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  • 8/6/2019 kf26_esp2


    Foro del CobreRevista paRa el cobRe en el sectoR de la constRuccion 26/2009

    Edifcios de viviendas en

    Frederikskaj, Copenhague

    Cobre nuevo para la

    catedral de Roskilde

    Accordia, un proyecto

    de viviendas britnico

    Importante edifcio

    deportivo en Budapest

  • 8/6/2019 kf26_esp2


    Como siempre nos hemos esorzado en encontrar

    por Europa nuevos proyectos de inters en los que

    el cobre se haya utilizado creativamente. En este

    nmero, presentamos proyectos de renovacin y

    restauracin, y tambin de obra nueva, tanto pe-

    quea como grande. El arquitecto Chris Hodson

    nos lleva a Cambridge, Inglaterra, para visitar el

    proyecto Accordia, tan bien acogido por la crtica.

    En estos edicios de viviendas, en muchos aspec-

    tos excepcionales, el cobre orma parte del limitado

    abanico de materiales que constituyen el concepto

    bsico del diseo exterior, y en el que se dio una

    gran importancia a los aspectos medioambientales.

    Tambin nos detenemos en Copenhague para exa-

    minar el nuevo barrio residencial Fredrikskaj, situa-do junto a uno de los muchos canales de la ciudad.

    Aqu, adems, tendr la oportunidad de conocer

    una restauracin de iglesia espectacular. La catedral

    de Roskilde en Dinamarca, vuelve a mostrar con

    orgullo una nueva y bella cubierta de cobre.

    La turbulencia global en la economa durante el pasado

    ao ha infuido poderosamente en el coste de la mayora

    de los metales. Por ejemplo, en comparacin con hace

    un ao el precio del cobre ha descendido a una tercera

    parte. En el artculo de Nordea en la pgina 34 encon-

    trar ms inormacin sobre los precios de los metales.

    El prximo otoo llega otra vez el momento de elegir

    un ganador del premio European Copper Award. En

    la pgina 13 hallar inormacin abundante sobre e

    concurso. Aproveche la oportunidad para presentar su

    proyecto con cobre en este gran oro internacional par-

    ticipando en el European Copper Award 2009. Buena


    Con mucho gusto puede ponerse en contacto con nues

    tra redaccin con comentarios sobre los artculos, o squiere darnos a conocer nuevos proyectos de inters.

    Le deseamos una lectura agradable!

    Lennart Engstrm, Editor

    Foro del Cobre, Abril 2009

    Foro del Cobre orma parte de la actual Campaa Europea del Cobre en la Arquitectura y aparece dos veces al ao conuna diusin de 20.000 ejemplares.

    La revista se distribuye a arquitectos y proesionales de la industria de la construccin en Rusia, Polonia, Dinamarca,Noruega, Suecia, Finlandia, Hungra, Repblica Checa, Espaa y Reino Unido.

    Editor: Lennart Engstrm, tel +46 706574734, ax +46 21198704, lennart.engstrom@cupori.com

    Direccion: Copper Forum c/o Cupori AB, Metallverksgatan 5, Box 510, SE-721 09 Vsters, Sweden

    Editor: Lennart Engstrm, Cupori AB,

    Presentacion y produccion tcnica: Naula Grafsk Design/M Reklam

    Impresion: Intellecta Inolog 2009, Suecia

    Direccion de editorial:Mogens Praestegaard, DK +45 4028 5157 mp@metconsult.dkHkan Svedman, SE +46 2119 82 50 hakan.s vedman@outokumpu.comVesla Rudidalen, NO +47 2324 7469 vesla.rudidalen@outokompu.comHannele Numminen, FI +358 40 093 7547 hannele.numminen@luukku.comEsko Miettinen, FI +358 9 584 00 166 esko.miettinen@stelosoy.inet.fAllan Savola, FI +358 26266111 allan.savola@luvata.comNatalia Zhigalina, RU +7 81 2320 2050 natalia.zhigalina@luvata.comVadim Ionov, RU +7 09 5787 2792 vsi@eurocopper.orgWojciech Sawicki, PL +48 (22)8258252 Wojciech.Sawicki@outokumpu.comKazimierz Zakrzewski, PL +48 717812504 zakrzewski@miedz.org.plRobert Pinter, CZ +36 12664810 robert.pinter@hcpcino.orgJir Kratochvle, CZ +42 0261122542 inkosas@inkosas.czRobbie Robinson, UK +44 (0)1992511117 robbie.r obinson@luvat a.comChris Hodson, UK +44 (0)1242 702741 chris@ hodsons.comVictoria Gregorio, ES + 34 91 772 48 60 victoria.gregorio@luvata.com

    Bienvenido a un nuevo nmero de Foro del Cobre

  • 8/6/2019 kf26_esp2


    3COPPER FORUM 26/09


    4 El cobre en obras de restauracin

    6 Cobre por dentro y por uera

    8 Piscina en edicio de cristal y cobre

    10 Edicios de viviendas en Frederikskaj, Copenhague

    13 Call or Awards Entries

    14 New Copper or Roskilde Cathedral

    18 5 Botanicheskaya Street, hotel, Moscow

    19 Seven-storey oce block, Moscow

    20 Project de Jonas ROC Hengelo, The Netherlands

    22 A major sports building in Budapest, Hungary

    24 A new paradigm or urban housing

    32 Family House in Lelekovice

    34 Metal Market Update February Copper

    36 Domus GaudiumThird Student Union Building

  • 8/6/2019 kf26_esp2


    4 COPPER FORUM 26/09

    Con cobre es ms rentable

    El cobre en obras de restauracin

    El mundo est repleto de edicios que debe-

    ran restaurarse. Se dice recuentemente que

    los motivos de retrasar las obras son la alta

    de dinero y el alto precio de los materiales.

    Ahora que el paro crece con mayor celeridad

    que nunca se necesitan medios eectivos para

    reorientar la coyuntura. La construccin es

    uno de los ramos ms duramente aectados

    y tras una poca de auge sure una baja muy

    pronunciada. Las autoridades estatales de

    Finlandia han aplicado medidas para com-batir el problema y el gobierno ha dedica-

    do recursos nancieros a obras de reorma

    y restauracin. Muchas constructoras estn

    estudiando aprovechar esta posibilidad. Es

    preciso tomar decisiones rpidas, puesto que

    hay una echa tope para recibir ayuda estatal,

    la cual estipula que las obras deben ponerse

    en marcha a nal de ao. Ahora una pronta

    toma de decisiones puede ahorrar dinero de

    varias maneras: las tasas de inters son bajas,

    los materiales econmicos, se puede obtener

    personal cualicado rpidamente y pueden

    solicitarse subvenciones y ayudas.

    El cobre es econmico

    El precio del cobre como materia prima ha

    descendido a aproximadamente una terce-

    ra parte de lo que costaba hace apenas un

    ao. Su alto coste, una dura competencia y

    grandes stocks redujeron la demanda. Mu-

    chos compradores potenciales renunciabana comprar este metal debido a su alto precio,

    pero ahora, nalmente, vuelve a ser mucho

    ms asequible. Por tanto, son muchas las

    buenas razones para recomendar nuevamen-

    te su uso y compra.

    El desarrollo de productos de cobre desti-

    nados a la construccin de edicios ha sido

    muy rpido. Antes, slo se vendan paneles

    y chapa, y el trabajo de instalacin exiga

    operarios cualicados. Los avanzados pro-

    ductos de hoy son ciles de instalar y se dis-

    pone de varios acabados de supercie alter-

    nativos, desde cobre liso a diversos perles

    y cassettes. ambin puede obtenerse cobre

    como malla y material perorado. Actual-

    mente este metal no se reconoce necesaria-

    mente por su color, puesto que dependiendo

    del producto pueden obtenerse tonos desde

    dorado a un bello azul. Para crear obras

    maestras de cobre la pericia tradicional si-gue siendo una cualidad necesaria. Un hbil

    dominio de la proesin es una gran ventaja,

    y los operarios de chapa que verdaderamente

    conocen su tarea siempre han sido capaces

    de transormar el cobre en obras de arte de

    interminables gamas de ormas y colores.

