original article effect of simvastatin, coenzyme q , resveratrol, 10 · 2021. 2. 21. · 10...

Folia Biologica (Praha) 62, 53-66 (2016) Original Article Effect of Simvastatin, Coenzyme Q 10 , Resveratrol, Acetylcysteine and Acetylcarnitine on Mitochondrial Respiration (mitochondria / simvastatin / coenzyme Q 10 / resveratrol / acetylcysteine / acetylcarnitine) Z. FIŠAR 1 , J. HROUDOVÁ 1 , N. SINGH 1 , A. KOPřIVOVá 2 , D. MACEČKOVá 2 1 Department of Psychiatry, First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague and General University Hospital in Prague, Czech Republic 2 Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, University J. E. Purkyně in Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic Abstract. Some therapeutic and/or adverse effects of drugs may be related to their effects on mitochon- drial function. The effects of simvastatin, resveratrol, coenzyme Q 10 , acetylcysteine, and acetylcarnitine on Complex I-, Complex II-, or Complex IV-linked res- piratory rate were determined in isolated brain mi- tochondria. The protective effects of these biologically active compounds on the calcium-induced decrease of the respiratory rate were also studied. We ob- served a significant inhibitory effect of simvastatin on mitochondrial respiration (IC 50 = 24.0 μM for Complex I-linked respiration, IC 50 = 31.3 μM for Complex II-linked respiration, and IC 50 = 42.9 μM Received August 27, 2015. Accepted December 16, 2015. The work was supported by project PRVOUK-P26/LF1/4 award- ed by Charles University in Prague and grant AZV 15-28967A from the Ministry of Health, Czech Republic. Corresponding author: Zdeněk Fišar, Department of Psychiatry, First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague, Ke Karlo- vu 11, 120 00 Prague 2, Czech Republic, Phone: (+420) 224 965 313; e-mail: zfi[email protected] Abbreviations: ADP ‒ adenosine diphosphate, AMP – adenosine monophosphate, AMPK – AMP-activated kinase, ANTI ‒ anti- mycin A, ATP ‒ adenosine triphosphate, CMF ‒ crude mitochon- drial fraction, CoQ 10 ‒ coenzyme Q 10 , DIG ‒ digitonin, DMSO ‒ dimethyl sulphoxide, Epac1 – exchange protein activated by cAMP, ETS ‒ electron transfer system, HMG-CoA – 3-hydroxy- 3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A, IC 50 ‒ half maximal inhibitory concentration, M ‒ malate, MiR05 ‒ mitochondrial respiration medium, MPT – mitochondral permeability transition, MPTP – MTP pore, mtDNA – mitochondral DNA, NADH ‒ nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, OXPHOS ‒ oxidative phosphorylation, P ‒ pyruvate, P i ‒ inorganic phosphate, PGC-1α – peroxisome prolif- erator-activated receptor γ coactivator α, PMP ‒ mitochondria purified in Percoll gradient, PMS ‒ mitochondria purified in su- crose gradient, ROS ‒ reactive oxygen species, ROT ‒ rotenone, ROX ‒ residual oxygen consumption, S ‒ succinate, SD – standard deviation, SE – standard error, SIRT1 – sirtuin 1, TMPD ‒ N,N,N′,N′-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine. for Complex IV-linked respiration); the inhibitory effect of resveratrol was found at very high concen- trations (IC 50 = 162 μM for Complex I-linked respi- ration, IC 50 = 564 μM for Complex II-linked respira- tion, and IC 50 = 1454 μM for Complex IV-linked respiration). Concentrations required for effective simvastatin- or resveratrol-induced inhibition of mi- tochondrial respiration were found much higher than concentrations achieved under standard dosing of these drugs. Acetylcysteine and acetylcarnitine did not affect the oxygen consumption rate of mitochon- dria. Coenzyme Q 10 induced an increase of Complex I-linked respiration. The increase of free calcium ions induced partial inhibition of the Complex I+II-linked mitochondrial respiration, and all tested drugs counte- racted this inhibition. None of the tested drugs showed mitochondrial toxicity (characterized by respiratory rate inhibition) at drug concentrations achieved at therapeutic drug intake. Resveratrol, simvastatin, and acetylcarnitine had the greatest neuroprotective potential (characterized by protective effects against calcium-induced reduction of the respiratory rate). Introduction The predominant mitochondrial function is genera- tion of ATP by oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS). Additional mitochondrial functions include generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), initiation of the in- trinsic apoptotic pathway, regulation of cytosolic cal- cium, and regulation of thermogenesis. Abnormalities in these processes are termed as mitochondrial dysfunc- tions. Mitochondrial dysfunctions may be included in various neurodegenerative disorders either as a major cause of the disease development or as secondary to other abnormalities (Orth and Shapira, 2001). Novel strategies in the treatment of these diseases and in pre- vention of negative consequences of aging include regu- lation of cellular bioenergetics and ROS production via mitochondrial functions.

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Page 1: Original Article Effect of Simvastatin, Coenzyme Q , Resveratrol, 10 · 2021. 2. 21. · 10 Coenzyme Q 10 (ubiquinone, CoQ 10, CoQ) is present primarily in the mitochondria as a component

Folia Biologica (Praha) 62, 53-66 (2016)

Original Article

Effect of Simvastatin, Coenzyme Q10, Resveratrol, Acetylcysteine and Acetylcarnitine on Mitochondrial Respiration(mitochondria/simvastatin/coenzymeQ10/resveratrol/acetylcysteine/acetylcarnitine)


1Department of Psychiatry, First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague and General University Hospital in Prague, Czech Republic2DepartmentofBiology,FacultyofScience,UniversityJ.E.PurkyněinÚstínadLabem,CzechRepublic

Abstract. Some therapeutic and/or adverse effects of drugs may be related to their effects on mitochon-drial function. The effects of simvastatin, resveratrol, coenzyme Q10, acetylcysteine, and acetylcarnitine on Complex I-, Complex II-, or Complex IV-linked res-piratory rate were determined in isolated brain mi-tochondria. The protective effects of these biologically active compounds on the calcium-induced de crease of the respiratory rate were also studied. We ob-served a significant inhibitory effect of simvastatin on mitochondrial respiration (IC50 = 24.0 μM for Complex I-linked respiration, IC50 = 31.3 μM for Complex II-linked respiration, and IC50 = 42.9 μM


TheworkwassupportedbyprojectPRVOUK-P26/LF1/4award­edbyCharlesUniversity inPragueandgrantAZV15-28967Afrom the Ministry of Health, Czech Republic.

