gonzales barreto 2015

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  • 7/25/2019 Gonzales Barreto 2015


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    "#$% &'()&* 6+% 6&$**', 7. O'%'+&5# J%%)5$+*' J,+ P),/+-'/?Q+&&'&+> 8+&R S21) T)('/< F-+23$+

    Deane and DVera Cohn(&)=$3'3 '3$*)&$+- 12$3+,5' $, *#' 3&+4*$,1 )4 *#$% &'()&*> O$5#+&3 U$R' ;',$)& @'0)1&+(#'&

    W'44&'. G+%%'- (&)=$3'3 %*+*$%*$5+- +,3 '3$*)&$+- 12$3+,5'> P2%*+=) TX('/ +,3 @+,$'--' F233$,1*),

    (&)=$3'3 &'%'+&5# +%%$%*+,5'> P2%*+=) TX('/< @+,$'--' F233$,1*), +,3 K$-'', G+**', ,207'&?

    5#'5R'3 *#' &'()&*> 8$5#+'- V''1+,< $,4)&0+*$), 1&+(#$5% 3'%$1,'&Y +,3 8$5#+'- ;2#< +%%)5$+*'

    3$1$*+- (&)325'&< (&)=$3'3 3$1$*+- %2(()&* 4)& *#' &'()&* 8)--. O)#+- +,3 J-'R%+,3&+ ;+,3%*&)0

    6'&' *#' 5)(. '3$*)&%> Z$,3 &'-+*'3 &'()&*% ),-$,' +* ('6&'%'+&5#>)&1[#$%(+,$5 +,3


    . ,46: 4= (:8=4?4@A

    Foreign born refers to (')(-' 7)&, )2*%$3' )4 *#' :,$*'3 ;*+*'%< G2'&*) O$5) )& )*#'& :>;>

    *'&&$*)&$'% +,3 ,'$*#'& )4 *#'$& (+&',*%was a U.S. citizen. The terms foreign born and

    immigrant are used interchangeably in this report.

    U.S. born refers to individuals who are U.S. citiz',% +* 7$&*#< $,5-23$,1 (')(-' 7)&, $, *#' :,$*'3;*+*'%< G2'&*) O$5) )& )*#'& :>;> *'&&$*)&$'%< +% 6'-- +% *#)%' 7)&, '-%'6#'&' *) (+&',*% 6#) 6'&'

    :>;> 5$*$/',%> "#' :>;>?7)&, ()(2-+*$), ',5)0(+%%'% *#' %'5),3 1','&+*$), +,3 *#' *#$&3 +,3

    #$1#'& 1','&+*$),>

  • 7/25/2019 Gonzales Barreto 2015



    S%W $%(%'$JC J%)Q%$


    Legal immigrants are those who have been granted legal permanent residence< *#)%' 1&+,*'3

    +%.-20< (')(-' +30$**'3 +% &'421''% +,3 (')(-' +30$**'3 *) *#' :>;> 2,3'& + %'* )4 %('5$4$5

    +2*#)&$/'3 *'0()&+&. %*+*2%'% 4)& -),1'&?*'&0 &'%$3',5' +,3 6)&R> "#$% 1&)2( $,5-23'%

    naturalized citizens, legal immigrants who have become U.S. citizens through naturalization;legal permanent resident aliens, who have been granted permission to stay indefinitely in the

    :>;> +% ('&0+,',* &'%$3',*%< +%.-''% )& &'421'es; and legal temporary migrants (including

    students, diplomats and high?tech guest workers), who are allowed to live and, in some cases,

    6)&R $, *#' :>;> 4)& %('5$4$5 ('&$)3% )4 *$0' E2%2+--. -),1'& *#+, ),' .'+&H>

    Unauthorized immigrants are all fo&'$1,?7)&, ,),?5$*$/',% &'%$3$,1 $, *#' 5)2,*&. 6#) +&' ,)*

