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BUSQUEDA DE INFORMACION TECNICA / CIENTIFICA Sócrates Quispe-Condori, PhD Director de Investigación Facultad de Ingeniería y Arquitectura

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BUSQUEDA DE INFORMACION TECNICA / CIENTIFICAScrates Quispe-Condori, PhDDirector de InvestigacinFacultad de Ingeniera y Arquitectura

SDr. Scrates Quispe Condori1Humildad para aprender

Nunca es suficiente Siempre hay algo que aprender Dr. Scrates Quispe Condori2Rasgos de la personalidad2. EXTROVERSIN1. EMOTIVIDAD4. CONCIENCIA3. AMABILIDAD5. APERTURA A LA EXPERIENCIA6. HONESTIDAD-HUMILDAD

Dr. Scrates Quispe CondoriPorqu el curso?

Source: www.openeducation.net4Dr. Scrates Quispe CondoriEl objetivo

Knowledge at your fingertipsEl conocimiento en la punta de los dedos5Dr. Scrates Quispe CondoriCapacidades al final del curso-tallerBuscar y obtener la informacin adecuada usando herramientas de bsqueda avanzadas.

Evaluar y seleccionar la informacin importante para su trabajo acadmico / cientfico.

Usar la informacin acorde con los principios ticos, respetando los derechos de autor.

6Dr. Scrates Quispe Condori

1. Definicin Informacin Tcnica - CientficaINFORMACINconjunto de datos que estn organizados y que tienen un significadoLa acumulacin de informacin, es decir, de datos primarios, conduce a saltos cualitativos: descubrimientos, nuevas leyes, etctera.7Dr. Scrates Quispe CondoriInformacin cientficaThe term scientific information, as defined by the OMB Bulletin, means factual inputs, data, models, analyses, technical information, or scientific assessments related to such disciplines as the behavioral and social sciences, public health and medical sciences, life and earth sciences, engineering, or physical sciences. Source:

This includes any communication or representation of knowledge such as facts or data, in any medium or form, including textual, numerical, graphic, cartographic, narrative, or audiovisual forms. 8Dr. Scrates Quispe CondoriTipos de fuentes de informacin

Existen diferentes tipos de fuentes de informacin:9Dr. Scrates Quispe CondoriFuentes de Informacin CientficaFuentes FsicasFuentes VirtualesFuentes Primarias:Fuentes Secundarias.Libros.Papers (Artculos Cientficos) de revistas especializadas.Tesis.Peridicos serios.Comunicaciones personales.Fuentes SecundariasSitios creados por instituciones reconocidas cientficamente.Fuentes Primarias:dem al anterior.10Dr. Scrates Quispe Condori ELECTRONICO VS EL LIBRO11Dr. Scrates Quispe CondoriLa mayor base de datos

La mayor cantidad de informacin cientfica se encuentra en 12Dr. Scrates Quispe CondoriQu no es informacin cientfica?13

Dr. Scrates Quispe Condori2. Bsqueda en internetMotores de bsqueda Sistemas que buscan en Internet cuando les pedimos informacin sobre algn tema.Generales

Especializados (Sirven para realizar investigacin)14Dr. Scrates Quispe Condori142.1. Motores de bsqueda generales

15Dr. Scrates Quispe CondoriEjemplo:

vs16Dr. Scrates Quispe Condori

3. Consejos para una bsqueda objetiva

Como hacer una bsqueda objetiva?17Dr. Scrates Quispe Condori1. Identificar las palabras claves para la bsqueda18

