Page 1: GUÍA DE ESTUDIOS - · Desde el curso 2008-2009, la Universidad ha ido integrando los estudios en el nuevo Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES), transformando



Última actualización: 07-07-2017

Page 2: GUÍA DE ESTUDIOS - · Desde el curso 2008-2009, la Universidad ha ido integrando los estudios en el nuevo Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES), transformando

Bachelor en Tecnología y Producción Industrial


1. PRESENTACIÓN .......................................................................................................................... 4

1.1. La UIC.............................................................................................................................. 4

1.2. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales .................................................................. 4

1.3. Doble titulación Bachelor + Ingeniería ........................................................................... 6

2. ESTRUCTURA DE LA DOBLE TITULACIÓN ................................................................................... 7

3. PLAN DE ESTUDIOS BACHELOR ................................................................................................. 8

4. NORMATIVA ACADÉMICA ....................................................................................................... 10

4.1. Evaluación continuada ................................................................................................. 10

4.2. Exámenes UIC ............................................................................................................... 10

4.3. Conversión de notas ..................................................................................................... 11

5. MATRÍCULA Y PAGOS .............................................................................................................. 13

5.1. Formalización de la matrícula ...................................................................................... 13

6. TRÁMITES AL TERMINAR LA ESTANCIA EN LA UIC .................................................................. 14

7. SOLICITUD DEL TÍTULO ............................................................................................................ 15

8. PRÁCTICAS ............................................................................................................................... 16

8.1. Funcionamiento ........................................................................................................... 16

8.2. Periodo de prácticas en empresas ............................................................................... 16

8.3. Calendario de sesiones de formación para prácticas................................................... 16

8.4. Instituciones de prácticas ............................................................................................. 17

8.5. País de realización de las prácticas .............................................................................. 17

8.6. La evaluación de las prácticas ...................................................................................... 17

8.7. Departamento de prácticas en empresa ...................................................................... 18

9. SERVICIOS DE LA UNIVERSIDAD .............................................................................................. 19

9.1. Biblioteca ...................................................................................................................... 19

9.2. Reprografía ................................................................................................................... 19

9.3. Librería ......................................................................................................................... 19

9.4. Soporte al estudiante ................................................................................................... 20

9.5. Servicio de Deportes .................................................................................................... 20

9.6. Servicio de Idiomas - Institute for Multilingualism ...................................................... 20

9.7. Solidaridad.................................................................................................................... 21

9.8. Servicio de capellanía ................................................................................................... 21

9.9. Alojamiento en Barcelona ............................................................................................ 22

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Bachelor en Tecnología y Producción Industrial


9.10. Alumni ........................................................................................................................ 22

10. CALENDARIO .......................................................................................................................... 23

11. TRÁMITES HABITUALES ......................................................................................................... 24

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Bachelor en Tecnología y Producción Industrial



1.1. La UIC

La Universitat Internacional de Catalunya comenzaba oficialmente sus actividades académicas

en octubre de 1997. La UIC empezó el curso 97-98 impartiendo Derecho, Arquitectura, Gestión

y Administración Pública, Enfermería, Humanidades-Periodismo, Odontología y Administración

y Dirección de Empresas. Cerca de cuatrocientos alumnos inauguraban los nuevos edificios del

campus universitario de Barcelona y Sant Cugat del Vallès. Un año más tarde ya se impartía

Fisioterapia y el año 2000 empezarían las clases de Magisterio de Educación Infantil y Primaria.

Desde el curso 2008-2009, la Universidad ha ido integrando los estudios en el nuevo Espacio

Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES), transformando las titulaciones de licenciatura y

diplomatura en grados. La UIC imparte estudios de nueva creación como el Grado en Medicina

(2008), el Grado en Humanidades y Estudios Culturales (2009) y el Grado en Publicidad y

Relaciones Públicas (2009).

La Universitat Internacional de Catalunya propone una formación universitaria personalizada

con una clara vocación profesional. El tratamiento individualizado del estudiante se consigue

con un máximo de 80 alumnos por clase y un profesor universitario para cada 11 estudiantes.

La función del profesorado, más allá de garantizar la necesaria formación académica, está

orientada hacia el asesoramiento integral del estudiante en su trayectoria universitaria.

El objetivo es dotar al alumnado de todos los conocimientos, habilidades y aptitudes que exige

el mercado. En coherencia con su ideario, basado en el humanismo cristiano, la UIC pone a

disposición de toda la comunidad universitaria una atención pastoral a través del Servicio de

Capellanía, que está encomendado a la Prelatura del Opus Dei, institución de la Iglesia católica.

Este es el compromiso de la Universitat Internacional de Catalunya con todo su alumnado. Una

universidad donde poder vivir la carrera con intensidad y al máximo nivel.

1.2. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales

La Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales de la UIC tiene como objetivo formar

profesionales del mundo empresarial, dándoles la mejor preparación técnica y humana.

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Bachelor en Tecnología y Producción Industrial


Se pone especial énfasis en la internacionalidad: en las técnicas y las aptitudes necesarias para

facilitar al profesional de la empresa la adaptación y el buen entendimiento con el entorno

internacional, globalizado y continuamente cambiante.

Esto se consigue a través de una buena contribución de contenidos internacionales en el plan

de estudios, la posibilidad de realizar prácticas en empresas multinacionales e internacionales,

el programa de intercambio con universidades europeas y con la exigencia de un alto nivel de

inglés empresarial.

Por este motivo, la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales potencia los vínculos y acuerdos

con el mundo empresarial; así, pues, actualmente cuenta con una buena red de empresas e

instituciones colaboradoras de este proyecto educativo.

Por otro lado, el sistema de evaluación continuada y un trato personalizado con el estudiante

son otros elementos diferenciadores de esta facultad.

Cargo y persona responsable Despacho y correo


Decana de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales

Dra. Marta Mas


[email protected]

Directora Académica del programa ADE+Ingeniería

Dra. Jasmina Berbegal


[email protected]

Coordinadora del programa ADE+Ingeniería

Dra. Dolors Gil


[email protected]

Gerente de Centro

Cristina Abillà


[email protected]

Secretaría alumnos

Maribel Iglesias

Paula Borandi

Marta Segura


[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Los profesores y la relación personal que se establece entre profesores y alumnos es uno de

los grandes activos de la UIC, por ello la asistencia a clase es obligatoria. El uso de teléfonos

móviles tanto en clase como en los exámenes está totalmente prohibido.

El código de indumentaria es casual business, como corresponde a un ambiente de trabajo y


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Bachelor en Tecnología y Producción Industrial


1.3. Doble titulación Bachelor + Ingeniería

La Universitat Internacional de Catalunya junto con el Politecnico di Torino ofrecen la

posibilidad de cursar la doble titulación de Bachelor en Tecnología y Producción Industrial

(título propio UIC) y Laurea Magistrale in Ingengeria della Produzion Industriale e

dell’Innovazione tecnológica (título oficial Politecnico di Torino).

Esta opción ofrece la posibilidad de cursar los estudios en dos países, España e Italia,

realizando además un periodo de seis meses de prácticas en cada país.

Estos estudios se cursan en cinco años y conducen a los títulos siguientes:

� Bachelor en Tecnología y Producción Industrial, título propio de la UIC

� Laurea triennale in Ingegneria della produzione industriale, título ofical del Politecnico

di Torino

� Máster Universitario en Dirección de Empresas y Sistemas de Producción, título oficial

de la UIC

� Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria della produzione industriale e dell'innovazione

tecnológica, título oficial del Politecnico di Torino

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Bachelor en Tecnología y Producción Industrial



1er año – PoliTo 1 Sem. Clases 2 Sem. Clases

3er año – PoliTo 1 Sem. Clases 2 Sem. Clases

2º año – UIC 1 Sem. Clases 2 Sem. Prácticas

Bachelor en Tecnología y Producción Industrial (título propio de la UIC)

Laurea triennale in Ingegneria della produzione industriale (título ofical del Politecnico di Torino)

1er año – UIC 1 Sem. Clases 2 Sem. Clases

2º año – PoliTo 1 Sem. Clases 2 Sem. Prácticas

Máster Universitario en Dirección de Empresas y Sistemas de Producción (título oficial de la UIC)

Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria della produzione industriale e dell'innovazione tecnológica (título

oficial del Politecnico di Torino)

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Bachelor en Tecnología y Producción Industrial



1er año – Politecnico di Torino

Analisi matemática I Sem.1 10 ECTS

Diritto dell’impresa Sem.1 6 ECTS

Informatica Sem.1 8 ECTS

Lingua spagnola livello I e II Sem.1,2 6 ECTS

Lingua inglese livello I Sem.1,2 3 ECTS

Complementi di matemática e fondamenti di fisica Sem.2 10 ECTS

Economia aziendale Sem.2 6 ECTS

Economia politica Sem.2 6 ECTS

2º año – UIC

Dirección de RRHH Sem. 1 6 ECTS

Dirección de Operaciones Sem. 1 6 ECTS

Marketing Sem. 1 6 ECTS

Contabilidad Sem. 1 3 ECTS

Finanzas Sem. 1 6 ECTS

Dirección Financiera 1 Sem. 1 3 ECTS

Optativas (Español 1) Sem. 1 3 ECTS

Optativas (Derecho Europeo) Sem. 1 3 ECTS

Prácticas Sem. 2 24 ECTS

3er año – Politecnico di Torino

Basi di dati e sistema informativi aziendali Sem. 1 6 ECTS

Comunicazione grafica e fabbricazione meccanica Sem. 1 10 ECTS

Materiali di impiego tecnologico Sem. 1 8 ECTS

Sistemi di getion della qualità Sem. 1 6 ECTS

Energetica e Ecologia Sem. 2 10 ECTS

Gestione integrata di fabbrica Sem. 2 6 ECTS

Impianti industriali e sicurezza sul lavoro Sem. 2 10 ECTS

Ricerca operativa Sem. 2 6 ECTS

Prova finale Sem. 2 3 ECTS

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Durante vuestro año en la UIC cada profesor colgará toda la información relativa a su

asignatura (temario, ejercicios, presentaciones, etc…) en la intranet. Podéis acceder a la

intranet con el código de usuario y contraseña que se os proporcionará en Relaciones


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Bachelor en Tecnología y Producción Industrial



4.1. Evaluación continuada

En la UIC el sistema de evaluación difiere en ciertos puntos del que se aplica en Italia. Es

importante saber que la asistencia a clase es obligatoria y que cuenta para la evaluación final.

