.

26896. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment. 26897. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1943; Card Limbourg.

26898. SHAEF. 26899. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 26900. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Arbeits-Bescheinigung. 26901. Abtransport aus besichtigten Wohnungen. 26902. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased. 26903. Note for the directors-general and the administrative managers – clôture des

engagements du dépenses, 1963. 26904. Medical records;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Belgians who joined the Kreiskrankenkasse für den Kreis Oldenburg in Oldenburg/Holst; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Kreiskrankenhaus Oldenburg H., Aufstellung über die während der Kriegsjahre vom 1. September 1939 bis 8. Mai 1945 im Krankenhaus stationär behandelten Belgier; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of the Organisation Todt Bekleidungskammer – Urlauberleitstelle Brüssel.

26905. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service. 26906. CAMP RECORDS, Diverse camps, Definitive report on camps. 26907. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass. 26908. Ministry of Finances – Note on direct taxes of 1963. 26909. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1943; Card Limbourg.

26910. Certificate of life, certificate of nationality; Marriage certificate.

26911. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Request for recognition of political prisoner – request for compensation for claimant.

26912. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Request for compensation for victims of the Nazi-persecution.

26913. Note on provisioning fund of the Mission of Research in Mehlem-Bad-Godesberg. 29614. The National Archives Washington - Guides to German records microfilmed at

Alexandria, VA – N° 23. Records of Private Austrian, Dutch, and German Enterprises, 1917 – 1946, (1961); The National Archives Washington - Guides to German records microfilmed at Alexandria, VA – N° 24. Records of Headquarters of the German Air Force High Command, (1961); The National Archives Washington - Guides to German records microfilmed at Alexandria, VA – N° 25. German Air Force Records: Luftgaukommandos, Flak, Deutsche Luftwaffenmission in Rumänien, (1961); The National Archives Washington - Guides to German records microfilmed at Alexandria, VA – N° 26 Records of the Reich Office for Soil Exploration, (1961);

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The National Archives Washington - Guides to German records microfilmed at Alexandria, VA – N° 27. Miscellaneous SS Records: Einwandererzentralstelle, Waffen-SS, and SS-Oberabschnitte, (1961); The National Archives Washington - Guides to German records microfilmed at Alexandria, VA – N° 28. Records of the Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories, 1941 – 1945, (1961); The National Archives Washington - Guides to German records microfilmed at Alexandria, VA – N° 29. Records of Headquarters, German Army High Command (Part II), (1961); The National Archives Washington - Guides to German records microfilmed at Alexandria, VA – N° 30. Records of the Headquarters, German Army High Command (Part III), (1961).

26915. Record on third Belgian-German agreement. 26916. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Bescheid Unfallversicherung. 26917. Records from lawyer. 26918. Affichette –vous êtes priés de laisser cet endroit aussi propre/Poster – we ask you to

keep this place clean. 26919. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased, records of the

Suchdienst München des Deutschen Roten Kreuzes. 26920. Extract from register of population – Antwerpen;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942.

26921. CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Registration card. 26922. Records on civil war victims. 26923. GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Bestätigung und Abhebung von Urteilen, 1944;

GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Rechtsberate allgemeine Liste, 1942. 26924. Notes. 26925. Brussels Squash Rackets Clubs – Running costs, balance (sheet) of 30th June 1963

and detail of the loss and profit, 1963. 26926. Records on compensation;

Certificate of life; Medical prescription – Institut Médico-Chirurgical Etterbeek; CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Häftlings-Untersuchungsbogen, 17 September 1940.

26927. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Records on deceased – death certificate, 1943; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident; Request for pension of invalidity.

26928. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Records on deceased worker in consequence of bombardment.

26929. Birth- and marriage certificates. 26930. Extract from register of population – Borgerhout;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942; Card Limbourg; CAMP RECORDS, Records of the United Restitution Office.

26931. Birth- and marriage certificate. 26932. The National Archives Washington - Guides to German records microfilmed at

Alexandria, VA – N° 31. Records of the Office of the Reich Commissioner for the Baltic States, 1941-1945, (1961);

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The National Archives Washington - Guides to German records microfilmed at Alexandria, VA – N° 32. Records of the Reich Leader of the SS and chief of the German Police (Part I), (1961); The National Archives Washington - Guides to German records microfilmed at Alexandria, VA – N° 33. Records of the Reich Leader of the SS and chief of the German Police (Part II), (1961); The National Archives Washington - Guides to German records microfilmed at Alexandria, VA – Records of the Nationalsocialist German Labor Party (NSDAP).

26933. Records on compensation for person who was active in the illegal press. 26934. CAMP RECORDS, Alphabetical register of DP-camp in US zone of Germany -

Annex List of cross-reference – Nummern-Verzeichnis der DP-Lager Deutschland US-zone.

26935. Marriage certificate. 26936. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Aufenthaltserlaubniss, Sichtvermerck,

Fremdenpass, travel pass, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, vorläufiger Fremdenpass, Abangsanzeige für Ausländer; SHAEF.

26937. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Request for extract from death certificate. 26938. SHAEF. 26939. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Lohnabrechnungskarte, Quittungskarte,

Lohnabrechnungszettel. 26940. Extract from register of foreigners – Antwerpen;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1944; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Centraal Beheer van Joodse Weldadigheid en Maatschappelijk Hulpbetoon.

26941. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Letter on international exposition on the battle of Jews against Hitler and the Nazisme, 28 June 1963.

26942. Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien. 26943. Records on civil war victims. 26944. CAMP RECORDS, Diverse camps, Definitive report on camps. 26945. JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 10 July 1963. 26946. Records on compensation. 26947. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Anmeldung bei der polizeilichen

Meldebehörde, Urlaubschein, Lohnauszahlung, Rückkehrschein, vorläufiger Fremdenpass, Fremdenpass, Arbeitskarte, Sammelkonto Wanderarbeiter aus Belgien, Arbeitskontrollkarte; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1944.

26948. Birth- and medical records. 26949. Records on compensation. 26950. Birth- and marriage certificate;

DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1924 and 1951. 26951. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Photos from the 'Livre d' Or de la Résistance'. 26952. Request for information to the Ministry of Public Health and Family – Service for

war victims; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Request for information to the 'Comité Joodse belangen' (Commission of Jewish Concerns).

26953. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service.

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26954. Certificate of registration in the register of population – Charleroi. 26955. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony. 26956. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Files of 'Unfallanzeige' of diverse

Berufsgenosschenschaften. 26957. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased. 26958. RECORDS ON HOSTAGE, Stalag 1 A, Card of repatriated;

SHAEF. 26959. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Arbeitskarte, Überweisungsschein,

Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid, certificate of identity, request for pass; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

26960. TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Request for certificate of deportation; CAMP RECORDS, Request for documents on deportation from Belgium; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Service Social Juif.

26961. Birth- and marriage certificate. 26962. Note on the service of spoliation of furniture. 26963. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Request of pension for decease of women – camp

Wesselin; DEATH CERTIFICATES, List – incoming death cases, new material, transmitted to the International Tracing Service – Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse fuer den Landkreis Koeln.

26964. Request for pension. 26965. CAMP RECORDS, Diverse camps, Definitive report on camps. 26966. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony. 26967. UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, Repertory of illegal journals. 26968. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony;

CAMP RECORDS, Noé, Certificate of internment; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment.

26969. HOSPITAL RECORDS, Universitäts-Augenklinik Greifswald, In der Klinik behandelte Belgier.

26970. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased, Heimkehrer-Erklärung, records of the Suchdienst München des Deutschen Roten Kreuzes.

26971. Records on compensation for Belgians who were victim of the National-Socialist persecution; Records on compensation for member of the resistance.

26972. Records on pension. 26973. CAMP RECORDS, Flossenbürg, Report on the camp. 26974. CAMP RECORDS, Diverse camps, Definitive report on camps. 26975. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1944. 26976. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records on compensation for Jewish person

(Star of David). 26977. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Notes on budget 1963. 26978. CAMP RECORDS, Photos of diverse camps + index. 26979. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1944, 1955, 1963;

CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Notice on (negative) result on research on internment in Gurs.

26980. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for pass, records on 'Unfallanzeige'; Medical records – Records on the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien;

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SHAEF. 26981. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony on compensation for

accident of worker. 26982. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased, records of the

Suchdienst München des Roten Kreuzes. 26983. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on decease of worker. 26984. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Request for

information on missing person who refused to carry out forced labor. 26985. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, information form,

certificate of identity, travel pass, request for pass; Record of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Ausgabe der Bescheinigung Gruppe A Nr.20/ über Freistellung vom Arbeitseinsatz im Reich; Information on repatriated persons.

26986. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service; CAMP RECORDS, Information on person in Mittelbau; CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Death certificate, 1942 and 1944.

26987. SHAEF. 26988. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942, 1944; CAMP RECORDS, Request for certificate of deportation; Certificate of spoliation of furniture.

26989. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Information form of political prisoner, information form of arrested person; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment.

26990. Certificate of nationality; Medical records; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of the Organisation Todt Bekleidungskammer Urlauberleitstelle Brüssel; Testimony on missing person; RECORDS ON COLLABORATION/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Order to arrest person who took up arms against Belgium.

26991. CAMP RECORDS, Diverse camps, Definitive report on camps. 26992. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942; Card Limbourg; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Information form – Fichier Israelite; Extract from register of foreigners – Schaarbeek, Berchem, Borgerhout, Anderlecht; CAMP RECORDS, Request for certificate of deportation; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Service Social Juif; Certificate of registration – Saint-Gilles-lez-Bruxelles; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Request for certificate of deportation;

26993. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Certificate of identity, request for pass, Überweisungsschein, Anwerbebestätigung, information form; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

26994. Testimony on the activities of the col. Daumerie.

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26995. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Ausländerbetreuung der Deutschen Arbeitsfront, Quittungskarte.

26996. Certificate of registration – Brussels; Extract from register of population – Antwerpen.

26997. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased, records of the Suchdienst des Deutschen Roten Kreuzes.

26998. Medical records; CAMP RECORDS, Nordhausen, Testimony of decease of civil worker in consequence of bombardment; Certificate of life.

26999. Certificate of registration in the register of population – Antwerpen; Extract from register of population – Borgerhout.

27000. GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Rechtsberate allgemeine Liste 5. 27001. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 27002. Not on the roll. 27003. CAMP RECORDS, Ravensbrück, Registration card;

CAMP RECORDS, Registration card; PRISON RECORDS, Prison card; CAMP RECORDS, Bergen-Belsen, Report on the camp; CAMP RECORDS, Ravensbrück, Report on the camp of youth; Information form – research for documentation – decease; PRISON RECORDS, Gefängnis Essen, Verzeichnis der seit dem 1. Mai 1940 in Haft gewesenen weiblichen belgischen Staatsangehörigen; PRISON RECORDS, Gefängnis Essen, Liste von Belgier; PRISON RECORDS, Gefängnis Essen, Death certificates of person deceased in the prison; HOSPITAL RECORDS, St. Elisabeth Hospital in Duisburg-Meiderich, Hospitalized Belgians; PRISON RECORDS, Essen, Nachweisung der in Haft gewesenen und beim Fliegerangriff am 26. März 1944 ums Leben gekommenen und vermissten belgischen Staatsangehörigen; PRISON RECORDS, Frauengefängnis Berlin-Moabit, List; PRISON RECORDS, Zweibrucken, List of Belgians who were interned in the prison, 1943-1944; PRISON RECORDS, Untersuchungshaftanstalt Berlin Alt Moabit12a, Copies of cards of Belgian female internees.

27004. Records on the request for compensation of political prisoner. 27005. PRISON RECORDS, Cottbus, List of Belgian women who were interned in the

prison; PRISON RECORDS, Fremdenzuchthaus Lübeck-Lauerhof, Auslanderinnen die im Fremdenzuchthaus eingesessen haben.

27006. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 27007. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Letter on labor. 27008. CAMP RECORDS, Diverse camps, Definitive report on camps. 27009. Medical records;

Records on traffic accident. 27010. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Vorläufiger Fremdenpass, Sparbuch;

Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

27011. CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, List of 3 belgian Israelites deceased in Auschwitz.

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27012. JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 24 Jan 1964. 26913. PRISON RECORDS, Prison card;

PRISON RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Einnahme Bescheinigung, 1944; CAMP RECORDS, Ravensbrück, Registration card.

26914. Records of lawyer on compensation. 27015. Documents personnels. 27016. SHAEF. 27017. Records on compensation for accident. 27018. Mention of decease, closing, transfer or remunciation, trading partnerships. 27019. PRISON RECORDS, Antwerpen, Register of the prison;

PRISON RECORDS, Saint-Léonard (Liège), Register of the prison. 27020. Document personnel –table des matières. 27021. SHAEF. 27022. CAMP RECORDS, Request for information on person who stayed in Pithiviers,

Drancy and died in Auschwitz; Extract from register of population – Borgerhout, Antwerpen.

27023. Plan Gevaert. 27024. Letter on spoliation. 27025. Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Sammelkonto Wanderarbeiter aus Belgien, Ausländer-Ausweis, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, travel pass, certificate of identity; SHAEF.

27026. PRESS RECORDS, Journal officiel des communautés européens. 27027. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1943; Extract from register of population – Borgerhout; Records on compensation for spoliation of household and for persecution of Jewish family.

27028. Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien. 27029. CAMP RECORDS, Les camps de reconcentration ou transvaal par Jean Veber –

drawings (in:'Assiette au Beurre’ ). 27030. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment;

Card Limbourg; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1943.

27031. Medical records. 27032. SHAEF. 27033. RECORDS ON COLLABORATION, Testimony on member of the VNN-NSKK –

Anmeldebogen für den Dienst in der NSKK – Brigade Luftwaffe. 27034. Records on spoliation of furniture. 27035. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Certificate. 27036. PRISON RECORDS, Charleroi, Prison card;

CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Registration card. 27037. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Ministry of Finances – Income of recuperations 'Allocations

d' Aide gouvernementale', 1962. 27038. Permission to build – Ampsin. 27039. Records on pension;

DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased. 27040. CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Lists of the Polish Red Cross of liberated persons.

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27041. Medical records. 27042. Note. 27043. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Extract from decree, 6 May 1962. 27044. Note sur vélo-moteur – un pédalier – assurance automobile –card. 27045. Card Limbourg;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Bescheinigung; Certificate of registration – Antwerpen; Extract from register of population – Antwerpen; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Service Social Juif.

27046. Records on compensation for decease in consequence of bombardment; Medical records - Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

27047. Certificate of nationality; Birth certificate.

27048. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 27049. Notice Brussels, 1944;

Unreadable. 27050. Records on designation of effective chairman of the Civil Commission of invalidity. 27051. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein. 27052. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records on wearing the Star of David. 27053. Verzeichnis der Gegenstaende Herrresachen;

Certificate of registration in the register of foreigners. 27054. Birth- and marriage certificate. 27055. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 27056. Certificate of registration – Ixelles, Antwerpen;

Extract from register of population – Antwerpen. 27057. Birth- and marriage certificate;

Certificate of nationality. 27058. Certificate of registration in the register of foreigners. 27059. Records on Christian Workers Guilds of women. 27060. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte, Anwerbebestätigung,

travel pass, Arbeitskarte, request for pass, Überweisungsschein, Urlaubschein, vorläufiger Fremdenpass, certificate of identity; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

27061. Records on compensation. 27062. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Ministerie van Wederopbouw –

Aanvaardingscommissie der Politieke Gevangenen en van hun Rechthebbenden (Ministry of Reconstruction – Commission on the status of political prisoners); FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, request for pass, convocation, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid, information form, testimony, general count of persons who have to be repatriated; SHAEF; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

27063. The National Archives Washington - Guides to German records microfilmed at Alexandria - Records of the Nationalsocialist German Labor Party (NSDAP); The National Archives Washington - Guides to German records microfilmed at Alexandria – N° 37. Records of the Headquarters, German Navy High Command (OKM);

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The National Archives Washington - Guides to German records microfilmed at Alexandria – N°. 38. Records of German Field Commands: Rear Areas, Occupied Territories, and Others; The National Archives Washington - Guides to German records microfilmed at Alexandria – N°. 39. Records of the Reich Leader of the SS and Chief of the German Police (Part III).

27064. CAMP RECORDS, Diverse camps, Definitive report on camps. 27065. Medical records. 27066. Report of the medical activities of the Oeuvre Nationale des Invalides de la Guerre. 27067. Diverse records. 27068. Certificate of registration in the register of population – Antwerpen;

Extract from register of population – Antwerpen. 27069. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Lohnüberweisungssliste Ed. Züblin &

Cie Baustelle Herdecke – Lohnliste Oberbauleitung Möhne Hagen/West, 1 Sept 1943 – 15 July 1944.

27070. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased, Heimkehrer-Erklärung, Records of the Suchdienst München des Deutschen Roten Kreuzes; Records on compensation for accident.

27071. Letter (Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre). 27072. Fees of doctors. 27073. Certificate of registration – Brussels. 27074. Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien. 27075. Certificate of registration – Antwerpen;

RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Testimony on escaped Israelites. 27076. SHAEF. 27077. CAMP RECORDS, Questionnaire on the situations of survivors of the medical

experiments; CAMP RECORDS, Request for payment to survivors of the experiments commited on humans.

27078. Ministry of Finances – Treasury and National Debt- State of squared payments in 1963.

27079. Notice on composition of fee and compensation. 27080. TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Information on internee. 27081. SHAEF. 27082. Certificate of archives destroyed by fire. 27083. Letter. 27084. Records on compensation. 27085. Letter on exposition on the concentration camps. 27086. CAMP RECORDS, Letter with request for information on female victims of the

medical experiments in the concentration camps. 27087. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony on industrial accident. 27088. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased, Heimkehrer-Erklärung,

records of the Suchdienst München des Deutschen Roten Kreuzes; Records on compensation.

27089. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944; CAMP RECORDS, Request for death certificate of person probably deceased in Auschwitz.

27090. Documents personnels. 27091. Records on social insurance.

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27093. Notes. 27093. SHAEF. 27094. Note sur clôture des engagements de dépenses, 1963. 27095. Request for compensation. 27096. PRISON RECORDS, Pol. Revier Düsseldorf, Anmeldung bei der polizeilichen

Meldebehörde, 1941; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Antrag auf Ausgabe von Arbeiterrückfahrkarten, travel pass, Ausweis, Fremdenpass.

