infromacion turistica

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  • 8/12/2019 infromacion turistica


    Vigo is known as the Gateway to Atlantic and is the largest and the most

    important city in Galicia, Spain. It is also the largest city in Spain which is not

    a provincial capital. The urban area of Vigo is built over a Roman settlement

    and an old hill-fort (Castro).

    Vigo has amazingly beautiful beaches, charming cafs, and excellent water

    sport facilities. It is famous for its fishing industry, food, and Museum of

    Modern Art. It is a must-visit for those, who love seafood in general and mussels in particular, as half of the

    worlds mussels are harvested in Galicia. The city is also an important research center that focuses on

    studies related to ocean-based industries.

    To get around in Vigo, the best option is public transportation, bus and taxi, or by rental car or motorcycle.

    Moving about in Vigo is easy, although we recommend you explore the city on foot. Despite its famous

    slopes, Vigo has thousands of hidden treasures you might miss if you dont walk around the city. Things

    like the Domecq mosaic, which decorates a wall on Policarpo Sanz St., or the impressive paths that

    meander up O Castro hilltowards the viewpoint over the Ria de VigoEstuary.

    Renting a car and public transportation are also excellent options, especially if you want to leave the

    centre of Vigo. The urban bus goes to all of Vigos neighbourhoods and taxi rates are very reasonable.


    Bus (also Tourist Bus):


    Rental vehicles:


    Estacin Martima de Ra (local 4) C/ Cnovas del Castillo, 3

    Telephone number: 986 224 757


    Email address: [email protected]


    Tourist information on the region of Pontevedra.

    Aeropuerto de Vigo / Vigo Airport

    Telephone number: 986 842 690



    Tourist information on Galicia.

    C/ Cnovas del Castillo, 22

    Telephone number: 986 430 577Web:

  • 8/12/2019 infromacion turistica


    Time zone: Vigos time zone is the same as the rest of Spain. However, if you visit Vigo you must keep in

    mind that the sun sets an hour later than in the rest of the country. In June, theres daylight until at least

    10.30pm, since its the month with the most hours of sun and the shortest nights (on the night of San Juan

    the sun sets at almost eleven!).Shopping hours in commercial areasare usually 10am to 2pm and 5pm to 8pm. Shopping centresare

    open all day, from 10am to 10pm.

    Eating hours are 1pm to 3pm for lunch and dinner usually starts at 9pm, but in Vigo, the city that never

    sleeps, youll find restaurantsthat close at midnight. This is a habit in Industrial Vigo, a city with 24 hour

    uninterrupted work shifts.

    Tipping: in Vigo, leaving a tip is up to you. We usually tip when the service is particularly good or when the

    waiter brings a little something to eat with your drink, which is most of the time.

    Traffic rules: traffic in Vigo is agile, like in Madrid or any other large city in Spain. Vigo is famous for its

    steep streets, and although native drivers know how to start a car without using the hand brake, its

    probably a good idea not to forget to use it on slopes.

    Parishes: Vigo is one of the few Spanish cities that is still divided into parishes instead of districts, which is

    very typical in Galicia. Vigo grew so quickly that it swallowed up the surrounding towns and villages, which

    is why these areas maintain the appearance of individual towns and are organized by parishes, like in the

    19th century.

  • 8/12/2019 infromacion turistica


    We suggest a short walk through ancient Vigo: a one mile

    route across the streets of the Old Town, where you'll

    discover that the centre of Vigo hides a past carved in

    numerous stone buildings. This route through ancient

    Vigos architecturewill help you experience the citys history

    on foot.

    The route begins in the cruise ship pier, next to the tourist

    information office, where you can still see the underground

    remains of the ancient city wall. After walking up to the Praza da Princesasquare and the Porta do Sol,

    from the top of Paseo de Alfonso XII avenue and to your right, youll see O Berbs square. If you

    continue your stroll youll reach the lower part of the area, where theres a square of arcades; this was

    once a beach where fishermen moored their boats and you can still see the citys oldest seafaring


    From this lower part of the city, you can walk up calle Real street, dotted with stately houses, such as

    Brcena, Pazos and Figueroa and, most importantly, Casa de Arines or Ceta, dated from the 15th

    century and the oldest and most emblematic in Vigos Old Town; its currently the headquarters of the

    Cames Institute of the Portuguese language.

