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  • 8/6/2019 kf25_esp


    Foro del CobreRevista paRa el cobRe en el sectoR de la constRuccion 25/2008

    Premio a Stella Maris

    El arte en cobre Marie Louise Kold

    Decoracin y arquitectura con cobre

    Sala de conciertos de Helsinki, estado actual

  • 8/6/2019 kf25_esp



    Bienvenido a un nuevo e interesante nmero de

    Copper Forum.

    Una de las muchas propiedades del cobre es la p-

    tina natural que lo va recubriendo con el tiempo.

    Segn su ubicacin, y el viento y clima reinantes,

    es posible ver la rapidez con qu la brillante super-

    fcie del metal nuevo adquiere nuevas dimensiones

    de belleza y proundidad. Y precisamente cuando

    usted pensaba que ya no cambiara ms, empiezan

    a aparecer nuevos matices.

    En este nmero, examinaremos la percepcin que

    tienen los artistas de la magia del cobre: En el

    cobre diviso un mundo de posibilidades y un con-

    traste tan abuloso, que estoy enamorada de este

    material, dice Marie Louise Kold, quien en sus

    antsticas obras de arte en cobre experimenta con

    distintos sistemas para conseguir la ptina.

    Tambin analizaremos las tendencias que sigue la

    arquitectura, donde el cobre se usa cada vez ms en

    una amplia gama de superfcies y acabados, como

    manifesta el arquitecto Chris Hodson, quien nos

    gua por un periplo en el que presenta algunos proyectos

    sumamente interesantes donde es el cobre quien confe-

    re el toque fnal al edifcio. Tambin presentaremos La

    Gua Verde, destinada a arquitectos, que se acaba de

    publicar en el Reino Unido y es una especie de manual

    en el uso de materiales de construccin que respetan

    el medio ambiente. Desde la perspectiva del cobre, es

    magnfco comprobar que en dicha gua nuestro metal

    saca una nota muy alta como material de cubiertas y


    El ao prximo, 2009, llegar otra vez el momento de

    entregar el galardn Copper Award para premiar el

    mejor proyecto de Europa realizado usando cobre. Te-

    nemos que haber recibido las propuestas de candidatos

    en mayo de 2009. Evidentemente, Copper Forum ir

    siguiendo los acontecimientos, y en ediciones uturas

    presentaremos los proyectos propuestos.

    Disrute de la lectura de estas pginas y recuerde que

    agradeceremos sus aportaciones y comentarios. Pngase

    en contacto con el jee de redaccin si desea enviarnos


    Lennart Engstrm, Editor

    Copper Forum, Octubre 2008

    Copper Forum orma parte de la actual Campaa Europea del Cobre en la Arquitectura y aparece dos veces al ao con una diusin de 20.000ejemplares.

    La revista se distribuye a arquitectos y proesionales de la industria de la construccin en Rusia, Polonia, Dinamarca, Noruega, Suecia, Finlandia,Hungra, Repblica Checa, Espaa y Reino Unido.

    Editor: Lennart Engstrm, tel +46 706574734, ax +46 21198704, [email protected]

    Direccion: Copper Forum c/o Outokumpu Copper Products A B, Metallverksgatan 5, Box 510, SE-721 09 Vsters, Swe den

    Editor: Lennart Engstrm, Luvata Pori OY

    Presentacion y produccion tcnica: Naula Grafsk Design/M Reklam

    Impresion: Intellecta Strlins 2008, Sweden

    Direccion de editorial:Mogens Praestegaard, Danmark +45 40285157 [email protected] Svedman, Sweden +46 2119 82 50 [email protected] Rudidalen, Norway +47 2324 7469 [email protected] Thtinen, Finland +358 26266612 [email protected] Savola, Finland +358 26266111 [email protected] Zhigalina, Ryssland +7 8123202050 [email protected] Ionov, Russia +7 0957872792 [email protected] Sawicki, Poland +48 (22)8258252 [email protected] Zakrzewski, Poland +48 717812504 [email protected] Pinter, Czech Republic +36 12664810 [email protected] Kratochvle, Czech Republic +42 0261122542 [email protected] Robinson, UK +44 (0)1992511117 robbie. [email protected]

  • 8/6/2019 kf25_esp


    3COPPER FORUM 25/08

















    4 Nuevo edicio de Skellete Krat con valores arquitectnicos clsicos

    6 El arte del cobre - Marie Louise Kold

    10 Villa Luvata desaa el mar

    13 Edicios clidos con Tombak

    14 La Iglesia de San Juan, Tartu, Estonia

    16 New wooden boat centre in Kotka town

    19 Casa Entreprise Tombakacade

    20 De Korenbloem in Hoorn shopping centre

    22 Blue and green The Astir Palace bungalows in Greece

    24 European Architectural Awards Launch

    26 Copper Decoration and Architecture

    30 Green copper Green house

    32 Helsinki Music House present status

    36 Award-winning, luxurious Stella Maris

    38 Circular building Helsinki

  • 8/6/2019 kf25_esp


    4 COPPER FORUM 25/08

    Nuevo edicio de Skellete Kratcon valores arquitectnicos clsicos

    La nueva ocina central de la compaa elctrica sue-

    ca Skellete Krat es un edicio que cuida los valores

    clsicos de la arquitectura. Se ha construido con ma-

    teriales de alta calidad y tcnicas bien probadas, y dis-

    eado y planicado considerando un uso a largo plazo.

    El objetivo era crear una obra interesante, uncional y

    econmica, hoy y dentro de cincuenta aos.

    La planicacin del edici se ealiz patiend de una pespec-tiva muy amplia, cn el cliente cm inquilin y administad.Est cnduj a la eleccin de slucines y sistemas ptimizadspaa el cste ttal de un cicl de vida, en el que se incluy launcinalidad, el mantenimient y ls gasts peativs.

    Skellete Kat es una empesa de entea ppiedad del mu-nicipi de Skellete, Suecia, y cupa el puest de cuat sum-inistad de enega del pas. Desde la dcada de 1960 ha te-nid su cina pincipal en un punt cntic de la ciudad deSkellete. Debid a su cnstante cecimient aumentan las

    necesidades de pesnal. En 2006 la empesa encag al gabinetede aquitects GA Sweden AB un pyect paalel de ampli-acin de las antiguas cinas, cn un extei simila, y lcalespaa nuevs cents de tabaj de pduccin y distibucin deenega elctica.

    Cuand est teminad, el edici se el de may altua dela ciudad de Skellete. En su cent tiene un ati intei deseis plantas de altua paa cea dinmica scial y sensacin deactividad. Aleded del ati hay lcales de cina, cn gandessalas de eunin en las esquinas. La zna este es de dce plan-tas, cn una sala de juntas, y suites paa ejecutivs en la pate

    supei.El dise del edici sigue lneas aquitectnicas clsicas que

    han supead el pas de ls as. Est situad junt al inmuebleexistente de la empesa, cnstuid duante la dcada de 1960,que ha inuid en las altuas de las plantas y las dimensinesmdulaes. La cta bsica de 1300 se ha dividid en 400 y 900,y cnstituye la base de ls niveles, la seccin y la achada. Estasdimensines tambin se han eejad en el dise intei y enls techs.

    El entamad del edici es pesad y etiene el cal, y estcnstuid de hmign vetid in situ, cn piltes inteiesy paed extei. La achada se ha cnguad paa que meuna estuctua sin usa mateiales gnics. es capas de pe-ns de ace pvists de mateial aislante, dets de placas debcement, sptan el evestimient de la achada, madp cassettes en paneles de cbe de 1,25 mm cn piezas de su-

    jecin cultas. Las ventanas sn de alumini y estn adentadashasta la mitad del espes de las paedes. Junt cn ls cassettesde cbe y el empanelad intei de abedul, ppcinan unespes de paed ttal de 680 mm y una slida impesin de queel inmueble est evestid de chapa de cbe.Dent, el hmign est descubiet y cmplementad ppaneles de abedul y seccines de ace.Extenamente el edici est pacialmente evestid de chapametlica. Las hnacinas pundas y la paed extei selladacntibuyen a una etencin avable de la enega, educiendla adiacin tmica. A pesa de sus slids mus exteies, el

    edici ece una impesin de ligeeza gacias a sus muchasventanas.