    La economa mundial est pasando una poca dicil. Pero las malas noticias tambin suelen tener un lado positivo.Se ha estado hablando de recesin y crisis durante tanto tiempo que este tema ya no es una sorpresa para nadie. En

    todos los pases del mundo se aplican planes de estmulo y recuperacin, que sin embargo parece que desapareci-

    eran en un abismo. Quedan pocos adivinos que se atrevan a pronosticar la duracin de la crisis, pero ms pronto o

    ms tarde tocar ondo y podremos empezar a mirar hacia el uturo con optimismo

    Texto: Hannele Numminen

  • 8/6/2019 kf26_esp2


    5COPPER FORUM 26/09

    Fachada de un edifcio de viviendasrenovada con cobre

    Como ya se ha mencionado antes, hoy el uso de co-

    bre es econmico en obras de restauracin, y por ello

    constituye una slida inversin a largo plazo. En un

    gran edicio de siete plantas de Pori, Finlandia, con

    locales comerciales en la planta baja, se tena que

    cambiar el aislamiento, lo cual comportaba la de-molicin de su antigua achada. Debido a que origi-

    nalmente el edicio se haba proyectado con achada

    de cobre, se tom la decisin de sustituir el material

    antiguo por cobre. En las obras se utilizaron aproxi-

    madamente 1 000 kg de eje liso de 0,6 mm.

    El abundante uso de cobre en la achada da un as-

    pecto magnco al edicio de siete plantas. Los per-

    les de este metal entre las ventanas y su antepecho

    se disearon y abricaron a medida en un taller de

    chapa. Las bandas horizontales de cobre coneren

    a la achada un acabado distinguido. Se dejaron pe-

    queos huecos cerca de las ventanas para aseguraruna buena ventilacin. ambin se utiliz mucho

    cobre en las paredes y en molduras y tubos de ba-

    jantes. El material se j a sustratos de madera con

    tornillos de acero inoxidable. Los paneles de cobre

    se instalaron en la pared delantera del ala comercial

    con una conguracin similar a tablas horizontales

    solapadas. Los perles detrs de los letreros de publi-

    cidad tambin son de cobre. Adems, se usa cobre en

    los balcones y en distintas molduras.

    Las obras de este proyecto se realizaron prcticamen-

    te en plataormas elevadoras o hidrulicas y, debido a

    que el edicio est situado en el centro de la ciudad,se tuvo que dedicar una atencin especial a la segu-

    ridad. Se construyeron techos de proteccin para los

    peatones. Las obras ocuparon unos seis meses y ya

    estn terminadas. El color marrn oscuro del cobre,

    en combinacin con el tono claro de la pared, crea

    un eecto equilibrado y armonioso. En los edicios

    vecinos tambin se usa cobre, lo cual conere a todo

    el bloque un aspecto coordinado.

    Alto precio de la chatarra de cobre

    La poca de las obras no ue perecta considerando el

    alto precio del cobre. Sin embargo, tambin era ele-

    vado el precio de la chatarra de cobre, lo cual com-pens el del cobre nuevo. Se recicl la chapa vieja,

    con lo que se redujo asimismo el impacto medioam-

    biental. El cobre normalmente no precisa renovacin

    o mantenimiento, pero si hay necesidad de sustituir-

    lo debido a cuestiones de aislamiento, como en este

    caso, el cobre viejo siempre puede venderse.Proyecto arquitectnico de los trabajos con cobre:Architecture Ruissalo Eeva Oy

    Ingeniero consultor: Erkki Anttila Oy

    Trabajo con chapa: Peltisepnliike KT Thtinen Oy

  • 8/6/2019 kf26_esp2


    6 COPPER FORUM 26/09

    Per Olav Berg

    Photo: Trond Joelson

    Cobre por dentro y por ueraEl edicio de la Conederacin de Empresas de Noruega (NHO)

    en Majorstua, Oslo, se construy a mediados de la dcada

    de 1960. El pasado 1 de noviembre nalizaron las obras de

    reorma y ampliacin, en las que se usaron 50 toneladas

    de cobre en los revestimientos de las achadas y

    paredes interiores. Para los trabajos con chapa

    de este metal la empresa Erling Freitag AS,

    de Tnsberg, utiliz deliberadamente un

    grupo de operarios jvenes, dndoles

    una responsabilidad considerable.

  • 8/6/2019 kf26_esp2


    7COPPER FORUM 26/09

    La achada de cobre del edicio de NHO reciente-

    mente renovado se caracteriza por ranjas de 50

    cm, ormadas por paneles de 1,2 mm de Nordic

    Green Living 1, de Luvata. La chapa de cobre est sujeta

    por piezas de soporte ocultas y posee molduras perla-

    das para darle un mayor realce. Este detalle se mantie-

    ne por las achadas de cristal y las paredes interiores

    de las escaleras y vestbulos, donde los paneles de co-bre estn montados en columnas de la misma anchura

    que las molduras perladas externas.

    Varias de las ocinas y salas de reunin estn revesti-

    das de cobre. Un aspecto importante eran las medicio-

    nes de la dimensin de chapa precisa, que los operarios

    deban hacer con la mxima exactitud antes de cortarla

    en la brica de Tnsberg.

    En la ase inicial, cuando principalmente trabajba-

    mos en el interior, lo importante era cortar el cobre a la

    dimensin exacta. El grupo de operarios jvenes saladiariamente de Tnsberg a las 5 de la maana, empeza-

    ba a trabajar a las 7, y regresaba a Tnsberg a las 6 de la

    tarde. All, abricaban las piezas de cobre hasta las 10

    de la noche, regresaban a su casa para dormir algo, y al

    da siguiente partan nuevamente para Oslo a las 5 de la

    maana. Esto no lo pueden hacer operarios casados,

    dice Svein Freitag. Es por ello que asignamos el trabajo

    del proyecto del edicio de NHO a personal joven, y les

    dimos una gran responsabilidad.

    Asumiendo ms responsabilidad han aprendido mucho.

    Creo que es ventajoso y que contribuye a dar madurez a

    los jvenes, dice Svein Freitag, que como promedio ha

    tenido en la obra 3-4 personas durante las 34 semanas

    del proyecto.

    En los trabajos se usaron como mnimo 50 toneladas de

    cobre. En el interior de los nuevos locales de ocinas

    tambin hay muchos elementos de cobre, especialmen-

    te en los vestbulos y reas comunes. Incluso la chime-

    nea de gas del hall est revestida de cobre.

    Durante el curso de un proyecto de construccin hay

    varias cosas que se deben tener en cuenta. El complejo

    de NHO ha ampliado el espacio para ocinas e incor-

    porado nuevas plantas. Estamos satisechos de poder

    mostrar la alta calidad proesional de los trabajos de

    chapa en este tipo de edicios, dice Svein Freitag.

    La sede central de la Conederacin de Empresas de Noruega, en Oslo, ha sidoobjeto de extensas obras de renovacin.

    1.Uso abundante de cobre en el revestimiento de paredes interiores.

    2. La achada de cobre tiene ranjas de 50 cm d e ancho con molduras perfladas.

    3. Las paredes interiores de las reas comunes estn decor adas con cobre.

    4. Detalle del diseo de la achada de cobre.

  • 8/6/2019 kf26_esp2


    8 COPPER FORUM 26/09

    Photo. Pia Snstrd

    Per Olav Berg

    Piscina en edifcio

    de cristal y cobrePronto los chndals se cambiarn por trajes de bao.

    En septiembre abre sus puertas la nueva piscina

    cubierta de Marienlyst, en Drammen, Noruega.

