¡jew-york mdaily tribune.lllrre»titig ineolbola tn toe in iha mi.ut ot a ireo, pr,,« prrout »nd...

M DAILY TRIBUNE. I?V OREELEY & McELRATH. tob., tu. mi er. OFFICE, TRIHINB BUILDINGS ¦AKW.toHM. Mil KIiAV "»I O »NINO, JCNjaj x)gj ||4T. FIVE DOLLARS A YEAR. BBOIS IB«. IBS«. ¡JEW-YORK TRIBUNE» fjj MBW-TOBK DAI I I itleiNI IS PUBUBUI y;vfBT MO»N|Nf», Bl NUAY EXCEPTCD »! the Tribune Itulidlns;«, corner «f ..inirr- ^d Nna.a.i aiiei te.nppnnttr the I ity Hall. ¦M «e.lvered to CRy "'i'.arii>«>ra for 1*4 Cran per W»ek ." when ihey prefer. ih*y can pay 1b ndv%nee at tjt l)e*i for .'» month» or a «ear »l lb« »am* r»i» migre raepl**. Two C»«T». Mail »atinrribor» Plv« Dol- ¡«ri por annum, In advance, and the paper in no ca*e jenllnued beyond ihe linn* for which It paid Bub- Itrlpiloo» iak»v. for »lx mooih». Thr»* Dollar» to ad- mac« reciitred In all mi barge» wMh Country Now*, jap-r» D»11t paper» received »l iht» office who** . »r» higher thao thon of Tm Ttitvss, are not «j]owed any d'fr»r*r,re T«»M» or »omití«:*,--fin Afimi/ grel-lnea, or keae-PVet lnewrttoti.-s '""'» * each »utja»r,'.ei,i iaa*riion.I*1! fhlb*lr,.,d». 1..*" feer Ten linen Uni Innrtioa.5cenit pen iu:,»eqn»r.i lr,**rti«.r. which may * e 1 »re. y day. or one», tw'.c».... h » m-. . renn a lip«. I wee» at tr-e option <f fie advenlter, ) Ibelr.aid«. .... r Ten I haaa Tllll tesullrg.Sc.enitallr.e. ». leaenentlaaartkn which mar'*/ .ry day, or oaee iw .-»...> h » luna* . cent» - '' reel »ule,,; »ril»«r, ) TUP kKtII-UUKKI.Y THIBI'Mi jmihliet.»»! e»»ry Wi l>* » «n» .' and a,, fr.c* R* per »nnurn I«" rip.ei for R".. rntngt M.VI.YIIKK WH-.KIV TKIKI'N'K. g TRAY L.AROR PAPER POR THE COUNTRY, aaaSilthed *vi M »urn« .1 -, on price 0 I; pei a- 1 .m. in tdeinee. 1" - er'-« '¦¦' N R \\ -YORK IKHUNK. Recei>I ion of Un« ri*<'«.i(l< nt. Pivaagc down the Bni -Arrirnl nl Am. hoy "prnh of Aldrrnmn I'raaklin .wpcetli ol Ali!« rmiin «Hit rr »lr. I'oll.'a Iteplx.The < ollnliwn Thi lnn.li.it nt I n-u. i; unten BfBBIR. . f 'In. 01 Brnd), Ac. Tne morning »aaBra)«/ aaagaÜBeal, Bad as. st s bRle paat nina .-.¦..',. Mi/i> left the wharf at Caatia Oardaa, and pro ¦iita to Uoveraor'a latead ta take oa board ata Bind ..'« r- tl.ini.' prom teed « brilliant iaaaa ta the Tin- pana" r . t_e I'«» 1 the i'.Hx a «1er, ami bu .tiiilarutin»; fiar nil',"II a BBBta grátala put to the heat ol the doatj thoroaghfarea The (Mnpsiiv on Ixiard the \ aaderbilt "irtmitttfl '<i boom iii iiui.'irct paraoaSi aaaoag iban M-», Qen 11 Hou Dix ni H Lewis, Senator Vu Ice "1 .; ttaa 11 tiio Huí-i.rs c ! Baahhttit Col Crine, Major Ilairi», ("apt Hi K«¦. i*or, Coin. Bloat, lient. Hunier. Capt. \ ni-irt-rman. Capt Hr11vnn.ll. fipt Kairl.¦, A.l.i II 1. JoOjOB J -4g0 I »nkl.-y I liiel i'llti" <. .Ion.-a. Mr Al.'Xitiiilrc \ Hlti'intrcCajit In . Hi hd Hartl.-itiit W m\ |V:i,t Kx Mayors Mar per and llav. unyt r. ami many Other 'lutin-milled .NBtleaii'ii nt the ( ity nil from abroad, The ateauter arrived at Ambiy at about ItVdaeh, siVii the President wa» éteinte«! on hoard b) tin- CÉmialttee and oadactod to the apper d. 1 k His amearaaee wrb tint afa amajadad Baal trera aal »nil anxiity Hi« teea iitiiiii.ini teaSaraaaerara «nd im ex.- aald Mu«) leeeea Ai bu Btefpedea butrd the boat he was cheer«,I l,y tlir-rr,,xx,) I, it tvtliui.,' liko enthusiasm wat iiianifi-itoil nothing Kiiliow that lie had a hold BfOH ÜM )i"nrti nl tin: people Wh« tiio party aided Uta BRlooROR the upper ili-i'k, Alderman Oilxre Iha fwBJrmBB oi tbe Committee, ojn-ii.-ii Hi«- oeraaBBataa with iha iolkiwm».' speiK'h (..'«ni«! M rib Ctaaaea ObmnA honored in ha«ii.*r BnS pleaaiug duty «Mi«neil to me ol prruvntibK 10 you. Hi» Kteellciiry tin I'm »id»i,t nt ttu: L'ulli-d .Ute» Il 11 uuni cetrary that heihould be commended toyour t',urU'»y and all» iition. lot know how Cordtall] 101 Will extend to him thole 1 iviliti»! du» to hit c\»lt, d lUtlon 111» .lay with u». ain informed, will be briel. but 1 »m weii aaeared that aaShta| "ni ba naaatai »n your part to r.-ifler lit» xi.it tmwaaMs, lad that in an ia.iih »aui'iiid our ptiiiln- and ihmitaM«. Iii.titution» he will .1 asea den», pieman and leeetsa k »t ^n<i favorable iDit.reanon. of I In. «r«-at t',,111111, 1,ml I oiporlum Sir i'irfuii-ii iviniit m., t.. tetrada¦¦.¦ la yn ih«. p>btli non of ttio I'liininon Council ol the l.'ity ol N.w V^r« who have K»»i«in'ilf'I ban to greet you and to ten lyr you on behalt of the tMteaaa whom lh«y repreteni. ad lor ihitmerlr.-a, arurdiel weleonie to oui City We nil-(¦»< »t pi« «.»uro te batef permitted lo anteadlo «tait» boaplnHUasincoaildorlog yon mottrboaored pmt 'l'hn i'reildfiit of th.- I'iiiu-d MmfeM it »lw«ya kmored. alwav. maléeme ¡ and I tru.l that lo'ii.lu-r Wen you ahall recall tío. loo vi.n >"U will have no eau** to tewl that ih» City ol New York bat fail.-d 11. rmdiiioii ol the honor or tli» cordiality ut tbe WoToom« l'non thu întroiluftion Proatdeta Kkankiin ,. lae Hoard of Altlcrmen. RÜNBBai Hit Excellent-) m theie wnrdi A», l'ruièfi! On behalt of the Common Council of talilty ol Nt * York, aud in accordtuc.« with my own k-rlilg», I mint re*pecttul!y tender to you a «Innere »nd cordial welcome upon your approach l«< the commercial nrtropoll» of our country, »nd tn ». doin« I bat »peak Rt united lentimentt tit my lellow eat*. wiihnut r.- fird to text or party, lor it it indeedian impotmg and lllrre»titig ineolBOla tn toe In Iha mi.Ut ot a Ireo, pr,,« prrout »nd Independent peopl... the re|irr.. i.tai \. »k"in they hav.. ateemd to occupy the tin.-li.-it nfl flhhte tti" H>'t nt man ami thoutandt upon lhoii»an,i* Alt now a»» uii.le«: in anxluu» expectation ol I'Xtind In* Ike right hand nt t. liow.too t,, »o illuitriout tld dutinguithed a ttranger V ,j art« alunit to « r.t.r 11 City which, but a c.ulury »rid a hall Baa contain, rl only lour tt.ouialni thr«" bundr.-.l iiihaiotatit. »>ut win« li now Sum with,11 ¡t« bordan upv»»i.i ot tour ti_ti.ii.-.i Ikjuiaii J »nul« who iii'.ii»!,- '.,.«. III. r in tin If dell] MUM tkat with a tpirit nt banaoaj aad mutual ferhaaraaea ttdtcative ot the teiauty ot our imtitutlont and the blfli laatof a liberal and enlightened government And »! Rough we cannot, it we w ind. laôatag you xvith all the pomp tad r.-«,»i ipieiidor ot Buropeaa BugB-teeeoa, lor »e.:« a o'n.n il. noerattc «nJ domestic people, yet w.« can and do rml you welcome tmin the overtlowinrt nt patriotic and «ratctul h.-arti tor the liberal dltpenantiont Ol au ovei ruling and tiouiiliiul l'rovid»nc» Wecanlntrotluceyou. BM, 10 one of the BoWeM Iiu'koi dtb« world, where rldetntfrtect tilety theihiptot every tn» aad where float upon every breeze th«x national .WMtin* ol commercial lutcr«'our*e VVn can prea.nl »»yea tnatituuoue toatt-r«-_ »i..l i,,-ouiaa'..t by th<« pro kalrig cire nl 1 phlteaBkropto Ovireraaaaat, where JWntly and dl*<-»»e receive prntectlon «nd relief. »hère the deal1 and tluitif'. the orphan anJ t! - .Wlh.ut rrg»r I to afB, nalixity or coloi are Iht l/oar lyiMpathy and regaid. Upon our putiiir ttr«-« t. nd retliod avenue! rue iu m».|. île BBaB-dm Ump..» iMtaaiadto oarboly raligtea abara luwntef gplrm c»rpe.i with Iba emblem o< tlo rtiriiti»ii« iaith, point in iliem grebdeur to the ol Jecl ol our wonblp »lid I. ud tvrrinlnd the pa.ung trax« :,r ,1 the »rate to Heaven There, too, may be teen . kit lire hallt couancralcd to Uc:ature and »cii'i.ie ». I nl!hou«ti it hat tii-etl tai.l tkai Nammou It the «.,,,! ! iur idolatry yet there are Ikon who love to wonhlp at thift' «hnrift ..ud dwell »Itlio thetr holy influença-». Hut above all, the ihi*u ing Riunuuieiii ot our City» enterprise, teal noble which, Irotn a tource ol nity mile». ili»tiitiute» aubin our iiinl.1 the pur* exbileratmg «out. nt. ol the t'rnloo Lake, atiording protection in time ol danger and Attilghttul tnivrrage to » But. Sir. need not dwell upon matter! »Ui't. at their. arfuaareaoa »thui our (jueat and time »ad opportunity are aftorded It will our plentire t>> pre »nt for your consideration »ucb ot>«ect* may tw< cal '¦_»t*d t«. iuur.<*t and itiati ui t VuJ in _M im-antiuu' Ma repeat that you »re », «a,!, ni- t at boipiuiitiet ot our City. Ti ihn the Prelltli'tit replifil aa lollow« tot th.» cordial welcome which yon «xe m.- ,>-.r in ay»ppr«i»ch to your »¡reat city can on'y ,'\ore*a my tap gratitud* aud eaiietaction I know Mr that the a*a«ui.ti.d allnilioua «in, ti you pr ,rt«-t iu* ai* ron wnxd ta, tbe autiou whnli I Rara Un Roan lohoM «nd »ktb. m yon lastly say at ii»«- klgbeal bl tt" gut "t .a». r«ih.-r than to the Individ,,,: who hold« it Ai tall recel»* ih.111 and respond t.. th.-m mid with Itafcation »'i the deeper, bee aase tkay proceed from .taty t-ut irotn my i. Uow t WaeM fe-aralty Mr, Ibia a pio'.i.i ,1~x or tne tiecaua». in n ,.«hlb ta thai lui, lai.i. 1 tai ti uth ol ui tudituttoii. that tree Mi,.', .o ,.. 1. to elect ir.cn own m 1er« aud are nol tamoant upon that divine right which in Bonmmbm wtibiea la regard. .1 « tbe only »>,uroe vd authority Rr a. the reprcactitative ot tbu prop:» it ha» been By end» »vor M to conduct affaire a* to be lound no un *órthy occupant ni Ike place held by my uluitrioui Radaceaaor» in that high office to thi* end then can a bat one «uidtv and that the *en»e ot duty And .»»at tbu I uuay enabled to discharge my »ln-V d ,t> *Sjy Country, ai .1 Dually to hand over the Administra _*?» my ituusnuf wtih that couulry pgWfanw it ..taitd rvtpvM'tvii abroad l»i»¡t New York a* the I'retileot ol tbe 1 nited *.*».ltd I reloue te lh/x welcooie which h»»e re- ".Id at the hand» tit your City. 1 go M vitit the taltalu »action ol our country, with wbi, b ditlrict .«..aniaiiiiiiar than wuh other porMoaa 1 hope, ílr .tae-.r go. to hure the tame plcaiure which t: w f,By. the pl««*ure ot mertmg and receiving the frect **n| my t^Howeitir« withoul dutincimu ot pnrty or'Str, n I'rindint I know no party but the whole ^.atry «cd it» be»t IoUtcjU awiij^iv, in grant pteasui S 1 t »mtyour Pu^lc W|*"li. and behold the iXijeux-riol your wealth and ^..?Trlie, Your vast improvement* are not un 5***a to m*. t.»it I »hkll derive new ntii*»« U"o Bam S**atajItamaaaer yemgeldeaee. it wi; 1M0 fin ¦*uatijeuw. p|»a»uret»vi.w),ur l'ublic ln»tltutlou» and ."appreciate the extent aud murrriieiiee id lbo*e iharitie* ^.«k »dorn and ennoble tin Commercial MeUvp. Hi '..ta City ot Now York .-»ir. wH h»xc a representation ?t*s whola aaaakr*. and fron 11* protpenty tome *aaj»y t* formed ot the power «nd rtMOurce* ol tbe J"-*». The tuiimM* ot tho*e rn,.-_r- a can a* yet ouly * '«"»»lined H who »hall live to witoe»» the i'recdeut ñ'taf* Lull<d ^;»'<» filtJ e'gbt year, benci.and only '».?dght year» have p«M»d .lnc« the flr»t adoptb e ol -~,r u_m o«a buadrod mi.iioo* oi people in e«KM.|u.loa, permit in* loexproa» to yoa. Mr. aad to -***. »«socian» o( the Common Couneil mv b-arir .^¦.-oaiuturtoB.will mateeam tb« raprenntaUre ol 'I''.1*-* mm huadrod million» oi people ! m to -" . ".¦ ' *- Council > ..,'.¦- j "**-«. tor Ihn -nry agrmaale manner la which you ".'eutTerod me the hospitalities of New York «/ Polk spoke in a deliberate manner.hit eio- .*.©. reeemblteg that toraatimet beard from the pulpit rather than that dually practiced at th« or in Congress , his enunciation was alia nit 'y BBBBB S 'j'.hern peculiarities. mnmmtnti the Common Council aad r | ntlemen were then introduced V> the F '.I..- ¦ we notice AK7HÍ.R W*. At h«i. of Charle»town Mais. wlm. as repreiei.ti of that City, tendered to hii Exce.o invititirm winch he has received to eftyjjt Maiiarh').».-«! After having; diichi l.ii minion, Mr. ACBTU remarked to ¦id Bunker Hi',; Town «n njaygreg atoaal The party then r.-move'l to tr - « Cabin, where a moat abundant .loti whs spread, ander BBB BBYdl of the Committee, by Mr. iiv.id (jrahtm. Sl'-waril of the V underbill Indeed, the aajgtj man coo M Bat w I baae Baad more »bun consolation» than were provided OBaraBSJ whole trip. On the forward deck of the «brrri bearinr an immenio >«r,-*vl of pu Bad another of lemonade, birth »eeminsly baaatfil .-h t,¦edrii.kni; wa« libérai ««¦i.'.t tiov were as fuli at the end of the a* at »in- le .'m,.iif On paiaing Hamilton an appropriate lalute wa« ! . ¦ :i« tie l.nat npp",a< hud the laoJim.' was rope gai il'iv.'riinr i liland and tbfl ahipt in tfag harbor TaMBMI «rar« y With Baga und er iW'ie.l Brit«. »[O'tat'.rt. Theo AM i>nri'-:i w a!'»e w rh ti e p-' be distinguished guest a ith bot 1 lo- party liavim- mi, ft im Honor. M> :ni'!r.'«|i:il the l'reeide.it in th. «. w Ml /V»..,/,»,! The intrclurtion ti th- f'hof reutiv« orticer of she Ualaad «Manos baB Basaos »:,. ¦!..' ia'e and it arlord» rr.r gnat »»ti»l»ctmti well tor myielt M on h-half of the Municipal auth" an ,ti the name nl the dti/'-n» id New York, to lei '. ordial w.-lcoine. I I." »Kit i.l tke Pre.ldent it Ihe Inlted SUtee il waya hailed with pleasure In ItWI krrliori of our ft try and o it .tie id mut gratliy ng > « ol our tree an i . ni gktem d institutloi a u,um iiirh an occtaioa ill political l-elmgi and pr <i. < . are caat Mid«, and all »ei m animated bf in«- deiire to pay that tri'iute ol r«-»pect and eiteem wl i. d u-1., to« r.aited poattlea. V. S are pi aard. -ir to have II in our power to exl to you tho»e »tin. ion» and cmirletie» which we t may »erv>. t lender your BBfBatB one ol eiiua) Inte «.el pleature one winch you may Ime « »u«« to rein .. after with gratify.ng emotion» i CasBflsoa < loîtaetl ot thia city b«»« mad» »uri langemeut« lor your examination «if our Public W, and Ina'itution» as your time and convenirte kl ivimi! BW wir hO introdu«*e fon to your frllow reu», and to nature you. M well for my»«lt ft th tnat nothing »hal! be wauling on our p»rt to »how toa CItf "1 New York kit i»i how to t. re:... «nd reaj the high, tt ' ft'..-' r of our l.epublic To tin» the IYi'»|iti ni 'i aliad in a brief and | tineiit niHtiner Alter which he nfatH 'led to ret n w the tn« mi the Battery .Nearly all the Volunteer Cnmpan ea of the ( wore under arm», and made a fine appearau« e We noticed particularly Hen Storni«, in nj man«! of tlm Fifa. BrajJBa.6 H"rie Artille BriaajditW (ien OtyAMBJB P. Morn» rrin,rnaiol t a SiStk linead«' ai Artillery Hen Hall With First Hrioade of Artillery, and Gen Ewcn fj tie piiutth Hntradei'l Infantry 1 kg pruc. aaion wa» then formed accirdlnp to n-ler laid gaTByfl ai BBB programme puhliilied yesterday a Tribune, and paiaed through the p Beribad route Crowdi of both aexel lined then ». every window and roof from winch .aile OOaU be BBSBJ »m fully occupied. T ipiite meagre procession contained very lew | son» except the member! of the Corporation r invited p'ueat« nnd the military the Society Tanimany wa«. we believe, the only civic ai c Btion which wai reprmenteil except two thno ti¡e rómpame» The marching lalute tho Park, which closed the pageant, took pli I about .¡ve, and at had past live the Piesident wi drew to lui lodging», after a day of fatiguing ci» tici. cheered by little of that out bursting «»nthu aim which often atteita the hold of public great!.t upon the public affection» Thii mornine, at 1" o'clock, the President a receive lui triends at the City Hall, and at will proceed with the Corporation and the invit truéate to view the public worki and charitable ititution» of the City NtNBlBATtOB OF 8SB. Taylor..A placan', w y.'it.rday ituck up m the prominent placea >n ti iitrtii'd by Melara. L B Shepherd M K e, Cutting. O Conor ami other leading l.oeu I'm calling a meeting to night lor the purpoie ot rum natmg Hen Tajlof to tho Presidency. The fjaaj ol the call extraordinary pr «¦coding from such a source, iti purport It unía« in the preieti. >. oi the per«on whom theie lan individuals aided, with their beat efforts. U> atta the position to which they would now nominal lu» mal.we »ay rual, bccauie Mr. Polk has dm hi» utmoat. whether inteiitioiially or not. to niak lien Taylor a competiu>r tor the place which I now occupies, and which uiai.y uncharitable pe aonl believe he la denroui cd retaining anoth« tot in. uotwithitanding Im proteitatiuni to the eat trary .lome, it may be. in conic,¡nence ai thoi protestations. If tin» be called backing one « friend* we sa with Kalitstr, " a plague upon mcii ftajcail k. C"\>ki tu IT. Tea Legiilatiirc adjourned 0 Thuri.Uy »tter ¦ protracted md laUirloui tctoinu Th two House» could not agree on the üriJge Uue»tiou and »o the cl«u«e in the chatter ot the Air-Line Itailroei »ulhoruing the erection ot a bridge acroM the Coanet ticut at MiddU town »tanda untrpoaled It errai to t* generally agreed that Mr. Speaker lexTkitpcii inin hii dutlci lu « manner creditable to the Male and t< himself. _ Ni»k Haahshira. The Liv». FOBtol opeacd th. w*»louol the l.egialature with much talk vt an earii adjournment, but they »re holding on in order to »;ive recpti.n to President I'olk, who ha. bieu invited t> »ml the .-.tat« -The Judiciary Ctmimittee. we »ee b»i brx-ii malmeted to inquire into the expaxdleocy ot «'na«t lug a law giving to ThouiM W. Port the right» and prn Itaana ot a aaaasa ai the »>ute oi New Hampsbn-.' Wn«t m \: ' PRt»,ia Di«i-tri im .After a diicuasion which ht» extended through Mter. »pecial mectin^i and lur an aieuafor the exhiblUon ol the higheit »kill and Ulent on both »ide» the Ro»t.,n 1 ti»on Piaclpllne Sod« ty ha* laid on the table the retolutjoc» which in »olted the menu ot the tv-paraie Philadelphia and -gate ;Auburnî Syite.i ai Piatiplma. Bj »eem» to be agrc>vd on all hand* that the d'»cu»»lon ha» done good In awakening attention to a lubjecl hitherto greet ly neg'iv-ted and in placing before the people fact« and principle« which rauit etentuaily term the bun ot a dec.ioo m to the merit» ol Ihe two «yiteint XAU.A7K ti Havka.The txpres» itatci that probably Mr. J. YY Suple«, ol this City, will be the . ucoeMtul applicant for Un« place.the NsUonal YYbig ot \\ Mhiugton that F. J i.rund will be. We believe that l u the third ConiuUbip. in point ot emolument. 'm »v Htv in The Municipal authentic» ai New Haven hate made the utual arrangement« ftw the reception ot the rreeident.m Monday ay «Fajjaaaaaaj Ri 11» hai aiincrunced that he prepared to receive propoeaJ« from partie« dup aed to unite with him tn the Navigation ot the Orinoco by »team the Coogreta of Y'eoexuela having granted him th- exciuiiva pntilege of such nitigaUoo tor a period of eighteen years. ^^_^_»_____ RiRTix. THi Hatchit.The two Loco-Koco newipapcn at Auburn, the Pafrt»« and the ro»-ria.re¬ presenting the loving branch«« of the parry.are to be margad la the Ham Era, in the publication of which ell the proprietor» of toe two former paper» are to be en- 9H+*- _ M_ f*y C D Bbioban. E»q raoently of the .Vt«- gnra Cotthar, Is »baut to assume the Editorial díreotíoa of the Omtago 0t>. Whig. EcrleaUatlcal Meeting!. » gai.on- al Mloiitera ba» held iu Ancua. Meeting Ute ->Mt week at Portl'.nd An introductory diacourM was dr;,r»r»d by Kev. Mr Kirk of Bo»ton. on BBB SB metis .-at aa trie great mea:. ¦ - th« moral au- m R f »..¦¦¦ « » « BsBjaj Thn rtiBatsa.1 benev duatmalBBlInn in ¦ »otMiortha. with u. r. - The i>- - ' Presbyteriani and Ir ng-rgktior « .. .. vaal at Chicago. About one hundred - « nt The Gei r. -a' met at -pria, Bj A m in g thorn prêtent fr« m ab" ij was R-t Mr the Tabemac « . .. . War. Intemperance and Slavery the fo1.owing Reeoht- toms » f rightly »pp'ied. U Sited fa retr. ¦... the ".< ' W«r th» Otatarrai i th M -atiani to inquire whether thry hive, uy ¦ p-op»r appll¦.« pacific , ty tu do away .om ft't'i -'a 1 -, in th« M of peace .litary I » th« War now , i speedy pacta! praym by an .>ur eft n i be taken in our . y i :.at n- » " »lera and m k era» nt heartily rejoice in the opinion whirh ha» l«e. n »o emphatically pr ..... t. sii atiag llqaon a earrintly BTg< », 001 ' Churche« : n- wed ,n tuak.rig p.rin«D'nt the triumph in the tempi Hu«. re urge oat rebel I to it. that i mor I uor»Mabe»- BrSSM ba Bel away from thaBB . beeaa ! Ihr wh .!>. .y.l.m M -!«v«ry whirh ha» been istaraaard bj rnaolei * M ¦ | .,! *n t raana . bed ^^^^ Thlna« ni »untloRii. ipondenre ol 1 h>- 1 RaBATea» -raiM.« .1 .n« A man of aRM Whit.- r. « " upper rlllagr »tbinpbd I noun» 'j¦.-..! il ». kat throat with a raiir Pr K I Allen »« a .i ; , patient with m mr pi ,«p." Wetok'l ' .. I Circa» i mpaoy made their ap poaraorr Rbsb Bfl th« .".'I in.t people are nowmminc tn at the rat.» of trmn ten t thirty oer day at each ll hotel» h-r.- KAMHl.LK ty The loliowinc fi..m -1 N 0 D'.ta IBM .ih nut. .».em« to um gen. ral op.mm in regard to the miMioii il Mr r at Mr Tn»t . o!!i." prom!«e« t.. he a «inecurr The un fortunate, dispute which h»» »ri»en i,.-twe.n htm and lo n »tat. r> »p. CttB| thru p »wen and relation«, not likely to be brought to my practical mats Oaa will find in.!- uae ! o hi« . I than hi« pen.a fortu nate eatrgoiy I .r »o noble a . . BOOT a writer. Mr i ritt may relurn to th« BtBR P-partue nt and re¬ port pr. ere»» Hut th.- lele tal ha» only to go on BBB and to eoeqner,' aad wksa ha ha» i,rgami«d a lo.liiary Ooveroment r. li. e> throughout the e untry. conciliated IBS y mild and ;u»t lo». iinn-i.t open»al w¦' the Bom m en gratl n <¦¦ at Barros and en terpri». » Bat ! 'I any other prudent uni wepeetabl« gmto ir.au, to be- laka klmetilf to toe Vu M bear and ar range ihe term» of a aaa« B hn h will satitly "ti M tloll» Then and not until ttiri. will Wr be abb' to My- Now u o at ,re nie drum l'i -,k ,ke» to arm», or trumi ».' clangor shrill A 'i a . |)a virgin . Hut joy and pleMur«' op. n to the view Lll.ler: I.pled Ht rri ni ni. i iv i r»i Si ., i r ami Titl't ;. t. d »ay« the J«!»p» i-oir, .p t,,I, i,t ,t it.