    En 1924 se descubi en Bliden, en las aueas de Skellete,el may yacimient de cbe de Eupa. La vinculacin cn estemetal siempe ha sid muy intensa en esta ciudad, y la expei-encia administativa del cliente, que se emnta a un sigl ats,cntibuy a la eleccin del evestimient de la achada. Estecubieta cn 9 000 cassettes, cmpendiend chapa, ejas y ac-cesis de cimients, cnstuids tambin cm cassettes. Paaun aquitect es muy inteesante tabaja cn la industia de lachapa de metal, debid a que puede ece pducts hechs a

    medida cn acabads industiales, a dieencia de ts amsdel sect de la cnstuccin. Es deci, cm una especie de altacstua cn pduccin acinal.

    El sistema mdula epetitiv usand una seleccin limitada demateiales de calidad, y las slucines pincipales eiteadas de lsdetalles han cead las cndicines idneas paa una ejecucinde gan clase.

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    Cliente: Skellete Krat ABRepresentante: Karl-Johan hgren

    Arquitecto: General Architecture

    Jose Eder arquitecto SAR/MSAOlo Grip arquitecto MSA

    John Billberg arquitecto SAR/MSAFabian Blcher arquitecto SAR/MSA

    Erik Persson arquitecto MSA

    Sanna Sderhll arquitecto MSAErik Gardell arquitecto MSAJan Lidstrm arquitecto SAR/MSA

    Bengt Drakenmark arquitecto SAR/MSA

    Constructora: WSP Skellete

    Jee de proyecto: Rol berg

    Contratista general: NCC Construction ABSkellete

    Inicio del proyecto 2006Entrega al cliente 2009

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    6 COPPER FORUM 25/08

    Cuand Maie Luise Kld qued cautivada p las caactes-ticas del cbe en 1997, se pecat en seguida de que este metalse cnvetia en su medi de expesin atstica. N ue unaeleccin evidente y n me puse las csas ciles ptand p unmateial que tiene tantas psibilidades de ceacin independien-tes. N bstante, en el cbe vi un mund de ptunidades y si-negias spendentes y, sencillamente, me enam, dice ella.

    Mientas apenda a impimi cn planchas de cbe duante susestudis en la Escuela de Ate de Lund, en Suecia, ue cuand

    Maie Luise bsev que la plancha de este metal ea ms as-cinante que ls impess que pduca. Especialmente cuandel cbe haba pedid su supecie iginal billante. La p-undidad y dinamism que mstaba la supecie del metal des-pus del mdentad, y al pasa el tiemp y al tcal, n pdatanseise al papel. P tant, ces de usal paa impimi, lcnvet en ba de ate y empec a expeimenta cn distin-tas maneas de altea la ptina que ma, cntina diciend.Despus de la escuela de ate, ecibi macin en metalugiay mldead cn undicin de bnce. Su intencin ea cncemej ls mateiales cpics y sus psibilidades.

    Cm esultad de ell, la tcnica que bt duante el apen-

    dizaje de la impesin cn gabads de cbe nunca ha temina-d de desallase en las mans de esta atista danesa.

    Maie Luise Kld tabaja cn cbe, latn y bnce. Cmelements paa sus bas usa lmina de cbe de 0,05 mm, queella cnma tidimensinalmente, y paa ls dems elementsintegantes tata metal de 0,4-2 mm cn clu ic cidntic. La ptina subsiguiente la pduce cn clu de am-ni, amnac, sulat de cbe, nitat de cbe y sulat dehie, ente tas sustancias qumicas.

    ambin usa ampliamente agua de la lluvia y el azue, sbetd paa ls etats gandes, que cmpne mediante miles de

    peques cuads de cbe bnce, que patina individualmen-te antes de clcals un junt al t al igual que un mpe-cabezas gigante. Alguns de ls cuads ls deja a la intempeieduante das, ts duante meses. La acidez de la lluvia a causade su cntenid de azue, al igual que la cntaminacin, ceandistints matices. La ptina del metal a veces se cnviete enuna ma de expesa y medi el tiemp, y el pces psigueduante muchs as despus de que la ba haya abandnadlas mans del atista. P ell, las bas de ate expeimentan uncambi cnstante, pe lent.

    EL ArE EN CoBrE

    Detalle de su ltima obra, creada con cobre mordentado y patinado, y lmina de co

    Datos: Nacida en 1974in rhus, Dinamarca

    Estudio: Malm, SueciaPgina Web

    : www.mlkold.com

    Abuelo Origen en c ambio constante; 1014 cuadros decobre patinado individualmente

  • 8/6/2019 kf25_esp


    7COPPER FORUM 25/08

    Seleccin de obras coneccionadas con cobr e mordentado y patinado, lmina de cobr e y latn

  • 8/6/2019 kf25_esp


    8 COPPER FORUM 25/08

  • 8/6/2019 kf25_esp


    9COPPER FORUM 25/08

    Vida cobre/lmina de cobre mordentada y patinada

    Aplic un tatamient de cea cuand temin las bas. Estena ntablemente el pstei envejecimient, pe n l detie-ne. Ce que debea dejase que el metal cntinuaa mstandlas huellas de l que ha expeimentad, tant si es la intempeiecm gente que quiee tcal. La acultad de cambi del cbeue pecisamente l que despet mi intes. P tant, sea cm-pletamente equivcad paaliza este pces.

    A medida que Maie Luise Kld desallaba su tcnica, tam-bin ceca la demanda lcal e intenacinal p su ate. Expsi-cines individuales en Pas y Escandinavia han hech que susceacines sean adquiidas p autidades municipales, empe-sas y paticulaes de muchs pases. Ha ealizad vais enca-gs imptantes, ente ells un paa ls anteies embajadesameicans en Dinamaca, Stuat y Wilma Benstein, que le pi-dien el may etat cead p la atista hasta la echa, cm-puest p ms de 3000 cuadits de cbe.

    Fecuentemente Maie Luise Kld usa texts en sus bas,pincipalmente cm elements puamente gcs agmen-

    ts de cmunicacin, que n tienen que se leds y cmpendi-ds necesaiamente. Las bas cntienen ptentes cmbinacinesde elements de ds y tes dimensines, y una extensa gama decles, dibujs, estuctuas y texts.

    Desde 2001 Maie Luise Kld ha tabajad a jnada cm-pleta en su estudi de Malm. Actualmente est pepaand susegunda gan expsicin individual, que tend luga en abilde 2009 en Gallei New Fm, de ellebg, Suecia. Cm unnuev element, la expsicin inclui vais les, tambin s-be metal patinad.

    En el cbe he encntad innitas psibilidades, que ellasmismas sn una cnstante uente de inspiacin. Me mueve laexplacin de ls lmites ls ms y ls del mateial y mesatisace pde expesa mis sentimients en un mateial que apimea vista paece e impesnal, pe que y encuentclid y que tiene una vluntad y pesnalidad ppias, y quedenitivamente, es mi medi atstic.

    Estructur a nmero 1 (detalle) cobre mordentado y patinado

  • 8/6/2019 kf25_esp


    10 COPPER FORUM 25/08

    Hannele Numminen


    El tema de la eria era Construir en

    condiciones exigentes.

    Cnstui junt al ma siempe es unet, puest que all el clima es muchms igus que tiea adent. La cs-ta suele se ventsa, y la lluvia y el aguasalada atacan ls mateiales de cnstuc-cin. En cnsecuencia, se dedic un inte-s especial a la duabilidad de las casascnstuidas paa la eia. Alguns de lschalets se edican en pntnes de h-mign sbe el ma. Ds chalets tantesse abien al pblic. En el a 2010 elnme de chalets tantes pda se de16 en ttal. Evidentemente ean la pinci-pal ataccin, ya que en Finlandia tdavan se han cnstuid muchs de ells.

    La pacela de Villa Luvata linda cn elma p un antigu muelle de hmign.En tiemp tments, las las puedensalpica la casa. Este ue un aspect im-ptante a tene en cuenta al pyecta elchalet. N hay duda de que se cnsidea-n las cndicines metelgicas al di-sea Villa Luvata, que p su abundanteus de cbe debe se un de ls chaletsms duades de la zna eial. Cm yaes bien sabid, el cbe es un de ls ma-teiales de cnstuccin ms esistentes ycn una duacin de geneacines. Hyinstalal es cil, gacias a cassettes y pa-neles peabicads. Debid a que el temade la eia ea la cnstuccin en cndi-cines exigentes, el cbe ea un mateialidne.

