260i1t percloroetileno - vadequimica.com · 260i1t-percloroetileno versión: 10 fecha de revisión:...

FICHI DE DITOS DE SEGURIDID (de acuerdo con el Reglamento (UE) 2015/830) 260I1T-PERCLOROETILENO Versión: 10 Fecha de revisión: 15/03/2018 Página 1 de 11 Fecha de impresión: 15/03/2018 -Continúa en la página siguiente.- SECCIÓN 1: IDENTIFICICIÓN DE LI SUSTINCII Y DE LI SOCIEDID O LI EMPRESI. 1.1 Identificador del producto. Nombre del producto: PERCLOROETILENO Código del producto: 260A1T Nombre químico: tetracloroetileno N. Indice: 602-028-00-4 N. CAS: 127-18-4 N. CE: 204-825-9 N. registro: 01-2119475329-28-XXXX 1.2 Usos pertinentes identificados de la sustancia y usos desaconsejados. Uso como un intermedio. Uso industrial de limpieza en seco. Uso profesional de limpieza en seco. Uso industrial de limpieza de superficies. Uso industrial en los medios de transferencia de calor. Uso profesional en películas de limpieza y copiado. Distribución y (re)empaquetado. Usos desaconsejados: Usos distintos a los aconsejados. 1.3 Datos del proveedor de la ficha de datos de seguridad. Empresa: Barcelonesa de Drogas y Productos Químicos, S.I. Dirección: Crom, 14 - P.I. FAMADES Población: 08940 - Cornellà del Llobregat Provincia: Barcelona Teléfono: 93 377 02 08 Fax: 93 377 42 49 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.grupbarcelonesa.com 1.4 Teléfono de emergencia: 704100087 (Disponible 24h) SECCIÓN 2: IDENTIFICICIÓN DE LOS PELIGROS. 2.1 Clasificación de la sustancia. Según el Reglamento (EU) No 1272/2008: Skin Irrit. 2 : Provoca irritación cutánea. Skin Sens. 1 : Puede provocar una reacción alérgica en la piel. STOT SE 3 : Puede provocar somnolencia o vértigo. Carc. 2 : Se sospecha que provoca cáncer Aquatic Chronic 2 : Tóxico para los organismos acuáticos, con efectos nocivos duraderos. 2.2 Elementos de la etiqueta. Etiquetado conforme al Reglamento (EU) No 1272/2008: Pictogramas: Palabra de advertencia: Itención Frases H: H315 Provoca irritación cutánea. H317 Puede provocar una reacción alérgica en la piel. H336 Puede provocar somnolencia o vértigo. H351 Se sospecha que provoca cáncer H411 Tóxico para los organismos acuáticos, con efectos nocivos duraderos.

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FICHI DE DITOS DE SEGURIDID (de acuerdo con el Reglamento (UE) 2015/830)

260I1T-PERCLOROETILENO Versión: 10 Fecha de revisión: 15/03/2018

Página 1 de 11 Fecha de impresión: 15/03/2018

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SECCIÓN 1: IDENTIFICICIÓN DE LI SUSTINCII Y DE LI SOCIEDID O LI EMPRESI. 1.1 Identificador del producto. Nombre del producto: PERCLOROETILENO Código del producto: 260A1T Nombre químico: tetracloroetileno N. Indice: 602-028-00-4 N. CAS: 127-18-4 N. CE: 204-825-9 N. registro: 01-2119475329-28-XXXX 1.2 Usos pertinentes identificados de la sustancia y usos desaconsejados. Uso como un intermedio. Uso industrial de limpieza en seco. Uso profesional de limpieza en seco. Uso industrial de limpieza de superficies. Uso industrial en los medios de transferencia de calor. Uso profesional en películas de limpieza y copiado. Distribución y (re)empaquetado. Usos desaconsejados: Usos distintos a los aconsejados. 1.3 Datos del proveedor de la ficha de datos de seguridad. Empresa: Barcelonesa de Drogas y Productos Químicos, S.I. Dirección: Crom, 14 - P.I. FAMADES Población: 08940 - Cornellà del Llobregat Provincia: Barcelona Teléfono: 93 377 02 08 Fax: 93 377 42 49 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.grupbarcelonesa.com 1.4 Teléfono de emergencia: 704100087 (Disponible 24h)

SECCIÓN 2: IDENTIFICICIÓN DE LOS PELIGROS. 2.1 Clasificación de la sustancia. Según el Reglamento (EU) No 1272/2008:

Skin Irrit. 2 : Provoca irritación cutánea. Skin Sens. 1 : Puede provocar una reacción alérgica en la piel. STOT SE 3 : Puede provocar somnolencia o vértigo. Carc. 2 : Se sospecha que provoca cáncer Aquatic Chronic 2 : Tóxico para los organismos acuáticos, con efectos nocivos duraderos.

2.2 Elementos de la etiqueta. . . Etiquetado conforme al Reglamento (EU) No 1272/2008: Pictogramas:

Palabra de advertencia: Itención

Frases H: H315 Provoca irritación cutánea. H317 Puede provocar una reacción alérgica en la piel. H336 Puede provocar somnolencia o vértigo. H351 Se sospecha que provoca cáncer H411 Tóxico para los organismos acuáticos, con efectos nocivos duraderos.

FICHI DE DITOS DE SEGURIDID (de acuerdo con el Reglamento (UE) 2015/830)

260I1T-PERCLOROETILENO Versión: 10 Fecha de revisión: 15/03/2018

Página 2 de 11 Fecha de impresión: 15/03/2018

-Continúa en la página siguiente.-

Frases P:

P202 No manipular la sustancia antes de haber leído y comprendido todas las instrucciones de seguridad. P273 Evitar su liberación al medio ambiente. P280 Llevar guantes/prendas/gafas/máscara de protección. P302+P352 EN CASO DE CONTACTO CON LA PIEL: Lavar con abundante agua P304+P340 EN CASO DE INHALACIÓN: Transportar a la persona al aire libre y mantenerla en una posición que le facilite la respiración. P308+P313 EN CASO DE exposición manifiesta o presunta: Consultar a un médico.

Contiene: tetracloroetileno

2.3 Otros peligros. En condiciones de uso normal y en su forma original, el producto no tiene ningún otro efecto negativo para la salud y el medio ambiente.

SECCIÓN 3: COMPOSICIÓN/INFORMICIÓN SOBRE LOS COMPONENTES. 3.1 Sustancias. Nombre químico: [1] tetracloroetileno N. Indice: 602-028-00-4 N. CAS: 127-18-4 N. CE: 204-825-9 N. registro: 01-2119475329-28-XXXX [1] Sustancia a la que se aplica un límite comunitario de exposición en el lugar de trabajo (ver sección 8.1). 3.2 Mezclas. No Aplicable.

SECCIÓN 4: PRIMEROS IUXILIOS. PREPARADO IRRITANTE. Su contacto repetido o prolongado con la piel o las mucosas, puede causar síntomas irritantes, tales como enrojecimiento, ampollas o dermatitis. Algunos de los síntomas pueden no ser inmediatos. Pueden producirse reacciones alérgicas en la piel. 4.1 Descripción de los primeros auxilios. En los casos de duda, o cuando persistan los síntomas de malestar, solicitar atención médica. No administrar nunca nada por vía oral a personas que se encuentre inconscientes. Inhalación. Situar al accidentado al aire libre, mantenerle caliente y en reposo, si la respiración es irregular o se detiene, practicar respiración artificial. No administrar nada por la boca. Si está inconsciente, ponerle en una posición adecuada y buscar ayuda médica. Contacto con los ojos. Retirar las lentes de contacto, si lleva y resulta fácil de hacer. Lavar abundantemente los ojos con agua limpia y fresca durante, por lo menos, 10 minutos, tirando hacia arriba de los párpados y buscar asistencia médica. Contacto con la piel. Quitar la ropa contaminada. Lavar la piel vigorosamente con agua y jabón o un limpiador de piel adecuado. NUNCA utilizar disolventes o diluyentes. Ingestión. Si accidentalmente se ha ingerido, buscar inmediatamente atención médica. Mantenerle en reposo. NUNCA provocar el vómito. 4.2 Principales síntomas y efectos, agudos y retardados. Producto Irritante, el contacto repetido o prolongado con la piel o las mucosas puede causar enrojecimiento, ampollas o dermatitis, la inhalación de niebla de pulverización o partículas en suspensión puede causar irritación de las vias respiratorias, algunos de los síntomas pueden no ser inmediatos. A largo plazo con exposiciones crónicas puede producir lesiones en determinados órganos o tejidos. Puede provocar una reacción alérgica, dermatitis, enrojecimiento o inflamación de la piel. 4.3 Indicación de toda atención médica y de los tratamientos especiales que deban dispensarse inmediatamente.

FICHI DE DITOS DE SEGURIDID (de acuerdo con el Reglamento (UE) 2015/830)

260I1T-PERCLOROETILENO Versión: 10 Fecha de revisión: 15/03/2018

Página 3 de 11 Fecha de impresión: 15/03/2018

-Continúa en la página siguiente.-

En los casos de duda, o cuando persistan los síntomas de malestar, solicitar atención médica. No administrar nunca nada por vía oral a personas que se encuentren inconscientes. Mantenga a la persona cómoda. Gírela sobre su lado izquierdo y permanezca allí mientras espera la ayuda médica.

SECCIÓN 5: MEDIDIS DE LUCHI CONTRI INCENDIOS. El producto no presenta ningún riesgo particular en caso de incendio. 5.1 Medios de extinción. Medios de extinción apropiados: Polvo extintor o CO2. En caso de incendios más graves también espuma resistente al alcohol y agua pulverizada. Medios de extinción no apropiados: No usar para la extinción chorro directo de agua. En presencia de tensión eléctrica no es aceptable utilizar agua o espuma como medio de extinción. 5.2 Peligros específicos derivados de la sustancia. Riesgos especiales. El fuego puede producir un espeso humo negro. Como consecuencia de la descomposición térmica, pueden formarse productos peligrosos: monóxido de carbono, dióxido de carbono. La exposición a los productos de combustión o descomposición puede ser perjudicial para la salud. 5.3 Recomendaciones para el personal de lucha contra incendios. Refrigerar con agua los tanques, cisternas o recipientes próximos a la fuente de calor o fuego. Tener en cuenta la dirección del viento. Evitar que los productos utilizados en la lucha contra incendio pasen a desagües, alcantarillas o cursos de agua. Los restos de producto y medios de extinción pueden contaminar el medio ambiente acuático. Equipo de protección contra incendios. Según la magnitud del incendio, puede ser necesario el uso de trajes de protección contra el calor, equipo respiratorio autónomo, guantes, gafas protectoras o máscaras faciales y botas.

SECCIÓN 6: MEDIDIS EN CISO DE VERTIDO ICCIDENTIL. 6.1 Precauciones personales, equipo de protección y procedimientos de emergencia. Para control de exposición y medidas de protección individual, ver sección 8. 6.2 Precauciones relativas al medio ambiente. Producto peligroso para el medio ambiente, en caso de producirse grandes vertidos o si el producto contamina lagos, ríos o alcantarillas, informar a las autoridades competentes, según la legislación local.Evitar la contaminación de desagües, aguas superficiales o subterráneas, así como del suelo. 6.3 Métodos y material de contención y de limpieza. Recoger el vertido con materiales absorbentes no combustibles (tierra, arena, vermiculita, tierra de diatomeas...). Verter el producto y el absorbente en un contenedor adecuado. La zona contaminada debe limpiarse inmediatamente con un descontaminante adecuado. Echar el descontaminante a los restos y dejarlo durante varios días hasta que no se produzca reacción, en un envase sin cerrar. 6.4 Referencia a otras secciones. Para control de exposición y medidas de protección individual, ver sección 8. Para la eliminación de los residuos, seguir las recomendaciones de la sección 13.

SECCIÓN 7: MINIPULICIÓN Y ILMICENIMIENTO. 7.1 Precauciones para una manipulación segura. Para la protección personal, ver sección 8. No emplear nunca presión para vaciar los envases, no son recipientes resistentes a la presión. En la zona de aplicación debe estar prohibido fumar, comer y beber. Cumplir con la legislación sobre seguridad e higiene en el trabajo. Conservar el producto en envases de un material idéntico al original.

FICHI DE DITOS DE SEGURIDID (de acuerdo con el Reglamento (UE) 2015/830)

260I1T-PERCLOROETILENO Versión: 10 Fecha de revisión: 15/03/2018

Página 4 de 11 Fecha de impresión: 15/03/2018

-Continúa en la página siguiente.-

7.2 Condiciones de almacenamiento seguro, incluidas posibles incompatibilidades. Almacenar según la legislación local. Observar las indicaciones de la etiqueta. Almacenar los envases entre 5 y 35 °C, en un lugar seco y bien ventilado, lejos de fuentes de calor y de la luz solar directa. Mantener lejos de puntos de ignición. Mantener lejos de agentes oxidantes y de materiales fuertemente ácidos o alcalinos. No fumar. Evitar la entrada a personas no autorizadas. Una vez abiertos los envases, han de volverse a cerrar cuidadosamente y colocarlos verticalmente para evitar derrames. Clasificación y cantidad umbral de almacenaje de acuerdo con el Anexo I de la Directiva 2012/18/UE (SEVESO III):

Cantidad umbral (toneladas) a efectos de aplicación de los

Código Descripción requisitos de nivel inferior

requisitos de nivel superior

E2 PELIGROS PARA EL MEDIOAMBIENTE - Peligroso para el medio ambiente acuático en la categoría crónica 2 200 500

7.3 Usos específicos finales. No disponible.

SECCIÓN 8: CONTROLES DE EXPOSICIÓN/PROTECCIÓN INDIVIDUIL. 8.1 Parámetros de control. Límite de exposición durante el trabajo para: Nombre N. CIS País Valor límite ppm mg/m3

tetracloroetileno 127-18-4

España [1] Ocho horas 20 138 Corto plazo 40 275

European Union [2]

Ocho horas 20 (significant uptake through

the skin)

138 (significant uptake through

the skin)

Corto plazo 40 (significant uptake through

the skin)

275 (significant uptake through

the skin) Valores límite de exposición biológicos para:

Nombre N. CIS País Indicador biológico VLB

Momento de muestreo

tetracloroetileno 127-18-4

España [1]

Percloroetileno en aire alveolar (fracción final del aire exhalado)

3 ppm Principio de la

última jornada de la semana laboral

España [1] Percloroetileno en sangre

0,4 mg/l Principio de la

última jornada de la semana laboral

[1] Según la lista de Valores Límite Ambientales de Exposición Profesional adoptados por el Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo (INSHT) para el año 2017. [2] According both Binding Occupational Esposure Limits (BOELVs) and Indicative Occupational Exposure Limits (IOELVs) adopted by Scientific Committee for Occupational Exposure Limits to Chemical Agents (SCOEL). Niveles de concentración DNEL/DMEL: Nombre DNEL/DMEL Tipo Valor

tetracloroetileno N. CAS: 127-18-4 N. CE: 204-825-9

DNEL (Trabajadores)

