

ALGUNAS CIFRASeyyjetyjSobre la guerraPRIVATE

Nmero de americanos en los Ejrcitos durante los aos de las hostilidades con Vietnam: 8,744,000

Nmero de americanos en los Ejrcitos durante la 2 Guerra Mundial: 16,354,000

Nmero de americanos que sirvieron en ultramar durante la 2 Guerra Mundial: 11,938,420

Nmero de americanos que sirvieron en Vietnam: 2,700,000

Edad media del personal combatiente de EE.UU. en Vietnam: 19

Edad media del personal combatiente de EE.UU. en la 2 Guerra Mundial: 27

Quines eran?

Porcentaje de combatientes en Vietnam que provenan de debajo de la lnea de Mason Dixon :28

Nmero de soldados de Puerto Rico enviados a Vietnam: 34,700

Porcentaje de poblacin de EE.UU. que era afroamericana en los 60: 11

Porcentaje de soldados en secciones de combate que eran afroamericanos: 20

Porcentaje de personal de EE.UU. en Vietnam de clases trabajadoras o estrato social bajo: 80

Nmero de mujeres militares que sirvieron en Vietnam: 193,000

Refusing to Fight

Number who avoided draft due to physical, mental or moral exemption5,276,000

Number who avoided draft due to student deferment371,000

Number of conscientious objectors171,700

Number of eligible men who did not register for the draft250,000

Number who spent time in prison3250

Number of Americans who went into exile to avoid military service50,000

Number of Marines, per one thousand, who deserted in 196616.1

Number of Marines, per one thousand, who deserted in 197156.1


Number of US servicemen killed in combat in Vietnam47,072

Number of US servicemen killed in combat who were officers5,741

Number of US enlisted men killed in combat41,331

Number of US servicemen killed outside of combat in Vietnam10,449

Number of US servicemen wounded in Vietnam313,616

Number classified as seriously wounded153,300

Percentage of those seriously wounded who were saved82

Percentage of wounded who died after arriving at hospital2.6

Number of US servicemen who lost at least one limb10,000

Number of US servicemen killed in Laos and Cambodia81

1965-Percentage of the casualties in Vietnam who were African American25

1967-Percentage of the casualties in Vietnam who were African American13.5

Percentage of US servicemen who claim to have witnessed their comrades being killed or wounded56%

Number of American journalists stationed in Vietnam from 1954-19752,000

Number of American journalists killed in Vietnam from 1954-197544

Number of American journalists reported missing in Vietnam from 1954-197518

Fragging and Friendly Fire

Number of probable explosive-device assaults against officers by US servicemen788

Number of NCOs and Officers killed by their own troops86

Number of NCOs and Officers wounded by their own troops714

South Vietnamese

Number of South Vietnamese military personnel killed during the war220,357

Number of South Vietnamese military personnel wounded during the war499,000

Number of South Vietnamese military personnel who deserted between 1965 and 1972840,000

Average monthly wages paid to a South Vietnamese soldier in 1968$108

Average monthly wages paid to a North Vietnamese soldier in 1968$.75

North Vietnamese and Vietcong

Number of North Vietnamese military personnel and Vietcongreported to have died in combat444,000

Vietnamese Civilians

Estimated number of Vietnamese civilians killed in the war587,000

Estimated number of Vietnamese civilians wounded in the war935,000


Average number of artillery rounds expended in one day by the US in Vietnam10,000

Cost per artillery round$100

Cost per day$1,000,000

Cost of one sortie for a B-52 bomber$30,000

Number of US helicopters lost during the war4865

Cost per helicopter$250,000

Total tonnage of bombs dropped over North Vietnam,South Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos8,000,000

Amount of the damage, in dollars, inflicted on North Vietnam by US bombing raids$600,000,000

Cost of US bombing raids on North Vietnam$6,000,000,000

Amount of aid, in dollars, provided to North Vietnam and the Vietcongby the Soviet Union and China$3,000,000,000

Drug Use

Percentage of US soldiers in Vietnam who used marijuanaoccasionally or frequently in 196925

Number of arrests for marijuana possession by US military police in 19691,000 per week

Estimated number of American heroin users in Vietnamas reported by 1974 White House survey81,300

Estimated number of heroin users in the USas reported by a 1974 White House survey68,000

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