    -'1+- $00$1&+,*%> "#'%' 3'4$,$*$),% &'4-'5* %*+,3+&3 +,3 52%*)0+&. 2%+1' 7. *#' @'(+&*0',* )4

    S)0'-+,3 ;'52&$*. +,3 +5+3'0$5 &'%'+&5#'&%> "#' =+%* 0+\)&$*. )4 2,+2*#)&$/'3 $00$1&+,*%

    ',*'&'3 *#' 5)2,*&. 6$*#)2* =+-$3 3)520',*% )& +&&$='3 6$*# =+-$3 =$%+% 72* %*+.'3 (+%* *#'$& =$%+

    '9($&+*$), 3+*' )& )*#'&6$%' =$)-+*'3 *#' *'&0% )4 *#'$& +30$%%$),>

    Immigration to the United States includes only people who are intending to settle in the United

    ;*+*'%> :>;> 3'5',,$+- 5',%2%'% +,3 %2&='.% $,5-23' (')(-' 6#)%' 2%2+- &'%$3',5' $% *#' :,$*'3

    ;*+*'%> F),%']2',*-.< 0$1&+,*% 4&)0 8'9$5) 6#) +&' $, *#' :>;> 4)& %#)&* ('&$)3% *) 6)&R< =$%$* )&

    %#)( +&' 1','&+--. ,)* $,5-23'3 $, 0'+%2&'% )4 *#' :>;> ()(2-+*$),>

    Return migration is a concept based on a census or survey question about prior residence,

    specifically residence five years before the census or survey. A return migrant to Mexico is a

    ('&%), 6#) -$='3 )2*%$3' )4 8'9$5) E2%2+--. $, *#' :>;>H 4$=' .'+&% 7'4)&' *#' 5',%2% )& %2&='. +,3

    $% 7+5R $, 8'9$5) +* *#' *$0' )4 *#' %2&='.>

    Recent migrants are identified through a question in Mexican censuses and surveys that asks

    6#'*#'& +,. 0'07'&% )4 *#' #)2%'#)-3 #+=' -'4* *) 1) *) *#' :>;> $, + (&$)& ('&$)3< 2%2+--. *#'

    (&'=$)2% 4$=' .'+&%> "#' &'5',* 0$1&+,*% 0+. 7' 7+5R $, *#' #)2%'#)-3 )& '-%'6#'&' $, 8'9$5) E$,

    which case they have returned to Mexico) or they may still be in the U.S. or in another country.

    .3456 0:C &:9:D ^* 3)'% ,)* *+R' ()-$5. ()%$*$),%> "#' 5',*'& 5),325*%

    (27-$5 )($,$), ()--$,1< 3'0)1&+(#$5 &'%'+&5#< 5),*',* +,+-.%$% +,3 )*#'& 3+*+?3&$=', %)5$+-

    %5$',5' &'%'+&5#> * %*23$'% :>;> ()-$*$5% +,3 ()-$5.Y \)2&,+-$%0 +,3 0'3$+Y $,*'&,'*< %5$',5' +,3

    *'5#,)-)1.Y &'-$1$), +,3 (27-$5 -$4'Y S$%(+,$5 *&',3%Y 1-)7+- +**$*23'% +,3 *&',3%Y +,3 :>;> %)5$+-

  • 7/25/2019 Gonzales Barreto 2015



    S%W $%(%'$JC J%)Q%$


    and demographic trends. All of the center% &'()&*% +&' +=+$-+7-' +*666>('6&'%'+&5#>)&1>G'6

    O'%'+&5# F',*'& $% + %27%$3$+&. )4 "#' G'6 F#+&$*+7-' "&2%*%< $*% (&$0+&. 42,3'&>

    X S8O $8 J83@8; 01-2

  • 7/25/2019 Gonzales Barreto 2015



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  • 7/25/2019 Gonzales Barreto 2015



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    Z&)0 ABBI *) ABCD< C 0$--$), 8'9$5+,% +,3 *#'$& 4+0$-$'%

