¶ÆÞºð²ÚÆÜ ²è²ôúîº²Ü Ä²Øºð¶àôÂÆôÜ · soorp yéghitsi anoon ko....

Post on 25-Jun-2020






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Armenian Apostolic Church of AmericaEastern Prelacy–NY

December 2019



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PRS. Orhnyal Dér mér HisoosKrisdos. Amén.

Hayr mér vor hérgins és,soorp yéghitsi anoon ko.Yégéstsé arkayootyoon ko.Yéghitsin gamk ko vorbéshérginûs yév hérgri. Z-hatsmér hanabazort door mézaysor. Yév togh méz ûzbardismér, vorbés yév mék toghoomkmérots bardabanats. Yév midanir ûzméz i portsootyoon,ayl pûrgya ûzméz i charé. Zi koyé arkayootyoon yév zoroo-tyoon yév park havidyans. Amén.

PRS. Dér, yété ûzshûrtoonûs impanas, péran im yérkéstsé zorh-nootyoonûs ko.

DCN. Orhnyal é Asdvadz.

PRS. Dér, yété ûzshûrtoonûs impanas, péran im yérkéstsé zorh-nootyoonûs ko.

DCN. Kovyal é Asdvadz.

PRS. Orhnyal hamako yév miyas-nagan anpazhanéli Soorp Yérror-tootyoonûn, Hayr yév Vorti yévHoki Soorp, ayzhm yév mishd,yév havidyanûs havidénits. Amén.


– Dér, zi pazoom yéghénnéghichk im, yév pazoomk har-yan i véra im. Pazoomk aséyinzantsné immé, té chik pûrgoo-tyoon sora ar Asdvadz yoor.


PRS. Blessed be our Lord

Jesus Christ. Amen.

Our Father, who art in heaven,

hallowed be Thy name. Thy

kingdom come. Thy will be done

on earth as it is in heaven. Give

us this day our daily bread. And

forgive us our trespasses, as we

forgive those who trespass

against us. And lead us not into

temptation, but deliver us from

the evil one. For Thine is the

kingdom and the power and the

glory, forever. Amen.

PRS. O Lord, open my lips, and

my mouth will declare your


DCN. Blessed be God.

PRS. O Lord, open my lips,

and my mouth will declare your


DCN. Praised be God!

PRS. Blessed be the consub-

stantial, united and inseparable

Holy Trinity, the Father and the

Son and the Holy Spirit, now and

always and forever and ever.



– O Lord, how many are my

foes! Many are rising against

me; many are saying to me,

“There is no help for you in



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– Ayl too, Dér, oknagan imés, park im yév partsratsootsichkûlkho imo. Tsayniv imov és arDér gartatsi, yév lûvav ints ilérné sûrpo yoormé.

– Yés nûnchétsi yév i koon yé-ghé, zartya yév Dér ûntoonéli imé. Voch yérgyayts yés i pyooravorzorats notsa, vooyk shoorchanagibadyal basharyal bahéyin zis.

– Ari, Dér, yév pûrgya zis,Asdvadz im, zi too harérzaménésyan vooyk éyin ûnt istûshnamootyamp i darabardoots,yév zadamoonûs méghavoratspûshréstsés. Dyarnt é pûrgoo-tyoon, i véra zhoghovûrtyan koorhnootyoon ko.

CHR. Voghormootyamp kov sa-dagya ûztûshnamis im, yév gorozaménayn néghichs antsin imo,zi yés dzara ko yém.

– Park Hor yév Vortvo yévHokvooyn Sûrpo. Ayzhm yévmishd yév havidyans havidénits.Amén.

– Hishéstsook i kishéri za-noon ko, Dér.

– Pûghkhéstsén sirdk mérzpan pari, yév lézook mér bad-méstsén zkordzs yérgnavor taka-vorit.

– i méch kishéri harootsyalkhosdovanéstsook ûzkéz, Dér.

– Zaghots mér datsook kéz,Dér, i kavitûs ko i méch norYéroosaghémi.

– But you, O Lord, are a shield

around me, my glory, and the

one who lifts up my head. I cry

aloud to the Lord, and he

answers me from his holy hill.

– I lie down and sleep; I wake

again, for the Lord sustains me. I

am not afraid of ten thousands of

people who have set themselves

against me all around.

– Rise up, O Lord! Deliver me,

O my God! For you strike all my

enemies on the cheek; you break

the teeth of the wicked.

Deliverance belongs to the Lord;

may your blessing be on your


CHR. In your steadfast love cut

off my enemies, and destroy all

my adversaries, for I am your

servant. (Psalm 143:12)

Glory be to the Father and to the

Son and to the Holy Spirit,

Now and always and forever and

ever. Amen.

– We remember your name in

the night, O Lord.

– Our hearts overflow with

good words and our tongues

declare your works, O heavenly


– We rise in the middle of the

night and we give thanks to you,

O Lord.

– We present our prayers to

you, O Lord, in your court, in the

new Jerusalem.

- 4 -²½·. ²é³çÝáñ¹³ñ³Ý ²Ù»ñÇϳÛÇ ²ñ»õ»É»³Ý »ÙÇÝ The Armenian Prelacy, NY

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– i kishéri hampartsook ûz-tsérûs mér sûrpootyamp ar kéz,Dér.

– i tsayn kohootyan aménaynhokik orhnétsék ûzDér.

– Zartik park im, zartik yévyés zartyayts aravodoots, alé-looya!

– Zartik ûnt zûvartoons man-goonk vérinûn Sioni, alélooya!

– Zartik vortik looso, i horh-nootyoon Horûn looso, alélooya!

– Zartik pûrgyalk aryamp,yév dook ûzparûs pûrgoghin,alélooya!

– Zartik nor joghovoortk, noryérks aryal norokoghin, aléloo-ya!

– Zartik harsoonk hokvov,sbasyalk kalo soorp pésayin,alélooya!

– Zartik varyalk loosov ûsdimasdoon soorp goosanatsn,alélooya!

– Zartik badrasdétsék yooghlabdérats, zchérm ardasoos,alélooya!

– Zartik yév mi nûnchéknûman himar goosits nirhék,alélooya!

– Zartik yérgirbaktsook yévardasvok zays asastsook, aléloo-ya!

– In the night, we lift up our

hands to you in holiness, O Lord.

– With songs of thanksgiv-

ing, let everything that has

breath, praise the Lord.

– Awake, O my glory, awake;

and I will awake at dawn.


– Awake, with the angels, O

children of the Zion above.


– Awake, O children of light,

to bless the Father of light.


– Awake, O saved ones by

the blood, and give glory to the

Savior. Alleluia!

– Awake, new people, and

sing a new song to the one who

renews all things! Alleluia!

– Awake, brides in the spirit,

you who await for the coming of

the holy Bridegroom! Alleluia!

