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  • 8/12/2019 Sem2 Suport Curs Eng 2013



    nglish Study Pack for Students inPsychology and ducation Sciences



    nglish Study Pack for Students inPsychology and ducation Sciences2013-2014nglish Study Pack for Students inPsychology and ducation Sciences

  • 8/12/2019 Sem2 Suport Curs Eng 2013


  • 8/12/2019 Sem2 Suport Curs Eng 2013



    3. Transferul conceptelor/principiilor/metodelor nvate n activiti de receptare a textuluiscris i de producere viznd etapele procesului de scriere, organizarea i dezvoltarea ideilor,structura textului i strategiile de comunicare verbal oral i scris la standarde specificelimbii engleze specializate pentru discursul tiinific.4. Utilizarea grilelor de criterii standard ale comunitii academice/profesionale pentruevaluarea calitii produselor comunicrii academice scrise i orale n limba englez.

    5. Elaborarea unor lucrri scrise i prezentri orale originale care s utilizeze principiile itehnicile de redactare consacrate n mediul academic, cu accent pe genurile predilecte dinpsihologie i tiinele educaiei.6. Realizarea sarcinilor de lucru individuale n contexte de autonomie/independen.7. Participarea la realizarea de proiecte de lucru n perechi i n echip, cu accent pe asumareade roluri n cadrul echipei de lucru n mediul academic.8. Managementul propriei nvri, diagnoza nevoilor de formare, monitorizarea i refleciaasupra utilizrii eficiente a instrumentelor de munc intelectual i aresurselor/tehnicilor/strategiilor de nvare traditionale si TIC.Coninut:


    Saptamana 1 Listening StrategiesSaptamana 2 Anger Fuels Better Decisions; Passive Constructions; SummarizingSaptamana 3 Beginning Reading; Varieties of Bristish and American English; Passive

    ConstructionsSaptamana 4 Not ADHD? Think Dyslexia; Affixation; Word derivation; Modal Verbs;

    Usage of italicsSaptamana 5 Williams Syndrome; Nouns of Greek and Latin origin; Word derivation;

    Root words; Conditionals; Data interpretationSaptamana 6 The Psychology of Competition; Article StructureSaptamana 7 The Structure of an EssaySaptamana 8 Outlining an EssaySaptamana 9 Introductions - The importance of an introduction in essay writing

    Saptamana 10 Conclusions - The importance of a conclusion in essay writingSaptamana 11 The importance of unity in essay writingSaptamana 12 The importance of coherence in essay writingSaptamana 13 Writing timed essays and managing timeSaptamana 14 Revision

    Bibliografie obligatorie:1.Side, Richard Wellman, Guy: Grammar & Vocabulary For Cambridge Advanced andProficiency, Longman, 20012. Prodromou, L., Grammar and Vocabulary for First Certificate, Longman, 20013. Tegla, Camelia (coord.), Felea, Cristina, Mezei, Vlad English B2 C1, Social Sciences andSport, Seria Autodidact (coord. Liana Pop), Cluj, Ed. Echinox, 2009

    4. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, Longman, 20035.

  • 8/12/2019 Sem2 Suport Curs Eng 2013



    Evaluare:Criterii de evaluare: prezena i participarea activ la cursul practice; ndeplinirea corect si latimp a sarcinilor de lucru; nsuirea vocabularului de specialitate; corectitudinea, fluena iadecvarea la cerin a limbii engleze (oral i scris); capacitatea de a utiliza eficient limbaenglez n contexte academice i profesionale specificeMetode de evaluare: examen scris i oral la sfritul semestrului

    Materiale i instrumente necesare pentru curs:Derularea activitilor prevzute necesit accesul studenilor la urmtoarele resurse:- calculator conectat la internet (pentru a putea accesa bazele de date si resursele electronicesuplimentare dar i pentru a putea participa la secvenele de formare interactiv on line)- imprimant (pentru tiprirea materialelor suport, a temelor redactate, a studiilor de caz)- acces la resursele bibliografice (ex: abonament la Biblioteca British Council)- acces la echipamente de fotocopiere

    Elemente de deontologie academicn caz de fraud sau plagiat, vezi poziia UBB.

    Studeni cu dizabiliti:Titularul cursului i exprima disponibilitatea, n limita constrngerilor tehnice si de timp, de aadapta coninutul i metodelor de transmitere a informaiilor precum i modalitile de evaluare(examen oral, examen on line etc) n funcie de tipul dizabilitii cursantului. Altfel spus, avemn vedere, ca o prioritate, facilitarea accesului egal al tuturor cursanilor la activitile didacticesi de evaluare.

  • 8/12/2019 Sem2 Suport Curs Eng 2013



    Unit 1: Anger Fuels Better DecisionsRecent studies suggest that anger can transform even those people who are, by disposition, not very

    analytical into more careful thinkers.

