Índex -...

Post on 30-Dec-2019






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Pàgina Tema2 Com estudiar

3 Present simple / present continu

4 Passat simple / passat continu

5 Futur: will / going to / present continu

7 Used to + infinitiuPresent perfet

9 Pronoms relatius: who, which, whose, that, where

10 Oracions de relatiu especificatives

11 Pronoms indefinits

12 Preguntes subjecte / objecteComparatius i superlatius

14 Oracions condicionals (primer i segon condicional)

15 Estil indirecte

17 Should / shouldn’tMay / might

18 Can / can’tCould / couldn’t Veu passiva

20 Mots d'enllaç: and, but, so, because, then, before, after

21 So / such

22 Verbs irregularsExercicis de vocabulari

24 Solucionari

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1 Encercla per què l'anglès és important per a tu.

internet una bona feina conèixer amics música viatjar TV i pel·lícules

2 Pots afegir-hi d'altres raons? ______________________________________________________

3 Analitza les teves estratègies d'estudi. Marca (✓) com aprens anglès.

______ Faig preguntes a classe.______ Repasso el que he fet a classe.______ Parlo anglès sense preocupar-me si m'equivoco. ______ Penso per què llegiré un text abans de fer-ho.______ Penso sobre el que necessito sentir abans d'escoltar.______ Penso per què necessito escriure abans de fer-ho.______ No m'amoïno si no entenc una paraula.______ Practico pronunciació amb el CD.

4 Relaciona les estratègies amb les definicions.

a Posa les coses importants en primer lloc. ___ Redueix el nombre de coses que passen a la teva vida.b Descobreix els llocs que et van millor per estudiar. ___ Ajuda a estudiar algú que tingui un nivell més baix. c Sigues responsable. ___ Estableix prioritats, no et distreguis.d Fes una pausa! ___ No estudiïs més de cinquanta minuts seguits.e Controla l'estrès! ___ Estudia on aprenguis millor.f Treballa amb altres persones. ___ Pren decisions sobre el teu temps i els teus recursos.

5 Més estratègies. Endevina què signifiquen.

a Tingues una actitud positiva. e Si dubtes, intenta endevinar-ho.b Llegeix en veu alta. f Escriu un diari en anglès.c Parla amb tu mateix en anglès. g Demana que et repeteixin el que no has entès.d Crea un grup d'estudi amb companys de classe. h Dóna't algun premi quan facis alguna cosa bé.

6 Relaciona les fotografies amb les estratègies.

a Em faig fitxes.

b Faig servir recursos gràfics, com ara mapes de conceptes.

c Si no puc recordar una paraula, faig una frase.

d Faig gestos per expressar-me millor.


small animal that

carries its house

I live in

a house.



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Present simple

El present simple té la mateixa forma que l'infinitiu (sense to).La tercera persona del singular és una excepció, i hi afegim -s (de vegades –es).

Per construir oracions negatives: subjecte + don't / doesn't + verb principal (infinitiu sense to).Per fer preguntes: do / does + subjecte + verb principal (infinitiu sense to).

I go to school on foot. Do you go to school on foot? I don’t go to school on foot.She goes to work by car. Does she go to work by car? She doesn’t go to work by car.

Recorda que fem servir el present simple …

… per descriure rutines de la vida diària i coses que fem cada dia.

He often has a shower before breakfast. I always leave home at 7:30.

… per expressar fets o veritats generals.

The Eiffel Tower is in Paris. Human beings use language to communicate.

… per parlar de situacions permanents en present: feina, informació personal, preferències, etc.

My parents work together. Rachel lives in Chicago.

… amb verbs que expressen pensament o sentiment.

I think she’s a good librarian. Jeannine likes her job.

El present simple es pot utilitzar amb adverbis de freqüència com ara always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely,hardly ever o never per expressar amb quina freqüència passen les coses. Aquests adverbis s'acostumen acol·locar abans del verb principal, però en canvi van al darrere del verb to be i dels verbs modals: can, would,etc. Vegeu Helping Hands 1, 2, 3.

James often drives to work. She is sometimes late. We usually eat dinner out. You can always buy another one.

Present continu

El present continu es forma amb el present del verb to be i el participi de present del verb principal (-ing).

Per construir oracions afirmatives amb el present continu sovint s'utilitzen les formes abreviades delverb to be (I'm, you're, he's, etc.).

Per construir frases negatives: subjecte + to be en negatiu + verb principal (-ing). Per formar preguntes: verb to be + subjecte + verb principal (-ing).

She’s eating a hotdog. She isn’t eating a hotdog. Is she eating a hotdog?They’re watching a film. They aren’t watching a film. Are they watching a film?

Recorda que fem servir el present continu …

… per descriure accions que tenen lloc en el momenten què parlem. Algunes referències temporalsadients són: now, right now and at the moment.

Right now the secretary is showing

the office to the new man. Mr King is having a meeting at the moment.

I’m sorry. He's is having ameeting at the moment.

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Passat simple

Fem servir el passat simple per parlar d'un estat, una acció o un esdeveniment en un moment concretdel passat. El passat simple s'usa sovint amb referències temporals de passat: yesterday, last … i ago. La tercera persona del singular és igual que la resta.Pel que fa a la formació del passat simple, els verbs es classifiquen en dos grups:

Els verbs regulars afegeixen -ed a la forma bàsica. talk ➙ talked

Els verbs irregulars tenen formes especials. leave ➙ left

Les formes interrogativa i negativa utilitzen l'auxiliar did / didn't abans del verb principal.

Per formar frases negatives: subjecte + didn't + verb principal (infinitiu sense to).Per formar preguntes: did + subjecte + verb principal (infinitiu sense to).

Did you play basketball after school? I didn’t remember the answer.Did Jamie find his glasses? He didn’t go to the swimming pool last week.

Passat continu

El passat continu es forma amb el passat del verb to be i un verb principal (-ing).

I was reading. Was he talking on the phone? Were they skiing? They weren’t dreaming.

El passat continu descriu una acció que es trobava en progrés en un moment particular del passat. L'acció va començar abans i va continuar després d'aquell moment.

Jim was reading a magazine at six o’clock.

Va començar a llegir abans de les sis en punt i probablement va continuar passada aquella hora. Una acció en progrés, en passat continu, pot ser interrompuda per una altra acció expressada en passatsimple.

Jim was reading a magazine when his mum called him.passat continu passat simple

When Jim’s mum called him, he was reading a magazine. passat simple passat continu

… per descriure situacions temporals, no permanents.

She’s sharing a flat with another girl this year. Alguns verbs no acostumen a

aparèixer en forma continua. Per

exemple: know, understand, want,

like, love, prefer o belong. En aquests casos

fem servir el present simple.