– Awake, with lighted lamp

like the wise and holy brides-

maids! Alleluia!

– Awake and prepare oil for

the lamps, with your warm tears!


– Awake and do not sleep,

dozing off like the foolish vir-

gins! Alleluia!

– Awake, and let us fall down

and say with tears! Alleluia!

- 5 -²½·. ²é³çÝáñ¹³ñ³Ý ²Ù»ñÇϳÛÇ ²ñ»õ»É»³Ý »ÙÇÝ The Armenian Prelacy, NY

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– Zartir ûntér nûnchés, Dér,mi mérzhér ûzméz i sbar.

– Ari, Dér, oknya méz da-tsook anvanût koom ûzpars.

– Ayzhm yév havéd, Hor yévVortvo yév Soorp Hokvooyn.Amén.

– Zartootsyalks i zpagh-mané kishérayin hankûsdéné.

– Shnorhéstsé méz martasérDér, mûkhitarootyoon yév izpopans yégéghétsvo.

– Ahiv yév toghootyamp gats-tsook i haghots.

– Yégyal khosdovanéstsookûz- hantsans.

– Yév kûdtsook i Krisdosé,ûzkavootyoon yév ûzmédz zo-ghormootyoon.

– Havidyans havidénits. A-mén. Alélooya, alélooya, alé-looya.

– Amén. Alélooya, alélooya,alélooya.


DCN. Zartootsyalks améné-kyan i hankûsdéné kûno, zorshnorhyats méz martasérn Asd-vadz i mûkhitarootyoon yév ispopanûs dûgarootyan méroom.Yév yégyalkûs miyapan hokévoryérkov i parapanootyoon yév ibadiv aménasoorp anvan dyarûnméro yév pûrgchin HisoosiKrisdosi. Ahiv yév toghootyamp

– Awake, why do you sleep,

O Lord? Do not reject us forever.

– Arise, O Lord, and help us

that we may give praise to your


– Now and always, to the

Father and to the Son and to the

Holy Spirit. Amen.

– We who have awakened

from the night’s comfortable rest.

– May the Lord, the lover of

mankind, grant us also the con-

solation by means of the comfort

of the Church.

– With fear and trembling let

us pray.

– Come let us confess our


– And we will find from

Christ remission and great


– Forever and ever. Amen.

Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

– Amen. Alleluia! Alleluia!



DCN. We, all of us, who have

awakened from the rest of sleep,

which was granted to us by God,

the lover of mankind, for conso-

lation and comfort of our weak-

ness, and have come together to

praise and honor the all-Holy

name of our Lord and Savior

Jesus Christ in spiritual song, let

- 6 -²½·. ²é³çÝáñ¹³ñ³Ý ²Ù»ñÇϳÛÇ ²ñ»õ»É»³Ý »ÙÇÝ The Armenian Prelacy, NY

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gats-tsook haghots arachi nora.Yév kohatsarook ûznûmané ikishérayin zhamoos haysmig,vasn iravants yév artarootyannora. Vor ûndryats ûzméz vo-ghormootyampn yoorov, yévshnoryats méz pérél ûz-nûmanootyoon yérgnayin hrésh-dagatsn i parapanichûs DyarnAsdoodzo aménétsoon yév mézlinil. Yév mék aysoohédév sûr-pélov zantsinûs mér i khûghjéyév i char kordzots. Hampar-tsook ûztsérûs mér i sûrpootyoonarants pargootyan yév yérgmû-dootyan. Havadov khûntréstsooki nûmané ûzkavootyoon yévûztoghootyoon hantsanats mé-rots. Khosdovan linélov ûz-kaghdnis sûrdits mérots dzadz-gakidin Asdoodzo. Vorbés zi ûn-toonélov ûzbaghadanûs méraghotyook yév parékhosoo-tyamp aménayn sûrpots. Shnor-héstsé méz martasérn Asdvadzgyal arakinootyamp yév anaradvarook ûsd gamats nora haysûmashkharis. Yév arzhanavor liné-lov havidénagan yév yérgnayinkhoranatsn. Zor khosdatsav si-rélyats yoorots, jûshmaridn Asd-vadz Hisoos Krisdos, Dér mér,gétso yév voghormya.

CHR. Gétso Dér.

DCN. Zorûs zays khaghaghoo-tyamp antsootsanél, havadov iDyarné khûntréstsook.

CHR. Shnorhya, Dér.

DCN. Ûz-hréshdag khaghaghoo-tyan bahaban antsants mérots, iDyarné khûntréstsook.

CHR. Shnorhya, Dér.

us with fear and trembling stand

in prayer before him and give

him thanks at this [night] hour

for his righteous judgments, who

has chosen us by his mercy, and

has granted us to resemble the

heavenly angels so that we too

would become like those who

praise the Lord God of all. And

henceforth cleansing ourselves

of evil conscious and evil works,

we lift up our hands in holiness,

without anger or dissension.

With faith, let us beseech from

him expiation and forgiveness of

our transgressions, confessing

the secrets of our heart to God

who knows all secrets; so that

accepting our supplications

through the prayers and interces-

sion of all the saints, may God

the lover of mankind grant us to

live a virtuous and pure life in

this world according to his will,

and to be worthy of the eternal

heavenly dwellings, which Jesus

Christ, the true God, promised to

his loved ones. Our Lord, save us

and have mercy upon us.

CHR. Save us, O Lord.

DCN. That we may pass the rest

of this day/evening in peace,

with faith let us ask of the Lord.

CHR. Grant, O Lord.

DCN. That the angel of peace

be our guardian, let us ask of the


CHR. Grant, O Lord.

- 7 -²½·. ²é³çÝáñ¹³ñ³Ý ²Ù»ñÇϳÛÇ ²ñ»õ»É»³Ý »ÙÇÝ The Armenian Prelacy, NY

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êðÎ. àÕáñÙ»³ó Ù»¯½, î¿ñ ²ëï-áõ³Í Ù»¯ñ, Áëï Ù»ÍÇ áÕáñ-Ùáõû³Ý ùá¯õÙ. ³ë³ëóáõù ³Ù»-Ý»ù»³Ý Ùdzμ³Ýá¯õû³¯Ùμ:

¸äð. î¿ñ, áÕáñÙ»³, î¿ñ, áÕáñ-Ù»³, î¿ñ, áÕáñÙ»³:


²é³õûï ÉáõëáÛ, ³ñ»·³Ïݳñ¹³ñ, ³é Çë ÉáÛë ͳ·»³:´ÁÕËáõÙÝ Ç Ðûñ¿, μÁÕË»³ ÇÑá·õáÛë, μ³Ý ù»½ Ç Ñ³×áÛë:

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ºññ»³Ï ÙÇáõÃÇõÝ, »Õ»ÉáóËݳÙáÕ, »õ ÇÝÓ áÕáñÙ»³:

DCN. Ûzkavootyoon yév ûzto-ghootyoon hantsanats mérots, iDyarné khûntréstsook.