- St l.oui» l(. publican in Bka hurry ai writing my laal M mention that s warm ami «oinewhkt »-vere rupture had broken out lietwern to neral Scott »nd the Chart ol the ..tat« I'rp.rtmrnt. Mr 1 rut. who la» ftaaa Mat) here as asort ft r-«lt»»iiii.. ot the American army This It the taitio Mr Trnt. il 1 err not, who imparte i to Catatas .1 lug' rao:, the knowledge ot the exiiu nee ot privat,' »nd i i.' ientiai papan to toa Baa» P'-paitin«i.t. during the »b»ence of Mr Rat reury Ruchanan Mid who t away by which Mr Inger»..;! BBtajaaBasaarBd 'y g'd »c cet» to thnn which enabled him to makr hi» giuundlrta and pueril« attack upon Mr Webster, and the same Tritt who. when Consul it the Havana . t«w yean ago. was charged OB the Is M Congrrt» ly Mr Adam« with being secretly engaged in the elate trade and which charg.i was never cleared tip A pretty repre tentative ot a great nation »t a loretgn Court, to be .ur. A man who. for the bateti me»ne»t party pur p, ses, vu «le» the conAdmcr rep.-ted in h.m by hi» .uperior. and tramples with impunity upon the l'ontti ..untry. J'hl» Mr i'rnt, th« exerriie of hi» mongrel plenary civil and military powers, addressed a letter to l.eneral BaBtk, directing him Ui what m.teraent he mutt make with hi» troop» A portiou nt tho»e direction» were »uchait.enrralSc.lt belieted were «t war with th« .vent interests of our Hovernmmt, and the ten Vkaak wou d lie ! / «rn.'rn n . r«thn than a trrminatlon ol bottilltles It wat the correspondence growing ont '.I this ditfrrence ol BBtata that was the immediate result ot ibis rupture Copiei ol all the c. rresp«irdence. luarn, hate been transmitted by lieneral -. utt t.. toa War Department _ N»i. Bja Whig ty Tut Cain BtAatSTBATB yesterday re ceiled the cal!» ai »u. h ol hi» lo '*r:Ui.Di urhutn t.. pay ihelr re»[»-.u to Mm II« lrar-a gar New fork this ni rnirig we undmtand in » iperial train, whicb the pontrn. ts ol gas OaSBkaaB and \mtuy Kai road Com- pary has place 1 at the dupi ix. .-Strrdav Bkanriaa the Pre«.Jent »'.«lie I tbe Mint. Laurel Hill titrard College and f alrnmunt Alter re- aMviag taa etttaaa amraag aha d»y at the Btata he d ned with a *el«>ct party at the house ..( Mr and the rv.-ri.Lg rrc« ik-J m - . . n alia -»tterwhi li tie was eutrrUlDCt ball at Cen LattbiboVs The 1'resi lent ut-s U in his salad »nd drinki ic-water in.xlrrair:y H I « BU I'olk't visit 18 Philidelphl«. Ph.: N rth Amer. Hi » M ''-:.. v1 brnkamd kaa »o th r igjU] ¦ BM tbat ,t has Inmim. what dtfl II no-gh tor h ana COBBBmi lau. A week or two »g « («rnier ot out n rigkl in view ot the t,,reg,,iDg circumstances.and when al. ihr-t h-lai thrir whVkt at En tn tl ?.. to FJ. [ - Bkal H -:n th'» mill, in thn vi.lage. rxpre»«ly ui ac com nod ate \ ¦ thr neighbor v:rg dir-ct: M th- nn.1er not ,i rh»'. t\ 'x'p-r hu-he! n-i to ',-t any ear pm , thsn 'a t.. aVa han»hBn I i haato own u»e ?IVrry NV [Vm anil DOCR The It. p >rt o! Ccnir.n.li.re Smith accompai.v.ng that oi the pry P -ck ttasntasta taB y BMOAntsd by tos S«cr»ury ,t th- N»vy baa been band ed in to the .-»ex rrUry and ihr latter wiii »inin make known hi« decision in the p-vmlees Both parties pre tarBkeohl St« P.K-k l. eithrr Se, tonal ..- H«:«nc- ttask l'Ut m this is «¡ion s !»i- trial will probably atogjtoa] » ¦. -em AvTiiiK Mi» I «r .ti-eat ex. itement pre tailed I ng in consequence of th« ah«enea of a boa*. Cáptala !r m t!¡« line boat Hiram Putnam of Syr»ru»e The name ol the Captain WM John KaltrtoD. wr!! anown in ihi» place Fear» are entertained thai violence hat r«erii doue him tor the money which he bad in hU poMeMioo. Syracuse Jour. Bible por 8lavi».The B.He Society gima have aaihorí/ed the prtxsenuuon of Bible« to inch I lort d member» ol the RapUst Church M are able U. read and unable to purchase them. Yery f?w of the alavés, it any. are able to read. LiiFKu IV.k.itiv. Hin H armar !>.. Pittsburgh hat prreeulrxi to Ihst c.ty r «r-c , land, valued M 111.000, M » liotu« tor » H.apitai <&rnrral Sotuc«. rt»- Nearepaiby. DR HOLLIi - I New «.stem of ¦* - »« . .oi»«r«k. «.¡em ob. Medical ama and "'. "¦» » . « - e'e.-jwhere d.scuMing ihe reavsoc cea«. .«» e franue m Uns new system is. lhai ceither drag» nor any .. ar> ageau are « m IS « aad trine, re^.4U.'.e egecl 11 pr ducad 1 efagi t ¡rttu m.Merioaaaad a'.l pervai ag »«. -'aod aodoe genera lyceiied r.« am or aMgaatiem aad which tvow kaowa to » : rx»per appar» . a , » - - . . «ti metu» «iipoei«.! .. taiiigaiiaa bjtcaasuSrr tag la ail Caroatc ai s- ».»,» -. «- *tt«i. nelh-.rg eiM can «pproe. t it Bjiimw b-.- « t.nd this sysiera a mean of rtmoeaiiag lh«¡r shattered bea«ih «uy dang«r of stJattaBM »í'.e.'-eírc«». UAs khoe« iha' . from drug« Dr Ho.ic» «iitB-e U IT Warr«i>-«t. OtBca botirs from 10 A M li. , P. M. Car*S-»P- Ho ek« book catad N«aropathy." to be had of all the tx>ok«r..rra_ .'.*» if IST ( ratea Haaa ai J¿ Ceau ear faat.-Coe- aua>«r«a in.a »r.:-..»¦... lio ,i gr«avi y to Ibrl advasiag« Bt exaa.. a itw H»Me rcaeuf«cutiad by Uta MSacrukef and war-eel«» mpwiior to what «o.d at ao a-vacced ?t.c* STEaMBJAT FROPRIETOlt* and all otaer« auixhM'pg la.» «urtatia vt.l be d«e.i wit» .a sack i ttanoer m w... he .ailsfactory Th« r-««i 'T Hock wi. bw usad la uh» masu- iVturealíaiít e wj-kma.iarllp warranted T 0 RLCaaMABTER.aWUidtyie-ia.aad mytS tf basamect ef cor Pearl aad Che'.ha« sts- (Stmno! MflKuct PHRENOLC Ï1SIS AWD PÎJSLiSHEHS, rOWLIBS iV ta K l.i. .a. I.il -.«a-««-.!. M. |. tW VTfiter-f or Y .mfill.kairtii. n » ¡ .-. s Y a,'.d - . _. 1 l»r Shiw _h> x - -.» a. of at .x ».»- <; .-», r-ceix-e* ... - UMa x .. . -. .1 . - .yA if /____« LETTERS ANiztBXSPAPEHS^dÙI -*»»am_w*» POU HIKhflit I'llKT«, Bm__i t»** I,euer« B«e« » - » Vo*i T- f ... .- P- .. « » »r* ud J*»»^i; »r. lopaened IB lb'« ¦.*»¦ - « « » « ,i - »%/Crti ny tbn very evil»»« . ..«. » f . :eparjn»ni n indni -.- . -. » ... ¦ «' j B MOW/SB P.*« W* i « y r-»-i to- i »o«i «_>- i .. t . Saga are low opea f » inwi ,-.-'. . . .i man !.:-. . . «Tii-'lai P «- M«m''iir«n. R o 1* J»..»'-, l'a.r-a-». 8 .-.- * V-ilro f»-a."S. BlT'MMBM K .. /a» la-»oa, w r X| _»*" Letter* nod New.paper* «*.. m .?»»..«.. .: r - . S - - pact l'ALTIMoat:, C»rl J ft mod. wl 11st J ..y. X ¦. ..,....<-»] .... . _ . a i . - i_,NCE, Cart X . ... . . rt^iSmnll To«: ...... » a i » ha. (.card ( H bat not only »a , ¿a«,». > lea nr im- * . ¦ «cue« '»lely r-; . Dr. Tow a trad "Dear ï \ .. »-¿»r. I take th» - | «. « r i.l.lorv , . I MM dl»*«i«« '-ery ¦ >f my »ituaiti .. ..... , h*i m i try it I mm for » || ... , -I X threw hit medlciie l.y, and ro-imi- - . Manea out completely in :»:i tayi .. a. a BWl N.-x . a -a n'acti >n. h»v* mor» than «c«i« I .eli.-.e ii « very . and wi Ido all a kr. vi» IBArriB, Bet, . r.ei»e»n B«»-r M » -i 14 ¦...« in I am i i he rerl.i.. a . « : » lh» itairm»! . .-. a « xv vt BOOBB1 [teaaet Ii ».,.'.¦ -. Beta i tW tiiHiouilcnl »m.euni, .lit* Hovrrry.-Thlt uoiry .. --« «..'«-ai »»'i.'a-ii «n m »v», v . »0 ftund'»d ir . th» h irean »y.n-m - . - of th- i-; a ««. I' a.- - ml p.» paiation. 'i-, Tba %, i,,l» I.. -n» ha it»a or th* bao m lyiiem may h-r» ia»»n :rom Narif-.fim he lrm «»mi of ex ti¬ ene«, through til itiva,|,,ui Malea, to f«U period of n.« H»i» a«» » '.»r!»iy ,,f m »i- . ¦ «ï»r»i of di« -a»- ... i.u» ¦.., N»'ii-e ma« i' - itmrMterk rrlik a > ;ri» 'i ,,1». raarancaiing ita n'«r Among »then, te an extraordiaary Pali Ms»d ,,f a K-ma.- ,if» Bgan, r*ei__ag m » eeaeh, uni»r rlnoe.enp*i in a pnlatla.i x ,¦'. th» Chll ».- l.ady ,r,,!»r and hand« in ni-.u n A .¦¦ a M . « «»»rinaiiy, »hcli r aya eu e- lann 1 . w| - ,-,ueit -.. , a -.i cnrl,)«iiie» In lbs A dlittr>«ui.i,»d Phv.'cian of ihi« city, wh h«. vlifted ihe Mu.eiim. »i» »I Ml lurin« Mi irav»,. oil imt to »»¦-»: I A M nil ir o'clock P M Wednesdays» r . »¦ Mr K J ii . . - m BUsndaaeew iliak» »ta'nln«. I letC»lptlont of ch«'«r- ler sadespntoikemodaM Mr i¡r». keraafMy eom ¦: I. . p-'if. li. " -- a ,»«|y for a a . - VTj.'eum i.ir. ^^^^^ '-24 1WO»* {¦f a Card. -To ih» L,«,'i «. i OnatleaMa of New fort and Broollyu and ".»if vicmny iy Mr. ill APPIN of H ..t ... Mr» ii. wh . ha» had a long «ni meeanfel pn .-. i. ,1.t. i,. 4 he t'n« oi v»... for. a ¦|i >.?- per».*at «tifT-rm« fr»ir, r«*n. on^i »a. inflauiinaiioQ .«» th«lun.a . nit rheom. dyteatery,co_tre* . - . ai »fT»cilon, n»rv,iut tx-iip- MMM taihuia. or 'o.o-rut. ja-iidue, beadtcbe,touihacbe, »ciofiila. humor., ir ¦ ,- H»r pracfeeha. h»«n emtiienily ..',-»..'r «-»v.-^ . :, ,-»»<1»d in id" »mire cure of Hiou.andi. and BMM . iv of that ,-,an ,f .ui-'i Maadlaa bm . - »"¦ . -i pbriletaa*. All ol which can be ie*n from lh» nepeemmi r»f»ronce. «. '. ek ih* can ihow at her room«, M Broadway, id dojr fifi in Pr»r,|lln-»l. Th'»* who would I«* h»alei mm com» qulcllv or Mr». C **l!' remove where her utefu.neii cerillo to Im pul lito reenUlllin without te «v Jel linol [TThf l.enulne Kraim wonp-l« ac|iow»dged to no the met ana» iBoepnBnwoi ItmaSmi »r. » h:rh ,:,».« nu dry on ihe f»c.e luemcoy kind» of ao»p »nd cr-a . -a AI.BKKT _. VV INSIIIP, Chcin'.it »nd Ap tft»c«ry, « j ,*if 11 BaM Bn,«dw»y. ï***('noarea» Mprln« Winer Jut received fre.h fr. ui the tpriog, in piui and «.»an "o i.** de ¦''»¦! to any anrtof theeRy.ky a__I.RT !.. vvinship, J»M oilf Tl Hatt Broadway. ta*-Genuine HiiiirlcñTlill -1 »Md -ci from a i.ir lalo wh '.ei».e and fiai ny AI.B'Rr XIIN-IHIP i»u otif n Ban Broadway,em. Barbel at J D -v'hEELER, UT I -mini..Inner for the »ttntea of New Tort pr> Cn», fu-lrn.. *a->~«ae» Ha'l ml If I _JñrctoorKe. IKhVAOKK» : HKhttllllKa: x -i..._¦.¦ otaftor Pirr-rnTi« j.i ,p*i.»i and for »»i*. wbo.**»le »nil retell, cun.l.itag of ever marlei.ar.d w»«r»Bt»,1 ,.f th» keM ', nvblf, "' '. pieaee DaalananMelindwnsaeManIfcmn HVNMr K V. HOKTiiN M Dl»Tlloeet_ BRILLIANT riREWORKS THP. I NDEHSIONK0 imf'jrmletl taeto ttore »>S »A nbieglon-tt «. r "". aa»t.rtm*m of Pirework*.« t " -. " m*Da' racnren i lly and r mien will I , . -'.from Town.. Mi Man «n 1 tiv.c . .-. he mppUed wiui the al.ovesrUc.*», war- ... . W lino. HI I It h W IIHK-». Larg* Boclet* a w.lh»»-i»ra --¦ Pirn U, in n »- . .... x,, .. .1 I V". . '- » '.'»».'n It. 1 liliBcellanroos. TUTTLE S PATBNT K!A-Tlt BA8Y Jl'MPP.R. (\K RCRBC'S ARSlaTAKI . .a- . .- "inx-.- « reoora y ippriread and rec,«n. needed by lb» in m BBBlaM ill '.. aid phyai . . '.nizy, for ÜM he*.infu c*'eend ei*rcl*e of Im.» el .... » g*_o- '¦*. jii Broadway M.T. taTiamem ¦ - . fa Ian »r» re» . .-i. and wl.l boarompt.y aiirr--- v ti m.E. le ventor »nd Ma SPIROMETER FOR CHEST DISEASES INH'S VALCABLK IMV EMTIOM M Bledleai wieoc*.* O.i,-»of which ai .'/^".J."?' maca, mavv -ee...o. and ». ,,f,1».l^.^C«C0«U^ 0r.VkARRlNQTON.i > ni*e*L .?~*y"¿T¡* , , ,|ralj..'U» »,l""..-e wiübegiveo lo Ihe p.;.r fi'm uôfl.ooM.nd.yi. aBlllllllBSBRd Prid.ys jell Im' aWMIBli"1 AWRt:N .> CNBRMCH VINKTIAN ANJ P_AIN AVA SIN.il mad« JAL-îL,^Avi_l^ °T M wemn. corner of VAarr-o.N. T H. I Baafl 'Aar«l tb* *«¦»«-*_ -PÄBKBBIS COFFEB H00SB. No. 30 PaT-rr^r^ateeriun-ser.^^ -fHEHOB DBÉñSMAKEB M xH,P.>,A: a mjmm. Be-. L_LTÄÄ-nmsn «arndTTLiABetata-i :tÄ'ÄSnl atab "d p-a-aspsbj **.!#£" n Prankl.n-it ._-..'¦.=- ,p..v..hTi....Kiv:7 -r:\; '.^U"e»v'.' . ! riraaa-Rtaaap« mí*?tír i i.-iin^a Term» I'*- matruclioo ob.ytS- 1 g?-!--» fl!. caaia Ore*. Ma* 'g in :5* nm and n* > r .iV.o»_ and p-ac- ,CLTr_k_uTf*tf.a .---. i-^taneeinnwirg. .»-i rrirr^KxTy^ii.T watrh hath, n--.o..j- i Kixili. _,..-». r* Sa- no- «pen f,r lb» ' _...-, w - paid B v_»!ior«. Beano. ccx»t» K'.rj uietUOl »... 5* ¦»¦ w . -_, «m procurwd ai ibwdoor _!______ ix u lirai: KKAZEK, tmemahrmadCaacn Doc- DVÎ^, .:;_rTiT"e lud.« -ode -f pracuc* M. found at ÜM C Ho»«», for üu~« dayt oe.y a rte ibird wees comm«Bc:r.g Bmdiy. »"^°"4 S_Tn^!í ' r Bnaseane, wben epaemnna *^?? ."."?, on ibow day., wmch ka»* bom r*mo»«d by ^r P of T-. » S T DKL tHBUluk, - «x wrMnced p6v_- aa. otar» . Pejedy re..*/ t_ .__*» «_ffer- r MB tm . tinny au«a Ha 'r-*iTiani R mi.d »ad wfi-aciaua, and ebarga* e»ey modérai«. Î1 PlunUTI »I I e>*vri fr.'m Broad wax ja-» im'_ A "»IMPLE t VDanTm EiääSaä E»..-Mr. Pae- -B.»:»» . Paaeoud ito» x i:,ni«ii cm ba bad a. It* Pa- teni*A¡ íeirt »«or« T\ t-¡ .e 0?-,^,^ pierpoet. Brooa- .ys. OecU.it . -_tfU aade m orcer aad wirrannd n at Jell tar* fa*" n. l.riilln »l («..« Patent Heat Ueuem- tar .T- .- . ' tk "V :. eat ' --a » a a a ... ». . f fi - a -a T < »«»m» , . » lb e to «te» . ,k -..«ri «ion. .:«- . '. « » » .. . a . .1 . « » .». \ k c. . b«m m- » bare rea r-.« . .»V . . ¦ . . «A a . -|«|X,| ! s«i"»:«gr««r- x ..»¦.-« BBd etta't« a . amooal . . ted M, a »-«-.-- 11 --«i « .... , stjataBm %, a . «a.»r Ab . . Mttuie » h chiinnet». r'C.-qaetit v ibe co*l of »el- ¦ « a m,»i« I tat a.s now in use c»r. be altered » ». . » . -,-.-. ¦« ... a a . . . « and every lab ' «n. P OffJFFIB a .a,y | \ » ». v, pjjSJ, Maaers D-Os » k I New-' . . » « a » Mr J. Beakary.i a a. . , , ., a . . half, of wk» wat lAFIN k I . Orlfl a Heal <«*n- .t a Ike old plat 'f g-reratlng » TRAINER. I. . »' . Marru» H ».» l'a. '.»'.'S r a «fer fro-n II. I,, kk -a «rh-a Pa;. IN-« El gland Rlvatt i ... N. » it' roa Mam. Mesan P Ol rriakCo GantUman Afier trying and voiir !l-«i ii- . , aead ». p- . . »... Fem -a er m than one « ... , «r» per IBM «»y Mb Nt* R«l »... x N I line S, 1*17 M»«ar« D Ourrtakt ',r«r. In reply o v »r«. we .datas much m...- tad miMantiien thaa ami .. from I."«' Iba, Hit« « - a a »¦. *i -«mill aire, ai * ar iweta Man . < This IS prove by tw« a .¦» r-rlenre ;n '.« .a« IB, very trait, w \i t R. Y « t. Manager N B Mil MHI I-: add '.tort to !h« a « :a alto made to the a lag goetlata«a wl bava Itaael Morras I w Harvey. '...»... ,-,. ... a ... -. N Y i M-aar« VA V » * v . Pr :i tribe, Maeeai M » » ¦. H. ,.«. F- R,*-r Mm« Mr. ! «liar« B «too. Ma«« Meat's, - . v Bpi M»»» I»!..' : i V* H«d ',.. V(«a.., |l ¡ri «» S*e-| |'r.o 1«l,.-e CBBM '. . a'. »I Itakgswona v T-«». Mesars - I I Delaware; Mr. W. A. I », Mea wtek.N I Mr lohn \i »..- Poughkeepaia N Y Mr.ar» Dancaa V Fanlsgioa P «»«»m Valley, *i Y Vr..r. !«u A Bradta] h ... Mr E I Bttaag KoiVr! .i-aaavl'.'. N Y K ft». Pray, N Y vie««-. Ilia» an'' ot'«r». of ib« Balttaanr« « »» »t » tt onOHKIIH.K'» I vfPMOY»KD Patent Bank .v p., t.In ol a .".«r »»¡thet an impartía . . ¦.¦ . .«lori'y II a .' .-" ai oiiporHnCr . x ». IB» BBB» !"¦.- (nal prngreeeis . m «red ¦ « « rei. . na' («red prr- BCOSSBt] M?fl rutile«! rrWar» uftKt 1/ , > - > » lu view .a a .' perfrcl s-»-ur"». and ¦ n be !iaalafound 11, ikei ra. a. Sat. HIS hr«i Brtai wm "Bi -.¦ i'ie pu'ulc have beee «tleetlveiy IbI » . I la no« «(«led lerin« ) ih« original prtncl »,»l whtch h».l re, and iB»ahari>«ad Itmtbe saem .igon.u» p»«eal li »»». Mem» ,.n a mí« in th« Merchant . Ex rnang. s'l.l a iewar.1 of Ei»i. HvaoBSO Dot.i.al» wm parwna who tdttasM p ¦» II .>' «»lue«- «r «««'A :v by urxtK tKe «, «- «leg* mf mirez ism frt« t*nmina*%on ./ lav gl"l' g rv«r y Bava. - - »i I have ISM the tan* w»«e»t«n«i«ei> advertised. To wat IBhtsiiy «ti»o»eg fas »is w««ele («nding :.y iatti. Juriri WBtCJ lin» li wm thorcughiy ex- B aed. and i ...... sfort M open it, - 'na'.« toa B'.trmpL PbeaaWaf aaeBaaaamlea ..( ¡h«io.-k m he operated m aad the am Im key a wkoOy aaasnmp'ad, and no " her lock off»r«d '.,, th« pah wm ever «u m!tl«d lo ihi» «aI. which »ion« f my «deqiaia lo deuirnnue the com- lam »a'eiv of k Is k Neti in importanre I», rerte'ity ofoperstion Th« re- BBM mUhakg «town the d' or of a H«na in ;h . City. evi¬ dence m »OiBt Th« BhBf d'y of it* riioalrui'iloo. and the manne« in which ;.« . I produced, combine lo ren-1-r th« kriion of ihis Loci reriain. Iteoaaslaaa spteeau as which h«v« b««n » . -a.« th«:r »a'«ty and la« . «¿I /.or« ia -«irar« vt .>.> farnud r>| IA» dire. ( a. o,a njtxt kr» « -.-¦ !"il on tprlr.gt or 'or lit in Mtaav, is IBB cm.« wi.n ihe oiher Loci* bow in us«. T » ». ¦» "f luconsaucd n akmesairtham» to v rodnnoL»:raie ih- x k a Lock »*M put steam pawer. and wm lorked and u in a f«w Jay», . r fifty year» daily um, and bard y »bowed mark« M Bit Il . .- » !!-.! ... i"i ifeai . wm awarded tiFra « lient I M Aiueri. «n Ir.siiiuU. Tas friona ait ... larste.sapei ail* «lit» n.» 1er« .'n with '¦>>.¦' »«fety. Ewh .ocg a arc iinpanie-1 wuh two |»«t. Pr:.v of BBS l»rg»tl t 6»''« ui«) .:u »1». 6- tghai and Slur«», from 6 I logl' I »rtoad lock» »re made on the mid« principle, hut w.ih to id l«ya W. E WOoDBRlDoE. .Nrw-Yora. May la, IM7. N B -Doler« may a.1 ;r««.ed u> 9 W. Rceioicr. Eaa s kV» »l or t il,e Inventor, at ihe Manufacuirt. g| . Mew York_myg lawktf Jl I.K» Il AI Kl.'» ELÉBRATEUi PrHSIAN ilR CHINESE POWDER »v. -, , in»an«l«« f .r in« ¦ . 'leautifklng. prMervtng ihe com- -i m -".ng ih« «kin d«: i-ateiy whue. iiaootb and soft, previ i . >.¦.. rripu .nvcnpp'cg, ar.d ava .'. ¦ raeriptratlao. Tr»n->r* ted retldeota lo wirm r.imaiee wl». uigu.j appreciate all* grateful «ppeo- .. Bow . . ' a B bike form Is enhenred by a clear »n! rilll« »I . . « sown lo iho«e . » -. . a Olor- » , - aa »a » Mesas samas «urh m » » p.,Aj-i t.- km ..''.en BBkae of a , . , r . « I »ay, auks « . i .-¦! beau- , '- .-.» ¦ soie pi » HA' t.L. Perfu a i aad .. . A B « l> sanLi» Drag- a . . and al retan bj ll-nrv Johnson CI > Hr,,«dw»y A E Arataall l«Bri»td Bray. J. B Jarquemod. 41*. rkr.,a,1wa/. N«w Fark HI 1rs \r It. Ptl.MF.K ¡aa aarraa as k.- ,' i.« baai . n- -. . » mi pa' "'.»a ia tie«, Canada. ipecli by it« re«p«arUve ptoprietors. ü«:iy rar» . a 1 forwardtag «l.eriuetneL j and substiiplaun« from hieMtorel taBcae, Nrw-Yoaa-Tiibun« BuiMtog«.<-ipp«j«1ie ih» Park Ph. , - N N raer Third lod Cnesaut-sts. .-» . ¦. tc-fi W corn-r North »nd Fiyette »u. tXW i a-it coa.iin'ag » comp.eve mof id« uiwbi. cuet » »/-.:» . . »r« in« - a .4 itiforrnailju o'jialne.1 BI en able advvriiaers ioeJ>pt»»e/e ju.) c:..u» aad in .n«ugb «yaleni uf ad«eri¡«,tig. «o a large or «dm.. SBakS, «i».l »r e»-i such s«. f aa» »ucb papa«» M are beat . heir reap«.' i>« BaaaakW th« Agroi bae no » . tar» UileBdad ('* to V B P#LMER. j-i ThAhM Ira _ NTONAt.ON «LMM. COMPAMV.-Meeting luflBe agon M Ding Conip« . » a « »¡««c'.ai tuaeilog <A ¡a« ,.,-i«goo M;lio.- Company » « Mic'jigao Fxchaug«. la the CHI of D«irolt. uo -.lay. ¡n« >tb of Jaae matan: ai lu o coca A. til toe op«rauo»u jf ih« Comee, ut Ibat date, and aa «ie>:Uoa of Trustées w í.l any vac»acy ¡»al luay have occurred. The »sa/eox, der» are reqiivtied M altead. New catrul.- rai«« »' !'ni« ---»i ' Ike *ioc» pa¡d under ibe organ. . muet Ute Act anu¡.e1 an Acl lo reguiata prl- » a». J Pannerahipe. - i .w J N k LBERT. «kar-y and Trwafr PtNTALOONa- F AHREN* Tr»Tw»li la. wa Put« .- ¡ Aan-»L na« lateiy rwceivad over I««) pl«e««a fancy Cam « . rtakka s.u«s fan io oroer for on.y $J S" M #4 p«r »*;r A «o. Freeca and E'lgoah h.aca CaMtm«rM aad Doe- .. i. fl ti ¡o 4M pa» laxlr. warranted guod * au «nia. U«c¡« .n ws-'.¡ at Paau w:.. do Baal to ca.. K «O» Aaa- .t jeîj 1»' 1 'IN ROUFS MAUR TH.HT for Two Cení» per UxA ml VA arran¡e»l . ûoodwia a Patavat Hydropaeu- lutu: Cetneol latd over aa u.d un rovf wi , : ruler u per- fer».y cgli are prox«', an l pennaaent lo wall over. Ea- of un» coBnp.ja.no». .¦> r) rtnii per tool and «k- v--~i i a AM. iO JDVAIN.it WMtBrtiad- *ii. uaav CbaiBhera st_VI4 let* RAO«. T -.e highest market pnce paid m c««n for ».. ». da of rag», ».. . its pa cutmxgß, graaa m :. » ... lYRi .) W FIELD h CO 14 FUtl.t. g 'It A«» KOPRVVANTRU, tor wcca «Be k.ghc«l IH -«*n « - ¡au by CTRC3 w FIELD h CO 14 Plauiet II AKI.kY Altr AND RNYELOPR PAPER -'¦ PKINTINCi PAPEK.-A tall iMorunaw m «lor«. aac key «iia male uj ixúcr ka jeS Ím _CÏBCB w FIELD. h_CO 3 «to^TUng^p^ HANOINI. PAPRÄ.-va.» ^. orowo, hm« aad greet for sale by CTBCB W. FÍELO A CO. j^St"_t Bor-lay-i,:a. MbAVt.» of wraprejs« p»r>w Is .»¦««. aad jar .... / CYRLÍW. FIELD k Co. SI Iw_I Bar»lag . :p. 1N üJthLñ' B6aK0B.-A« c«jB¡o«jr» tar »äaäht r... . CTBL'i W. flEU) k CO.. BarUag «1». 2,000, B Qpnnçi an. ontn-m .tfl.oir.t_t DR. TOXXSEpTD'S SAR8APABH.I.A. TME MOST EXTlAORDINIRT MEDICINE IN THE WURL0 THIS EXTRAIT II put up Mi fmmrt loBta If.! rw (mm* ¡»O' p.*a__r.i*r an .tnemtd »upwlor to aay .old li -uraaa 41****** wllboqi .Mil«.« |.1-|.j in .*» -¡«aWaeaag ih* pattern *"*.. g-vau -'««uiy act tup*noriry ,»f Ulla Saraapart.la ««*» » m it. watit ti »r»i'c»te* ateaaaBj it tnn¿ OMBB i-,a IT HAf PKBPORMEO aaaa brm ii.iiee aaasn rhm brrb I .iKHi ewaasw n«..».ri« I.imm» caaai f Itimstni. J..VHI ceam anneau Rmaune, «_d »m *< N»'v ... X'.::»rgy. H.IMMI PtMA-aC «'Ui»Ti _¦» tea». 7.IMH» ai'.i » Dtl Bioodl. «M -'.. Breante Kryitp«*»*. Bali Rkanm. Plnpi«*oa thefarex At » <«'.' to «,ih uamsr- Mg .».** M O, n*u«ii't "i Liver Ceny aim, Sploa. AJwr- tton*. kc Tb», we are »war», mud «-»pear ine-Mib.*, >al lave leiier« from p_y*lr.l*i* »ad our Agetil» from «. pan» af ~te l un»»l BtMB..M# ratal ,. .if »»iraord n » -a B> Vna Reaklrt P.*o, .-o* of ike r_o*i rwp»« .«. ¦ S'-,.*-». S-w J»ra»» Bj . a.'r « Ind i-, i My .».». M :h»t Riac» aton Vaan »r» Batnenta aféamete Bm CM* m -w ï >.