    E$,5-23$,1 :>;>?7)&, 5#$-3&',H -'4* *#' :>;> 4)& 8'9$5)< +55)&3$,1

    *) 3+*+ 4&)0 *#' ABCD 8'9$5+, _+*$),+- ;2&='. )4 @'0)1&+(#$5

    @.,+0$5% EK_J@^@H> :>;> 5',%2% 3+*+ 4)& *#' %+0' ('&$)3 %#)6

    +, '%*$0+*'3 N`B;> *) 8'9$5)>

    8'+%2&$,1 0$1&+*$), 4-)6% 7'*6'', 8'9$5) +,3 *#' :>;> $%

    5#+--',1$,1 7'5+2%' *#'&' +&' ,) )44$5$+- 5)2,*% )4 #)6 0+,.

    8'9$5+, $00$1&+,*% ',*'& +,3 -'+=' *#' :>;> '+5# .'+&> "#$%

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    %)2&5'% + ,+*$),+- #)2%'#)-3 %2&='.< +,3 *6) ,+*$),+-

    5',%2%'% +%R'3 5)0(+&+7-' ]2'%*$),% +7)2* #)2%'#)-3

    members migration to and from Mexico over the five years

    (&'=$)2% *) '+5# %2&='. )& 5',%2% 3+*'> ^, +33$*$),< '%*$0+*'% )4

  • 7/25/2019 Gonzales Barreto 2015



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    8'9$5+, 0$1&+*$), *) *#' :>;> 5)0'

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    "#' 3'5-$,' $, *#' 4-)6 )4 8'9$5+,$00$1&+,*% *) *#' :>;> $% 32' *) %'='&+-

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    $00$1&+*$), -+6%< (+&*$52-+&-. +* *#' :>;>?8'9$5) 7)&3'& EO)%',7-20 +,3 8'$%%,'&< ABCDH< 0+.

    #+=' 5),*&$72*'3 *) *#' &'325*$), )4 8'9$5+, $00$1&+,*% 5)0$,1 *) *#' :>;> $, &'5',* .'+&%>

    J55)&3$,1 *) ),' $,3$5+*)&< :>;> 7)&3'& +((&'#',%$),% )4 8'9$5+,% #+=' 4+--', %#+&(-.< *) \2%*

    AMB;> #+% -'3 *) +, $,5&'+%' $, *#' ,207'& )4 8'9$5+,

    $00$1&+,*% 6#) #+=' 7'', 3'()&*'3 4&)0 *#' :>;> %$,5' ABBL E:>;> @'(+&*0',* )4 S)0'-+,3

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    %#)6'3 *#+* %$9 $, *', EbCaH &'*2&, 0$1&+,*% *#)%' 6#) &'()&*'3 *#'. #+3 7'', -$=$,1 $, *#' :>;>

    4$=' .'+&% '+&-$'& 72* +% )4 ABCD 6'&' 7+5R $, 8'9$5) 5$*'3 4+0$-. &'2,$4$5+*$), +% *#' 0+$,

    &'+%), 4)& *#'$& &'*2&,> Q. 5)0(+&$%),< CDa of Mexicos return migrants %+$3 *#' &'+%), 4)& *#'$&

    &'*2&, 6+% 3'()&*+*$), 4&)0 *#' :>;>

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  • 7/25/2019 Gonzales Barreto 2015



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    #$%*)&.> Q'*6'', CIbL +,3 ABCL 0)&' *#+, Cb 0$--$), 8'9$5+, $00$1&+,*% 0$1&+*'3 *) *#' :,$*'3

    ;*+*'% 0)&' *#+, 4&)0 +,. )*#'& 5)2,*&. EG'6 O'%'+&5# F',*'&< ABCLH> ^, CI`B< 4'6'& *#+, C

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  • 7/25/2019 Gonzales Barreto 2015



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    $, *#' :>;>< 6#$-' *)3+.< MLa %+. %)< +55)&3$,1

    *) ,'6-. &'-'+%'3 &'%2-*% 4&)0 *#' G'6

    Research Centers 2015 survey in Mexico>C

    "#' =$'6% 8'9$5+,% #+=' )4 -$4' ,)&*# )4 *#'

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    6$*#)2* +2*#)&$/+*$),> "#$% $% 2,5#+,1'3 4&)0 ABBI 6#', + *#$&3 )4 +32-*% $, 8'9$5) %+$3 *#'.