CHR. Shnorhya Dér.

DCN. Ûzsûrpo khachin médz yévgarogh zorootyoonn hoknoo-tyoon antsants mérots, i Dyarnékhûntréstsook.

CHR. Shnorhya Dér.

DCN. Yév yévûs miyapan vasûnjûshmarid yév soorp havadooysméro, ûzDér aghachéstsook.

CHR. Dér, voghormya.

DCN. Zantsinûs mér yév ûzmimi-yanûs Dyarn Asdoodzo aména-galin hantsn arastsook.

CHR. Kéz Dyarnt hantsn yéghi-tsook. DCN. Voghormyats méz, DérAsdvadz mér, ûsd médzi voghor-mootyan koom. Asastsook amé-nékyan miyapanootyamp.

CHR. Dér, voghormya, Dér, vo-ghormya, Dér, voghormya.


Aravod looso, arékagn artar,ar is looys dzakya. Pûkhoomn iHoré, pûkhya i hokvooys, pankéz i hajooys.

Kantst voghormootyan, kan-tsit dzadzgélo, kûdogh zis ara.Toorn voghormootyan, tavano-ghis pats, tasétso vérnotsn.

Yéryag miyootyoon, yéghé-lots khnamogh, yév ints voghor-

DCN. For the remission and

forgiveness of our transgres-

sions, let us ask of the Lord.

CHR. Grant, O Lord.

DCN. The great and mighty

power of the holy cross for our

help, let us ask of the Lord.

CHR. Grant, O Lord.

DCN. Again with one accord

for our true and holy faith, let us

beseech the Lord.

CHR. Lord, have mercy.

DCN. Let us commit ourselves

and one another to the Lord God


CHR. To you, O Lord, we com-

mit ourselves.

DCN. Have mercy upon us, O

Lord, our God, according to your

great mercy. Let us all say with

one accord:

CHR. Lord, have mercy. Lord,

have mercy. Lord, have mercy.


Morning of light, righteous

sun, shine light on me. [O Spirit]

proceeding from the Father, let

words pleasing to you proceed

from my heart.

Treasure of mercy, make me

a finder of your hidden treasure.

Open to me, a confessor, the

door of mercy, and rank me with

the angels.

Triune Unity, you who take

care of creatures, have mercy

- 8 -²½·. ²é³çÝáñ¹³ñ³Ý ²Ù»ñÇϳÛÇ ²ñ»õ»É»³Ý »ÙÇÝ The Armenian Prelacy, NY


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ѳ·ÇÝ ³õáõñÝ, ÛÇß»³ ½Çë,

mya. Zartir, Dér, hoknél, zartoûztûmryals, zvartnots nûmanil.

Ét Hayr anûsgizpn, éyagitsVorti, é mishd Soorp Hoki. Ûngalzis kûtadz, ûngal voghormadz,ûngal martasér.

Takavor parats, toghootyantsdûvogh, togh ints ûz-hantsans.Zhoghovogh paryats, zhoghovyayév zis, zhoghovs antrangats.

i kén, Dér, haytsémk, i mar-tasirét, ints pûzhûshgootyoon. Lérgyank mérélooys, looys khava-rélooys, loodzanogh tsavooys.

Khorhûrtots kidogh, khava-ris shnorhya, khorhoort loosa-vor. Dzûnoont Hor dzotso, dzadz-gélooys sdvérav, dzakya looysparats.

Génarar pûrgich, gétso ûz-méryals, ganknya zkûloryals.Hasdya havadov, hasdadya hoo-sov, himnétso sirov.

Tsaynivs aghachém, tséroksbaghadim, tsir paryats shnorhya.Ghamparamp looso, ghégavarjardar, ghoghyals amratso.

Jarakayt parats, janabarhints tsooyts, jébél i hérgins.Miyadzinût Hor, mooydz zisharakasd, makoor harsanyatst.

Horzham kas parok, hahakinavoorn, hishya zis, Krisdos.

also upon me. Arise, O Lord, to

help, awaken me who is numb

that I resemble the angels.

Father without beginning, con-

substantial Son, everlasting Holy

Spirit, receive me, O compassion-

ate, receive me, O merciful,

receive me, O lover of mankind.

King of glory, giver of for-

giveness, forgive my trespasses.

Gatherer of all that is good, gath-

er me also with the assembly of

the first-borns.

I entreat you, O Lord, lover

of mankind, to heal me. Be life

for me who is dead, light for me

who is in darkness, O dispeller of

my pain.

Knower of thoughts, grant to

my darkened mind bright

thoughts. Born from the Father’s

bosom, shine on me, who is cov-

ered by shadow, the light of glory.

Life-giving Savior, give life

to me who is dead, raise me who

has fallen. Strengthen me in

faith, sustain me in hope and

establish me in love.

With my voice I supplicate,

with my hands I implore, grant

me the good gift. With lighted

lantern, O skillful captain, save

me who am drowning.

Glorious ray, show me the

way that leads to heaven. O only-

begotten of the Father, make me

enter your pure wedding bridal


When you come with glory

on that awesome day, remember

- 9 -²½·. ²é³çÝáñ¹³ñ³Ý ²Ù»ñÇϳÛÇ ²ñ»õ»É»³Ý »ÙÇÝ The Armenian Prelacy, NY

øñÇëïáë: Üáñá·áÕ ÑÝáõû³Ýó,Ýáñá·»³ »õ ½Çë, Ýáñá· ½³ñ-¹³ñ»³:ÞÝáñѳïáõ μ³ñ»³ó, ßÝáñÑ-

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ÚÇß»³, î¿ñ, »õ áÕáñÙ»³:

Norokogh hnootyants, norokyayév zis, norok zartarya.

Shnorhadoo paryats, shnor-hya zkavootyoon, shnorhya zto-ghootyoon. Oorakhatso, Dér,vokvooys pûrgootyamp, vooyrvasn ém i sook.

Char mûshagoghin, char sér-mants norin, choratso zbûdoo-ghûn. Barkévich paryats, barkevyaimots bardyats toghootyoon.

Choor shnorhya achatss,chérm héghool zardosr, chûnchélûz-hantsans. Rédinût kaghtsoo,ram hokvooys arpo, rah tsooytsints looso.

Sér anoon Hisoos, sirov kovjûmlya, sird im karéghén. Vasûnkûtootyan, vasn oghormootyan,vérûsdin gétso.

Dénchalvooyt déslyamp, doorints hakénal, Dér HisoosKrisdos. Rapoont yérgnavor,rodya zashagérds, ramits yérg-naynots.

