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  • 7/27/2019 caf35_ger



  • 7/27/2019 caf35_ger




    Anmelden und mehr erahren ber das Copper Architecture

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    Mitmachen beim European Copper in Architecture Award:

    Copper Architecture Forum 35, Oktober 2013

    Das Copper Architecture Forum ist Teil der European Copper In ArchitectureCampaign. Es erscheint zweimal jhrlich und hat eine Auage von 25.000Exemplaren.

    Die Zeitschrit wendet sich an Architekten und Fachleute in ganz Europaund der Welt und ist in verschiedenen Sprachausgaben vergbar, wie zumBeispiel au Englisch, Tschechisch, Dnisch, Finnisch, Franzsisch, Deutsch,

    Ungarisch, Italienisch, Norwegisch, Polnisch, Russisch und Schwedisch.

    Chefredakteur: Robert Pinter

    Redaktion: Chris Hodson RIBA

    Redaktionsteam: Ari Lammikko, Chris Hodson, Graeme Bell, Hermann Kersting,Robert Pinter, Irina Dumitrescu, Herbert Mock

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Postanschrift: CAF, European Copper Institute,Avenue de Tervueren 168 b-10, B-1150 Brussels, Belgium

    Herausgeber: Nigel Cotton, ECI

    Layout und Produktion: Jorma Naula Grafsk Design, Sweden

    Druck: Strlins Grafska AB 2013, Sweden


    Birgit Schmitz, De [email protected]

    Kazimierz Zakrzewski, Pl [email protected]

    Marco Crespi, It [email protected]

    Nicholas Hay, UK [email protected]

    Nikolaos Vergopoulos, Gr [email protected]

    Nuno Diaz, Es [email protected]

    Olivier Tissot, Fr [email protected]

    Pia Voutilainen, Se, No, Fi, Dk [email protected]

    Robert Pintr, Hu, Cz, SVK [email protected]

    Vadim Ionov, Ru [email protected]

    Yolande Pianet, Benelux [email protected]

    Copper Architecture Forum 2013


    Diese Ausgabe ldt zu Vergleichen ein sowohl in Bezug

    darauf, wie Architekten ihre Gebude entwerfen, als auch

    in Bezug auf ihre Einstellung gegenber Kupfer als moder-

    nem Werkstoff der Architektur.

    Es ist aszinierend zu sehen, wie ausgesprochen unter-

    schiedlich drei bedeutende Architekturbros an eine einzige

    Typologie das Museum herangegangen sind und Kuper

    und seine Legierungen ebenso unterschiedlich zur Charak-

    terisierung ihrer Entwre eingesetzt haben. In Warschau

    erorschen Lahdelma & Mahlamki die Lichtdurchlssigkeit

    von Fassaden mit vorpatiniertem Kuper, das ihrer Laterne im

    Park einen zustzlichen grnen Schimmer verleiht (Seite 24).

    Foster + Partners in Mnchen modulieren dagegen Fassaden

    mit einem Gitter aus senkrechten Stangen, die vor konkaven

    Blechen angebracht sind, alles in einer goldarbenen Kup-erlegierung (Seite 28). Schlielich ist das Projekt von Staab

    Architekten in Ahrenshoop durch traditionelle Bauormen de-

    niert, die nahtlos mit komplexen Prolblechen aus Messing

    verkleidet sind (Seite 34).

    Ein Vergleich, wie Kuper an zwei gegenstzlichen Gebu-

    den verwendet wurde, die von demselben Architekturbro

    Wilkinson Eyre entworen wurden, ist ebenalls au-

    schlussreich (Seite 16). Hier ist Kuper Teil der selektiven

    Palette des Architekten von leichten und sich natrlich

    verndernden Materialien.Insgesamt sind diese Projekte beispielhat r eine

    wachsende Vielalt innovativer Designs mit Kuper, die die

    einzigartigen Eigenschaten des Werkstos optimal nutzen.