Correspondingauthor:ZdeněkFišar,DepartmentofPsychiatry,First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague, Ke Karlo­vu11,12000Prague2,CzechRepublic,Phone:(+420)224965313;e-mail:[email protected]

Abbreviations:ADP‒adenosinediphosphate,AMP–adenosinemonophosphate,AMPK–AMP-activatedkinase,ANTI‒anti­mycinA,ATP‒adenosinetriphosphate,CMF‒crudemitochon­drialfraction,CoQ10‒coenzymeQ10,DIG‒digitonin,DMSO‒dimethyl sulphoxide, Epac1 – exchange protein activated bycAMP,ETS‒electrontransfersystem,HMG-CoA–3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A, IC50 ‒ half maximal inhibitoryconcentration,M‒malate,MiR05‒mitochondrial respirationmedium, MPT – mitochondral permeability transition, MPTP – MTPpore,mtDNA–mitochondralDNA,NADH‒nicotinamideadeninedinucleotide,OXPHOS‒oxidativephosphorylation,P‒pyruvate, Pi‒inorganicphosphate,PGC-1α–peroxisomeprolif­erator-activated receptor γ coactivator α, PMP ‒ mitochondriapurified inPercollgradient,PMS‒mitochondriapurified insu­crosegradient,ROS‒reactiveoxygenspecies,ROT‒rotenone,ROX‒residualoxygenconsumption,S‒succinate,SD–standarddeviation, SE – standard error, SIRT1 – sirtuin 1, TMPD ‒N,N,N′,N′­tetramethyl­p­phenyl enedia mine.

for Complex IV-linked respiration); the inhibitory effect of resveratrol was found at very high concen-trations (IC50 = 162 μM for Complex I-linked respi-ration, IC50 = 564 μM for Complex II-linked respira-tion, and IC50 = 1454 μM for Complex IV-linked respiration). Concentrations required for effective simvastatin- or resveratrol-induced inhibition of mi-tochondrial respiration were found much higher than concentrations achieved under standard dosing of these drugs. Acetylcysteine and acetylcarnitine did not affect the oxygen consumption rate of mitochon-dria. Coenzyme Q10 induced an increase of Complex I-linked respiration. The increase of free calcium ions induced partial inhibition of the Complex I+II-linked mitochondrial respiration, and all tested drugs counte-racted this inhibition. None of the tested drugs showed mitochondrial toxicity (characterized by respiratory rate inhibition) at drug concentrations achieved at therapeutic drug intake. Resveratrol, simvastatin, and acetylcarnitine had the greatest neuroprotective potential (characterized by protective effects against calcium-induced reduction of the respiratory rate).

IntroductionThe predominant mitochondrial function is genera­

tionofATPbyoxidativephosphorylation(OXPHOS).Additional mitochondrial functions include generation of reactiveoxygenspecies (ROS), initiationof the in­trinsic apoptotic pathway, regulation of cytosolic cal­cium, and regulation of thermogenesis. Abnormalities in these processes are termed as mitochondrial dysfunc­tions. Mitochondrial dysfunctions may be included in various neurodegenerative disorders either as a major cause of the disease development or as secondary to other abnormalities (Orth and Shapira, 2001). Novelstrategies in the treatment of these diseases and in pre­vention of negative consequences of aging include regu­lation of cellular bioenergetics and ROS production via mitochondrial functions.

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The mitochondrial electron transfer system (ETS)consistsoffourenzymecomplexes:ComplexI(NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase; EC, Complex II(succinate-ubiquinone oxidoreductase; EC,Complex III (ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase; EC1.10.2.2), and Complex IV (cytochrome c oxidase,COX;EC1.9.3.1).Freeenergyreleasedupontheelec­tron transport is conserved in the pH gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane, and the resultant elec­trochemical potential (chemiosmotic potential, proton motiveforce)drivesATPsynthesisusingATPsynthase(ComplexV;EC3.6.3.14).Therespiratorycomplexesare thought to be both in their free enzyme forms and associated in supercomplexes within the inner mito­chondrialmembrane(GenovaandLenaz,2014).

Abnormal OXPHOS function can affect most of cellular processes, including ATP production, ROS generation, maintenance of the membrane resting potential, disrup­tion of intracellular calcium buffering, and initialization of the intrinsic pathway of apoptosis. Impaired mito­chondrialfunctionisanattractivehypothesistoexplainthe pathophysiology of many diseases with unknown aetiology.Giventheextraordinaryroleofmitochondriain neuronal function, attention is paid to drug effects on the mitochondrial dysfunction in neurodegenerative and psychiatricdisorders(ChaturvediandFlintBeal,2013).

Different methods are available to measure mitochon­drialfunctions/dysfunctions.Averycommonapproachto addressing mitochondrial bioenergetic dysfunction is measurementoftheexpression,concentration,ormaxi­mum activity of individual mitochondrial respiration complexesortricarboxylicacid-cycleenzymes.However,due to the complexity and cooperativity ofOXPHOSprocesses, changes in the activity of the candidate com­plexmayhavelittleornoeffectontheoverallsystembehaviour, which can be measured as ATP production andoxygenconsumptionrate(P/Oratio).Mitochondrialrespiratory control determined as the increase in respira­tion rate in response to addition of ADP is the most ap­proved assay for isolated mitochondria (Brand and Nicholls,2011).Ifrespirationisnotsignificantlyaffect­ed by a drug, the drug can be considered safe in terms of mitochondrialtoxicity.Further,protectiveeffectsofthetested drug can be measured against changes in ETS ac­tivity induced by other agents such as calcium, inhibi­tors of OXPHOS enzymes, or uncouplers.

It is assumed that agents enhancing mitochondrial function may be neuroprotective in neuropsychiatric disorders(Doddetal.,2013).Administrationofmetabo­lites and cofactors is the mainstay of real­life therapy and includes both components of the respiratory chain and other natural compounds. There is increasing inter­est in the administration ofROS scavengers. It is ex­pected that clinically applicable therapies will include techniques to upregulate mitochondrial biogenesis, to modulate Ca2+ homeostasis, to enhance organellar fu­sionandfission, toshiftmtDNAheteroplasmy,and toeliminate the burden of mutant mtDNAs via cytoplas­mictransfer(Schonetal.,2010).

Mitochondria and calcium

Calcium is a major signalling molecule in cells (Ber­ridgeetal.,2000;FišarandHroudová,2010).Neuronshave developed a complex calcium signalling systemresponsible for regulating a number of functions for pro­cessing information and changes in synaptic plasticity, which implicate perception, consciousness, learning, and memory.

