je suis francais - moi non plus

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  • 7/30/2019 Je Suis Francais - Moi Non Plus




    Le vrabaise


    Les femmefranaise

    ne grossissent pa

    Garder leshommes effrayants


    le Printemps 2013

  • 7/30/2019 Je Suis Francais - Moi Non Plus


    visit the historical Passages of P

  • 7/30/2019 Je Suis Francais - Moi Non Plus



    Cover Stories

    7French Women Doninsight into the way Frenmanage to stay rail thin a

    12The Real French Kissits not the type of kiss wusually associate with thculture

    17Keep the Creepy Mea guide to avoid the appunwanted me, and geneavoid standing out in a b

    An Insiders Guide

    21Proceed With Cautionwarning about the touristy placesto avoid if you have no tolerancefor crowds, and also what to expectwhen venturing into these terrorzones

    24A True Gentlemanthe French women really knowhow to raise their sons correctly -what to expect out of a true FrenchGentleman

    29Its All in the Looktips and faux pas when trying tolook like a real French woman

    35Fluent in Foodan explanation of the essential anduniversal communication throughfood and how to potentiallyovercome that barrier

    41Instant Friendshow social media, such asFacebook, twitter, and blogs canhelp you communicate to lovedones back home as well as learnmore about your local friends

    37 31



    EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Grace Berry



    FASHIONGrace Berry

    BEAUTYGrace Berry

    FEATURESGrace Berry

    ART DEPARTMENTDesign Director Grace Berry

    Director of Photography Grace BerryAssociate Photography Director Grace Berry

    Copy ChiefGrace BerrySenior Copy Editor Grace Berry

    Research Grace Berry

    Paris BureauEntertainment Editor Grace Berry

    Director of Photography Grace BerrySpecial Projects Editor Grace Berry

    ContributorsGrace Berry, Editor-at-Large

  • 7/30/2019 Je Suis Francais - Moi Non Plus


    Nowhere is one more alone than in Paris ... and yet surrouby crowds. Nowhere is one more likely to incur greater ridicu

    And no visit is more essential.-Marguerite D

  • 7/30/2019 Je Suis Francais - Moi Non Plus


    FrencWomDontGet FGood genetics? Som

    in the water? They hchoice because all clothes are cut sma

    The answer is simp

    It sounds like everywe as Americans haheard from our docits true. The way thdeal with these twohowever, may be vedifferent than one minitially assume.

    Its not about deprivIts about moderatio


    perfectly bronzed in cocoa

  • 7/30/2019 Je Suis Francais - Moi Non Plus


    ou walk down the street inParis and there areboulangeries, patisseries,

    uteries, and cafs on everyer as well as ineen. The food seenwhere is beautiful anddent. It is so tempting to justn and grab something as

    walk past, but then you looknd at all the other Frenchen passing you on the streetare thin as a rail. How is thisble? With all of thetations or these rich foods?

    he French woman, it is allt moderation.

    dea that French women doke to eat as American women

    mply not true. Nearly everyh woman enjoys good food

    uch as the rest, its simply herontrol that sets her eatings apart from her Americanterpart.

    French culture, and it was in herlater study abroad experience inAmerica that she suddenly felt thefrustration of weight. Until thatpoint she had never had an issueand so it caused her to evaluatewhy there was such a differencefor her. In the end she tried to pickup the common practices relatingto food for the French women andtheir gastronomical indulgences.

    The French women enjoy food,and really treasure the experienceof consuming the decadent dishesand pastries but the key is control.With such rich, avorful, decadentfoods not much is needed to satisfythe consumer so a French Woman

    will allow herself three bites ofanything she desires. Just threebites and then she is done. Thispractice not only controlsher overall intake, but it makeseating so much more rewarding,allowing her to savor and fullyappreciate each bite. In Americawe follow the belief of more isbetter, and that a supersized mealis a better value so clearly it is thebetter choice. Taking the ampleamount of time to fully enjoy ameal helps the French Women toavoid overindulgence.

    There is a diet idea described in thebook French Women Dont GetFat: The Secret of Eating ForPleasure written by MireilleGuiliano, that really seems toencompass the idea behind thephenomenon of the slender,beautiful, French women. Theauthor herself grew up in the


    It is true, there are gyms in France,but they are certainly few and farbetween. In general Parisians walkeverywhere and enjoy moving, sotime at the gym is deemed useless.