Tsogh aryan ko, Dér, tsoghyai hokis, tsûndzastsé antsn im.Yoodzyalûs méghok, yoodzyalaghachém, yoosél ints paris.

Pûrgich polorits, poota zispûrgél, portsootyants méghats.Kavich hantsanats, kavya zorh-napans, kéz yérkél ûzpars.

Sûrpoohvo Asdvadzadzninparékhosootyamp.

Hishya, Dér, yév voghormya.

me, O Christ. You who renew old

things, renew me also, adorn me

with newness.

Giver of good things, grant

expiation, grant forgiveness.

Gladden me, O Lord, by saving

my soul, for which I am in


Wither the fruit of the evil

sower’s evil seeds. Bestower of

good things, grant forgiveness to

my trespasses.

Give tears to my eyes to cry

fervently to erase my sins. Make

my miserable soul drink of your

sweet resin, and show me the

luminous way.

O Jesus your name is love;

with your love, crush my stony

heart. For the sake of your com-

passion, for the sake of your

mercy, save me again.

O Lord Jesus Christ, satisfy

me with your desirable vision. O

heavenly teacher, gather me your

disciple with the celestial


Sprinkle in my soul the dew

of your blood, O Lord, that I may

rejoice. Worn away by sin, lan-

guishingly I pray that you make

me good.

Savior of all, hasten to save me

from the temptations of sin.

Expiator of sins, have mercy upon

me that I may sing praises to you.

Through the intercession of

the holy Mother of God.

Remember, O Lord, and have

mercy upon us.

- 10 -²½·. ²é³çÝáñ¹³ñ³Ý ²Ù»ñÇϳÛÇ ²ñ»õ»É»³Ý »ÙÇÝ The Armenian Prelacy, NY


PRS. We give you thanks, O Lord

our God, for you have granted us

a peaceful rest and sleep. And

you have enabled us to wake up

and come early in the morning to

worship your awesome and glo-

rious holy name. Grant us, O

Lord, we beseech you, that we

may pass the rest of this day in

peace. And strengthen us and

keep us with your fear during all

the days of our sojourning here.

So that living prudently and

leading a pure life in this world,

we may reach the peaceful safe

harbor of your eternal life,

through the grace and loving

kindness of our Lord and Savior

Jesus Christ, with whom to you,

O Father, and to the Holy Spirit

befits glory, dominion, and

honor, now and always and for-

ever and ever. Amen.

Peace be to all.

Let us bow down to God.

With your steadfast love, O

beneficent Lord, look upon us,

who worship and glorify your

holy name. Lord of hosts, pacify

us from all troubles that come

from Satan and from all restless-

ness that comes from the world.

Send us your angel of peace that

he may come and keep us unper-

turbed, day and night, while we


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- 11 -²½·. ²é³çÝáñ¹³ñ³Ý ²Ù»ñÇϳÛÇ ²ñ»õ»É»³Ý »ÙÇÝ The Armenian Prelacy, NY


PRS. Ûzkén kohanamk, dér Asd-vadz mér, vor shûnorhétsér mézhankist kûno khaghaghootyamp.Yév zartootsyal zhamanétsootsérûméz gankhél yérgûrbakootyoonahavor yév paravoryal anvanûtkoom sûrpo. Door méz, dér, a-ghachémk ûzkéz, ûzmûnatsvadzkishéris khaghaghootyamp an-tsootsanél. yév zaménayn zha-managûs bantûkhdootyam méro,yérgyughivt ko amratso yévbahya. Vorbés zi ûzkooshoot-yamp, yév anarad varook gûron-avoryalk haysm ashkharhis, zha-manéstsook hankooyt yév ikhaghagh navahankisd havidé-nagan i gyansût. Shûnorhok yévmartasirootyamp Dyarn méroyév Pûrgchin Hisoosi Kûrisdosi.Ûnt voroom kéz Hor yévHokvooyt Sûrpo vayélé parkishkhanootyoon yév badiv. ay-zhûm yév mishd yév havidyanshavidénits. Amén.

Khaghaghootyoon aménétsoonAsdoodzo yérgirbakéstsook

Nayats, dér parérar, voghor-mootyamb kov hérgûrbakoos yévi parapanichûs anvanût koomsûrpo. Dér zorootyants, khagha-ghatso zantsinûs mér haménaynsadanayagan khûrovootyantsyév hashkharhagan ûzposanats.ûZ-hréshdag khaghaghootyan koarakya ar méz, vor yégyalbahéstsé ûzméz ankhûrovûs i

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dûvé yév i kishéri, hartnootyanyév i hankûsdyan méroom.Vorbés zi parébashdootyamp yévarzhanavorabés kéz dyarnûtdzarayéelov i gyanûs haysosig,zhamanéstsook havidénaganyérgnits arkayootyan ko. zorbadrasdétsér i ûsgûzpanéashkharhi sûrpots kots. Yév ûntnosin kohanalov paravoréstsookûz-Hayr yév zOrti yév ûzSoorpHokit, ayzhm yév mishd yévhavidyanûs havidénits. Amén.

are awake or asleep. So that by

serving you in this life, O Lord,

in godliness and in a worthy

manner, we may reach your eter-

nal heavenly kingdom, which

you have prepared for your

saints from the beginning of the

world. And together with them,

we may thankfully glorify the

Father and the Son and the Holy

Spirit, now and always and for-

ever and ever. Amen.

- 12 -²½·. ²é³çÝáñ¹³ñ³Ý ²Ù»ñÇϳÛÇ ²ñ»õ»É»³Ý »ÙÇÝ The Armenian Prelacy, NY

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Park i partsoons Asdoodzo,yév hérgir khaghaghootyoon, imartig hadjootyoon. Yév orh-nootyoon kéz i partsoons, orh-nyal yés, Dér Asdvadz mér, orh-némk ûzkéz yév kovémk ûzkéz.Khosdovanimk, Dér, ûzkéz yévyérgir bakanémk kéz. Paravo-rémk ûzkéz, kohanamk, Dér,ûzkén vasûn médzi parats kots,Dér takavor, soorpt yérgnayin,Asdvadz yév Hayr aménagal.

Dér yév vorti hor miyadzin,Hisoos Krisdos yév Soorp Vorti.Dér Asdûvadz, Karn Asdoodzoyév Vorti Hor, vor arér zmérs iGoosén, voghormétsar, partsérûzméghs ashkharhi, yév art ûn-gal zaghachanûs mér. Soorpût,vor nûsdis ûnt achmé Hor,voghormyats méz, zi too miyayn



Glory to God in the highest,

and on earth peace, good will

among men. And praise be to you

in the highest. Blessed are you, O

Lord our God. We bless you and

praise you. We acknowledge you

Lord and we worship you. We

glorify you. We give you thanks,

O Lord, for your great glory. O

Lord King, the Holy One of heav-

en, God and Father Almighty.

