
¡ATENCIÓN! Si utiliza Excel 2000, 2002, 2003 siga el siguiente pr Para hacer uso de las funcionalidades de est Electrónica debe habilitar macros Si utiliza Excel 2007 siga el siguiente procedimi

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Post on 02-Oct-2015




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censo final 2014


PromptATENCIN!Para hacer uso de las funcionalidades de esta Cdula Electrnica debe habilitar macrosSi utiliza Excel 2000, 2002, 2003 siga el siguiente procedimiento:Si utiliza Excel 2007 siga el siguiente procedimiento:

Cedula3BCDULACENSO ESCOLAR 20143BRESULTADO DEL EJERCICIO EDUCATIVOEducacin Bsica RegularVersin:0Primaria o SecundariaPlazo de reporte seccin 100: Diciembre 2014 - Enero 2015Plazo de reporte seccin 200: Febrero - Marzo 2015INSTRUCCIONES DEL FORMATO ELECTRNICOIDENTIFICACIN DE LA INSTITUCIN EDUCATIVA1. CDIGO MODULAR :08918122. NMERO DE ANEXO :03. CDIGO DE LOCAL:0667364. TELFONO :9595993885. NMERO Y/O NOMBRE :JULIO ERNESTO PORTUGAL6. DISTRITO :JOSE MARIA QUIMPER7. NIVEL Y FORMA DE ATENCIN :8. SERVICIO EDUCATIVO ASOCIADO (Slo para centros de educacin(Marcar con "X" segn corresponda)primaria pblicos) :(Marcar con "X" )TitularEncargadoPrimariaXSecundariaInstitucin Educativa anexa(reportar datos en cdula 3B adicional)APE NOMHUAMANI SANTA CRUZJUAN LUISXPresencialCentro de educacin rural a distancia - CPEDEn alternanciaApellidosNombresSituacinDIRECTOR :HUAMANI SANTA CRUZJUAN LUISEncargado100. RESULTADO DEL EJERCICIO EDUCATIVO A DICIEMBRE 2014101 - RESULTADO DEL EJERCICIO EDUCATIVO A DICIEMBRE DE 2014, POR GRADO DE ESTUDIO Y SEXORESULTADOTOTALGRADO DE ESTUDIO1234566HMHMHMHMHMHMHMTOTAL MATRICULA (al 30-12-2014)10TOTAL MATRICULA (al 30-12-2014)60548813714121314121300Aprobados11Aprobados /130326693595757Pasa a recuperacin12Pasa a recuperacin /226162233826475Desaprobados03Desaprobados /300Trasladados a otras instituciones educativas14Trasladados a otras instituciones educativas /4120010000101Retirados15Retirados /5330000112200Fallecidos16Fallecidos0100010000001/ Aprobados : Alumnos que al trmino del ejercicio educativo 2014 fueron considerados aptos para ser promovidos al grado inmediato superior.2/ Pasa a recuperacin : Alumnos que al termino del ejercicio educativo 2014 no han logrado aprobar todas las areas curriculares3/ Desaprobados : Alumnos que al trmino del ejercicio educativo 2014 no han logrado aprobar el grado.4/ Trasladados a otras II.EE. : Alumnos que se van a otra I.E. dentro o fuera de la localidad entre abril y octubre de 2014.5/ Retirados : Alumnos que durante el ao acadmico 2014 sobrepasaron el lmite de inasistencias y fueron considerados no aptos para la evaluacin final. No incluir a los alumnos trasladados a otra Institucin Educativa.102 - RETIRADOS POR GRADO DE ESTUDIO Y SEXO, SEGN MOTIVO (al 30-11-2014)0MOTIVOTOTALGRADO DE ESTUDIO1234562HMHMHMHMHMHMHMTOTAL10TOTAL33000011220000Situacin econmica01Situacin econmica00Violencia02Violencia00Enfermedad03Enfermedad00Trabajo infantil04Trabajo infantil00Apoyo en labores agrcolas05Apoyo en labores agrcolas000Adiccin06Adiccin00valida OtrosFallecido07Fallecido00Problemas Familiares18Otros (Especificar)Problemas Familiares3300001122000000Nota.- Los totales de esta tabla deben ser iguales a los reportados en el rubro "Retirados" de la tabla 101.200. RESULTADO DEL EJERCICIO EDUCATIVO A FEBRERO DE 2015Complete y remita esta seccin de la cdula entre febrero y marzo de 2015 slo si report alumnos que pasan a recuperacin en la seccin 100. Para tal efecto, ingrese a http://escale2.minedu.gob.pe/ y descargue el formato de la seccin correspondiente de su Tablero de Control del Censo Escolar 2014.201. RESULTADO DEL EJERCICIO EDUCATIVO A FEBRERO DEL 2015, POR GRADO DE ESTUDIO Y SEXO.0RESULTADOTOTALGRADO DE ESTUDIO1234562HMHMHMHMHMHMHM10TOTAL261622338264750011Aprobados al 28-02-20152616223382647502Desaprobados al 28-02-201500Nota.- Los totales de esta tabla deben ser iguales a los reportados en el rubro "Pasa a recuperacin" de la tabla 101.1VAL C. LOC NUM000000011VAL C.MOD NUM08918121COD_MOD0891812ANEXO0CODLOCAL0NOMBRE IEJULIO ERNESTO PORTUGALDISTRITOJOSE MARIA QUIMPERNIV_MODNIVELF0PRIM0SEARTI0S_PRES1SECPED0S_CPED0SEANEXO0S_ALT0FORMATEN1SERV ASOCPROGARTI0CPED0ANEXO00CONSISTENCIASRETIRADOS IGUAL AL 1021H1M2H2M3H3M4H4M5H5M6H6M00000000000000RRECUPERACION IGUAL AL 2011H1M2H2M3H3M4H4M5H5M6H6M00000000000000SI SECUNDARIA VALOR 1DATOS EN 1010CONSITENCIAS RET0CONSIST ITEM 6

ADVERTENCIA:Si no es anexo colocar (0) cero.

Si es anexo colocar el nmero (1,2,3,...) de acuerdo al registro del padrn de la UGEL.Primero marcar "X" en SecundariaPrimero marcar "X" en SecundariaPrimero marcar "X" en SecundariaNo utilizar comillas ("") para el nombre del centro.Ejemplo:


DATO CON ERROR: "003 DIVINO JESUS"0: Pruebas1: En produccin2: ActualizacinEspecifique el motivo de retiro con ms de cuatro caracteres y diferente a la palabra "Otros".Especifique el motivo de retiro con ms de cuatro caracteres y diferente a la palabra "Otros".1. Complete los datos solicitados: a. El archivo tiene dos hojas, una para ingreso de datos y otra para ENVIAR. b. Guarde peridicamente en su PC los datos que vaya ingresando. c. Haga clic en el botn VALIDAR al completar la hoja de ingreso de datos. 2. Enve los datos: Al trmino del reporte, verifique que se encuentra conectado a Internet, vaya a la hoja ENVIAR y siga las instrucciones. 3. Obtenga la constancia de envo. Presione el boton 'OBTENER CONSTANCIA DE ENVIO' o ingrese a su Tablero de Actividades Estadsticas 2014, http://escale2.minedu.gob.pe/estadistica/ce/MINISTERIO DE EDUCACINUnidad de Estadstica Educativa


CENSO ESCOLAR 2014RESULTADO DEL EJERCICIOPaso 1:Paso 2:Paso 3:Una vez realizado el ENVO, presione el botn que se muestra a continuacin.Realice el ENVO con su clave EOL.Presione el boton "VALIDACIN GENERAL" .ADVERTENCIA: ASEGURESE DE REGISTRAR TODA LA INFORMACIN DEL NIVEL INFORMANTE

Attribute VB_Name = "LoginUserForm"Attribute VB_Base = "0{0885C119-60B3-4A25-894B-20698BA32A5F}{A4704894-F831-4D49-9A40-C4F0CD5C48F8}"Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = FalseAttribute VB_Creatable = FalseAttribute VB_PredeclaredId = TrueAttribute VB_Exposed = FalseAttribute VB_TemplateDerived = FalseAttribute VB_Customizable = False

Public estado As IntegerPrivate Sub cmdAceptar_Click() estado = vbOK Me.HideEnd Sub

Private Sub cmdCancelar_Click() estado = vbCancel Me.HideEnd Sub Private Sub contrasenia_Change()

End Sub

Private Sub usuario_Change()

End Sub

Attribute VB_Name = "Hoja11"Attribute VB_Base = "0{00020820-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = FalseAttribute VB_Creatable = FalseAttribute VB_PredeclaredId = TrueAttribute VB_Exposed = TrueAttribute VB_TemplateDerived = FalseAttribute VB_Customizable = TrueAttribute VB_Control = "CommandButton1, 14, 0, MSForms, CommandButton"Attribute VB_Control = "CommandButton4, 15, 1, MSForms, CommandButton"Attribute VB_Control = "CommandButton2, 16, 2, MSForms, CommandButton"Attribute VB_Control = "CommandButton3, 17, 3, MSForms, CommandButton"Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Sheets("Cedula3B").Select Call Mdulo1.valideCENSO If Mdulo1.Msg = "" Then CommandButton2.Enabled = True End IfEnd Sub

Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()Call Mdulo2.EnviarDatosEnd Sub

Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()Dim Newsite As Object

Set Newsite = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.application") Newsite.Visible = True Newsite.Navigate "http://escale.minedu.gob.pe/estadistica/ce/"End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton4_Click()Sheets("Cedula3B").SelectEnd SubPrivate Sub Worksheet_Activate()'If Mdulo1.Msg = "" Then' CommandButton2.Enabled = True' Else CommandButton2.Enabled = False'End IfEnd Sub

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)

End Sub

Attribute VB_Name = "Mdulo1"Public Msg As StringSub valideCENSO() On Error Resume Next Dim errorMsgText As String errorMsgText = "" 'VALIDACION DE CODIGO MODULAR If ((Trim(ActiveSheet.Range("AA24").Value) = "") Or (Len(ActiveSheet.Range("AA24").Value) 7)) Then errorMsgText = errorMsgText & "- Falta Cdigo modular o esta incompleto en Item 1" & vbCrLf End If If (Trim(ActiveSheet.Range("C109").Value) > 1) Then errorMsgText = errorMsgText & "- Cdigo modular slo debe tener nmeros en rubro 100" & vbCrLf End If 'VALIDACION DE ANEXO If (Trim(ActiveSheet.Range("AF24").Value) = "") Then errorMsgText = errorMsgText & "- Falta completar anexo en Item 2" & vbCrLf End If 'VALIDACION DE CODIGO DE LOCAL If ((Trim(ActiveSheet.Range("AM24").Value) = "") Or (Len(ActiveSheet.Range("AM24").Value) 6)) Then errorMsgText = errorMsgText & "- Falta Cdigo de local o esta incompleto en Item 3" & vbCrLf End If If (Trim(ActiveSheet.Range("C107").Value) > 1) Then errorMsgText = errorMsgText & "- Cdigo de local slo debe tener nmeros en Item 3" & vbCrLf End If 'VALIDACION DE NOMBRE IE y QUITANDO LAS COMILLAS IE = Replace(Range("AA26").Value, Chr(34), "") ActiveSheet.Range("AA26").Value = IE If (ActiveSheet.Range("AA26").Value = "") Then errorMsgText = errorMsgText & "- Falta completar Nmero y/o Nombre de la I.E. en Item 5" & vbCrLf End If

'VALIDACION DE DISTRITO IE = Replace(Range("AM26").Value, Chr(34), "") ActiveSheet.Range("AM26").Value = IE If (ActiveSheet.Range("AM26").Value = "") Then errorMsgText = errorMsgText & "- Falta completar el Distrito en el Item 6" & vbCrLf End If 'VALIDACION DATOS DEL DIRECTOR APE_DIR = Replace(Range("W43").Value, Chr(34), "") ActiveSheet.Range("W43").Value = APE_DIR NOM_DIR = Replace(Range("AC43").Value, Chr(34), "") ActiveSheet.Range("AC43").Value = NOM_DIR If (ActiveSheet.Range("W43").Value = "") Or (ActiveSheet.Range("AC43").Value = "") Then errorMsgText = errorMsgText & "- Falta completar Apellidos y/o Nombres del Director" & vbCrLf End If 'VALIDACION SITUACION DEL DIRECTOR If (ActiveSheet.Range("AO43").Value = "") Then errorMsgText = errorMsgText & "- Falta completar Situacin en el cargo del Director" & vbCrLf End If 'VALIDACION DE ITEM 6 (NIVEL) If (ActiveSheet.Range("S33").Value = "" And ActiveSheet.Range("S35").Value = "") Then errorMsgText = errorMsgText & "- Falta completar Nivel y Forma de atencin en Item 7" & vbCrLf End If lcF = Trim(ActiveSheet.Range("T37").Value) + Trim(ActiveSheet.Range("T38").Value) + Trim(ActiveSheet.Range("T39").Value) If (ActiveSheet.Range("S35").Value = "X" And lcF = "") Then errorMsgText = errorMsgText & "- Falta completar la metodologa de enseanza en Item 7" & vbCrLf End If 'VALIDACION DATOS EN TABLA 101, DEBE HABER AL MENOS 01 APROBADO If (ActiveSheet.Range("AB52").Value + ActiveSheet.Range("AC52").Value = 0) Then errorMsgText = errorMsgText & "- No ha registrado datos en la tabla 101 - Aprobados" & vbCrLf End If 'VALIDACION DATOS EN TABLA 102, SI DECLARO DATOS EN 101 - RETIRADOS If ((ActiveSheet.Range("D131").Value > 0) Or (ActiveSheet.Range("D143").Value > 0)) Then errorMsgText = errorMsgText & "- Ud. ha declarado alumnos retirados, estos deben ser iguales en la tabla 101 y 102" & vbCrLf End If 'VALIDACION DATOS EN TABLA 102, OTROS DEBE ESPECIFICA 5 O MAS CARACTERES Y SER DIFERENTE A OTRO, OTROS, OTR If (ActiveSheet.Range("H76").Value > 0) Or (ActiveSheet.Range("A81").Value > 0) Then errorMsgText = errorMsgText & "- Ud. debe especificar el motivo de retiro para (Otros) en la tabla 102" & vbCrLf End If