Inhalación, Crónico, Efectos sistémicos 138 (mg/m³)

DNEL (Consumidores)

Inhalación, Crónico, Efectos sistémicos 34,5 (mg/m³)

DNEL (Trabajadores)

Inhalación, Corto plazo, Efectos sistémicos

275 (mg/m³)

DNEL (Consumidores)

Inhalación, Corto plazo, Efectos sistémicos

138 (mg/m³)

FICHI DE DITOS DE SEGURIDID (de acuerdo con el Reglamento (UE) 2015/830)

260I1T-PERCLOROETILENO Versión: 10 Fecha de revisión: 15/03/2018

Página 5 de 11 Fecha de impresión: 15/03/2018

-Continúa en la página siguiente.-

DNEL (Trabajadores)

Cutánea, Crónico, Efectos sistémicos 39,4 (mg/kg bw/day)

DNEL (Consumidores)

Cutánea, Crónico, Efectos sistémicos 23 (mg/kg bw/day)

DNEL (Consumidores)

Oral, Crónico, Efectos sistémicos 1,3 (mg/kg bw/day)

DNEL: Derived No Effect Level, (nivel sin efecto obtenido) nivel de exposición a la sustancia por debajo del cual no se prevén efectos adversos. DMEL: Derived Minimal Effect Level, nivel de exposición que corresponde a un riesgo bajo, que debe considerarse un riesgo mínimo tolerable. Niveles de concentración PNEC: Nombre Detalles Valor

tetracloroetileno N. CAS: 127-18-4 N. CE: 204-825-9

aqua (freshwater) 0,051 (mg/L) aqua (marine water) 0,0051

(mg/L) aqua (intermittent releases) 0,0364

(mg/L) PNEC STP 11,2 (mg/L) sediment (freshwater) 0,903 (mg/kg

sediment dw) sediment (marine water) 0,0903

(mg/kg sediment dw)

soil 0,01 (mg/kg soil dw)

PNEC: Predicted No Effect Concentration, (concentración prevista sin efecto) concentración de la sustancia por debajo de la cual no se esperan efectos negativos en el comportamiento medioambiental. 8.2 Controles de la exposición. Medidas de orden técnico: Proveer una ventilación adecuada, lo cual puede conseguirse mediante una buena extracción-ventilación local y un buen sistema general de extracción. Concentración: 100 %

Usos: Uso como un intermedio. Uso industrial de limpieza en seco. Uso profesional de limpieza en seco. Uso industrial de limpieza de superficies. Uso industrial en los medios de transferencia de calor. Uso profesional en películas de limpieza y copiado. Distribución y (re)empaquetado.

Protección respiratoria: EPI: Máscara filtrante para la protección contra gases y partículas

Características: Marcado «CE» Categoría III. La máscara debe tener amplio campo de visión y forma anatómica para ofrecer estanqueidad y hermeticidad.

Normas CEN: EN 136, EN 140, EN 405

Mantenimiento: No se debe almacenar en lugares expuestos a temperaturas elevadas y ambientes húmedos antes de su utilización. Se debe controlar especialmente el estado de las válvulas de inhalación y exhalación del adaptador facial.


Se deberán leer atentamente las instrucciones del fabricante al respecto del uso y mantenimiento del equipo. Se acoplarán al equipo los filtros necesarios en función de las características específicas del riesgo (Partículas y aerosoles: P1-P2-P3, Gases y vapores: A-B-E-K-AX) cambiándose según aconseje el fabricante.

Tipo de filtro necesario: A2

Protección de las manos: EPI: Guantes de protección contra productos químicos

Características: Marcado «CE» Categoría III.

Normas CEN: EN 374-1, En 374-2, EN 374-3, EN 420

Mantenimiento: Se guardarán en un lugar seco, alejados de posibles fuentes de calor, y se evitará la exposición a los rayos solares en la medida de lo posible. No se realizarán sobre los guantes modificaciones que puedan alterar su resistencia ni se aplicarán pinturas, disolventes o adhesivos.

FICHI DE DITOS DE SEGURIDID (de acuerdo con el Reglamento (UE) 2015/830)

260I1T-PERCLOROETILENO Versión: 10 Fecha de revisión: 15/03/2018

Página 6 de 11 Fecha de impresión: 15/03/2018

-Continúa en la página siguiente.-

Observaciones: Los guantes deben ser de la talla correcta, y ajustarse a la mano sin quedar demasiado holgados ni demasiado apretados. Se deberán utilizar siempre con las manos limpias y secas.

Material: PVC (Cloruro de polivinilo)

Tiempo de penetración (min.): > 480 Espesor del

material (mm): 0,35

Protección de los ojos: EPI: Gafas de protección con montura integral

Características: Marcado «CE» Categoría II. Protector de ojos de montura integral para la protección contra salpicaduras de líquidos, polvo, humos, nieblas y vapores.

Normas CEN: EN 165, EN 166, EN 167, EN 168

Mantenimiento: La visibilidad a través de los oculares debe ser óptima para lo cual estos elementos se deben limpiar a diario, los protectores deben desinfectarse periódicamente siguiendo las instrucciones del fabricante.

Observaciones: Indicadores de deterioro pueden ser: coloración amarilla de los oculares, arañazos superficiales en los oculares, rasgaduras, etc.

Protección de la piel: EPI: Ropa de protección contra productos químicos


Marcado «CE» Categoría III. La ropa debe tener un buen ajuste. Se debe fijar el nivel de protección en función un parámetro de ensayo denominado ''Tiempo de paso'' (BT. Breakthrough Time) el cual indica el tiempo que el producto químico tarda en atravesar el material.

Normas CEN: EN 464,EN 340, EN 943-1, EN 943-2, EN ISO 6529, EN ISO 6530, EN 13034

Mantenimiento: Se deben seguir las instrucciones de lavado y conservación proporcionadas por el fabricante para garantiza una protección invariable.

Observaciones: El diseño de la ropa de protección debería facilitar su posicionamiento correcto y su permanencia sin desplazamiento, durante el período de uso previsto, teniendo el cuenta los factores ambientales, junto con los movimientos y posturas que el usuario pueda adoptar durante su actividad.

EPI: Calzado de trabajo Características: Marcado «CE» Categoría II.

Normas CEN: EN ISO 13287, EN 20347

Mantenimiento: Estos artículos se adaptan a la forma del pie del primer usuario. Por este motivo, al igual que por cuestiones de higiene, debe evitarse su reutilización por otra persona.

Observaciones: El calzado de trabajo para uso profesional es el que incorpora elementos de protección destinados a proteger al usuario de las lesiones que pudieran provocar los accidentes, se debe revisar los trabajor para los cuales es apto este calzado.

SECCIÓN 9: PROPIEDIDES FÍSICIS Y QUÍMICIS. 9.1 Información sobre propiedades físicas y químicas básicas. Aspecto:Líquido incoloro Color: N.D./N.A. Olor:Característico Umbral olfativo:N.D./N.A. pH:9 - 10 Punto de Fusión:-22 ºC Punto/intervalo de ebullición: 121 ºC Punto de inflamación: 45 ºC Tasa de evaporación: N.D./N.A. Inflamabilidad (sólido, gas): No Límite inferior de explosión: N.D./N.A. Límite superior de explosión: N.D./N.A. Presión de vapor: 13 - 14 mm Hg (20ºC) Densidad de vapor:5,8 (aire = 1) Densidad relativa:1,619 - 1,623 g/cm3 Solubilidad:N.D./N.A. Liposolubilidad: N.D./N.A. Hidrosolubilidad: 0,015 % Coeficiente de reparto (n-octanol/agua): Log Kow (Pow): 2.53 at 20 °C. Temperatura de autoinflamación: NoºC Temperatura de descomposición: N.D./N.A. Viscosidad: 0.8 mPa.s (20ºC) Propiedades explosivas: No Propiedades comburentes: No N.D./N.A.= No Disponible/No Aplicable debido a la naturaleza del producto.

FICHI DE DITOS DE SEGURIDID (de acuerdo con el Reglamento (UE) 2015/830)

260I1T-PERCLOROETILENO Versión: 10 Fecha de revisión: 15/03/2018

Página 7 de 11 Fecha de impresión: 15/03/2018

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9.2 Otros datos. Punto de Gota: N.D./N.A. Centelleo: N.D./N.A. Viscosidad cinemática: N.D./N.A. N.D./N.A.= No Disponible/No Aplicable debido a la naturaleza del producto.

SECCIÓN 10: ESTIBILIDID Y REICTIVIDID. 10.1 Reactividad. El producto no presenta peligros debido a su reactividad. 10.2 Estabilidad química. Inestable en contacto con: - Ácidos. 10.3 Posibilidad de reacciones peligrosas. Puede producirse una neutralización en contacto con ácidos. 10.4 Condiciones que deben evitarse. Evitar las siguientes condiciones: - Calentamiento. - Alta temperatura. - Contacto con materiales incompatibles. - Evitar el contacto con ácidos. 10.5 Materiales incompatibles. Evitar los siguientes materiales: - Ácidos. - Bases. - Agentes oxidantes. 10.6 Productos de descomposición peligrosos. Dependiendo de las condiciones de uso, pueden generarse los siguientes productos: - COx (óxidos de carbono). - Compuestos orgánicos. - Vapores o gases corrosivos. - Compuestos halogenados.

SECCIÓN 11: INFORMICIÓN TOXICOLÓGICI. PREPARADO IRRITANTE. Su contacto repetido o prolongado con la piel o las mucosas, puede causar síntomas irritantes, tales como enrojecimiento, ampollas o dermatitis. Algunos de los síntomas pueden no ser inmediatos. Pueden producirse reacciones alérgicas en la piel. PREPARADO IRRITANTE. La inhalación de niebla de pulverización o partículas en suspensión puede causar irritación del tracto respiratorio. También puede ocasionar graves dificultades respiratorias, alteración del sistema nervioso central y en casos extremos inconsciencia. 11.1 Información sobre los efectos toxicológicos. El contacto repetido o prolongado con el producto, puede causar la eliminación de la grasa de la piel, dando lugar a una dermatitis de contacto no alérgica y a que se absorba el producto a través de la piel. Las salpicaduras en los ojos pueden causar irritación y daños reversibles. Información Toxicológica.

Nombre Toxicidad aguda

Tipo Ensayo Especie Valor


Oral DL50 Rata 0.5 - 5 g/kg

Cutánea DL50 Conejo > 10000 mg/kg


N. CAS: 127-18-4 N. CE: 204-825-9 a) toxicidad aguda;

FICHI DE DITOS DE SEGURIDID (de acuerdo con el Reglamento (UE) 2015/830)

260I1T-PERCLOROETILENO Versión: 10 Fecha de revisión: 15/03/2018

Página 8 de 11 Fecha de impresión: 15/03/2018

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Datos no concluyentes para la clasificación. b) corrosión o irritación cutáneas; Producto clasificado: Irritante cutáneo, Categoría 2: Provoca irritación cutánea. c) lesiones oculares graves o irritación ocular; Datos no concluyentes para la clasificación. d) sensibilización respiratoria o cutánea; Producto clasificado: Sensibilizante cutáneo, Categoría 1: Puede provocar una reacción alérgica en la piel. e) mutagenicidad en células germinales; Datos no concluyentes para la clasificación. f) carcinogenicidad; Producto clasificado: Carcinógeno, Categoría 2: Se sospecha que provoca cáncer g) toxicidad para la reproducción; Datos no concluyentes para la clasificación. h) toxicidad específica en determinados órganos (STOT) - exposición única; Producto clasificado: Toxicidad en determinados órganos tras exposición única, Categoría 3: i) toxicidad específica en determinados órganos (STOT) - exposición repetida; Datos no concluyentes para la clasificación. j) peligro por aspiración; Datos no concluyentes para la clasificación.


Nombre Ecotoxicidad

Tipo Ensayo Especie Valor



Invertebrados acuáticos

LC50 Dafnia magna 3,4 - 18 mg/l

Plantas acuáticas

N. CAS: 127-18-4 N. CE: 204-825-9

12.2 Persistencia y degradabilidad. No se dispone de información relativa a la biodegradabilidad. No se dispone de información relativa a la degradabilidad. No existe información disponible sobre la persistencia y degradabilidad del producto. 12.3 Potencial de Bioacumulación. No se dispone de información relativa a la Bioacumulación. 12.4 Movilidad en el suelo. No existe información disponible sobre la movilidad en el suelo. No se debe permitir que el producto pase a las alcantarillas o a cursos de agua. Evitar la penetración en el terreno. 12.5 Resultados de la valoración PBT y mPmB. No existe información disponible sobre la valoración PBT y mPmB del producto.

FICHI DE DITOS DE SEGURIDID (de acuerdo con el Reglamento (UE) 2015/830)

260I1T-PERCLOROETILENO Versión: 10 Fecha de revisión: 15/03/2018

Página 9 de 11 Fecha de impresión: 15/03/2018

-Continúa en la página siguiente.-

12.6 Otros efectos adversos. No existe información disponible sobre otros efectos adversos para el medio ambiente.

SECCIÓN 13: CONSIDERICIONES RELITIVIS I LI ELIMINICIÓN. 13.1 Métodos para el tratamiento de residuos. No se permite su vertido en alcantarillas o cursos de agua. Los residuos y envases vacíos deben manipularse y eliminarse de acuerdo con las legislaciones local/nacional vigentes. Seguir las disposiciones de la Directiva 2008/98/CE respecto a la gestión de residuos.