Susan is loving karate.

Susan loves karate.

I’m wanting something to eat.

I want something to eat.

1 Find the mistakes in these sentences.

a I’m liking your haircut. _______________________b She’s understanding what I’m saying very well.

_________________________________________ c Mark’s wanting to go to university.

_________________________________________ d How many people have lunch right now? ________________________________________________e What is your dad doing? He’s a plumber. ________________________________________________f What is he looking like? ______________________________________________________________g My mum is loving aerobics. ___________________________________________________________h The moon is moving around the Earth every 28 days. _______________________________________

I like your haircut.

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FUTUR: will / going to / present continu

Utilitzem will ('ll) / will not (won't) + l'infinitiu sense to per formar el futur. He/She/It mantenen la mateixa forma.Utilitzem will o won't quan …… prenem una decisió de manera espontània. Did you call your mum? No, I forgot. I’ll call her now.

… parlem d'alguna cosa que probablement passarà en el futur.

I’ll call you back tomorrow. She won’t come to the cinema tomorrow.

… fem prediccions sobre el futur.

People will travel to Mars regularly in the year 2025. Robots won’t do all the housework.

… prometem alguna cosa. I’ll buy you a new computer, if you pass all your exams.

… demanem a algú que ens faci un favor. Will you close that window, please?

… ens oferim per fer un favor a algú. Don’t worry, I’ll take the van and help you with the moving.

Be going to + infinitiu és una altra fórmula per expressar el futur.

I’m going to improve my English. Is she going to buy anything? We aren’t going to have a party.

Fem servir be going to…… per parlar d'accions en futur. Fixa't que be going to és

més limitat que will. A diferència de will, be going toexpressa plans i intencions que hem decidit prèviament, no en el moment de parlar.

I’m going to buy a new dishwasher. She isn’t going to attend any more classes.

... per fer prediccions basades en evidències del present.

Look at those clouds. It’s going to rain.Look! That cow is going to step on our picnic!

Julia burnt her hand while she was making pancakes.

L'acció que descriu el passat continu va començar abans que l'acció que descriu el passat simple.L'acció que descriu el passat continu pot continuar o no després de la interrupció. Les conjuncions when o while poden introduir aquestes oracions temporals.

While Jim was reading a magazine, his mum called him.Jim was reading a magazine when his mum called him.

1 Write sentences in the past simple or the past continuous.

a Julia / burn / her hand / while / she / make / pancakes_______________________________________________________________________________

b I / have breakfast / when / I / hear / the news / on the radio_______________________________________________________________________________

c Mary / see / James / at the party / he / hold / Lisa’s hand_______________________________________________________________________________

d I / brush / my teeth / when / the baby / wake up_______________________________________________________________________________

e While / the teacher / explain / the lesson / Sheila / raise / her hand_______________________________________________________________________________

That cow is going to stepon our picnic!

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Will i be going to es fan servir amb referències temporals que ens indiquen quan es produirà l'acció: tomorrow, next … , in the future, in … years, one day o amb oracions amb when, on + dies de la setmana,at + time, in + mesos de l'any, next (+ estiu, Nadal, diumenge, etc.) o amb oracions amb when.

Rose’s going to have a baby in January. I’ll see you when I get home.I’m going to wash the dishes

when I finish my lunch.

El present continu (am / is / are + -ing) també es pot utilitzar per expressar alguna cosa que està previstde fer en el futur.

Where are you going? I’m going to work. I’m having a meeting at three o’clock.

El present continu i going to tenen significats molt semblants. Només fem servir el present continu per parlar de plans més fixats.

I’m going to see Geena next weekend. (Una intenció: la vull veure però no sé exactament quan ho faré.)I’m seeing Geena on Saturday. (Un pla fixat: sé exactament quan la veuré.)

Amb el verb go és preferible utilitzar el present continu.

Alex’s going to go to Paris in May. Alex’s going to Paris in May. ✓

1 Match the sentences with the predictions. Then write the predictions with won’t.

a I’m great at Maths. __________________________________________________________________b He forgot to buy any food. ____________________________________________________________c I’m taking my umbrella. ______________________________________________________________d She forgot to set the alarm-clock. ______________________________________________________e He keeps forgetting my name. _________________________________________________________f They never practise. _________________________________________________________________1 not get wet 4 not get up early2 not have anything for lunch 5 not fail the exams3 not tell him again 6 not be on the team

2 Complete these sentences with be going to or will.

a Say “cheese”, I’m going to / I’ll take a photo. ____________________b "Mary’s ill." "Is she? I’ll / I’m going to ring her". ____________________c The ozone layer will / is going to disappear completely in the next century. ____________________d I’ve decided I’ll / I’m going to learn French. ____________________e I think I’m going to / I’ll buy that blue dress. What do you think? ____________________

Al darrere de when mai no fem

servir will o going to malgrat que

l'acció es produeixi en el futur.

I won’t fail the exams.

I’m going to

I’ll see you when I get back.

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El present perfet simple es forma amb el present simple del verb to have + participi de passat del verb principal.

%% % INTERROGATIUHave I/you eaten?

Has he/she/it eaten?

Have we/you/they eaten?

AFIRMATIUI/You have (’ve) eaten

He/She/It has (’s) eaten

We/You/They have (’ve) eaten

NEGATIUI/You have not (haven’t) eaten

He/She/It has not (hasn’t) eaten

We/You/They have not (haven’t) eaten



Fem servir used to per parlar de coses que passaven en el futur però que no passen ara.

I used to smoke a lot. I don’t smoke now.

Used to només es fa servir en passat. No té forma de present ni de futur.

Used to sempre va seguit d'un infinitiu amb to.

Did you use to smoke? No, I didn’t.

Remarca el sentit de passat de used to amb referències temporals: when I was a child, when I was little, when I was younger, years ago

1 Write questions with used to.

a I don’t smoke now. ________________________________________________________________b I don’t eat meat any more. __________________________________________________________ ?c I only drink water now. _____________________________________________________________ ?d I get up early every day. ____________________________________________________________ ?e I don’t have a car. _________________________________________________________________ ?

2 How have these people changed? Write sentences with used to.

a Steve has short hair now. _____________________________________________b Julia’s slim now. ___________________________________________________c Clarissa goes to work by bus now. _____________________________________d My children have a dog now. _________________________________________e Amy and Sarah get on really well now. __________________________________

Did you use to smoke years ago?

He used to have long hair.

INTERROGATIUDid I/you/he/she/it

use to live here?Did we/you/they


used to live here.We/You/They


didn’t use to live here.We/You/They

Recorda que has de suprimir la -d

final de use després de did / didn’t.

I didn’t used to cycle to school.

Respostes curtes

%% AFIRMATIUYes, I/you have.