    Neben der optischen Flle und gestalterischen Freiheit lohnt

    es sich, sich an die unvergleichliche Leistungshigkeit und

    Nachhaltigkeit einschlielich der Wiederverwertbarkeit

    von Kuper zu erinnern, die wir in unserem letzten Artikel

    (Seite 38) errtern.

    Zunchst prsentieren wir aber die zehn Finalisten, die r

    den diesjhrigen European Copper in Architecture Award

    aus den 82 eingereichten Beitrgen von einer Architektenjury

    ausgewhlt wurden. Ihre Entscheidung ber die endgltigenGewinner des Awards wird au der BATIMAT in Paris im No-

    vember bekannt gegeben. Sie knnen jedoch jetzt die Projekte

    vergleichen und online abstimmen (Nheres au Seite 4). Und

    wir hoen, dass Sie uns au der Awards Ausstellung whrend

    der BATIMAT besuchen knnen. Bis bald in Paris!

    Die Redaktion

    Titelseite Lenbachhaus Museum, Mnchen (Seite 28)

    Foto Nigel Young, Foster + Partners

  • 7/27/2019 caf35_ger


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    Inspiration and information combined in one app.

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    Design Awards

    Copper Architecture Forum


    . :

    Copper Architecture Forum 2013


    2 Unvergleichliches Kuper redaktioneller Kommentar

    4 9 Attraktives Kuper Bekanntgabe der 10 Finalisten des EuropeanCopper in Architecture Awards und wie Sie online abstimmen knnen

    10 15 Alpine Aesthetic Plasma Studios apartment building in Italy reectsits dramatic hillside context

    16 19 A Bigger Splash the frst o two projects by Wilkinson Eyre is thissea-ront swimming pool and leisure complex

    20 23 Copper Exeter Forum an innovative copper-clad roo defnes

    a new university building, also by Wilkinson Eyre

    24 27 Illuminating Copper Lahdelma & Mahlamkis History o PolishJews in Warsaw presents itsel as a green lantern in the citys par k

    28 33 Golden Transormation Foster + Partners additions to MunichsLenbachhaus Museum make distinctive use o a copper alloy

    34 37 Brass Reeds this new museum by Staab Architekten makes reerence

    on several levels to local thatched roo buildings

    38 39 Copper Recycling Closing the Loop achieving 100 % recycled contentwith a closed-loop approach

  • 7/27/2019 caf35_ger



    Die Preisverleihung und

    die Ausstellung aller Projektefndet in Zusammenarbeit mit

    BATIMAT vom 04. 08.

    November 2013 in Paris

    Nord Villepinte statt.

    ATTRAKTIVES KUPFERChris Hodson berichtetber die Finalisten des

    European Copper in Ar-

    chitecture Awards 2013:

    ein Wettbewerb, dessen

    Beitrge alle Erwartun-

    gen sowohl quantitativ

    als auch qualitativ ber-

    troen haben.

    Das Format des alle zwei Jahreaugelegten Award Programms

    wchst weiter; es eiert nicht

    nur die beispielhate und in-

    novative Verwendung von

    Kuper und seiner Legierun-

    gen in zeitgemen Entwren,

    sondern zeigt einem breiten

    internationalen Publikum die

    besten europischen architek-

    tonischen Projekte, von denen

    einigen sonst vielleicht keine

    Anerkennung zuteilwerden

    wrde. Der sechzehnte Wett-

    bewerb in Folge, der zu einem

    rheren Zeitpunkt in die-

    sem Jahr bewertet wurde,

    brachte einen Rekord von 82

    eingereichten Beitrgen aus

    ganz Europa hervor.


    Die Jury 2013 bestand aus vier

    Architekten, die alle schon ein-

    mal den Copper in Architecture

    Award erhalten haben Einar

    Jarmund (Jarmund/Vigsns,

    Norwegen), Craig Casci (Grid

    Architects, Grobritannien),

    Davide Macullo (Davide Ma-

    cullo Architects, Schweiz), Anu

    Puustinen (Avanto Architects,


    Alle Einreichungen und nhere

    Einzelheiten zu der Preisver-

    leihung au der BATIMAT fnden

    Sie unter:

    Alle Beitrge wurden anhandvon Fotos, Zeichnungen und

    Beschreibungen, die von ihren

    Architekten eingereicht wur-

    den, bewertet. Anangs sah

    sich die Jury vor eine gewaltige

    Augabe gestellt und war be-

    eindruckt von dem allgemein

    hohen Niveau der Einreichun-

    gen; es gab viele Beispiele von

    Gebuden, deren Plne gut

    umgesetzt wurden und die

    ihre Umgebung bereichern.

