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  • 8/6/2019 cf28deu1






  • 8/6/2019 cf28deu1


    Kupfer Forum, April 2010

    Das Kuper Forum gehrt mit zur lauenden Kampagne European Copper In Architecture Campaign und erscheinthalbjhrlich mit einer Auage von 24500 Exemplaren.

    Das Magazin wird an Architekten und Fachleute der Baubranche in Russland, Polen, Dnemark, Norwegen, Schweden,Finnland, Ungarn, der Tschechischen Republik, Spanien, Frankreich, Italien, Deutschland und im Vereinigten Knigreichverteilt.

    Hrsg.: Lennart Engstrm, Tel. +46 70 657 47 34, Fax +4 6 21 19 87 04, [email protected]

    Anschrift: Copper Forum, Treasgatan 1, Box 550, SE-721 10 Vsters, Schweden

    Hrsg.: Lennart Engstrm

    Layout und Realisierung: Naula Grafsk Design/M Reklam

    Druck: Intellecta Inolog 2010, Schweden

    Redaktion:Hannele Kuusisto, FI [email protected] Miettinen, FI [email protected] Ionov, RU [email protected] Zakrzewski, PL [email protected] Pinter, CZ [email protected] Kratochvle, CZ [email protected] Hodson, UK [email protected] Tissot [email protected] Loconsolo [email protected] Klassert [email protected] Ramn Morales [email protected]

    Herzlich Willkommen bei der erstenAusgabe des Copper Forum im Jahr 2010

    Wie blich mchten wir eine vielseitige Auswahl anKuperprojekten in Europa vorstellen - und noch eini-

    ges mehr. Der Schwerpunkt dieser Ausgabe sind jedoch

    neue Oberfchenbehandlungen, die Architekten, Innen-

    architekten und Knstler heutzutage begeistern. Dabei

    geht es von dreidimensionaler Oberfchenmodellie-

    rung bis hin zu unterschiedlichen Vorpatinierungs-

    techniken. Wir reuen uns besonders, Ihnen von meh-

    reren Projekten berichten und Beispiele von Fassaden

    zeigen zu knnen, r die eine neue Kuperlegierung

    mit einem warmen, goldenen Schimmer verwendet

    wird, der zeitgenssischer Architektur eine einzigarti-

    ge, reiche Qualitt verleiht.Krzlich wurden bei einem gut besuchten Festakt

    in London die Gewinner des European Copper Award

    2009 verkndet. Der Architekt Chris Hodson, der

    an den Beratungen der Jury teilnahm, berichtet vom

    Wettbewerb und hebt die aszinierenden Aspekte eini-

    ger nominierter Projekte, insbesondere des Spanischen

    Siegergebudes, hervor.

    Umweltaspekte gewinnen zunehmend an Bedeutung,besonders bei der Wahl des Baumaterials. Dabei ragt

    sich, ob Kuper als Baumaterial mit den gemeinsamen

    Zielen der EU-Lnder bezglich des Umweltschutzes

    bereinstimmt. Pia Voutilainen und John Schonen-

    berger vom European Copper Institute klren dieses

    wichtige Problem und teilen uns ihre eigene Meinung


    Das Copper Forum erscheint nun seit mehr als 15

    Jahren und wir bemhen uns, das Magazin bestndig

    zu verbessern, um den Anorderungen unserer Leser

    aus dem Bereich Architektur gerecht zu werden. Bit-

    te wenden Sie sich an die Lokalredaktion, wenn SieMeinungen zu unseren Artikeln oder neue, anregen-

    de Projekte haben, von denen Sie uns gern berichten


    Viel Spa beim Lesen dieser Ausgabe!

    Lennart Engstrm, Hrsg.

  • 8/6/2019 cf28deu1


    3COPPER FORUM 28/2010


    4 Skeee Ka Wundeshn ein Jahhunde ode nge

    8 Zoabeigungsgebude Kaajanokka, Hesinki

    10 Musik wie zu kupenem Eis esa

    12 Is Kupe in de Ahieku umwegeeh?

    14 Wis th 2009 Cpp i Achitct Awads

    16 Wiig Bz

    18 Alpi Cpp i Ctxt

    20 Cpp Stiks Gld

    21 A Pcis Mtal msm Stckhlm

    21 Catig a Impssi i Tms

    22 Fyas Cabi Kild Wat

    24 Clst Hall Fy Bildig Bistl

    26 A Ladmak Htl Dcast

    28 Cpp Ispiati

    30 Islad Cpp

    32 Cpp at Sa

    33 Hakaimiata 6 Th ight-sty c bildig

    36 A md Mai Villa

    37 Wstlig with Cpp

    38 Cpp i Hamy

  • 8/6/2019 cf28deu1


    4 COPPER FORUM 28/2010

    SKEllEtE KrAt

    Es muss besndig sein- das sage unse Kunde, as wi mide Enwikung des neuen Haupsi-zes von Skeee Powe beauagwuden. In 2006 enshoss sih dasEnegievesogungsunenehmen,sein Bogebude um a. 10000 Qua-damee Bohe zu eweien,was jez abgeshossen wude. DeHaupeingang ha ein neues Design,befnde sih abe noh im uspng-ihen Gebude, wohingegen das neueGebude Bos, Vosandsume unddas Bedienungszenum die en-seueung de Eekizisweke desUnenehmens im ganzen land be-hebeg.

    Wunderschn fr ein Jahrhundert

    Text von Jose Eder der General Architecture Sweden A

    Das Gebude verdankt sein Design einem

    globalen Standpunkt, bei dem der Eigen-

    tmer des Gebudes auch der Nutzer

    und Verwalter ist. Daraus ergaben sich

    Lsungen und Ssteme zur Optimierung

    der Lebensdauergesamtkosten, wobei

    Funktionalitt, Wartungsaspekte und Be-

    triebskosten bercksichtigt wurden. Der

    in hohem Mae handgeertigte und solide

    Stil spiegelt die Ambition des Gebude-eigentmers wider, es zu einem Teil der

    Ortschat zu machen und hrte zu einem

    Gebude mit sehr niedrigem Energiever-


    Die solide Struktur und klare Tektonik

    des neuen Gebudes basieren au ei-

    ner anspruchsvollen dreidimensionalen

    Ordnung. Das Design des Gebudes ent-

    spricht der klassisch rationalen Tradition.

    Unser Ziel bestand darin, ein Gebude zu

    errichten, das den Nutzern ermglicht, es

    r ihre eigenen vielseitigen Bedrnis-

    se und Wnsche zu beanspruchen, und

    gleichzeitig die gemeinsame Identitt zu


    Das Gebude ist als kollektiver Raum ge-staltet, der, innerhalb der Grenzen des

    modularen Sstems in das umgebende

    Stadtbild passt. Ein elstckiger Abschnitt

    weist im Westen Richtung Stadt, wobei

    seine eingerckte Position Abstand zum

    ursprnglichen Gebude schat. Nach

    Osten bildet das Gebude einen niedri-

    geren Teil, der zum Innenho des Blocks

  • 8/6/2019 cf28deu1


    5COPPER FORUM 28/2010

    SKEllEtE KrAt

    oder lnger

    zeigt, wobei das Fundament aus Beton des

    Gebudes die Hhenunterschiede mit ei-

    nem Kellergeschoss ausgleicht.

    Das uere ist ein Gewebemantel aus

    Kuperkassetten, der dem Gebude ein

    Erscheinungsbild von Bestndigkeit und

    Zusammengehrigkeit gibt. Wir knnen

    bereits ahnen, wie schn die Kuperassa-

    de altern wird, manchmal au unerwarteteArt und Weise und je nach Hhe und Po-

    sition der Kassetten ganz unterschiedlich.