    In Europe, though it is partiallythe heritage that makes most likethis, slender frames are valuedmore than toned bodies. Muscletone is of course still beautiful, buteven the men are generally thin. A

    thick-set man would be seen in theminority.

    It is still possible to see manyParisians out in the parks for a run,to get cardio and muscle tone, butseeing someone lifting weights ismuch more rare. To simply get outand see the city as you go about

    your daily activities is alexercise you should real

    Because of this constanton a daily basis, more thattire and equipment, qufor walking are valued. the United States it is noto nd real quality-madeshoes at relatively reasonprices. Parisians need thto last and be comfortabwherever they choose toduring the day.

    In the end Parisians belie1. invest in qualit2. walk everywhe3. enjoy being ou

    In living this lifestyle thereason to put yourself thrigorous exercise regime

    There is areason the taperedpants, or skinnypants are popularfor even the menin Europe.

  • 7/30/2019 Je Suis Francais - Moi Non Plus


  • 7/30/2019 Je Suis Francais - Moi Non Plus


    ere are some things to keep in mind when about to be engaged for a bise:H

    The Real French Kissmost people the French Kiss is one that involves tongue, and is quite grotesque to witnessublic. This is not a normal French greeting however. The real greeting kiss is much classieritness.

    ise is a common French gesture used for both hello and goodbye. Though it varies with theon of France, in Paris the Parisians use two kisses. For the French this greeting is asmon, if not more so, than a handshake for Americans or a casual hug. La bise is reservedamiliarity, not just a random stranger on the street, but it is often expected.




    1You actually do make the kissing noise, but generally dont makecontact with your lips to the other persons cheek.

    Often times hands and arms are just by your sides to only lean in for the is also acceptable to place your handother persons arms or shoulders to kbalance.

    La bise can be used in all types of situations including during thepeace time during a Catholic Liturgy, for those you are familiar weveryone else, unknown surrounding you, a handshake will still s

    When with a friend you may verbalize your goodbyes but generalean in for la bise at the very conclusion.

    This movement is easy to mimic in aexaggerated way, but to the French itnormal to treat it that way. Leaving amounts of air between you and youmakes the movement look comical otheatrical, so instead make sure to acmake contact with your cheeks

    This greeting can be used between amale to male, female to female, and male.

    In the situation of a love interest la bise is a gateway to intimacy. become better acquainted you will begin to use la bise as a formand farewell. It is especially at this farewell that the two kisses mturn into three, placing one kiss on the right cheek, one on the lethen lingering to place a third on the lips. Because of this smallepersonal space in European culture, this shift to intimacy is quite crossed. Simply be aware if this shift is not welcome.

    Think about reading. Your kisses wilright, meaning you touch right cheekfollowed by the left cheeks.


  • 7/30/2019 Je Suis Francais - Moi Non Plus


    The rains very important.Thats when Paris smells

    its sweetest.-Audrey Hepburn

  • 7/30/2019 Je Suis Francais - Moi Non Plus


    Keep thCreepy Men at Ba

  • 7/30/2019 Je Suis Francais - Moi Non Plus


    e are creepy men all over the world, but especially in Paris they aremmigrants. In general these men will target any woman that theyattractive, however they know the easy targets when they see them.e men are aware that foreign women, especially American women,want to appear rude by not responding to a comment made towards so they take advantage and take any response as an invitationgage.

    1. Avoid eye contact with theopposite gender, treat the sidewalklike a runway

    2. Do NOT smile at strangers(unless it is a woman with a childor something similar) this is takenas an invitation to engage

    3. Do not speak in loud english inpublic, youll be seen as ignorantand an easy target

    4. Always keep a hand on yourbelongings, for example the strapof your purse/bag or on youriphone sitting in your pocket

    5. Whenever possible, wear largedark sunglasses outdoors.

    6. Do not wander the streetsvisibly intoxicated

    7. Watch the looks of pure disgustgiven by true Parisian women tothe men that attempt to engagethem. They dont even need to sayanything and the men immediatelystop and turn away. If you givethem an inch they will take a mile,so dont give them anything.

    8. Walk quickly and with purpose,even if you do not know exactlywhere you are going. Walkingslowly and looking up and aroundat all times will ag you as aforeigner, again making you an

    easy target.

    9. When loud Americans getonto a metro and are all talkingloudly, attracting attention, joineveryone else in the judgmental/alienating stares. This will put youon the better side of the invisiblebarrier becoming apparent insidethe metro car. Nothing brings theFrench closer than their commonfeeling of superiority.

    I had been living in Paris for 3 monthswithout much of an issue until I startedtraveling up to an area near Montmartrewhere I was installing my artwork into agallery. It was as if I suddently started tostand out in that portion of the citybecause I wasnt quite as confdent and

    so I stood out more for my Americanappearance. It was also shifting moreinto tourist season rather than the localsthat had dominated the city upon myarrival in mid-winter. Luckily I had seenenough examples of how to deal withthese men and their cat-calls that I toldthem off instantly and they didnt botherme again. -GB

  • 7/30/2019 Je Suis Francais - Moi Non Plus


    Proceed WithCautionOnly tourists go to certain spots in the city.True Parisians know to avoid these areas unless

    absolutely necessary.

  • 7/30/2019 Je Suis Francais - Moi Non Plus


    at you can expect to fnd at each well-known location:

    Notre Dame numerous tourists at all times still serves as a functioning church, drawing many locals at times

    of services street performers will often set up in the square in front during peak visiting times throughout the day a long line will be seen

    snaking around, a great distance into the square on the west facade, allfor simply entering the front doors

    pick-pocketers frequent this area looking for the obvious tourists that arethe most vulnerable

    gypsies asking for signatures on a fake petition can also be found quiteoften

    nearby cafes will have two separate menus; one in French with thenormal prices and the other in Engli sh with inated prices

    Le Louvre provides a constant swarm of tourists, comparable to the

    Eiffel Tower extremely long and slow-moving line for entering the

    museum through the pyramid entrance illegal salesmen with large rings of Eiffel Tower keychains skilled pick-pocketers with a keen eye for distracted

    tourists extremely overpriced food vendors occasional overow of locals from the Tuileries Gardens

    on nice afternoons

    The Streets & Steps leadingSacre Coeur a beautiful scenic view to look out on as yo

    the steps overpriced and poor quality food vendors many tiring steps to the top gates that close at dusk gypsy men who attempt to ti e bracelets ont

    wrists without permission and then demandcompensation claiming it is for the church

    pick-pocketers focused on distracted touristphotographs

    Moulin Rouge &the Red Light District

    harmless but tourist-lled atmosphere during daylight sketchy nightlife atmosphere late at night drawing

    both locals and visitors for the numerous shows andclubs offered on the street

    a female walking down the street in going outattire may receive verbal offers from males passingby - ignoring and not engaging in any way is thebest defense

    scam artists and pick-pocketers are present during thedaylight tourist hours

    Arc du Triumphe located right on the Champs Elysees, the ep

    Paris shopping the entire street is nearly always crowded w

    mixture of both locals and tourists the metro station that lets out directly unde

    du Triumphe is a large station used by manyutilize public transit - though many tourists seen there at all times, they do not dominatstation exclusively

    many illegal vendors will be attempting to contact with tourists, but with the tight quaArc, security keeps these vendors to a minim

    The Palace of Versailles nearly ALWAYS crowded beyond belief with mainlytourists, but also local classes talking about historyand architecture

    not located directly in the city of Paris, so less localswould be likely to be seen at such a place

    pick-pocketing and scams are prevalent on theexterior of the Palace, however because of theentrance fee tourists may feel less vulnerable inside

    the gardens, with the exception of the days of specialevents, are open to the public so you will often seelocals there for running, other excercising or picnics

    Sacre Coeur mixture of tourists and locals, depending on the season as

    well as time of day gypsy women begging for money street musicians putting on a good show pick-pocketers looking for distracted tourists illegal salesmen with large rings of Eiff el Tower keychains breath-taking views of the city, standing at the highest point

    in the City

  • 7/30/2019 Je Suis Francais - Moi Non Plus



    TrueGentlemanhe French women really know how to raise their sons correctly...