    Despite its reputation as an impetus to rash behaviour, anger actually seems to help

    people make better choices - even aiding those who are usually very poor at thinkingrationally. This could be because angry people base their decisions on the cues that "reallymatter" rather than things that can be called irrelevant or a distraction. Previous research hasshown that anger biases peoples thinking - turning them into bigger risk-takers and makingthem less trusting and more prejudiced, for instance. But little has been done to study howanger affects a persons thinking. So Wesley Moons, a psychologist at the University ofCalifornia at Santa Barbara, and his colleague Diana Mackie designed three experiments todetermine how anger influences thinking - whether it makes people more analytical or carefulabout their decisions, or whether it leads people to make faster, rasher decisions. In the firstexperiment, the researchers induced anger in a group of college students by either askingthem to write about a past experience that had made them very angry, or by having theirstated hopes and dreams harshly criticized by another participant. In a second group ofstudents, anger was not induced. The researchers later checked to be sure that the subjects

    were as riled up as they were supposed to be. The two groups were then asked to read eithercompelling or weak arguments designed to convince them that college students have goodfinancial habits. The strong argument cited research from numerous scientific studies,whereas the weak argument contained largely unsupported statements. The subjects wereasked to logically evaluate the strength of the arguments they read and indicate howconvinced they were by them. The researchers repeated the experiment with a second groupof students, this time giving the subjects an additional piece of information: who had madethe arguments. Some students were told that the argument was made by an organization withrelevant expertise in financial matters; others were told that the argument was made by amedical organization whose expertise was irrelevant to the financial topic being considered.In both studies, the researchers found that the angry subjects were better at discriminatingbetween strong and weak arguments and were more convinced by the stronger arguments.Those who were not made to feel angry tended to be equally convinced by both arguments,

    indicating that they were not as analytical in their assessments. The angry students were alsobetter at weighing the arguments appropriately depending on which organization had madethem.The researchers repeated the experiment a third time using a different argument - one thatsupported the implementation of a university-wide requirement for graduating seniors to takecomprehensive exams. This time, they tested only those subjects who were the leastanalytical, or in other words, those who were the least likely to make logical decisions. Thisway, the researchers would be able to see whether anger also makes typically non-analyticalthinkers more analytical.Once again, they found that the angry subjects were better able to discriminate betweenstrong and weak arguments than the ones who were not angry - suggesting that anger cantransform even those people who are, by disposition, not very analytical into more carefulthinkers.

    Their findings, detailed in this months issue of the Personality and Social PsychologyBulletin, suggest that anger helps people focus on the cues that matter most to making arational decision and ignore cues that are irrelevant to the task of decision-making. This couldbe because anger is designed to motivate people to take action - and that it actually helpspeople to take the right action, the authors wrote.(Source: Adapted from

    New Vocabularyappropriatelybiascompellingcuediscriminateexpertiseimpetus


    decision-makingSynonymsaid = helpanger = rileAntonymsstrong weakrelevant irrelevantFalse friendsdistraction=interruption,disturbancedistraction=

    amusementPhrasesto be likelyto be riled up

  • 8/12/2019 Sem2 Suport Curs Eng 2013



    SECTION I: Vocabulary ActivitiesA. Read the relevant parts of the article again and match the following words with their meaning.Model: 1. additional j. extra1. additional a. settled2. appropriate b. unfair3. to bias c. to distinguish

    4. compelling d. impulsion5. cue e. knowledge6. to discriminate f. to unfairly influence attitudes7. expertise g. sign8. impetus h. convincing9. prejudiced i. suitable10.stated j. extra

    Adverbs are generally formed by adding the suffixly to an adjective.B. Put the word in capitals in the correct form, adding the necessary suffix.Model: additional + -ly= additionally

    1. They were not able to weigh the arguments ... (APPROPRIATE).2. The researchers selected . the students in the control group (CAREFUL).3. This statement was ...criticised by other psychologists (HARSH).4. ..... she could not .... evaluate the strength of his argument (UNFORTUNATE,LOGICAL).5. Some people are very poor at . thinking (RATIONAL).

    A compound nounis a fixed expression made up of more than one word which functions as a noun.In academic English we often use compound nouns to express new, longer concepts.C. Complete the spaces with an appropriate noun to obtain a new word and then, using a dictionary, tryto explain their meaning.reader, esteem, start, gap, human, board.

    Model: key. keyboard = the set of keys for operating a computer or a typewriter1. self- .................. ............ = 2. generation = ..3. mind- .. =

    4. .. being = 5.key .... = ...6. head .. = ..

    Prefixes like in-, im-, il-, ir-, un-, dis- are often used to give adjectives a negative or oppositemeaning. In the fragment above you have the word irrelevantwhich was formed by using the prefixir-in front of the word relevant.D. Use the same method of word formation to give the negative or opposite meaning of the followingwords:1. appropriate ...2. reversible .3. mature 4. adequate ...

    5. approving .6. comfortable ..7. advantageous ...8. legal .9. fair 10. replaceable .

  • 8/12/2019 Sem2 Suport Curs Eng 2013



    SECTION II: Language FocusPassives can be used in all tenses and with modal verbs. Study the Passive constructions in theseexamples from the text and then do the exercise.But little has been done to study how anger affects a persons thinking.

    The two groups were then asked to read either compelling or weak arguments

    Those who were not made to feel angry tended to be equally convinced by both arguments

    This could be because anger is designed to motivate people to take action

    A. Rephrase the following sentences, beginning with the words given. Remember that it is not alwaysnecessary to mention the agent.Model: They told the students that an organization made the argument.

    The students were told that the argument was made by an organization.1. The students in group A criticised the goals of those in group B.The goals ..2. Nobody has studied the role of anger in taking better decisions before.The role 3. Anger can improve analytical thinking.Analytical thinking ...4. The researchers could not convince some of the subjects of the experiment.Some of the ..5. We must inform you about the results of the experiment.You ...6. The psychologists will publish the results of their research in a journal.The results 7. Generally, scientists design experiments for their research.Experiments .8. Some psychologists will contest this new theory.This new theory 9. The two researchers did not induce anger in the second group of students.Anger 10. They gave the subjects some additional piece of information.The subjects .

    B. Rearrange the words to make coherent sentences inside the first and last words given. All sentencescontain Passive constructions.

    Model: were feel not to madeThey ... angry. Theywere not made to feel angry.

    1. logically to asked evaluate subjects arguments of strength the wereThe . arguments.2. that by told argument made an were the wasStudents . organization.3. be a irrelevant can or things calledCertain distraction.4. organization told the were argument that was by made medical aOthers irrelevant.5. that to designed is motivate to take anger people seemsIt . action.

  • 8/12/2019 Sem2 Suport Curs Eng 2013



    SECTION III: Text StructureThe ability to summarise and paraphrase is an essential academic skill all students must develop.What is a summary?A summary is a condensed version of the main ideas of all or part of a sourcewritten in your own words.Why do we write summaries? The goal of writing a summary is to offer as accurately as possible thefull sense of the original, but in a more condensed form.

    How do we write summaries?A. You are going to listen to a set of instructions for writing a good summary and then fill in the blankswith the missing information. You will listen to the recording twice.

    Writing an effective summary requires that you:

    Read with the Writer's Purpose in Mind

    Read the article (1), making (2) notes or marks and looking only for what the(3) is saying.

    After you've finished (4), write down in one (5) the point that is made about the

    subject. Then look for the writer's (6) and underline it.

    Underline with Summarizing in MindOnce you clearly (7) the writer's major point (or purpose) for writing, read the article

    again. Underline the (8) supporting the thesis; these should be words or phrases here

    and there rather than complete sentences.

    In addition, underline (9)transitional elements which show how parts are connected.

    Omit specific details, examples, description, and (10) explanations.

    Write, Revise, and Edit to Ensure the Accuracy and Correctness of Your Summary

    Writing Your SummaryNow begin writing your summary. (11) with a sentence naming the writer and article

    title and (12) the essay's main idea. Then write your summary, omitting nothing

    important and striving for overall (13) through appropriate transitions.

    Be concise, using coordination and subordination to compress ideas.

    Conclude with a final .(14) reflecting the significance of the article - not from your

    own point of view but from the writer's.Throughout the summary, do not (15) your own opinions or thoughts; instead summarise

    what the writer has to say about the subject.

    Revising Your SummaryAfter you've completed a draft, read your summary and check for .(16).

    Keep in mind that a (17) should generally be no more than one-fourth the length of

    the original. If your summary is too long, cut out words rather than ideas. Then look for non-

    (18) information and delete it.

    Write another draft -- still a draft for revision - and ask someone to read it (19).

    Editing Your SummaryCorrect grammar, spelling, and (20) errors, looking particularly for those common in

    your writing.

    Write a clean draft and proofread for copying errors.

    (Source: Adapted from

  • 8/12/2019 Sem2 Suport Curs Eng 2013



    Unit 2: Beginning ReadingReading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. Richard Steele

    Just as your little one develops language skills long before being able to speak, shealso develops literacy skills long before being able to read. What you do, or don't do,

    has a lasting impact on your child's reading skill and literacy.Children develop much of their capacity for learning in the first three years of life,when their brains grow to 90 percent of their eventual adult weight. When you talk,sing, and read to your child, links among his brain cells are strengthened and newcells and links are formed.

    Play is the work of your young children. From the first lullaby to dramatization ofa favorite story, music and other creative arts can stimulate language and literacydevelopment. You can help build pre-literacy skills through dramatic play and one-on-one interaction.

    Many pediatricians believe that a child who has never held a book or listened to astory is not a fully healthy child. Reading aloud to young children is so critical thatthe American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that doctors prescribe readingactivities along with other advice given to parents at regular check-ups.

    Despite the considerable evidence of a relationship between reading regularly to achild and that child's later reading development, six in ten babies and five in tentoddlers are not read to regularly by parents or family members. Parents are trulytheir children's first and most important teachers and they should not leave to schoolsalone the important tasks of language and literacy development.

    Children cannot learn to read without an understanding of phonics. All childrenmust know their ABCs and the sounds that letters make in order to communicateverbally. The question in early childhood programs is not whether to teach "phonics"or "whole language learning," but how to teach phonics in context - rather than inisolation - so that children make connections between letters, sounds, and meaning.Phonics should not be taught as a separate "subject" with emphasis on drills and rotememorization. The key is a balanced approach and attention to each child'sindividual needs. Many children's understanding of phonics will arise from theirinterest, knowledge, and ideas. Others will benefit from more formal instruction.

    There are many opportunities to teach the sound a letter makes when children havereason to know. For example, the first letter a child learns typically is the first letterof her name.

    Some teachers worry that encouraging children to learn through experience andinvent their own spellings will not provide them with adequate language skills. Butliteracy is not so much a skill as a complex activity that involves reading, writingand oral language. Ideally, children should develop literacy through real life settingsas they read together with parents or other caring adults. Children begin to makeconnections between printed words and their representations in the world.

    Adults should keep in mind that children may learn to read at different pacesduring kindergarten and first grade. This is true for all children, including those withspecial needs and those from linguistically and culturally diverse backgrounds.

    Source: Adapted from National Association for the Education of Young Children,

    NewVocabularylullabypacereinforcedrotestrengthentoddlerAntonymscontext isolationCompoundscheck-upsone-on-onepre-literacyKey wordsreadingletterssoundsmeaningmemorizationdrillslanguagelinguisticsphonicsverbalcommunicationconnectionsindividualneedsliteracyskillsAm. Englishvs.Br. Englishfavorite vs.

    favouritepediatrician vs.paediatricianprogram vs.programme

  • 8/12/2019 Sem2 Suport Curs Eng 2013



    SECTION I: Vocabulary Activities

    A. Read the article again and match the following words with their antonyms.Model: 1. context f. isolation1. context a. temporary2. lasting b. inability3. critical c. decrease4. development d. misunderstand5. comprehend e. insignificant6. capacity f. isolation

    B. All the concepts listed below are related to the process of reading. Use the words to fill in the spaces.

    1. Many teachers suggest that . should be taught in context, not in isolation.2. Children develop . skills before they are able to read.3. They have to be taught the sounds the .... make.4. This is the first step in the development of ..communication.5. Specialists consider that, when teaching phonics, we should not emphasise the ..6. Rote .. is another aspect that must not be insisted on.7. Children must understand the connection between letters, .. and meaning.8. As they progress, children begin to make ...between words and their representations.9. Not all the children can develop adequate .. skills.10. Children read at their pace, according to their .... and cultural background.

    C. Certain words may differ in spelling in American and British English, as favorite vs. favourite, whichappeared in the text. Fill in the chart below with other words that correspond to each category. Use adictionary if necessary.Am E vs. Br E words-or -our favorite/ favourite; color/ colour; behavior/ behaviour;-ze -se-ll -l

    -og -ogue-er -re-e -oe or -ae-ck or k -que-dg -dge-ense -enceother program/ programme;












  • 8/12/2019 Sem2 Suport Curs Eng 2013



    SECTION II: Language Focus

    Prepositions after PassivesThere are only a few prepositions that can follow the passiveverbs. The most common is by. Other prepositions are with, and in. We use other prepositionswhen the meaning requires them. e.g.Emphasis is placed onrote memorization.

    A. Choose the preposition that best completes each sentence. Tick () the correct answer.ModelFive in ten toddlers are not read . regularly.

    afor bby cto dwith1. The argument is centred . whether or not to encourage children to learn throughexperience.

    aon btowards cof dabout2. The essay must be divided . three parts: introduction, body and conclusion.

    ato bfor cinto dwith3. My attention was drawn . the pale little boy in the corner.

    awith bto cfor don4. The reading test was prepared . great patience.

    aby bwith cfor dfrom5. A storm of criticism has been levelled . the board of the school.aagainst btowards cby dfor

    B. For each of the sentences below, write a new sentence as similar as possible in meaning tothe original sentence, using the word given, which must not be altered in any way.

    Model According to the protocol, we must call the president Mr. President.addressedAccording to the protocol, the president must be addressedas Mr. President.

    1. They will deduct points if you do not solve all the tasks on the answer sheet.


    2. All of a sudden the dyslexic child became very emotional.overcome

    3. The researcher was given an honorary doctorate in education by Cambridge University.conferred

    4. There were hundreds of children in the school yard.packed

    5. The results of her study came as a complete surprise to us.


  • 8/12/2019 Sem2 Suport Curs Eng 2013



    Unit 3: Not ADHD? Think DyslexiaAlthough dyslexia is a slight disorder of the brain, it is not an intellectual disability and it has been

    diagnosed in people of all levels of intelligence.Although as many as one in 10 people have dyslexia, it's one of the most commonly

    misdiagnosed learning issues for school-age children, according to Drs. Brock and

    Fernette Eide, physicians and co-authors of the book The Mislabelled Child. That'sbecause ADHD often acts as a red herring, throwing evaluators off the scent. "If you talkto most parents or teachers, ADHD, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, is the firstthing on people's minds when a student's falling behind in class or is struggling inschool," says Dr. Brock Eide. "But what they should be doing is thinking about dyslexia.The dyslexic child is often a mislabelled child." Children with unrecognized dyslexia areoften seen as inattentive, careless, or slow, but, the Eides say, often nothing could befarther from the truth. "Dyslexics are overrepresented in creative and inventive fields likeart and architecture or computers and engineering," according to Dr. Fernette Eide. "Asyoung people, their gifts and talents may be overlooked because society only sees theirweakest link." Although dyslexia is one of the most common specific learningdisabilities, it's not always identified in school. Many parents and professionals are moreaware of attention deficit disorder checklists than ones for dyslexia. That's exactly why

    parents need to be on the lookout, says Dr. Fernette Eide. "Parents need to be alert to thepossibility of dyslexia, because they may be the only one who recognizes their child'spattern of difficulties, so they can help get them the proper assessments,accommodations, and remediation they need." That's all well and good. But what exactlyshould you look for? The authors say the following traits are red flags for possibledyslexia: reading is slow and effortful (especially reading aloud); tendency to make wildguesses with new words; trouble appreciating rhymes; may skip over small words (likea, an, the) while reading; mixes up order of letters; avoids reading aloud; listeningcomprehension much better than reading comprehension; letter reversals, unusualspelling errors (may look like wild guesses); may avoid writing by hand; "careless"errors in math or with reading test instructions; does much better with oral testing. Ifyour child shows these signs, the Eides urge, don't just assume they're being lazy. Theremay be something else at work. ADHD might be a big buzz word in the media, butdyslexia is far more common. And the earlier it's diagnosed, the sooner help can arrive.