27097. Note. 27098. Not on the roll. 27099. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Vereniging van Joodse

Politieke Gevangenen; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944.

27100. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on person who refused to carry out forced labor.

27101. HOSPITAL RECORDS, Hospital of the prisons of Waldheim, Information form; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Zuchthäuser Waldheim, Krankenbogen; CAMP RECORDS, Ravensbrück, Registration card; PRISON RECORDS, Frauengefängnis Fuhlsbüttel, Prison card, 1945; PRISON RECORDS, Haftanstalt Dortmund, Prison card, 1944.

27102. CAMP RECORDS, Bergen-Belsen, Death certificate, 1945; JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge.

27103. RECORDSON JEWISH PERSONS, Card Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre. 27104. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1943. 27105. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1944; CAMP RECORDS, Records of the United Restitution Office; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Service Social Juif.

27106. HOSPITAL RECORDS, Landkrankenhaus Fulda, Rechnung. 27107. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite. 27108. CAMP RECORDS, Diverse camps, Definitive report on camps. 27109. JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 29 Feb 1964. 27110. SHAEF. 27111. SHAEF. 27112. Payment to male prisoners and deported mentally subnormal persons�– medical

certificate. 27113. Records on compensation. 27114. CAMP RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Article 'De tragedie van de gevangenen van

Neuengamme' – 'The tragedy of the prisoners of Neuengamme'; Krankheitsgeschichte; Information on persons.

27115. Birth- and marriage certificate; Certificate of nationality.

27116. Fees of doctors. 27117. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Ersatzkarte für

Arbeitsbuch, Arbeitsbuch für Ausländer, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid, Arbeitskarte.

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27118. Payment to male prisoners and deported mentally subnormal persons – medical certificate.

27119. Extract from register of population – Antwerpen, Borgerhout; Certificate of registration in the register of population – Antwerpen, Berchem; Certificate of registration in the register of foreigners; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1944; Request for certificate of spoliation – Möbel-Aktion.

27120. Birth certificate; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1953; Medical records; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for recognition of deported slave laborer.

27121. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1960 and 1963. 27122. Not on the roll. 27123. CAMP RECORDS, Diverse camps, Definitive report on camps. 27124. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, 1828 files on industrial accidents –

diverse Berufsgenossenschaften. 27125. Documents administratifs et officiels de la Conférence (Premier Congrès d’ Histoire

de la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale) – Invitation, programme, renseignements divers, réception, vœux et conclusions).

27126. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 27127. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate,1944. 27128. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942, 1944; Card Limbourg; Extract from register of population – Antwerpen, Deurne; Certificate of residence – Berchem; Certificate of registration – Antwerpen.

27129. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service; CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Death certificate, 1942.

27130. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Information form, Überweisungsschein, travel pass; Medical records – records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

27131. SHAEF. 27132. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Ersatz-Ausweiskarte, Lohnsteuerkarte,

Quittungskarte, Fremdenpass, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers, travel pass. 27133. Notes. 27134. Permission to build – Ampsin. 27135. SHAEF. 27136. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942.-1943. 27137. SHAEF. 27138. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony on wounded worker and

medical records. 27139. HOSPITAL RECORDS, St. Josef-Hospital in Duisburg-Laar, Aufstellung über die

im Hospital verpflegten belgischen Zivilarbeiter.�

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27140. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid, Überweisungsschein, travel pass, Sammelkonto Wanderarbeiter aus Belgien, testimony; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

27141. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite. 27142. Testimony on arrested person who stayed at the camp Hanau. 27143. Fees of doctors. 27144. Certificate of registration – Antwerpen;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Leichenkarte; Extract from register of population – Antwerpen.

27145. SHAEF. 27146. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Anklageschrift, 1943;

DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1944. 27147. Records on compensation;

DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1945; Birth certificate; Certificate of registration – Saint-Gilles-lez-Bruxelles; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for recognition of deported slave laborer.

27148. CAMP RECORDS, Mittelbau-Dora-Sachsenhausen, Lists of internees of the first brigade SS in Sollstedt/Südharz; CAMP RECORDS, Mittelbau, Häftlingslisten des Konzentrationslagers Mittelbau-Dora –1-SS-Baubrigade Sollstedt – ab März 1945; CAMP RECORDS, Namentliche Verzeichnis der am 15. Januar 1945 bei der 1-SS-Baubrigade einsitzenden Häftlinge; CAMP RECORDS, Nummern-Liste der 1-SS-Baubrigade einsitzenden Zwischenhäftlinge; CAMP RECORDS, Mittelbau, Namentliche Aufstellung der am 21. März 1945 vom Konzentrationslager Mittelbau nach Sollstedt überstellte Häftlinge.

27149. Documents allemands. 27150. SHAEF. 27151. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony on missing person. 27152. Records on spoliation – Möbel-Aktion. 27153. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942; Request for certificate of deportation and death certificate; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment; CAMP RECORDS, Rivesaltes, Certificate of internment.

27154. Billiard Grand format –card?. 27155. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 27156. SHAEF. 27157. Agreement on borrowing films (Nacht und Nebel). 27158. CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Death certificate, 1942;

CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service. 27159. CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Registration card;

CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Belgier-Transport, 10 August 1944; CAMP RECORDS, Ravensbrück, Report on the execution of a convoy of prisoners leaving from Ravensbrück; PRISON RECORDS, Jauer, List of Belgian political prisoners who left Jauer on 22nd January 1945 to Ravensbrück who should have been send to Leipzig;

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CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Häftlingsüberstellung vom BDS Brüssel am 19. Juni 1944 nach dem Konzentrationslager Buchenwald bezw. Ravensbrück; CAMP RECORDS, Ravensbrück, Records on transport of Jewish female internees to Ravensbrück; CAMP RECORDS, Ravensbrück, Häftlingsüberstellung nach Mittweida, 6 April 1945; CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Records on Belgian internees, 19 June 1944; CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Verzeichnis über die Guthaben der von verschiedenen Kriegswehrmachtsgefängnissen in den besetzten Gebieten dem Konzentrationslager Buchenwald zugeteilten weibliche Häftlinge;

27160. Card Limbourg. 27161. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942. 27162. CAMP RECORDS, Ravensbrück, Kartei Ravensbrück. 27163. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1943; Extract from register of population – Berchem.

27164. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, Überweisungsschein, vorläufiger Fremdenpass, request for pass, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid, Sparbuch, Sammelkonto Wanderarbeiter aus Belgien; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse.

27165. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Todesanzeige, 1942. 27166. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite. 27167. Records on victims of the persecution of persons of other race. 27168. SHAEF. 27169. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Anordnung Nr.4 des

Generalbevollmächtigten für den Arbeitseinsatz über die Anwerbung, Betreuung, Unterbringung, Ernährung und Behandlung ausländischer Arbeiter und Arbeiterinnen vom 7. Mai 1942.

27169. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1943.

27170. Request for compensation for claimant of political prisoner. 27170. SHAEF. 27171. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased;

Records on ‘Waisenrente’ . 27171. Card Eibia. 27172. Records on compensation. 27173. Certificate of registration – Anderlecht;

Extract from register of population – Antwerpen, Borgerhout. 27174. Records on compensation. 27175. Request for documents on survivor of the concentration camps;

CAMP RECORDS, Neuengamme, Records on letter from Abbé Alzin des Ecrivains belges, former political prisoner of Neuengamme.

27176. SHAEF. 27177. Extract from register of Population – Antwerpen. 27178. SHAEF. 27179. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein. 27180. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony;

Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien. 27181. Not on the roll.

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27182. Not on the roll. 27183. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Acte d’ accusation, 1943. 27184. Card Eibia. 27185. SHAEF. 27186. Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien;

Records of the route of files – Oeuvre Nationale des Anciens Combattants; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte, Anwerbebestätigung; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Belgians who worked for the Bergwerksgesellschaft Hibernia AG Herne in the Zeche Zweckel.

27187. CAMP RECORDS, Letter on microfilm on register of deceased in Dachau; CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Register of deceased in Dachau.

27188. Records on civil war victims. 27189. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS. 27190. CAMP RECORDS, Letter from the ‘Amicale Ravensbrück’ . 27191. Medical records. 27192. Extract from register of population – Herselt;

Records of the ‘Nationale Kas voor Oorlogspensioenen’ . 27193. Birth- and marriage certificate;

DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1944. 27194. Letter on exposition on the concentration camps. 27195. Records on repatriation. 27196. Unreadable. 27197. Information on person. 27198. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Belgians who worked in the

Bauunternehmung Heibus BmbH in Berlin-Wilmersdorf; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Vorläufiger Fremdenpass.

27199. Records on request for compensation; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Arbeitsbescheinigung, Überweisungsschein; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

27200. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1943-1944.

27201. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate. 27202. SHAEF. 27203. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1943. 27204. Medical records. 27205. Records on civil war victims. 27206. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records of the Betriebskrankenkasse

Farbenfabriken Bayer Uerdingen/Niederrheim. 27207. SHAEF. 27208. Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, request for pass, Sammelkonto Wanderarbeiter aus Belgien; SHAEF; Map Dendermonde, Ronse, Oudenaarde, Geraardsbergen.

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27209. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942.

27210. SHAEF. 27211. Not on the roll. 27212. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Joodse Kulturele Kring. 27213. Decree on use of car during service (Dumonceau), 9 Jan 1951. 27214. SHAEF. 27215. Notice on wounded person. 27216. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment;

CAMP RECORDS, Rivesaltes, Information on person – internee of Rivesaltes; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1959, 1963, 1974; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Death certificate, 1941; Records on pension of invalidity.

27217. Extract from register of population – Antwerpen, Berchem, Schaarbeek; Certificate of registration – Brussels; Certificate of registration – Sint-Gillis – Records on spoliation; Card Limbourg.

27218. Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Erfassung von Arbeitskräften, request for pass, travel pass.

27219. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, convocation, request for pass, travel pass, information form, Secours d’ Hiver; SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Ausgabe der Bescheinigungen Gruppe A Nr. 22/218 über Freistellung vom Arbeitseinsatz im Reich; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Ministerie van Wederopbouw – Aanvaardingscommissie der Politieke Gevangenen en van hun Rechthebbenden (Ministry of Reconstruction – Commission on the status of political prisoners); PRISON RECORDS, Mons, Information form of person who was interned in the prison; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Judicial records, 1943; GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtauskunftstelle card; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Notice of disparation; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Auszug aus dem Krankenbuch des Reserve-Lazaretts Bielefeld; Wehrstammblatt; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Commission de Contrôle pour Résistants Civils; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

27220. SHAEF. 27221. SHAEF. 27222. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned

political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment.

27223. Fees of doctors. 27224. Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, certificate of identity, request for pass, vorläufiger Fremdenpass, Sammelkonto Wanderarbeiter aus Belgien; SHAEF.

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27225. Records on compensation; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment; Fees of doctors; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony; List of payments for the months November and December 1963 and January 1964 - Relevé des prestations – Centre of specialised medecine of Mons.

27226. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein; Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

27227. Card Limbourg; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942; Extract from register of population, Antwerpen, Borgerhout, Berchem; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Certificate of spoliation of furniture.

27228. Brochure – Légion Noire; Brochure – L’ Insoumis; Brochure – La Voix des Belge; Brochure – Solidarité; Brochure – Fraucau d’ informations; Brochure – La Libre Belgique; Brochure – La Tragédie de Lubeck; Brochure – Kultus.

27229. Extract from book ‘Crimes de guerre Stavelot’ . 27230. Records on the bankruptcy of Cocq François – curator. 27231. Records on ‘Unfallsache’ . 27232. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Carnets Names of Jewish children hidden by

the CDJ (Comité de Défense Juif) – Clés. 27233. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased – Heimkehrer-

Erklärung; Records on ‘Rentesache’ .

27234. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS. 27235. Records on third agreement. 27236. Extract from register of population – Antwerpen, Berchem, Borgerhout, Sint-Gillis,

St. Josse-ten-Noode, Charleroi, Anderlecht; Certificate of registration of the register of foreigners – Brussels.

27237. Birth- and marriage certificate; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1943; Request for payment for widow of deceased sailor; Records of the Civil Commission of Invalidity.

27238. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased. 27239. SHAEF. 27240. TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Sammellager Mecheln, 2 Sept 1942. 27241. List of children in Namur living with their families of friends. 27242. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1943; Card Limbourg.

27243. Projet de governement. 27244. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,


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27245. Request for compensation for claimant of political prisoner. 27246. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942; Request for certificate of deportation and extract from death certificate.

27247. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944; Card Limbourg.

27248. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS. 27249. Request for certificate of deportation;

Extract from register of population – Antwerpen. 27250. PRESS RECORDS, Le Soir, 16 August 1914. 27251. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Information form of political prisoner;

RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment; Records on compensation.

27252. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1943.

27253. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Urlaubschein, testimony, information form, Überweisungsschein, travel pass, Kontrakt; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

27254. Permission to exams. 27255. Request for pension for widow of civil victim. 27256. Photo of man;

DEATH CERTIFICATES, Records of the Suchdienst Hamburg des Deutschen Roten Kreuzes.

27257. SHAEF. 27258. Notice on (negative) result of research in the archives of the Ministère des Anciens

Combattants et Victimes de la Guerre; Result of research for person – camp de Fremont.

27259. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony. 27260. Medical record – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisunggemass, request for pass, certificate of identity, travel pass; SHAEF.

27261. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1943.

27262. Krankenblatt. 27263. Birth certificate;

Records on compensation. 27264. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1943; Card Limbourg.

27265. Medical records. 27266. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Photo of the book ‘Livre d’ Or de la Résistance Belge’ . 27267. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Farewell letter to mother, 29 and 30 March 1944. 27268. Medical records. 27269. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on compensation for industrial


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27270. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for recognition of deported slave laborer; GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtauskunftstelle card; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Request for notice of presumed decease; RECORDS ON COLLABORATION.

27271. Card Eibia. 27272. Request for pension for decease in 1944;

Birth certificate; Information form of civil war victim.

27273. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite. 27274. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, ‘Unfallanzeige’ , vorläufiger

Fremdenpass, Rückkehrschein, Quittungskarte, Sammelkonto Wanderarbeiter aus Belgien, Bescheinigung, travel pass, Lohnsteuerkarte, Überweisungsschein; SHAEF; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

27275. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Notice on request of voluntary soldier. 27276. Decree, 19 Sept 1945. 27277. SHAEF. 27278. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Royal Decree, 14 August 1933;

JUDICIAL RECORDS, Royal Decree on compensation for damage of war, 15 Sept 1935; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Royal Decree, 25 April 1920; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Royal Decree, 13 August 1935; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Royal Decree, 10 May 1919; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Royal Decree, 14 Nov 1923; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Royal Decree, 2 Feb 1935; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Royal Decree, 5 May 1936; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Royal Decree, 31 Dec 1936; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Royal Decree, 3 Feb 1958.

27279. SHAEF. 27280. Request for certificate on goods;

Extract from register of population – Schaarbeek, Sint-Gillis, Anderlecht, Antwerpen, Borgerhout; Certificate of registration – Charleroi; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1943.

27281. Birth certificate; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony, request for recognition of deported slave laborer.

27282. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased; List of political, social security and labour employment office records – Kempten/Allgäu.

27283. Not on the roll. 27284. Not on the roll. 27285. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased. 27286. Records on Unfall. 27287. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony, request for pass, travel pass,

certificate of identity, Sammelkonto Wanderarbeiter aus Belgien, Arbeitsbuch für Ausländer; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

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27288. Instruction on the organisation of the Service Internationale des Recherches. 27289. Not on the roll. 27290. Certificate on spoliation. 27291. Records on compensation for spoliation. 27292. Certificate of deportation to Germany, 1944;

RESISTANCE RECORDS, Information form of political prisoner. 27293. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased;

Photos of man. 27294. Certificate of residence – Berchem;

Certificate of registration – Saint-Gilles-lez-Bruxelles; Extract from register of population – Antwerpen.

27295. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on deported slave laborer, request for recognition; Medical records; Birth certificate.

27296. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Records of the Suchdienst Hamburg des Deutschen Roten Kreuzes.

27297. Medical certificates. 27298. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Payment to certain political prisoners liberated before

15th September 1944. 27299. Note of Sir Vandezande, 23 April 1964. 27300. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Royal Decree, 20 Sept 1961. 27302. Extract from register of population – Liège, Deurne, Antwerpen;

Certificate of registration in the register of population – Berchem. 27303. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942; Certificate of registration in the register of population – Antwerpen.

27304. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Records of the Suchdienst Hamburg der Deutschen Roten Kreuzes.

27305. Records on civil war victims. 27306. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers,

information form, request for pass, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid, vorläufiger Fremdenpass, certificate of identity, Lagerausweis; SHAEF; Medical records - records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

27307. Request for information or repatriation. 27308. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1944; Card Limbourg.

27309. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942.

27310. Records on civil war victims. 27311. Request for permission to borrow the fim ‘Nacht und Nebel’ . 27312. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Project of law. 27313. Records on victims of the Nationalsocialist persecution;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident. 27314. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte;

Medical records. 27315. SHAEF;

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JUDICIAL RECORDS, Personal-Akte, 1942. 27316. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Information form of political prisoner;

RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment.

27317. Notice of the Council of State, 6 May 1964. 27318. SHAEF;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Information form. 27319. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1956 and 1963;

CAMP RECORDS, Notice on (negative) result on research for person who stayed in Gurs.

27320. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Certificate of identity, request for pass, Anwerbebestätigung, convocation.

27321. Testimony on hiding person. 27322. Card Limbourg;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942, 1944; Extract from register of population – Hainaut.

27323. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Records on missing worker. 27324. Request for documents on the practical circumstances for the exposition on the

concentration camps – Jemappes. 27325. Records on traffic accident. 27326. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942; Extract from register of population – Charleroi, Berchem, Antwerpen.

