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ВСЕРОССИЙСКАЯ АКАДЕМИЯ ВНЕШНЕЙ ТОРГОВЛИ Минэкономразвития России ________________________________________________________________________________ Кафедра английского языка факультета экономистов-международников Ю.Г. Александрова УЧЕБНОЕ ПОСОБИЕ ПО АНГЛИЙСКОМУ ЯЗЫКУ ДЛЯ УЧАЩИХСЯ 11 КЛАССА ЛИЦЕЯ 1574 (ЧАСТЬ 1) Учебное пособие для учащихся Лицея 1574 Москва ВАВТ 2011

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Минэкономразвития России ________________________________________________________________________________

Кафедра английского языка факультета экономистов-международников

Ю.Г. Александрова



Учебное пособие для учащихся Лицея 1574

Москва ВАВТ 2011

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Минэкономразвития России ________________________________________________________________________________

Кафедра английского языка факультета экономистов-международников

Ю.Г. Александрова

Учебное пособие по английскому языку для учащихся 11 класса лицея 1574 (Часть 1)

Учебное пособие для учащихся лицея 1574

Рекомендовано кафедрой протокол заседания № 9 от 16 мая 2011 года Одобрено Редакционно-издательским Советом ВАВТ

Москва ВАВТ 2011

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УДК 811.111 ББК 81.2 Англ. А-465 Александрова Ю.Г. А-465 Учебное пособие по английскому языку для учащихся 11 класса лицея

1574 (Часть 1): Учебное пособие для учащихся лицея 1574/ Ю.Г. Александрова; ГОУВПО Всероссийская академия внешней торговли Минэкономразвития России. - М.: ВАВТ, 2011. - 122 c.

Учебное пособие предназначено для учащихся 11 класса и ставит целью

закрепление лексического и грамматического материала, соответствующего уровню Intermediate, а также подготовку к единому государственному экзамену по английскому языку. Учебное пособие состоит из 2-х частей, каждая из которых содержит лексические и грамматические упражнения. Пособие имеет чёткую структуру, удобно в обращении и может использоваться как в аудитории, так и для самостоятельной работы учащихся.

УДК 811.111

ББК 81.2 Англ.

©ГОУВПО ВАВТ Минэкономразвития России, 2011. ©Александрова Ю.Г., 2011.

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Учебное пособие по английскому языку для учащихся 11 класса Лицея 1574. Часть 1


PART I. Contents: pages: 1. Holidays …………………….……………………......................4-15 2. Travel and Transport …………………………………...……..16-27 3. Education and Learning …………………….…………………..28-41 4. Science and Technology………………….……………………...42-54 5. People and Society ……………................................................55-67 6. Shopping. ……………………………….....................................68-73 7. Grammar Focus ……………………………………………….74-111

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Александрова Ю.Г.


TOPIC 1 HOLIDAYS 1. Read the dialogue HOLIDAY PLANS in roles and answer the questions on it. Mary - Have you had your holiday for this year yet, Jane? Jane - Not yet. I’m taking it at the end of September. Mary - Where are you going? Have you made up your mind? Jane - Not really. I thought of going to Spain again, but I’ve already been there twice and I’d like to try somewhere new. Mary - My brother’s just gone to Mexico for two weeks. I had a card from him yesterday and he seems to be having a good time. Why don’t you go there? Jane - That’s O.K. for you well-off people, but I couldn’t possibly afford it. I’m much too hard up at the moment. Mary - The air-fare is quite expensive, I admit, but you needn’t spend a lot when you get there. Jane -I’ve already spent a lot of money this year. My flat was done up last month, so I haven’t got much to spare for expensive holidays abroad. Mary - Oh, I see. Jane -Perhaps I’ll just go to Scotland or Ireland in the end. I’ve heard they’re both very beautiful, and I haven’t been to either of them. Mary -We went to Ireland two years ago to pay Jill and her husband a visit. They’re in Dublin now. Jane -Oh, yes, so they are! Mary -If you decide on Ireland you can call in on them. Jill would willingly put you up for a few days, I’m sure. Jane -That’s a good idea! I haven’t seen Jill for more than three years now and I’d like to know how she’s getting on.

1. Has Jane had a holiday this year? 2. When is she taking a holiday? 3. Where did Mary suggest she should go? 4. Why can’t she go to Mexico? 5. Why is she too hard up at the moment? 6. Where is she planning to go? 7. Why did Mary suggest going to Ireland? 8. Did Jane like the idea?

2. Study the following expressions:

1. holiday/ to be on holiday/ to have a holiday/ public holiday 2. at the end of smth/ in the end 3. to make up one’s mind/to decide/to make a decision/decision-maker 4. well - off 5. to afford to do smth 6. to be hard up 7. to pay smb a visit/ to call (in) on smb 8. to do up a flat 9. willingly – ant. reluctantly 10. to put smb up

3. Phrasal Verbs : PUT to put aside – отложить в сторону to put down – 1) записывать 2) высаживать, давать возможность выйти (пассажирам)

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Учебное пособие по английскому языку для учащихся 11 класса Лицея 1574. Часть 1


to put down to – приписывать to put forward – выдвигать, предлагать (идею, кандидатуру) to put in – прерывать разговор, вставлять слова в разговор to put off (doing) smth – откладывать что-либо на более поздний срок to put off smb – отталкивать to put on – надевать to put on weight – набрать вес to put out – 1) тушить, гасить 2) причинять неудобство to put through to – соединить с to put up – поднять to put up with – мириться с чем-то 3.1. Fill in the gaps with prepositions:

1. I put _______________ his bad temper _____________ his recent illness. 2. Put ______________ all fires before leaving the camping ground. 3. Can you put me ________________ to this number. 4. The smell put me ________________ my food. 5. Can you put us ________________ for the weekend? 6. Make sure that you put _____________ every word she says. 7. Never put _____________ till tomorrow what you can do today. 8. I cannot put ______________ ______________ your behaviour any longer. 9. If I put _______________ another inch, I won’t be able to put _____________ this dress. 10. She put her sewing ________________ when the telephone rang.

3.2. Fill in the gaps with prepositions:

Two weeks ago Pete put ___________ an idea to go for a drive to Monmouthshire, a county located in southeastern Wales. Monmouthshire comprises a lowland region in the south along the Severn estuary and a mountainous region in the north. The area contains signs of Roman occupation, notably at Caerleon, and a number of medieval structures, among them the Tintern Abbey which was put ____________________ in the 13th century. But you should know our company. Ann at once put ____________________ saying she was busy finishing her project. Then Nick offered to put ___________________ all the expenses. To drive by car was pleasant because you could see picturesque scenery and it was possible to stop and put _______________ the passengers when it was necessary. But landlords had put _______________ prices, he said, and it would not be reasonable to put __________________ a hotel. Maybe some of us had relatives or acquaintances in this area to put us _______________ for the night, he added.

There was a moment’s silence and then Charlie put _______________ his head from the book and said that he had an aunt leaving nearby and if we agreed to put ________________ her temper, he would phone her immediately. ‘What do you mean by ‘her temper’?” we asked. ‘You see, she is a strange person. She has never got married, she has lived all her life in her own house and this has made an influence on her. First of all, she wears such odd clothes that everybody thinks she is living in the 1930s. So, don’t pay attention to what dress she put ______________. Then, she is fond of putting __________________ the lights. Maybe she thinks it a great economy, but it irritates. She puts ________________ all the expenses and our visit will be a waste of money for her unless we promise to compensate everything for her being put ______________. And the last but not the least: her hobby is putting _______________ all conversations,” Charlie explained. Of course, we were not rich people, but to put _________________ the extravagance of Charlie’s aunt was beyond us. It was decided to put ______________ the trip for a week and to put ________________ a small village inn.

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Александрова Ю.Г.


4. Read the text below and decide which answer (A,B,C or D) best fits each gap. BRITISH HOLIDAYMAKERS The traditional British holiday at home is not dead. In fact, it could be making a comeback. Because of worries about traveling abroad, many British people have decided to investigate (1) … a lot closer to home. Popular (2) … such as Brighton in the south and Scarborough or Blackpool in the north have never really lost their (3) … . However, some seaside towns, which until recently have struggled, are attracting more holidaymakers. Once they get there, holidaymakers need to be able to get around. While the car is still preferred, the majority of tourists will try at least one other (4) … of transport during their holiday. Trains, for instance. Although few people would choose to start their two week break by taking the (5) … train, a large number of them will enjoy the luxury of a restored wooden carriage on one of the many historical (6) … in operation around the country. And for those who do make it to the sea, many are tempted by a (7) … ride to nearby islands or a short (8) … on a pleasure boat. We may not be tempted by the prospect of a three-week (9) … to exotic and (10) … countries, but our love of the sea is clearly not lost. However, a quick look inside the (11) … lounges of our major airports will confirm that we are still queuing up in our thousands to (12) … in for a flight in search of the one thing the British Isles cannot guarantee – sunshine.

1 A reports B arrivals C cultures D resorts 2 A destinations B directions C venues D excursions 3 A popularity B fame C growth D inhabitants 4 A way B method C means D sort 5 A direct B express C rapid D delayed 6 A platforms B runways C rails D railways 7 A transport B ferry C sail D ship 8 A run B package C cruise D ticket 9 A voyage B sail C flight D travel 10 A distant B away C further D long 11 A departure B going C exit D holiday 12 A book B register C check D go

5. Read the text A DAY AT THE SEASIDE and do the following tasks: 1. What are the things that might spoil a typical day at the seaside? 2. Does the author mention any of the things you listed in 1? 3. Decide which of the following statements are true and which are false. a) The author … 1. enjoys the prospect of a day on the beach. 2. isn’t very proud of his body. 3. doesn’t get bad sunburn. b) The author’s wife …. 1. is looking forward to a day on the beach. 2. doesn’t usually get her own way. 3. says that Irish setters are very clean. c) The author’s youngest child … 1. is very demanding. 2. is called Jimmy. 3. needed to go to the toilet.

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Учебное пособие по английскому языку для учащихся 11 класса Лицея 1574. Часть 1


A DAY AT THE SEASIDE by Bill Bryson Bill Bryson was born in America but lived for many years in England. He’s the best-selling author of many humorous travel books. Every year, about this time, my wife wakes me up with a playful slap and says? “I’ve got an idea. Let’s drive for three hours to the ocean, take off most of our clothes and sit on some sand for a whole day.” ‘What for?’ I will say warily.

‘It will be fun,’ she will insist. ‘I don’t think so,’ I will reply. ‘People find it disturbing when I take my shirt off in public. I

find it disturbing.’ ‘No, it will be great. We’ll get sand in our shoes. We’ll get sand in our sandwiches and then

in our mouths. We’ll get sunburned and windburned. And when we get tired of sitting, we can have a paddle of water so cold it actually hurts. At the end of the day, we’ll set off at the same time as 37,000 other people and get in such a traffic jam that we won’t get home till midnight. I can make interesting observations about your driving skills, and the children can pass the time sticking each other with sharp objects. It will be such fun.’

The tragic thing is that because my wife is English, and therefore beyond the reach of reason where saltwater is concerned, she really will think it’s fun. Frankly, I have never understood the British attachment to the seaside.

So when, last weekend, my wife suggested that we take a drive to the sea, I put my foot down and said, ‘Never – absolutely not,’ which is of course why we ended up, three hours later, at Kennebunk Beach in Maine. On arrival, our youngest – I’ll call him Jimmy in case he should one day become a lawyer–surveyed the scene and said, ‘OK, Dad, here’s the situation. I need an ice cream, a Li-Lo, a deluxe bucket and spade set, a hot dog, some candy floss, an inflatable dinghy, scuba equipment, my own water slide, a cheese pizza with extra cheese and a toilet.’ ‘They don’t have those things here, Jimmy,’ I chuckled. ‘I really need the toilet.’ I reported this to my wife. ‘Then you’ll have to take him to Kennebunkport,’ she said serenely from beneath a preposterous sun hat. By the time we found a toilet, little Jimmy didn’t need to go any more, so we returned to the beach. By the time we got there, some hours later, I discovered that everyone had gone off for a swim, and there was only one half-eaten sandwich left. I sat on a towel and nibbled at the sandwich. ‘Oh look, Mummy,’ said number two daughter gaily when they emerged from the surf a few minutes later. ‘ Daddy’s eating the sandwich the dog had.’ ‘Tell me this isn’t happening,’ I began to whimper. ‘Don’t worry, dear,’ my wife said soothingly, ‘It was an Irish setter. They are very clean’. I don’t remember much after that. I just had a little nap and woke to find that Jimmy was burying me up to my chest in sand – which was fine, except that he had started at my head – and I managed to get so sunburned that a dermatologist invited me to a convention in Cleveland the following week as an exhibit. We lost the car keys for two hours, the Irish setter came back and stole one of the beach towels, then nipped me on the hand for eating his sandwich and number two daughter got tar in her hair. It was a typical day at the seaside, in other words. ‘Lovely,’ said my wife. ‘We must do that again soon.’ And the heartbreaking thing is she really meant it.

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Александрова Ю.Г.


6. Use the underlined words and expressions to complete the questions. Then answer the questions.

a) What would you use to remove _____________ from the bottom of your feet? b) What qualifications do you think are necessary to become a ____________________? c) When was the last time you ______________ in the sea? d) Have you ever had to pump up a Li-Lo or an ________________? e) Has a dog ever _________________ you on the leg? f) When you were a kid, in what sort of situations would your teacher ________________ and

not allow you to do something? g) Under what circumstances would you give somebody a ______________ on the back? h) Do you know anyone who always _________________ after lunch?

7. Think of a family holiday you went on when you were a child. You are going to tell your partner about it. The questions below may help you to do it. Where did you go? Who chose the holiday destination? Was it the first time you’d been there or had you been there before? Who went on this holiday with you? How did you get there? Was it a good place for a holiday? Where did you stay? How did you spend your time there? Did everybody have a good time or was there somebody who didn’t enjoy the holiday very much? Have you been back to the same place since you were a child? 8. Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line.

SCHOOL HOLIDAYS While this year’s school holidays are still quite fresh in the memory. It is perhaps the best time to begin making _________________________ for next year. Ask yourself how it went this year. Perhaps you only went as far as the ______________________________ video shop to rent a film. If this sounds like you, now is the time to consider your _____________________________ for next year and there is a huge choice of organizations _______________________ for teenagers’ tastes. Firstly, think about where you want to go. The first step in any holiday is deciding on a __________________. Do you want to travel abroad? If so, it is usually cheaper to go on a _______________________ holiday. Then again, perhaps you are the kind of person who needs to be active on holiday. If you’re the ______________________ type who likes nothing more than a wide range of new and exciting _______________________ to try out an adventure holiday could be just the challenge you need. Above all, make sure you don’t turn next year’s holiday into a struggle for ________________________ . Having a good time can sometimes be an ____________________ in itself.


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Учебное пособие по английскому языку для учащихся 11 класса Лицея 1574. Часть 1


9. This is part of a letter from your English friend, who writes … It was great to hear that you went to …(country) during your summer holidays. I have always wanted to visit this wonderful country. Did you enjoy your journey? What places of interest did you visit? What impressed you most of all? Did you like the hotel? As to my family news, my aunt Alice came to visit us … Drop me a line when you can. Lots of love, Mary Write a letter to Mary. In your letter answer her questions about your journey to … (country) and ask three questions about her aunt. Write 100-140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing. ♫10. You are going to hear two women talking about a holiday in France. Read the sentences, and choose the best option: A,B, or C to complete the statements about the recording. (Exam Excellence Unit 11 8 23) 1. Paula’s friend says that A. She has been ill. B. Paula doesn’t look very well. C. she is pleased to see Paula. 2. Before the trip , Paula A. was enthusiastic about it. B. wanted to go to the Lake District. C. didn’t tell anybody she was going. 3. Before Mark and Paula went to Paris, A. Mark’s boss didn’t want him to go. B. Paula arranged for somebody to look after the hamster. C. Paula’s sister promised to look after the children. 4. The journey across the Channel A. was very smooth. B. was unpleasant for Paula. C. lasted eight hours. 5. The only thing Paula liked about Paris was A. the weather. B. the accommodation. C. the shops. 6. The return trip from Paris was A. disturbed by a flood. B. an enjoyable experience. C. earlier than planned.

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Александрова Ю.Г.


11. You are going to read an article from the travel section of a newspaper about Lima, the capital of Peru. For questions 1-8, choose the answer (A,B,C or D) which you think fits best according to the text.

As large numbers of European tourists begin to tire of the delights of inexpensive sun and sand on the coasts of their own continent, travel agents are putting together trips to more and more exotic destinations which don’t normally come up in the post-Christmas ‘where are we going this year?’ discussion. One city which is beginning to appear in more and more brochures is Lima, the capital of Peru. From surfing on the Pacific beaches of Punta Hermosa to exploring history in the National Museum, Lima has something to appeal to everyone.

Today’s Lima is a huge city of almost 8 million people. The population is very mixed, consisting of native South Americans, mestizos (people of mixed native and European origins) and Europeans, particularly Spanish. The mestizos have long been the largest group, but the make-up of the city has changed over time. Large numbers of native people have moved out of the countryside and into Lima. Although many of them have managed to adapt to city life and have become wealthier than they were in the country, many live in areas known as pueblos jovenes (young towns), which don’t have modern facilities yet.

It was the Spanish who conquered this area in the sixteenth century, and despite the modern development which took place during the twentieth century, their influence can still be seen in some historical buildings. Amongst the skyscrapers and luxury hotels, attractions such as Lima Cathedral stand out. In spite of the earthquake which have forced rebuilding and which still shake the area from time to time, the cathedral is a beautiful reminder of the history of the city.

The climate makes it an attractive place to visit at any time of the year. Visitors should bear in mind that it is south of the equator, so the seasons are reversed compared to Europe. The geography of the area, including hills, valleys and coastal areas, means that conditions can vary considerably from one district to the next. The morning fog that hang over the coast of the Surco area in winter, for example, could appear on the same day the next district, La Molina, enjoys warm sunny weather. Unusually for such a large city, there is almost no rainfall, although summer showers occasionally come down from the mountains in the evening. One of the things that strikes any visitor is the cuisine. The mixed population means that many influences are combined, from native and Spanish dishes to more recent tastes, such as Chinese and other Asian food. Lima’s seafood restaurants are quickly gaining an international reputation and provide the perfect spot from which to watch the Lima nightlife pass by.

Getting around Lima can present challenges, even to experienced travelers, but a little patience (and perhaps a little Spanish!) goes a long way. Buses and taxis are generally cheap, and the new Metropolitano system, which the mayor hopes to introduce, will mean that buses run in special lanes and get to their destination without getting caught up in the Lima traffic. The rail service, the Lima Metro, provides a limited service, since the planned system is still in the process of being completed. 1. More people are considering going to Lima on holiday because A. they can avoid crowds of tourists there. B. it is cheaper than holidaying in Europe. C. you can do things there you can’t do in Europe. D. they are bored with resorts closer to home. 2. Most people in Lima are A. mestizos. B. of Spanish origin. C. native South Americans. D. of European origin.

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3. The population of Lima has grown due to A. an increase in the number of houses available. B. the number of Spanish people moving there. C. problems faced by people in areas outside the city. D. an increase in the number of mestizos. 4. Lima Cathedral is an example of A. modern architecture in Peru. B. modern development spoiling Lima. C. a building that looks Spanish. D. native South American architecture. 5. Which of the following are you unlikely to see in Lima? A. fog in Surco in July B. light rain in the evening in December C. sunny winter days in La Molina D. heavy rain in Surco 6. The food in the restaurants in Lima is A. simple and traditional. B. becoming more famous. C. just like Spanish food. D. unpopular with tourists. 7. What does the writer suggest might help in traveling around Lima? A. knowing the local language B. only taking short trips C. asking people to be patient with you D. planning a route which avoids the traffic 8. The general impression of Lima the writer wants to give is of a city A. where people don’t live well. B. with a lot of history which has developed rapidly. C. where different groups of people struggle against each other. D. that travelers will find difficult and frustrating. 12. Read the text below and decide which answer (A,B,C or D) best fits each gap. ALTERNATIVE HOLIDAYS The concept of exotic holidays is not new. (1) …. And other travel packages to tropical locations have long been popular and are more (2) … now than ever. The wealthy have gone on trips to exotic places since the nineteenth century, but now ordinary people have enough money for this kind of holiday. (3) … are increasingly interested in doing something different and want more exciting (4) … . A number of tour companies have responded with a new (5) … of options, including African safaris.

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Going on safari is a totally (6) … form of holiday. (7) … by a safari guide, groups travel into the African wilderness to experience close up the (8) … of the wild. Being so close to the animals is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. (9) … species, which are (10) … seen outside the zoo, provide a great (11) … . On safari, you see the animals in their natural environment, behaving as they do normally. Safaris aren’t for everyone, however – especially those who are easily (12) …!

1 A Decks B Cabins C Traffic D Cruises 2 A sensitive B affordable C logical D effective 3 A Guides B Spectators C Guests D Holidaymakers 4 A journey B trip C travel D movement 5 A collection B mixture C range D combination 6 A unique B sole C singular D lone 7 A Accepted B Delayed C Accompanied D Developed 8 A scare B thrill C trauma D fright 9 A Environmental B Obsolete C Extinct D Endangered 10 A gradually B rarely C only D frequently 11 A event B attraction C show D invitation 12 A tempted B disgusted C frightened D horrified

13. Read the article on tourism. Several phrases have been removed from the article. Fill in the gaps with the suitable phrases. There is one extra phrase. A. who have ‘been there and done that’ B. through a small, locally run firm called Amadiba Adventures C. that were trying to look like the Mediterranean D. because they will benefit from it E. which offers them the opportunity to make huge profits from tourism F. as that region becomes more integrated into the global economy G. when Africans first realized that tourism might be a way out of poverty H. that the standard two-week beach holiday is becoming less popular


Back in the 1980s and early 1990s, 1________________, they built big concrete hotels on the beaches of Kenya, South Africa and other countries. For some time numerous charter flights came from Germany and Italy. Tourists hoping to see lions in nature reserves – but also expecting to enjoy the comforts of home – packed into overcrowded resorts 2 ______________. That was then. Fortunately, a new kind of travel is in fashion now. Today’s tourists are leaving the European-style hotels for more authentic experiences, like horseback-riding through the bush. Sitting by the fire at night after a typical dinner of meat stew, pumpkin leaves and wild spinach, they listen to the local Xhosa people telling folk stories. This experience is not offered by a multinational tour operator but by the Xhosa themselves, 3 ___________________. The money they earn will provide the Xhosa tour guides with an income two and a half times the average local wage. In many ways, this off-the-beaten-track holiday represents the future of global tourism. Despite difficulties., international and domestic tourism is expected to grow fast over the next two decades. WQhile a global recession and the terrorist attacks of 9/11 pushed down tourist numbers in 2001 for the first time since 1982, the impact was less than many had expected. Longer-term trends, including a rise in global wealth, improving transport technology, cheaper flights and the use of the Internet as a travel tool, will make it possible for more people around the world to travel than ever

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before. Last year there were 693 million international tourist arrivals. The World Tourism organization expects that number to increase to more than 1 billion by 2010. Tomorrow’s tourists will come from new places; the number of Asian, and particularly Chinese, tourists is predicted to explode 4 __________________. Future tourists will also want to do different things. While sun-and-sea tourism still dominates, overcrowding and time pressures mean 5 ________________. Rather than spending two weeks on a beach, Americans and Europeans are now taking shorter but more varied trips, causing the rapid development of adventure travel, ecotourism, cultural tours, spa holidays, cruises and sports vacations in ever more distant places: China, the Maldives, Botswana. Western travelers 6 ___________________ choose more exotic, individualized experiences. Local governments and firms are trying hard to satisfy this new demand, 7 _________________.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

14. Answer the following questions: 1. What famous tourist spots do you know? Which countries are they in? Have you been to any of them? 2. As a tourist, have you ever:

- been on a package holiday? - bought souvenirs? (What? Where?) - taken lots of photographs? (What of? Who? Where?) - filmed your holiday with a camcorder? (What? Who? Where?) - written your name in a visitors’ book or on a wall or building? (What? Where?)

15. Read the text “DEATH BY TOURISM” and do the tasks on it. Does tourism ruin everything that it touches? By Arnold Baker At the entrance to one of the ruined temples of Petra in Jordan, there is an inscription chiseled into the soft red rock. It looks as if it has been there for centuries. It could have been carved by one of king Herod’s soldiers, when they were imprisoned in the town in 40 BC. But closer inspection reveals that it is not so ancient after all. It reads: Shane and Wendy from Sydney were there. April 16th 1996. The ruins of Petra were discovered in 1810 by a Swiss explorer, and a recent report has just concluded that ‘they are in grave danger of being destroyed by the unstoppable march of tourism.’ More than 4,000 tourists a day tramp through Petra’s rocky tombs. They wear away the soft red sandstone to powder and (occasionally!) scratch their names into the rock. It is not just Petra that is under threat of destruction. More than 600 million tourists a year now travel the globe, and vast numbers of them want to visit the world’s most treasured sites: the Parthenon, the Taj Mahal, Stonehenge, the national parks of Kenya. The tourist industry will soon be the largest industry in the world, and it has barely reached its 50th birthday. Many places that once were remote are now part of package tours. Will nothing put a stop to the growth of tourism? A brief history of tourism The Romans probably started it with their holiday villas in the Bay of Naples. In the 19th century, the education of the rich and privileged few was not complete without a Grand Tour of Europe’s cultural sites. Things started to change for ordinary people in 1845 when Thomas Cook, of Leicester, England, organized the first package tour. By 1939, an estimated one million people were traveling abroad for holidays each year.

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It is in the last three decades of the 20th century that tourism has really taken off. Tourism has been industrialized: landscapes, cultures, cuisines, and religions are consumer goods displayed in travel brochures. Tourism today The effects of tourism since the 1960 have been incredible. To take just a few examples:

• The Mediterranean shores have a resident population of 130 million, but this swells to 230 million each summer because of the tourists. This is nothing. The United Nations projects that visitors to the region could number 760 million by the year 2025. In Spain, France, Italy, and most of Greece, there is no underdeveloped coastline left, and the Mediterranean is the dirtiest sea in the whole world.

• In the Alps, the cable cars have climbed ever higher. More and more peaks have been conquered. It is now an old Swiss joke that the government will have to build new mountains because they have wired up all the old ones. There are 15,000 cable car systems and 40,000 kilometres of ski-runs.

• American national parks have been operating permit systems for years. But even this is not enough for the most popular sites. By 1981, there was an eight-year waiting list to go rafting down the Grand Canyon’s Colorado River, so now there is a lottery once a year to select the lucky travelers.

• In Notre Dame in Paris, 108 visitors enter each minute during opening hours. Thirty-five buses, having put down their passengers, wait outside, their fumes eating away at the stonework of the cathedral.

• Poor Venice with its unique, exquisite beauty. On one hot, historic day in 1987, the crowds were so great that the city had to be closed to all visitors.

• In Barbados and Hawaii, each tourist uses ten times as much water and electricity as a local inhabitant. Whilst feeling that this is unfair, the locals acknowledge the importance of tourism to their economy overall.

• The prehistoric cave paintings at Lascaux in France were being slowly ruined by the breath and bacteria from 200,000 visitors a year. The caves have now been closed to the public and a replica has been built. This is much praised for its likeness to the original.

The future of tourism Will there be more replicas like in Lascaux? There already are. Heritage theme parks (mini-Disneylands!) are springing up everywhere. Many of the great cities of Europe, such as Prague, Rome, and Warsaw, are finding that their historic centres are fast becoming theme parks – tourist ghettos, filled with clicking cameras and whirring camcorders, abandoned by all local residents except for the souvenir sellers. Until recently, we all believed that travel broadened the mind, but now many believe the exact opposite: ‘Modern travel narrows the mind’. 1. Answer the following questions: -What do you understand by the title of the article? -What famous tourist spots are mentioned in the text? What is said about them? -Is the writer optimistic or pessimistic about the future of tourism? 2. Are the following statements true (٧) or false (x)? Correct the false ones with the right information. An ancient inscription has been discovered at the entrance of a ruined temple in Petra. Nearly 1.5 million tourists a year visit Petra. The stone in Petra is so soft that the tourists’ feet are destroying it. Tourism has been the world’s largest industry since the 1960s.

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It is now possible to go everywhere in the world on a package holiday. In the 19th century, Thomas Cook organized tours of Europe’s cultural sites for rich people. The number of foreign tourists has been growing gradually since 1939. There will be a huge increase in the numbers of tourists to the Mediterranean. The Swiss are considering ways of creating new mountains for skiers. Nowadays, you can only go rafting down the Colorado River if you win a lottery. The caves of Lascaux are going to be closed to the public and a replica is going to be built in Disneyland. Local people are moving away from many historic city centres. 16. COMMENT ON THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT: “Package holidays which include all flights, accommodation and tours are very popular with some holidaymakers. Other travelers say that making your own holiday plans is better.” What is your opinion? Is it better to go on a package holiday or to make your own plans? Write 200-250 words. Use the following plan:

1. Introduction (State the problem). 2. Express your opinion and give reasons for it. 3. Give other people’s arguments and explain why they are wrong. 4. Conclusion.