    Visin del arquitecto de Villa Luvata

    El aquitect Matin Wl es el pyec-tista de Villa Luvata y de su abundanteus del cbe, l mism en el intei queen el extei. Matn Wl bas su diseen la ubicacin del chalet, en l que pue-de vese, se y sentise en el luga. Unchalet de vacacines debe pduci unasensacin dieente del entn ctidian.El clima de repsaai es igus, y pell ls jadines deben queda ptegids.Villa Luvata tiene una gan teaza cns-tuida de madea de pin paa cnectala vivienda pincipal cn la casita paa lasauna. Unas cndicines metelgicasigusas exigen que ls mateiales seanduades. P ell, se ha usad cbe enel extei, en la cubieta y en las paedes.Paa cea una zna de eia uncinal, eaimptante ceciase de que tds lschalets y sus esidentes se integaan enel entn de la isla de repsaai, cn suscasas antiguas, la maya de madea.

    El intei de Villa Luvata est dividi-d en ds pates. La sala de esta, el cme-d y la entada se han cmbinad cn- juntamente y estn en cnexin diectacn las teazas exteies ptegidas y lstanquils dmitis, vinculads cn elpaisaje a tavs de las ventanas. ambinse usa cbe en la decacin, n de unamanea extema, pe cn ls cles mssingulaes y en ls sitis ms spenden-tes. Las anjas de cbe aptan buengust a las austeas paedes de madea,dice Matin Wl.

    Cobre desde la cubierta a los armarios

    Villa Luvata ue un encag de LuvataPi oy, que suminist el cbe em-plead en la ba. Segn Elina Kuusis-t, jee de ventas de la empesa, se dabap supuesta una abundante utilizacindel cbe en el chalet, puest que ecauna gan ptunidad de expne el usde este metal en las mas ms vaiadas.Debid a que la aplicacin aquitectnicadel cbe se ha desallad y divesica-d cnsideablemente, las eias de estascaactesticas bindan una ptunidadmaavillsa de expnel y cmecializa-l. Estaba cla desde un pincipi que lacubieta de Villa Luvata se iba a cnstuicn cbe billante dinai que, sin em-bag, ia adquiiend un td manscu en un pa de meses.

    En la cubieta de Luvata se usan la-gues peabicads, unids ente s en-cajand las ensambladuas ya pepaadas.Es un mtd simple y pid, que nexige el ensamblad a man a mqui-na tadicinal. El tech de cbe cn susistema de desage del agua de la lluviappcina al chalet una cubieta bella yduadea, baj la cual ls inquilins pue-den disuta despecupadamente de unpanama esplndid y del spla de lsvients. La pximidad del ma tambinpuede acelea la macin de ptina enel cbe, pe queda p ve. La cubietaest pvista p un gan panel sla, casiinvisible. La enega geneada p el panel

    Cada ao se celebra en Finlandia una er ia de la vivienda sobre hogares de residencia perma-

    nente, y una eria sobre chalets para vacaciones en las que se presentan las ltimas tenden-

    cias del sector. La popularidad de estos certmenes ha ido aumentando en el transcurso del

    tiempo. Este ao la eria de chalets de vacaciones tuvo lugar en la idlica isla de Reposaari, en la

    costa occidental de Finlandia, aproximadamente a un kilmetro y medio del concurrido puerto

    de Mntyluoto. El rea portuaria est separada del mar abierto por rompeolas, y la zona de

    la eria queda dentro de ella. El chalet Villa Luvata abri sus puertas al pblico a mediados de

    junio, junto con otros 25 chalets de vacaciones.

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    11COPPER FORUM 25/08

    sla calienta el agua del chalet, y se utili-za cm caleaccin en el suel.

    Las paedes estn cnstuidas de pane-les de madea y cbe abicads de ma-teial de Ndic Geen Living. La base escbe xidad scu, cn salpicaduasde ptina vede ciadas en la supecie.Est da vivacidad a ls paneles de clvede scu. El cl amniza bella-mente cn el man cla de ls panelesde ba. Dent del chalet, las anjas de

    las esquinas sn de cbe, un detalle ele-gante paa eza el clid de ls pa-neles clas. A ls visitantes les spendila vesatilidad del cbe, al igual que sudispnibilidad en muchs tns de cldieentes, cuand espeaban ve sl c-be billante.

    El sol y el viento como uente de energa

    El peci y la dispnibilidad de enegapecupan a la gente. Cnstantemente sedesallan nuevas altenativas que es-

    petan el medi ambiente y n sn caas.El sl y el vient sn uentes de eneganatuales, cientemente bastante uti-lizadas en tda Eupa. En Finlandia laenega sla sl puede usase pate dela, pe junt al ma siempe spla mu-ch el vient.

    Villa Luvata apvecha ambas uentesde enega. En la cubieta del chalet hay

    mntads 12 mets cuadads de pa-neles slaes. Las unines que ataviesanla cubieta estn alineadas cn las de lspaneles de cbe. Debid a que el cbepiede el bill y pidamente adquiee untd man scu, ls paneles slaessn vitualmente invisibles en la cubie-ta teminada. La geneacin de enegaanual de las supecies de captacin slase ha calculad que asciende a apxima-damente 4 MWh p cada diez mets

    cuadads, l cual epesenta alededdel 20 p cient del cnsum enegticdel chalet.

    El cbe es el element ms imptantede ls paneles, gacias a su cnductividadextemadamente alta. Las supecies decaptacin sn una estuctua mdulaque pemite mnta una seccin enteizalaga en la cubieta. El panel sla geneaaleded del 20 p cient de la eneganecesaia paa el chalet. Una gan caldeatambin abastece de agua caliente el sis-tema de caleaccin del suel, abicadde tubeas de cbe. El 80 p cient es-tante l genean cuat tubinas elicassituadas en la illa puesta. Este chaletpuede cnsidease vedadeamente unmdel de edici eclgic.

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    12 COPPER FORUM 25/08

    Photo: Ka

    Armarios de cocina sorprendentes

    Cuand se usa cbe en decacin in-tei, tadicinalmente se emplea en laschimeneas y naments, y en instala-cines de sevici pblic. El us llama-tiv del cbe en Villa Luvata tambin es

    evidente en la ccina, dnde las puetasde ls amais elevads estn evestidasde chapa de cbe de cl man avel-lana. Su supecie ha sid tatada cn na-ntecnlga esistente a la suciedad, queppcina a las supecies un agadablebill. Ls visitantes se inteesan pls amais, puest que antes n habanvist el us del puetas de cbe en lasccinas. La paed dets de ls amaistambin est evestida de cbe, que a-mniza extadinaiamente bien cn el

    cl platead de la pueta del igc.El eect n es , sin td l cnta-i, ya que ls dieentes matices del clman genean un eect clid y detanquilidad.

    En el chalet hay ds chimeneas, unaintei, y ta extei. La intei dividela ccina y sala de esta cmbinada ends znas sepaadas. Las ds chimeneas,

    de esteatita, tambin tienen un tque decbe. Las puetecillas de la chimenea in-tei estn ibeteadas de cbe NdicBlue, y la chimenea extei tiene cbeen la puetecilla y en la pantalla. Usaden pequeas cantidades, este metal dec-

    a y vitaliza la supecie gis unime dela pieda. Villa Luvata es en su ttalidad

    ARQUITECTO: Martin Wol

    DISEO INTERIOR: Helena Karihtal

    PROPIETARIO: Luvata Pori O

    BCONSTRUCTORA: Tyylitalo O

    una ba aquitectnica excepcinal, alta-mente admiada p ls visitantes y muydivulgada en evistas de dise e intei-ism.

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    13COPPER FORUM 25/08 13COPPER FORUM 25/08

    Edifcios clidoscon Tombak

    Tombak es una aleacin especial de

    cobre y zinc, con un contenido del 10

    al 20% de este ltimo metal. Es -

    cil de trabajar y su color marrn da

    un aspecto clido a las obras arqui-

    tectnicas, como puede verse en los

    nuevos edifcios del hospital Vend-syssel, Dinamarca.

    Nuesta intencin ea cea un cmplejamnic, que cmplementaa ls edi-cis antigus del hspital, explican en supgina en la Web sbe el pyect ls a-quitects de Aat Akitektene. ot p-psit ea evita el aspect tadicinal declnica asciad cn ls establecimientshspitalais.