27327. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident. 27328. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Sammelkonto Wanderarbeiter aus

Belgien, Arbeiterwochenkarte, Lagerausweis, Kontrollkarte für Verpflegung, information form, Überweisungsschein, Urlaubschein, vorläufiger Fremdenpass, Arbeitsbuch für Ausländer, Ausländer-Akten, Arbeitsunfähigkeitsbescheinigung; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

27329. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Letter on copy of letter of Belgian who wants to receive information on ‘Comités Juifs’ (Jewish committees) who allow payment to person who hide Jews.

27330. Certificate of registration in the register of population – Antwerpen. 27331. Letter. 27332. Information on person from the Embassy?. 27333. Extract from register of population – Charleroi;

CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment; Records on compensation.

27334. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Project of law. 27335. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased. 27336. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful

camps – “ Lager” Grünstrasse Köln-Mülheim. 27337. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1943. 27338. SHAEF. 27339. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein,


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Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

27340. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Bundesgebührenordnung für Rechtsanwälte, 26 July 1957. 27341. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Vorläufiger Fremdenpass,

Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid, travel pass, Überweisungsschein, certificate of identity, request for pass, Personalausweis, Sonder-Ausweis; SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Innungstr. Der Maler, Sattler und Trapzierer Berlin; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Antrag auf Ausgabe von Arbeiterwochenkarten und Kurzarbeiterwochenkarten.

27342. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Arbeiterlager Dammtor bei den Kirchhöfen Hamburg Dammtor; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Arbeiterlager Dammtor bei den Kirchhöfen Hamburg Dammtor; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on ‘Unterbringung ausländisches gewerblicher Arbeitskräfte in Barackenlagern’ .

27343. SHAEF. 27344. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident. 27345. SHAEF. 27346. Not on the roll. 27347. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Information form;

RESISTANCE RECORDS, Certificate of member of the resistance (PA); Birth certificate; SHAEF.

27348. Request for compensation. 27349. Extract from register of population – Anderlecht. 27350. Rückerstattungssache – Entziehung von Kisten. 27351. Not on the roll. 27352. Medical records;

RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on recognition of deported political prisoner, information form of political prisoner; Records of the Commission Civil d’ Invalidité.

27353. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 27354. Records on application of the third agreement. 27355. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, certificate of

identity, request for pass, testimony, travel pass, vorläufiger Fremdenpass, information form, Sammelkonto Wanderarbeiter aus Belgien, Urlaubkarte; SHAEF; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers Berlin (AEG).

27356. Extract from register of population – Borgerhout, Antwerpen. 27357. Souvenirs de commandement – Luitenant general Ivan Gérard Armée Secrète. 27358. JUDICIAL RECORDS, 1963;

Bills of pharmacies – Fees of doctors. 27359. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 27360. Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien. 27361. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Information form, Überweisungsschein,

travel pass, request for pass, certificate of identity, request for pass, convocation, request for information on civil worker;

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RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Ministerie van Wederopbouw – Aanvaardingscommissie der Politieke Gevangenen en van hun Rechthebbenden (Ministry of Reconstruction – Commission on the status of political prisoners); GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtauskunftstelle card; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1943.

27362. Records on ‘Unfallsache’ . 27363. Certificate of secondary school. 27364. Records on certificate of spoliation;

CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942.

27365. Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1942; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident.

27366. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS. 27367. Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien. 27368. PRISON RECORDS, Prison cards;

SHAEF; Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

27369. SHAEF. 27370. SHAEF. 27371. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Information form. 27372. SHAEF;

DEATH CERTIFICATES, Testimony on missing person (member of the Zwarte Brigade).

27373. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944; Information on persons.

27374. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Testimony on hiding during the German occupation.

27375. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Lohnüberweisung der belgische Arbeiter – Firma G.H. Gustav Burmeister Sonderbaustelle Soisson-Crouy, 10 Feb 1943 - 4 May 1944.

27376. Note. 27377. Photos of groupes. 27378. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942. 27379. Medical records. 27380. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 27381. SHAEF. 27382. SHAEF. 27383. Medical records. 27384. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Urlaubschein, Arbeitskarte,

Bescheinigung, Quittungskarte, vorläufiger Fremdenpass. 27385. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased;

Records on compensation. 27386. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful

camps – Lager Fischertal 5 Wuppertal-Rarmen;

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FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Lager Fischertal 5 Wuppertal-Rarmen.

27387. SHAEF. 27388. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment;

DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1959 and 1960. 27389. CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, 296 Belgian women or persons who live in

Belgium entered in Mauthausen coming from Ravensbrück. 27390. Records on spoliation. 27391. Records on Möbel-Aktion. 27392. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased – Heimkehrer-

Erklärung. 27393. Letter. 27394. Medical records. 27395. HOSPITAL RECORDS, Beglaubigter Auszug aus dem Krankenbuch des Reserve-

Lazaretts Hemer, 1 Sept 1944 – 1 Oct 1945. 27396. SHAEF. 27397. Request for documents for file of deported person;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942; Certificate of registration in the register of population – Antwerpen; Extract from register of population – Antwerpen; SHAEF.

27398. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS. 27399. SHAEF. 27400. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942; SHAEF; Request for documents on deportation.

27401. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Belgian executed in Ebly, 1943; DEATH CERTIFICATES, List of executed Belgians in Luik.

27402. HOSPITAL RECORDS, St. Antonius Krankenhaus Köln-Bayenthal, Zusammenstellung aller untergebrachten Personen gemäss Ihres Rundschreibens vom 19. Februar 1946.

27403. GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtauskunftstelle card; SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid.

27404. Medical records – Records on the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien. 27405. PRESS RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, L’ effort militaire de la Résistance

belge; PRESS RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, La Résistance Armée – L’ histoire de l’ Armée Secrère; PRESS RECORDS, Les Services de renseignements et d’ action; PRESS RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, La Résistance civile sous l’ occupation.

27406. Card of person liable for insurance. 27407. Medical records. 27408. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for information on civil worker,

Überweisungsschein; Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien;

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DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1945; Extract from register of population – Hasselt.

27409. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Individual card; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1943.

27410. Permission to give documents to the museum in Mauthausen. 27411. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Testimony on decease of worker during bombardment. 27412. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1944. 27413. Records on pension.�27414. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony. 27415. Card Limbourg;

SHAEF; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment; CAMP RECORDS, Les Milles, Certificate of internment; Certificate of registration – Antwerpen; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1944; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Individual card; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Information form – Fichier Israelite.

27416. Medical records. 27417. Records of the Confédération Nationale pour Prisonniers Politiques et Ayants-Droit. 27418. Card Eibia. 27419. Report on the mission of prospection – mission in Poland, 16 – 19 August 1948. 27420. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass,

testimony; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

27421. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944; CAMP RECORDS, Records of the United Restitution Office.

27422. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony. 27423. Records on marriage. 27424. Report on the questionnaires by sir Dumonceau de Bergendal in Méan and Liège on

the Pensionnat of the Château of Bessines in Man, 11 Oct 1963. 27425. Diverse material. 27426. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1944. 27427. Card Limbourg;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944; Extract from register of population – Liège, Antwerpen; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Service Social Juif; CAMP RECORDS, Request for certificate of deportation and decease in Auschwitz.

27428. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942; Request for certificate of deportation; Extract from register of population – Antwerpen; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Information form – Fichier Israelite.

27429. Birth- and marriage certificate; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on person who refused to carry out forced labor.

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27430. Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien. 27431. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased;

Records on ‘Waisenrenteangelegenheit’ . 27432. Certificate of registration – Forest;

Extract from register of population – Antwerpen, Hainaut; Certificate of registration in the register of the foreigners – Berchem.

27433. Records on spoliation. 27434. PRISON RECORDS, Liège, Prison card;

Report on the questionnaires by sir Dumonceau de Bergendal in Méan and Liège on the Pensionnat of the Château of Bessines in Man, 11 Oct 1963; List of persons who stayed in the Château Bessines.

27435. Medical records - Records on the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien. 27436. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte, Überweisungsschein,

convocation, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid; Medical certificate; JUDICIAL RECORDS.

27437. Not on the roll. 27438. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 27439. Records on pensions;

Marriage certificate; Certificate of nationality.

27440. CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Rudolf Hoess – Le commandant d’ Auschwitz parle. 27441. CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, Study by the ‘Amicale de Mauthausen’ - Guide of

the concentration camp. 27442. Card of registration;

SHAEF. 27443. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Testimony on deceased worker in consequence of

bombardment. 27444. Card Limbourg;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944.

27445. Extract from register of population – Antwerpen- Brussels; Certificate of registration – Antwerpen, Ixelles.

27445. PRISON RECORDS, Strafgefängnis und Untersuchungshaftanstalt Hannover, Prison card, 1944; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Lohnstammkarte, Personalienbogen für Arbeiter, Bescheinigung, Urlaubschein, testimony.

27446. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Bescheinigung; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Jodenvereeniging in België.


on person who refused to carry out forced labor; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Payment to some political prisoners liberated before 15th September 1944; Medical records.

27449. Diverse material. 27450. Not on the roll. 27451. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment.

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27452. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 27453. Notes. 27454. Bill of Jacques Stieners. 27455. Documents personnels. 27456. Medical records. 27457. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Strafnachricht;

PRISON RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Extract from the third repertory. 27458. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,


PERSONS, Judicial records on ‘illegale Beherbergung von Juden’ , 1943. 27461. CAMP RECORDS, The camps of the Emsland ( I. Historique-Questions

administratives, Les Détenus, soins medicaux care, décès, nourriture, vêtements, conditions de travail , pouvoirs disciplinaires, dissolution des camps; II. Instructions pour l’ administration des pénitenciers de l’ Emsland, compagnies disciplinaires– Les divers camps (historique succint-effectif-travail); III. Les commandes de France – le circuit de Calais, les commandos de Norvège; IV. Déclaration de plusieurs ressortissants allemands ayant administré les camps et d’ ex-détenus).

27462. Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Arbeitskarte, travel pass.

27463. Not on the roll. 27464. GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtauskunftstelle card;

GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Testimony on person who joined the Wehrmacht. 27465. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Certificate of member of the Front de l’ Indépendance;

RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Information form of political prisoner.

27466. Photos of soldier. 27467. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1944; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment.

27468. SHAEF. 27469. Anordnung Nr. 4, 7 May 1942. 27470. Diverse records. 27471. Notes. 27472. Fees of doctors. 24773. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned

political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment.

27474. Fees of doctors. 27475. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony. 27476. Not on the roll. 27477. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment. 27478. CAMP RECORDS, Testimony on internment in diverse camps. 27479. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942; Card Limbourg.

27480. SHAEF;

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FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, convocation, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate 1943; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

27481. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Form on lodging of Israelite children during the war.

27480. SHAEF; File of the Krankenkasse. 27481. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Fichier concernant le placement des enfants

Israélites pendant la guerre. 27482. Diverse records. 27483. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony;

PRISON RECORDS, Testimony on internee in the prison of Gent, deported to Ravensbrück.

27484. Jacques Stieners Entreprises de Dagages. 27485. Photos. 27486. Leprinse Albert – Nationaal Werk voor Oorlogsinvaliden (National Works for

Disabled Veterans); Request for nullification for the chief inspector, the director, the head of the service ‘Medical and pharmaceutic care and Prothesis’ .

27487. Certificate of invalidity. 27488. Wehrstammblatt;

GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtauskunftstelle card. 27489. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service. 27490. Records on the third agreement. 27491. Medical records. 27492. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Unofficial coordination of royal decrees, 23 Nov 1961 and

7 February 1963. 27493. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for recognition of deported

slave laborer. 27494. Medical records;

Questionnaire for pension of invalidity. 27495. Card of the ‘Union des forces combattants interalliés;

Gathering of Belgian and allied patriots, 1914 – 1918. 27496. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1944. 27497. Documents personnels. 27498. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony for pension. 27499. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1944. 27500. Extract from register of population – Antwerpen;

CAMP RECORDS, Rivesaltes, Certificate of internment. 27501. Medical records;

RESISTANCE RECORDS, Request for certificate of political prisoner, testimony; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Payment to certain political prisoners liberated before 15th September 1944.

27502. Records on exposition in Jemappes, 1964.

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27503. Extract from register – Liège. 27504. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Reflexion on the Jewish question;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Certificate, certificate of identity; Photo.

27505. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Bescheinigung, Urlaubschein, vorläufiger Fremdenpass, Fremdenpass; SHAEF.

27506. Birth- and marriage certificate. 27507. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service. 27508. SHAEF. 27509. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1944; CAMP RECORDS, Request for compensation for deported and deceased persons; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records on the Service Social Juif.

27510. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, File on compensation for spoliation. 27511. Note. 27512. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased, records on missing

persons; GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtauskunftstelle information form.

27513. Card Limbourg; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944; Extract from register of population – Antwerpen.

27514. Records on pension for civil victim; Extract from register of population – Antwerpen.

27515. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1943.

27516. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944; CAMP RECORDS, Les Milles, Certificate of internment; Extract from register of population – Borgerhout.

27517. Notice on enclosed translation of document of the Court for inheritance and translation of request for death certificate of missing sailor.

27518. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein. 27519. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Information form on payment to political prisoner. 27520. Fees of doctors. 27521. Medical records. 27522. JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 14 July 1964. 27523. JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 23 June 1964. 27524. Diplomas. 27525. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Passport of Jewish person;

Card of provision; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, List of deported Jewish persons.

27526. List of Belgians treated by Dr. Franz Kralmer in Kiel-Friedrichsort; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on ‘Unfallanzeige’ ; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, travel pass; SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Belgians who worked for E. Merck in Darmstadt.

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27527. Records on the application of the third complementary agreement to the General convention on social insurance between Belgium and the Bundesrepublik Deutschland; Report on the division for the arrears due to the service Civil War Victims by the Bundesbahn-Ausführungsbehörde für Unallversicherung Frankfurt/Main.

27528. Page 9-10 of ‘Taalbeheersing in de Administratie’ . 27529. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident

(testimony, medical records, request for payment). 27530. Card Eibia;

HOSPITAL RECORDS/DEATH CERTIFICATES, Kreiskrankenhaus des Landkreises Altenkirchen in Kirchen, Krankenkgeschichte and Death certificate, 1945.

27531. Birth certificate; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Documents sur l’ inhumation d’ un belge; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Records on research for the grave of Belgian in Solligen.

27532. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS; Sammelbuch; Postkarte; Real-Schnellhefter Krankenkasse; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Merkblatt über die freiwillige Versicherung.

27533. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Information form, Urlaubschein, Bescheinigung, testimony; SHAEF; GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtsauskunftstelle card.

27534. SHAEF. 27535. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 27536. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on person who refused to carry out forced labor – information form for request for recognition of deported slave laborer; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Testimony in consequence of war fact, 1943; Birth- and marriage certificate; Aanvraag van pensioen en frontstrepenrenteaanvraag.

27537. Bills of pharmacies. 27538. Letters. 27539. Records on World War I (testimony on arrested member of the resistance). 27540. Records on World War I (extracts from judicial records, records on damage of

war/compensation). 27541. Records on World War I (extracts from judicial records of the Court for Damage of

War). 27542. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1943; Records on Möbel-Aktion, Certificate of spoliation of furniture.

27543. Lettre mentionnée la manque de mon accord de recrutement de 3 commis et d’ un messager-huissier à l’ ONIG, 1964.

27544. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Royal Decree, 20 July 1964. 27545. JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 23 July 1964. 27546. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Bescheinigung, Quittungskarte. 27547. Records on insurance. 27548. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment;

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SHAEF; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1943.

27549. Request for dismissal of the chairman of the committee for advice of the NVOS for West-Flanders – Verbrugghen Xavier.

27550. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment; CAMP RECORDS, Noé, Certificate of internment.

27551. SHAEF. 27552. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased, records of the

Suchdienst München des Deutschen Roten Kreuzes. 27553. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment;

Extract from register of population – Antwerpen; Certificate of registration in the register of foreigners – Brussels.

27554. JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 25 July 1964. 27555. Medical records;


on person who refused to carry out forced labor. 27557. Wehrstammblatt;

SHAEF; GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtsauskunftstelle card; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, travel pass, request for pass, request for information on worker; Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

27558. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of Gurs. 27559. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Certificate of discharge, testimony

(Kriegsmarine); SHAEF.

27560. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944; Card Limbourg; Extract from register of population – Liège; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Service Social Juif; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Information form – Fichier Israelite.

27561. SHAEF. 27562. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1944; Card Limbourg.

27563. SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Certificate of identity, request for pass, travel pass, Überweisungsschein; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

27564. CAMP RECORDS, Saint-Cyprien, Death certificate, 1940. 27565. Not on the roll. 27566. UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, Introduction to research on illegal press in

Belgium, 1940-1945, 1963. 27567. CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Inmates questionnaire;

CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Registration card; CAMP RECORDS, Gross-Rosen, Registration card; CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Order for disposal of inmates;

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CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Questionnaire on person who was interned in diverse camps and was liberated from Buchenwald.

27568. PRESS RECORDS, Témoinages sur Walthère Dewé; PRESS RECORDS, Le jo ciste Jean Clohers – fusillé à la Citadelle au Liège le 10 Avril 1942; PRESS RECORDS /RESISTANCE RECORDS, La Résitance dans le Sud de Luxemburg; PRESS RECORDS, Un scout héroique Clément Guillaume; PRESS RECORDS, Fernand Desonay Jour J, Heure H; PRESS RECORDS /RESISTANCE RECORDS, Fernand Demany – Histoire de la Résistance belge et du Front de l’ Indépendance; PRESS RECORDS /RESISTANCE RECORDS, L’ Armée Secrète – Ses origines, sa mission 1940-1944; PRESS RECORDS, Terrorisme en Condroz; PRESS RECORDS, De la Défaite au maquis (Daniel Ryelandt); PRESS RECORDS, 2 Souvenirs de guerre; PRESS RECORDS /RESISTANCE RECORDS, La Résistance admirable du couvent de l’ Immaculée conception à Dinant; PRESS RECORDS, Maisons recommandées; PRESS RECORDS /RESISTANCE RECORDS, Chasseurs ardennais dans le Maquis – Note sur le Groupe d’ Orchiment; PRESS RECORDS, Le monde en marche – Les élections allemandes; PRESS RECORDS, Une Interview de Gaston de Gerlache; PRESS RECORDS, Pygmalion – Gaston de Gerlache de Gimery Commandant de l’ expédition belge dans l’ Antarctique; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Affiche Journée de l’ Armée Secrète inauguration du monument à Bruxelles, 17 Nov 1957.