'VALIDACION DATOS EN TABLA 201, SI DECLARO DATOS EN 101 - R.RECUPERACION (VALIDA SOLO SI INGRESA DATOS EN 201) If (ActiveSheet.Range("D134").Value > 0) Then errorMsgText = errorMsgText & "- Ud. ha declarado datos en tabla 201, estos deben ser iguales en la tabla 101 - Pasa a Recuperacin" & vbCrLf End If ESP1 = Replace(Range("X77").Value, Chr(34), "") ActiveSheet.Range("X77").Value = ESP1 ESP2 = Replace(Range("X78").Value, Chr(34), "") ActiveSheet.Range("X78").Value = ESP2 ESP3 = Replace(Range("X79").Value, Chr(34), "") ActiveSheet.Range("X79").Value = ESP3 Msg = errorMsgText If (Trim(errorMsgText) = "") Then MsgBox ("Esta cdula se valid con EXITO, presione Aceptar para ir a la hoja ENVIAR")

'CAMBIANDO A MAYUSCULAS 'NOMBRE DE LA IE dato = Range("AA26").Value Range("AA26") = UCase(dato) dato = Range("AM26").Value Range("AM26") = UCase(dato) dato = Range("W43").Value Range("W43") = UCase(dato) dato = Range("AC43").Value Range("AC43") = UCase(dato) Sheets("ENVIAR").Select' Range("AA23").Select ctrlbtn.Enabled = True

Else MsgBox (errorMsgText) ctrlbtn.Enabled = False End IfEnd Sub

Attribute VB_Name = "Mdulo2"'Servidor Local'Const HOST = ""'Servidor pp'Const HOST = ""

'Servidor produccinConst HOST = "http://escale2.minedu.gob.pe"

Const ENVIO_MATRICULA = HOST & "/eol-ws/rest/censo2014/resultado"

'Const ENVIO_DOC = HOST & "/eol-ws/rest/censo2010/resultado"Const LOGIN_URL = HOST & "/eol-ws/rest/login"Const ENCODING = "UTF-8"Dim token As LongDim usuario As StringDim contrasenia As StringFunction login(usuario As String, contrasenia As String) As LongDim http As ObjectDim tokenElem As ObjectDim sToken As String Set http = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") http.Open "GET", LOGIN_URL & "?usuario=" & usuario & "&contrasenia=" & contrasenia, False On Error GoTo LoginError http.send estado_1 = http.Status Set tokenElem = http.responseXML.SelectSingleNode("sesion/token") sToken = tokenElem.Text login = Val(sToken) ReturnLoginError: estado = http.StatusEnd FunctionSub EnviarDatos()Dim COD_MOD As StringDim xmlDOM As ObjectDim http As ObjectDim respuesta As StringDim lcJson, lcHead As StringDim lcC101, lcC100, lcC100_2, lcC102, lcC103, lcC201, lcC100_3 As StringDim Sheet As Worksheet' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Sheets("Cedula3B").Select'cada vez q presiona enviar le pida la contrasea (clave EOL)token = 0LoginUserForm.contrasenia.Value = ""COD_MOD = (ActiveSheet.Range("AA24").Value)If (token = 0) Then 'usuario = "i" & COD_MOD LoginUserForm.usuario.Value = COD_MOD LoginUserForm.Show If (LoginUserForm.estado = vbCancel) Then Exit Sub contrasenia = LoginUserForm.contrasenia.Value usuario = LoginUserForm.usuario.Value token = login(usuario, contrasenia) If (token = 0 Or token = -1) Then MsgBox "El cdigo modular o la clave EOL no son correctos", vbCritical Exit Sub End IfEnd If' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Set xmlDOM = CreateObject("Msxml.DOMDocument")' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Sheets("Cedula3B").SelectlcHead = ",""COD_MOD"" : """ & COD_MOD & """"lcHead = lcHead & ",""ANEXO"" : """ & (ActiveSheet.Range("AF24").Value) & """"lcHead = lcHead & ",""CODLOCAL"" : """ & (ActiveSheet.Range("AM24").Value) & """"lcHead = lcHead & ",""NROCED"" : ""c03b"""lcHead = lcHead & ",""FUENTE"" : ""C"""lcHead = lcHead & ",""VERSION"" : """ & (ActiveSheet.Range("U6").Value) & """"lcHead = lcHead & ",""CEN_EDU"" : """ & (ActiveSheet.Range("AA26").Value) & """"lcHead = lcHead & ",""TELEFONO"" : """ & (ActiveSheet.Range("AV24").Value) & """"lcHead = lcHead & ",""DISTRITO"" : """ & (ActiveSheet.Range("AM26").Value) & """"If (ActiveSheet.Range("S33").Value = "X") Then lcNm = "B0"ElseIf (ActiveSheet.Range("S35").Value = "X") Then lcNm = "F0"End If