    Una de las maneas de cnsegui ests

    bjetivs ue mediante un extens us dembak, que gacias a su clid luste d-ad impime un cacte cmpletamentedistint del tn que cnee el usde ace y cistal. A dieencia del cbesin alea, el mbak tampc cambia suclid a vede cla cn el tanscusdel tiemp. Su cntenid de zinc impideque quede ecubiet de vedete, y es muycil de dale ma paa usal cmevestimient de achadas, cm puedevese en el edici ietgenkllegiet enestad, Cpenhague.

    En el pyect de Hjing se emplea-n un ttal de 30 tneladas de mbak,explica Henik Lau, de Pvl Sensen A/S, empesa de rdve, Dinamaca,especializada en pcess de cte y cn-macin. Dims al mateial la made cassettes de hasta casi 3 mets delngitud. Envasams las piezas cn cui-dad en cajas de madea, y las enviamsal nte de Jutlandia paa su mntaje.El mbak es un mateial muy cil detabaja, pe dale ma tambin pue-

    de cnvetise en una peacin delicada.Las huellas de ls deds y ls aaazs sncilmente visibles, p l que aqu en labica tuvims que tabaja cn una pe-caucin extema.

    Suministros continuos a HjrringEl pesnal de Pvl Sensen A/S tam-bin cneccin ls paneles de mbakpaa el edici ietgenkllegiet, que des-de que se instalan ha ecibid elgis de

    td el mund p su extadinaia be-lleza aquitectnica y el us de mateialesinnvades. P tant, ls peais dels tallees de rdve tienen una gan

    expeiencia en la manipulacin de gan-des cantidades de mbak.

    Lamentablemente hems abandnadla cstumbe de evesti ls paneles cnlm, debid a que se ca el iesg deque la pelcula quedaa sldada a la su-pecie del mbak. Est signica queaha hems de actua cn sum cuida-d al tabaja cn este mateial, l mismen cuant a la taea de cnmacin queal envial al luga de la ba. Suminis-tams este pedid en ma de envs

    cntinus, debid a que el cntatista npda tabaja ms pidamente de l quepemita el pces de cnstuccin, diceHenik Lau.

    Kesten Lavsen de Gnbech Cns-tuctin A/S cnmaba este detalle.Gnbech Cnstuctin A/S ue el cn-tatista del pyect desde 2004, pe de-bid a vais pblemas duante las bas,ls edicis n se teminan hasta hacepc.

    Instalacin externa e internaLs suminists cntinus de PvlSensen A/S uen muy appiads y lsecibims a medida que el pyect avan-

    zaba a su itm ppi, maniesta Kes-ten Lavsen. Nmalmente sl tenamsds peais dedicads a la instalacinde ls cassettes de mbak; aha estnteminand la taea. Mntan cassettesde 1,5 mm de espes usand dispsitivsde jacin cults, a n de que ls t-nills n uean visibles. Es un pyectmuy elegante y bien acabad.

    La cnstucta Gnbech CnstuctinA/S tambin ue la empesa que gan el

    cncus de licitacin de la achada deledici ietgenkllegiet, ba que cn-slid la clabacin ente Gnbech yPvl Sensen. Hems acumulad unagan expeiencia en el us de mbak enlas achadas, y es cil distingui a qu a-quitects y clientes les gusta este mateial.Es un pduct atactiv y pcticamentelibe de mantenimient, temina dicien-d Kesten Lavsen.

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    14 COPPER FORUM 25/08

    Iglesia de San Juan,de atu, Estnia

    Esko Miettinen, arquitecto SAFA

    La iglesia de San Juan de atu secnstuy en etapas desde el siglXIV hasta el sigl XVIII, cuand

    ecibi su ma actual. Est edicadacn ladill y su pime lenguaje malue el estil gtic. A l lag de su hist-ia ha sid destuida vaias veces. La patesupei del campanai y las bvedas delc quedan en uinas duante la ganguea del nte en el sigl XVIII.

    Su intei se mdic en el sigl XIXpatiend de ls plans del aquitectG.F.W. Geist. Las achadas se ehabilita-n a nales del sigl XIX y pincipis delXX baj la dieccin de W. Bcksla, unaquitect de riga .

    La iglesia se incendi en 1944 duan-te la Segunda guea mundial, y el munte de la nave se hundi en 1952.

    El pyect de envacin del templse inici en 1989. La cnstucta est-niana o Wunibald Ehitus cntinu lasbas en 1991.

    La nueva cubieta de cbe ha sid -nanciada cn nds aptads p lshabitantes de atu, y en 1999 la iglesiapud abi sus puetas a ls ciudadans.

    La empesa As. Ehitusma rand anduulbeg ha sid el pincipal cntatis-ta de las bas empezadas en 2002. Su

    bjetiv ms imptante ea estaua eltempl a su ma inicial, usand el ma-y nme de mtds de cnstucciniginales.

    El pyect de ecnstuccin ha esta-d a cag del aquitect Ud iimaa,de Achitects ArG, en clabacin cnel histiad de ate Kau Altta.

    Duante ls as 1993-1996 las basse cncentan en la cnslidacin dels cimients. Las estuctuas de euezde ls cimients de la seccin del campa-nai se ejecutan cn piltes de ace.La lsa de la base de la te se cnstuyen etapas, simultneamente cn la labde piltaje. De este md se han ceaduns cimients de lsa tante sbe pi-ltes. Kai Avellan, licenciad en tecn-lga de la empesa de ingenies Kaegoy, ha sid el espnsable de esta patedel pyect.

    Esta iglesia es un mnument imp-tante de la ciudad medieval de atu.

    repesenta una pca pasada, p unlad epitiend, y p t eejand ypecediend, la escala humana del paisajeuban actual.

    La iglesia de San Juan de atu tam-bin es cncida intenacinalmente psus excepcinales escultuas de teacta.

    Vista desde la calle de Jaani

    Entrada a la iglesia

    El campanario de la iglesia

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    Vista desde la calle de Lbeki

    Seccin y planta de la iglesia. Cimientos del campanario

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    WooDEN BoA CENrE

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    17COPPER FORUM 25/08

    Sleek sailing boats were the source oinspiration or the designAchitect Jespei Vaa the Lahdelma & Mahlamki oy A-chitectual ofce states that it wuld be wng t say the build-ing is simply an vetuned bat. It is much me. Te cntu

    is pattened n the sleek lines sailing bats and the stuctues the hull, but beaing any cnstuctinal limitatins in mind.Te lage glass suaces give tanspaency t the activities, andtgethe with the cppe suace they eect the vicinity thesea and the pt. Te envatin and building wden batsequie geat skill and supeb catsmanship as well as caeullyselected high-quality mateials. Tis idea is best eected in theselectin a natual and valued suace mateial the aade a mateial that displays the mastey the highly skilled cats-men and late n the patina age.Te shape the building als inspied the achitects t select

    cppe. Te pactical demands made n the building wee basedn the instuctins given by Wden Bat Builde Allan Savl-ainen. Achitect Vaa captues the tue natue cppe in hisdesciptin it as a natual and hnest mateial with a timelessquality in any envinment. Cppe maintains its individualppeties in dieent applicatins.

    Kotka Town on the Baltic coast is the home o the sleek new wooden boat centre. Copper was

    considered as the aade material rom the outset. The owner o the centre ound the copper

    sheeting proposed by the architects so ascinating that there was no need to consider other

    alternatives. The architects drew their inspiration rom the sleek lines and the hull structure o

    sailing boats.

    Smooth cooperation and highly skilledcratsmanshipTe successul utcme the pject was guaanteed by smthcpeatin amng all the pject paties thughut the cn-stuctin stage. Achitect Vaa admits that the highly skilled

    sheet metal wkmanship and cmmitment shwn by the Kan-gasniemen Peltity Sheet Metal Wks wee vital t the pject ssuccess. Pject Head Pekka Pynnnen Kangasniemen Pel-tity states that the pject psed an exciting challenge, as itwas a unique pptunity thee was n pevius expeience anything simila. It was extemely imptant t pay scupulusattentin t evey detail t ensue the achitect s and the wneswishes wee caied ut exactly as intended. Tis, cuse, e-quied smth cpeatin amng the dieent playes. Caeulplanning and scheduling delivey times mateials wee alsabslutely essential t assue the timely pgess and cmpletin the pject.

    Written by Hannele Numminen

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    Building details

    Originally the copper sheeting was intended to be 0.8

    mm thick, but in the end 0.7-mm thickness was used.