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TOPIC 2 TRAVEL AND TRANSPORT 1.You are going to read the true story of how Nigel Hughes flew to Brazil by accident. How do you think this could have happened? Read the text through and check whether your prediction was right. I FLEW TO BRAZIL BY ACCIDENT Setting into my seat on the plane, I felt tired, ready for a drink and looking forward to getting home. As I sipped a gin and tonic and pushed my seat back, I remember thinking, ‘Only a couple of hours and I’ll be home. I’d phoned my girlfriend, Georgina, from Copenhagen before the plane took off, to tell her I was on my way. She’d said she’d pick me up at Heathrow Airport but I told her not to bother. I’d make my own way home. After another drink, I snoozed until I heard a flight attendant announce, ‘We will shortly be landing at Heathrow.’ ‘Better get my things together,’ I thought. And that was it. I honestly don’t remember another thing until I woke up again later on. For a couple of minutes I sat wondering sleepily if we were still on our way down to Heathrow. Then I began to realize something funny was going on. The two seats next to me had been empty when I fell asleep. Now a man was lying across them sleeping. There’d been a little girl in front, who’d kept grinning at me over the back of her seat. She had gone. And weirdest of all, all the lights were off and everyone seemed to be asleep. Slowly it began to dawn on me what had happened. I simply couldn’t believe it and felt increasingly horrified. The plane must have landed at Heathrow, let off some passengers, taken on others and set off on the next part of its journey. And I knew where that was to – Rio de Janeiro, in Brazil. What on earth was I going to do? Poor Georgina would be wondering what had happened to me, and by now she was frantic with worry. And I was stuck on the plane with no ticket. Would they believe it was an accident? Had I really fallen so deeply asleep that I’d completely missed the plane landing and taking off again? I’d certainly been tired but this was ridiculous! Not knowing what else to do, I went to look for a flight attendant and told her what had happened. I found out it was about 3 a.m. and we were several hours into the 11-hour flight to brazil. The flight attendant thought it was very funny and told me not to worry. There wasn’t much anyone could do, anyway. We landed in Rio at lunchtime on the Saturday. I was slightly worried that I might be haulerd off the plane and locked up as an illegal immigrant. In fact, they took me straight to the departure lounge and told me that I had to sit and wait for the next flight to London, which was at 10 o’clock. The first thing I did was call Georgina. She was furious because she had convinced herself that I’d been in a plane crash which she’d heard about on the news. Once I’d made the call, I decided it would be a shame to be in Rio and not see any of it. So, I slipped out of the airport and jumped into a passing taxi. It was surprisingly easy. The driver took me round Rio and down to Copablanca beach. It was great! There I was, sitting on one of the most exotic beaches in the world instead of being back in gloomy England, hard at work. The thought of work and the valuable contract I knew I had now lost depressed me for a moment. But then I decided that since I couldn’t do a thing about it, I might as well take in the sights. In the late afternoon I headed back to the airport. I had to confess that I’d sneaked out. The airline staff were not at all pleased and gave me an escort to watch my every move. However, I wasn’t planning on going anywhere else-I wasn’t going to miss that plane home. Fortunately, there were no problems or delays and we landed at Heathrow at lunchtime on the Sunday. I’d set off from Denmark 48 hours earlier and had spent most of that time in the air. I’d travelled an unbelievable 11,000 miles across the world and back, had a quick paddle in Brazil and landed back home again, tired, fed up but none the worse for experience.

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Georgina recovered from the shock and was able to see the funny side of it, eventually. As for me, I still haven’t worked out how I slept through a whole landing and take-off. 2. Find the following words or phrases in the text which have these meanings -smiling from ear to ear -strangest -extremely anxious -dark and depressing -start a journey -walk in shallow water with bare feet 3. Answer the questions: 1.What had probably happened to the little girl who had been sitting in front of him? 2.Why did he have to confess that he’d sneaked out? 3.Why do you think the airline staff ‘were not at all pleased’ he had left the airport? 4. Work in a group. One of you will play the part of Nigel Hughes. Be ready to ask him lots of questions about his flight to Brazil. 5. This is part of a letter from your English pen friend, who writes … I’ve passed all my exams and now my friends and I are planning to go to Spain for two weeks. Isn’t it fun? But we haven’t decided which means of transport to use. What do you suggest? By the way, I’ve never flown in my life. Have you ever travelled by plane? If my friends insist on flying, what do you think I should do not to feel scared? As to my family news, I have got a niece. She was born two days ago. Now I’m an aunt … Write back soon. Love, Virginia Write back to Virginia, answering her questions and asking her three questions about her niece. Write 100-140 words. Remember the rules of letter-writing. 6. Imagine you’re going on a month’s holiday traveling around Europe by train. What problems might you encounter? What precautions would you take? Read the text EURORAILING. Choose suitable headings for the eight sections of the leaflet from this list. There is one heading you do not need to use. Write the section numbers in the spaces. A. Beware of criminals B. Calling all students C. Planning a sensible schedule D. Take care but enjoy yourself E. Trains! They’re the best F. Money matters G. Packing the essentials H. Minor irritations I. Fill your time

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1. __________________________________ Thanks to their extended summer vacations, students are in the enviable position of being able to travel round Europe by rail and see the sights on the cheap. This article points out some of the pros and cons of traveling by train. 2.___________________________________ The sense of freedom offered by rail travel is unrivalled by any other, except perhaps the less safe option of hitch-hiking. Trains are also a great way to meet local people and, compared with other long-distance modes of transport, the Greenest you can get. Rail travel allows you to explore the hidden corners of the continent, especially areas where rural lines are still open and trains are still the most common form of public transport. It’s also a relaxing way to travel, whether you’re using it as a cheap bed for the night, or as a ring-side seat for a series of stunning views. 3.____________________________________ The first step before you go is to choose one of the Eurorail schemes available. After that, there are a few tips to bear in mind before you leave. Budgeting always causes headaches and it’s worth finding out which are the ‘expensive’ and the ‘cheap’ countries. It’s sensible to take some cash, but you should take most of your money in traveller’s cheques. Choose a well-known brand and buy small denominations. 4.____________________________________ Your most important piece of equipment is your backpack, and it’s worth choosing one that’s comfortable and light, sits just above your hips, and is ‘high’ rather than ‘wide’ when full. A day-pack is useful for sightseeing, and a pair of comfortable walking shoes is vital, along with dark, hard-wearing clothes. As a general rule, put out everything you want to take – then halve it. Some things, however, should not be left behind. An alarm-click (so you don’t miss those early trains); a scarf to cover your shoulders or legs for visits to churches or mosques; photocopies of all your important documents – best packed separately or given to a traveling companion; toilet paper, soap and a universal plug; a Swiss army penknife; numerous plastic bags; a water bottle and a small first aid kit. 5._____________________________________ The fun really starts once you’re out there, of course – hunting for a hostel at 10 p.m., being ripped off by a taxi driver who claims there are no buses to your campsite or being turned away from a famous tourist attraction for wearing shorts. There are compensations for these frustrations ( which make the best stories afterwards, anyway!), but many problems can be avoided if you’re aware of the potential pitfalls before you leave. 6.______________________________________ The golden rule is not to try to cram too much into the time available. Trying to see the whole of Europe in a month, by spending every night on a train and an afternoon in each capital city will result in an unsatisfactory blur of shallow impressions. It is also a recipe for disaster, as you will be tired, grumpy and unreceptive for most of your trip. Instead, try to vary your route, mixing visits to cities with relaxing spells on the beach or in the countryside. 7._______________________________________ Each year a few unlucky travelers have their valuables stolen. The best way to prevent this is to carry them with you at all times, preferably in a money belt or a neck pouch. This is specially important on night trains, where most thefts occur. Another sensible precaution is not to sleep rough – you’re just asking for trouble. Watch out for conmen at stations: they will try to persuade you to accept a room, tempting you with glamorous pictures of a hotel which turns out to be awful and whose price will have doubled by the time you reach it. Far better to go and see accommodation yourself before accepting it. And if you’re on a tight budget, it’s always worth asking if they’ve got anything cheaper. 8._______________________________________ These ideas are really just common sense, but it’s amazing how often they’re overlooked. But the most important tip of all this- have fun!

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7. Read questions 1-6. Then read the leaflet again and choose the correct answers. 1.The main purpose of this text is to A. highlight the problems associated with rail travel. B. emphasize the many advantages of rail travel. C. give advice to students about rail travel. D. promote and advertise rail travel. 2.The writer advises students to take A. no cash. B. money in more than one form. C. only traveller’s cheques. D. a credit card. 3.When they are packing for a rail holiday, the writer advises students to A. include only small objects. B. take more than they think they’ll really need. C. take less than they really want to. D. leave behind nothing they think they may need. 4. According to the writer, the best thing about bad experiences on holiday is that you A. forget about them later. B. may receive compensation afterwards. C. can learn something useful for the future. D. can tell people about them later. 5. When planning a route, the writer advises students to A. see as much as possible in the time they have. B. visit places but also rest from time to time. C. go sightseeing in the afternoons and travel by night. D. see everything in a month. 6. What should travelers do to prevent their valuables from being stolen? A. They should keep them with them all the time. B. They should not travel on trains at night. C. They should not fall asleep on trains. D. They should be especially careful at stations. 7. Find the English equivalents to the following words and phrases: Быть в завидном положении (1)- Не может сравниться с (2)- Держать в голове (3)- Как правило (4)- Можно избежать многих проблем (5)- Знать о потенциальных ловушках (5)- Золотым правилом является (6)- Быть стеснённым в средствах (7)- Быть основанными на здравом смысле (8)-

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8. Work with your partner. Make up the following dialogue: Dialogue 2 (3-4 minutes) (Practice tests test 14) You are planning to spend a week’s holiday in a city about 1,000 kilometres away from where you live. You are deciding how to get there. Your friend has a driving licence but you don’t. You can go by:

• hitchhiking • bus • train • plane • rented car

Remember to:

• discuss all the options • take an active part in the conversation and be polite • come up with ideas • give good reasons • find out your friend’s attitudes and take them into account • invite your friend to come up with suggestions • come to an agreement

9. Read this account of Nick Campbell’s motorbike trip across the US. What problems did he have? Nick Campbell sat at the side of the road and wondered what to do next. He looked at the second-hand Harley Davidson he’d bought from a back-street garage back home in Miami at the beginning of his trip six weeks before. For years he had dreamt of crossing the United States from east to west by motorbike and he’d finally decided that it was now or never. He’d given up his job, sold his car and set off for the journey of his dreams. He’d been lucky, or so he thought, to find this old Harley Davidson and had bought it for a very reasonable price – it had cost him just $600. But five kilometers from Atlanta, he had run out of luck. The motorbike had broken down. He pushed the bike into town and found a garage. The young mechanic told him to leave the bike overnight and come back the next day. The following morning, to his surprise, the man asked if the bike was for sale. ‘Certainly not’, he replied, paid his bill and hit the road. When he got to Kansas the old machine ran out of steam again. This time Nick thought about selling it and buying something more reliable, but decided to carry on. When the bike was going well, he loved it. However, in Denver, Colorado, the bike broke down yet again so he decided to take it to a garage and offer it for sale. The mechanic told him to come back in the morning. The next day, to his amazement, the man offered 42,000. Realizing the man must be soft in the head, but clearly not short of money, Nick asked for $3,000. The man agreed and they signed the papers. Then the mechanic stated laughing. In fact it was several minutes before he could speak and when he could he said, ‘That’s the worst deal you’ll ever make, boy’. 10. Answer the following questions: a) Where was Nick Campbell at the beginning of the story? b) What happened in Miami, Atlanta, Kansas and Denver? c) How much did Nick pay for the bike? d) How much did he sell it for? e) How much money did he make from the sale? f) Guess why the mechanic said, ‘That’s the worst deal you’ll ever make, boy.’

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11. Now read the real ending to the story. Do you think the mechanic was fair? How do you think Nick felt? He removed the seat. On the underside was the inscription: ‘ To Elvis, love James Dean.’ 12. For Questions 1-15, read the text below and decide which answer A,B,C or D best fits each space. The scooter has been a popular way of getting around European cities for over forty years. Traditionally, the scooter has been (1) … as a symbol of (2) … independence and freedom. Rome, with a higher per capita (3) … than any other European city, is the undisputed European (4) … of the scooter. In the 50s and 60s the scooter was a fashion statement for British Mods and Italian glitterati. Today, (5) … it’s more a way of life for all ages and (6) … groups. One is as (7) … to see a businessman (8) … a scooter as an adolescent. The scooter is favoured by those for whom time is money. Using a scooter can (9) … journey times by up to 50%. Veteran scooter riders maintain that it is the sense of freedom which is the (10) … of attraction. Style used to be a consideration but nowadays Italian scooterers are more (11) … with mobility rather (12) … style. (13) … of the scooter maintain that scooters became popular because they were an affordable means of transport for the working class. The (14) … in sales in the 60’s and 70’s was caused by a new-found prosperity which made cars more affordable. Paradoxically, Italians are now (15) … round once again to the scooter because there are so many cars on the road.

1 A held B supported C seen D faced 2 A toddler B young C grown D youthful 3 A method B employ C function D usage 4 A landmark B capital C queen D emblem 5 A however B consequently C obviously D although 6 A wages B benefit C income D salary 7 A maybe B likely C probable D possible 8 A moving B driving C steering D riding 9 A lessen B cut off C shorten D shrink 10 A definite B main C central D steady 11 A concerned B cared C interested D concentrated 12 A of B from C than D in 13 A Mobs B Crowds C Favourites D Fans 14 A failure B decline C weakening D reduction 15 A coming B facing C approaching D turning

13. What is the most interesting journey you have ever had? Tell your partner about the journey. Give as much detail as possible. The questions below may help you to do it. Where was the journey from and where was it to? What form of transport did you use? Who did you go with? How much time did you spend preparing for it? What did you take with you? What was the weather like? How long did it take you? How many times did you stop en route? What for? Did anything unusual or unexpected happen? Would you go on the same journey again? Why/ Why not?

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14. Read the text and answer the questions by circling the right number. Today’s cars are smaller, safer, cleaner, and more economical than their predecessors, but the car of the future will be far more pollution-free than those on the road today. Several new types of automobile engines have already been developed that run on alternative sources of power, such as electricity, compressed natural gas, methanol, steam, hydrogen, and propane. Electricity, however, is the only zero emission option presently available. Although electric vehicles will not be truly practical until a powerful, compact battery of other dependable source of current is available, transportation experts foresee a new assortment of electric vehicles entering everyday life: shorter-range commuter electric cars, three-wheeled neighbourhood cars, electric delivery vans, bikes, and trolleys. As automakers work to develop practical electrical vehicles, urban planners and utility engineers are focusing on infrastructure systems to support and make the best use of the new cars. Public charging facilities will need to be as common as today’s gas stations. Public parking spots on the street or in shop, dine, or attend a concert. To encourage the use of electric vehicles, the most convenient parking in transportation centres might be reserved for electric cars. Planners foresee electric shuttle buses, trains, buses, and neighbourhood vehicles all meeting at transit centres that would have facilities for charging and renting. Commuters will be able to rent a variety of electric cars to suit their needs: light trucks, one-person three-wheelers, small cars, or electric/gasoline hybrid cars for longer trips, which will no doubt take place on automated freeways capable of handling five times the number of vehicles that can be carried by a freeway today. 1. The following electrical vehicles are all mentioned in the passage EXCEPT: a. vans b. trains c. planes d. trolleys 2.The author’s purpose in the passage is to a. criticize conventional vehicles b. support the invention of electric cars c. narrate a story about alternative energy vehicles d. describe the possibilities for transportation in the future 3. The passage would most likely be followed by details about a. automated freeways b. pollution restrictions on the future c. the neighbourhood of the future d. electric shuttle buses 4. In the second paragraph, the author implies that a. a dependable source of electric energy will eventually be developed b. everyday life will stay much the same in the future c. a single electric vehicle will eventually replace several modes of transportation d. electric vehicles are not practical for the future 5. According to the passage, public parking lots of the future will be a. more convenient than they are today b. equipped with charging devices c. much larger than they are today d. as common as today’s gas stations

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15. For questions 1-15, read the text below and decide which answer A,B,C or D best fits each space. Circle the chosen letter. ANGER ON THE ROADS The anger that descends on people when they get behind the steering wheel of a car used to be (1) … as a joke. But the laughter is getting noticeably quieter (2) … that the problem has become increasingly widespread. (3)… in a traffic jam, with family cars inching their (4) … past, the driver of a fast sports car begins to lose his temper. (5) … the capabilities of his car, there is nothing he can do. The (6) …is anger. Many people live in (7)… of losing control. This is true of many situations but driving is a good example. People think that the car might not start, it might break (8) …, or someone might run into it. Before anything even happens, people have worked themselves up into a (9) … of anxiety. And when something does happen, they are (10)… to explode. In fact, it’s their very anxiety about losing control that (11) … them lose control. This isn’t to (12)… that all offenders have psychological problems or drive powerful sports cars. In fact, most of them are (13) … ordinary human beings who have no history of violence. There is (14) … something deep in our nature that (15) … when we start up a car engine.

1 A found B. thought C. treated D. intended 2 A. once B. outcome C. since D. now 3 A. path B. outcome C. Held D. Fixed 4 A. path B. way C. course D. route 5 A. However B. Besides C. Although D. Despite 6 A. outcome B. event C. issue D. effect 7 A. worry B. fright C. fear D. concern 8 A. up B. down C. out D. off 9 A. state B. condition C. feeling D. case 10 A. good B. prepared C. near D. ready 11 A. causes B. leads C. makes D. forces 12 A. inform B. say C. tell D. announce 13 A. purely B. fully C. exactly D. perfectly 14 A. openly B. directly C. clearly D. frankly 15 A. excites B. awakens C. disturbs D. upsets

16. Read the text A ROAD ACCIDENT and do the tasks on it: It was raining heavily as I was walking up the hill towards the station at six o’clock on a Saturday morning. At this early hour there wasn’t much traffic and there weren’t many people in sight. Just as I was crossing the road near the top of the hill, a car came round the corner. It was traveling very fast and the driver was obviously having difficulty in controlling it. Suddenly it swerved violently, skidded on the wet road, hit a lamp-post and turned over. At once I ran to assist the driver, but he was unconscious and there was a lot of blood on his face. A young woman hurried into the station and phoned for an ambulance while I took care of the driver. A number of other people gathered round the car, but there wasn’t a great deal we could do. A policeman arrived a few minutes later and asked me a lot of questions about the accident. Shortly afterwards the man came round, and he was groaning quietly when the ambulance arrived at high speed and rushed him away to hospital. On Monday morning I went to the hospital to enguire about the man. They told me that his injuries were not serious after all and that he was rapidly getting over the effects of the accident.

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Answer the following questions: What was the weather like on a Saturday morning? Where was the narrator going? What did he see when he was crossing the road? What happened to the car? What did the narrator do? Who phoned for the ambulance? What did the policeman do? Was the man still unconscious when the ambulance arrived? What did the narrator learn when he went to the hospital on Monday morning? 17. Study the following: 1. accident, a road accident by accident = by chance 2. to rain, to snow heavily be in sight, to be out of sight Out of sight out of mind. To catch sight of, to lose sight of, at the sight of 4.obvious, obviously have difficulty in doing something without any difficulty to get into difficulties assist, assistance, to come to one’s assistance an assistant be conscious, to be unconscious, consciousness, to lose consciousness = to go under to recover/to regain consciousness = to come round go/drive at high/full speed enquire about smth get over smth 18. Phrasal Verb GET Get smth across to smb- донести что-то до кого-то Get at- высмеивать Get away-улизнуть Get away with- уйти безнаказанным, сходить кому-то с рук Get back (to someone) - вернуться Get by- 1) обходиться 2) сводить концы с концами, устраиваться Get down- расстраивать, нервировать Get down to- заняться чем-то Get in- прибыть Get into- погрузиться, вникнуть Get on smb’s nerves- действовать кому-то на нервы Get on- продолжать Get on for- приблизиться к чему-то Get on with- ладить, уживаться с кем-то Get out- уходить, сбегать Get out of- отказываться Get round to- сделать что-либо после долгих сборов Get to- добраться до чего-либо, доходить

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19.1. Rewrite these sentences, replacing the underlined phrases with the correct form of the expressions listed below which mean the same: 1. Leave a message and I’ll return your call. 2. It may be difficult to make everyone understand your ideas. 3. He is a difficult person to have a friendly relationship with. 4. It is nearly lunchtime. 5. After a long delay he wrote the letter at last. 6. It may take you a while to become involved in the book. 7. I haven’t got time for a holiday but I hope to escape for a long weekend. 8. The plane arrived late. 19.2. Fill in the gaps with prepositions. I’d like to tell you of the time I returned to my old school some fifteen years after I’d left. The friend. The friend had been invited to speak as the guest of honour at some function or other at the school. He had been so insistent on my going that I couldn’t really get (1)________________ It, though I wasn’t really looking forward to coming face to face again with certain of the teachers. There was one of them; his name was Harrison and he and I just didn’t get (2) ______________________ at all. There was something about the way he looked at you, as if he was about to say something unpleasant about your hair, your shoes or the way you walked and he always passed humiliating comments. It began to get (3) ___________________ my nerves. I felt as I was being persecuted, being got (4) ___________________. Things had got (5) _______________________ such a state that in my last few weeks at the school I’d written what I thought was a fairly satirical piece making fun of him without mentioning him by name. Nobody on the teaching staff made any mention about it before I left and so I imagined I had got (6) __________________ it. The strange thing was that Harrison usually liked to have the last word and could not bear to be humiliated. Apparently the function at the school was to be a formal affair and the men were supposed to wear dinner jackets. On the day of the function I was flying back from abroad and by the time I got (7) ___________________ there was only a couple of hours to change and drive to the school. I say ‘change’ but I had no formal clothes to change into because the case with my dinner jacket had gone missing. But I didn’t let that get me (8) _______________ and thought the best thing was to get (9) ___________________ the school as quickly as possible. I arrived therefore dressed in my holiday attire, sneaked into the back of the hall and sat down. My friend gave a brilliant speech. The only worrying thing was that up on the platform sat the dreaded Harrison and I had the horrible feeling that he had spotted me and he had that strange look on his face as if he was up to something. From what I had heard from people around me, I learned that Harrison was retiring this term. The presentation was made by the headmaster saying he didn’t know how the school would get (10) __________________ without Harrison and other complimentary things and then handed him his leaving present. Harrison rose with an evil smile on his face and assured the Head that the school would certainly get (11) ___________________ without him. He only hoped he would be able to get (12) ___________________ on his pension. Then suddenly he made a comment about how they must remember how fussy he always was about appearance and being properly dressed. He had, he said, got a special prize for the best dressed old boy. I heard my name being called out. All I wanted to do was get (13) ___________________ but I had no choice and strolled as casually as I could to loud cheers and cat calls, in my holiday outfit, up on to the stage. As he handed me a small book entitled ‘How to look smart’ and shook my hand, he whispered, “I’ve waited fifteen years for this1” 20. Read the text DRINKING AND DRIVING and circle the right answer: A, B, C or D. The legal limit for driving after drinking alcohol is 80 milligrams of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood, when tested. But there is no sure way of telling how much you can drink before you reach this limit. It varies with each person depending on your weight, your sex, if you’ve just eaten and

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what sort of drinks you’ve had. Some people might reach their limit after only about three standard drinks. In fact, your drinking ability can be affected by just one or two drinks. Even if you’re below the legal limit, you could still be taken to court if a police officer thinks your driving has been affected by alcohol. It takes about an hour for the body to get rid of the alcohol in one standard drink. So, if you have a heavy drinking session in the evening you might find that your driving ability is still affected the next morning, or you could even find that you’re still over the legal limit. In addition, if you’ve had a few drinks at lunchtime, another one or two drinks in the early evening may well put you over the legal limit. In a test with professional drivers, the more alcoholic drinks they had had the more certain they were that they could drive a test course through a set of moveable posts… and the less they were able to do it! So the only way to be sure you’re safe is not to drink at all. Alcohol is a major cause of road traffic accidents. One in three of the drivers killed in road accidents have levels of alcohol which are over the legal limit, and road accidents after drinking are the biggest cause of death among young men. More than half of the people stopped by the police to take a breathalyzer test have a blood alcohol concentration of more than twice the legal limit. It is important to remember that driving after you’ve been drinking doesn’t just affect you. If you’re involved in an accident it affects a lot of other people as well, not least the person you might kill or injure. 1.The amount of alcohol a person can drink before reaching the legal limit is A 800 mg of pure alcohol. B approximately three standard drinks. C different for different people. D exactly proportional to body weight. 2.When might you be taken to court by the police for drinking and driving? A When you have driven a vehicle after drinking any alcohol at all. B When you have drunk at least three drinks before driving. C Only when tests show that you have 80 mg of alcohol in 100 ml of blood. D When the police think that you have been drinking from the way you are driving. 3.When you have been drinking heavily in the evening, the next day you might be A still drunk until lunchtime. B unable to drive until the evening. C over the legal limit in the morning. D unable to drive all day. 4.Alcohol is a major cause of road accidents in that A most drivers who die in these accidents have been drinking. B more young men die in drink-related accidents than in any other way. C drinking affects people’s eye-sight. D one in three drivers drink heavily. 5.What does this article urge you to remember particularly about driving after drinking? A You may be taken to court by the police. B You are putting yourself in danger. C You may hurt another road-user. D You put many people at risk.

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21. Fill in the correct form: CARS ON DISPLAY

At a recent Japanese auto show, several (1) _________________________ cars were displayed. They are designed to be smaller, lighter and to be powered by new (2) _______________________advanced engines. Few of these cars will go into (3) ______________________-since they are only concept cars. Other new ideas include using (4) ______________________to power cars. It is the most cars. It is the most (5)________________________promising fuel. The (6) _______________________ of electric cars is their heavy batteries and their need to be (7) _____________________________recharged. Another new concept is a computer system which helps the (8) ________________with (9)____________________________. … . Cars of the future will change the way we drive (10) __________________________________..

Experiment Technology Produce Electric Economic Advantage Frequent Drive, Navigate Consider

22. Comment on the following statement: Some people think that cars should be banned from the centres of big cities. What is your opinion? Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Write 200-250 words. Use the following plan:

1. Introduction (State the problem). 2. Express your opinion and give reasons for it. 3. Give other people’s arguments and explain why they are wrong. 4. Conclusion.

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TOPIC 3 EDUCATION AND LEARNING 1.What qualities make a good pupil? Would you consider yourself a good pupil? Why (not)? 2. Dramatize the dialogue Career Prospects SUSAN How have your two sons been doing at school lately, Andy? ANDY Terrible! James never starts working, and Malcolm never stops working. SUSAN You’re joking, of course. I hear that Malcolm is likely to win all the prizes in the exams this year. ANDY Yes, so his teachers say. But he deserves to do well. He has always been so conscientious and hard-working and he has been slaving at his books every evening for months on end recently. He wants to go to Oxford University next year. SUSAN Maybe he’ll become a university lecturer himself eventually. ANDY Maybe. But I think he studies too hard; I sometimes wish he’d go out and enjoy himself for a change. SUSAN Yes … What about the younger one? ANDY Well, James’ teachers say that he has ability, but that he’s too inconsistent and he rarely does his best. In other words, he is not bad when he makes an effort, but he is too idle. He couldn’t care less about exams. He does his homework in ten minutes every evening and then rushes out to play tennis. SUSAN He’s crazy about tennis, isn’t he? Perhaps he can make his fortune at it. You can make more money from sport than from an old-fashioned profession these days. ANDY So I believe. But my wife always worries about the children’s future. She wants James to give up tennis and study law, but I don’t believe in forcing boys to take up careers they are not cut out for. I wonder how James will develop in a couple of years’ time! 3. Answer the following questions: –How many children does Andy have? –Are his sons alike? –What kind of student is Malcolm? –What is his ambition? –Is Andy satisfied with the way Malcolm studies? Why not? –How do teachers characterize James? –What is James crazy about? –What does Andy think about James’ career prospects? –What does their mother want James to do? –Why doesn’t Andy approve of his wife’s idea? 4. Study the following: be likely to do smth opp. To be unlikely to do smth deserve to do smth 3.conscientious 4.hard-working opp.idle,lazy, Cf to study hard – hardly to study

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29 slave at books 6.for months/years/days/hours on end 7.eventually, in the long run 8.for a change 9.inconsistent do one’s best make an effort force smb to do smth be cut out for smth 5. What kind of student do you think Robbie Williams* was? Read his description of his school life below. Were you right?