Lord and only begotten Son

of the Father, Jesus Christ and

Holy Son. O Lord God, Lamb of

God and Son of the Father, who

took our nature from the Virgin.

You showed mercy and took

away the sins of the world, and

now receive our supplications. O

Holy One, you who sit at the

- 13 -²½·. ²é³çÝáñ¹³ñ³Ý ²Ù»ñÇϳÛÇ ²ñ»õ»É»³Ý »ÙÇÝ The Armenian Prelacy, NY

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soorp, too miyayn partsryal és,too miyayn Dér mér HisoosKrisdos.

Dér yév Hokit Soorp, vor ipars Asdvadz ûnt Hor. Amén.

Yév haménayn zham orh-némk ûzkéz, Dér, yév kovémkzanoon soorp ko havidyan yévhavidyans havidénits. Arzhaniara, Dér, zorûs zays khagha-ghootyamp yév arants méghatsbahya ûzméz. Orhnyal és, DérAdsvadz hartsûn mérots, kovyalyév paravoryal é anoon soorpko havidyans. Amén. OrhnyalDér, ooso ints zartarootyoonûsko. Orhnyal Dér, ooso intszartarootyoonûs ko. OrhnyalDér, ooso ints zartarootyoonûsko. Dér abavén yéghér mér azkéhazk. Yés aghachém, Dér, vo-ghormya ints yév pûzhûshgyazantsn im, yés mégha kéz.Tsooyts méz, Dér, zoghormoo-tyoonûs ko yév ûzpûrgoo-tyoonûs ko door méz. Dérvoghormootyoon ko havidyan,ûzkordzûs tsérats kots mi andésarnér. Dér im ûzkéz abavén intsarari, ooso ints arnél ûzgamûsko, zi too yés Asdvadz im. i kéné, Dér, aghpyoor géntanootyan,yév loosov yérésats kots désa-némk ûzlooys. Dzakya zoghor-mootyoonûs ko, vork janachénûzkéz, Dér.

right hand of the Father, have

mercy upon us. For you alone are

holy, you alone are exalted, you

alone are our Lord, Jesus Christ.

And you are Lord, O Holy

Spirit, who are God in glory with

the Father. Amen!

And at all times we bless

you, O Lord, and praise your

Holy Name forever and unto the

ages of ages. Make us worthy, O

Lord, and keep us this day in

peace and without sin. Blessed

are you, O Lord, God of our

Fathers, praised and glorified is

your Holy Name forever. Amen.

Blessed are you, O Lord, teach

me your statutes; blessed are

you, O Lord, teach me your

statutes; blessed are you, O Lord,

teach me your statutes. O Lord,

you have been our refuge from

generation to generation. I

beseech you, O Lord, have

mercy upon me and heal me, for

I have sinned against you. Show

us, Lord, your mercies and grant

us your salvation. O Lord, your

mercy endures forever, forsake

not the works of your hands. O

my Lord, I have made you my

refuge, teach me to do your will,

for you are my God. From you,

O Lord, is the fountain of life

and by the light of your counte-

nance do we see light. Send

forth, O Lord, your steadfast

love upon them who know you.


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PRS. Park badiv yév yérgûr-bakootyoon i partsoonûs Hor yévVortvo yév Hokvooyn Sûrpo,ayzhm yév mishd yév havidyanshavidénits. Amén.


DCN. Asastsook aménékyan mi-yapanootyamp, Dér voghormya. CHR. Dér, voghormya. DCN. Vasûn khaghaghootyan amé-nayn ashkharhi yév hasdadoo-tyan sûrpo yégéghétsvo ûzDéraghachéstsook.

CHR. Dér, voghormya. DCN. Vasn aménayn soorp yévooghapar yébisgobosats ûzDéraghachéstsook. CHR. Dér, voghormya.

DCN. Vasûn hayrabédin mérodyarûn dyarûn Arama sûrpaz-nakooyn gatoghigosi génats, yévpûrgootyan hokvo norin, ûzDéraghachéstsook.

CHR. Dér, voghormya.

DCN. Vasûn vartabédats, kaha-nayits, sargavakats, tûbrats yévaménayn ookhdi mangants yégé-ghétsvo ûzDér aghachéstsook. CHR. Dér, voghormya.

DCN. Vasûn parébashd takavo-rats yév asdvadzasér ishkhanats,zoravarats yév zorats notsinûzDér aghachestsook. CHR. Dér, voghormya.


PRS. Glory and honor and ado-

ration in the highest to the Father

and to the Son and to the Holy

Spirit, now and always and for-

ever and ever. Amen.


DCN. Let us all say with one

accord: Lord, have mercy.

CHR. Lord, have mercy.

DCN. For the peace of the whole

world and for the stability of the

Holy Church, let us beseech the


CHR. Lord, have mercy.

DCN. For all holy and orthodox

bishops, let us beseech the Lord.

CHR. Lord, have mercy.

DCN. For the life of our

Catholicos, His Holiness Aram,

and for the salvation of his soul,

let us beseech the Lord.

CHR. Lord, have mercy.

DCN. For vartabeds, priests, dea-

cons, acolytes, and all the ser-

vants of the Church, let us

beseech the Lord.

CHR. Lord, have mercy.

DCN. For all pious kings, God-

loving rulers, and their armed

forces, let us beseech the Lord.

CHR. Lord, have mercy.

- 14 -²½·. ²é³çÝáñ¹³ñ³Ý ²Ù»ñÇϳÛÇ ²ñ»õ»É»³Ý »ÙÇÝ The Armenian Prelacy, NY


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DCN. Haghakûs harts yév yégh-parts mérots vork i kérootyan ényév i char dzarayootyan, ûzDéraghachéstsook. CHR. Dér, voghormya.

DCN. Haghakûs janabarhortatsyév navortats, khakhaghootyamphasanil i navahankisdûn paroo-tyan, ûzDér aghachéstsook.CHR. Dér, voghormya. DCN. Haghakûs hivantats yévaménayn vûshdatsélots pootabésaroghchootyan, ûzDér agha-chéstsook. CHR. Dér, voghormya. DCN. Haghakûs parékharnootyanotots, antsrévats kaghtsrootyanyév bûdghots aradootyan, ûzDéraghachéstsook.

CHR. Dér, voghormya.

DCN. Haghakûs ookhdavorats yévbûdghapérits i Soorp yégéghétsiAsdoodzo, ûzDér aghachéstsook.

CHR. Dér, voghormya.

DCN. Yév haghakûs aynotsig,vork madnyalk én i tsérûs anori-nats vasn anvanûn Krisdosi,ûzDér aghachéstsook.

CHR. Azadya, Dér, yév voghor-mya.

DCN. Haghakûs hokvotsn han-kootsélots, vork jûshmarid yévooghigh havadov i Krisdos nûn-chétsin, ûzDér aghachéstsook.