SECCIÓN 14: INFORMICIÓN RELITIVI IL TRINSPORTE. Transportar siguiendo las normas ADR/TPC para el transporte por carretera, las RID por ferrocarril, las IMDG por mar y las ICAO/IATA para transporte aéreo. Tierra: Transporte por carretera: ADR, Transporte por ferrocarril: RID. Documentación de transporte: Carta de porte e Instrucciones escritas. Mar: Transporte por barco: IMDG. Documentación de transporte: Conocimiento de embarque. Iire: Transporte en avión: IATA/ICAO. Documento de transporte: Conocimiento aéreo. 14.1 Número ONU. Nº UN: UN1897 14.2 Designación oficial de transporte de las Naciones Unidas. Descripción: ADR: UN 1897, TETRACLOROETILENO, 6.1, GE III, (E) IMDG: UN 1897, TETRACLOROETILENO, 6.1, GE/E III, CONTAMINANTE DEL MAR ICAO/IATA: UN 1897, TETRACLOROETILENO, 6.1, GE III 14.3 Clase(s) de peligro para el transporte. Clase(s): 6.1 14.4 Grupo de embalaje. Grupo de embalaje: III 14.5 Peligros para el medio ambiente. Contaminante marino: Si

Peligroso para el medio ambiente 14.6 Precauciones particulares para los usuarios. Etiquetas: 6.1

Número de peligro: 60 ADR cantidad limitada: 5 L IMDG cantidad limitada: 5 L ICAO cantidad limitada: 2 L

FICHI DE DITOS DE SEGURIDID (de acuerdo con el Reglamento (UE) 2015/830)

260I1T-PERCLOROETILENO Versión: 10 Fecha de revisión: 15/03/2018

Página 10 de 11 Fecha de impresión: 15/03/2018

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Disposiciones relativas al transporte a granel en ADR: No autorizado el transporte a granel según el ADR. Transporte por barco, FEm - Fichas de emergencia (F – Incendio, S – Derrames): F-A,S-A Actuar según el punto 6. Grupo de segregación del Código IMDG: 10 Hidrocarburos líquidos halogenados 14.7 Transporte a granel con arreglo al anexo II del Convenio MIRPOL y del Código IBC. El producto no está afectado por el transporte a granel en buques.

SECCIÓN 15: INFORMICIÓN REGLIMENTIRII. 15.1 Reglamentación y legislación en materia de seguridad, salud y medio ambiente específicas para la sustancia. El producto no está afectado por el Reglamento (CE) no 1005/2009 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 16 de septiembre de 2009, sobre las sustancias que agotan la capa de ozono. Compuesto orgánico volátil (COV) Contenido de COV (p/p): 100 % Contenido de COV: 1.619 g/l Clasificación del producto de acuerdo con el Anexo I de la Directiva 2012/18/UE (SEVESO III): E2 El producto no está afectado por el Reglamento (UE) No 528/2012 relativo a la comercialización y el uso de los biocidas. El producto no se encuentra afectado por el procedimiento establecido en el Reglamento (UE) No 649/2012, relativo a la exportación e importación de productos químicos peligrosos. 15.2 Evaluación de la seguridad química. No se ha llevado a cabo una evaluación de la seguridad química del producto. Se dispone de Escenario de Exposición del producto.

SECCIÓN 16: OTRI INFORMICIÓN. Códigos de clasificación: Aquatic Chronic 2 : Efectos crónicos para el medio ambiente acuático, Categoría 2 Carc. 2 : Carcinógeno, Categoría 2 Skin Irrit. 2 : Irritante cutáneo, Categoría 2 Skin Sens. 1 : Sensibilizante cutáneo, Categoría 1 STOT SE 3 : Toxicidad en determinados órganos tras exposición única, Categoría 3 Secciones modificadas respecto a la versión anterior: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,12,14,16,Escenario(s) de exposición Se aconseja realizar formación básica con respecto a seguridad e higiene laboral para realizar una correcta manipulación del producto. Se dispone de Escenario de Exposición del producto. Abreviaturas y acrónimos utilizados: ADR: Acuerdo europeo sobre el transporte internacional de mercancías peligrosas por carretera. CEN: Comité Europeo de Normalización. DMEL: Derived Minimal Effect Level, nivel de exposición que corresponde a un riesgo bajo, que debe considerarse un riesgo mínimo tolerable. DNEL: Derived No Effect Level, (nivel sin efecto obtenido) nivel de exposición a la sustancia por debajo del cual no se prevén efectos adversos. EC50: Concentración efectiva media. EPI: Equipo de protección personal. IATA: Asociación Internacional de Transporte Aéreo. ICAO: Organización de Aviación Civil Internacional. IMDG: Código Marítimo Internacional de Mercancías Peligrosas. LC50: Concentración Letal, 50%. LD50: Dosis Letal, 50%.

FICHI DE DITOS DE SEGURIDID (de acuerdo con el Reglamento (UE) 2015/830)

260I1T-PERCLOROETILENO Versión: 10 Fecha de revisión: 15/03/2018

Página 11 de 11 Fecha de impresión: 15/03/2018

-Fin de la ficha de datos de seguridad.-

PNEC: Predicted No Effect Concentration, (concentración prevista sin efecto) concentración de la sustancia por debajo de la cual no se esperan efectos negativos en el comportamiento medioambiental. RID: Regulación concerniente al transporte internacional de mercancías peligrosas por ferrocarril. Principales referencias bibliográficas y fuentes de datos: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/homepage.html http://echa.europa.eu/ Reglamento (UE) 2015/830. Reglamento (CE) No 1907/2006. Reglamento (EU) No 1272/2008. La información facilitada en esta ficha de Datos de Seguridad ha sido redactada de acuerdo con el REGLAMENTO (UE) 2015/830 DE LA COMISIÓN de 28 de mayo de 2015 por el que se modifica el Reglamento (CE) no 1907/2006 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, relativo al registro, la evaluación, la autorización y la restricción de las sustancias y mezclas químicas (REACH), por el que se crea la Agencia Europea de Sustancias y Preparados Químicos, se modifica la Directiva 1999/45/CE y se derogan el Reglamento (CEE) nº 793/93 del Consejo y el Reglamento (CE) nº 1488/94 de la Comisión así como la Directiva 76/769/CEE del Consejo y las Directivas 91/155/CEE, 93/67/CEE, 93/105/CE y 2000/21/CE de la Comisión.

La información de esta Ficha de Datos de Seguridad del Producto está basada en los conocimientos actuales y en las leyes vigentes de la CE y nacionales, en cuanto que las condiciones de trabajo de los usuarios están fuera de nuestro conocimiento y control. El producto no debe utilizarse para fines distintos a aquellos que se especifican, sin tener primero una instrucción por escrito, de su manejo. Es siempre responsabilidad del usuario tomar las medidas oportunas con el fin de cumplir con las exigencias establecidas en las legislaciones.

9.2. Exposure scenario 2: Use as an intermediate

9.2.1. Exposure scenario

Section 1 Exposure Scenario Title

Title Use as an intermediate

Sector of Use SU3

Process Category PROC1, PROC2, PROC3, PROC8a, PROC8b, PROC15

Product Category n/a

Article Category n/a

Environmental release Category ERC6A

Specific environmental release category


Processes, tasks, activities


Use as an intermediate, in catalyst recycling or process chemical or extraction agent. Includes

recycling/ recovery, material transfers, storage, sampling, associated laboratory activities, maintenance and loading (including marine vessel/barge, road/rail car and bulk container).

Section 2 Operational conditions and risk management measures

Section 2.1 Control of worker exposure

Product characteristics

Physical form of product Liquid

Volatility Medium volatility

Concentration of substance in product

Up to 100%

Operational conditions

Amounts used Not relevant for this scenario

Frequency and duration of use Covers daily exposures up to 8 hours (unless stated) [OC1]

Human factors not influenced by risk management

None identified for this scenario.

Other Operational Conditions affecting worker exposure

Assumes a good basic standard of occupational hygiene is implemented [G1]; Assumes activities are at ambient temperature (unless stated differently) [G17].

Risk Management Measures For detailed information on this Exposure Scenario, refer to appendix X.

Identifier* Contributing Scenarios Process


Risk Management Measures

ES2-W1 General exposures [CS1]; Continuous process [CS54];

(closed systems) [CS107]

1 No other specific measures identified [EI20].

ES2-W2 General exposures [CS1]; Continuous process [CS54];

With sample collection [CS56]; (closed systems) [CS107]

2 No other specific measures identified [EI20].

ES2-W3 General exposures [CS1]; Use in contained batch processes


With sample collection [CS56].

3 Provide extract ventilation to points where emissions occur [E54].

ES2-W4 Process sampling [CS2]. 3 Use a sampling system designed to control exposure [E89].

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ES2-W5 Bulk transfers [CS14]; Internal [CS59];

(closed systems) [CS107]

2 No other specific measures identified [EI20].

ES2-W6 Bulk transfers [CS14]; Internal [CS59].

8b Ensure material transfers are under containment or extract ventilation [E66].

ES2-W7 Drum and small package filling [CS6];

Automated process with (semi) closed systems [CS93]

8b Ensure material transfers are under containment or extract ventilation [E66].

ES2-W8 Equipment cleaning and

maintenance [CS39].

8a Drain down system prior to equipment break-in or

maintenance [E65].

ES2-W9 Bulk transfers [CS14]; Transport [CS58] ;

(closed systems) [CS107]

8b Avoid carrying out activities involving exposure for more than 1 hour [OC27].

ES2-W10 Bulk transfers [CS14]; Transport [CS58] ;

(open systems) [CS108]

8b Ensure material transfers are under containment or extract ventilation [E66].

ES2-W11 Bulk product storage [CS85]; (closed systems) [CS107];

With sample collection [CS56].

2 No other specific measures identified [EI20].

ES2-W12 Laboratory activities [CS36]. 15 No other specific measures identified [EI20].

*Identifier: each contributing scenario of the ES has been assigned a unique identifier which facilitates tracking all the information (exposure estimation, risk characterization in chapter 9 and 10 and appendices) related to this contributing scenario of the ES.

Section 2 Operational conditions and risk management measures

Section 2.2 Control of environmental exposure

Identifier ES2-E1

Contributing scenario Use as an intermediate

Environmental Release Category ERC6a

Specific ERC -

Assessment scenario IC=3, UC=48

Operational Conditions

Amounts used

Amounts used in the EU (tonnes/year) 9907

Fraction of EU tonnage used in region 1

Fraction of main source to local environment 0.25

Fraction of substance in end-use products 1

Maximum daily site tonnage (kg/day) -

Frequency and duration of use

Type of release ND

Emission days (days/year) 300

Site specific monitoring data results for surface

water effluent Not applicable

Location of sample Not applicable

Environmental factors not influenced by risk


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Local freshwater dilution factor 10 (default)

Local marine water dilution factor 100 (default)

Other given operational conditions affecting

environmental exposure

Risk Management Measures

Technical conditions and measures at process level

(source) to prevent release

Technical onsite conditions and measures to reduce

or limit discharges, air emissions and releases to soil

Thermal oxidation

Treat air emissions to provide a typical removal efficiency of (%) 99.9

ERMM1: Typical onsite wastewater treatment technology provides degradation efficiency of (%)

ERMM2: Typical municipal wastewater treatment technology provides degradation efficiency of (%)

STP: 3 Estimated substance removal from wastewater via domestic sewage treatment (%): 92.6 (default from Simple

treat model)

Treat wastewater (prior to discharge to receiving water) to provide the required removal efficiency of (%)

ETotal,RMM = 1 – ((1 – ERMM, 1) x (1 – ERMM,2))

STP4: Total efficiency of removal from wastewater after onsite and offsite (domestic treatment plant) RMMs (%):


Site should have a spill plan to ensure that adequate safeguards are in place to minimize the impact of episodic releases.

Organizational measures to prevent/limit release

from site

Prevent discharge of undissolved substance to waste water or recover from wastewater.

Conditions and measures related to municipal

sewage treatment plant

Primary and secondary treatments.

Conditions and measures related to external

treatment of waste for disposal

Do not apply sewage sludge as fertiliser to agriculture land

Conditions and measures related to external

recovery of waste

Storage of finished products in closed containers (e.g., bulk tanks,, drums, cans). Incinerate, absorb, or adsorb vapours stripped from solution whenever necessary.

Other environmental control measures additional to


Vapour recovery units should be used when necessary.

9.2.2. Exposure estimation Workers exposure

The worker exposure estimates for the activities associated with this use of tetarchloroethylene have been

assessed using ECETOC TRA v2, unless stated differently (see appendix X).

Assessment parameter default values:

Fugacity: medium

Type of Use; industrial

Concentration: > 25 %

Local Exhaust Ventilation: none

Duration of Exposure: > 4 hours/day

Respiratory Protection Equipment: none

The ECETOC TRA v2 estimates task based exposure. The exposure estimates shown are representative for

activities lasting up to 8 hours. Due to the activity based character of this estimation tool, these exposure

estimates are thereby also representative for short term activities (e.g. 15 minutes to 1 hour). Therefore no short

term inhalation exposure estimates are calculated nor shown in the table below (indicated by n.a.), since the long

term (8 hour) estimate already covers the short term exposure.

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Dermal exposure







Contributing scenarios PROC Risk Management




Acute Long






ES2-W1 General exposures [CS1];

Continuous process [CS54];

(closed systems)


1 No other specific measures identified [EI20].

0.1 n.a. 0.3 n.a. n.a.

ES2-W2 General exposures [CS1];

Continuous process [CS54];

With sample collection [CS56];

(closed systems) [CS107]

2 No other specific measures identified [EI20].

69.1 n.a. 1.4 n.a. n.a.

ES2-W3 General exposures [CS1];

Use in contained batch processes [CS37];

With sample collection [CS56].

3 Provide extract ventilation to points where emissions occur [E54].

17.3 n.a. 0.3 n.a. n.a.

ES2-W4 Process sampling [CS2].

3 Use a sampling system designed to control exposure [E89].

34.5 n.a. 0.3 n.a. n.a.

ES2-W5 Bulk transfers [CS14]; Internal [CS59]; (closed systems)


2 No other specific measures identified [EI20].

69.1 n.a. 1.4 n.a. n.a.

ES2-W6 Bulk transfers [CS14]; Internal [CS59].

8b Ensure material transfers are under containment or extract ventilation [E66].

10.4 n.a. 6.9 n.a. n.a.

ES2-W7 Drum and small package filling [CS6];

Automated process with

(semi) closed systems [CS93]

8b Ensure material transfers are under containment or extract

ventilation [E66].

10.4 n.a. 6.9 n.a. n.a.

ES2-W8 Equipment cleaning and maintenance [CS39].

8a Drain down system prior to equipment break-in or maintenance [E65].

69.1 n.a. 13.7 n.a. n.a.

ES2-W9 Bulk transfers [CS14]; Transport [CS58]; (closed systems)


8b Avoid carrying out activities involving exposure for more than 1 hour [OC27].

69.1 n.a. 6.9 n.a. n.a.

ES2-W10 Bulk transfers [CS14]; Transport [CS58];

(open systems) [CS108]

8b Ensure material transfers are under containment or extract ventilation [E66].

10.4 n.a. 6.9 n.a. n.a.

ES2-W11 Bulk product storage [CS85];

(closed systems) [CS107];

With sample collection [CS56].

2 No other specific measures identified [EI20].

69.1 n.a. 1.4 n.a. n.a.

ES2-W12 Laboratory activities


15 No other specific

measures identified [EI20].

69.1 n.a. 0.3 n.a. n.a.