    Aber schlielich einigte sich

    die Jury au zehn Projekte,

    die gegenber den anderen

    herausragend sind und eine

    wirkliche Vielalt von Typolo-

    gien und Herangehensweisen

    sowie auergewhnliche archi-

    tektonische Qualitten auzeigen.

    Bekanntgabe der Gewinner

    Am Montag, 4. November

    2013, werden die Projekte der

    Finalisten von ihren Architek-

    ten au der BATIMAT in Parisprsentiert und die Gewinner

    des Awards bekannt gegeben.

    Besucher der ranzsischen

    Messe knnen sich whrend

    der gesamten Dauer der Messe

    alle Beitrge r den Award-

    Wettbewerb au dem Stand 118in Halle 5A (Flgel N) ansehen

    und mit den Architekten ins Ge-

    sprch kommen es geht um

    die Themen Dach- und Fassa-


    Um einen Dialog mit allen

    Architekturinteressierten ber


    Webseite anzustoen, knnen

    registrierte Besucher der Web-

    seite nun erstmals online ihren

    Favoriten r den Award wh-

    len. Jeder Whler nimmt an

    einer Verlosung teil und kann

    ein iPad Mini gewinnen. Das

    Voting lut bis zum 31. Oktober

    2013 und das Gewinnerpro-

    jekt der Umrage wird au der

    BATIMAT in Paris bei der Preis-

    verleihung bekannt gegeben.









  • 7/27/2019 caf35_ger


    Bibliothek Seinjoki, FinnlandJKMM Architekten

    Eine respektvolle und zeitgeme, kuperverkleidete Ergnzung der

    umangreichen Ansammlung von Alvar- Aalto Gebuden weltweit.

    (Vorgestellt in unserer Ausgabe 33/2012)

    Gedenksttte Beslan, Republik Nordossetien-AlanienDr. Krekeler Generalplaner GmbH

    Im Gedenken an die Oper des Geiseldramas von 2004 in der Schule von

    Beslan umschliet diese fligrane, perorierte Installation aus einer

    Kuperlegierung sant das ursprngliche Schulgebude und drckt

    sowohl Wrde als auch emotionale Beteiligung aus.

    Photo Mika Huisman



    Photo Martti Kapanen

    Photos Dr Krekeler Generalplaner GmbH


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    LCV Gerichtsgebude, Venedig, ItalienC+S Architekten

    Eine kultige, dunkle Kuperorm verarbeitet die

    lokale Typologie von Industriegebuden und eint

    die ungleiche Ansammlung von Gebuden in der

    Umgebung am Verkehrseinallstor der Stadt.

    Abdeckungen der Runensteine, Jelling, DnemarkNOBEL arkitekter

    Tuschend einache, schmuckstckhate Gebilde aus Bronze und Glas

    schtzen alte Runensteine von nationaler Bedeutung und tragen zum

    Besuchserlebnis bei. (Vorgestellt in unserer Ausgabe 33/2012)

    Photos Pietro Savorelli

    Photos Jens Lindh



  • 7/27/2019 caf35_ger


    L`Atelier, Gournay en Bray, FrankreichVincent Parreira Atelier Architecture

    Ein neues Kultur- und Medienzentrum hlt sich in seiner Umgebung

    von lndlicher Stadt und Kleinstbetrieben zuhause; eine moderne

    Interpretation einheimischer Architektur verhllt in semitransparente

    Kupernetze. (Vorgestellt in unserer Ausgabe 34/2013)

    Clarion Hotel Post, Gteborg, SchwedenSemrn & Mnsson

    Sympathische und zeitgenssische Anbauten aus Kuper und Glas

    machen aus diesem denkmalgeschtzten Gebude von nationaler

    Bedeutung ein interessantes Hotel, einen stdtischen Fokus und

    einen Katalysator urbaner Erneuerung.