    Just before reaching the end of calle Real, a small right turn will lead you to the narrow Cesteiros street,

    full of artisan shops. Once in Praza da Constitucin, where youll find the old town hall, walk back down

    on the left towards the Colegiata, the citys most important

    church. From there youll see the end of the route: the cruise

    ship pier, as well as part of the city and the estuary, thanks

    to the viewpoint over A Pedra market and the gateway that

    leads to A Laxe Shopping Centre and Vigos berths.

    Tips and recommendations:

    Vigos Old Town is full of slopes and stairs, but theres

    always an alternative route accessible to people with

    reduced mobility.

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    A walk through the architecture of stately Vigo will take you

    back to the late 19th century, when Vigos bourgeoisie was at

    its height and began to commission large buildings for their

    residences, as well as for the headquarters of their companies

    and institutions. Making the most out of stone, the

    quintessential construction material in Galicia, the city was

    splashed with true works of art.

    This interactive walkbegins in the higher Old Town, in the Porta do Sol, where you can already admire

    unique constructions like the Simen building or the El Moderno (the modern). Stately buildingscontinue

    to mark the route further along Policarpo Sanz Street, in particular the Garca Barbn Theatre, by the

    architect Antonio Palacios.

    The route continues along Policarpo Sanz Street and then Garcia Barbn Avenue, which is considered to

    be the real Golden Mile of Vigos architecture. However, there are many more notable buildings in thevicinity: once you get to the Curbera building, the route branches off to the left on Oporto Street until you

    reach the Areal Street Gardens, where you will see the more buildings that reflect the old bourgeois


    On the way back to the starting point, you need to make a detour to enter the narrow Marqus de

    Valladares Street, which runs parallel and between Areal and Policarpo Sanz Street. Marqus de

    Valladares also has several essential buildings, originally designed to hold the headquarters of companies,

    and several Rationalist style buildings.

    The route ends back where it began, next to the marina of the

    Real Club Nutico (Yacht Club), which faces the Hotel

    Universal. This particular hotel, along with its outdoor terrace,

    was an icon of the city decades ago, and since its restoration it

    shines with all its old glory.

    Tips and recommendations:

    Enjoy a morning snack at one of the classic cafes in the


    The area surrounding Areal and Oporto Street is ideal for a break and some tapas.

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    Vigos historic buildingsoffer a voyage in time, from its past to

    its present. From the Old Towns oldest building, the Casa de

    Ceta or Arines dated from the 15th century, to the

    groundbreaking College of Architects headquarters, this route

    through Vigos best architectural examples encompasses

    several centuries. Its a comfortable walk less than two miles

    long, with interactive information regarding the buildings that

    will give you an overview of Vigos architecture, from the late

    Gothic to the latest constructions, through Eclecticism,

    Modernism and Rationalism, which have left their mark on the city.

    The route begins near the cruise ship pier and continues up to the centre of the Old Town, where youll find

    said Casa de Cetanext to the Colegiata(Church). The route then enters the city through thePorta do

    Sol; a city that in the late 19th century expanded and grew thanks to the success of the local bourgeoisie.Policarpo Sanz and Garcia Barbn Street have numerous examples of stately stone buildings, like the

    Garcia Barbn Theatrefrom the early 20th century and by the architect Antonio Palacios, or the Sanchn


    Continuing along the axis that is Vigos Golden Mile ofarchitectureand entering the streets on your right

    youll find later architecture, like the small Rationalist building that stands in Portugal Square or, somewhat

    higher up in Urziz Street, the paradigmatic building of La Peineta.

    If you go straight back on Urziz Street youll reach Prncipe Street, the citys main pedestrian and

    shopping artery. It starts on your left, where youll see the Museum of Contemporary Art, an old jail and

    courthouse building with a unique radial shape. The other end of this street, heading towards the routes

    starting point, is where youll find the new and acclaimed College of Architects headquarters. Its

    asymmetrical and fragmented windows and walls contrast

    dramatically with the stately architecture in the first part of

    the route.