Los alumnos que se ausenten, deberán avisar con anterioridad y traer un justificante, sino se le

restarán puntos en la nota final. Además de la evaluación continuada, el sistema de evaluación

incorpora la entrega de trabajos, la realización de exámenes parciales, de presentaciones, etc.

4.2. Exámenes UIC

Los exámenes del primer semestre se realizan durante las dos semanas después de las

vacaciones de Navidad. Los exámenes de segunda convocatoria tienen lugar a finales de junio

(ver calendario académico del año vigente).

Una vez se han publicado las notas, el profesor habilitará una fecha para aclarar dudas y

revisar el examen. La revisión no tiene porqué implicar un cambio en la nota obtenida.

¿Qué tipos de convocatoria hay?

Cada matrícula da acceso a dos convocatorias:

� Convocatoria ordinaria: Esta convocatoria tiene lugar en enero, tras finalizar el período

lectivo de clases.

� Segunda convocatoria ordinaria: El estudiante que no apruebe la primera convocatoria

(nota inferior a 5 sobre 10) podrá hacerlo en la segunda convocatoria, siendo en este

caso un 7 la máxima cualificación posible. La segunda convocatoria está abierta sólo a

los que no hayan podido aprobar en la primera convocatoria, excluyendo así la

posibilidad de subir nota.

¿Qué hago si no paso la segunda convocatoria?

En caso de no superar la materia en la segunda convocatoria, el alumno, una vez regresado a

Italia, tiene que matricularse en el siguiente año académico. Esta matrícula no es automática,

siendo el alumno el responsable de solicitarla. El procedimiento es el siguiente:

� Enviar un correo electrónico a secretaría de ADE (Maribel Iglesias, [email protected])

solicitando la matrícula de la asignatura suspendida (indicar nombre de la asignatura).

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� Plazo: esta matrícula puede solicitarse hasta el 15 de septiembre. Pasada esta fecha no

será posible matricularse.

El coste de la matrícula es cero. Si el proceso no se efectúa correctamente (mail dentro del

plazo solicitando la matrícula) el alumno no podrá realizar el examen y deberá esperarse al

siguiente curso académico.

Esta nueva matrícula da acceso a dos convocatoria más de examen (ordinaria +

extraordinaria). Estos exámenes se podrán realizar des del Politecnico de Torino siempre

cuando sea el mismo día y hora que esté programado este examen en la UIC. Sin embargo, si el

caso particular lo requiere, el profesor siempre puede exigir que el alumno venga a hacer el

examen a la UIC. Las fechas se comunicarán a los alumnos tan pronto como salgan publicadas.

Si el alumno no pasa la cuarta convocatoria, podrá solicitar una quinta convocatoria

extraordinaria mediante una instancia que deberá solicitar en secretaría de ADE. En este caso

la Junta de Centro evaluará el expediente del alumno y decidirá si se concede esta

convocatoria adicional.

Respecto al día del examen, como máximo 15 días hábiles antes de la fecha del examen, los

alumnos deben ponerse en contacto con secretaría de ADE de la UIC (Maribel Iglesias,

[email protected]) y la coordinadora del Politecnico (Anna Bellini, [email protected]),

informando de su intención de pasar el examen.

A partir de aquí, las coordinadoras se encargarán de los trámites necesarios para preparar la

supervisión del examen y del envío del mismo al profesor correspondiente a posteriori.

¿Se puede pedir el cambio de una fecha de examen?

La UIC define un calendario de exámenes oficial donde se detalla el día, hora y aula del examen

de cada una de las asignaturas. Un alumno puede pedir un cambio de fecha sólo en tres casos:

1. Enfermedad grave que imposibilita la asistencia al examen en la fecha prevista. Es

necesario justificante médico.

2. Competición deportiva federada de alto nivel que imposibilita la asistencia al examen

en la fecha prevista. Es necesario justificante de la organización del evento.

3. Cita judicial en la fecha del examen. Es necesario justificante.

4.3. Conversión de notas

El sistema académico italiano valora a los estudiantes en una escala de 0-30 donde el

aprobado es a partir de 18. El sistema español, en cambio, valora a los estudiantes en una

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Bachelor en Tecnología y Producción Industrial


escala de 0-10 donde se aprueba con un 5. La conversión de notas entre una universidad y otra

es la siguiente:

Notas UIC Notas PoliTo

5,0 - 5,1 18

5,2 - 5,3 19

5,4 - 5,6 20

5,7 - 5,8 21

5,9 - 6,1 22

6,2 - 6,4 23

6,5 - 6,6 24

6,7 - 6,9 25

7,0 - 7,1 26

7,2 - 7,4 27

7,5 - 7,6 28

7,7 - 7,9 29

8,0 - 8,9 30

9,0 - 10 30L

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5.1. Formalización de la matrícula


Para formalizar la matrícula, los estudiantes deberán adjuntar la siguiente documentación

antes del 20 de julio por correo electrónico a Maribel Iglesias ([email protected]) con copia a la

directora del programa, Jasmina Berbegal ([email protected]):

� Hoja de matrícula

� Application form

� Learning Agreement

� Protección de datos

� Certificado de los exámenes superados

� Certificado del plan de estudios con las notas obtenidas

� Fotocopia del pasaporte o documento nacional de identidad

� Fotocopia de la tarjeta sanitaria europea

La documentación se enviará también por correo postal a:

Maribel Iglesias

Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Secretaria Facultat de Ciències Econòmiques i Socials

C/ Immaculada, 22. Edifici Beta, 5ª planta

08017 Barcelona (España)


Para formalizar la inscripción a la Universidad (necesario para tener el carnet de estudiante,

password para la intranet, etc.) se deberá enviar también la siguiente documentación antes del

15 de julio a Relaciones Internacionales, Belén Aguado ([email protected]):

� 2 fotos tamaño carné a color con fondo blanco

� Rellenar aplicativo internet

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Antes de finalizar la estancia, tenéis que pasar por la oficina de Relaciones Internacionales para

pedir el “Certificate of Stay”. La recogida del “Certificate of Stay” se ha de hacer

obligatoriamente de manera presencial por parte del interesado.

Cargo y persona responsable Horario y correo electrónico

Coordinadora Erasmus+

Belén Aguado

Edificio Beta, planta 3

Lunes, martes, jueves y viernes: de 9:00h a 14:15h y de 16:00 a 18:00h.

Miércoles de 16 a 18h.

[email protected]

[email protected]

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Bachelor en Tecnología y Producción Industrial



¿Cuándo puedo solicitar el título?

Los títulos obtenidos en la UIC no se tramitan automáticamente. El alumno, tiene que

solicitarlo. Desde del momento en que el alumno haya recibido la Laurea in Ingegneria dela

Produzione Industriale, ya se puede proceder a solicitar el título de Bachelor en Tecnología y

Producción Industrial.

¿Qué trámites hay que seguir?

Hay que enviar un correo electrónico a la coordinadora del programa de ADE+Ingeniería,

Dolors Gil ([email protected]), incluyendo la siguiente documentación:

� copia de la Laurea o autocertificado donde consten como superadas todas las

asignaturas que integran la Laurea in Ingegneria della Produzione Industriale y la nota

final obtenida (este documento se puede obtener directamente a través de la intranet

del Politécnico de Torino). Es importante que aparezca la fecha de obtención de la


� fotocopia del DNI

� el nombre completo escrito en mayúsculas, tal y como debe aparecer en el título

¿Cuándo tengo que solicitarlo?

Hay dos periodos: hasta el día 15 de noviembre, durante el primer semestre, o hasta el 15 de

abril en el segundo semestre.

El plazo máximo para solicitarlo es de 5 años desde la fecha de obtención de la Laurea in

Ingegneria dela Produzione Industriale.

¿Qué coste tiene?

No tiene ningún coste.

¿Cómo lo puedo recibir?

El título tarda aproximadamente tres meses. Los alumnos recibirán un correo electrónico

cuando su título ya esté expedido. Se podrá escoger entre pasar a recogerlo por la UIC o

enviarlo por correo postal a Italia.

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A mediados del primer semestre se convocará a todos los alumnos a una sesión informativa

sobre las prácticas. La asistencia a esta reunión es obligatoria y allí se entregará la guía de

prácticas con información detallada sobre las distintas fases del periodo de prácticas. Un

resumen de la información que aparece en la guía de prácticas es el siguiente:

8.1. Funcionamiento

Los alumnos de este plan de estudios (ADE + Ingeniería) realizan prácticas en empresa durante

el segundo semestre del 3er curso, a jornada completa. Atendiendo al plan de Bolonia y a la

evaluación continua de la asignatura, las prácticas se desglosan en tres fases:

1. Fase “previa” a la realización de las prácticas: el objetivo de esta fase es la de dotar al

alumno con la formación necesaria para poder buscar y conseguir prácticas o trabajo

en una empresa, así como impartir sesiones para que el alumno pueda incorporarse

con éxito al mundo laboral. Esta fase se considera clave no solamente en el futuro

profesional del alumno, sino en la consecución de un proyecto de prácticas que motive

al alumno.

2. Fase “durante” la realización de las prácticas: el tutor de la universidad y el tutor de la

empresa tienen como objetivo conseguir potenciar el desarrollo de las capacidades y

actitudes del alumno, al mismo tiempo que se hace un seguimiento del avance de las

funciones y las responsabilidades asumidas por el alumno en la empresa.

3. Fase “posterior” a la realización de las prácticas: esta fase exige la entrega de la

Memoria de prácticas que será evaluada por un tribunal formado por diferentes

profesores de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales.

8.2. Periodo de prácticas en empresas

El periodo de prácticas dura 6 meses: de enero a julio, en horario de jornada completa.