Concentration of free Ca2+ in the cytosol is main­tained at a resting level of about 100 nM. Upon activa­tion, Ca2+can raise to1μM(Berridgeetal.,2000).Mitochondrial buffering of cytosolic calcium ions is in­cluded in basic mitochondrial functions and constitutes anefficientandversatilemechanismforthecontrolofcellular Ca2+ signals. The outer mitochondrial mem­brane is permeable to Ca2+;theinnermembranecontainsspecific calcium transporters. The uptake of calciumintothematrixisprimarilydrivenbythemitochondrialmembrane potential and mediated by mitochondrial Ca2+ uniporter and a regulatory protein containing a cal­cium-bindingmotif (EF-hand).FollowingCa2+ uptake into the mitochondria, Ca2+ is slowly released from the matrixviaNa+/Ca2+exchangerorviaH+/Ca2+exchanger.

Increasing cytosolic Ca2+ stimulates mitochondrial re­spiration through activation of Ca2+­regulated mitochon­drial carriers and enzymes including ATP synthase, pyru­vatedehydrogenasecomplex,isocitratedehydrogenase,andα-ketoglutaratedehydrogenasecomplex.Ithasbeenestablished thatmatrixCa2+ is in the0.02–2μMrangewhen the enzymes are activated (McCormack and Denton, 1989).Itisassumedthatinintactneurons,calciumbothactivates ATP production through the stimulation of OXPHOS and increases ATP consumption during recov­eryoftheionicrestingstate(Llorente-Folchetal.,2015).Highmatrix calcium concentrationsmay lead to

Ca2+­Piprecipitation,reducingthematrixphosphate(Pi)concentration and driving the Pi/H

+ carrier. The calci­um-phosphatecomplexinthematrixeffectivelybuffersthefreematrixCa2+untilexcessofCa2+ has been accu­mulated, which causes the mitochondrial permeability transition(MPT)(Nicholls,2009).Intheabsenceofex­ogenous adenine nucleotides and in the presence of high Pi or peroxides, mitochondrial Ca

2+ overload leads to MPTpore(MPTP)opening(Crompton,1999);theinnermembrane potential is initially rapidly collapsed (as Ca2+ enters thematrix), restored (whenCa2+ uptake is complete) and then collapsed again (as the MPTPsopen).ATP synthesis is decreased,ROSproduction isincreased, calcium and apoptogenic proteins are released into the cytosol, and mitochondrial swelling occurs.

Aside of MPTP opening, the over­accumulation of Ca2+inthemitochondrialmatrixcauses(1)inhibitionofOXPHOS, wherein Complex I-linked respiration wasfoundmoresusceptibletotheinhibitoryeffectofmatrixCa2+thanComplexII-linkedrespiration(VillaloboandLehninger,1980);(2)inhibitionofcitricacidcycleenzy-mes, suchasα-ketoglutaratedehydrogenasecomplex(Lai and Cooper, 1986) or pyruvate dehydrogenase


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complex(Laietal.,1988);(3)inhibitionofATP-ADPtranslocase activity; and (4) diffusion limitations forsubstratedeliverytodehydrogenasesinthematrixdueto Ca2+­Piprecipitation(ChalmersandNicholls,2003).

Coenzyme Q10

CoenzymeQ10 (ubiquinone,CoQ10,CoQ) ispresentprimarily in the mitochondria as a component of ETS. CoQ is a lipophilic molecule embedded in themem­branelipidbilayer;itisrequiredforOXPHOSandactsasanantioxidantincellularmembranes(Bentingeretal.,2007).BesidesthefundamentalroleofCoQasanelec­troncarrierbetweenComplexIandComplexIIIorbe­tweenComplexIIandComplexIII,CoQisanessentialfactor in activation of protein uncoupling, controls MPTPs, participates inextramitochondrialelectrontransport inplasma membranes and lysosomes, controls physicoche­mical properties of membranes, and acts as an endoge­nouslipidantioxidant(RauchováandVokurková,2009).CoQispartlysynthesizedinthebodyandpartlytak­

en with food. Aging is associated with a decrease in the contentofCoQinmitochondriaandincreasedproduc­tion of ROS. Several mitochondrial diseases due to the primaryorsecondaryCoQdeficiencyhavebeendescribed(QuinziiandHirano,2010).CoQanditssyntheticana­logues are the only agents that have shown some thera­peuticbenefittopatientswithmitochondrialrespiratorychaindisorders(Hargreaves,2014).Nevertheless,CoQisnotapprovedforthetreatmentofdiseases;itisavail­ableasadietarysupplement.Itshowsminimaltoxicity,excellenttolerance,andnosignificantsideeffects.

SimvastatinSimvastatin is an effective drug lowering cholesterol.

Simvastatin and other 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-co­enzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase inhibitors (statins)have been demonstrated to reduce mortality and the risk of major cardiovascular events. However, statins can have serious adverse effects, in which development of oxidativestressandmitochondrialdysfunctionmaypar­ticipate(GolombandEvans,2008).

In vitroexperimentsshowedthatsimvastatindecreasesactivitiesofallcomplexesofETSinisolatedmitochon­driaandinhibitsstate3respiration(Nadanacivaetal.,2007).Patientstreatedwithstatinsshowedimpairmentofmitochondrialrespiration,especiallyComplexIoftheETS.Comparedtocontrols,statin-treatedpatientsexhib­itedasignificantdecreaseofmaximalrespiratoryratewithsaturatingconcentrationofADP(Sirventetal.,2012).AdecreasedCoQcontentanddecreasedmaximalcapacityofmitochondrialoxidativephosphorylationwasreportedinsimvastatin-treatedpatients(Deichmannetal.,2010).

In addition to their potent anti­atherosclerotic and cardio­protective effects, statins are supposed to have neuroprotectiveefficacy(Woodetal.,2014).Statinsex­ertendothelialprotectionviaactiononthenitricoxidesynthasesystem,anti-inflammatoryandanti-plateletef­fects,antioxidativeeffects,loweringintramitochondrialionized calcium, loweringoxidative stress, prevention

of MPTP opening, and prevention of the release of cy­tochrome c fromthemitochondria (Maesetal.,2012;Pariharetal.,2012).Thesepropertiesmighthavepoten­tial therapeutic implication not only in cerebral ischae­mia, but also in neurological disorders such as Alz hei­mer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, andprimarybraintumours(Lietal.,2014;Malfitanoetal.,2014;KalraandKhan,2015).


turalantioxidantandderivativeofstilbene.Foodsourcesof resveratrol include the shells and kernels of blue vine and blackcurrant, grapefruit peels, peanuts, cocoa, blue­berries, and mulberries. Resveratrol is studied for its therapeutic potential in various diseases, from cancer to metabolic disease and neurodegeneration. So far, clini­cal studies have shown inconsistent results for metabol­ic and cardiovascular diseases.