Dr. Scrates Quispe Condori2. Para buscar una frase explicita:Encierre la frase a buscar entre comillas.Ejemplo:19scientific resourcesscientific resourcesDr. Scrates Quispe Condori3. Para eliminar pginas que contengan una determinada palabraInformation systems information systems -medical20Usar el signo menos (-) al inicio de la palabra que no se desea.Ejemplo:Dr. Scrates Quispe Condori4. Para hacer una bsqueda en un site especificoUsar la siguiente nomenclatura: site:www.somesite.comEjemplo:21child mental facultieschild mental faculties site:www.pubmed.govDr. Scrates Quispe Condori5. Para buscar la informacin en un tipo de documento especfico:Usar el modificador "filetype: luego de la(s) palabra(s).Ejemplo:22service education filetype:pdfservice education filetype:docservice education filetype:xlsservice education filetype:pptDr. Scrates Quispe Condori6. Esto OR Aquello; Esto AND aquelloSi se busca por dos o ms trminos que estn presentes en el site, es posible usar los operadores OR y AND (Nota:Ambos operadores tienen que estar en mayscula).Ejemplos:design roads OR highwaydesign roads OR highway AND streets23Dr. Scrates Quispe Condori7. ComodinesLos comodines pueden ser usados para representar uno o ms caracteres en la cadena de bsqueda. ! = Comodn de truncamiento. Encuentra una raz de la palabra ms las palabras que podran estar presente despus de esta.Ejemplo:Behav!Encuentra: behave, behavior, behaviour24Dr. Scrates Quispe Condori* = Comodn de mantenimiento de caracter. Reemplaza un caracter en cualquier lugar de la palabra, excepto el primer caracter.Ejemplo:Wom*nEncuentra: woman, womenTambin se puede usar este comodn para conservar un espacio para la variacin en la escritura. Ejm. Bernst**n25Dr. Scrates Quispe Condori4. Motores de bsqueda Especializados (Metabuscadores)

26Is the most comprehensive science-specific search engine on the Internet. Scirus searches over 440 million science-specific Web pagesDr. Scrates Quispe Condori

27Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature.Dr. Scrates Quispe Condori

www.scopus.comThe largest abstract and citation database of research literature and quality web sources covering nearly 18,000 titles from more than 5,000 publishers.

If you have a portable username and password, you can log in above to access Scopus.28Dr. Scrates Quispe Condori

29SciVerse Hub is your key to performing advanced searches across SciVerse ScienceDirect and SciVerse Scopus content, and web content.Dr. Scrates Quispe Condori

Es un buscador desarrollado por la Universidad de Bielefeld (Alemania). Cubre recursos cientficos relevantes, asegurando la calidad de ellos.30Dr. Scrates Quispe Condoriwww.ingentaconnect.comThe home of scholarly research

ingentaconnect gives you access to the largest linking network of its kind online. ingentaconnect is ideal for publishers looking to put their content online for the first time, increase the global visibility of their publications, or who are looking for an additional online channel to market.

31Dr. Scrates Quispe Condori

It is a notforprofit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive of over one thousand five hundred academic journals and other scholarly

32Dr. Scrates Quispe

DotLib ofrece lo mejor en contenido cientfico mundial en muchas formas de publicaciones electrnicas. Ofrecemos un catlogo con numerosos ttulos de revistas, libros, bases de datos, libros raros y colecciones de referencia de los archivos, los sistemas de toma de decisiones, las bibliotecas, multimedia y ms.

33Dr. Scrates Quispe CondoriBase de Datos Universidad Peruana Unin

http://search.ebscohost.comAs the leading database and eBook provider for libraries and other institutions more than 375 full-text and secondary research databases and more than 300,000 eBooks and audiobooks available via the EBSCOhost platform

34Dr. Scrates Quispe CondoriRegionales

Cincel busca facilitar el acceso a la informacin cientfica, mediante la creacin de una biblioteca de revistas cientficas internacionales y de otros recursos de informacin para las instituciones de educacin superior y personas jurdicas que desarrollen investigacin cientfica y tecnolgica; adems de establecer condiciones generales para realizar actividades conjuntas con terceros. www.cincel.cl35Dr. Scrates Quispe Condori

36Dr. Scrates Quispe Condori

37Dr. Scrates Quispe Condori Buscadores de Artculos / Libros

38Dr. Scrates Quispe

CRCnetBASE is made up of over 8000 online books that span over 40 disciplines. In addition to e-books published under the imprint CRC Press, CRCnetBASE also includes online references from Auerbach and Chapman & Hall. The powerful research platform has been adopted throughout the world at academic and corporate institutions.