8.3. Calendario de sesiones de formación para prácticas

Durante el primer semestre, el departamento de prácticas organiza sesiones de formación,

para facilitar la inserción del estudiante en la empresa, lo que incluye una reunión donde se

explica el funcionamiento de la asignatura y se hace entrega de la guía de la asignatura con el


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Bachelor en Tecnología y Producción Industrial


8.4. Instituciones de prácticas

Algunas empresas y entidades donde los alumnos de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y

Sociales de la UIC han hecho prácticas en años anteriores son las siguientes:

� Atrápalo

� Banc de Sabadell





� Danone, S.A.

� Ernest & Young

� Federal Mogul

� Ferrero

� Gear Box

� General Electric


� La Caixa

� Nike


8.5. País de realización de las prácticas

Las prácticas se pueden realizar en cualquier país siempre que haya convenio entre la empresa

y la UIC. De todos modos, el alumno debe tener en cuenta que si las prácticas no se realizan en

España, puede haber un conflicto con la gestión de la beca Erasmus. En caso de estar

interesado en hacer las prácticas en el extranjero, y antes de firmar el convenio con la

empresa, os recomendamos consultar las condiciones de vuestra beca con el departamento de

Relaciones Internacionales (Belén Aguado, [email protected]).

8.6. La evaluación de las prácticas

La evaluación de las prácticas es continua y se lleva a cabo mediante cuatro procedimientos:

� La comunicación con el responsable de prácticas UIC sobre la consecución de


� Los informes elaborados por el tutor de empresa sobre el desarrollo del desempeño y

funciones del alumno.

� Las sesiones de seguimiento, en las que los alumnos se reúnen con su tutor de

universidad para trabajar sobre sobre el plan de mejora de las competencias.

� La memoria final de prácticas.

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Bachelor en Tecnología y Producción Industrial


8.7. Departamento de prácticas en empresa

Cargo y persona responsable Correo electrónico

Coordinadora de prácticas de empresa de la Facultad de ADE

Dra. Beatriz Lucaya [email protected]

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Bachelor en Tecnología y Producción Industrial



Los alumnos matriculados en el programa ADE + Ingeniería disponen de todos los servicios que

la Universidad ofrece a sus estudiantes. Para más información sobre estos servicios, contactar

con el Servicio de Estudiantes (ver

9.1. Biblioteca

El alumno tiene a su disposición la biblioteca de la UIC, con material y documentación para el

estudio de las materias del curso. La sala dispone de red informática lo que permite consultar

las bases de datos y tener acceso a la intranet universitaria.

También hay salas de estudio para aquellos alumnos que no vayan a utilizar el material

bibliográfico de la Biblioteca, pero que necesiten un espacio para poder estudiar o trabajar.

Horario de la biblioteca

De lunes a viernes: de 8.30- 21.00

Sábados y domingos y festivos entre semana (de octubre a julio: de 9h a 21h)

9.2. Reprografía

El servicio de reprografía está disponible para el alumnado, profesorado, departamentos y

demás entidades y organismos de la Facultad. Ofrece todo tipo de servicios: fotocopias,

impresión, encuadernación, ediciones digitales, etc.

Servicio de reprografía

Ubicación: alpha 2

Horario: de 7h a 21h

E-mail: [email protected]

9.3. Librería

Toda la comunidad universitaria tiene a su disposición una librería donde se puede adquirir y

encargar la bibliografía recomendada para cada asignatura, así como las novedades más

interesantes del mercado editorial. La librería Garbí también tiene servicio de papelería y venta

de periódicos.

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Bachelor en Tecnología y Producción Industrial


Garbí Barcelona

Ubicación: beta 4

Tel.: 93 417 59 30

E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected]

9.4. Soporte al estudiante

Para más información contactar con:

Servicio de estudiantes

Ubicación: beta 3

Tel.: 93 254 18 00 (ext. 4293)

Persona de contacto: Patricia Domínguez

E-mail: [email protected]

A nivel externo, en la ciudad de Barcelona existe un centro, denominado Barcelona Centre

Universitari, que ofrece diferentes servicios a los estudiantes universitarios de otros países.


9.5. Servicio de Deportes

El Servicio de Deportes de la UIC quiere facilitar la práctica deportiva entre los alumnos de la

UIC. Para ello organiza diferentes eventos y campeonatos deportivos y además coordina ligas

internas e inter-universitarias de varios deportes (futbol, baloncesto, voleyball, etc...).

Servicio de Deportes

Ubicación: beta 3

Persona de contacto: Ernest Martínez

E-mail: [email protected]

9.6. Servicio de Idiomas - Institute for Multilingualism

El Servicio de Idiomas ayuda a toda la comunidad universitaria de la UIC a mejorar el

conocimiento de lenguas extranjeras a través de la enseñanza formal del inglés y del español a

los alumnos extranjeros. Los cursos de español pueden ser presenciales, semi-presenciales u


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Dentro del Servicio de Idiomas, la Unidad de Catalán ofrece cursos gratuitos y subvencionados

de catalán. Así mismo, los estudiantes de la UIC pueden estudiar otros idiomas gracias a los

convenios que hemos subscrito con escuelas de idiomas privadas.

Institute for Multilingualism

Ubicación: Campus Terré (facultad de Educación)

E-mail: [email protected]

Unitat de Català

Ubicación: beta 3

E-mail: [email protected]

9.7. Solidaridad

El Servicio Universitario Solidario (SUS) organiza múltiples actividades solidarias durante el

año, desde recogida de comida para familias desfavorecidas hasta la venta de rosas solidarias,

el reciclaje de libros o la campaña de donación de sangre. Animamos a los alumnos a que

colaboren activamente.

Además, el Servicio Universitario Solidario también ayuda a los alumnos interesados en hacer

algún tipo de voluntariado a encontrar el que más les encaje: voluntariado con niños

desfavorecidos, con personas sin hogar, con personas discapacitadas…

Servicio Universitario Solidario

Ubicación: beta 3

E-mail: [email protected]

9.8. Servicio de capellanía

La Capellanía universitaria de la UIC ofrece sus servicios de atención espiritual a todos los

miembros de la comunidad universitaria que lo deseen, cualesquiera que sean sus creencias.

Para ello, promueve distintas actividades que están abiertas a todas las personas que tengan

interés en participar. Además, los capellanes atienden gustosamente las consultas de todos los

que soliciten su consejo y orientación para el desarrollo de su vida personal, en los aspectos

humanos o espirituales.

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Bachelor en Tecnología y Producción Industrial


Para facilitar la práctica sacramental y la vida de oración, esta universidad cuenta con un

oratorio o capilla en cada campus. En ella, diariamente se celebra la Eucaristía y se atiende a

los que deseen recibir el Sacramento de la Penitencia.

La Capellanía colabora con el servicio de Universitarios Solidarios, en proyectos de solidaridad

y ayuda a los más necesitados: atención de enfermos y ancianos, campañas de recogida de

alimentos y medicinas, tareas de promoción en países del tercer mundo y otras iniciativas de

voluntariado y cooperación social.

9.9. Alojamiento en Barcelona

Las empresas de servicios que gestionan alojamientos para estudiantes no dependen de la UIC

y, en ningún caso, ésta se responsabiliza de sus ofertas. Así mismo, los Colegios Mayores y

Residencias Universitarias son autónomos en cuanto a su propia organización: precios, número

de plazas, horarios, servicios, actividades, etc.

Para más información:

9.10. Alumni

Es un servicio al que pueden acceder todos los estudiantes de la UIC. Las ventajas a las que

pueden acceder son: formación continua, consultas y orientación profesional, bolsa de trabajo,

plataforma de productos y servicios, etc.

Además organizan encuentros periódicos para mantener vivo el contacto de la UIC con los

antiguos Alumnos y de estos entre sí. También impulsan y promocionan las actividades

docentes, la formación continua y la investigación realizada por la universidad.


Ubicación: beta 3

E-mail: [email protected]

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Bachelor en Tecnología y Producción Industrial



Año académico previo a la UIC (1er curso en el Politecnico de Torino)

Fecha Descripción

20 Julio Fecha límite para la matrícula

Año académico en la UIC (2º curso)

Fecha Descripción

Septiembre (2ª semana) Sesión bienvenida

15 Septiembre Pago matrícula: 1er plazo pago fraccionado

15 Octubre Pago matrícula: pago único / 2º plazo pago fraccionado

15 Noviembre Pago matrícula: 3er plazo pago fraccionado

15 Diciembre Pago matrícula: 4º plazo pago fraccionado

Enero (1ª y 2ª semana) Exámenes: convocatoria ordinaria

1 Febrero Fecha inicio periodo prácticas en empresa

Junio-Julio Exámenes: segunda convocatoria ordinaria

Julio “Certificate of Stay” (Relaciones Internacionales)

Año académico posterior a la estancia en la UIC (3er curso en el Politecnico de Torino)

Fecha Descripción

Enero (1ª y 2ª semana) Exámenes: convocatoria ordinaria

Junio-Julio Exámenes: segunda convocatoria ordinaria

Dos años académicos después de la estancia en la UIC (4º curso)

Fecha Descripción

20 Septiembre Fecha límite para solicitar la matrícula de las asignaturas suspendidas en la UIC

15 Noviembre Fecha límite 1ª convocatoria para solicitar el título de Bachelor en Tecnología y Producción Industrial

15 Abril Fecha límite 2ª convocatoria para solicitar el título de Bachelor en Tecnología y Producción Industrial

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Bachelor en Tecnología y Producción Industrial



Trámite Persona de contacto

Primera matrícula Maribel Iglesias

Jasmina Berbegal

Pago matrícula Maribel Iglesias

Matrícula asignaturas suspendidas Maribel Iglesias

Calendario de exámenes, fechas de inicio de clases Maribel Iglesias

Certificado oficial del expediente académico Maribel Iglesias

Certificado estudiante UIC Maribel Iglesias

Falta de asistencia en una clase Profesor correspondiente

Fechas de revisión de exámenes de asignaturas Profesor correspondiente

Notas de la asignatura Profesor correspondiente

Obtención carnet estudiante Patricia Domínguez / Belén Aguado

Passwords para la intranet Patricia Domínguez / Belén Aguado

Temas relativos a la movilidad Belén Aguado

Obtener un documento oficial donde conste que estoy matriculado en la UIC para la obtención del NIE

Belén Aguado

“Certificate of Stay” Belén Aguado

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Italiano 3 (09485) (2017-2018)

- Introduction

L’obiettivo principale del presente programma è di dotare gli studenti delle abilità e conoscenze necessarie perché possano seguire con profitto le lezioni in Italia. A questo fine, si presterà particolare attenzione allo sviluppo delle abilità linguistiche di comprensione orale e scritta. Essendo questo corso la continuazione di Lingua Italiana 2, si continueranno a fornire alla studente solide basi grammaticali e lessicali su cui potrà in seguito costruire autonomamente il proprio apprendiemento in Italia.