The major supposed biological activities of resvera­trolincludeinhibitionoflipidperoxidation,chelationofcopper, free­radical scavenging, alteration of eicosanoid synthesis, inhibition of platelet aggregation, anti­in­flammatoryactivity,vaso-relaxingactivity,modulationof lipid metabolism, anticancer activity, and oestrogenic activity(Frémont,2000).Resveratrolhasbeenshowntohavebeneficialeffectsincardiovasculardisease,meta­bolic disease, cancer, and neurodegeneration. Impro ve­ment of mitochondrial function is one of the important metabolic effects of resveratrol. Metabolic effects of resveratrol(BittermanandChung,2015)aresupposedto be associatedwith (1) activation ofAMP-activatedkinase(AMPK)(Parketal.,2012),masterregulatorofcellularenergyhomeostasis; (2)activationofsirtuin1(SIRT1),whichhasbeenstudiedfor theeffectsofca­loric restrictionand lifespanextension (BittermanandChung,2015);(3)inhibitionofATPsynthase,wherethebeneficialeffectsmaycomefrompreventingmitochon­drial ATP synthesis in tumour cells, thereby inducing apoptosis(Gledhilletal.,2007).

Pathways for activation of AMPK may include an in­creaseof theAMP/ATPratioand/orcAMP-dependentprocesses.Resveratrol directly inhibits cAMP-specificphosphodiesterases, leading to elevated concentration of cAMP. The exchange protein activated by cAMP(Epac1)wasidentifiedasakeymediatoroftheeffectsof resveratrol, which lead to the activation of AMPK andSIRT1.Briefly,activationofEpac1leadstotheac­tivation of phospholipase Cε resulting in calcium re­lease from the endoplasmic reticulum and activation of calmodulin-dependentproteinkinasekinase-β,whichinturn can phosphorylate and thereby activate AMPK. AMPK increases mitochondrial biogenesis and function by increasing peroxisomeproliferator-activated recep­torγcoactivator1-α(PGC-1α)expression,NAD+ lev­els,andSIRT1activity(Parketal.,2012).Animportantregulatory mechanism of PGC-1α transcription com­plexisthroughacetylationandSIRT1-mediatedlysinedeacetylation under low nutrient conditions (Rodgers et

Drug Effects on Mitochondrial Respiration

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al.,2008).However,additionalpathwaysaresupposedto contribute to the resveratrol action.

AcetylcysteineAcetylcysteine (N-acetylcysteine) is primarily used

as a mucolytic agent and in the management of parace­tamol overdose. It has been successfully tried as a treat­ment for a number of neuropsychiatric disorders, such as addiction (marijuana dependence, nicotine addiction, cocaine addiction, pathological gambling), obsessive-compulsive disorders, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, autism, drug­induced neuropathy, progres­sive myoclonic epilepsy, Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease,etc.(Deepmalaetal.,2015).Acetylcysteinehasbeenhypothesizedtoexertbenefi­

cial effects through its modulation of glutamate and do­pamine neurotransmission, antioxidant glutathione,neurotrophins, apoptosis, mitochondrial function, and inflammatorypathways(Deanetal.,2011;Berketal.,2013).Acetylcysteine correctsmitochondrial dysfunc­tions by modifying calcium dynamics within the mito­chondria and by decreasing cytosolic Ca2+ (SanMartin et al.,2012).Italsoreversesmitochondrialtoxicity,whichin turn decreases the ROS production by mitochondria. Acetylcysteineisapotentantioxidantthatbothactsasadirect free radical scavenger and supports glutathione homeostasis.Acetylcysteine also dampens the inflam­matory response by decreasing production of cytokines and in this way decreases cellular stress and mitochon­drial dysfunction (Berk et al., 2013;Deepmala et al.,2015).TreatmentwithanamideformofN­acetylcysteine with higher bioavailability maintained mitochondrial bioenergetics and normalized glutathione levels follow­ingspinalcord injury (Pateletal.,2014)or traumaticbraininjury(Pandyaetal.,2014).


rived from acetylation of carnitine inside mitochondria. Acetylcarnitine is broken down to carnitine, which is used by cells to transport fatty acids into the mitochon­driavia carnitine shuttle; the fatty acids thenundergoβ-oxidation.Themitochondrialcontentofendogenousacetylcarnitine is an indicator of mitochondrial metabo­lismofacetyl-CoA(Roscaetal.,2009).

Acetylcarnitine is described as having several proper­tiesthatmaybebeneficialinthetreatmentofdementia.These include effects on integrity of the lipid environ­ment of the inner mitochondrial membrane (increase of cardiolipin content), control of mitochondrial proteinsynthesis, increase of fat utilization as a metabolic fuel, antioxidantproperties, andantiapoptotic effect (Roscaetal.,2009).Acetylcarnitinehasshowntobebeneficialinanimal

modelsofParkinson’sdisease(Beal,2003)andmaybeeffective in the treatment of depression (Wang et al., 2014). The clinical efficiency of acetylcarnitine wasstudied in the treatment of patients with Alzheimer’s disease. So far, however, no evidence for recommend­

ing routine use of acetylcarnitine in clinical practice has beenfound(HudsonandTabet,2003).

AimThe aim of our study was to measure the effects of

selected biologically active compounds on mitochon­drialrespirationandevaluatetheirmitochondrialtoxic­ity bymeasurement of both inhibiting/stimulating ac­tion on mitochondrial respiration and protective effects on calcium­induced damage of mitochondrial respira­tion.Wefocusedonsimvastatin,coenzymeQ10, resve­ratrol, acetylcysteine, and acetylcarnitine as potential agents in preventing age­related defects. High­resolution respirometry with isolated pig brain mitochondria was used for the study of direct effects of these drugs on mi­tochondrial respiration linked toComplex I,ComplexII,orComplexIV.Theprotectiveeffectofthedrugsoncalcium-induceddecreaseofComplex I+II-linkedres­piration was investigated.