    A total o 13,000 kg o Nordic Brown copper sheet-

    ing and Luvata NSF Panel 402 aade lamellas were

    used. However, the lamellas were slightly alteredater sample installation. The alteration was easy to

    carry out as the sheet metal works had been com-

    missioned to manuacture the lamellas. The 1,300

    lamellas used were mainly sized 600x1800 mm. Also

    200 kg o Nordic Prenet net sheeting was installed

    on the building. Stainless-steel brackets and screws

    were used as asteners, and the seaming is mostly o

    double rebating type.

    Additionally, there are curved suraces, which orm

    the lower ceiling at the ends o the building. Double

    rebating seaming could not be used on these sur-

    aces, but they were seamed using the tongue-and-groove joints. The convex surace becomes partly

    concave with a varying radius. All these details were

    given careul consideration in advance, drawings

    were made and approval received rom the architect

    beore implementation. The substructure required

    uncompromised precision rom the carpenters, but

    the closely cooperating building crew managed to

    overcome this problem, too.

    The ramework o the building is supported by steel

    arcs visible inside. Attached to the steel arcs are the

    glued laminated timber, the plywood, the supporting

    rails or the ventilation space, the surace plywoodand the elt used as the actual waterproong, on

    which the copper sheeting is installed. The main con-

    tractor o the building was YIT Rakennus Oy, which

    had also previously done building work in the Kotka

    area in cooperation with the sheet metal works. This

    meant that the supervisors as well as the carpenters

    knew each other rom beore, which acilitated the

    implementation o a demanding project like this, and

    ensured that scheduling and execution o the building

    work went according to plan. The completed Kotka

    Wooden Boat Centre is a ne example o superb de-

    sign and skilled cratsmanship.

    The Finnish Wooden Boat CentreOwner: Oy Scripo Ab / Henrik Andersin

    Commissioned by Martina and Henrik AndersinProject Coordinator: Leo Skogstrm

    Architect: Lahdelma & Mahlamki Oy Architectural Oce /Ilmari Lahdelma, Jesperi Vara

    Structural Engineering: Magnus Malmberg Oy Engineering OceMain Contractor: YIT Rakennus Oy

    Copper roo: Kangasniemen Peltity KySheet Metal Works / Pekka Pynnnen

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    19COPPER FORUM 25/08

    AE Stlmontage produced the 12 tonnes o1.00 mm semi-hardened Tombak sheets orcladding with interlocking panels.

    Client: Casa Entreprise

    Architects: Vallentin & Haugland

    Tombak acade: AE Stlmontage

    Tombak acade on administration andwarehouse buildingHorsensDenmark

    Casa Entreprise has moved into its

    new administration and warehou-

    se building, where the client andarchitect chose to clad the administration

    section with cassettes o Tombak, an alloy

    consisting o 80% copper and 20% zinc.

    Over time, the acade will change rom its

    characteristic golden sheen to an attrac-

    tive bronze colour.

    The project involves around 2,000 m2 split

    between two administration buildings and

    associated warehouse sheds. The sheds

    are built around a common manoeuvring

    area at the back o the buildings, so thatthe administration acade aces the en-


    By Mogens Prstegaard

    Because the warehouse sheds need a

    large manoeuvring area, it was only natu-

    ral to keep their roofine the same as orthe administration buildings. As such, the

    latter are integrated with the warehouse

    sheds, to achieve harmonious incorpora-

    tion o the building elements.

    The administration buildings are raised

    rom ground level, to create a good view

    rom the oces and space or parking un-

    derneath the building.

    The sheds consist o light coloured con-

    crete elements, and only the administra-

    tion block is clad in Tombak.

    The distinctive entrance consists o glassand black zinc.

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    20 COPPER FORUM 25/08

    A mellow patchworkIn spite its massive size, the building maintains a cmpsed and peaceul appea-ance. Te dieent height levels the aade enliven and lighten the building. Ini-tially the achitect had planned t use ck and glass n the aade, but changed hismind ate becming acquainted with the Finnish cppe achitectue. Inspied by thewidely admied Laajasal Chuch, the achitect decided t use cppe ibbns twdieent tnes with vaying amunts patina n the suace. Te use tw shadesand dieent lengths ibbns ceates an inteesting patchwk quilt eect. Hweve,the gadatin simila shades cnveys peaceulness and balance.

    Random harmonyTe steet-level shpping cente meges int the building extemely well. Te 34 apat-ments abve the shps with thei balcnies and abundant glass suaces lighten thecluul aade. Te pe-patinated cppe panels wee installed withut any peciseplan t allw a tuitus cmbinatin tnes. Te esult is a hamnius inteela-tin well balanced with the achitectue in the est the building.

    Equal amunts the dake Ndic Geen Living 1 cppe and the lighte NdicGeen aditinal wee used. Te panels wee 0.7 mm thick, and a ttal 1,500squae metes cppe was installed. Te nished shpping cente with the apat-ments is an inteesting cnstuctin and cetainly unique in Hn. Te vaied geen

    the patina tnes with the lush pak-like envinment extemely well.

    Pictures by Erik Droog rom Rietvink Architects

    Written by Hannele Numminen

    De KorenbloemCreativity was given wings, when dierent surace patterns were al-

    ternated on the copper aade o a Dutch block o fats. Pre-patinated

    copper ribbons were toned in a patination procedure during produc-

    tion. When the shades and lengths o the ribbons were varied, the

    end result was entirely unpredictable. This kind o approach was

    adopted by Rietvink Architecten bna., a Dutch architectural oce,

    which designed the business and apartment building in Hoorn a

    perect example o a successul and unprejudiced use o copper.

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    Architect: Rietvink Architecten bnaOosthuizen, the Netherlands

    Contractor:Leebo in Drunen, the Netherlands

    Pictures by Erik Droog rom Rietvink ArchitectsWritten by Hannele Numminen

    Arkkitehti: Rietvink Architecten bnaOosthuizen, the Netherlands

    Urakoitsija:Leebo in Drunen, the Netherlands

    in Hoorn a celebration o copper colours

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    22 COPPER FORUM 25/08

    The ve-star Astir Palace hotel on the Athenian Riviera

    on the Mediterranean coast oers the guests a wonderul

    escape to a world o luxury and indulgence. The hotel is

    surrounded by the rich colours o Greece ranging rom the

    greens o the landscape to the blues o the Mediterranean.

    The hotel also has a spa and 77 bungalows entirely renova-

    ted over the past year. Prepatinated Finnish Nordic Green

    PLUS copper has been used as the roong material or the



    Blue and greenIn additin t the htel and the spa the Asti Palace als has 77bungalws built in lng chains nea the beach. Te bungalws aebuilt n dieent levels ming a teaced ple n the she.Te landscape aund the htel aea mainly eatues vaius sha-des blue and geen, and ne the equiements set the -

    ng mateial was that it wuld melt int the suundings. Sincethe Asti Palace is lcated in a ptected cnsevatin aea, whichis achaelgically invaluable, a lt acts had t be taken intaccunt in the design stage.

    Te Zepps Gegiadi & Assciates Achitectual ofce weewell awae these special cnditins when they undetk theextensive envatin pject. Tey wee amilia with the FinnishNdic pducts and asked pduct samples ng mate-ials. Amng these samples they und exactly what they wanted!Te samples cppe cnvinced the achitects that pepatinatedcppe wuld ceate the eect they had in mind the bunga-


    Excellent choiceTe Geek cntact Achilleus echniki S.A placed an de 47 tns Ndic Geen PLUS cppe ibbn. Te ibbn was de-liveed pepatinated, which meant it was easy and quick t install.Te shade selected appeas natually aged and is in peect ha-mny with the suunding cultual heitage. Besides, the theppeties cppe als justiy its use: it is a duable mateial ablet withstand the weathe by the sea.

    Installatin was dne by DBS-Stepuls, a Geek sheet metal

    wks. Te cmplete envatin the bungalws was an extensi-ve pject, but eveything advanced speedily withut any pati-cula pblems, and the pject was cmpleted in seven mnths!

    Te wd cppe is believed t iginate m the Geek Isle Cypus, s Geece has a lng taditin the use cppe.

    By Hannele Numminen

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    opper at the Astir Palace

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    24 COPPER FORUM 25/08

    EUROPEAN ARCHITECTURALAWARDS LAUNCHThe 2009 European Copper in Architecture Awards have just been launched.