Il programma consta di 3 parti: lezioni magistrali, attività tutorate e apprendimento autonomo. Nelle lezioni magistrali gli studenti analizzeranno la lingua e gli usi della stressa, nonché strategie per migliorare la comprensione orale e scritta. Praticheranno inoltre quanto appreso interagendo in gruppi ridotti. Le attività tutorate hanno come scopo lo sviluppo delle competenze interpersonali degli studenti e prevedono la realizzazione di un lavoro di gruppo soggetto a valutazione. L’ultima parte, l’apprendimenot autonomo, consiste sia nel consolidamento della grammatica e del lessico impartito sia in esercitazioni pratiche volte a migliorare l’espressione scritta e la comprensione scritta e orale.

Tutte e tre le parti sono state concepite appositamente per fornire allo studente quelle abilità, conoscenze e risorse necessarie per miglioare le proprie competenze comunicative in italiano

- Pre-course requirements

Il livello minimo complessivo richiesto per accedere al corso è A2.2.

- Objectives

Lezioni magistrali:

Preparare e dotare gli studenti delle conoscenze lessicali e morfosintattiche necessarie per la realizzazione di attività di espressione orale e scritta.

Migliorare le abilità ricettive di lettura e comprensione orale per consentire loro di seguire con profitto le lezioni in Italia.

Attività tutorate:

Sviluppare le competenze interpersonali e quelle necessarie per collaborare nella propria lingua madre e nella lingua straniera.

Apprendimento autonomo:

Consolidare le conoscenze della morfosintatssi e del lessico visto in classe, praticare la comprensione orale e scritta.

Inoltre, si svilupperà la capacità per l’apprendimento autonomo della lingua e si monitoreranno i progressi di ogni studente mediante un LMS (piattaforma Moodle) .

- Competencies

Competenze linguistiche in italiano (competenza 67)

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1. Le competenze linguistiche in Italiano, secondo il Quadro comune europeo di riferimento per le lingue sono le seguenti:

Produzione orale

a. È in grado di descrivere o presentare in modo semplice persone, condizioni di vita o di lavoro, compiti quotidiani, di indicare che cosa piace o non piace ecc. con semplici espressioni e frasi legate insieme, così da formare un elenco (A2).

Comprensione orale

b. È in grado di comprendere quanto basta per soddisfare bisogni di tipo concreto, purché si parli lentamente e chiaramente (A2.2)

Produzione scritta

c. È in grado di scrivere una serie di semplici espressioni frasi legate da semplici connettivi quali “e”, “ma” e “perché” (A2).

Comprensione di un testo scritto

d. È in grado di comprendere testi brevi e semplici che contengano lessico ad altissima frequenza. (A2.1)

e. È in grado di trovare informazioni specifiche e prevedibili in semplice materiale di uso corrente quali inserzioni, prospetti, menù, cataloghi e orari. (A2)

Competenze non linguistiche in italiano.

1. È in grado di sviluppare abilità nelle relazioni interpersonali e nel lavoro di gruppo (competenza 52)

2. È in grado di acquisire abilità per l’apprendimento autonomo (competenza 53) 3. È in grado di realizzare esercizi di autovalutazione. (competenza 58) 4. È in grado di pianificare ed organizzare il lavoro. (competenza 64)

28 - To be able to work in another language and use terminology and structures related to the economic-business world.

39 - To acquire the abilities to solve problems and make decisions using relevant information, applying the appropriate methods and placing the problem within the organisation as a whole.

46 - To acquire the ability to understand and participate in conferences and lectures in an academic context.

50 - To acquire the ability to relate concepts and carry out analytical exercises and their synthesis.

54 - To be able to express ones' ideas and formulate arguments in a logical and coherent way, both verbally and in written form.

60 - To acquire knowledge that encourages respect for other cultures and customs.

67 - To be able to express oneself in other languages.

52 - To be able to develop abilities for interpersonal relationships and teamwork.

53 - To acquire skills for independent learning.

58 - To be able to carry out self-evaluation exercises.

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64 - To be able to plan and organise one's work.

27 - To be able to read and understand literature on economic and business issues.

- Learning outcomes

Gli studenti dovranno acquisire le competenze sopraindicate, raggungendo un livello B1-B1.2.

Competenze linguistiche in italiano (competenza 67)

1. Lo studente acquisirà le seguenti competenze:

Produzione orale

a. Sarà in grado di produrre, in modo ragionevolmente scorrevole, una descrizione semplice di uno o più argomenti che rientrano nel suo capo di interesse, strutturandola in una sequenza lineare di punti. (B1)

Comprensione orale

b. Sarà in grado di comprendere informazioni fattuali chiare su argomenti comuni relativi alla vita di tutti i giorni o al lavoro, riconoscendo sia il significato generale sia le informazioni specifiche, purché il discorso sia pronunciato con chiarezza in un accento piuttosto famigliare. (B1.2)

Produzione scritta

c. Su una gamma di argomenti familiari che rientrano nel suo campo d’interesse sarà in grado di scrivere testi lineari e coesi, unendo in una sequenza lineare una serie di brevi espressioni distinte. (B1)

Comprensione di un testo scritto

d. Sarà in grado di leggere testi fattuali semplici e lineari su argomenti che si riferiscono al suo campo d’interesse raggiungendo un sufficiente livello di comprensione. (B1)

e. Sarà in grado di scorrere testi di una certa lunghezza alla ricerca di informazioni specifiche e di reperire in punti diversi di un testo o in testi diversi le informazioni necessarie per portare a termine un compito specifico. (B1.2)

Competenze non linguistiche

1. Sarà in grado di sviluppare abilità nelle relazioni interpersonali e nel lavoro di gruppo (competenza 52)

2. Acquisirà abilità per l’apprendimento autonomo (competenza 53)

3. Sarà in grado di autovalutare il proprio lavoro. (competenza 58)

4. Sarà in grado di pianificare ed organizzare il proprio lavoro. (competenza 64)

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- Syllabus


Gli studenti lavoreranno su temi relativi alla loro realtà quotidiana e accademica: parlare di temi di attualità, fare supposizioni, esprimere una condizione e una conseguenza, esprimere opinioni e motivarle.

Conoscenze linguistiche:

Gli studenti consolideranno e approfondiranno le proprie conoscenze previe e impareranno il futuro semplice, il condizionale composto, imperfetto e trapassato, i pronomi combinati, le ipotetiche del II e III tipo, la costruzione passiva e alcuni dei connettori di uso più frequente.

- Teaching and learning activities

Allo scopo di sviluppare le abilità linguitiche dello studente (espressione orale e scritta, comprensione orale e scritta) mediante un approccio comunicativo, si utlizzeranno materiali di diversa natura e si realizzeranno vari tipi di attività in classe (soprattutto attività “task based” e produzione libera orale) in cui cli studenti potranno praticare quanto appreso. Si useranno materiali autentici non adattati come ad esempio video, spezzoni di film e programmi radiofonici per le esercitazioni di presa di appunti e sintesi.

Lo studio autonomo con materiale multimediale online e la realizzazione di un lavoro di gruppo offrirà allo studente gli stimoli e la pratica necessaria per raggiungere gli obiettivi previsti, in modo da sviluppare un’autonomia che gli sarà utile nel corso dei propri studi e della propria attività accademica e professionale.

- Bibliography and resources

Materiali di classe

Materiale fornito dal professore

Materiale online per l’apprendimento autonomo:

Esercizi ed attività supplementari erogate tramite un LMS (Moodle)

Comprenderanno, oltre ad esercizi interattivi con autocorrezione:

a) Forum di discussione.

b) Video e file audio

b) Esercizi di espressione libera orale

- Evaluation systems and criteria

Le lezioni magistrali si basseranno sulle competenze linguistiche descritte nel QCERL (il Quadro comune europeo di riferimento per le lingue) e saranno valutate come segue:

Esami: 60% 60 %

1.8 ECTS

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Il progetto tutorato ha come obiettivo un apprendimento “task based” in cui il rendimento dello studente sarà valutato in base alle competenze descritte nel QCERL e alle competenze del corso di laurea.

Trabajo: 30 % 30%

0.9 ECTS

Il programma di apprendimento autonomo o di studio individuale comprende una serie di attività online guidate che gli alunni realizzeranno e completeranno al di fuori dell’orario di lezione. Tali attività obbligatorie saranno ospitate sulla piattaforma Moodle e avranno come obiettivo il potenziamento dell’autonomia dello studente nell’apprendimento della lingua, consentendo inoltre di fornire un’attenzione personalizzata all’alunno in base ai suoi bisogni e interessi personali.

Al termine di ogni unità didattica lo studente dovrà sottoporsi a un breve quiz che si valuterà in base alle competenze del corso di laurea e/o del Quadro comune europeo di riferimento per le lingue (QCERL). Inoltre dovrà svolgere 1 esercizio di produzione scritta (forum) e 1 scambio linguistico orale con un compagno italiano.

Realizzazione dei quiz e delle attività online 10%

10 %

0.3 ECTS

Si ricorda agli studenti che l'assistenza e la partecipazione in classe e la realizzazione degli esercizi e attività online è fondamentale per la promozione. Non sarà possibile passare il corso se non si è assistito ad almeno l'80% delle lezioni. Gli studenti che per ragioni di salute non potranno assistere a uno degli esami dovranno consegnare al docente una giustificazione firmata dal medico all'inizio della lezione successiva.

