dragon age 2 dual wield rogue

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  • Whuffie's Dragon Age Blog

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    Dragon Age 2 Dual Wield Rogue Hawke & TeamBuild DA II by whue



    Other Hawke and Party Builds (hp://whue.wordpress.com/dragon-age-ii-2/)

    I will be talking about certain bosses and events in the game which are story spoilers. Dont read it ifyou dont want some secrets revealed.

    To be brutally honest, Im not going to go so far as to call this a tank any more than my mage or 2Handed Warrior build was. It was my rst play through as a rogue, third play through total, and Imstill relying mainly on Origins experience. There may be things which are more eective, particularlyon a diculty level other than casual. It will take me many more times through the game to makethe most lethal warriors possible for my playing style. Expect new posts in the future as I learn thegame hands-on. I only post from my own experiences.

    This build was, however, deadly and eective with the team in Casual. I got my party killed oncewhen mobbed by a pride demon, blood mage, and about a dozen mages. Ironically, this wasnt thelast boss, but just the one place in the game I have trouble. It is toward the end, but everything else Ibreezed through fairly well. Toward the end and on the High Dragon I think I actually had to use afew health potions, but I only went through 10 or less through the whole game, with less than 6injuries, so I counted my team a success.

    I didnt bother with any of the party tactics because I never needed them. They seemed to do theirown thing just ne and on the rare occasion they didnt, Id switch over to them manually.

    This Hawke relied on the sarcastic responses. The only thing he was nice about was his family, andthe only thing which brought out aggression was his desire to see the Circles banned. His sister livedin this one and was sent to the Circle so he was very pro-mage and anti-templar. He and Anders gotalong famously.

    Fenris was seldom in the party but on his way to a healthy Rivalry score. Isabella was his rst love

    Dragon Age 2 Dual Wield Rogue Hawke & Team Build DA II Whuffie... http://whuffie.wordpress.com/2011/05/29/3019/

    1 of 20 5/13/2014 4:32 PM

  • interest, then they had their fun and he stuck with Merril at the end. Avaline liked him too for somereason so Friendship were maxed on Avaline, Anders, Merril, and Isabella. Fenris and Sebastianwere deep into Rivalry, and Bethany was high enough to trigger the Friendship benets.

    Anders was kept in for the nal ght because this Hawke was all for chaos and didnt mindbloodshed. I wasnt so concerned about pumping up the Constitution since I had access to 2 healersat the end.

    Once Bethany had gone to the Circle, he ran with Isabella, Merril and Avaline. Toward the middle Itraded Avaline for Anders because I needed a healer. In the nal bale it was Avaline, Anders andBethany. Avaline and Hawke did the tanking and the mages threw spells and healed.

    Hawke as a Dual Wield Rogue

    Here are his basic stats

    I used these the most. I kept Lacerate going full time to help inict the most damage possible thenwent through the aacks as they were available from cooling down.

    Dragon Age 2 Dual Wield Rogue Hawke & Team Build DA II Whuffie... http://whuffie.wordpress.com/2011/05/29/3019/

    2 of 20 5/13/2014 4:32 PM

  • This is a very simple but very eective ability I used constantly. It stunned enemies in place and canbe cast from a distance. This helped bail out mages, Isabella, and myself from mobs or hold themin place so the mages could drop restorm on them.

    Dragon Age 2 Dual Wield Rogue Hawke & Team Build DA II Whuffie... http://whuffie.wordpress.com/2011/05/29/3019/

    3 of 20 5/13/2014 4:32 PM

  • I used the middle talent on here the most. When one of my party members started geing hackedup, Id get their back in an instant. It turned out to be very useful.

    I used Stealth about 4 times in the entire game. Thats never been much for my playing style inOrigins, either, but when I needed it, was it useful! The one time I lost my full party I stealthed in themiddle of mobs, got out of there, let my other special aacks recharge and came out of it to aack.

    Dragon Age 2 Dual Wield Rogue Hawke & Team Build DA II Whuffie... http://whuffie.wordpress.com/2011/05/29/3019/

    4 of 20 5/13/2014 4:32 PM

  • Its all that saved his life.

    The concealing bomb was also constantly used to help out a party member or Hawke who wasbeing beaten up particularly badly by the enemy.

    Evade I rarely used. It will get you out of a mob by doing a ridiculous circus back ip. I actually likedhow that one worked in Origins but it could probably prove very useful to some playing styles.

    Decoy was another very useful one for me. It helped mobs as well as really tough enemies focus on itrather than my party.