    When traveling to European culturefrom the United States it is easyto focus on the viaual differencesthat you see between the twocultures. The sizes and shapes thatthe europeans display are certainlydifferent that what one witnesseswhile walking around an Americancity, but the differences dontstop there. The way that theseEuropeans dress makes a hugeimpact, but in addition to that is

    the dramatically different way thatthey act.As children, riding the metroalongside his mother, a young boyis on his absolute best behavior.He says pardon when squeezingpast a stranger, allows women to sitbefore he takes a seat, and is neverloud or obnoxious during the ride.He learns at a very young age thatoutbursts received little to no

    attention from his motheso there was never a reasone. He learned to thinbefore himself.

    Once the basic rules of bpublic were established age, every young boy is the essentials of treating correctly, with a particulat the dining table. A genever sits down to a meathe women, a gentlemanwhen a woman stands frtable, a dish is offered tobefore taking some himseven when entering the room, a gentleman will athe women to enter befo

    Opening doors for woma constant practice for agentleman.

    These habits or rituals arnecessarily absent from Aculture, but the occurranEurope seems to be mucfrequent. It is the expecthe European culture thamale will behave in this while in America it is noexpected, regardless of hit is still appreciated.

    It is the little things that pdo in daily interactions tthe most difference in hoperceive that person. Ina man acting like a comgentleman is not necessa

    anticipated and so it is wenjoyed and appreciatedin Europe the same actiohave been expected. Thexpectations force the mfollow along or be immedismissed by the majoritcommunity in which theBeing a gentleman isnt actions that you do in cesituations. Being a gentis a way of life.

  • 7/30/2019 Je Suis Francais - Moi Non Plus


    March aux PucesSt-Ouen de Clignancourtvisit the largest flea market in E

  • 7/30/2019 Je Suis Francais - Moi Non Plus


    Its Allin theLook

  • 7/30/2019 Je Suis Francais - Moi Non Plus


    Tough rench womanare oen thought o asstunning and glamorousat all times, they believein showing natural beauty.Lucky or them, most othe French women havedark coloring so not asmuch make-up is needed

    on a daily basis, and that isthe expectation o almostall women in France. oput on too much make-up when leaving theapartment in the morninginstantly signies to othersthat you may in act be anoutsider.M


    French womens hair isRARELY actually styledbut generally shows thenatural fowing waves, lotso volume, blown out, butalmost never fat-ironedor curled using a curlingiron. Tat type o look issimply not valued in hairon women on a daily basis.H


    In France,blondes are rarebut not nearlyas rare as redhair. I you have

    such coloredhair most willassume youto be Irishwhen showingred hair, andSwedish as aresult o yourblue eyes andblonde hair.H



    RScarves are alwaysappropriate withany outt, no matterthe time of year.Though in the winter

    and fall you mightwear a thick woolscarf for addedwarmth, in thespring and summeryou might pair a silkor other lightweightscarf with youroutt simply fordecorationS



    Bar attireand nightclub attire donot generallycoincide.Rarely dotrue Parisianswear shortskirts anddramatictops whengoing to abar or caffor a drink.B





    OESWearing running shoes during the day, with normalattire is not acceptable in European culture. ToughFrench people will put on such shoes to go or a run

    in the park on a nice day, they would never continueto wear them while heading out to class, work, orrunning errands around the city. Te only acceptabletype o sneakers to wear are bright and colorul Nikehightops, or a hipster look, or Converse All-Starswhich can even be dressed up with a blazer and a nice

    pair o jeans.European men are always seen with nice leathershoes, when traveling to class or work, even when notdressed in a nice suit. Europeans value quality shoes.


    G-OUTWhenputting ongoing-out

    make-up,chooseone featureand onlyemphasizethat. Forinstance,only weara brightred lipstickwhenpaired

    with verylittle eyemake-up,otherwiseyou willlook likeyou shouldbe up in theRed Lightdistrict

    It is a rare occasion to see a Frenchwoman in light washed jeans, andalmost never severely acid-washedjeans. Te sae choice whenchoosing jeans to wear would bea pair o well-tting, medium todark wash. You have to be daringto go much lighter than a classicmedium.Colored denim is also anacceptable option however, andcan be dressed up or down.