    Tips and recommendations:

    Many of the most significant architectural elements are not

    at eye level, but on ledges or the tops of buildings. If you

    remember to look up from time to time you'll be pleasantly


    The small squares on either side of Prncipe Street, behind the Museum of Contemporary Art and next tothe College of Architects, are quiet places where you can take a break.

    Many of the buildings on this route are museums and galleries that you can access free of charge; have a

    look at their architecture from within or at the always interesting exhibition options.

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    Youll find Vigos marine past and present in its

    coastal neighbourhoods.

    We recommend you start in the Old Town, forexample. The old fishermen's houses still stand in

    O Berbs Square, with its ancient arcades that

    once touched the sea, and where they used to

    sell the fish. Now the auctions held in the

    impressive Lonja (large fish market), and Beiramar (the avenue leading to Bouzas) is full of shipyards,

    consignees and fishing companies.

    If you follow Beiramar, a great option is to visit Bouzas, one of the best examples of seaside

    neighbourhoods in Galicia. On the seafront, youll find the sailors association, and you can even have a

    look at the rebuilt classic boats on display in the dock.

    If you walk up toO Focho and Mourisca beachesin the evening, in Alcabre, youll see men fishing in the

    Vigo estuary. Between those two beaches youll find the Museum

    of the Sea, a mandatory stop to learn about our fishing history.

    You can also relive our fishing past by visiting A Gua Mountain,

    in the picturesque Teis neighbourhood. Walk down to the beach

    at the tip; its one of the most popular: a space for leisure in the

    centre of the areas bustling naval activity.

    Tips and recommendations:

    Dont forget that youre visiting Vigos best neighbourhoods to enjoy our cuisine, based on fresh fish and


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    Fancy an afternoon of museums and exhibitions? Vigo has six museums, three art foundations and

    several exhibition halls scattered throughout the city, although mainly in the centre. Explore Vigos Golden

    Mile of Art and discover places full of inspiration and exceptional art exhibits.

    But in addition to permanent and temporary exhibitions, art collections in Vigo are top rate, like the

    Galician art collection, which can be visited by appointment, in the beautiful Novacaixagalicia Social

    Centrebuilding on Policarpo Sanz Street.

    Another possibility is to browse through the pieces offered by the numerous art galleries in Vigoand let

    yourself be surprised by their selections.

    Visit all the cultural centres and museums in Vigo and inquire about their programmes and schedules, so

    you dont miss out on anything during your vacation.

    MARCO MUSEUMDo you like contemporary art? Then be sure to visit the MARCO,

    Vigos Museum of Contemporary Art, its the citys centre with the

    most avant-garde art, located in the pedestrian Prncipe Street, one

    of the most popular shopping areas in Vigo.

    The MARCO always offers temporary exhibitions dedicated to the

    latest artistic production in different creative fields: plastic arts, architecture, video, internet art, design, film,

    music, fashion, etc.

    The MARCO buildingwas designed in 1861 by Jos Mara Ortiz to house Vigos jail and courthouse, and

    the renovations preserved some of the most characteristic elements of the original construction, like the

    central circular space around which the exhibition halls are distributed.

    If youre interested in architecture, this building is worth a visit to observe the conversion of the original

    "panoptic" radial plan structure.

    If you want to live a unique cultural experience, participate in the MARCO Hotel, a project by Michael Lin &

    rvr architects.

    This original project is part of the museum and consists of transforming an exhibition hall into a hotel room.

    Best of all, anyone can book the room at the MARCO museum and stay in this arty space for

    approximately 100 euros. Check the MARCO Museum webpagefor booking conditions.

    Te gusta el arte contemporneo? No dejes de visitar el Museo de Arte Contemporneo de Vigo, MARCO:

    es el centro con las propuestas ms vanguardistas de arte en Vigo, ubicado en la calle peatonal del

    Prncipe, una de las ms populareszonas de compras de Vigo.

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    The Barri Foundation is one of the most surprising art centres in Vigo.

    Located on Vigos Golden Mile of Art, this beautiful building designed by

    local architect Manuel Gmez Romn (1876 - 1964) was first the

    headquarters of the Bank of Vigo and was later acquired by another

    Galician entity, the Banco Pastor, which inaugurated the Barri

    Foundation in 2005.