Material and Methods

Media, chemicals

Bufferedsucrose(sucrose0.32M,HEPES4mM,pH7.4)wasusedbothas isolationmediumandpreserva­tionmedium for crudemitochondrial fraction (CMF),mitochondria purified in sucrose gradient (PMS), andmitochondria purified in Percoll gradient (PMP). Themitochondrialrespirationmedium(MiR05)consistedofsucrose 110 mM, K+-lactobionate60mM,taurine20mM,MgCl2.6H2O3mM,KH2PO410 mM, EGTA 0.5 mM, BSA essentially fatty acid free 1 g⋅l–1andHEPES20mM,adjusted to pH 7.1withKOH (Gnaiger et al., 2000).Substrates, inhibitors, and uncouplers were used in con­centrations described previously (Pesta and Gnaiger, 2012; Gnaiger, 2014). The following stock solutionswereused:10mg⋅ml–1digitoninindimethylsulphoxide(DMSO), 5 mM simvastatin in DMSO, 10 mM and100mMresveratrolinethanol,50mMCoQinacetone,5 mM and 100 mM acetylcysteine in water, and 5 mM and 100 mM acetylcarnitine in water. The chemicals were purchasedfromSigma-AldrichCo.(St.Louis,MO).

Pig brain mitochondria preparationBrains were obtained from slaughter pigs and imme­

diately transported in ice­cold saline buffer to the labo­ratory and further processed as described previously (Fišar,2010).Crudemitochondrialfraction(CMF)wasisolatedfromthebraincortexbythestandarddifferen­tial centrifugation technique (Whittaker, 1969; Fišar,2010),whichensuredremovalofwholecellsornucleiand minimization of contamination by microsomes, plas­ma membranes, lysosomes and cytosol. Synapto so mes and other contaminants are present in CMF (Whittaker, 1969;Wieckowskietal.,2009).Therefore,purifiedmi­tochondria were separated from CMF by centrifuga­tioninsucrosegradient(PMS)(Whittaker1969;Pinnaet al., 2003) or in Percoll gradient (PMP) (Graham,


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2001).Sampleswerestoredinbufferedsucrose0.32Mon ice at total protein concentration 10–40 mg⋅ml–1. Protein concentration was determined by the method of Lowryetal.(1951),withbovineserumalbuminasthestandard.

High-resolution respirometryTheOROBOROSOxygraph-2k(O2k;OROBOROS

INSTRUMENTS,Innsbruck,Austria)andtheautomat­ic titration-injection micropumpTIP2k were used forhigh­resolution respirometry measurements. Samples in avolumeof2mlweremeasuredintwoglasschambersequippedwithClarkpolarographicoxygenelectrodes.Commonexperimentalconditionsincludephysiologicaltemperature 37 °C, stirring, closed-chamber mode ofoperation,oxygensolubilityfactorofthemitochondrialrespirationmediumMiR050.92,calibrationofthepo­larographic oxygen sensor before each measurement,and periodic measurement of instrumental background oxygenconsumption(Gnaiger,2014).Mostmeasurements were time consuming (60–120


drug was simultaneously measured in one of the two chambers for correcting both the solvent effect and tem­poral changes in the respiration rate. Experimentalprotocols forvarious respirometric ti­

trationregimesareshowninTables1–4.Eachprotocolconsists of the sequence of substances added to the sam­ple after MiR05 saturation with atmospheric oxygen,closing the chamber, mitochondria addition, and digi­tonin addition. All samples were treated with optimal concentrations of digitonin before substrate addition:573µgdigitoninper1mgproteinforCMF,or140µg digitonin per 1 mg protein for PMS or PMP. Final values were corrected for both non-mitochondrial (residual)oxygenconsumption (ROX)and theeffectof the sol­vent, sample dilution, and temporal changes. Control ratiowascalculatedastheratioofoxygenconsumptionratebefore/afterdrugaddition.

Protocols for the effect of drugs on mitochondrial respiration

Following substrate addition (malate + pyruvate +ADPforComplexI-linkedrespiration,ADP+rotenone

Table 1. Protocol for evaluating the effect of the drug concentration on Complex I-linked respiration in pig brain mito-chondria

Order Chamber Substance Abbr. Stock conc. (solvent) Volume added (µl) Final concentration1 AB Malate M 0.8M(H2O) 5 2mM2 AB Pyruvate P 2M(H2O) 5 5 mM3 AB ADP D 0.5 M (H2O) 4 1 mM4 A Solvent titration:0.5–1004 B Drug titration:0.5–1005 AB Rotenone ROT 1mM(EtOH) 1 0.5 µM

Table 2. Protocol for evaluating the effect of the drug concentration on Complex II-linked respiration in pig brain mito-chondria

Order Chamber Substance Abbr. Stock conc. (solvent) Volume added (µl) Final concentration1 AB ADP D 0.5 M (H2O) 4 1 mM2 AB Rotenone ROT 1mM(EtOH) 1 0.5 µM3 AB Succinate S 1 M (H2O) 20 10 mM4 A Solvent titration:0.5–1004 B Drug titration:0.5–1005 AB Antimycin A ANTI 0.5 mg⋅ml–1(EtOH) 5 1.25µg⋅ml–1

Table 3. Protocol for evaluating the effect of the drug concentration on Complex IV-linked respiration in pig brain mito-chondria

Order Chamber Substance Abbr. Stock conc. (solvent) Volume added (µl) Final concentration1 AB ADP D 0.5 M (H2O) 4 1 mM2 AB Antimycin A ANTI 0.5 mg⋅ml–1(EtOH) 5 1.25µg⋅ml–1

3 AB Ascorbate ASC 1 M (H2O) 4 2mM4 AB TMPD TMPD 200mM(EtOH) 5 0.5 mM5 A Solvent titration:0.5–1005 B Drug titration:0.5–1006 AB Azide AZD 4M(H2O) 100 200mMTMPD‒N,N,N′,N′­tetramethyl­p­phenylenediamine

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+succinateforComplexII-linkedrespiration,andADP+antimycinA+ascorbate+TMPDforComplexIV-lin-kedrespiration),thesamplewastitratedbythedruginthefirstchamberandbythesolventinthesecondcham­ber (Tables1–3).Theaddedvolumewasbetween0.5and 100 µl,togiveafinaldrugconcentrationof5–150µMforsimvastatin,2.5–5000µMforresveratrol,12.5–1000 µMforCoQ10, 2.5–5000µM for acetylcysteine, and2.5–5000µM for acetylcarnitine. Finally, inhibitors oftherespiratorycomplexes(rotenone,antimycinA,orazide)wereaddedtodetermineROX.NotethatforComplexIV-linkedrespiration,thede­

pendenceofoxygenconsumptiononoxygenconcentra­tionwasmeasuredafterComplexIVinhibitionbyazideand used for correction on non-mitochondrial oxygenconsumption(KuznetsovandGnaiger,2015).