    6)2-3 7' 6$--$,1 *) 0$1&+*' *) *#' :>;>< +,3 CNa %+$3 *#'. 6)2-3 3) $* 6$*#)2* +2*#)&$/+*$), EG'6

    O'%'+&5# F',*'&< ABBIH>


  • 7/25/2019 Gonzales Barreto 2015



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    "#$% &'()&* $% )&1+,$/'3 +% 4)--)6%> "#' 4$&%* 5#+(*'& +,+-./'% %*+*$%*$5% ), 0$1&+*$), 7'*6'',

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    ABCM> "#' *#$&3 5#+(*'&< 7+%'3 ), + ,+*$),+--. &'(&'%',*+*$=' %2&='. )4 +32-*% -$=$,1 $, 8'9$5) 4&)0 8'9$5)< +,3 +,

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    -),1'& 7' *#' *)( %)2&5' )4 :>;> $00$1&+,*%> "#' :>;> F',%2% Q2&'+2 &'5',*-. &'()&*'3

    *#+* F#$,+ )='&*))R 8'9$5) $, ABCM +% *#' -'+3$,1 5)2,*&. 4)& ,'6 $00$1&+,*% EW',%', S)6'='&< 2,3'& + 3$44'&',* 0'+%2&'< 8'9$5) &'0+$,% *#' *)( %)2&5' )4 $00$1&+,*%

    +* -'+%* 4)& ,)6< +55)&3$,1 *) + ,'6 G'6 O'%'+&5# F',*'& +,+-.%$% )4 F',%2% Q2&'+2


    K%*$0+*'% )4 *#' ,207'& )4 ,'6-. +&&$='3 $00$1&+,*% =+&. 3'(',3$,1 ), *#' 0'+%2&'

    used. The Census Bureaus analysis was based on the number of foreign?7)&, (')(-' 6#)%+$3 *#'. -$='3 )2*%$3' )4 *#' :>;> $, &'%(),%' *) *#' J0'&$5+, F)002,$*. ;2&='.

    question, Didthis person live in this house or apartment one year ago? Using this

    0'+%2&' 4)& ABCM< +7)2* CD`;>< 5)0(+&'3 6$*#


    O'1+&3-'%% )4 *#' '9+5* ,207'& )4 ,'6 $00$1&+,*% 4&)0 '+5# 5)2,*&. +&&$=$,1 $, *#' :>;>

    '+5# .'+&< *#' *&',3% +&' 5-'+&c d='& *#' (+%* 3'5+3'< $00$1&+*$), 4&)0 F#$,+ +,3 ^,3$+ *)

    *#' :>;> #+% $,5&'+%'3 %*'+3$-.< 6#$-' $00$1&+*$), 4&)0 8'9$5) #+% 3'5-$,'3 %#+&(-.> "#$%

    %#$4* $, $00$1&+*$), $% ,)*'6)&*#. 7'5+2%' %$,5' CIbL 8'9$5) #+% %',* 0)&' $00$1&+,*%

    ECb>A 0$--$),H *) *#' :,$*'3 ;*+*'% *#+, +,. )*#'& 5)2,*&.< $, 6#+* #+% 7'', *#' -+&1'%*

    6+=' )4 $00$1&+*$), $, :>; #$%*)&. EG'6 O'%'+&5# F',*'&< ABCLH>

  • 7/25/2019 Gonzales Barreto 2015



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    @.,+0$5% EK_J@^@H from Mexicos chief