    The Art exhibitions in Vigo offered by the Barri Foundation are of noticeable excellence and its innovative

    multipurpose space also hosts concerts (the Barris Jazz Season of is one of the highest quality events in

    Galicia), seminars, workshops and conferences.


    The Casa das Artesis in the Ensanche, in the heart of the city, and two minutes from the port. It holds

    several permanent municipal collections: its the headquarters for the Laxeiro Foundationand the Pacheco

    Photographic Archive. The Torras Collection, created in 1998 as a

    result of the donations made by local artist Luis Torras, is the selection

    of the best work developed throughout his career.

    Due to its content and location, this is the best cultural centre in Vigo; a

    mandatory stop for a quick look at the citys historic photography and


    Romualdo de Madariaga designed this beautiful rationalist building in 1939 to house the Banco de

    Espaa, until it closed in the 80s. Ten years later it became the Casa das Artes, Vigos most important

    centre for temporary exhibitions.


    The Casa Galega da Cultura(Galician House of Culture) is a multidisciplinary centre that combines artistic

    and literary activities in Vigo with a bibliographic and museum collection based on the study of Galicias

    current and historical reality.

    Besides the main building, it includes the Penzol Library, houses the Francisco Fernndez del Riego

    Museum and holds a collection by this key figure in the history of Vigo: a writer, intellectual and politician

    who worked all his life to support and promote Galician culture.

    The eclectic style headquarters is one of the oldest buildings in the centre of Vigo, and until the 70s it

    housed the Town Hall.

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    The Museo do Mar de Galicia(Galician Museum of the Sea) has one of

    the most comprehensive permanent exhibitions in Vigo, which it combines

    with temporary exhibitions, always related to the world of the sea and

    fishing. This is the perfect place to learn about Vigos maritime history:

    fishing, seafood, aquaculture and conservation, from the primitive salting

    to the modern freezing methods, as well as technical advances regarding

    boats and marine biology.

    The Italian architect Aldo Rossi visualized this beautiful museum based on the skeleton of the old cannery

    in Alcabre(later turned into the municipal slaughterhouse). Unfortunately, he died during the process so

    Galician architect Csar Portela had to take over; the result is a truly amazing architectural work of art

    worth visiting if only to get lost in its vertiginous triangular lines.

    Tips and recommendations:

    In the museums aquarium, youll see the main ecosystems found in the Museum's own dock and the

    steep coast of the Ces Islands.

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    There are numerous art galleries and antique shops in Vigo, offering an

    amazing selection for an industrial city. When you visit Vigo, you will not

    only enjoy a long list of museums and art foundations, the private cultural

    activity is also nothing to frown upon. Vigo has approximately 20 private art

    galleries, where you can see exhibits by the latest Galician artists, discover

    national and international talents and buy pieces of art. You'll also find

    auctionsand antique shops that will transport you back in time to discover little treasures. Most galleries

    and antique shops are in Vigos Old Town; while exploring the area, be sure to have a look at the buildings

    facades in the Ensanche as well as the old mansions in the Old Town.

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    Vigos cuisine is currently marked by its variety. Youll find all kinds of

    restaurants in Vigo: ethnic, traditional inns, grills, tapas bars,sandwich places or New Cuisine restaurants, every one of them

    offering dishes for all tastes.

    You dont need to go to an exclusive restaurant in Vigo to enjoy great

    Galician cuisine. Vigo's cuisine offers a wide selection where we

    highlight the quality of the products and their preparation, as well as

    its unbeatable value for money.

    The areas where you can find a wide range of restaurants to enjoy Galician or international food:

    Old Town

    Compostela Street

    Rosala de Castro Street

    Bouzas Area

    You will find restaurants and taverns where you can enjoy tapas (snacks) or have a maeal.

    Usually restaurants are open for lunch from 1 to 3 / 3:30 p.m. and from 8:30 / 9 to 11 / 11:30 p.m. Many of

    them are closed on Sunday evenings and Monday mornings and afternoons.

    From Monday to Friday, you can enjoy the menu of the day for an average price of 10 to 15 Euro.