« whvri wt.i «r u» wli* p.nature, aid «o mea o: .racier we,, known. DRBTBB BTATM üPPICi.R. Caot i?, vv Milan, mam of um N*w^j«ney Left*. tama Me if the I'mieo s.a.». Harp, km kta_B emita .be tb.i.iwiug c»rilht°aie li iwila it» ,'»t »u rv Baux»»» Jai ¿v. 1*47 A year alnce I wa» taken will the nA*r<un and my who « lyileiu Ml »n a ¡land Man I *n 'odac*d to try Dr Towneci. . <i ».ja*--..! «-1 afta» ia»n < i«,i or i at 1 wa» very mach n»lt*ved. an « »url! uted II emir», a, .. , . .... MOttand laklBg it. gad Bad Mal apeen «-»»rvi*». I heMo«nRtarn] an.i wou'id eol I* wi.hout it under any r,«o.,j»r». Hon. - xi W MLr.AN Titr. un to it J.Mic je.-»»on. l...). RaRwraftke Rahway Raaa a a »mark» In »d.iortal M OWI i , smaam I R I > ¦ I . . « .' ««»r»*. < IbemoM »icaordi-iai v character »v two c»ruf.,'»ie« ,n lu ».»ftaif aie from xi fihii mwn, tad me Bern Bee Mr Whit«, of man* IMata, a faaaMaam wal taema in K»h»t« - CtuL McLean i»v»a in» ir.» flrtal la ha^» ia»e hi» 'if*. »n«l Mi xx . . , , , . . .- ,he... w,.i, d not praise Itroagly whattn»y did noi fully belt.-v» i.« de Bt'Rori'LA Cl RID Tbll cerifícate »ee a-« !»i mi.« Of Townaend . olti.-e ;'il. wn»k.an,l m ..'»» » prove '.hat hi* laraapanua ha* MrtaM ,',,.|iro, »r ih» boat ahMfemn ,li»»*»ea of the má, Tlii»» paanBM cured In ou» hou»e uaprore- deoied. three i iiunRPN Re. To*x«i»i. law, IR I have ihe pleaauie to tn< fonn y.«u ih»l ihr»» of my rh,Liren fini, '«»en irA,)of the .v r '. » be ih* tm of v«>ur eneetasl »nxd'cme They w»r» alttced very *eA»r» y wuh ^ad »ore», h»v» taken . >. .! m u i. » ih»m aw*y. for wh'ch I feel my- .elf und«r loop .i«,Iran m Y ur. r»ap.arifiilly, IRAAC W CHAIN, I'»« VV o..»lt>l »i New-York. Mirrh I. |it«7 RHP.CMATISM ANO THP. PIl.RR Hrrrr«»«« 16, liR T"wa»««io -/sx»r "fir My wife'iai i>**o for mv«r al y»ari artlict»«! w'.h rh»'imai «m Ih» ha» uted tnary dirf»f»nt r»fi.»die» ui obial» MM rele' '.in »11 t ¦> no pur- txi»». Bta win neatly todnaei by ans.M )"ir advenu» meat, to fl»e yo» B*r*e a tatrla vv » joa-ured «oro* M- lfm Bi.k'li «nd it g1v*i on plea.nr« to «tai» that »fi»r 'l«'ng It .-» UMrleamd «r*«l r»,i»f and wa. in» v»ry .h.ot iTnie [i^rf».tly cured. I«M a a«, in:eth»r wUh a n:a» lu my »mpiovi tal y tr..ii'.i»al «III pile», »nd a email «.iianui« I f your He'»e->e rtl ». ail « > ». oiap et»,y -i,i»,1 ,-oualdar II ...» of m bom ,fii'».'1, ii-.. a' 1 »a ,,i .I a,.vi.« ail who are tltllcted lo «ive lit K.Ai llArlRir '. V Kit V rl R A N'T - l.M Ma,» t»i. Newark. CLPRHYMKN ANO PHY-tlClANB Amen is nmeeanean eraauin an r»«rinrrni I'ril»d !*t»t»a ar» t< rntnuaily ».'nding c«cuficiie» and In f oin'' g of t,»o*nli derived f'oin 11 r. To.u**i«d t tirta- aartde Ot. Te enana Bit Bone atn Mam yn r*«jiie*iia.i my ¦pinion of ihe viiinc» ,,f v-ur Compon a* tyr'ip of Sarta pari a am . ow prepare«! lo «iv» II have ua»d li in my practice »nil prmertbed u for th* l»»i few month«, and in,1.1 rive ii my let-lad pref»rem » ov»r anyihlu( of Ih« th which I »m aaajaamted, hetomie n«m»dic*i vtrtn»» and 'ft» r»a»oaawl» pri. * at which yiai »all It. la .¦¦rof'i.oiu »!"»ci|iini. c iian».»¡» »riniion» «e»er»lly, dy»- popMa. |iu1i«*«iloii. coa iv i.a». la. nd Bern complaint», I am much ptmead wttk Its afscti It tkane. oinp;»lni*, or »ny oih*r where n .f, a '. in.licat».!. ,-»n with cooh 1- a neaemmad U M in» painaaga "f ihe profetti«.n «* a a a " a ti.i*ry for r-ui «via« »ee*» in »ome of IU iin.i uouhleaoiiie form. II I to .. M I nf/e nd v»lu»bb> ¦ndtclai HrNjM VVIK.KS.M.D Br.aiklyo. No*. 11. IBM U». Toweirao. IHut ."hr Ha'ln« for . ..m« limo pew »i«*n aA'cied wiU» a paliu.niaiy alt«-..mo ou my lung», aid a continual pain tu mv »id». ..win« hi oeeewaS »»poeure in Iran kef aru-r pianhing, and riedln« my raeaa* to ln- '»a»A, with mum dfti I iv f r-alfnng and other alarm- In»- «yiuplom». 1 wa. advia*d by a ri»rgyman a f l»od of mm» lo try yo'ir »» »nraie.1 Sai.apai a I did »».»/id »f'»r ia«m« i* o or ihr»* boni*. ind in vaaalf rellev« I My »ppelli« h<_n b**n r»«iur«.l I hud u v.eif nu.-miroiig- er. and hope very »««in io leBB-M eiv ua i»i duilea I h*v* li»»n M « real ,y l,«o*n i*.1 ',y I aM »a. - .em m»d'. In», I feel It my duty to make known th* facia for U.» ',»n. hi of other» who may he lahorin« uudarihe »arn» diltiru '.i**lh*ll hav* been for «om. U_M an Reepecibj'.Iy, your». BAMCEli XV tllTK PmWf »f 8»¡.Hai Church. Nov _1, l»trt S laten I »land. x ,r A MIRACLE R«*i, THi roLLowin«, and douhi it yoa can, that con. annipi'iin rannul 'atriml Tr.l» li on.y on« of the n*er»l buuared r***« hat Towa**nd'* Baraaparlila ha» cured Ba'Miai va. -i»"i U- IH4P [)». T'wair «i>. feor Bk> wa* talen, « Inn* ov«r I y»ar no, wit., i nine enta nd pata te ny s-m. It in- naen <>n me vary fan, ind»*d I eu pron«ainc«d by pny.w lau. lo l.are the ,, iv« MM .inpilon. raiaed larga quanune» of nad mailer, had i,i«nt .»»ai», «nd »Inking v»ry fall uiy 1 . tot «a 1 enja to BCJtBlBf for me. I want Inio th* h«.«pii»l m hop« of being taasBed, hut n pronounced there «¦ Meerakla I .maow «r»ai:y dl*tre«a .d »i in* lun«» and could hardly hr»»ih* I ten r.ecani* einarlaied. and -.«peci.d lodl» wa* c.nhned to my bed, and w.» <>bit««d lo hav« .mmeni indeed cannot give you any deacilptloa ibai w,>... I 1 Juan, e u.iuy ,-aa*. I arm »u¡,p,,»*d ny my 'riend» u> be peal recovery I had iried a «r»ai mBM 4 netafh «. Mm tfl «eeine«! lo Im to no purpoM I read of mu» m. »i»xir»ordlriniy cur»* per ,y y jr inelvii-, nd M lall yju Ihe truth, I «,,» p*ct*d Ih»«» w»« «<mn ft on'iu« In fein But I wa* in inad to try it. I did «o. and am eery itaanawildM, I cannot hi that am »ntlraiy wed, but ui » fir rocovernd M to be about my auainee*. and hope to im enure.y w*H la «few »am My c.».«ft and pain In in* «10*. and nigbi . w»ai« h»v* left me, and ral»e but v»ry lut*, »nd am fa*! gaining my ataei «ir»r,«ih. I feil II a duty lo gtv« you I lialerueniol my caaa, io publlarl tf y aj pi»«*«. PETKR BRDXVN, «7 Lfttl^m. Bro«.klyn. (JREaT rP.MÂLE MKDHINP. Dr Townaend . naraapartna la *over«igo ind »pnedy cure for inc'.pieoi cooaxuaipilon, lilrreno**», leucorrbora. ur while«, ,«n*iruci«d ot nlBtenlt menalr .ati.m, Inc.jntlc eace of urine, or luvolusiAry di*cba/«e ih»reof, ai.d for the «enera! p'oauation of th« »y»t»0i- oo miller whathei the naaR of lB-eaameataBB.m pruducodby Irregularity -.. o a. I leBl. Notmiig can h*mor» »ur, rlilng than ".» i»v!« .rating ef fecit upoa trie human fraai« Persont aii w**ane** «nd ia*a.ud» iiefi ie lal'iijf X al once '-«un* r.,l,ni and fl.i of »'i»r«y inder il* u fiuence It Immediately ceinmrari« r..»-/»,^a«..»*» ,f tie fern*,e fran.e, which 1* lb« great '. »» f'.»rr»«,»M ii o_ the aepeeatatan.toeaantanémaM-B a n»iur», to««:, . ' .. ¡«»rformed, l<m «I ran eaeur» th» alB.i led if,at h,o; Ir-.i. of ,-aaea have beer, o *ia. canna, *b»r* fau.ti.ee iwv» t«ev. w'lbuul child re», after _»iag . f*w l,.,u.e* of .ila .,. <a .a bieme'. a- -n ', «-«»»d w ih h«aa.ihy «rt.p'iriji II» Tnwmaal My W_b u«iu« «r»at,y l',»tr***«d ny w*«ine»» and «»r »r» loblltly end nfferlai eoattoaa y l,y pain a_d a ««en»«il.«n >f 'Martog down, failing of th« a .',¦! w.'.l, MEM I Itvcuili*«. and ha"1a« »r. ,«n ,-aee« where your mwiictn» ftaa egerlod gr»ai I ire«, and aitu hearing ll raoennwoded for .ur.hcaa«**« I »ave d**> niMd I ,jb_uoMi a noil* of P.«uar.iof 1ar»ap«ri..a. and foi.ownd the d'.recuoLi you gt'e in«, luatbo'i time u r«mov«d p.albt» »ud r».'or*«i her io health Being g'»i»f-.. for tai MBBBBI lb* r*.-*|v-d I take pleaaur» in tbui ar kaowledgtng it, and recoinmeadlng it lo ihe paniut M l) MÜORB '"r ,f lirand id Lydlat »l Alhany, Aug 1?. I«44. Da. Town»«eo .To a., whom ihl* may cone- n Thl* lu rertify ihai my wife need rtmm bou.e of your ta/aapa- rilla preeloua io her CMinamneni. under lb« muei aiaraiing and 1»ilc»iectrcuii«.lancee, »«In« tr«iabl«d wub lb« drop . i »«»¡ting of ihe feel, n«rv,»ua »zTecuon. and very much a *d W in my perauaal'm. and ihe rwcon.m«odanoo M mmtt *bo bml _i«d a »ne wa* mduc«d uiii) u, wtih m faith and »iifnce u to a«, tba medicine bad th* happy and dnred «n**ci not '«.? in lb* hour» of cun-o«. umou bul after lb« »iplrailoa of one week of Ils im, ih* drup«/ and oervKu «jfecti.« gave way to an a»ioni»blbg degree, and her b*«iih is sow beiier than u bad been for . long urn* previooa. If ihl* wUl be of any enrvtc* to yuu. or any on« who d ju «it u>» «uceen of ih» mexlicine, yju »r* «nUrcly wal. com« to it. 1 (ub*crr>* myeaif your an obotlooi and ou íged anrvani S. R J AM EBON. uriNlOrtS OP PHTSICIANR Dr. To.neood ta a_ao*t laUy lee« ving orders trun pby- »ic a_» n d_f»reo'. part« It th* L'aioo. Thia ta u> c*rirry thai tm jnder«lgned Phytteteat the City of A.bany anv* In sumer.«.* ruum* preeenoad Dt T jw-.*»r:d . s«r»ap«ri._t «_<- be.'.««« 11 to be «». of lb* T>i*l v*.u*n epr»p*>rar.ofi« A th* Aarnapacl. ,*ln tm market. H P Pbitag M D J Wuiue, M. 0 B. B Rngg», M Ü P P. P.lrn«_»dorf. M D. Albany, April 1. I*4A Th« fooutnof ta fron on of in most imp*, mole pkyrt eian* on l*mg Ttiand liaireroar, J . y lo, lit» Da. Tow»i««>. /*«r <nr I. . .Im »*i.«faction that I »ay to yoa, that I _»'» rweni y .'.in«*»*.j m »ev*ra.»a-n ine moat neoeAnn» r**u i* 'rom your Exuact of Snraapa rhia. Being ng|fe<* !c '*M practica of mndimoa. I ton pr«ncntMd It in »ev*ra, en*««, »ad never w'inouï bneta In in» removal of aliene«* «flung from n deraagnd Mat« of na dlgneüve organ«, janadk«. kc U 'ar »rcnodt any thing of iho kind «ver uefore uCarad ki ihe M c. Tm w'.. p.jmm» »-nd mo t.o doaen. Ac Ac R-ep-t-tft-dy yur». B C PRP-BTON M. D Prlrjcipa. otRca, l* Pu tea-it. Bn BaUdiag. N I .Bed¬ ding k Co. I Sian-et. Roaioa Dr Dyuu k Bone.-MMortb *»ci.nd*L PhliadelpM», S 8 Hanee.drvtggt« Bnimnon, Daval A Co Rk-bmord P M. Ce-eLCb-reMOM, VVrlgbi k Co. 131 Ch*riraM-*l NewOrlenn*. |«»V *>uik P«ai.-»t t.nwi R. Van Bi.t.r» eti Br«jad. tot M«r»«t>e». N«.- ark, N. J-, and by prUe-lp*. anneau generally throafh- »l the Coiled Slain. VV*»i Indie* and th« Canada* Noon genuine, «con put ap ta ih* large tqnan bouin which eoautn a auari and «giied wiih Um -nono tigca- n'eof S. P. TOVkNdENi). nd name i _-¦ oo Um ,ia»*. bbV» Im'TnT _kt l»tp THE i.AKt.fc-T *.>"jn-nieibaa- »io*««, . d. nai»«»*«. tau iMUtntit oe«z«d, for ««la a. M.'A P..i.a RDI Wararoam, UeObmtam, *or. Mt_Mrry Ti* g.ates -naaReaama and ettam m \ arttmiarn callad W»., « panai rtgbt nd ¡«A ncrew II il mad, ¡ wUct dre. Um pr«___m ai ib« int« Pair al in I marten l-»Ouïe. Old bals ¡n_mt»u<_ Coi* wkolasala and ta, Mil. ssytaiar . UlillATtU, a\>( tXJCskLBd TO BLAl K«MITH».-A voaag man o«* smaBy * ûao;»a _,}.«,,..»,« ad . e.B.ovawal ia « caíriatg» «Bato. »m «i- _',.-. ». . » ,. a (~M kn»>w .»>« «f im l»BBb»ssa. aad wo-ld go fot s year Fleaaa eddiees . r"' »kl» r¦*»»«....» .*- ib the »ear w. taam niiailBB A*î*>T***nilD-J»e PaBaaBBâa, .«a7i EaeT , Tl5*Ä »o"»-»«».«- Tata haaak sas «r «aa»-«e».y l.» h«, ihoe« »ao hay It from »one« tug «ewtera. Me n.« paira at exeaaxM have kataa spare»« at taaka It «aka * '* ' ' r**'00»' '' fMaata« the eew Cnaani artee aad °,m* ^.."J* .°L* **a raptd sala at il Bas ladaeed M » ... ii«rv»iip^ U4 iwatitta UM rviea »iri<eita- _*!*¦ **" Ht0-* 2JJBB »we, Ithaca:, and -. t.«. -trvw-aJ ah« ar» akitag Rlia» . ss^m ¡M «fM «ut» M Ml .»d ..«»»' . *.*»¦»» Ne.eati.at. bar*.a B.udkag Jafl 4'JMTFS_JOHN C * ELLR V\ A>TIM. PUIla A t^BtatTaaaortateti e »" UM at»*! «.»atvvad m »a« at ike Calis» lakMttgamee -. ... » .. «»> and ». Be wary T«rat«-.«arly .ur^crtpvkaa. Ac ct» otherwise .£» «ta R B .all perseas Mrt frawa tsaae «afVcM are warraated lu a «at i-a*»' C M A BOR. i. tau. m u-.1» Boar oing. KotKiMNi. v.- .1.-- i':-| « g.'-*rn-isi f p «aaaot hoard f.w ik» BaatBBS' cam otxala sank a) i-ateaae sad »im on the sotiih eaet corear ol Et«hth-i F R*| «ecoed »t. Traer» la a gawd St« >U «B «BOJ . a .1 w ,u» .«> » ».« io th« cuy »t «us**»- h «ta Tre aKNxn « tn ih» mvdai of the auel tvamulttfal »y «t«gw« .»a the Avenu« aad ¡ha R!e.<_iagde>« B.«id which U bat a to opponaahy » keee »dlerwd to »c,-«.ii-e a kn wktaisra .»' uV» Fr- n.-h laagwag«. m aa ahc. nellabed ic«.-h«r r^i.laa ',- the family. _j «A lw* LOIMilNC*a>.-Thre« e. f ur r.awM natara»»««',-B* . .»'«.i Bed tea, ib ihe »ew vrk (ioum coraer 6-«Ilk Bum and Paw b-ai t\ ti.i«m«bui-|k. oaiy roar ai.»ck»ft»>m Peck . 111 Perry Theee at» «raong ira» p'eesaniMt rooau aad stmtstaaa ta the Milage.and Ave >r tix t.««eg maaeaB ¦»e v-rx much «l boo«« t. ihl, a,,«»«« Apa>lt Ik« «raaal. *M_*liílü.'L**J'r-,_ F a Ttsm '..«Mb «¦ trta lw* H II A M III NO < an h7îlrr;-heiiay"aîiT<»Mt7â^ canoa, large aad c>ni. vp. re ta, elreeeat ritiiwi. wib it,'»" .- .1 ana km «tut kaih». at i.Vi Mottet oe- iween ilrapc and Br.a'me tía Tertaa «aod.Ps.e B«*ar. ««.-«« r«-»arged. ..»» I»* BOA Kl» -A ,»ni.««n«n and kta with) m iwv tia»s>«~g¿. t «meo can ha ac-otrni>«laieJ with b,«a«d with ir« ear- aad »lory front room aeo hall l»edr»x»ta if lABBBad ta a gwa- t«e. h.iuM an' v«rt retpeviabe and »¡met MighUraôad. » » ag »i HValia a»._~_Hjg BO AM H "e. .«:¦:»..) ihetr wIvm ih si agi« gvatktv ¦Ma can haa.isx»me|y »rcoiamodated wn» fkjrnlaaed .r fu-ni.h«.) i.v.m« «od bxiard. by applying taaadtasaiy a, O kA'eat Waahtagtoa p ac« a'.« lw« t »INi;i K t.tMl KUAN .-.n he ace ora«todate» . « « h ai «at'«»I aud lea 'a a pl«_ m pail aaf Market-at nea« «vwt Broadway. Address C R T at isM e r. teas lw« BHAKIMM. I> KA»T BHlltlltttt. t«i» geni.rnie'i aud ih-.tr wueacae be accoAVsuodsted wttk » I and eaaeni rooms I pamrte« auached 1 al»o a Btw a . .gentil tase App.» «i«VA<> Fs»i Bioalwa»/ i-tt lar* I IHM. IM;*» TO l.KT Furm»hrd ... U'fviraUaVaJ.- »The ¦..,«'. p li i.11*11, pea/ Si Johu'i Fa'k la »«aarbat_Jtolttr« HinillUM. i ,. -a. .»! lady or a few slefle g». uirn 'na. ha arroatOiodated with Pleaeaei «oxwas « » «i *. kk hit« »c Abu a few day (.»laedtv* at the » I»" ».OAttO l> kaal M»tO«l>va aV.- a ... âsmaf hi« wir«, an lw. ,,r tbiM «log:« g»«il«aa«a. <-%a .uttodtied with pUeeant «rartaieais »ad batttrd he ¦ pp »leg ai tn Kail Broadway. Befeieacee tirkaagsd at*_ liOtHIIINO VAuh privai« faa.1v aad um of ptaBB 'orte II requirvd. M Mcl>.»gal-Si jell Im 'I'll I.KT, »Hh or wiihoui h.wed. fumlthed parlo«! sad I b«oi<-.'in«. «t IM Cavial »L RefereecM «arhaaged- to» lu' SOHOOLET B MO0MTAIN SPRIN3S «««.H t NBtTN «ofSB. ¦ A4 THE TIME i.aep.oa, ning for ciilsee« u cater- nene i pon in« .i'r«en.>o of'heir rlurnotar «se«'siotta, aite-tioo t. .-i«.i to talt haal.hy. ageaaBU aad highly ««» na « p ac« of Bemrttar raeon. Eti«a»l»e kaa- (-..v-inrma and »'»'« i»hm«ri« ha»« i'»»«n atada to tan >veaam«d ««.a» i«hmem «lac« the last trtiai > »..i which the «r«C'len at a n«w and »pleadtd haUdlag coa taiolng ..« »txty »'«vpiag spartataata, rmim.aili tne in «i in.«Inn and improved «ty e for rom fort a d cuwvea- ,rn, «, «nd »flordiog arc nirmalaiious for between «igkty and one bundled peraen« ia addition to the numker kara. I - . h un' 'a'r t The !un uui« for ihla but dUg U -io '- k n «".! large addtiloas la fYiretlar» aad batí- 'mg have been m«d« la ihe whole Mtaallchaveat. The II u«e newly panned an 1 all tVttvdae la th« »«Ml po«««. e mai Der The gieatiy Inrieaaed .> -oinn...l«iloo* aad c on for of lb« p lac«, and tu cuotvtaatly gruwltg i»opa- iailtt with the fa*bl nable aud 'hoe» la ihe purwtt ef health. i.'i'v the undersigned In ihe hope and loaadvai .«a. laiton thai >h« patronage "f hi« establish «'«el will euatiaae haretofnie, io that full amount « I Us espacio; The ««isbiishinmi is now is aow la «««ilnessand >aaatoi ih« rveepuoo of vuuor« |j«ll late*»' J F. MAR6M sBJBj NAflONM. IIOTBI,, S.i.yl.» Loag Uhtad - i'i.c (t««r Bava g oceupled the ahovet ¦".** »paclou» and «aaai. i..in.-a fo> It. lui IWI. fWeis grateful to his friends ml the public for the Itftarat ,»'¦«.« they hav««x»end«d toward bias, and bop««, by bt« undivided att-nit.n to the co ufortof kU gses» mstsat wub a laarM »bar« of patronage. 1'« pla.« ta .-i».o,lasted for bathing c.ini and re* fr-thing bréete», »»Mug fowiiog, aatooik, hard aad tevM rosal S 'or ilrlv-s If Tni« bouse is sliusted abaiul half a tai» from B»ath Bay, near Fir« aid Iniet Yistloi« leavtng N«w York mmt Long I«,and Ratio«.! si »| A M m 1 F M for «nk»r Far i. ngda « or Deer Fa'k will alway» lud »«agM la I r-«« m co«iv«y ihani u> Babylon, aad i«iurnl«s leey laBrsa it »... si l i.vfo,« é sud srrlv« in New-York by I A M Huriw uil caritagM aad hoats to l«l aa raaav'Babta 1er...« El.EANAH JARV'tg H«»»v'f»n lune 14, IS4T._tajj ¦«»»? ¦ nTt/ToN atPKI.ail», (Whl . Baj ohur «-TM» et a h i«i.iu«nl. tnuaied upon the line of the Atthatra and K ¦. t««i«r Railroad U«m Caeaadalgaa aad O-nev». in Ontario County, having kaaon aeiarge» aad tha» r.uglily fined up, now opea for Ik« reccpiloa of tiss- l«o» . This « - U ».!¦>.,.»,¦ limited la »gourtihtagartistry. Id the ,r«n of ibe Siat«. ram.4« from the nn'M and dttet of ait" «g-* m ritt««, embracing a taaaotltal grove of tar» o »«a It» (..«».ii i'.iuii.Ii, frota Uta lulj.i of whttrk flow» '. »prtog» of pure till hatalthful «mi, »¦« dlspossd ny N.t - m plaauta and t«u»r««t in« vi*u ,r, aad i«al«es It a -. » - -i. -«i »r,«il.«r for IhoM «wekiag a rMAilfa Uve f.oin dl«e»«e. ibais« who h«t« a few leisure d«ys M w««aa to spend la recreation aad pieaeara. o# for BBBBB who, wlih »heir fainllvM. ire disposed to l««»a the healed wa. a of acity rMldence ui eo)oy ihe refreshing brasaaa .nd puie atmosphere of ihe country, daring the warm san¬ són The Waura, whicfc ara matait of a Mlakarea« sasras ur. » «¦! *.ini«wh«i with «oda. magBssa« aad «ai'Htnla ,u. «tan«! uomrpM«vd In ihrlr aiavlictnal charaeiev, as a r-nirdy for ih« »artou»»»!n dltesMs. rhcurnaii« «atkarilea«, dy»p«p«la, general dabidiy of th« »ysiam. A«, aa*» he»e at- fncied curM in eaaaa where ihe wautr» of SOnm »BtBkga kavefal.ed. g.«.,i.g grauful for the ill.«.«! pauonaga beretofttra m c«tv«d, the Mbcciiber mai rwpaeifully so11'lu Rs eostBa- ¦aaga A porter always In rMdlssas SI the depot In re,w«v» kag- gage free of haega M FARBB. <rl« -r May 2». IS47. ¡«S tm JBbC BtaBaB^saai ! ! n ! POM »A I.h ». o«- oie tiau.t ft., t Bar sJaa .«¦ uppoelM tk« Astor IIhiim.i vajiatt» of >'t »i »nd i «lav« Piano Firut», a\ .vary vaiiaty >' satura, with ail Ina uio-i-in npr.or-iiieni«. vo roeawood acd otaltogany aassa. w«rr»nte.|... «»«ry r«««««-i kn «tea sa«)-fkciton ot aa «ale r . ... lira. JAME» THOMPSON j»i»; .w* LateTalieian a »aedalL P ï A"NO VliiWim'a. *arj »w pt^tam- lr«r«uu« «»on parrJtaalcg Ptaaio» wUi BS» III ui tbawi advanukg« to call «i R Otaan a, I Cat. . Manufactory let Fiittto-ei (west at .way.. A ganare« Msortaie'.t .f Mahogany aad Rasa wood Piano« --oeaianily oa hand, which wtlIT«e arrtd tara» tat »... or «Dprtttwd paewr Deader« «applied un ubatrsJ annas ¦ft« R il'.frlHK.íl i.« Pull.,».«« .bo*4nkt»: ronaiftb: u«.««! ( »r aafcsml gajBjj.,,1 BM..oimri of fMbiooabU BiBn»l» »««i BjwflaT "". cl" " '"' .*'.. .' * .a"1*'*' °f .* P**r '."». mjBm '" <" ma the hasovm for ih« «aa««>i T'« yiWk ,i, ,-ie.r.l Is rMsatcfu ly li.vHad M call at WABNBLBf'B I h«»p S'ur«, ¿< iiiV'Mll batweeo and »Irr HIMON», HaTTKK, ItW Cai rant SreM kau at 11 »ad Bl Bay aa- 8al«b lelhoMla atany placa« M B*, O Marea will *'« planead to sea Me F.Mi p' «sway f-IBtw mbH MON», HaTTKM, IM*. ¿aiiaTsa -dm' a P -i. -1 E'rucb M> w»ia ll«i »t ira p'lce ef ? .ou «m- n 'piaiHt. »lyl« an» fl'd«h Ec«eao> ¦i.l.i« was d 1o wal Ui cali atad «xainln« tl, also S Mparb a e for Bf S», as» saeaa m low m Bi «'." ¦ "" t «arg« and «arie.1 ti ra of genu' y.e.'.ha' «ad lnfaau' Botamm Hau ai.d Caps» H avias jast opwaad. ray uva M ta U «art fresh The adva»,ug« f m «rung 'r.** «ach «nui na eb- n.eis'oall EMMONB FMba«m«nie HatAar ;-g4 i a»*_IW Caaai «t «ety H»d««m MaPUIXl FA-IIIÏÎNÎa.-lîÂTB, RArB-ParU esa haï» ai B°> ¦.'.¦« to uv-tasoid bt «Mhanat «iso, saaBjaal «.».. »au ai tl W and tl Bt,j parlur M »ly « ai.d finis«. raaal Mm at |. COM frmo'S«uiM««ata>.ii»e«seet .".Kl' P H BROWN, IM Cs_ BjaPTNR PME«- H BÔOr-A §4 SB-Pavtaaafto ¦ / -, ,. « f i '" '¦¦ .'«¦ »m bwM Fr«a. ¦ - w'ih «orles »r.»,,»« 6 > ai 101 ^BBf I ¦,!. Ir-cled y ih« rhaapMi and baa» «tore ta I Cly. ilg.alc« a*.« «aid ngai proS»«aur rtVHto > AU ued. pur.nue It »lu-nded ko LANO k HOLLAND tayil iTTuThaB _________________ ______ I OOK AT Tni»t.dbadlae. gradtmm, BBMtakM.*«-« tod caietrao.a.1 ihm am Is «at of s fane «ruris ,f 8oot» ot Bfc'iee,cal< atttt Brand. wat. where yea will Bad tha largaet aeaurtamai sat rheapaei in ihu cty, wboiaeaia aad retail. N R Freaak impori-d B.et B< ItalmJ M CARIU. «rt_ ÏIÔMMR, AÂAOON ui HartMM 'ev esta, la ^ár*A.AM «iBly au waeka TB«_y «m »a wee at C tea _L__>» ab'M, Btaua laaad. Erie, for ika wk^naRBIM i l... w_»r ¡nay .«» foaad at BO BM»a»-«t ¦.« «.u -a MÍ«a at hi U«ary ataba of Patria- Enea «y. No U La Fay»»u plaea»_ta** »«»ad* av._rott' nAk.lt CMaUtP a Baa yoaas mtvm, Jk«wa»7« warrattted «ooad, good u«vaUr-wUl aune WBBV a^i.«A¡i)¡».g Aleo w agoa Wiy _g»_g_J__! kr in gaud roadiitoa. Alaokaraaas, »*»_f*. BBam IBBBM r«^>a, a_d roaay ame.U of ho»t*»n'«'d »«^oiuta. Apsdyl *«.->r'.i.. ... IV W..»ua.« _«Ml a ^ttmfmaTmmfikmtijM _~~~i _IK YYaI.TBM MALRIOII Parvlag with RI A fe-Tha f g'«» ««r! bt M A la« Art L'a i.m « are rwpVc Th» Fngravtng. pubiuhed by the Auarisaa beiag aow read» for d-ur'.ba.loo. m h. ci i h*» a . rMpecifal y :r formai that Ucaa bs fPMRBi Bt . o'tiukiikoaod . «g««' «'lia«» Mtataaar '.. g s-.-«. -la it.t tramée f'omBB M m Bt T«. M raaa» mi- -i «as glu frame«, a* B* », u -sia"i aatd f*a fc.aaaa, atBBIA ly HLDaON a ArfRT^ At k :. LooAlag a »m and P'«u-» ttamm »Yt'«-iiBi, )a»at«_ IM) Palma aad to Ana au. KaUMAlf/at^-T B OUWMIHq, tai». Baa nmiàSt (rem cavraer ef Ckssi»mi n sad Breadaray teBB BaaaV .t______** Í*.TRanFoWtat-ToLmliaamPewm. tajabas« Taatk »vente, ear. ef Tweety tfta-st, )m%mV