- Office Hours

Online: [email protected]

- Teaching and learning material

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Derecho Europeo (09486) (2017-2018)

- Introduction

The institutionalization and deepening of the EU justifies the interest in Community law and the need to provide students with a working knowledge of its institutions and the legal system and the basic content areas or regulation.

- Pre-course requirements

- Objectives

The course allows students to understand the phenomenon of European integration, the study of the institutional system, and the legal community, from the perspective of relations with the domestic and guarantee mechanisms for implementation.

- Competencies

41 - To be able to descriptively summarise information.

45 - To be able to work with academic papers.

46 - To acquire the ability to understand and participate in conferences and lectures in an academic context.

33 - To be able to search for, interpret and convey information.

50 - To acquire the ability to relate concepts and carry out analytical exercises and their synthesis.

53 - To acquire skills for independent learning.

56 - To be able to create arguments which are conducive to critical and self-critical thinking.

65 - To acquire the ability to put knowledge into practice.

66 - To be able to retrieve and manage information.

- Learning outcomes

1. Will have acquired a solid understanding of the history of European integration and the development of the institutional system 2. Know and understand the rules applicable to Community freedoms and content of policies in this area 3. Will have acquired skills and abilities to apply Community law in terms of the desired practical purpose 4. Will have acquired skills for teamwork 5. Be sensitive to the promotion of respect for other cultures and customs 6. Have acquired sensitivity to issues of fundamental rights 7. It will be able to find information, interpret and use it to solve practical cases or performing work on this subject 8. It will be able to project the knowledge of this matter in the subsumption judgment on case studies 9. Will have acquired skills for independent learning.

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- Syllabus

I. ORIGIN AND EVOLUTION OF EUROPEAN INTEGRATION. THE EUROPEAN UNION AND ITS MEMBER Item 1. Origin and development of the European Communities: nature and process of institutionalization 1.1. Objectives and deepening of EU integration. 1.2. The original treaties system: principles and freedoms community, methods to be performed. 1.3. Successive reforms. 1.4. The Single Act. 1.5. Economic integration in the Internal Market in the Economic and Monetary Union. 1.6. The Treaty on European Union: nature, structure, principles and objectives. 1.7. Citizenship of the Union. 1.8. The reform of the EU Treaty: the Treaty of Maastricht to the Treaty of Amsterdam. The Treaty of Nice. 1.9. Advances in Political Union. 1.10. The enlargement of the Union and its members: the accession processes and future enlargements. 1.11. The draft Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe. 1:12 The Lisbon Treaty. II. INSTITUTIONAL SYSTEM OF THE EUROPEAN UNION Item 2. Organic Institutional (I) 2.1. The unique setting and characteristics of the institutional system: the principle of institutional balance. 2.2. Media: headquarters staff, the language regime. 2.3. The Union Council: composition, organization, operation, and competencies. 2.4. Special reference to COREPER. 2.5. It: origin, composition and functions. Item 3. Institutional and organizational structure (II) 3.1. The European Commission: composition, appointment and organization. Operation and expertise. 3.2. The European Parliament: composition and internal organization. Operation and expertise. Item 4. Institutional and organizational structure (III) 4.1. The Community judicial system. 4.2. The Court: composition and organization. 4.3. Competencies: contentious and advisory. 4.4. The General Court: composition, functions and powers, relations with the ECJ. 4.5. The Civil Service Tribunal 4.5. The Court of Auditors: general considerations on the EU financial system and skills. III. Community law Item 5. Community law (I) 5.1. Introduction, general characteristics of the source systems. 5.2. Consideration of the principle of conferral, subsidiarity and transparency. 5.3. The primary law: founding treaties. 5.4. Characteristics, scope, review. Item 6. Community law (II) 6.1. Legislation. 6.2. Typical actions required: a) regulation, b) Directive; c) decision. 6.3. The typical non-binding acts: a) recommendations, b) opinions. 6.4. The standard acts. Item 7. Community law (III) 7.1. The general principles of law.

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7.2. Special consideration to the protection of the rights and freedoms of the individual. 7.3. The role of the doctrine of the ECJ in community integration. 7.4. International law and the agreements signed by the Community. 7.5. The complementary right. IV. IMPLEMENTATION OF EUROPEAN COMMUNITY LAW. RELATIONS BETWEEN Community legal order and domestic legal systems. Item 8. The principles governing the relationship between Community law and national laws 8.1. The direct effect: rationale, conditions, type with special reference to the directives. 8.2. The primacy: rationale, consequences. 8.3. Special reference to the relationship with the constitutional requirements. 8.4. State liability for damage caused by the breach of Community law. Item 9. The legislative and administrative implementation of Community law by government bodies: the Spanish case 9.1. The principle of institutional and procedural autonomy. 9.2. Consideration of Articles 93 and 96 of the Spanish Constitution and the development and implementation of Community legislation. 9.3. Participation of the ACs in this process. Item 10. The Community jurisdiction 10.1. Cooperation between the domestic courts and Community courts in ensuring implementation of system resources: review for Community. 10.2. Special reference to: a) infringement action, b) annulment, c) action for failure, d) action for damages. Item 11. The internal and Community Court Judge: special reference to Spanish 11.1. The question: standing object effects. 11.2. Examination of some of the resources referred posed by Spanish courts. 11.3. The individual or person with Community law: questions of legitimacy the right to effective judicial protection contribution ECJ doctrine. Item 12. The creation of an Economic and Monetary Union. 12.1. The concept of free movement community. Principles and methods of implementation of Community freedoms. 12.2. EU policies. Advances. Item 13. The free movement of goods. 13.1. The concept of merchandise. 13.2 Legal Content: the establishment of the Customs Union, the abolition of quantitative restrictions and measures having equivalent effect, removal of technical barriers. Item 14. The free movement of persons and services. 14.1. Notion of free movement of persons in the Treaty. 14.2. The free movement of workers. 14.3. Evolution of the concept of free movement of persons and services. Item 15. The free movement of capital. 15.1. Free movement of capital: legal content. 15.2. Moves towards economic and monetary union. Item 16. The external relations of the European Union. 16.1. Conclusion of international treaties. 16.2. Relations in trade. 16.3. Foreign relations of development cooperation. 16.4. The common foreign and security policy.

- Teaching and learning activities

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- Bibliography and resources

Victoria Abellán Honrubia / Vilà Costa Blanca, (eds.), Lessons of European Community Law, 6th ed, Barcelona, 2011. V, Abellan Honrubia; Blanca Vila; JLPiñol; Practices of European Community Law, Tecnos, 2003 Mattera, A., The European Single Market. His rules. Its operation, Civitas, Madrid, 1991. Gil Carlos Rodríguez Iglesias / D. Linan Nogueras J, European law Judicial application., Civitas, Madrid, 1993. Damaso Ruiz-Jarabo Colomer, the national courts as Community Courts, Journal of European Studies, London, 1993. Mangas Martín, A.; LIÑAN NOGUERAS. D.; Institutions and European Union law, Tecnos, 5th edition, Madrid, 2005.

- Evaluation systems and criteria

70% of the grade corresponds to the exam. To pass the subject it is necessary to reach a 4/10 on the exam and pass the continuous assesment.

30% of the grade corresponds to continuous assessment: attendance, participation, written and oral practices.

- Office Hours

A student's application via mail

- Teaching and learning material


EU Law eulaw.pptx

EU Economy eueconomy.pptx

EU History and Challenges euhistoryandchallenges_ade.pptx

EU Institutions euinstitutions_ade_def.pptx

EU Policies eupolicies.pptx

European Law Presentation presentacionderechoue_ade.pptx

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Espanyol 1 (09484) (2017-2018)

- Introduction

The aim of this programme is primarily to provide students with the skills and knowledge to practice and perform the linguistic tasks related to the academic and professional use of Spanish. Emphasis is given to the linguistic skills of speaking and writing using a communicative approach whilst short texts are also used to deepen their knowledge and understanding of language structures and use of new vocabulary.

The programme contains 3 elements that include class-based lessons, tutorials and self study. The teacher-led lessons focus on speaking and writing for academic and professional purposes whilst the reading activities are based on various aspects related to work, culture and society. Tutorials will focus on student development and interpersonal skills and will include an evaluated group project. The final part being the self study or ‘distance learning’ element which primarily focuses on developing listening skills, consolidating grammar and increasing the autonomy of the learner with respect to learning a foreign language.

All three elements have been specifically designed to provide students with the skills, knowledge and resources that will increase their confidence in order to communicate effectively in Spanish.

- Pre-course requirements

Preferred minimum global level is that of a B1+ before the start of the course.

- Objectives


To prepare and equip students with the necessary lexical and grammatical knowledge and understanding in order to become effective communicators in Spanish in everyday personal and academic contexts.

To reinforce the receptive skills of reading and listening through practice, using a variety of stimuli and to facilitate the improvement of the productive skills of speaking and writing.


To develop students’ interpersonal skills and ability to work with others in both native and an additional language.

Self Study:

To develop listening skills and familiarization with different accents and vocabulary related to common situations and those of an academic context, consolidate grammar usage and train students in how to learn a language independently using ICT and internet based resources.

- Competencies

Linguistic competencies in Spanish:

To be able to communicate in other languages (competency 67)

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1. The use of Spanish (linguistic competencies) is based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages where students will be able to:

Oral production

a. Carry out with reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward description of one

of a variety of subjects within his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear

sequence of points (B1*)

Spoken interaction

b. Can communicate with some confidence on familiar routine and non-routine

matters related to his/her interests and professional field. (B1.2)

Written production

c. Write straightforward connected texts on a range of familiar subjects within

their field of interest, by linking a series of shorter discrete elements into a

linear sequence (B1*)

Overall reading comprehension

d. Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects related to his/her field and

interest with a satisfactory level of comprehension (B1*)

Listening as a member of a live audience

e. Can follow in outline straightforward short talks on familiar topics provided

these are delivered in clearly articulated standard speech (B1.1*)

Non-linguistic competencies in Spanish

1. To be able to develop interpersonal relations and to work in a team (competency 52).

2. To be able to organise and plan their work (competency 64).

3. To acquire the ability to learn autonomously (competency 53)

4. To be able to self evaluate their learning (competency 58).

- Learning outcomes

Students are expected to achieve or surpass one of the above competencies at a level B1/ B1+.