CHR. Hishya, Dér yév voghormya.

DCN. Haghakûs pûrgélo ûzmézDyarn Asdoodzo, hérévéli yév

DCN. For all those who are in

captivity and in evil servitude, let

us beseech the Lord.

CHR. Lord, have mercy.

DCN. For travelers by land, sea,

and air, that they may arrive in

peace at their destination, let us

beseech the Lord.

CHR. Lord, have mercy.

DCN. For the sick and for allthose who are suffering, and fortheir speedy recovery, let usbeseech the Lord.

CHR. Lord, have mercy.

DCN. For seasonable weather,

mild rains, and abundant fruits,

let us beseech the Lord.

CHR. Lord, have mercy.

DCN. For pilgrims and for those

who have made vows and make

offering to the Holy Church of

God, let us beseech the Lord.

CHR. Lord, have mercy.

DCN. And for those who have been

delivered into the hands of the

lawless for the sake of the name of

Christ, let us beseech the Lord.

CHR. Deliver, Lord, and havemercy.

DCN. For the souls that are at rest

who, in true and orthodox faith,

have fallen asleep in Christ, let

us beseech the Lord.

CHR. Remember, Lord and have


DCN. That the Lord God may

deliver us from visible and invis-

- 15 -²½·. ²é³çÝáñ¹³ñ³Ý ²Ù»ñÇϳÛÇ ²ñ»õ»É»³Ý »ÙÇÝ The Armenian Prelacy, NY

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hanérévooyt tûshnamvooyn, ûz-Dér aghachéstsook.

CHR. Dér, voghormya.

PRS. Parékhos oonim soorp ûz-Mariam zAsdvadzadzinûn, ûzpa-ravoryal yév orhnyal mishd soorpGooysn, soorp ûzHovhannés Mûg-ûrdichûn, soorp zûSdépanos Na-khavûgayn, soorp zarakyalsûn yévûzmarkarésûn, zari yév ûz-hagh-togh soorp ûzvûgaysûn, yév ûz-médz khosdovanoghûn Krisdosiûz-hayrabédûn mér ûz-soorpûnKrikor Loosavorichn Hayasdan-yayts ashkhari.

DCN. Hishéschik yév zaménaynsoorpûs, yév nokok ûzDér agha-chéstsook.

CHR. Hishya Dér yév voghor-mya. DCN. Zaravodûs looso yévzarachiga orûs khaghaghoo-tyamp antsootsanél havadov iDyarné khûntréstsook. CHR. Shnorhya Dér. DCN. Ûz-hréshdag khaghaghoo-tyan bahaban antsants mérots, iDyarné khûntréstsook.

CHR. Shnorhya Dér.

DCN. Ûzkavootyoon yév ûzto-ghootyoon hantsanats mérots, iDyarné khûntréstsook. CHR. Shnorhya Dér.

DCN. Ûzsûrpo khachin médz yévgarogh zorootyoonn hoknoo-tyoon antsants mérots, i Dyarnékhûntréstsook. CHR. Shnorhya Dér.

ible enemies, let us beseech the


CHR. Lord, have mercy.

PRS. We hold as intercessors

Holy Mary, Mother of God, the

glorified and blessed ever-holy

Virgin, Saint John the Baptist,

Saint Stephen the Protomartyr,

the holy apostles and the

prophets, the valiant and victori-

ous holy martyrs, and the great

confessor of Christ, our holy

Father, Saint Gregory the

Illuminator of Armenia.

DCN. Remember also all the

saints and together with them, let

us beseech the Lord.

CHR. Remember, Lord, and

have mercy.

DCN. That we may pass this

morning of light and the whole

day in peace, in faith let us ask of

the Lord.

CHR. Grant, O Lord.

DCN. That the angel of peace be

our guardian, let us ask of the


CHR. Grant, O Lord.

DCN. For the remission and for-

giveness of our transgressions,

let us ask of the Lord.

CHR. Grant, O Lord.

DCN. The great and mighty

power of the holy cross for our

help, let us ask of the Lord.

CHR. Grant, O Lord.

- 16 -²½·. ²é³çÝáñ¹³ñ³Ý ²Ù»ñÇϳÛÇ ²ñ»õ»É»³Ý »ÙÇÝ The Armenian Prelacy, NY

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DCN. Yév yévûs miyapan vasûnjûshmarid yév soorp havadooysméro ûzDér aghachéstsook.

CHR. Dér voghormya.

DCN. Zantsinûs mér yév ûzmimi-yanûs Dyarn Asdoodzo aména-galin hantsn arastsook.

CHR. Kéz Dyarnt hantsn yéghi-tsook.DCN. Voghormyats méz, DérAsdvadz mér, ûsd médzi voghor-mootyan koom, asastsook amé-nékyan miyapanootyamp.CHR. Dér, voghormya, Dér, vo-ghormya, Dér, voghormya.


PRS. Kohanamk ûzkén, DérAsdvadz mér, vor yérévéli loosovkov zûvarjatsootsér zaménaynararadzûs ko, isg imanali loosovbadviranats kots zaménésyanloosavorétsér ûz-havadatsyalûs ikéz. Zoratso yév ûzméz, Dér, ibahbanootyoon badviranats kotsi dûvûnchyanûs haysmig yévhaménayn zhamanagi, vorbés ziloosavoryal mûdok mishd ûz-hajooys ko arastsook yév han-tértsyal paryatsût hastsook ûntaménayn soorpûs ko, shûnorhokyév martasirootyamp Dyarnûtméro yév Pûrgchit HisoosiKrisdosi, voroom vayél é park,ishkhanootyoon yév badiv, ay-zhûm yév mishd yév havidyanûshavidénits. Amén.

Khaghaghootyoon aménétsoonAsdoodzo yergirbakéstsook

DCN. Again with one accord for

our true and holy faith, let us

beseech the Lord.

CHR. Lord, have mercy.

DCN. Let us commit ourselves

and one another to the Lord God


CHR. To you, O Lord, we com-

mit ourselves.

DCN. Have mercy upon us, O

Lord, our God, according to your

great mercy. Let us all say with

one accord.

CHR. Lord, have mercy; Lord,

have mercy; Lord, have mercy.


PRS. We give you thanks, O Lordour God, who with your visiblelight have gladdened all yourcreatures, and with the spirituallight of your commandmentshave enlightened all those whobelieve in you. Strengthen usalso, O Lord, to keep your com-mandments during this day andat all times. So that with enlight-ened minds we may always doyour will and attain the goodthings to come together with allyour saints, through the graceand loving kindness of our Lordand Savior Jesus Christ, towhom befits glory and dominionand honor, now and always andforever and ever. Amen.

Peace be to all. Let us bow down to God.