My first day at school I saw all these kids crying as they said goodbye to their mums, but I was more concerned with playing with the lads. I told Mum to go home; she was more upset than I was! After Millhill Primary School I went on to St Margaret Ward which was the local High School. I was there until sixteen and ended up with eight or nine GCSEs. I was a good lad at school in that I never got caught. I did the normal laddish stuff that you’d expect a fourteen-year-old to get up to. I didn’t smoke, but I went to smoker’s corner. And you weren’t allowed to wear trainers, so I’d always put them on. I always used to be the one that would make the class laugh. Then as soon as the teacher turned round, I’d sit straight and the rest of the class would be laughing and they’d get told off. I joined Take That in the middle of going from school to college. In fact I’m still registered at the Sixth Form College at St Margaret’s now. When I go in next time I’ll probably get detention for being a few years late! 6. Choose the correct alternative to complete these sentences.

1.Robbie was … a)the class clown. b)the class genius. c)the bottom of the class. 2.Primary school is for children… a) from two to five years old. b)from five to eleven years old. c)from eleven to sixteen years old. 3.A GCSE is … a) a punishment b) a qualification. c) a school subject.

4.You take your GCSEs at the age of … a) sixteen b)fifteen c) fourteen 5.A detention is … a) a punishment b) a qualification c) a school subject 6.You go to sixth form college … a) when you’re five. b) when you’re eleven. c) when you’re sixteen.

* Robert Peter Williams (born 13th February 1974) joined the band Take That in 1990 when he was only 16. Then in 1996 he left the band and went to pursue a very successful solo career. 7.Answer the following questions about your school studies:

- At what age did you go to school? - Do you remember your first day at school? How did you feel? - What subjects do you like studying? - In which subjects do you always get low marks? - What do you like/dislike about your school life?

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8. Give a 2-minute talk on your favourite subject at school. (Practice tests test 4) Remember to say:

• Why it is your favourite subject • What things you do in a typical lesson in this subject • What you have learnt by doing this subject • Whether you want to continue studying this subject in the future, and why

9. Read the text below and decide which answer (A,B,C or D0 best fits each gap. CHILD PRODIGIES Occasionally a young child with very advanced (1) … abilities is admitted to university. These children are of course (2) …, or child prodigies. Typically, they begin their (3) … studies at university before they are fifteen years old. After finishing their first degree – they usually (4) … it in a year or two – they continue to do (5) … studies in a specialized field of medicine or science. Many of these talented youngsters receive 96) … from very prestigious (7) … institutions to help pay for their studies. Some of the older students dislike being (8) … in seminars with a child prodigy. They find it rather annoying when someone so young (9) … at the subject so easily while they agonize over their courses. Others, however, benefit from the experience of (10) … their subject with a child prodigy. The (11) … who run the seminars, however, generally enjoy having such gifted (12) …!

1 A co-educational B academic C illiterate D theoretical 2 A coaches B instructors C geniuses D lecturers 3 A comprehensive B public C prep D undergraduate 4 A get down B sail through C work out D set out 5 A postgraduate B apprentice C technical D practical 6 A licences B scholarships C services D schedules 7 A learning B educational C instructive D training 8 A taught B assessed C reviewed D reported 9 A achieves B experiences C excels D enjoys 10 A chatting B discussing C talking D arguing 11 A tutors B trainers C markers D examiners 12 A trainees B students C apprentices D employees

10. Read the text How Ruth made history at Oxford by Isabel Hilton

Child Prodigy Ruth Lawrence made history yesterday when she came a clear first out of the 530 candidates who sat the entrance exam for St.Hugh’s College, Oxford. The all-women’s college is likely to offer her a scholarship. Ruth sat three three-hour papers–Algebra and Geometry; Calculus, Probability and Statistics; and Maths, Pure and Applied. ‘I was happy with the first two,’ she said yesterday, ‘but I wasn’t sure about the third.’ Ruth, who lives in Huddersfield, has never been to school. Her father, Harry Lawrence, a computer consultant, gave up his job when Ruth was five to educate her at home. Her mother, Sylvia, who also works in computers, is the family breadwinner. Harry Lawrence explained that, besides mathematics, Ruth also enjoyed English, history, geography, nature study and other subjects. She began to read at four and started academic subjects at five. ‘We did not start off with the thought that she wouldn’t go to school,’ he said, ‘but we enjoyed teaching her so much and we seemed to be making quite a good job of it, so we just carried on.’

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Because she does not go to school, Ruth hasn’t mixed much with other children. ‘She enjoys serious conversation with adults,’ her father said, ‘and I don’t think she will feel out of place at Oxford.’ He does not think she works harder than other children her age, but concentrates on hat she enjoys, principally mathematics. ‘She watches television a little but not as a habit,’ he explained. ‘But she plays the piano and has quite a wide range of interests.’ If she does well at St Hugh’s, Ruth, expects to take a further degree and eventually hopes to become a research professor in mathematics–an ambition she may achieve while still in her teens. The Lawrence family plans to move to Oxford when Ruth takes up her place in October the following year. Before then, she plans to take four A levels to satisfy the college matriculation requirements. Her father hopes she will be exempt from the requirement to pass a foreign language–a ‘diversion’, he feels, ‘from her main interest’. Miss Rachel Trickett, the principal of St Hugh’s, said last night: ‘We are all very excited about Ruth. She is obviously quite brilliant and has shown genuine originality.’ Ruth’s future tutor, Dr Glenys Luke, admits that taking so young a student is a daunting responsibility but says it is one she expects to enjoy. ‘I shall tailor the teaching to her requirements’, she said. ‘Ruth shouldn’t have to suffer the same tensions and disappointments that older students face. I hope I shall make it fun for her.’ Last night the Lawrence family were thrilled at Ruth’s achievement. ‘We all jumped up and down a bit when we heard’, said Harry Lawrence. When Ruth becomes a student, Harry Lawrence looks forward to concentrating his efforts on her younger sister Rebecca, seven. ‘She’s doing very well,’ he said, ‘but it’s too early to tell whether she’s a mathematician.’ 11. Answer the questions on the text: 1.What role do Ruth’s mother and father play in her upbringing? 2.Why did they decide to educate her at home? 3.What is Ruth’s ambition? 4.How old will she be when she achieves this ambition? 5.How will the college change the course for Ruth? 6.What was the Lawrence family’s reaction to the news? 12. Match the summary to the correct paragraph. a. Her father has been her teacher, while her mother goes out to work. b.The university tutors are very pleased that Ruth is coming and are going to change the course a little to suit her. c. She wants to be a research professor. Before university she hopes to take four more A- levels. d. Ruth’s academic background. e. She made history by coming first, but she herself wasn’t happy with all the examination papers. f. Her family are very excited and wonder if the younger sister will be as talented. g. The kind of person that Ruth is. Her likes and interests. 13. Here are the answers to some questions about Ruth. In pairs, work out the questions.

1. A computer consultant. 2. Her mother. 3. She was four. 4. Mathematics. 5. Yes, she does. She plays the piano. 6. She said, ‘She is obviously quite brilliant.’ 7. Dr Glenys Luke. 8. He’s going to help Ruth’s sister in a similar way.

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14. Summarize the story as if you’re Ruth 15. What do you think?

1. Do you agree about what makes Ruth unusual? 2. ‘Ruth has not mixed much with other children.’ 3. What were your interests when you were ten?

What makes a good teacher? ♫ 16. Listen to John and Clare talking about teachers that they remember from school. Complete the sentences with ML (Madame Lorenzo) or MT (Mr Tucker).

a) _________ taught French. b) _________ never changed his/her jacket. c) _________ was near to retirement. d) _________ was popular with the boys. e) _________ shouted a lot. f) _________ probably did not go to university. g) _________ said cruel things to the students. h) _________ was married.

17. The expressions below come from the recording you have just listened to. Complete the sentences with words from the box. Say whether you agree or disagree with these statements amount to much have the chance reduce (someone) to tears

a) Good teachers never ______________ their students _____________. b) Pupils who don’t _______________ at school rarely manage to get good jobs later. c) Everybody should ________________ to go to university if they want to.

18. Speak about your favourite teacher at school. The questions below may help you. Was it a man or a woman? What was their name? What did they look like? What sort of clothes did they use to wear? Were they strict or easy-going? What subject did they teach? Were you good at that subject? Where did you sit in the classroom? What sort of things did you use to do in class? What was special about your favourite teacher? Were they popular with your classmates? Are you still in touch with them? 19. Read the passages and answer questions about the following people who proved their teachers wrong. a)Who did more than get married and raise a family? b)Who followed the teacher’s advice and didn’t go on to university? c)Who failed an exam in a subject which she later proved to be very good at?

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Romy Adams runs a catering company. She started off in her own kitchen and now runs three catering teams from premises in north London and caters mainly for conferences. My maths teacher would die if she knew that I run my own company and do all accounts myself. On my school report, she wrote, ‘I see very little point in entering Rosemary for maths GCSE. Judging by the consistently low marks she has been getting this term, she is bound to fail the exam.’ She was right of course, but when I wanted to set up my own company, I enrolled at the local college and took an evening course in maths and accounting and I was one of the best in the class! A bit of motivation goes a long way! Henry Woods is an actor. He is at present filming a series to be shown on television in the autumn. History was the only subject I was any good at, and that’s because the history teacher would suit and tell stories and bring it all alive. He never made us learn lists of dates by heart – he didn’t need to because his stories made it all so memorable anyway. But other teachers used to say things like, ‘Henry lives in a dream world. He needs to pay more attention.’ I was hoping to go to university, but then one of my teachers wrote a comment on my report which took away all my confidence. He put, ‘Henry is not expected to pass his A-levels with sufficiently high grades to gain a place at university.’ So I didn’t apply for a place at university. I went to acting school instead, and the rest is history, as they say. I suppose it was fate, but I still feel angry with that teacher. Ann Waterman is a judge and has been an active member of parliament for the last ten years. I was sent to a rather old-fashioned boarding school run by nuns. I obviously didn’t make much of an impression there, because their final comment was, ‘She has been a mediocre student and is highly unlikely to go on to further education. We think she is best suited to getting married and raising a family.’ The first thing I did when I left school was to join the women’s liberation movement. 20. Find the English equivalents to the following words and word-combinations: -вижу мало смысла в том, чтобы …- -быть обречённым на неудачу- -основать компанию- -поступить в колледж- -записаться на курсы по- -мотивация далеко заведёт- - запоминаемые истории -сдать экзамены с оценками достаточными для поступления -посредственный ученик -продолжить своё образование 21.Work in pairs. One of you will play one of the roles. The other will ask him/her questions. 22. Dramatize the dialogue and then give the rendering of it. Mrs. Smith Have another cup of tea before you go, Mrs. Jones. Mrs. Jones I should be off really. I want to catch the ten o’clock bus into town and it’s really quarter to already Mrs. Smith You may as well have another cup and catch the 10.30. You’d have to run to catch the 10 o’clock now and you might miss it even then. Mrs. Jones All right, then, thank you. And can I have another of those chocolate biscuits? Mrs. Smith Of course you can. Here you are … Mrs. Jones Did you read about that awful business at the new comprehensive school last week?

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Mrs. Smith Yes, I did. A boy assaulted a teacher with a knife. Whatever next? Mrs. Jones He ought to be given a good beating. They’re too soft on children these days. The children can do what they like, and the teachers can’t do anything to punish them … May I have another biscuit? Mrs. Smith Of course – help yourself. I don’t know why they abolished corporal punishment. Things like that didn’t happen when we were at school because the teachers kept these hooligans under control by using a cane. Mrs. Jones That’s true … Ah, well, I must go now … Oh dear! Is your clock right? It can’t be twenty past ten already. Mrs. Smith I’m afraid it is. You’ve missed the 10.30 too now. You may as well stay here for a chat and go into town after lunch. Mrs. Jones Yes, I might as well. But Mrs. Brown is expecting me. I really ought to ring her and tell her that I won’t be turning up. Could I use your phone? Mrs. Smith Certainly. 23. Read the letter to the editor and say whether you agree with the teacher or not. Sir, Teachers in some secondary schools are worried that their jobs may become impossible shortly unless something can be done to restore discipline in the classrooms. In the problem Schools, mostly in large cities, a small minority of teenager pupils deliberately disrupt lessons to such an extent that the teachers can no longer teach their classes effectively. Some within the teachers’ unions consider that the permissive nature of modern society is responsible. Small children who are continually encouraged to express their individuality without restriction are naturally reluctant to accept school discipline when they grow older. Furthermore, modern teaching techniques, which appear to stress personal enjoyment at the expense of serious academic work, might be teaching the child to put his own selfish interests before his duties to the community in which he lives. Perhaps the problem can be solved by improving facilities for the psychological guidance of these difficult children or by better cooperation between the schools and the parents – for the parents may be mainly responsible for the aggressive behaviour of their off-spring. But some of us believe that there ought to be a return to more “old-fashioned” methods. At present in some schools teachers may not even slap a child who misbehaves, but I personally feel that caning should be re-introduced and this might produce the desired results. Ex-teacher, Beckenham 24. Comment on the statement: There should be some discipline in the classroom; for the majority of the lesson the students should listen quietly to the teacher. Write 200-250 words. Use the following plan: 1.Introduction (State the problem). 2.Express your opinion and give reasons for it. 3.Give other people’s arguments and explain why they are wrong. 4.Conclusion. 25. Dramatize the dialogue: A Little More Gossip and then give the rendering of it. Mrs. Jones I hear that the new people at number thirty-five send their boy to a private boarding-school instead of the local school. What snobs they are! Mrs. Smith They are, aren’t they? I wouldn’t dream of sending my little boy away to

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some strange institution for months on end every year. I think it’s cruel. Mrs. Jones It is, isn’t it? It would break my heart every term. And the thing is that these private schools are often not as good as free state schools. Mrs. Smith They aren’t, are they? My nephew only went to his local grammar school and he’s just been awarded a scholarship to study classics at Oxford. Mrs. Jones The Williams only send their boy away for the sake of appearances. They just like to show off. Mrs. Smith Yes, they do, don’t they? Of course, some people say that a boarding school education is good for children because it teaches them to have confidence in themselves and they learn to be less dependent on their parents… But I think it only turns them into snobs. Mrs. Jones It does, doesn’t it? Still, I don’t know what I’ll do with my Trevor next year. I don’t want him to go to that big new school. The children of all the commonest people in the area go there. Mrs. Smith Well, they’re closing all the old schools. If you don’t like the new state school, you’ll just have to pay to send him to a private school, won’t you? 26. Study the following expressions and use them in the sentences of your own. number 35/ at 10 Downing street but : in Downing street 2.instead of smth / instead of doing smth send smb away to send for smb to send for smth to send word – to tell smb by sending them a message to send smb packing – to tell smb firmly or rudely to go away 4.for months, for years, for days, for hours ON END compare : at the end of / in the end 5.for the sake of appearances / for smb’s sake - for the sake of smb/ smth keep up appearances show off have confidence in/ to be in smb’s confidence / to take smb into your confidence confident confidential to confide in smb – to tell smb secrets and personal information because you feel you can trust them be dependent on / to be independent of to depend on 27. Сomment on the following statement: Many people feel private education gives young people a better chance of having a successful life. Others think it is better to send children to normal, free state schools. Write 200-250 words. Use the following plan: 1.Introduction (State the problem). 2.Express your opinion and give reasons for it. 3.Give other people’s arguments and explain why they are wrong. 4.Conclusion.

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28. You are going to read an extract from a novel. For questions 1-8, choose the answer (A,B,C or D) which you think fits best according to the text. THE MORNING OF THE EXAM

Tiffany reached out an arm to turn off the alarm and sleepily opened her eyes. She enjoyed a

few moments of quiet calmness as the last bits of her dream faded from her mind, and had even started to think about breakfast, before the realization that today was the day hit her like a train. She groaned slightly and stared at the pile of books on the floor around her bed. Against all the advice her teachers had given her, she had spent the night before furiously revising, checking things on the internet, making endless notes in the margins of her textbooks. She picked a book up now and tried to read what she had written and began to panic when none of it seemed to make any sense. She closed her eyes and forced herself to calm down.

‘Come on, Tiffany,’ she said to herself. ‘It’s all there somewhere in the back of your mind. You just have to find it at the right time.’ Thinking that if she didn’t know it now, then she never would, she closed the book and threw it back onto the floor with the others.

As she showered, then ate her breakfast in the kitchen, she pushed all thoughts of electrons, gravity and equations out of her mind. Physics might not have been her favourite subject – it seemed too distant from people and life and all the things that she really cared about – but she rarely had any particular problems with it. If anything, it bored her and she didn’t understand how other students struggled with fairly simple problems. It wasn’t finding the answer that bothered her, but figuring out why the answer was worth finding in the first place.

Her mum drove her to school and dropped her off with a quick kiss on the cheek. ‘Good luck, dear,’ she said briefly, before driving off into the distance. Her parents’ attitude to education differed slightly from the pressure other parents at the school put on their children. They valued education, but saw it in a broader sense than exam results, and would have been quite happy if Tiffany decided to leave school and spend a year traveling around the world. Unfortunately, Tiffany’s teachers didn’t share the same vision and made sure all the students were aware of the need to maintain the standards of the school.

The exam was due to take place in the gym, which had been filled with desks and chairs, each one metre from the next. Outside the gym, crowds of people were waiting, some beginning to sweat with worry, and it seemed strange for the usual shouts and cheers of the gym to be replaced with this quiet murmuring. Somewhere someone was crying, but the general feel was of nervous anticipation. Tiffany glanced around for her friends and spotted them in a corner. Amanda was talking as Tiffany arrived.

‘… and then you take the first number and you multiply it by … what is it? Oh, I know this … Oh, hi, Tiffany. All ready? I spent the whole of yesterday evening revising, and Amy didn’t even sleep!’ Tiffany looked at Amy, who smiled slightly and yawned, and thought to herself that there was such a thing as doing too much revision. She noticed that Amy had a maths textbook under her arm.

‘And are you doing a bit of extra revision for tomorrow as well? She said, laughing. The others looked at her blankly.

‘What do you mean, tomorrow?’ Amy said.”Tomorrow’s physics. I brought this for a last-minute look before the maths exam. Today’s maths exam.’

A cold chill came over Tiffany as the bell sounded and everyone started to make their way into the exam hall. 1. When Tiffany first woke up, she A seemed to have forgotten about the exam. B was worried about getting to school on time. C thought having breakfast might relax her. D was glad that her bad dream was over. 2. Tiffany’s teachers had told her not to

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A write on her school books. B believe what she read on the internet. C spend the final night revising. D get angry with herself. 3. Tiffany threw the book on the floor because she realized A her notes were just confusing. B there was no point in revising now. C she didn’t have time to revise. D she already knew what it said. 4. When she was getting ready for school, Tiffany A quickly did some last minute revision. B tried not to think about the exam. C realized she didn’t like physics. D finally understood the subject. 5. How did Tiffany feel about physics? A It was easy but a bit irrelevant. B It was uninteresting and difficult. C It was a bit simple but useful. D It was mathematical and hard. 6. How did Tiffany’s parents differ from other parents at the school? A They didn’t care about their child’s education. B they didn’t have a high opinion of the school. C They didn’t think exam results were very important. D They weren’t happy with the way the teachers worked 7. Just before the exam, the area outside the gym was A more crowded than usual. B quieter than usual. C tidier than usual. D hotter than usual. 8. When Tiffany looked at Amy, she felt that A she should have done more revision. B Amy had revised the wrong subject. C Amy had a good chance of doing well. D she was right to get some sleep. 29. The most stressful period for any student is exam time. Before you read the text, think about how you prepare for examinations. Note down a few techniques you find helpful. 30. Read the text. Does the writer mention any of the techniques you noted? Choose the most suitable heading from this list for each paragraph. There is one extra heading. A Stay calm B Be organized C Vary the way you revise D Don’t waste any time E Remembering the difficult bits F Get some sleep

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G Write down the main points H Reward yourself I Set yourself targets 0 SET YOURSELF TARGETS___________________________ It’s always good to know what you’re aiming for, so that you know if and when you get there. By having an aim for each week, or even each day, it will help you check your progress and show you if you need to change your plans. 1. _________________________________________________ Rather than having to work through masses of notes every time you revise something, try nothing down things you want to remember on a piece of paper. It doesn’t seem as much to learn that way, but it makes sure you don’t miss out anything important. Once you’ve learnt the main points, rewrite them on another piece of paper without looking at your notes. 2. __________________________________________________ ‘If you don’t know it by now, you’ll never learn it for tomorrow.’ Everybody says it, but it’s probably true. Don’t stay up all night studying. You’d better go to bed at a reasonable time, so that you can wake up fresh and alert on exam day. 3. __________________________________________________ There’s nothing worse than being disorganized. If you have a plan and stick to it, you won’t end up cramming all your revision into the last few hours! Make a list of your exams and what you need to learn beforehand, and then draw up a timetable covering all the topics. You can then work out what you need to do on a weekly basis and when you are going to do it. 4. __________________________________________________ When you reach each of your targets, give yourself a treat – you deserve it! It could be a drink, a short break to watch your favourite TV programme, a phone call to a friend – anything you enjoy. Test yourself, from time to time, on a topic and if you do well, give yourself a special treat based on how well you have done. 5. __________________________________________________ By now you will probably have discovered the method of revision which suits you best. But every now and then it might be helpful to try a different method. You could try working with a group of friends, or using a different book which covers things from a new angle. Whatever it is, just try something different occasionally. 6.___________________________________________________ Some things are almost impossible to remember, so you may need to do something unusual to help you remember. Try writing them down in large letters and bright colours and sticking them on the fridge, on a mirror or on the bathroom door. Try recording them on to a cassette and keep playing it back to yourself – on a personal stereo if you’ve got one! 7._____________________________________________________ Not too people like exams and most of us get nervous. But if you’ve followed your plan and put the effort into revising, then there is not need to worry or panic. Hopefully these tips will have helped you. Give it your best shot – that’s all that anyone can expect of you. 31. Read the text below. Use the word given at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. EDUCATION AND YOUR FUTURE

Not everyone should pursue a formal _____________________ after they leave school. Today’s world needs skilled workers as well as _________________________ , and skilled workers can earn a decent salary! However, if you are someone who is looking to increase your ______________________ and wants to continue studying, you have a big _______________________ to make regarding which course to


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do. Make sure it’s a subject you’re really interested in! Another question which requires _____________________ is how this course will help you get a job. Ask yourself what skills you have and how much __________________________ you will need. Find out what _______________________ are available and necessary for your career choice. Try to make a choice that will bring you real opportunities and that suits your ______________________. It’s important to choose something that’s _____________________ . We might all dream of becoming a famous pop star or millionaire, but that’s actually not a ____________________ option for most of us!


32. Read the text PLAY AS YOU LEARN Susan Raven set out to learn German in three weeks, with the help of board games, clapped hands, singing, daily relaxation sessions and gifts of chocolate. It’s the new, brain-friendly approach to learning – and it works! We were in Liechtenstein, in a comfortable, carpeted classroom at the IFS, the Institut für Suggestopädie. (Not an attractive name, but the only hints of ‘suggestion’ were all successful pupils and the constant eighteenth-century background music!) There were seven of us and the only thing we had in common was a desire to learn German. A couple of us spoke a tiny bit of German, the others had absolutely none at all. By the end of the first morning we had new names and new identities. I became Birgit, a farmer’s daughter. For the two weeks of the basic courses we simply regressed to primary school. We competed in a huge variety of games; we formed teams, and when we won(or lost)we were rewarded with chocolates and boiled sweets. We shouted, we sang songs, and above all, we laughed. And although it sounds a little bizarre as a learning method, it actually did work. We learnt the verbs go, stay, crawl, run, sit, stand, open and close by acting them out physically. Opposites-big/little, fat/thin, high/low-Katya demonstrated them all. All this on the first day. Later we learnt prepositions- vor, hinter, über, unter-by clapping our hands in front, behind, above our heads and by our feet. And all the time the words were up on the wall on posters, or shown to us on cards; we read them, and spoke them. Everything we learnt was reinforced in this way and constantly repeated. One of the key ingredients of this method of language learning is the telling of stories. Twice every day, at the end of the morning and afternoon sessions, Katya read us a banal story about the Familie Gärtner who were working in Africa, and then took a trip home to Germany to see their grandparents. We were given the text: German on the left-hand side, the translation on the right-hand side. Then she told us to lie back and shut our eyes while she read the text again, and the music played in the background. Afterwards, we could remember most of the details-and the vocabulary. The theory is simple. Tony Stockwell, an Englishman who, with his German wife, has run the IFS since it was founded in 1983 by a rich Liechtensteiner, said to me: ‘Who has to make an effort to remember the story of their favourite film? The Familie Gärtner story not only helps you to remember; it enables you to remember without making an effort. Learning becomes pleasure.’ When I returned for a week’s intermediate course after four months, I was afraid I had forgotten a lot. It all came back after half a day and to my amazement, I found I could understand the weather reports and the gist of the news. A whole new world is waiting for me! 33. Answer the following questions: 1.Where was the IFS? 2.How many times did Susan go there? How long was she there each time? 3.Do you think she spoke German before going there? How do you know?

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4.Does the writer suggest that this is a usual, or an unusual, approach to teaching languages? Support your answers with evidence and examples from the text. 5.What do you think about this approach? Would you like to learn a foreign language in this way? 34. Find a word in the text that means approximately the same as:

a) an idea put into someone’s head b) returned to an earlier, less advanced state c) give something in return for hard work d) strange e) make something stronger (in this case learning) f) ordinary and uninteresting g) started, established (an institution) h) what you feel when you have a surprise that is almost impossible to believe i) the general meaning of a piece of writing, conversation, speech, etc.

35. One of you will play the role of Susan. Ask her questions about IFS. 36. Dramatize the dialogue Linguistic talent Betty –Why weren’t you at the German class last night, Joan? Have you given up? Joan –Well, no… I came back late yesterday and found Simon asleep in the chair. He’d been writing reports all day long and he was too worn out to go out again, so we gave the lesson a miss. Betty –You’ve missed quite a lot of lessons lately, haven’t you? Are you losing enthusiasm? Joan –Yes, I’m afraid so. Neither Simon nor I have a gift for languages. People just laugh at us when we attempt to speak German. How did you and Eric pick it up so quickly and easily? You’ve hardly been in Germany a month. Betty –It was neither quick nor easy, I assure you. We’d both studied the language before we came, and we only needed to brush it up a bit. Joan –Anyway, all our friends here speak English fluently so we don’t really need to learn German. Betty –Well, Eric and I have been both learning and teaching languages for years and we enjoy it immensely. Joan –Well, keep it up! I’m all for teaching foreigners English, if it saves me the trouble of learning foreign languages myself. 37. Answer the following questions: –What classes do Joan and Betty attend? –Why did Joan miss the class last night? –Are Joan and Simon motivated to learn German? Why not? –Why was it easier for Betty and Eric to pick up German? –What was the purpose of their studies? –What keeps Joan and Simon from learning German? –What do Betty and Eric enjoy doing? –Why is Joan all for teaching foreigners English? 38. Study the following: 1. to give up (doing) smth opp. to take up (doing) smth 2. asleep, to fall asleep, to be sound asleep opp. to be wide awake 3. to be worn out, to be run down, to be exhausted

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4. to miss a lesson, to give a lesson a miss,to play truant, hook(e)y opp. to attend a lesson 5. to have a gift for 6. to attempt to do smth, to make an attempt 7. to pick smth up to pick on smb to pick at (one’s food) 8. to assure smb 9. to brush smth up 10. keep it up to keep (on) doing to keep to smth to keep up with to keep smb from doing smth 11.I’m all for doing smth saves smb the trouble of doing smth 39. Work with your partner. Make up the following dialogue: You and a friend are planning to do a course for one evening each week at a local college. You are discussing which course to go on. You can do:

• basic car maintenance • cookery • mandarin Chinese for beginners • photography • local history •

Remember to: • discuss all the options • take an active part in the conversation and be polite • come up with ideas • give good reasons • find out your friend’s attitudes and take them into account • invite your friend to come up with suggestions • come to an agreement

40. This is a part of a letter from Claudia, your German pen friend. … I’d like to improve my English. How long have you been learning it? Do you enjoy it? How do you learn new vocabulary? My friend said I should watch films in English. What do you think is the best way of learning English? As to my family news, we’re planning to go to Egypt for New Year. I hope the weather will be good … Write back soon. Love, Claudia Write back to Claudia answering her questions and asking her three questions about her future holiday in Egypt. Write 100-140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

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TOPIC 4 SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 1. Which of the following household items do you think were in use fifty years ago? Which do you have in your home? personal computer fridge camcorder electric razor radio washing machine video recorder deep freeze tin opener microwave oven CD player iron food processor tumble drier music system cassette recorder vacuum cleaner dishwasher word processor Jacuzzi television mobile phone 2. Imagine life in your family fifty years ago. How did your grandparents live? How was their daily life different from today? 3. If you lived then, what would you miss about your life today? What wouldn’t you miss? Compare your ideas with the rest of the class. 4.You are going to read about the Jones family. Do the tasks based on it.