Linguistic competencies in Spanish:

To be able to communicate in other languages (competency 67)

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1. The use of Spanish (linguistic competencies) is based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages where students will be able to:

Oral production

a. Carry out with reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward description of one

of a variety of subjects within his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear

sequence of points (B1*)

Spoken interaction

b. Can communicate with some confidence on familiar routine and non-routine

matters related to his/her interests and professional field. (B1.2)

Written production

c. Write straightforward connected texts on a range of familiar subjects within

their field of interest, by linking a series of shorter discrete elements into a linear

sequence (B1*)

Overall reading comprehension

d. Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects related to his/her field and

interest with a satisfactory level of comprehension (B1*)

Listening as a member of a live audience

e. Can follow in outline straightforward short talks on familiar topics provided

these are delivered in clearly articulated standard speech (B1.1*)

Non-linguistic competencies in Spanish

1. To be able to develop interpersonal relations and to work in a team (competency 52).

2. To be able to organise and plan their work (competency 64).

3. To acquire the ability to learn autonomously (competency 53)

4. To be able to self-evaluate their learning (competency 58).

*Students already demonstrating linguistic skills at a level B1/B1+ will be expected to work towards demonstrating these skills at a level B2 or above.

- Syllabus

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- Teaching and learning activities

In order to develop the linguistic skills of the students (speaking, writing, reading and listening), a variety of classroom materials and range of activities will be employed using a communicative approach. At the same time, students will be expected to actively participate and use their newly acquired knowledge in pairs and small groups.

Emphasis will also be given to preparation for self-study using distance learning tools and internet materials, and this will form an essential part of the course, equipping and motivating students for the life-long learning of Spanish.

- Bibliography and resources

Class-based materials

Expertos: "Curso avanzado de español orientado al mundo del trabajo"

Marcelo Tano, Difusión Centro de Investigación y Publicaciones

Libro del alumno

ISBN: 978-84-8443-586-0

- Evaluation systems and criteria

Actividad Porcentaje de la nota final Explicación

Actividades en línea

Examen parcial

Proyectos en grupo

Examen final

Asistencia y participación activa

- Office Hours

By appointment

- Teaching and learning material

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Finances (09483) (2017-2018)

- Introduction

This course introduces the theories, knowledge, and financial tools an entrepreneur needs to start, build, and eventually harvest a successful venture.

- Pre-course requirements

Financial Management I

- Objectives

This course aims to:

To show students how to apply today’s most effective corporate finance tools and techniques to their own entrepreneurial ventures

To focus on sound financial management practices, showing students how and where to obtain the financial capital necessary to run and grow a venture.

To explore the most important financial issues that entrepreneurs face, particularly the stages of financing, business cash flow models, and strategic positioning of the early-stage company.

- Competencies

01 - To know, understand and apply the methods, techniques and specialised instruments specific to accounting.

02 - To know and know how to interpret and apply current accounting standards.

03 - To select and adequately apply applicable accounting alternatives.

04 - To understand and know how to use financial terms within a business framework.

05 - To know how finance departments function in companies.

06 - To know how to apply the main policies for capital structure and asset management.

30 - To know information systems models: relational databases and mis, dss, eis, crm, scm, bi, km, erp, bpms models.

31 - To develop the ability to identify and interpret numerical data.

32 - To acquire problem solving skills based on quantitative and qualitative information.

50 - To acquire the ability to relate concepts and carry out analytical exercises and their synthesis.

51 - To develop decision making skills.

52 - To be able to develop abilities for interpersonal relationships and teamwork.

53 - To acquire skills for independent learning.

54 - To be able to express ones' ideas and formulate arguments in a logical and coherent way, both verbally and in written form.

59 - To skillfully use software and ICTs.

- Learning outcomes

Students gain the knowledge to interact successfully with financial institutions and the regulatory agencies that are central to financing ventures as they grow and, ultimately, look for liquidity for their investors. By using the case methodology students are involved and learn as they examine concepts such as venture capital funds, institutional investors, and strategic alliances. This course also provides the student with a thorough understanding of the role of business angels, licensing agreements, and exit strategies. Summarizing this course aims to provide the knowledge and skills today’s students need for entrepreneurial success.

- Syllabus

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1. Introduction and Overview.

2. From the Idea to the Business Plan.

3. Organizing and Financing a New Venture.

4. Measuring Financial Performance.

5. Evaluating Financial Performance.

6. Financial Planning: Short Term and Long Term

7. Types and Costs of Financial Capital.

8. Securities Law Considerations When Obtaining Venture Financing.

9. Valuing Early-Stage Ventures.

10. Venture Capital Valuation Methods.

11. Professional Venture Capital.

12. Other Financing Alternatives.

13. Security Structures and Determining Enterprise Values.

14. Harvesting the Business Venture Investment.

15. Financially Troubled Ventures: Turnaround Opportunities?

- Teaching and learning activities

Lectures Practical classes Self-learning activities Supervised work

- Bibliography and resources

Entrepreneurial Finance, 4th Edition J. Chris Leach University of Colorado at Boulder Ronald W. Melicher University of Colorado at Boulder ISBN-10: 0538478152 ISBN-13: 9780538478151

- Evaluation systems and criteria

* 40% Midterm

* 40% Final

* 20% attendance and participation

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Dirección de RRHH (09481) (2017-2018)

- Introduction


The purpose of this course is to present a holistic view of Human Resources. We will analyze the HR function from two perspectives:

1. Integration between HR and Company strategy

2. Which are the HR policies and practices and how do they support company strategy.

We see Human Resources as a strategic tool basic for the success of every company.

During the lectures and seminars of the course, theory and practice will be applied in order to show the main aspects of each policy and how they are applied. Exercises, cases discussions, readings of articles and workshops will be delivered in order to facilitate the understanding of the HR function.

The course has been designed taking an international perspective as most of you will work either for multinational companies or in other countries.

Local Spanish practices are not the main focus of this subject (as this is not a course about Spanish legislation).

- Pre-course requirements

- Objectives


1. To understand the role of the HR function within the firm and the integration with company strategy.

2. To know and to develop the necessary skills to perform the HR function.

3. To learn how HR can be a key partner in every business decision.

4. To understand-from both an strategic and operational point of view- processes in the area of HR management plus the techniques and management tools applied to the following areas: Recruiting and hiring; HR Administration; Compensation and Rewards; Training and Development; Performance Management; Labor Relations, Cross Cultural Management, Motivation, Leadership and People Management skills.

- Competencies

39 - To acquire the abilities to solve problems and make decisions using relevant information, applying the appropriate methods and placing the problem within the organisation as a whole.

41 - To be able to descriptively summarise information.

48 - To be able to identify the information needs in order to manage the main departments within organisations.

50 - To acquire the ability to relate concepts and carry out analytical exercises and their synthesis.

51 - To develop decision making skills.

52 - To be able to develop abilities for interpersonal relationships and teamwork.

53 - To acquire skills for independent learning.

61 - To develop skills for adapting to new situations.

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63 - To be able to analyse business related behaviour and decisions and evaluate them from an economic, social and ethical point of view.

65 - To acquire the ability to put knowledge into practice.

31 - To develop the ability to identify and interpret numerical data.

32 - To acquire problem solving skills based on quantitative and qualitative information.

33 - To be able to search for, interpret and convey information.

37 - To be able to apply managerial methods, tools and techniques.

- Learning outcomes

Please read Course Objectives.

- Syllabus


The purpose of this syllabus is to cover a 360º perspective on current Human Resources practices, current tendencies and innovative practices in different business models and sectors.

1. Introduction to Human Resources Management 2. Basic processes in HRM: The analysis and design of work 3. Acquisition of HR: HR planning, recruitment, selection, placement, Training, new orientation programme 4. Performance management and employee development 5. Compensation of Human Resources: Pay structure decisions, Recognizing employee contribution, Cost-Benefit analysis 6. Styles of direction: Motivation and leadership 7. Labour Management and corporate values 8.Managing HR globally

- Teaching and learning activities

The following activities will be considered:

Lectures will start on the 10th of September ending on the 18th of December. Thursdays and Fridays.

The main purpose of the sessions is to provide the theoretical ground which will be crucial to acquire a general understanding of the Human Resources function. The course has a very business approach but nevertheless we need to understand the theory and overall practices in to understand and achieve the learning objectives the subject. The mind set behind will prepare the student to study practices, policies and procedures in the HR world regarding the business environment.

Within the 2 hours session there will be a mix of lecture and practical activities

team works within the class

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From September practical work will began. The purpose of the practical sessions is to provide a setup where students can apply the concepts acquired during the lectures and previous readings. By following this methodology students will develop a way of reasoning and understanding of the subject from a pragmatic point of view.

Case discussion:

During the session students will read individually the case, in groups will discuss in teams and in consensus will prepare the questions provided by the professor. Later one member of each team will present the outcome of the case. In this way we will have a 360º view of the case, a great number of hypothesis and conclusions. Later a course of action result of the group analysis will be presented by another team.


In small groups of 2 or 3 participants, students will play different roles to simulate real situations in which they have to apply HR knowledge and practices (e.g. performance reviews, selection process, salary negotiation, conflict resolutions, etc.)

A short report:

Every student will write a short report about the HR functions carried at a local firm. The essay needs to be 5 pages long maximum and it will be delivered by the 5th of November .

Individual work:

Each student needs to prepare, review and study for mid term and final exam.

Both exams will consist of short questions of all the material covered and reviewed in the classroom. The student can search and add additional info according to his/her personal investigation and readings.


