magazine 2011

Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de la Cruz Nº13 Curso 2010/2011 .Si comienza uno con certezas, terminará con dudas; mas si se acepta empezar con dudas, llegará a terminar con certezas. Sir Francis Bacon.

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Page 1: MAGAZINE 2011

Revista d

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Nº13 Curso 2010/2011

.Si comienza uno con certezas, terminará con dudas; mas si se acepta empezar con dudas, llegará a terminar con certezas.

Sir Francis Bacon.

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No corras, que es peor... Ha pasado lo peor de la crisis, o eso dicen los gurús de la cosa

económica. Estaríamos pues ante el avistamiento de los primeros brotes verdes tras casi tres años de travesía en el desierto.

Con presupuestos más exiguos, sueldos rebajados, mayores listas de espera y el corazón encogido afrontamos el próximo curso 2011/2012 como el vigía de la carabela de Colón: oteando el horizonte con ansiedad para buscar algo de tierra sobre la que posar nuestros mareados pies.

Parece ser que la nueva legislatura autonómica propiciará algún que otro cambio dentro de la Consejería, veremos de qué manera nos afectará: si tendremos que ajustarnos aún más el cinturón o si por el contrario, a falta de avances, no hay retrocesos. Si de algo pecamos es de optimistas. Ya hemos demostrado desde esta tribuna editorial que a pesar de la que ha caído en estos últimos cursos, siempre vislumbramos, o deseamos hacerlo, una luz al final del túnel que nos sirve de esperanza para no caer en el desánimo.

Algo ha cambiado en nuestra sociedad en estos dos últimos cursos académicos. Donde antes teníamos que hacer una costosa promoción de los períodos de matrícula ahora nos desbordan las peticiones de plaza. Esto supone un inusitado cambio de actitud. Por fin el personal entiende la importancia de una completa formación en unas islas que comen del turismo, y donde la competencia lingüística prima tanto o más que la experiencia en un currículum vitae.

Hablar dos idiomas ya no es garantía de nada, o te defiendes mínimo con tres, o tus opciones laborales están muy limitadas, por lo menos en el campo del turismo. Tenemos que empezar a adoptar sanos hábitos europeos y aumentar nuestro conocimiento de idiomas. Así que aprovechemos que nuestra Comunidad Autónoma ofrece 22 Escuelas de Idiomas (algo impensable en otros territorios autonómicos más vastos y poblados), y afrontemos la noble y edificante tarea de aprender otras lenguas para poder comunicarnos mejor con nuestros vecinos europeos.

J. Alberto Hernández Pérez, Director de la EOI de Puerto de la Cruz




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Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz -Nº13- Curso 2010/2011





‘The pros and cons of cycling as a form of transpor t’

Iris Murdoch once said, “The bicycle is the most civilized conveyance known to man. Other forms of

transport grow daily more nightmarish. Only the bicycle remains pure in heart.” How beneficial is

cycling when it is compared to other means of transport? And how ecological is it? Should we all

drive bikes instead of cars? In this article we will analyze the advantages and disadvantages of


Firstly, thinking about advantages, we should note the eco-friendly and healthy attributes of bicycles.

It is pretty obvious that bicycles do not pollute the environment and that they are cheaper than other

transports for the same reason: they do not use any fuel at all. Furthermore, besides saving money

for fuel, you also save the taxes you have to pay for a normal vehicle. Flying between the cars in

your city, bicycles are almost as practical as motorcycles and even funnier; as James E. Starrs

wrote: “Melancholy is incompatible with bicycling”. Last but not least, it is compulsory to mention the

vast benefits for health that cycling has. Considered as one of the most complete sports, cycling

helps to keep fit and improve your resistance.

On the other hand, bicycling has also a few disadvantages. If you are driving down a road with many

cars the risk of having an accident is awfully high and if you are taking a long journey, the bicycle

does not seem a suitable transport. Surely you will feel lonely on a bike as you cannot carry many (or

any) passengers and it might be a horrible ride if it begins to rain as you pedal to your destination.

Moreover, you will have to be very careful with where you park your bicycle, as they are easy to


All in all, bicycles are a fantastic means of transport since around 1850 and their advantages widely

compensate their disadvantages. Unless you want it to go on your honeymoon, my verdict is: Put a

bicycle in your life!

