el diagnostico de la lectura académica en inglés

UNIVERSIDAD AUTÓNOMA DE TLAXCALA XIII ENCUENTRO NACIONAL DE ESTUDIOS EN LENGUAS El diagnóstico de la lectura académica en inglés Gabriel Garduño Moreno Carmen Gómez Pezuela Reyes Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Xochimilco

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Page 1: El diagnostico de la lectura académica en inglés



El diagnóstico de la lectura académica en inglés

Gabriel Garduño Moreno

Carmen Gómez Pezuela Reyes

Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Xochimilco

Page 2: El diagnostico de la lectura académica en inglés

Objetivo Ofrecer un instrumento que permita evaluar el nivel de

dominio de estrategias de lectura y de vocabulario de estudiantes a nivel universitario.

Evaluar el nivel de desempeño que va desde la comprensión expedita hasta la comprensión cuidadosa de un texto.

Satisfacer necesidades específicas de la institución.

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La prueba se compone de tres diferentes bandas cuyos reactivos están graduados y ordenados progresivamente.

El nivel de dificultad de cada una de las bandas es mayor conforme se avanza en la resolución del examen.

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Lectura expedita Inspección rápida de un texto Global: se centra en determinadas secciones del texto

(palabras, ideas tópicas o párrafos importantes) y construye la macroestructura (Kintsch y Dijk, 1983)

la lectura selectiva o skimming lectura de búsqueda o search reading Local lectura de ojeada o scanning.

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Lectura cuidadosa Procesamiento en paralelo: ascendente (de lo impreso a lo

conceptual) y descendente (de lo conceptual a lo impreso). Global( macroproposicional) Diferenciar ideas principales de secundarias; obtener una

representación del texto como una totalidad; seguir el desarrollo de un argumento y visualizar su organización lógica.

comprender información implícita como inferir la intención del autor, percibir su actitud ante el tema tratado y diferenciar hechos y opiniones.

Local (microproposicional). Inferir significado léxicos, comprender y reconocer la estructura sintáctica de los enunciados.

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Banda 1 SPECIAL EFFECTS[…] Even realistic movies can benefit from this technology. In Forrest Gump, a handful of extras were digitally expanded into a cast of thousands. In the ultra realistic Holocaust drama, The Pianist, the events take place during the World War II era, yet director Roman Polanski used CGI for several scenes—the bombed-out ruins of a city street, a character falling from a tall building, air craft streaking across the skies. Traditional animation, with its time-consuming, hand-drawn Cel images, is being replaced by computers, which produce images that are created digitally, not á mano. CGI has produced a new "look" in animation, less detailed, more sculptural, more plastique like the streamlined images of Shrek, The Polar Express, and The Incredibles. Acting has also been affected by this technology, though not usually in a positive way. In Star Wars, for example, actors often performed in front of F/X bluescreens rather than with other actors, who were later digitally added to the shot by computer technicians. Some critics have complained that such acting is often cold and mechanical, with none of the human subtleties that can be found in scenes where performers are actually interacting. Digital editing is also much easier than traditional methods. Instead of handling a physical filmstrip and making actual cuts, modern editors need only to press a button to cut from one shot to another.

3. ¿Qué aspecto de la tecnología CGI se considera como una desventaja?a) El proceso de elaboraciónb) El precio de producciónc) El demérito actoral

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Banda 2 THE TRAGEDY OF THE AMERICAN INDIOSThe tragic effects of contact between white Europeans —whether conquerors, colonists, explorers, or sailors —, and the indigenous populations of the New World, the Pacific, and Oceania were evident from the time of the earliest explorations. Historical documentation is abundant, and we have only to choose our examples. As is well known, Columbus landed in Santo Domingo (christened at the time Hispaniola) in 1492. The number of inhabitants at the time is of course unknown, but it seemed densely populated to the first visitors, “like the countryside of Córdoba”. Authors writing a quarter of a century or so later report an original population of one million or more, supposedly counted by Columbus or his brother Bartolome in 1495 or 1496 when they tried to impose a gold tribute on the natives. Las Casas —the colonist who became a Dominican friar and staunch defender of the Indios—, would eventually increased this number to 3 or 4 million. Modern scholars, since the 1950s, give estimates as widely different as 60,000 and 8 million. Recent estimates, following different strategies seem to point to a contact population of 200,000-300,000 people, subdivided into several hundred communities, each headed by a cacique.

12. Originalmente, Las Casas era un …a) conquistador.a) fraile dominico.c) defensor de indios.

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[…]Perhaps the greatest controversy in studies of human evolution concerns the origins of modern humans and our relationship with the first fossils discovered that bear on this question —the neanderthals. Two main hypotheses have been put forth. The ‘multiregional model’ proposes that modern humans arose independently in different regions of the world, with sufficient gene flow between the regions to maintain the unity of the species, and share a most recent common ancestor who lived over one million years ago. The ‘recent replacement model’, in contrast, proposes that a single population, most likely of African origin, expanded and replaced archaic populations throughout the world, beginning around 200,000 years ago.

21. Estudios de ADN mitocondrial apoyan el modelo o la teoría …

a) multiregional.

b) del remplazo.

c) autosómico.

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Análisis de necesidades Especificaciones de examen Selección de los textos Elaboración de los reactivos. Validación de contenidos de la prueba

Davies (1977); Alderson (1998); Weir et al (2000)

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