    An einigen Stellen gibt es bereits einen

    Grnschimmer, an anderen Stellen hat

    die Oxidation kaum begonnen. Die groen

    Flchen dunkeln schneller, was, wie auch

    beabsichtigt, die Bestndigkeit des Ge-

    budes erhht.

  • 8/6/2019 cf28deu1


    6 COPPER FORUM 28/2010

    SKEllEtE KrAt

    Das uere enthlt keine organischen

    Werkstoe und besteht aus einem Fun-dament, einer Wand aus Gips-Beton,Stahltrgern mit Isolierung hinter Faser-

    zementplatten und der Kassettenassa-denabdeckung. Diese besteht aus 1,25 mmdicken Kuperblechen mit verborgenen

    Halterungen, die au zwei Schichten von

    Stahltrgern montiert sind. Die Fassadeist mit 9000 dieser Kassetten bedeckt.

    Leisten, Gitter und Sockelanschlsse sindebenalls als Kassetten ausgehrt. DieAluminiumenster sind au die Hlte der

    Wanddicke zurckgesetzt, was zusammenmit den Kuperkassetten und den Fenster-einassungen aus Birkenholz die Dicke derueren Wand erkennen lsst.

    Die Anordnung innen basiert au dem

    Grundkonzept des Gebudes als Stadt.Das Atrium, das Treppenhaus, das sichdurch das Gebude und die gemeinschat-lichen Kaeepausenbereiche ausdehnt

    all das ungiert als entlicher Be-reich, zu dem die breiten Gnge hren.Diese allumassende Lsung ermglicht

    den Nutzern, ihre Rume individuell auverschiedene Arten auszustatten und zudekorieren und Besitz vom Gebude in ei-

    nem kohrenten und vereinigten Ganzenzu ergreien. Die entstandene Gebude-che vermittelt dem Inneren Qualitt,

    dominiert von der oensichtlichen Ge-schlossenheit zur Fassade, mit Licht undAusblicken in viele Richtungen. Obwohl sie

    von auen massiv erscheinen, werden dieFassaden von innen mehr als Wnde einerverglasten Veranda wahrgenommen, mit

    Fensteraussparungen, die das Tageslichtsammeln und direkt ins Innerste des Ge-budes weiterleiten.

    Das Traggerst und die Treppen wurdenvor Ort in Beton gegossen. Die Bandbreite

    an Materialien, Buchenholz, Edelstahl und

    Details aus Kuper vermitteln Bestndig-keit und Qualitt. Speziell entwickelte Bo-genlampen mit einem Schirm aus Kuper

    wurden von demselben Blechherstellergeertigt, der die Kassetten au der Fassa-de montiert hat. Die Grie der Eingangs-

    tr, die aus solidem Kuper und Edelstahl-auhngungen bestehen, werden durchBenutzung ansprechend altern.

  • 8/6/2019 cf28deu1


    7COPPER FORUM 28/2010

    SKEllEtE KrAt

    Pojek: Kanalgatan 71, Skellete

    Ahieken: General Architecture Sweden AB,

    Jose Eder architect SAR/MSA

    Olo Grip architect MSA

    John Billberg architect SAR/MSA

    Fabian Blcher architect SAR/MSA

    Erik Persson architect MSA

    Enwu: WSP Skellete, Rol berg

    Eigenme: Skellete Krat AB

    Auag von: Generalunternehmer

    Auagnehme: NCC Construction AB, Skellete

    Zuieee de Kupeassade: Luvata

    Gesamhe: 9521 m2

    Baukosen: 192 M SEK

    Pojekzeiaum: 20062009

    oo: Lindman Photograph

    Im Atrium des Gebudes hngt ein mo-

    numentales, extrem himmlisches Kunst-werk. Entwicklung und Aushrung durchGA zusammen mit der Schmiede von Tho-

    mas Hdling. Es ungiert als Modell, dasdie Architektur des Gebudes erlutert.Es zeigt alle Abmessungen dreidimensio-

    nal, alle Linien und Ebenen sind mit Tren,

    Fenstern, Leisten und Sulen verbunden.625 Meter von 2,9 mm Kuperrohr wurden

    mit 735 mit Silber gelteten Kuper-T-St-cken aus 4 mm-Kuperrohr verbunden.

    Die robusten und massiven, in Designl-sungen immer wieder verwendeten Mate-rialien, ermglichten grndliche Studien

    und aushrliche Beschreibungen derFensterhalterungen, Kuperkassetten,Betonelemente usw. aus baulicher und

    tektonischer Sicht. Dieser Prozess ermg-lichte die ertigungsauwendigen Stuen inhochprziser Fertigung und Montage.

    Unsere Architektur fndet ihren Ursprungeher in der Tektonik als in rumlichem

    Denken. Unabhngig von der Gre ba-sieren unsere Projekte au unseren Be-mhungen, strukturelle Beziehungen im

    Design der Fassade und der Anordnungvon Raum sowie bei der Planung und Ge-staltung der Details sichtbar zu machen.Wir sind davon berzeugt, dass Rume mit

    einem bewussten Design komplexe und

    interessante Verbindungen schaen kn-nen. Gegenwrtig arbeitet unser Bro an

    Projekten, bei denen recceltes Bauholz,Kuper, Messing, Marmor und Beton dievorherrschenden Werkstoe sind.

  • 8/6/2019 cf28deu1


    8 COPPER FORUM 28/2010


    Kaajanokka, Hesinki

    D im Ztm Hlsikis glg HaKatajakka Islad wd i d 70 Jah- z im Passagiha mgstaltt.Z glich Zit wd i Gbd-kmplx mit Backstiassad als ewi-tg ds bishig Gbdkmplxsim Jgdstil v Aag 1900 gbat. Dkli Zllpavill wd 2008 im Passa-giha gbat. Di Pavillassad aszwi Mtall passt ptisch i bid rich-tg sh gt zm M hi d zStadt hi. D klassisch Fabktast vKpg d Backstit passt gt isStadtbild. D ivativ eisatz v Mat-ial d di ivativ Ashg ds P-jkts sid qalitativ hchwtig.

    Esko Miettinen Architect SAFA.

    Als die neue Fhrverbindung zwischen Hel-sinki und Tallinn ertiggestellt war und Pl-ne r eine neue Seeverbindung zwischenHelsinki und St. Petersburg entstanden,wurde der Austausch des alten Gebudesr Zollabertigung in Leichtbauweise zumThema. Im Mrz 2007 begannen die Archi-

    tekten mit der Planung des neuen Gebu-des.

    Das Gebude wurde mit einem straenEntwicklungs- und Bauplan errichtet undim Februar 2008 ertiggestellt.

    Im hohen Teil des Gebudes befndensich die Fahrzeugabertigung und die Be-ltungsstation. Im niedrigeren Teil desGebudes befnden sich Kundendienst-einrichtungen, Abertigungsbereiche und

    Nebeneinrichtungen. Im Gebude befndensich auch Einrichtungen, die mit dem Zollnichts zu tun haben, z.B. ein Souvenirladenoder sanitre Einrichtungen r die Fahrer,die au die Einschiung warten. Die ge-samte Geschossche betrgt ca. 280 m2.

    Der Standort des Gebudes wurde durch

    die Neugestaltung der von der Haenbe-hrde zum Zeitpunkt des Bauprojekts ge-planten und umgesetzten Verkehrshrungestgelegt. Die Gestaltung der Verkehrs-hrung hatte auch Einuss au das langeaber schmale Baugelnde.

    Der Kaibereich wird auch von Transat-lantikkreuzahrtschien genutzt, die imSommer Helsinki besuchen.

