curvas caracteristicas daihatsu


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Page 1: Curvas Caracteristicas DAihatsu



Motores de combustión interna (MN-136)D

Tema Curvas características del motor DAIHATSU

Estudiantecódigo UNI

Arnao Melgarejo ,Bernaldo Corac 20081137F

Profesor Ing. Ponce Galiano Jorge

Fecha de entregaPeriodo académico

miércoles 10 de junio del 20152015-I






Page 2: Curvas Caracteristicas DAihatsu


Nºn hc F V t s TE TS Pac Tac Voltaje Corriente

[rpm] (%) [kg] (pinta) [s] [cm] [°C] [°C] [Psi] [°C] V A

1 3000 20 9.2 1∕ 16 29.84 8.5 88 90 54 101 102 61

2 2700 20 10.2 1∕ 16 30.11 8.05 90 89 51 104 97 67

3 2400 20 11.6 1∕ 16 33.72 7.5 88 92 48 106 100 70

4 2100 20 13 1∕ 16 31.24 6.8 88 90 45 108 100 69

5 1800 20 14.2 1∕ 16 37.06 6.1 84 86 39 110 98 68

6 1500 20 15 1∕ 16 25.92 4.9 82 86 33 110 81 73

Datos:∆ h=cte


N° n[rpm] hc[%] Gar[kg/h] Gat[kg/h] Gc[kg/h] nv C.EXESO Me[N.m] Ne[Kw] Ge[Kg/kwh] ge[g/kwh]ne[eficiencia

efectiva]1 3000 20 37.56 82.82 2.55 0.45 0.98 28.88 9.07 0.28 281.18 0.30

2 2700 20 36.55 89.44 2.53 0.41 0.97 32.02 9.05 0.28 279.26 0.30

3 2400 20 35.28 79.50 2.26 0.44 1.05 36.41 9.15 0.25 246.68 0.34

4 2100 20 33.59 69.57 2.44 0.48 0.92 40.81 8.97 0.27 271.53 0.31

5 1800 20 31.82 59.63 2.05 0.53 1.04 44.58 8.40 0.24 244.47 0.35

6 1500 20 28.52 49.69 2.94 0.57 0.65 47.09 7.40 0.40 397.07 0.21


Page 3: Curvas Caracteristicas DAihatsu




Page 4: Curvas Caracteristicas DAihatsu


Código Matlab

function [ax,hlines] = plotyyyy(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4,ylabels)%PLOTY4 Extends plotyy to include a third and fourth y-axis% Syntax: [ax,hlines] = ploty4(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4,ylabels)% Inputs: x1,y1 are the xdata and ydata for the first axes' line% x2,y2 are the xdata and ydata for the second axes' line% x3,y3 are the xdata and ydata for the third axes' line% x4,y4 are the xdata and ydata for the fourth axes' line% ylabels is a 4x1 cell array containing the ylabel strings (optional)% Outputs: ax - 4x1 double array containing the axes' handles% hlines - 4x1 double array containing the lines' handles% See also Plot, Plotyy% Denis Gilbert, Ph.D.% Check inputsmsg=nargchk(8,9,nargin);error(msg);% Create figure windowfigure('units','normalized',...'DefaultAxesXMinorTick','on','DefaultAxesYminorTick','on');%Plot the first two lines with plotyy[ax,hlines(1),hlines(2)] = plotyy(x1,y1,x2,y2);cfig = get(gcf,'color');pos = [0.1 0.1 0.65 0.8];offset = pos(3)/24;%Reduce width of the two axes generated by plotyypos(1) = pos(1) + offset;pos(3) = pos(3) - offset;set(ax,'position',pos);%Determine the position of the third/fourth axespos3 = [pos(1) pos(2) pos(3)+offset pos(4)];pos4 = [pos(1) - offset pos(2) pos(3)+offset pos(4)];%Determine the proper x-limits for the third and fourth axesscale3 = pos3(3)/pos(3);scale4 = pos4(3)/pos(3);limx1 = get(ax(1),'xlim');limx3 = [limx1(1) limx1(1)+scale3*(limx1(2)-limx1(1))];limx4 = [limx1(2)-scale4*(limx1(2)-limx1(1)) limx1(2)];%Create ax(3) & ax(4)ax(3) = axes('Position',pos3,'box','off',...'Color','none','XColor',cfig,'YColor','r',...'xtick',[],'xlim',limx3,'yaxislocation','right');ax(4) = axes('Position',pos4,'box','off',...'Color','none','XColor',cfig,'YColor','k',...'xtick',[],'xlim',limx4,'yaxislocation','left');%Plot x3,y3,x4,y4hlines(3) = line(x3,y3,'Color','r','LineStyle','--','Parent',ax(3));hlines(4) = line(x4,y4,'Color','k','LineStyle','-.','Parent',ax(4));%Put ax(2) on top;axes(ax(2));%Set y-labels;if nargin==9set(cell2mat(get(ax,{'ylabel'})),{'String'},{ylabels{:}}');end


Page 5: Curvas Caracteristicas DAihatsu


%CURVA CARACTERÍSTICA DE CARGA (DAIHATSU)n=[3000 2700 2400 2100 1800 1500];Ne=[9.07 9.05 9.15 8.97 8.40 7.39];% Insertar los valores de la potencia efectivage=[281.17 279.26 246.67 271.52 244.46 397.07];%Insertar valores de consumo específicoMe=[28.8 32.0 36.41 40.80 44.57 47.08];%Insertar valores del momento de inerciane=[0.30 0.30 0.34 0.31 0.34 0.21];%eficiencia efectivac=polyfit(n,Ne,2);xp=linspace(1200,3200);% insertar en el siguiente orden: (primer valor de n, último valor de n)yp=polyval(c,xp);d=polyfit(n,ge,2);yp2=polyval(d,xp);e=polyfit(n,Me,2);yp3=polyval(e,xp);f=polyfit(n,ne,2);yp4=polyval(f,xp);ylabels{1}='Ne[kw]';ylabels{2}='ge(N.m)';ylabels{3}='Me(gr/KWh)';ylabels{4}='ne(N.m)';hold onplotyyyy(xp, yp, xp, yp2, xp, yp3,xp, yp4, ylabels)grid on