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y;vfBT MO»N|Nf», Bl NUAY EXCEPTCD»! the Tribune Itulidlns;«, corner «f ..inirr-

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T«»M» or »omití«:*,--fin Afimi/grel-lnea, or keae-PVet lnewrttoti.-s '""'»

*each »utja»r,'.ei,i iaa*riion.I*1!fhlb*lr,.,d». 1..*"feer Ten linen Uni Innrtioa.5cenitpen iu:,»eqn»r.i lr,**rti«.r. which may * e 1

»re. y day. or one», tw'.c».... h » m-. . renn a lip«.I wee» at tr-e option <f fie advenlter, )

Ibelr.aid«. ....

r Ten I haaa Tllll tesullrg.Sc.enitallr.e.». leaenentlaaartkn which mar'*/

.ry day, or oaee iw .-»...> h » luna* . cent» - ''

reel »ule,,; »ril»«r, )

TUP kKtII-UUKKI.Y THIBI'Mijmihliet.»»! e»»ry Wi l>* » «n» .' and a,,

fr.c* R* per »nnurn I«" rip.ei for R"..rntngt


aaaSilthed *vi -¦ M »urn« .1 -, on price0 I; pei a- 1 .m. in tdeinee. 1" -

er'-« '¦¦'


Recei>I ion of Un« ri*<'«.i(l< nt.Pivaagc down the Bni -Arrirnl nl Am.hoy "prnh of Aldrrnmn I'raaklin.wpcetli ol Ali!« rmiin «Hit rr »lr.I'oll.'a Iteplx.The < ollnliwn Thilnn.li.it nt I n-u. i; unten BfBBIR.. f 'In. 01 Brnd), Ac.