Yes, he/she/it has.

Yes, we/you/they have.

NEGATIUNo, I/you haven’t.

No, he/she/it hasn’t.

No, we/you/they haven’t.

El participi de passat dels verbs regularsacaba en -ed, com el passat simple.

She walked to work. (past simple)She has walked to work. (presentperfect)

El participi de passat dels verbs irregularsde vegades és diferent de la forma verbalde passat.

before now

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1 Put these verbs into the present perfect in your notebook.

a ________________ frogs? (he / ever / eat)b They _____________ her. (not / interview / yet)c I ______________ half an hour. (be / here / for)

2 Write sentences using the present perfect or the past simple in your notebook.

a see / The Secret Chamber (last Christmas) ______________________________________________b you / find / money / in the street? (ever) ________________________________________________c I / try / Indian food (never) __________________________________________________________d you / last / visit / Paris? (when) _______________________________________________________e my sister / get married / in Israel (last week) _____________________________________________

d He _________________________. (just / leave)e Sharon ___ three tests this week. (take / already)f My dad ________________ abroad. (be / never)

Has he ever eaten

Did you see The Secret Chamber last Christmas?

Fem servir el present perfet per parlar de …… accions o experiències que es van produir

en un moment del passat sense especificar quan.

I’ve written a letter to the editor. She’s seen that film.

… una situació que va començar en el passat i que continua en el present.

They’ve lived in that house for years. (Encara hi viuen.)He’s been here since ten o’clock. (Encara hi és.)

El present perfet no es fa servir mai

amb referències temporals en passat

com ara last night, yesterday, etc.

She’s travelled by train yesterday.

El present perfet també es pot utilitzar amb uns altres adverbis.

Ever s'utilitza en preguntes sobre Have you ever met someone famous? les experiències de les persones. (= algun cop en la teva vida)

Never s'utilitza per donar una resposta No, I haven’t. I’ve never met anyone famous.negativa a una pregunta com l'anterior. (= en cap moment de la meva vida)

Si la resposta és afirmativa, la pregunta o les preguntes següents han d'estar en passat simple ja que l'experiència es va produir en algun moment del passat.

A: Have you ever met anyone famous? B: Yes, I have. Michelle Pfeiffer.A: When did you meet her? B: In 2000. A: Where did you meet her? B: I met her in Miami.

FOR / SINCEExpressa la durada d'una acció que es va iniciar en el passat i queara continua. Fem servir for amb un període de temps: for years,for ages, for a long time. Fem servir since amb un punt definit enel temps (dates, anys, esdeveniments). Remarca quan va començar l'acció: since four o’clock, since 2001, since last Monday.

He had his bike for ages.They’ve been friends since they met.

ALREADYS'utilitza en frases afirmatives per remarcarque l'acció ha començat.Already es col·loca entre have i el participide passat o bé al final de la frase.

He’s already read that book. He’s read that book already.

YETS'utilitza en preguntes o en oracions negatives. Yet significa untilnow o fins a un moment concret. Es col·loca al final de la frase.

Have you eaten yet? Haven’t you eaten yet? You haven’t eaten yet.

JUSTS'utilitza per fer referència a una acció produïda molt recentment. Just es col·locaentre have i el participi de passat.

She’s just signed the contract. They’ve just bought a new house.

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PRONOMS RELATIUS: who, which, whose, that, where

Els pronoms de relatiu s'utilitzen per introduir oracions de relatiu. Recorda que els fem servir …… en les definicions.

A surgeon is a man who operates on people. A pencil is something that / which you use for writing.A book-shop is a place where you can buy books

… per identificar coses, llocs i persones.

Where’s the dress that you bought?That’s the place where I met your dad.That’s the woman who writes for the local newspaper.

1 Complete using a relative pronoun. Add brackets if you think it can be left out.

a Susan is the girl ______ father teaches Natural Sciences.b She’s a woman ____________ would do anything for her family.c The house ____________ they bought is terribly old.d The flat ____________ you live is very comfortable.e This is the gorilla ____________ escaped from its cage.



Podem suprimir who, that i which quan són complements de les oracions de relatiu.That’s the book you lent me. The woman you phoned is a famous actress.

PRONOMS RELATIUSRecorda que els pronoms relatius poden fer referència a…

… persones: who o that. Fan la funció de subjecte del verb de l'oració de relatiu.

The man who / that told you the time is my boss.(Who / that fa referència a the man i és el subjecte de l'oració de relatiu.)

… persones: who, whom o that. Fan la funció de complement del verb de l'oració de relatiu.

The woman who / whom / that you phoned is a famous actress.(Who / whom / that fa referència a the woman. El subjecte de l'oració de relatiu és you. El complement és who / whom / that.)

… animals o coses: which / that. Fan la funció de subjecte o de complement del verb en l'oració de relatiu.

This is the book that / which you lent me.(That / which fa referència a the book. That / which és el complement de l'oració de relatiu. You és el subjecte.)This is the dog that / which barked all night. (That / which fa referència a the dog. That / which és el subjecte de l'oració de relatiu.)

… possessió: whose. Whose es pot fer servir ambpersones o animals.

She met a man whose family was wealthy. This is the dog whose owner is on holiday.

… lloc: where.

This is the town where I was born.

That’s the dog whose owner is away.

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Aquestes oracions de relatiu van introduïdes per pronoms de relatiu. Es fan servir per definir persones,llocs, coses o animals sobre les quals el parlant diu alguna cosa.

A musician is a person who plays musical instruments.

La subordinada subratllada explica què és a musician. Sense aquesta subordinada, l'oració no té sentit.

The girl who lives next door is an excellent skater.

La subordinada subratllada explica a qui fa referència el parlant: a aquesta noia en concret i no cap altra.Who, that, which i where són els pronoms que es fan servir en les oracions del tipus: oracions de relatiuespecificatives. Quan aquests pronoms són el subjecte de la subordinada de relatiu, no es poden suprimir.

The woman who/ that entered the shop was crying.

Quan introdueixen una subordinada de relatiu que defineix el complement de la frase, es poden suprimir.

The book (that / which) Julia borrowed from the library is boring.

Whom és la forma de complement de who i és més formal.Les preposicions (from, to, at, etc.) poden aparèixer en subordinades de relatiu. Fixa't en l'ordre correcte de les paraules.

I come from this town. It is noisy and dirty. = The town where I come from is noisy and dirty.We talked to this man. He promised to come. = The man (that) we talked to promised to come.

Whose introdueix una oració de relatiu que expressa possessió. Whose sempre va seguit d'un nom.

Jane helped the boy. His arm was broken. = Jane helped the boy whose arm was broken.

No fem servir comes per separar

una oració de relatiu de la resta

de la frase!

No fem servir un possessiu amb whose!