  • 8/12/2019 infromacion turistica


    Going out in Vigo is an essential experience for anyone visiting the city. Its no exaggeration to say that

    Vigo is Galicias nightlife capital and one of the most cosmopolitan cities in northern Spain; it has nightlife

    routes for everyone, for every budget and for all ages. Closing times are also not a problem: you can goout at night in Vigo, enjoy the sunrise... and then start over again.

    Discover A Sea of Nightswith Vigo Tourism: the nightlife areas you shouldnt miss, special plans for a

    unique night and more of Vigos night-time secrets.

    Still wondering what to do in Vigo at night? Vigo is the city that never sleeps, the ultimate partycity. At

    any time of the night or day, youll find a place to dance, attend a concert, or just go out for drinksor sit in

    a terrace with friends.

    In a relatively small and comfortable radius, youll find every option possible: quiet places to start the night,

    concert venues, gay bars, Vigos most indiebars, pubs, chic cocktail bars, dance clubs and even after-

    hours. Its impossible not to find Vigos nightout especially designed for you.


    The people of Vigo call the citys Old Town the "Casco Vello", an area thats living a

    second youth, and nights are the best time to verify it: dozens of pubs and bars await

    you in its cobblestone streets. To start the evening in Vigo, theres nothing like a tapas or

    winetouraround the neighbourhood: from Constitucin Square to the Colegiata Church

    area, around Cesteiros or along Real Street towards Tefilo Llorente Street... Youll

    find classic bars coexisting with modern ones that have given these areas a fresher look;

    all of this in a relaxed and informal atmosphere.

    Tips and recommendations:

    If you dont want to go to sleep late but you feel like dancing before going back to the hotel, the Old Town

    has places to make your evening a little longer. Places like the night clubs for young people in Tefilo

    Llorente or Real Street, or even a legendary gay bar in Vigos Oliva Street.

    If you prefer a quiet conversation, sipping a cocktail or a traditional liqueurin Constitucin Square is a

    great option.


    Vigos Ensanche area, from the Alameda to Montero Rosand its surroundings, is a

    real must. In the afternoon, its a great place for some family time; there are gardens andparks for childrenand its perfect for a leisurely stroll and a drink in one of this beautiful

    pedestrian areas terraces. Its also one of the most architecturally interesting parts of

    Vigo: you discover it by following our Stately Vigoroute.

    After 8pm, this area becomes a popular spot for an after workdrink, between the main

    commercial arteries and the port, and right next to the Old Town. Therefore, this area is also night owl

    territory. From cocktails in a luxury hotels skyline bar to the most exclusive breweries and fashionable

    pubs overlooking the harbour... you choose!

    Explore the surrounding areas, from the Alameda, Compostela Square, and up to Montero Ros. Lus

    Taboada and Garca Olloqui, and its perpendicular streets, have a selection of places where you can enjoy

    a great atmosphere. After that, if youre thirsty for more, you can head to Arealor Churruca.

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    In Churruca, Vigos night listens to rock and indie music. This nightlife

    area of Vigo is named after one of its main streets and its a real paradise

    for live music enthusiasts. Youll find legendary rock clubs, new concert

    venues, cafes that are everyones meeting points, colourful pubs

    founded by local music legends and even independent galleries.

    Nights in Churruca begin with an after work drink, starting at eight in the

    evening. There are several places where you can have a beer or wine

    with your friends, or before your first drink, choose a cosy caf to sit and digest your dinner.

    When midnight comes, whats really difficult is going to sleep: check the schedules for the bars and venues

    in the area, theres always a concert, party or DJ session you can go to. After that, just choose a few

    among dozens of bars and clubs. Theres reggae, Galician rock, independent music, funk, electronic

    music... and especially pop and rock.

    Tips and recommendations:

    Vigos indie area is divided by Cervantes Street. From the junction with Churruca, it covers Rogelio Abalde,

    Irmandios and Martin Cdax streets and down to Alfonso XIII and the area surrounding the church of

    Santiago de Vigo.


    If you like to dance to the latest hits, the Areal de Vigo is your nightlife area.

    This is where you can party in Vigos most modern, spectacular and liveliest

    bars. The Areal area doesnt require formal attire, but all of Vigos beautiful

    peoplecan be seen here on the weekends.