THE FAMILY WHO TURNED BACK THE CLOCK The Jones family have nine TV sets, six computers, three cars and every domestic appliance. What would their life be like without them? Melanie Adams reports When Malcolm Jones woke up last Monday, he heard the birds singing. Not remarkable, you might think, especially given that he lives near a forest. But birdsong in the Jones household is usually drowned by a tidal wave of electronic music crashing around the house as soon as his four children wake up. This is a family who have chosen to fill their home with every conceivable gadget. They have nine television sets, including one in each bedroom and in the kitchen. All the children have their own personal computers and CD players. Of course, there are all the usual appliances we all take for granted, such as the washing machine, tumble drier, dishwasher, deep freeze, microwave oven, and video recorder, but they also have an electric trouser press, two power showers, an Olympic-sized spa bath and Jacuzzi, three cars, and a music system which plays throughout the whole house. The experiment What happens if all the props of modern living are removed? To help us find out, we asked the Joneses to turn back the clock fifty years and to switch off all their labour-saving gadgets and push-button entertainment for three days. We also wanted them to stop using their cars. The family, comprising Malcolm, 48, Carol, 43, and their four children Emma, 17, Richard, 14, Tamsin, 9, and Tom, 7, were not enthusiastic, but everyone, except for Emma, agreed to try. (She couldn’t stand the thought of being without the telephone and her car, which she had only just learnt to drive, so she refused point-blank to join in.) The other three children were not allowed to use their computers or watch TV. They were banned from opening the freezer to get out fish fingers and oven chips. Malcolm was forbidden to use his electric razor and mobile phone, but allowed to use his car for work. Carol was encouraged to go everywhere on foot or by bicycle (women rarely drove 50 years ago), told to ignore the washing machine and dishwasher, and she was discouraged from using the telephone. How did they cope? The much-dreaded three days got under way!

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Old-fashioned meals, games, and entertainment were planned for the evenings. After eating together at the kitchen table, they sat playing cards, putting off doing the washing-up because they all hated doing that. Carol was surprised at how long everything took. ‘By the time I had washed up the breakfast things and got back from walking the children to school, it was nearly lunchtime. Getting to the shops, which normally takes five minutes in the car, took at least an hour, so it was impossible just to pop out for a loaf of bread. It was strange having to wait until the washing dried in the garden before getting the ironing done, instead of simply using the drier.’ Although Carol found it quite difficult to get used to the length of time it took to do things, she enjoyed having a slower, more relaxed pace of life. Also, the lack of electronic entertainment, particularly the TV, had a dramatic effect on the children. They got on much better together and seemed to enjoy each other’s company more, although they clearly believed that they were suffering. Tamsin even spent some time gazing at the blank TV screen in her bedroom. ‘All sorts of things that we had put off doing got done,’ said Carol. ‘Bikes got mended, rooms tidied, bookshelves sorted, hamsters cleaned out. Tamsin and Tom started to play games together and even read stories to each other.’ What did they think? What Malcolm liked most was the peace. ‘I usually start the day by watching the business news on TV from bed. Then I press the music button while I shower and get dressed. I didn’t miss any of this, I just enjoyed hearing the birds singing and chatting to Carol. I think the whole experience did the children a lot of good. If it were my decision now, I’d throw all the televisions away.’ The children vigorously denied that any good had been done to them. Richard spoke for them all when he said, ‘It was awful. I missed my music, I missed the computer games, and I missed the TV. We had to read books instead!’ Carol’s feelings were the most ambiguous. ‘I enjoyed doing more things together as a family. But as the housewife, I didn’t like my day being so full of household chores. When you’ve got a dishwasher, you stack it as you go through the day and turn it on at night. But you can’t leave dirty dishes in the sink all day, so you’ve got to keep doing the washing-up. Also, without a phone and a car, I felt really isolated.’ All of this just goes to show that, fascinating as the experiment was, you cannot turn the clock back. This is doubtless a big relief to the Jones children! 5. Comprehension check. Answer the questions: 1. What is the first thing the children usually do when they wake up in the morning? 2. What does this family own which is more than the average family owns? 3. What were some of the rules of the experiment for each member of the family? 4. Who refused to join in the experiment? Why? 6. Write out the underlined expressions and use them in the sentences of your own. 7. Work in pairs. Choose one member of the family. One of you will describe your typical day. The other will describe a day for the same person during the experiment. 8. Work in pairs. You and your friend have won a competition. The prize is some money to spend on equipment for your school….. (Practice tests. test10) You and your friend have won a competition. The prize is some money to spend on equipment for your school. You and your friend are discussing what to spend the money on.

• a computer (with monitor and printer) • a widescreen TV and DVD player

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• new furniture for your classroom • 200 books for the school library • A top-quality CD player plus 30 CDs

Remember to:

• discuss all the options • take an active part in the conversation and be polite • come up with ideas • give good reasons • find out your friend’s attitudes and take them into account • invite your friend to come up with suggestions • come to an agreement

9. Mobile phones are the inventions we can hardly imagine our life without. Read the article about mobile phones. Then choose the correct ending: a, b, c, or d, to complete statements 1-5. No consumer product in history has caught on as quickly as the mobile phone, global sales of which have risen from six million in 1991 to more than 400 million a year now. The arrival of the mobile phone has transformed our lifestyles so much that men now spend more time on the phone than women, according to the results of our special opinion poll. Mobile phones are no longer just the domain of the teenager and, in fact, just as many 40- and 50-something now own a mobile phone as the 15 to 20 age group (slightly below 70%). Even among the over 65s more than 40% now have a mobile. The survey found that men with mobile phones (72% of all men) spend more than an hour a day making calls on an average weekday. The average man spends sixty-six minutes before the mobile phone revolution. But the poll reveals that, while men are using their phones a lot more, women are actually spending less time on the phone. Slightly fewer women (67%)have a mobile phone, and the survey shows that the average amount of time they spend on the phone on a weekday has gone down from sixty-three minutes before they got a mobile to fifty-five minutes now. The explanation might lie in the fact that men love to play with techno toys while women may be more conscious of the bills they are running up. Innovation in mobile phones has been happening so fast that it’s difficult for consumers to change their behaviour. Phones are constantly swallowing up other products like cameras, calculators, clocks, radios, and digital music players. There are twenty different products that previously might have been bought separately that can now be part of a mobile phone. Mobiles have changed the way people talk to one another, they have generated a new type of language, they have saved lives and become style icons. Obviously, the rich have been buying phones faster than the poor. But this happens with every innovation. Mobile phone take-up among the poor has actually been far quicker than it was in the case of previous products, such as colour television, computers and Internet access. Indeed, as mobile phones continue to become cheaper and more powerful, they might prove to be more successful in bridging the gap between the rich and the poor than expensive computers. There are obviously drawbacks to mobiles as well: mobile users are two and a half times more likely to develop cancer in areas of the brain adjacent to their phone ear, although researchers are unable to prove whether this has anything to do with the phone; mobile thefts now account for a third of all street robberies in London, and don’t forget about all the accidents waiting to happen as people drive with a mobile in one hand. But, overall, mobile phones have proved to be a big benefit for people.

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1.The group with the highest number of people who own a mobile phone is A teenagers. B people between 40 and 50. C men. D women. 2. According to the opinion poll, women A spend more time on the phone than men. B spend less time on the phone than they used to. C like to play with their mobile phones. D don’t worry about their phone bills. 3. According to the text, mobile phones A are modified too fast. B are incorporated into cameras. C can now replace many other products. D are more complicated to operate than radios. 4. Among the poor, the demand for mobile phones A has created more of a gap with the rich. B is higher than among the rich. C follows the pattern of similar innovations. D has grown faster than the demand for computers. 5. One disadvantage of mobile phones that the article does not mention is the A high operating costs. B higher crime rate. C possible health risk D increased danger to road users. 10. Complete the following facts which appeared in a British newspaper article about text messaging. Use the phrases in the box.

They’d like to know better too loud to talk less than the price of a call nobody need know to write and phone more to your phone bill are work-related


• It’s cheap. You can send messages of up to 160 characters for (1) _________________.

• It’s discreet and personal. You can send or receive messages on a bus, in a meeting or in a class, and ____________________.

• Only 10% of messages sent (3) ________________. • In a survey of mobile-phone users 44% said that text messaging meant that they

told their partner they loved them more often, 53% used it to apologize after rows, and 64% said that text messages are a good way to flirt with people (4) ______________________.

• Text messaging appears to have encouraged men (5) ______________________. • People use it to communicate in night-clubs where the music is (6)

__________________________. • In some places you can even send a message to a vending machine which will

deliver a drink and charge it (7) ______________________!

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11.Would you (or do you) use text messaging for any of the purposes described in the newspaper article? 12.Give a 2-minute talk on mobile phones. Remember to say:

• if you have a mobile phone • what people use mobile phones for • when mobile phones are useful • if mobile phones are ever annoying

13. Read the article and say whether you agree with its author or mot.


Everyone, it seems, has a mobile these days, even children in kindergarten. Billions of text

messages fly round the world every day, and computers and call centres run every aspect of our lives. But is all this really making life better? Here are seven good reasons to hate modern technology.

• Many people make the mistake of thinking that technology is there to save your time. Wrong. It is there to give people new ways of filling their time. Take personal computers. Learning how to use all the features of a new PC uses up all our time that having a computer saves. And what about all the hours you spend staring at incomprehensible instruction manuals for your new phone/ TV/ digital doorbell?

• Of course it’s wonderful to have a CD player, a mobile, a home computer, or an electric toaster, for that matter. But do you really want to play computer games on the 4cm screen of your mobile phone? Do you need your computer to answer the phone or your TV to make toast?

• Digital TV is a perfect example. When it arrived, we were promised a better quality picture and more choice. But at eleven o’clock at night as you flick through the 97 channels you can now get, it is not the quality of the picture that you worry about. More the fact that not one single programme is worth watching.

• After several frustrating weeks of finding all the right software for your new PC, then phoning ‘help’ desks when it doesn’t work, you will proudly show off your new machine to friends only to hear ‘Oh, are you still using that one? I’m thinking of buying the new PYX 5000, myself.’ A few months later, when you try to buy some minor spare part, you find it is no longer manufactured, and that it would be much cheaper to replace the whole computer with the new PYX 7500.

• This is easy, because very few people really understand how the machines they have bought work. So you phone the software company and they will tell you it’s a hardware problem. You then phone the hardware company and they tell you it’s a software problem. Call centres are the worst. Phone the so-called ‘customer care’ number, and after waiting on hold for fifteen minutes you will be told you need the sales department. The sales department assure you that it’s the technical department you need, but surprise, surprise, the technical department put you back through to customer care. People can spend weeks of their lives like this.

• Apparently teenagers now do so much texting and e-mailing that their thumbs are getting bigger. Unfortunately, they are also forgetting how to spell. One American schoolgirl recently wrote her entire essay on ‘My summer holidays’ in text speak. It began ‘B4 we used 2go2 NY 2c my bro, his GF & thr 3 kids. ILNY it’s a GR8

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plc.’ Or for you and me :’before we used to go to New York to see my brother, his girlfriend and their three kids. I love New York it’s a great place’.

• A recent survey showed that more than eight out of ten young people would rather text their friends or family than actually speak to them in person. And according to the same survey, twenty five percent of people would answer their mobile phone even during a moment of passion. I ask you, is this really a better world?

♫14. You will hear 6 people talking about computers. Match the things people say 1-6 with the statements A-G . There is one extra statement. (Afanasyeva test 19) A I think computers are great for communication. B I’m beginning to use my computer for a lot more. C I need to improve my knowledge of computers. D I spend too much time on my computer. E I couldn’t survive without my computer. F Computers have changed the way I work. G I try to avoid using computers.

1 2 3 4 5 6

15. Complete the interview with Jessica Adams, best-selling author of Single White E-mail and Astrology for Women by matching the questions (a-l) below with the appropriate gaps in the article (1-12).

a) How long have you spent on the Internet in the last week? b) What do you use your computer for? c) Have you bought any new gadgets recently? d) How important do you think computers are? e) Have you ever chatted with strangers on the Internet? f) Are there any new gadgets on the market that you want? g) Do you see yourself as a computer geek? h) Do you know any good websites? i) Which would you take to a desert island for company – a computer or a human? j) How long have you been using computers? k) Is there anything that irritates you about computers or electronic technology? l) What kind of computer do you have now?

1_______________________________________? I’ve had a computer of one sort or another since I bought my first Mac in 1987. I remember it was a little box with a black and white screen, and I think I used to go off and make a cup of tea when it was time to print anything. 2_______________________________________? I have two laptops, and at home I have a huge IBM Aptiva, which is jet black and looks like the sort of thing Darth Vader might use. 3_______________________________________? Very important, but like most of the world, I have a love-hate relationship with computers. As a novelist I love the cut and paste function, which has changed the way I write fiction. As a traveler, I’m hooked on hotmail and Internet cafés. But as a true technobimbo, I really hate the way computers can get stuck, go wrong and generally fail to explain themselves in plain English. 4_________________________________________? For e-mail and writing fiction. 5_________________________________________?

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I’m afraid the only website I look at regularly is my own. I like to see what readers of Single White E-mail are saying about the book. It’s never what I expect or imagine! 6_________________________________________? Yes, I once had a very flirtatious online conversation with someone who, embarrassingly enough, turned out to be fifteen. I was thirty at the time. 7_________________________________________? About eight hours. The longest I’ve ever spent was actually twenty-four hours, when I was writing a story for an Australian magazine entitled 24 Hours on the Net. It nearly killed me. 8_________________________________________? Yes, I bought a juicer. It’s fantastic, and I’ve become addicted to banana and milk shakes! 9_________________________________________? Yes, I really want one of those mobile phones with e-mail and Internet access on them. 10________________________________________? No, I don’t think so. I’m not a geek at all. I don’t understand computers – they’re just glorified hairdryers or electric kettles to me. 11________________________________________? Yes, it annoys me to think how much I depend on them. I’ve been spending far too long on my computer. I must remember to get a life! 12________________________________________? A computer – sorry about that, humans! 16. Work in pairs. Choose five of the questions from the interview to ask your partner. Find out as much as you can. 17. Several phrases have been removed from the text. Fill in the gaps with the suitable phrases. There is one extra phrase.

A. that we tend to say that the world is getting smaller B. while I meet new people from different parts of the world C. we assess information D. because it appears to be quite interesting E. till the cows come home F. which take place in distant countries

G. while simultaneously browsing the World Wide Web The Internet is completely changing the way 1 __________________. This general source of news and knowledge has revolutionized the world of media beyond all recognition. Thanks to the Internet we can find the most sophisticated pieces of information in a flash. It’s no wonder 2 ______________________ . Because of this new communication channel we feel almost as if we are eye witnesses of events 3 ____________________. And this is just the beginning of a great development. Nowadays, everybody feels the need to have access to the Internet. Personally, I just can’t imagine that there is any information we can’t receive by virtue of this medium. I love to surf the Internet for hours. How in the world would I get faster to the people I care for? In no way would I dream of depreciating the importance of telephones. Particularly as a woman I can sit on the phone 4 _______________________. Yet, the Internet helps me to save time. I can talk with some friends via the Communicator; write e-mails to others 5 _____________________. The Internet is an infinite source of information on education and career opportunities. As a student I don’t want to lag behind those who are well informed about the best job vacancies. It’s the Internet that gives me the means to select the most appropriate offers and get in touch with potential employers. Instead of buying dozens of newspapers and trawling through them in search of some worthwhile information sandwiched between things I’m not really interested in, I find everything I need in no time at all. In addition I can practice and improve my

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English on the Internet 6 _________________ . The Internet has become a vital part of my daily life and it’s so much more to me than just another source of entertainment.

1 2 3 4 5 6

18. For questions 1-10, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.

NOT A COMPUTER WHIZZ – KID I was lazily(0) browsing through the small ads in the local newspaper when I saw an _________________________(1)for a second-hand word _______________________(2), so I decided to give them a ring to get more _________________(3). I have a computer but it doesn’t really have a ____________________(4) enough memory for the project I’m involved in at the moment. In most _____________________(5) nowadays it is becoming useful to be ‘computer-literate’ but in my _________________(6) it has become an absolute _______________________(7). I must admit I do not get much ____________________(8) out of sitting in front of a computer screen for hours, but I don’t stand much chance of _________________________(9) without computer skills. So I made an _______________________ (10) to see my bargain computer the next day.


19. WORD FORMATION. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate grammar form of the corresponding word in the right column.

VIDEO GAMES Like the television set before it, the video game console is now ____________________________ over living rooms in the US. Americans spend ____________________ on video games than on movies and half the country plays. The first video game, Pong, ______________________ in 1972. Since then, video games _____________________ ‘the major cultural activity of the generation ____________________ 30 and below’, according to James Paul Gee, a professor of education. ‘They have the same importance to this generation that movies _____________________for ______________________ generations,’ he says. ‘Even ___________________________ children who can’t understand the lessons they ____________________ in their schools can discuss the stories in video games at a very sophisticated level,’ he says. But in some _____________________ opinion, many of the games are much too violent and they have a bad effect on the brain.

Take Money Invent Become Age Have Early That Teach People

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20. For Questions 1-15, read the text FUN AND GAMES and decide which answer (A,B,C or D) best fits each space. Do you think computer games are just for kids? Then you should think again. You might be (1) … to learn that the games industry now (2) … more money than Hollywood. (3) … a family buys a new PC, all they really want to do is to play games. It is hardly surprising that video gaming has (4) … one of the most popular (5) … of entertainment today. A good game is like a good film; it will hold you (6) …, capture your imagination and play with your emotions. The big (7) …, however, is that watching a movie is a passive (8) …. You have no say in how the plot (9) or which characters dominate the story. With computer games, you direct the (10) … and that is what makes them so exciting. Finding the (11) … game is likely to signal the beginning of a lasting love (12) … with the interactive (13) … of make-believe. It is (14)… to think of gaming as something simply for children and teenagers. In fact, the (15) … growth area of the market is the 25-35 age group.

1 A concerned B admired C surprised D startled 2 A has B makes C does D gains 3 A As soon as B As well as C As far as D As long as 4 A begun B grown C sounded D become 5 A makes B branches C shapes D forms 6 A gaze B attention C breath D control 7 A gap B variety C difference D direction 8 A pastime B task C routine D employment 9 A becomes B develops C turns D produces 10 A movement B change C action D performance 11 A accurate B right C complete D proper 12 A match B story C secret D affair 13 A region B area C society D world 14 A immoral B wrong C false D dishonest 15 A longest B widest C biggest D deepest

21. Read the text THE EBAY ADDICTS and circle the right answer: A, B, C or D. Katie is sitting at her computer, eyes glued to the screen. It’s 2 a.m. and the eBay auction is about to end. Within minutes the 25-year –old events manager from London will know if she has won another pair of Gucchi shoes to add to her collection. The scene may sound familiar. Indeed, eBay – the Internet auction site – has become a modern phenomenon, with 10 million British users, 135 million worldwide and up to 600,000 joining every month. The other side-effects of her self-confessed addiction are far more alarming. Katie has spent so much of her substantial J50,000-a-year salary on eBay since discovering it in November that she is already J10,000 in debt. It is not just her finances which are feeling the strain. Her health is also deteriorating under the stress of owing so much, and she has been to see her GP. What horrifies Katie even more is the fact that she can see her personality changing as a result of her addiction.: she admits she is now prepared to lie to cover the extent of her problem. Natalie, 27, from London, who works for a casting agency, also finds taking part in the eBay auctions and hunting for bargains addictive. ‘I admit that I am an addict and I probably do need professional help,’ she says. ‘Every day I wake up and say that today I am not going on eBay. But I can’t stop myself. It started as my stress –

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buster from work and now it’s the cause of my stress. The thrill of the auction is like a gambling rush.’ These young women are not isolated cases. David Nott, Addictions Programme Manager, is seeing an increasing number of patients with eBay addiction, which he says is a very real condition. While shopaholism has been recognized as a problem for years, he believes eBay addiction is different because of the combination of shopping and gambling which makes it so compelling and potentially more addictive. ‘While a lot of people claim that the possibility of picking up a bargain is what attracts them to eBay, the single biggest thing that tends to keep them coming back is not what they buy, but how they buy it,’ he says. ‘The whole thing is geared around anticipation, winning and losing – it’s a very emotive process.’ He says eBay addiction should be treated as seriously as any other. ‘It is potentially life-destroying. While it doesn’t have the immediate health implications, it can lead to disrupted sleep, the same types of adrenaline highs and lows and obviously the overspending and consequent financial problems that this entails.’ 1.Why does the author in the second paragraph say that “the scene may sound familiar’? Because people taking part in the eBay auctions are: 1) a rare case 2) ordinary buyers 3) spread all over the world 4) decreasing in number 2. People visiting eBay auctions are: 1) gamblers 2) addicts 3) shopaholics 4) lonely people

3. According to the author what attracts people in eBay auctions? 1) the rush of excitement 2) anticipation, winning and losing 3) the need to buy things 4) the possibility to pick up a bargain 4. EBay addiction is different from shopaholism because: 1) there is no human interaction 2) it is a combination of shopping and gambling 3) it is more addictive 4) you buy things online

5. David Nott says that the side effects of eBay addiction are: 1) destroyed relationship and stress 2) financial problems 3) deteriorating health and change of personality 4) adrenaline rush, disrupted sleep and financial problems

6. EBay addiction according to David Nott should be treated seriously because: 1) you get hooked 2) it has immediate health implications 3) bidding is exciting 4) it may destroy your life

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7.Natalie thinks that her addiction: 1) is self-destructing 2) influences her relationship with parents 3) is the cause of her stress 4) is just a hobby

22. This is part of a letter from Adam, your English pen friend, who writes: … We are doing a project at school on how computers are changing people’s lives. Please could you tell me how computers are changing things and how people feel about it? Have you got a computer at home? What do you use it for? What other high-tech gadget would you like to have? As for me, I’m going on holiday with my parents next weekend … Drop me a line when you can. Love, Adam Write back to Adam, answering his questions and asking him 3 questions about his holiday. Write 100-140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing. 23. Read the text and hold a press conference with Emma Gibson. Ask her as many questions about the experiment as you can.


A dazed but relieved Emma Gibson told of her ‘seedy’ ordeal yesterday after four days trapped in cyberspace.

With three other volunteers, the out-of-work actress had agreed to be locked alone in a small room with just a computer and the Internet for company.

One hundred hours, three marriage proposals and dozens of lewd messages later, Miss Gibson, 30, emerged blinking into the sunshine rather glad the experience was over.

With the eyes of the world quite literally upon her – small cameras broadcast her every move on the Web – Internet heaven had become more of a nightmare at times. ‘I wanted to get out at the end. Too much Internet is bad for health,’ she said.

Net users were able to contact her using e - mails or chat rooms – electronic conversation forums. Miss Gibson, from London, added: ‘Chat rooms are a pretty seedy experience in my view, especially if you are female and being viewed by a web-camera.

Miss Gibson was chosen from more than 250 applicants for the experiment. Shut up in a secure room at a central London hostel, she had to take off all her clothes and was given a bathrobe, a credit card and a budget of £500 to feed, clothe and amuse herself with all purchases via the Internet. Organizers eventually had to start deleting all the abusive mail before it appeared on screen. Three men also offered proposals of marriage. ‘I didn’t accept any’, said Miss Gibson.

To keep sane during her confinement, Miss Gibson managed to download software from an Australian radio station to pipe out constant music. ‘Spending time on your own in a room in front of a computer does change the way you see the world. My thought processes became quite obtuse. It was draining but I became quite addicted. I had to get out.’

She was going straight out for a stiff gin and tonic and a walk in the fresh air. ‘I’m definitely not going on the net for a few days.’ Results of the experiment, organized by Microsoft, will be studied by Dr Helen Petrie, of the University of Hertfordshire.

Despite their reservations she believed the volunteers coped ‘better than we anticipated.’ She added: ‘Of course, there have been ups and downs but overall they had a very positive experience.’

Daily Mail

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24. You are going to read an article about websites. Seven sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A-H the one which fits each gap (1-7). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. A That way, users of the site can be sure that people they don’t want to contact them are blocked from doing so. B That might not matter at home, but some businesses have reported serious problems. C This, plus the use of the sites as means of communication, means that some young people are at risk of being made fun of by others. D It is claimed that meaningful relationships are being replaced by shallow connections with people you are unlikely ever to meet. E Even older people are finding that these sites can help them connect with people they used to know. F This is really just using the same kind of caution as you would in real life. G This might include a photograph, as well as things like education or work information. H You can post photos that show what you’ve been up to, or send a message to let everyone know what’s happening in your life. SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES One of the online success stories of recent years is the spectacular spread of social networking sites. These sites, including MySpace and Facebook, allow you to connect to your existing friends and to make new ones. What exactly is the attraction of them, and is there anything to worry about in the popularity of this phenomenon? The idea of these sites is quite simple, and the ease of use is one of things that attracts people to them. The way they work is this. You set up your own page and add information about yourself. 1______________. Some people like to add links to other things that say something about them, such as music videos they like. This page, then, is your profile, the page other people on the site see that represents you. Once you’ve created this online presence, it’s time to search for friends. Each of these websites keeps a large database of people who have joined. Using your friends’ names or email addresses, it’s possible to search this database to find people you know. You can then add them to the list of friends on your profile page. To protect their privacy, you may have to be approved before their details show up. 2 ______________. This balance between what is public and what isn’t is very important to the members and some of the sites have received complaints when they have tried to use members’ information in ways they haven’t given permission for. Once you’ve found all the people you know, then there are various ways in which you can use these sites. It’s a good way to keep in touch with friends you don’t see every day, perhaps because they live in another city or country. 3 _______________. Apart from that, you can also find people you don’t already know who share the same interests as you or like the same things as you. Then, you can send a friend request to them and watch as your online social life grows. It sounds simple and harmless enough. However, some people have raised concerns about these sites. First of all, some question what it is doing to young people’s social lives. 4 ____________. Friendship can be much more than simply sharing likes and dislikes and swapping links to music websites. People whose only social life is through sites like these may be missing out on real interaction with real people. Other critics point out that these websites can possibly be abused for cyber-bullying (bullying on the internet). Whereas in real life your popularity (or lack of it) might not always be so obvious, on social networking sites it is reduced to a number: the number of friends you have. 5 _________________. It might seem like harmless fun at the time, but this kind of thing makes many teenagers’ lives miserable. Another problem that has been highlighted is that these websites waste a lot of time. 6 ____________________. When employees spend up to two hours

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25. Comment on the following statement: Some people think that computers a blessing, while others are sure that they affect children in negative ways. Which group do you belong to and why? Write 200-250 words. Use the following plan: 1.Introduction (State the problem). 2.Express your opinion and give reasons for it. 3.Give other people’s arguments and explain why they are wrong. 4.Conclusion.

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TOPIC 5 PEOPLE AND SOCIETY I. FIGHTING FOR LIFE 1. Divide the list below into two categories: causes and effects of poverty Poor housing conditions Bad health Debts Lone/single parents Malnutrition Low pay Lack of education Lack of leisure Unemployment Stress Crime 2. Discuss the questions as a class:

1. Where do people live when they have no home? How do they live? 2. Who are they? How could they have ended up homeless? 3. Do you think politicians are interested in the problem? Why/why not?

♫3. Listen to a radio interview with Oliver McGechy, who runs a home for alcoholics and homeless people in Guilford, a wealthy town near London. ( New Headway UI Unit 10) Answer the questions: a. Why is Oliver particularly suited to running a home for alcoholics and homeless people? b. What is the average lifespan for homeless people in Europe? How is this moving back to Victorian days? c. What is just ‘the tip of the iceberg’? d. What is Oliver referring to when he says …? ‘… they’ve probably lost all of the network which has supported them within society.’ ‘ … they’re into a downward spiral …’ ‘ … there’s little political gain in supporting homeless people.’ e. Who are the people who become homeless? f. What question does Oliver ask the interviewer? 4. Read the following passage and answer the questions. NO PLACE LIKE HOME All over the country young people are entering a world of homelessness and poverty, according to a recent report by the housing group, Shelter. Nearly 150,000 young people aged between sixteen and twenty-five will become homeless this year, says Shelter. Some of the young homeless may sleep out in the open in such places as ‘cardboard city’ in London, where people of all ages sleep in the open air in their only homes – cardboard boxes. Others may find accommodation in shelters run by voluntary organizations or get a place in a hostel, which gives them board for up to ten weeks. But who are these people? Those seeking a roof over their heads are mostly not runaways but ‘throwaways’ – people who have been thrown out of their homes or forced to leave because of parental divorce, an unsympathetic step-parent or one of many other reasons.