    Architects involved with copper buildings are encouraged to enter and take advan-

    tage o this major opportunity to present their work to an international audience.

    These well-established Awards recog-

    nise architectural excellence and cel-ebrate the use o copper in all its orms.

    The last two decades have seen their

    transormation rom a UK based pro-

    gramme highlighting cratsmanship,

    into a major, design-led Awards event or

    projects across Europe. Following the

    recent growth in entries over 70 at the

    last event - rom a wide range o coun-

    tries, the 2009 Awards 14 will, or the

    rst time, consider all entries together

    to select the very best in contemporaryEuropean architecture. This continuing

    growth in interest in the Awards mirrors

    the increasing popularity o copper and

    its alloys as inspirational, as well as en-

    vironmentally sustainable, architectural


    The design-led competition covers re-

    cently completed buildings in European

    countries participating in the European

    Copper in Architecture Campaign. Tobe eligible, all entries must incorporate

    cladding, roong or other architectural

    elements o copper or copper alloys,

    such as bronze. But any building type

    can be entered rom major landmarkprojects to more modest buildings.

    There is also a discretionary award or

    innovation in specic areas o relevance

    today, such as sustainable building, eco-

    nomical construction, preabrication,

    conservation or new uses o copper.

    Winning and shortlisted projects will

    be eatured in a special issue o the

    international magazine Architectural

    Review, which will be available at theWorld Architecture Festival, held in

    Barcelona during October 2009. As with

    previous Copper in Architecture Awards,

    the best entries will also be covered in

    Copper Forum. All entries will be judged

    by a panel o practising architects at the

    oreront o design in Europe, chaired

    by Paul Finch, Editor o Architectural

    Review and Programme Director o

    the World Architecture Festival. These

    Awards are proving particularly impor-tant, not only to showcase the best and

    most innovative uses o copper in con-

    temporary design, but also to discover

    By Chris Hodson

    and present to a wide international audi-

    ence exciting and inspirational architec-ture that might otherwise be missed.

    Images and inormation on winning and

    shortlisted projects rom recent Euro-

    pean Copper in Architecture Awards

    have been eatured in previous issues

    o Copper Forum and brochures can be

    downloaded rom the websites: www.

    copperino.co.uk/arch and www.cop-

    perconcept.org. Entry orms and details

    o the 2009 Awards are also availableat these websites or via e-mail to: hel-

    [email protected]. Entries must be

    submitted by 31 May 2009 and the win-

    ners will be announced at a presentation

    in London, UK during September 2009

    beore the World Architecture Festival.

    www.copperino.co.uk/arch I www.copperconcept.org

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    25COPPER FORUM 25/08

    It will be a pleasure to chair the 14th series o the Copper in Archi-

    tecture Awards. Te standard o architecture in the submitted entries,

    and the imaginative use o this attractive material, has increased

    signicantly in recent years, with the 13th Awards setting a very high

    standard indeed or those taking part in the coming year.

    Architecture is an international activity these days, and the gradualevolution o the awards scheme to refect the increasing specication

    o copper by architects working outside as well as inside their own

    countries has been appropriate and worthwhile.

    I look orward to a stimulating day o judging in 2009, and to meet-

    ing the winners in due course.

    Paul Finch, Editor, The Architectural Review

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    26 COPPER FORUM 25/08

    Tee is a lng taditin using cppe and its allys deca-tive embellishments and sculptual eatues, as well as a duable

    extenal suace s, walls and the building elements (1).Althugh this taditin emains alive tday thugh the skill catsman, it des nt play a signicant le in cntempayachitectue.

    At the stat the 20th centuy, the mden mvement he-alded the active emval suace decatin in achitectue summaised in the wds Mies van de rhe: less is me.In this envinment, cppe pved t be paticulaly adept asa cveing the nvel achitectual ms that develped (2).Because its unique chaacteistics, cppe als eed achi-

    tects a slutin t satisying anthe mden mvement manta:m llws unctin.

    And it cntinues t d s tday, as this mden example shwswith a cmplex building m designed as a diect espnse ttechnical wind and snw equiements its Actic lcatin, en-abled by cppe cladding (3). But the the mden mvementced tuth t mateials als held, s that cppe was just usedin at sheets, jinted t suit technical athe than decative e-quiements and with its natual nish simply allwed t changeve time in the envinment.

    Te develpment altenative nishes, clus and suaceseally began twads the end the 20th centuy a pcesswhich cntinues tday. Te inteest in the decative ptential cppe cincided with pst mdenism, cnsideed as the e-tun wit, nament and eeence t achitectue in cntastt the malism the mden mvement. And it seems thatmany achitects ae expling new means expessin thughdecatin but withut etuning t the past.

    COPPER Decoration

    and ArchitectureArchitect Chris Hodson traces the changes in ap-proach by designers to the use o copper as a dec-orative material, leading to the extensive array oarchitectural opportunities available today.

    By Chris Hodson

    Te st steps in adding chice t the taditinal bight millnish cppe sheet wee acty teatments pviding im-mediately the dak bwn xidised cppe a geen, textuedsuace with simila chaacteistics t the natual patina whichtakes seveal yeas t develp. Apat m the bvius benets these pducts, achitects seized the pptunities t use them design statements. F example, this Bitish schl is madeup intelcking cubic ms, each chaacteised by a dieent

    cppe nish (4).

    Te patinatin pcess cppe has always intigued achitectsand they cntinue t exple dieent ceative suace teat-ments. F example, ate cmpletin this shell-like, SpialCa in the Cente Bimingham, an atist specialising inpatinatin was cmmissined t apply a clued nish t theextenal cladding, esulting in a ich, textued and duable ex-tei (5).

    In additin t these altenative suace nishes, new claddingtechniques have als emeged, eing achitects a vaiety textues thei building acades. As well as taditinal cppesheets jinted using standing seams batten lls which havea stuctued appeaance, the lng stip methd was develped geate efciency. Tis methd uses lng, pemed tayst minimise eliminate hizntal jints - and has a pundeect n its appeaance. Achitects have taken this pinciple -wad with stiated cladding t stess hizntality altena-tively veticality whethe in egula me andm bands (6).

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    28 COPPER FORUM 25/08

    COPPER Decoration and Architecture

    othe techniques ae als ppula such as cppe shingles thate a distinctive sh scale appeaance using a vaiety shapesincluding squaes, diamnds and hmbids (7). F a melinea appeaance, cppe panels pe-med n tw sides canbe used vetically, hizntally diagnally, while cassettes inme squae pptins give lage aeas at cppe suace.

    Mst ecently, allys such as bass and bnze, and a glden al-ly cppe and aluminium have been develped achitec-tual applicatins. Again, achitects have seized upn these p-ptunities t exple decative teatments eectively plainaeas. In this Middlesbugh pject, egula bands metalcladding becme abstact by the inteplay glden cppe al-ly panels with bth mi and mat stainless steel (8).

    Tis tend making a at elevatin int a piece public atis gwing. Anthe ecently cmpleted example this time acental Lndn htel cmbines bass and glden cppe al-lys t give appaently andm, abstact clued decatin tan thewise at, egula aade (9). But at clse quates, thevaiety and natual chaacteistics the cppe allys add ich-ness t the suaces, binging them t lie (10).

    With the ecently develped ms cppe, its peceptin asjust a slid, igid sheet is being bken dwn. In this example,buildings ae encased with a quilted cutain cppe ally wie

    mesh (11). Te phsph bnze mesh panels ae held in tensin,etaining exibility and giving a emakable tactile quality (12).

    A key wd in achitectual design tday is tanspaency, withachitects expling sceens in nt glazed acades insme cases within the glazing assembly. Geneally they ptect

    glazing m the sun and pehaps cntl views int the build-ing whilst allwing views ut. But, cuse, these sceens helpt dene the achitectue a building and cppe slutins

    ae paticulaly ppula. In the simplest m, expanded cppesheets give a egula pattens ve glazed acades (13). Lightevesins ae als used, in this case in the m a 1mm thickcppe net (14).

    Peated metal sheet is a well-used cmpnent intenalbuilding ttings and unitue but peated cppe has caughtthe imaginatins many achitects with its tanspaent quali-ties and suace decatin pssibilities acades. In this Lux-embug example, an iegula design peatins is simplyeplicated n all panels, which ae then juxtapsed tgethe a me andm suace (15).