    (Vorgestellt in unserer Ausgabe 34/2013)

    Photos Luc Boegly

    Photo Lennart Hyse

    Photo Chris Hodson



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    Plattform fr Kunst und Kreativitt,Guimares, Portugal

    Pitgoras Aquitectos

    Die Erneuerung des alten Zentrums einer der historisch

    bedeutendsten Stdte Portugals wird bestimmt durch die

    Vereinigung abstrakter kubischer Formen, die von einem

    Netz aus Messingproflen verhllt sind. (Vorgestellt in

    unserer Ausgabe 34/2013)

    Ple Educatif et Culturel, Pau, FrankreichMarjan Hessamfar & Joe Vrons Architectes Associs

    Goldarbene Blechbnder aus einer Kuperlegierung, einige peroriert

    zwecks Lichtdurchlssigkeit, sind Teil einer dezenten Materialpalette,

    die verschiedene Elemente dieses Schulkomplexes vereint.

    Photos Joo Morgado - Architecture Photography

    Photos David Helman



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    RADIO-LOG Strahlentherapie, Hof, DeutschlandHiendl_Schineis Architekten

    Die einachen kubischen Formen distanzieren sich von traditionel-

    len Kuperverkleidungen durch ihre makellosen Oberchen; diese

    reektieren zunchst, verndern sich dann aber mit der Zeit.

    Dolomitenblick, Sexten, ItalienPlasma Studio

    Kuper und Holz bestimmen dieses Ap

    mentgebude in den Dolomiten, das si

    aus der natrlichen Topografe erhebt traditionelle Dachormen widerspiegel

    (Vorgestellt auf Seite 10 dieser Ausgab

    Photo Hertha Hurnaus




    r Ihren Favoriten unter den Finalisten a

    Nehmen Sie an der Verlosung teil

    und gewinnen Sie ein iPad Mini.

    Das Voting endet am 31. Oktober 2013.

  • 7/27/2019 caf35_ger



    ALPINEAESTHETICUlla Hell o Plasma Studio discusses the use o ormand geometry in the design o this hillside apartmentbuilding in Sesto, Italy, to reect regional topographyand redefne the local vernacular.

    Located at the edge o a residential area in the Dolomites, the buildingsmass was, in part, determined by the unctional elements required to

    host six independent apartments with underground parking and a com-

    mon circulation core. A ormal incision marks the main access and the

    division o the units, splitting the main volume in two halves. Apart rom

    its unctional connotations, this incision becomes the defning element

    o the building. From either side o the cut, strips unold to orm the bal-

    ustrades o generous covered balconies that merge with the surrounding

    topography. Following the steep natural hillside with each oor, the strips

    and the aade jump back.


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    All six, generous holiday homes are orientated

    to catch the southern sun and panoramic view

    o the Dolomites. The design maximises privacy

    through both the splitting o the building volume into two

    parts and the stepped balustrades, which block views o

    each terrace space rom the unit above and rom passers-by.

    Every apartment enjoys an extension o the internal living

    area through a covered, sun- and view-acing terrace which

    terminates in a small private garden.

    The residential area location has a very eclectic appearance.

    We responded by generating a volume which grows naturally

    out o its surrounding topography and blends into it by limit-

    ing the material palette to a very local almost vernacular

    code comprising larch wood and pre-oxidised copper. Both

    the copper and the larch wood are subject to natural change

    in colour through the atmospheric inuence o sun, rain and

    snow. By borrowing rom the colour palette o nearby arm-

    houses with their dark, sunburned larch wood aades, the

    building blends into its natural surroundings. This local larch

    wood is used to defne both internal and external living areas.

    South acing oor-to-ceiling glazing maximises views and

    winter solar gain, whilst external brise soleil and the bal-

    cony overhangs minimise overheating during summertime.