Each student will have to make an oral presentation to the class choosing one of the topics provided in the class in advance. The presentations will be held at the end of december.


case studies magister class classroom practice (solving problems/videos/text comments/essays) individual study report presentations & discussions solving problems at classroom

- Bibliography and resources

Basic bibliography (compulsoy, available on the Library of the University) Human Resources Management, gaining a competitive strategy Aut. Noe, Hollenbeck et al. Ed.: Mc Graw Hill, 2012

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Additional bibliography:

1. The HR Scorecard: Linking People, Strategy, and Performance. Authors Dave Ulrich, Mark A.

Huselid and Brian E. Becker (Mar 2001)

Other resources:

Webs and blogs:

Harvard Business Review


Presentations will be published at the campus.

- Evaluation systems and criteria

Evaluation systems and criteria:

Grading policy:

1. Mid term and final exam 50% 2. Continous evaluation 30% (final presentation, short report 5th of november, summary

writing of case studies) 3. Attendance and Class participation 20% (Business cases and readings are included in

class participation discussed in the class)

- Office Hours

Please confirm the meeting previously via e-mail:

[email protected]

- Teaching and learning material


Rethinking RRHH 1repensandorrhh.pdf

Job evaluation 3valoraciondepuestos.pdf

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Marketing (09478) (2017-2018)

- Introduction

Nowadays, deep knowledge of the market, competitors and customers is a pivotal factor to maintain any organization alive in a competitive environment. For that reason, marketing strategies are getting more important in all companies decisions. Marketing is not only a set of instruments to be implemented in the sales area; it is also a management culture around the organization, even in non-profit ones. It is very important, for a student education, to develop marketing and commercial knowledge and skills.

- Pre-course requirements

Commitment to learn and enjoy

- Objectives

Gain knowledge and understanding about the basic marketing concepts.

Describe how the external and internal factors affect the company marketing decisions.

Analyze the consumer’s buying behavior and its effects in the marketing applied by the companies.

Analyze the marketing strategies applied by a company in a given market.

- Competencies

32 - To acquire problem solving skills based on quantitative and qualitative information.

34 - To develop the ability to foresee situations and anticipate events as well as be able to recognize and interpret an economic situation within a specific context.

50 - To acquire the ability to relate concepts and carry out analytical exercises and their synthesis.

51 - To develop decision making skills.

53 - To acquire skills for independent learning.

54 - To be able to express ones' ideas and formulate arguments in a logical and coherent way, both verbally and in written form.

56 - To be able to create arguments which are conducive to critical and self-critical thinking.

61 - To develop skills for adapting to new situations.

62 - To acquire mechanisms that facilitate the adoption of ethical commitments.

63 - To be able to analyse business related behaviour and decisions and evaluate them from an economic, social and ethical point of view.

65 - To acquire the ability to put knowledge into practice.

52 - To be able to develop abilities for interpersonal relationships and teamwork.

25 - To know the commercial function of a company and understand its objectives.

26 - To be able to understand and use basic marketing concepts and principles, know policies in the field and understand the commercial environment in which these companies run.

- Learning outcomes

Understanding the Commercial and Marketing department of a company.

- Syllabus

1. Introduction to Marketing

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2. Strategic Planning

3. Internal audit

4. External audit:

4.1 Macro-environment

4.2 Microenvironment

4.3 SWOT analysis

5. Strategic Marketing:

Segmentation and Targeting


Competitive advantage

6. The 4 P’s:

6.1 Product

6.2 Price

6.3 Place

6.4 Promotion

- Teaching and learning activities

This subject will be developed according the following methodology:

Teacher explanations.

Discussions and debate.

Real case situation analysis.

Personal and group exercises.

- Bibliography and resources

You can consult the following books:

Principles of Marketing, 5th European edition, 2008, Kotler, Amstrong, Wong & Saunders, Pearson Education Limited.

Principles of Marketing, 14th edition, 2012, Kotler & Amstrong, Pearson Education Limited.

- Evaluation systems and criteria

40% team assignment and presentations or "Poyecto Solidarios Curricular"

10% partial exam

25% final exam

25% class participation.

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- Office Hours

You can reach the teacher Noelia Jimenez-Asenjo through the e-mail: [email protected]

- Teaching and learning material


Case Study Starbucks casestudy2starbucks.doc

caso fonseca casofonsecaa.doc

caso palmer casobobpalmera-ventas.doc

comportamiento consumidor 4_comportamientoconsumidor1.pdf

concepto de marketing 1_conceptomarketing.pdf

disc cuestionariodiscreducido.doc

Domino´s Pizza trendanalysisdonatos_new_pizza.pdf

función comercial 1-1funcioncomercialydemarketing.pdf

Harley Davidson BRING TO CLASS harleydavidson.tif

Harley Davidson BRING TO CLASS harleydavidson.tif

investigación comercial 3_investigacioncomercial.pdf

Marketing Environment 1.themarketingenvironment.ppt

mercado y entorno 2_mercadoyentorno.pdf

Not-So-Pretty Syllabus outlineforclassesuicmarketingmanagement.doc

política de producto 5_politica_producto_1y2.pdf

Pretty Syllabus Marketing 1

Robin Hood´s Web Site designingawebsite4robinhood.doc

Robin Hood The Story scan0003robinhood1.gif

Robin Hood The Story pg. 2 scan0004robinhood2.gif

SIDER Analysis sideranalysis.doc

Slides Ch. 1 What is Marketing? 1.whatismarketing-sider.pptm

Slides Ch. 2 Sustainable Marketing

Strategic Marketing


Burger King http://

Fearless Cottage http://

The Art of Choosing, Sheena

Iyengar http://

The Story of Stuff, Annie Leonard

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Dirección de Operaciones (09480) (2017-2018)

- Introduction

Operations Management treat on the way organizations produce goods and services (transformation of some inputs - equipment, machinery and labor - in finished products). Everything you used to eat, to sit, to dress, to read,.... comes to you courtesy of the operations managers who organized its production. Each book you borrow from the library, every treatment you receive at the hospital, all services you expect in the shops and all who attend class in college - all products or services has been produced.

- Pre-course requirements

- Objectives

"Production Management" is a practical course that will introduce you to the concepts needed to understand either the production function in the company.

You will study the main tools used for production management, but also see work as production systems are used everywhere today.

At the end of the course you will find that you can comfortably talk about any aspect of the production area. It is intended that ends up being a specialist, but if you move comfortably in this functional area of the company.

- Competencies

13 - To know and understand managerial terms and processes of companies.

19 - To analyse quantitative financial variables and take them into account when making decisions.

20 - To make decisions about resource optimisation using mathematical tools.

22 - To identify the nature and behaviour of producers, consumers and investors.

28 - To be able to work in another language and use terminology and structures related to the economic-business world.

31 - To develop the ability to identify and interpret numerical data.

32 - To acquire problem solving skills based on quantitative and qualitative information.

36 - To interpret quantitative and qualitative data and apply mathematical and statistical tools to business processes.

37 - To be able to apply managerial methods, tools and techniques.

39 - To acquire the abilities to solve problems and make decisions using relevant information, applying the appropriate methods and placing the problem within the organisation as a whole.

46 - To acquire the ability to understand and participate in conferences and lectures in an academic context.

50 - To acquire the ability to relate concepts and carry out analytical exercises and their synthesis.

51 - To develop decision making skills.

52 - To be able to develop abilities for interpersonal relationships and teamwork.

56 - To be able to create arguments which are conducive to critical and self-critical thinking.

57 - To acquire skills which favour reading comprehension.

60 - To acquire knowledge that encourages respect for other cultures and customs.

63 - To be able to analyse business related behaviour and decisions and evaluate them from an economic, social and ethical point of view.

64 - To be able to plan and organise one's work.

65 - To acquire the ability to put knowledge into practice.

67 - To be able to express oneself in other languages.

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- Learning outcomes

Prepare reports for executive decision in environments of production processes of goods and services.

Working in collaboration.

- Syllabus

Chapter 1. Operations Management.

• Production processes by type of customer / market.

• Production of goods and services.

• Macro and micro environment of operations.

• Evolution of the Concept of Operations.

• The insane cycle.

• Competing priorities.

• Decision-making operations.

• Key decisions Hard.

• Soft key decisions.

• Types of production processes.

• Focus of operations.

• Pan European Focus and Globalization.

• The seven key elements in logistics

Chapter 2. Supply Chain Management. Logistics Strategy. Supply Chain.

• The origin of logistics.

• Logistics and competitive advantages.

• Logistics chain.

•Flows of information and materials.

•Level of integration of the supply chain.

• The lead-time gap.

• The order penetration point.

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•Key decisions in the supply chain.

• Mass Customization.

Chapter 3. Purchasing and procurement strategy.


a. Purchases process

b. Strategies of purchases in the chain of supply

c. Areas of contribution.


a. External organization: trends of the market / sector

b. Internal organization: levels of decision

c. Centralized & Decentralized purchases


a. Co – makers

b. Strategies of supply

i. Information systems

c. International trade

4 NEGOTIATION (1 meeting)

a. Negotiation principles

b. Possible approaches of the negotiation

c. Phases of the negotiation

d. Knowledge of the success of the negotiation.


Chapter 4. Operations in service companies.

• Production of production of products versus services.

• Managing expectations and customer perception.

• Attributes of a service.

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• Intangibility of service.

• Time and space in services.

• Contact with customers.

• Management capacity.

• Perception of quality in terms of management capacity.

• Service sectors.

- Teaching and learning activities

There is abundant literature generically as classic on the subject. Along with this literature, will present their own material and this specific subject. It is a material specifically designed for this course, "tailored."

This material is eminently practical. There are many case studies, real. Perhaps we will solve in class.

The folder "materials" to find the documentation of the conference sessions conceptual.

- Bibliography and resources

- Evaluation systems and criteria

This course represents 6 credits.

The evaluation of the course will be held formally considering the three main elements:

Your attendance and class participation

Your group work.

A final exam.

The weight of each element of assessment is as follows:

Attendance and Class Participation: 20%

Group activities (cases, work): 30%

Final exam: 50%

Will be indispensable at least 80% attendance of sessions.

For the second call there is only one form of assessment review: an exam.