*Identifier: each contributing scenario of the ES has been assigned a unique identifier which facilitates tracking all the information (exposure estimation, risk characterization in chapter 9 and 10 and appendices) related to this contributing scenario of the ES

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Not applicable. Indirect exposure of humans via the environment (oral)

The bioaccumulation potential of this substance is very low, therefore secondary poisoning

can be considered negligible. Environmental exposure

Tetrachloroethylene is used as an intermediate in a closed batch processes under controlled

conditions. Emission data are available from a site where tetrachloroethylene is used as an

intermediate, however the generic assessment for tetrachloroethylene used as an intermediate

is based on A&B tables with default for continuous production.

Site data indicated that air vapours are directed and treated to a thermal oxidizer. Emissions

from the oxydiser are below the detection limit. The concentration of tetrachloroethylene in

water is monitored in the effluent of the STP prior release to surface water. In 2009, the

highest occurrence detected in the STP effluent was 0.0022 mg/L tetrachloroethylene, with a

detection limit at 0,0005mg/L. considering a dilution factor of 10 in surface waters, the site

specific PECwater would be 0.00022mg/L, which is well bellow than the modeled PEC of

0.015. Hence, the generic assessment is a conservative estimate of site emissions.

Identifier ES2-E1

Narrative Release fraction for manufacture were derived from A&B tables IC=3, UC=48

Release fraction to air from process 1.00E-04

Release fraction to wastewater from process 5.00E-04

Release fraction to soil from process (regional only) 1.00E-04

Local release to water (kg/d) 8.30E-01

Local release to air (kg/d) 4.10E+00

Local release to soil (kg/d) 8.30E-01

Total efficiency of removal from wastewater after onsite and offsite (domestic treatment plant) RMMs (%)


Total efficiency of removal from air emissions (%) ND

Assumed domestic sewage treatment plant flow (m3/d) 2000

The maximum allowable site tonnage (MSafe) based on removal from domestic sewage treatment (kg/d)


The downstream user can check the compliance of his site by comparing site specific data with defaults used in the exposure assessment. The site specific quotient should be inferior or equal to the spERC quotient.

Not applicable as the exposure is generic and applies to the largest manufacturing capacity









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mspERC: Susbstance use rate in spERC

EER,spERC: Efficacy of RMM in spERC

Frelease,,spERC: Initial release fraction in spERC

DFspERC: dilution factor of STP effluent in river

msite: Susbstance use rate at site

EER,site: Efficacy of RMM at site

Frelease,,site: Initial release fraction at site

DFsite: dilution factor of STP effluent in river Predicted exposure concentrations in aquatic the STP and in aquatic compartments

(freshwater, seawater and sediment)

Local Concentration, Compartment: STP and aquatic unit ES2-E1

PEC for microorganisms in STP mg/L 1.5E-01

Local PEC in surface water during emission episode (dissolved) mg/L 1.5E-02

Annual average local PEC in surface water (dissolved) mg/L 1.3E-02

Local PEC in fresh water sediment during emission episode mg/kg dwt 2.7E-01

Local PEC in sea water during emission episode mg/L 1.5E-03

Annual average local PEC in sea water (dissolved) mg/L 1.3E-03

Local PEC in marine sediment during emission episode mg/kg dwt 2.7E-02

Comments Predicted exposure concentration in soils

Local Concentration, Compartment: soil unit ES2-E1

Local PEC in agricultural soil, averaged over 30 days mg/kg dwt 2.967E-03

Local PEC agricultural soil, averaged over 180 days mg/kg dwt 2.970E-03

Local PEC in grass land, averaged over 180 days mg/kg dwt 2.997E-03

Comments Predicted exposure concentration in the atmospheric compartment

Local Concentration, Compartment: air unit ES2-E1

Annual average local PEC in air (total) mg/m3 0.00127


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PRODUCTO: PERCLOROETILENO Predicted exposure concentration in food for secondary poisoning

The bioaccumulation potential of this substance is very low, therefore secondary poisoning

can be considered negligible.

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9.3. Exposure scenario 3: Industrial use in dry cleaning

9.3.1. Exposure scenario

Section 1 Exposure Scenario Title

Title Industrial use in dry cleaning

Sector of Use SU3

Process Category PROC2, PROC4, PROC6, PROC8a, PROC8b

Product Category n/a

Article Category n/a

Environmental release Category ERC4

Specific environmental release category

Processes, tasks, activities


Use of substance in industrial dry cleaning (including wool scouring, textile cleaning and heat

finishing). Includes material transfers, storage and maintenance.

Section 2 Operational conditions and risk management measures

Section 2.1 Control of worker exposure

Product characteristics

Physical form of product Liquid

Volatility Medium volatility

Concentration of substance in


Up to 100%

Operational conditions

Amounts used Not relevant for this scenario

Frequency and duration of use Covers daily exposures up to 8 hours (unless stated) [OC1]

Human factors not influenced by risk management

None identified for this scenario.

Other Operational Conditions affecting worker exposure

Assumes a good basic standard of occupational hygiene is implemented [G1]. ; Assumes activities are at ambient temperature (unless stated differently) [G17].

Risk Management Measures For detailed information on this Exposure Scenario, refer to appendix X.

Identifier* Contributing Scenarios Process


Risk Management Measures


General exposures [CS1] ; Use in contained systems [CS38];

Continuous process [CS54]; Application of cleaning products

in closed systems [CS101]

2 No other specific measures identified [EI20].


General exposures [CS1]; Use in contained batch processes

[CS37]; Application of cleaning products

in closed systems [CS101]

2 No other specific measures identified [EI20].


Material transfers [CS3]; Manual [CS34].

4 Provide a good standard of general ventilation (not less than 3-5 air changes per hour) [E11]


Finishing operations [CS102]; Treatment by heating [CS129].

6 Provide extract ventilation to points where emissions occur [E54].

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Material transfers [CS3]; Drum/batch transfers [CS8];

With local exhaust ventilation


8b Ensure material transfers are under containment or extract ventilation [E66].


Material transfers [CS3]; Drum/batch transfers [CS8].

8b Avoid carrying out activities involving exposure for more than 1 hour [OC27].


Material transfers [CS3]; Drum/batch transfers [CS8];

(closed systems) [CS107]

2 No other specific measures identified [EI20].


Equipment cleaning and maintenance [CS39].

8a Drain down system prior to equipment break-in or maintenance [E65].

*Identifier: each contributing scenario of the ES has been assigned a unique identifier which facilitates tracking all the information (exposure estimation, risk characterization in chapter 9 and 10 and appendices) related to this contributing scenario of the ES

Section 2 Operational conditions and risk management


Section 2.2 Control of environmental exposure

Identifier ES3-E1

Contributing scenario Wool scouring , textile dry cleaning and finishing

Environmental Release Category ERC4

Specific ERC -

Assessment scenario Based on reference Document on Best Available Techniques for the textile industry (2003) and data

from manufacturer of textile dry-cleaning machine

Operational Conditions

Amounts used

Amounts used in the EU (tonnes/year) 2140

Fraction of EU tonnage used in region 0.1

Fraction of main source to local environment 1.00E-02

Fraction of substance in end-use products 1

Maximum daily site tonnage (kg/day) -

Frequency and duration of use

Type of release continuous

Emission days (days/year) 300

Site specific monitoring data results for surface water

effluent Not applicable

Location of sample Not applicable

Environmental factors not influenced by risk management

Local freshwater dilution factor 10 (default/ measured)

Local marine water dilution factor 100 (default/ measured)

Other given operational conditions affecting environmental


Risk Management Measures

Solvent evaporation system

Solvent Air Stripping Unit

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source)

to prevent release

Vapour Recovery Unit

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Process is closed systemTechnical onsite conditions and measures to reduce or limit

discharges, air emissions and releases to soil

Treat air emissions to provide a typical removal efficiency of (%) 99.99%

ERMM1: Typical onsite wastewater treatment technology provides degradation efficiency of (%) 92.6

ERMM2: Typical municipal wastewater treatment technology provides degradation efficiency of (%)

STP: 3 Estimated substance removal from wastewater via domestic sewage treatment (%): 92.6 (default from Simple treat model)

Treat wastewater (prior to discharge to receiving water) to provide the required removal efficiency of (%) ETotal,RMM = 1 – ((1 – ERMM, 1) x (1 – ERMM,2))

STP4: Total efficiency of removal from wastewater after onsite and offsite (domestic treatment plant) RMMs (%): 92.6

Organizational measures to prevent/limit release from site Site should have a spill plan to ensure that adequate safeguards are in place to minimize the impact of episodic releases.

Conditions and measures related to municipal sewage

treatment plant

Conditions and measures related to external treatment of

waste for disposal

Dispose of waste solvent and used containers according to local regulations. Dispose of waste or used sacks/containers according to local regulations.

Conditions and measures related to external recovery of


Storage of finished products in closed containers (e.g., bulk tanks,, drums, cans). Incinerate, absorb, or adsorb vapours stripped from solution whenever necessary.

Other environmental control measures additional to above Vapour recovery units should be used when


9.3.2. Exposure estimation Workers exposure

The worker exposure estimates for the activities associated with this use of tetrachloroethylene have been assessed using ECETOC TRA v2, unless stated differently (see appendix X).

Assessment parameter default values:

Fugacity: medium

Type of Use; industrial

Concentration: > 25 %

Local Exhaust Ventilation: none

Duration of Exposure: > 4 hours/dayRespiratory Protection Equipment: none

The ECETOC TRA v2 estimates task based exposure. The exposure estimates shown are representative for

activities lasting up to 8 hours. Due to the activity based character of this estimation tool, these exposure

estimates are thereby also representative for short term activities (e.g. 15 minutes to 1 hour). Therefore no short

term inhalation exposure estimates are calculated nor shown in the table below (indicated by n.a.), since the long

term (8 hour) estimate already covers the short term exposure.





















Página 10 de 47




















Use in







Application of


products in

closed systems


2 No other





69.1 n.a. 1.4 n.a. n.a.






Use in


batch processes


Application of


products in

closed systems


2 No other





69.1 n.a. 1.4 n.a. n.a.








4 Provide a good

standard of


ventilation (not

less than 3-5 air

changes per

hour) [E11]

96.7 n.a. 6.9 n.a. n.a.






Treatment by



6 Provide extract

ventilation to

points where

emissions occur


34.5 n.a. 0.3 n.a. n.a.









With local

8b Ensure material

transfers are


containment or




10.4 n.a. 6.9 n.a. n.a.

Página 11 de 47













8b ]Avoid carrying

out activities


exposure for

more than 1

hour [OC27].

69.1 n.a. 6.9 n.a. n.a.












2 No other





69.1 n.a. 1.4 n.a. n.a.




cleaning and



8a Drain down

system prior to


break-in or



69.1 n.a. 13.7 n.a. n.a.

*Identifier: each contributing scenario of the ES has been assigned a unique identifier which facilitates tracking all the information (exposure estimation, risk characterization in chapter 9 and 10 and appendices) related to this contributing scenario of the ES Consumer exposure

Not applicable. Indirect exposure of humans via the environment (oral)

The bioaccumulation potential of this substance is very low, therefore secondary poisoning

can be considered negligible. Environmental exposure

Industrial dry cleaning is carried out in continuous and batch processes: continuous wool

scouring and industrial cleaning of weaved textile, as well as dry-cleaning in batch mode

A: Wool scouring

Wool scouring is made in an industrial degreasing machine. Emissions from the machine are

described in a simplified scheme described by Wooltech (BAT, 2003). As described in this

publication, the machine is equipped with:

A solvent evaporation system to recycle the solvent within the machine

Página 12 de 47


a vapour recovery unit for solvent laden air leaving the wool dryer (refrigerated

primary collection system followed by activated carbon adsorption recovery system)

solvent destruction unit to remove the solvent from water originating from the wool

moisture by using an improved Fenton effect, effective in eliminating all traces of

solvent from water by oxidizing/de-halogenations. An alternative technology would be

treatment with activated carbon filters. The residual concentration in water is < 0.1

ppm with 100L released to wastewater (1E-5 kg/d).

Release to air: Emissions from the machine amount to 0.01 kg/h to air, which amount to 0.1

kg/d considering 10 working hours per day. The RMM efficiency of the three techniques

described above is 99.99%, calculated as a percent of release 0.01 kg/h to air to the 5000 kg/h

used in the machine.

Release to water: To avoid any risk of diffuse emissions, the water stream is treated in two

steps, comprising a solvent air stripping unit and a residual solvent destruction unit or

activated carbon treatment

In the first step, most of the small proportion of solvent in fleece and steam moisture is

removed by heating the water and stripping it with air in the Solvent Air Stripping Unit. The

small flow of solvent is recovered by condensing it and then by passing it through the Vapour

Recovery Unit.

In the second step, a free radical process based on Fenton’s reaction (a redox reaction between

iron and hydrogen peroxide) is used to remove the traces of solvent left after stripping in

fleece and steam moisture., The residual solvent destruction unit, based on the improved

Fenton effect, is effective in eliminating all traces of solvent from water by oxidizing/de-

halogenating, thereby destroying the solvent molecules. The solvent is broken down into

chloride ions, carbon dioxide and water upon treatment with hydrogen peroxide. Provision is

allowed to ensure the water is neutralized prior to discharge. The fine detail of the destruction

process is confidential; however processes that use the improved Fenton effect are well

established. In conclusion, emissions to water will be zero. An alternative technology would

be treatment with activated carbon filters. The residual concentration in water is < 0.1 ppm

with 100L released to wastewater (1E-5 kg/d). An alternative technology would be treatment

with activated carbon filters. The residual concentration in water is < 0.1 ppm with 100L

released to wastewater (1E-5 kg/d).

B: Industrial cleaning of weaved textile

The industrial cleaning of weaved textile is a continuous process, which consists of the

scouring or dry cleaning step and the thermal finishing step. Air from the dry cleaning

machine is lead through a carbon filter and brought back into the machine. After the finishing

step, the textile may contain residual tetrachloroethylene.

Release to air: Emissions to air after the finishing step can amount to 0.4 g/kg textile.

Considering a maximal and continuous production volume of 900kg textile per hour and the

maximal emission of tetrachloroethylene to air are 8.64 kg/d.

Release to water: The only source of water would be condensed water building up in the

machine. The machines are not connected to the sewer; therefore water in the system would

be decanted. If the volume of water from the decanter is below 1 liter, it is disposed as waste

Página 13 de 47


and evaporates (0.5L/d/machine water saturated with tetrachloroethylene), which can amounts

to residual emission of 3g/d to air.

If the water flow is greater, the water will be subject to air stripping lowering

tetrachloroethylene concentration to a maximum of 1 mg/L. Additional treatment with

activated carbon filters reduce emissions to water to 0.005 kg/d, based on 10 working hours

(BAT, 2003) and discharge at rate<0.5g/h.

C: Industrial dry cleaning in batch mode

Dry cleaning of textile can be carried out in facilities equipped of several dry cleaning

machines operating in batch mode. The site would have to comply to the VOC directive with

maximum emissions of 20 g/kg textile. The emissions were calculated for a site equipped with

10 type IV machine according to ECSA (European Chlorinated Solvent Association, Brussels,

Belgium). Emissions for single machines are derived from the assessment presented in the

existing EU risk assessment.