That’s the woman whose her husband

won the marathon last year!

1 Write definitions for these jobs. Use a relative pronoun.

a a composer. _____________________________________________________________________b an optician: _____________________________________________________________________c a gardener: _____________________________________________________________________d an actress: ______________________________________________________________________

2 Write sentences with relative pronouns.

a The man was wearing a blue coat. He gave a speech._____________________________________________

b Gloria lives in a flat. She inherited it from her parents.__________________________________________________________________________________________

c That’s the woman. Her daughter won a prize last year.__________________________________________________________________________________________

d The vet examined the cat. He was very kind.__________________________________________________________________________________________

The man who was wearing a blue coat gave a speech.

You've been a good kitty.

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Some, any, every i no + -one / -body / -where / -thing formen els pronoms indefinits.

Fem servir els pronoms indefinits quan la persona o lacosa a què fem referència no és important. Els pronomsindefinits es poden utilitzar com a subjectes o comple-ments de la frase. Sempre van amb el verb en singular.

Someone is shouting. Everyone likes fish. Nothing is here.

Els pronoms que comencen amb some- s'utilitzen en les oracions afirmatives.

She opened the fridge because she wanted something to eat.

Els pronoms que comencen amb any- s'utilitzen en les preguntes i en les frases negatives.

They couldn’t think of anywhere to go. Did you buy anything in town?

Els pronoms que comencen amb no- s'utilitzen amb les formes afirmatives del verb.

I bought nothing. (= I didn’t buy anything.)

1 Rewrite these sentences using anyone, anybody, anywhere or anything.

a There’s no one here. _______________________________________________________________b She saw nothing. _________________________________________________________________c There’s nothing to eat or drink in the house. ____________________________________________d We went shopping, but we bought nothing. ____________________________________________e There’s nowhere to go at this time of the year. ___________________________________________

2 Complete these sentences using an appropriate indefinite pronoun.

a Silvia lost her job a month ago. _______________ knows where she works now.b The teacher said that ____________ in the class had failed the exam. All of us had to take it again.c Has ____________ seen my glasses? I can’t find them ____________.d They wanted ____________ special for their wedding – a big party for a wonderful couple.e I couldn’t find ____________ for her birthday. I went ____________, but ____________ was too



Els pronoms amb some- es poden

fer servir en preguntes si són una

petició o un oferiment.

Would you like something to drink? (oferiment)

Can somebody help me? (petició)

There isn’t anyone here.

Nobody / No one

%PERSONESsomeone / somebody

anyone / anybody

everyone / everybody

no one / nobody

% %COSESsomething








Does everyone like fish?

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Les preguntes wh- necessiten un pronom interrogatiu, com ara: who, what, which, whose, when, where,why o how. Per fer preguntes utilitzem els auxiliars do / does (en present) o did (en passat).

Why do you like English? How does she feel? What did you do last night?

L'ordre habitual dels mots en les preguntes és:

pronom interrogatiu + auxiliar + subjecte + verb principal + (objecte) + (oració adverbial)

Malgrat això, quan el pronom interrogatiu és el subjecte de l'oració interrogativa, no cal fer servir l'auxiliar. Compara aquestes oracions:

Who went to the cinema? Mary did. Who did you go to the cinema with? I went with Mary.

En la primera frase, who és el subjecte de l'oració. No fem servir l'auxiliar did.

En la segona frase, el subjecte de l'oració és you i no who. Aleshores, cal fer servir l'auxiliar did i el verbprincipal apareix en la forma d'infinitiu sense to. La preposició with es col·loca al final de la pregunta.

Compara aquests exemples:

What does he play on Tuesday? Tennis.(La pregunta es fa sobre l’objecte. Cal fer servir does.)What happened then? Something strange.(La pregunta es fa sobre el subjecte. No s’utilitza cap auxiliar.)

1 Write possible questions for these answers.

a _____________________________________ Because the tube is faster. b _______________________________________ Yes, we have a five-minute-break between classes.c ______________________________________________________ I visit my relatives twice a year.d ________________________________________________________ She prefers the striped one.e ___________________________________________________________ No, I can’t. I’m too busy.


No fem servir l'auxiliar

quan no és necessari.

What did happen last night?

What happened last night?

Why don’t you take the bus to go to work?

-er o more (comparatiu)This room is hotter than that one.That car is more expensive than yours.the –est o the most (superlatiu)Lake Victoria is one of the biggest lakes in the world.It’s one of the most interesting films I’veever seen.less … thanThis book is less interesting than the film.His approach is less traditional than mine.as … as / not as … asYour house is as big as mine. Sandy isn’t as tall as Claire.

a un adjectiu per comparar dues coses o dues persones.

a un adjectiu per comparar una cosa o una persona amb la resta.

a un adjectiu per expressar el contrari de more.

per expressar que dues coses o dues personessón o no són el mateix en algun aspecte.



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Recorda aquestes normes per formar el comparatiu i el superlatiu.

Adjectius curts (una o dues síl·labes). Recorda…… en la majoria de casos afegim –er o -est a la forma bàsica. warm - warmer - the warmest

… en els adjectius acabats en -e, afegim -r o -st a la forma bàsica. strange - stranger - the strangest

… en els adjectius acabats en -y o -ly, canviem la -y per -i i afegim –er o -est. noisy - noisier - the noisiest

… en els adjectius d'una síl·laba (consonant + vocal + consonant): fat - fatter - the fattest

doblem la consonant i afegim –er o –est.… en els adjectius de dues síl·labes acabats en –ful, –ed o –ing: careful - more careful - the most careful

afegim more o the most abans de la forma bàsica. boring - more boring - the most boring

Adjectius llargs (tres síl·labes o més). Recorda…… en la majoria d'adjectius llargs afegim la paraula more o the most abans de la forma bàsica.interesting - more interesting - the most interestingexpensive - more expensive - the most expensive

Hi ha alguns comparatius i superlatius irregulars. good - better - the best bad - worse - the worst

Seguim les mateixes normes per comparar adverbis. En la majoria d'adverbis afegim more i most, però en els d'una síl·laba afegim –er i –est.carefully - more carefully - the most carefully fast - faster - the fastest

Hi ha alguns comparatius i superlatius irregulars.well - better - the best badly - worse - the worst

1 Complete each question with one of these words. Use the appropriate form.

near warm ✓large heavy expensive long fast tall

a Which is the ____________________________________________________ island in the world? b Which is _____________________________________________________ a cheetah or a lion?c Which is the __________________________________________________ building in the world?d Which is _________________________________________________ the Mississippi or the Nile?e Which is ______________________________________________________ a Rolex or a Swatch?f Which is _____________________________________________________ an elephant or a rhino?g Which is ___________________________________________________ the Aegean or the Baltic?h Which is the ____________________________________________________ planet to the Earth?

