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Post on 13-Jan-2016




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Iba'se - La Oracin de Ifa de Alabanza

La oracin presentada aqu se usa como una invocacin de la apertura en muchas de las ceremonias realizados por los superiores de Ifa en la Oda Remo, Nigeria. La oracin es basada en el concepto de honrar esas Fuerzas Espirituales que se adoran en el pueblo de Oda Remo.

Porque dan heno al amplia de gama de una del las de en de diferencias Fuerzas la Espirituales que se adoran en cualquier comunidad del Yoruba dada que d heno al rango del un del variacin acerca del volumen de la oracin del esta. Incluso dentro del misma rea, los iniciado ms viejos tendern a ser ms detallados en su declaracin de una oracin de la apertura que los iniciado ms jvenes que todava estn aprendiendo el arte de invocacin.

Ope ni fun Olorun,Gratitude al Dueo del Reino de los Antepasados,

Iba Olodumare, Oba ajiki,Homage al Creador, el Rey que nosotros alabamos primero,

Mo ji loni,I despiertan hoy, Mo wo'gun merin Aye,I miran las cuatro esquinas del Mundo,

Iba Elawori,Homage al Espritu de Pureza,

Agbegi lere, la'fin ewu l'ado,He que talla la tela a la Dificultad en el formulario de una escultura, Eiti Olodumare ko pa'jo iku e da,The uno cuyo fecha de muerte no se ha cambiado por el, Omo Oluworiogbo,Child del Sacerdote Principal que hizo todas las Cabezas que existen en la Creacin.

Iba'se ila Oorun,Homage al poder de Este,

Iba'se iwo Oorun, Homage al poder del Oeste,

Iba'se Ariwa,Homage al poder del Norte,

Iba'se Guusu,Homage al poder del Sur,

Iba Oba Igbalaye,Homage al Rey de las Estaciones de la Tierra,

Iba Orun Oke, Homage al Reino Invisible de las Montaas,

Iba Atiwo Orun,Homage a todas las cosas que viven en el Reino Invisible,

Iba Olokun a-soro-dayo,Homage al Espritu del Ocano, el que hace las cosas prospera. Iba afefe legelege awo isalu-aye,Homage al poder del viento, el Misterio del Mundo Misterioso, Iba Ogege, Oba ti ngb'aiye gun,Homage Mother Tierra que sostiene la alineacin Universal of all things in Nature,

Iba titi aiye lo gbere,Homage a la perpetuidad del Mundo en la eternidad, Iba Oba awon Oba,Homage to the King of all Kings,

Iba Okiti biri, Oba ti np'ojo iku da,Homage to the Averter of the final days,

The King who could change the time of Death,

Iba ate-ika eni Olodumare,Homage to the mat that cannot be rolled up once laid out,

Iba Odemu demu kete a lenu ma fohun, Homage to the power that extracts Goodness from the Realm of the Invisible,

Iba'se awon Iku emese Orun, Homage to the dead, the messengers of the Invisible Realm,

Iba Ori,Homage to the Spirit of Consciousness,

Iba Ori inu,Homage to the Spirit of the Inner Self,

Iba Iponri ti o wa l'Orun, Homage to the Spirit of the Higher Self who lives in the

Invisible Realm of the Ancestors,

Iba Kori,Homage to the Creator of the Calabash that contains the Inner Self,

Iba Ajala-Mopin,Homage to the Spirit of the Guardian of all Inner Spirits

who are chosen from the Invisible Realm of the Ancestors,

Iba Aludundun-Orun,Homage to the Spirit who announces the Destiny that is created

in the Invisible Realm of the Ancestors,

Iba Odo-Aro, ati Odo-Eje,Homage to the Blue River and the Blood River,

that place which causes destiny to be forgotten,

Orun Ori nile, e oo jiyin, e oo jabo oun ti e ri, The Invisible Realm of the Ancestors is the permanent home of the Inner Self,

It is there that the Inner Self accounts for what it has done

during the Journey to Earth,

Iba Esu Odara, Okunrin ori ita, ara Oke Itase, ao fi ida re lale, Homage to the Divine Messenger of Transformation,

The Man of the Crossroads, from the Hill of Creation,

We will use your sword to touch the Earth,

Iba Osoosi ode mata,Homage to the Spirit of the Tracker,

Owner of the Mystery of Spotted Medicine,

Iba Ogun awo,Homage to the Mystery of the Spirit of Iron,

Onile kangu-kangu Orun, The owner of innumerable homes in the Realm of the Ancestors,

Iba Obatala, Orisa Osere Igbo, Homage to the Spirit of the Chief of the White Cloth

who is praised at the Sacred Grove,

Oni kutukutu awo owuro, Owner of the ancient Mystery of the White Cloth,

Orisa Osere Igbo,The Spirit who is praised on sacred Day of the Forest,

Iku ike,Guardian of those with physical disabilities,

Oba pata-pata ti nba won gb'ode iranje,King of all future generations,

Iba Yemoja Olugbe-rere,

Homage to the Mother of Fish, the Giver of Good Things,

Iba Osun oloriya igun arewa obirin, Homage to the Spirit of the River,

Owner of the hair comb for beautiful Women,

Iba Olukoso aira, bambi omo arigba ota segun,Homage to the King who does not die,

The Child of the Thunder Stone,

Iba Ajalaiye Ajalorun Oya Oluweku,Homage to the Winds of Earth,

The Winds of the Invisible Realm of the Ancestors,

The Spirit of the Wind is the one who guides the mediums of Ancestors,

Iba Aje-oguguluso Olambo yeye aiye,Homage to the Spirits of Wealth and Good Fortune,

Honor is coming to the Mothers of Earth,

Iba Awon Iyaami,Homage to the Society of Wise Women,

Alagogo eiswu a p'oni ma hagun,The White Bird is the Source of their Medicine,

Iba Orunmila, Eleri ipin,Homage to the Spirit of Destiny, Witness to Creation,

Iku dudu atewo,The Averter of Death,

Oro to si gbogbo ona,The Power of the Word that opens all roads,

Iba Awo Akoda,Homage to the Diviner named Akoda, the first student of Orunmila,

Iba Awo Aseda,Homage to the Diviner named Aseda, the one who taught Ifa to the World,

Iba Ojubo onomefa,Homage to the shrine of the six directions.

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