Type machine (according to ECSA) IV


Machine type units

closed circuit with activated

carbon filters

Release from contact water

Contact water produced L/100 kg textile 5

Typical through put kg textile / day 100

Contact water L/day 5

Solubility mg/L 149

Amount of PER in contact water g/100 kg textile 0.745

Release from filter regeneration

Water use for filter regeneration L 5

concentration in water mg/L 0.1

Amount of PER from filter reg g/100 kg textile 0.0005

Total PER emitted to water g/100 kg textile 0.7455

Number of machines - 10

Daily emission of tetrachloroethylene to water kg/day 7.5E-03


assumed emission to air g/kg textile 5

Typical daily through put kg textiles /day 100

assumed emission to air kg/d 0.5

Working days d 365

air emission per year per machine kg/y 182.5

number of machine - 10

local air emissions kg/d 5

Emissions are 5 kg/d to air and 7.5 E-3 kg/d to water

Worst case emissions for the use of tetrachloroethylene in industrial dry cleaning are releases

of 8.64 kg/d to air based residual emissions from the textiles and 7.5 E-3 kg/d to water from

cumulative emissions to water from industrial dry cleaning in batch mode.

Página 14 de 47


Identifier ES3-E1

Narrative Based on reference Document on Best Available Techniques for the textile industry (2003) and data from manufacturer of textile dry-cleaning machine

Release fraction to air from process -

Release fraction to wastewater from process -

Release fraction to soil from process (regional only) -

Local release to air (kg/d) 5.00E+00

Local release to water (kg/d) 7.50E-03

Local release to soil (kg/d) 0

Total efficiency of removal from wastewater after onsite and offsite (domestic treatment plant) RMMs (%)


Total efficiency of removal from air emissions (%) 99.99

Assumed domestic sewage treatment plant flow (m3/d) 2000

The maximum allowable site tonnage (MSafe) based on removal

from domestic sewage treatment (kg/d)


The downstream user can check the compliance of his site by comparing site specific data with defaults used in the exposure assessment. The site specific quotient should be inferior or equal to the SpERC quotient.

Not applicable as the exposure is generic and applies to the largest manufacturing capacity

mspERC: Susbstance use rate in spERC

EER,spERC: Efficacy of RMM in spERC

Frelease,,spERC: Initial release fraction in spERC

DFspERC: dilution factor of STP effluent in river

msite: Susbstance use rate at site

EER,site: Efficacy of RMM at site

Frelease,,site: Initial release fraction at site

DFsite: dilution factor of STP effluent in river Predicted exposure concentrations in aquatic the STP and in aquatic compartments

(freshwater, seawater and sediment)

Local Concentration, Compartment: STP and aquatic unit ES3-E1

PEC for microorganisms in STP mg/L 2.780E-04

Local PEC in surface water during emission episode (dissolved) mg/L 4.426E-05

Annual average local PEC in surface water (dissolved) mg/L 3.931E-05

Local PEC in fresh water sediment during emission episode mg/kg dwt 7.833E-04

Local PEC in sea water during emission episode mg/L 4.459E-06

Annual average local PEC in sea water (dissolved) mg/L 3.964E-06









Página 15 de 47


Local PEC in marine sediment during emission episode mg/kg dwt 7.892E-05

Comments Predicted exposure concentration in soils

Local Concentration, Compartment: soil unit ES3-E1

Local PEC in agricultural soil, averaged over 30 days mg/kg dwt 3.76E-03

Local PEC agricultural soil, averaged over 180 days mg/kg dwt 3.72E-03

Local PEC in grass land, averaged over 180 days mg/kg dwt 3.34E-03

Comments Predicted exposure concentration in the atmospheric compartment

Local Concentration, Compartment: air unit ES3-E1

Annual average local PEC in air (total) mg/m3 1.552E-03

Comments Predicted exposure concentration in food for secondary poisoning

The bioaccumulation potential of this substance is very low, therefore secondary poisoning

can be considered negligible.

Página 16 de 47


9.4. Exposure scenario 4: Professional use in dry cleaning

9.4.1. Exposure scenario

Section 1 Exposure Scenario Title

Title Professional use in dry cleaning

Sector of Use SU22

Process Category PROC2, PROC4, PROC8a, PROC8b

Product Category n/a

Article Category n/a

Environmental release Category ERC8A, ERC8D

Specific environmental release category


Processes, tasks, activities covered

Use of substance in professional dry cleaning, including material transfers and maintenance

Section 2 Operational conditions and risk management measures

Section 2.1 Control of worker exposure

Product characteristics

Physical form of product Liquid

Volatility Medium volatility

Concentration of substance in product

Up to 100%

Operational conditions

Amounts used Not relevant for this scenario

Frequency and duration of use Covers daily exposures up to 8 hours (unless stated) [OC1]

Human factors not influenced

by risk management

None identified for this scenario.

Other Operational Conditions affecting worker exposure

Assumes a good basic standard of occupational hygiene is implemented [G1]; Assumes activities are at ambient temperature (unless stated differently) [G17].

Risk Management Measures For detailed information on this Exposure Scenario, refer to appendix X.

Identifier* Contributing Scenarios PROC Risk Management Measures


General exposures [CS1]; Use in contained batch processes

[CS37]; Application of cleaning products

in closed systems [CS101]

2 Provide a good standard of general ventilation (not less than 3-5 air changes per hour) [E11]


Material transfers [CS3]; Manual [CS34].

4 Avoid carrying out activities involving exposure for more than 1 hour [OC27].


Material transfers [CS3]; Drum/batch transfers [CS8];

With local exhaust ventilation [CS109]

8b Ensure material transfers are under containment or extract ventilation [E66].


Material transfers [CS3]; Drum/batch transfers [CS8].

8b Avoid carrying out activities involving exposure for more than 1 hour [OC27].

Página 17 de 47



Material transfers [CS3]. ; Drum/batch transfers [CS8]. ;

(closed systems) [CS107]

2 Provide a good standard of general ventilation (not less than 3-5 air changes per hour) [E11]


Equipment cleaning and maintenance [CS39].

8a Drain down system prior to equipment break-in or maintenance [E65].Provide a good standard of general ventilation (not less than 3-5 air changes per hour) [E11]Wear suitable gloves tested to EN374 [PPE15].

*Identifier: each contributing scenario of the ES has been assigned a unique identifier which facilitates tracking all the information (exposure estimation, risk characterization in chapter 9 and 10 and appendices) related to this contributing scenario of the ES.

Section 2 Operational conditions and risk management


Section 2.2 Control of environmental exposure

Identifier ES4-E1

Contributing scenario Professional dry cleaning

Environmental Release Category ERC8A

Specific ERC -

Assessment scenario Closed dry cleaning machines

Operational Conditions

Amounts used

Amounts used in the EU (tonnes/year) 12'408

Fraction of EU tonnage used in region 0.1

Fraction of main source to local environment 0.000017 based on 58310 machine in Europe

Fraction of substance in end-use products 1

Maximum daily site tonnage (kg/day) -

Frequency and duration of use

Type of release continuous

Emission days (days/year) 365

Site specific monitoring data results for surface water effluent

Location of sample

Environmental factors not influenced by risk management

Local freshwater dilution factor 10 (default)

Local marine water dilution factor 100 (default)

Other given operational conditions affecting environmental


Risk Management Measures

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to

prevent release

ECSA Type 3 machine, activated carbon filters, refrigeration cooling

Technical onsite conditions and measures to reduce or limit

discharges, air emissions and releases to soil

Treat air emissions to provide a typical removal efficiency of (%)


ERMM1: Typical onsite wastewater treatment technology provides degradation efficiency of (%)

ERMM2: Typical municipal wastewater treatment technology

provides degradation efficiency of (%)

STP: 3 Estimated substance removal from

wastewater via domestic sewage treatment (%): 92.6 (default from Simple treat model)

Página 18 de 47


Treat wastewater (prior to discharge to receiving water) to provide the required removal efficiency of (%) ETotal,RMM = 1 – ((1 –ERMM, 1) x (1 – ERMM,2))

STP4: Total efficiency of removal from wastewater after onsite and offsite (domestic treatment plant) RMMs (%): 92.6

Organizational measures to prevent/limit release from site Prevent leaks and the soil/water pollution caused by leaks.

Conditions and measures related to municipal sewage

treatment plant

Conditions and measures related to external treatment of

waste for disposal

Dispose of waste solvent and used containers according to local regulations. Dispose of waste or used sacks/containers according to local regulations.

Conditions and measures related to external recovery of waste Storage of finished products in closed containers (e.g., bulk tanks,, drums, cans). Incinerate, absorb, or adsorb vapours stripped from solution whenever necessary.

Other environmental control measures additional to above

9.4.2. Exposure estimation Workers exposure

The worker exposure estimates for the activities associated with this use of tetrachloroethylene have

been assessed using ECETOC TRA v2, unless stated differently (see appendix X).

Assessment parameter default values:Fugacity: medium

Type of Use; professional

Concentration: > 25 %

Local Exhaust Ventilation: none

Duration of Exposure: > 4 hours/day

Respiratory Protection Equipment: none

The ECETOC TRA v2 estimates task based exposure. The exposure estimates shown are representative for activities lasting up to 8 hours. Due to the activity based character of this estimation tool, these

exposure estimates are thereby also representative for short term activities (e.g. 15 minutes to 1 hour).

Therefore no short term inhalatory exposure estimates are calculated nor shown in the table below

(indicated by n.a.), since the long term (8 hour) estimate already covers the short term exposure.




Dermal exposure







Contributing scenarios PROC Risk Management




Acute Long







General exposures [CS1];

Use in contained batch processes [CS37];

Application of cleaning products in closed systems [CS101]

2 Provide a good standard of general ventilation (not less than 3-5 air changes per hour) [E11]

96.7 n.a. 1.4 n.a. n.a.


Material transfers [CS3];

Manual [CS34].

4 Avoid carrying out activities involving exposure for more than 1 hour [OC27].

69.1 n.a. 6.9 n.a. n.a.


Material transfers [CS3];

Drum/batch transfers

[CS8]; With local exhaust ventilation [CS109]

8b Ensure material transfers are under containment or

extract ventilation [E66].

34.5 n.a. 6.9 n.a. n.a.

Página 19 de 47



Material transfers [CS3];

Drum/batch transfers


8b Avoid carrying out activities involving exposure for more

than 1 hour [OC27].

69.1 n.a. 6.9 n.a. n.a.


Material transfers [CS3];

Drum/batch transfers [CS8];

(closed systems) [CS107]

2 Provide a good standard of general ventilation (not less than 3-5 air changes per hour) [E11]

96.7 n.a. 1.4 n.a. n.a.


Equipment cleaning and maintenance [CS39].

8a Drain down system prior to equipment break-in or maintenance [E65].Provide a good standard of general ventilation (not less than 3-5 air changes

per hour) [E11]Wear suitable gloves tested to EN374 [PPE15].

96.7 n.a. 2.7 n.a. n.a.

*Identifier: each contributing scenario of the ES has been assigned a unique identifier which facilitates tracking all the information (exposure estimation, risk characterization in chapter 9 and 10 and appendices) related to this contributing scenario of the ES Consumer exposure

Not applicable. Indirect exposure of humans via the environment (oral)

The bioaccumulation potential of this substance is very low, therefore secondary

poisoning can be considered negligible. Environmental exposure

Dry cleaning of textiles with tetrachloroethylene has been carried for decades with

evolving technologies to reduce exposure at the workplace, as well as minimise

emissions to the environment. The Solvent Directive (1999/13/EC) required Member

States of the EU to implement controls on the emissions of volatile organic

compounds. For dry cleaning, the equipment is required to meet emission rate below

20 g of tetrachloroethylene for every kilogram of product cleaned and dried.

Based on data provided by ECSA, there are only few open machines (type I and II) in

operation in 2010. 58% of the machines are closed machines with refrigeration

cooling without exhaust air (type III) and 22 % are machines with refrigeration

cooling and activated carbon (type IV). Considering that type III machine are the most

widely used, a worst case assessment will be carried out assuming that all 58310

machines operating in the EU are Type III.

Machine Technology split 2009/2010 (source CINET)

Total machines in 2010: (in 2000: 56570/100%) 58.310

Type 1 in 2010: (in 2000: 4025/7%) 2.160

Type 2 in 2010: (in 2000: 6650/12%) 4.430

Type 3 in 2010: (in 2000: 34260/61%) 34.040

Página 20 de 47


Type 4 in 2010: (in 2000: 11635/21%) 12.710

Type 5 in 2010: (in 2000: not available) 4.275

Type 6 in 2010: (in 2000: not available) 695

Releases to air were derived from data provided in the Annex to tetrachloroethylene

risk assessment report (2001). Considering 100 kg of textile cleaned per day and 20g

of solvent/kg of textile are released, the local release to air is 2 kg/d.

Release to water was determined in the EU risk assessment report for

tetrachloroethylene (2005). The amount of contact water in closed system is

calculated for a typical daily throughput of 100 kg textiles. The average amount of

contact water produced is between 2 to 5 litres per 100kg of clothes cleaned. It

assumed that contact water is saturated up to the solubility limit of tetrachloroethylene

(149mg/L). Daily emissions to water are: Ewater contact water (g/d) = Volume of

contact (L/day)* Solubility (mg/L) *1000

Units closed circuit

Contact water produced L/100 kg textile 5

Typical through put kg textile / day 100

Contact water L/day 5

Solubility mg/L 149

Amount of tetrachloroethylene in contact

water g/d 0.745

Assuming a release of 5L per day of contact water saturated with tetrachloroethylene

(solubility 149 mg/L), emissions to water amount to 7.5E-4 kg/d.

Tetrachloroethylene might be emitted to water during the activated filter regeneration.

The activated carbon filters are regenerated with a flow of hot air in a closed cycle

(with no air emissions). Condensed solvent is recycled to the machine. Separate water

is not discharge to the sewer, but subject to treatment with activated carbon prior to

discharge (<0.1 ppm, max 5 litres/d). The treated water is directed to waste

containers. In worst cases, residual solvent content from the treated water may

evaporate to air, which would correspond to 0.5 mg/d on the day of the filter

regeneration. The emissions during filter regeneration are insignificant compared to

emissions during dry-cleaning.

As stated in the EU risk assessment (2001), solid residues may be produced during

dry cleaning due to collection of fabric dust, distillation sludge and use of cartridge

filters. Organisation & Environment (1991) estimated losses of solvent to solid waste

as 1.76 kg/100 kg clothes for all machine types, which give a total loss to solid

residues of 6,825 tons/year from closed machines. These amounts are not released

directly to the environment, as they are disposed as waste.