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    Jensen, Eric. 2015. China Replaces Mexico as the Top Sending Country for Immigrants in the

    United States. Washington,@>F>c :>;> F',%2% Q2&'+2< 8+.>



    Kohut et al. 2009. Most Mexicans See Better Life in U.S.d,'?^,?"#&'' U)2-3 8$1&+*'c

    Troubled by Crime, The Economy, Drugs and Corruption. Washington, D.C.: PewO'%'+&5# F',*'&< ;'(*'07'&>#**(c[[666>('61-)7+->)&1[ABBI[BI[AM[0)%*?0'9$5+,%?%''?


    V&)1%*+3< W',% 8+,2'- +,3 W'44&'. ;> G+%%el. 2014. U.S. Q)&3'& J((&'#',%$),% )4 8'9$5+,% Z+--

    *) S$%*)&$5 Tows. Washington, D.C.: Pew Research Center, December.



    Passel, Jeffrey S. and DVera Cohn. 2009. A Portrait of Unauthorized Immigrants in the United

    States. Washington, D.C.: Pew Research Center, April.



    Passel, Jeffrey S. and DVera Cohn. 2014. Unautho&$/'3 ^00$1&+,* ")*+-% O$%' $, ` ;*+*'%< Z+-- $,

    14: Decline in Those From Mexico Fuels Most State Decreases. Washington, D.C.: Pew

    O'%'+&5# F',*'&< _)='07'&>#**(c[[666>('6#$%(+,$5>)&1[ABCD[CC[CN[2,+2*#)&$/'3?

    $00$1&+,*?*)*+-%?&$%'?$,? ?%*+*'%?4+--?$,?CD[h3'5&'+%'?$,?2,+2*#)&$/'3?$00$1&+,*%?4&)0?


    Passel, Jeffrey S. and DVera Cohn.2010. U.S. Unauthorized Immigration Flows are Down

    ;#+&(-. ;$,5' 8$3?Decade. Washington, D.C.: Pew Research Center, September.



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    Passel, Jeffrey S., DVera Cohn and Ana Gonzalez?Q+&&'&+> 2012. Net Migration from Mexico Falls

    *) i'&)+,3 G'+(% T'%%>U+%#$,1*),< @>F>c G'6 O'%'+&5# F',*'&< J(&$->



    Pew Research Center. 2009. Mo%* 8'9$5+,% ;'' Q'**'& T$4' $, :>;> d,'?$,?"#&'' U)2-3

    Migrate. Washington, D.C.: September.#**(c[[666>('61-)7+->)&1[ABBI[BI[AM[0)%*?


    Pew Research Center. 2015. Modern Immigration Wave Brings 59 Million to U.S., Driving

    Population Growth Change Through 2065: Views of Immigrations Impact on U.S. Society

    Mixed.U+%#$,1*),< @>F>c ;'(*'07'&>



    Rosenblum, Marc R. and Doris Meissner. 2014. The Deportation Dilemma: Reconciling Tough

    and Humane Enforcement. Washington, D.C.: Migration Policy Institute, April.



    U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Office of Immigration Statistics. 2014. 2013 Year7))R )4

    Immigration Statistics. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Homeland Security,


  • 7/25/2019 Gonzales Barreto 2015



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    Asian immigrants hold a bachelors degree or more, 5)0(+&'3 6$*# ),-. ba )4 8'9$5+,


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    .;;:=N8O !1 -:674N4?4@A

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    %)0' )4 *#' 0$1&+*$), 0'+%2&'% 2%'3 $, *#' &'()&*> @+*+ 4&)0 *#' 8'9$5+, ;2&='. )4 @'0)1&+(#$5