    La empresa Buskerud Blikk & Montasje AS ha

    participado en la construccin de este edicio de

    11 000 metros cuadrados, un ascinante proyecto en

    el que se han usado 12 toneladas de cobre.

    El lado orientado al norte, con ventanas especialmente abricadas, d e un diseo original. Trond-Otto Oseberg (izquierda) y el supervisor de la obr a, Tor Erik Node la nueva piscina Drammensbadet.

    La visera del muro sur est diseada par a que parezca la espuma que se orma en una ola al chocar.

  • 8/6/2019 kf26_esp2


    9COPPER FORUM 26/09

    La ase inicial del edicio ue com-

    plicada. Los arquitectos de BFS-

    architects AS, de Oslo, ueron los

    ganadores del primer premio de un con-

    curso de preclasicacin, pero en 2003

    el proyecto se paraliz, reanudndose en

    2006. El propietario del edicio, el munici-

    pio de Drammen, estim inicialmente queel coste de la piscina cubierta ascendera

    a 270 millones de coronas noruegas. Esta

    cira result ser demasiado optimista y se

    ajust a 326 millones de coronas. Ahora

    las obras estn llegando a su n y se ha

    previsto que las instalaciones se inaugu-

    ren el 1 de septiembre de 2009. Miran-

    do hacia atrs, el principal contratista,

    Strm Gundersen A/S, puede hablar de un

    proyecto bien ejecutado. Los contratistas

    de la obra no ueron los responsables de

    que se rebasara el presupuesto.

    Fasadeconsult, de Mjndalen instal el

    cerramiento de cristal, que abarca 2 500

    metros cuadrados del exterior del recin-

    to. Los operarios de la empresa Buskerud

    Blikk & Montasje recubrieron los cana-

    lones rectangulares y uno de los lados

    con 12 toneladas de cobre. En el recinto

    principal se ha construido una piscina de

    50 metros con ocho calles, que con un

    tabique especialmente diseado puede

    dividirse en dos secciones cuando se de-

    see. Tambin hay una piscina de olas con

    un canal de contracorriente contiguo, una

    piscina inantil, una piscina de atencin a

    la salud con proundidad ajustable, dos

    jacuzzis y dos toboganes acuticos.

    Como una olaEl edicio tiene la orma de ola; un gran

    techo abovedado descansa sobre tabiques

    acristalados. En el lado norte, el techo,

    suavemente curvado, desciende hasta el

    suelo. Este lado tiene como caracters-

    tica ventanas especialmente congura-

    das, cubiertas con una ranja de cobre de

    Luvata, suministrada por Astrup; Nordic

    Green 0,7 mm.

    Adems del muro con arcadas y cana-

    lones rectangulares curvados, en la cu-

    bierta hay cuatro canales de ventilacin

    tambin recubiertos por ranjas de cobrecon engatillado doble, dice Trond-Otto

    Oseberg de Buskerud Blikk & Montasje.

    Tor Erik Nordby supervis la tarea de los

    operarios de la chapa. En el proyecto in-

    tervinieron 3-4 operarios, que empeza-

    ron a mediados de noviembre de 2007 y

    terminaron el trabajo externo en Pascua

    de 2008. Los canalones situados debajo

    de las ventanas del muro norte y los ba-

    jantes se abricaron en el taller siguiendo

    los planos de los arquitectos. La produc-

    cin de las ranjas de cobre y canalonesrectangulares se realiz con una curva-

    dora nueva. Los 70-80 pilares del recinto

    principal se han rodeado de un collar de

    acero brillante, resistente a los cidos,

    montado por los operarios de chapa.

    La nueva piscina cubierta es una obra be-

    lla y exclusiva. Las estructuras de acero

    y hormign estn cubiertas de chapa de

    madera. Para nosotros las obras avan-

    zaron sin problemas, pero los carpinteros

    tuvieron dicultades al principio, debi-

    do a que empezaron trabajando con una

    chapa de madera de un grosor excesivo.

    Asimismo, hubo un momento en el que el

    propietario del edicio pens en usar un

    material menos caro. Aortunadamen-

    te, ue el al proyecto inicial, que quera

    dar a la obra un toque de originalidad. El

    recinto tiene la orma de una ola gigan-

    tesca, pareciendo el toldo sobre la pared

    sur la espuma que se orma en la punta

    de la ola. Estoy convencido de que a los

    habitantes de Drammen les gustar este

    edicio, dice Trond-Otto Oseberg.

  • 8/6/2019 kf26_esp2


    10 COPPER FORUM 26/09

    Henry Voss, Architect M.A.A.

    Casi todos los inmuebles son locales de o-

    cinas. Aqu uno puede encontrar la mayo-

    ra de las empresas que recuentemente se

    nombran en artculos sensacionalistas en

    los diarios, por ejemplo DC o DONG, o

    compaas de nombres similares. Sin em-

    bargo cuando las obras de construccin ya

    estaban a medio camino, surgi la idea de

    incorporar algunas viviendas para dar ms

    animacin a la zona. Esto no se haba tenido

    en cuenta antes. En este barrio raramente se

    vea gente, sino slo siluetas dentro de au-

    tomviles, lo cual es comprensible, debido

    a que all el viento siempre sopla en todas


    La mayora de los locales de ocina son de

    color gris claro. Los edicios de viviendas,

    en cambio, estn revestidos de cobre de co-lor marrn oscuro rojizo, que con el trans-

    curso del tiempo se oscurecer an ms, ad-

    quiriendo nalmente una tonalidad verde.

    Contemplados de lejos, sorprenden por su

    aspecto rerescante, y verlos de cerca es un


    Son viviendas de un bello diseo, con di-

    mensiones bien proporcionadas y detalles

    elegantes. En el revestimiento se usan cas-

    settes de cobre y ranjas lisas. ienen gran-

    des partes revestidas de perles de cobrecon tornillos visibles y meticulosamente

    situados. Los lados de entrada son de su-

    percie lisa, con una combinacin de es-

    tos elementos. Los de las viviendas son de

    cristal y tienen balcones en voladizo, tam-

    bin construidos de cristal. La dierencia es

    pronunciada; un lado oscuro y tranquilo, el

    otro ms vivo y constantemente cambian-

    Edicios de viviendas en Frederiksk

    te cuanto la luz se reeja en las distintas

    supercies de cristal. El resultado es muy

    elegante y produce una impresin slida en

    comparacin con muchos otros tipos de re-


    La achada debe su belleza al material elegi-

    do. Si, en cambio, se hubiera empleado zinc,

    aluminio u otro material de color claro, el

    edicio hubiera revelado su autntica esen-

    cia: una estructura de hormign envuelta

    de material aislante cubierto con tablas

    delgadas. El uso de un material de carac-

    tersticas ms pesadas produce un eecto

    ms compacto. El resultado es un aire dis-

    tinguido; uno deseara que las viviendas

    se hubieran construido en una zona de la

    ciudad ms civilizada que este desierto de

    ocinas. Los balcones de cristal muestransu mxima belleza cuando los apartamen-

    tos todava estn vacos, antes de llenarse de

    bicicletas, sbanas y muebles de jardn.

    Pero no slo los balcones son de cristal

    transparente. Las ventanas abarcan del sue-

    lo al techo, y para disrutar en los aparta-

    mentos de una vida conortable se tiene que

    conar que la supercie acristalada se haya

    jado adecuadamente, adems de que es

    una ventaja no padecer de vrtigo. No obs-

    tante, si alguien cayera desde una ventanaprobablemente no se accidentara, puesto

    que se precipitara en el agua del canal del

    puerto, que se ha desviado a lo largo de la

    achada. Un detalle bonito pero no dema-

    siado prctico.