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Take the case of one sixteen-year-old schoolgirl we shall call Alice. She did not come from a poor home and had just passed her exams with good results. The Shelter team met her in an overnight hostel where she was sitting down doing her Physics homework. It turned out that her parents had thrown her out of her home for no other reason than that she wanted to do science higher exams – which her parents refused her permission to do, saying that sciences were unladylike! Shelter says that the Government’s laws do nothing to help these youngsters. Rising rents, a shortage of cheap housing and a cut in benefits for young people under the age of twenty-five are causing a national problem, according to Shelter. The recent changes in the benefit laws mean that someone aged between sixteen and twenty-five gets less than older people. Benefits are the state system of payments which the government provides for people who have an extremely low income, if any at all. The system provides money to help people with the cost of somewhere to live, and basic food. New changes in the law mean that the under-twenty-fives can only claim state help if they prove they left home for a good reason. Shelter believes that because of the severe cuts in benefits to young people, more and more are being forced to sleep on the streets. Shelter also points out that if you are homeless, you can’t get a job because employers will not take on someone without a permanent address; and if you can’t get a job, you are homeless because you don’t have any money to pay for accommodation. It’s an impossible situation. 1. According to a recent report by Shelter, it appears that A nearly 150,000 young people live out in the open. B young homeless people often live in places like ‘cardboard city’. C more and more young people all over the world are finding themselves homeless. D hostels are too full to offer accommodation to homeless young people. 2. Most young people find themselves without a roof over their heads because A they have run away from home. B they do not want to live with a divorced parent. C their parents have made it clear that they no longer want them. D they have thrown away any chance of living at home by behaving badly. 3. Why was Alice turned out of her home? A She didn’t want to study for her higher exams. B She had not obtained high marks in her exams. C she refused to do her homework in the evenings. D Her parents didn’t agree with what she wanted to do. 4. The changes in the system of benefits mean that A young people cannot claim money unless they are under sixteen or over twenty-five. B anyone under twenty-five and not living at home will receive help with food and accommodation. C young people do not receive as much money as those over twenty-five. D the under twenty-fives can claim money only if they have left home. 5. According to Shelter, once young people have been forced onto the streets, A they will find it difficult to get a job. B their benefits will be severely cut. C they will never go back home again. D they will encourage their friends to do the same.

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5. Read the newspaper article about The Big Issue magazine. Complete the sentences, by putting the correct ending from A–J below in each space. There is one extra ending you are not going to need. FROM RAGS TO RICHES At the southern end of Waterloo Bridge in London, by the banks of the River Thames, stand the Royal National Theatre, the National Film Theatre and the Royal Festival Hall. In stark contrast to this centre of London’s cultural activity are the subways close by, 1_________________. They have become a mecca for the homeless. The place is littered with the cardboard boxes and old mattresses that they use as beds. It became so popular there in the 1980s 2 __________________________. It gave them a sense of security and became so permanent 3 _________________________. This was also the name of a theatre play directed by the now famous Oscar-winner (for American Beauty) Sam Mendes. The 1980s saw an enormous increase in people sleeping rough in Britain as many unemployed came to cities in the south, especially London, 4_____________________.But it’s virtually impossible to get a job in Britain without a permanent address, and it’s very difficult to get somewhere to live if you don’t have a job, 5 ________________________. They ended up with no work and nowhere to live. Today the housing charity Shelter estimates there are around 100,000 homeless people in London alone, who are either in temporary accommodation or simply living on the streets. These people often hang around railway stations and other public places asking for money. The British public are asked by their government not to give money to street beggars. People sympathetic to the homeless are being told to donate money to charities 6 ________________________. Another way you can help is to buy a copy of the Big Issue weekly magazine. Run for the homeless, The Big Issue is a success on many levels. Its first issue was published in 1991, it won the Magazine of the Year award in 1993, and sells 270,000 copies weekly, 7 ________________________. All profits are reinvested into the magazine or diverted to the Big Issue Foundation, a charity 8 _______________________.The magazine is actually sold by the homeless themselves, 9 __________________. Encouraged by its success in Britain, the Big Issue has become international, and now seventeen titles throughout Europe are being published. A that runs many social support programmes for the homeless. B so most of those people got trapped. C which offer some relief from the cold at night. D that there are many drug addicts among them. E who specialize in caring for the poor or to offer beggars gifts of food or clothes instead of money. F that each person had their own, much-prized space that they would guard carefully G where jobs were easier to find. H which gives them a chance to earn money and to retain a sense of dignity I which means a readership of over one million. J that the locals gave the area a nickname – Cardboard City. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

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6. Circle the right answer: A, B, C or D. Street papers The problem of homelessness is an international one. In the capital cities of the world, the (1) ____of people begging on the streets is becoming increasingly (2) ____. But all over the world, homeless people are taking the future into their own (3) _____. By selling ‘street papers’ they no longer need to beg for a (4) _____. The concept of the street paper is (5) ______. It is sold by homeless and ex-homeless people who buy it at a (6) ____ price of 30p and sell it to the public for 70p, keeping 40p for themselves. If they have no money, then they can get the first ten copies on (7) _____ and pay for them later. Every paper seller receives training and is given a special (8) __________________badge. The paper itself (9) _____ articles of general and social interest, film and book (10) _____, cartoons and the (11) ______ celebrity interview. Advertising and sales (12) _____ most of the income, and all profits go (13) ____ into helping homeless people. The Big Issue is the street paper of the British homeless. It was set up in 1991, and (14) ____ then it has helped hundreds of people to get (15) ____ the streets and back into society. 1 A sight B vision C look D view 2 A usual B common C rare D routine 3 A heads B shoulders C hands D mouths 4 A life B living C being D pay 5 A easy B straight C plain D simple 6 A stuck B steady C held D fixed 7 A credit B cheque C cash D card 8 A character B personality C manner D identity 9 A consists B contains C keeps D involves 10 A stories B reviews C opinions D views 11 A sometimes B often C occasional D seldom 12 A give B provide C show D offer 13 A back B out C through D forward 14 A from B of C for D since 15 A out B away C off D up 7. Read a part of the speech given by a woman called Moraene. What have you learnt about the woman from her speech.

… No one asks our views. We see millions wasted on initiatives based on the advice of academics who have never lived in poverty. Service providers should do market research. Ask us before you decide policies and set targets which will affect our lives. The greatest lack in my life has been lack of education. It is a vital tool in the fight against poverty and should be freely available, for life. There should be priority in pre-schooling for the children of illiterate and badly-housed parents. They need safe places to play and develop social and learning skills, so that they do not enter school already disadvantaged. Adult literacy and numeracy classes must be available so that parents can contribute to their children’s education. Parents living in poverty want to be recognized as human. I am a lone parent, not an irresponsible one. I am disabled, not unable. I am unemployed, not unemployable. We are increasingly called the underclass. I believe we are undervalued and very much underestimated.

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8. Answer the questions on the text:

1. Why doest she think a lot of money is wasted on attempts to improve the conditions of life of those people who live in poverty?

2. What tool does she think to be vital in the fight against poverty? 3. What happens when the children of illiterate and badly-housed parents start school? 4. When can parents contribute to their children’s education? 5. What is the greatest ambition of these parents?

9. Match the words from the speech with their definitions. Which of them does Moraene use to describe herself?

1 lone 2 irresponsible 3 disabled 4 unable 5 illiterate 6 unemployed 7 unemployable 8 undervalued

a) unable to use their body properly b) thought to be less important than something/somebody really is c) doing careless things without thinking or worrying about the possible

results d) without other people, on one’s own e) not having the skill, power, time or other means to do something f) not suitable to be employed g) not having a job h) someone who has not learned to read or write

10. Complete the sentences with the words from the text: a) Moraene suffers from poverty. She has a lot of problems because she is a … parent. b) Moraene is seriously ill and she is registered … c) She can’t find a job. So, she is … d) But in her opinion, she is not … as she is able and ready to work. e) But she insists that it doesn’t mean she is … to bring up her children. 11. What would you do to solve the problem of poverty if you decided policies and set targets in your country? II. PEOPLE AND MONEY ♫12. You will hear 6 people talking about money. Match the things people say 1-6 with the statements A-G . There is one extra statement. (Afanasyeva test 5) A I believe a person should manage their money wisely. B I am constantly spending money. C I prefer to spend money on others rather than on myself. D I prefer to spend my money on enjoying myself. E I’m careful with my money so I can afford a treat occasionally. F I often buy things without it through first. G I prefer to have the best, no matter what the cost.

1 2 3 4 5 6

13. Read the text and answer the following questions:

1. What prevents Josie from wasting money? 2. Is Josie poor?

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3. What way of dealing with being poor has Josie chosen? 4. What are ‘life’s true essentials’ for Josie? 5. What does Josie do to afford flowers and party dresses? 6. Does Josie’s attitude to life her to cope with difficulties? 7. Do you support her ways of coping? Explain your answer. 8. Does the article make you feel sorry/amused/surprised? Give reasons.

Recycling tea bags and ignoring the water bill means Josie Taylor can afford life’s true essentials – flowers and party dresses.

There are various ways of dealing with being poor. One can slouch around like a tramp but live comfortably, or one can hide it from the world. Throughout my life I have maintained high standards despite being poor. I’m not a spendthrift. I never waste money. I never have. It’s always been spent on the essentials. At present I’m on the dole, so by any standards I’m poor. Take the present state of affairs. Last week I needed some plants for my terracotta pots. In order to buy these plants, something would have to be sacrificed. I wrote out my shopping list to see what I could do without. I chose tea bags and bread. … after three days of admiring my plants, I discovered that I only had two slices of bread and three tea bags. Making bread is very easy. Eating the bread I make is another matter. Despite the fact I use all the correct ingredients, my bread is always leaden, shrunken instead of swollen and about as easy to swallow as fossilized mammoth tusk. Making tea is no problem. I put one tea bag in a mug, wiggle it three times, remove it without squeezing and save it. In this way I can have a day’s supply of pale orange hot water: the sugar and milk do the main job. I have a friend in a similar position to me financially , but her cupboards are full of food and cleaning materials – not to mention enough toilet paper. But she hasn’t got a Lambeth Doulton vase. I’m just recovering from the dress I bought for a special occasion. I’ve now stopped watering down the milk (a tip my like-minded niece gave me). Soon I’ll need new make-up. That will certainly cause a lot of wiggling of tea-bags. It may even mean not paying water bills again. I wonder if they’ll ever cut my water off? I can’t get too worried about that. I mean – water – it’s everywhere. I could always borrow some of that without having to repay it. I’ve been thinking about redecorating my sitting room this year. The two things, which stop me, are the high ceilings and the possible disconnection of my telephone because of the cost of the paint. (Extracted from an article by Josie Taylor first published in “The Independent”, London, UK, 18 August 1994) 14. You are going to read about four very different people, and the role that money plays in their lives. Discuss these questions: The texts are about an aristocrat, a divorced mum, a taxman, and a miser. Which of them do you think is wealthy? Who is poor? What attitude do you think each has to money? How do their lifestyles differ? Who’s rich and who’s poor these days? Gina Brooks tracks down four people from different walks of life. THE ARISTOCRAT Lady Chryssie Cobbold, 58, lives in Knebworth House, Hertfordshire, the family home of her husband David, 60, a financier. They have four grown-up children.

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‘Knebworth House is run as a business but it doesn’t make enough money to pay us. I have no regular salary. I never really spend money because I don’t have it and I’m not bothered about clothes. I spend about £ 2,000 a year on them. There have been moments when we thought we might have to sell the house, but now I think there’ll be enough money for the next generation to keep the house, but they won’t inherit much more than that. Money is the only thing my husband and I row about. I’m always worrying about money. I don’t believe one should spend what one hasn’t got. My husband likes having parties, going to restaurants, having guests for the weekend. In summer we’ll have up to 16 people at weekends. They’re usually quite good and they’ll bring a bottle of wine, but they still have to be fed. We always do our own repairs to the house or we’ll put a bucket out to catch the leaks if we can’t. I’ll go to any lengths to save money. I’ll put up wallpaper, do all the painting, make curtains and upholstery. As a child I used to get only 5p a week pocket money and I’d do anything to get more money. I’d even pick bunches of flowers from our garden and sell them to the local funeral parlour. If you have a big house, people think you must be well off, but it just isn’t true.’ THE DIVORCED MUM. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the appropriate grammar form of the corresponding word in the right column. Angie Cross, 27, has four children, aged from 5 to 10. She lives in Frinton-on-Sea in Essex. She gets £ 585 a month state benefit and also works as a part-time barmaid for £21 a week.

‘Money _________________ tight since I split up from my husband four years ago. The kids always come first, but special occasions for them are rare. They’re lucky if we go to McDonald’s once a month. All their school uniforms are second-hand. When I was a kid I used ______________ lots of treats. I would go riding and I used to have piano lessons. I feel dreadful _________________ able to give my kids the things I had. Every month I work out exactly what has __________________ and what can wait. I have to be very careful with money, and that doesn’t come easily because by nature I’m very extravagant. My _______________ extravagance now is a packet of 10 cigarettes. My monthly food bill _______________ to about £ 350, and towards the end of the month we have beans on toast three nights out of seven. I usually make the kids a packed lunch for school, but occasionally I don’t have enough food to make one, so I tell the kids to have a school dinner and say they have forgotten their dinner money. It’s not really __________________ lies because I _____________________ as soon as I can. I get very ____________________ and I frequently sit down and cry. Sometimes I’ll go wild and buy something just to cheer myself up, but I always regret it. I once __________________ £30 On some clothes but I felt really guilty. What I want more than anything else is a holiday and new shoes for the kids. Who knows? I might win the lottery!’

Be Get Not be Pay Big Come Tell Pay Depress Spend

THE TAXMAN For questions 1-10, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.

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Bob Wilden, 24, is a tax inspector. He earns £23,558 per annum. His wife, Denise, 20, earns £7,500 as a part-time secretary. They live in Maidehhead, Berkshire. They have no children.

‘I’m mean in some ways, generous in others. I’ll be first at the bar to buy a round of drinks, but I’d baulk at buying a packet of crisps as well. I’ll go hungry rather than stop for a snack at a motorway (1) _______________station. We always buy food in bulk so it’s cheaper. We ___________________ cook in bulk, too, and put it in the __________________. Denise and I never row about money. We both indulge _________________ now and then. She’ll spend £40 at the hairdresser’s and I won’t penny-pinch on the kind of malt whisky I get. I never spend much on clothes though, probably about £95 at the most. I don’t need to look smart to be a taxman. Denise generally gives £20 a month to animal charities, but she won’t donate to __________________ wearing £100 ______________________. I’ll give the real down-and-outs a quid sometimes. My _____________________ mum is a __________________ and lives alone, so I always make sure that she has enough to eat. I have four credit cards, but one is never used. A bill for £700 arrived this morning for one of them. It frightened us to_________. _________________________ we have to get loans to clear our credit card debts. In my job it’s possible to become a bit of a social leper. Some friends are always boasting to me about how they dodge paying tax. I don’t like that. I don’t like paying tax either, but I’d never dodge it.’

Serve Frequent Freeze Self Beg Train Widow Pension Die Occasional

THE MISER. For Questions 1-10, read the text below and decide which answer A,B,C or D best fits each space. Malcolm Stacey,38, is a part-time BBC journalist and author of two books about money. He earns £50,000 per annum. He lives in York with his wife Jo,32. They have two young children. ‘I never buy luxuries and I never buy a round of drinks. When 1 ____________ go out to the pub, I’ll stay in the office and say I’m expecting a phone call. I’ll never invite people to dinner, but I never feel guilty about 2______________ their invitations. I know they invite me to have someone interesting to talk to. The 3 ______________ thing I’ve ever done was to go to a wedding without a present. I just took some 4 _________________ paper and a tag saying ‘Love from Malcolm’ and put it onto the table with the other presents. I got a thank-you letter from the bride. She obviously thought she’d 5 ______________ the present. People don’t believe I can be so 6 _________________. I’ll organize an office collection for earthquake victims but I won’t give anything myself. I’ve put a wishing well in the front garden. I would never ask passers-by to throw money 7 ________________, but I collect it when they do. I hardly ever use my car; we grow our own vegetables and we recycle everything. We never buy new clothes, we get them second-hand from 8 _______________ for about £ 2 a garment. We can live on £5 a week. I’ve always been mean. When I was a child I would never buy flowers for Mum, but I’d give her a bouquet from our own garden. My wife gets 9 ___________________ by my meanness, but we never row about money. People think I’ve got a fortune stashed away somewhere. I don’t 10 __________________ what they think.

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1 A friends B relatives C bosses D colleagues 2 A refusing B turning down C accepting D ignoring 3 A finest B best C meanest D worst 4 A writing B wrapping C toilet D emery 5 A mislaid B lost C forgotten D thrown 6 A intelligent B stingy C rude D old-fashioned in 7 A off B out C down D in 8 A charity shops B boutiques C supermarkets D talls 9 A depressed B angry C embarrassed D annoyed 10 A care B know C like D understand

15.Choose one of the texts and read it more carefully. Answer the questions: a. What is his/her job? How much does he/ she earn? b. Does he/she get on well with his wife/ her husband? c. What does he/she say about clothes and food? d. What else does he/she spend money on? e. Does he/she give any money to charities or good causes? f. In what ways does he/she try to save money? g. Does he/she have any extravagances? h. What do you learn about his/her friends and/or family? 16. Several phrases have been removed from the text THE MAN WHO COULD BUY ANYTHING. Fill in the gaps with the suitable phrases. There is one extra phrase. Bill Gates is the richest private citizen in the world. There is nothing he can’t afford. Every morning, when his alarm clock goes off, the software tycoon is$20 million richer than when he went to bed. His wealth is based on his company, Microsoft, 1 ______________. He has a personal fortune estimated at £18 billion, which is more than the annual economic output of over a hundred countries. He is not shy about spending it. He has built a mansion overlooking Lake Washington 2 ________________ and TV monitors, some taking up an entire wall. Visitors are given a smart card encoded with their personal preferences, so that, as they wander from room to room, their favourite pictures will appear on the screens, 3 ________________. The card is programmed so that only the most intimate friends can open all the doors. This cold-blooded approach to human relationships also seems to be true of his love life. When he went out with an ex-girlfriend, Ann Winblad, 4 ________________, the couple conducted much of their relationship by going on virtual dates. Each would drive alone to the same movie at the same time in different towns, and then talk about it afterwards on their mobiles, 5 ________________. When he finally got married, he and his wife, Melinda, signed a prenuptial agreement that allows him to go on an annual holiday with his ex-lover, Ann, 6 ____________________. Gates has been called ‘King of the Nerds’, but this simply isn’t fair. In the ninth grade at school, he got A’s in all the subjects he took, which put him among the top ten students in the nation. Gates went on to Harvard University, where he managed to be in the same class as the girls he fancied 7 _______________. But he never finished college. When he left, he knew exactly what to do. He started up his own computer company. The reason why Microsoft has created Windows, which is a system, 8 __________________. Now the multi-billionaire, 9 ____________________, is developing the HPC, or hand-held personal computer. It is his intention that there should be a computer in the pocket of everybody in the whole world.

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A leaving his wife behind B whose software is used in two-thirds of the world’s computers C and the music they like will play D of which he owns 39% of the shares. E that can be run by clicking on icons with a mouse. F that he has packed with high-tech gadgetry G by inserting a piece of software into the college computer H discussing the plots and swapping opinions I which he bought as a weekend retreat J who is now a very successful businesswoman 17. Answer the questions:

1. How wealthy is Bill Gates? 2. How much does he earn each day? 3. What is special about his house? 4. What is unusual about his relationships with women? 5. What did he do to the computer at Harvard? 6. What is the secret of his success?

18. You are going to read an article about winners of Britain’s National Lottery. Before you read, write down: a) two things you would do b) two things you would definitely not do if you won the national lottery in your country. 19. Now read two stories about overnight millionaires and say which lottery winner 1. was able to help fellow workers? 2. won the respect of a member of their community? 3. bought properties as an investment? 4. had some unpleasant reactions from others to his win? 5. tried to help strangers in need? Since Britain’s national Lottery was launched in1994 more than six hundred people have become millionaires overnight. For some this new-found wealth has meant nothing but misery, destroying friendships and marriages. For others little has changed. Here are the stories of two lottery millionaires. Roger Robar, who now owns his own restaurant, beauty salon and a string of properties, won £5.8 million in June 1996. About fifty strangers asked him for money after his win and he gave to all of them. ‘I understand people who have problems so I helped. Maybe I was a bit gullible. I know some of their stories were probably exaggerated or untrue, but I feel people’s pain. I couldn’t help being moved, especially when the stories were about children.’ Mr Robar’s only regret is that the people he helped did not have the courtesy to thank him. ‘I am not sorry I gave the money to them, I’m only sad they never thanked me. I just wanted them to phone.’ Mr Robar, 49, who was born in the French colony of Martinique, was also very generous to his friends, family and staff. He bought a £250,000 house in paris for each of his three grown-up daughters, and a holiday home for himself in the French capital. He converted a three-storey building where he used to live into the beauty salon Vindo, for his wife to run. He then bought the restaurant where he used to work as a chef and renamed it ‘Roger’s’. He kept on all the exising staff but doubled their salaries. For himself, he bought another restaurant in France, a £ 400,000 house and he spent a further £ 1.8 million on houses which he rents out.

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Mark Gardiner had a half-share in one of the biggest winning tickets so far - £22 million – and swiftly received a dollop of abuse to match. His second wife, who was divorcing him, called him a ‘cheating rat’. A ‘best friend’ revealed he had once saved Mark’s life, emphasizing that he thoroughly regretted it now. His mother joined in, saying: ‘I have a vision of Mark finishing up with a Ferrari going into a brick wall – and I hope it’s tomorrow.’ Unsurprisingly, within months of winning he claimed the jackpot had ruined his life and that he was a ‘prisoner’ of his new-found wealth. According to friends at his local pub, the Royal Standard, Gardiner is a ‘normal bloke’ who is no more or less worthy than most to benefit from an overnight fortune. Gardiner has spent some of his money taking groups of friends from the pub on luxury holidays but he has also sponsored a football team in his home town, Hastings. He pledged £500,000 0ver three years to the club, now known as Stamcroft, to improve facilities. Leon Shepperdson, the club chairman, says of Gardiner ‘He has put his money where his mouth is. I know plenty of wealthy people who do not help their local area, but that certainly could not be said of him.’ 20. Test your money expressions! Choose the correct option in the sentences below and say what each underlined money expression means. Refer to a dictionary if you need to. a) They’re quite an unusual couple. She earns a fortune as a lawyer. So when they had a baby, he gave up his job. Now she’s the main breadwinner/breadbasket/breadmaker, while he stays at home to look after the children. b) Last year I inherited some money from my grandmother, but I haven’t spent it yet. I’m saving it for a wet day/a rainy day/ a storm. c) ‘Have you got any wealthy friends?’ ‘No, all my friends are break/broken/broke like me.’ d) ‘Did you hear about Alan winning £2,000 last week?’ ‘No! Lucky thing! What’s he going to do with it?’ ‘Oh, you know Alan. He’s already thrown it/flown it/blown it on a weekend in New York.’ e) You’ve been wearing the same suit for years. Don’t you think it’s time you bashed out/splashed out/rushed out on some new clothes? f) ‘Number 28’s for sale.’ ‘How much for?’ ‘I don’t know, but it’s the biggest house in the street, and they’ve got a swimming pool, sauna and jacuzzi.’ ‘ it must be worth a fortune/a goldmine/a mountain.’ 21. Tell your partner about … a) a place where you’d enjoy blowing £2,000 in a weekend. b) the kind of clothes you’d splash out on if you could afford to. c) something you own that’s worth a fortune. d) the last time you didn’t buy something because you were too broke. e) the main breadwinner in your family. f) somebody you know who’s saving their money for a rainy day. 22. Read the questions and then listen to the answers, given by Patti, Eric and Lee. a) It’s impossible to have too much money – do you agree? b) Would you prefer fame or fortune? c) Were you given or did you earn pocket money as a child? d) What was the first thing you saved up for and bought yourself? e) If you could buy yourself a skill, talent or change in your appearance, what would it be/ f) What can’t money buy? Now answer the questions.

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23. For questions 1-15, read the text below and decide which answer (A,B,C or D) best fits each space. What teenagers do with their money Thirteen-year-olds do not spend as much money as their parents suspect – at least not according to the findings of a (1) … survey, Money and Change. The survey (2) … three hundred teenagers, 13-17 years old, from (3) … Britain. By the time they (4) … their teens, most children see their weekly allowance rise dramatically to an amazing national average of £5.14. Two thirds think they get (5) … money, but most expect to have to do something to get it. Although they have more cash, worry about debt is (6) … among teenagers. Therefore, the (7) … of children (8) … an effort to save for the future. Greater access to cash (9) … teenagers does not, however, mean that they are more irresponsible (10) … a result. The economic recession seems to have encouraged (11) … attitudes to money, even in the case of children at these ages. Instead of wasting what pocket (12) … they have on sweets or magazines, the 13-year-olds who took (13) … in the survey seem to (14) … to the situation by saving more than half (15) … their cash.

1 A late B recent C latest D fresh 2 A included B contained C counted D enclosed 3 A entire B all over C complete D the whole 4 A reach B get C make D arrive 5 A acceptable B adequate C satisfactory D enough 6 A gaining B heightening C increasing D building 7 A most B maximum C many D majority 8 A make B do C have D try 9 A among B through C between D along 10 A like B as C for D in 11 A aware B knowing C helpful D cautious 12 A cash B money C change D savings 13 A part B place C share D piece 14 A reply B answer C respond D return 15 A from B as C of D for

24. This is part of a letter from your English-speaking friend who writes: … I only get a little pocket money from my parents because they can’t afford to give me a lot. Do you get pocket money? Do you think parents should give their children pocket money? I don’t have a part-time job, but my best friend does. Is it common for teenagers in Russia to have a part-time job? So, I have a new hobby – I’m learning to play a musical instrument … I have to go now – my mother is calling me. Write soon. Love, David Write a letter to David. In your letter answer his questions and ask him 3 questions about his new hobby. Write 100-140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

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25. Comment on the following statement: Only people who earn a lot of money are happy. What is your opinion? Do you agree or disagree? Write 200-250 words. Use the following plan: 1.Introduction (State the problem). 2.Express your opinion and give reasons for it. 3.Give other people’s arguments and explain why they are wrong. 4.Conclusion.

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TOPIC 6 SHOPPING 1. Give a 2-minute talk on shopping. Remember to say:

• How often you go shopping • Whether you prefer to do the shopping alone or in somebody’s company • What you usually shop for • Where you prefer to do the shopping: in small local shops or in large

supermarkets • If you have ever done shopping online and why you liked(disliked) it

♫2. Listen to the talk of two friends about shopping. Decide which of the statements below are true (T) , false (F) or the information is not stated(N). Circle the answer. (Afanasyeva Test 19 (2)

1. Katie goes to the supermarkets with her parents every week. T/F/N 2. Katie thinks that it’s safe to buy goods on the Internet. T/F/N 3. Goods that Katie orders online sometimes get lost in the post. T/F/N 4. Ron is happy to buy something that he’s only seen in a photograph. T/F/N 5. Ron and Katie agree that returning items is a disadvantage of online shopping. T/F/N 6. Ron goes shopping very often. T/F/N 7. Katie is going to help Ron choose a present for his brother. T/F/N

3. Read the texts. Choose suitable headings for each. There is one extra heading. A. Butcher shop B. Grocery C. Bakery D. Confectionery E. Specialty store F. Fish and seafood G. Greengrocery H. Dairy 1.Look, how many tasty things are in the window shop! We’ve run out of bread and besides I would like to buy those rolls. I hope they are fresh. 2.Our suppliers provide us with fresh fruit and vegetables all year round. In this section you can buy carrots, beets, potatoes, cucumbers and many other kinds of vegetables. You can also see a great variety of fruit on display. 3.I’ve bought salmon. Unfortunately there were no shrimps. So we have salmon with fried potatoes for supper. 4.Cheese is nutritious food made from the milk of cows and other mammals, indcluding sheep, goats, buffalo, reindeer, camels, yakes and mares. Cheese is one of the world’s oldest food products – for thousands of years, people have raised animals for milk, turning their surplus milk into cheese. 5.The leading supplier is, of course, Asian countries which produce about 90 per cent of rice grown worldwide. China and India together produce about 50 percent of the world’s rice, and it’s significant agricultural crop in more than 50 other countries.