    Der Skelettbau des Gebudes besteht

    aus Stahl. Die Konstruktion des hohen Teilsund die Unterstandskonstruktionen sindmit peroriertem Kuperblech abgedeckt,das grn vorpatiniert ist. Die Seitenkonst-ruktion des Unterstands besteht au beidenSeiten aus 50% durchlssigem Blech. DasMeer glitzert durch den Unterstand, wenn

    man vom Land aus hindurchsieht, und diedoppelt perorierten Bleche erwecken beivorbeiahrenden Reisenden den Anscheinvon lebendigem Blech.

    Der untere Teil ist mit Aluminium in sei-ner natrlichen Farbe ummantelt. Die Ble-che wurden mit groen Nieten und vertikalberlappend beestigt, damit es wie die Sei-ten eines alten Schies aussieht.

    Bei den ueren Wandkonstruktionen

    Blick zum Meer, Aluminium und peroriertes Kuper.

    Topi Tuominen Architekt SAFA

  • 8/6/2019 cf28deu1


    9COPPER FORUM 28/2010

    unter der Ummantelung handelt es sichum vorgeertigte Blech-Wolle-Blech-Ele-mente.

    Abgesehen von Boden und Sockelnbesteht nur die Sichtschutzwand vor derlangen Fassade au der Landseite aus Be-ton. Die Farbgebung der Wand wurde vomKnstler Pertti Kukkonen mittels seineseigenen Farbbetonverahrens ausgehrt,das au der Oxidation von Kuper basiert.

    Gem dem ursprnglichen Plan soll-te das Gebude mittels vorgeertigterRaumelemente umgesetzt werden, wasAuswirkungen au die Materialwahl hatte.Augrund des Zeitplans und der Kapazi-ttsprobleme der Hersteller entschiedman sich r das Bestandsgebude derHersteller. Dadurch nderte sich die ur-sprngliche Auswahl des Fassadenme-talls nicht. Die Leichtbauweise ist die na-trliche Lsung r ein Gebude, das demSeeverkehr und anderen Haeneinrichtun-gen dient. Es bietet auch einen Kontrast zuden mchtigen Backsteinblcken von Ka-

    tajanokka.Das perorierte Kuperblech, das dem

    hohen Hallenteil Helligkeit geben soll,wurde mittels Auslegern 20 cm ber dieuere Wand hinausgezogen. Jedes Blechwurde von Hand in der Fabrik patiniert,um das lebendige Erscheinungsbild derFassadenoberche sicherzustellen. Dieendgltige Patinierung wird die Natur mitder Zeit vollziehen.

    Enwike/Kunde: Haen in HelsinkiPojekeie: yIT-Rakennus Oassadenabeien: Meaummaneung: Plekitde Keskus Olieean uee wandeemene: Paroc OAhiek: Archivolta O, Topi Tuominen architect SAFA

    Der Pavillon vom Meer aus geseh

    Sukuee gesaung: Finnmap Consulting OEekoanagen: Insinritoimisto Tauno NissineHva design: Tuomi yhtit OUmsezung von abbeon: Pertti Kukkonenoo: Topi Tuominen



    Die Nordassade

  • 8/6/2019 cf28deu1


    10 COPPER FORUM 28/2010

    Musik wie zu kuperneMeis erstarrt

    De neue Haupsiz de Sydbank in de noddeushen Sadensbug befnde sih im Zenum de Sad. Das Gebude

    umass 4000 Quadamee, die sih au dei Eagen und einPakhaus veeien. Das Gebude beseh aus einem gu ge-saeen Bakseinbau und einem Anbau aus Gas mi einemSihshuz aus veika angeodneen Kupeameen.

    D Bhdlg d d vo d chdlchsdobdgg d d chdlch od Gbd bhgg. D d ch sd m schgg hoh Vhomm d solch lv b-gchlo. D g d m m M dgol god n gll, Bgg gb d lch Lchl l. nchw lg m Gbd lg o Blo h

    rh go bgchg Bcl, d ch vod nchmgo ch, od ch d Blc drh d Gch gb.

    D nodd d rol d ch m hgo o hg amoh. D Gld d O d Gbd g d ed sd d g l Hgg, oy, thd kom.

    D vl god Lmll bh m mk mml polgml, d vo al-mmd boch d. abd d Lg d L-mll v j ch gch Oh od Gchlo-

    h d dh bdlch rm. Ddch bh dd llg M d god vlelm, d d edc vo e M h-l oll. B nch d Lch d och gl bhgd elm m sdbld.

    Pojek: Sdbank Hauptsitz, Flensburg

    Kunde: Sdbank

    Ahieken: Exners Tegnestue A/S, Louise Lind Jacobsen, architect m.a.a.

    rhus, Dnemark

  • 8/6/2019 cf28deu1


    11COPPER FORUM 28/2010

    Detailansicht der Lamellenassade

  • 8/6/2019 cf28deu1


    12 COPPER FORUM 28/2010 COPPER FORUM 28/201012

    D nchhlg ggg dpo hlb d eu-pol. am16. Jl 2008 h d eoch komm-

    o d aol nchhlg Vbch d podo d chhlg idol (sCp/sip)vo-glg. im Ml d aolh dymch rhmo Vbg d uml-pomc vopod d sgg d nch-g ch chh lg gg w dchhlg ggcholog. DBod-rchl d d -hd rglg hb dlb zl d Bbch.

    ihlb d l Jhh h dkbch odlch o-

    ch m Bch uml d eg- gmch. D d iovo-b d ig d Bch opo cl d, d b mhg tg m e omm d d b vgb tcholog d eu hl.

    ENErGIEEIZIENZD glch Dchbch bd d-, d chmch eg d gh- k v d dm vhd, d x eg mschml d Mllghl d e

    gh d m. tchlch hd schbchmlvh (lhmlg) m egbch, d d s d podoovd od d Hg hglg sd g d. z-glch d d schldoxd, d bmschml g d, gg,m ommll hochg nb-od g, d d sch-



    l. Ddch d chgBg hchlch d Vgg do g rg eo

    gl.D ig hb ch bdgd gb, d vl vchdml lhlg Vbdg, d dlch voommd e hld, b . H gVh oohl d vollBglbdl vo k Gold d slb hl, l ch dvchd m podoo -lld sb mml d dvo O cycl od Dhm abg h. D d ochvblbd mlch Ml d

    bod m sb vd.

    EMISSIONSBEScHrNKUNGi d 1970 d 80 Jh hbuhm mh Mllo a-g v, m d emo w d L vg d od mm ch Vogb bglchd uml ch. B d -lgg d sdolgbmm-g l lol d ol Bhd chg roll. Ddch o gm Glchgch ch dmsch d uml d d ehlg vo

    abl d ivo vo Och d.

    klch h d eu- gl-d rhmchl rhlgvo L, Bod, w d sdm m sch emo, oohl d ggl ch d Vdg d pod-. zm lg ch G Chml, chllch d Mll,

    m chlch bgchMhod gd d mg-ch Bd chlch D

    g d. D ll h om-lx d dg. u dm Dc,d Bg hmd ouml b, gh d td dh, d z G glg -d, d dlch hlb d bhgG lg.

    Db oll mh l d Vgg-h gog ko-n-aly bog d Vgg dG nchdc vlh d,bod lch voommdelm k, ob d rolll ll slm ll L-

    b d d r Ml-omgl b Mch, t dp bcchg d.

    BEtrcHtlIcHE INVEStItIONDEr KUPErBrANcHEum d Bhd b h ab -, h d kbch d l- ch Jh mh Mllo eo d eclg md ro-bg d gg, d Vdgd d Lbd hlg po-d v. s d md vod Bhd g d d vo deu-kommo d d Mgldghmg. s bld j d Gdlg ellg d pch d Bch g-m d reaCh-Vodg.