    @.,+0$5% EK_J@^@H< *#' J0'&$5+, F)002,$*. ;2&='.< *#' :>;> 5',%2%'% )4 CIIB +,3 ABBB< +,3

    *#' F2&&',* G)(2-+*$), ;2&='. +&' 7+%'3 ), G'6 O'%'+&5# F',*'& *+72-+*$),% 4&)0 (27-$5?2%'

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    Census Bureaus population estimates, which may affect the trends seen in the data, and also to

    $0(&)=' *#' 5)='&+1' )4 &'5',* $00$1&+,*% $, %)0' )4 *#'%' $,%*&20',*%> J% %25#< *#' 4$12&'%

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    ^00$1&+,*% *) 8'9$5) +,3 8'9$5+,% &'*2&,$,1 4&)0 +7&)+3 +&' $3',*$4$'3 *#&)21# + ,207'& )4

    3$44'&',* ]2'%*$),%> "#' 0+$, ]2'%*$),,+$&' +%R% &'%(),3',*% *#'$& %*+*' )& 5)2,*&. )4 7$&*#< 6#$5#

    $% 2%'3 *) 0'+%2&' -$4'*$0' 0$1&+*$), E$3',*$4.$,1 (')(-' 7)&, )2*%$3' )4 8'9$5)H> "#' 0+$,

    ]2'%*$),,+$&' +-%) $,5-23'% *6) ]2'%*$),% ), &'%$3',5' 4$=' .'+&% 7'4)&' *#' %2&='. E&'%(),3',*%

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    02,$5$(+-$*. )4 &'%$3',5' $4 &'%(),3',*% 6'&' $, 8'9$5)H> "#$% $% +%R'3 )4 (')(-' +1'% L )& )-3'&>"#'%' *6) ]2'%*$),% 5+, 7' 2%'3 *) 0'+%2&' &'*2&, 0$1&+*$), )4 8'9$5+,% 32&$,1 *#' 4$='?.'+&

    ('&$)3 7'4)&' *#' %2&='. )& $00$1&+*$), *) 8'9$5) 32&$,1 *#' ('&$)3 7. (')(-' ,)* 7)&, $,

    8'9$5)> "#' %2&='. +-%) (&)=$3'% 3+*+ ), 0$1&+*$), (+**'&,% 6$*#$, 8'9$5)> ;$,5' *#' ]2'%*$), ),

    &'%$3',5' 4$=' .'+&% (&$)& ('&*+$,% ),-. *) (')(-' +1'% L +,3 )-3'&< *#' ,207'& )4 $00$1&+,*% *#+*

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    5+0' $,*) 8'9$5) +0),1 (')(-' .)2,1'& *#+, L .'+&% )-3 $% 3'*'&0$,'3 4&)0 *#' (-+5' )4 7$&*#

    ]2'%*$),< $>'>< *#' ,207'& 2,3'& +1' L 7)&, )2*%$3' )4 8'9$5)>

    "#' %2((-'0',*+- 0$1&+,* ]2'%*$),,+$&' 0)32-' $% 4)52%'3 ), $,*'&,+*$),+- 0$1&+*$),> "#' 4$&%*question asks whether anyone who lives or lived with you (in this house) went to live)& 6)&R $,

    another country in the previous five years. G')(-' $3',*$4$'3 +% -'+=$,1 *#' 5)2,*&. 6$*# *#$%

    question are designated as recentmigrants in this report. The K_J@^@ +-%) +%R% #)6 0+,.

    &'5',* 0$1&+,*% -'4* 4&)0 *#' #)2%'#)-3 +,3 *#', 4)--)6% 6$*# + 7+**'&. )4 ]2'%*$),% +7)2* '+5#

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    "#' (27-$%#'3 $,4)&0+*$), 4&)0 *#' FG; +,3 *#' FG; 0$5&)3+*+ 2%' %2&='. 6'$1#*% 7+%'3 ), *#'

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  • 7/25/2019 Gonzales Barreto 2015



    S%W $%(%'$JC J%)Q%$


    Each years ACS is weighted to the Census Bureaus population estimates for that year. The 2010