- Office Hours

- Teaching and learning material

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Comptabilitat (10833) (2017-2018)

- Introduction

This is the last subject area Accounting taught at the undergraduate Business Administration. We understand that accounting is the language of business and the company in particular and the information is presented to us through the Financial Statements. It is therefore essential to know well these financial statements, as well as know how to analyze and interpret with rigor and precision. The usefulness of accounting is reflected in the decision making in the business that will allow economic units to achieve their goals with maximum efficiency.

- Pre-course requirements

The student must:

- Knowledge of accounting method.

- Knowledge of accounting standards.

- Understand the basic financial statements comprise the financial statements: Balance Sheet,

Income Statement, Statement of Changes in Equity, Cash Flow Statement and

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- Objectives

- Approach to the Consolidated Financial Statements.

- Analyze the situation of a company based on its financial statements, diagnose your situation and issue an opinion on management.

- Study of the Audit of Financial Statements.

- Competencies

01 - To know, understand and apply the methods, techniques and specialised instruments specific to accounting.

02 - To know and know how to interpret and apply current accounting standards.

03 - To select and adequately apply applicable accounting alternatives.

31 - To develop the ability to identify and interpret numerical data.

32 - To acquire problem solving skills based on quantitative and qualitative information.

50 - To acquire the ability to relate concepts and carry out analytical exercises and their synthesis.

51 - To develop decision making skills.

52 - To be able to develop abilities for interpersonal relationships and teamwork.

53 - To acquire skills for independent learning.

54 - To be able to express ones' ideas and formulate arguments in a logical and coherent way, both verbally and in written form.

- Learning outcomes

• Ability to apply concepts related to accounting. • Ability to use tools related to the activities of the area. • Ability to work independently and manage time well. • Ability to perform work on specific aspects of accounting and present it in a clear and understandable. • Ability to perform accounting and financial analysis of available information and use it in

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decision making. • Understand and be inclined to respect the rules of the profession.

- Syllabus

Item 1: Consolidation of financial statements. 1.1 Introduction: the concept of group. 1.2 Subjects and consolidation methods applied. 1.3 Adjustments and eliminations: economic and financial. 1.4 Consolidated Financial Statements. Analysis of Financial Statements Item 2. 2.1 Introduction. 2.2 Techniques and tools for analysis. 2.3 Analysis of the financial situation in the short term. 2.4 Analysis of the financial situation in the long term. 2.5 Analysis of the income statement: profitability. Item 3: Audit of Financial Statements. 3.1 Introduction: Concept and regulations. 3.2 Technical standards on auditing. 3.3 The audit report.



CUENTAS ANUALES CONSOLIDADAS cuentasanualesconsolidadas.pdf

- Teaching and learning activities

The course will consist of theory sessions which will be presented in las concepts necessary for the fulfillment of the objectives of the course. These sessions will be complemented with practical sessions occupy much time in the classroom. It is particularly important prior work so that students can participate in class, which should be mainly a forum for discussion on the interpretation of the results. Regarding the issue of audit, count on the collaboration of an audit company that will give a session / presentation from the point of view of professionals.

- Bibliography and resources

- Royal Decree 1514/2007 of 16 November, approving the General Accounting Plan. - Uriah Valiente, Jesus Financial Statement Analysis McGraw-Hill, 1995 - Esteo Sanchez, Francisco. Financial statement analysis. Planning and control. CEF, 2003 - Archel Domenech, accounting PabloEstados: elaborations, analysis and interpretación.Ediciones Piramide, 2003 - Rivero Torre, PedroAnálisis of Scales and Piramide complementarios.Ediciones STATES, 2002 - Heras Miguel Lorenzo lasNormas consolidation: Comments and prácticos.CEF cases, 2004 - Sanchez Fernandez de Valderrama. "Theory and Practice of audit and Y II". Pyramid editions. 2009.

- Evaluation systems and criteria

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Dirección Financiera 1 (11214) (2017-2018)

- Introduction

Finance I is a subject about the relationship between the financing policy and the investment decisions of a company in the short term.

- Pre-course requirements

- Objectives

Students are going to learn a basic knowledge of finance, with special emphasis on the analysis and forecasting of Balance Sheets, the short term financial management of the company.

- Competencies

- Fundamental methodological and scientific knowledge of Management.

- Ability to identify and analyze practical problems.

- Ability to apply theoretical knowledge and methods to practical problems at work.

- Strict methodology in decision making.

- Ability to analyze and synthesize information.

- Ability to organize and plan work.

- Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, students will be able to understand and manage several financial tools for correct decision making in the management of the company. Students will know how to measure the impact of operational decisions in the Balance Sheet.

- Syllabus

1. Introduction. Basic concepts. 2. Analisys of Balance Sheets. 3. Forecasting. 4. Short-term financial management

1. Stock Management 2. Cash Management 3. Credit Management

5. Short-term financial sources.

- Teaching and learning activities

Theoretical sessions will be alternated with practical business cases. There will be 6 cases. They will be delivered to students with enough time and it will be required to give a report of every case before the class discussion.

- Bibliography and resources

- Evaluation systems and criteria

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Econometria (10834) (2017-2018)

- Introduction

This course presents an introduction to the basic quantitative methods used in social sciences to quantify and predict the relationships of socio-economic variables on the business field. Particularly, it shows the simple and multiple linear regressions, the common problems arising from modeling economic phenomena and its agents’ behavior, and how to deal with them. The course also provides students with the skills to collect, prepare and analyze databases to apply econometric models and explain its results through an econometric package. This practical training aims to introducing students to applied econometrics. The writing and presentation of an essay, motivated by a business-economic topic, collecting real data and presenting an econometric model, it is as a key output of this course.

- Pre-course requirements

Knowledge inferential statistics and mathematics

- Objectives

Students have to understand the nature of econometrics, become familiar with basic econometric terminology and concepts, to bring back knowledge from mathematics, statistics and economic theory, and identify the utility of econometrics on business.

Students have to be able to design and estimate a basic econometric model and interpret its results, theoretically and empirically, using an econometric package, to analyze the economic agents’ behavior: households, firms and governments.

Students have to develop skills to collect, prepare and interrogate databases to apply an econometric model and explain its results through an econometric package.

Students, as a team, have to write down and present a project motivated by a business-economic topic, collecting real data and applying an econometric model.

Students have to achieve key knowledge to increase their understanding to develop advance econometric models in subsequent courses

- Competencies

19 - To analyse quantitative financial variables and take them into account when making decisions.

41 - To be able to descriptively summarise information.

42 - To be able to empirically analyse financial phenomena.

43 - To acquire skills for using statistical software.

44 - To be able to select appropriate econometric methods.

45 - To be able to work with academic papers.

52 - To be able to develop abilities for interpersonal relationships and teamwork.

53 - To acquire skills for independent learning.

54 - To be able to express ones' ideas and formulate arguments in a logical and coherent way, both verbally and in written form.

64 - To be able to plan and organise one's work.

65 - To acquire the ability to put knowledge into practice.

66 - To be able to retrieve and manage information.

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50 - To acquire the ability to relate concepts and carry out analytical exercises and their synthesis.

51 - To develop decision making skills.

- Learning outcomes

- Syllabus

Lesson 1. Introduction. 1.1 Concept of Econometrics. 1.2 Economic and econometric models. 1.3 Elements of the model: relations, variables and parameters. 1.4 Limitations of Econometrics. Lesson 2. The classical model of multiple linear regression estimation. 2.1 Specification. 2.2 Basic Assumptions of multiple linear regression model standard. 2.3 Estimation by ordinary least squares (OLS). Statistical properties. 2.4 Analysis of the waste and the variance of the estimated disturbance term. 2.5 Estimation most likely. 2.6 Measures of goodness of fit and model validation. Lesson 3. The classical model of multiple linear regression: Hypothesis testing and prediction. 3.1 Formulation of hypotheses. 3.2 Comparison of linear constraints. 3.3 Restricted least squares estimation (MQR). 3.4 Comparison of individual and joint significance. 3.5 Prediction and timely interval. 3.6. Analysis of the remaining structure. Contrast Chow. Lesson 4. Regression models with the inclusion of qualitative variables. 4.1 Qualitative Variables and dummy variables. 4.2 Specifying dummy variables. 4.3 Introduction to MRLM dummy variables and applications.

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Lesson 5. And functional form misspecification. 5.1 Errors in the specification of the explanatory variables. 5.2 Problems associated with the omission of relevant variables. 5.3 Effect of the inclusion of extraneous variables. 5.4 Errors in the specification of the functional form and random disturbance. 5.5 Consequences for OLS estimation: alternative estimators. Additional content Lesson 1. Problems with sample information: multicol-linearity. Lesson 2. Problems with sample information: atypical and influential observations. Lesson 3. Breach of the basic assumptions in the disturbance term. Lesson 4. Definition and causes of heteroscedasticitat.

- Teaching and learning activities

The course will theoretically present the most used techniques and will provide practical sessions using an econometric software. Both methods will be provide in class and also individually for a better understanding of the contents, based on master classes, case method, problem-based learning, project-based learning, cooperative learning and simulation environments

- Bibliography and resources

Gujarati, D.N. (1997). Econometrics. 3 ª ed. McGraw-Hill.

Newbold, P., Carlson, W., & Thorne, B. (2012). Statistics for Business and Economics. Pearson Higher Ed.

Greene W.H. (2000). Econometric analysis. 3 rd edition. Prentice-Hall. New York.

Artistic, M., J. Suriñach M. Clear, T. del Barrio and M. Guillen (1999). Introduction to econometrics. UOC.

Johnston, J and Dinardo, J. (2001). Econometric Methods. Vicens Vives. Wooldridge, J.M. (2006). Introduction to Econometrics. Thomson

- Evaluation systems and criteria

To pass the subject, the students must show their sufficiency in the program. The sufficiency will be proven and, consequently, the asssessment will be positive, if the student obtains the passing minimum qualification in some of the official calls.

In order to achieve this minimum passing qualification, students must attend an official call, and pass the set of procedures established in the assessment criteria, in this case, the project and

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the exam. Therefore, the students will have to pass the exam and the project as separate procedures to pass the subject.

In addition, during the course students will have a mid-term exam which may exonerate the contents seen so far within the ordinary call.

- Office Hours

- Teaching and learning material

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