Lara Díaz García, Avanzado 2

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Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz -Nº13- Curso 2010/2011 A




All started with a gelato

“It's all a big mistake.You've got the wrong person!”. That was all I could say before I

was taken into the police car and driven to jail.

The story began last summer while I was spending my holidays in Italy. I met a really

attractive and smart Italian girl, Bianca, when I had just arrived in Toscana, where I

was going to spend two months on my own. She invited me to a gelato. I accepted, and

that was the point of no return.

I have to say that never before had I seen such deep and beautiful hazel eyes. She

offered herself to be my tourist guide, and she promised me she would show me

everything I needed to know. After one week I had already moved to her apartment

since until then I was sharing an extremely expensive room with one not-very-friendly-

but-mysterious French guy.

Had I known how this was going to end, I would have never accepted that gelato. One

day Bianca asked me for a favour: I was supposed to give a box with university papers

to a guy in a near park since she couldn't and it was pretty urgent. I did. But when the

guy opened the box, he turned really furious and he began to threaten me to death if I

didn't give him the money. I tried to call Bianca. Her phone had no signal. Then the guy

called the police and told them that I had kidnapped Bianca. Honestly, I had no idea of

what was going on.

I was arrested and I spent three months in jail. Eventually the police received an

anonymous letter explaining what had happened and providing evidence of my

innocence. A week after that I recovered my freedom.

Sara Vega García, Avanzado 2.

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Eine kleines kurzes Wort, mit seinem Klang

klingt es wie eine Glocke, um ein groβes Gefühl auszudrücken.


Weil es keinen gröβeren Schatz als das Wort gibt.


Das Wort klingt, als ob es mit seinem Flügel

die Luft sanft schlagen würde. Elisa (Intermedio I)


Mein schönstes deutsches Wort ist “Freitag”, weil es der Tag von Freiheit ist. Freitag ist der Tag, wenn die Arbeit beendet ist und die Freizeit anfängt. Am Freitag sind die Leute glücklicher als am Tag zuvor, am Donnerstag.

An diesem Tag hat jeder Mann und jede Frau viel Hoffnung. Traurigkeit verändert sich in Glücklichkeit.

Für mich ist Freitag auch der Tag des Friedens und der Liebe.

Diego (Intermedio I)

Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz -Nº12- Curso 2009/2010


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Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz -Nº13- Curso 2010/2011


Tenerife is an ideal island for trekking. Firstly, because of its unique and lush green vegetation, mountains and deep ravines, contrasting with the beautiful volcanic landscape. Secondly, due to its atmospheric conditions, trekking can be done at any time of the year. The three places that can be considered in Tenerife for this sport are Masca, Las Mil Ventanas and Las Siete Cañadas. The ravine Masca is about 4 kilometres long. Its starting point is in the village of Masca. Huge stone walls will accompany the walker until the black sandy beach, surrounded by cliffs of up to 450 metres tall, where there will be a boat waiting to take hikers to “Los Gigantes”. Walking along the ravine it is worth noting the immense resources of flora and fauna that can be discovered, as well as many natural pools of water. During the trip the walker will pass an interesting wooden bridge and a long channel. It is really amazing. The route Las Mil Ventanas, in Güimar, is along a channel, where you will find several rock tunnels until the end of the ravine, some of them with natural windows, which give light to the tunnel, and others, of considerable size, are completely dark. After passing three small tunnels, you will reach the most impressive part of the tour, the tunnel with the windows through which you will see the valley of Güímar. The wall of this tunnel is completely vertical. Along the way you will see a protected landscape called “The seven Hills”, which is a series of hills separated by ravines that start at the top of the hill and finish at the seaside. It is spectacular. Las Siete Cañadas is a spectacular route in “Parque Nacional de las Cañadas”. It is completely unspoiled with a healthy atmosphere. It is a gift for your eyes to contemplate. The silence that prevails in the area makes you feel unique; it is an ideal place to feel free. This is an impressive landscape with magical volcanic rocks, where the characteristic flora is the blue flowers tajinastes and the red flowers called tajinastes too. This path starts at the visitors’ centre and finishes at the “Parador”. It is four hours walking. To summarize, Tenerife is not only wonderful beaches and sun, it is more than that. It is a unique natural landscape, which must be cared. The way of doing it is walking the island and being aware that we must look after this environment. Carmen Fátima Hernández Rodríguez Avanzado 2




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“Ein Schläfchen am Mittag …” Leserbrief an eine Zeitung