27569. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Certificate of work in the center of internment Eupen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on payment of industrial accident; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for pass, Anwerbebestätigung, Arbeitskarte für ausländische Arbeiter, travel pass.

27570. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS.

27571. Records on the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Arbeitsbuch; SHAEF.

27572. Birth certificate; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for recognition of deported slave laborer; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1944; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on hiding member of the resistance.

27573. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Gewerbliche Arbeitskräfte über bei der Firma C. Lorenz AG beschäftigte belgische Staatsangehörige.

27574. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment. 27575. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for pass, travel pass,

Überweisungsschein, certificate of identity.

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27576. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Secours d’ Hiver, request for pass, certificate of identity, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid, convocation, travel pass, questionnary list for registration of men born in 1894-1896; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

27577. Wehrstammblatt; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Secours d’ Hiver, request for pass, travel pass, information form, certificate of identity; PRISON RECORDS, Merksplas, Prison card; SHAEF; PRISON RECORDS, Gefangenenlager Oberems in Gütersloh, Prison card, 1943.

27578. HOSPITAL RECORDS, Auszug aus dem Lazarettkrankenbuche des Kriegsgefangenenlazaretts Autun; GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtauskunftstelle information form; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid, convocation, travel pass, Sammelkonto Wanderarbeiter aus Belgien, Quittungskarte, Urlaubschein.

27579. CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Registration card; PRISON RECORDS, Gefängnis Aachen, Prison card, 1943.

27580. Electro-Util – electric installations – bill. 27581. Wehrstammrolle. 27582. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment;

Extract from register of population – Charleroi; Card of lodging; SHAEF.

27583. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 27584. TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Certificate of deportation from Rivesaltes to

Drancy; SHAEF.

27585. CAMP RECORDS, Flossenbürg, Records on Arbeitseinsatz, 1945. 27586. Marcel Paquot – entreprise Générale de Transports Amay – Bill;

Certificate of invalidity. 27587. Records on compensation for deceased. 27588. PRESS RECORDS, Brochure – Les témoins qui se firent égorger;

PRESS RECORDS, Brochure – Mon Curé chez les Nazis. 27589. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite. 27590. Records on civil compensation. 27591. SHAEF. 27592. Note concernant des listes des prisonniers politiques de train fantôme (Beverloo). 27593. CAMP RECORDS/PRISON RECORDS, Definitive report – Worms. 27594. CAMP RECORDS, Registration card;

CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Registration card. 27595. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, certificate of identity,

request for pass, Überweisungsschein, Secours d’ Hiver, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid, records on ‘Unfallanzeige’ ; SHAEF; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1944; Medical card –Oldheim.

27596. Records on compensation. 27597. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte.

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27598. HOSPITAL RECORDS, Ev. Krankenhaus Oberhausen, List of treated persons; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Huyssens-Stiftung Essen, List of treated persons.

27599. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942.

27600. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, travel pass, Urlaubschein, Bescheinigung, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid; SHAEF.

27601. Records on World War I. 27602. Records on civil war victims. 27603. Fees of doctors. 27604. Antrag auf Elternrente. 27605. Card Limbourg;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1944; JUDICIAL RECORDS/RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Strafverfügung Jüdin, 1941; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS/CAMP RECORDS, De geheimzinnige Kazerne Dossin – photo; Order of expulsion – Antwerpen; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Bescheinigung.

27606. Documents personnels. 27607. RESISTANCE RECORDS, European Resistance Movements, 1939-1945. 27608. Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien. 27609. Birth- and marriage certificate. 27610. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 27611. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1943; Card Limbourg.

27612. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Certificate, vorläufiger Bescheinigung für Abkehrende Bergarbeiter, Rückkehrschein für italienische Arbeitskräfte, Quittungskarte, Lohnsteuerkarte 1944/1946, convocation, travel pass, Überweisungsschein, Arbeitskarte, Arbeitsbuch für Ausländer; SHAEF.

27613. SHAEF. 27614. CAMP RECORDS/ JUDICIAL RECORDS, Records on the trial of Nuremberg. 27615. Records on Rente. 27616. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1943. 27617. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony. 27618. Medical records. 27619. Records on World War I. 27620. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1943. 27621. PRISON RECORDS, Charleroi, Register of the prison;

Records on diverse camps. 27622. Records on civil war victims. 27623. Birth certificate;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for recognition of deported slave laborer;

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RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records of the Confédération Nationale pour Prisonniers Politiques et Ayants-Droit; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment.

27624. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Castrop-Raurel.

27625. Medical records; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein; SHAEF.

27626. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS.

27627. Card Limbourg; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944.

27628. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Lohnsteuerkarte, vorläufiger Fremdenpass, Versicherungskarte, Arbeitsbuch.

27629. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1943; JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRISON RECORDS, Huy, Einlieferungsschein.

27630. Records on insurance. 27631. Card Limbourg;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944; CAMP RECORDS, Rivesaltes, Certificate of internment; SHAEF.

27632. SHAEF. 27633. Bills of pharmacies;

Medical records. 27634. Records on World War I. 27635. SHAEF. 27636. Notice on financial situation of parents of deceased son –records on compensation;

Testimony on compensation for incapacity of work. 27637. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Vorläufiger Fremdenpass, travel pass,

certificate of identity, request for pass, information form, Quittungskarte; Card Eibia; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Belgians who joined the Betriebskrankenkasse A. Siemens & C° in Vienenburg/Harz; Records on insurance; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der ehemals zur Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Hagen gemeldeten.

27638. Tax declaration for the year 1964 – Ministry of Finances. 27639. Records on World War I. 27640. Records on World War I. 27641. Records on compensation for victims of the Nazis. 27642. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful

camps – Arbeiterlager Planl-Mühle Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Liste der zuletzt bei Georg Plangl beschäftigt gewesenen Zivilarbeiter.

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27643. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1943; CAMP RECORDS, Request for death certificate of person deported from Drancy to Auschwitz; Card Limbourg; CAMP RECORDS, Records of the United Restitution Office.

27644. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1943.

27645. Medical records. 27646. Records on World War I. 27647. SHAEF. 27648. Wehrstammrolle;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of the Deutsche Werft Hamburg. 27649. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942. 27650. PRISON RECORDS, Gefängnis Aachen, Prison card, 1942;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Certificate of identity, request for pass, travel pass, Überweisungsschein; SHAEF; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Personal-Akte, 1941.

27651. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Personal-Akte wegen Verdachts der Beleidigung eines deutschen Soldaten, 1943; SHAEF; Medical records.

27652. SHAEF; GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtauskunftstelle card; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1945; Medical records; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein.

27653. Wehrstammblatt; SHAEF; GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtauskunftstelle card; Medical records.

27654. GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtauskunftstelle card; Wehrstammblatt; SHAEF.

27655. SHAEF; GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtauskunftstelle card; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass; Medical records –Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

27656. Medical certificate; SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Secours d’ Hiver, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid, request for pass, travel pass.

27657. Records on World War I. 27658. PRISON RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, 1942/1944. 27659. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Die Bestätigung von ausländischen

Arbeitskräften in Deutschland.

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27660. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte, travel pass, certificate of identity, request for pass, Secours d’ Hiver, Überweisungsschein, convocation, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid.

27661. Records on World War I. 27662. SHAEF. 27663. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Modalities of application of the law of 7th July 1964

(pensions of widows and orphans); Compensation for forced incorporation in the German Army.

27664. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Aanvullend verweerschrift voor vergoeding.

27665. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1943; Certificate of registration in the register of population – Antwerpen.

27666. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein. 27667. Wiener Library – records on copy of microfilm. 27668. HOSPITAL RECORDS, Lazarus Kranken- und Diakonissenhaus Berlin,

Krankengeschichte; Medical records.

27669. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident. 27670. SHAEF. 27671. Records on World War I. 27672. Letter to Franz?, 26 Dec 1959. 27673. Extract from register of population – Romsell;

Birth- and marriage certificate. 27674. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1944. 27675. SHAEF. 27676. Records on World War I. 27677. SHAEF;

Medical records; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, travel pass, convocation, request for pass, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid, Anwerbebestätigung, Secours d’ Hiver, certificate of identity; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual card of deceased, 1942; GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtauskunftstelle card.

27678. PRESS RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Kritische Bibliografie van de Geschiedenis der Belgische Weerstand – Geurapeude – Critical bibliography of the history of the Belgian Resistance; PRESS RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, De actie van het Geheim Leger te Leuven gedurende de periode 1940-1945 – The action of the Secret Army during the period 1940-1945.

27679. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, travel pass, Urlaubschein, testimony, request for pass, Arbeitskarte, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid, Sammelkonto Wanderarbeiter aus Belgien, Quittungskarte, Arbeitsbuch für Ausländer; Card Eibia; SHAEF.

27680. Bill – Maison Poleur-Kinet. 27681. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on executed member of the resistance

(Secret Army), certificate of member of the armed resistance.

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27682. HOSPITAL RECORDS, Städtisches Krankenhaus Krefeld, List of Belgians; HOSPITAL RECORDS, St. Hedwig- Hospital und Säuglings-Heilstätte Gelsenkirchen-Resse, List of treated persons; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Stadtkrankenhaus Chemnitz, List of treated persons; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Nachforschung seitens deutschen Behörden.

27683. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942; Certificate of residence – Berchem.

27684. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1943.

27685. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Testimony on Jewish family. 27686. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1943; Card Limbourg; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Haft der Aenderungen, 12 Jan 1944; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Information form – Fichier Israelite; Request for information.

27687. SHAEF. 27688. Records on World War I. 27689. Records on insured persons. 27690. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records on recognition of political prisoner. 27691. Records on World War I. 27692. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 27693. Card Eibia;

Records on compensation – Unfallanzeige. 27694. Birth- and marriage certificate. 27695. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite. 27696. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment;

Card Limbourg; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1943.

27697. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research of deceased; Records on compensation.

27698. Records on World War I. 27699. SHAEF;

JUDICIAL RECORDS, Personal-Akte, 1944; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

27700. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, certificate of identity, request for pass, travel pass.

27701. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate and individual card of deceased, 1945; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Jos Weiser & Söhne Bauunternehmung - Lohnüberweisungsliste.

27702. Records on compensation; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers, travel pass, request for pass.

27703. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1943; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records on wearing the Star of David and on spoliation;

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RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, List of Jewish persons from the concentration camp in Mechelen who were on their way to their deportation- place in Germany or Poland during the night of 19 to 20th April 1943, escaped from the train and were wounded by the guards.

27704. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1943.

27705. General count of persons who have to be repatriated. 27706. Birth- and marriage certificate;

Certificate of nationality. 27707. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1943. 27708. Records on World War I. 27709. SHAEF. 27710. SHAEF;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, request for pass, certificate of identity, Überweisungsschein, Secours d’ Hiver; PRISON RECORDS, Zuchthaus Siegburg, Prison card, 1944; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1942; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Personal-Akte, 1941; PRISON RECORDS, Haftanstalt Aachen, Prison card, 1941.

27711. Bills of pharmacies – Fees of doctors. 27712. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service;

CAMP RECORDS, Gusen, Death certificate, 1944. 27713. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Reichsversicherungsordnung mit Nebengesetzen,

Ausrüstungsgesetzen, Ergänzungs- und Verfahrensvorschriften herausgegeben von Friedrich Aichenberger, Stand 15 Febraur 1964.

27714. Diploma – Institut Notre-Dame du Bon Conseil. 27715. Notes. 27716. Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, Quittungskarte, Arbeitsbuch für Ausländer, vorläufiger Fremdenpass; SHAEF.

27717. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate on internment; Card Limbourg; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944.

27718. Certificate of registration – Antwerpen, Liège; Card Limbourg; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944.

27719. Certificate of registration – Antwerpen. 27720. HOSPITAL RECORDS, Universitäts-Augenklinik Berlin, List of treated persons. 27721. Medical records;

HOSPITAL RECORDS, Krankenhaus St. Josef Opladen Rhein-Wupper Kreis; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1945; General count of persons who have to be repatriated; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Betriebskrankenkasse der Fa. Friedrich Goetze Aktiengesellschaft Burscheid-Goetzewerke.

27722. SHAEF.

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27723. Records on compensation. 27724. Medical records. 27725. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Häftlinge am 20. April 1943 durch Luftwaffengerichte zum

Aktz. 2 K.St. L. 487/43 verurteilt wegen Feindbegünstigung. 27726. Records on World War I. 27727. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942; Certificate of residence in Belgium.

27728. SHAEF. 27729. Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien;

JUDICIAL RECORDS, Auszug aus dem Strafregister der katholischen Pfarrgemeinde Wildeshausen; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1945.

27730. SHAEF. 27731. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 27332. Medical records;

Testimony on wounded person – bombardment. 27733. Unreadable;


FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, certificate of identity, request for pass, Secours d’ Hiver, testimony, travel pass, Anwerbebestätigung, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid, convocation; Medical records.

27735. Extract from register of population. 27736. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, testimony, request

for pass, Arbeitskarte für Ausländer, Ausländer-Akte; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

27737. SHAEF; JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 1 Oct 1964.

27738. Information from the register of population – Antwerpen. 27739. HOSPITAL RECORDS, List of Belgians according to diagnosis. 27740. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Ministerialblatt, 1943. 27741. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942. 27742. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Heimkehrer-Erklärung, records of the Suchdienst

München des Deutschen Roten Kreuzes, Individual research for deceased; Records on compensation; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1944.

27743. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Liste der belgischer Arbeiter im Lager Entenfangweg 13 Hannover; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps - Lager Entenfangweg 13 Hannover; Records on compensation; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1944.

27744. Records on World War I. 27745. Diverse records. 27746. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite. 27747. SHAEF;

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Index-card. 27748. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Note on agreement between Belgium and Germany. 27749. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for pass, Anwerbebestätigung,

information form, Überweisungsschein, travel pass, certificate of identity, Quittungskarte, Fremdenpass, Sammelkonto Wanderarbeiter aus Belgien; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF; Card Eibia; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Einlieferungsschein.

27750. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1943.

27751. Certificate of residence – Berchem; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1943; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Information form – Fichier Israelite.

27752. Bill - Chantier de la belle taille; Bill – Garage de Tiktenge; Bill - Godart et Kuurard( ?).

27753. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Report ‘Jewish persecution’ . 27754. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942, 1944; Card Limbourg.

27755. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

27756. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, List of Jewish children lodged during the war in the environs of Liège.

27757. Notice on film ‘Nuit et Brouillard’ . 27758. Records on compensation. 27759. Medical records. 27760. Medical records. 27761. CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Notice from lawyer on client deported to Dachau. 27762. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records of the Tiefbau-

Berufsgenossenschaft. 27763. SHAEF. 27764. Records on compensation. 27765. SHAEF. 27766. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 27767. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Service social Juif;

Certificate of registration – Berchem; Extract from register of population – Antwerpen.


27769. Document personnel. 27770. CAMP RECORDS, Notice on (negative) result on research for internment in camp

Brens. 27771. Birth certificate. 27772. Request for pension of invalidity;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony on industrial accident; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Städtisches Krankenhaus Düsseldorf-Benrath, Liste aller Belgier welche ab 1940 im Krankenhaus untergebracht werden;

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Medical records; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1943; Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Johanniter-Krankenhaus Oberhausen-Stahrade, List of treated persons.

27773. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Totenschein, 1941. 27774. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1943; Records on spoliation of furniture.

27775. HOSPITAL RECORDS, Städtische Krankenanstalten Düsseldorf, Zusammenstellung der in den Krankenanstalten in den Jahren 1942 bis 1945 behandelten belgischen Staatsangehörigen.

27776. SHAEF. 27777. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision on compensation for member of the resistance;

RESISTANCE RECORDS, French prisoners escaped from Germany, returned to France via Belgium; Birth- and marriage certificate; Medical records; Records on compensation; PRISON RECORDS, French prisoners escaped from Germany treated in the prison of Hasselt, camps of Krefeld, Dermond and Duren.

27778. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony. 27779. CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Revier -Station TBC - Pneufüllungen, 9 Sept 1944 – 30

April 1945; CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Revier -Station TBC - B.K.S.-Bestimmungen, 15 July 1943 – 18 Dec 1944; CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Revier -Station TBC - Blutbilder, 21 Nov 1941 – 14 March 1944.

27780. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1943; CAMP RECORDS, Argelès-sur-Mer, Certificate of internment; Certificate of registration in the register of foreigners – Antwerpen; Extract from registration of population – Antwerpen; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Union des Déportés Juifs et Ayants-Droit.

27781. SHAEF. 27782. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Extract ‘Beschäftigung AIVa BIV a’ . 27783. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased;

DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1945; Information on worker.

27784. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Records on ‘Sicherheitshäftling’ , 1943; PRISON RECORDS, Saint-Léonard, Liste der am 29. September 1943 aus dem Kriegswehrmachtgefängnis Saint-Léonard überstellten sicherheitshäftlinge; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Anordnung Sicherheitsdienst Lüttich; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Sicherheitshaftbefehl (help to Jewish persons), 13 September 1943.

27785. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1943-1944; Request for certificate of deportation;

27786. Records on World War I.

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27787. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Zivilarbeiterlager der Fa. Hoesch AG- In der Trift Opel; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Zivilarbeiterlager der Fa. Hoesch AG- In der Trift Opel.

27788. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS. 27789. Testimony on arrested worker deported to Sachsenhausen. 27790. UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, L’ alouette, 1 March 1944;

UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, Clarté, 1 May 1942; UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, Clarté, 19 August 1944; UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, Le Drapeau Rouge, 15 July 1944 + one without date; UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, Nos Ecoles Primaires, Feb 1943; UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, L’ Espoir, Sept 1943; UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, Front, Feb 1944; UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, La Légion Noire, April 1944; UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, Libération, Feb 1944; UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, La Liberté, 10 May ?, 25 Dec 1943; UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, La Libre Belgique, ? 1941; UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, La Libre Belgique, 1 March 1943; UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, La Libre Belgique, 15 Sept 1943; UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, La Libre Belgique, 1 Feb 1944; UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, La Libre Belgique, 15 June 1944; UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, Le Marcassin; UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, Le Marteau, 25 April 1944 – De Hamer, 25 May 1944.