Tne morning »aaBra)«/ aaagaÜBeal, Bad as. st s

bRle paat nina .-.¦..',.

Mi/i> left the wharf at Caatia Oardaa, and pro¦iita to Uoveraor'a latead ta take oa board ataBind ..'« r- tl.ini.' promteed « brilliant iaaaa ta the

Tin- pana" r .

t_e I'«» 1 the i'.Hx a «1er, ami bu

.tiiilarutin»; fiar nil',"II a BBBta grátalaput to the heat ol the doatj thoroaghfarea The(Mnpsiiv on Ixiard the \ aaderbilt "irtmitttfl '<i boom

iii iiui.'irct paraoaSi aaaoag iban M-», Qen 11Hou Dix ni H Lewis, Senator Vu Ice "1

.; ttaa 11 tiio Huí-i.rs c ! Baahhttit ColCrine, Major Ilairi», ("apt Hi K«¦. i*or, Coin. Bloat,lient. Hunier. Capt. \ ni-irt-rman. Capt Hr11vnn.ll.fipt Kairl.¦, A.l.i II 1. JoOjOB J -4g0 I »nkl.-y I liiel

i'llti" <. .Ion.-a. Mr Al.'Xitiiilrc \ Hlti'intrcCajit In. Hi hd Hartl.-itiit W m\ |V:i,t Kx Mayors Marper and llav. unyt r. ami many Other 'lutin-milled.NBtleaii'ii nt the ( ity nil from abroad,The ateauter arrived at Ambiy at about ItVdaeh,

siVii the President wa» éteinte«! on hoard b) tin-CÉmialttee and oadactod to the apper d. 1 k Hisamearaaee wrb tint afa amajadad Baal trera aal»nil anxiity Hi« teea iitiiiii.ini teaSaraaaerara«nd im ex.- aald Mu«) leeeea Ai bu Btefpedeabutrd the boat he was cheer«,I l,y tlir-rr,,xx,) I, it

tvtliui.,' liko enthusiasm wat iiianifi-itoil nothingKiiliow that lie had a hold BfOH ÜM )i"nrti nl tin:

people Wh« tiio party r« aided Uta BRlooRORthe upper ili-i'k, Alderman Oilxre Iha fwBJrmBBoi tbe Committee, ojn-ii.-ii Hi«- oeraaBBataa with ihaiolkiwm».' speiK'h(..'«ni«! M rib Ctaaaea ObmnA _¦ honored in

ha«ii.*r BnS pleaaiug duty «Mi«neil to me ol prruvntibK10 you. Hi» Kteellciiry tin I'm »id»i,t nt ttu: L'ulli-d.Ute»Il 11 uuni cetrary that heihould be commended toyour

t',urU'»y and all» iition. lot know how Cordtall] 101Will extend to him thole 1 iviliti»! du» to hit c\»lt, dlUtlon111» .lay with u». ain informed, will be briel. but 1

»m weii aaeared that aaShta| "ni ba naaatai »n yourpart to r.-ifler lit» xi.it tmwaaMs, lad that in an ia.iih

»aui'iiid our ptiiiln- and ihmitaM«. Iii.titution» he will.1 asea den», pieman and leeetsa k »t ^n<i favorableiDit.reanon. of I In. «r«-at t',,111111, 1,ml I oiporlum

Sir i'irfuii-ii iviniit m., t.. tetrada¦¦.¦ la yn ih«.

p>btli non of ttio I'liininon Council ol the l.'ity ol N.wV^r« who have K»»i«in'ilf'I ban to greet you and to ten

lyr you on behalt of the tMteaaa whom lh«y repreteni.ad lor ihitmerlr.-a, arurdiel weleonie to oui City Wenil-(¦»< »t pi« «.»uro te batef permitted lo anteadlo«tait» boaplnHUasincoaildorlog yon mottrboaoredpmt 'l'hn i'reildfiit of th.- I'iiiu-d MmfeM it »lw«yakmored. alwav. maléeme ¡ and I tru.l that lo'ii.lu-rWen you ahall recall tío. loo vi.n >"U will have no

eau** to tewl that ih» City ol New York bat fail.-d 11.

rmdiiioii ol the honor or tli» cordiality ut tbe WoToom«l'non thu întroiluftion Proatdeta Kkankiin ,.

lae Hoard of Altlcrmen. RÜNBBai Hit Excellent-)m theie wnrdiA», l'ruièfi! On behalt of the Common Council of

talilty ol Nt * York, aud in accordtuc.« with my own

k-rlilg», I mint re*pecttul!y tender to you a «Innere »ndcordial welcome upon your approach l«< the commercialnrtropoll» of our country, »nd tn ». doin« I bat »peakRt united lentimentt tit my lellow eat*. wiihnut r.-

fird to text or party, lor it it indeedian impotmg and

lllrre»titig ineolBOla tn toe In Iha mi.Ut ot a Ireo, pr,,«prrout »nd Independent peopl... the re|irr.. i.tai \.

»k"in they hav.. ateemd to occupy the tin.-li.-it nfl .¦

flhhte tti" H>'t nt man ami thoutandt upon lhoii»an,i*Alt now a»» uii.le«: in anxluu» expectation ol I'Xtind

In* Ike right hand nt t. liow.too t,, »o illuitriouttld dutinguithed a ttranger V ,j art« alunit to « r.t.r 11

City which, but a c.ulury »rid a hall Baa contain, rl onlylour tt.ouialni thr«" bundr.-.l iiihaiotatit. »>ut win« li now

Sum 1» with,11 ¡t« bordan upv»»i.i ot tour ti_ti.ii.-.iIkjuiaii J »nul« who iii'.ii»!,- '.,.«. III. r in tin If dell] MUMtkat with a tpirit nt banaoaj aad mutual ferhaaraaeattdtcative ot the teiauty ot our imtitutlont and the blflilaatof a liberal and enlightened government And »!

Rough we cannot, it we w ind. laôatag you xvith all the

pomp tad r.-«,»i ipieiidor ot Buropeaa BugB-teeeoa, lor»e.:« a o'n.n il. noerattc «nJ domestic people, yet w.«

can and do rml you welcome tmin the overtlowinrt nt

patriotic and «ratctul h.-arti tor the liberal dltpenantiontOl au ovei ruling and tiouiiliiul l'rovid»nc»Wecanlntrotluceyou. BM, 10 one of the BoWeM Iiu'koidtb« world, where rldetntfrtect tilety theihiptot everytn» aad where float upon every breeze th«x national.WMtin* ol commercial lutcr«'our*e VVn can prea.nl»»yea tnatituuoue toatt-r«-_ »i..l i,,-ouiaa'..t by th<« pro

kalrig cire nl 1 phlteaBkropto Ovireraaaaat, where

JWntly and dl*<-»»e receive prntectlon «nd relief.»hère the deal1 and tluitif'. the orphan anJ t! -

.Wlh.ut rrg»r I to afB, nalixity or coloi are Ihtl/oar lyiMpathy and regaid. Upon our putiiir ttr«-« t.

nd retliod avenue! rue iu m».|. île BBaB-dm Ump..»iMtaaiadto oarboly raligtea abara luwntef gplrmc»rpe.i with Iba emblem o< tlo rtiriiti»ii« iaith, pointin iliem grebdeur to the ol Jecl ol our wonblp »lid I. udtvrrinlnd the pa.ung trax« :,r ,1 the »rate to HeavenThere, too, may be teen . kit lire hallt couancralcd to

Uc:ature and »cii'i.ie ». I nl!hou«ti it hat tii-etl tai.ltkai Nammou It the «.,,,! ! iur idolatry yet there are

Ikon who love to wonhlp at thift' «hnrift ..ud dwell»Itlio thetr holy influença-». Hut above all, the ihi*uing Riunuuieiii ot our City» enterprise, >» teal noble

which, Irotn a tource ol nity mile». ili»tiitiute»aubin our iiinl.1 the pur* exbileratmg «out. nt. ol thet'rnloo Lake, atiording protection in time ol danger andAttilghttul tnivrrage to »

But. Sir. need not dwell upon matter! »Ui't. at their.arfuaareaoa »thui a» our (jueat and a« time »adopportunity are aftorded It will b» our plentire t>> pre»nt for your consideration »ucb ot>«ect* a« may tw< cal'¦_»t*d t«. iuur.<*t and itiati ui t VuJ in _M im-antiuu'

Ma repeat that you »re », «a,!, ni- t

at boipiuiitiet ot our City.Ti ihn the Prelltli'tit replifil aa lollow«tot th.» cordial welcome which yon «xe m.- ,>-.r in

ay»ppr«i»ch to your »¡reat city can on'y ,'\ore*a mytap gratitud* aud eaiietaction I know Mr that the

a*a«ui.ti.d allnilioua «in, ti you pr ,rt«-t iu* ai* ron

wnxd ta, tbe autiou whnli I Rara UnRoan lohoM «nd»ktb. m yon lastly say at ii»«- klgbeal bl tt" gut "t

.a». r«ih.-r than to the Individ,,,: who hold« it Ai

tall recel»* ih.111 and respond t.. th.-m mid withItafcation »'i the deeper, beeaase tkay proceed from.taty t-ut irotn my i. Uow t WaeM fe-araltyMr, Ibia i» a pio'.i.i ,1~x or tne tiecaua». in n 1« ,.«hlb

ta thai lui, lai.i. 1 tai ti uth ol ui tudituttoii. that treeMi,.', .o ,.. 1. to elect ir.cn own m 1er« aud are nol

tamoant upon that divine right which in Bonmmbmwtibiea la regard. .1 « tbe only »>,uroe vd authorityRr a. the reprcactitative ot tbu prop:» it ha» been

By end» »vor M to conduct affaire a* to be lound no un

*órthy occupant ni Ike place held by my uluitriouiRadaceaaor» in that high office to thi* end then can

a bat one «uidtv and that 1» the *en»e ot duty And.»»at tbu I uuay 1» enabled to discharge my »ln-V d ,t>*Sjy Country, ai .1 Dually to hand over the Administra

_*?» my ituusnuf wtih that couulry pgWfanw it

..taitd rvtpvM'tvii abroad9» l»i»¡t New York a* the I'retileot ol tbe 1 nited

*.*».ltd I reloue te lh/x welcooie which h»»e re-

".Id at the hand» tit your City. 1 go M vitit thetaltalu »action ol our country, with wbi, b ditlrict.«..aniaiiiiiiar than wuh other porMoaa 1 hope, ílr

.tae-.r go. to hure the tame plcaiure which t: w

f,By. the pl««*ure ot mertmg and receiving the frect**n| my t^Howeitir« u» withoul dutincimu ot pnrtyor'Str, n I'rindint I know no party but the whole^.atry «cd it» be»t IoUtcjUawiij^iv, in grant pteasui S 1 t »mtyour Pu^lc

W|*"li. and behold the iXijeux-riol your wealth and

^..?Trlie, Your vast improvement* are not un

5***a to m*. t.»it I »hkll derive new ntii*»« U"o BamS**atajItamaaaer yemgeldeaee. it wi; 1M0 fin¦*uatijeuw. p|»a»uret»vi.w),ur l'ublic ln»tltutlou» and."appreciate the extent aud murrriieiiee id lbo*e iharitie*

^.«k »dorn and ennoble tin Commercial MeUvp. Hi'..ta City ot Now York .-»ir. wH h»xc a representation?t*s whola aaaakr*. and fron 11* protpenty tome

*aaj»y t* formed ot the power «nd rtMOurce* ol tbe

J"-*». The tuiimM* ot tho*e rn,.-_r- a can a* yet ouly* '«"»»lined H who »hall live to witoe»» the i'recdeutñ'taf* Lull<d ^;»'<» filtJ e'gbt year, benci.and only'».?dght year» have p«M»d .lnc« the flr»t adoptb e ol

-~,r u_m o«a buadrod mi.iioo* oi peoplein e«KM.|u.loa, permit in* loexproa» to yoa. Mr. aad to-***. »«socian» o( the Common Couneil mv b-arir

.^¦.-oaiuturtoB.will mateeam tb« raprenntaUre ol'I''.1*-* mm huadrod million» oi people !

m to-" . ".¦ '*- Council .¦ > ..,'.¦- j

"**-«. tor Ihn -nry agrmaale manner la which you".'eutTerod me the hospitalities of New York«/ Polk spoke in a deliberate manner.hit eio-

.*.©. reeemblteg that toraatimet beard from the

pulpit rather than that dually practiced at th«or in Congress , his enunciation was alia nit

'y BBBBB S 'j'.hern peculiarities.mnmmtnti the Common Council aad r

| ntlemen were then introduced V> the F'.I..- ¦ we notice AK7HÍ.R W*. At

h«i. of Charle»town Mais. wlm. as repreiei.tiof that City, tendered to hii Exce.oinvititirm winch he has received to eftyjjt

Maiiarh').».-«! After having; diichil.ii minion, Mr. ACBTU remarked to u»

¦id Bunker Hi',; Town «n njaygregatoaal The party then r.-move'l to tr -

« Cabin, where a moat abundant.loti whs spread, ander BBB BBYdl

of the Committee, by Mr. iiv.id (jrahtm.Sl'-waril of the V underbill Indeed, the aajgtjman cooM Bat w I baae Baad more »bunconsolation» than were provided OBaraBSJwhole trip. On the forward deck of the

«brrri bearinr an immenio >«r,-*vl of puBad another of lemonade, birth »eeminslybaaatfil .-h t,¦edrii.kni; wa« libérai

««¦i.'.t tiov were as fuli at the end of thea* at »in- le .'m,.iif On paiaing

Hamilton an appropriate lalute wa« ! . ¦:i« tie l.nat npp",a< hud the laoJim.' was rope

gai il'iv.'riinr i liland andtbfl ahipt in tfag harbor TaMBMI «rar« y

With Baga und er iW'ie.l Brit«. »[O'tat'.rt. TheoAM i>nri'-:i w a» a!'»e w rh ti e p-'be distinguished guest a ith bot

1 lo- party liavim- mi, ft im Honor. M>:ni'!r.'«|i:il the l'reeide.it in th. «. w

Ml /V»..,/,»,! The intrclurtion ti th- f'hofreutiv« orticer of she Ualaad «Manos baB Basaos »:,.

¦!..' ia'e and it arlord» rr.r gnat »»ti»l»ctmtiwell tor myielt M on h-half of the Municipal auth"an ,ti the name nl the dti/'-n» id New York, to lei

'. ordial w.-lcoine.I I." »Kit i.l tke Pre.ldent it Ihe Inlted SUtee il

waya hailed with pleasure In ItWI krrliori of our ft

try and o it .tie id m« mut gratliy ng >

« ol our tree an i . ni gktem d institutloi a

u,um iiirh an occtaioa ill political l-elmgi and pr<i. < . are caat Mid«, and all »ei m animated bf in«-

deiire to pay that tri'iute ol r«-»pect and eiteem wli. d u-1., to« r.aited poattlea.

V. S are pi aard. -ir to have II in our power to exlto you tho»e »tin. ion» and cmirletie» which we t

may »erv>. t lender your BBfBatB one ol eiiua) Inte«.el pleature one winch you may Ime « »u«« to rein

.. after with gratify.ng emotion»i h« CasBflsoa < loîtaetl ot thia city b«»« mad» »uri

langemeut« lor your examination «if our Public W,and Ina'itution» as your time and convenirte v» kl

ivimi! BW wir hO introdu«*e fon to your frllowreu», and to nature you. M well for my»«lt a« ft thtnat nothing »hal! be wauling on our p»rt to »howtoa CItf "1 New York kit i»i how to t. re:... «nd reajthe high, tt ' ft'..-' r of our l.epublicTo tin» the IYi'»|iti ni 'i aliad in a brief and |

tineiit niHtiner

Alter which he nfatH 'led to ret n w the tn«

mi the Battery.Nearly all the Volunteer Cnmpan ea of the (

wore under arm», and made a fine appearau« e

We noticed particularly Hen Storni«, in nj

man«! of tlm Fifa. BrajJBa.6 OÍ H"rie ArtilleBriaajditW (ien OtyAMBJB P. Morn» rrin,rnaiol

t a SiStk linead«' ai Artillery Hen Hall WithFirst Hrioade of Artillery, and Gen Ewcn fj

tie piiutth Hntradei'l Infantry1 kg pruc. aaion wa» then formed accirdlnp to

n-ler laid gaTByfl ai BBB programme puhliiliedyesterday a Tribune, and paiaed through the pBeribad route Crowdi of both aexel lined then

». every window and roof from winch.aile OOaU be BBSBJ »m fully occupied. T

ipiite meagre procession contained very lew |son» except the member! of the Corporation r

invited p'ueat« nnd the military the SocietyTanimany wa«. we believe, the only civic ai

c Btion which wai reprmenteil except two

thno ti¡e rómpame» The marching lalute

tho Park, which closed the pageant, took pliI about .¡ve, and at had past live the Piesident wi

drew to lui lodging», after a day of fatiguing ci»tici. cheered by little of that out bursting «»nthuaim which often atteita the hold of public great!.tupon the public affection»Thii mornine, at 1" o'clock, the President a

receive lui triends at the City Hall, and at lü

will proceed with the Corporation and the invittruéate to view the public worki and charitableititution» of the City

NtNBlBATtOB OF 8SB. Taylor..A placan', wy.'it.rday ituck up m the prominent placea >n ti

iitrtii'd by Melara. L B Shepherd M K e,

Cutting. O Conor ami other leading l.oeu I'm

calling a meeting to night lor the purpoie ot rum

natmg Hen Tajlof to tho Presidency.The fjaaj ol the call i» a» extraordinary a» pr

«¦coding from such a source, iti purport It unía«

in the preieti. >. oi the per«on whom theie lan

individuals aided, with their beat efforts. U> atta

the position to which they would now nominallu» mal.we »ay rual, bccauie Mr. Polk has dmhi» utmoat. whether inteiitioiially or not. to niak

lien Taylor a competiu>r tor the place which I

now occupies, and which uiai.y uncharitable peaonl believe he la denroui cd retaining anoth«

tot in. uotwithitanding Im proteitatiuni to the eat

trary .lome, it may be. in conic,¡nence ai thoi

protestations.If tin» be called backing one « friend* we sa

with Kalitstr, " a plague upon mcii ftajcail k.

C"\>ki tu IT. Tea Legiilatiirc adjourned 0

Thuri.Uy »tter ¦ protracted md laUirloui tctoinu Thtwo House» could not agree on the üriJge Uue»tiouand »o the cl«u«e in the chatter ot the Air-Line Itailroei

»ulhoruing the erection ot a bridge acroM the Coanetticut at MiddU town »tanda untrpoaled It errai to t*

generally agreed that Mr. Speaker lexTkitpcii inin

hii dutlci lu « manner creditable to the Male and t<


Ni»k Haahshira. The Liv». FOBtol opeacd th.w*»louol the l.egialature with much talk vt an earii

adjournment, but they »re holding on in order to »;iverecpti.n to President I'olk, who ha. bieu invited t>

»ml the .-.tat« -The Judiciary Ctmimittee. we »ee b»ibrx-ii malmeted to inquire into the expaxdleocy ot «'na«t

lug a law giving to ThouiM W. Port the right» and prnItaana ot a aaaasa ai the »>ute oi New Hampsbn-.'Wn«t m \: '

PRt»,ia Di«i-tri im .After a diicuasion whichht» extended through Mter. »pecial mectin^i and lur

an aieuafor the exhiblUon ol the higheit »killand Ulent on both »ide» the Ro»t.,n 1 ti»on PiaclpllneSod« ty ha* laid on the table the retolutjoc» which in

»olted the menu ot the tv-paraie Philadelphia and-gate ;Auburnî Syite.i ai Piatiplma. Bj »eem»

to be agrc>vd on all hand* that the d'»cu»»lon ha» donegood In awakening attention to a lubjecl hitherto greetly neg'iv-ted and in placing before the people fact« and

principle« which rauit etentuaily term the bun ot a

dec.ioo m to the merit» ol Ihe two «yiteint

XAU.A7K ti Havka.The txpres» itatci

that probably Mr. J. YY Suple«, ol this City, will be the

. ucoeMtul applicant for Un« place.the NsUonal YYbigot \\ Mhiugton that F. J i.rund will be. We believethat l u the third ConiuUbip. in point ot emolument.

'm »v Htv in The Municipal authentic» aiNew Haven hate made the utual arrangement« ftw the

reception ot the rreeident.m Monday

ay «Fajjaaaaaaj Ri 11» hai aiincrunced that he i»

prepared to receive propoeaJ« from partie« dup aed to

unite with him tn the Navigation ot the Orinoco by»team the Coogreta of Y'eoexuela having granted him

th- exciuiiva pntilege of such nitigaUoo tor a period of

eighteen years. ^^_^_»_____

RiRTix. THi Hatchit.The two Loco-Koco

newipapcn at Auburn, the Pafrt»« and the ro»-ria.re¬

presenting the loving branch«« of the parry.are to be

margad la the Ham Era, in the publication of which ell

the proprietor» of toe two former paper» are to be en-

9H+*- _M_

f*y C D Bbioban. E»q raoently of the .Vt«-gnra Cotthar, Is »baut to assume the Editorial díreotíoa

of the Omtago 0t>. Whig.