Puerto de la Cruz, den 23. März 2001 Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich habe neulich Ihren interessanten Artikel “Plädoyer für Mittagsschlaf im Büro” gesehen und ich habe mich entschieden, diesen Brief zu schreiben, weil ich viel zu diesem Thema sagen möchte. Nach vielen wissenschaftlichen Forschungen hat der Mittagsschlaf sich als eine ausgezeichnete Methode erwiesen, um die Produktivität und die Leistungsfähigkeit am Arbeitsplatz zu erhöhen. Deswegen wäre es wünschenswert, auch hierzulande das sogenannte “Kraftnickerchen” einzuführen. Im Moment wird diese gesunde Gewohnheit in anderen Ländern gefördert.Einige Beispiele dafür sind die USA, Spanien oder Japan. Diese hochindustrialisierten Länder haben schon lange diese Maβnahme getroffen, und die Ergebnisse davon sind in allen drei Ländern sehr positiv gewesen. Das “Nickerchen” hilft den Mitarbeitern, sich zu entspannen, klarer zu denken und die Müdigkeit zu überwinden. All dieses trägt dazu bei, ein besseres Arbeitsklima zu schaffen und letzendlich die Produktivität zu steigern. Persönlich bin ich der Meinung, dass man jeden Tag eine kleine Siesta während der Mittagspause machen sollte, obwohl sie nicht länger als fünfzehn Minuten dauern sollte. Wenn ich könnte, würde ich jede Firma dazu auffordern, passende Schlafräume einzurichten, damit ihre Mitarebieter in aller Ruhe sich den Mittagsschlaf gönnen könnten….. Mit freundlichen Grüβen G.R. (Avanzado II)

Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz -Nº13- Curso 2010/2011




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Hello, my name is Patricia and I´m going to tell you about my travel to Australia with my family, in 2006. We stayed in Australia one month and we were ten people. First of all, I want to say that the flight into the aircraft was long and horrible because we stayed, in total, 26 hours into the plane. We flew from Tenerife to Madrid (two hours and a half), then from Madrid to Paris (one hour and a half), later we flew from Paris to Singapore (thirteen hours) and finally, we flew from Singapore to Brisbane (nine hours). I left my house on 11 December and I arrived to Australia on 13 of December. Moreover, my sister felt nervous because she hadn´t flown before. In Australia we visited the Surfers Paradise, It´s a business town and when we arrived, the surfers were watching the waves in the beach. We stayed there only two days because the hotels and apartments were full. Surfers Paradise was very beautiful and the majority of people whom you saw there were young. My family and I, also visited Noosa Beach and we stayed there two weeks. It was a very beautiful place and in the future I would like to live there because the neighborhood is perfect for people who like going out or doing sport. One day we rented a boat and it was very funny. Furthermore, you could see other people playing with the boats and with the floats. You could see one crocodile here and one dolphin there. I enjoyed that day very much.

Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz -Nº13- Curso 2010/2011

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Another day, we went to a park and we saw open-air kitchens! We had lunch all together. This was free but if you empty the gas you have to write this on one paper to warn the maintenance team about it. On Christmas day Australian people go to the disco at night and then they go to the beach in the morning, it was amazing for me. But my family and I, were doing exactly the same the 1st of January, to celebrate the first day of the year. Two weeks later we went to Nambour and we visited “Australia Zoo”. It was interesting and funny too, because I could see: Crocodiles, Snakes, Dingos, Koalas, Kangaroos, Elephants, etc. I could feed the Kangaroos and touched them. At first, I felt very nervous because they looked a bit angry, but then I saw that they were good animals. In addition, you could give carrots, lettuce and vegetables to the elephants. My mother was scared because she said that they were too big. According to my family, kangaroos are very sociable, whereas elephants are more independent.

Finally, we went to Tea Tree Bay. It was wonderful and there were a few rocks to walk on to get from the road to the sand, but the tour wasn´t very long.

Patricia Marrero Avero INT 1A INGLÉS




Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz -Nº13- Curso 2010/2011

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Two summers ago I went to Toronto. Toronto is the biggest city of Canada and is the capital of Ontario. Toronto is famous by the CN Tower, with 553 meters high. The views from the top of the tower are impressive; you can see, from the huge skyscrapers until the Lake Ontario around the city. Across the lake, in canoeing, you can visit the island of Toronto with a large variety of fauna and flora.