- 17 -²½·. ²é³çÝáñ¹³ñ³Ý ²Ù»ñÇϳÛÇ ²ñ»õ»É»³Ý »ÙÇÝ The Armenian Prelacy, NY


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Khaghaghootyoon mér yévgyank, vor i Horé arakétsar, miya-dzin Vorti Asdoodzo, Dér mér yévPûrgich Hisoos Krisdos, door mézûzkhaghaghootyoon ko, zor shû-norhétsér sûrpots kots arakélots,pûchmamp ko i nosa ûzgéntana-tsootsich yév zaménazor Hokit koSoorp. Vorbés zi yév mék, khagha-ghatsyalk haménayn ashkharha-gan sahétsmants, litsook dajar yévpnagaran asdvadzayin shnorha-tsût yév kohanalov paravoréstsookûzkéz ûnt Hor yév Soorp Hok-vooyt, Krisdos Asdvadz mér, ayzhmyév mishd yév havidyans havidé-nits. Amén.


Soorp Asdvadz, soorp yévhûzor, soorp yév anmah, vor har-yar i mérélots, voghormya méz.(Yérék ankam gûrgnél)

Avédyats yév Dzûnûntyan

Vor haydnétsar vasûn mér, vo-ghormya méz.


Vor yégir yév kalots es, vo-ghormya méz.


Vor hampartsar parok arHayr, voghormya méz.


Vor yégir yév hankyarharakyalsn, voghormya méz.


Vor haydnétsar i Tapor lérin,voghormya méz.

You are our peace and our

life, sent from the Father, only-

begotten Son of God, our Lord

and Savior Jesus Christ. Grant

us your peace, the peace that

you gave to your holy apostles

by breathing on them your life-

giving and all-powerful Holy

Spirit, so that we too may obtain

peace from all worldly tumults,

and may become a temple and a

dwelling place of your divine

grace. And we thankfully glorify

you, O Christ our God, together

with the Father and the Holy

Spirit, now and always and for-

ever and ever. Amen.


Holy God, holy and mighty,

holy and immortal, who rose

from the dead, have mercy upon

us. (Repeat thrice)

Annunciation and NativityWho was revealed for us,

have mercy upon us.

Palm SundayWho came and will come

again, have mercy upon us.

AscensionWho ascended to the Father

with glory, have mercy upon us.

PentecostWho came and rested on the

apostles, have mercy upon us.

TransfigurationWho was revealed on mount

Tabor, have mercy upon us.

- 18 -²½·. ²é³çÝáñ¹³ñ³Ý ²Ù»ñÇϳÛÇ ²ñ»õ»É»³Ý »ÙÇÝ The Armenian Prelacy, NY

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Vérapokhman Asdvadzadzni

Vor yégir i pokhoomn mor koyév Goosi, voghormya méz.

Khachi, Yégéghétsvo, Sûrpots

Vor khatchétsar vasûn mér,voghormya méz.

Paravoryal yév orhnyalmishd soorp gooys AsdvadzadzinMariyam, mayr Krisdosi, madozaghachanûs mér vortvo ko yévAsdoodzo méro.


PRS. Pûrgél ûzméz i portsooténéyév haménayn vûdankits mérots.


DCN. Yév yévs khaghaghootyanûzDér aghachéstsook.

Vasûn lûséli linélo DyarnAsdoodzo tsayni aghachanatsmérots parékhosootyamp soorpAsdvadzadznin, yév ichanélo ivéra mér voghormootyan yévkûtootyan Dyarn Asdoodzo.Aménagal Dér Asdvadz mér,gétso yév voghormya.PRS. Orhnootyoon yév park Horyév Vortvo yév Hokvooyn Sûrpo,ayzhm yév mishd yév havidyanshavidénits. Amén.


Norasdéghdzyal pann ha-néyits i sgûzpané zérgins yérg-nits, yév zérgnayin zors anmarm-nots imanalyatsûn zûvartnots,yév ûzkali darérts karits hagara-


Who came for the assumptionof your mother and Virgin, havemercy upon us.

On Cross, Church and Saints days

Who was crucified for us,have mercy upon us.

Glorified and blessed ever

holy virgin, Bearer of God Mary,

mother of Christ, offer our sup-

plication to your son and our



PRS. That he may deliver us from

temptation and from all perils.


DCN. Again for peace let usbeseech the Lord.

That the voice of our suppli-cations be heard by the Lord Godthrough the intercession of theholy Mother of God and that themercy and compassion of theLord God may descend upon us.Almighty Lord our God, save usand have mercy upon us.PRS. Blessing and glory be to theFather and to the Son and to theHoly Spirit, now and always andforever and ever. Amen.


In the beginning, the Word

newly created the entire heaven

out of nothing, the heavenly bod-

iless hosts, and the intelligible

angels, also the four sensible ele-

- 19 -²½·. ²é³çÝáñ¹³ñ³Ý ²Ù»ñÇϳÛÇ ²ñ»õ»É»³Ý »ÙÇÝ The Armenian Prelacy, NY

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gats miyapanits, vorov havédparapani Yérrortootyoonn anja-réli.

Yéréksûrpyan mi dérootyoonmiyov pnootyamp Asdvadzoo-tyoon, looysn vor anégh arar-chagan asats linél looys yégha-gan, zor yév dzakyats horn ara-chin miyashapat gyooragéyin,vorov havéd parapani Yérror-tootyoonn anjaréli.

Rapoonorén patsadréstsookzdzadzgyal khorhoortûn dzani-tsook, zi looysn andés imanalimakoor hokvots désanéli, i sooyndzakyats miyashapat méz ha-rootyan soorp jarakayt, yégaykpûrgyalk ûnt zûvartnooyn dookorhnootyoon harootsélooyn.

Sérût sirov khonarhétsar ipûrgootyoon mér marmnatsar,novin marmnovûn khachétsar ikérézman mahoo yétar, aysorharyar asdvadzapar i hréshda-gats karozétsar, yégayk pûrgyalkûnt zûvartnooyn dook orhnoo-tyoon harootsélooyn.

Yérévétsar khûngapéritsnhoghchooyn génatsn oorakha-lits, yév i lérinûn Kalilya araké-lots médasanits, arzhanatsozméz ûnt nosin zkéz désanélhorûn vérchin, yégayk pûrgyalkûnt zûvartnooyn dook orhnoo-tyoon harootsélooyn.

Siyoni vortik zartik harsinlooso dook avédik, yété pésaynko harootsyal haghtyats mahooishkhanootyamp, ka bûsagéûzkéz parok yél ûnt arach

ments, opposite and yet harmo-

nious, through which the ineffa-

ble Trinity is always glorified.

Thrice-holy, one Lordship inone divine nature, the uncreateddivine Light said let there be cre-ated light, who also shone on thefirst day, first day of the week, onSunday, through which the inef-fable Trinity is always glorified.