If (UCase(ActiveSheet.Range("AO43").Value) = "TITULAR") Then lcSituacion = "T"ElseIf (UCase(ActiveSheet.Range("AO43").Value) = "ENCARGADO") Then lcSituacion = "E"End If

lcHead = lcHead & ",""NIV_MOD"" : """ & lcNm & """"lcHead = lcHead & ",""APE_DIR"" : """ & (ActiveSheet.Range("W43").Value) & """"lcHead = lcHead & ",""NOM_DIR"" : """ & (ActiveSheet.Range("AC43").Value) & """"lcHead = lcHead & ",""SITUACION"" : """ & lcSituacion & """"

If (ActiveSheet.Range("T37").Value = "X") Then lcFa = "1"ElseIf (ActiveSheet.Range("T38").Value = "X") Then lcFa = "2"ElseIf (ActiveSheet.Range("T39").Value = "X") Then lcFa = "3"End If

If (UCase(ActiveSheet.Range("AG35").Value) = "X") Then lcAnexo = "1"Else lcAnexo = "0"End If

lcHead = lcHead & ",""FORMATEN"" : """ & lcFa & """"lcHead = lcHead & ",""SEARTI"" : """ & lcArti & """"'lcHead = lcHead & ",""SECPED"" : """ & (ActiveSheet.Range("AG35").Value) & """"lcHead = lcHead & ",""SEANEXO"" : """ & lcAnexo & """"lcHead = lcHead & ",""DETALLE"":{ ""CUADROS"":[{"

'--------------------------------------------------------------------------lcC100 = """CUADRO"":""C101"", ""FILAS"""lcC101 = ":[{"lnNdoc = ActiveSheet.Range("N50").ValueFor i = 1 To 7 Fila = 50 + i If (ActiveSheet.Range("N" & Fila).Value) > 0 Then lcC101 = lcC101 & """TIPDATO"": """ & (ActiveSheet.Range("O" & Fila).Value) & """ " lcC101 = lcC101 & ",""DESCRI"": """ & (ActiveSheet.Range("K" & Fila).Value) & """ " lcC101 = lcC101 & ",""T_H"": """ & (ActiveSheet.Range("AB" & Fila).Value) & """ " lcC101 = lcC101 & ",""T_M"": """ & (ActiveSheet.Range("AC" & Fila).Value) & """ " lcC101 = lcC101 & ",""DATO01H"": """ & (ActiveSheet.Range("AD" & Fila).Value) & """ " lcC101 = lcC101 & ",""DATO01M"": """ & (ActiveSheet.Range("AF" & Fila).Value) & """ " lcC101 = lcC101 & ",""DATO02H"": """ & (ActiveSheet.Range("AH" & Fila).Value) & """ " lcC101 = lcC101 & ",""DATO02M"": """ & (ActiveSheet.Range("AJ" & Fila).Value) & """ " lcC101 = lcC101 & ",""DATO03H"": """ & (ActiveSheet.Range("AL" & Fila).Value) & """ " lcC101 = lcC101 & ",""DATO03M"": """ & (ActiveSheet.Range("AN" & Fila).Value) & """ " lcC101 = lcC101 & ",""DATO04H"": """ & (ActiveSheet.Range("AP" & Fila).Value) & """ " lcC101 = lcC101 & ",""DATO04M"": """ & (ActiveSheet.Range("AR" & Fila).Value) & """ " lcC101 = lcC101 & ",""DATO05H"": """ & (ActiveSheet.Range("AT" & Fila).Value) & """ " lcC101 = lcC101 & ",""DATO05M"": """ & (ActiveSheet.Range("AV" & Fila).Value) & """ " lcC101 = lcC101 & ",""DATO06H"": """ & (ActiveSheet.Range("AX" & Fila).Value) & """ " lcC101 = lcC101 & ",""DATO06M"": """ & (ActiveSheet.Range("AZ" & Fila).Value) & """ " & "},{" End If NextlcC101 = Left(lcC101, Len(Trim(lcC101)) - 2) & "]"