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6.The meat of cattle is known as beef; calves, as veal; sheep, as mutton; lambs, as lamb; and swine, as pork. 7.Records show that candy was used as an offering to the gods of ancient Egypt. Honey was used as the sweetener until the introduction of sugar in medieval Europe. Among the oldest types of candies are licorice and ginger from the Far East and marzipan from Europe. Candy making did not begin on a large scale until the early 19th century, when with the development of special candy making machinery it became a British specialty.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

4. Several phrases have been removed from the text. Fill in the gaps with the suitable phrases. There is one extra phrase. It was a clear cold January afternoon. Mrs Smith had finished cooking and was waiting for Tom who promised to come at three. Mrs Smith decided to go shopping with her son. William, her husband, worked in a small advertising company as a bookkeeper 1 _________________. She had been looking for William’s birthday present for several days, but couldn’t find anything that suited her. Mrs Smith counted the money again. William did not earn big money and it was difficult for her to save a sum sufficient enough for a good present. Mrs Smith wanted to buy him a new camera. William was keen on taking photos, 2 _____________________. Tom decided to buy him a new jumper. They drove to the department store 3 __________________________. Mrs Smith used the escalator to go to the Electrical Department on the third floor and Tom took the stairs up to the Men’s Clothing department on the first floor. When she got to the Electrical Department she found out that cameras were sold in the Photography Department on the ground floor. She took the elevator down and asked the sales assistant there for some help 4 ____________________. He recommended her an automatic camera by olympus but it was too expensive. She asked him if he had anything a little cheaper and he told her about a special offer on the Pentax range. It still seemed expensive to her so she thanked the assistant and decided to shop around. She went to another department looking for something else, but she soon understood 5 _______________. Meanwhile, Tom was looking at the jumpers. He only had £10 to spend so he couldn’t afford most of them. He dreamt of presenting his father with a blue jumper made of wool, but it cost £42. He left the department and went for his mother. They decided to go to the smaller shops round the corner 6 ______________________.

A. which was located several blocks off their house B. that the department store was too expensive for her C. who explained everything in detail D. but his old camera broke down in September E. where goods cost a bit cheaper F. and on Saturday they were going to celebrate his forty-fifth anniversary G. because she didn’t know much about cameras

1 2 3 4 5 6

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5. You are going to read the text. For questions 1-7, choose the answer (A, B,C or D) which you think fits best according to the text. THE BIRTH OF THE PENNY BAZAAR

From the open market in Leeds, Michael Marks moved to its covered market hall, which had the advantage of giving protection against the weather and of being open for trading throughout the week. Here he soon introduced an innovation which was to be of fundamental importance to the development of his business. He divided his stall into two sections, and placed all those items costing a penny in one section and all those costing more in the other, where the prices were individually marketed. Above the penny section hung a board with the words: ‘Don’t Ask the Price. It’s a Penny.’

This proved to be one of the most successful advertising slogans ever invented. It was not only striking and simple and easily understood; it also answered a genuine popular need. Michael Marks’s customers came from the working-class, then largely illiterate, and were keen to satisfy their domestic needs at a low price; the combination of open display, easy inspection, and a fixed price made shopping easy and convenient for them. ‘Don’t Ask the price. It’s a Penny’ quickly proved so popular that Michael Marks adopted the principle of the fixed price on all his stalls and from that moment on sold nothing that cost more than a penny.

The success of this new way of selling was extremely important for the development of the business. It proved not only to be convenient to the customer, it was also extremely convenient to the stall owner. Michael Marks never kept any accounts, and conducted his business operation by mental arithmetic; adopting a single fixed price of a penny made his calculations much simpler. This element of operational simplicity was to become a central feature of the business. It was, in fact, a revolution: Michael Marks had discovered and put into practice two simple ideas – self-selection and self-service – which were to become cardinal principles in selling in the second half of the twentieth century.

In shops at this time, which were often small and dark, it was still usual to keep goods in drawers under the counter or on the shelves behind it. You had to ask for everything before you even saw it was there. However, many people are shy of going into shops; sometimes they even avoid it, in case they show their ignorance, or for fear that shopkeepers, or shop assistants, might look down on them or exploit them. This did not happen when people came to shop with Michael Marks. They could walk around Michael’s penny bazaar without being pushed to buy. They were at ease.

The adoption of fixed prices had also another far-reaching effect. It meant that Michael Marks had to search for as wide a variety of goods as possible, and of as high a quality as possible, that could be sold for a penny; as a result he had to accept that the profit on each item would be low, and make up for this by selling as many items as possible. 1. According to the text A. the open air market was not a successful place. B. the open air market was not open every day. C. more people came to the open-air market. D. selling at a fixed price was only possible indoors. 2. What was the reason for Marks’s success? A. His goods were much better than anyone else’s. B. He was never rude to customers. C. He made all his calculations in his head. D. he made shopping easy.

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3. Michael Marks is portrayed as a man who A. was very bad at doing arithemetic. B. revolutionized selling methods. C. didn’t understand working-cless people. D. read a lot about business methods. 4. According to the text, why did some people not like buying in shops? A. prices were often too high in shops. B. They didn’t like discussing what they would buy. C. They didn’t feel at ease with the shop assistants. D. In the market they could buy a greater range of goods. 5. The word ‘cardinal’ in line 21 means A. important. B. religious. C. impressive. D. urgent. 6. The word ‘this’ in line 33 refers to A. the low profits for each item. B. the need for high-quality goods. C. the need for low-price items. D. selling as many items as possible. 7. Where is this text from? A. A training manual for shop assistants. B. An advertisement for Marks and Spencer’s products. C. A book about the history of Leeds. D. A book about business methods. 6.Read the text and fill in the gaps with the appropriate grammar form of the corresponding word in the right column. SUPERMARKETS Their secrets revealed …

“Why are the fresh fruit and vegetables usually at the entrance to the store? It’s always crowded, and they get squashed if I have to load heavy cans and packets on top.” It’s simply because supermarkets make a high profit on fresh fruit and vegetables, and they ____________________________ they sell more of them if they’re near the entrance. According to research ___________________________ out by supermarkets, customers prefer fresh goods _____________________________ first. Maybe it’s because many of us arrive at the store ____________________________ on the kinds of fruit and vegetables we need. Once we’ve got that out of the way, we can relax and do the rest of the shopping at leisure. Another reason is that we see fresh goods first, the sight and smell of _______________________ rosy apples and glossy aubergines ______________________ a ‘feel good’ impression of freshness and quality which we carry around the store. Nowadays, trolleys should have a separate compartment where you can place fruit and vegetables so they _________________________ squashed.


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7. Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. SHOPPING AND TRAFFIC

When a customer buys something in a supermarket, the bar code on the product is read ___________________________ at the till. The information is transmitted to head office, where it is collected and analyzed, and then a schedule for the _______________________________ of the product to the ____________________________ is produced. A miracle of scale, speed and ___________________________, it’s the new system of food __________________________ that has imposed a huge strain on Britain’s transport infrastructure. Between 35 and 40 per cent of lorries on UK roads today are involved in producing and distributing food. Shopping for food has also made a ________________________ Contribution to the increase in traffic. In the last ten years, the average ________________________ traveled to go shopping went up to 30 per cent, as small and local shops came under pressure from out-of-town retail stores and closed.


8. For questions 1-7, read the text below and decide which word A,B, C or D best fits each space. A Pair of Shoes Mr Black was just shutting his shoe shop at the end of the day when he saw a man in a well-cut suit walk in. The man wanted Mr Black to show him an expensive pair of shoes. It was a stroke of 1_____________________: such shoes meant a large sum of money. Chatting pleasantly, Mr Black showed him the most expensive suede pair. But the man insisted on a leather one. There was something about the man talking that made Mr Black feel 2______________________. He thought he had seen the man before somewhere and then he remembered where. Mr Black 3__________________ across his photo in a magazine and saw it on TV. The man was a criminal and was wanted by the police. “If I sell him shoes that are not comfortable, he will return to change them,” Mr Black thought. “But I am not sure I will be able to sell them to him.” Then Mr Black decided that he would try. The man 4__________________ On a few pairs before he bought the pair that Mr Black strongly recommended. “They are a bit 5___________________,” he complained. “They will stretch, sir,” Mr Black said. “Just buy them. You will never regret it. What size do you wear, sir? Shall I wrap them for you?” “O.K., do it,” answered the man. As Mr Black expected, the man came into the shop the next day to 6___________________ about the shoes. As he entered the shop he was surrounded by the police. Mr Black exclaimed: “I have done it! Yesterday I deliberately sold the man a pair of shoes that was a size too small. I knew he would 7 __________________ them back the next day!”

1 A news B surprise C luck D happiness 2 A worrying B suspicious C trembling D responsible 3 A came B found C took D gave 4 A tried B took C got D gave 5 A solid B loose C stable D tight 6 A admit B tell C complain D regret 7 A take B bring C get D exchange

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9. This is part of a letter from Isabel, your English pen friend. … Yesterday we went shopping. There were so many people everywhere. It seemed to me

the whole city was shopping in one place. Eventually I bought Christmas presents for my relatives and friends. When I returned home there wasn’t a penny in my purse. I am such a spendthrift. Do you like shopping? How much money do you usually spend at a time? Have you bought Christmas presents for your family? How are you going to celebrate Christmas?

As for my family news we decided to move into a house in a new neighbourhood which is considered the best in our city…

Write back soon. Love, Isabel. Write back to Isabel, answering her questions and asking her 3 questions about her new house. Write 100-140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing. 10. Comment on the following statement: Online shopping is becoming more and more popular. However, there are still many people who prefer not to shop online in order to be on the safe side. Which group do you belong to and why? Write 200-250 words. Use the following plan. 1.Introduction (State the problem).

2.Express your opinion and give reasons for it. 3.Give other people’s arguments and explain why they are wrong. 4.Conclusion.

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GRAMMAR FOCUS TENSES IN THE ACTIVE VOICE. REVISION. Exercise 1. Open the brackets and complete the sentences. 1. I ____________________ (begin) to realize now how difficult ________________ (it/be) to be a teacher. – Absolutely! I ___________________ (agree) with you completely! It’s difficult but I ________________________ (survive). 2. She _____________________________ (only just/recover) from her operation and ________________________________ (still/find) it difficult to move about. 3. Come in! We _______________________________________ (already/wait) for you! 4. By the time Jean _____________________ (get) back it _________________ (be) already too late. Jack ____________________________ (leave) and she was upset. 5. This newspaper article __________________________________ (explain) why unemployment ____________________________________ (rise/dramatically) of late. 6. I understood they already ______________________ (know) about my failure. 7. Terry is in bed. He ____________________ (have) flu. 8. That must be the end of the first part of the performance. What _____________________ (happen) next? 9. The food ___________________ (taste) much worse now. Why ___________________ (you/put) so much salt in it? 10. Don’t be so impatient! I ______________________________ (come)! – Come on, get a move on, or we ______________________________ (miss) the plane! 11. It was very hot in there and she ____________________ (think) she _______________________ (faint). She ____________________ (not eat) all day and ____________________ (be) really hungry at this point. 12. By this time next year, the government ________________________________ (resign). 13. Please call me the moment you __________________________ (hear) any news. 14. I can’t leave on Tuesday. I ____________________ (not be) ready by then. 15. When you lived in London, ______________________________ (you/travel) by bus? 16. When Jill looked in, everyone _______________________ (have) a good time, although not many _________________________ (dance). 17. I ______________________ (not realize) that I _____________________ (leave) my umbrella on the bus until it _____________________ (start) to rain. 18. In those days I ___________________________________ (always/get) up early in the morning. 19. Pauline _____________________ (change) a lot. She ______________________________ (not always look) like that. 20. Once I ___________________ (read) the manual, I ___________________ (find) that I could use the computer quite well. 21. It ______________________ (be not) until 1993 that Nigel ___________________ (can) afford a holiday abroad. 22. According to Grandpa, people _______________________________ (dress) formally in his day. 23. I _________________ (think) my train __________________ (leave) at 14.33 and ________________ (be) very disappointed when I _______________ (arrive) at 14.30 and _______________ (learn) that it _____________________ (just/leave). I __________________ (find) later that I ________________________ (use) an out-of-date timetable. 24. She told me she __________________ (write) three letters since she ________________ (come) to the office. 25.She is tired because she _____________________(not/sleep) well lately.

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Exercise 2. Open the brackets, putting the verb into correct form. 1.This time tomorrow Maria _______________________ (to sunbathe) on a beach in Majorca. I expect she ______________________ (to sunbathe) until she ______________________(to get) badly burnt – that’s what she ________________________ (to do) last year. 2.The police officer _______________(change) Ann’s phone number yesterday because she ______________________(receive) anonymous calls for several weeks. 3.He noticed that the leaves on the old chestnut tree _____________________________ (already/begin) to turn yellow and brown. 4.There is nobody here, and the door is locked! What ___________________ (we/do) now? 5.I _________________(leave) for Africa in two weeks’ time. It’s a shame I ____________________ (not see) you before I _________________________ (go). 6. The house _________________(look) so much bigger now that we _______________(paint) the walls in bright colours. 7.-When _________________ (you/to see) Nick? - I _______________________ (not to see) him for the last few months. He _______________ (to work) in Australia at the moment. 8. Why ____________________ (you/to insist) on going out? Look at those black clouds! It ____________________ (rain). 9.Hardly _______________( she/ step) into the office when the telephone _____________(ring). 10.The orchestra _________________(perform) Mahler’s 5th Symphony at next week’s concert. 11. By the time my father __________________ (to return) from his business trip the month after next, I ____________________ (not to see) him for 14 months. 12. After turning the last page she _________________(think) she ___________________(read) the book again. 13.Richard Barnes ______________________ (just/ to come) home from work when he __________________________ (to find) a leak in the bathroom. Water __________________ (to drip) from the ceiling for some time and there __________________ (to be) a large pool of water on the floor. 14.There _____________________ (to be) a terrible storm last month and several trees ________________________ (to fall down). 15.I’ m sure you _________________ (to feel) a new man when you _____________________ (to take) your pills for a week. 16. Kevin Adams ________________________ (to wait) for over an hour for a train, when he _________________ (to see) a very old steam train coming down the track. It ______________ (not to stop) at the station, but as it ______________________ (to pass). Kevin ___________________ (to notice) that all the passengers _______________________ (to wear) old-fashioned clothes. 17.I _____________________ (to try) to get John on the phone for the past week. I think he _________________________ (to go) abroad. _____________________ (you/ to have) any idea when _________________________ (he/ to be) back? 18.-Your hair ___________________ (to grow) a lot since I last ________________________ (to see) you.

- I ___________________ (to know). I ________________________ (to have) it cut. 19.When I _____________(to see) you on Monday I _____________________________(to tell) you what is wrong with me, because I _______________________ (to see) a doctor by then. 20.Last March Sam _______________________ (to decide) that he _______________________ (to ride) around the world on a bicycle. He _______________________ (to be) away for 6 months now and no one ___________________ (to know) whether he _________________ (to return)or not.

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21.By the time I ______________________ (to complete) my studies next month I ____________________________ (to live) in London for nearly a year. I don’t think I _____________________ (to stay) any longer after that. 22.When Tom _________________________ (to say) that he _____________________ (to pay) the bill, we could hardly believe our ears. He _________________________ (be) very generous these days. 23. John ____________________ (to prepare) for his exams for the last three weeks. Yesterday he __________________ (to take) his last exam. I’m sure he ________________________ (to call) us as soon as he ________________________ (to get) the results. 24.Mary ______________________ (to own) this painting since 1926, when she ______________ (to get) it as a birthday present. 25.When I _____________(to see) you on Monday I _____________________________(to tell) you what is wrong with me, because I _______________________ (to see) a doctor by then. Exercise 3. Open the brackets, putting the verb into correct form. 1.Next Saturday Friends of Barston Hospital _____________________ (to collect) money to buy more equipment for the hospital. They hope that by the end of the day they ___________________ (to raise) at least £ 800. 2. When I _____________________(to enter) the house it ___________________ (to be) a mess. The children ____________________ (to play) in the living room and _____________________ (to leave) their toys all over the floor. 3. Why ________________________ (you/ to look) at me like that? ________________________ (I/ to look) funny ? 4. Volume four of our encyclopedia set ________________________ (to miss) for two months. If no-one __________________ (to return) it, we ____________________ (to have) to buy a new one. 5.As soon as the war __________________ (to be) over the refugees ________________ (to go) back to the villages they _________________ (to leave) about 5 years earlier. 6.When we ____________________ (to be) ready to leave the house my mother always ________________________ (to check) in the kitchen to make sure she _________________ (to turn) off everything 7. When they___________________ (to release) him next week, Pat Mc Guire _____________ (to spend) 5 years in prison for a crime he ___________________ (not to commit). 8.Listen! The car ______________________ (to make) funny noises again. 9.Can you imagine that by next June I ________________________ (to work) for this company for 3 years. 10. It ____________________ (to be) three weeks since I _____________________ (to take) the exams but they ________________________________ (sometimes/ not to announce) the results until more than a month _________________ (to pass). 11.One day, my friend Daniel ___________________ (to get) tired and __________________ (to stop) to rest, saying he ______________________ (to catch up) with us later, but when he still _______________________ (not to return) to the cabin by late afternoon, we ____________ (to call) the police. 12.If anyone _________________ (to ask) me about Tahiti, I ___________________ (to say): ‘Once you _______________ (to be) here for a few weeks, you __________________________ (not to want) to leave.’ 13.When I ________________ (to be) a teenager I ____________________ (to think) I _____________________ (to be) a rock star and I____________________________________ (never/have to/ to work). 14.My back _____________________ (still/to hurt) and it ______________________ (soon/to be) two weeks since I ___________________ (to be) at work.

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15.The police ________________________ (to arrest) Paul Dawson, the leader of a gang of robbers who _____________________________ (to steal) art treasures from museums and homes since last January. 16.Boxing, men and women ______________________ (not to make) a good combination. 17.On the 10th of this month I _________________________ (to live) here for exactly 10 years. 18. Frozen vegetables __________________ (to become) softer after you___________________ (to keep) them in the freezer. 19.Don’t phone Margaret at 11 p.m. tomorrow. She _______________________ (already/ to go) to bed. 20.My next door neighbour, who __________________ (usually/ to be) very shy, ______________________(to have) a big party tonight. I wonder if they __________________ (to invite) us. 21.Lora Steel ___________________________ (to announce) her retirement last year. No one could believe her presence ____________________(no longer/to brighten) up our cinema screens. 22. I ___________________ (hear) your brother ______________________ (come) back one of these days. _______________________________ (he/be) in the East all this time? 23.-What __________________________ (you/ to do),Angela, now that you _______________ (to leave) school? -I _____________________ (get) married in August. 24. -Bill! At last! I _______________________ (to try) to contact you all afternoon. Where _______________________________ (you/ to be)? -Sorry, I ____________________ (to sit) in the meeting all day and I ______________ (only/ to get) back here a few minutes ago. 25. He’s fairly rude and aggressive at the best of times but now that he _________________(to be) under so much stress he __________________ (to be) quite unbearable. Exercise 4. Open the brackets, putting the verb into correct form. 1. -What you _________________________ (to do) with my dictionary? I can’t find it anywhere. -I ________________________ (to use) it to write my essay. Can I give it back to you when I _______________________ (to finish)? 2.He’s fairly rude and aggressive at the best of times but now that he _________________(to be) under so much stress he __________________ (to be) quite unbearable. 3. I assured her that as soon as the fire brigade ____________________ (arrive) they _____________________________ (bring) the fire under control. 4.The last time I_____________________(to go) to Stratford, Janet Suzman _____________ (to appear) as Cleopatra. 5.Don’t phone at 8 – they ___________________ (to put) the children to bed. 6.The chairman was in a very good mood as he _______________________ (to win) a major contract, so we __________________ (to open) a bottle of champagne. 7.Of course, I_____________________ (to help) you as long as it _____________________ (not to involve) lifting anything heavy. 8.Do you realize that this time next year we ______________________ (to live) here for exactly a year? 9.Andy woke up on the dot of six, as he always _____________________ (to do), no matter where he __________________ (to be) and what he ______________________ (to do) the day before. 10.He _______________________ (just/ to finish) his steak tartar and _____________________ (to look forward) to splendid zabaglione when the bomb ____________________ (to explode). 11. I’m sorry I ______________________ (not to be) in touch for so long. Since we ___________________ (move) to our new house, we _____________________ (to be) busy decorating. 12.It _______________________ (not rain) when he __________________ (wake up) but it

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_______________________ (rain): there were puddles everywhere. 13.-Why _____________________ (you / be) so annoyed with Jackson? - Because he ________________________ (forever/ forget) important things. 14.After ten minutes of the film, during which the star _____________________ (barely/ get) into her clothes, Ann _____________________ (rise) to go. 15. - He is really nice. - ______________________ (you/ be) polite or something? I know you can’t stand him. 16. Ever since Mark ______________________ (move) in here the place _________________ (ring) with laughter. 17.- But they will ruin everything! -Whatever damage they ___________________ (do) they ___________________________ (pay) for everything. 18.Listen to the wind! We _____________________ (have) a rough crossing. 19.Please don’t sign any contracts unless I _______________________ (check) them. 20. What ________________________ (we/ do) if it _________________________ (not stop) raining? It ____________________ (rain) since yesterday. I wonder when it ________________ (stop). 21. I ___________________ (not know) you ______________________ (be/already) here. 22. ____________________________ (no sooner/ we/ put) down our glasses than the waiter __________________________ (refill) them. 23.He ______________________________ (not touch) anything till she __________________ (come) back. 24.He agreed to lend me the car provided I ______________________ (give) it back before Monday. 25. I ___________________ (not know) you ______________________ (be/already) here. TENSES IN THE ACTIVE VOICE AND IN THE PASSIVE VOICE.REVISION. Exercise 5. Open the brackets, putting the verb into correct form. 1. I wandered down the corridor trying the doors that _____________________________ (lock). 2.When they _____________________ (have) coffee, Meg __________________ (invite) him to go over the house. 3.He wished to know if his instructions ________________________________ (carry out). 4.Talking to Susan, Paula ___________________________________ (remind) of something she once __________________________________________ (tell). 5.Wherever I went I found that the camp ___________________________ (leave) in a disgraceful condition. 6.The house _____________________________________ (lock) before they set off. 7.From where I stood, the house ________________________ (hide) by lime trees. 8.-I ______________________ (be) on pension for a few years now. -Why _________________ (you/give) a pension? What war _________________(you /be in)? 9. I’m so sorry to have missed miss so much of your visit. _____________________________ (you/look after) properly?” 10. I _________________________ (just/be) to the garage trying to get a car but everything __________________________________ (lock). 11. When I stayed at the hotel, I __________________________ (always/give) the room I ______________________ (have) on my first visit. 12. When I arrived, the family _____________ (be) in the sitting room. Tea ___________________ (clear) away and the curtains ______________________ (draw). 13. “It’s the first time I _______________________(take) out to dinner at a restaurant,” she said. 14. Then he ____________________ (look) around nervously to see if he ___________(watch). 15. He came to tell me that the work _______________________ (do).

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16.I don’t have many things to pack because lots of my old clothes _______________________ (dispose of). 17.When he came in, his hands ___________________ (to cover) in oil because he __________________________ (to try) to fix the car all morning. 18. Henry’s father came down to the school field to tell Henry that they __________________________ (just/get) a telegram announcing that Henry’s brother _________________________ (kill) in action in Germany. 19. After he told his story, he _________________________ (stare) at me, as if to see whether it _________________________ (be) worth telling. 20. _______________________ (you/hear) that I ______________________ (give) the job? 21. It was a pity I no longer ________________________ (care) about Pam. 22. Coming into the room he _____________________ (see) she _____________________ (sit) in the chair where he _____________________ (leave) her. -Hello, why _______________________ (you/not dress) for dinner? You _________________________ (even/not unpack). -I __________________________ (not unpack), I ___________________________ (not stay) here. I ___________________________ (leave) you.” 23. Roy is on his way. Judging by the traffic, he _________________________ (get) here in about two hours. 24. How terribly nice of you to come! I _________________________ (just wash off) and ____________________ (get) my coat on before I ______________________ (show) you round. 25. Why ________________(she/look) like a spoiled child who __________________ (punish)? Exercise 6. Open the brackets, putting the verb into correct form. 1. Veronica _______________________ (stand) there. She _________________________ (not see) him because she _______________________ (scribble) a note. 2. Where is Tom? – He ______________________________ (see) the sights. 3. He ________________ (be) to school but he ___________________ (learn) nothing there so was now illiterate. 4. A houseboat! I ___________________ (not know) you ______________________ (live) in a houseboat. – I ___________________________ (always/live) in a houseboat. I _______________________ (be) born in one. 5. The old oak tree, which ___________________ (stand) in the churchyard for 300 years since the church ______________________ (build), suddenly crashed to the ground. 6. You’ve got over 400 bottles. How long __________________ (that/last) you? Two years? – Not a hope. I _______________ (drink) eight bottles a week. I __________________ (drink) all these by the end of the year. 7. I __________________ (think) you _______________ (be) still on holiday. When ____________________ (you/get) back? – I ________________ (come) back last week. It was damp on the ground floor, and even damper on the second where I _______________________________ (take). 8.Peter, who _____________________ (wait) for an hour, was very angry with his sister when she eventually _____________________ (turn) up. 9. I’m sorry I _________________ (not write) before but I ____________________ (be) really busy in the last few weeks as Tom ______________________ (be) away. 10. When he _________________ (call) her a liar, she _________________ (smack) his face. 11.It was a very expensive town. Before we ______________ (be) here a week, we _______________________ (spend) all the money. 12.The shop _______________ (look) shabbier in artificial light: the shelves were dusty and the ceiling ____________________ (not paint) since I ___________________ (go) there. 13.Let’s do it like this: I _______________ (go) alone, you ____________________ (wait) for me here, and the kids _____________________ (stay) at granny’s place.

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14.The flight _________________________ (not announce) yet. I’m afraid, it _____________________ (not announce) for another half-hour, at least. 15.I _____________________ (knock) five times. I don’t think anyone is in. 16.He usually pays me on Friday but last week he ______________________ (not pay) me till the following Monday. 17.-Well, I _________________________ (talk) to Dad about it at last. -And what ___________________ (he/say)? -He __________________ (not say) anything definite. 18.In company with James they ate dinner. While coffee _____________________ (serve) after the meal, Nolen and his guest __________________ (go) to the office. 19.When he ___________________ (see) all the pictures he _____________________ (say) he __________________ (be) ready to leave. 20.We’d better wait till 14 December. David ________________________ (have) his exam by then so he ___________________ (be) able to enjoy himself. 21.By the end of this year he ___________________________ (act) for thirty years. Attention, please, the train to Edinburgh _______________________ (depart) from platform 6 in five minutes. 22.-I believe I ______________________________ (see) the picture. -Yes, you ________________________ (see) it at Peter’s. 23.He didn’t say a word knowing that whatever he __________________________ (say) ___________________________ (meet) by the same silence. 24. The lists ________________ (send) to both newspapers and now ___________________ (print). 25. She could tell by the inclination of his head that he ______________________ (listen) attentively to everything that ____________________ (say). Exercise 7. Open the brackets, putting the verb into correct form. 1.When I __________________(return) to where I _________________(park) my car, I ___________________(not to find) it. It ______________________(tow) away by the police. 2. I am not sure if he ____________________(write) the article by the 1st of October, but if it __________________(be) ready, we _________________(print) it. 3. Lee __________________( represent) his country on many occasions but ________________ (force) to retire after an injury. 4.I _________________(be) back by 9 p.m. tomorrow unless my flight _____________(delay). 5. She ________________ (enjoy) driving fast. She _____________________ (now/ to try) for speeding and we ________________ (not to be) sure she __________________ (to get) away with it. 6.The rules in my school are very strict. We ______________________ (not to allow) to talk in class at all. 7.Poirot _____________________ (no sooner/ to arrive) at the villa than one of the guests ______________________ (to kill). 8. I _____________________ (to try) to get John on the phone for the past week. I think he _________________________ (to go) abroad. _____________________ (you/ to have) any idea when _________________________ (he/ to be) back? 9.The car ____________________(still/ to clean) when I _____________________ (to arrive). 10.Lord Simon Slope __________________________( hold) a party at his country manor next Friday. Many major celebrities ______________________(invite) to the party. Everyone ___________________________ (expect) the party to be a glamorous event. 11.The National Bank ____________________ (to rob) yesterday. The robbers ______________(to take) £ 10,000 and ___________________ (to run) into the street. The police ___________________________(to look) for two men aged about 30 with scars on their faces.