The input for the EcetocTRA model are 7.5 E-4 kg/d to water 2 kg/d to air during 365

d with a fraction of the main source derived from the total number of machines in the

EU: 58310, Fmain= 1/5831=0.000017.

Identifier ES4-E1

Narrative Emission based on EU risk assessment for closed machine

Release fraction to air from process

Página 21 de 47


Release fraction to wastewater from process

Release fraction to soil from process (regional only)

Local release to air (kg/d) 2.00E+00

Local release to water (kg/d) 7.45E-04

Local release to soil (kg/d) 0.00E+00

Total efficiency of removal from wastewater after onsite and offsite (domestic treatment plant) RMMs (%)


Total efficiency of removal from air emissions (%)

Assumed domestic sewage treatment plant flow (m3/d) 2000

The maximum allowable site tonnage (MSafe) based on removal from domestic sewage treatment (kg/d)

Página 22 de 47

PRODUCTO: PERCLOROETILENO Predicted exposure concentrations in aquatic the STP and in aquatic compartments

(freshwater, seawater and sediment)

Local Concentration, Compartment: STP and aquatic unit ES4-E1

PEC for microorganisms in STP mg/L 2.780E-05

Local PEC in surface water during emission episode (dissolved) mg/L 1.924E-05

Annual average local PEC in surface water (dissolved) mg/L 1.924E-05

Local PEC in fresh water sediment during emission episode mg/kg dwt 3.406E-04

Local PEC in sea water during emission episode mg/L 1.957E-06

Annual average local PEC in sea water (dissolved) mg/L 1.957E-06

Local PEC in marine sediment during emission episode mg/kg dwt 3.464E-05

Comments Predicted exposure concentration in soils

Local Concentration, Compartment: soil unit ES4-E1

Local PEC in agricultural soil, averaged over 30 days mg/kg dwt 5.678E-05

Local PEC agricultural soil, averaged over 180 days mg/kg dwt 5.211E-05

Local PEC in grass land, averaged over 180 days mg/kg dwt 1.460E-05

Comments Predicted exposure concentration in the atmospheric compartment

Local Concentration, Compartment: air unit ES4-E1

Annual average local PEC in air (total) mg/m3 4.090E-04

Comments Predicted exposure concentration in food for secondary poisoning

The bioaccumulation potential of this substance is very low, therefore secondary poisoning

can be considered negligible.

Página 23 de 47


9.5. Exposure scenario 5: Industrial use in surface cleaning

9.5.1. Exposure scenario

Section 1 Exposure Scenario Title

Title Industrial use in surface cleaning

Sector of Use SU3

Process Category PROC2, PROC3, PROC8a, PROC8b, PROC13

Product Category n/a

Article Category n/a

Environmental release Category ERC4

Specific environmental release category


Processes, tasks, activities


Use in industrial surface cleaning, including material transfers, storage and maintenance

Section 2 Operational conditions and risk management measures

Section 2.1 Control of worker exposure

Product characteristics

Physical form of product Liquid

Volatility Medium volatility

Concentration of substance in product

Up to 100%

Operational conditions

Amounts used Not relevant for this scenario

Frequency and duration of use Covers daily exposures up to 8 hours (unless stated) [OC1]

Human factors not influenced by risk management

None identified for this scenario.

Other Operational Conditions affecting worker exposure

Assumes a good basic standard of occupational hygiene is implemented [G1]; Assumes activities are at ambient temperature (unless stated differently) [G17].

Risk Management Measures For detailed information on this Exposure Scenario, refer to appendix X.

Identifier* Contributing Scenarios PROC Risk Management Measures


General exposures [CS1]; Use in contained batch processes

[CS37]. ; Application of cleaning products

in closed systems [CS101]

2 No other specific measures identified [EI20].


General exposures [CS1];

Use in contained batch processes [CS37];

Application of cleaning products in closed systems [CS101];

With local exhaust ventilation [CS109]

3 Provide a good standard of general ventilation (not less than 3-5

air changes per hour) [E11]


Material transfers [CS3];

Manual [CS34].

13 Avoid carrying out operation for more than 1 hour [OC11]


Material transfers [CS3]; Manual [CS34]. ; With local exhaust ventilation [CS109]

13 Provide extract ventilation to points where emissions occur [E54].

Página 24 de 47



Material transfers [CS3]; Drum/batch transfers [CS8];

With local exhaust ventilation


8b Ensure material transfers are under containment or extract ventilation [E66].


Material transfers [CS3]; Drum/batch transfers [CS8].

8b Avoid carrying out activities involving exposure for more than 1 hour [OC27].


Material transfers [CS3]; Drum/batch transfers [CS8];

(closed systems) [CS107]

2 No other specific measures identified [EI20].


Equipment cleaning and maintenance [CS39].

8a Drain down system prior to equipment break-in or maintenance [E65].

*Identifier: each contributing scenario of the ES has been assigned a unique identifier which facilitates tracking all the information (exposure estimation, risk characterization in chapter 9 and 10 and appendices) related to this contributing scenario of the ES

Section 2 Operational conditions and risk management measures

Section 2.2 Control of environmental exposure

Product characteristics Substance is predominantly hydrophobic. Not biodegradable.

Identifier* ES5-E1 ES5-E2

Contributing scenario Metal degreasing: closed system Metal degreasing: semi-open systems

Environmental Release Category ERC4 ERC4

Specific ERC - -

Assessment scenario

Operational Conditions

Amounts used

Amounts used in the EU (tonnes/year) 8445 2436

Fraction of EU tonnage used in region 0.1 0.1

Fraction of main source to local environment

0.00048 ( based on 2063 machines in the EU, ECSA)

0.000546 (based on 1830 machines in the EU, ECSA)

Fraction of substance in end-use products

1 1

Maximum daily site tonnage (kg/day) - -

Frequency and duration of use

Type of release continuous continuous

Emission days (days/year) 300 300

Site specific monitoring data results

for surface water effluent

Location of sample

Environmental factors not influenced

by risk management

Local freshwater dilution factor 10 (default) 10 (default)

Local marine water dilution factor 100 (default) 100 (default)

Other given operational conditions

affecting environmental exposure

Risk Management Measures

Technical conditions and measures at

process level (source) to prevent


Activated carbon filter for air treatment Activated carbon filter for air treatment

Página 25 de 47


Technical onsite conditions and

measures to reduce or limit

discharges, air emissions and releases

to soil

All waste water must be processed in an municipal wastewater treatment plant. The wastewater treatment plant must

incorporate both primary and secondary treatments.

All waste water must be processed in an municipal wastewater treatment plant. The wastewater

treatment plant must incorporate both primary and secondary treatments.

Treat air emissions to provide a typical removal efficiency of (%)

Not applicable Not applicable

ERMM1: Typical onsite wastewater treatment technology provides degradation efficiency of (%)

ERMM2: Typical municipal wastewater treatment technology provides degradation efficiency of (%)

STP: 3 Estimated substance removal from wastewater via domestic sewage treatment (%): 92.6 (default from Simple treat model)

STP: 3 Estimated substance removal from wastewater via domestic sewage treatment (%): 92.6 (default from Simple treat model)

Treat wastewater (prior to discharge to receiving water) to provide the required removal efficiency of (%) ETotal,RMM = 1 – ((1 – ERMM, 1) x (1 – ERMM,2))

STP4: Total efficiency of removal from wastewater after onsite and offsite (domestic treatment plant) RMMs (%): 92.6

STP4: Total efficiency of removal from wastewater after onsite and offsite (domestic treatment plant) RMMs (%): 92.6

Organizational measures to

prevent/limit release from site

Site should have a spill plan to ensure that adequate safeguards are in place to minimize the impact of episodic releases.

Site should have a spill plan to ensure that adequate safeguards are in place to minimize the impact of

episodic releases.

Conditions and measures related to

municipal sewage treatment plant

Primary and secondary treatments. Primary and secondary treatments.

Conditions and measures related to

external treatment of waste for


Land spreading of sludge acceptable Land spreading of sludge acceptable

Conditions and measures related to

external recovery of waste

Storage of finished products in closed containers (e.g., bulk tanks,, drums, cans). Incinerate, absorb, or adsorb vapours stripped from solution whenever necessary.

Storage of finished products in closed containers (e.g., bulk tanks,, drums, cans). Incinerate, absorb, or adsorb vapours stripped from solution whenever necessary.

Other environmental control

measures additional to above

9.5.2. Exposure estimation Workers exposure

The worker exposure estimates for the activities associated with this use of tetrachloroethylene have

been assessed using ECETOC TRA v2, unless stated differently (see appendix X).

Assessment parameter default values:

Fugacity: medium

Type of Use; industrial

Concentration: > 25 %

Local Exhaust Ventilation: none

Duration of Exposure: > 4 hours/day

Respiratory Protection Equipment: none

The ECETOC TRA v2 estimates task based exposure. The exposure estimates shown are representative

for activities lasting up to 8 hours. Due to the activity based character of this estimation tool, these

exposure estimates are thereby also representative for short term activities (e.g. 15 minutes to 1 hour).

Therefore no short term inhalatory exposure estimates are calculated nor shown in the table below

(indicated by n.a.), since the long term (8 hour) estimate already covers the short term exposure.

Página 26 de 47





Dermal exposure





Identifier* Contributing scenarios PROC Risk Management




Acute Long







General exposures [CS1]; Use in contained batch

processes [CS37] ; Application of cleaning

products in closed systems [CS101]

2 No other specific measures identified [EI20].

69.1 n.a. 1.4 n.a. n.a.


General exposures [CS1]; Use in contained batch

processes [CS37]. ; Application of cleaning

products in closed systems [CS101];

With local exhaust ventilation [CS109]

3 Provide a good standard of general ventilation (not less than 3-5 air changes per hour) [E11]

120.9 n.a. 0.3 n.a. n.a.


Material transfers [CS3]; Manual [CS34].

13 Avoid carrying out operation for more than 1 hour [OC11]

69.1 n.a. 13.7 n.a. n.a.


Material transfers [CS3]; Manual [CS34];

With local exhaust

ventilation [CS109]

13 Provide extract ventilation to points where

emissions occur [E54].

34.5 n.a. 13.7 n.a. n.a.


Material transfers [CS3]; Drum/batch transfers

[CS8]; With local exhaust ventilation [CS109]

8b Ensure material transfers are under containment or extract ventilation [E66].

10.4 n.a. 6.9 n.a. n.a.


Material transfers [CS3] ; Drum/batch transfers


8b Avoid carrying out activities involving exposure for more than 1 hour [OC27].

69.1 n.a. 6.9 n.a. n.a.


Material transfers [CS3] ; Drum/batch transfers

[CS8]; (closed systems) [CS107]

2 No other specific measures

identified [EI20].

69.1 n.a. 1.4 n.a. n.a.


Equipment cleaning and maintenance [CS39].

8a Drain down system prior to equipment break-in or maintenance [E65].

69.1 n.a. 13.7 n.a. n.a.

*Identifier: each contributing scenario of the ES has been assigned a unique identifier which facilitates tracking all the information (exposure estimation, risk characterization in chapter 9 and 10 and appendices) related to this contributing scenario of the ES. Consumer exposure

Not applicable. Indirect exposure of humans via the environment (oral)

The bioaccumulation potential of this substance is very low, therefore secondary

poisoning can be considered negligible.

Página 27 de 47

PRODUCTO: PERCLOROETILENO Environmental exposure

Metal degreasing with tetrachloroethylene has been carried for decades with improving technologies to

reduce exposure at the workplace, as well as minimise emissions to the environment. The Solvent

Emission Directive (1999/13/EC) required Member States of the EU to implement controls on the

emissions of volatile organic compounds. In surface cleaning, installation consuming more than 1t/y must meet limits of 20 mg/m3 for stack emissions and 10-15% limits for fugitive emissions depending

on the size of the installation. Open machines and enclosed machine are no longer used following the

implementation of the Solvent Emission Directive. The assessment describes metal degreasing in semi

open and closed machines. Emissions to air were evaluated based on the finding of the PhD thesis from

Julia von Grote (Zurich, 2001), while emissions to water are based on technical knowledge of activated

carbon filter technology.

Release to airEmissions to air from metal degreasing machines were described in the thesis published by von Grote

(2000). Semi open machines correspond to type IV machines and closed machines to type V machines.

There are several types of emissions: diffuse emission from the machines, continuous emission from

the evaporation of residual solvent from treated metal and periodic emissions from loading/unloading

of the machines.

Emission = Ec1+Ec2+EpEc1 = diffuse emissions (g/h)* working hours (h)

Ec2= continuous emissions for

Batch time=0.5 h

Ep= Periodic emission factor* nb of batches

a=1.5*batch timemax 12 working hours of the

machine number of batches

Type V machines 0.5 0.75 12 24.0

Type iV machines 0.33 0.50 12 36.4

Diffuse emission

Continuous emission factor

from cleaned plates

Periodic emission

factor Ep Total emissions

Ec1 Ec2 Ep

g/h g/h for period a g kg/d

Type V machines 8.30E+00 3.03E+01 1.30E+00 0.7

Type iV machines 1.33E+01 6.06E+01 5.21E+01 3.1

Release to water: Closed metal degreasing machines operate in closed system (type V)

and are not connected to the sewer; therefore there are no direct emissions to water.