If lnNdoc = 0 Then lcC101 = ""End If

'--------------------------------------------------------------------------lcC100_2 = "},{" & """CUADRO"":""C102"", ""FILAS"""lcC102 = ":[{"lnNdoc = ActiveSheet.Range("N69").ValueFor i = 1 To 10 Fila = 69 + i If (ActiveSheet.Range("N" & Fila).Value) > 0 Then lcC102 = lcC102 & """TIPDATO"": """ & (ActiveSheet.Range("O" & Fila).Value) & """ " lcC102 = lcC102 & ",""DESCRI"": """ & (ActiveSheet.Range("K" & Fila).Value) & """ " lcC102 = lcC102 & ",""T_H"": """ & (ActiveSheet.Range("AB" & Fila).Value) & """ " lcC102 = lcC102 & ",""T_M"": """ & (ActiveSheet.Range("AC" & Fila).Value) & """ " lcC102 = lcC102 & ",""DATO01H"": """ & (ActiveSheet.Range("AD" & Fila).Value) & """ " lcC102 = lcC102 & ",""DATO01M"": """ & (ActiveSheet.Range("AF" & Fila).Value) & """ " lcC102 = lcC102 & ",""DATO02H"": """ & (ActiveSheet.Range("AH" & Fila).Value) & """ " lcC102 = lcC102 & ",""DATO02M"": """ & (ActiveSheet.Range("AJ" & Fila).Value) & """ " lcC102 = lcC102 & ",""DATO03H"": """ & (ActiveSheet.Range("AL" & Fila).Value) & """ " lcC102 = lcC102 & ",""DATO03M"": """ & (ActiveSheet.Range("AN" & Fila).Value) & """ " lcC102 = lcC102 & ",""DATO04H"": """ & (ActiveSheet.Range("AP" & Fila).Value) & """ " lcC102 = lcC102 & ",""DATO04M"": """ & (ActiveSheet.Range("AR" & Fila).Value) & """ " lcC102 = lcC102 & ",""DATO05H"": """ & (ActiveSheet.Range("AT" & Fila).Value) & """ " lcC102 = lcC102 & ",""DATO05M"": """ & (ActiveSheet.Range("AV" & Fila).Value) & """ " lcC102 = lcC102 & ",""DATO06H"": """ & (ActiveSheet.Range("AX" & Fila).Value) & """ " lcC102 = lcC102 & ",""DATO06M"": """ & (ActiveSheet.Range("AZ" & Fila).Value) & """ " & "},{" End If

NextlcC102 = Left(lcC102, Len(Trim(lcC102)) - 2) & "]"

If lnNdoc = 0 Then lcC100_2 = "" lcC102 = ""End If

'--------------------------------------------------------------------------lcC100_3 = "},{" & """CUADRO"":""C201"", ""FILAS"""lcC201 = ":[{"lnNdoc = ActiveSheet.Range("N93").ValueFor i = 1 To 3 Fila = 93 + i If (ActiveSheet.Range("N" & Fila).Value) > 0 Then lcC201 = lcC201 & """TIPDATO"": """ & (ActiveSheet.Range("O" & Fila).Value) & """ " lcC201 = lcC201 & ",""DESCRI"": """ & (ActiveSheet.Range("R" & Fila).Value) & """ " lcC201 = lcC201 & ",""T_H"": """ & (ActiveSheet.Range("AB" & Fila).Value) & """ " lcC201 = lcC201 & ",""T_M"": """ & (ActiveSheet.Range("AC" & Fila).Value) & """ " lcC201 = lcC201 & ",""DATO01H"": """ & (ActiveSheet.Range("AD" & Fila).Value) & """ " lcC201 = lcC201 & ",""DATO01M"": """ & (ActiveSheet.Range("AF" & Fila).Value) & """ " lcC201 = lcC201 & ",""DATO02H"": """ & (ActiveSheet.Range("AH" & Fila).Value) & """ " lcC201 = lcC201 & ",""DATO02M"": """ & (ActiveSheet.Range("AJ" & Fila).Value) & """ " lcC201 = lcC201 & ",""DATO03H"": """ & (ActiveSheet.Range("AL" & Fila).Value) & """ " lcC201 = lcC201 & ",""DATO03M"": """ & (ActiveSheet.Range("AN" & Fila).Value) & """ " lcC201 = lcC201 & ",""DATO04H"": """ & (ActiveSheet.Range("AP" & Fila).Value) & """ " lcC201 = lcC201 & ",""DATO04M"": """ & (ActiveSheet.Range("AR" & Fila).Value) & """ " lcC201 = lcC201 & ",""DATO05H"": """ & (ActiveSheet.Range("AT" & Fila).Value) & """ " lcC201 = lcC201 & ",""DATO05M"": """ & (ActiveSheet.Range("AV" & Fila).Value) & """ " lcC201 = lcC201 & ",""DATO06H"": """ & (ActiveSheet.Range("AX" & Fila).Value) & """ " lcC201 = lcC201 & ",""DATO06M"": """ & (ActiveSheet.Range("AZ" & Fila).Value) & """ " & "},{" End If