Protocol for the protective effect of drugs on calcium-induced changes

The protective effects of the drugs on calcium­in­duceddecreaseofComplexI+II-linkedrespirationratewere determined according to the protocol given in Table4.Followingadditionofdigitoninandsubstrates,thesamplewasincubatedwiththedrug(orsolvent)for15min. The final drug concentrationwas 25µM for simvastatin, 100 µM for resveratrol, 100 µMforCoQ,100 µM for acetylcysteine, or 100 µM for acetylcarni­tine. Note that a lower simvastatin concentration was used due to a strong inhibitory action of simvastatin at 100 µM. Then, the sample was titrated by CaCl2 and residualoxygenconsumptionwasdeterminedafteranti­mycin A addition.

Data analysisDatLab software (OROBOROS INSTRUMENTS)

was used for respirometry data acquisition and analysis. Mass-specificoxygenflux(pmol∙s–1∙mg–1)wasbasedonprotein concentration in the samples.

Inhibition of respiration rate was analysed using the four­parameter logistic regression with SigmaPlot soft­ware(SystatSoftware.Inc.,Richmond,CA)toestablishthehalfmaximalinhibitoryconcentration(IC50),whichrepresents the concentration of a substance that is re­

quired for 50 % inhibition of mitochondrial respiration, theHillslope,reflectingthedegreeofcooperativityofthe ligand binding to the enzyme, and the residual activ­ity at high drug concentration.

Statistical analyses were performed using the STATISTICA data analysis software system (StatSoft, Inc., Tulsa, OK). One-sample t­test for single means wasusedtodeterminewhethertheoxygenconsumptionrateinthesamplewiththedrugand/orcalciumaddedwas significantly different from the control (100 %).Data are presented as the mean ± standard deviation (SD)orthemean±standarderror(SE).


forthesimvastatininhibitoryeffectonComplexII-link-ed respiration measured according to the protocol given inTable2(Fig.1)andfor theresveratrolprotectiveeffect on Ca2+-inducedchanges inComplex I+II-linkedrespiration measured according to the protocol given in Table4(Fig.2).Theeffectsofsimvastatin,resveratrol,CoQ,acetyl­

cysteine, and acetylcarnitine on mitochondrial respira­tionratelinkedtoComplexI,ComplexIIorComplexIVweremeasured(Figs.3–5).Theeffectoffreecalciumalone and the protective effects of the drugs on calcium­induceddeclineofoxygenconsumptionrateweremeas­uredforComplexI+II-linkedrespiration(Figs.6and7).

Effect of drugs on mitochondrial respiration

SimvastatinA strong inhibitory effect of simvastatin was found

formitochondrialrespirationlinkedtoComplexI(Fig.3),ComplexII(Fig.4)aswellasComplexIV(Fig.5).Toevaluate the effect of the procedure of mitochondria iso­lation, the effects of simvastatin in PMS, PMP, and CMF werecomparedforComplexI-linkedandComplexII­linked respiration. Equality of respiration in the sam­ple with the drug to respiration in the sample without drug was rejected by t­test at simvastatin concentrations ≥10µMforCMF,≥5µMforPMS,and≥5µM for PMP.

Table 4. Protocol for evaluating the protective effect of drugs on the Ca2+-induced change of Complex I+II-linked respira-tion in pig brain mitochondria

Order Chamber Substance Abbr. Stock conc. (solvent) Volume added (µl) Final concentration1 AB Malate M 0.8M(H2O) 5 2mM2 AB Pyruvate P 2M(H2O) 5 5 mM3 AB ADP D 0.5 M (H2O) 4 1 mM4 AB Succinate S 1 M (H2O) 20 10 mM5 A Solvent 2–45 B Drug 2–4

15 min6 AB CaCl2 CA 100 mM (H2O) titration:2–60 0.1–3.0mM7 AB Antimycin A ANTI 0.5 mg⋅ml–1(EtOH) 5 1.25µg⋅ml–1


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InPMS,ComplexI-linkedrespirationwasinhibitedwith IC50=24.0±0.8µM,Hillslope=3.13±0.29andresidual respiration at high drug concentration = –1.0 ± 1.7%.ComplexII-linkedrespirationwasinhibitedwithIC50=31.3±1.6µM,Hillslope=2.43±0.24,andre­sidual respiration at high drug concentration = 9.7 ±2.7%. Complex IV-linked respiration was inhibitedwith IC50=42.9±5.6µM,Hillslope=1.44±0.22,andresidual respiration at high drug concentration = –1.5 ± 5.2%(allvaluesaremeans±SE).InPMP,ComplexI-linkedrespirationwas inhibited

with IC50=19.7±1.4µM,Hillslope=2.18±0.31,andresidual respiration at high drug concentration = 0.1 ± 3.6%.ComplexII-linkedrespirationwasinhibitedwithIC50=43.5±1.2µM,Hillslope=2.64±0.18,andre­sidual respiration at high drug concentration = 7.7 ±2.0%.InCMF,ComplexI-linkedrespirationwasinhibited

with IC50=44.6±2.1µM,Hillslope=2.43±0.23,andresidual respiration at high drug concentration = –1.5 ± 3.0%.ComplexII-linkedrespirationwasinhibitedwith

IC50=46.4±1.5µM,Hillslope=2.81±0.22,andre­sidual respiration at highdrug concentration=–0.9±2.7%.

ResveratrolThe inhibitory effect of high resveratrol was found

formitochondrialrespirationlinkedtoComplexI(Fig.3)with IC50=162±11µM,Hillslope=1.00±0.07,andresidualrespirationathighdrugconcentration=8.0±2.0%.ComplexII-linkedrespirationwasalsoinhibitedathighdrugconcentrations(Fig.4)withIC50=564±67µM,Hillslope=0.62±0.03,andresidualrespira­tionathighdrugconcentration=–2.3±2.9%.Inhibitionof Complex IV-linked respiration was found at veryhighresveratrolconcentration(Fig.5)withIC50=1454±124µM(mean±SE).Equalityofrespiration in thesample with resveratrol to respiration in the sample without resveratrol was rejected by t­test at drug con­centrations≥25µMforComplexI-linkedrespiration,at≥ 5 µM for Complex II-linked respiration, and at≥100µMforComplexIV-linkedrespiration.

Fig. 1.EffectofsimvastatinonComplexII-linkedrespirationinthecrudemitochondrialfraction(CMF)atsamplecon­centration0.20mgprotein⋅ml–1.IllustrativeOroborosOxygraph-2krunsaredisplayedfortheperformedprotocol(Table2)andDatLabsoftware.Afteradditionofdigitonin(DIG),adenosinediphosphate(D),rotenone(ROT),andsuccinate(S),samples were titrated with (A)DMSO,(B)simvastatin.Finally,oligomycin(O)andantimycinA(ANTI)wereaddedtodeterminetheresidualoxygenconsumption.Greythinline:oxygenconcentration(nmol⋅ml–1);blackthickline:oxygenfluxpermass(pmol⋅s–1⋅mg–1).