2 Write sentences using as… as.

a You live nearer than I thought. You don’t live __________________________________________b Your dad looks younger than I expected. He isn’t ________________________________________c The weather this week is warmer than last week. It isn’t ___________________________________d The tickets for the fair rides are cheaper than I thought. They aren’t __________________________e The English exam was easier than the French exam. It wasn’t _______________________________


as far away as I thought.

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ORACIONS CONDICIONALS (primer i segon condicional)

Primer condicional / condicionals realsUtilitzem aquest tipus de condicional per parlar de coses que és possible o molt probable que passin.

Podem invertir l'ordre de la frase (condició + conseqüència).

You’ll change your opinion about sports if you work with Ann. futur (will + infinitiu sense to) if + present simple

If you work with Ann, you’ll change your opinion about sports.If + present simple futur (will + infinitiu sense to)

Aquestes condicionals poden ser negatives o interrogatives.

Segon condicional / condicionals improbables però possibles

Utilitzem aquest tipus de condicional per parlar de coses que són possibles però no gaire probables.

Podem invertir l'ordre de la frase (condició + conseqüència).

She would get a better job if she spoke English.condicional (would + infinitiu sense to) if + passat simple If she spoke English, she would get a better job.

if + passat simple condicional (would + infinitiu sense to)

Les formes del segon condicional poden ser negatives o interrogatives.

I wouldn’t mind living in a flat if I could keep my dog.If you saw a shoplifter, would you tell the shop assistant?

L'única excepció d'aquesta norma és el verb to be ja que cal utilitzar were en comptes de was per a I/He/She/It. Tot i que was és acceptable en anglès modern.

If I was / were you, I’d wear blue jeans.She’d buy a new car if she was / were rich.

Quan la condició és negativa, podem utilitzar unless en comptes de if not.Fixa't que unless és una conjunció negativa. Es fa servir amb un verb afirmatiu.

He knew Pete would never talk to him again unless he apologized. Unless I were a millionaire, I wouldn’t spend a fortune on that painting.


If + present simple If you work with John,

CONSEQÜÈNCIAfutur (will + infinitiu sense to)you’ll change your opinion about him.modal + infinitiu sense toyou can learn a lot about the business.imperatiube careful.


If + passat simpleIf she spoke English,

CONSEQÜÈNCIAcondicional (would + infinitiu sense to)she would get a better job.could / might + infinitiu sense toshe could / might get a better job.

I wouldn’t mind livingin a flat if I could keepmy dog.

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1 Write the verb in the correct form.

a If he _____ (have) more money, he ___________ (buy) a new flat.b I _________________ (not ring) her if I ______________ (be) you.c If we _________________ (live) closer, we _______________ (see) each other more often.d If you _________________ (go out) more often, you ___________________ (make) new friends.e If your boss _____________________ (give) you a day off, what __________ you __________ (do)?

2 Write a 2nd conditional sentence for each statement.

a We don’t visit my uncle very often because he lives abroad._______________________________________________

b He doesn’t earn much. That’s why he doesn’t have a nice car.______________________________________________________________________________

c The teacher speaks too fast. That’s why I can’t follow her.______________________________________________________________________________

d I can’t go to Silvia’s party because I have to study for a Latin exam.______________________________________________________________________________

e Sarah doesn’t go to the cinema often because she hasn’t got much money.______________________________________________________________________________

3 Rewrite these sentences using unless.

a I won’t give him his present if he doesn’t sing a song for us._________________________________________________

b She wouldn’t phone the police if it wasn’t necessary.______________________________________________________________________________

c Chris won’t talk to her if she doesn’t apologise first.______________________________________________________________________________

d I won’t make a salad if you don’t do some shopping first .______________________________________________________________________________

ESTIL DIRECTE ESTIL INDIRECTEpresent simple (go) passat simple (went)passat simple (went) passat perfet (had gone)present perfet (have gone) passat perfet (had gone)can + infinitiu (can go) could + infinitiu (could go)will + infinitiu (will go) would + infinitiu (would go)shall + infinitiu (shall go) should + infinitiu (should go)would / could + infinitiu (would / could go) sense canvis

If my uncle didn’t live abroad, we’d visit him more often.

Unless he sings a song for us, I won’t give him his present.

had would buy

Hi ha dues maneres de parlar del que diu una persona. Estil directe: les paraules exactes que algú ha dit. Les acotacions es col·loquen abans i després del que hadit aquesta persona.

My dad said, “I’ll be home soon.”

Estil indirecte: el sentit del que ha dit algú sense repetir-ne les paraules. En l'estil indirecte cal fer canvisespecífics en el que s'ha dit originàriament.

My dad said that he would be home soon

Recorda …… cal fer els canvis necessaris en els verbs. Fem un pas enrere en el temps per explicar el que s'ha dit.

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Estil directe: “I can’t come to your party” Estil indirecte: Mary said (that) she couldn’t come to my party.

… cal fer servir verbs d'informació: utilitzem said, told, asked… per introduir la frase que es reprodueix. Aquests verbs es fan servir en passat simple.

Estil directe: “I’m at the National Gallery.“Estil indirecte: Jim told me (that) he was

at the National Gallery.

Estil directe: “Where do you live?”Estil indirecte: The policeman asked where I lived.

… no cal utilitzar acotacions. Podem utilitzar that en el seu lloc.

Estil directe: “I’ll phone Mary later.”Estil indirecte: My sister said (that) she’d phone Mary later.

… hem de canviar els pronoms personals, els possessius i els adjectius que calgui.

Estil directe: “My mother is sick.”Estil indirecte: Mary said that her mother

was sick.

… en les preguntes yes / no no cal canviar l'ordre de les paraules, eliminem l'auxiliar i els signes d'interrogació, col·loquem el subjecte abans del verb, i afegim if o whether.

Estil directe: “Are you enjoying the party?”Estil indirecte: She asked me if / whether I was enjoying the party.

… en les preguntes Wh- cal canviar l'ordre de les paraules, eliminem l'auxiliar i els signes d'interrogació i col·loquem el subjecte abans del verb.

Estil directe: “Where does your friend live?”Estil indirecte: Mary asked me where

my friend lived.

Estil directe: “How can I get to the railway station?”

Estil indirecte: He asked me how he could get

to the railway station.

… cal canviar les expressions temporals.

ESTIL DIRECTE ESTIL INDIRECTEtomorrow the next day / the following dayyesterday the day beforethis (morning) that (morning)today that daytonight that nightnext / on (Monday) the following (Monday)last (Monday) the previous (Monday)ago before / previously

Fixa't en la diferència

entre say i tell. Say pot

anar seguit d'un pronom

com a complement sense to. Tell

sempre va seguit d'un pronom

com a complement sense to.