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12.If Michael ___________________ (not to pay) his phone bill within two days’ time, his phone ___________________ (to switch off). 13.My piano _______________________________ (repair) at the moment. 14. He _____________________(escape) when he__________________________________ (move) from one prison to another. 15. They say this street is a bottleneck but when it _______________________________ (widen) residents _______________________ (keep) awake by the roar of the traffic all night. 16.Look! A lot of people ______________________(wait) at the station. The trains ______________________ (hold up) by the fog. 17.They _________________________(lengthen) the runway for half a year and there is still no sign that the work __________________________________________ (ever/complete). 18. I have to stay in. I _____________________ (buy) a harp and it ______________________ (deliver) this afternoon. 19. Far more money ______________________________________ (spend) on food now than ten years ago. 20.Why ________________________________________ (the road/block)? – The old theatre ___________________________________________ (pull) down. 21.I had to travel by bus as my car ________________________________________ (fix). 22.The keys ____________________ (return) to me yesterday. A passer-by ________________ (pick up/ them) in the street. 23.Who ______________________________________ (it/ write) by? I cannot remember. 24. After a million dollars _____________________________ (spend) on the scheme, they _____________________(decide) to give it up. 25. They ____________________________(try) ther people’s schemes all the time. Why ______________________________________ (my schemes/never/try)? Exercise 8. Open the brackets, putting the verb into correct form. 1.I _______________________________ (waken) by a frightful crash at 4 a.m. 2.Why ___________________________________________ (the roof/ not mend) before it ___________________________(fall) in? 3.Ever since it ____________________ (build) three centuries ago, the Taj Mahal in Agra, India, _______________________ (describe) as the most beautiful building in the world. 4.Before she ____________________(graduate) last may, Susan __________________ (already/offer) a position with a law firm. 5.This time next month my paintings ________________________________ (exhibit) by New Arts Gallery. 6.Then I ____________________ (tell) that he ____________________(win) cups and medals for swimming when he ______________________(be) a boy. 7. For the last few days I __________________(work) in Jack’s office, as my own office _________________________________ (redecorate). 8.When you ___________________(see) him again you _________________(strike) by the way his health _______________________(improve) since he _________________(go) to Switzerland. 9. This college is already full. The students _______________________ (turn) away all the time. 10.Helen ___________________(stay) with her brother now while her house ______________________(repair). 11. On her way to work Jane to work she suddenly __________________________(remember) she _____________________(ask) to speak at the conference. 12. My dog _______________________ (steal) and he __________________________ (bring back) only after I _____________________(promise) $20 reward. 13.My mother _________________(drive) the car when it ___________________(hit) by a bus. 14._______________________________________________________ (the day of the ceremony/fix/yet)?

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15.As soon as I ___________________(have) a good look at the designs, I _________________ (send) them back to you some time next week. 16.Millions of pounds’ worth of damage ______________________(cause) by a storm which _____________________(sweep) across the north of England last night. 17. Can you come to the police station? The man, who ________________________ (to suspect) of stealing your wallet, ___________________________(to question) at the moment. The police ______________________ (to hope) he ___________________________ (to identify) either by you or by another witness. 18.The exam ________________________ (to start) at 9 o’clock. The examiners ___________________________ (to work) for 5 hours now, but not all the students _____________________________ (to examine) yet. 19.When I ________________________ (to look) out of the window, my attention ________________________________ (to attract) by a strange-looking man with a long black beard, who _________________________ (to walk) to and fro. I also _____________________(to notice) that he _______________________________ (to watch) by another stranger from the opposite side of the street. 20.He _____________________ (to promise) to draw up his report by Tuesday evening. I________________________ (not to be) sure if the report ____________________________ (to complete) by Wednesday morning. But if he ____________________________ (not to hand) it on Wednesday evening, he __________________________ (to run) into serious trouble with me, I promise. 21.By 3 o’clock yesterday all the changes _______________________________ (to make). I____________________ (not to know), if it ______________________(to make) our company more efficient, as it’s the third time our management ___________________________ (to do) it. 22.Hardly ______________________________________ (the professor, to start) speaking, when his speech _______________________ (to interrupt) by a group of latecomers. The professor ______________________ (to say) that if they __________________________ (to be) late again, he _______________________ (not to let) them in. 23.By next month I ________________________________ (to work) here for ten years and if I ____________________________ (to promote), I _________________________ (to leave) the company. 24.Mr.Asherton __________________(ban) from driving for two years. The court _______________________(tell) that it was the third time Asherton _________________(stop) for speeding in 6 months. 25.As soon as he ___________________(look) at her face Tom realized he _________________ (not to forgive) yet.

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Учебное пособие по английскому языку для учащихся 11 класса Лицея 1574. Часть 1


Reported Speech I.Reported Statements ___________ ============ that ____________ ============. e.g.I have passed my driving test. She said that she had passed her driving test.. Reported Statements can be introduced by the following verbs: add, admit, answer,argue,assure(smb),boast,complain,deny,explain,grumble,object, observe,point out,promise,protest,remark,remind (smb),reply,say,tell (smb,smth) II.Reported Questions 1.General Questions (Yes/No) , Alternative Questions, Tag Questions ___________ ============= if/whether ___________ ==========. e.g.Do you like learning foreign languages? He asked me, if I liked learning foreign languages. 2.Special Questions ___________ ============= Wh word ____________ ==========. e.g.What have you been doing for the last two years? He asked her what she had been doing for the last two years. 3.Question to the Subject ___________ ============= Who/What ================. e.g.Who is here? He wondered who was there. Reported Questions can be introduced by the verbs: ask (smb),inquire, wonder, want to know

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III.Reported Requests and Commands ____________ =============== (not) to do smth. e.g.(Don’t )open the window! She asked me (not) to open the window. Reported Commands and Requests can be introduced by the verbs: advise,ask,beg,command,encourage,entreat,forbid,implore,invite,order,recommend remind, request, tell, urge, warn. IV.Conversational Formulas can be reported with the help of the following verbs: greet, exchange greetings, introduce(oneself, smb to smb),wish, thank(smb for doing smth),apologize( to smb for doing smth),say good bye to smb, to welcome smb, to congratulate smb on smth, to make an exclamation of surprise … etc. Changes 1.this-that,these-those,now-then,today-that day, tonight-that night, yesterday-the day before, the day before yesterday-two days before, ago-before, last week-the previous week, next week-the following week, tomorrow-the next day, the day after tomorrow –in two days’ time. 2.A Tense Shift Present Simple – Past Simple, Present Continuous- Past Continuous, Present Perfect – Past Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous – Past Perfect Continuous, Past Simple – Past Perfect, Future Simple, Continuous, Perfect, Perfect Continuous – Future Simple, Continuous, Perfect, Perfect Continuous-in-the-Past NB! -Past Perfect and Past Perfect Continuous do not change. -Past Continuous usually remains the same in Reported Speech He said that he was watching TV at 5 p.m. the day before. NB! The Tenses do not change in Reported Speech -when the speaker expresses general truths, permanent states and conditions e.g. He said that water turns into ice. -when the reported sentence contains a time clause e.g. I met him when we were students She said that she had met him when they were students. 3.Yes/No: 1.восстановить по предыдущему тексту answer in the affirmative/in the negative agree/to refuse – in response to a suggestion

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DRILL EXERCISES Reported Statements can be introduced by the following verbs: add, admit, answer, argue, assure(smb),boast,complain,deny,explain,grumble,object,observe,point out, promise, protest,remark,remind(smb),reply,say,tell(smb,smth). Report the following statements: 1.Mike, “I’m not wearing a coat as it isn’t cold.” 2.Cyril “My friend is teaching French and learning Greek.” 3.My friends, “We are not going out tonight.” 4.Jane, “My fellow-students are looking out for a better job.” 5.Mary, “I go to church on Sundays.” 6.Ann’s room-mate, “Ann usually watches TV in the evening.” 7.Tom, “My son doesn’t work at weekends.” 8.Alice, “My friends don’t speak Italian fluently.” 9.The teacher to me, “Your English has improved.” 10.Her parents, “We have spent all the money this morning.” 11.Mother to her son, “You’re tired because you’ve been playing computer games since morning.” 12.Brian, “I’ve been waiting for you for half an hour.” 13.Father, “I’ll buy this book for you.” 14.They, “It won’t be difficult to get tickets.” 15.Emily, “I didn’t go to the theatre last week.” 16.She, “I took it home with me.” 17.He, “I wasn’t at home yesterday.” 18.Doctor, “I was working at my report the whole evening.” 19.Students, “We were writing a test from 10 a.m. till noon yesterday.” Open the brackets. 1.Paul said he ________________ (change) the plan and we __________________ (go) tomorrow instead of the next day. 2.He said he ________________________ (scarcely/have) a proper meal since breakfast. 3.He said that if the war __________________ (break) out he ___________________ (have) to leave the country at once. 4.When I mentioned to Nokes that I __________________(see) him in a local shop last Monday, he ____________________(protest) saying that he ____________________(be) at home all day. 5.I assured her that as soon as the fire brigade ____________________ (arrive) they _____________________________ (bring) the fire under control. 6.They said that while they ____________________________ (swim) they _____________________________ (see) someone examining their clothes. 7.He said that Helen ____________________ (meet) her first husband while she ____________________________ (work) in a New-York publishing house. 8.My instructor told me he ___________________ (let) me fly solo when I ______________________ (fly) another ten hours. 9. In the nineties scientists claimed that they ___________________ _______________ (perfect) an electric car by the beginning of the next century. 10. Mr Jones said that the letter ______________ (be) full of mistakes. The typist ___________________ (admit) that she ________________ (do) it in rather a hurry and _______________________ (suppose) she’d better type it again 11.She ____________________ (tell) me she ________________ (miss) Tom a lot as they _____________________ (not see) each other since they __________________ (graduate). 12.He promised he ______________________(come) soon.

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Reported Questions can be introduced by the verbs: ask (smb),inquire, wonder, want to know Report the following questions: 1.Alice/a newcomer, “What is your name?” 2.He, “Who is it?” 3.We/Mrs.Potts, “Are you busy tonight?” 4.I/my friend, “Your sister speaks French, doesn’t she?” 5.Mother, “Why are you crying, Johnny?’ 6.I/my friends, “ Are you going to the pub?” 7.She/my father, “Do you want to insure your car, sir?” 8.Hotel guests/receptionist, “When do you close?” 9.Mrs.Thompson,“What has happened?” 10.They/me, “Have you ever tasted the original French wine?” 11.Mike’s friends, “Where have you been?” 12.The policeman/a passer-by, “Did you see the accident?” 13.Mr.Bin/his daughter, “When did you part with your young man?” 14.The teacher/me, “You were ill last Monday, weren’t you?” 15.He, “What were you doing at 5 o’clock yesterday, Sally?” 16.She, “Who have you been waiting for since morning, Granny?” 17.Doctor, “Has your son been coughing for two or three days, Mrs. Brown?” 18.Jane/her fellow-students, “Will you go on a trip next Sunday?” 19.The boss/his secretary, “How will you decorate the hall?” Open the brackets: 1.She was surprised to see that her grandfather’s clock _________________ (stop), and wondered if somebody __________________________ (fiddle) with it. 2.When I ________________ (come) home there ________________ (be) a message from Kelly asking if I ____________________ (meet) her for lunch at Maxim’s. 3.My mother enquired who _________________________________ (use) her typewriter. 4.The guide asked if we ___________________ (want) to see the cathedral. 5.The tourist wanted to know how long ____________________________ (it/take) to get to Edinburgh by coach. 6.He asked how much ___________________ (I/think) ________________ (it/can) cost. 7.Mary asked the ex-convict what ________________________ (he/miss) most when he _________________ (be) in prison. 8.When they _________________ (see) him standing in the middle of the room they __________________ (wonder) how ___________________________ (he/get) in. 9.She asked the policeman where ____________________ (she/can) park her caravan. 10.The night sister asked Mr Jones how many pills ________________________________ (he/take) and he sleepily ___________________ (reply) he _______________________ (not remember). 11.The policeman enquired if any of us _________________________________________ (actually see) the accident. 12.He said that when he ____________________ (arrive), everybody _________________ (have) a good time but not many ______________________________ (dance).

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Reported Commands and Requests can be introduced by the verbs: advise,ask,beg,command,encourage,entreat,forbid,implore,invite,order, recommend,remind, request, tell, urge, warn. Report the following commands and requests: 1.Mother/sons, “ Don’t swim out too far, boys!” 2.Doctor/his patient, “Stop taking sleeping pills!” 3.A hostess/ her quests, “Take off your coats!” 4.Mr.Green’s wife, “Don’t take any risks!” 5.Her parents/Alice, “Don’t answer his letters!” 6.My boss, “Will you post some letters for me?” 7.The lecturer/students, “Be quiet, will you?” 8.Mrs.Pitt/brother, “Don’t order the wine!” 9.Paul/me, “Go on, look for a job!” 10.The receptionist, “Don’t forget to fill in the form, Mrs. Jackson.” 11.Granny/me,”Never say such things again!” 12.John/his friends, “Wait for me, please!” 13. Teacher/his students, ‘Don’t speak so loudly!” 14.He/his sister, “Don’t forget what I told you!” 15. Doctor/his patient, “Open your mouth and show me your tongue!” Conversational Formulas can be reported with the help of the following verbs: greet, exchange greetings, introduce(oneself, smb to smb),wish, thank(smb for doing smth),apologize( to smb for doing smth),say good bye to smb, to welcome smb, to congratulate smb on smth, to make an exclamation of surprise … etc. Report the following phrases: 1.“Cyril,” said Alice, “meet my friend Brian.” 2.The teacher said, “Good morning.” 3.-How do you do, Mr. McDonald? -How do you do, Mr. Stanley? 4.Mary said, “I’m sorry, I’m late.” 5.She said, “Many happy returns of the day, Dad.” 6.My friend said, “I wish you the very best.” 7. “Oh, lord!” he exclaimed. 8. “That was awfully nice of you, Mr. Green,” she said. 9. “See you later, friends,” they said. 10. “You are welcome,” the host said to his quests. 11. He said, “Happy birthday, Mummy!” 12.”Let me introduce myself. My name is Tom.” 13. Entering the room, Bill said, “Hi, everyone!” 14.”Have a nice journey!” he said to his parents. 15. “Oops!” she said.

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REPORT THE FOLLOWING DIALOGUES Alan- Mother, this is Joe’s brother, David. Mother- How do you do? David- How do you do? Mother- Do you like London? David- It’s quite different from what I expected. Mother- Don’t worry; you’ll soon get used to it. Betsy- How nice to see you again. Come in and sit down. James- Thank you. Betsy- Where have you been? James- I’ve been visiting relations. Betsy- Did you like it there? James- Yes, but I was feeling homesick. Jane- What is on TV today? Kate- I don’t know. Will you switch it on? Jane- Oh! It looks like some sort of crime story. Don’t switch it over. Kate- O.K. Peter- Hello. Are you English? Jack- Yes. I come from Leeds. Peter-Is it your first visit to Moscow? Jack- No, I’ve been here once before. I visited Moscow and St. Petersburg 2 years ago. Peter- How long are you going to stay here? Jack- I’ll be here for 3 weeks. Steve- Excuse me, I wonder if you can help me. Mike- Sure. What is it? Steve- I want to have my hair cut, but I can’t find a barber shop. Mike- Don’t worry. I know where one is. Come on- I’ll show you. Steve- That’s very kind of you. I’ve only been in town a few days, so I really don’t know my way around yet. Mike- Oh, I know how you feel. We moved here a year ago, and I still don’t know where everything is. Tom- Did you report the dialogues yesterday? Carol- No. I simply can’t understand anything. Tom- Why do you say that? I think you are making a lot of progress. Carol- No, I’m not. Tom- Learning a language takes a lot of efforts. Don’t give up! I’ll help you. Carol- Thank you very much.

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REPORT THE FOLLOWING DIALOGUES: (Peter and John) -There’s the new girl sitting at the table near the window. Come on, I’ll introduce you. -Have you met her yet? -Yes, we had lunch together yesterday. She told me about herself. -She seems to be a serious girl. She doesn’t talk much to anybody. -Oh, no, she likes to talk. She simply doesn’t know anybody here. -Where does she live? -In that new house across the street from the theatre. Her father has something to do with the theatre, but he isn’t an actor. -I feel like meeting her. Let’s go. (Jane and Kate) -May I come in? -Is that you, Jane? Come in! It’s very good of you to come and see me. -I came here before, but you were too ill to see anybody. Did you get the flowers? -Surely, I did. It was very nice of you to send them to me. -How are you/ -Much better, thank you. The doctor says I’ll be allowed to go out in a few days. -Do you miss school? -Very much. I am afraid I’ll be lagging behind the group in my lessons now. -Don’t think about it. We will help you. -Thank you very much. (Mr Smith and Susan) -Good morning. Can I help you? -You see, I am looking for a job as an English teacher. -Well, the Park School wants their English teachers to teach more than one language. What languages do you speak? -Unfortunately, my Spanish and French are not good enough to teach them. -That’s too bad. By the way, the Flower School needs someone to teach English and Music. Do you play the piano? -I know a lot about music, but I haven’t played the piano since my childhood. -I’m afraid those are all the jobs I have today, but don’t give up. Come back in a week. Maybe I’ll be able to find you something then. -Thank you and good bye.

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REPORT THE FOLLOWING DIALOGUES: -Hello, Alice. Cyril is speaking. Are you busy tonight? -Cyril, I’m terribly sorry, but I can’t hear. … Speak louder, please. -I’ll try. Is this better? -Yes, but don’t talk so fast, will you? What did you say before? -Are you doing anything special tonight? -No, nothing special. Why did you ask? -I’ve got two tickets to the theatre. Would you like to go? -With pleasure. When shall we meet? -I’ll call for you at 5.30. -Thank you. -Hello. Your face seems familiar to me. Haven’t we met before? -Sure. I saw you at Mike’s party 2 weeks ago. -Were you wearing that striped dress with a black ribbon? -Of course I was. My name is Jane. What’s yours? -I’m John. Did you have much fun there? -I don’t think so. I don’t like crowded parties. There is so much noise there that people can’t hear each other. -Don’t say so! Sometimes you meet very interesting people there. -Hello, Alan. It’s Glenn. Why aren’t you here at the party? -Hi, Glenn. I’m not feeling well, you see. -What’s the matter? -I guess I have picked up some infection. I’ve got a terrible headache and feel dizzy. -How long have you been like this? -Since yesterday. -Does it hurt you to swallow? -A bit. And besides, I’m running a temperature. -Call a doctor and don’t take any medicine until he comes, will you? -O.K. Thank you. Don’t worry about me and have a good time. -It’s a pity you are not with us now. I’ll give you a ring, when I come home.

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Translate the following sentences into English. 1.На собеседовании меня спросили, где я работаю в настоящее время и каковы мои планы на будущее. ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 2.Учитель объяснил детям, что солнце встаёт на востоке, а садится на западе. ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 3. Брат слёзно попросил меня ничего не рассказывать маме, а то у него будут неприятности. ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 4. Моя подруга спросила меня, приеду ли я к ней погостить на каникулы. ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 5.Старик сказал, что он уже видел эти фотографии, когда был молодым. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6.Я спросил его, ходит ли он куда-нибудь в выходные, и он ответил, что нет. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7.Похитители сказали, что, если он не заплатит полмиллиона долларов, они убьют его сына. ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 8.Он спросил меня, встречал ли я кого-нибудь из его соседей, когда жил в его квартире и присматривал за котом. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9.Она сказала, что уже читала эту книгу и порекомендовала всем прочитать её. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10.Он сказал, что не любит своего соседа по комнате, так как он вечно разбрасывает вещи по всей комнате. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Translate the following sentences into English. 1.Она очень обиделась, когда ей сказали, что она поправилась. ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 2.Он спросил продавца, сколько стоит последняя модель телефона Нокиа. ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 3. Секретарь поинтересовалась, можно ли ей на завтра взять отгул. ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 4. Я попросила его ехать медленнее, так как дорога была очень скользкой. ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 5.Женщина сказала, что не помнит этого посетителя, так как в это время она разговаривала по телефону. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6.Она сказала мне не покупать эту блузку, так как она плохо на мне сидит. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. Они поинтересовались, сколько лет я изучаю испанский язык. ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 8.Джон спросил меня, иду ли я с друзьями в кафе, и я сказал, что нет. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. Учитель сказал не переписывать правило из учебника, но сделать по нему несколько упражнений в тетради. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10.Он сказал, что разбудит меня завтра, если я не забуду напомнить ему об этом вечером. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Translate the following sentences into English. 1.Доктор сказал пациенту не принимать это лекарство больше двух раз в неделю. ____________________________________________________________________ 2.Родители попросили сына почаще навещать их. ____________________________________________________________________ 3.Преподаватель физики сказал, что вода закипает при 100˚С. ____________________________________________________________________ 4.Директор сказала, что удовлетворена результатами нашей работы. ____________________________________________________________________ 5.Она сказала, что родилась в 1978 году и в этом году собирается пригласить на свой день рождения всех своих друзей. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6.Я спросил его, встречал ли он когда-нибудь знаменитых людей, но он сказал, что не встречал. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7.Я спросила её, знает ли она немецкий язык, и она ответила, что знает. ____________________________________________________________________ 8.Он спросил меня, какие страны мы посетили, когда путешествовали по Европе на автобусе. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9.Она сказала, что видела первую часть фильма вчера и поинтересовалась, сколько времени продлится вторая часть. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10.Он сказал, что позвонит мне сегодня вечером, если вернётся не слишком поздно. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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BUT FOR… But for + noun Would (could, might) + present bare infinitive But for + noun Would (could, might) + perfect bare infinitive e.g. But for her help, I would be in trouble now. But for her help, I would have got into serious trouble. Open the brackets: 1.But for the taxi, they __________________________(miss) the train. 2.But for a foreign accent one _____________________(might/to take) him for a Russian. 3.But for the snowstorm, they ________________________(arrive/already). 4.But for the late hour it ______________________(be) possible to reach him on the phone. 5.But for her voice she ______________________(can/to be) a good actress. 6.But for his bad cold he _______________________(go) fishing with us now. 7.But for this unpleasant accident the party _______________________(be) a success. 8.But for his rival he ________________________(have) more chances of promotion. 9.But for him nobody _______________________(notice) this mistake. 10.But for her smile I _______________________(not to recognize) her. Translate the following sentences into English: 1.Если бы не её почерк, она бы получила отличную оценку за сочинение. _____________________________________________________________________________ 2.Если бы не её вспыльчивый характер, они бы никогда не ссорились. _____________________________________________________________________________ 3.Если бы не его больное горло, он бы выступил вчера на собрании. _____________________________________________________________________________ 4.Если бы не наш учитель, я бы не узнала так много интересного. _____________________________________________________________________________ 5.Если бы не погода, мы бы прекрасно провели лето. _____________________________________________________________________________ 6.Если бы не орфографические ошибки, это была бы неплохая работа. _____________________________________________________________________________ 7.Если бы не финальная сцена, картина была бы вполне хорошей. _____________________________________________________________________________ 8.Если бы не моё обещание, я бы тебе об этом рассказал сейчас. _____________________________________________________________________________ 9.Если бы не жара, мне бы нравилось отдыхать в этой стране. _____________________________________________________________________________ 10.Если бы не ошибка в адресе, мы бы получили письмо вовремя. _____________________________________________________________________________

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BUT FOR… DRILL EXERCISES. Open the brackets: 1.But for her impatience, she _______________________(be) a good teacher. 2.But for his signature, we _____________________(not to believe) it was his offer. 3.But for the conference, I _____________________(help) you today. 4.But for the operation he _____________________(can/to die). 5.But for his wife, he ____________________(go) to see the doctor yesterday. 6.But for the accident, he ___________________(break) a record. 7.But for the rain, we _____________________(not to stay) at home all day. 8.But for my neighbour’s chickens, I ____________________(have) to keep my dog chained. 9. But for our guide, we ________________________(not to be able) to see half the sights. 10.But for your explanation, I ____________________(not understand) anything. Translate the following sentences into English: 1.Если бы не шрам на его щеке, я бы его не узнал. _____________________________________________________________________________ 2.Если бы не тесные туфли, я бы получила удовольствие от прогулки. _____________________________________________________________________________ 3.Если бы не его больная нога, он бы тоже принял участие в этой игре. _____________________________________________________________________________ 4.Если бы не её веснушки (freckles), она была бы очень красивой девушкой. _____________________________________________________________________________ 5.Если бы не багаж, мы бы отправились туда пешком. _____________________________________________________________________________ 6.Если бы не её усталые глаза, вы бы не дали ей больше 30. _____________________________________________________________________________ 7. Если бы не густой туман, они бы не заблудились. _____________________________________________________________________________ 8.Если бы не болезнь, ребёнок не выглядел сейчас таким бледным. _____________________________________________________________________________ 9.Если бы не ночное время, они бы не заплатили таксисту такую сумму. _____________________________________________________________________________ 10.Если бы не этот звонок, это был бы чудесный вечер. _____________________________________________________________________________

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CONDITIONALS Type 0 If-clause Main clause Present simple Present simple They are used to express something which is always true. We can use when instead of if. e.g. If(When) it rains, the roads get slippery and dangerous. Open the brackets: 1.If you _____________________(watch) the news, you ____________________(learn) a lot. 2. When water _______________(boil), it ___________________(produce) steam. 3.When ice __________________(melt) it ___________________(become) water. 4.Whenever I ____________________(go) into town, I __________________(come) back with a headache. 5.If drivers ____________________(exceed) the speed limit, they ___________________(be fined). Type 1 If-clause Main clause Present Simple/Present Cont, Present Perfect Future Simple, MV + bare infinitive They are used to express real or very probable situations in the present or future NB: When the main clause comes before the if-clause, then no comma is necessary. e.g. If we work hard, we’ll finish the project on time. Open the brackets: 1.If you __________________(do) that again, I ___________________(punish) you. 2.Providing you ________________(wear) warm clothes, you __________________(not to get) cold. 3.Paul ____________________(may/ruin) his shirt if he ___________________(climb) the tree. 4.Dave ____________________(be) home at six o’clock provided he ____________________ (catch) the five o’clock bus. 5.When I ___________________(see) Bill, I __________________(tell) him the news. 6.You ____________________(can/go) to the party as long as you ____________________(be) home before 11 p.m. 7.I ___________________(lend) you the money on condition that you ___________________ (pay) it back soon. 8.Unless you ________________________(be) busy, we ___________________(talk) now. 9.If you ___________________(like) Tom Cruise, you __________________(like) this film. 10.Provided you __________________(do) your homework, you _____________________ (can/go) out and play. 11.Unless you __________________(work) hard, you _____________________(fail) the exam. 12.-I’m not going to tell him what happened. - What if he ____________________(find) out on his own? 13.You’d better apologize otherwise he ___________________(never/to speak) to you again. 14.If you __________________(not to hurry), you _____________________(miss) the bus. 15.She ____________________(be) here at eight if she _______________(not to lose) her way.