Drug Effects on Mitochondrial Respiration

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Coenzyme Q10The increase of Complex I-linked respiratory rate

wasassociatedwithCoQaddition(Fig.3),butnoeffectofCoQwasobservedforComplexII-orComplexIV-linkedrespiration(Figs.4,5).EqualityofrespirationinthesamplewithCoQtorespirationinthesamplewith­outCoQwasrejectedbyt­test at drug concentrations ≥25µMforComplexI-linkedrespiration.

Acetylcysteine and acetylcarnitineBoth acetylcysteine and acetylcarnitine did not affect

mitochondrial respiration up to concentration of about 1 mM. Millimolar drug concentrations showed a small in­hibitoryeffect(Figs.3,4,5).

Protective effects of drugs on calcium-induced changes

Initially, a dose­dependent direct effect of free calci­umonComplexI+II-linkedrespirationwasmeasuredin

PMS. The respiration medium MiR05 contains 0.5 mM EGTA; therefore, free Ca2+ concentrations were com­puted using the Schoenmakers’ method (Schoenmakers et al., 1992; http://maxchelator.stanford.edu/CaEGTA-TS.htm).Weobservedanincreaseofoxygenconsump­tion rate of PMS when free Ca2+ was increased from 1mMto17mMafteronetitrationstepbyCaCl2 (data notshown).Thisincreasewastemporaryandwasfol­lowed by a rapid decline in the respiratory rate, probably in response to increasing calcium concentrations in the matrix.IncreasingfreeCa2+ inhibited mitochondrial res­piration with IC50=66±30mM,Hill slope=0.41±0.05,andresidualrespiration34.0±5.3%(means±SE,N=23)(Fig.6).Protectiveeffectsofalldrugsoncal-cium-induced inhibition of mitochondrial ComplexI+II-linkedrespirationwereobservedwhenPMSwerepreincubated with drugs and then titrated with CaCl2 (Fig.7).

Fig. 2.EffectofresveratrolandcalciumonComplexI+II-linkedrespirationinpurifiedmitochondria(PMS)atsampleconcentration 0.05 mg protein⋅ml–1. IllustrativeOroborosOxygraph-2k runsaredisplayed for theperformedprotocol(Table4)andDatLabsoftware.Afteradditionofdigitonin(DIG),malate(M),pyruvate(P),adenosinediphosphate(D),andsuccinate(S),samplesweretreatedwith2µl (A)ethanol,(B)resveratrolinfinalconcentration100µM.Afterincuba­tion for 15 min, samples were titrated by CaCl2.Finally,antimycinA(ANTI)wasaddedtodeterminetheresidualoxygenconsumption.Greythinline:oxygenconcentration(nmol⋅ml–1);blackthickline:oxygenfluxpermass(pmol⋅s–1⋅mg–1).


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Fig. 3.Effectsofsimvastatin,resveratrol,coenzymeQ10,acetylcysteine,andacetylcarnitineonmitochondrialComplexI-linkedrespirationrateinmitochondriapurifiedinsucrosegradient(PMS).TheeffectofsimvastatinwasalsomeasuredinmitochondriapurifiedinPercollgradient(PMP)andinthecrudemitochondrialfraction(CMF).Finalsampleconcen­trationwasintherange0.03–0.15mgprotein⋅ml–1.ComplexI-linkedrespirationwasmeasuredasabasalvalueandthesample was then titrated by the drug or solvent according to the protocol given in Table 1. Data are shown as means of 3–8measurements±SD.

Fig. 4.Effectsofsimvastatin,resveratrol,coenzymeQ10,acetylcysteine,andacetylcarnitineonmitochondrialComplexII-linkedrespirationrateinmitochondriapurifiedinsucrosegradient(PMS).TheeffectofsimvastatinwasalsomeasuredinmitochondriapurifiedinPercollgradient(PMP)andinthecrudemitochondrialfraction(CMF).Finalsampleconcen­trationwasintherange0.03–0.15mgprotein⋅ml–1.ComplexII-linkedrespirationwasmeasuredasabasalvalueandthesamplewasthentitratedbythedrugorsolventaccordingtotheprotocolgiveninTable2.Dataareshownasmeansof3–5measurements±SD.

Drug Effects on Mitochondrial Respiration

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Fig. 5.Effectsofsimvastatin,resveratrol,coenzymeQ10,acetylcysteine,andacetylcarnitineonmitochondrialComplexIV-linkedrespirationrateinmitochondriapurifiedinsucrosegradient(PMS).Finalsampleconcentrationwasintherange0.03–0.05mgprotein⋅ml–1.ComplexIV-linkedrespirationwasmeasuredasbasalvalueandthesamplewasthentitratedbythedrugorsolventaccordingtotheprotocolgiveninTable3.Dataaredisplayedasaratioofoxygenconsumptionratebefore/afterdrugaddition(meansof3–5measurements±SD).

Fig. 6.Calcium-inducedinhibitionofmitochondrialComplexI+II-linkedrespirationinpurifiedmitochondria(PMS).Finalsampleconcentrationwasintherange0.03–0.15mgprotein⋅ml–1.Digitonin,malate2mM,pyruvate5mM,ADP1mM,andsuccinate10mMwereaddedandComplexI+II-linkedrespirationwasusedasbasalvalue.ThesamplewasthentitratedinthefirstchamberbyCaCl2andinthesecondchamberbywater.ResidualoxygenconsumptionwasdeterminedafterantimycinA1.25µg⋅ml–1addition.Valueswerecorrectedforresidualoxygenconsumption,theeffectofsampledilution, and temporal changes. The relative respiration rate is displayed, which was calculated as a ratio of respiration rate before and after addition of CaCl2.Dataareshownasmeansof23measurements±SD.Thelinerepresentthebestfittedcurveusingthefour-parameterlogisticfunction.


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Theoxygenconsumptionrateisoneofimportantpa­rameters enabling highly sensitive measurement of the impact of drugs on mitochondrial function, especially on the activity ofETS.Previously,we confirmed thatpig brain mitochondria might serve as an appropriate biological model for studying in vitro effects of drugs on cellularenergetics(HroudováandFišar,2012;Fišaretal.,2014;Singhetal.,2015).