EcrleaUatlcal Meeting!.» gai.on-

al Mloiitera ba» held iu Ancua. Meeting Ute ->Mt weekat Portl'.nd An introductory diacourM was dr;,r»r»dby Kev. Mr Kirk of Bo»ton. on BBB SB metis

.-at aa trie great mea:. ¦ -

th« moral au- m R f »..¦¦¦« » « BsBjaj Thn rtiBatsa.1

benev duatmalBBlInn in M»¦ »otMiortha. with u.

!¦ -¦ r. -

The i>- - ' Presbyteriani andIr ng-rgktior « .. .. vaal at Chicago. Aboutone hundred - « nt

The Geir. -a' met at -pria, Bj A m in g thorn

prêtent fr« m ab" ij was R-t Mrthe Tabemac « .

.. .

War. Intemperance and Slavery the fo1.owing Reeoht-toms »

f rightly »pp'ied. USited fa retr. ¦... the ".< ' W«r th» Otatarrai

i th M -atianito inquire whether thry hive, uy ¦ p-op»r appll¦.«pacific , ty tu do away


ft't'i -'a 1-, in th«

M of peace.litary

I » th« War now ,

i speedypacta! praym by an .>ur eft n

i be taken in our. y

i :.at n- »" »lera and

,» m k era» nt w« heartily rejoice in the opinion whirhha» l«e. n »o emphatically pr


t. sii atiag llqaonaearrintly BTg< », 001 '

Churche« : r« n- wed,n tuak.rig p.rin«D'nt the triumph in the tempiHu«. re urge oat rebel I

to it. that i >¦ mor I uor»Mabe»-BrSSM ba Bel away from thaBB

. beeaa! Ihr wh .!>. .y.l.m M -!«v«ry whirh ha» been

istaraaard bj rnaolei * M ¦ |.,! *n t raana


Thlna« ni »untloRii.ipondenre ol 1 h>- 1

RaBATea» -raiM.« .1 .n«

A man of aRM Whit.- r. «

" upper rlllagr »tbinpbd Inoun» 'j¦.-..! il ». kat throat with a raiir Pr K I

Allen »« a .i ; ,

patient with m mr pi ,«p."Wetok'l ' .. I Circa» i mpaoy made their ap

poaraorr Rbsb Bfl th« .".'I in.t

people are nowmminc tn at the rat.» of trmn ten tthirty oer day at each ll hotel» h-r.-


ty The loliowinc fi..m -1 N 0 D'.ta IBM.ih nut. .».em« to I« um gen. ral op.mm in regard to

the miMioii il Mr r at

Mr Tn»t . o!!i." prom!«e« t.. he a «inecurr The un

fortunate, dispute which h»» »ri»en i,.-twe.n htm andlo n »tat. r> »p. CttB| thru p »wen and relation«, i» not

likely to be brought to my practical mats Oaawill find in.!- uae ! o hi« .» . I than hi« pen.a fortunate eatrgoiy I .r »o noble a . . BOOT a writer.

Mr i ritt may relurn to th« BtBR P-partue nt and re¬

port pr. ere»» Hut th.- lele tal ha» only to go on BBBand to eoeqner,' aad wksa ha ha» i,rgami«d a

lo.liiary Ooveroment

r. li. e> throughout the e untry. conciliated IBSy mild and ;u»t lo». iinn-i.t open»al w¦'

the Bom m en gratl n <¦¦ atBarros and en

terpri». » Bat ! 'Iany other prudent uni wepeetabl« gmto ir.au, to be-laka klmetilf to toe Vu M bear and ar

range ihe term» of a aaa« B hn h will satitly "ti Mtloll» Then and not until ttiri. will Wr be abb' to My-

Now u o at ,re nie druml'i -,k ,ke» to arm», or trumi ».' clangor shrillA .¦ '« 'i a . |)a virgin .

Hut joy and pleMur«' op. n to the viewLll.ler: I.pled

Ht rri ni ni. i iv i r»i Si ., i r ami Titl't;. t. d »ay« the J«!»p» i-oir, .p t,,I, i,t ,t it.- St l.oui»l(. publican in Bka hurry ai writing my laal M mentionthat s warm ami «oinewhkt »-vere rupture had brokenout lietwern to neral Scott »nd the Chart ol the ..tat«

I'rp.rtmrnt. Mr 1 rut. who la» ftaaa Mat) here as asortft r-«lt»»iiii.. ot the American army This It the

taitio Mr Trnt. il 1 err not, who imparte i to Catatas .1lug' rao:, the knowledge ot the exiiu nee ot privat,' »ndi i.' ientiai papan to toa Baa» P'-paitin«i.t. during the»b»ence of Mr Rat reury Ruchanan Mid who t

away by which Mr Inger»..;! BBtajaaBasaarBd 'y g'd »ccet» to thnn which enabled him to makr hi» giuundlrtaand pueril« attack upon Mr Webster, and the sameTritt who. when Consul it the Havana . t«w yean ago.was charged OB the IsM OÍ Congrrt» ly Mr Adam«with being secretly engaged in the elate trade andwhich charg.i was never cleared tip A pretty repretentative ot a great nation »t a loretgn Court, to be.ur. A man who. for the bateti me»ne»t party purp, ses, vu «le» the conAdmcr rep.-ted in h.m by hi».uperior. and tramples with impunity upon the l'ontti

m» ..untry.J'hl» Mr i'rnt, th« exerriie of hi» mongrel plenary

civil and military powers, addressed a letter to l.eneral

BaBtk, directing him a» Ui what m.teraent he mutt makewith hi» troop» A portiou nt tho»e direction» were»uchait.enrralSc.lt belieted were «t war with th«.vent interests of our Hovernmmt, and the tenVkaak wou d lie ! / «rn.'rn n . r«thn than a trrminatlonol bottilltles It wat the correspondence growing ont'.I this ditfrrence ol BBtata that was the immediateresult ot ibis rupture Copiei ol all the c. rresp«irdence.

luarn, hate been transmitted by lieneral -. utt t.. toaWar Department


N»i. Bja Whig

ty Tut Cain BtAatSTBATB yesterday re

ceiled the cal!» ai »u. h ol hi» lo '*r:Ui.Di urhutnt.. pay ihelr re»[»-.u to Mm II« lrar-a gar New forkthis ni rnirig we undmtand in » iperial train, whicbthe pontrn. ts ol gas OaSBkaaB and \mtuy Kai road Com-pary has place 1 at the dupi ix.

.-Strrdav Bkanriaa the Pre«.Jent »'.«lie I tbe Mint.Laurel Hill titrard College and f alrnmunt Alter re-

aMviag taa etttaaa amraag aha d»y at the Btatahe d ned with a *el«>ct party at the house ..( Mrand i« the rv.-ri.Lg rrc« ik-J m - . . n

alia -»tterwhi li tie was eutrrUlDCtball at Cen LattbiboVs The 1'resi lent ut-s U in hissalad »nd drinki ic-water in.xlrrair:y H

I«BU I'olk't visit

18 Philidelphl«. Ph.: N rth Amer.

Hi !» » M i» ''-:.. v1 brnkamd kaa»o th r igjU] ¦ BM tbat ,t has Inmim.what dtfl II no-gh tor h ana COBBBmilau. A week or two »g « («rnier ot out n rigklin view ot the t,,reg,,iDg circumstances.and when al.ihr-t h-lai thrir whVkt at En tn tl ?.. to FJ. [ -

Bkal H -:n th'» mill, in thn vi.lage. rxpre»«ly ui accom nod ate \ ¦ thr neighbor

v:rg dir-ct: n» M th- nn.1er not ,i rh»'.t\ 'x'p-r hu-he! n-i to ',-t any ear pm ,

thsn 'a t.. aVa han»hBn I i haato own u»e

?IVrry NV [Vmanil DOCR The It. p >rt o! Ccnir.n.li.re Smith

accompai.v.ng that oi the pry P -ck ttasntasta taB yBMOAntsd by tos S«cr»ury ,t th- N»vy baa been banded in to the .-»ex rrUry and ihr latter wiii »inin makeknown hi« decision in the p-vmlees Both parties pretarBkeohl St« n» P.K-k l. eithrr Se, tonal ..- H«:«nc-ttask l'Ut m this is «¡ion s !»i- trial willprobably atogjtoa] »

¦. -em

AvTiiiK Mi» I «r .ti-eat ex. itement pretailed I ng in consequenceof th« ah«enea of a boa*. Cáptala !r m t!¡« line boatHiram Putnam of Syr»ru»e The name ol the CaptainWM John KaltrtoD. wr!! anown in ihi» place Fear» are

entertained thai violence hat r«erii doue him tor the

money which he bad in hU poMeMioo. Syracuse Jour.

Bible por 8lavi».The B.He Societygima have aaihorí/ed the prtxsenuuon of Bible« to inchI lort d member» ol the RapUst Church M are able U.read and unable to purchase them. Yery f?w of thealavés, it any. are able to read.LiiFKu IV.k.itiv. Hin H armar !>..

Pittsburgh hat prreeulrxi to Ihst c.ty r «r-c ,

land, valued M 111.000, M » liotu« tor » H.apitai

<&rnrral Sotuc«.rt»- Nearepaiby. DR HOLLIi - I New «.stem of¦* - »« .» . .oi»«r«k. «.¡em ob. Medical ama and

"'. "¦» » . « - e'e.-jwhere d.scuMing ihe reavsoccea«.

.«» e franue m Uns new system is. lhaiceither drag» nor any .. ar> ageau are

« m IS « aad trine, re^.4U.'.e egecl 11 prducad 1 efagi t ¡rttu m.Merioaaaada'.l pervai ag |» »«. -'aod aodoegenera lyceiied r.« am or aMgaatiem aadwhich i» tvow kaowa to

» : rx»per appar» . a,» - - . .

«ti metu» «iipoei«.! .. taiiigaiiaa bjtcaasuSrrtag la ail Caroatc ai s- ».»,» -. «-

*tt«i. nelh-.rg eiM can «pproe. t it Bjiimw b-.- «

t.nd this sysiera a mean of rtmoeaiiag lh«¡r shattered bea«ih«uy dang«r of stJattaBM »í'.e.'-eírc«». UAs khoe« iha'

. from drug«Dr Ho.ic» «iitB-e U IT Warr«i>-«t. OtBca botirs from

10 A M li. , P. M.Car*S-»P- Ho ek« book catad N«aropathy." to be

had of all the tx>ok«r..rra_.'.*» if

IST ( ratea Haaa ai J¿ Ceau ear faat.-Coe-aua>«r«a in.a »r.:-..»¦... lio ,i gr«avi y to Ibrl advasiag«Bt exaa.. a itw H»Me rcaeuf«cutiad by Uta MSacrukef andwar-eel«» mpwiior to what t« «o.d at ao a-vacced ?t.c*STEaMBJAT FROPRIETOlt* and all otaer« auixhM'pgla.» «urtatia vt.l be d«e.i wit» .a sack i ttanoer m w... he

.ailsfactory Th« r-««i 'T Hock wi. bw usad la uh» masu-

iVturealíaiít e wj-kma.iarllp warrantedT 0 RLCaaMABTER.aWUidtyie-ia.aad

mytS tf basamect ef cor Pearl aad Che'.ha« sts-


rOWLIBS iV ta K l.i. .a.I.il -.«a-««-.!. M. |.

tW VTfiter-f or Y .mfill.kairtii. n » ¡ .-. sY a,'.d - . _. 1 l»r Shiw _h>

x - -.» a. of at .x ».»- <; .-», r-ceix-e*... - UMa

x .. . -. .1 . - .yA if

/____« LETTERS ANiztBXSPAPEHS^dÙI-*»»am_w*» POU HIKhflit I'llKT«, Bm__it»** I,euer« B«e« » - »

Vo*i T- f ... .- P- .. « » »r* udJ*»»^i; »r. lopaened IB lb'« ¦.*»¦ - « « » « ,i -

»%/Crti ny tbn very evil»»« . ..«. » f . :eparjn»ni n

indni -.- . -. » ... ¦ «' j B MOW/SB P.*«W* i « y r-»-i a» to- i »o«i «_>-

i .. t .

Saga are low opea f » .« inwi,-.-'. . . .i man !.:-.

. . «Tii-'lai P «-

n» M«m''iir«n. R o 1* J»..»'-, l'a.r-a-». 8 .-.- *V-ilro f»-a."S. BlT'MMBM K ..

/a» la-»oa,w r X|

_»*" Letter* nod New.paper* «*.. m .?»»..«.. .:r -

. S L» - - pactl'ALTIMoat:, C»rl J ft mod. wl

11st J ..y.X ¦. ..,....<-»] ..... _

. a i . - i_,NCE, Cart

X . .... .

rt^iSmnll To«: ...... »

a i » ha. (.card ( H bat notonly »a , ¿a«,».

> lea nr im- * . ¦ «cue«

'»lely r-; .

Dr. Towatrad "Dear ï \ .. »-¿»r. Itake th» - | «.« r

i.l.lorv , .

I MM dl»*«i«« '-ery¦ >f my »ituaiti ..

..... ,

h*i m itry it I mm for »

|| ... ,

-I X

threw hit medlciie l.y, and ro-imi- - .

Manea out completely in:»:i tayi .. a. a -» BWl N.-x

. a -a n'acti >n. h»v* mor» than i«

«c«i« I .eli.-.e ii « very v« . and wi Ido alla kr.

vi» IBArriB, Bet, .

r.ei»e»n B«»-r M » -i 14 ¦...« in

I am i ihe rerl.i.. a . « :

» lh» itairm»! . .-. a «

xv vt BOOBB1 [teaaetIi ».,.'.¦

-. Beta i

tW tiiHiouilcnl »m.euni, .lit* Hovrrry.-Thltuoiry

.. --« «..'«-ai »»'i.'a-ii «n m »v», v. »0 ftund'»d ir .

th» h irean »y.n-m f« - . -

of th- i-; a ««. I' a.- .« - ml p.»paiation. 'i-,

Tba %, i,,l» I.. -n» ha it»a or th* bao m lyiiem may h-r»ia»»n :rom Narif-.fim he lrm «»mi of ex ti¬

ene«, through til itiva,|,,ui Malea, to f«U period of n.«

H»i» a«» » '.»r!»iy ,,f m »i- . ¦ «ï»r»i of di«-a»- ... i.u» ¦.., N»'ii-e ma« i' - itmrMterk rrlik

a > ;ri» 'i ,,1». raarancaiing ita M«n'«r Among »then, te an extraordiaary Pali Ms»d,,f a K-ma.- ,if» n» Bgan, r*ei__ag m » eeaeh, uni»rrlnoe.enp*i in a pnlatla.i x ,¦'. th»Chll ».- l.ady ,r,,!»rand hand« in ni-.u n A .¦¦ a M . «

«»»rinaiiy, »hcli r aya eu e- lann 1 . w| - ,-,ueit-.. , a -.i cnrl,)«iiie» In lbs x«

A dlittr>«ui.i,»d Phv.'cian of ihi« city, wh h«. vliftedihe Mu.eiim. »i» »I Ml lurin« Mi irav»,.

oil imt to »»¦-»: I A Mnil ir o'clock P M Wednesdays»

r . »¦ i»Mr K J ii . . - n» m BUsndaaeew

iliak» »ta'nln«. I letC»lptlont of ch«'«r-ler sadespntoikemodaM Mr i¡r». i« keraafMy eom

¦: I. . p-'if. li. " -- a ,»«|y foraa . - VTj.'eum


'-24 1WO»*

{¦f a Card. -To ih» L,«,'i -« «. i OnatleaMa of Newfort and Broollyu and ".»if vicmny iy Mr. ill APPINof H ..t ...

Mr» ii. wh . ha» had a long «ni meeanfel pn.-. i. ,1.t. i,. 4 he t'n« oi v»... for. a

¦|i >.?- per».*at «tifT-rm« fr»ir, r«*n. on^i »a. inflauiinaiioQ .«»

th«lun.a . nit rheom. dyteatery,co_tre*. - . ai »fT»cilon, n»rv,iut tx-iip-

MMM taihuia. or 'o.o-rut. ja-iidue, beadtcbe,touihacbe,»ciofiila. humor., ir ¦ ,-

H»r pracfeeha. h»«n emtiienily ..',-»..'r «-»v.-^ . :,

,-»»<1»d in id" »mire cure of Hiou.andi. and BMM .

iv of that ,-,an ,f .ui-'i m« Maadlaa bm . - »"¦. -i pbriletaa*. All

ol which can be ie*n from lh» nepeemmi r»f»ronce.«. '. ek ih* can ihow at her room«,M Broadway, id dojrfifi in Pr»r,|lln-»l.Th'»* who would I«* h»alei mm com» qulcllv or Mr».

C **l!' remove where her utefu.neii l» cerillo to Im pullito reenUlllin without te «v Jel linol

[TThf l.enulne Kraim wonp-l« ac|iow»dgedto no the met ana» iBoepnBnwoi ItmaSmi

»r. » h:rh ,:,».« nu dry on ihe f»c.e luemcoy kind»of ao»p »nd cr-a . -a

AI.BKKT _. VV INSIIIP, Chcin'.it »nd Ap tft»c«ry,« j ,*if 11 BaM Bn,«dw»y.ï***('noarea» Mprln« Winer Jut received fre.h

fr. ui the tpriog, in piui and «.»an "o i.** de ¦''»¦! to anyanrtof theeRy.ky a__I.RT !.. vvinship,J»Moilf Tl Hatt Broadway.ta*-Genuine HiiiirlcñTlill -1 »Md -ci from

a i.ir lalo wh '.ei».e and fiai nyAI.B'Rr XIIN-IHIP

i»u otif n Ban Broadway,em. Barbel atJ D -v'hEELER,

UT I -mini..Inner for the »ttntea of New Tortpr> Cn», fu-lrn.. *a->~«ae» Ha'l ml If


IKhVAOKK» : HKhttllllKa: x -i..._¦.¦otaftor Pirr-rnTi« j.i ,p*i.»i and for»»i*. wbo.**»le »nil retell, cun.l.itag of ever

marlei.ar.d w»«r»Bt»,1 ,.f th» keM ', nvblf, <¦ "'

'. pieaee DaalananMelindwnsaeManIfcmnHVNMr K V. HOKTiiN M Dl»Tlloeet_

BRILLIANT riREWORKSTHP. I NDEHSIONK0 imf'jrmletl taeto ttore »>S

»A nbieglon-tt «. r "". aa»t.rtm*m ofPirework*.« t " -. " m*Da'

racnren i lly and r mien will I, . -'.from Town.. Mi Man «n 1 tiv.c

. .-. he mppUed wiui the al.ovesrUc.*», war-

... .

W lino. HII It h W IIHK-». Larg* Boclet* a

w.lh»»-i»ra --¦ Pirn v» U, in n »- .


x,, .. .1 I V". '« . '- » '.'»».'n It.


liliBcellanroos.TUTTLE S


(\K RCRBC'S ARSlaTAKI . .a- . .-

"inx-.- « reoora y ippriread and rec,«n.

needed by lb» in m BBBlaM ill '.. aid phyai. . '.nizy, for ÜM he*.infu c*'eend ei*rcl*e of

Im.» el .... » g*_o-'¦*. jii Broadway M.T. taTiamem ¦ -

. fa Ian »r» re»

. .-i. and wl.l boarompt.y aiirr---v ti m.E.

le ventor »nd Ma



O.i,-»of whichai .'/^".J."?'maca, mavv -ee...o. and ».

,,f,1».l^.^C«C0«U^0r.VkARRlNQTON.i > ni*e*L .?~*y"¿T¡*, , ,|ralj..'U» »,l""..-e wiübegiveo lo Ihe

p.;.r fi'm uôfl.ooM.nd.yi. aBlllllllBSBRd Prid.ysjell Im'

aWMIBli"1 AWRt:N .>

CNBRMCH VINKTIAN ANJ P_AIN AVA SIN.il mad«JAL-îL,^Avi_l^°TM wemn. corner of VAarr-o.N. TH. I Baafl 'Aar«l tb* *«¦»«-*_


No. 30 PaT-rr^r^ateeriun-ser.^^-fHEHOB DBÉñSMAKEBM xH,P.>,A: a mjmm. Be-.

L_LTÄÄ-nmsn «arndTTLiABetata-i:tÄ'ÄSnl atab "d p-a-aspsbj **.!#£"n Prankl.n-it ._-..'¦.=-,p..v..hTi....Kiv:7 -r:\;'.^U"e»v'.' . ! riraaa-Rtaaap«

mí*?tír i i.-iin^a Term» I'*- matruclioo ob.ytS-1 g?-!--» fl!. caaia Ore*. Ma* 'g in :5*

nm and n*> r .iV.o»_ and p-ac-,CLTr_k_uTf*tf.a .---. i-^taneeinnwirg..»-i 1»

rrirr^KxTy^ii.T watrh hath, n--.o..j-i Kixili. _,..-». r* Sa- i» no- «pen f,r lb»


_...-, w - paid B v_»!ior«. Beano. ccx»t»K'.rj uietUOl »... 5* ¦»¦ w


-_, «m procurwd ai ibwdoor _!______ix u lirai: KKAZEK, tmemahrmadCaacn Doc-DVÎ^, .:;_rTiT"e lud.« -ode -f pracuc* M.b« found at ÜM C .¦ Ho»«», for üu~« dayt oe.y a rteibird wees comm«Bc:r.g Bmdiy. »"^°"4 S_Tn^!í' r Bnaseane, wben epaemnna *^?? ."."?,on ibow day., wmch ka»* bom r*mo»«d by ^r P ofT-. » S T

DKL tHBUluk, - «x wrMnced p6v_- aa. otar». Pejedy re..*/ t_ .__*» «_ffer- r MB tm . tinny

au«a Ha 'r-*iTiani R mi.d »ad wfi-aciaua, and ebarga*e»ey modérai«. Î1 PlunUTI »I I e>*vri fr.'m Broad waxja-» im'_A "»IMPLE t VDanTm EiääSaä E»..-Mr. Pae--B.»:»» . Paaeoud ito» x i:,ni«ii cm ba bad a. It* Pa-teni*A¡ íeirt »«or« T\ t-¡ .e 0?-,^,^ pierpoet. Brooa-

.ys. OecU.it . -_tfU aade m orcer aad wirrannd nat Jell tar*

fa*" n. l.riilln »l («..« Patent Heat Ueuem-tar .T- .- .


tk "V :. eat ' --a » a

a a ... ».

. f fi - a -a T<

»«»m» ,

. » lb e to «te» . ,k -..«ri «ion. .:«-

. '. « »

» .. . a . .1

. « » .». \ k c..

b«m m- » bare rea r-.«. .»V . .

¦ . . «A a . -|«|X,|! s«i"»:«gr««r-

x ..»¦.-« BBd etta't« a .

amooal .. ted M, a

»-«-.-- 11 --«i .«« .... , stjataBm %, a

. «a.»r Ab . .

Mttuie» h chiinnet». r'C.-qaetit v ibe co*l of »el-

¦ « a m,»i«.» I tat a.s now in use c»r. be altered

a»» ». . » . -,-.-. ¦«

... a a . .