    JF; $% *#' 4$&%* *) 7' 6'$1#*'3 *) &'%2-*% 4&)0 *#' ABCB 5',%2%> "#' 2%' )4 +,,2+- ()(2-+*$),

    '%*$0+*'% 4)& 6'$1#*$,1 5+, 5&'+*' 3$%5),*$,2$*$'% $, 0+R$,1 5)0(+&$%),% +5&)%% .'+&% 6#', *#'

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    F',*'& #+% (&)325'3 +-*'&,+*$=' JF; 6'$1#*% 4)& ABBL?ABBI *#+* +&' 5),%$%*',* 6$*# &'%2-*% 4&)0

    *#' ABCB 5',%2% +,3 *#' ABBB 5',%2% EG+%%'- +,3 F)#,< ABCAH> "#'%' +-*'&,+*$=' 6'$1#*% +&' 2%'3

    $, JF; &'%2-*% 4)& ABBL?ABBI> _)*' *#+* '%*$0+*'% )4 *#' %$/' )4 *#' 4)&'$1,?7)&, ()(2-+*$), 4&)0

    *#' JF; 3$44'& 4&)0 *#)%' 7+%'3 ), *#' FG; 4)& + ,207'& )4 &'+%),%> "#' %2&='.% 3$44'& $,

    6'$1#*$,1 +,3 5)='&+1'Y *#' FG; 2,$='&%' $% )4 *#' 5$=$-$+,< ,),$,%*$*2*$),+- ()(2-+*$), 6#$-' *#'

    JF; 2,$='&%' $% )4 *#' *)*+- &'%$3',* ()(2-+*$),> J33$*$),+--.< )2& '%*$0+*'% 4&)0 *#' 8+&5# FG;

    +,3 JF; +&' +3\2%*'3 4)& %2&='. 2,3'&5)='&+1'< +,3 *#' ABBL JF; $% +210',*'3 *) $,5-23' *#'

    1&)2( ]2+&*'&% ()(2-+*$),>

    S:E:==8D? F:=959:91 67;> 3'5',,$+- 5',%2%'% 4&)0 CNLB *#&)21# ABBB #+=' (&)=$3'3 $,4)&0+*$), ), *#' 4)&'$1,?7)&,

    ()(2-+*$), =$+ + ]2'%*$), ), (-+5' )4 7$&*#> "#&)21# CI`B< *#ese censuses also asked mothers

    country of birth and fathers country of birth, which permit identification of the second generation.

    @+*+ ), *#' 8'9$5+,?7)&, ()(2-+*$), 4&)0 CNLB *#&)21# CIIB +&' 4&)0 *#'%' 5',%2% &'%2-*%

    (&'%',*'3 7. P$7%), +,3 W2,1 EABBbH>

    Z)& CINB *#&)21# ABBB< 6' 2%'3 + La (27-$5?2%' %+0(-' )4 5',%2% &'5)&3% 4&)0 ^G:8; *)

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    "6) (&$,5$(+- %'*% )4 '%*$0+*'% (&'%',*'3 $, *#$% &'()&* 6'&' 1','&+*'3 7. *#' G'6 O'%'+&5#

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    )4 *#' %$/' +,3 5#+&+5*'&$%*$5% )4 *#' 2,+2*#)&$/'3 $00$1&+,* ()(2-+*$), $, *#' :>;> +,3 '%*$0+*'%

    )4 *#' 4$='?.'+& $,4-)6 )4 8'9$5+, $00$1&+,*% $,*) *#' :>;> 4)& ABBI?ABCD> G&'=$)2% ='&%$),% )4

    *#'%' '%*$0+*'% +,3 *#' 0'*#)3% 2%'3 *) 3'&$=' *#'0 #+=' 7'', (27-$%#'3 '-%'6#'&'Y %''< 4)&

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    S%W $%(%'$JC J%)Q%$


    &:98N5D? -:674N I4< *968>D68=@ '=D5674>8@ "#' $,$*$+- '%*$0+*'% #'&' +&' 5+-52-+*'3 %'(+&+*'-. 4)& +1'?1',3'& 1&)2(%

    $, %$9 %*+*'% EF+-$4)&,$+< "'9+%< Z-)&$3+< _'6 f)&R< --$,)$% +,3 _'6 W'&%'.H +,3 *#' 7+-+,5' )4 *#'