She said (that) she usually took

the 6 o’clock train.

She said to me (that) she would

take the 6 o’clock train.

She told me she would

take the 6 o’clock train.

Fixa't en aquests errors habituals.

Mary asked me where lived my friend.

Mary asked me where my friend lived.

Mary asked where did my brother live.

Mary asked where my brother lived.

1 Write these sentences in reported speech

in your notebook.

a “I’m leaving tomorrow.” (She said)__________________________________________________________________

b “We’re going to meet tonight.” (Julia explained)

c “I can’t stand this kind of music.” (Mary told Peter)

d “I do my homework at the library.” (He said)e “I’ll send a postcard as soon as I get to

Paris.” (Dad promised)f “What time does the train arrive?”

(The policeman asked)g “Can you do bungee jumping?”

(The instructor wanted to know)h “The princess is going to get married next

summer.” (The spokesperson announced)

She said (that) she was leaving the following day.

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May i might són verbs modals com should. Tenen les mateixes característiques. Recorda …

… van seguits d'un infinitiu sense to. I may see you next week.… no s'hi afegeix -s en la tercera persona singular. She might be there too.… s'hi afegeix not per formar el negatiu. They may not arrive on time.… no cal un auxiliar per formar les preguntes. May I use your car?

May, might i could s'utilitzen per parlar d'esdeveniments possibles en el futur.

John might not go. He might be too busy.

May i might s'utilitzen per expressar una possibilitat que és menys segura. Tenen un significat semblant a perhaps. Will s'utilitza per expressar una possibilitat que és més probableque es produeixi. Comparem may i might amb will.

She might / may go to university. I think she’ll go to university. She won’t go to university.I may invite Kieran to my party. I’m not sure. (= Potser el convidaré.)

a Perhaps I’ll go to Italy next summer. _________________________________

b Perhaps I’ll leave my job next month.

c Perhaps Susan will get married next month.d Perhaps I won’t take my holidays before Easter.e Perhaps I won’t see you again!

1 Rewrite these sentences using may or might in your notebook.

I may / might go to Italy next summer.


Should és un verb modal. S'utilitza per demanar consell o per donar consell a algú.

You should study more.

Com a verb modal, should no porta -s en la tercera persona singular. Sempre va seguit d'un infinitiusense to. En les oracions negatives, should es transforma en should not o shouldn't. En les preguntes,should va abans del subjecte.

He / she should stop smoking.We shouldn’t stay up late.Should I change the colour of my hair?

I think / I don’t think sovint es fa servir ambshould / shouldn’t per introduir una opinió.

I think we should go now. I don’t think you should go to that party.

En les preguntes, cal afegir un pronom interrogatiu.

What should I do? Should I ring him? Where should he go?

a Your little brother is crying because he’s lost hisfootball. _______________________________________________

b Your best friend has failed an important exam.

c Your mum is worried because her car has broken down.

d Your dad is worried because he thinks he’s puton some weight recently.

e Your teacher has got a terrible cough.

1 What advice would you give in these situations? Answer in your notebook.

I think you should go back to the park and look for it.

Should I change the colour of my hair?

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1 Complete these sentences with could or couldn’t.

a He looked for a job every week, but he ________ find one. b Excuse me, _____________ you tell me the time?c _____________ you give me a lift into town?d Do you think you _____________ help me with a problem I have in the class?e She ___________ use a computer when she was six, but she ___________ make the video work!


Can / can’t és un altre verb modal. Té diversos significats. Recorda…

… habilitats en present: saber fer. Mark can play tennis, but he can’t play rugby.… permís: obtenir permís. Can I go out with my friends? Yes, you can. / No, you can’t.… possibilitat: amb referència al futur. I can do the shopping tomorrow.

… peticions: demanar a algú que faci alguna cosa. Can you open the door for me, please?

Can’t es pot utilitzar per a prohibicions o per dir que alguna cosa és impossible.

He can’t drive.. He’s under eighteen. (Prohibició) It can’t be true! (Impossibilitat)


En general, could és el passat de can. Could / couldn't té diversos significats. Recorda:

… habilitats en passat, sovint amb referències de passat com una data o un període de temps.

I could walk when I was one. Could you walk when you were one? No, I couldn’t.

… peticions. Could és més educat que can.

Could you help me with my homework, please?

… possibilitat. Té un significat similar a may o might. Pot aparèixer en oracions condicionals.

They could be members of a pop-group. What do you think?We could take the train if it wasn’t too expensive.


La veu passiva es forma amb el verb to be i el participi de passat del verb principal.

This figure was made by Mariscal. Some students were hurt in the traffic accident.

Per transformar en negativa la veu passiva, afegim not a l'auxiliar.

That lesson hasn’t been revised. The statue won’t be moved. Latin isn’t taught in most schools.


Can you open the door, please?

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Per fer preguntes, canviem l'ordre de les paraules. L'auxiliar va al davant, tot seguit va el subjecte. Si hi ha un pronom interrogatiu, es col·loca al davant i a continuació l'auxiliar.

Is it made of leather? Has the bike been repaired?Was the burglar arrested? How is this book organized?

Observa els exemples per saber com canvien els temps en la veu passiva:

ACTIVA PASSIVAThey make Fiat cars in Italy. Fiat cars are made in Italy.Bell invented the telephone in 1876. The telephone was invented by Bell.They are building a new house down the road. A new house is being built down the road.The police were searching the yard for clues. The yard was being searched.They have produced some new films. Some new films have been produced.The noise will scare the birds. The birds will be scared by the noise.You can’t take photos inside the chapel. Photos can’t be taken inside the chapel.They should repair the lift. The lift should be repaired.They must pay the salaries. The salaries must be paid.

Per transformar una oració activa en passiva, recorda que…… el subjecte de l'oració activa passa

a ser l'agent de la passiva. … col·loquem la preposició by abans de l'agent.… el complement directe de l'oració activa esdevé

el subjecte de l'oració passiva.

La veu passiva és més formal que l'activa. Recorda que es fa servir:… per posar l'èmfasi en l'acció

i no en qui o què la fa.

The household microwave oven was introduced in the 1950s.

… quan no sabem o no importa qui fa o va fer l'acció.

A new factory was opened in Cape Town.

… per descriure objectes, parlar d'invents, processos científics o fets històrics.

It’s made in China. It was invented at the beginning of the century. It was discovered recently.



Bell invented the telephone.

The telephone was invented by Bell.

Si el subjecte de l'oració activa és

they o someone, suprimim l'agent

en l'oració passiva.

They clean the room every day.

The room is cleaned every day (by them).