    Die Verwedug vo Kupfer i derarciekur g bod wmlgch. adg h-b ghlch hoh, o Jh-hd md Lbd. am

    Dir-Pia Voutilainen von der Scandinavian Copper Development Association (SCDA)CEO-John Schonenberger vom European Copper Institute (ECI)

    Pi Vouiie vo der Scdivi Copper Deveopme associio

    ud Jo Scoeberger vom Europe Copper Isiue eige uf, wie

    der Eis vo Kupfer i der arciekur mi dem EU-akiosp fr

    ncigkei i Verbruc ud Produkio (SCP) im Eikg se.Svalbard Science Centre

  • 8/6/2019 cf28deu1


    13COPPER FORUM 28/2010

    Metal Products



    & Wear












    Metal Products



    & Wear






    Compound(Cu4SO4 (OH6)



    ed ng k mm d oh jglch Qlvl cycl d. Db -od d rcyclgo ch 10 d 20%

    d eg, d bg d, m d rohmll g d vb. D Bchob-g h ch gll, d choch v-d k g l 1% ll d em-o vo kod d eu bg. udlb d, o g d ochg, d d lMg h chll vo d d omlxbl-dd Vbdg, .B. Bo d umgbg Gbd, gbd.

    schllch lg bod nchhlggd d a, d d ed gok hm hl eg m Vh-go ng bgb. D H-

    odg bh oohl d uhm lch d pol d, d l n d hlg odgool, nchhlgb-g, oooomch aly, d m V-dg- d Lbylbg v d,bh. e lg Lbd d dlo- wdvb d ggg och chchd d d eclg bdlchido gbd. Doch dm m m chb. Vo bod Bdg d L dCo om , d d Bch dch d Bmh-g ol Co Dvlom aoco h ol Bhd .B. b umldl-o (epD = evoml podc Dclo)

    . u Lbylbddb .-.d/lcycl/ x 2003d d d eu-Db gomm.

    som l d ao m gl ch g, obk d ach mlgch , jdll j. i d ach l k lg L-bd, bg dvb d mm Bch, d l gg h, d hlbd glch rhm d eu g .

    Natrlicher Ablau der Gewinnung und Mineralisation von Kuper

    Versuchshaus in GB mit Hchsts tue 6 bei der Bewertung zukuntshiger Huser.Foto: Denis Jones

    The Core, Eden Project, Cornwall, GB

    Pdkt as Mtall


    Ksid Vschli







  • 8/6/2019 cf28deu1


    14 COPPER FORUM 28/2010

    tHE rESUltSThis event proved to be as livel as ever,bringing together the Awards judges anddesigners o entered projects, as well ascratsmen and copper industr represent-atives. It was a clear demonstration o thegrowing interest in the architectural useo copper b European architects and theirclients. It was particularl impressivethat the architects o all fve shortlistedprojects presented their designs in detailat the event, and in some cases revealedmore about them than was covered in thelast Copper Forum. As a result, we are re-visiting two shortlisted projects later butfrst, the winners.

    Selected rom fve shortlisted projects,the outright Winne was the Archaeol-og Museum o Vitoria, Spain, designedb Mangado Asociados. Extensive use ocast bronze elements creates contrastingelevational treatments. From the street itseems tough and hermetic with a real airo mster enticing the visitor in. Then, itreveals more o its nature and grows in-creasingl open with the changing archi-tectural rhthm on entering the courtard(more about this project on page 1617).The judges were particularl impressedwith the buildings stunning eect o atimeless ortress in its urban setting.

    Also rom Spain, Mediacomplex 22@ inBarcelona b Patrick Genard Asocia-dos and Ferrater & Asociados was Highycommended b the judges or its superbresponse to a tight, complex urban set-ting, orming new public spaces o lastingvalue. Here, a solid, horizontal block cladwith panels o perorated copper contrastswith a vertical tower shrouded in a strongvertical grid o deepl recessed, copper-aced screens.


    The previous issue o Copper Forum (27/2009) highlighted ve very dierent, exem-

    plary projects rom around Europe, shortlisted or the European Copper in Architec-

    ture Awards 14. Winners o these Awards were announced at a presentation ceremony

    in London at the end o September 2009, as architect Chris Hodson reports.

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    15COPPER FORUM 28/2010

    Three other projects received commen-daions. Davide Macullo Architects sensi-tive design or the Ticino House respondsto its beautiul rural setting in Switzerlandand incorporates an extensive arrange-ment o copper mesh panels (more aboutthis project on page 1819). In complete

    contrast, the Clip House in Madrid, Spain,b Bernalte-Len Asociados is a highlsculptural design defned b sinuouscurving copper bands cantilevered rom avertical concrete spine. Finall, the judgesconsidered Dissing+Weitling Architec-tures copper-clad Frederikskaj project inCopenhagen, Denmark to set the standardor high-densit urban housing.

    The well-established Copper in Architec-ture Awards recognise architectural excel-lence and celebrate the use o copper in allits orms. The last two decades have seentheir transormation rom a UK-basedprogramme highlighting cratsmanship,into a major, design-led Awards event or

    projects across Europe. For the frst time,the 2009 Awards considered all entriestogether - judged b a European panel oeight architects and editors, chaired bPaul Finch, the recentl appointed chair-man o CABE - the UK governments advi-sors on architecture and urban design.

    The European Copper in ArchitectuAwards programme is part o the Eurpean Copper in Architecture Campaigpromoted b the UK Copper DevelopmeAssociation and participating copper aricators. All fve shortlisted projects weexplored in the last issue o Copper Foru

    (27/2009) and ull details o Awards 14 anprevious Awards can be ound at:ww

    In addition, a discretionar award or Innovaion was made or the inventive use o arapplied to bronze panels on Stanton Williams Bristol Department Store. The essentiarole o cratsmen in realising designers aspirations or copper in architecture was alsorecognised with three casmanship awards or projects in Belgium and the UK.

    Ticino House in Switzerland Stanton Williams Bristol Department Store

    The Bristol Heart Institute, UKThe Clip House in Madrid, Spain

    Frederikskaj project in Copenhagen, Denmark

    Private house, Mortsel, Belgium

    Acharacle Primar School, Scotland, UK

    Article b Chris Hodson

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    16 COPPER FORUM 28/2010


    In the heart o Vitorias crumbling historiccore, Francisco Mangados new archaeo-logical museum stands out. Soberl ac-coutred in a corrugated bronze carapace,it is a conspicuous contemporar inter-vention, et it seems determined to blank

    WINNING BrONZEThe Archaeology Museum o Vitoria in Spain, designed by Mangado y Asociados is a

    worthy winner o the 2009 European Copper in Architecture Awards. In the last issue o

    Copper Forum (27/2009) the architect descr ibed the designs development, illustrated

    by photography o the nished project. But other material continues to reveal more

    about this multi-aceted and infuential building. Here, Catherine Slessor, Editor o the

    Architectural Review magazine and one o the Awards judges, reviews it and inter views

    its architect.


    out its surroundings. Windows set in exag-geratedl deep reveals are like sightlessees, reecting back onl peeling walls,tottering balconies and scudding skies.From a distance it appears as a dense,dark, almost geological presence that hassomehow erupted out o the ground.

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    17COPPER FORUM 28/2010


    The character o the building is strongldefned b the choice o bronze, an alloo copper, and the wa it has been appro-priated to devise an inventive and visualldistinctive cladding sstem. But the mate-rial is also both unctional and economi-cal. For Mangado, bronze was the obvious

    option because it has a strong archaeo-logical resonance. Bronze was one o thefrst metals to be exploited b humans andit is particularl appropriate or a museumthat explores ver ancient histor and hasman bronze arteacts in its collection. Upclose, the ribbed walls appear less like acarapace and more like a kind o wovenmetal textile. In most places, the bronzeweave is tight and impermeable, butaround the courtard it is much looser,with glazing exposed behind.