    But pbably the mst innvative intepetatin this tech-nique and n a maj scale can be und at achitects He-zg & De Meuns de Yung Museum in San Fancisc, USA(16). Tis massive building is cmpletely shuded in a pe-ated cppe skin. Te patten peatins is nt egula butgeneated by images tee liage tanslated nt the cppe invaying hle sizes. Tis pcess mis the visual eects dap-pled tee shading acss the buildings extenal suaces. Addedt this cmplexity is the achitects intentin that pevailingwinds n the site will acceleate the patinatin pcess t smeelevatins, ceating a natual vaiety clus t the tanspa-ent veil.

    The approach taken with the de Young Museum exemplies how

    architects today are exploring new ways to use the unique characte-

    ristics and opportunities o copper or architectural decoration.

    7 8

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    29COPPER FORUM 25/08

    COPPER Decoration and Architecture






    29COPPER FORUM 25/08

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    30 COPPER FORUM 25/08

    he lng awaited BrE (Buildingreseach Establishment) GeenGuide t Specicatin has nwbeen launched in the UK. Althugh dis-cussins will cntinue between the cp-pe industy and BrE t eslve smeissues, the Guide pvides independentendsement the lw envinmen-tal impact bth cppe ng andcladding. Te Geen Guide is a new,n-line tl available at www.thegeen-guide.g.uk - pviding achitects withstaightwad and independent guid-ance n making the best envinmentalchices building mateials. It lks atspecicatins cmplete building ele-ments, including stuctue, insulatin, weathepng and intenal nishes -nt individual mateials. It then ates a wide ange these elements m A+ best envinmental pemance tE the wst, using Lie Cycle Analy-sis (LCA) techniques.

    COPPER RATEDTe cppe industy has been wkingalngside BrE sme time, pvidingthe mst ppula cppe-based ng

    and walling specicatins cnsid-eatin in the Guide, tgethe with themst cuent LCA data. All the cppe-nished s and mst cppe wall clad-ding specicatins achieved the best A+ A summay atings. Even the ewcladding specicatins with lwe at-ings culd easily be impved by eplac-

    ing paticula cmpnents but nt thecppe cladding itsel - with me sus-tainable altenatives, smething that thecppe industy is still expling withBrE.

    Apat m pviding achitects withuseul guidance when selecting matei-als, Guide atings m an imptantcmpnent the envinmental as-sessment tls such as BrEEAM 2008and the Cde Sustainable Hmes.BrEEAM is the Building reseach Es-tablishments Envinmental AssessmentMethd, a widely used envinmentalassessment methd buildings in theUK and the cunties, with the new

    vesin taking eect m August 2008.Vaius vesins BrEEAM 2008 havebeen ceated t suit cmmn buildingtypes such as healthcae, schls, in-dustial, fces, etail, law cuts andpisns - as well as a bespke vesin thes types building. With BrEEAM2008, cedits ae awaded in nine categ-ies accding t pemance and addedtgethe t pduce a single veall scen a scale anging m Pass t the new-

    ly added outstanding categy.

    SUSTAINABLE HOMESA simila appach is als taken with theCde Sustainable Hmes, which e-places BrEEAM Echmes. Hmes aeated m Cde Level 1 abve egu-laty standads t the highest Level 6,

    GREEN COPPERIn the last issue o Copper Forum (24/2008) architect Chris Hodson repor-

    ted on sustainability considerations or building construction in the UK.

    Since then, there has been a rush o developments which impact on theenvironmental credentials o copper in architecture, with important les-

    sons or other countries as well.

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    31COPPER FORUM 25/08

    By Chris Hodson

    an aspiatinal standad based n zecabn emissins the dwelling andhigh pemance acss a ll envinmen-tal categies. Te Bitish gvenmenthas cnmed that it is mandaty all

    new hmes t have a ating against theCde and it is als expected that natinalbuilding egulatins acss the UK willne day equie new husing t achievespecic Levels.

    F use mateials, bth BrEEAM2008 and the Cde SustainableHmes include cedits diectly elatedt BrE Geen Guide atings key ele-ments such as extenal walls and s.Tese cedits ange m 3 an A+Guide ating t 0.25 D and nne E atings. S, we can see that selectingcnstuctins made up envinmen-tally sund mateials has a diect inu-ence n the sustainability assessment buildings. And in utue, this in tunwill detemine whethe nt the build-ing cmplies with UK law.

    THE GREEN HOUSEHweve, it is still ealy days the Cde Sustainable Hmes and thee ae ewexamples achieving the highe Levelsbuilt yet. But n ne new huse achiev-ing the highest Level 6, cppe claddinghelps demnstate that thee is n easn why meeting the highest sustainabilitystandads shuld stie achitectual de-sign. opened in May this yea, Geen

    Huse is the st hme by a vlumehuse-builde t achieve Cde Level 6.Designed by Gaunt Fancis Achitects, itaims t make sustainable husing main-steam and is designed as a test bed

    Cde-cmpliant mateials, technlgies,systems and stategies - with ptential mass pductin in mind. Tis p-ttype building will be igusly testedve the next tw yeas t assess its de-sign, cnstuctin and mateials. GeenHuse achieved an veall sce 15Cde cedits its key mateials.

    Cppe was chsen by the achitects its special achitectual claddingqualities t cntast with white endeed walls, alngside its sund envinmen-tal cedentials. Te thee-stey, thee-bedm amily hme was specicallydesigned t lk me cnventinal thanits neighbuing pjects at the BrE In-nvatin Pak - cmpising the mst p-gessive, expeimental, sustainable hmesin Eupe. Geen Huse has pved veyppula with cnsumes as well, winningthe 2007 Hme the Futue cmpe-titin with 22,000 eades a natinal

    newspape vting it.

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    32 COPPER FORUM 25/08

    Helsinki Music Housecurrent status

    Ola Laiho, architect SAFA

    Helsinki Music House is an im-portant investment in Finnishculture at the start o the third mil-

    lennium. Once completed, it will

    play an essential role in the Finnish

    music lie.

    The decision on the construction

    o the Music House was made atthe beginning o summer 2008, ol-

    lowing an implementation design

    stage based on an architectural

    competition, and a long decision-

    making process.

    The Music House will be located on

    a central plot in downtown Helsinki,

    opposite the Parliament House, in

    the vicinity o the National Museum,

    the Finlandia House, Kiasma andthe railway station. Copper as a ma-

    terial contributes signicantly to the


    Esko Miettinen, architect SAFA

    Te winnes the design cmpetitin the Helsinki Music Huse wee an-nunced in 2000. Te lcatin theHuse in the l Bay aea had beenselected n the basis extensive studies,delibeatins and public debate.

    At the st stage the cmpetitin, 243appved enties wee eceived. Six them wee awaded as shwing mst p-tential develpment. Te secnd stagewas pen all the paticipants wh hadsubmitted an appved enty at the ststage, i.e. almst seventy enties. Te juychse a mezza vice as the winne, andthe cuent designs ae pimaily basedn the slutin pesented in this winningenty.

    Te pimay bjective the lcatin andlayut the building masses as well asthe envinmental appach has been tpduce an integal and peaceul genealappeaance the building. Te Huseis xed t the envinmental cdinates,with the tw sides the main mass l-lwing the diectins the FinlandiaHuse and the Paliament Huse, whilethe tallest pat the main mass cntin-ues alng the easten wall suace theKaamzin Pak. Te tallest sectins the building ae als as clse t the geenzne as pssible t ceate an impessin a cntinuing belt public buildingsint the pak.

    Te pen glass side the Music Husedisplays the activities caied ut insidethe building and cnnects it with theme ecent buildings and achitectuen the east side the aea. Te me sl-id aade n the steet side is a peatedcppe aade with geen patinatin,

    seeking cntact with the buildings in theEtu-l twn blck and the ush pakaeas.

    Te Paliament Huse is a signicantcntibut t the layut the squae.Te view dwn m the stais theMusic Huse twad the paks and u-the t the Paliament Huse is pen.Te inclined deck the lwe buildingpat has been teated like a pak envi-nment, descending twad suth andgiving space t Kiasmas independentachitectue.

    Te entance squae at the same level with Manneheimintie rad cntin-ues as a pedestian and bicycle ad tKiasma and as a tpath dwn t theevent squae at l Bay level. Tis citi-zen squae has been designed as a venue utd cncets and simila events, with the uppe inclined deck, Manne-heimintie rad and even the stais thePaliament Huse pviding me space spectats. Te pductins ealisedin the Music Huse als intenatin-al music events culd in the utue beshwn n a giant sceen eected n thesquae.