27791. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Reichsgesetzblatt, 18 Oct 1938. 27792. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, convocation,

travel pass, individual cards. 27793. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Certificate of identity, request for pass,

travel pass, Anwerbebestätigung; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

27794. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Contract of volunteer, testimony on wounded person in consequence of bombardment.

27995. UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, Nous vaincrons – édite par le groupe ‘Les Patriotes’ , Oct 1941; UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, Le Partisan, July 1944; UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, Le Partisan, January 1943; UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, De Vrije Gedachte, Jan and Feb 1944; UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, La Voix du Luxembourg, April and August 1943; UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, La Voix des Belges, Sept and Dec 1943; UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, Historique du journal intitulé ‘La Victoire’ et ayant paru dans la région de Bruxelles; UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, Vaincre, May 1943; UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, Radio Mouscou, July 1944; UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, Le Réfractaire, Jan-Feb 1944; UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, Le Sanglier ardennais, Feb ?, June 1943; UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, Syndikale eenheid, August 1941; UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, Unité Syndicale, 1 August 1944.

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27796. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942; SHAEF.

27797. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Request for information on arrival in Belgium and date of wearing the Star of David.

27798. Records on compensation; Medical records; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate.

27799. Not on the roll. 27800. Extract from brochure ‘Crimes de Guerre’ – photos – concentration camps. 27801. Records on the Oeuvre Nationale des Invalides de la Guerre. 27802. JUDICIAL RECORDS. 27803. SHAEF. 27804. CAMP RECORDS, Records on exposition in Jemappes on the concentration camps;

Request for film ‘Nacht und Nebel’ . 27805. Wehrstammblatt;

Medical records – records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers, information form, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, travel pass, convocation; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Ministerie van Wederopbouw – Aanvaardingscommissie der Politieke Gevangenen en van hun Rechthebbenden (Ministry of Reconstruction – Commission on the status of political prisoners); SHAEF; PRISON RECORDS, Strafgefängnis Wittlich, Prison card, 1942; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Commission de Contrôle pour Réfractaires, information form on person who refused to carry out forced labor.

27806. CAMP RECORDS, Birkenau, Krankenbau – Medikamentenverbrauch, 1 Nov 1942 - ; CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Neuzugänge vom 5. Februar 1945; CAMP RECORDS, ?, Verstorbenenmeldungen, 18 August 1944.

27807. Extract from register of population – Antwerpen; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment.

27808. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der auf der Schachtanlage Nordstern beschäftigt gewesenen ausländischen Zivilarbeiter; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Nachweisung der in Deutschland arbeiteten Flamen – Gelsenkirchen-Buer, 15 March 1943.

27809. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, testimony; SHAEF; Medical records – Records on the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

27810. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, travel pass, request for pass, certificate of identity.

27811. Records on compensation. 27812. Diverse records. 27813. Records on pension. 27814. Records on pension. 27815. Extract from register of population – Antwerpen. 27816. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Records on unknown women on graveyard Halle-


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DEATH CERTIFICATES/RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Request of the ‘Unie der Israelische Begrafenisgenootschappen van Antwerpen’ to transfer bodies to cemetery.

27817. Records on World War I. 27818. Card Eibia;

CAMP RECORDS, Record of the International Tracing Service; CAMP RECORDS/DEATH CERTIFICATES, Request for death certificate of political prisoner deceased in Flossenbürg.

27819. Medical records. 27820. Bills of pharmacies – Fees of doctors. 27821. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony on wounded worker. 27822. Records on compensation for claimant of political prisoner. 27823. Records on compensation for invalidity. 27824. SHAEF. 27825. Request for SHAEF-card;

SHAEF. 27826. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased;

Request for information on person. 27827. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, information form,

Rückkehrschein, Urlaubschein; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of Belgians who stayed at the Gemeinschaftslager Munster-Ost; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps; Medical records.

27828. Not on the roll. 27829. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Request for information of the Ministry of

Public Health and Family on incoming claims for compensation for Dutch people arrested in Belgium.

27830. TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Certificate of deportation with convoy XXIV; Negative result on research for repatriated person; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment.

27831. SHAEF. 27832. Records on compensation for decease of worker in consequence of bombardment. 27833. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, cards. 27834. SHAEF. 27835. SHAEF. 27836. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942.

27837. Records on World War I. 27838. Birth- and marriage certificate;

DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1941 and 1944; Certificate of nationality; Request for form on political prisoner.

27839. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1943.

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27840. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment; SHAEF.

27841. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Anwerbebestätigung, Urlaubschein, request for pass, certificate of identity, Sammelkonto Wanderarbeiter aus Belgien, travel pass, information form; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

27842. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Interpretation of the law on ‘Rijksinstituut voor ziekte- en invalidenverzekering’ (Federal Institution for Insurance for sick- and disabled persons).

27843. SHAEF. 27844. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment;

CAMP RECORDS, Les Milles, Certificate of internment; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Request for certificate of wearing the Star of David.

27845. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Secours d’ Hiver, Überweisungsschein, certificate of identity, request for pass, convocation, Anwerbebestätigung, travel pass; SHAEF; Medical card; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Katholisches Krankenhaus Gelsenkirchen Rotthausen, Hospitalised Belgians; Medical records; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1945; PRISON RECORDS, Charleroi, Prison card.

27846. Records on compensation. 27847. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Personal-Akte, 1942. 27848. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte, Sammelbuch der

Bescheinigungen über die Endzahlen aus der Aufrechnung der Quittungskarten. 27849. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Arbeitskarte,

Bescheinigung, request for pass, certificate of identity, travel pass; Card of repatriated person; Medical records.

27850. Envelope. 27851. Records on compensation. 27852. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1944. 27853. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Diverse records. 27854. SHAEF. 27855. Medical records. 27856. Correspondence between sir Bosman on payment of missions to sir Wattillou, Dir.

Gén. Miss. of the ‘Prévoyance Sociale’ . 27857. Records on compensation. 27858. Leistungskarte. 27859. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Vorläufiger Fremdenpass,

Lohnsteuerkarte, Quittungskarte, Rückkehrschein, information form, testimony; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Auszug aus den Listen der Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Wolfenbüttel ueber Personen belgischer Staatsangehörigkeit die in der zeit vom 3. September 1939 bis 8. Mai 1945 bei der Kasse versichert waren.

27860. Records on spoliation.

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27861. Records on World War I. 27863. Diverse records. 27864. Diverse records. 27865. Card of civil status. 27866. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1942;

Request for pension of civil victim. 27867. Records on accident. 27868. Application of the third agreement. 27869. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein,

Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid, convocation, testimony, Anwerbebestätigung. 27870. Application of the third agreement. 27871. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Ausländerbetreurung, Quittungskarte. 27872. Research for Belgian child born in Germany. 27873. SHAEF. 27874. GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtauskunftstelle card;

HOSPITAL RECORDS, Beglaubigter Auszug aus dem Hauptkrankenbuch des Kriegslazarett 2/581 Thorn ab 1. Oktober 1944.

27875. Card Limbourg; Request for certificate of spoliation of furniture.

27876. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Judicial records; Medical records; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Unfallanzeige.

27877. Records on civil war victims. 27878. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 27879. Report by sir Dumonceau de Bergendal, 1964. 27880. Medical records – records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Anwerbebestätigung, Überweisungsschein, information form, vorläufiger Fremdenpass, Arbeitsbuch fuer Ausländer, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid, Urlaubschein; SHAEF; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Beglaubigter Auszug aus dem Krankenbuch des Reservelazarett III Gera, 5 Feb 1945 – 2 June 1945.

27881. Medical records. 27882. JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 2-3-4 Nov 1961. 27883. Not on the roll. 27884. Brussels Squash Rackets Club – general costs, 30 June 1964. 27885. Records on ‘Unfallversicherung’ . 27886. SHAEF;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, General count of persons who have to be repatriated, Personalbogen für Arbeiter, Lohnstammkarte, Arbeitsbuch für Ausländer.

27887. Records on ‘Tirage 16’ – film ‘Nuit et Brouillard’ . 27888. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Service Social Juif;

Extract from register of population – Antwerpen, Sint-Gillis; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944; Certificate of registration in the register of foreigners – Ixelles.

27889. SHAEF. 27890. SHAEF.

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27891. CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Stärkemeldungen des Konzentrationslager Buchenwald (Statistische Aufstellungen), 31 Dec 1939 – 31 Dec 1940; CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Stärkemeldungen des Konzentrationslager Buchenwald (Statistische Aufstellungen), 1 Jan 1941 – 31 Dec 1942.

27892. SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid, convocation, Überweisungsschein, travel pass, request for pass, Anwerbebestätigung, records on insurance.

27893. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite. 27894. Note on sums for functions of the Mission of Research concerning war victims. 27895. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List Neuwied. 27896. HOSPITAL RECORDS, Hôpital O.L.Vrouw in Malines, List of treated persons. 27897. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Todesanzeige, 1945;

Stadtplan – Stadt Opel. 27898. Certified copy of an entry of birth. 27899. Not on the roll. 27900. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the

Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse für den Rhein-Wupper-Kreis; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Vorläufiger Fremdenpass, Anwerbebestätigung, Quittungskarte, Bescheinigung, Arbeitskarte, Urlaubschein, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers, Mitglieder- und Leistungskarte; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of Belgians in the Zweigstelle Monheim in Opladen; Medical records.

27901. Records on ‘Unfallversicherung’ . 27902. List of all nationals – Hersfeld. 27903. Diverse records. 27904. Medical records;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Anwerbebestätigung, convocation, Unfallanzeige; SHAEF.

27905. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Information on worker.

27906. Records on civil war victims. 27907. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony. 27908. Certificate of registration in the register of foreigners – Anderlecht. 27909. CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, List of Belgians who were interned in

Buchenwald. 27910. Records on exposition on the live in concentration camps in Ath, 1964. 27911. Extract from register of population – Antwerpen. 27912. Bill of the Ministry of Public Works – Office centrale de fournitures Bruxelles. 27913. DEATH CERTIFICATES, File for judgment on decease. 27914. Files on accidents. 27915. Records on civil war victims. 27916. HOSPITAL RECORDS, Ancien Hôpital St. Louise in Perpignan, Medical card. 27917. Medical records. 27918. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Extracts from lists on political prisoners. 27920. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1943; Extract from register of population – Antwerpen, Borgerhout;

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Request for certificate on spoliation of furniture; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Service Social Juif; Certificate of registration – St.-Jans-Molenbeek.

27921. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on person who refused to carry out forced labor.

27922. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony. 27923. Medical records. 27924. Testimony on person arrested and deported as British, returned in 1945. 27925. Card Limbourg;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Service Social Juif; Certificate of compensation for spoliation of furniture.

27926. Medical records. 27927. List of Belgians – Medical treatment;

HOSPITAL RECORDS, Hospital Montgomery (Heilstätte Liebrechtsbonn), Nominal roll of Belgian in the hospital.

27928. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1943-1944.

27929. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisung von erkrankten in Deutschland beschäftigten belgischen Arbeitskräfte; Medical records; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte, Sammelkonto Wanderarbeiter aus Belgien.

27930. Letter. 27931. Records on World War I - Numeration of bills of the national cass for war pensions,

1914-1918. 27932. Extract from ‘Livre d’ Or’ . 27933. Fees of doctors. 27934. SHAEF. 27935. Mention of new address to send documents for file;

RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records on compensation for claimant of political prisoner.

27936. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/DEATH CERTIFICATES, Records on deceased worker – records on compensation.

27937. Records on World War I. 27938. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, convocation,

Anwerbebestätigung, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid. 27939. Medical records. 27940. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records on compensation. 27941. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Rückkehrschein, Überweisungsschein,

convocation, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid, Lohnsteuerkarte. 27942. Records on pension of invalidity. 27943. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942; Certificate of registration in register of population – Liège.

27944. PRISON RECORDS, Charleroi, Prison card. 27945. Card Eibia. 27946. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service on Beschäftigung

und Aufunthaltszeiten Nazi-Verfolgten;

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SHAEF. 27947. PRISON RECORDS, Alt-Moabit, Testimony on the camp, 1943-1944. 27948. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony, records on ‘Unfall’ . 27949. Not on the roll. 27950. Records on certificate of incarceration. 27951. PRESS RECORDS, A l’ ombre de la Mort by Léon E. Halkin (Cahiers de la revue

nouvelle). 27952. Records on ‘Entwendung eines Handwagens und seine Sicherstellung’ , 25 Feb 1945. 27953. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 27954. Letter to the Group Fürsorge on camouflaged service existing in the rooms of the

Belgian ‘Secours d’ Hiver’ in Brussels, 18 July 1942; Lettre addressée au Militärbefehlshaber in Belgien und Nordfrankreich on rencensement de surveillance d’ officiers et sous-officiers de carrière de l’ armée belge demobilisee, 10 Dec 1942 and 4 Feb 1943.

27955. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, Secours d’ Hiver, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid, Anwerbebestätigung, certificate of identity, travel pass; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF; PRISON RECORDS, Sint-Gillis, Häftlinge am 28. Februar 1944 in Sint-Gillis eingeliefert – zu entlassen und verzuführen.

27956. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1943; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Service Social Juif.

27957. Records on World War I. 27958. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Anlage zum Rundschreiben Nr. V-31

Bergwerksgesellschaften und Zechen vom 26. Juni 1950 – Bergwerksgesellschaft Dahlbusch Gelsenkirchen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Im Kriege beschäftigte ausländische Arbeiter – Deutsche Libbey Owens Gesellschaft Recklinghausen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Card – Gemeinschaftslager Jena Beutenberg; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for pass, travel pass, Personalausweis, vorläufiger Fremdenpass, Bescheinigung, Auszahlungsschein für Krankenhaus- oder Taschengeld; Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

27959. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony. 27960. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 27961. SHAEF. 27962. Birth- and marriage certificate. 27963. Certificate of registration in the special register of foreigners – Anderlecht;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942.

27964. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records of the Confédération Nationale pour Prisonniers Politiques et Ayants-Droit.

27965. Records on World War I. 27966. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Rundschreiben betrifft Warnung vor

Arbeitseinstellung (deutsch-feindliche Umtriebe); FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on breach of contract.

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27967. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Traitement des juifs se trouvant dans les services publics; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records on regulations concerning Jewish persons.

27968. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, request for pass, certificate of identity, Überweisungsschein, Secours d’ Hiver; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Judicial records, 1942; PRISON RECORDS, Wolfenbüttel, Prison card, 1942; PRISON RECORDS, Hanftanstalt Aachen, Prison card, 1942.

27969. CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Vierteljahresberichte des Laboratoriums über durchgeführte Untersuchungen, April 1940 – Dec 1943; CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Laboratoriums-Untersuchungen, 17 March 1940 – 3 Jan 1942; CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Rapportheft (Revier Block 9/2 Zahlenmässige Angaben über Stand Personal, Voll-Diät- und Breikost, etc., 14 March 1945 – 26 March 1945; CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Monats-Viertel- und Halbjahresberichte der Tbc-Station «A», July 1941 – March 1944; CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Labor-Bestellungen (Chemikalien, etc.), March 1939 – May 1945; CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Zahlenmässige Erfassung der Zu- und Abgänge (Revier Block 11), 4 March 1945 – 11 April 1945; CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Revieranordungen.

27970. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944.

27971. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on compensation of victim of industrial accident.

27972. Medical records. 27973. Fees of doctors. 27974. Request for compensation of persons arrested by the Gestapo and deported to

concentration camps. 27975. Letter on negative report of the International Tracing Service. 27976. Records on compensation. 27977. Records on compensation. 27978. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment;

Information on persons. 27979. Records on verification of claims for compensation of damage. 27980. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony, Quittungskarte,

Überweisungsschein, Arbeitskarte für Ausländer, Fremdenpass, travel pass; Medical records.

27981. Request of the Royal Embassy of the The Netherlands to Ministry of Public Health and Family on claims submitted by the Netherlands for compensation for victims of the Nazi-persecution.

27982. Medical records; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Request for pension of invalidity of person who refused to carry out forced labor.

27983. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased. 27984. Proposal to hire photocopier. 27985. CAMP RECORDS, Inventory. 27986. TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, List of Israelites of the camp on16

September 1943;

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TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Liberated persons; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Request if persons of the list are still in the camp,18 June 1943; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, List of persons liberated on 14 June 1944; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, List of persons liberated on 26 June 1943; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Am 8. Mai 1943 aus Malines entlassene.

27987. Not on the roll. 27988. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident. 27989. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records on organisation of exposition on the

concentration camps by the ‘Comité de la section locale du paturage - Confédération Nationale pour Prisonniers Politiques et Ayants-Droit’ – request for permission of date.

27990. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident. 27991. SHAEF. 27992. Records on World War I. 27993. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Übersicht über die Arbeitsvorhaben der

… (unreadable). 27994. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 27995. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident. 27996. Records of the Service for pensions of invalidity of civil war victims. 27997. Records on World War I. 27998. Request for pension of slave laborer;

Birth- and marriage certificate; Certificate of nationality; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Decision on the recognition of deported slave laborer; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Commission de Contrôle pour Réfractaires.

27999. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS.

28000. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service; CAMP RECORDS, Gusen, Death certificate, 1942.

28001. Medical records. 28002. Card ‘Wolff & Co Bourlitz’ . 28003. Records on World War I. 28004. List of liquid payments in 1962. 28005. Records on Oeuvre Nationale des Anciens Combattants. 28006. RECORDS ON COLLABORATION;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Namentliche Liste der Angehörigen des zivilen Fahndungsdienstes für die Feldgendarmerie F.K. 520.

28007. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Liste der belgischen Arbeiter die seit September 1939 bei der Betriebskrankenkasse der Firma Beck & Co Bremen versichert waren; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Information form, travel pass, Aufenthaltsanzeige eines Ausländers, vorläufiger Fremdenpass; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Judicial records, 1941.

28009. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on compensation of industrial accident; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien;

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DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual card of deceased, 1945; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Anwerbebestätigung, Bescheinigung; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Marienhospital in Hückeswagen, List of treated persons.