. «

and every lab ' «n.P OffJFFIB a .a,y | \

» ». v, pjjSJ,Maaers D-Os » k I New-' . . »

« a

» Mr J. Beakary.ia a. . , , .,

a . . half, of wk»watlAFIN k I

. Orlfl a Heal <«*n-.t i« a

Ike old plat 'f g-reratlng» TRAINER. I. . »' .

Marru» H ».» l'a.

'.»'.'S r a «fer fro-n II. I,, kk -a «rh-a Pa;.IN-« El gland Rlvatt i ...

N. » it' roa Mam. M«Mesan P Ol rriakCo GantUman Afier trying and

voiir !l-«i ii- . ,

aead ». p- . . »...

Fem -a er m T« than one

« ... ,

«r» per IBM «»y MbNt* R«l »... x N I line S, 1*17

M»«ar« D Ourrtakt ',r«r. In reply o v »r«. we.datas

much m...- tad miMantiien thaa ami..

from I."«' Iba, Hit« « - a a »¦. *i-«mill aire, ai * ar iwetaMan . <

This IS prove by tw« a .¦» r-rlenre ;n '.« .a«

IB, very trait, w \i t R. Y « t.Manager N B Mil MHI

I-: add '.tort to !h« a « :a alto made to thea lag goetlata«a wl bavaItaael Morras I w Harvey.

'...»... ,-,. ...

a ... -. N Y i M-aar« VA V » *

v . Pr :i tribe, Maeeai M » » ¦. H. ,.«. F-R,*-r Mm« Mr. ! «liar«

B «too. Ma«« Meat's, i» - . v Bpi M»»»I»!..' : i V* H«d

',.. V(«a.., |l ¡ri «» S*e-| |'r.o 1«l,.-e CBBM'. .

a'. »I Itakgswona v T-«». Mesars - II Delaware; Mr. W. A. I », Meawtek.N I Mr lohn \i »..- Poughkeepaia N YMr.ar» Dancaa V Fanlsgioa P «»«»m Valley, *i YVr..r. !«u A Bradta] h ... Mr E I

Bttaag KoiVr! .i-aaavl'.'. N Y K ft».Pray, N Y vie««-. Ilia» an'' ot'«r». of ib«

Balttaanr« « »» »t »

tt onOHKIIH.K'» I vfPMOY»KD Patent Bank.v p., t.In ol a .".«r »»¡thet animpartía . . ¦.¦ . .«lori'y

II a .' .-" ai oiiporHnCr . x ». IB» BBB»!"¦.- (nal prngreeeis . m «red

¦ « « .« rei. . na' («red prr-BCOSSBt] M?fl rutile«! rrWar»

uftKt 1/ ,> - > » lu view

.aa .' perfrcls-»-ur"». and ¦ n be !iaalafound 11,

ikei ra. a. Sat.HIS hr«i Brtai wm "Bi -.¦ a» i'ie pu'ulc have beee

«tleetlveiy IbI » . I la no« «(«led lerin« )ih« original prtncl

»,»l whtch h».lre, and iB»ahari>«ad Itmtbe saem .igon.u» p»«eal

li »»». Mem» ,.n a mí« in th« Merchant . Exrnang. s'l.l a iewar.1 of Ei»i. HvaoBSO Dot.i.al» wm

parwna who tdttasM p ¦» II .>' «»lue«- «r «««'A:v by urxtK tKe «, «- «leg* mf mirez ism frt« t*nmina*%on ./ lav

.« gl"l' g rv«r y Bava. --

»i I have ISM the tan* w»«e»t«n«i«ei> advertised. Towat IBhtsiiy «ti»o»eg fas »is w««ele («nding

:.y iatti. Juriri WBtCJ lin» li wm thorcughiy ex-

B aed. and i ...... sfort M open it,- 'na'.« toa B'.trmpL

PbeaaWaf aaeBaaaamlea ..( ¡h«io.-k m he operatedm aad theam a» Im key a wkoOy aaasnmp'ad, and no

" her lock off»r«d '.,, th« pah I» wm ever «u m!tl«d lo ihi»«aI. which »ion« I» f my «deqiaia lo deuirnnue the com-

lam »a'eiv of k Is kNeti in importanre I», rerte'ity ofoperstion Th« re-

BBM mUhakg «town the d' or of a H«na in ;h . City. I» evi¬dence m »OiBt Th« BhBf d'y of it* riioalrui'iloo. andthe manne« in which ;.« . I produced, combine lo

ren-1-r th« kriion of ihis Loci reriain.

Iteoaaslaaa spteeau as which h«v« b««n». -a.« th«:r »a'«ty and I» la«

. «¿I /.or« ia -«irar« vt .>.> farnud r>| IA»

dire. ( a. o,a njtxt kr» « -.-¦ !"il on tprlr.gt or

'or lit in Mtaav, a» is IBB cm.« wi.n ihe oiher Loci*bow in us«.T » ». ¦» "f luconsaucd n akmesairtham» to u«

v rodnnoL»:raie ih- x k a Lock »*M putsteam pawer. and wm lorked and u

in a f«w Jay», . r fifty year» daily um, andbard y »bowed mark« M Bit

Il . .- » !!-.! ... i"i ifeai . wm awardedtiFra « lient I M Aiueri. «n Ir.siiiuU.

Tas friona ait ... larste.sapei ail* «lit»n.» 1er« .'n with '¦>>.¦' »«fety. Ewh .ocg

a arc iinpanie-1 wuh two |»«t. Pr:.v of BBS l»rg»tl t g«

6»''« ui«) .:u »1». 6- tghai and Slur«», from 6 Ilogl' I »rtoad lock» »re made on the mid«

principle, hut w.ih to id l«ya W. E WOoDBRlDoE..Nrw-Yora. May la, IM7.N B -Doler« may u« a.1 ;r««.ed u> 9 W. Rceioicr.

Eaa s kV» »l or t il,e Inventor, at ihe Manufacuirt. g|. MewYork_myg lawktf

Jl I.K» Il AI Kl.'» ELÉBRATEUi PrHSIAN ilRCHINESE POWDER »v. -, , in»an«l«« f .r in«

¦ . 'leautifklng. prMervtng ihe com-

-i m -".ng ih« «kin d«: i-ateiy whue. iiaootb andsoft, previ i .». >.¦.. rripu .nvcnpp'cg, ar.d ava .'.

¦ raeriptratlao. Tr»n->r* ted retldeota lowirm r.imaiee wl». uigu.j appreciate all* grateful «ppeo-


Bow . . ' a B bike form Is enhenredby a clear »n! rilll« »I . . « sown lo iho«e

.» -. . a Olor-

» ,- aa »a

» Mesas samas «urh m» » p.,Aj-i t.- km ..''.en BBkae of a

, . , r . « I »ay, auks «

.i .-¦! beau-, '- .-.» ¦ soie pi

» HA' t.L. Perfu a i aad ..


A B « l> sanLi» Drag-o« a . . and al retan bj

ll-nrv Johnson CI > Hr,,«dw»y A E Arataall l«Bri»tdBray. J. B Jarquemod. 41*. rkr.,a,1wa/. N«w Fark HI 1rs

\r It. Ptl.MF.K ¡aa aarraa as k.- ,' i.« baai. n- -. . »mi pa' "'.»a ia

tie«, Canada. ipecli by it«

re«p«arUve ptoprietors. t« ü«:iy rar» . a 1 forwardtag«l.eriuetneL j and substiiplaun« from hieMtorel taBcae,

Nrw-Yoaa-Tiibun« BuiMtog«.<-ipp«j«1ie ih» ParkPh. , - N N raer Third lod Cnesaut-sts.

.-» .

¦. tc-fi W corn-r North »nd Fiyette »u.

tXW i a-it coa.iin'ag » comp.eve mof id« uiwbi. cuet» »/-.:» . . »r« in«

- a .4 itiforrnailju o'jialne.1 BI en

able advvriiaers ioeJ>pt»»e/e ju.) c:..u» aad in .n«ugb«yaleni uf ad«eri¡«,tig. «o a large or «dm.. SBakS, «i».l »r e»-i

such s«. f aa» »ucb papa«» M are beat. heir reap«.' i>« BaaaakW A» th« Agroi bae no

» . tar» UileBdad ('*to V B P#LMER.

j-i ThAhM Ira_

NTONAt.ON «LMM. COMPAMV.-MeetingluflBe agon M Ding Conip«

.» a « »¡««c'.ai tuaeilog <A ¡a«

,.,-i«goo M;lio.- Company »

« Mic'jigao Fxchaug«. la the CHI of D«irolt. uo

-.lay. ¡n« >tb of Jaae matan: ai lu o coca A.til toe op«rauo»u jf ih«

Comee, ut Ibat date, and aa «ie>:Uoa of Trustées w í.lany vac»acy ¡»al luay have occurred.The »sa/eox, der» are reqiivtied M altead. New catrul.-

rai«« »' !'ni« ---»i ' Ike *ioc» pa¡d under ibe organ.. muet Ute Act anu¡.e1 an Acl lo reguiata prl-

» a« a». J Pannerahipe.- i .w J N k LBERT. «kar-y and Trwafr

PtNTALOONa- F AHREN* Tr»Tw»li la. wa Put«.- ¡ Aan-»L na« lateiy rwceivad over I««) pl«e««a

fancy Cam « . rtakka s.u«s fan io

oroer for on.y $J S" M #4 p«r »*;rA «o. Freeca and E'lgoah h.aca CaMtm«rM aad Doe-

.. i. fl ti ¡o 4M pa» laxlr. warranted guod * au «nia.U«c¡« .n ws-'.¡ at Paau w:.. do Baal to ca.. K «O» Aaa-

.t jeîj 1»'

1'IN ROUFS MAUR TH.HT for Two Cení» perUxA ml VA arran¡e»l . ûoodwia a Patavat Hydropaeu-

lutu: Cetneol latd over aa u.d un rovf wi , : ruler u per-fer».y cgli are prox«', an l pennaaent lo wall over. Ea-

'» of un» coBnp.ja.no». .¦> r) rtnii pertool and «k- v--~i i a AM. iO JDVAIN.it WMtBrtiad-*ii. uaav CbaiBhera st_VI4 let*

RAO«. T -.e highest market pnce paid m c««n for».. ». da of rag», ».. . its pa cutmxgß, graaam

:. » ...

lYRi .) W FIELD h CO 14 FUtl.t.

g 'It A«» KOPRVVANTRU, tor wcca «Be k.ghc«lIH -«*n « - ¡au by

CTRC3 w FIELD h CO 14 Plauiet


PKINTINCi PAPEK.-A tall iMorunaw m «lor«.

aac key «iia male uj ixúcr kajeS Ím _CÏBCB w FIELD. h_CO 3 «to^TUng^p^HANOINI. PAPRÄ.-va.» ^. orowo, hm« aad

greet for sale by CTBCB W. FÍELO A CO.j^St"_t Bor-lay-i,:a.

MbAVt.» of wraprejs« p»r>w Is .»¦««. aad jar.... / CYRLÍW. FIELD k Co.

SI Iw_I Bar»lag . :p.1N üJthLñ' B6aK0B.-A« c«jB¡o«jr» tar »äaähtr... . CTBL'i W. flEU) k CO.. BarUag «1».


Qpnnçi an. ontn-m .tfl.oir.t_tDR. TOXXSEpTD'S SAR8APABH.I.A.


THIS EXTRAIT II put up Mi fmmrt loBta If.! rw (mm*¡»O' p.*a__r.i*r an .tnemtd »upwlor to aay

.old li -uraaa 41****** wllboqi .Mil«.« |.1-|.j in

.*» e» -¡«aWaeaag ih* pattern*"*.. g-vau -'««uiy act tup*noriry ,»f Ulla Saraapart.la

««*» » m it. watit ti »r»i'c»te* ateaaaBj ittnn¿ OMBB i-,a

IT HAf PKBPORMEOaaaa brm ii.iiee aaasn rhm brrb

I .iKHi ewaasw n«..».ri«I.imm» caaai f Itimstni.J..VHI ceam ,» anneau Rmaune, «_d »m *<

N»'v ... X'.::»rgy.H.IMMI PtMA-aC «'Ui»Ti _¦» tea».7.IMH» ai'.i » Dtl

Bioodl. «M -'.. Breante Kryitp«*»*. BaliRkanm. Plnpi«*oa thefarex At » <«'.' to «,ih uamsr-

Mg .».** M O, n*u«ii't "i Liver Ceny aim, Sploa. AJwr-tton*. kc Tb», we are »war», mud «-»pear ine-Mib.*,>al w» lave leiier« from p_y*lr.l*i* »ad our Agetil» from«. pan» af ~te l un»»l BtMB..M# ratal ,. .if »»iraord n

» -a B> Vna Reaklrt P.*o, .-o* of ike r_o*i rwp»« .»

.«. ¦ S'-,.*-». S-w J»ra»» Bj . a.'r« Ind i-, i My .».». M :h»t

Riac» aton Vaan »r» Batnenta aféamete Bm CM* m-w ï >.« whvri w» wt.i r» «r u» wli* p.nature, aid «o

mea o: .racier we,, known.

DRBTBB BTATM üPPICi.R.Caot i?, vv Milan, mam of um N*w^j«ney Left*.

tama Me if the I'mieo s.a.». Harp, km kta_Bemita.be tb.i.iwiug c»rilht°aie li iwila it» ,'»t »u rv

Baux»»» Jai ¿v. 1*47A year alnce I wa» taken will the nA*r<un and my

who « lyileiu Ml »n a !» ¡land Man I *n 'odac*d to

try Dr Towneci. . <i ».ja*--..! «-1 afta» ia»n < i«,i or

i at 1 wa» very mach n»lt*ved. an « »url! uted IIemir», a, .. , . .... MOttand laklBgit. gad Bad Mal apeen «-»»rvi*». I heMo«nRtarn]

an.i wou'id eol I* wi.hout it under any r,«o.,j»r».

Hon.- xi W MLr.ANTitr. unto it

J.Mic je.-»»on. l...). RaRwraftke Rahway Raaa a

a »mark» In a« »d.iortalM OWI

i , smaam I R I > ¦ I . . « .' ««»r»*.< IbemoM »icaordi-iai v character

»v two c»ruf.,'»ie« ,n lu ».»ftaif aie fromxi fihii mwn, tad me Bern Bee Mr Whit«,

of man* IMata, a faaaMaam wal taema in K»h»t« -

CtuL McLean m» i»v»a in» ir.» flrtal la ha^» ia»e hi» 'if*.»n«l Mi xx . . , , , .

. .- ,he... w,.i, dnot praise .» Itroagly whattn»y did noi fully belt.-v» i.« de

Bt'Rori'LA Cl RIDTbll cerifícate »ee a-« !»i mi.« Of Townaend . olti.-e

;'il. wn»k.an,l m ..'»» » prove '.hat hi* laraapanua ha*MrtaM ,',,.|iro, »r ih» boat ahMfemn ,li»»*»ea of the

má, Tlii»» paanBM cured In ou» hou»e I» uaprore-deoied.

three i iiunRPNRe. To*x«i»i. law, IR I have ihe pleaauie to tn<

fonn y.«u ih»l ihr»» of my rh,Liren fini, '«»en irA,)of the.v r '. » be ih* tm of v«>ur eneetasl »nxd'cme Theyw»r» alttced very *eA»r» y wuh ^ad »ore», h»v» taken

. >. .! m u i. » ih»m aw*y. for wh'ch I feel my-.elf und«r loop .i«,Iran m Y ur. r»ap.arifiilly,

IRAAC W CHAIN, I'»« VV o..»lt>l »i

New-York. Mirrh I. |it«7

RHP.CMATISM ANO THP. PIl.RRHrrrr«»«« 16, liR

P« T"wa»««io -/sx»r "fir My wife'iai i>**o for mv«r

al y»ari artlict»«! w'.h rh»'imai «m Ih» ha» uted tnarydirf»f»nt r»fi.»die» ui obial» MM rele' '.in »11 t ¦> no pur-txi»». Bta win neatly todnaei by ans.M )"ir advenu»meat, to fl»e yo» B*r*e a tatrla vv » joa-ured «oro*

M- lfm Bi.k'li «nd it g1v*i onplea.nr« to «tai» that »fi»r 'l«'ng It .-» UMrleamd «r*«lr»,i»f and wa. in» v»ry .h.ot iTnie [i^rf».tly cured. I«Ma a«, in:eth»r wUh a n:a» lu my »mpiovi tal y tr..ii'.i»al«III pile», »nd b« i» n« a email «.iianui« I f your He'»e->ertl ». ail « > ». oiap et»,y -i,i»,1 ,-oualdar II...» ofm bom ,fii'».'1, ii-.. a' 1 »a ,,i .I a,.vi.« ail who are

tltllcted lo «ive lit K.Ai llArlRir '. V Kit V rl R A N'T- l.M Ma,» t»i. Newark.

CLPRHYMKN ANO PHY-tlClANBAmen is nmeeanean eraauin an r»«rinrrni

I'ril»d !*t»t»a ar» t< rntnuaily ».'nding c«cuficiie» and Inf oin'' g u» of t,»o*nli derived f'oin 11 r. To.u**i«d t tirta-aartdeOt. Teenana Bit Bone atnMamyn r*«jiie*iia.i my

¦pinion of ihe viiinc» ,,f v-ur Compona* tyr'ip of Sartapari a am . ow prepare«! lo «iv» II have ua»d li in mypractice »nil prmertbed u for th* l»»i few month«, andin,1.1 rive ii my let-lad pref»rem » ov»r anyihlu( of Ih«

th which I »m aaajaamted, hetomie n«m»dic*ivtrtn»» and 'ft» r»a»oaawl» pri. * at which yiai »all It. la.¦¦rof'i.oiu »!"»ci|iini. c iian».»¡» »riniion» «e»er»lly, dy»-popMa. |iu1i«*«iloii. coa iv i.a». la. nd Bern complaint», Iam much ptmead wttk Its afscti It tkane. oinp;»lni*, or

»ny oih*r where n .f, a '. in.licat».!. ,-»n with cooh1- a neaemmad U M in» painaaga "f ihe profetti«.n «*

a a a " a ti.i*ry for r-ui «via« »ee*» in »ome of IUiin.i uouhleaoiiie form. II I to .. M I nf/end v»lu»bb>¦ndtclai HrNjM VVIK.KS.M.D

Br.aiklyo. No*. 11. IBMU». Toweirao. IHut ."hr Ha'ln« for ...m« limo pew

»i«*n aA'cied wiU» a paliu.niaiy alt«-..mo ou my lung», aida continual pain tu mv »id». ..win« hi oeeewaS »»poeure in

Iran kef aru-r pianhing, and riedln« my raeaa* to ln-

'»a»A, with mum dfti I iv f r-alfnng and other alarm-

In»- «yiuplom». 1 wa. advia*d by a ri»rgyman a f l»od ofmm» lo try yo'ir »» »nraie.1 Sai.apai a I did »».»/id»f'»r ia«m« i* o or ihr»* boni*. f« ind in vaaalf rellev« I

My »ppelli« h<_n b**n r»«iur«.l I hud u v.eif nu.-miroiig-er. and hope very »««in io leBB-M eiv ua i»i duilea I h*v*

li»»n M « real ,y l,«o*n i*.1 ',y I aM »a. - .em m»d'. In», I feelIt my duty to make known th* facia for U.» ',»n. hi of other»who may he lahorin« uudarihe »arn» diltiru '.i**lh*ll hav*been for «om. U_M an Reepecibj'.Iy, your».

BAMCEli XV tllTK PmWf »f 8»¡.Hai Church.Nov _1, l»trt S laten I »land.

x x» ,r A MIRACLER«*i, THi roLLowin«, and douhi it yoa can, that con.

annipi'iin rannul 'atriml Tr.l» li on.y on« of the n*er»lbuuared r***« hat Towa**nd'* Baraaparlila ha» cured

Ba'Miai va. -i»"i U- IH4P[)». T'wair «i>. feor Bk> wa* talen, « Inn* ov«r I

y»ar no, wit., i nineenta nd pata te ny s-m. It in-naen <>n me vary fan, ind»*d I eu pron«ainc«d bypny.w lau. lo l.are the ,, iv« MM .inpilon. raiaed largaquanune» of nad mailer, had i,i«nt .»»ai», «nd »Inkingv»ry fall uiy 1 . tot «a 1 h» enja to BCJtBlBf for me. I

want Inio th* h«.«pii»l m hop« of being taasBed, hutn

pronounced there «¦ Meerakla I .maow «r»ai:y dl*tre«a.d »i in* lun«» and could hardly hr»»ih* I ten r.ecani*

einarlaied. and -.«peci.d lodl» wa* c.nhned to my bed,and w.» <>bit««d lo hav« .mmeni indeed cannot giveyou any deacilptloa ibai w,>... I 1 Juan, e u.iuy ,-aa*. Iarm »u¡,p,,»*d ny my 'riend» u> be peal recovery I hadiried a «r»ai mBM 4 netafh «. Mm tfl «eeine«! lo Im to

no purpoM I read of mu» m. »i»xir»ordlriniy cur»* per,y y jr inelvii-, nd M lall yju Ihe truth, I «,,»

p*ct*d Ih»«» w»« «<mn ft on'iu« In fein But I wa* in

inad to try it. I did «o. and am eery itaanawildM, Icannot hi that am »ntlraiy wed, but ui » fir rocoverndM to be about my auainee*. and hope to im enure.y w*H la

«few »am My c.».«ft and pain In in* «10*. and nigbi. w»ai« h»v* left me, and ral»e but v»ry lut*, »nd am fa*!

gaining my ataei «ir»r,«ih. I feil II a duty lo gtv« you Ilialerueniol my caaa, io publlarl tf y aj pi»«*«.

PETKR BRDXVN, «7 Lfttl^m. Bro«.klyn.

(JREaT rP.MÂLE MKDHINP.Dr Townaend . naraapartna la *over«igo ind »pnedy

cure for inc'.pieoi cooaxuaipilon, lilrreno**», leucorrbora.ur while«, ,«n*iruci«d ot nlBtenlt menalr .ati.m, Inc.jntlc

eace of urine, or luvolusiAry di*cba/«e ih»reof, ai.d forthe «enera! p'oauation of th« »y»t»0i- oo miller whatheithe naaR of lB-eaameataBB.m pruducodby Irregularity

-.. o a. I leBl.Notmiig can h*mor» »ur, rlilng than ".» i»v!« .rating ef

fecit upoa trie human fraai« Persont aii w**ane** «nd

ia*a.ud» iiefi ie lal'iijf X al once '-«un* r.,l,ni and fl.iof »'i»r«y inder il* u fiuence It Immediately ceinmrari«

u» r..»-/»,^a«..»*» ,f tie fern*,e fran.e, which 1* lb« great'. »» f'.»rr»«,»M

ii o_ the aepeeatatan.toeaantanémaM-B an»iur», to««:, .