    Point-xed glass wall in the oyer, suspended rom glasssupports. The concert hall mass is seen behind the oyer,and the administrative ac ilities are above the oyer.

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    33COPPER FORUM 25/08

    ClientKOY Helsinki Music House

    End-usersSibelius Academy / Senate Properties

    Helsinki Filharmonia HKOFinnish Radio Symphony Orchestra RSO

    Project Management ConsultantISS-Proko Oy

    Main/Architectural/Interior designLPR-arkkitehdit Oy

    Acoustic designNagata Acoustics Inc.

    Insinritoimisto Akukon Oy

    Structural designInsinritoimisto Mikko Vahanen Oy

    Insinritoimisto Oy Matti Ollila & Co

    Site plan

    Green mass as a continuation o the park zone

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    34 COPPER FORUM 25/08

    Te Client has dened penness as an bjective the Mu-sic Huse. Te aim has been t ceate an active cnnectinbetween the Huse and its envinment and t pvide an as-sembly place the audience.

    Te Huse wishes t acilitate inteactin between music

    pessinals, students and spectats. Te lbby pat thebuilding that is cnnected with the event squae is designedas a mainly pen space visits, with dieent music eventsganised in the vaius pats the lbby. Te ye aeas aeduing the day utilised as caeteia and exhibitin acilities.

    Te secnd entance t the building at the l Bay levelals pvides access t the main lbby and uthe t the ye.Te glass walls the ye pen up twad the pak views,the event squae in the suth and the dwntwn pats theCity. Te ce the building, a vineyad type cncet hall isaccessed m the inged ye level and the wall between thetw pats cnsists tw sund absbing glass walls thughwhich the cate like cncet hall can be seen m the yeand lbby aeas. Te visual cnnectin can be blcked by acutain lweed int the space between the glass walls. Tecncet hall seats 1650 spectats, patly n the aily nawgalley level.

    In additin t the cncet hall, thee will be ve smalle musicms, each with 150-300 seats. Te pupse use eachm has been taken int accunt in the design the acusticeatues. Tis makes it pssible t pem dieent types music in a cental lcatin in dwntwn Helsinki. Te gundlevel the building cntains the cncet hall stage, the e-heasal ms and the lading aea. Mst the atists ms bth chestas ae als lcated n this level, und thetw atiums. Te administative acilities the Music Huseand the chestas ccupy the tp pat the tall ye n thesuth side.

    Te classms and the fces the Sibelius Academy aeguped n seven s und the atium that lks twadthe Kaamzin Pak. Te public music libay and the studis

    the Academy ae lcated n the tw lwe s, nea thegund lbby.

    Te undatin engineeing wks as well as the cnstuctin the maintenance tunnel unde lnlahti Steet ae cu-ently unde way n the Music Huse plt. Te csts ae stillbeing claied as the plans pgess and develp. Te MusicHuse is estimated t be cmpleted in 2010.

    East elevation

    South elevation


    Floor plan, 2nd foor

    Floor plan, ground foor

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    35COPPER FORUM 25/08

    Green aades o pre-patinated copper on the tall building mass

    Foyer with beams and columns o steel constructionVineyard type concert hall. 1:10 acoustic scale model

    Lobby with the bridge o steel construction in Sibelius Academy

    Foyer acilities on the side o Citizen Park

    35COPPER FORUM 25/08

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    36 COPPER FORUM 25/08


    luxurious Stella Maris

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    37COPPER FORUM 25/08

    Elements o a luxury hotelin an apartment building

    A company called OOO Settle City com-missioned Architectural Oce Gerasimov

    and co with S.V. Petrova as the main architect

    to design the apartment building. Te aade

    o the building consists o our dierent units

    connected by bright glass-walled lobbies. Te

    19-apartment Stella Maris is not ar rom the

    centre, on the beautiul Ristisaari Island. Te

    island is in the River Neva Delta, where local

    people oten gather to enjoy their leisure time.

    It is easy to reach by underground. Tere are

    a lot o other highly respectable houses and

    parks on the island that people go to see and

    admire or their architecture.

    Stella Maris has its own granite street lead-

    ing up to the building. Instead o the ordi-

    nary, usually boring staircases, the building

    welcomes those who enter with bright and

    spacious lobbies. Te building also eatures a

    beautiul conservatory where the lucky resi-

    dents can enjoy an ever-lasting summer round

    the year. In the building there is also a SPA

    department and a gym, which enables the resi-

    dents to keep ft without stepping outside. Te

    basement also houses a sae car park, and boat

    owners can dock right in ront o the building.

    Anything that the residents could possibly de-

    sire is certain to be available.

    Tis type o community could also be called

    a big amily as the residents can spend time

    together on common premises. With shared

    acilities it is, o course, extremely importan

    that the residents have similar values and en

    joy each others company. All this has bee

    taken into consideration in the marketin

    o the apartments, and the buyers are care

    ully selected. Tis guarantees that the luxur

    homes will hold their value and be attractiv

    to uture buyers, too.

    The Nordic Green PLUS copper onthe roo

    As a whole, Stella Maris is the ultimate i

    class with nothing but the best materials use

    in construction. Te exceptional shape o th

    roo draws a passer-bys attention, and th

    our roo arcs can be seen as waves in the sea

    Te aade o the building has a lot o glass

    which means the inside is bathed in light and

    oers magnifcent views o the river. Finnish

    copper manuactured by Luvata Pori Oy ha

    been used or the roo. Te malleable materia

    is easy to shape, so the creation o the curve

    and bends o the building involved no di

    culty. Te shade o colour used is the patin

    green Nordic Green PLUS to match the sur

    roundings and complement the combinatio

    o glass and brown rock. Te superb Stell

    Maris won a silver medal in the Rakennus

    taide Architectural Competition in 2007. T

    apartments under the glowing copper roo

    are certain to live up to the expectations o

    the most demanding resident.

    The ve-storey Stella Maris apartment building is a ne example o mo-dern architecture and high-class homes in todays St Petersburg. Side byside with the old and historically valuable buildings there are luxury homes

    that represent the latest in modern architecture and eature every concei-

    vable service under one roo. Architects have been able to come up with and

    implement innovative ideas more or less unheard-o in ordinary building con-

    struction. Stella Maris is one o these ascinating buildings, and it was awar-

    ded a silver medal in the Rakennustaide 2007 Architectural Competition.

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    38 COPPER FORUM 25/08

    Architects Heikki and Kaija Siren won the invitational

    design competition in 1960 and the Building was com-

    pleted in 1968.

    Te design cncept the building is built n a cicle placedat the jint tw ectangula cdinate systems unning indieent diectins. It thus ceates a link in the twnscape. Tebase diamete the building is 76.4 m and the depth the

    ame is 17.2 m.

    Te cicula building is an fce blck with cmmecial aci-lities n the gund . Te cubic vlume the building is125 000 m3.

    Te building displays sme mdenistic achitectual elements,such as the cntinuus windws n the aades and the at. Cntinuus windws dminate the aades in a cnsist-ent manne. Te clean gemetic shape the building, n thethe hand, suggests classical achitectue, mdenism withclassical inuences. It culd als be said that the building beasesemblance t the 19th centuy achitectual heitage Hel-sinki. Te asymmetical pats the building ae und in theaea the st tw s.

    Te building envelpe is cveed with mbak (achitectualbnze). Te inmatin n the cmpanies and ganisatinsthat ccupy the building is displayed n the aade as pat the achitectual appeaance the building, with a caeully

    thught-ut elatinship between the text and the aade. Tetext type used in the displayed inmatin has als been de-ned, and the density cntast between the inmatin and thebackgund has been ptimised. N maj deviatins m theplans have ccued ate the building was st cmpleted.

    Te building was envated in 2004. renvatins cveed a ttalaea ca. 36 000 m2 and the cut-yad was als emdelled.Te envatins wee designed by achitect Jukka Sien, whcntinues the wk his paents. Te bjective the enva-tins and the alteatins was t incease light inside the buildingand t mdenise the acilities taking the chaacte the build-ing int accunt.

    Te building has becme patinated ve time. Te ciculabuilding is a signicant element in the twnscape, and the mlanguage and the technical implementatin ae a gd stand-ad. It is an intenatinally knwn bject achitectue.

    Esko Miettinenarchitect SAFA


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