28010. Records on traffic accident and compensation. 28011. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Anwerbebestätigung. 28012. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident. 28013. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Akkordberechnung, Urlaubschein,

Abschlagzahlung, Überweisungsschein. 28014. Records on compensation. 28015. Note. 28016. Records on member of the VNV. 28017. Diverse material. 28018. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testminony. 28019. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident. 28020. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS. 28021. Diverse records. 28022. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, travel pass,

certificate of identity, request for pass. 28023. Records on compensation;

Medical records. 28024. Records on pension of civil invalidity;

Records on traffic accident; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Belgians who worked for the Deutsche Feltsäure GmbH Witten.

28025. Records on pension. 28026. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased;

Records on ‘Renteantrag’ . 28027. Records of the Commission of Civil Invalidity - pension for deceased person. 28028. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on compensation for deported

worker; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident; Records of the Civil Commission of invalidity.

28029. Request for pension of invalidity; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony; Medical records.

28030. Medical records. 28031. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/DEATH CERTIFICATES, Records on

deceased worker – records on pension, information form. 28032. Records on World War I. 28033. Medical records;

Records on ‘Unfall’ ; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased.

28034. Testimony on wounded person – medical records. 28035. Bills of pharmacies. 28036. Medical records. 28037. Not on the roll. 28038. Tableau - calculs des pertes de chaleur/table – calculation of loss of warmth.

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28039. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Lohnüberweisungsliste für belgischen Angestellter für die Zeit vom 18. Juli 1943 bis 14. August 1943 und vom 25. August 1943 bis 28. August 1943 – Firma De Baets-an den Berghe Einsatz Ruhrgebiet OBL Essen.

28040. SHAEF. 28041. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on compensation for industrial

accident. 28042. Records on pension. 28043. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1943; Extract from register of population – Borgerhout; Certificate of registration – Antwerpen; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Information form – Fichier Israelite; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Service Social Juif.

28044. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident. 28045. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident. 28046. Records on ‘Unfallrente’ . 28047. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased;

Records on ‘Unfallsache’ . 28048. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Lohnsteuerkarte, Lohn-Abschlag,

Sammelkonto Wanderarbeiter aus Belgien. 28049. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Survey of the activities of the

Sicherheitsdienst in Belgium. 28050. SHAEF. 28051. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein,

Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid, request for pass, certificate of identity, Bescheinigung, convocation, travel pass, Fahndungskarte.

28052. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Request for compensation for deported persons.

28053. Request for documents for social insurance for worker. 28054. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for information on worker. 28055. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Report – Das Judentum in Belgien, 31 Jan

1942. 28056. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, certificate of identity,

request for pass. 28057. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident and on

compensation. 28058. SHAEF;

Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; Birth certificate; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, request for pass, Überweisungsschein, information form.

28059. Records on World War I. 28060. Note. 28061. Records on accident and on compensation. 28062. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1943; Certificate of registration – Antwerpen.

28063. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid, Arbeitsbuch für Ausländer, information form, request

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for pass, travel pass, vorläufiger Fremdenpass, Anwerbebestätigung, Rückkehrschein, certificate of identity, Sammelkonto Wanderarbeiter aus Belgien; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers – IG Farbenindustrie Aktiengesellschaft Werke Badische Anittin Soda-Fabr.; SHAEF; Medical records.

28064. SHAEF. 28065. Letter on report on questionnaire by the Deutsche Eisen und Stahl

Berufsgenossenschaft + the questionnaire of person wounded in consequence of bombardment.

28066. SHAEF. 28067. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, questionnaire,

convocation, certificate of identity, travel pass, request for pass. 28068. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Scours d’ Hiver,

Lohnbescheinigung, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid, convocation, questionnaire, request for pass, travel pass; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Judicial records, 1943.

28069. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Laufzettel für Karteikarten; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of 21 workers arrested, designated by the Arbeitserziehungslager Deschen-Schule (A.H. Essen-Krupp-Werke – G.A.A. Essen) and who are on the transportlist of 11th May 1944.

28070. HOSPITAL RECORDS, Sanatorium Sonnenblick, Marburg/Lahn, Liste über Patienten belgischer Staatsangehörigkeit die seit 1940 im Sanatorium untergebracht waren, 1945.

28071. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Records on deceased worker; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Lager der Fa. Routenbach Burger Landstr. Solingen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of Belgians who stayed in the Unterkunftslager Solingen.

28072. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Notice on person who was not member of the resistance; Testimony on arrest of person.

28073. Records on World War I. 28074. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased, information on missing

person; CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service.

28075. Fees of doctors. 28076. Fees of doctors. 28077. Medical records. 28078. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Information on deceased during

bombardment. 28079. Certificate of following lessons without interruption 1943-1963;

Appeal on compensation. 28080. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Judicial records, 1943;

Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, Sammelkonto Wanderarbeiter aus Belgien, vorläufiger Fremdenpass, Überweisungsschein, Arbeitskarte, information form.

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28080. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942, 1944; Card Limbourg; Certificate of registration – Brussels.

28081. SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein.

28082. Records on accident and on compensation; Medical records.

28083. SHAEF; Medical records.

28084. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Report on Ostarbeiter-Lager in Köln-Mülheim; Records on compensation.

28085. Diverse records. 28086. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Information on Israelite family. 28087. Information on arrested Dutch persons in Belgium ( Information Office of the Dutch

Red Cross). 28088. CAMP RECORDS, Versen, List of deceased, 16 Nov 1944 – 6 Dec 1946;

CAMP RECORDS, Versen, Copy of the report on the camp. 28089. Extract from register of population – Borgerhout. 28090. SHAEF. 28091. Records on civil war victims. 28092. Records on compensation. 28093. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1943; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Information form – Fichier Israelite; CAMP RECORDS, Request for death certificates and documents on deportation from Belgium.

28094. Etats des frais de parcours de séjour des indemnités pour vacations (Mission de Recherche).

28095. Records on civil war victims. 28096. Medical records. 28097. Certificate of registration – St.-Josse-ten-Noode;

Records on compensation for spoliation of furniture. 28098. Bills of pharmacies. 28099. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Daily News Bulletin – Trains with Jewish

deportees leave Belgium for nazi-held Ukraine, 6 Oct 1942 – published by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency New-York; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Geheim an den Verbindungsofficizieren des Militärbefehlshabers in Belgien und Nordfrankreich betrifft Juden, 10 Sept 1940.

28100. Stat. du travail – France, 1964. 28101. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident;

DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1943, 1944 and 1945. 28102. Records on civil war victims. 28103. Extrait de compte office des chèques postaux. 28104. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Judicial records on theft, 1942. 28105. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on compensation of industrial

accident. 28106. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,


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RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Information form – Fichier Israelite; Certificate of registration in the register of foreigners – Antwerpen.

28107. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Anfrage zur Feststellung von Beschäftigungs- und Versicherungszeiten ehemaliger Fremdarbeiter.

28108. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Extract from German judgments. 28109. Annex to the report of Bonn – Verbalnote, 26 Feb 1957. 28110. Medical records – Records of the Deutshe Krankenkasse für Belgien;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Anwerbebestätigung, Arbeitskarte, Bescheinigung, travel pass, Arbeitsbuch für Ausländer, vorläufiger Fremdenpass, Bulletin-Expressgutschein Belgian Railway.

28111. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Minister of the Department of Interior and Public - Explication of the measures against the Jews and the interruption/end of the position and activities practised by Jews, 6 Dec 1940; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Not filled in register of Jewish persons.

28112. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Royal decree on payment of costs of stay of members of the personnel of ministries.

28113. PRISON RECORDS, Research for person who treated deported political prisoner, 1943.

28114. Medical records – institut medico-chirurgical in Etterbeek. 28115. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Urlaubschein, Fremdenpass. 28116. Certificate of registration – Brussels. 28117. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful

camps – Lager des Landes-Arbeitsamtes Münster, Soest; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Lager des Landes-Arbeitsamtes Münster, Soest; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/DEATH CERTIFICATES, Testimony on deceased worker in bombardment, records on compensation; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1944.

28118. Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien. 28119. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Request on

revision of file of person who refused to carry out forced labor. 28120. RECORDS ON HOSTAGES, Research for deceased hostage. 28121. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident;

DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased. 28122. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 28123. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased. 28124. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Request for

recognition of person who refused to carry out forced labor. 28125. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Notice on translation of document on deceased

Jewish person + Letter in Hebrew. 28126. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Personal-Akte, information form on arrested person;

PRISON RECORDS, Gefangenenlager Rodgar Lager III Rollwald, Prison card, 1943.

28127. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Judicial records on ‘Feindbegünstigung’ , 1944. 28128. Records on compensation. 28129. Fees of doctors. 28130. Card Limbourg;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Request for certificate of deportation;

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CAMP RECORDS, Records on United Restitution Office. 28131. JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 26 Jan 1965. 28132. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on insurance of worker. 28133. Dates of liberation of certain cities and certain areas of Belgium;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on workers and medical treatment.

28134. List of Belgians in the Gemeinde Liebenau. 28135. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for information on worker. 28136. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1943. 28137. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass,

information form, travel pass, Arbeitsunfähigkeitsbescheinigung, Abkehrschein, records on ‘Unfallanzeige’ ; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

28138. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Certificate of work, testimony on deceased deported slave laborer; Records on pension of deported persons; Birth certificate.

28139. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Reichsgesetzblatt, 15 July 1943. 28140. SHAEF. 28141. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Card of claimant of the recognition of political prisoner. 28142. Letter on compensation for loss of property. 28143. Birth certificate;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Lohnüberweisungsliste für die Zeit vom 1. Januar 1944 bis 31. Mai 1944 – Organisation Todt Einheit Dücker & Cie; Records on compensation.

28144. Records on compensation for accident; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and camps – Lager der Organisation Todt Zeppelinschule Essen-Katernbez.

28145. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1944; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony.

28146. TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Book ‘Salle I’ . 28947. HOSPITAL RECORDS, St. Walburga-Krankenhaus Meschede – medical records. 28148. Request for partly nullification of Royal Decree on allowance of payment of

practising higher positions. 27149. Diverse material. 27150. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony of recognition of political prisoner;

Authentication of signature + translation Hebrew. 28151. Extract from account of annuity – Algemene Spaar- en Lijfrentekas Brussel;

Testimony on person (not member of anti-Belgian organisations). 28152. CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Revieraufnahmen im Konzentrationslager Dachau, 11

August 1943 – 4 June 1945; CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Revierentlassungen, Dec 1942 – March 1944.

28153. Not on the roll. 28154. Request for allowance of pension within the framework of compensation for

industrial accident.

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28155. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, general count of persons who have to be repatriated, Bescheinigung Invalidenversicherung; SHAEF.

28156. Card of insurance. 28157. SHAEF. 28158. Extract from register of population – Antwerpen. 28159. Letter of the ‘Ministry of Public Health and Family – Administration des Victimes

de la Guerre – Direction des pensions aux victimes civiles’ on questionnaire for compensation.

28160. PRISON RECORDS, Merksplas, Prison card; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein.

28161. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Bescheinigung betrifft Tragen des Judensterns, 26 June 1942. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Ausweis des Mitarbeiter der ‘Vereinigung der Juden in Belgien’ ; Certificate of work; Records of the comité International de la Croix Rouge; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Jodenvereeniging in België; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Office Palestinien de Suisse - Frage zur einwanderung nach Palestina, 1943; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Journées de présence des enfants juifs dans nos curés – Brussels, 15 Sept 1944.

28162. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Bescheinigung, Aufenthaltsanzeige, Urlaubschein, Quittungskarte, Überweisungsschein, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid, travel pass, Lohnsteuerkarte 1944/1946, Fremdenpass; Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

28163. Not on the roll. 28164. Brochure on Robert Lejour and the ‘Brigade Spéciale’ . 28165. Medical records. 28166. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942. 28167. CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Kartei/Registration card;

CAMP RECORDS, Natzweiler, Zugang von Natzweiler, 4 Sept 1944; CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, List.

28168. Records on accident; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Lager Kronenbergstr, Sporthaus Laatzen; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Belgische Kriegsgefangenen und Zivilarbeiter im Lager “ Sportplatz Laatzen” wohnhaft und am 29. Januar 1944 durch Fliegerangriff ums Leben gekommen.

28169. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Auszug aus dem Listen der Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Braunschweig über Personen belgischer Staatsangehörigkeit die ab September 1939 bei der Kasse versichert waren; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Belgier beschäftigt bei der Kreisverkehrsbetriebe Saarlouis AG; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Schulenburger Landstrasse mit Nebenlager Schöneworth 8 und auf dem Loh 1 – Hannover;

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FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Namentliche Aufstellung über belgische Staatsangehörigen die im Schulenburger Landstrasse mit Nebenlager Schöneworth 8 und auf dem Loh 1 – Hannover Untergebracht waren.

28170. CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Medizinische Versuche, 1939 – 1944; CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Scharlachfälle, 9 Nov 1944 – 20 Dec 1944; CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Häftlingskrankenbau-Monatsberichte, 1938, 1940, 1942-1945; CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Übersicht über die Unterhaltskosten für Häftlinge in Konzentrationslagern; CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Anschriften neuer Aussenkommandos, 1944; CAMP RECORDS, Herzogenbosch, Anforderungen von Häftlingen für die Diamantenschleiferei im Konzentrationslager Herzogenbusch, 1943; CAMP RECORDS, Aktienplan für Konzentrationslager, 1941; CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Sammlung «Schumacher» I betr. Kommando Seehausen b. Murnau (Kommando Dachau) – Einsatz für Feinmechanische Werkstätte, Ing. Tipecska, 1945; CAMP RECORDS, Sammlung «Schumacher» II – Allgemeiner Schriftverkehr über Konzentrationslager vom SS-Führungshauptamt etc. (Nähere Angaben siehe Inhaltsverz. Im Ordner).

28171. Records on compensation for decease. 28172. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Certificate and testimony on person who helped people

who went into hiding. 28173. Records on World War I. 28174. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Notice on worker deceased in

consequence of bombardment, 1944; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1944.

28175. CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Gefangenen-Transport von Gent nach Konzentrationslager Buchenwald, 20 May 1944.

28176. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service. 28177. Declaration on claim of family of worker on compensation. 28178. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Judicial records. 28179. Diverse material. 28180. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Bescheinigung, Überweisungsschein,

Quittungskarte; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Knappschaftskrankenhaus Quierschied, List; Medical records.

28181. Report of questionnaire by sir Dumonceau de Bergendal on persons who went into hiding.

28182. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Information on work. 28183. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein,

Anwerbebestätigung, Sammelkonto Wanderarbeiter aus Belgien, vorläufiger Fremdenpass, Ersatzkarte für Arbeitsbuch, Quittungskarte, Arbeitsbuch für Ausländer, Grenzübertrittschein West.

28184. CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Gefangenen-Transport von Kriegsgefangenen nach Konzentrationslager Buchenwald.

28185. CAMP RECORDS, Records on Dachau; CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Records on camps Natzweiler and Dachau-Allach; CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Liberté. Bulletin français d’ information du camp de Dachau; Records of the Comité Patriotique français, 1 and 4 May 1945;

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CAMP RECORDS, Muhldorf (Kommando of Dachau), Statistic records on compensation for deported persons in the companies dependent of Muhldorf; CAMP RECORDS, Muhldorf (Kommando of Dachau), Karten der Revier – daily state of deported persons, entries, departures and deceases, 28 Jan 1945 - 4 Feb 1945; CAMP RECORDS, Natzweiler, Aufstellung der aus dem Bereich des Konzentrationslagers Natzweiler eingetroffenenen Häftlings-Räumungstransporten; CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Deceased internees; CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Anleitung zur Erlernung des phonetischen Alphabets und dessen Anwerdung beim Einlegen der Karteikarten und der Persoanl-Akten, 5 Feb 1934; CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Organisationsplan der Abteilung II.

28186. Records on civil war victims. 28187. Negative result on research for information on internment and deportation;

Testimony on situation in Congo. 28188. Records on compensation of accident. 28189. Diverse material. 28190. Table of statistics Arolsen. 28191. Note concernant la réglementation relative aux déplacements de service – frais de

parcours. 28192. Records on World War I. 28193. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Kinder a) der das 14. Lebensjahr vollendet

haben – b)Kinder ab das 15. Lebensjahr – Statistik. 28194. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Extract from the originals of the Court of First Instance of

Brussels, 1965. 28195. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Certificate of identity, request for pass;

Medical records; SHAEF.

28196. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Records on deceased worker during bombardment. 28197. List of camps of civil disciplinary prisoners and reprisals;

Map of Marburg. 28198. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Records on compensation for deceased. 28199. Medical records. 28200. Lists on social insured (application of the third agreement). 28201. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony on wounded worker;

Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien. 28202. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein. 28203. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 28204. Agreement on borrowing films (‘Nuit et brouillard’ ). 28205. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1943. 28206. Records on World War I. 28207. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Lohnsteuerkarte, Überweisungsschein,

information form, certificate, request for pass, travel pass, Kontrollkarte für den Ausländersbriefverkehr, convocation, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid, Sammelkonto Wanderarbeiter aus Belgien; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

28208. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte, Lohnsteuerkarte. 28209. Medical records.

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28210. Bills of pharmacies. 28211. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Research for missing person;

DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased. 28212. General count of persons who have to be repatriated;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for information on slave laborer.

28213. Memorandum de la réponse du Maître Cambier contre Etat Belge. 28214. Medical records. 28215. JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 16 Feb 1965. 28216. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Information extracted from the register of Jews; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Testimony on person deported from Malines to Auschwitz via Drancy; Extract from register of population – Anderlecht.

28217. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony on missing person. 28218. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Information form of worker, testimony. 28219. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on ‘Unfallsache’ ;

HOSPITAL RECORDS, Ausweichkrankenhaus Wintermoor, Liste der im Krankenhaus in stationären Behandlung gewesenen Belgier; Medical records; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased.

28220.AII. CAMP RECORDS, Vernet d’ Arriège, Certificate of internment. 28221. Records on recruitment of reserve officer – Forced Arms, 1965. 28222. Letter on compensation (Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre). 28223. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on ‘Unfallsache’ . 28224. SHAEF. 28225. Records on World War I. 28226. Medical records. 28228. Records on compensation. 28229. Files on civil war victims. 28230. Diverse records. 28231. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Urlaubschein, Nachforschungen nach

ehemaligen belgischen Arbeiter; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers for the Hans Conrad Baumeister Tiefbauunternehmung Kiel.