' .. ¡«»rformed, l<m «Iran eaeur» th» alB.i led if,at h,o; Ir-.i. of ,-aaea have beer,

o a» S» *ia. canna, *b»r* fau.ti.ee iwv» t«ev.

w'lbuul child re», after _»iag . f*w l,.,u.e* of .ila .,. <a .a

bieme'. a« a- -n ', «-«»»d w ih h«aa.ihy «rt.p'irijiII» Tnwmaal My W_b u«iu« «r»at,y l',»tr***«d ny

w*«ine»» and «»r »r» loblltly end nfferlai eoattoaa y

l,y pain a_d a ««en»«il.«n >f 'Martog down, failing of th«a .',¦! w.'.l, MEM I Itvcuili*«. and ha"1a« »r. ,«n ,-aee«

where your mwiictn» ftaa egerlod gr»ai I ire«, and aitu

hearing ll raoennwoded for .ur.hcaa«**« I »ave d**> niMdI ,jb_uoMi a noil* of P.«uar.iof 1ar»ap«ri..a. and foi.owndthe d'.recuoLi you gt'e in«, luatbo'i time u r«mov«d

p.albt» »ud r».'or*«i her io health Being g'»i»f-..for tai MBBBBI lb* r*.-*|v-d I take pleaaur» in tbui ar

kaowledgtng it, and recoinmeadlng it lo ihe paniutM l) MÜORB '"r ,f lirand id Lydlat »l

Alhany, Aug 1?. I«44.Da. Town»«eo .To a., whom ihl* may cone- n Thl*

I» lu rertify ihai my wife need rtmm bou.e of your ta/aapa-rilla preeloua io her CMinamneni. under lb« muei aiaraiingand 1»ilc»iectrcuii«.lancee, »«In« tr«iabl«d wub lb« drop. i »«»¡ting of ihe feel, n«rv,»ua »zTecuon. and very much

a *d W in my perauaal'm. and ihe rwcon.m«odanooM mmtt *bo bml _i«d a »ne wa* mduc«d uiii) u, wtih

m faith and »iifnce u to a«, tba medicine bad th*

happy and dnred «n**ci not '«.? in lb* hour» of cun-o«.

umou bul after lb« »iplrailoa of one week of Ils im, ih*drup«/ and oervKu «jfecti.« gave way to an a»ioni»blbgdegree, and her b*«iih is sow beiier than u bad been for .

long urn* previooa.If ihl* wUl be of any enrvtc* to yuu. or any on« who

d ju «it u>» «uceen of ih» mexlicine, yju »r* «nUrcly wal.com« to it. 1 (ub*crr>* myeaif your an obotlooi andou íged anrvani S. R J AM EBON.

uriNlOrtS OP PHTSICIANRDr. To.neood ta a_ao*t laUy lee« ving orders trun pby-

»ic a_» n d_f»reo'. part« It th* L'aioo.Thia ta u> c*rirry thai w» tm jnder«lgned Phytteteat

the City of A.bany anv* In sumer.«.* ruum* preeenoad DtT jw-.*»r:d . s«r»ap«ri._t «_<- be.'.««« 11 to be «». of lb*T>i*l v*.u*n epr»p*>rar.ofi« A th* Aarnapacl. ,*ln tm market.H P Pbitag M D J Wuiue, M. 0 B. B Rngg», M

Ü P P. P.lrn«_»dorf. M D.Albany, April 1. I*4ATh« fooutnof ta fron on of in most imp*, mole pkyrt

eian* on l*mg Ttiand liaireroar, J . y lo, lit»Da. Tow»i««>. /*«r <nr I. . .Im »*i.«faction that I

»ay to yoa, that I _»'» rweni y .'.in«*»*.j m »ev*ra.»a-nine moat neoeAnn» r**u i* 'rom your Exuact of Snraaparhia. Being ng|fe<* !c '*M practica of mndimoa. I tonpr«ncntMd It in »ev*ra, en*««, »ad never w'inouï bnetaIn in» removal of aliene«* «flung from n deraagnd Mat«of na dlgneüve organ«, janadk«. kc U 'ar »rcnodt anything of iho kind «ver uefore uCarad ki ihe M c. Tmw'.. p.jmm» »-nd mo t.o doaen. Ac Ac

R-ep-t-tft-dy yur». B C PRP-BTON M. D

Prlrjcipa. otRca, l* Pu tea-it. Bn BaUdiag. N I .Bed¬ding k Co. I Sian-et. Roaioa Dr Dyuu k Bone.-MMortb*»ci.nd*L PhliadelpM», S 8 Hanee.drvtggt« Bnimnon,Daval A Co Rk-bmord P M. Ce-eLCb-reMOM, VVrlgbik Co. 131 Ch*riraM-*l NewOrlenn*. |«»V *>uik P«ai.-»tt.nwi R. Van Bi.t.r» eti Br«jad. tot M«r»«t>e». N«.-

ark, N. J-, and by prUe-lp*. anneau generally throafh-»l the Coiled Slain. VV*»i Indie* and th« Canada*Noon genuine, «con put ap ta ih* large tqnan bouin

which eoautn a auari and «giied wiih Um -nono tigca-n'eof S. P. TOVkNdENi). nd i» name i _-¦ oo Um

,ia»*. bbV» Im'TnT _kt l»tp

THE i.AKt.fc-T *.>"jn-nieibaa-»io*««, . d. nai»«»*«. tau iMUtntitoe«z«d, for ««la a.

M.'A P..i.a RDI Wararoam,UeObmtam, *or. Mt_Mrry

Ti* g.ates o« -naaReaama and ettam m \ arttmiarncallad u» W»., « panai rtgbt nd ¡«A ncrew II il mad,

¡ wUct dre. Um pr«___m ai ib« int« Pair al in I martenl-»Ouïe. Old bals ¡n_mt»u<_ Coi* wkolasala and ta,

Mil. ssytaiar

. UlillATtU, a\>( tXJCskLBdTO BLAl K«MITH».-A voaag man o«* smaBy* ûao;»a _,}.«,,..»,« ad .e.B.ovawal ia « caíriatg» «Bato.H« »m «i- _',.-. ». . » ,. a (~M kn»>w .»>« «fim l»BBb»ssa. aad wo-ld go fot s year Fleaaa eddiees .r"' »kl» r¦*»»«....» .*- ib the »ear w. taam niiailBB

A*î*>T***nilD-J»e PaBaaBBâa, .«a7i EaeT, Tl5*Ä »o"»-»«».«- Tata haaak a» sas «r «aa»-«e».yl.» h«, ihoe« »ao hay It from »one« tug «ewtera. Men.« paira at exeaaxM have kataa spare»« at taaka It «aka

* '* ' ' r**'00»' '' fMaata« the eew Cnaani artee aad°,m* ^.."J* .°L* **a raptd sala at il Bas ladaeedM» ... ii«rv»iip^ U4 iwatitta UM rviea »iri<eita-_*!*¦ **" Ht0-* 2JJBB »we, Ithaca:, and -. t.«. -trvw-aJah« ar» akitag Rlia» . ss^m ¡M«fM «ut»M Ml.»d ..«»»' . *.*»¦»» F» Ne.eati.at. bar*.a B.udkagJafl 4'JMTFS_JOHN C * ELLRV\ A>TIM. PUIla A t^BtatTaaaortateti e»" UM at»*! «.»atvvad m »a« at ike Calis» lakMttgamee*¦ -. ... » .. «»> and ». Bewary T«rat«-.«arly

.ur^crtpvkaa. Ac ct» otherwise .£» «ta R B .all perseasMrt frawa tsaae «afVcM are warraated lua «at

i-a*»' C M A BOR.i. tau. m u-.1»

Boaroing.KotKiMNi. v.- .1.-- i':-| « g.'-*rn-isi

f p «aaaot hoard f.w ik» BaatBBS' cam otxala sank a)i-ateaae sad»im on the sotiih eaet corear ol Et«hth-i

F R*| «ecoed »t. Traer» la a gawd St« >U «B «BOJ. a .1 w ,u» .«> » ».« io th« cuy »t «us**»- h «ta

Tre aKNxn « i» tn ih» mvdai of the auel tvamulttfal»y «t«gw«

.»a the Avenu« aad ¡ha R!e.<_iagde>« B.«id which U bat ato opponaahy » keee »dlerwd to »c,-«.ii-e

a kn wktaisra .»' uV» Fr- n.-h laagwag«. m aa ahc. nellabedic«.-h«r r^i.laa ',- the family. _j «A lw*

LOIMilNC*a>.-Thre« e. f ur r.awM natara»»««',-B*. .»'«.i Bed tea, ib ihe »ew vrk (ioum coraer 6-«Ilk

Bum and Paw b-ai t\ ti.i«m«bui-|k. oaiy roar ai.»ck»ft»>mPeck . 111 Perry Theee at» «raong ira» p'eesaniMt rooauaad stmtstaaa ta the Milage.and Ave >r tix t.««eg maaeaB¦»e v-rx much «l boo«« t. ihl, a,,«»«« Apa>lt o« Ik« «raaal.*M_*liílü.'L**J'r-,_ F a Ttsm '..«Mb «¦ trta lw*

H II AM IIINO < an r« h7îlrr;-heiiay"aîiT<»Mt7â^canoa, large aad c>ni. vp. u« re ta, elreeeat ritiiwi.

wib it,'»" .- .1 ana km «tut kaih». at i.Vi Mottet oe-iween ilrapc and Br.a'me tía Tertaa «aod.Ps.e B«*ar.««.-«« r«-»arged. ..»» I»*

BOA Kl» -A ,»ni.««n«n and kta with) m iwv tia»s>«~g¿.t «meo can ha ac-otrni>«laieJ with b,«a«d with ir« ear-

aad »lory front room aeo hall l»edr»x»ta if lABBBad ta a gwa-t«e. h.iuM an' v«rt retpeviabe and »¡met MighUraôad.

» » ag »i HValia a»._~_HjgBO AM H "e. .«:¦:»..) ihetr wIvm ih si agi« gvatktv

¦Ma can b« haa.isx»me|y »rcoiamodated wn» fkjrnlaaed.r fu-ni.h«.) i.v.m« «od bxiard. by applying taaadtasaiya, O kA'eat Waahtagtoa p ac« a'.« lw«

t »INi;i K t.tMl KUAN .-.n he aceora«todate». « « h ai «at'«»I aud lea 'a a pl«_ m pail aafMarket-at nea« «vwt Broadway. Address C R T at isM

e r. teas lw«

BHAKIMM. I> KA»T BHlltlltttt. t«i»geni.rnie'i aud ih-.tr wueacae be accoAVsuodsted wttk

» I and i» eaaeni rooms I pamrte« auached 1 al»o a Btwa . .gentil tase App.» «i«VA<> Fs»i Bioalwa»/ i-tt lar*

I IHM. IM;*» TO l.KT Furm»hrd ... U'fviraUaVaJ.-»The ¦..,«'. p li l» i.11*11, pea/ Si Johu'i Fa'k la

»«aarbat_Jtolttr«HinillUM. i ,. -a. .»! lady or a few slefle

g». uirn 'na. ha arroatOiodated with Pleaeaei «oxwas« » «i *. kk hit« »c Abu a few day (.»laedtv* at the

» U« I»"

».OAttO l> kaal M»tO«l>va aV.- a ... âsmafhi« wir«, an lw. ,,r tbiM «log:« g»«il«aa«a. <-%a.uttodtied with pUeeant «rartaieais »ad batttrd he

¦pp »leg ai tn Kail Broadway. Befeieacee tirkaagsdat*_

liOtHIIINO VAuh privai« faa.1v aad um of ptaBBI» 'orte II requirvd. M Mcl>.»gal-Si jell Im'I'll I.KT, »Hh or wiihoui h.wed. fumlthed parlo«! sadI b«oi<-.'in«. «t IM Cavial »L RefereecM «arhaaged-to» lu'


¦ A4 THE TIME i.aep.oa, ning for ciilsee« u cater-nene i pon in« .i'r«en.>o of'heir rlurnotar «se«'siotta,aite-tioo i« t. .-i«.i to talt haal.hy. ageaaBU aad

highly ««» na « p ac« of Bemrttar raeon. Eti«a»l»e kaa-

(-..v-inrma and »'»'« i»hm«ri« ha»« i'»»«n atada to tan

>veaam«d ««.a» i«hmem «lac« the last

trtiai> »..i

which I» the «r«C'len at a n«w and »pleadtd haUdlag coa

taiolng ..« »txty »'«vpiag spartataata, rmim.aili tne

in «i in.«Inn and improved «ty e for rom fort a d cuwvea-

,rn, «, «nd »flordiog arc nirmalaiious for between «igktyand one bundled peraen« ia addition to the numker kara.I - . h un' 'a'r t The !un uui« for ihla but dUg U-io '- k n .» «".! large addtiloas la fYiretlar» aad batí-'mg have been m«d« la ihe whole Mtaallchaveat. TheII u«e i« newly panned an 1 all tVttvdae la th« »«Ml po«««.e mai Der The gieatiy Inrieaaed .> -oinn...l«iloo* aad

c on for i« of lb« p lac«, and tu cuotvtaatly gruwltg i»opa-iailtt with the fa*bl nable aud 'hoe» la ihe purwtt efhealth. i.'i'v the undersigned In ihe hope and loaadvair» .«a. laiton thai >h« patronage "f hi« establish«'«el willeuatiaae a« haretofnie, io that full amount « I Us espacio;The ««isbiishinmi is now is aow la «««ilnessand >aaatoiih« rveepuoo of vuuor« |j«ll late*»' J F. MAR6M

sBJBj NAflONM. IIOTBI,, S.i.yl.» Loag Uhtad -i'i.c (t««r Bava g oceupled the ahovet

¦".** »paclou» and «aaai. i..in.-a fo> It. lui IWI.

fWeis grateful to his friends ml the public for the Itftarat,»'¦«.« they hav««x»end«d toward bias, and bop««, bybt« undivided att-nit.n to the co ufortof kU gses» mstsatwub a laarM »bar« of patronage.1'« pla.« ta .-i».o,lasted for m« bathing c.ini and re*

fr-thing bréete», »»Mug fowiiog, aatooik, hard aad tevMrosal S 'or ilrlv-s IfTni« bouse is sliusted abaiul half a tai» from B»ath Bay,

near Fir« I» aid Iniet Yistloi« leavtng N«w York mmt

Long I«,and Ratio«.! si »| A M m 1 F M for «nk»r Fari. ngda « or Deer Fa'k will alway» lud »«agM la I

r-«« m co«iv«y ihani u> Babylon, aad i«iurnl«s leey laBrsait »... si l i.vfo,« é sud srrlv« in New-York by I A MHuriw uil caritagM aad hoats to l«l aa raaav'Babta

1er...«El.EANAH JARV'tgH«»»v'f»n lune 14, IS4T._tajj ¦«»»?

¦ nTt/ToN atPKI.ail», (Whl . Baj ohur «-TM»et a h i«i.iu«nl. tnuaied upon the line of the Atthatraand K ¦. t««i«r Railroad U«m Caeaadalgaa aad

O-nev». in Ontario County, having kaaon aeiarge» aad tha»r.uglily fined up, 1» now opea for Ik« reccpiloa of tiss-l«o»


This « - U ».!¦>.,.»,¦ limited la »gourtihtagartistry.Id the ,r«n of ibe Siat«. ram.4« from the nn'M and dttet ofait" «g-* m ritt««, embracing a taaaotltal grove of tar»-« o »«a a« It» (..«».ii i'.iuii.Ii, frota Uta lulj.i of whttrkflow» '. »prtog» of pure till hatalthful «mi, »¦« dlspossdny N.t ,¦ - m plaauta and t«u»r««t in« vi*u ,r, aad i«al«esIt a -. » - -i. -«i »r,«il.«r for IhoM «wekiag a rMAilfaUve f.oin dl«e»«e. ibais« who h«t« a few leisure d«ys Mw««aa to spend la recreation aad pieaeara. o# for BBBBBwho, wlih »heir fainllvM. ire disposed to l««»a the healedwa. a of acity rMldence ui eo)oy ihe refreshing brasaaa.nd puie atmosphere of ihe country, daring the warm san¬

sónThe Waura, whicfc ara matait of a Mlakarea« sasras

ur. » «¦! *.ini«wh«i with «oda. magBssa« aad «ai'Htnla,u. «tan«! uomrpM«vd In ihrlr aiavlictnal charaeiev, as ar-nirdy for ih« »artou»»»!n dltesMs. rhcurnaii« «atkarilea«,dy»p«p«la, general dabidiy of th« »ysiam. A«, aa*» he»e at-fncied curM in eaaaa where ihe wautr» of SOnm »BtBkgakavefal.ed.

g.«.,i.g grauful for the ill.«.«! pauonaga beretofttra mc«tv«d, the Mbcciiber mai rwpaeifully so11'lu Rs eostBa-

¦aagaA porter always In rMdlssas SI the depot In re,w«v» kag-

gage free of haega M FARBB.<rl« -» -r May 2». IS47. ¡«S tm

JBbC BtaBaB^saai! ! n !POM »A I.h ». o«- oie tiau.t ft., t BarsJaa .«¦ uppoelM tk« Astor IIhiim.i vajiatt»of >'t »i »nd i «lav« Piano Firut», a\.vary vaiiaty >' satura, with ail Ina

uio-i-in npr.or-iiieni«. vo roeawood acd otaltogany aassa.w«rr»nte.|... «»«ry r«««««-i kn «tea sa«)-fkciton ot aa «aler . ... lira. JAME» THOMPSONj»i»; .w* LateTalieian a »aedalL

P ïA"NO VliiWim'a. *arj »w pt^tam-lr«r«uu« «»on parrJtaalcg Ptaaio» wUi BS»III ui tbawi advanukg« to call «i R Otaan a,

I Cat. . Manufactory let Fiittto-ei (west at.way.. A ganare« Msortaie'.t .f Mahogany aad Rasa

wood Piano« --oeaianily oa hand, which wtlIT«e arrtd tara» tat»... or «Dprtttwd paewr Deader« «applied un ubatrsJ annas

¦ft«R il'.frlHK.íl i.« Pull.,».««

.bo*4nkt»: ronaiftb: n« u«.««! (»r aafcsmlgajBjj.,,1BM..oimri of fMbiooabU BiBn»l» »««i

BjwflaT "". cl" " '"' .*'.. .' * .a"1*'*' °f .* P**r '."».

mjBm '" <" ma the hasovm for ih« «aa««>i T'« yiWk,i, ,-ie.r.l Is rMsatcfu ly li.vHad M call at WABNBLBf'BI h«»p S'ur«, ¿< iiiV'Mll batweeoand »Irr


rant SreM kau at 11 *» »ad Bl Bay aa-

8al«b lelhoMla atany placa« M B*,O Marea will *'« planead to sea Me

F.Mi p' «swayf-IBtwmbH MON», HaTTKM, IM*. ¿aiiaTsa -dm' a

P -i. -1 E'rucb M> w»ia ll«i »t ira w» p'lce ef? .ou «m- n 'piaiHt. »lyl« an» fl'd«h Ec«eao>

¦i.l.i« was d 1o wal Ui cali atad «xainln« tl, also S Mparba e for Bf S», as» saeaa m low m Bi «'." ¦ "" t «arg«and «arie.1 ti ra of genu' y.e.'.ha' «ad lnfaau' BotammHau ai.d Caps» H avias jast opwaad. ray uva M taU «artfresh The adva»,ug« f m «rung 'r.** «ach «nui na eb-n.eis'oall EMMONB FMba«m«nie HatAar;-g4 i a»*_IW Caaai «t «ety H»d««m

MaPUIXl FA-IIIÏÎNÎa.-lîÂTB, RArB-ParUesa haï» ai B°> ¦.'.¦« to uv-tasoid bt «Mhanat

B« «iso, saaBjaal «.».. »au ai tl W and tl Bt,jparlur M »ly « ai.d finis«.raaal Mm at |. COMfrmo'S«uiM««ata>.ii»e«seet

.".Kl' P H BROWN, IM Cs_BjaPTNR PME«- H BÔOr-A §4 SB-Pavtaaafto¦ / -, ,. « f i '" '¦¦ .'«¦ »m bwM Fr«a.¦ -ï - w'ih «orles »r.»,,»« 6 > ai 101 N»

^BBf I ¦,!. I» Ir-cled y ih« rhaapMi and baa» «tore ta I

Cly. ilg.alc« a*.« «aid ngai proS»«aur rtVHto > AU ued.pur.nue It »lu-nded ko LANO k HOLLANDtayil iTTuThaB _________________

______I OOK AT Tni»t.dbadlae. gradtmm,

BBMtakM.*«-« tod caietrao.a.1 ihm am Is «at of sfane «ruris ,f 8oot» ot Bfc'iee,cal< atttt Brand.

wat. where yea will Bad tha largaet aeaurtamai satrheapaei in ihu cty, wboiaeaia aad retail. N R Freaakimpori-d B.et B< ItalmJ M CARIU.

«rt_ ÏIÔMMR, AÂAOON ui HartMM 'ev esta, la^ár*A.AM «iBly au waeka TB«_y «m »a wee at C tea_L__>» ab'M, Btaua laaad. Erie, for ika wk^naRBIMi l... w_»r ¡nay .«» foaad at BO BM»a»-«t

¦.« «.u -a MÍ«a at hi U«ary ataba of Patria- Enea«y.No U La Fay»»u plaea»_ta** »«»ad*

av._rott' nAk.lt CMaUtP a Baa yoaas mtvm,Jk«wa»7« warrattted «ooad, good u«vaUr-wUl aune WBBVa^i.«A¡i)¡».g Aleo wagoaWiy _g»_g_J__!kr in gaud roadiitoa. Alaokaraaas, »*»_f*. BBam IBBBMr«^>a, a_d roaay ame.U of ho»t*»n'«'d »«^oiuta. Apsdyl*«.->r'.i.. ... IV W..»ua.«_«Ml a

^ttmfmaTmmfikmtijM _~~~i

_IK YYaI.TBM MALRIOII Parvlag withRI A fe-Tha f g'«» .» ««r! bt M A la«

Art L'a i.m« are rwpVc

Th» Fngravtng. pubiuhed by the Auarisaabeiag aow read» for d-ur'.ba.loo. mh. ci ih*» a

. rMpecifal y :r formai that Ucaa bs fPMRBi Bt

. o'tiukiikoaod . «g««' «'lia«» Mtataaar'.. g s-.-«. -la it.t tramée f'omBBM m Bt T«. M raaa»mi- -i «as glu frame«, a* B* », u -sia"i aatd f*a fc.aaaa,atBBIA ly HLDaON a ArfRT^At k :. LooAlag a »m and P'«u-» ttamm »Yt'«-iiBi,)a»at«_ IM) Palma aad to Ana au.

KaUMAlf/at^-T B OUWMIHq, tai». Baa nmiàSt(rem cavraer ef Ckssi»mi n sad Breadaray teBB BaaaV

.t______**Í*.TRanFoWtat-ToLmliaamPewm. tajabas«)» Taatk »vente, ear. ef Tweety tfta-st, )m%mV