    Los edicios son ejemplos interesantes de

    un tipo de arquitectura que pronto se con-

    En realidad, estos edicios de viviendas no estn situados en Frederikskaj

    sino en A.S. Mayers Vnge. Sin embargo, es la misma zona de Sydhavn, de

    Copenhague, donde durante varios aos se ha ido construyendo un edicio

    tras otro, cada uno como una repeticin del anterior y preludio del sigu-


    vertir en dominante, es decir, la arquitec-

    tura de achadas revestidas. Las normas de

    construccin ms recientes imponen requi-

    sitos tan altos para la conservacin de la

    energa, que estos apenas se pueden cumplircon obra de hormign o ladrillo tradicional

    y exigen el uso de sistemas sandwich en los

    que el material aislante constituye la mayor

    parte del relleno. Se prev que durante los

    prximos aos habr una gran demanda de

    este tipo de arquitectura. Los edicios de

    Frederikskaj muestran que esto no tiene por

    que ser un inconveniente.

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    11COPPER FORUM 26/09


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    12 COPPER FORUM 26/09


    Arquitecto: Dissing+Weitling

    Contratista: MT Hjgard

    Proveedor de cobre: KME-FrickeGmbH

    La publicidad de los 152 apartamentos del complejo de viviendas

    usa el siguiente texto, que apenas podra ser ms potico.

    Imagnese la tranquilidad de empezar el da en la ciudad sentado

    en el balcn, con el panorama del puerto y el agua debajo.

    O la excepcional experiencia de hacer una excursin en kayak por

    el canal a lrededor de Frederikskaj despus de una larga jornada de


    Imagnese poder elegir entre lo mucho que la ciudad le orece, como

    cultura o compras, y disrutar de la naturaleza en Amager Flled a

    corta distancia.

    Un apartamento en Frederikskaj, a pocos kilmetros del centro de

    Copenhague, har que esto sea realidad.

    Aqu hay el agua, la luz, el aire, el ambiente y el panorama, al igua l

    que los pjaros y kayaks.

    odo esto junto es una parte tangible de los alrededores de Frede-

    rikskaj Residents. Aun cuando el edicio se halla en el centro de

    Copenhague, tendr la impresin de estar alejado del ajetreo de la

    ciudad. Ya no ser necesario viajar diariamente varias horas para

    estar en un sitio donde usted realmente podr descansar.

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    13COPPER FORUM 26/09

    Architects involved with copper buildings are

    encouraged to enter the 2009 European Copperin Architecture Awards and take advantage o

    this major opportunity to present their work to

    an international audience.

    The design-led competition covers recently completed

    buildings in countries participating in the European Copper

    in Architecture Campaign. To be eligible, all entries must

    incorporate cladding, roofng or other architectural elements

    o copper or copper alloys, such as bronze and brass. But any

    building type can be entered - rom major landmark projects

    to more modest buildings. There is also a discretionary award

    or innovation in specifc areas o relevance today, such as

    sustainable building, economical construction, preabrication,

    conservation or new uses o copper.

    Winning and shortlisted projects will be eatured in a special

    issue o the international magazine Architectural Review and

    the best entries will also be covered in Copper Forum. Entries

    must be submitted by 31 May 2009 and the winners will be

    announced at a presentation in London, UK during September

    2009. Entry orms and details o the 2009 Awards are available

    on www.copperino.co.uk/arch and www.copperconcept.org orvia e-mail to: helpline@copperdev.co.uk



    13COPPER FORUM 26/09

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    14 COPPER FORUM 26/09

    Roskilde Cathedral is one o Denmarks cultural pearls. Tis is not

    just the opinion o the nation itsel, as the Cathedral is on Unescos

    list o world heritage sites, which contains only two more Danish

    contributions: Kronborg and Jelling.

    Heritage sites have to be well taken care o, and Roski lde Cathedral

    is no exception. However, it is both dicult and expensive. In the

    Danish climate buildings should be as simple as possible, a boxwith a sloping roo so that water and snow will run of quickly, and

    smooth acades where nothing can stick.

    Roskilde Cathedral is quite the opposite. Te building is

    as complicated as it possibly could be. It has all the ingenious

    eatures one will nd in the art o building construction: pillars

    and box gutters, spires and domes, protrusions and recesses, vaults

    and towers, arches and curves and more and all o this in great

    numbers. Tere is a lot to take care o.

    What is most notable is the exterior: the slender spire, a Roskilde

    hallmark that can be seen rom a distance, the ta ll copper roo and,

    close-to, the huge red brick building with its surprisingly successul

    additions made through several centuries, and the chapels with their

    royal graves that reect the building techniques and architecturalunderstanding o their time. Only in our times have we lacked

    the condence to build a chapel or Frederik IX, but just a wall

    surrounding a garden. It is a shame, and goes against the healthy

    vitality that the building expresses.

    Te interior o the building conrms anticipated experiences:

    great beauty but also an equal amount o ugliness. Te problem

    lies between the exterior and the interior in other words in the


    New Copper or Roskilde Cathedral

    By Henry Voss, Architect MAA

    Roskilde is one o the oldest cities in Denmark. It is

    situated about 30 km rom the capital Copenhagen.

    Roskilde was ounded during the time o the Vikings,

    and has a large Viking-ship museum. The city has a

    busy business section and education centre with upper

    secondary school and university.

    Te Cathedral was built between 1170 and mid-1200 in brick,

    which at the time was a new material. Absalon, who ounded the

    Cathedral, had loty plans; the building is 84 meters long and 24

    meters tall! Te style is both Roman and Gothic. Te towers date

    rom the 14th century. Christian Is chapel is rom 1459; Christian

    IVs chapel in renaissance style was built 1615-20. Frederik

    Vs chapel, designed by C.F. Harsdorf, was erected 1774-78 inclassicism. Christian IXs chapel, designed by A.C. Clemmensen,

    was built 1917-23.

    Tis is enough ancient construction to cause problems, but the

    problems did not arise without a reason. Te Margrethe spire and

    the roo above the crossing in both directions burned in 1969. It was

    a violent re as the woodwork had dried out completely through the

    centuries. At the ollowing reconstruction, all eforts were put into

    making sure that such an accident would not happen again and all

    timber was pressure-impregnated against decay and ungus, and

    the planks also against re.

    It is due to that extensive chemical treatment that the work will

    have to be redone. Each age nds it both natural and necessary to

    use the latest knowledge as a supplement to lies experience. Butjust as medicines can have side efects that will end up killing the

    patient, diferent chemicals in a church roo can get into violent

    conict. Te re-prevention chemicals have caused the timber

    to absorb humidity, which has created ammoniac umes that, in

    turn, have damaged the copper sheeting and washed away the

    impregnation against decay and ungus - chrome and arsenic. Te

    roo started to leak and poisonous substances began to trickle down

    into the church room.

    Photo: Peter Rahbek

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    16 COPPER FORUM 26/09

    Te copper covering o the spires was renewed in 1972-73. Te

    100-year-old roo covering had cracks and was leaking, and needed

    to be replaced together with parts o the timber construction.

    Already a couple o years later, cracks in the new copper sheeting

    were discovered, particularly in the swinging part o the spire.

    Since then, mechanical and thermal conditions have afected the

    copper sheeting and in several places destroyed attachments on the

    underside o the roo.

    Tere are many theories about what went wrong with the covering

    o the two main spires. Could it be a aulty seaming technique?

    Or has poor ventilation caused the air to stay inside the roo, thuspressing the copper sheeting outwards? oday, all damaged wood

    in the spires have been replaced and a new roo covering, using

    approximately 10 tons o 0.75 mm sot, untreated copper, has been

    done using new methods that will ensure a long lie.

    Te roo above the crossing is no longer impregnated. Te

    enormous beams are made o Douglas r. Tey are so big that they

    cannot be lited by a crane when connected, but will have to be

    test-assembled on the ground, then separated and lited up piece by

    piece, to be assembled nally on the roo. One o the pieces, the

    central beam, measures 320 x 320 mm, is 15.20 metres long and

    weighs approximately 1,100 kg.