    Site plan


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    The main circulation a continuation o the ormal incision

    is very compact and repeats the use o the local larch woodrom the aade. Particular care was taken with the design

    o the copper balustrades, which stem rom the natural

    topography and wrap around to meet the building at the

    central incision, then peel o again and end once more in the

    surrounding landscape. When peeling o, the metal sheets

    divided into horizontal strips describe a curved, hyperbol-

    ic-paraboloid geometry. Here, the cratsmans expertise is

    showcased to its ull extent.

    The dark, pre-oxidised copper surrounds the volume rom all

    sides. The copper strips orm a second skin, o ering shelter

    and defning the roo as a continuation o the overall aadeand building volume. The orm o the roo itsel draws on a

    local planning regulation demanding only a pitched roo or

    this specifc building plot. Reinterpreted, it became part o

    our design concept, reerencing the traditional pitched roo

    typology not through replication but, rather, by exploring

    its hidden potential.

    The restrained material palette carries through rom outside to interior spaces.


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    1st oor


    Architect: Plasma Studio

    Copper Installer: Zingerle Boniaz

    Copper Product: Nordic BrownTM

    Photos: Hertha Hurnaus,

    0 m 5 m

  • 7/27/2019 caf35_ger



    A BIGGER SPLASHWilkinson Eyre Architects describe the recently completed

    Splashpoint Leisure Centre, which creates an important new

    public acility in a distinctive copper-clad building overlooking

    the sea in Worthing on the south coast o England.

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    We were appointed to design this new swimming pool or Worthing

    Borough Council ollowing a hotly contested RIBA competition that

    attracted over 400 entries. The new complex, located close to the town

    centre, is an exciting development on a unique searont site. The new pool com-

    plex includes a six lane, 25 metre pool; a combined learner/diving pool; indoor

    leisure pools with rapids, umes and outdoor waters; a health and ftness centre;

    ca; crche and exible space or other activ ities.

    Our design maximises the potential o the site with ribbons o accommodation

    owing rom north to south to emphasise the connection between land and sea.

    Each pool orm has its own terrace, opening up the aade to animate the beach-

    ront elevation and enlivening this prominent location in line with the Councils

    aspirations or an Active Beach Zone.

    The dynamic, ragmented shape o the new leisure centre is arranged to respond

    to the surrounding mix o built orms and landscape. The buildings dramatic

    sawtooth roo, with its ranks o sinuous ridges, recalls a series o dunes that

    curve and twist towards the coast. This shape reduces the visual mass o the

    buildings and mediates the change in scale rom the terraced houses that line

    the coastal road to the expansiveness o the open sea.


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    Worthing is one of the most quintessential English seaside

    towns, a place with an interesting history and a fantastic

    seafront. Our ambition was to design a building that carefully

    responded to these surroundings, creating a structure that

    has both a human and civic scale. Our building seeks to draw

    on forms already present in the town, taking on the undulat-

    ing linearity of the ranks of surrounding terraced houses andthe breakwater groynes on the beach. The building occupies

    a prominent location on the seafront, but rather than domi-

    nating the site in the style of a grand seaside pavilion, it sits

    informally, even playfully, within its setting.

    Chris Wilkinson

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    Sel-fnished Natural MaterialsThe structure is clad in copper and red cedar a palette o

    sel-fnished natural materials selected to age graceully in

    the maritime conditions. The aade integrates a series o sub-

    stantial glazed panels, creating the eect o picture rames

    to the windows and roo-lights. Copper and timber are materi-

    als that are synonymous with the tradition o English seaside

    culture. These materials are also robust against the ferce

    coastal elements, complement each other aesthetically and

    are sensitive to the history o this beautiul seaside town.

    Copper is a material that truly roots itsel to the

    site; the material metamorphoses rom its tradi-

    tional rich, reective copper red through

    to the dull dark browns and urther

    to a vibrant green patinated fnish.

    Two dierent fnishes have been

    used to create variation along the

    length o the western aade: the

    primary wall and roo suraces

    use at cladding panels and the

    projected windows use a per-

    orated rain screen system.