39Dr. Scrates Quispe Condori

e-Libro es el futuro de la investigacin cientfica. Este sistema pone al servicio de todas las bibliotecas y de usuarios de banda ancha los ms importantes contenidos acadmicos, textos, apuntes de ctedra, artculos de revistas cientficas, investigaciones, etc.,

40Dr. Scrates Quispe Condori

www.sciencedirect.comScienceDirect is a leading full-text scientific database offering journal articles and book chapters from more than 2,500 peer-reviewed journals and more than 11,000 books. There are currently more than 9.5 million articles/chapters.Elsevier has digitized as much of the pre 1995 journal owned-content as possible, bringing articles from as far back as 1823

41Dr. Scrates Quispe Condori

42Dr. Scrates Quispe Condori

SciELO - Scientific Electronic Library Online (Biblioteca Cientfica Eletrnica em Linha) um modelo para a publicao eletrnica cooperativa de peridicos cientficos na Internet. Especialmente desenvolvido para responder s necessidades da comunicao cientfica nos pases em desenvolvimento e particularmente na Amrica Latina e Caribe43Dr. Scrates Quispe Condori

www.ncbi.nlm.nih.govBuscadores por especialidadNCBI's literature databases constitute an extended searchable library of the life sciences literature.PubMedBookshelf PubMed CentralNucleotideBLASTPubMed HealthGenomeSNPGeneProteinPubChem

44Dr. Scrates Quispe Condori

BioMed Central is an STM (Science, Technology and Medicine) publisher of 220 open access, online, peer-reviewed journals. All original research articles published by BioMed Central are made freely and permanently accessible online immediately upon

45Dr. Scrates Quispe Condori

HINARI was launched in January 2002, with some 1500 journals from 6 major publishers: Blackwell, Elsevier Science, the Harcourt Worldwide STM Group, Wolters Kluwer International Health & Science, Springer Verlag and John Wiley. Today more than 150 publisher partners are offering more than 15,000 information resources in HINARI and many others are joining the

46Dr. Scrates Quispe Condori

www.aginternetwork.orgThe AGORA program, set up by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) together with major publishers, enables developing countries to gain access to an outstanding digital library collection in the fields of food, agriculture, environmental science and related social sciences. AGORA provides a collection of 1900 journals to institutions in 107 countries.

47Dr. Scrates Quispe Condori

www.oaresciences.orgAn international public-private consortium coordinated by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Yale University, and leading science and technology publishers. Over 4,150 peer reviewed titles owned and published by over 350 prestigious publishing houses and scholarly societies are now.

48Dr. Scrates Quispe Condori

Currently, 12 publishers provide access to over 200journals for 107 developing countries through the ARDI

49Dr. Scrates Quispe Condori

Research4Life is a public-private partnership of the WHO, FAO, UNEP, WIPO, Cornell and Yale Universities and the International Association of Scientific, Technical & Medical Publishers. The concept of Research4Life is simple: research in health, agriculture and the environment is better informed when it is based on the most recent, high quality and relevant scientific knowledge. Research4Life applies this, delivering knowledge to the worlds poorest

50Dr. Scrates Quispe CondoriSolucin a los problemas de idioma

EuroVoc es un tesauro multilinge y multidisciplinario que abarca la terminologa de los mbitos de actividad de la Unin Europea, con especial hincapi en las labores parlamentarias. EuroVoc est disponible en 22 lenguas oficiales de la Unin Europea (blgaro, espaol, checo, dans, alemn, estonio, griego, ingls, francs, italiano, letn, lituano, hngaro, malts, neerlands, polaco, portugus, rumano, eslovaco, esloveno, fins y sueco), adems de la lengua de un pas candidato (croata), y la de un tercer pas (serbio).http://eurovoc.europa.eu51Dr. Scrates Quispe Condori

5. Open Access Journal (OAJ)Open Access journals are journals that use a funding model that does not charge readers or their institutions for access. From the BOAI definition [1] of "open access" we take the right of users to "read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles" as mandatory for a journal to be included in the directory. [1] Scrates Quispe Condori

The aim of the Directory of Open Access Journals is to increase the visibility and ease of use of open access scientific and scholarly journals thereby promoting their increased usage and impact. The Directory aims to be comprehensive and cover all open access scientific and scholarly journals that use a quality control system to guarantee the content. In short a one stop shop for users to Open Access Journals.www.doaj.org53Dr. Scrates Quispe Condori Publications is a publisher of high quality literature in science since 1994 and an Open Access publisher since 2001. We are specialized in serving scientific associations in publishing and distributing their journals and we play a leading role in the area of transparent Public Peer-Review.