    Douglas r, which resembles larch, contains a lot o resin and tan

    substance, which make it resistant to decay and ungus. Oak is used

    or brick-wall support and base beams at the roo rame. Some o

    the wood is Fleet oak, rom oak trees planted ater the deeat o

    the Danish eet in 1807. Te carpentry contractor responsible or

    the woodwork has in addition engaged three Swiss and German

    carpenters with the greatest expertise wearing in black costumes

    with shiny buttons and big hats and with special experience in

    renovating old timber constructions in European churches usingsophisticated tools.

    When all carpentry has been completed, the roo will be covered

    with about 20 tons o 0.75-mm sot copper sheeting. Once again

    people will be able to enjoy the tall silhouette o the Cathedral rom

    a distance or the next 100 years to come as there is nothing now

    that eats the copper rom the inside.

    It took a ew years, at a cost o 100 million crowns. But so what,

    when you think about what we otherwise spend millions on!



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    17COPPER FORUM 26/09

    Architects Hvidt & Mlgaard A/S

    Timber Jnsson A/S

    Copper John A. Hansen (The two towers)Bravidan Danmark A/S (The crossing)

    Photo: Flemming P

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    18 COPPER FORUM 26/09

    5 BotanicheskayaStreet, hotel,Moscow

    The building was completed in 2007. The clad-ding material is Nordic Green, o which two di-

    erent surace types have been intentionally used

    on the aade. The aade has been realised with

    the Aluwall aade system. The aade o the

    12-storey hotel is mainly o copper and glass

    construction, with a vertical sun moti on part o

    the aade.

    Architects Popov & Partners. Main designer architect Dmitriy Viktorovich.

    18 COPPER FORUM 26/09

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    19COPPER FORUM 26/09

    4/7 VozdvizhenkaStreet, seven-

    storey oceblock, Moscow

    The administrative oce o the Presiden

    is located in this building designed by Archi

    tects Popov & Co, with architect Vershinsky

    Dmitriy Viktorovich as the main designer. The

    building was completed in 2008.

    The aade material is Nordic Green coppe

    with surace type Traditional. The aade has

    been realised with the Aluwall aade system

    The metal aade o the building with coppe

    surace sheets plays the role o a small-scale

    modernistic eature in the townscape.

    Architects Popov & Partners. Main designer architect Dmitriy Viktorovich.

    19COPPER FORUM 26/09

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    20 COPPER FORUM 26/09

    Project de Jonas

    ROC Hengelo, The Netherlands

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    21COPPER FORUM 26/09

    The striking elevated pod is named the Jonas, ater a tale

    rom the Bible about Jona and the whale: The prophet Jona

    gets the assignment o God to warn the people in Niniv, be-cause this city will be destroyed within 40 days. Jona reuses

    and escapes with a ship. A storm surprises this ship and Jona

    is thrown overboard. A big whale swallows Jona, and Jona

    survives three days and three nights in the stomach o the

    whale. When the whale spits Jona out, he still decides to go to

    Niniv. The Jonas pod can be seen as Jona, a small creature

    inside a huge space, the enormous hall o the school building.

    The Jonas is used as a conerence room where, or example,

    students can give a presentation. Moreover, this luxurious

    room can be used or meetings and also award ceremonies.The central eye o the elipse is made o glass which, using a

    specic electric process, changes rom transparent to opaque

    and can be used as a projection screen. The Jonas has a ca-

    pacity or groups up to 50 persons.

    Architect Harry Abels, director o IAA architects located in

    Enschede, The Netherlands, designed the Jonas. X kwadraat,

    a company that builds architectural art objects, also located in

    Enschede, planned and built it, starting in 2007.The base o the

    Jonas, a rame o steel, had already been built in June 2007.

    In total, 12 ton o steel has been used or this rame. On top othis rame is a concrete foor on which are so called whale-

    bones - a complicated wooden structure which was prepared

    on the shop foor o X kwadraat and put together on location as

    a giant puzzle. This whalebones structure was then nished

    with copper plates, called scales. It took, in total, 6 months

    to build this project, and completion took place in September


    The height o the Jonas is 12 metres, and the internal height o

    the foor is 8 metres. The length o the elipse is 17 metres, with

    a width o 9 metres, giving a total surace area o 80 squaremetres. The view rom inside the Jonas into the huge hall o

    the school building is wonderul. The initial design o the Jo-

    nas included brass scales but, as a result o the advise o X

    kwadraat, the architect chose to use copper scales because o

    the application o Nordic Green pre-patination. This colour, in

    combination with the shape o the Jonas and the pattern o the

    reptile-like skin, appealed the architect. The orm o the Jonas

    is essentially organic, inside as well as outside.

    An intriguing eliptical pod, clad with more than 3000 kilograms o copper, orms an

    organic central ocus or the ROC o Twente high school in Hengelo, the Netherlands.

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    22 COPPER FORUM 26/09

    COPPER DECONSTRUCTIONA major sports building in Budapest, Hungary mutates its straightorward rectangular

    plan into a complex aceted copper rooscape.

    The building in Csrsz Street is a simple one as ar as

    its foor plan is concerned. It is made up o two squares

    o identical area, one o them housing the gym hall withgrandstand seating, the other containing a swimming-pool

    with auxiliary acilities wrapped around in an L-shape. The

    circulation system linking both unctions is clearly presented:

    the two blocks are both separated and connected by open

    and enclosed public circulation spaces on two levels. This

    arrangement also separates bareoot pedestrians rom

    those in ootwear.

    But it is at roo level that the designers T2.a Architects

    reveal the true orm o this extraordinary building. Here a

    series o apparently random, aceted planes all clad in

    copper deconstruct the regular cube orms below. Viewed

    rom Csrsz Street or rom the longitudinal aade to theadjacent gardens, the building suggests ragmented pieces

    o a broken shell. Some o the copper planes interlink to

    orm a continuous roo surace, while others generate

    areas o vertical glazing between them to provide generous

    natural lighting into the spaces below. These copper planes

    carry over to vertical suraces dropping down rom the roo

    area to meet the rendered walls below.

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    23COPPER FORUM 26/09

    Client: Budapest-Hegyvidk, District 12, Local Authority

    Architect: Gbor Turnyi, BenceTurnyi (T2.a Architects Ltd.) Fellow-architects: Zsolt Frikker, Andrs Gde, Orsolya Gnczi,

    Lszl Fldes, Barnabs Lris, Pter Mrk,Eszter Mszros, Levente Skultti,Zoltn Stein, Mikls Vannay

    Working drawing: Maczelka Lszl (Materv Ltd.) Fellow-architect: Barnabs Balai Interior design: Szabolcs Nagy-Miticzky (TrAlkot Ltd.) Fellow-architects: Bence Srkny, dm Vesztergom Structure: Zoltn V. Nagy, Zsolt Inokai, Dr. Jzse Almsi Plumbing & HVAC: Attila Braun, Istvn Tth Electrical Planning: Gbor Br, Mikls Tornallyay Public utilities: Attila BrSwimming-pool technology: Zoltn Sallai Photo: Zsolt Batr

    Further inormation

    A critical article exploring the dephilosophy o the building was wby Jen Kapy and published in 9issue o Alaprajz magazine in Hor more ino visit www.archiweb

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    24 COPPER FORUM 26/09


    By Chris Hodson

    In this 8-page eature, architect Chris Hodson looks at dierent as-

    pects o a particularly infuential British housing project. Following

    this project overview is a closer building study o one house design,

    then a discussion about the architectural role o copper and nally

    detailed design o a particular copper-clad building element.