28232. Notice on (negative) result on research in archives for person. 28233. SHAEF. 28234. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment;

CAMP RECORDS, Les Milles, Certificate of internment. 28235. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on compensation for industrial

accident. 28236. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony on volunteer and note of

presumed deceased; Note on compensation of victim of bombardment.

28237. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony. 28238. Medical records – fees of doctors. 28239. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,


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Card Limbourg; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Service Social Juif – request for certificate of deportation.

28240. Bills – institut de radioélectricité et de cinématographie, 1965. 28241. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Vorläufiger Fremdenpass,

Rückkehrschein, Überweisungsschein, information form, travel pass, request for pass; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

28242. Records on payment for accident. 28243. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony, Records on ‘Unfallsache’ ,

information form of deceased worker; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1943; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Zivilarbeiterlager verschiedener Nationen Düsseldorf; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Zivilarbeiterlager verschiedener Nationen Düsseldorf.

28244. Records on World War I. 28245. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on ‘Unfallsache’ . 28246. Medical records. 28247. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1944; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Request for certificate of deportation from Malines.

28248. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942, 1944; Extract from register of population – Antwerpen.

28249. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Personal-Akte (Störung inneren Friedens und Zugehörigkeit zu einer politischen Vereinigung), 1943.

28250. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Information on deceased persons. 28251. Medical records;

Testimony on person wounded in consequence of explosion of materiel. 28252. Medical certificate of political prisoner. 28253. Birth- and marriage certificate;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Information form; Records on pension/compensation for wounded person.

28254. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Urlaubschein, records on ‘Unfallversicherungsstelle’ ; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Krankenhaus Bergmannsheil II Gelsenkirchen-Boer, List of treated persons.

28255. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Request for compensation for political prisoner. 28256. CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, Registration card;

CAMP RECORDS, Sachsenhausen, Registration card; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse für den Kreis Teltow, request for pass; Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

28257. Certificate of registration – Antwerpen; Extract from register of population – Antwerpen; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Information form – Fichier Israelite; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1943.

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28258. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Records on Royal Decree on compensation for measures of the Nazi-persecution; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Files on the French-Belgian convention of 20th September 1956 which were subject of a ministerial decision, 1964.

28259. Medical records - Records on the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien. 28260. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased;

DEATH CERTIFICATES, Records on compensation for deceased due to bombardment.

28261. Medical records of the ‘Nationaal Belgisch Werk tot bestrijding der TBC’ . 28262. Diverse material. 28263. Records on pension for costs of medecine and doctor;

Testimony on victim of bomb on tram – records on compensation. 28264. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for recognition of deported

slave laborer. 28265. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 28266. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers of different employers,

Überweisungsschein. 28267. Files of civil war victims. 28268. Birth certificate. 28269. Extract from register of population – Antwerpen;

Certificate of registration – Vorst, Antwerpen; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1943-1944.

28270. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service; CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Death certificate, 1942.

28271. GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtauskunftstelle card. 28272. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Letter on note on children whose parents were shot in

Mungbere – no trace of bodies of deceased. 28273. Medical certificate;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, general count of persons who have to be repatriated; SHAEF.

27274. Records on compensation. 28275. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Analytical report – chamber of representatives, 24 Feb

1965. 28276. PRISON RECORDS, Result of research for person – testimony on internment in

Moabit and Plotzensee; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on missing person.

28277. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein; SHAEF.

28278. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony, Quittungskarte, Überweisungsschein.

28279. Request for compensation for physical damage caused by the situation in Congo. 28280. 14 files of civil war victims. 28281. Medical records;

DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1944; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on ‘Unfallsache’ .

28282. PRISON CAMPS/CAMP REORDS, List of camps of civil disciplinary prisoners and reprisals.

28283. Records on World War I.

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28284. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1943 and 1944; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Testimony on deceased, individual card of deceased, 1944; General count of persons who have to be repatriated.

28285. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942; Certificate of registration – Brussels; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the Service Social Juif; Extract from register of population – Borgerhout.

28286. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Secours d’ Hiver, Certificate of identity, request for pass.

28287. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony, testimony on deceased worker in consequence of bombardment; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1943 and 1944.

28288. Mention of decease of person and request for compensation. 28289. Birth- and marriage certificate;

Certificate of nationality. 28290. Birth- and marriage certificate. 28291. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte, Lohnsteuerkarte,

general count of persons who have to be repatriated; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony on industrial accident; GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtauskunftstelle card; Medical records; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der bei der Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Kassel versichert gewesenen Angehörigen der Vereinten Nationen und anderen Ausländern; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Testimony on deceased in consequence of bombardment.

28292. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 28293. Records on pension. 28294. Card Eibia. 28295. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Payment to some political prisoners liberated before

15th September 1944 – medical certificate. 28296. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1943-1944. 28297. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Certificate of identity,

Anwerbebestätigung, Request for pass, Überweisungsschein, Arbeitskarte, Sammelkonto Wanderarbeiter aus Belgien, travel pass, Quittungskarte, Urlaubschein, Rückkehrschein, Antrag auf Lohn.

28298. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Information form of political prisoner (sabotage), testimony; PRISON RECORDS, Notice on prison Glashütte.

28299. Records on World War I. 28300. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 28301. SHAEF. 28302. Medical records. 28303. 32 files of civil war victims. 28304. Records on compensation-file of deceased in consequence of bombardment. 28305. SHAEF. 28306. 8 files of civil war victims.

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28307. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942; Card Limbourg; CAMP RECORDS, Request for certificate of deportation; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Request for certificate of deportation.

28308. Files on spoliation. 28309. Records on compensation for person executed by the Germans – letter addressed to

the Belgian Embassy in France. 28310. Diverse records. 28311. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Photos – extracts from ‘Livre d’ Or de la Résistance’ . 28312. Photos of Edith Cavell. 28313. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite. 28314. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Convocation, certificate of identity,

Überweisungsschein, request for pass, travel pass, questionnaire; Medical records.

28315. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony on industrial accident, Ausweiskarte; Medical records; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Loewe Werkzeug maschinen Aktiengesellschaft Berlin; Anmeldung bei der polizeilichen Meldebehörde.

28316. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Project of law – approval of international certificates following the agreement between the Kingdom of Belgium and the organisation of the United Nations on reglementation of bills of the administration by the United nations of former military Belgian bases of Congo; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Agreement between the Kingdom Belgium and the United Nations on reglementation of the problem of the complaints submitted with the organisation of the United Nations by Belgians who sufferend damage in Congo.

28317. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, certificate of identity, Sicherheitshaftbefehl.

28318. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Ausländerbetreuung der Deutschen Arbeitsfront – Beitragsquittungskarte, Quittungskarte, survey of performance.

28319. Schriftverkehr des deutschen Auswärtigen Amtes wegen der Inhaftierung von ausländischen Staatsangehörigen, 1942 – 1944; CAMP RECORDS, Deportationen aus Belgien; CAMP RECORDS/RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Schriftwechsel und Namenlisten betreffend die Einweisung jüdischer Personen in das Konzentrationslager Fossoli di Carpi, 1944; Records of Polizeidienststellen – Alessandria, Angona, Aosta, Aquila, Asti, Cono, Carpi, Casale-Monferrato, Modena, Vallecrosia, Venezia.

28320. Medical records; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony.

28321. Medical records; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Liste der während des Krieges bei der Firma Brown, Boverei & Cie Dortmund beschäftigten Zivilarbeiter aus Belgien; SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Zivilarbeiterlager – Franziusstrasse Dortmund; Birth certificate; Information form of the Service des Victimes Civiles de la Guerre;

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DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1944; General count of persons who have to be repatriated; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/DEATH CERTIFICATES, Testimony on deceased worker in consequence of bombardment.

28322. Brochure – Edith Cavel Marie Depage Institut – Ecole belge d’ Infirmières Diplômés; Photos.

28323. SHAEF. 28324. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, travel pass,

certificate of identity; Medical records.

28325. HOSPITAL RECORDS, Beglaubigter Auszug aus dem Hauptkrankenbuch des Reserve-Lazaretts Greiz-Thüringen; Wehrstammblatt; PRISON RECORDS, Haftanstalt Dortmund, Prison card, 1942; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1944.

28326. SHAEF. 28327. Files on compensation for civil war victims. 28328. Records on World War I. 28329. Records on ‘Unfallsache’ . 28330. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, Ausweiskarte, request for

pass, Überweisungsschein; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

28331. Fees of doctor. 28332. Certificate of life;

Marriage certificate; Records on compensation for civil war victims.

28333. Request for extract from death certificate and certificate for deportation; Certificate of registration – Brussels; Card Limbourg.

28334. Wehrstammrolle. 28335. Records on compensation - decision of the Civil Commission of Invalidity;

Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF; GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtauskunftstelle card; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1945; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte, Überweisungsschein, testimony on wounded worker.

28336. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased, records of the Suchdienst München des Deutschen Roten Kreuzes; CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1944; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Lohn-Nachweisungskarte, 1944.

28337. Decision on compensation for deceased person; Records on compensation.

28338. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Lohnüberweisungsschein nach Belgien – Organisation Todt Einheit Carl Brandt, 1 Jan 1944 – 31 May 1944 and 1 – 31 July 1944.

28339. Decision of the Civil Commission of Invalidity on compensation for decease;

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Testimony on decease caused by accident; Extract from register of population – composition of the family; Certificate for compensation; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony on industrial accident.

28340. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942.

28341. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 28342. Medical records;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Urlaubschein, information form; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der bei der Fried. Krupp A.G., Friedrich Alfred Hütte in Rheinhausen beschäftigt gewesenen Belgier; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Bertha-Krankenhaus Rheinhausen, List of treated Belgians; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Hütten u. Walzwerks-Berufsgenossenschaft Sektion 2 Oberhausen-Rhld; HOSPITAL RECORDS, LK Dinslaken, Verzeichnis der hier behandelten belgischen Staatsangehörigen; Testimony on person wounded by grenate; General count of persons who have to be repatriated; SHAEF.

28343. Appeal – Records on compensation. 28344. SHAEF;

Information on person. 28345. Fragebogen über belgische Staatsangehörige welche ab September 1939 bei der

Krankenkasse versichert waren; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony on worker.

28346. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1943; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Request for certificate of deportation; Certificate of registration – Deurne; Extract from register of population – Antwerpen.

28347. SHAEF. 28348. CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Registration card. 28349. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident –

medical records, testimony, information form of deceased worker; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der bei der Allgemeine Krankenkasse Witzenhausen/Werra versichert gewesenen Angehörigen der Vereinten Nationen und anderen Ausländern; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on ‘Unfallsache’ .

28350. Decision on payment of compensation; Decision of the Civil Commission of Invalidity – records on compensation; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony on industrial accident; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1943; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Testimony on deceased during bombardment.

28351. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Request for certificate of deportation; CAMP RECORDS, Request for certificate of deportation.

28352. Medical records. 28353. Appeal;

Decision of the civil commission of invalidity.

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28354. Procès-Verbal de la reunion du 22 – 24 avril 1959 – application du 3eme accord. 28355. Birth certificate;

Certificate of French nationality; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Medical certificate for payment to political prisoner.

28356. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte, Ausländerbetreuung der Deutschen Arbeitsfront.

28357. SHAEF. 28358. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 28359. SHAEF;

Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; Birth certificate; Certificate of life; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Testimony of decease during bombardment, 1945.

28359. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire; SHAEF; Medical records.

28360. Fees of doctors – Medical records. 28361. Not on the roll. 28362. TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Request for certificate of deportation;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944.

28363. Decision on compensation for deceased in Germany; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Testimony on decease in consequence of bombardments.

28364. Records on World War I. 28365. Medical records;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Arbeitsbuch für Ausländer, request for information on slave laborer; SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Aufstellung der belgischen Zivilarbeiter die zwischen 1940-1945 bei uns(?) beschäftigt waren und schon vor dem Einmarsch der Allierten bei uns entlassen wurden.

28366. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, travel pass, information form, Arbeitsbuch für Ausländer, vorläufiger Fremdenpass, Sammelkonto Wanderarbeiter aus Belgien; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

28367. Testimony on wounded person in consequence of bombardment in Congo, 1961; Medical report.

28368. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased; Records on German-Belgian agreement on social insurance – records on compensation.

28369. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Secours d’ Hiver, Certificate of identity, request for pass; Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

28370. Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; Questionnaire on pension.

28371. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Report of questionnaire on 21st and 25th Jan 1965 on reglementations on the registration of Jews in a special register and on the ending of their positions.

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28372. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Letter of lawyer on compensation for spoliation of furniture.

28373. Note for functionaries of the departement – Ministry of Public Health and Family on allowance to voluntary insured, 1965.

28374. SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, travel pass; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Commission de contrôle pour Résistants Civils.

28375. JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 24 Feb 1965. 28376. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased. 28377. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Ministerial-Blatt, 10 Dec 1941. 28378. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased;

Records on compensation. 28379. Records on compensation. 28380. Extract from register of population – Antwerpen, Brussels;

CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment; CAMP RECORDS, Les Milles, Certificate of internment.

28381. Records on compensation (decisions, requests). 28382. Records on Congo. 28383. SHAEF. 28384. Records on compensation;

Stadtplan Olpe; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Zivilarbeiterlager der Fa. Hoesch A.G. In der Trift Olpe – questionnaire and list of workers.

28385. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Geldüberweisung für belgischen Arbeiter – Organisation Todt Einheit Mart. Milch Moers am Rhein, 1 April – 31 May 1944.

28386. Records on file on compensation, information form of worker, records on ‘Unfallsache’ .

28387. Service de l’ Hôpital Civil Schaerbeck, Medical records; Records of the Civil Commission of invalidity – Records on compensation.

28388. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Information form of person arrested for verbal communistic propaganda; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Monthly payment to families of in Germany interned political prisoners and hospitalized soldiers of the resistance who don’ t receive payment.

28389. CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Kartei – 60 cards. 28390. JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 16 Feb 1965. 28391. Records on documents on military situation – records on compensation. 28392. Records on civil war victims. 28393. Diverse records. 28394. Records on civil war victims. 28395. Birth and marriage certificate;

Records on ‘Unfallsache’ ; Information form of slave laborer, testimony on industrial accident, card of worker, medical records, Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien – records on compensation; CAMP RECORDS, Definitive report on Deckenschule;

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FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Lager Deckenschule – Essen-West; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Lager Deckenschule – Essen-West.

28396. Card Limbourg; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944; Extract from register of population – Anderlecht; CAMP RECORDS, Request for certificate of deportation (from Rivesaltes, from Malines).

28397. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Testimony on bombardment; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; Information on slave laborer; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Lager der Firma Schmidt & Clemens, Lager II (Unterwürden) Berghausen; Verzeichnis der Belgier die in Unterwürden gewohnt haben.

28398. Records on compensation; Birth- and marriage certificate; Certificate of French nationality.

28399. Testimony on treatment of deported person; Request for compensation of deported worker.

28400. Records on compensation – Decision of the Civil Commission of Invalidity; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Testimony on deceased due to bombardment.

28401. Records on compensation for civil war victims (records on industrial accident and insurance).

28402. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1945. 28403. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite. 28404. Card Eibia. 28405. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1944. 28406. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased;

GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtauskunftstelle information form. 28407. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Berufsgenossenschaft der chemischen

Industrie-Bezirksverwaltung Köln I (Süd) - records on Unfallsache; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Bau-Berufsgenossenschaft Wuppertal – records on Unfallsache; Medical records.

28408. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Letter of doctor Lombard on decease of person, executed in Wamba (Congo).

28409. Report on the events in Watsa (Congo). 28410. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Belgians who joined the Allgemeine

Ortskrankenkasse für den Stadt und Landkreis Oldenburg and worked for diverse companies; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Vorläufiger Fremdenpass.

28411. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony. 28412. Information form for sociale insurance;

Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Städtischen Krankenanstalten Wilhelmshaven, List of Belgians.


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FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, Testimony on person who refused to carry out forced labor, Überweisungsschein, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid.

28414. Diverse records. 28415. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942. 28416. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records on compensation for political prisoner and on

the status of political prisoner. 28417. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS. 28418. Request for extract from death certificate for file of compensation, 11 March 1965. 28419. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on compensation for victim of

industrial accident – individual card of deceased, 1945; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der bei der Friedr. Krupp, Friedrich Alfred Hütte im Rheinhausen beschäftigt gewesenen Belgier.

28420. Sammlung von verschiedenen Erlassen des RF-SS u. WVHA (vorwiegend der Amtsgruppe D), 1940 – 1944.

28421. Records on compensation – records on Unfallsache; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased.

28422. Records on pension of civil war victims (composition of the family, certificates, decisions to receive compensation, testimony of decease).

28423. HOSPITAL RECORDS, Sanatorium Edith Cavell – Obourg, Testimony – medical records; Request on pension for deported person.

28424. Request of the Confédération Nationale des prisonniers politiques et ayants-droit – Section Spa for material on the concentration camps for exposition, 1962.

28425. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Information form, travel pass, Bescheinigung, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid, vorläufiger Fremdenpass, Kontrollkarte für den Auslandsbriefverkehr, Lohnabrechnungsbescheinigung, Postsparbuch, Ausländer-Akten; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Mortuary card, 1944.

28426. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Prévisions budgétaires - dépenses afférents aux déplacements crédit hilométrique Administration Centrale.

28427. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Abschrift des Urlaubscheins; Medical records - Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

28428. Medical records. 28429. Bills of pharmacies. 28430. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/DEATH CERTIFICATES, Testimony

on decease of worker in Germany; Records on compensation.

28431. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Belgians who worked for the company J. Hartlage, Maschinenfabrik und Eisengiesserei in Osnabrueck.

28432. Information form of deported person – records on pension; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Certificate of deportation from the Sammellager with the XIXth convoy, 15 Jan 1943; SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1943.

28433. List of the Zweigstelle Monheim.

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28434. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, request for pass, certificate of identity, Arbeitskarte, Sammelkonto der Wanderarbeiter aus Belgien, Grundbuch; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

28435. HOSPITAL RECORDS, Evangelisches Krankenhaus Bethasda, List; Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; Records on pension; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased.