Small amounts of water are introduced with the metal plates and results in the presence

of condensed water in the machine, which is decanted. If the volume of water from the

decanter is below 1 liter, it is often disposed of by letting it evaporate (0.5L/d/machine

water saturated with tetrachloroethylene), which can amounts to residual emission of

3g/d to air. If the water flow is greater, the water will be treated with air stripping (<1

ppm, max 100 l/d). Emissions to water are 100 mg/d or 1*10-4

kg/d. Alternatively, the

water may be disposed of by adding it to the waste (spend solvent) from the distillation

sump of the cleaning machine. This spent solvent is send to a recycler for disposal /


Identifier ES5-E1 ES5-E2

Página 28 de 47


Narrative Emission based on the PhD thesis of von Grote (2003)

Emission based on the PhD thesis of von Grote (2003)

Release fraction to air from process

Release fraction to wastewater from process

Release fraction to soil from process (regional only)

Local release to air (kg/d) 0.7 3.1

Local release to water (kg/d) 1.00E-04 1.00E-04

Local release to soil (kg/d) 0 0

Total efficiency of removal from wastewater after onsite and offsite (domestic treatment

plant) RMMs (%)

92.6 92.6

Total efficiency of removal from air emissions (%)

Assumed domestic sewage treatment plant flow (m3/d) 2000 2000

The maximum allowable site tonnage (MSafe)based on removal from domestic sewage

treatment (kg/d) Predicted exposure concentrations in aquatic the STP and in aquatic compartments

(freshwater, seawater and sediment)

Local Concentration, Compartment: STP and aquatic unit ES5-E1 ES5-E2

PEC for microorganisms in STP mg/L 3.71E-06 3.71E-06

Local PEC in surface water during emission episode (dissolved) mg/L 1.68E-05 1.68E-05

Annual average local PEC in surface water (dissolved) mg/L 1.68E-05 1.68E-05

Local PEC in fresh water sediment during emission episode mg/kg dwt 2.98E-04 2.98E-04

Local PEC in sea water during emission episode mg/L 1.72E-06 1.72E-06

Annual average local PEC in sea water (dissolved) mg/L 1.71E-06 1.71E-06

Local PEC in marine sediment during emission episode mg/kg dwt 3.04E-05 3.04E-05

Comments Predicted exposure concentration in soils

Local Concentration, Compartment: soil unit ES5-E1 ES5-E2

Local PEC in agricultural soil, averaged over 30 days mg/kg dwt 4.62E-04 2.01E-03

Local PEC agricultural soil, averaged over 180 days mg/kg dwt 4.62E-04 2.01E-03

Local PEC in grass land, averaged over 180 days mg/kg dwt 4.61E-04 2.02E-03

Comments Predicted exposure concentration in the atmospheric compartment

Local Concentration, Compartment: air unit ES5-E1 ES5-E2

Página 29 de 47


Annual average local PEC in air (total) mg/m3 5.69E-04 1.12E-03


Página 30 de 47

PRODUCTO: PERCLOROETILENO Predicted exposure concentration in food for secondary poisoning

The bioaccumulation potential of this substance is very low, therefore secondary poisoning

can be considered negligible.

Página 31 de 47


9.6. Exposure scenario 6: Industrial use in heat transfer media

9.6.1. Exposure scenario

Section 1 Exposure Scenario Title

Title Industrial use in heat transfer media

Sector of Use SU3

Process Category PROC1, PROC3, PROC8a

Product Category n/a

Article Category n/a

Environmental release Category ERC 7

Specific environmental release category


Processes, tasks, activities


Industrial use of substance in heat transfer media, including material transfers (no filling) and

equipment cleaning and maintenance.

Section 2 Operational conditions and risk management measures

Section 2.1 Control of worker exposure

Product characteristics

Physical form of product Liquid

Volatility Medium volatility

Concentration of substance in


Up to 100%

Operational conditions

Amounts used Not relevant for this scenario

Frequency and duration of use Covers daily exposures up to 8 hours (unless stated) [OC1]

Human factors not influenced by risk management

None identified for this scenario.

Other Operational Conditions affecting worker exposure

Assumes a good basic standard of occupational hygiene is implemented [G1]; Assumes activities are at ambient temperature (unless stated differently) [G17].

Risk Management Measures For detailed information on this Exposure Scenario, refer to appendix X.

Identifier* Contributing Scenarios PROC Risk Management Measures


General exposures (closed systems) [CS15].

1 No other specific measures identified [EI20].


Material transfers [CS3];Use in contained batch

processes [CS37].

3 Drain down and flush system prior to equipment break-in or maintenance [E55].


Cleaning [CS47]; (closed systems) [CS107]

3 Provide a good standard of general ventilation (not less than 3-5 air changes per hour) [E11]; or;Ensure operation is undertaken outdoors [E69].


Material transfers [CS3]. 3 Provide a good standard of general ventilation (not less than 3-5 air changes per hour) [E11]; or:Ensure operation is undertaken outdoors [E69].


Equipment cleaning and maintenance [CS39].

8a Drain down system prior to equipment break-in or maintenance [E65].

Página 32 de 47



Storage [CS67]; (closed systems) [CS107]

1 No other specific measures identified [EI20].

*Identifier: each contributing scenario of the ES has been assigned a unique identifier which facilitates tracking all the information (exposure estimation, risk characterization in chapter 9 and 10 and appendices) related to this contributing scenario of the ES

Section 2 Operational conditions and risk management


Section 2.2 Control of environmental exposure

Identifier ES6-E1

Contributing scenario Heat transfer media

Environmental Release Category ERC7

Specific ERC -

Assessment scenario Based on technical knowledge

Operational Conditions

Amounts used

Amounts used in the EU (tonnes/year) 200

Fraction of EU tonnage used in region 1

Fraction of main source to local environment 1.00E-02

Fraction of substance in end-use products 1

Maximum daily site tonnage (kg/day) -

Frequency and duration of use

Type of release Release only when emptying the system

Emission days (days/year) 20

Site specific monitoring data results for surface water

effluent Not applicable

Location of sample Not applicable

Environmental factors not influenced by risk


Local freshwater dilution factor 10 (default)

Local marine water dilution factor 100 (default)

Other given operational conditions affecting

environmental exposure

Risk Management Measures

Vapour Recovery UnitTechnical conditions and measures at process level

(source) to prevent release Activated carbon filter

Technical onsite conditions and measures to reduce or

limit discharges, air emissions and releases to soil

Process is closed system

Treat air emissions to provide a typical removal efficiency of (%)

ERMM1: Typical onsite wastewater treatment technology provides degradation efficiency of (%)

Not applicable

ERMM2: Typical municipal wastewater treatment technology provides degradation efficiency of (%)

Not applicable

Página 33 de 47


Treat wastewater (prior to discharge to receiving water) to provide the required removal efficiency of (%) ETotal,RMM = 1 – ((1 – ERMM, 1) x (1 – ERMM,2))

Not applicable

Organizational measures to prevent/limit release from


Site should have a spill plan

Conditions and measures related to municipal sewage

treatment plant

Conditions and measures related to external treatment of

waste for disposal

Conditions and measures related to external recovery of


Other environmental control measures additional to


9.6.2. Exposure estimation Workers exposure

The worker exposure estimates for the activities associated with this use of tetrachloroethylene have been assessed using ECETOC TRA v2, unless stated differently (see appendix X).

Assessment parameter default values:

Fugacity: medium

Type of Use; industrial

Concentration: > 25 %

Local Exhaust Ventilation: none

Duration of Exposure: > 4 hours/dayRespiratory Protection Equipment: none

The ECETOC TRA v2 estimates task based exposure. The exposure estimates shown are representative for

activities lasting up to 8 hours. Due to the activity based character of this estimation tool, these exposure

estimates are thereby also representative for short term activities (e.g. 15 minutes to 1 hour). Therefore no short

term inhalatory exposure estimates are calculated nor shown in the table below (indicated by n.a.), since the long

term (8 hour) estimate already covers the short term exposure.




Dermal exposure





Identifier* Contributing


PROC Risk Management




Acute Long







General exposures (closed systems)


1 No other specific measures identified [EI20].

0.1 n.a. 0.3 n.a. n.a.


Material transfers [CS3];

Use in contained batch processes


3 Drain down and flush system prior to equipment break-in or maintenance [E55].

34.5 n.a. 0.3 n.a. n.a.


Cleaning [CS47]; (closed systems)


3 Provide a good standard of general

ventilation (not less than 3-5 air changes per hour) [E11]; or;Ensure operation is undertaken outdoors [E69].

120.9 n.a. 0.3 n.a. n.a.

ES6-W4Material transfers

[CS3]. 3 Provide a good

standard of general 120.9 n.a. 0.3 n.a. n.a.

Página 34 de 47


ventilation (not less than 3-5 air changes per hour) [E11]; or:

Ensure operation is undertaken outdoors [E69].


Equipment cleaning and maintenance


8a Drain down system prior to equipment break-in or maintenance [E65].

69.1 n.a. 13.7 n.a. n.a.


Storage [CS67]; (closed systems)


1 No other specific measures identified [EI20].

0.1 n.a. 0.3 n.a. n.a.

*Identifier: each contributing scenario of the ES has been assigned a unique identifier which facilitates tracking all the information (exposure estimation, risk characterization in chapter 9 and 10 and appendices) related to this contributing scenario of the ES Consumer exposure

Not applicable. Indirect exposure of humans via the environment (oral)

The bioaccumulation potential of this substance is very low, therefore secondary poisoning

can be considered negligible. Environmental exposure

High volumes of heat transfer fluid are pumped in a closed cooling system. The solvent

remains in the system for several years (40 years) after which it is recovered by a professional

recycling company. The exposure assessment covers the emissions from the emptying and

dismantling of heat transfer systems. The circuit is drained and then ventilated to remove

residual solvent in the pipes. Emissions during the emptying of the heat transfer system are

minimised by protecting the soil and fitting the recovery unit with vapour return lines. Air

ventilated in the system treated by activated carbon filtration to reduce the air concentration.

The ventilation of the circuit is stopped, when the concentration of the solvent in the air can

no longer be reduced by the activated carbon filter (0.1 ppm=0.67 mg/m3). Considering the

closed nature of the system, the RMMs in place during the unloading and dismantling of the

system, there are only residual emissions of tetrachloroethylene..

Assuming a volume of the cooling system of 30 m3 (Environmental Emission Scenarios for

biocides used as preservatives for liquid cooling systems, PT11, 2003), release to air is 2E-5

kg on the day where the system is opened.


Narrative Based on exposure scenario document for biocide PT

11 on technical knowledge

Release fraction to air from process

Release fraction to wastewater from process

Release fraction to soil from process (regional only)

Local release to water (kg/d) 0 (n.b a release of 1e-20 instead of zero to avoid

model errors)

Local release to air (kg/d)2.05E-05

Página 35 de 47


Local release to soil (kg/d)0

Total efficiency of removal from wastewater after onsite and

offsite (domestic treatment plant) RMMs (%)


Total efficiency of removal from air emissions (%)99.99

Assumed domestic sewage treatment plant flow (m3/d)


The maximum allowable site tonnage (MSafe) based on

removal from domestic sewage treatment (kg/d) Predicted exposure concentrations in aquatic the STP and in aquatic

compartments (freshwater, seawater and sediment)

Local Concentration, Compartment: STP and aquatic unit ES6-E1

PEC for microorganisms in STP mg/L 3.707E-22

Local PEC in surface water during emission episode (dissolved) mg/L 1.646E-05

Annual average local PEC in surface water (dissolved) mg/L 1.646E-05

Local PEC in fresh water sediment during emission episode mg/kg dwt 2.914E-04

Local PEC in sea water during emission episode mg/L 1.679E-06

Annual average local PEC in sea water (dissolved) mg/L 1.679E-06

Local PEC in marine sediment during emission episode mg/kg dwt 2.972E-05

Comments Predicted exposure concentration in soils

Local Concentration, Compartment: soil unit ES6-E1

Local PEC in agricultural soil, averaged over 30 days mg/kg dwt 3.32E-06

Local PEC agricultural soil, averaged over 180 days mg/kg dwt 3.32E-06

Local PEC in grass land, averaged over 180 days mg/kg dwt 3.32E-06

Comments Predicted exposure concentration in the atmospheric compartment

Local Concentration, Compartment: air unit ES6-E1

Annual average local PEC in air (total) mg/m3 4.0E-04

Comments Predicted exposure concentration in food for secondary poisoning

The bioaccumulation potential of this substance is very low, therefore secondary poisoning

can be considered negligible.

Página 36 de 47


9.7. Exposure scenario 7: Professional use in film cleaning and copying

9.7.1. Exposure scenario

Section 1 Exposure Scenario Title

Title Professional use in film cleaning and copying

Sector of Use SU22

Process Category PROC2, PROC3, PROC4, PROC8a

Product Category n/a

Article Category n/a

Environmental release Category ERC7

Specific environmental release category

Processes, tasks, activities


Use of substance in professional film cleaning and copying, including material transfers and


Section 2 Operational conditions and risk management measures

Section 2.1 Control of worker exposure

Product characteristics

Physical form of product Liquid

Volatility Medium volatility

Concentration of substance in


Up to 100%

Operational conditions

Amounts used Not relevant for this scenario

Frequency and duration of use Covers daily exposures up to 8 hours (unless stated) [OC1]

Human factors not influenced by risk management

None identified for this scenario.

Other Operational Conditions affecting worker exposure

Assumes a good basic standard of occupational hygiene is implemented [G1]. ; Assumes activities are at ambient temperature (unless stated differently) [G17].

Risk Management Measures For detailed information on this Exposure Scenario, refer to appendix X.

Identifier* Contributing Scenarios Process


Risk Management Measures


General exposures [CS1]; Use in contained batch processes

[CS37]; With local exhaust ventilation


3 Provide a good standard of general ventilation (not less than 3-5 air changes per hour) [E11]

ES7-W2Material transfers [CS3];

Manual [CS34]. 4 Avoid carrying out activities involving exposure for more than 1

hour [OC27].


Material transfers [CS3];Drum/batch transfers [CS8];

(closed systems) [CS107]

2 Provide a good standard of general ventilation (not less than 3-5 air changes per hour) [E11]


Equipment cleaning and maintenance [CS39].

8a Wear a respirator conforming to EN140 with Type A filter or better. [PPE22]

*Identifier: each contributing scenario of the ES has been assigned a unique identifier which facilitates tracking all the information (exposure estimation, risk characterization in chapter 9 and 10 and appendices) related to this contributing

scenario of the ES.

Página 37 de 47


Section 2 Operational conditions and risk management measures

Section 2.2 Control of environmental exposure

Identifier ES7-E1

Contributing scenario Film copying

Environmental Release Category ERC7

Specific ERC -

Assessment scenario Based on process data

Operational Conditions

Amounts used

Amounts used in the EU (tonnes/year) 120

Fraction of EU tonnage used in region 1

Fraction of main source to local environment 2.00E-03

Fraction of substance in end-use products 1

Maximum daily site tonnage (kg/day) -

Frequency and duration of use

Type of release

Emission days (days/year) 20

Site specific monitoring data results for surface water

effluent Not applicable

Location of sample Not applicable

Environmental factors not influenced by risk


Local freshwater dilution factor 10 (default)

Local marine water dilution factor 100 (default)

Other given operational conditions affecting

environmental exposure

Risk Management Measures

Vapour Recovery UnitTechnical conditions and measures at process level

(source) to prevent release Activated carbon filter

Technical onsite conditions and measures to reduce or

limit discharges, air emissions and releases to soil

Process is closed system

Treat air emissions to provide a typical removal efficiency of (%)

ERMM1: Typical onsite wastewater treatment technology provides degradation efficiency of (%)

Not applicable

ERMM2: Typical municipal wastewater treatment technology provides degradation efficiency of (%)

STP: 3 Estimated substance removal from wastewater via domestic sewage treatment (%): 92.6 (default from Simple treat model)

Treat wastewater (prior to discharge to receiving water) to

provide the required removal efficiency of (%) ETotal,RMM = 1 – ((1 – ERMM, 1) x (1 – ERMM,2))

STP4: Total efficiency of removal from wastewater after onsite

and offsite (domestic treatment plant) RMMs (%): 92.6

Organizational measures to prevent/limit release from


Conditions and measures related to municipal sewage

treatment plant

Conditions and measures related to external treatment

of waste for disposal

Conditions and measures related to external recovery

of waste

Página 38 de 47


Other environmental control measures additional to


9.7.2. Exposure estimation Workers exposure

The worker exposure estimates for the activities associated with this use of tetrachloroethylene have been

assessed using ECETOC TRA v2, unless stated differently (see appendix X).