    Te site, ormerly occupied by low-rise gov-

    ernment oces built in the 1940s, lies to

    one side o Brooklands Avenue, close to the

    Botanic Gardens and the railway stationin south Cambridge. Te locality is char-

    acterised by large terraced and individual

    19th century villas. Accordia is a strategi-

    cally important new residential quarter or

    Cambridge and the last major undeveloped

    browneld site close to the city centre, in

    a key position between the city and open

    elds. As a result, the municipal plan-

    ning authority insisted that the developer

    Countryside Properties employed good

    designers to maximise the unique opportu-

    nities presented by the site.

    Accordia is thereore the result o an unu-

    sual collaboration between three o the

    UKs most highly regarded architects led

    by master-planners Feilden Clegg Bradley

    Studios (FCBS) with associate architects

    Alison Brooks Architects and Maccreanor

    Lavington working closely with land-

    scape architects Grant Associates and other

    consultants. Building work started on site

    in September 2003 and still continues to-

    day. Te development comprises 212 houses

    and 166 apartments on a 9.5 hectare site at

    a density o 40 dwellings per hectare over-

    all including landscape spaces. In addition

    to master-planning, Feilden Clegg Bradley

    Studios designed 230 o the dwellings and

    subcontracted 30% to Maccreanor Laving-

    ton and 10% to Alison Brooks Architects to

    design the rest.

    Photo: Chris Hodson

    Photo: Chris Hodson Photo: Peter Cook, View Pictures

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    25COPPER FORUM 26/09


    Photo: Chris Hodson Photo: Chris Hodso

    Photo: Tim Crocke

    Photo: Countryside Properties

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    26 COPPER FORUM 26/09


    Te master-planners FCBS have described

    the design as including a variety o innova-

    tive house and apartment types in the orm

    o terraces, courtyard houses and set-piece

    apartment buildings, composed within

    public landscaped gardens which extend

    to approximately 3 hectares around one

    third o the site. Te buildings are arrangedin three dense groups o up to 65 dwellings

    per hectare, separated by mature landscape,

    with houses ranging in size rom three to

    ve bedrooms (90 to 350 square metres)

    and apartments o one, two and three bed-

    rooms (45 to 145 square metres). Included

    is a proportion o 30% afordable dwellings

    in mixed tenure, integrated both in design

    and materials with the private housing.

    Te site presented a strong existing land-

    scape ramework with over 700 mature

    trees, so the principle design concept was

    living in a large garden, inormed by lo-

    cal contextual reerences taken rom the

    historic college garden courts and the pub-

    lic green squares known as pieces o

    Cambridge. Te scheme takes an innova-

    tive approach to providing gardens o many

    scales, rom interior rootop spaces and in-

    ternal courtyards to large semi-public com-

    munity gardens. In place o conventional

    house gardens, private open spaces in the

    orm o courtyards, roo terraces and large

    balconies are designed as an integral parto the architecture. In combination with

    the generous communal gardens this aims

    to reect the changing aspirations o our

    modern liestyles and continues a strong

    tradition o domestic architecture in Cam-


    Layouts or three typical FCBS house typesillustrating the three-dimensional approachto introducing open areas.

    Let: 3-Bed Courtyard House;Centre: 4-Bed Courtyard House;Right: 4-Bed Semi-detatched House.

    high density housing at its very besta new model or outside-inside liea paradigm shit in British housing

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    27COPPER FORUM 26/09


    Copper has an essential role in the limited palette o materials throughout Accordi aincluding vertical acades, distinctive bay windows (seen on the let and discussed onpage 31) and dramatic curved roos (seen on the right and dis cussed on page 28-29).


    highdensityhousingatitsverybest,demonstratingthatvolumehouse-builders can deliver high quality architecture.

    anewmodelforoutside-insidelifewithinteriorrooftopspaces,internal courtyards and large semi-public community gardensthere is common land where children saely play.

    thelandscapearchitectdeservesjointcreditalongwiththethreefrms o architects. Together they have created a place that is bothsingular and cohesive so much so in act that it is hard to tell whereone architects designs stop and those o another start; wherelandscaping ends and architecture begins.

    thisisarchitecturethattreatsadultsasgrown-upsandchildrenaspeople with dierent needs.

    anexhilaratingprojectwhichadheredtothetenetsofmodernism,one that reinstates values that were lost rom housing in the latterpart o the 20th centurydelivering light and resh air at high density.

    aparadigmshiftinBritishhousing,sendingamessagetoanindustrythat has or too long been anti-design and to politicians who haveregarded houses as targets to be achieved.

    thevaluesofAccordiaarethoseBritishcitiesneedmoreof:asubtlycontrolling master-plan, a collaborative approach and an eye or both

    the detail and the big picture in the landscape and the architecture.

    Te master-plan was designed or pedestrian and cycle de-

    mands, with landscaped pedestrian streets, mews areas

    with shared suraces, discreet car parking and integrated

    cycle parking or all dwellings. Each dwelling is accessed

    rom an urban street side but opens out onto, and enjoys

    views o a shared landscape which includes amenities or

    passive and active recreation. Te orm o the buildings

    is not only determined by the relationship and scale othe open space and urban rontages but also by the solar

    orientation. Te larger scale apartment buildings and ter-

    races are associated with the bigger open spaces and are

    typically on an east/west orientation to minimise over-

    shadowing o adjacent homes. Te lower terraces and

    courts are arranged around the more intimate landscape

    spaces with south acing terraced gardens.

    Te project received strong support rom the municipal

    planning authority, local residents o the area and CABE

    - the governments advisor on architecture, urban design

    and public space. It has also won a range o important

    Awards, including the UKs top architectural award the

    Royal Institute o British Architects (RIBA) Stirling Prize

    in 2008, the rst housing project to do so.

    Photo: Peter Cook, View Pictures

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    28 COPPER FORUM 26/09



    ompleted early on in the Accordia

    project, in March 2006, these our

    400m2 semi-detached houses ormpart o a row o substantial properties that

    ront onto Brooklands Avenue and showcase

    Accordia. Inspired by the array o unusual old

    villas along Brooklands Avenue, the house de-

    sign provides a exible open plan layout with

    internal spaces varying in height and orienta-

    tion within the envelope dened by FCBS

    high density, sustainable masterplan.

    Split down the middle to create a top-lit, triple

    height atrium and stair hall, the two halves

    are ofset to create a split level so that the liv-

    ing room becomes a 4.5 metre high space. Te

    ground oor was conceived as an open plan

    landscape with a sunken living room, re-

    place and dining areas having large glazed

    areas opening onto outdoor patios and ter-

    races. A single curved pre-patinated copper

    roo sweeps over the top oor o each house

    creating a huge open plan amily room, with

    a replace, rooights and a wall o glass open

    to the sky.

    Te buildings are primarily clad in yellow

    stock brick in line with the masterplan withopenings reely placed in the elevations. Te

    ront and back acades have projecting porti-

    coes to provide shading or the large areas o

    south acing glazing and to create blinkers to

    reduce overlooking and increase privacy.

    Alison Brooks, comments: Tis house is

    about spatial drama, openness and natural

    light. Te split level, open planning has al-

    lowed us to create a house with no corridors

    and double height living spaces. Te central

    atrium lls the centre o the house with light

    and creates a visual connection between all

    levels o the house. Te top oor amily room

    is an ideal exible space- an ideal party room,

    games room, or it could even be another bed-

    room suite. Tis house restores some o the

    glamour o living in a substantial urban villa,

    but has the exibility needed by the modern


    BUILDING FOCUS Four Houses by Alison Brooks Architects LL


    1 Kitch nDiningroo

    3 Livingroo4 Bdroo5 G l l r i6 Bthroo

    T r r c

    8 StudioF i ly r oo

    1 0 G r d n1 1 G r g1 Studio/gu t hou

    1 2 3

    4 5

    6 4 7



    4 5

    10 11



    Photo: Chris Hodson Photo: Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios

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    29COPPER FORUM 26/09



























    29COPPER FORUM 26/09

    Photo: Tim Crocker

    Floor Plans o the pair o houses.

    this house is about spatial drama,openness and natural light

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    30 COPPER FORUM 26/09

    A limited palette o high quality external

    materials was developed by FCBS at the

    master-planning stage, which the other

    architects embraced and adapted to suit

    their particular architecture. FCBS Partner

    Mike Keys explains: We dened the type

    o architecture with the local planners rom

    the start combining a modern approach

    to housing and design with high quality

    traditional materials with a local heritage.

