herriarren kazetaritzaz

Post on 13-Jun-2015






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  • 1. Herritarren kazetaritzaz Jakobe Palazio irakasle jn. EHU, www.palazio.org, @palazio, youtube.com/gorkapalazio 13 diapositiba. Leioa, Uribealdea

2. Herritarren kazetaritza Herritarren kazetaritzari izen asko ematen zaio ingelesez: "public", "participatory", "democratic", "guerrilla" edo "street" journalism). Kazetaritza mota honen oinarria hauxe da: herritarrek partehartze aktiboa dute informazioa biltzeko, editatzeko, aztertzeko eta zabaltzeko prozesuetan. Herritarren kazetaritza ez da nahastu behar komunitate kazetaritzarekin edo kazetaritza zibikoarekin, azken bi hauetan kazetari profesionalek parte hartzen baitute. Kazetaritza kolaboratiboaren kontzeptua ere desberdina da kazetari profesional eta ezprofesionalen arteko kolaborazioari baitagokio. Herritarren kazetaritza erabiltzaileek beraiek sortutako edukian oinarritzen da. New media technology, such as social networking and media-sharing websites, in addition to the increasing prevalence of cellular phones, have made citizen journalism more accessible to people worldwide. Due to the availability of technology, citizens can often report breaking news more quickly than traditional media reporters (Mashable) http://mashable.com/category/citizen-journalism 3. Herritarren kazetaritzaren mapa kontzeptualarfgaJoy Mayer,http://joymayer.com/2012/01/15/mindmapping-participatory-journalism/ 4. DailyHeightsBroooklyn, New York, AEB :: http://www.dailyheights.com 5. BrattleboroVermont, AEB :: http://www.www.ibrattleboro.com 6. Zer da Brattleboro?BrattleboroiBrattleboro.com is an online community news website written by and for the people of Brattleboro and surrounding towns. The site began in February of 2003. It is a place to share the "talk of the town," a virtual meeting place to write about local stories, comments, announcements, events, news, and creative work. Help document what happens where you live and share what you know. Zergatik? Jendeak ahots propioa eduki behar du bere komunitatean, eta gauza izan informazio erabilgarria zabaltzeko, editore batek iragazi gabe. Tokian-tokiko notiziak eta istorioak hartuz; idazten ikusitakoa, jakindakoa edo entzundakoa partekatuz. 7. Brattleboro Edonork parte har dezake? If you have a local story to tell, this is the place. Registered users can submit a story, events, photos, or links. We ask that it be of interest to Brattleboro and southern Vermont, of course, and we hope everyone is polite. Over 30,000 people use the site each month on average. Join in! Parents! Do not let your children use this site without your permission. Teach them not to reveal personal information about themselves. You must determine as to whether this site is appropriate for your child. Please review the site Policies for more information 8. 11 adibide kazetaritza mota honetaz jabetzekohttp://thenextweb.com/media/2011/08/27/11-websites-citizen-journalists-should-know-about 9. Munduan, non-nahihttp://sourcewatch.org/index.php/List_of_citizen_journalism_websites 10. Politikarien mesedetan ote?http://stinktanks.org/what-stinks 11. Bolibarhttp://bolibar.org

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