28436. Records on compensation for civil war victims. 28437. Documents sur archives – séquestre Brüsseler Treuhandgesellschaft 28438. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, Arbeitskarte;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Aufstellung der im Stadtkreis Krefeld während des Krieges beschäftigt gewesenen Belgier; Anmeldung bei der polizeilichen Meldebehörde; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

28439. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, Überweisungsschein, request for pass, information form; Medical card; RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Ministerie van Wederopbouw – Aanvaardingscommissie der Politieke Gevangenen en van hun Rechthebbenden (Ministry of Reconstruction – Commission on the status of political prisoners).

28440. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony on industrial accident – records on compensation; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein; Medical records.


28442. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1943.

28443. Records on compensation for civil war victims. 28444. Note on film ‘Nacht und Nebel’ for exposition on the life in concentration camps;

Agreement on borrowing films. 28445. SHAEF;

DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1944; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; Records on pension.

28446. Decision on compensation for deceased worker in Germany; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Testimony on person who refused to carry out forced labor deceased in consequence of bombardment.

28447. Medical records; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, travel pass; SHAEF.

28448. Records on compensation for person wounded in consequence of bomb. 28449. Records on executed Belgians in Kimbombo (Congo), 1964. 28450. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Certificate on person who went into

hiding and didn’ t work until the liberation. 28451. Records on application of the third Belgian-German agreement on social insurance;

DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/DEATH CERTIFICATES, Records on deceased due to industrial accident.

28452. Testimony on events in Congo, 1964.

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28453. JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 1 April 1965. 28454. Certificate on exams for the function of sergeant, 1939;

Certificate of military service; Certificate of 8th year of primary school, 1964.

28455. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for recognition of deported slave laborer, Bescheinigung.

28456. Records on compensation for civil war victims (decision on the compensation, testimonies).

28457. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident; Records on pension – records of the Civil Commission of Invalidity.

28458. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Haft der Aenderungen.

28459. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Records on arrested member of the resistance (testimony on forced labor in France, testimony on arrest, information form).

28460. Birth- and marriage certificate; Certificate of Belgian nationality.

28461. Information on file for compensation for deceased worker; Records on compensation for victim of bombardment.

28462. Letter to parents, 1945; Besuchserlaubnisschein (Lübeck), 1945; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1945.

28463. Certificate on temporary contract of insurance – Caisse d’ assurance sur la vie de la Caisse Générale d’ Epargne et de Retraite Bruxelles.

28464. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS. 28465. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1944; CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment.

28466. Certificate of mayor of existence of camp of political prisoners of different nationalities in Thil in May 1944.

28467. Report of the agent in Bonn on the Service Internationale des Recherches. 28468. Records on compensation for civil war victims (testimonies, medical records,

decisions of commissions for compensation, information forms, death certificate). 28469. Records on nationality – records on pension. 28470. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Travel pass, certificate of identity,

request for pass, information form; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

28471. Certificate of capability to follow the courses of higher education. 28472. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment;

Request for information on persons; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Extract from death certificate, 1942.�

28473. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased. 28474. JUDICIAL RECORDS/CAMP RECORDS, Reglementations, general orders on the

concentration camps. 28475. SHAEF. 28476. Records on compensation for civil war victims (decisions on compensation,

testimonies on deceased and industrial accident, medical records). 28477. Application of the third Belgian-Germany agreement.

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28478. Application of the third Belgian-Germany agreement. 28479. Application of the third Belgian-Germany agreement. 28480. HOSPITAL RECORDS, Hôpital Auxiliaire N°33 Liège. 28481. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein;

Medical records. 28482. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 28483. Testimony on victim of traffic accident – records on compensation. 28484. TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Request for certificate of deportation;

SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1942-1944; CAMP RECORDS, Rivesaltes, Request for certificate of deportation.

28485. Note for the chiefs of the service on royal decree on temporary measures for certain administrative agents of the State; JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 23 April 1965.

28486. Photo of two persons (Beljaars Bernard); List from the file Lagrou SS-Stormban V-Limburg (Beljaars Bernard); Testimony on acitivity for the SS-Vlaanderen Troep Zwartberg (Beljaars Bernard).

28487. Records on compensation for civil war victims ( Birth certificate, death certificates, information forms, medical records, decisions on compensation, testimony on deceased worker).

28488. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on ‘Unfallanzeige’ . 28489. SHAEF. 28490. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Arbeitskarte,

Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid, certificate of identity, travel pass, request for pass, vorläufiger Fremdenpass, testimony.

28491. Application of the third Belgian-German agreement. 28492. Form for request for compensation – status of political prisoners;

CAMP RECORDS, Testimony on camps where person was interned. 28493. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Belgian volunteers who worked for the

company “ Gebrüder Püst W. Ginne Hamburg/Rohnstedt; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Certificate of identity, request for pass, Überweisungsschein, information form; Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

28494. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Rückkehrschein, Bescheinigung; SHAEF.

28495. Fees of doctors. 28496. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 28497. SHAEF. 28498. Records on compensation for slave laborer. 28499. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1944; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Request for certificate of deportation; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Request for certificate of deportation.

28500. Records on compensation for civil war victims. 28501. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1944;

Information form on deceased slave laborer, 1943; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Information form – records on industrial accident.

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28502. Card Eibia. 28503. Records on compensation for civil war victims (Testimony, decision on pension,

testimony on decease, testimony on deported worker, death certificates). 28504. Passaporto;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Belgians who worked in the Ohligser Leinen- und Baumwollweberei A.G. Solingen-Ohligs; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Bescheinigung, Anwerbebestätigung, travel pass, Quittungskarte, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid, Sammelkonto Wanderarbeiter aus Belgien, Überweisungsschein, Urlaubschein; Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers – Stube 54.

28505. Medical records. 28506. Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien;

Records on ‘Unfallsache’ . 28507. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Arbeitskarte,

Kontrollkarte für den Auslandsbriefverkehr. 28508. Records on compensation for civil war victims (Testimony on deceased worker,

information form, decision on pension); DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1941; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Testimony on arrested person deceased during bombardement, 1945.

28509. JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 5 May 1965. 28510. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment;

CAMP RECORDS, Les Milles, Certificate of internment. 28511. Complement to report on events in Watsa, 1965. 28512. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Cards – extraits des comptes. 28513. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Personal-Akte wegen verboten Waffenbesitz, 1942, 1943;

JUDICIAL RECORDS, Personal-Akte wegen spionage, 1942; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Personal-Akte wegen Feindbegünstigung, 1942; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Letter with notice on copies of decisions (Personal-Akten).

28514. Records on file on compensation – unreadable. 28515. Genehmigung zur Übersiedlung nach Gross-Brüssel, Hasselt, July 1941;

Fahrtausweis, Hasselt, April 1941; Card Limbourg.

28516. SHAEF. 28517. Testimony on person wounded by demolition of munition. 28518. Request for compensation for deceased. 28519. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein;

SHAEF. 28520. Records on compension for civil war victims. 28521. Medical records. 28522. Extract from register of population – Borgerhout. 28523. Records on compensation for civil war victims (testimonies, records on pension,

decision on compensation, certificate of decease). 28524. Records of the Caisse Centrale de Répartition des Cotisations Sociales et Fiscales en

Liquidation; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein.

28525. Records on compensation for civil war victims (Birth-, marriage- and death certificate, decision on compensation).

28526. Prozessvolmacht – third agreement.

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28527. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimonies on labor. 28528. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Information form – Fichier Israelite.

28529. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Letter on person who didn’ t receive any compensation for industrial accident, medical records, records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien, testimony; Certificate of identity; General count of persons who have to be repatriated.

28530. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Individual research for deceased. 28531. Abmeldung von der Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse für den Stadtkreis Rathenow. 28532. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942-1944; Card Limbourg; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Request for certificate of deportation.

28533. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite, 1943; Extract from register of population – Antwerpen.

28534. Certificate of life; Extract from register of population – Gent; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Lager der Firma Schmidt & Clemens Lager II (Unterwürden); FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Verzeichnis der Belgier die in Unterwürden gewohnt haben.

28535. Records on World War I. 28536. Letter with request for compensation for political prisoner. 28537. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Belgians who worked in the Ohligser

Leinen- und Baumwollweberei A.G. Solingen-Ohligs; SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid, Überweisungsschein, convocation, information form, Arbeitskarte, Arbeitsbuch für Ausländer, Einlieferungsschein wegen Arbeitsverweigerung.

28538. Testimony on explosion on former training ground of the German Army (munition undergrounds), accident, report of the investigation.

28539. Records on third Belgian-German agreement. 28540. Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien;

DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1942 and 1943; Records on Unfallanzeige.

28541. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1944; Records on compensation.

28542. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident. 28543. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful

camps – Lager Heyestrasse 230/296 Düsseldorf; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Lager Heyestrasst 230/296 Düsseldorf; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful camps – Lager Paulmühlenstrasse 36 Düsseldorf; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of workers in the Lager Paulmühlenstrasse 36 Düsseldorf.

28544. Files on compensation for civil war victims.

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28545. Records on compensation; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Ämtliche Nachrichten für Reichsversicherung Nr. 516, 1944; Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

28546. PRESS RECORDS, Extract from Brochure – C’ était il y a 20 ans la libération des camps de la mort – The liberation of the camps of death was 20 years ago.

28547. Records on ‘Unfallversicherung’ Bergbau-Berufsgenossenschaft Bezirksverwaltung Bochum.

28548. Not on the roll. 28549. PRESS RECORDS, Mémoire sur les conditions de libération des Internés Civils

Belges faisant partie du train allemand bloqué en gare de Bruxelles Petite-Ile, 3 Sept 1944 (Dissertation on the conditions of the liberation of the civil Belgian internees who were on the train blocked in the (railway) station of Brussels Petite-Ile, 3 Sept 1944.

28550. Records on compensation. 28551. Letter by Doctor Jacques Lardinois – unreadable. 28552. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein. 28553. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Testimony on disappearance of Belgian executed in

Paulis by rebellions (Congo). 28554. SHAEF. 28555. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS/FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Heimatüberweisungen der jüdischen Arbeiter wohnhaft in Belgien (Tiefbau Erdberg) – Lohnperiode vom 28. Juni bis 11. Juli 1942.

28556. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Bescheinigung, Überweisungsschein. 28557. Files on compensation for civil war victims. 28558. Medical records. 28559. CAMP RECORDS, Number of deported persons and internees in the camps. 28560. CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, Records on pseudo-medical experiments in the

concentration camp, Fieberkurven nach Impfungen mit I.A.B., 1943; CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, Records on pseudo-medical experiments in the concentration camp, Probeimpfungen mit Prüfungsimpfstoff aus Typhus-Paratyphus A und B und cholera-Keimen (Tetra-Vaccine), April 1943; CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, Records on pseudo-medical experiments in the concentration camp, Verschiedenes Material (u.a. Liste der Blutproben); CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, Records on pseudo-medical experiments in the concentration camp, Serologische Befunde nach Impfungen mit T.A.B. Endogen-Adsorbat-Impfstoff und Typhus-Tetanus Depot-Impfstoff, 1943.�

28561. GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtauskunftstelle card. 28562. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Questionnaire on prisons and doubtful

camps – Lager Wittenerstrasse 33 Wuppertal-Barmen. 28563. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service;

CAMP RECORDS, Erich, Abgang durch Tod; CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Death certificate, 1942 and 1943; CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, Death certificate, 1945.

28564. Appeal on decision on compensation. 28565. RESISTANCE RECORDS, Decision of the Ministerie van Wederopbouw –

Aanvaardingscommissie der Politieke Gevangenen en van hun Rechthebbenden (Ministry of Reconstruction – Commission on the status of political prisoners).

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28566. Information form, request for pass; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; Records on ‘Unfallversicherungsstelle’ .

28567. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid. 28568. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Testimony on labor. 28569. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on industrial accident. 28570. CAMP RECORDS, Argelès-sur/Mer, Certificate of internment. 28571. GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Namentliche Verlustmeldung über Unterführer und

Mannschaften vor dem Feinde Gefallene und Verwundete und Vermisste (oder Gefangene), 4 Jan 1944 – 13 Feb 1944.

28572. Records on file on compensation. 28573. Records on Renteangelegenheit. 28574. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Moniteur Belge, 22 May 1965. 28575. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Testimony on shot person in Nepoko (Congo), 1964. 28576. Medical records. 28577. Bills of pharmacies. 28578. Files on compensation of civil war victims (Testimonies, decisions on compensation,

records on pensions). 28579. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1943. 28580. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Rückkehrschein, Anwerbebestätigung,

Quittungskarte, Bescheinigung, Sammelkonto Wanderarbeiter aus Belgien; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

28581. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein; GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtsauskunftstelle card; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1946.

28582. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, certificate of identity, request for pass; SHAEF.

28583. Medical records; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for travel pass, certificate of identity, travel pass, records on ‘Unfallsache’ Hütten-und Walzwerksberufsgenossenschaft.

28584. Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; Testimony on industrial accident – records on compensation; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, testimony on deceased in consequence of bombardment, 1944.

28585. Records on ‘Unfallsache’ . 28586. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1943, 1944;

Records on rente. 28587. SHAEF. 28588. CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment. 28589. Birth- and marriage certificate;

Certificate of French nationality. 28590. Medical records. 28591. Berufsgenossenschaft der Feinmechanik und Elektrotechnik Bezirksverwaltung –

Grosses erstes Rentengutachten. 28592. Records on compensation. 28593. PRESS RECORDS, Extract from journal Mainpost, 27 March 1965.

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28594. Unreadable (letter). 28595. SHAEF. 28596. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, travel pass,

certificate of identity, request for pass. 28597. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite;

CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, Certificate of internment. 28598. Letter – Erkenntnisse über Arbeitserziehungslager Römhild Kreis Hilburgshausen

der Dienststelle vorgelegen haben. 28599. Card for counting civil sick and wounded, war victims. 28600. Reichsversicherungsordnung mit Nebengesetzen ausführungs-Ergänzungs- und

Uberfahrens-Vorschriften, Stand 1. September 1964; SHAEF; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, List of persons insured by the Betriebskrankenkasse der Farbenfabriken Bayer Leverkusen.

28601. Note. 28602. Request for approval or correction of information on person;

Card Limbourg. 28603. RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Text on the deportation of Jewish persons. 28604. Records on decision on compensation. 28605. Birth- and marriage certificate. 28606. Information on person. 28607. Request for information on compensation for disabled veteran. 28608. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Belgische Arbeiter die am 22.

November 1942 der Firma Alkett Altmärkischen Kettenwerk GmbH Berlin-Borsigwalde überwiesen worden sind; Medical records – Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, Anwerbebestätigung, Quittungskarte.

28609. Records of the Caisse Centrale de répartition des cotisations sociales et fiscales. 28610. Card of the commissioner’ s office of repatriation center of Charleroi;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Urlaubschein, Überweisungsschein, travel pass, request for pass; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Belgians who worked in the section Jakobi of the company Gutshoffnungshütte Oberhausen AG Bottrop – Lohnrestguthaben belgischer Zivilarbeiter des früheren Lagers Heidestrasse 19 in Bottrop; Records on ‘Aktion zur Auffindung von Nachlass gegenständen verstorbener oder repatriierter belgischer Staatsangehöriger’ ; SHAEF.

28611. Records on hostages in a military camp in Congo; List of Dominican missionaries (nuns) of Namen tragically deceased in Watsa (Congo), 26 Nov 1964; Records on persons executed by rebellions of Watsa (Congo).

28612. Records on the Civil Commission of Invalidity; SHAEF.

28613. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 28614. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1957;

Marriage certificate; Records on compensation; Medical records.

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28615. Records on compensation. 28616. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte, fiche de versement U.

Detmer, Maurermeister Minsen. 28617. SHAEF. 28618. Records on compensation for civil war victims (Decisions, testimony). 28619. Card Eibia. 26820. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein,

Anwerbebestätigung; SHAEF; Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien.

28621. Diverse records. 28622. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942, 1944; Extract from register of population – Antwerpen; CAMP RECORDS, Request for certificate of deportation.

28623. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for pass, travel pass, Überweisungsschein, convocation, certificate of identity, Anwerbebestätigung, secours d’ Hiver; Medical records - Records of the Deutsche Krankenkasse für Belgien; SHAEF.

28624. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Information form for the Gewestelijk Steunfonds voor Werklozen.

28625. HOSPITAL RECORDS, Evangelisches Krankenhaus Essen-Borbeck, List of treated Belgians; List of political, social security and labour employment office records - Altötting.

28626. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Request for pass, convocation, Dienstverpflichtungsbescheid, Überweisungsschein, Arbeitsbuch für Ausländer, Arbeitsunfähigkeitsbescheinigung; Medical records; SHAEF.

28627. DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1941. 28628. SHAEF. 28629. CAMP RECORDS, Records of the United Restitution Office. 28630. Records on compensation;

FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein; Request for information or repatriation; Medical records; Request for information on civil slave laborer.

28631. Records on industrial accident; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1942; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte.

28632. HOSPITAL RECORDS, Klinik Nollendorf in Berlin, Hospitalized Belgians; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Vereinigte Spinnerei Weberslau Aktiengesellschaft Werk Sarburg, List.

28633. Diverse records. 28634. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Quittungskarte. 28635. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsschein, request for pass;

SHAEF. 28636. SHAEF;

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FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Certificate of identity, request for pass, travel pass.

28637. Records on pension. 28638. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS. 28639. Records on World War I. 28640. Records on the application of the third agreement. 28641. Records of the Caisse Centrale de la Répartition des cotisatisions Sociales et

Fiscales’ . 28642. General count of persons. 28643. Request for compensation for person who was interned in Breendonk. 28644. SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Werbestelle Hasselt - Fichier Israélite,

1942, 1944; Card Limbourg.

28645. Diverse records. 28646. Statut des agents de l’ Etat – vade-mecum. 28647. Information form for compensation. 28648. PRISON RECORDS/RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Statistics – Quantitative

survey/list of the Belgians and Israelites interned in the Citadelle of Huy, 1940-1944. 28649. Records of the Caisse Centrale de la Répartition des cotisations Sociales et Fiscales’ . 28650. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Note on industrial accident;

DEATH CERTIFICATES, Death certificate, 1944.