binaural beats report


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Binaural Beats REPORT


Centro de Investigacin y Desarrollo de la Educacin BilingeUniversidad Autnoma de Nuevo Len

Biology I

Mr. Alejandro CruzBinaural Beats

Ingrid Melissa Chvez de la Portilla 1623970Carlos Eduardo Garcia Nio 1630675Hugo Armando Cant Valero 1635784Mauricio Reyna Reyna 1634296Antonio Crdenas Hernndez 1616916Juan Sebastin Gonzlez Bracamonte 1629823

Binaural BeatsIntroduction

Actuality people have many activities that, sometimes, are impossible be concentrated in the thing that is doing, because they are thinking in what are going to do next. Solving this problem the binaural beats appear.Binaural beats or a binaural tone is a term given to a measured change in brain activity when presented with audio stimulus. When a person is presented with a stereo sound with two different tones - the brain produces a response which is hearing and responding to the difference between the tones, not the actual tones themselves. They are auditory processing artifacts, or apparent sounds, the perception of which arises in the brain for specific physical stimuli. This effect was discovered in 1839 by Heinrich Wilhelm Dove, and earned greater public Awareness in the late 20th century based on claims that binaural beats could help induce relaxation, meditation, creativity and other desirable mental states. This perceptual phenomenon of binaural beating and the objective measurement of the frequency-following response suggest conditions which generate brain waves activity and altered states of consciousness (hypnotic trance). These binaural beats also can help us to do better jobs, to study and just to be concentrate. The sound generate a sensation of pace and is similar to the music that some child use to sleep (peaceful melodies) and in most of the cases they are complemented by images of calm sites or lights that perform the same functions. We heard to the binaural beats for first time when our math teacher told us Maybe do you heard talk about how people control his mind with just listen a melody that can make stronger the brain, this are called binaural tones or binaural beats This team is interests in that relax concentration and learn method. But we want to be sure about the really impact of binaural beats in our brain, so we use the most accurate way: the scientific method. We saw around us how the people that use it can complete all things that need to do without stressing and we use it like a base to form experiments that quickly shows the results of the proves.

What is the objective of this experiment?

The objective of this experiment is to see if the binaural beats in fact work correctly, because as all of us know, we have a lot of activities every day, and sometimes this activities occupies a lot of time to be finished, that provokes stress and then is impossible to be concentrated on the next activities, thats why we will use binaural beats to check if is true that if you heard binaural beats before any activity you can be concentrated at the time that you are doing that activity.We will do an experiment based on do a concentration test that we found on internet to check the time that we need to complete all test, then we will heard binaural beats 7 minutes before the concentration test to see if in fact binaural beats work, we will check the results and compare it by 6 different people divided on two groups to see who has better concentration with and without using binaural beatsDefine the problem We chose binaural beats because Mister Hector Garza talks about this topic, and we are interesting in these sounds, we wanted to know if its really, so when the project was mention we really wanted to provided that, and we say lets try the binaural beats as an experiment, and that experiment gets by the curiosity of us to know more about this.


Our Hypothesis is that, you can concentrate a lot more if you listen to the binaural beats before doing a test. The binaural beat can serve in each work, such as concentration, relaxation, etc. In this exp. we'll try with one of concentration, and then we will know if it really works or its just a myth.

What are the binaural beats?

Binaural beats or binaural tones are auditory processing artifacts, or apparent sounds, the perception of which arises in the brain for specific physical stimuli. This effect was discovered in 1839 by Heinrich Wilhelm Dove, and earned greater public awareness in the late 20th century based on claims that binaural beats could help induce relaxation, meditation, creativity and other desirable mental states. The effect on the brainwaves depends on the difference in frequencies of each tone: for example, if 300 Hz was played in one ear and 310 in the other, then the binaural beat would have a frequency of 10 Hz. The brain produces a phenomenon resulting in low-frequency pulsations in the amplitude and sound localization of a perceived sound when two tones at slightly different frequencies are presented separately, one to each of a subject's ears, using stereo headphones. A beating tone will be perceived, as if the two tones mixed naturally, out of the brain. The frequencies of the tones must be below 1,000 hertz for the beating to be noticeable. The difference between the two frequencies must be small (less than or equal to 30 Hz) for the effect to occur; otherwise, the two tones will be heard separately and no beat will be perceived. To improve the experience of the binaural beats you must follow these steps:The effect on the human brain of the binaural beats occurs only if the stimulus from each of the two frequencies that are composed a through each of the researcher in an isolated mannerYou just have to relax and let the binaural beats walk around your mind. Approximately 5-10 minutes (time quite variable depending on the person) the brain must be synchronized with the chosen binaural beatThe volume must be adjusted to a comfortable level. High volume is not necessarily better.Not all people respond with equal intensity. So there are people who manage to synchronize their brain waves with great ease, others find it hard several minutes and there are still people that cost them a lot. The intensity, depth and duration of the experience are also highly variable. Anyway the binaural beats method is the most effective which is known to produce different brain waves at will and the effects arising from this.

Procedure of the experiment

1- From the 8 people that were in the team, 6 were chosen to make the experiment.

2- We chose a concentration test from It was about choosing a series of 10 numbers in order, one by one, in a list of 100 numbers. 3- We did it twice (without choosing the series required), just for have the experience of the management of how to use the test. 4- The test registered the time owned by each one. These were our results:

Without the binaural beatswith the binaural beatsAndrs 1:23 1:56Antonio 1:37 1:15Andrea 1:00 1:23Sebastin 2:25 1:55Carlos 1:19 0:59Mauricio 2:46 1:28

5- 4 of 6 people did it faster with the binaural beats, having an average of 46 seconds faster.6- 2 of 6 people did it faster without the binaural beats, having an average of 28 seconds faster.

Variables and groups

Dependent Variable: Time of each participant with and without the Binaural Beat. Independent Variable: The Binaural Beat. The controlled variable: All the people used the same binaural beats, they listened to the binaural beats the same time, they took the same test and they are all progressive students (Similar IQ) Controlled group: The 6 people that did the test searching for the series 31-40. Experimental group: The same people listening during 7 minutes the binaural beats and then, they did the test again, but now with another series, the 41-50.


Our conclusion of the uses of binaural beats, is that based in our experiment, we prove that it functions, and if it concentrate before a work or a race or for another situation, it means that has lot of functions. There means that if you arent concentrate in a thing you only put your binaural beats and you will be better.


McMurray, Janice Colleen, Binaural Beats Enhance Alpha Wave Activity, Memory, and Attention in Healthy-aging Seniors, Ph, D, University Of Nevada.Lind-Kyle, Patt, Heal your Mind, Rewire your brain: Applying the exciting new science of brain synchrony for creativity, peace and presence.Dr. Porter, John, The Psions Guide

If you want to listen some binaural beats see: