m18_jaime serra

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  • 8/7/2019 M18_Jaime Serra


  • 8/7/2019 M18_Jaime Serra


    66 > Infografa 3.0

    Este trabajo nace como parte del guin delmonlogo/conferencia La esttica de la informacin,presentado en el Centro Cultural Borges (Buenos Aires,Argentina), octubre de 2009. Desarrollado posterior-mente como una obra para ser expuesta y ms tardeadaptada al formato de la columna. La historia, ascomo la recoleccin de la informacin, es rigurosamen-te exacta, salvo el detalle de que jams deje el cigarrillo.

    This work was created as part of the text of a monolo-gue / lecture entitled The Aesthetics of Information,presented at the Centro Cultural Borges (Buenos Aires,Argentina), October 2009. Later developed as a workto be exhibited and later adapted to the format of thecolumn. The story and the collection of information isstrictly accurate, except for the detail that I neverstopped smoking.

    Durante 27 das consum 729cigarrillos, 35,45 por daDistribucin de los cigarrillosconsumidos segn puntoscardinales.El nombre de laslocalidades se han sustituido porel de msicos vinculados con ellas.

    Over 27 days 729 cigaretteswere smoked, 35.45 per dayDistribution of the cigarettessmoked according to cardinalindications. The placenames havebeen replaced by those of themusicians associated with them.

    La Vanguardia. Domingo,27 de junio de 2010.Sunday, June 27, 2010.

    Otra columna nacida como tal yque da pie, posteriormente, a unaobra en formato audiovisual: laproyeccin simultnea de las tresimgenes resultantes de la super-posicin de las letras que forman

    los discursos y las pelculas deestos.

    Another column was born as ithappened and which later becamean audiovisual piece: the simulta-neous projection of three imagesresulting from the superimpositionof the letters of the speeches toge-

    ther with films of these.

    La Vanguardia. Domingo,1 de agosto de 2010.Sunday, August 1, 2010.

    Imgenes de los discursosSobre la guerra total deJoseph Goebbels, Tengo unsueo de Martin LutherKing y El pueblo chino se hapuesto en pie de Mao TseTung.Pictures of the speeches OnTotal War by Joseph Goeb-bels, I Have a Dream byMartin Luther King and TheChinese People Have Arisenby Mao Tse Tung.

  • 8/7/2019 M18_Jaime Serra


  • 8/7/2019 M18_Jaime Serra


  • 8/7/2019 M18_Jaime Serra