    A glossary of important terms related to learning disabilities is necessary for parentsto identify signs in their children.Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) =A severe difficulty in focusing and maintainingattention. Often leads to learning and behaviour problems at home, school, and work. Itis also called Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD); DevelopmentalAphasia =A severe language disorder that is presumed to be due to brain injury ratherthan because of a developmental delay in the normal acquisition of language;Dyscalculia = A severe difficulty in understanding and using symbols or functionsneeded for success in mathematics; Dysgraphia = A severe difficulty in producinghandwriting that is legible and written at an age-appropriate speed; Dyslexia =A severedifficulty in understanding or using one or more areas of language, including listening,speaking, reading, writing, and spelling; Dysnomia = A marked difficulty inremembering names or recalling words needed for oral or written language; Dyspraxia=A severe difficulty in performing drawing, writing, buttoning, and other tasks requiringfine motor skill, or in sequencing the necessary movements.Source: Adapted from :

    New Vocabulary

    assessmentchecklistmislabelledto overlookpatternremediationto sequencestruggletraiturge

    Phrasesto be aware ofto be due to

    to be on the lookoutto be presumed toto fall behindto throw smb. off thescentwild guesses

    False friendsphysician physicist

    Compound wordsage-appropriateschool-age



    remediationWord familiesdisabilitydisabilitiesdisabled

  • 8/12/2019 Sem2 Suport Curs Eng 2013



    SECTION I: Vocabulary Activities

    Some suffixes, particularly at the end of adjectives, have meaning: -less(without); -like;-able; - worthy; -ful; -proof; - tight.

    A. Check the meaning of the following suffixes, then choose the suitable one in order to form new words.- less - like -able - worthy -ful -proof - tight

    Model: I think it is going to rain, so you will probably use your new watertightjacket.

    1. The physicians needed trust persons for their research.2. They have to pay consider...attention to the traits displayed by children.3. Dealing with dyslexia may sometimes be a pain .. experience.4. Dyslexics must not feel hope .. as long as help can be provided.5. People suffering from ADHD may display child ..behaviour.6. We should use error - . tests in the assessment of these children.

    WORD FAMILIES Noun Verb - Adjective

    B. Write the word forms for the following:

    Model: protectNOUN VERB ADJECTIVEprotection protect protective






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    SECTION II: Language Focu

    The ten modal verbsare: can, may,

    A. Identify the modals in the text Nverb is used and assign it to one of t

    Model: Possibility





    Obligation/ Desirability

    Obligation/ Necessity


    Probability/ Possibility


    B. Write sentences of your own usin

    Model: Being on holiday, I


    2. ..


    4. ..








    must, will, should, could, might, ought to, shall, w

    t ADHD? Think Dyslexia. Look at the context in whihe categories listed below listed in the table below.


    Modal Verb

    some of the modal verbs listed above and the prom

    could relax in the swimming pool al









    ch each modal

    ts given.

    l day long.








  • 8/12/2019 Sem2 Suport Curs Eng 2013



    SECTION III: Text StructureWe use italics (characters set in type that slants to the right) and underlining to distinguish certainwords from others within the text. These typographical devices mean the same thing; therefore, itwould be unusual to use both within the same text and it would certainly be unwise to italicize anunderlined word.

    Usage ofitalicsor underliningTo indicate titles of complete or major works such as magazines, books, newspapers, academicjournals, films, television programs, long poems, plays of three or more actsForeign wordsthat are not commonly used in EnglishWords used as wordsWords or phrases that you wish to emphasize

    A. Look at the following examples and match each sentence to one of the usages above. Write thecorrect answer next to each sentence.

    Have you seen Minghellas The English Patient?You must remove the word nuance from thissentence.

    I simply do not care whatyousay!The article was published in theJournal of SocialWork Education.They all wished him bon voyageand left.

    B. Write down the words that you would use into italics.

    Model: My favourite book is Isabel Allendes Portrait in Sepia.Portrait in Sepia

    1. Jane loves to watch ER and Greys Anatomy because their plots are very interesting.............................................................................................2. The New York Times is where I read Benedict Careys An Active Purposeful Machine That ComesOut at Night to Play.....3. Neil Genzlinger wrote the review of Lloyd Suhs drama The Children of Vonderly.....4. According to Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary, the word dyslexia means: a slight disorderof the brain that causes difficulty in reading and speaking, but does not affect intelligence.....5. I am not interested in your opinion!....6. An au pair should be treated as a family member, not as a servant.....7. She said au revoir and disappeared in the night.....

    8. The biggest tabloid in Europe, by circulation, is Germanys Bild-Zeitung.....9. She is a mislabelled child, this is the problem!................10. The word disorder appears too often in this short paragraph.

  • 8/12/2019 Sem2 Suport Curs Eng 2013



    Unit 4: Williams Syndrome

    If a person suffers the small genetic accident that creates Williams syndrome,hell live with not only some fairly conventional cognitive deficits, like trouble

    with space and numbers, but also a strange set of traits that researchers call theWilliams social phenotype or, less formally, the Williams personality: a loveof company and conversation combined, often awkwardly, with a poorunderstanding of social dynamics and a lack of social inhibition.Williams syndrome rises from a genetic accident during meiosis, when DNAsdouble helix is divided into two separate strands, each strand then becoming thegenetic material in egg or sperm. Normally the two strands part cleanly, like azippers two halves. But in Williams, about 25 teeth in one of the zippers 25genes out of 30,000 in egg or sperm are torn loose during this parting. Whenthat strand joins another from the other parent to eventually form an embryo,the segment of the DNA missing those 25 genes cannot do its work.The resulting cognitive deficits lie mainly in the realm of abstract thought.Many with Williams have so vague a concept of space, for instance, that evenas adults they will fail at six-piece jigsaw puzzles, easily get lost, draw like apreschooler and struggle to replicate a simple T or X shape built with a half-dozen building blocks. Few can balance a check book. These deficits generallyerase about 35 points from whatever I.Q. the person would have inheritedwithout the deletion. Since the average I.Q. is 100, this leaves most people withWilliams with I.Q. in the 60s. Though some can hold simple jobs, they requireassistance managing their lives.The low I.Q., however, ignores two traits that define Williams more distinctlythan do its deficits: an exuberant gregariousness and near-normal languageskills. Williams people talk a lot, and they talk with pretty much anyone. Theyappear to truly lack social fear. Indeed, functional brain scans have shown thatthe brains main fear processor, the amygdala, which in most of us shows