    5)2,*&.Y 6$*#$, *#'%' +&'+% *#' '%*$0+*'% +&' 42&*#'& %273$=$3'3 $,*) $00$1&+,* ()(2-+*$),% 4&)0

    ML 5)2,*&$'% )& 1&)2(% )4 5)2,*&$'% 7. ('&$)3 )4 +&&$=+- $, *#' :,$*'3 ;*+*'%> j+&$+,*% )4 *#'

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    ;'' +-%) G+%%'- +,3 F)#, EABCD

    "#' 4$,+- %*'( +3\2%*% *#' '%*$0+*'% )4 -'1+- +,3 2,+2*#)&$/'3 $00$1&+,*% 5)2,*'3 $, *#' %2&='.

    4)& )0$%%$),%> "#' 7+%$5 $,4)&0+*$), ), 5)='&+1' $% 3&+6, (&$,5$(+--. 4&)0 5)0(+&$%),% 6$*#

    8'9$5+, 3+*+< :>;> 0)&*+-$*. 3+*+ +,3 %('5$+-$/'3 %2&='.% 5),325*'3 +* *#' *$0' )4 *#' ABBB

    5',%2% EQ'+, '* +-> CIINY F+((% '* +-> ABBAY 8+&5'--$ +,3 d,1 ABBAH> "#'%' +3\2%*0',*% $,5&'+%'

    *#' '%*$0+*' )4 *#' -'1+- 4)&'$1,?7)&, ()(2-+*$),< 1','&+--. 7. Ca *) Ma< +,3 *#' 2,+2*#)&$/'3

    $00$1&+,* ()(2-+*$), 7. CBa *) CLa> "#' $,3$=$32+- %2&='. 6'$1#*% +&' +3\2%*'3 *) +55)2,* 4)&

    $00$1&+,*% 0$%%$,1 4&)0 *#' %2&='.

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    "#' '%*$0+*'% 4)& CIIL?ABCA 2%' %('5$+--. 3'='-)('3 %2&='. 6'$1#*% 4)& *#' FG; +,3 JF; *) ',%2&'

    5),%$%*',5. +5&)%% *#' .'+&% $, *#' 2,3'&-.$,1 ()(2-+*$), 4$12&'%> E;'' G+%%'- +,3 F)#, ABCB< ABCD

    4)& + 3'*+$-'3 3$%52%%$), )4 *#' ,''3 4)& *#'%' 6'$1#*% +,3 *#'$& 3'='-)(0',*>H

    $8K:\":D< +=\$?4C9 4I +>>8@;>?8'9$5) 7)&3'& #+=' 7'',

    3$44$52-* *) 3'='-)(< (+&*$52-+&-. %$,5' *#' 4-)6 #+% 7'', -+&1'-. 2,+2*#)&$/'3> F',%2% +,3 %2&='.

    3+*+ 4&)0 *#' :,$*'3 ;*+*'% (&)=$3' 0'+%2&'% )4 *#' 8'9$5+,?7)&, ()(2-+*$), $, *#' :,$*'3 ;*+*'%

    +,3 )4 4-)6% )4 8'9$5+,% 6#) +&' -$=$,1 $, *#' :>;> ), + 0)&' )& -'%% ('&0+,',* 7+%$%> "#' =)-20'

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    ")*+- $00$1&+*$), 32&$,1 +,. $,*'&=+- 5+, 7' '%*$0+*'3 4&)0 + 3'0)1&+(#$5 $3',*$*.5#+,1' $,

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