    And though the acade has an impressivesense o weight and sobriet, theres asleight o hand at work. As it would havebeen too costl and impractical to cast thelarger pieces as solid elements, a waerthin veneer o bronze is simpl wrappedaround timber orms.

    You have to reconcile ideological and meta-

    phorical aspirations with the practical quali-ties o the material, y Mgdo.

    Te ancient Egyptians did the same kind othing with stone to create an illusion o mass.

    So architecture is all about ooling people, but

    in a wonderul way.

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    18 COPPER FORUM 28/2010


    Ticino is located in the southernmost parto Switzerland, an area characterised ba pre-Alpine landscape o peaks and deepvalles. Earl in the 20th centur, culturalimmigrants began moving to the area, in-cluding some o the great modern move-ment architects with ideas and projectsthat sought to explore a new wa o build-ing in this Alpine context. The Anatta House(1) was built earl last centur to house aamil that was part o this communit ooreign intellectuals who had settled inthis territor in order to enjo a wa o liein harmon with nature. This house is thefrst sign o modernisation in a rural area.It introduces large horizontal planes thatcontrast with the landscape and uses theconcept o raming the landscape throughlarge openings.

    Man other architects o the modernmovement have attempted to deal with thearea: Neutra, Breuer, Le Corbusier andMies van der Rohe are some that proposedprojects here. Neutras Tuia House (2) andBucerius House (3), both buil t in the 1960s,adopt the modern construct in emphasis-ing the horizontal and create an object

    that detaches itsel rom its context. TheKoeer House (4) b Marcel Breuer, builtnot ar rom those o Neutra, again adoptsthe idea o horizontalit and, in addition,uses planting as an integrated element othe project.

    With the second generation o Ticinese ar-chitects, we see a shit in attitude wherebthe relationship o the building to the land-

    scape becomes much more dominant.We see a move awa rom the horizontalplanes towards a volumetric architecturethat rises up rom the terrain, allowing thelandscape to continue to roll with its natu-ral contour. The Rotalinti House (5) b Gal-etti is an example o this. Rising up as anextension o the rock and dominating thelandscape, it places the constructed vol-ume as the new protagonist o the place.

    In a similar wa Bottas architecture (7)dominates the landscape as an elementinserted between the earth and the sk,recalling a memor o a building anchored

    to the ground as a solitar bastion. In the1970s, we see the emergence o anotherapproach to building in the landscapewith local architect Luigi Snozzis KalmanHouse (6) which places the dominant objectwithin the olds o the landscape. Since theearl 1970s urban development in the areahas witnessed a rapid growth a growththat still shows no signs o slowing. Theexisting modern models described herecontinue to be emulated b speculatorsand there is no longer a distinction be-tween the abric o the urbanised valles

    and that o the natural slopes. Both areasare dealt regarded as the having the sameor, at best, similar, building tpolog.

    But, in todas climate, this attitude re-quires reassessment. It needs to becomeone more o reading and working wi th theexisting olds and lie o the land, ratherthan one o reproducing past models, de-tached rom their context.


    AlPINE cOPPEr IN cONtEXtIn complete contrast to the previous project, this House in Ticino, southern Switzerland Commended in theAwards and eatured in the last issue o Copper Forum (27/2009) is a modest building orming an integral part

    o its Alpine setting. But it is also rmly rooted in a developing heritage o important modern movement houses in

    Ticino and rigorously carries through its essential character rom concept to detail. Its architect Davide Macullo

    made the ollowing presentation at the 2009 Awards event.





    89. House in Carabbia


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    21COPPER FORUM 28/2010

    Near Vasaparken in the heart o Stockholm, the

    building o a new art museum has recentl start-

    ed, designed with acades and roos in cassettes

    o golden copper allo, due or inauguration at

    the beginning o 2011. Architect Anna Hglund oWingrdhs Arkitektkontor AB describes the build-

    ing as: Like a piece o jeweller made o a pre-

    cious metal and with a sparkling diamond on top

    o the roo. Severe on the outside but surprising

    inside culture meets everda lie. The Nordic

    Roal acade gives a solid impression, matching

    the brick and render acades o the surrounding

    buildings, all amiliar materials that will age with

    dignit. The building is raised on a platorm with

    a tall, glassed-in entrance oor that erases the

    boundaries between inside and outside and willattract visitors. A big park, Vasaparken, reaches

    all the wa to the building, where the greener

    continues with plants climbing up the acade.

    Nordic Roal wires stretch around the acade,

    conjuring up images o a wrapped parcel with r ib-

    bons o gold.


    CREATING AN IMPRESSION IN TROMSDiagonall mounted panels o Nordic Roal defne

    the architecture o this extension to the Qualit

    Hotel Saga in a central location o Troms, Nor-

    wa. The golden acade cladding gives an air o

    exclusivit and reinorces the buildings central

    importance in the townscape or passers-b. The

    acade is not striving to create a superfcial wow

    actor but rather to become a long-term, high-

    class and convincingl cratsman-like edifce that

    lives-up to its location in the centre o town near

    the cathedral. The detail and cratsmanship o

    the golden acade aim to reect other exampleso qualit in the surroundings including nearb

    brick acades, the roughcast elevations o the art

    museum and the wooden acades o other historic


    Design: Arkitektkontoret Amundsen AS, Troms

    and Foundation 5+, German

    GOlDEN cOPPEr All

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    24 COPPER FORUM 28/2010

    tEcU God oppe aoy adding defnes heahieue o a new oye buiding heping oansom Bisos pemie musi venue om aied muniipa one ha ino one o he UKseading peomane enes.

    The Colston Hall is Bristols principal music venue. The main hall

    was opened in 1867 as an assembl hall to rival St. Georges Hall

    in Liverpool. It has been radicall remodelled three times since

    then, the last occasion being in 1951. But now an ambitious three-

    phase project aims to update all the acilities and create a modern

    complex attracting audiences o all ages and all musical tastes.

    This frst phase is a spacious new oer, with its own inormal per-

    ormance area, which orms a link between Bristols Centre and

    its West End.

    trsformig e Cocer Experiece

    The new oer building design b architects Levitt Bernstein hasan independent architectural identit, expressing the desire to

    provide Bristols public with an entirel new concert-going expe-

    rience. It accommodates oers, interval bars, caes, administra-

    tive ofces, education studios and an open perormance area. The

    purpose o the new oer building is to transorm Bristol audienc-

    es perceptions o concert-going. It is a new participator space,

    providing better acilities or all visitors and aiming to attract

    people who ma fnd aspects o concert-going etiquette aloo and

    challenging. Its vast central space is a showcase or people and

    events, available to the citizens o Bristol throughout the da.

    The development o this pivotal site in the centre o the cit is in-tended to act as a transormational catalst or the uture o the

    surrounding area. When frst built the Colston Hall occupied a

    prime position, just ards rom the old cit boundar and Bristols

    thriving docks, located on a new road cut through the medieval

    streets to speed the progress o goods through the cit towards

    the north. Since then, however, its position has become increas-

    ingl peripheral and, during the 20th centur, an unsmpathetic

    trafc-clogged backwater.


    BUILDING BRISTOLThe design o the new oer extension attempts to remed this b

    creating a local landmark with a strong independent character

    which can be clearl identifed within a densel developed part o

    the cits centre. There is a contextual basis to man o the major

    design decisions concerning the buildings distinctive shape and

    organisation, even though the result is unlike anthing nearb. Its

    curved orm relates to its immediate, essentiall medieval con-text and its scale mediates between the old houses in Pipe Lane

    and the larger bulk o the Hall itsel. It eortlessl accommodates

    substantial level changes between adjoining streets b incorpo-

    rating entrances o equal importance on each street.