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Type 2 If-clause Main clause Past Simple, Past Continuous Would (could, might) + present bare infinitive They are used to express imaginary situations which are contrary to facts in the present and, therefore, are unlikely to happen in the present or future. They are also used to give advice. e.g. -I’m going to a party tonight. - If I were not ill, I would come with you. Open the brackets: 1.-Can you help me, please? - If I ____________________(not to study), I ___________________(help) you. 2.If we __________________(be) rich, we __________________(can/afford) expensive clothes. 3.If I _____________________(be) you, I ___________________(not to go) out in this weather. 4.If I __________________(have) enough money, I _________________(buy) a car. 5.Joan __________________(to be able) to come to the party, if she ___________________(not to work). 6.Robert ____________________(might/feel) better, if you ___________________(talk) to him. 7.Mum seems very busy at the moment. __________________(I/be) you, I _________________ (help) her. 8.-Peter won’t help me with my homework. -I’m sure he ___________________(help) you if he __________________(have) the time. 9.If I __________________(not to have) to work such long hours, I __________________(be) so tired. 10. I ______________________(not to go) to the party even if they _________________ (invite) me. Translate the following sentences into English: 1.Если бы я хорошо катался на лыжах, я бы принял участие в соревнованиях. _____________________________________________________________________________ 2. Если бы ты читал газеты, ты бы знал последние новости. _____________________________________________________________________________ 3.Как бы Вы решили эту проблему, если бы Вам пришлось заняться ею? _____________________________________________________________________________ 4.Если бы не было ветра, мы бы поиграли в бадминтон. _____________________________________________________________________________ 5.Если бы Бетси не была занята сегодня, мы бы пошли на концерт. _____________________________________________________________________________ 6.Если бы сейчас не шёл дождь, мы бы поехали за город. _____________________________________________________________________________ 7.На Вашем месте, я бы позвонил ему. _____________________________________________________________________________ 8.Если бы я не знал этого дизайнера хорошо, я бы не рекомендовал Вам воспользоваться его услугами. _____________________________________________________________________________ 9.Если бы магазин был открыт, мы бы купили сувениры друзьям. _____________________________________________________________________________ 10.Если бы у меня было много свободного времени, я бы чаще ходил в походы. _____________________________________________________________________________

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Type 3 If-clause Main clause Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous Would/could/might + perfect bare infinitive They are used to express imaginary situations which are contrary to facts in the past. They are also used to express regrets or criticism. e.g. If Simon had been more careful, he wouldn’t have made such a big mistake. Open the brackets: 1.If I ______________________(not to miss) the bus, I _________________(not to be) late for school. 2.David _____________________(not to crash) his car, if he ______________________(to change) the cassette. 3.If you __________________(put) the keys in your pocket, you _____________________(not to lose) them. 4.They ____________________(help) us move house if we ___________________ (ask) them. 5.We __________________(change) our plans if we _____________________(hear) the weather forecast. 6.If I _____________________(not to buy) this lottery ticket, I ___________________(never/to win) all this money. 7.If you ______________________(not to break) the window, Dad ___________________(not to shout) at you. 8.She _______________________(stay) at home if she _______________________(know) that there would be so much traffic. 9.If you _____________________(not to watch) this film, you ___________________(not to have) nightmares. 10.________________________(I/hear) any news, I ______________________(tell) you immediately. Translate the following sentences into English: 1.Если бы ты слушал внимательно, ты бы всё понял. _____________________________________________________________________________ 2.Если бы он поступил в университет 4 года назад, он бы уже закончил его. _____________________________________________________________________________ 3.Если бы он не проглядел этой ошибки, ему бы не пришлось переделывать весь проект. _____________________________________________________________________________ 4.Если бы ты тогда обратил внимание на мои слова, ты не сделал бы такой ошибки. _____________________________________________________________________________ 5.Я мог бы одолжить Вам вчера деньги, если бы Вы попросили меня. _____________________________________________________________________________ 6.Если бы он вёл машину осторожнее, несчастного случая не произошло бы. _____________________________________________________________________________ 7.Он, конечно, перевёл бы вчера эту статью, если бы не был так занят. _____________________________________________________________________________ 8.Она бы уехала ещё вчера, если бы смогла достать билет. _____________________________________________________________________________ 9.Я не закончил бы так быстро перевод этой статьи, если бы сестра мне не помогла. _____________________________________________________________________________ 10.Если бы вчера не было так холодно, мы бы, возможно, пошли на каток. _____________________________________________________________________________

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Mixed Conditionals Type 2 Type 3 If-clause Main clause Past Simple, Past Continuous Would/could/might + perfect bare infinitive e.g. If you were more sensible, you wouldn’t have spoken to your boss like that. Type 3 Type 2 If-clause Main clause Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous Would (could, might) + present bare infinitive If she hadn’t missed the bus, she would be here now. Open the brackets: 1.If we __________________(not to like) fast food, we _________________(come) here. 2.If she _____________________(remember) to go to the bank yesterday , she _____________________(go) shopping today. 3.If they _____________________(not to muss) their flight, they ____________________ (arrive) tomorrow. 4.If she ___________________(be) well-qualified, she ______________________(get) that job. 5.If she ____________________(bring) her umbrella, she __________________(get) wet now. 6.If I __________________(know) them well, I ______________________(go) to the party. 7.If I __________________(buy) the tickets, I ____________________(can/go) to the theatre. 8.If we _____________________(have) enough money, we ____________________(can/go) on a holiday last summer. 9. If you ____________________(not to watch) the late film, you _______________(feel) tired. 10.If you _______________________(not to burn) the dinner, we _____________________(not to sit) at this lovely restaurant. Translate the following sentences into English: 1.Если бы она была прилежной студенткой, она бы не завалила экзамен. ___________________________________________________________________________ 2.Если бы у меня были часы, я бы не опоздал на интервью. ___________________________________________________________________________ 3.Если бы ему сказали о собрании, он бы был здесь. ____________________________________________________________________________ 4.Если бы они взяли компас, то они бы знали, где находятся. ____________________________________________________________________________ 5.Если бы водитель был более внимательным, его бы не оштрафовали дважды за день. ____________________________________________________________________________ 6.Если бы он заказал столик заранее, ему бы не пришлось стоять в очереди сейчас. ____________________________________________________________________________ 7.На Вашем месте я бы не обещал помочь им. Теперь Вам не отвертеться. ____________________________________________________________________________ 8.Если бы у меня был номер его телефона, я бы давно ему позвонил. ____________________________________________________________________________ 9.Если бы Вы меня разбудили на полчаса раньше, я не был бы сейчас в таком цейтноте. _____________________________________________________________________________ 10.Если бы Вы не извинились, он никогда бы с Вами больше не разговаривал. _____________________________________________________________________________

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Drill 1 (Conditionals) I.Open the brackets, putting the verb into the required form. Mind all types of Conditionals:O,I,II,III and Mixed. 1.If I ______________________(not to live) far from school, I _______________________ (to get) there on foot. 2.If she __________________(to be) here, she __________________(to give) us some advice. 3.I am not feeling well. I ___________________(not to be) here today, if I ____________________(not to promise) to come. 4.Be careful! If you _________________ (to tease) the cat, it __________________(to scratch) you. 5.If she _____________________(to know) French, she ___________________ (to read) books in the original. 6.If he _____________________(to be) more careful, he _____________________(not to have) an accident. 7.If she ________________(not to change) so much, I ___________________(to recognize) her. 8.If you ______________________(not to eat) so much ice-cream, you __________________(not to have) a fever now. 9.If my dog ___________________(to give) a bone, he _________________ (to bury) it at once. 10.If it _______________________(to rain), the roads _____________________(to be) slippery. 11.We are two hours behind the schedule. If the engine ___________________(to work) properly, we ______________________(to manage) a hill. 12.The journey takes 3 hours by bus. I think, he _____________________(to get) there sooner, if he ___________________ (to go) there by train. 13.If he _____________________ (to be) a careful driver, the police ____________________(not to stop) his car yesterday. 14.Where _____________________ ( you /to live) if you _______________(to have) a chance? 15.If the job ___________________(not to be) dull, he _________________(not to give) it up. 16.If you ______________________(not to smoke) much, you ___________________(to get) rid of your cough.. 17.If the windows ____________________(not to face) a noisy street, I ____________________ (to be able) to sleep last night. 18. If Sam ______________________ (to be) taller, he ___________________(to wear) his brother’s clothes. 19.She was happy to be present at the party. She __________________(not to come), if they _______________(not to invite) her. 20.He is thinking of getting slimmer. If he ____________________(not to cut down) on sugar, salt and fats, he ________________________ (not to lose) weight. II. Translate the following sentences into English. 1.Если он не будет работать усердно, он завалит экзамен. ________________________________________________________________________________ 2.Если бы ты не тратил столько времени впустую, ты бы успевал делать намного больше. ________________________________________________________________________________ 3.Если бы друзья ей не помогли, она бы не нашла работу. ________________________________________________________________________________ 4.На Вашем месте, я бы уже давно связался с ним. ________________________________________________________________________________ 5.Если бы не было несчастного случая, никто бы ничего так и не узнал. ________________________________________________________________________________ 6.Если Вы дадите мне свой электронный адрес, я буду переписываться с Вами регулярно.

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________________________________________________________________________________ 7.Если бы всё было в порядке, он не выглядел бы таким расстроенным. ________________________________________________________________________________ 8.Если бы кто-нибудь предложил подвезти меня вчера, мне не пришлось бы идти пешком. ________________________________________________________________________________ 9.Если бы она раньше вставала, то никогда бы не опаздывала на занятия. ________________________________________________________________________________ 10.Я была бы сердита, если бы он не выполнил своё обещание. ________________________________________________________________________________ Drill 2 (Conditionals) I.Open the brackets, putting the verb into the required form. Mind all types of Conditionals: O,I,II,III and Mixed.

1. ____________________(she / to work) as a clerk, if she ____________________(to be) a true romantic? 2.Are you going to the party too? If you ____________________(to be) ready at 8 p.m., I _________________________(to give) you a lift, if you like. 3.If I _____________________(to know) you were coming, I _________________(to meet) you at the station. 4.You _____________________ (not to have) so much trouble with your car, if you ___________________(not to let) other people use it so often. 5.The soup ____________________(to be) tastier, if you ___________________(not to put) too much salt in it. 6.Now I’m broke. If I _____________________(to listen) to my parents, it _________________ (not to happen). 7.Our train leaves in half an hour. If you _______________________(not to hurry), we _________________________(to miss) it. 8.It’s always the same! If I __________________(to decide) to leave the office early, my boss __________________ (to call) me after I have left. 9.If you ___________________(not to raise) your voice, the child ________________________ (not to start) crying. 10. He has let us down again. If I _____________________(to be) you, I _______________ (not to entrust) him with a new task. 11.I don’t have a minute to spare. If I ______________________(not to be) busy, I _______________________________(to help) you. 12.That was a narrow escape! If I _________________(to fall), I ____________________ (to break) my leg. 13.If he ________________________(to have) a stall in London, he ___________________ (to have) to pay an enormous rent. 14.If Jim ___________________(not to miss) the plane, he ______________________(to be) here by now. 15.If I _____________________(to pass) entrance exams next week, I ___________________(to be) a student. 16.If Jane ________________________(not to refuse) to work overtime, she ___________________________(to get) promoted long ago. 17.If you ________________________(to insist) on smoking so much, of course, you ________________________(to feel) ill. 18.If he ___________________ (to be) better qualified, he ___________________ (not to give) a sack. 19.If our teacher _____________________(to stop) giving us so much homework, we ________________________(to have) more time to enjoy ourselves.

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20.Those wires look a bit dangerous. If I ______________________ (to be) you, I ___________________________(not to touch) them.

II. Translate the following sentences. 1.Если бы у меня был сейчас фотоаппарат, я бы сфотографировал это здание. ________________________________________________________________________________ 2.Если бы он получил от них известие, он бы сразу дал вам знать. ________________________________________________________________________________ 3.Если бы мне не нравилась эта картина, я бы не повесил её в своей комнате. ________________________________________________________________________________ 4.Я думаю, я узнаю этого человека, если ещё раз его увижу. ________________________________________________________________________________ 5.Если бы я хотела есть, то пошла бы сейчас с вами в кафе. ________________________________________________________________________________ 6.Если бы он не пропустил столько занятий, он бы достиг лучших результатов. ________________________________________________________________________________ 7.Если ты не наденешь пальто, ты замёрзнешь. ________________________________________________________________________________ 8.Если бы он был коммуникабельным человеком, у него было бы много друзей. ________________________________________________________________________________ 9.Если бы он не задержался на работе, он бы успел на последний автобус. ________________________________________________________________________________ 10.Он хороший парень. Я была бы удивлена, если бы он задел Ваши чувства. ________________________________________________________________________________

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SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD IN COMPLEX SENTENCES. IT’S (HIGH) TIME It’s (high) time + Past Simple Paraphrase the following: 1. He understood that it was time for him to get on the train. _____________________________________________________________________________ 2. It’s time for you to stop fussing. You make everyone nervous. _____________________________________________________________________________ 3.You are no longer a young man. It’s time for you to settle down. _____________________________________________________________________________ 4. It’s high time for the new method to be introduced into our work. _____________________________________________________________________________ 5.Isn’t it time for you to be more sensible? _____________________________________________________________________________ 6.I think it’s time for us to get down to business. _____________________________________________________________________________ 7. He was so absorbed in a book that he didn’t notice it was high time for him to leave. _____________________________________________________________________________ 8.I call it a waste of time. It’s time for somebody to put an end to it. _____________________________________________________________________________ 9.It’s about time for her to learn to do without your help. _____________________________________________________________________________ 10.They said it was time for him to tell us what he was after. _____________________________________________________________________________ Translate the following sentences into English: 1. Пора бы тебе лучше заботиться о своём здоровье. _____________________________________________________________________________ 2. Вам бы пора извиниться. _____________________________________________________________________________ 3.Она сказала, что ему пора избавиться от дурной привычки. _____________________________________________________________________________ 4.Не пора бы Вам оставить нас в покое? _____________________________________________________________________________ 5.Преподаватель сказал, что пора бы начать подготовку к экзаменам. _____________________________________________________________________________ 6.Ему давно пора начать зарабатывать себе на жизнь. _____________________________________________________________________________ 7.Давно пора зажечь свет. _____________________________________________________________________________ 8.Что мы ждём? Пора бы нам идти. _____________________________________________________________________________ 9.Не пора ли ей понять, что она уже не ребёнок? _____________________________________________________________________________ 10.Уже пора ему быть здесь. _____________________________________________________________________________

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SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD IN CLAUSES, INTRODUCED BY ‘AS IF/THOUGH’ AS IF/THOUGH + PAST SIMPLE/PAST CONTINUOUS e.g. It looks as if nobody knew the answer. AS IF/THOUGH + PAST PERFECT/PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS e.g. The house looked as if it had been deserted for weeks. Open the brackets: 1. He was beginning to feel as if he ________________________(never/be) away. 2. As I opened the door I seemed to hear a changing sound as if a mass of metal ______________________ (fall). 3.he looked at us suspiciously as if he _______________________(not trust) us. 4.Sharon frowned as if she _____________________(be) puzzled. 5.He looked at me as though he _____________________(want) to ask me something. 6. “I’m glad you could come, gentlemen,” he said as if this meeting (not to be planned) weeks ahead. 7. She looked as though she ________________________ (cry). 8.Whenever I saw them it looked as if they _____________________ (not to be) on very good terms. 9. He was not so well-dressed as Robert, who always looked as though he _________________ (step) out of a shop window, but he wore his old clothes as though it _____________________ (not to matter) much what one wore. 10.He found Brenner standing on the sidewalk in his dirty raincoat and shaking as though he _________________________ (suffer) from a malarial attack. Translate the following sentences into English: 1.Они говорили шёпотом, словно боялись кого-нибудь разбудить. _____________________________________________________________________________ 2.Он выглядел так, будто плохо спал в последнее время. _____________________________________________________________________________ 3.Комната выглядит так, будто ею пока не пользовались. _____________________________________________________________________________ 4.Она побледнела, словно увидела привидение. _____________________________________________________________________________ 5.Он говорит по-французски, словно это его второй язык. _____________________________________________________________________________ 6.Она чувствовала себя неловко, словно все смотрели на неё. _____________________________________________________________________________ 7.Он дрожал, словно у него была высокая температура. _____________________________________________________________________________ 8.Он посмотрел на меня, будто не одобрял моего предложения. _____________________________________________________________________________ 9.Она дышала так тяжело, будто бежала всю дорогу. _____________________________________________________________________________ 10.Они покатились со смеху, будто он рассказал им что-то смешное. _____________________________________________________________________________

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HAD BETTER / WOULD RATHER Had better + bare infinitive (=should,ought to) This structure is used to give advice or to say what the best thing to do in a particular situation is. e.g. You had better book your flight early. I’d better not take out a loan, I won’t be able to pay it back. Would rather (=would prefer to) expresses preference. When the subject of would rather is also the subject of the following verb, we use the following constructions: 1) would rather + present bare infinitive (present/future) e.g. I’d rather do my shopping tonight. 2) would rather + bare infinitive (past) e.g. I’d rather not have gone to the dinner party last night. 3) would rather + bare infinitive + than +( bare infinitive) e.g. I would rather watch a comedy than (watch) a thriller. When the subject of would rather is different from the subject of the following verb, we use the following constructions: 1) would rather + past tense (present/future) e.g. I would rather Kate stayed with us tonight. 2) would rather + past perfect (past) e.g. I would rather Sam hadn’t taken his father’s car. Open the brackets: 1.-Did you enjoy the party last night? - No, I’d rather _____________________(stay) at home. 2. -Shall I dust the computer, Tom? - I’d rather you __________________(not to touch) it, actually. I’ll do it myself. 3.-I’ve got a terrible cold. - You’d better ________________________(not go) to work today then. 4.I think it’s going to rain today. You’d better _______________ (take) your umbrella with you. 5. I didn’t enjoy the concert. I would rather they _________________(play) more modern music. 6. -I didn’t enjoy my lunch today. I’d rather __________________(eat) something else. 7. He would rather __________________ (study) History than Maths. 8.I’d rather Greg __________________(go) to medical school in his youth. 9.We’d better ____________________(not book) a taxi to bring us tonight. 10.I’d rather you ___________________(not leave) your shoes in the kitchen every time. Open the brackets: 1. I didn’t enjoy Ben’s party. I would rather he ___________________(invite) more people. 2.She would rather ___________________(go) to a disco than to the theatre. 3. -They are organizing a party for Susan’s birthday. - I know, but it’s a secret, so we’d better _____________________(not talk) about it in case she hears. 4.-Did you enjoy the film last night? -Not really. I would rather we ___________________(see) a comedy instead. 5.-I’m going out in a minute. -So am I, so you’d better _____________________(take) your keys with you. 6. -Shall I tidy your bedroom for you? - I’d rather you ___________________(not tidy) it . I’ll do it later. 7.-Did you enjoy the play last night? -No, I’d rather ________________________(go) to the cinema. 8. I’d better _____________________(not take) out a loan, I won’t be able to pay it back. 9. I’d rather you ___________________(not to make) so much noise. 10.You had better ______________________(work) hard at your new job.

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SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD AFTER “I WISH/If ONLY”. We use the verb wish and the expression If only to express a wish. When we want to say that we would like something to be different in the present we use: I wish/If only + Past Simple/Past Continuous e.g. People wish the government did something about unemployment. NB! We can use were instead of was after wish or If only: e.g. I wish he were/was more careful. Open the brackets: 1.I have never seen your kids. I wish you _________________(have) a picture of them with you. 2.He wished his mother still _______________________(live) nearby. 3.If only I _____________________(not to have) to take the train to work every day. 4.The police wish they _____________________(be) better equipped to work more efficiently. 5.How I wish I ___________________(can) play some musical instrument! 6.If only the wind ____________________(stop) blowing so hard. 7.I wish you ___________________(tidy) your room more often. 8.I wish I ______________________(not to share) the room with my brother. 9.If only it ______________________(stop) raining! 10.He wishes people __________________(not to make) him sign autographs wherever he goes. Translate the following sentences: 1.Жаль, что моя подруга не умеет работать с компьютером. _____________________________________________________________________________ 2. Моим соседям хотелось бы, чтобы их дочь была осторожнее в выборе друзей. _____________________________________________________________________________ 3.Жаль, что я сейчас не с вами. _____________________________________________________________________________ 4. Жаль, что мы живём так далеко друг от друга. _____________________________________________________________________________ 5.Хотелось бы, чтобы все врачи использовали более современные методы лечения. _____________________________________________________________________________ 6.Как жаль, что вы не верите нам. _____________________________________________________________________________ 7.Жаль, что вы тратите так много денег. _____________________________________________________________________________ 8. Как бы мне хотелось, чтобы ты чаще помогал родителям по хозяйству. _____________________________________________________________________________ 9.Хотелось, чтобы люди были более дружелюбными. _____________________________________________________________________________ 10.Жаль, что люди редко получают то, чего хотят. _____________________________________________________________________________

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Учебное пособие по английскому языку для учащихся 11 класса Лицея 1574. Часть 1


When we want to express regret that something happened or did not happen in the past we use: I wish/If only + Past Perfect e.g. I wish/If only I hadn’t stolen the motorbike Open the brackets: 1.I wish I _____________________(study) more when I was at school. 2.I wish I _____________________(not to speak) to Jane like that. 3.I’m exhausted. I wish I ___________________(do) some of the housework yesterday. 4.I wish I ______________________(practise) harder before the concert. 5.If only we ___________________(go) to France last summer. 6.He wishes he ___________________(not to lose) control of himself. 7.She wishes she ___________________(invite) classmates to her party. 8.I wish I ________________________(not to call) you in the middle of the night, but the matter was urgent. 9.If only our plan _____________________( not to fail). 10.They wish they ___________________(buy) a house. Translate the following sentences into English: 1.Жаль, что я раньше не начала учить английский. _____________________________________________________________________________ 2.Жаль, что он не получил ту работу, на которую подал заявление. _____________________________________________________________________________ 3.Жаль, что его исключили из школы. _____________________________________________________________________________ 4.Мелани пожалела, что сказала о том, что идёт на вечеринку. _____________________________________________________________________________ 5.Напрасно я не приняла это лекарство от головной боли. _____________________________________________________________________________ 6.Досадно, что я подписал тогда все бумаги. _____________________________________________________________________________ 7.Жаль, что Денис не влюбился в эту замечательную девушку. _____________________________________________________________________________ 8.Жаль, что я забыла зонтик дома. _____________________________________________________________________________ 9. Жаль, что я не пожал интервьюеру руку. _____________________________________________________________________________ 10. Жаль, что ты уже вырос! _____________________________________________________________________________

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Александрова Ю.Г.


The structure wish/If only + would is used a) for a polite imperative. e.g. I wish you would pay more attention. b) to express our desire for a change in a situation or someone’s behaviour. e.g. I wish/If only he wouldn’t give me so much work. ! After the subject pronouns I and we we use could instead of would. e.g. I wish I could travel abroad. Open the brackets: 1.-Paul, I wish you __________________(stop) making so much noise! -Sorry, I’ll try. 2.-If only Bob ___________________(call) me. - Don’t worry. I’m sure he’ll phone soon. 3.-Are you going to your school reunion party next week? - No. I wish I ____________________(go) because I would like to see everyone again. 4.-I wish Paul ________________________(tell) me what is wrong with him. - Yes. He seems very upset, doesn’t he? 5.-I wish Mark ___________________(stop) playing his music so loudly. - Why don’t you ask him to turn it down? 6.-If only it ______________________(stop) raining. -Yes. Then we could go for a walk. 7.-I wish you __________________(help) with the housework more often. -What would you like me to do? 8.-I wish I _________________________(be) back at school again. - Those were great days , weren’t they?

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Учебное пособие по английскому языку для учащихся 11 класса Лицея 1574. Часть 1


Drill 1 (Subjunctive Mood after ‘I wish’) I. Open the brackets, putting the verb into the required form. Mind the negative forms. 1.I wish I ____________________(to eat) so much ice-cream. I have a stomachache 2.I wish he ___________________(to be) so inexperienced. 3.I wish I ___________________(to live) far from my office. 4.I wish we _____________________(to get) down to business at once. 5. I wish I ________________________(to go) to the doctor when I first felt pain. 6.I wish you ____________________(to act) responsibly next time. 7.Paul wishes he ___________________(to have) an ability to motivate people. 8.We can’t sign this contract in his absence. I wish he ______________________(to be) in town at present. 9.He wishes he __________________(to know) several languages. 10.Ann wished she __________________(to take) her umbrella. She got soaked to the skin. 11.I wish there __________________(to be) an enquiry office nearby. I don’t know their address. 12.They haven’t been on speaking terms for about a week and now he wishes he ____________________(to be) so rude to her. 13.He wishes he ________________________(to go) to bed so late. He always feels sleepy during the day. 14.I wish the children _____________________(to stop) making so much noise. I’m trying to concentrate. 15.He is always late. I wish he ____________________(to come) on time. 16.They wished they ______________________(to accept) the invitation. The party was so boring. 17.I wish you _____________________(to be) busy. There is an interesting film on. 18.I wish the shops _____________________(to close) so early on weekdays. 19.Sometimes he wished he ____________________(to choose) another topic for his course paper. 20.I wish I ___________________(can) drive. II. Translate the following sentences into English. 1.Жаль, что я не умею плавать. _____________________________________________________________________________ 2.Жаль, что учитель задаёт нам так много на дом. _____________________________________________________________________________ 3.Хорошо бы сейчас было лето! _____________________________________________________________________________ 4.Как жаль, что у нас нет стиральной машины. _____________________________________________________________________________ 5.Как бы мне хотелось, чтобы Вы оставили меня в покое. _____________________________________________________________________________ 6.Жаль, что я не последовал Вашему совету. _____________________________________________________________________________ 7.Жаль, что это произошло в Ваше отсутствие. _____________________________________________________________________________ 8.Жаль, что он такой рассеянный. _____________________________________________________________________________ 9.Она жалеет, что небогата и не может позволить себе покупать дорогие вещи. _____________________________________________________________________________ 10.Как бы мне хотелось, чтобы она приняла участие в конкурсе красоты. _____________________________________________________________________________

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Александрова Ю.Г.


Drill 2 (Subjunctive Mood after ‘I wish’) I. Open the brackets, putting the verb into the required form. Mind the negative forms. 1.I wish he _____________________(to go) out too often. It prevents him from studying. 2.Now we are lost. I wish you ______________________(to write) down Mary’s directions. 3.He wished the car _____________________ (to register) in his name. 4.I wish we _____________________(to get) further information. 5.I wish the X-ray ____________________(to confirm) the doctor’s diagnosis. I’m so upset. 6.This is an awful hotel. I wish we ________________________(to go) to the Grand instead. 7.I wish you _______________________(to give) children so much pocket money. 8.I wish we ____________________(to be) alone and __________________(can) gossip about the people we know. 9.She wishes she __________________(to know) what is wrong with her car. 10.I wish it _____________________(to stop) raining. 11.I wish I _________________(to spend) more time swimming last summer. 12.I wish you _____________________ (to be) more attentive at the lessons. 13.I wish the theatre tickets ____________________(to cost) so much. 14.His hair is very long. I wish he ___________________(to have) it cut. 15.I wish you _____________________(to be) so unpredictable. 16.He wishes he _____________________(to promise) to be present at the party. He doesn’t feel well. 17.How I wish you _____________________ (to trust) me. 18.I wish you _____________________(to leave) soon. I’ll miss you. 19.I wish the room ____________________(to look) out on a park instead of a noisy street. 20.The unfortunate sailor wished he ______________________ (to set) foot on board the brig. II. Translate the following sentences into English. 1.Жаль, что вы теряете попусту столько времени. _____________________________________________________________________________ 2.Как бы мне хотелось, чтобы Вам представили этого очаровательного человека. _____________________________________________________________________________ 3.Жаль, что я одолжил Алексу велосипед. Он так и не вернул его. _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 4.Жаль, что я не привязал лодку к берегу. Она уплыла. _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 5.Жаль, что Вы не всегда ведёте себя, как джентльмен. _____________________________________________________________________________ 6.Как бы мне хотелось, чтобы Вы доделали эту работу до конца. _____________________________________________________________________________ 7.Мистер Браун пожалел, что не умеет держать язык за зубами. _____________________________________________________________________________ 8.Жаль, что она такая упрямая. _____________________________________________________________________________ 9.Жаль, что Вы не можете забыть об этом инциденте. _____________________________________________________________________________ 10.Ненавижу холод. Хорошо бы круглый год было тепло и солнечно. _____________________________________________________________________________

Page 112: Ingles- Exercicios Extra

Учебное пособие по английскому языку для учащихся 11 класса Лицея 1574. Часть 1


REVISION: CONDITIONALS/WISHES/HAD BETTER/WOULD RATHER Open the brackets: 1. It’s about time she _______________________(learn) how to cook. 2.I’d rather you ______________________(not to touch) my favourite vase. You may break it. 3.If she ____________________(hear) the news, she _____________________(call) us by now. 4.They _________________(open) the door if they __________________(know) who was there. 5.I wish I ______________________(save) some money last month. 6.Tom speaks to everyone as if he _________________________(know) everything. 7.He is angry with you. He would rather you ___________________(not to open) the letter. 8.If you _____________________(meet) John now, you _____________________(not to recognize) him. 9.They spoke as if they ____________________(know) each other for years. 10.Tony wishes he _______________________(have) enough money to buy a new car. 11.If I _________________(be) you I __________________(lie) to my parents about what happened. 12.But for the heavy rain they ______________________(go) out. 13.Helen ____________________(to continue) her studies if she _______________(get) a grant. 14.Jack would rather ________________________ (learn) Italian than German. 15.You had better _______________________(join) a gym. 16.I wish you ______________________(make) an effort to improve your life. 17.If you ___________________(not to practice) daily, you ___________________(never/learn) to play the piano. 18. If Tom __________________(not to lie) to his parents, they ___________________(not to be) angry with him now. 19.You had better ___________________(not to go) out tonight. 20.I wish Alan _____________________(not to move) away, as I miss him a lot. Open the brackets: 1.He didn’t win a prize, but he looked as though he ____________________(win) one. 2.Liz studied Art at college, but she says she would rather _________________(study) History. 3.If you _________________(leave) early, you ___________________(meet) Tim. 4.If you _____________________(not to see) the car in time, it __________________(hit) you. 5.It’s about time you ____________________(go) on holiday. 6.It __________________(be) better, if you ____________________(tell) me the truth. 7.Sue went to France this year, but she says she would rather _______________(go) to Spain. 8.John had better ___________________(not speak) to me like that again. 9.The soup ________________(be) tastier, if you _________________(not to put) so much salt. 10. I’d rather you _______________(not to mention) this to anyone until next week. 11.I wish I ________________(invite) more people to my fancy party last Saturday. 12.If I __________________(not to be) afraid of heights, I ______________(try) parachuting. 13.If you _______________(not to let) her make decisions, she _______________(never/learn). 14.If I _______________(be) you, I ________________(invest) all my money in stocks. 15.If Tom _________________(lie) to his parents, they ________________(be) angry with him. 16.Tina would rather _______________(eat out) than _______________(cook). 17.We’d better ______________(take) some money for a taxi in case we______________(miss) the last bus home. 18.I wish I __________________(be) as good at Mathematics as you. 19.I wish you _______________(teach) me how to drive one day. 20.But for the children, I __________________(join) you .

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Учебное издание

Александрова Юлия Геннадьевна

Учебное пособие по английскому языку для учащихся 11 класса лицея 1574 (Часть 1)

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