    I barely used the other one, but either put a point into it because I needed it for something else or Iwas experimenting to see what worked best for me.


    Focused on his healing and mostly the old stu I always have on him. It seems to work for me, butsomeday Im going to play a mage and test the things I dont normally use and see if theyre moreeective.

    Dragon Age 2 Dual Wield Rogue Hawke & Team Build DA II Whuffie... http://whuffie.wordpress.com/2011/05/29/3019/

    5 of 20 5/13/2014 4:32 PM

  • Dragon Age 2 Dual Wield Rogue Hawke & Team Build DA II Whuffie... http://whuffie.wordpress.com/2011/05/29/3019/

    6 of 20 5/13/2014 4:32 PM

  • Dragon Age 2 Dual Wield Rogue Hawke & Team Build DA II Whuffie... http://whuffie.wordpress.com/2011/05/29/3019/

    7 of 20 5/13/2014 4:32 PM

  • Avaline

    I went with some various resistance to elements on her this time, following a dierent tree. Asidefrom dropping Lightning resistance runes on everyone to counteract those aacks by Saarabas andGolems I didnt see much dierence.

    Dragon Age 2 Dual Wield Rogue Hawke & Team Build DA II Whuffie... http://whuffie.wordpress.com/2011/05/29/3019/

    8 of 20 5/13/2014 4:32 PM

  • Dragon Age 2 Dual Wield Rogue Hawke & Team Build DA II Whuffie... http://whuffie.wordpress.com/2011/05/29/3019/

    9 of 20 5/13/2014 4:32 PM

  • Dragon Age 2 Dual Wield Rogue Hawke & Team Build DA II Whuffie... http://whuffie.wordpress.com/2011/05/29/3019/

    10 of 20 5/13/2014 4:32 PM

  • Bethany

    Again, healer and classic primal spells with a few that have worked for me in the past.

    Dragon Age 2 Dual Wield Rogue Hawke & Team Build DA II Whuffie... http://whuffie.wordpress.com/2011/05/29/3019/

    11 of 20 5/13/2014 4:32 PM

  • Dragon Age 2 Dual Wield Rogue Hawke & Team Build DA II Whuffie... http://whuffie.wordpress.com/2011/05/29/3019/

    12 of 20 5/13/2014 4:32 PM

  • Dragon Age 2 Dual Wield Rogue Hawke & Team Build DA II Whuffie... http://whuffie.wordpress.com/2011/05/29/3019/

    13 of 20 5/13/2014 4:32 PM

  • Isabella

    Built her much the same was a Hawke but for some reason she got beat up more than he did. Thatmight have had something to do with equipment, but she stayed behind at the end for Avaline.Avaline was a beer tank, but as a rule of thumb in my Dragon Age games, the love interest travelswith the hero. That way they get the max interaction and ambient chat (plus mixes the party up forme so its less boring.)

    Dragon Age 2 Dual Wield Rogue Hawke & Team Build DA II Whuffie... http://whuffie.wordpress.com/2011/05/29/3019/

    14 of 20 5/13/2014 4:32 PM

  • Dragon Age 2 Dual Wield Rogue Hawke & Team Build DA II Whuffie... http://whuffie.wordpress.com/2011/05/29/3019/

    15 of 20 5/13/2014 4:32 PM

  • Merril

    Im sure it has to do with my build but I found Merril to be almost useless. I loved the character sohad her in my party until the very end, but the dierent things I tried with her seemed to be weakerthan the other mages. She survived prey well with some potions and a lot of healing from Anders,but take this build as mediocre at best.

    Dragon Age 2 Dual Wield Rogue Hawke & Team Build DA II Whuffie... http://whuffie.wordpress.com/2011/05/29/3019/

    16 of 20 5/13/2014 4:32 PM

  • Dragon Age 2 Dual Wield Rogue Hawke & Team Build DA II Whuffie... http://whuffie.wordpress.com/2011/05/29/3019/

    17 of 20 5/13/2014 4:32 PM

  • Dragon Age 2 Dual Wield Rogue Hawke & Team Build DA II Whuffie... http://whuffie.wordpress.com/2011/05/29/3019/

    18 of 20 5/13/2014 4:32 PM

  • Dragon Age 2 Dual Wield Rogue Hawke & Team Build DA II Whuffie... http://whuffie.wordpress.com/2011/05/29/3019/

    19 of 20 5/13/2014 4:32 PM

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    Dragon Age 2 Dual Wield Rogue Hawke & Team Build DA II Whuffie... http://whuffie.wordpress.com/2011/05/29/3019/

    20 of 20 5/13/2014 4:32 PM