    Gode Copper IdeiyThe principal cladding material is an allo o copper and alumin-

    ium chosen to respond to the brie or a bold and visible build-

    ing. Its gold colour has a tonal relationship with the beige and

    red bricks o the adjoining buildings. Just as the timber internall

    resonates with the string instruments o an orchestra, the cop-

    per shingles evoke the brass section, with constant variations olight enhanced b the curved geometr o the building orm. The

    malleable nature o the material is expressed in the detail o the

    shingles, which are peeled back to orm gill-like openings to ven-

    tilate the plant rooms.

    The windows recall the punched holes o an old music roll or the

    texture o encoded data on a CD, and have a relationship to the

    shingle size, being multiples o a 300 mm module, based on the

    rhthms denoted b musical time signatures; and there is also the

    hint o a graphic representation o a sheet o music. These ideas

    have provided a ramework or an apparentl random pattern o

    window openings which increase in scale as the move rom theprivate unctional parts o the building to the public spaces that

    ace towards the centre o Bristol.

    Sustainable building technologies and construction have been

    important actors underling the design. The selection o buildingmaterials and construction techniques has been driven b envi-

    ronmental considerations and the copper cladding is made up o

    at least 70% reccled material.

    B Chris Hodson

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    25COPPER FORUM 28/2010


    Poje: Colston Hall Foer Building, Bristol,

    cien: Bristol Cit Council

    Ahies: Levitt Bernstein

    Suua Enginees: Arup

    coppe Insae: Richardson Rooing

    coppe suppie: KME UK

    Phoos: Andrew Cross, KME

    The golden copper skin is peeled back to orm gill-like ventilation openings

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    26 COPPER FORUM 28/2010

    Th pivtal sit is th c High

    Fish Gat ad Chch Way, ad cls

    t th Makt Csvati Aa. Th d-

    sig by Catwight Pickad Achitcts -

    is itdd as a ladmak ccilig tw

    dit ba chaacts: th itimat,

    small scal th Makt Csvati

    Aa ctastig with th lag, bad- scal Chch Way with its bigg

    bildigs icldig th 19th cty St.

    Ggs Chch dsigd by Si Gilbt

    Sctt (th achitct Lds St Pa-

    cas Itatial Stati).



    The new 140-bed hotel also includes

    shopping acilities, continuing existing re-

    tail uses in High Fisher Gate and introduc-

    ing them into the potentiall high-profleChurch Wa. The new building recognis-

    es the two existing geometries o these

    streets. Two distinctive blocks ollow the

    existing roads and are linked b a prow-

    like corner, helping to reconcile the two

    geometries and creating a distinctive ea-

    ture on the prominent corner.

    The northern block is six stores high at its

    West side. Here, a distinctive vertical ele-

    ment sits on the corner o the site, at the

    base o which is the entrance to the hotel.

    To the East, and towards the Market, the

    northern block steps down to three sto-

    res. The southern block is visuall fve sto-

    res, with the sixth sitting well back romChurch Wa. This block is lower to main-

    tain a scale in smpath with St Georges

    Church, and to replicate the height o the

    eaves o the church. Throughout, vertical

    emphasis is reinorced b the composition

    o the enestration, the expressed struc-

    ture and projecting bas.


    A ke element o the buildings design is

    the use o Luvatas Nordic Green Living

    pre-patinated copper cladding to createan abstract surace made up o horizon-

    tall orientated bands o varing heights.

    Nordic Green Living oers architects un-

    paralleled design reedom and the abil-

    it to determine the tpe and intensit o

    patina. The actor process can be accu-

    ratel controlled so that, as well as the

    a lanDMaRK hOtEl FOR DOnCaStERA disinive new hoe in he ene o Donase, an hisoi own in Souh Yokshie in he noh oEngand, is he fs UK poje o be ad wih luvaas Nodi Geen living pe-painaed oppe.

    solid green patina colour, other intensities

    o patina ecks can be created revealing

    some o the dark oxidised background

    material. On this project, three dierent

    intensities ranging rom solid Traditional

    Nordic Green to a special fnish developed

    to meet the architects requirements -

    were used in apparentl random combina-tions, adding richness to the at acades.

    Cartwright Pickard Architects Director

    Peter Cartwright explains: We had seen

    some reall good photographs o pre-

    patinated copper buildings in Finland. We

    were excited b the potential or variegat-

    ed copper to add lie and real interest to

    the aades both in texture and colour. The

    variation in the copper on the fnal build-

    ing had to look quite random but we actu-

    all specifed the positions o each panelto ensure that the acades met our design

    and satisfed the local planners which it

    certainl did.

    B Chris Hodson

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    27COPPER FORUM 28/2010

    EnVIROnMEntallY SOUnD MatERIalS

    We believe that this variegated copper gives us a

    contemporar aade suited to such a prominentsite and contrasting well with the adjoining terracot-

    ta panels. Sustainabilit is also ver important to us

    as a practice, including selection o environmentallsound materials. The local planners design guide

    led to the use o living, planted roos and required

    other materials that will be eas to maintain and im-

    prove with age.

    The new hotel aims to set a high standard or designand construction, as well as or qualit materials

    which are particularl important with the buildings

    close proximit to the historic St. Georges church.

    We were excited by the

    potential for variegated

    copper to add life and real

    interest to the facades

    Tpical oor plan

    Poje: Premier Inn Hotel, Doncaster cien: Premier Inn Ahies: Cartwright Pickard Architects coppe Insae: Varla UK coppe Suppie: Luvata Sales Oy (UK)Phoos: Where indicated, photo courtes o Cartwright Pickard Architects (copright Daniel Clements). Ohe phoos: Graeme Bell, Luvata.

    Photo courtes o Cartwright Pickard.

    Copper pe yous

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    28 COPPER FORUM 28/2010

    Throughout histor copper has alwas

    ascinated people with its naturall chang-

    ing surace, malleabilit and unique visual

    characteristics. Architects and artists

    continue to fnd inspiration and seek new

    possibilities with this most adaptable ma-

    terial and the copper industr is keen to

    work closel with them in realising new


    Elsewhere in this issue o Copper Fo-

    rum there are numerous examples o the

    diversit that copper oers architects,

    ranging rom the new golden allos to the

    development o variable pre-patinated

    fnishes. In this and in previous issues we

    have also seen the man dierent clad-

    ding and roofng techniques available, as

    well as the individual work o artists and

    interior designers using copper.

    But innovation in response to the imagi-native demands o todas designers con-

    tinues. Here, we explore just some o the

    latest copper techniques available now.

    ShaPInG thE FUtUREA completel new kind o press modelling

    technolog or copper oers a new design

    reedom b introducing three-dimension-

    al shapes and decorative elements into

    aade design. It also provides endless op-

    portunities in interior design and decora-

    tion, cladding and mouldings. Digital press

    COPPER INSPIRATIONExploring the latest techniques including pressmodelling, peroration and surace treatments

    modelling is a highl automated sstem or

    sheet copper which takes three-dimen-

    sional design straight rom the designers

    desk to the fnished product.

    tRanSPaREnCY anD OPaCItY

    The use o copper mesh and perorated

    copper sheets oers a resh design di-

    mension or buildings. The can be used

    externall as rain-screens, solar shading

    and opaque cladding - or internall as par-

    titions, screens and other interior design

    elements. Transparenc can be generated

    b stretching or piercing copper sheet, or

    weaving copper wire into a mesh. Copper

    sheet is eas to water-cut and perorate

    in various was and the dierent shades

    o colour and surace treatments widen

    the design possibilities even urther. Animpressive example o perorated copper

    technolog is the Parventa Librar build-

    ing in Latvia (eatured in the last issue o

    Copper Forum CF27/2009). Here, the sizes

    o perorations were varied to generate

    text graphics quoting the lrics o Latvian

    olk songs!