    From the inside, the building is emphatically ocussed towards

    the sea. The spans between the longitudinal ridges o the roo

    widen as the height o the building increases, running towards

    the sea and terminating in a series o glazed acades that di-

    rectly overlook the water. The building has been raised so that,

    rom pool level, there is a powerul v isual connection between

    the pool and the sea, creating the impression o an infnity pool.

    Architect: Wilkinson Eyre Architect

    Copper Product: Nordic Standard

    Photos: Julian Abrams


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    COPPEREXETER FORUMThe second project designed by Wilkinson Eyre Architects eatured

    here is The Forum, a new campus entrance and hub or students at

    the University o Exeter, characterised by a soaring timber-ramed,

    ETFE and copper roo as the architects explain.

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    The Forum links essential acilities such as the Great

    Hall, lecture theatres and the Student Guild along a

    galleried, indoor high-street lined with caes, a shop

    and a bank. A student services centre takes a prominent po-

    sition within the new building, broadening and enhancing the

    range and availability o pastoral services that the University

    oers. A newly built state-o-the-art auditorium, speciallycommissioned public art, landscaped open spaces and reur-

    bished library complete the Forum, making it the heart o the

    social and academic lie o the University.

    The starting point or our design was the natural eatures o

    Exeters amously hilly Streatham campus. The orientation

    and arrangement o the building and its adjacent landscaped

    piazzas respond to the contours o the hillside setting, which

    are traced by a green corridor the main pedestrian route

    through the scheme. The steep topography o the hillside has

    been rationalized into two circulation levels that connect the

    Library and the Great Hall, uniying two vital centres onceseparated by a steep slope.

    Architect: Wilkinson Eyre Architects

    Copper Product: TECU Classic

    Photos: Huton and Crow



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    Undulating Copper Clad RooA landscaped Entrance Piazza defnes a new ront door to

    the campus and provides students with high quality open

    space or relaxation at the natural centre o the campus.

    At the north western end o the Entrance Piazza stands a

    new entrance building that provides a reception area or the





    University and Great Hall. The smooth cur ve o the entrance

    building rises one storey, tracing the northern elevation o the

    Great Hall above a covered walkway beore merging with the

    centrepiece o the Forum project: an undulating timber grid-

    shell roo, clad in copper and ETFE, designed in conjunction

    with engineering experts, Buro Happold.

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    Beneath the roo and behind the glass acades that enclose

    the space between the existing buildings, the Forum is an

    airy, galleried hall which shelters and unifes a series o new

    student-ocused spaces. The upper level gives access to the

    Great Hall, Student Guild and a new suite o learning labs

    and seminar spaces designed or Harvard-style exploration

    sessions. The Forums vertical arrangement unifes the two

    circulation levels o the plan, creating new accessible routes

    that make the campus more legible and easier to get around.

    At ground level, the green corridor runs through the build-

    ing, creating a covered high street with a bank, shops, caes,

    breakout spaces and access to the library, student serv ices

    centre and auditorium. The auditorium is a new building also

    designed by Wilkinson Eyre providing a 400-seat lecture

    theatre with state-o-the-art equipment and seating, and

    spectacular views out to landscaped lawns.

    Column-ree Floor Area

    The Forums roo encloses 3,500 m2

    o airy, column-ree oorarea making it one o the largest timber roos o its kind. Its

    owing orm contrasts with the orthogonal brick architecture

    o the existing campus, responding to the hillside setting and

    preserving key views across the city to Dartmoor. Beneath the

    roos copper cladding, which will graceully develop a green

    patina over the next 15 years or so, lies an innovative hybrid

    timber structure. A matrix o timber members joined at steel

    nodes emulates the traditionally all-steel construction o a

    grid-shell roo, weaving between the existing buildings o the


    The triangular cells o the grid are either clad in copper, withoak-slatted acoustic baing on the interior surace, or flled

    with ETFE pillows which ood the loty interior spaces o

    the Forum with natural light. Smaller panels o conventional

    glazing are used in the roo windows above teaching areas to

    mitigate any possible noise caused by alling rain.