Sunset in Toronto is just incredible; begin to turn on the lights in all buildings and the CN Tower dazzles with an array of lights traveling over the structure. In the summer nights, the people go out to the street, touring the karaokes and clubs of the city centre. The city is the safest of America. A few kilometers from Toronto are the Niagara Falls I think that Toronto is a place where the people are more sociable and human, a few people have born here, but everyone are feeling like in home. Toronto is a cosmopolitan and international town, where all cultures are kindly received.




. Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz -Nº13- Curso 2010/2011

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Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz -Nº13- Curso 2010/2011


Although cycling is not a new form of transport, in the last few years its popularity has

risen as an alternative to other means of transport due to the advantages that it has.

However, cycling is not always the best option because it has some limitations.

There are many advantages of cycling. First of all, riding a bike is a good habit that

not only allows you to get fit but also makes you healthy, avoiding vascular problems like

those associated with high levels of fat in blood. Secondly, cycling is an environmentally-

friendly way of transport, since it does not generate pollution or noise as cars or buses

do. Thirdly, riding a bicycle could be considered the cheapest means of transport, which

is important in time of crisis. Given that it does not imply expenses such as filling it with

petrol, renting a parking place or paying an annual insurance, it is one of the best ways

of saving money. Finally, it is the enjoyment the nature or the fact of being relaxed what

attracts people to using the bike.

Nevertheless, there are some situations in which cycling is not the best option. Firstly,

riding a bike is unsuitable in rainy days because you can get wet and also the roads are

slippery and unsafe. Additionally, the bike is not an alternative option when a long trip is

planned and even in short trips with steep roads, as you get easily tired. Another

disadvantage of cycling is that the bycicle cannot be used to carry heavy bags, thus it is

not useful to go shopping.

In conclusion, albeit cycling should be the first option of transport to ensure a healthy

life-style, it has some limitations that make impossible the complete replacement of

other alternatives. Thus, bikes can be used in daily life but in some situations are

complementary to the rest of means of transport.

María del Mar del Pino. Avanzado 2.

Photo by Sujin Jetkasettakorn

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Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz -Nº13- Curso 2010/2011


“Lookus” the drama group from, the Official School of languages of La laguna performed their version of the successful musical “Nine” at the EOI Puerto de la Cruz on April 8th. The show was presented by Ricardo Fernandez, The director of LOOKUS and in the audience there were both students and teachers from the Official School of languages of Puerto de la Cruz and from The Agustín de Bethencourt Highschool. This group began its activities seven years ago. During these years they have performed musicals such as My Fair Lady, Mamma Mia or West side Story. This year they have tried to mix humour and feeling with its adaptation of “Nine”. The show started at 19:30 with a short speech by the Head of Studies of the school. The musical had two acts. The first one took place at Cinecitta Film Studios, where Mr. Contini is trying to develop the script of his new film, but he is suffering from a personal crisis and it’s impossible for him to write a single word. The second act is set at the Bella Vista Spa Resort, and it is there where the story reminds us the importance of our dreams and our fantasies. Finally, Mr. Contini, wrote his script and his film comes true with the characters of his own life. After a wonderful and successful show, the group received a commemorative plaque from the director of EOI Puerto de la Cruz on behalf of the educational community to show its appreciation for their labour. Maria José Álvarez Ramón Ingles Intermedio 2



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Ariane Déniz Sieling Intermediate 2 Write a story

When Chris saw the car parked outside her house her heart started beating faster. She was so excited! It was her first day at the college! Quickly, she began to put all her notebooks, pens and guides into his bag, but unfortunately, Chris was so nervous that all her stuff felt on the floor of the bedroom instead of her bag. A klaxon was sounding outside. “I´m coming!” she shouted, desperately looking for her keys and her horrible glasses that gave her the appearance of an owl. At the moment, her mobile phone started to ring. “How are you, honey?” asked the high voice of her mother “I´m just phoning to ask you what would you like for Christmas this year? I mean…” “Not now, mum! I´m terrified because is my first day at the college and I´m late!” Suddenly, she heard that a car was reversing in the street. She ran to the nearest window and saw horrified how her friends had been going away… without her! In a panic, she threw away the mobile phone and went to the main door of the house. “Wait!!” she shouted, but it was too late. While she was trying to don´t cry in the middle of the street, the car began overtaking other vehicles. “They can´t have heard me! There was to much noise here…” whispered Chris looking around her in the desert street. Desperately, she realized that she was wearing her pyjamas yet. “It can´t be true” she whimpered and went straight back to the house. A few minutes later, Chris was walking to the bus stop, completely shocked. Fortunately, there were not many people there. Only a young and attractive man and a few teenagers. The man smiled at her and said “Good morning”. She was astonished: what a handsome man! At this moment, a lorry passed so fast that the water from the rain of the pavement felt above them and got them totally soaked. They looked into each other and suddenly started to laugh loudly. “Maybe this could be a good premonition for us” joked the young man, who was smiling yet. Chris was feeling specially nervous and agitated under the kind smile of this man. After all, perhaps her first day hadn´t been a completely disaster!




Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz -Nº13- Curso 2010/2011

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Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz -Nº13- Curso 2010/2011

Aurora Padilla Bencomo Nivel Avanzado 2A

The past always remains

Never before have I lived anything quite so breathtaking. I had always heard scary stories about ghosts

and other paranormal creatures or situations, but I used to think that these stories were based on false facts, a

product of our imagination.

A couple of years ago, when I was younger and I was studying at the University of La Laguna, I decided

to rent a flat with two friends and to move to this city (La Laguna), temporarily. Finally, after an extremely ardous

task, we found the perfect place to live. It was an old detached house with two bedrooms, two spacious en-suite

bathrooms, an enormous living room, a library and a patio. Amazingly, in spite of all these characteristics, the

house was very cheap in comparison with the others that we had seen.

Due to these features, we decided to rent it definitely. All looked perfect but, as people usually say

“things are seldom what they seem”. In one bedroom were there two beds and in the other there was only one. I

slept in the second bedroom since I prefered not to share the room. My room was actually dark and cold but I

didn´t care about it at first.

The first night while I was sleeping, I felt a horrible chill and I heard a scream; therefore, I woke up

quickly. Followed by the scream, I suddenly heard some steps, as if someone was coming to me. I was so

anxious I went to tell it to my flatmates but they didn´t believe me and only tried to calm me down.

Nevertheless, I felt and heard the same things all nights, although I gradually got used to it. But

something happened, which changed my mind totally. One day, I went on a trip with a group of friends and we

took some pictures of ourselves. What happened was there was an old man with an enormous moustache, who

was in all the pictures in which I was. Seized with panic, I tried to look for more information about this man in my

house in order to know if he and the extraordinary screams I had been hearing were related.

At first, I did not find anything but I asked my neighbours and an old woman told me that many years

before, the owner had lived in this house, and one day, in my bedroom he was found dead in strange

circumstances. Hence, after knowing all the story, I left the unforgettable house and I promised myseflf there and

then that I would never set foot in that place again.

Image by Digitalart.




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Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz -Nº13- Curso 2010/2011


Tenerife is a spectacular island with hundreds of places to visit. Its impressive landscapes full of biodiversity and its wonderful small old towns can make you feel indescribable sensations. This brochure will show you three of those unforgettable places that are only a few minutes away from your accommodation. Las Cañadas del Teide National Park was declared World Heritage by the UNESCO in 2007. Its beauty made it one of the most visited national parks in the world. You will get impressed by its wild multicoloured volcanic forms and the breath-taking vision of the Mount Teide, the highest peak in Spain. Depending on the season you visit this place, it could be very different due to the snowed areas or the blooming of its unique vegetation. It is also considered one of the most important places in the world in biodiversity richness. San Cristóbal de La Laguna, a commercial university town, was also declared World Heritage by the UNESCO in 1999 and represents a magnificent example of Canarian architecture. La Carrera Street, which is the main street of the town, the Museum of History and the dozens of well-conserved traditional houses are worth a visit. Its bustling shopping streets and its university atmosphere make La Laguna a distinct place far away from the traditional tourist areas. Anaga Rural Park is a magical place which combines traditions and nature a few kilometers away from Santa Cruz and La Laguna. The Park has diverse contrasts, from the impressive rugged northern coasts or the dark sandy beaches, to the Tertiary-era tropical Laurisilva Forests and the small rural villages and plantations. A good way to discover this wonderful place is using the wide paths net through this Natural Space. What will you do now? As you have seen, Tenerife is not only a warm place full of hotels and beaches. The natural and cultural heritage of the island deserves your visit. For further information, please visit Tenerife Tourism Virtual Office on or call 00.800.100.101.00. Juan Manuel Rodríguez Luis – Avanzado 2




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