The effects of simvastatin on mitochondrial respira­tion in PMS, PMP, and CMF were compared for ComplexI-andComplexII-linkedrespiration.HigherIC50, which was observed in CMF compared with puri­fiedmitochondria,probablyreflectsthedecreaseoffreesimvastatin concentration due to its interaction with non­mitochondrial membranes in CMF. CMF appears completely satisfactory for assessment of qualitative changes and has the added advantage in rapid prepara­tion, higher yield, and less damage to the mitochondrial membrane caused by the isolation procedure. We as­sume that thepurifiedmitochondria arepreferable forquantitative analysis of drug effects on the respiratory rate. Thus, PMS was used in all other measurements presented in this paper.

We found simvastatin­induced inhibition of the mito­chondrialoxygenconsumptionratewithIC50 in tens of micromoles. It is supposed that some pleiotropic effects

of simvastatin are related to its action on mitochondrial functions. The majority of pleiotropic effects of statins were observed at micromolar statin concentrations, which may be misleading (Björkhem­Bergman et al., 2011), because IC50 of simvastatin for HMG­CoA re­ductase inhibition is 18.1 nM only (Gazzerro et al.,2012)andthemeanconcentrationofsimvastatininhu­man serum is about 101 nM (Keskitalo et al., 2009).There is some accumulation of simvastatin in the liver tissue (less than threefold), but not in thebrain tissue(aboutonequarterofthatintheserum)(Thelenetal.,2006),andtheintracellularconcentrationofsimvastatinis unknown. Thus, it is unlikely that a micromolar con­centration needed to effectively inhibit mitochondrial respiration could be achieved (under normal condi­tions).However, simvastatinsynergywithotherdrugsor high local concentrations of simvastatin in patho­physiologicalconditionscannotbeexcluded.

Compared to simvastatin, resveratrol effectively in­hibited mitochondrial respiration only at very high con­centrations. Different IC50s and Hill slopes indicate a different mechanism of action of simvastatin and res­veratrol on mitochondrial respiration. We can speculate that simvastatin affects the interaction of membrane li­pidsandcomplexes,whereashighresveratrolratherin­fluencesassemblyofsubunitsofComplexI.Themeanplasma concentration of therapeutically administered resveratrol is in the micromolar range (100–101 µM)

Fig. 7.Protectiveeffectsofdrugsoncalcium-induced inhibitionofmitochondrialComplexI+II-linkedrespiration inpurifiedmitochondria (PMS).Finalsampleconcentrationwas in the range0.05–0.10mgprotein⋅ml–1.ComplexI+II-linkedrespirationwasmeasuredinsamplespreincubatedwiththedrugorsolventandusedasbasalvalue;thesamplewasthen titrated by CaCl2accordingtotheprotocolgiveninTable4.Ratioswerecalculatedofrespirationratesinthepresenceand absence of the drug at various concentrations of free Ca2+.Displayeddataareshownasmeansof3–8measurements± SD.

Drug Effects on Mitochondrial Respiration

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(Howellsetal.,2011),whichisinsufficientforeffectiveinhibition of mitochondrial respiration.The increased Complex I-linked respiratory rate at

highconcentrationsofCoQsuggeststhatthereissupportof electron transfer betweenComplex I andComplexIII,probablythroughincorporationofCoQintothein­nermitochondrialmembrane.TherelativelyhighCoQconcentration required to produce this effect is probably duetotheinsolubilityofCoQinwater,whenprecipita­tion occurs after addition to an aqueous sample, leading tolimitedincorporationofCoQintothemembranes.

Total carnitine and acetylcarnitine concentrations were about71µMand14µM,respectively,inwholebloodofhealthyadults(Minkleretal.,2008).Themeanconcen­tration of total plasma N­acetylcysteine was also found in micromolar range (Fisher and Bostom, 1997).Wefound that mitochondrial respiration was not affected even at millimolar concentrations of acetylcysteine or acetylcarnitine,whichindicatesnomitochondrialtoxic­ity of these substances.

Dose­ and time­dependent inhibition of mitochondri­al respiration by calcium was observed at about 1 µmol Ca2+permgproteinwithoutinfluencingmitochondrialenzymeactivities(Pandyaetal.,2013). Inaccordancewith these data, we observed partial inhibition of mito­chondrial respiration with increasing free Ca2+. Prein cu­bation with simvastatin, resveratrol, CoQ, acetylcys-teine, or acetylcarnitine led to lower calcium­induced inhibitionoftheoxygenconsumptionrate.Theratioofrespiration rate in the presence and absence of the drug at higher concentrations of free calcium was found greater than one for all the tested drugs. It can be inter­preted as the protective effect of drugs on the imbalance caused by high concentrations of free calcium. From this perspective, resveratrol showed the most protective effects, acetylcarnitine and simvastatin were less effec­tive,andacetylcysteineandCoQshowedtheleastpro­tective effects. Our results indicate that all tested drugs mayparticipateinthefinetuningofCa2+ signals, which play a key role in the cellular bioenergetics, while res­veratrol, acetylcarnitine, and simvastatin seem to be the mostefficient.

ConclusionsMeasurement of the drug effect on the kinetics of mi­

tochondrial oxygen consumption and/or protective ef­fects of drugs against calcium­induced inhibition of the mitochondrial respiration can be used for the study of mitochondrial toxicity and neuroprotective effects ofdrugs. Different in vitro effects of simvastatin, resvera­trol,CoQ,acetylcysteine,andacetylcarnitineonoxygenconsumption rate support the view for an independent mode of mitochondrial action of these drugs. We found direct in vitro inhibitory effects of simvastatin and res­veratrolonmitochondrialrespiration.CoQ10 had a stim­ulatory effect and acetylcysteine and acetylcarnitine did nothaveasignificantimpactontheoxygenconsump­tion rate. Furthermore, we observed protective effects of resveratrol, acetylcarnitine and simvastatin against a

calcium­induced decrease in the respiratory rate. Sup­posing that the drug­induced inhibition of mitochondrial respiratoryrateisassociatedwithneurotoxicity,andthatthe protective effects against calcium­induced reduction of the respiratory rate contribute to neuroprotection, our resultsindicatethat(i) thereisnoneurotoxiceffectofCoQ10, acetylcysteine, and acetylcarnitine even at very high drug concentrations; (ii) resveratrol, simvastatin,and acetylcarnitine have higher neuroprotective poten­tial. Although the effects of the tested compounds on mitochondrialrespirationweresignificantonlyattheirhigh concentrations, their effects on mitochondrial func­tion under pathological conditions or during interactions with other drugs should be taken into account.




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