    Walls or the houses are generally yellow

    brick, close to traditional Cambridge stock

    bricks, and there is extensive use o timber

    and dark coloured windows. Copper roos,

    distinct areas o cladding and elements such

    as the prominent bay windows harmonise

    well with the brick. Ten, or the larger

    apartment buildings copper becomes the

    predominant acade material again sitting

    comortably alongside timber elements, the

    dark windows and stone gabion plinth. It

    was interesting to us that copper could de-liver crisp detailing or eatures such as the

    bay windows and also a soter, living sur-

    ace in larger areas on apartment acades.

    FCBS are no strangers to designing with

    copper and regularly use the material on a

    wide range o building types. In act, the

    practice has been commended on a number

    o occasions in the European Copper in

    Architecture Awards (reported in previous

    issues o Copper Forum). Mike Keys adds:

    We are very comortable with the envi-

    ronmental credentials o copper as a ully

    sustainable material with an exceptionally

    long liespan and a history o recycling. We

    did commission a report on the rainwater

    runof rom the copper at Accordia, as wa-

    ter drains via a sustainable drainage system

    (SUDS) into an historic watercourse - origi-

    nally the drinking water supply to the Col-

    leges. Tis revealed that runof was not an

    issue. Copper gutters and downpipes both

    external and hidden were used widely in

    the design or visual continuity and ease o

    maintenance, which we ound to be sur-

    prisingly cost-efective.

    Te other two architects o Accordia also

    made extensive use o copper but in theirown unique way. Project architect Dominic

    McKenzie explains Alison Brooks Archi-

    tects particular approach: We were very

    All those involved with Accordia have a longstanding commitment to sustainable design.

    The buildings and landscape have been designed with sustainability principles in mind,

    including the environmental perormance o each dwelling type, water usage, the meth-

    ods used or construction and the materials.


    Photo: Chris HodsonPhoto: Peter Cook, View Pictures

    FCBS are no strangers to designing with copper and regularly use the materialon a wide range o building types. In act, the practice has been commended on anumber o occasions in the European Copper in Architecture Awards (reported inprevious issues o Copper Forum).

    comortable with the central role o copper

    as one o the FCBS master-plans external

    materials. Copper roong orms an impor-

    tant part o Cambridges historic skyline -

    probably more so than most other British

    cities and that tradition continues with

    contemporary buildings. Tis aesthetic is

    typied by the distinctive green patina o

    the material ater long exposure to the ele-

    ments and we chose pre-patinated copper to

    give this vibrancy straightaway on the rst

    our houses we designed. In contrast, ournext design or Accordia a 10 unit apart-

    ment building takes a cut and olded

    orm with brass cladding.


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    31COPPER FORUM 26/09

    More Information Feilden Clegg Bradley, The Environmental Handbook Right Angle Publishing, 2007.www.cabe.org.uk, Accordia Cambridge, Housing Case Studies Commission or Architecture and the Built Environment.www.architecture.com, RIBA Stirling Prize 2008 Royal Institute o British Architecture.

    Copper-clad, square bay windows are

    used requently at ground and upper levels

    throughout the FCBS buildings at Accor-

    dia, dening an important and recogniz-

    able theme. Generous glazing allows day-

    light deep into the buildings and rames

    the occupants views o the landscaped

    surroundings. But the bay windows also

    incorporate discreet side-opening copper-

    clad vents to allow air in. Careul detail-

    ing proved central to the success o theseelements.

    FCBS partner Mike Keys says: Straight-

    orward detailing with care particularly

    where diferent materials meet is a hall-

    mark o Accordias architecture. Te interac-

    tion o the window system we selected with

    the copper cladding and vents had to be

    careully worked out. We were particularly

    concerned to detail neat copper ashings

    into the brickwork and avoid the large, un-

    tidy upstands and drips too oten seen with

    housing details in the UK. Te standardo copper cratsmanship was consistently

    high at Accordia so that our details were

    executed just as we intended.

    COPPER DETAIL Bay Windows by Feilden Clegg Bradley Studi


    Photo: Chris Hodson

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    32 COPPER FORUM 26/09

    This building is a signifcant piece

    o architecture situated on the

    hilltop o Lelekovice near Brno in

    South Moravia, Czech Republic At

    fst sight you encounter the seg-

    mentation o material and col-

    ours, which mutually harmonise

    and create a pointed aesthetic

    contrast as well a layering o

    materials and shades o colours.

    The design determinants came rom the

    regional planning o Lelekovice and rom

    the investors priorities to create harmony

    o between nature, the house and living in

    the house.

    The house was set on a sloping terrain

    with the aim o creating an architecturally

    interesting building or a man and nature

    living together, particularly with respect

    to the choice o materials. A simple pal-

    ette o three materials copper, stone and

    wood determines the natural eel o the


    The house was set in greenery and partly

    embedded into the ground in to the north.

    A hall with a swimming pool on this north

    side is covered with earth and one can

    walk on the roo. Stairs leading rom the

    hall to the rear o the plot run around an

    inclining copper strip-laid roo.

    The architect extends the exterior into the

    interior with a continuous use o materials.

    The colour scheme o the whole interior is

    in subtle shades so that the wooden acing

    and stone walls can create a harmony with

    other elements.

    Family House in Lelekovice

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    33COPPER FORUM 26/09

    Family house in LelekoviceLelekovice near BrnoSouth Moravia, Czech Republ5 / 2008 (approval)Ak.arch.Tom KotasIng.Libor Hledk


    Region:Date o Completion:


    The main part o the house is a big living

    room with a kitchen and a glassed-in wall,

    visually connected to the hall with a swim-

    ming pool. The countryside can be viewed

    through big areas o glazing One can also

    watch a beautiul and colourul scenery

    and enjoy the sunshine inside the house.

    Spaces, shapes, colours and materials

    were careully designed in detail by the ar-

    chitect, orming a unique concept or the


    A triple combination o materials divides

    the house with dierent suraces copper,

    oak and various types o stones (fat stones

    and boulders) rom a nearby stone pit. This

    way o laying stones is unique and has not

    been used yet. The colour o the chosen

    copper dark brown, although in the be-

    ginning it is lighter and in the process o

    several months it grows darker, contrasts

    with the light shade o oak acing. Wooden

    areas unite the composition. Copper roos

    and inclining strip-laid walls create the

    most appropriate choice o roong or this

    type o a house. It gives visual and aes-

    thetic value and meets all the unctional


    Copper is an indispensable element or ar

    chitecture linking people and nature.

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    34 COPPER FORUM 26/09

    Since the beginning o the year copper has traded in a broad

    range o USD 3,000/t and USD 3,600/t and is currently trading

    around mid-range levels o USD 3,300/t. Prices strengthened

    in January due to the commodity index rebalancing, and later

    in early February prices traded at range highs as rumours o

    strategic buying by Chinese SRB hit the market. However, the

    price outlook remains weak with the real economy in recession,

    credit issues prevailing and the US housing market in its

    worst state in decades. We believe that copper prices have held

    surprisingly well despite the weak demand picture, heavy selling

    rom nancials and the lower growth outlook or the economy

    and that any major rally in copper is unsustainable in the short

    term given the weakness in undamentals.