  • 7/30/2019 Je Suis Francais - Moi Non Plus


    Locks of Lovedemonstrate your love and devotion to your significant other bylocking your names together on the bridge

  • 7/30/2019 Je Suis Francais - Moi Non Plus


    Fluent in FoodNot only is French culture very passionate about the expeof food, but also eating meals throughout each day is essefor every person, no matter his or her ethnicity or backgrois these constant interactions to receive food or converse oa shared meal that have the potential to teach the most abcommunication. Ordering items at the boulangerie, whercan simply read off of a sign and point is the easiest way tcomplete sentances and have an extremely high success rwhen the pronunciation or accent are less than ideal.

  • 7/30/2019 Je Suis Francais - Moi Non Plus


    Je voudrais...

  • 7/30/2019 Je Suis Francais - Moi Non Plus


    After arriving in Paris withlittle knowledge of the Frenchlanguage beyond ballet terms,I was barely forming completesentences, much less holdinga real conversation. It wasntuntil I was drinking bottlesof wine on the steps of SacreCoeur and being approachedby various French locals thatI surprised myself with howmuch I could actually say. Ididnt know until I tried.

    Liquid courage can be the keyto make an unsure french stu-dent disregard his or her inhibi-tions and simply nd a way to

    say what they want to say. Itcan be so easy to get caughtup on racking ones brain tocome up with the exact desiredphrase that no conversation isable to slow, but with a littlebit of liquid courage that hurtlecan be overcome by simplybeing willing to run around theside of it. When speaking inenglish we often talk aroundwhat we want to say as westruggle for eloquence. It iseasier in english because that isthe language that we also thinkin, but the same practice canbe applied to speaking french.

    My host dad always triedto get me to drink a glass ofwine at dinner with him, evenwhen none of the other familymembers were driking any. Ialways thought that he simplyenjoyed having another personto drink with but I realizedlater on that I think he wastrying to get me to relax andconverse. Dinnertime felt like aperformance to me every night,with lines rehearsed so maybethe wine helped.

    The true secret to fakeduency in French is at thebottom of the bottle.

  • 7/30/2019 Je Suis Francais - Moi Non Plus


    perfectly bronzed in cocoa


    Social media such as Facebook, Twitter, various blog sites, andLinkedIn can help with communication with loved ones back what you might not realize is how much these websites can beconnect on another level with those you meet locally

  • 7/30/2019 Je Suis Francais - Moi Non Plus


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    StudyingArtandDesignatUniversityofMichiganLives in Paris, FranceFrom Tracerse City, MichiganBornonNovember2

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    Safe in Paris! Let the culture shock begin :)

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    Marie de NoblensFebruary 14 near Paris

    Bonjour Grace! Enchantee!

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    Grace Berry was in 26 photos withBergman.

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    Marci Berry

    Shaina Dudek

    All of your friends and family back home will bewatching what you post to your facebook aboutwhat youve been up to...

    ... but so will all of the people you meet whileabroad and become Facebook friends with.They pay attention to social media too.

    I was always on Facebook whenI came home each night to myhost familys apartment. I wouldsometimes talk to friends fromback home who were online, butI would also chat with the otherstudents in my program sincewe all lived so spread out in thecity. It became a ritual to uploadpictures from my daily activitiesto my prole as an instant wayto update loved ones, until I hadtime to fabricate a decent post tomy blog.

    During one of my rst days in the

    apartment one of my host sisterssaw my Facebook prole open onmy computer when she stoppedin my room to say hello. She thenfound her sisters and herself frommy prole to become friends,and thus began another way forus to get to know eachother.

    I assumed that my host sisterspaid my prole little attentionhowever they occasionallybrought up things I had postedwhen we were sitting at dinnertogether. The sisters learned justas much about my daily activitiesfrom my online portrayal as theydid from what I told them in mylimited knowledge of the frenchlanguage.

    Though I feel that my onlineportrayal of my time didntnecessarily reect all of myexperiences as they trulyoccurred, with all of thebad inlcuded, without thesupplamentary source ofinformation my host sisters mightnever have gotten to know asmuch about me.

  • 7/30/2019 Je Suis Francais - Moi Non Plus


  • 7/30/2019 Je Suis Francais - Moi Non Plus


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