    heightened activity when we see angry or worried faces, shows no reactionwhen a person with Williams views such faces. Its as if they see all faces asfriendly.People with Williams tend to lack not just social fear but also social savvy. Loston them are many meanings, machinations, ideas and intentions that most of usinfer from facial expression, body language, context and stock phrasings. Ifyoure talking with someone with Williams syndrome and look at your watchand say: Oh, my, look at the time! Well its been awfully nice talking with you. . . , your conversational partner may well smile brightly, agree that this isnice and ask if youve ever gone to Disney World. Because of this andbecause many of us feel uneasy with people with cognitive disorders, or for thatmatter with anyone profoundly unlike us people with Williams can havetrouble deepening relationships. This paradox the urge to connect, the

    inability to fully do so sits at the centre of the Williams puzzle, whetherconsidered as a picture of human need or, as a growing number of researchersare finding, a clue to the fundamental drives and tensions that shape socialbehaviour.After being ignored for almost three decades, Williams has recently become oneof the most energetically researched neurodevelopmental disabilities afterautism and it is producing more compelling insights.Source: Adapted from David Dobbs,The Gregarious

    New Vocabularycompelling

    drive(s)helixinsightmeiosisphenotyperealmreplicatesavvystock phrasingstrandurge




    Nouns of

    foreign originamygdalameiosis

    Compoundshalf-dozen (blocks)near-normal (skills)six-piece (puzzle)

    Phrasesto be torn looseto feel uneasy

    Word families



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    SECTION I: Vocabulary Activities

    Many nouns taken from other languages form their plurals by adding s or es to the singular.However, some have kept their foreign(Latin and Greek) plurals thesis/theses; phenomenon/phenomena, alga/algae, etc.LATIN:um a datum/data, medium/media, stratum/strata, addendum/addenda, symposium/symposia,bacterium/bacteriabutmuseum/museums, asylum/asylums, stadium/stadiumsDatum is much less common than its Latin plural data (information, especially information organizedfor analysis) which in English is usually constructed as a plural: These data are inconclusive butoften also as a singular, especially in scientific context This data is inconclusive.LATIN:us i cactus/cacti also cactuses, focus/foci also focuses, radius/radii, terminus/termini,nucleus/ nuclei also nucleuses, bacillus/bacilli, stimulus/stimulibut

    bonus/bonuses, genius/geniuses, virus/virusesLATIN:a ae alga/algae, larva/larvae, formula/formulae also formulas, antenna/antennae alsoantennas, vertebra/vertebrae also vertebrasbut

    arena/arenas, dillema/dillemas, diploma/diplomas, era/eras, encyclopaedia/encyclopaedias,retina/retinas, villa/villasLATIN:x ces index/indices also indexes, appendix/appendices (in books) also appendixes(anatomical), matrix/matricesLATIN:others genus/genera, stamen/staminaWords of Greek origin retain their declentional endings, but anglicised plurals for some of them arefavoured:GREEK:

    is es analysis/analyses, axis/axes, basis/bases, crisis/crises, diagnosis/diagnoses,hypothesis/hypotheses, paranthesis/parantheses, thesis/thesesGREEK:on a phenomenon/phenomena, criterion/criteriabut

    demon/demons, neuron/neurones, proton/protons, ganglion/ganglionsSome foreign nouns are at half way stage with two plurals, the original plural and the English one. Asa rule, the difference is not of sense, but of style. The foreign plural is characteristic of formal usage,particularly in scientific and academic writing. In some cases the two plurals have different meanings.

    index/indices (algebraical signs) indexes (table of contents)genius/genii (spirits) geniuses (men of genius)

    There are also words borrowed from other languages that in certain circumstances retain their originalendings in the plural.

    HEBREW: cherub/cherubim(cherubs), seraph/seraphim (seraphs)ITALIAN:

    bandit/banditti (bandits), virtuoso/virtuosi also virtuososConfetti (from Italian confetto, which is not used in English) takes a singular verb.Graffiti (lacking a singular form) takes the plural.

    FRENCH:beau/beaux, bureau/bureau

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    A. Fill in the correct plural form of the words in brackets.

    Model Although extensively investigated, thesephenomenastill fascinate researchers (phenomenon)

    1. Both the preliminary and final .. revealed that 25 genes were missing (analysis)2. The researchers collected a great deal of .. for their report (datum)3. There are several ... that must be considered when calculating the IQ (criterion)

    4. The brain scans revealed that there was a set of which the brain reacted (stimulus)5. More ...are to be confirmed by the new experiments (hypothesis)

    Word formationis one of the most useful methods to enrich your vocabulary. To the root word youmay add a prefix or a suffix to form a new word: misunderstanding.

    B. Form new words using prefixes and/or suffixes to fill in the blanks with the aid of the words incapitals.

    ModelMany people suffering from Williams syndrome draw like apreschooler. SCHOOL

    1. The cognitive deficit was .. by the genetic accident that occurred during meiosis. HIGH2. We were all surprised to see John behaving so ...... in a new environment. GREGARIOUS

    3. The brains main fear ... is the amygdala. PROCESS4. Jenas cognitive .. made impossible any human interaction. PAIR5. His lack of social puzzles everybody. INHIBIT

    C. Each group of words written below has a root word which you must guess and write in column B;then match it with the appropriate definition in column C. The first is done for you.