    The surace o copper is vibrant, multi-

    aceted and ever changing: the glowing,

    livel suraces and individual colours are

    a source o inspiration or creative minds.

    But advanced technolog provides scope

    or a rich diversit o colour shades enable

    applications beond architecture. Copper

    is a versatile and durable natural material

    the surace o which is eas to var b pati-

    nating, moulding or deing. Individual sur-

    aces can be produced or either custom-

    made bulk products or one-o projects.

    Copper withstands dierent treatments

    extremel well and moulding, shaping or

    patination does not weaken the qualit o

    the material. It is certainl worth experi-

    menting with these new tpes o prod-



    Copper is ideal or interior design instead

    o conventional materials or in combina-

    tion with them. The surace o copper can

    be varnished or waxed to preserve its

    distinctive colour and shine indoors. The

    applications or copper internall are end-less - on ceilings, kitchen cupboards and

    suraces (where the materials anti-mi-

    crobial properties are important), corner

    mouldings and detailing (to provide con-

    tinuit throughout an entire building), and

    eature elements such as freplaces and

    light fttings.

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    29COPPER FORUM 28/2010

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    30 COPPER FORUM 28/2010

    Dgg holdy hom oh v loco o -ld odd by dl, d h oh o h nhld -d chc pl v dHvl h vo chllg.a lg glo lmgh oo o 75 m2 co-cd h h cl do mxm bl c. T

    ho lo hd o o hl ldc bl y ho comomg comoy dg.

    MEEtING cONlIctINGDEMANDSto dc oo volm d d dcl o


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    31COPPER FORUM 28/2010

    A simpl bt clv hliday hm

    taks a thghly md appach

    t cpp g, maximizig sabl

    spac whil spctig its wat-sidsttig.

    o oh d h bld-g. T c hv bdvd g -dco o h d - o g cld g d oxdd bcgod.T vd colo d comoo o log, -o co h d dh o gv ch, lx. Bh o oo vol-

    m h lvg oom hlh oh ov h bdoomd x bhoom.

    a dg c od h m ho , oh do o co odh lm o h ho.a gld old od h

    c d ld o o o hco oo. T glg dc-od h lgd mg omco-ogm lvg loclly h . to dd oodg, h h ccoch oo h gd, hho cocd o dood dc bdg bov hl d h l, hch gvh mo o h ho

    og ddly o hldc.

    MAXIMISING NAtUrAlSUrrOUNDINGSto mxm h lohb o dg dxo , gld cd d od h ho o

    hch vl c b ld o.T bl h l -odg o gv ccll g. a h 75 m2mxmm oo q-m xcld oo ovhg,h hv b ddd g-oly, ovdg ol hdgo h gld cd. T oo o colm g om h ood dc od

    h ho. togh, h hyh-mclly lcd colm dovhgg oo volm gvh ho dh d c-o h cd, bcqly.

    illy, ll d cbodhv b dvd o m-

    l, g o ch oh dbcomg o y. Glcolo cd om od d lly. T colol lgh gy/g oh ll d lgh o oodo oo d . Tdvdl objc o lghgh lm hh c.

    exlly, ldc ch-c h cl ly d hodg o mm hmc o h ho. a oodh d h om h co-co b h -dd h ho.

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    32 COPPER FORUM 28/2010


    T gh-oy ofc bldg dgd bychc kj sl oglly bl 1975. T bldg dgd ccod-g o h vl d cl g-g cl o h m h bodyo b h bl- doo blocc o Hm d h o 1970bcd coc o Mh.

    T ol c-l d d hmll do ld g lod-bg bcd coc d.T ol o h bldg dd

    moooo, clod c. T lo-co xcll d o ch Hm d od h C oHl.

    T bldg h by o m b d- o h ool.o lmo 35 y h ood cog-bl ldm o Hm. a od-c o o , cvd lo ccmd h 2000 o blc vo hl o h gl bldg Hl.

    T oc oly o h ob-lm, hov, c h bly d h

    gg ym o h bldg hd b-com obol.T bcd coc chology oh 1970 ld h d d h x-l vlo o h bldg hd o b com-lly lcd o chcl o. Tm dmog o h bldg d hloco o h ll d h bldgm, o h oh hd, gooddd.

    Design souions

    T chc o h old bldg holdv b doyd ovo ojc,b c hold b dgd o -oc h gc chcc o hbldg. Hoy o dd b com-bd h ly o yh.

    i o dd h cl cod .g. h ovo ojc c-d o o h d bc bldg o ly hdd h ll old dlv h lyd lg o h m -od. T bldg bl h 1970 o d chllg, b ll qo

    o yh o h old d h .T bldg m g d co bgd h odg o c-. Y, dd o o lo d g-m h hdom body o h bldg.

    w d o c g dov co d dlog h h -vom d odc mll-cllm o h bldg.

    T g o o o hbldg o vom d mo oll h om dco; od h. wh h bldg m dvdd o

    by m o cd d, h c bcom o glc.T lod-bg coc hll

    o h d clod h dcl c-d gl clddg h m c. txl O M- om o ofc lo cobd o hdg o h lbo c- .T o dghbl om dc, b clo g dd oh

    ly h d cl. Lgh dhd lo o h d. T hmo c bold ll d o h ho Hm.

    T lo d h hocl doo cldg o h dg oc- d h lg chc.

    Text b Antti-Matti Siikala

    Laout plan, Hakaniemenranta, Siltasaari Strait,Cape o Helsinki.

    rvati bildig pjcts mak it pssibl t dvlp th xistig bildig stck ad th

    bilt-p vimt. hkiemer 6 is a xcllt xampl th vati a1970s c bildig. Th w ivativly dsigd widws as wll as th glass ad cpp

    aads itgat th bildig i a atal ma i th twscap Hlsiki. Th hythm

    th w aads is als a twad fcti th w ctial stct th bildig.

    esk Mitti, Achitct SAFA

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    33COPPER FORUM 28/2010

    The copper aade, view rom west. The transparenc o the coppernet varies to some degree according to lighting conditions.

    Connection o the copper net to the building plinth.

    Projec: Hakaniemenranta 6 Renovation

    Compeed: 2009

    Cie: Senaatti-kiinteistt

    arciec: Arkkitehtitoimisto Sarc O,Antti-Matti Siikala, Architect SAFA

    Mi corcor: SRV

    Copper suppier: Tammet O

    Poo: Jussi Tiainen, Eark

    South, east, north and west elevations.

    The construction o the new glass aade.

    Top and bottom joint details o the copper net aades.

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    34 COPPER FORUM 28/2010

    Aiviies and inena aeasT ovo o h od co h bldg d h hcm o hqly lvl lo cd h dgo h o c, h o do cg h mo o dylgh d

    xl v, o cg gl lgo c d o bgg hyhm o lo comd h h old ol-o cld:T m c o h bldg hold lc, b h ocd lobby h bxdd o ly o-oy commoc g hogh h hol bldgh kh o bloc vbl ovh . a c o h lobby ddd o h d o h , coml h c. T cv h bldg h

    dco o h o d m h bld-g mo ccbl o com. Voblc d commo cl, ,mg oom ll vc cl oh d- collcd od h lobbyo h god oo. T ml-cvy, h locd, lo bldg .

    loo 1-6 ofc oo. O ch oo cl o o mbly d b

    oom ovdd commo hll gl ll h o v o h o-c. pbcd o ll lmg lll h h codo lo mly gl ll o o h

    cy d lgh o h cl.T d- o h bldg h n-ol Bod o edco, CiMO dllbgh C hv cobd o hdg o h cl om h vybgg. T g d objcvo h ogo dd dlyd o odc o vomh v h h b oblm.