    Tips and recommendations:

    The greatest commercial hits, Latin music, and also the latest electronic music

    all have their place in Areal Street. Its surrounding area is also part of the

    route: take a walk along Rosalia de Castro Street and up to Garca Barbn, where you can have one of the

    chicest cocktails in a fabulous bar to begin your night... and also a little later...

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    The Vigo estuaryis the citys real treasure: its origin, its engine, its past and

    its future. Of all the Galician estuaries, ours is the one furthest south of theRas Baixasand it enters the earth to mix with the rivers water, while the

    sides of the valley rise to form mountains on the coasts edge, drawing a

    myriad of incomparable outlines...

    Beautiful, no doubt, and also unique: the Vigo estuary is protected by the

    Ces Islands, a nature park in the middle of the Atlantic and a gateway to the

    Vigo estuary from the open sea.

    This is our natural paradise, the sea of Vigo, with its calm waters and exceptionally rich marine life. In it

    float our traditional hatcheries, nurseries for the authentic Vigo estuary mussel, and the silhouettes of the

    world's largest ocean liners. In addition to beautiful, the Vigo estuary is the most important in Galicia,

    making it one of Europes main ports and a fishing capital. This is a place unlike any other; perfect to live

    in and a must to visit. What are you waiting for to discover the Vigo estuary?


    Vigos horizon is speckled by the Ces Islands, ourmarine-terrestrial

    parkand one of the most beautiful places in Galicia. The Ces Islands

    combine the most beautiful beaches of Vigo with a unique, natural

    environment and the most exquisite seabeds in Spain. You can take

    the ferry to the archipelago in summer and Easter.

    The Ces Islands are the Vigo estuarys greatest treasure: an amazing

    national marine-terrestrial park and one of the countrys most beautiful

    places, which is why the Romans named them the islands of the gods.

    The Ces archipelago is made up of three islands: Monte Agudo, O Faro and San Martio. The first two are

    connected by a long strip of sand: Rodas Beach, the best beach in the world, according to The Guardian.

    The Ces are part of the Atlantic Islands National Park, a beach paradise with crystalline waters, in a

    natural environment that makes it a unique wildlife observatory.

    A visit to the Ces is ideal for hiking with your family or for a getaway in search of quiet and unspoilt

    beaches. You can take a day boat trip to the Cesor rent a yacht in Vigo. Or, if you prefer, spend a

    weekend camping in the Ces Islands. Its also a great place for diving in the Vigo estuaryand, with a bit of

    luck, you can swim surrounded by arroaces(native, smaller sized dolphins).


    The Calle de las Ostras (Oyster Street) is perhaps the biggest tourist

    attraction in urban Vigo: a whole street for tasting the famous Vigo estuary

    oysters. The tradition is instinctive: the molluscs are purchased directly from

    the oyster sellers and eaten right there on the tables provided by the

    establishments along the street. The best way to wash down this bite of the

    sea is a glass of white wine with Ras Baixas Denomination of Origin.

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    Porta do Solis Vigos centre point, the hinge that connects Vigos Old Town

    and the Ensanche, the citys oldest areas. This is where youll find art

    foundations, cultural centres and the most modern museums in Vigo. One of

    the symbols of the city is located right on the imaginary line traced by the

    Porta do Sol: the sculpture of El Sireno(The Merman), by Francisco Leiro, is

    a metaphor of the union between man and the sea.

    5. O CASTRO

    O Castro Mountain witnessed the birth of Vigo; its where the first

    viguenses(people of Vigo) lived in the second and third centuries BC and

    the remains of the settlement are preserved in the areas archaeological

    site. The city then grew up and down from O Castro, in a winding manner

    that created a unique orography, making it possible to have a mountain inthe heart of the city. This natural luxury offers the best views of the Vigo

    estuaryand the most beautiful sunsets.


    The spectacular beauty of Samil Beach incites its visitors to spend hours

    facing the ocean. The Atlantic bathes its white sands, and the silhouette of the

    Ces Islandsand Toralla Island is a clear reflection of why the Vigo estuaryis

    different. Nature itself created barriers to protect it, giving Vigo mild winters

    and warm summers, or its famous microclimate: the sunniest and less rainy

    in all of Galicia.