    A B Cbiodiversity; autobiographical;biologist; biography; symbiosis

    bio= life feel

    admittance; emitted; omit;permitting; remittance;unremitting; submitted;


    bear; bring; carry

    dictation; indicate; dictionary;predictable; verdict


    infer; transfer; preferable; offer;confer; ferry

    speech; word; reason; study

    apathy; pathetic; pathology;sympathy; telepathic; empathy;



    biological; psychologist; logic;philology


    analgesia; nostalgic; analgesic;neuralgia; nostalgia

    say; speak


    metamorphosis; amorphous;


  • 8/12/2019 Sem2 Suport Curs Eng 2013



    SECTION II: Language Focus

    Conditionalsare clauses which begin most typically with if. They go in several types and they areused to express events which are possible, likely events in the future, unlikely situations in the presentor future or an event that did not happen in the past.

    A. Study the following examples of first, second and third Conditional. Fill in with the appropriateform of the verbs in brackets.

    a. If a person suffers the small genetic accident that creates Williams syndrome, he will live with

    some fairly conventional cognitive deficits.b. If we understoodtheir condition, maybe we could helpthem.

    c. I would have madeother plans for the trip if you hadtoldme about her disability.

    1. Most likely they will leave sooner if they ... (realise) that he has a cognitive disorder.2. The DNA ..(not be affected) if a genetic accident had not occurred during meiosis.3. If people with Williams syndrome had a concept of space they .. (not draw) as a

    preschooler.4. His IQ ... (be) higher if the deficits had not erased 35 points.

    5. If we ...(not feel) uneasy in the presence of people with Williams, they could deepenhuman relations.

    Conditional clauses may be introduced by other subordinators than if, for example: as/so long as,unless, on condition that, only if,provided that, etc.

    B. Match the clauses in column A with those in column B to form sentences. One is done for you. 11- A

    1. If she had realised her report would bemisinterpreted,

    A. on condition that you take good care of it.

    2. As long as you promise to behave yourself, B. provided that you have the suitableprogramme.

    3. Her latest article may be downloaded


    C. contact us immediately.

    4. Supposing you met a Williams person, D. she would not have published it.5. In the event of a gene deletion duringmeiosis,

    E. on condition that you feel comfortablewith her.

    6. In case of a crisis, F. you would have understood his behaviour.7. Humans begin to have hallucinations G. unless you apologise first.8. She will deepen the relation H. the person will suffer from Williams

    syndrome9. If you had paid more attention to John I. you can join us at the meeting10. I m sure they will turn down yourinvitation

    J. if you keep them awake for more than 72hours.

    11. You can borrow my laptop for the project K. would you know how to talk to him?

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    SECTION III: Text Structure

    Datarefers to information which can be a measure or some observations of things.Articles, research papers, reports, etc. use tables, charts or graphs to provide information. Some usefulvocabulary in talking about data includes: verbs: increase, decrease, decline, climb,fluctuate, tend;adjectives: high, low, dramatic,gradual,slight,steep; nouns:fall,point, trend, average,level.

    A. Read the fragment below and fill in with the most suitable word from the box. One is done for you.

    miserable lower graph levels climbing tend slightly average progressively point start off

    Happiness is smile shaped

    Research into happiness suggests that our levels of happinesschange throughout our lives.

    People were asked how satisfied they are with their lives.Most people start off(0) happy and become __________ (1) lesshappy as they grow older.For many people, the most __________ (2) period in their life istheir 40s.After that most people's __________ (3) of happiness climb.This __________ (4) shows average life satisfaction based onextensive research from the British Household Panel Surveybetween 1991 and 2003.It seems men are __________ (5) happier on average than womenin their teens, but women bounce back and overtake men later in life.Women start with __________ (6) levels of average life satisfaction than men.The low __________ (7) seems to last for longer for women - throughout their 30s and 40s, only__________ (8) once women reach 50.Then women __________ (9) to overtake men.Men start slightly higher than women on __________ (10), and their lowest point is their 40s,climbing again once they reach 50.

    Graph source: British Household Panel Survey 1991-2003Andrew Oswald, Department of Economics, University of Warwick and Nattavudh Powdthavee, Institute of Education, University of



    B. Obtain information from the following charts and write a data commentary in a similar styleas above.

    Age-related changes in total amount of sleep and REM sleep


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    Unit 5: The Psychology of CompetitionThe five S's of sports training are: stamina, speed, strength, skill, and spirit; but the greatest of theseis spirit. Ken Doherty

    Training the body takes the right state of mind to excel in competition.

    A relatively new area in psychological research is sport psychology. However, theprinciples involved are much older. Ever since the time of the ancient Greeks aconnection between the body and the mind has been recognized. For any professionalsin the field of psychology it is considered scientific fact that the emotions andpsychological health of an individual has a very significant bearing on their physicalcondition. Therefore, it stands to reason that for physical competitors searching for aslight edge, this connection needs to be explored and used to its fullest extent.State of mind There are numerous ways that athletes train their bodies. Weight training,push-ups and running are just a few of the physical training activities utilized byathletes regardless of the sport involved. There are also a variety of psychologicaltraining exercises that can be used by athletes. At the time of competitions, numerouselite competitors talk of being "in the zone". What this is referring to is the process offocusing totally on the task at hand, blocking out any distracting thoughts and giving