1 Change these sentences to the passive.

a J.K. Rowling has written another Harry Potter book.__________________________________________________

b They will translate her new book into many languages.__________________________________________________

c Last month, someone stole a large number of copies from the warehouse.__________________________________________________

d She has signed thousands of books for children from all over the world.__________________________________________________

e They have already made several successful films based on her novels.__________________________________________________

Another Harry Potter book has been written by J.K. Rowling.

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PARAULES D'ENLLAÇ: and, but, so, because, then, before, after

Les paraules d'enllaç són conjuncions que uneixen dues oracions. Una oració és una estructura amb un subjecte i un verb.

1 Complete these sentences with and, but, so, because, then,

before, or after.

a I left the classroom ______ closed the door.b It was raining heavily, __________ we had to stay indoors.c She goes for a run at 7:30 am __________ she goes to work.d They brought in the cake __________ the first and second courses.e My mum talked to my tutor __________ I had a problem with

the Maths teacher.f I recycle paper __________ I don’t recycle glass.


ANDUtilitzem and per unir dues paraules o dues fra-ses. And també es fa servir per sumar nombres.

I’m wearing jeans and a T-shirt. She missed the bus and couldn’t get a taxi.Four and five is nine.

SOUtilitzem so per expressar el resultat d'alguna cosa.

There was nobody from our class at the party so we decided to leave.

I saw a fire so I called the fire brigade.

THENUtilitzem then per descriure una seqüència d'accions. Then significanext. Es combina amb paraules comfirst i finally.

He put on his shirt and trousers.Then he went downstairs and had a cup of tea.

BECAUSEUtilitzem because per introduir una explicació o una raó.

We decided to leave because there was nobody from our class at the party.

I called the fire brigade because I saw a fire in the street.

BEFOREUtilitzem before per fer referència a alguna cosa que va passar abansd'una altra. Mai no va seguit d'unfutur amb will.You must have lunch with us before you leave.

AFTERUtilitzem after per fer referència a alguna cosa que passa després d'unaaltra (el contrari de before). Normalment va seguit d'un verb enpresent simple o en present perfet.

You will go to bed after you have finished your homework.

BUTUtilitzem but per unir dues oracions. But té habitualment el mateix significat que however.He was taken to hospital, but they couldn’t save his life.The house was quite cheap, but I didn’t have enough money to buy it.

No hem de començar una frase amb after

(com a adverbi), cal utilitzar

afterwards o after that.

After, I left.After that, I left.

Afterwards, I left.

‘ t exp(–2t ) dt = Nobody understands him.

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1 Match and complete these sentences using so … that.

warm we couldn’t climb it in one dayheavy I wouldn’t like to swim in ithigh the students will spend a couple of hours doing itcold you will need a trolley to carry itdifficult I’m going to switch off the heating

a The weather is ______________________________________________________________________b This case is _________________________________________________________________________c This exam is ________________________________________________________________________d That lake is _________________________________________________________________________e The mountain was ___________________________________________________________________

2 Fill in the blanks with so or such.

a I enjoyed myself ______ much in Hawaii that I didn’t want to leave. b They served ________ delicious food at the hotel that nobody missed any meals.c The hotel was crowded, with ________ many guests from ________ many countries.d The receptionist was ________ a nice guy. He was kind and helpful all the time.e My room was just perfect. The bathroom had ________ a big bathtub!


So i such s'utilitzen per remarcar el significat d'unadjectiu.Utilitzem so + adjectiu (sense un nom).Utilitzem such + adjectiu + nom.

It’s a beautiful car, but it’s so expensive! I’ve never met such friendly people!

Such pot anar seguit d'un adjectiu que modifica un nom en singular, un nom en plural o un nom incomptable. Si el nom és en singular, ha d'anar precedit d'a / an.

Nom en singular: He was such a bad student.Nom en plural: That tree had such beautiful leaves.Nom incomptable: We’ve don’t usually have such nice weather.

So i such sovint va seguit d'una oració: so … that / such … thatThat es pot suprimir.

The test was so easy (that) I finished it in ten minutes.It was such an embarrassing situation (that) she couldn’t say a word.

So es pot combinar amb much + nom incomptable o many + nom plural.

She’s got so many books. How can you eat so much meat?

so warm that I’m going to switch off the heating.


I’ve never met suchfriendly people.

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Infinitiu Passat Participi

cost cost costhit hit hithurt hurt hurtlet let letput put putset set setshut shut shut

bring brought broughtbuy bought boughtcatch caught caughtfight fought foughtteach taught taughtthink thought thoughtbuild built builtdream dreamt/dreamed dreamt/dreamedfeel felt feltkeep kept keptlearn learnt/learned learnt/learnedleave left leftmeet met metsend sent sentsleep slept sleptsmell smelt/smelled smelt/smelledspend spent spentfind found foundget got got/gotten have had hadhear heard heardhold held heldlose lost lostmake made madepay paid paidread /ri:d/ read /red/ read /red/say said saidsell sold soldsit sat satstand stood stoodtell told toldunderstand understood understoodwin won won

Infinitiu Passat Participi

bite bit bittenbreak broke brokenchoose chose choseneat ate eatenfall fell fallenfly flew flownforbid forbade forbiddenforget forgot forgottenforgive forgave forgivengive gave givengrow grew grownhide hid hiddenknow knew knownride rode riddenrise rose risensee saw seenshake shook shakenshow showed shown/showedspeak spoke spokensteal stole stolenswear swore swornswell swelled swollen/swelledtake took takentear tore tornthrow threw thrownwake woke wokenwear wore wornwrite wrote written

begin began begundrink drank drunkring rang rungsing sang sungswim swam swum

be was, were beenbecome became becomecome came comedo did donego went gonerun ran run


1 PREFIXES. Write the negative of these words. Use the correct prefix: il-, im-, in-, ir-.

a possible ______________ e capable ______________b relevant ______________ f responsible ______________c logical ______________ g probable ______________d competent ______________ h legible ______________

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2 PERSONALITY. Find ten adjectives in the word puzzle. Complete these sentences.

Use the definitions to help you.

Someone who is ...a ______________ is fashionable and ‘in’.b ______________ is fortunate.c ______________ is liked by a lot of people.d ______________ doesn’t have to worry about money.e ______________ is very determined to get what they want.f ______________ is very creative and has original ideas.g ______________ has a special natural ability or skill.h ______________ always feels calm and is not worried.i ______________ is nervous about talking to other people.j ______________ behaves in a way that is not polite.

3 WORD FORMATION. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of these words.

a explain I think you owe me an _____________.b advise Can you give me some __________________ about my new job?c friend Their __________________ is something I can’t understand.d famous I doubt this __________________ will last forever.e fail She was a ___________________. She couldn’t do anything right.f different They are the same. I can’t see any ___________________.g create J.K. Rowling, the ___________________ of Harry Potter, lives in Scotland.h agree They finally reached an ___________________ and there was peace.i beauty I’ve met my brother’s girlfriend. I think she’s ____________________.j decide I wouldn’t like to be a headmaster. They have to take so many ____________________.