    Tere has been no improvement in the demand outlook. We

    would rather argue that the situation seems to be getting even

    worse. Key consuming sectors, automotive and construction, are

    in a bad state and the demand outlook or these areas is not likely

    to brighten in the medium term. For instance, US automakers

    are going to cut production in relation to the US government

    nancing package, and US housing starts, reported this week,

    plummeted to record lows (-16.8%, 466k units, annual rate)

    and were down even more than expected. Meanwhile, stimulus

    packages and inrastructure spending will lend some support

    to copper wire and cable demand in the medium term as will

    potential buying by the SRB or the Chinese strategic reserves.

    Chinese import demand has been relatively strong with Q4

    2008 net rened imports up 70% y/y.

    Copper Recent tradingwithin clear price range,

    but still risk or new declinesBy Ukko Massinen and Thina M. Saltvedt, Nordea Commodities

    We have experienced price jumps on index reweighing and strategic buying.

    Weak uture outlook

    Financial actors in deep short positions

    Small production cuts compared to other metals

    Producers have continued to curtail output in the low price

    environment. A urther 100ktpy o capacity has been announced

    to be taken of line. However, production cuts in copper have

    been marginal compared to other metals. Tis is because a large

    number o operations are cash positive even in the current price

    environment. Prices will need to correct below USD 3,000/t or

    the supply side to tighten signicantly. Tat said, the longer-

    term supply pipeline looks thin and will result in a tighter copper

    market once the economy picks up.

    Copper inventories have continued to build and currently total

    a mere 530k tonnes. Given the weak demand environment we

    expect the levels to increase also going orward. Inventories

    should be closely monitored as any change in the trend will act

    as a good sign o a pick-up in physical demand.

    Te Reuters semi-annual poll o metals analysts published in

    January shows that copper prices in 2009 and 2010 will average

    USD 3,471/t and USD 4,329/t, respectively. Tis implies that

    on average prices are not expected to drit signicantly rom

    current levels this year, but are likely to correct higher in the

    longer run. We agree with the consensus that prices are unlikely

    to move signicantly higher rom current levels in the medium

    term, but we believe that prices could all below USD 3,000/t in

    the coming months given weak undamentals.

    February 2009

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    35COPPER FORUM 26/09 35COPPER FORUM 26/09

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    36 COPPER FORUM 26/09

    HISTORYTe Leppsuo estate is the only City campus estate in Helsinki

    with a history dat ing back to the 1940s, when the Student Union o

    the University o Helsinki initiated the building o student houses.

    At the turn o the millennium, the constant increase in the number

    o students at the University resulted in a lack o activity and as-

    sembly acilities, in particular. In addition to the Student Union,the Helsinki School o Economics, which is located near the cam-

    pus and is part o the uture Aalto University, was also looking or

    acilities in the area or the needs o HSE Executive Education.

    Te Student Union o the University o Helsinki and the Helsinki

    School o Economics joined orces in 1999 and started the design

    project o the Tird Student Union Building in the only available

    plot in the area, in the corner o Mechelininkatu Street and Lep-

    psuonkatu Street.

    Domus GaudiumThird Student Union Building

    Te Old Student Union Building and the New Student Union

    Building on Mannerheimintie Road had been built in 1870 and

    1910, respectively. Te Tird Student Union Building was com-

    pleted in Leppsuo in November 2008 and in the inauguration cer-

    emony was christened Domus Gaudium, the House o Joy.

    TOWNSCAPE, ARCHITECTURETe 8-storey residential buildings in Domus Academica orm anopen block structure, which is rather atypical o a downtown area,

    but then they were originally located in the outskirts o the town.

    As a 2-storey corner building, Domus Gaudium will integrate the

    block structure and serve as a pedestal or the vertical rhythm o

    the point blocks. It has adopted its scale rom the low-rise build-

    ings on Mechelininkatu Street, such as the adjacent Domus library

    designed by Architects Arkkitehtitoimisto Einari ersvita, which

    is now known as the Helecon Inormation Centre.

    Student House Domus Gaudium is an interesting project in many ways. It is the most recent ad

    dition among student houses in Finland. The tradition o student unions building their ow

    houses was reinorced toward the end o the 19th century. Signicant student houses in

    clude e.g. the old Poli, i.e. the House o the Student Union o the Helsinki Universit

    o Technology designed by architects Karl Lindahl and Walter Thom and bui

    in 1903 as well as the new Dipoli student union house designed by arch

    tects Reima and Raili Pietil and built in the 1960s in Espoo, whe

    the University o Technology moved into Otaniemi in Espoo

    Domus Gaudeum represents a building designe

    to support the activities o student unions in

    downtown campus o a small metropol

    tan area, Helsinki. The contempora

    ry architecture o the buildin

    is resh and excellent

    adapted to th


    Photo: Jussi Tiainen

    Esko Miettinen, architect SAFA

    Pekka Ojalammi, architect SAFA

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    38 COPPER FORUM 26/09

    INTERIOR A partly 3-storey lobby extending rom the entrance on Meche-

    lininkatu Street to the entrance on Domus square acts as the unc-

    tional and spatial axis o the interior acilities. Te most dominat-

    ing element o the lobby in terms o space is a body with rounded

    edges oating on the level o the second oor, seemingly separated

    rom everything else. Te orm o this body, which contains two

    lecture rooms, has been achieved with gypsum boards bent round

    the curved steel rame. Te steel arches o the rame are xed with60 cm spacing to the concrete slabs o the roo and the intermediate

    oor. Te auditorium wall which separates the body rom the team-

    work rooms is hollow and carries building services. Most o the

    load-bearing columns are spiral welded steel composite columns

    lled with concrete. Beams are Delta steel beams.

    Te typical character o the central lobby is also enhanced by two

    walkways o steel construction, which run along the ull length o

    the lobby connecting the various oor levels in terms o both access

    and visual expression. Te tall lobby brings light into the under-

    ground basement oor, which contains acilities also included in

    the oor area o the building. Te lobby connects these acilities di-

    rectly with the acilities located under the Domus Square courtyard

    and in the basement o the D building. Tese acilities were also

    renovated and converted simultaneously with the building project

    o Domus Gaudium.

    Te ormer Alibi Restaurant, or example, was completely reno-

    vated and reurbished in this connection. Natural lighting in the

    restaurant was essentially improved by a new glass pyramid o steel

    construction, which opens up to the Domus Square. Te new gala

    room o the Student Union was built in the lower basement under

    the restaurant and or this reason the basement had to be loweredca. 1.5 m. Many other acoustically challenging acilities were also

    realised in the basement, such as band rehearsal rooms and a small

    music hall. All the ceiling, oor and wall suraces o these acilities

    were separated rom the concrete rame o the building by multiple

    layers o gypsum boards mounted on steel structures.

    Te underground acilities o the buildings also provide parking

    space or ca. 100 cars.

    Photos: Jussi Tiainen10m (MK 1:150)

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    Site plan

    10m (MK1:250)

    10m (MK 1:500)

    1 st foor

    Ground foor

    DOMUS GAUDIUM, THIRD STUDENT HOUSEADDRESS: Leppsuonkatu 11, 00100 Helsinki, Finland

    SCOPE: Total areaNew building 6 130 m2 renovated building part 5 950 m 2

    Volume, new building 26 700 m3 renovated building part 23 680 m3

    COSTS: New building 14.5 million Renovated building part ca. 11 million

    CLIENT: Kiinteist OY Lepptalo/Student Union o the University o HelsinkiConstruction Project Manager Jukka Leinonen

    Helsinki School o Economics, Facilities AdministrationArchitect Juha Kurki



    Aku Kallio, Jouni Pessala


    Architects Arkkitehtitoimisto Brunow & Maunula OyArchitect Juhani Maunula, head designer 1999-2006Architect Pekka Ojalammi, head designer 2006-2008Architect Susan Niemel, head designer o renovated building part




    10m (MK1:500)

    COPPER FORUM 26/09

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