Let us authoritatively explainand know the hidden mystery,for the intelligible light is invisi-ble but visible to the pure ofheart; on the first day he madeshine unto us the holy light of theresurrection. Come, you who aresaved, let us with the angelspraise the one who is risen.

You who are love, with loveyou humbled yourself and tookflesh for our salvation; with thesame body you were crucified,you were placed in the tomb ofdeath. Today as God you did riseand were proclaimed by theangels. Come, you who aresaved, let us with the angelspraise the one who is risen.

You appeared to the myrrh-bearers with the joyful greetingof life and to the twelve apostleson the mount at Galilee. Make usworthy with them to see you onthe last day. Come, you who aresaved, let us with the angelspraise the one who is risen.

Arise, O children of Zion,and give the good tidings to theBride of light, that your risengroom has conquered death withdivine authority. He will comeand crown you with glory. Go out

- 20 -²½·. ²é³çÝáñ¹³ñ³Ý ²Ù»ñÇϳÛÇ ²ñ»õ»É»³Ý »ÙÇÝ The Armenian Prelacy, NY

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bûjnyal zartook yérkya yérk norharootsélooyn nûnchétsélotsgénats bûdghooyn.


Khûntréstsook havadov miya-panootyamp i Dyarné, zi zoghor-mootyan ûzshnorhs yoor arastséi véra mér. Dérn aménagal gé-tsoostsé yév voghorméstsi.

Gétso Dér.

Dér, voghormya, Dér, vo-ghormya, Dér, voghormya.

fully adorned [with virtues] tomeet Him. Sing a new song to theone who is risen, the fruit of lifeto those who have fallen asleep.


Let us ask in faith and in one

accord of the Lord that he may

bestow upon us the grace of his

mercy. May the almighty Lord

save us and have mercy upon us.

Save us, Lord.

Lord, have mercy; Lord,

have mercy; Lord, have mercy.

- 21 -²½·. ²é³çÝáñ¹³ñ³Ý ²Ù»ñÇϳÛÇ ²ñ»õ»É»³Ý »ÙÇÝ The Armenian Prelacy, NY

PRS. To your all-powerful and

wondrous resurrection* [or

“birth and revelation” or “com-ing” or “ascension” or “transfig-uration” or “dominion”], O

Christ our God, the hosts of

angels bow down, for you alone

have immortality and dwell in

unapproachable light. And we,

your creatures made of dust, bow

down in fear and worship you,

and we praise and glorify your

holy, wondrous, and victorious

resurrection* [or “birth and reve-lation” or “coming” or “ascen-sion” or “transfiguration” or

“dominion”]. And with the heav-

enly hosts we offer praise and

glory to you, together with the

Father and the Holy Spirit, now

and always and forever and ever.


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PRS. Koom aménazor yévhûrashali harootyanût* [“dzû-

nûntyanût yév haydnootyanût”

gam “kalûsdyanût” gam “ham-

partsmanût” gam “baydzaragér-

bootyanût” gam “dérootyanût”],Krisdos Asdvadz mér, yérgirbakanén zork hûréshdagats. zitoo miayn unis zanmahootyoonpûnagyalt i looys anmadooyts.Yév mék hoghéghén araradzkûskhonarh-yalk yérgyughiv yérgirbaka-némk, ûzsoorp yévûzhûrashali yév ûz-haghtogh ûz-harootyoonût ko orhnémk yévparavorémk. Yév ûnt yérgnayinzorsûn madootsanémk zorhnoo-tyoon yév ûzparûs, ûnt Hor yévûnt Sûrpo Hokvooyt. ayzhm yévmishd yév havidyanûs havidé-nits. Amén.

* On Pentecost: “To your all-powerful and wondrous com-ing, O Holy Spirit, our God . . . ”

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¼Ç ùá ¿ ³ñù³ÛáõÃÇõÝ »õ½ûñáõÃÇõÝ »õ ÷³éù, Û³õÇï-»³Ýë: ²Ù¿Ý:


ä³ï³ñ³·ÇãÁ ÏþÁë¿.

øÐÜ. ¼ë³ÕÙáë»ñ·áõÃÇõÝë »õ½³Õ³ã³Ýë ÁÝϳÉóÇ Ù³ñ¹³ë¿ñݲëïáõ³Í Ç Ñ³×áÛë μ³ñ»ñ³ñϳٳó Çõñáó, Ù»ñ Ù»Õ³óÝ »õÙ»ñ μ³½áõÙ Û³Ýó³Ý³óÝ Ãá-ÕáõÃÇõÝ ßÝáñÑ»ëó¿. Ç ã³ñ»³ó÷ñÏ»ëó¿. Ç Ù»Õ³ó å³Ñë»ó¿, »õÝÙ³ ÷³éù Û³õÇﻳÝë: ²Ù¿Ý:

PRS. Orhnyal Dér mér HisoosKrisdos. Amén.

CHR. Hayr mér vor hérgins és,soorp yéghitsi anoon ko.Yégéstsé arkayootyoon ko.Yéghitsin gamk ko vorbés hér-gins yév hérgri. Z-hats mér han-abazort door méz aysor. Toghméz ûzbardis mér, vorbés yévmék toghoomk mérots barda-banats. Yév mi danir zméz i port-sootyoon, ayl pûrgya i charé.

Zi ko yé arkayootyoon yévzorootyoon, yév park, havid-yans. Amén.


If there is a Divine Liturgy, the celebrant says:

PRS. ûZsaghmosérkootyoonûs yévzaghachanûs ûngaltsi martasérnAsdvadz i hajooys parérar gamatsyoorots, mér méghatsûn yév mérpazoom hantsanatsûn toghootyonshûnorhéstsé. i charyats pûrgés-tsé. i méghats bahéstsé, yév nûmapark havidyanûs: Amén.

PRS. Blessed be our Lord

Jesus Christ. Amen.CHR. Our Father, who art inheaven, hallowed be Thy name.Thy kingdom come. Thy will bedone on earth as it is in heaven.Give us this day our daily bread.And forgive us our trespasses, aswe forgive those who trespassagainst us. And lead us not intotemptation, but deliver us fromthe evil one.

For Thine is the kingdom and

the power and the glory, forever.



If there is a Divine Liturgy, the celebrant says:

PRS. May God the lover mankind

receive our psalmody and our prayers

according to the good pleasure of his

will. May he grant forgiveness for our

sins and for our many transgressions.

May he deliver us from evil, keep us

from sin. And to him be the glory forev-

er. Amen.

a - as a in fathero - as o in holyi - as i in trinityû - as u in churché - as e in amen

y - as y in youngoo- as oo in goodg - as g in Holy Gostts - as ts in sits

dz- as dz in hands

zh- as s in Asiagh- as French r in Pariskh- as German ch in Bach


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