4 British or American English? Write these words into two different columns.

Use your dictionary to help you.

✓movie flat tube centre shop color boot cab ✓film subway apartmentvacation center colour trunk can lorry holiday store tin truck taxi


movie film




I’m going to catch the tube.

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5 SUFIXES. -FUL / -LESS. Remember –ful means with and –less means without.

Complete the sentences using these words.

harmful successful ✓harmless thoughtless beautiful careful thoughtful careless

a You shouldn’t be afraid of cats. They are _____________.b It was ______________________ of him to smoke in front of Jim.c His family thought he would become a ______________________ writer.d All football players have ______________________ wives. I wonder why.e It was really ______________________ of you to remember our wedding anniversary.f Be ______________________ when you cross the streets in England. You have to look right first.g Tom is a ______________________ student. He does his homework without paying much attention.h Smoking is extremely ______________________ for your health.


Complete the word spiders with the correct words from the box.

poet ✓violin ✓jazz Hitchcock actor novel Spielberg flute ✓western ✓playwrightdrummer ✓poetry J.K. Rowling drums ✓James Cameron ✓stuntman pianist actress science fiction

novelist war reggae ✓Noah Gordon biography Shakespeare classical ✓violinist


types ofmovies:

_________ _________ _________

performers:_________ _________ _________

directors:_________ _________ _________

types of books:

_________ _________ _________

types ofwriters:

_________ _________ _________

famous writers:

_________ _________ _________

types of music:_________ _________ _________

instruments:__________________ _________

performers:_________ _________ _________


James Cameron



Noah Gordon







Pàgina 41 b She understands … c Markwants to go … d How many peopleare having …? e What does yourdad do? f What does he look like? g My mum loves … h The moonmoves around …Pàgina 51 b I was having breakfast when Iheard the news on the radio. c Marysaw James at the party when he washolding Lisa’s hand. d I was brushing

my teeth when the baby woke up. e While the teacher was explainingthe lesson, Sheila raised her hand.Pàgina 61 b He won’t have anything forlunch. c I won’t get wet. d Shewon’t get up early. e I won’t tell himagain. f They won’t be on the team.2 b I’ll c is going to d I’m going to e I’ll buy

Pàgina 71 (possibles respostes) b Did you useto eat meat when you were younger? c Did you use to drink other thingswhen you were little? d Did you useto get up early every day? e Did youuse to have a car years ago?2 (possibles respostes) b She used tobe overweight. c She used to go towork by train. d They used to have acat. e They used to fight a lot. / Theydidn’t use to get on.

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Pàgina 81 b They haven’t interviewed her yet.c I have been here for half an hour. d He has just left. e Sharon has already taken three tests this week. f My dad has never been abroad. 2 b Have you ever found money in thestreet? c I have never tried Indian food.d When did you last visit Paris? e Mysister got married in Israel last week.Pàgina 91 b who c which / that d where e which / thatPàgina 101 (possibles respostes) a A composer is a person who writes music. b An optician is a person who sells glasses /checks your eyes. c A gardener is aperson who takes care of gardens. d An actress is a woman who acts.2 b Gloria lives in a flat which / thatshe inherited from her parents. c That’s the woman whose daughterwon a prize last year. d The vet whoexamined the cat was very kind.Pàgina 111 b She didn’t see anything. c Thereisn’t anything to eat … d … but wedidn’t buy anything. e There isn’tanywhere to go …2 b everyone / everybody c anyone /anybody … anywhere d something eanything… everywhere … everything …Pàgina 121 (possibles respostes) b Do you haveany free time? c How often do yousee your relatives? d Which one does she like best? e Can you goshopping with me now?Pàgina 131 b faster c tallest d longer e more expensive f heavier g warmer h nearest2 (possibles respostes) b … as old as I expected. c ... as cold as last week. d ... as expensive as I thought. e ... as difficult as the French exam.Pàgina 151 b wouldn’t ring … were c lived …would see d went out … would makee gave … would … do

2 (possibles respostes) b If he earnedmore, he’d have a nice car. c If the teacher spoke more slowly, I’d be ableto follow her. d If I didn’t have to studyfor a Latin exam, I’d go to Silvia’s party.e If Sarah had more money, she’d goto the cinema more often.3 b She wouldn’t phone the policeunless it were necessary. c Chriswon’t talk to her unless she apologises. d I won’t make a saladunless you do some shopping. Pàgina 161 b Julia explained that they weregoing to meet that night. c Marytold Peter that she couldn’t standthat kind of music. d He said (that)he did his homework at the library. e Dad promised that he would senda postcard as soon as he got to Paris.f The policeman asked what timethe train arrived. g The instructorwanted to know if I / we could dobungee jumping. h The spokespersonannounced that the princess wasgoing to get married the followingspring.Pàgina 171 (possibles respostes) b I think youshould relax and begin studyingagain next week. c I think youshould buy a new car. d I think youshould eat more healthy food. e I think he / she should go home.1 b I may / might leave my job ... c Susan may / might get married …d I may / might not take … e I may / might not see …Pàgina 181 b could c Could d could e couldn’t… couldPàgina 191 b Her new book will be translatedinto many languages. c Last month,a large number of copies was stolenfrom the warehouse. d Thousands of books have been signed by herfor children from all over the world.e Several successful films based onher novels have already been made.

Pàgina 201 b so c then / before d after e because f butPàgina 211 b … so heavy that you will need …c so difficult that the students … d so cold that I wouldn’t … e ... so high that we couldn’t …2 b such c so … so … d such e suchPàgina 22 VOCABULARI1 a impossible b irrelevant c illogicald incompetent e incapable f irresponsible g improbable h illegible2 b lucky c popular d rich e aggressive f imaginitive g talentedh relaxed i shy j rude 3 b advice c friendship d fame e failure f difference g creator h agreement i beautiful j decisions4 AMERICAN ENGLISH: apartment,can, center, color, store, subway, taxi, truck, trunk, vacation. BRITISH ENGLISH: boot, cab, centre,colour, flat, holiday, lorry, shop, tin,tube. 5 b thoughtless c successful d beautiful e thoughtful f careful g careless h harmful6 Films. types of movies: science fiction, war performers: actor, actressdirectors: Hitchcock, Spielberg Literature. types of books: novel, biographytypes of writers: poet, novelistfamous writers: J.K. Rowling,ShakespeareMusic. types of music: reggae, classicalperformers: pianist, drummerinstruments: flute, drums

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