NextlcC201 = Left(lcC201, Len(Trim(lcC201)) - 2) & "]"

If lnNdoc = 0 Then lcC100_3 = "" lcC201 = ""End If

Sheets("ENVIAR").Select' ------------------------------------------------------------------------- lcJson = "{""@token"":""" & token & """" lcJson = lcJson & lcHead & lcC100 & lcC101 & lcC100_2 & lcC102 & lcC100_3 & lcC201 & "}]}}" ' Open "D:\JSON\CED_3B2011.txt" For Output As #1 ' Write #1, lcJson ' Close #1 Set http = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") http.Open "POST", ENVIO_MATRICULA, False http.SetRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json; charset=" & ENCODING http.send CStr(lcJson) ' MsgBox "Los datos se Enviaron con Exito!!, para obtenerla de clic en el botn OBTENER CONSTANCIA" ' Set http = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") ' http.Open "POST", ENVIO_DOC, False ' http.SetRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json; charset=" & ENCODING ' http.send CStr(cad) '' respuesta = http.responseText estado = http.Status Select Case estado Case "200" xmlDOM.LoadXML respuesta Set ced = xmlDOM.getElementsByTagName("respuesta") ' IdEnvio = ced(0).getAttribute("idEnvio") estadoRpta = ced(0).getAttribute("status") Select Case estadoRpta Case "OK" Msg = ced(0).getAttribute("mensaje") 'MsgBox "Los datos se Enviaron con Exito!!, su constancia es: " & IdEnvio & " para obtenerla de clic en el botn OBTENER CONSTANCIA" MsgBox "Los datos se Enviaron con Exito!!, para obtener su constancia de clic en el botn OBTENER CONSTANCIA DE ENVO" Case Else Msg = ced(0).getAttribute("mensaje") MsgBox Msg End Select Case "401" MsgBox "Requiere autenticarse", vbCritical Case "404" MsgBox "Servicio no disponible temporalmente", vbCritical Case "410" MsgBox "El plazo de envo de datos ha concluido", vbCritical Case Else MsgBox estado End SelectEnd Sub

Attribute VB_Name = "ThisWorkbook"Attribute VB_Base = "0{00020819-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = FalseAttribute VB_Creatable = FalseAttribute VB_PredeclaredId = TrueAttribute VB_Exposed = TrueAttribute VB_TemplateDerived = FalseAttribute VB_Customizable = True

Private Sub Workbook_Open() With Application 'disable the ESC key .EnableCancelKey = xlDisabled .ScreenUpdating = False

Call UnhideSheets

.ScreenUpdating = True 're-enable ESC key .EnableCancelKey = xlInterrupt 'DESACTIVANDO BOTON ENVIAR

For Each Sheet In Sheets If Sheet.Name = "Cedula3B" Then ' MsgBox ("Hoja encontrada")' Sheet.EnviarCenso.Enabled = True End If Next End WithRange("AA24").SelectEnd SubPrivate Sub UnhideSheets() ' Dim Sheet As Object ' For Each Sheet In Sheets If Not Sheet.Name = "Prompt" Then Sheet.Visible = xlSheetVisible End If Next ' Sheets("Prompt").Visible = xlSheetVeryHidden Set Sheet = Nothing ActiveWorkbook.Saved = True

End Sub

Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean) With Application .EnableCancelKey = xlDisabled .ScreenUpdating = False

Call HideSheets

.ScreenUpdating = True .EnableCancelKey = xlInterrupt End WithEnd SubPrivate Sub HideSheets() ' Dim Sheet As Object '< Includes worksheets and chartsheets ' With Sheets("Prompt") ' 'the hiding of the sheets constitutes a change that generates 'an automatic "Save?" prompt, so IF the book has already 'been saved prior to this point, the next line and the lines 'relating to .[A100] below bypass the "Save?" dialog... If ThisWorkbook.Saved = True Then .[A100] = "Saved" ' .Visible = xlSheetVisible ' For Each Sheet In Sheets If Not Sheet.Name = "Prompt" Then Sheet.Visible = xlSheetVeryHidden End If Next ' If .[A100] = "Saved" Then .[A100].ClearContents On Error Resume Next ThisWorkbook.Save End If ' Set Sheet = Nothing End With 'End Sub