54Dr. Scrates Quispe Condori

Details at a GlancePublications 38354162Authors 13543331Repositories 1269 Scrates Quispe Condori

The aim of is to increase the visibility and ease of use of open access scientific journals, theses, posters and patents. All scientific subjects are covered and all content are freely available in PDF format.www.freefullpdf.com56Dr. Scrates Quispe Condori

Over 11,500 papers have been archived to date. It is freely accessible, aligned with the Open Access (OA) movement and is a voluntary enterprise. E-LIS has grown to include a team of volunteer editors from 44 countries and support for 22 languages.. Scrates Quispe Condori

www.inasp.infoAccess to national and international scholarly information and knowledgeUse, creation, management and uptake of scholarly information and knowledge via appropriate ICTsNational, regional and international cooperation, networking and knowledge exchange58Dr. Scrates Quispe Condori5. Bsqueda en pginas de Editoras de

Elsevier59Dr. Scrates Quispe Condori


60Dr. Scrates Quispe CondoriJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

www.wiley.com61Dr. Scrates Quispe Condori

Taylor & Francis Group www.taylorandfrancis.com62Dr. Scrates Quispe Condori

Blackwell Publishingwww.blackwell-synergy.com63Dr. Scrates Quispe CondoriHaworth Press

www.haworthpress.com64Dr. Scrates Quispe Condori

pubs.acs.orgAmerican Chemical Society65Dr. Scrates Quispe Condori

Almacena un gran nmero de revistas, muchas de ellas con polticas de acceso abierto. Press66Dr. Scrates Quispe

Sage PublicationsSAGE Publications is an independent international publisher of journals, books, and electronic media. Known for our commitment to quality and innovation, we are a world leader in our chosen scholarly, educational, and professional markets.67Dr. Scrates Quispe Condori6. Bsqueda en Oficinas de Patentes

International offices68Dr. Scrates Quispe Condori

69Dr. Scrates Quispe Condori

70Dr. Scrates Quispe CondoriNational offices

71Dr. Scrates Quispe Condori

72Dr. Scrates Quispe Condori

www.indecopi.gob.peInstituto Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia y de la Proteccin de la Propiedad Intelectual73Dr. Scrates Quispe Condori7. Bsqueda en Bibliotecas digitales

74Dr. Scrates Quispe Condori da Biblioteca Digital Brasileira de Teses e Dissertaes (BDTD), que integra os sistemas de informao de teses e dissertaes existentes nas instituies de ensino e pesquisa brasileiras, e tambm estimula o registro e a publicao de teses e dissertaes em meio eletrnico.75Dr. Scrates Quispe Condori

www.dissertation.com76Dr. Scrates Quispe Condori

The Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD) is an international organization that, through leadership and innovation, promotes the adoption, creation, use, dissemination and preservation of electronic theses and dissertations.www.ndltd.org77Dr. Scrates Quispe Condori (Theses and Dissertations Online) is a digital cooperative repository of doctoral theses presented at some Spanish universities. The consultation of theses is opened and allows the user to construct searches on the complete text of the files by author, advisor, title, knowledge area, university and department of publication, year of defense, etc.78Dr. Scrates Quispe Condori

www.phddata.orgThis site is the product of the combined initiative and efforts of several doctorate students in the U.S.A., Argentina and Israel, who felt the need for one site that would concentrate all existing information on doctoral researches around the world.79Dr. Scrates Quispe Condori o acesso a informaes sobre teses e dissertaes defendidas junto a programas de ps-graduao do pas (Brasil). O Banco de Teses faz parte do Portal de Peridicos da Capes/MEC.80Dr. Scrates Quispe Condori8. Bsqueda en Organismos Internacionales

81Dr. Scrates Quispe Condori9. Buenas prcticas en la gestin de la informacin

82Dr. Scrates Quispe Condori9.1. Estilos de Citacin de Referencias BibliogrficasChicagoVancouverHarvardTurabianAmerican Psychological Association (APA)Modern Language Association (MLA)Scientific Style and Format (SSF). Scrates Quispe CondoriDr. Scrates Quispe [email protected]

SCopyright - 201284The Eurasian Patent Organization (EAPO)

World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)

European Patent Office (EPO)

Benelux Office for Intellectual Property (BOIP)

African Regional Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO)

African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI)

Patent Office of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf

International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV)

UK Intellectual Property Office (UK-IPO)

United Status Patents and Trademark Office (USPTO)

Japan Patent Office (JPO)

Canadian Intellectual Property

Intellectual Property

German Patent Office (DPMA)

Oficina Espaola de Patentes y

Indian Patent

Alphabetical List of Intellectual Property