Assessment parameter default values:

Fugacity: medium

Type of Use; professional

Concentration: > 25 %

Local Exhaust Ventilation: none

Duration of Exposure: > 4 hours/day

Respiratory Protection Equipment: none

The ECETOC TRA v2 estimates task based exposure. The exposure estimates shown are representative for

activities lasting up to 8 hours. Due to the activity based character of this estimation tool, these exposure

estimates are thereby also representative for short term activities (e.g. 15 minutes to 1 hour). Therefore no short

term inhalation exposure estimates are calculated nor shown in the table below (indicated by n.a.), since the long

term (8 hour) estimate already covers the short term exposure.




Dermal exposure





Identifier* Contributing scenarios PROC Risk Management




Acute Long







General exposures [CS1];

Use in contained batch processes [CS37]; With local exhaust ventilation [CS109]

3 Provide a good standard of general ventilation

(not less than 3-5 air changes per hour) [E11]

120.9 n.a. 0.3 n.a. n.a.


Material transfers [CS3];

Manual [CS34].

4 Avoid carrying out activities involving exposure for more than

1 hour [OC27].

69.1 n.a. 6.9 n.a. n.a.


Material transfers [CS3];

Drum/batch transfers [CS8];

(closed systems) [CS107]

2 Provide a good standard of general ventilation (not less than 3-5 air changes per hour) [E11]

96.7 n.a. 1.4 n.a. n.a.


Equipment cleaning and maintenance


8a Wear a respirator conforming to EN140 with Type A filter or better. [PPE22]

69.1 n.a. 13.7 n.a. n.a.

*Identifier: each contributing scenario of the ES has been assigned a unique identifier which facilitates tracking all the information (exposure estimation, risk characterization in chapter 9 and 10 and appendices) related to this contributing scenario of the ES. Consumer exposure

Not applicable. Indirect exposure of humans via the environment (oral)

Página 39 de 47


The bioaccumulation potential of this substance is very low, therefore secondary poisoning

can be considered negligible. Environmental exposure

Film copying and cleaning handled in a closed system. Air emitted from the unit is directed

to an activated carbon filter; with a flow of 3500 m3/h. Residual emissions are below 20

mg/m3., therefore maximum emissions to air amount to 560 g/d The activated carbon filter is

regenerated once per week with steam, that is treated in the waster/solvent separation unit,

where solvent is recycled back to the solvent tank. Water containing residual

tetrachloroethylene is connected to an air stripping unit, where the solvent vapours are

directed to the air activated carbon unit, hence no emission to air. A maximum of 100L/d of

water on the day of the filter regeneration is emitted to the sewer with a maximum

concentration 1 mg/L. Total emissions from the machines are 100 mg/d to water and 560 g/d

to air.

Identifier ES6-E1

Narrative Based on technical knowledge

Release fraction to air from process 4.70E-01

Release fraction to wastewater from process 8.30E-06

Release fraction to soil from process (regional only) 0.00E+00

Local release to air (kg/d) 5.60E-01

Local release to water (kg/d) 1.00E-05

Local release to soil (kg/d) 0

Total efficiency of removal from wastewater after onsite and offsite (domestic treatment plant) RMMs (%)


Total efficiency of removal from air

emissions (%) -

Assumed domestic sewage treatment plant

flow (m3/d) 2000

The maximum allowable site tonnage (MSafe)based on removal from domestic sewage treatment (kg/d) Predicted exposure concentrations in aquatic the STP and in aquatic

compartments (freshwater, seawater and sediment)

Local Concentration, Compartment: STP and aquatic unit ES7-E1

PEC for microorganisms in STP mg/L 3.707E-06

Local PEC in surface water during emission episode (dissolved) mg/L 1.68E-05

Annual average local PEC in surface water (dissolved) mg/L 1.65E-05

Local PEC in fresh water sediment during emission episode mg/kg dwt 2.98E-04

Local PEC in sea water during emission episode mg/L 1.72E-06

Annual average local PEC in sea water (dissolved) mg/L 1.68E-06

Página 40 de 47


Local PEC in marine sediment during emission episode mg/kg dwt 3.04E-05

Comments Predicted exposure concentration in soils

Local Concentration, Compartment: soil unit ES7-E1

Local PEC in agricultural soil, averaged over 30 days mg/kg dwt 1.04E-05

Local PEC agricultural soil, averaged over 180 days mg/kg dwt 9.75E-06

Local PEC in grass land, averaged over 180 days mg/kg dwt 4.75E-06

Comments Predicted exposure concentration in the atmospheric compartment

Local Concentration, Compartment: air unit ES7-E1

Annual average local PEC in air (total) mg/m3 4.091E-04

Comments Predicted exposure concentration in food for secondary poisoning

The bioaccumulation potential of this substance is very low, therefore secondary poisoning

can be considered negligible.

Página 41 de 47


9.8. Exposure scenario 8: Distribution and (re)packing

9.8.1. Exposure scenario

Section 1 Exposure Scenario Title

Title Distribution and (re)packing

Sector of Use SU3

Process Category PROC2, PROC3, PROC8a, PROC8b, PROC9, PROC15

Product Category n/a

Article Category n/a

Environmental release Category ERC2

Specific environmental release category

Processes, tasks, activities covered

Distribution and repacking the substance in batch operations, including storage, materials transfers, large and small scale packing, sampling, maintenance and associated laboratory activities.

Section 2 Operational conditions and risk management measures

Section 2.1 Control of worker exposure

Product characteristics

Physical form of product Liquid

Volatility Medium volatility

Concentration of substance in


Up to 100%

Operational conditions

Amounts used Not relevant for this scenario

Frequency and duration of use Covers daily exposures up to 8 hours (unless stated) [OC1]

Human factors not influenced by risk management

None identified for this scenario.

Other Operational Conditions affecting worker exposure

Assumes a good basic standard of occupational hygiene is implemented [G1]; Assumes activities are at ambient temperature (unless stated differently) [G17].

Risk Management Measures For detailed information on this Exposure Scenario, refer to appendix X.

Identifier* Contributing Scenarios Process


Risk Management Measures


Bulk transfers [CS14]; Dedicated facility [CS81]

8b Avoid carrying out activities involving exposure for more than 1 hour [OC27].

ES8-W2Drum/batch transfers [CS8];

Dedicated facility [CS81]8b Avoid carrying out activities involving exposure for more than

1 hour [OC27].


Drum and small package filling [CS6];

Dedicated facility [CS81]

9 Ensure material transfers are under containment or extract ventilation [E66].


Process sampling [CS2]; (closed systems) [CS107]

3 Provide a good standard of general ventilation (not less than 3-5 air changes per hour) [E11]; or:Ensure operation is undertaken outdoors [E69].

ES8-W5Equipment cleaning and

maintenance [CS39]. 8a Drain down system prior to equipment break-in or

maintenance [E65].

Página 42 de 47



Bulk product storage [CS85]; (closed systems) [CS107];

With sample collection [CS56].

2 No other specific measures identified [EI20].

ES8-W7Laboratory activities [CS36]. 15 No other specific measures identified [EI20].

*Identifier: each contributing scenario of the ES has been assigned a unique identifier which facilitates tracking all the

information (exposure estimation, risk characterization in chapter 9 and 10 and appendices) related to this contributing scenario of the ES

Section 2 Operational conditions and risk management measures

Section 2.2 Control of environmental exposure

Identifier ES8-E1

Contributing scenario Distribution and (re)packing

Environmental Release Category ERC2

Specific ERC ESVOC 3

Assessment scenario

Operational Conditions

Amounts used

Amounts used in the EU (tonnes/year) 32'000

Fraction of EU tonnage used in region 1

Fraction of main source to local environment 2.00E-03

Fraction of substance in end-use products

Maximum daily site tonnage (kg/day) 210

Frequency and duration of use

Type of release

Emission days (days/year) 300

Site specific monitoring data results for surface water

effluent Not applicable

Location of sample Not applicable

Environmental factors not influenced by risk management

Local freshwater dilution factor 10 (default)

Local marine water dilution factor 100 (default)

Other given operational conditions affecting

environmental exposure

Risk Management Measures

Technical conditions and measures at process level

(source) to prevent release

Technical onsite conditions and measures to reduce or

limit discharges, air emissions and releases to soil

Treat air emissions to provide a typical removal efficiency of (%) Not applicable

ERMM1: Typical onsite wastewater treatment technology provides degradation efficiency of (%)

Not applicable

ERMM2: Typical municipal wastewater treatment technology provides degradation efficiency of (%)

STP: 3 Estimated substance removal from wastewater via domestic sewage treatment (%): 92.6 (default from Simple treat model)

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Treat wastewater (prior to discharge to receiving water) to provide the required removal efficiency of (%) ETotal,RMM = 1 – ((1 – ERMM, 1) x (1 – ERMM,2))

STP4: Total efficiency of removal from wastewater after onsite and offsite (domestic treatment plant) RMMs (%): 92.6

Organizational measures to prevent/limit release from site

Conditions and measures related to municipal sewage

treatment plant

Conditions and measures related to external treatment of

waste for disposal

Conditions and measures related to external recovery of


Other environmental control measures additional to above

9.8.2. Exposure estimation Workers exposure

The worker exposure estimates for the activities associated with this use of tetrachloroethylene have been assessed using ECETOC TRA v2, unless stated differently (see appendix X).

Assessment parameter default values:

Fugacity: medium

Type of Use; industrial

Concentration: > 25 %

Local Exhaust Ventilation: none

Duration of Exposure: > 4 hours/dayRespiratory Protection Equipment: none

The ECETOC TRA v2 estimates task based exposure. The exposure estimates shown are representative for

activities lasting up to 8 hours. Due to the activity based character of this estimation tool, these exposure

estimates are thereby also representative for short term activities (e.g. 15 minutes to 1 hour). Therefore no short

term inhalation exposure estimates are calculated nor shown in the table below (indicated by n.a.), since the long

term (8 hour) estimate already covers the short term exposure.

Identifier* Inhalatory



Dermal exposure





Contributing scenarios PROC Risk Management













Bulk transfers [CS14]; Dedicated facility [CS81]

8b Avoid carrying out activities involving

exposure for more than 1 hour [OC27].

69.08 n.a. 6.86 n.a. n.a.


Drum/batch transfers [CS8]. ;

Dedicated facility [CS81]

8b Avoid carrying out activities involving exposure for more than 1 hour [OC27].

69.08 n.a. 6.86 n.a. n.a.


Drum and small package

filling [CS6]. ; Dedicated facility [CS81]

9 Ensure material

transfers are under containment or extract ventilation [E66].

34.54 n.a. 6.86 n.a. n.a.


Process sampling [CS2]. ;

(closed systems) [CS107]

3 Provide a good standard of general ventilation (not less than 3-5 air changes

per hour) [E11]; or:Ensure operation is

120.90 n.a. 0.34 n.a. n.a.

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undertaken outdoors [E69].


Equipment cleaning and maintenance [CS39].

8a Drain down system prior to equipment break-in or maintenance [E65].

69.08 n.a. 13.71 n.a. n.a.


Bulk product storage [CS85];

(closed systems) [CS107];

With sample collection [CS56].

2 No other specific measures identified [EI20].

69.08 n.a. 1.37 n.a. n.a.


Laboratory activities [CS36].

15 No other specific measures identified [EI20].

69.08 n.a. 0.34 n.a. n.a.

*Identifier: each contributing scenario of the ES has been assigned a unique identifier which facilitates tracking all the

information (exposure estimation, risk characterization in chapter 9 and 10 and appendices) related to this contributing scenario of the ES Consumer exposure

Not applicable. Indirect exposure of humans via the environment (oral)

The bioaccumulation potential of this substance is very low, therefore secondary poisoning

can be considered negligible. Environmental exposure

Identifier ES8-E1

Narrative Based on ESVOC 3

Release fraction to air from process 1.00E-04

Release fraction to wastewater from process 1.00E-05

Release fraction to soil from process (regional only) 1.00E-05

Local release to air (kg/d) 0.0210

Local release to water (kg/d) 2.10E-03

Local release to soil (kg/d) 2.10E-03

Total efficiency of removal from wastewater after onsite and offsite (domestic treatment plant) RMMs (%)


Total efficiency of removal from air emissions (%) -

Assumed domestic sewage treatment plant flow (m3/d) 2000

The maximum allowable site tonnage (MSafe) based on removal from domestic sewage treatment (kg/d)


The downstream user can check the compliance of his

site by comparing site specific data with defaults used in the exposure assessment. The site specific quotient should be inferior or equal to the spERC quotient.

Not applicable as the exposure is generic and applies to the

largest manufacturing capacity









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mspERC: Susbstance use rate in spERC

EER,spERC: Efficacy of RMM in spERC

Frelease,,spERC: Initial release fraction in spERC

DFspERC: dilution factor of STP effluent in river

msite: Susbstance use rate at site

EER,site: Efficacy of RMM at site

Frelease,,site: Initial release fraction at site

DFsite: dilution factor of STP effluent in river Predicted exposure concentrations in aquatic the STP and in aquatic compartments

(freshwater, seawater and sediment)

Local Concentration, Compartment: STP and aquatic unit ES8-E1

PEC for microorganisms in STP mg/L 7.908E-05

Local PEC in surface water during emission episode (dissolved) mg/L 2.437E-05

Annual average local PEC in surface water (dissolved) mg/L 2.296E-05

Local PEC in fresh water sediment during emission episode mg/kg dwt 4.313E-04

Local PEC in sea water during emission episode mg/L 2.470E-06

Annual average local PEC in sea water (dissolved) mg/L 2.329E-06

Local PEC in marine sediment during emission episode mg/kg dwt 4.372E-05

Comments Predicted exposure concentration in soils

Local Concentration, Compartment: soil unit ES8-E1

Local PEC in agricultural soil, averaged over 30 days mg/kg dwt 1.689E-04

Local PEC agricultural soil, averaged over 180 days mg/kg dwt 1.556E-04

Local PEC in grass land, averaged over 180 days mg/kg dwt 4.903E-05

Comments Predicted exposure concentration in the atmospheric compartment

Local Concentration, Compartment: air unit ES8-E1

Annual average local PEC in air (total) mg/m3 4.140E-04

Comments Predicted exposure concentration in food for secondary poisoning

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The bioaccumulation potential of this substance is very low, therefore secondary poisoning

can be considered negligible.

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