Attribute VB_Name = "Hoja2"Attribute VB_Base = "0{00020820-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = FalseAttribute VB_Creatable = FalseAttribute VB_PredeclaredId = TrueAttribute VB_Exposed = TrueAttribute VB_TemplateDerived = FalseAttribute VB_Customizable = True

Attribute VB_Name = "Hoja3"Attribute VB_Base = "0{00020820-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = FalseAttribute VB_Creatable = FalseAttribute VB_PredeclaredId = TrueAttribute VB_Exposed = TrueAttribute VB_TemplateDerived = FalseAttribute VB_Customizable = TrueAttribute VB_Control = "CommandButton1, 14, 0, MSForms, CommandButton"Attribute VB_Control = "CommandButton2, 15, 1, MSForms, CommandButton"Attribute VB_Control = "CommandButton3, 17, 2, MSForms, CommandButton"Attribute VB_Control = "CommandButton4, 18, 3, MSForms, CommandButton"Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()Call Mdulo1.valideCENSOEnd Sub

Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()Sheets("ENVIAR").SelectEnd Sub

Private Sub EnviarCenso_Click()Sheets("ENVIAR").SelectEnd Sub

Private Sub ValidarCenso_Click()'MsgBox "Por habilitar"Call Mdulo1.valideCENSOEnd Sub

Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()Call Mdulo1.valideCENSOEnd Sub

Private Sub CommandButton4_Click()Sheets("ENVIAR").SelectEnd Sub

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) Dim theTargetCellName As String 'si marco X PRIMARIA If Selection.Address(False, False) = "S33" Then If (ActiveSheet.Range("S33").Value "X") Then ActiveSheet.Range("S33").Value = "X" ActiveSheet.Range("S35").Value = "" End If End If'si marco X secundaria If Selection.Address(False, False) = "S35" Then If (ActiveSheet.Range("S35").Value "X") Then ActiveSheet.Range("S35").Value = "X" ActiveSheet.Range("S33").Value = "" End If End If ' TIPO DE ESTRATEGIA If Selection.Address(False, False) = "T37" Then If (ActiveSheet.Range("T37").Value "X") Then ActiveSheet.Range("T37").Value = "X" ActiveSheet.Range("T38").Value = "" ActiveSheet.Range("T39").Value = "" End If End If If Selection.Address(False, False) = "T38" Then If (ActiveSheet.Range("T38").Value "X") Then ActiveSheet.Range("T38").Value = "X" ActiveSheet.Range("T37").Value = "" ActiveSheet.Range("T39").Value = "" End If End If If Selection.Address(False, False) = "T39" Then If (ActiveSheet.Range("T39").Value "X") Then ActiveSheet.Range("T39").Value = "X" ActiveSheet.Range("T37").Value = "" ActiveSheet.Range("T38").Value = "" End If End If If (ActiveSheet.Range("S33").Value "") Then If (ActiveSheet.Range("AG33").Value "") Then ActiveSheet.Range("AG33").Value = "X" End If If (ActiveSheet.Range("AG36").Value "") Then ActiveSheet.Range("AG36").Value = "X" End If Else If (ActiveSheet.Range("AG33").Value "") Then ActiveSheet.Range("AG33").Value = "" End If If (ActiveSheet.Range("AG36").Value "") Then ActiveSheet.Range("AG36").Value = "" End If End If If (ActiveSheet.Range("S35").Value = "") Then If (ActiveSheet.Range("T37").Value "") Then ActiveSheet.Range("T37").Value = "" End If If (ActiveSheet.Range("T38").Value "") Then ActiveSheet.Range("T38").Value = "" End If If (ActiveSheet.Range("T39").Value "") Then ActiveSheet.Range("T39").Value = "" End If Else If (ActiveSheet.Range("T37").Value "") Then ActiveSheet.Range("T37").Value = "X" End If If (ActiveSheet.Range("T38").Value "") Then ActiveSheet.Range("T38").Value = "X" End If If (ActiveSheet.Range("T39").Value "") Then ActiveSheet.Range("T39").Value = "X" End If End If If (ActiveSheet.Range("S33").Value "") Then If (ActiveSheet.Range("AG35").Value "") Then ActiveSheet.Range("AG35").Value = "X" End If Else ActiveSheet.Range("AG35").Value = "" End If 'si es secundaria bloquea sexto grado If (ActiveSheet.Range("S35").Value = "X") Then 'TABLA 101 ActiveSheet.Range("AX52:AZ57").Value = "" 'TABLA 102 ActiveSheet.Range("AX71:AZ79").Value = "" 'TABLA 201 ActiveSheet.Range("AX95:AZ96").Value = "" End IfEnd Sub