    T vc-v o h ogo d h hloohy bdo cy h lo cd h -

    chcl olo d h bldg.T dg olo o h oh objcv o bl oo.T h b ld o xbly oc d obly o mlm mod-co coomclly vbl mdg h l cycl o h bldg.

    all h volvd h dgoc ld odc modllg hdg o. T xg bldg

    md by m o l cg dmodlld o cl modl o by hdg d h Cl.T odc modl o h vo dg- combd d h lg modl

    ld my y o h d odg, ocm, d mlmo,d ll lo l b d o bldgmc o.

    O coc dvg o h oodc modllg h dg g h o h modl o om ovl ly-, clly h xg oo hgh xcolly lo o mod cho-logy.

    i ld bldg ojc olyc h bldg oc by c. 1.5% -lly. i m o h clm chg,

    mo h c dd -ld o h gy fccy o bld-g, b h xg bldg ocd ovo ojc h ly g-lly ccl ol.

    o 6 Hm s, h -lcm o h gg ym dh xl hll h dcd h gycomo o h bldg o h lvlqd by c dd.

    Original ground plan, third oor.

    New ground plan, frst oor. A view rom the new interior to the patio.

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    35COPPER FORUM 28/2010

    In his aie we ake a sho beak om ahieueo expoe a vey dieen appiaion o oppe shee in boa buiding.

    Todas pleasure boats are usuall made o fbreglass or metalbut boating enthusiasts are keen to preserve traditional was bbuilding new boats rom timber using old designs. This is how thetwo-masted schooner Ihana came into being at the small coastalcommunit o Luvia located in western Finland.

    Luvia is a centre or boating enthusiasts and the communitoers them a modern marina with restaurants and otherservices. It has a long nautical histor and cargo ships, someo which were timber sailing vessels, used to call at the local har-bour. The town is still well-known or boat-building and the re-nowned Sklla boats are made in Luvia. So, it is not surprising that

    a local enthusiast came up with the idea o building a new sailingboat identical to a traditional schooner and it has been namedIhana, meaning wonderul.

    The entire boat has been built b volunteers and mainl o do-nated materials. Construction o the ship was started in 2005 whenlarge logs were elled to get material or the curved ribs o the hull.Between fve and ten volunteers worked on the schooner ever daand it was launched in Jul 2009. The design o Ihana is aithul tothe drawings o the original schooner.

    COPPER PROtECtIOnBecause the schooner is over 28 metres long and six metres wide,it will not be taken out o the water or the winter. However, in the

    rozen sea the wooden hull has to be able to withstand extremepressures and, i unprotected, there could be a risk o seriousdamage. Thereore a decision was made to install copper sheetsto the keel and wooden hull up to the water line or protection.The material used is 1 mm thick copper sheet pre-cut into 0.50 x100 mm pieces and about 250 m2 was used.

    The wooden sides were frst treated with bitumen mass, which inturn was covered with a laer o polproplene, and another laer obitumen applied onto it. Then the copper sheets were overlapped acouple o centimetres and nailed at two-centimetre intervals withbarbed copper nails. For extra saet, there are another two rowso nails in the middle o each sheet but more widel spaced. Thesheets had to be heated on site to mould them into the shape o the

    boats hull. Another important reason or the use o copper wasto prevent seaweed and marine micro auna rom attaching to thebottom o the schooner: without it the bottom would be ex tremelhard to keep clean. The copper surace o the hull also helps theboat to glide through the water with less resistance.

    The schooner Ihana has attracted enormous interest roundthe world and there have been numerous enquiries and proposalsor cooperation. The ships sail area is approximatel 300 m2 andthe engine is a 6-clinder 280-hp Sisu engine. For more inorma-tion and photos o the Ihana, please visit www.kaljaasi-ihana.f

    Copper at sea

    The keel and the bottom are protected with copper up to the water line.

    The wooden deck o the schooner getting its shape.

    The copper has been annealed to ollow the contour o the hull.

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    36 COPPER FORUM 28/2010

    VIlla lazUR joy g mloco J o h oh co o poldHl pl log, h, og o ldxdg o h Blc s bov GdBy. i bch-o h ol holdydo odd by o hxv locl o d go mbldg.T Vll l co o m, llcg oh od h . J h mycd ml d: h cco, -lly colod mb l d -dco h. T hoolly bdd cocd o h o lvl 430 mm x 3000 mmteCu p h, jod h gl lym. T bc co o l-mm m h 18 mm OsB bodg d dobl vlo vod ocd by odh ml.T d gomc om d h dgd choc o ml ovd lgh, moohc om cvd, oh . T ovllc yclly m chc, h ov-o o a Dco chc om h ly20h cy, b comoy d lyd o col o.

    arciec: Zbigniew Reszka, PA Arch-Deco, Gdnia, Polan

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    38 COPPER FORUM 28/2010

    In his issue o coppe oumwe have seen sevea exampeso oppe appied exensivey

    houghou aades as he pedomi-nan maeia, eeivey defninghe ahieue o he buiding. Buin his new housing deveopmen,

    oppe is used in hamony wih oh-e quaiy maeias o deveop anuban anguage appopiae o issensiive hisoi seing.

    aoly md, Hmoy dvlom o comoy m iloh, w Lodo. i bg d-vlod jo v b wll-mo Dxo Hom, nog Hll HogGo d h Hom d Comm

    agcy. wh coml, Hmoy llco o 280 o, o d h-bdoomm lo- bldg dby o cv ldcg. 106 oh hom o v l, h hmd vlbl o y o, ohd oh d h govmn Bld HomBy chm o o ocl.

    T dg by chc H & p- m o c good mod bld-g h l o h cox o h -v . T o 3 d 4 oy bldgh chd oo d gbl l o domc cl b h co-moy dlg h ch ch.T lyo c bloc h og

    og h clly d blc d -v d llo oml vllco cob o o ol y.a lg o clo gd hh l , hl g b hbloc od v co d o byodh mmd .

    VISIBlE rOM A WOrlDHErItAGE SItET clo o syo Ho, h Lo-do hom o h D o nohmb-

    ld, d mv ld, ll oh ocd hoc bldg d cmy. i lo vbl om h moroyl Bocl Gd k o hrv Tm, dgd wold H-g s. T cl chllg oh dg, pl wllg-Logmoo H & p xl: T lm-d l o xl ml d


    om ho h l h d colo.T o hgh qly, bl ml bco, gy oog d -dco o h vl mc o hbldg h om syo p diloh Cmy d vod jg hh odg.

    T l d co xd vcl c qvl o dol ch chmy, mhdhogh h g co clddg. Tyovd hyhmc co bg h lvo. wh h coo oo-mod l, h clo gd o h dg o h hyd gl d lm. alhoghh cl co, coovd o b h mo o m-l gv h hoc cox d

    cy d h dco byh locl lg hoy. p-dco d o gv h hd m-o d o bld mmdly h hodg old bldg. w lcd cc y o o o hcox. Co ovd lvg c o j gl colo h chggchc, lmo l bc .

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    COPPER FORUM 28/2010


    Sustainability is important to all thoseinvolved with the project and Harmonymeets the Code or Sustainable HomesLevel 3 standard. External materials havebeen selected that are durable and have in-tegral rather than applied fnishes: coppersextremely long-lie, heritage o recyclingand relatively low embodied energy wereall recognised at the design stage.

    Vertical stacks of pre-patinated copper rhy thmically punctuate the block elevations.

    Copper is also used in stacks to highlight entrances and for more sculptural elements.

    Project: Harmony, Isleworth, London, UKClient: Willmott Dixon Homes, Notting Hill Housing Groupand the Homes and Communities Agency.Architects: Hunter and Partners

    Copper Installer: Full Metal JacketCopper supplier: Luvata Sales OY (UK)Illustrations: Hunter and PartnersPhotos: Chris Hodson and courtesy of the Client


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