    Vigo is the sea, and the sea is Vigo. Not surprisingly, the port of Vigois

    where the largest quantity of fresh fish is handled in Europe. The Vigo

    fish marketis famous for selling much of all the fish consumed in Spain

    and Europe. Its a large fish market that hosts a frantic spectacle every

    morning, an auction where the world's best fish is shipped directly to

    markets in half of Europe.


    Bouzas is Vigos seaside neighbourhood. There, Vigo's frantic rhythm

    slows down and its like youve travelled back in time to a more relaxed

    past. Strolling through the Old Town, along its cobbled and magical

    streets, will take you to the promenade, where you can enjoy one of the

    most beautiful views of the Vigo estuary. The town is also full of lively

    terraces; the perfect place to end the day watching the sunset while

    having some traditional tapas: small fried fish, mussels, clams, razor-shells... or the popular empanada

    (fish or meat pie).

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    Prncipe Street is part of the best shopping tour in central Vigo, as well

    as a major artery of Monumental Vigo. The MARCOContemporary Art

    Museum is in Prncipe Street, and at the ends of the street youll find La

    Farola (a local meeting point) and Leiros El Sireno, in what is the

    Porta do Sol. A lively street always full of people, even at night; its a

    pleasant walk that links the Old Town with Churruca, one of Vigos

    nightlife areas.


    Without a doubt, the centre of Vigos Old Townis Praza da Constitucin

    Square, which once housed the old Town Hall (currently the Casa Galega

    da CulturaCultural Centre). A meeting point for visitors and neighbours,

    this is the place where celebrations like the Maios or the Reconquista areheld, and its also a daily meeting point for an afterwork drink in Vigo.


    Praza de CompostelaSquare is the most representative of Stately Vigo, with its

    distinctive buildings like Correos (Central Post Office) and surrounding Alameda

    Park. Its an active residential and business area that retains the charm of the

    Ensanche, designed in the 19th century to allow for the orderly growth of the city.


    A Ra dos Cesteiros(The basketmakers Street) is a small, characteristic street in

    Vigos Old Townthat starts in Praza da Constitucin Square and takes us back in

    time to a past of artisansand merchants in the old Vigo. Youll find characteristic

    baskets and handmade hats, as well as pieces of handmade pottery and jewellery.

    Its also a perfect place to stop along the way and have a bit to eat in the centre of

    Vigo, in one of its classic taverns. At the end of the street, youll see the Casa de Ceta, a unique 15th

    century urban mansion located in Praza de Almeida Square.


    If youre looking for a street in the centre to enjoy an aperitif, stroll along the

    harbour or have a cocktail on a summer night, Montero Ros is the place.

    Flanked by a lovely garden next to the port, this avenue joins As Avenidas with

    Praza da Estrela and is full of terraces. While youre in the area, stop by the

    sculpture of the Nadador, whose two parts are very close to this street, and the

    unique sculpture of Jules Verne in Vigo, who placed some his characters in our city.

  • 8/12/2019 infromacion turistica



    Bateas, Galician mussel farms, are rafts for cultivating typical Caligian bivalve

    mlluscs. You'll see them as soon as you look at the Vigo estuary, arranged

    neatly along the coast. From those big wooden platforms hang ropes where the

    greatest treasures of Vigo grow: oystersand mussels. The imposing "bateeiros",

    mussel boats, lift the heavy ropes loaded molluscs with cranes. Its a sight to see.

    15. STREET ART

    Walking the streets of Vigo, we can find several sculptures decorating its parks and squares, here you can

    find a sample

    Monument to Work The Horses

    The Swimmer The Merman


    Castrelos is Vigos largest park. In the 13th century it was already

    called Castrelisand it currently covers 136 square miles. Besides

    offering the pleasure of walking through its trails, along the

    Lagares River, the park houses the Pazo Quiones de Len

    Museum. This is a typical place for civil marriage celebrations in

    Vigo and it offers visitors impeccable French and English style

    gardens filled with the romance of the past.

    Castrelos is also a sports park: theres a trail for training as well

    as numerous running routes. Furthermore, its one of the best places in Vigo to take children, since it has a

    huge playground and a lake with ducks and swans.