    the mind the ability to work through the task in a step-by-step fashion. Meditation issomewhat of a similar process. In and of itself, meditative work is a tool that athletescan utilize to train their minds. In the evening, prior to going to sleep, sit or lie downcomfortably and allow your mind to become clear. Do not attempt to force this, as thevery thought of forcing will break the meditation process. Instead, as thoughts come toyou, allow them to pass again. Do not concentrate on them, but allow them to go in andout of your brain. At the beginning of this process, some individuals find it to be helpfulto concentrate on a single thought. If this technique works for you then try it, but keepin mind that the final goal is complete freedom of thought. As time goes on, you willapply this state of meditation to competitionYour inner voice The difference between failure and success can be a matter of simplyself talk. Each of us has an inner voice that gives us a running commentary on theevents in our daily lives. Learn to hear that inner voice. Literally speak out loud the

    word "stop" at any time that negative self talk starts, then implement positiveconscience self talk, going through in a step-by-step method. When you are not intraining or competition is the best time to learn to control your inner voice. By the timethat you go into competition itself, your interior dialogs should be totally encouragingand supportive. Self talk and affirmations are related. The main difference between thetwo is that affirmations are delivered into the conscious mind. Prior to going to bed, andagain just prior to a competition, look into a mirror and affirm five best strengths youhave for the sport you are in. This will have the effect of building confidence in yourown abilities. Learn to control any stress you may have. Stress can be either negative orpositive, primarily determined by any attitude you may have towards it. Your body doesnot realize the difference between negative and positive stress, so it is your thoughtsthat must take over to establish that distinction. Instead of fear, learn to identify thefeeling as excitement, and you will harness its power. There are numerous other

    psychological techniques that can be applied to competition. Nevertheless, the majorityof the other techniques are based on the concepts of self talk, meditation, and stressmanagement. If you can master these basic techniques you will begin to move forwardon the right track towards having a competitive edge.Source: Adapted from : Korbin Newlyn



    Phrasesto stand toreason

    to search for aslight edgeto have acompetitiveedgerunningcommentaryto buildconfidenceto move on theright track

    Antonymsfailure #success


    Compoundsself talkstep-by-steppush-ups

  • 8/12/2019 Sem2 Suport Curs Eng 2013



    SECTION I: Vocabulary Activities

    A. Look up the meaning of the following phrases and give their Romanian equivalents if possible.

    to build confidence to gain self-assurance a cpta/ ctiga ncredereto have a competitive edgeto give a running commentary

    to stand to reasonto move on the right trackto search for a slight edge

    B. All the concepts listed below are related to competition. Use the words to fill in the spaces.

    1. They should always listen to their ................ when they do not know what to do.2. Recent research shows that .... helps athletes to recover faster from injuries.3. The pressure of the competition requires a lot of ....... to be successful.4. .... is a technique which can be used to reduce anxiety.5. Researchers believe that self-confidence can be built with ... and positive thinking.6. Athletes need many hours of ...... to stay in good shape.7. One important step towards success is to build ..... in your own abilities.8. Freedom of thought is a stage of ... that can be applied to competition.9. Some psychological techniques are based on the concept of ...... .10. ... makes sometimes the difference between failure and success.

    C. Read the article again and match the following words with their antonyms.

    Model: 1.success g.failure

    1. success a. weakness

    2. prior b. similarity3. excitement c. disconnect4. distinction d. subsequent5. strength e. unhelpful6. supportive f. boredom7. harness g. failure


    A. innervoice

    B. relaxation

    C. self talk



    E. physical



    G. stress


    E.. psychological


    G. emotionalcontrol

    H. affirmations

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    SECTION II: Text Structure

    An articleis a piece of writing which offers information in magazines, newspapers, academicjournals, the internet or other type of publication. In general, articles have five sections: headline,introduction, main body, conclusion and bibliography.

    A. Study the layout of the magazine articles printed above and rearrange the following jumbled text inorder to obtain a coherent article. Use the two or three column format.

    Steven Pinker: How Our Minds EvolvedBy Robert Wright, author of Nonzero: The Logic of Human Destiny Monday, Apr.26, 2004

    Decades of social-science dogma depicted the human mind as having few built-in features--kind oflike a computer with no programs, a blank slate. Pinker, along with others in the young field ofevolutionary psychology, disagrees. For starters, he argued in The Language Instinct, we have agenetically based word processor, engineered by natural selection. Among the other legacies of

    natural selection, say the new Darwinians, are such impulses as jealousy and vengefulness. So Pinkerdraws fire from those who ascribe all ills to the corruption of pristine souls. But evolutionarypsychology has a brighter side: love and compassion are also in our genes. Besides, Pinker notes,biology isn't destiny. "Nature," he quotes Katharine Hepburn's character in The African Queen assaying, "is what we were put in this world to rise above."Every half-century, it seems, an eminent Harvard psychologist crystallizes an intellectual era. Nearthe end of the 19th century, William James, writing in Darwin's wake, stressed how naturallyfunctional the mind is. In the mid--20th century, after a pendulum swing, B.F. Skinner depicted themind as a blank slate. Now the pendulum is swinging again. Harvard, which lured Pinker from theMassachusetts Institute of Technology last year, seems poised to keep its tradition alive.Britain's Financial Times once described Steven Pinker as "a handsome man" with a hairstyle that"works equally well for Led Zeppelin front man Robert Plant." But even if the Harvard psychologistdidn't look like a rock star, he would still play to packed houses on the lecture circuit. He hassomething rare among top-tier scholars, an ability to convey complex ideas with clarity, flair and wit.That's one reason his books--most recently, The Blank Slate--make best-seller lists even as they makewaves in academia. The other reason is those waves in academia. Pinker is on the forefront of anintellectual sea change.