    Sustainability CredentialsThe Forum was designed to achieve a BREEAM excellent

    rating. While the sustainability credentials o the timber

    structure and copper cladding are apparent, other eatures

    such as natural stack ventilation, a labyrinth pipe air-cooling

    system and energy efcient lighting maximise the environ-

    mental perormance o the main building in use.

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    The recently completed Museum othe History o Polish Jews in Warsaw

    is defned by a layered, transparent

    aade design using pre-patinated

    copper in dierent orms, combined

    with decorated glazing.

    The new buildings design, by Lahdelma & Mahlamki

    (working in conjunction with Kuryowicz & Associates

    in Poland), stems rom the architects 2005 competi-

    tion-winning entry. The Museums location in Warsaws Willy

    Brandt Park is signifcant, as it was part o the Jewish ghetto

    during the war, and the design relates closely to the adjacent

    memorial to the uprising in the ghetto. However, it is not

    seen as a museum o the Holocaust but rather a celebration

    o 1,000 years o shared history. The Museum will act as a

    multiunctional centre or research and exhibition o Jewish

    heritage, education and culture.

    A Shimmering Green LanternConceived as a simple box, the competition design envisaged

    a lantern illuminating its park surroundings. The designers

    solution is a regular grid o vertical, alternating glass and

    copper panels, saw-toothed across all our acades, in ront

    o a corrugated copper backdrop. This animates the building,

    presenting varying degrees o transparency and changing

    eects rom dierent viewpoints. In sunshine, the gossamer-

    like glass panels shimmer with a copper green hue. At night,

    the lantern concept is realised by the play o advanced LED

    lighting behind the decorated glass onto the green corru-

    gated copper.

    by Chris Hodson

    Photo: Wojciech Krynski

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    The competition-winning design concept has been developed and realised: a copper-green square lantern in the park, pi erced by an organic hall space.

    Architect: Lahdelma & Mahlamki (in conjunction with Kuryowicz & Associates) Copper Product: Nordic GreenTM Living

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    The sharp, engineered rhythm o the copper and glass saw-

    toothed acades contrasts with a sculptural, curvilinear

    entrance. This opens into a cavernous hall space almost

    an internal biblical landscape symbolising the parting o

    the Red Sea and deliverance o the Jews rom Egypt. A gentlysloping bridge, oating above the permanent exhibition be-

    low, brings visitors into the central hall which leads through

    the building, terminating at a massive, glass wall overlooking

    the Ghetto Heroes monument.

    The curved, polished concrete walls rise up some 20 m

    creating animated, organic orms that embrace the space.

    The main hall is the most important element o the scheme,

    intended as a pure and silent space, introducing visitors to the

    museum. The building also provides an auditorium, cinema,perormance hall or fve hundred visitors, an educational

    centre, club, restaurant and ca.

    We wanted to make the lobby emotional, warm and soft and the faades cold and sharp like ice

    Proessor Rainer Mahlamki

    Third Floor First Floor Ground Floor

    Photo: Wojciech KrynskiPhoto: Juha Salminen

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    Living Copper FacadesThe Museum acades consist o vertical glass and copper

    panels in a saw-tooth arrangement creating, in eect, a ven-

    tilated rain-screen supported by a steel ramework in ront

    o the structural walls. The copper panels are pierced with

    square holes or ventilation, although earlier trials experi-

    mented with expanded copper sheet. This contrasts with theglass, which is decorated with a white silk-screen printed

    abstract design suggesting Hebrew and Latin text motis.

    Behind, and separated by a void, the concrete structure is

    also clad with copper, this time in vertically corrugated sheet

    orm, interspersed with occasional windows also behind the


    All the aade copper is pre-patinated to give a specifc liv-

    ing surace, comprising green ecks against a dark oxidised

    background, chosen by the architect. The fnal acade build-

    up is the result o on-site trials with ull-scale mock-ups. It

    aims to create the luminous green, vertically olded sur aceenvisioned in the competition winning design. Copper and

    bronze have also been used extensively inside the building or

    handrails, door handles and specially designed light fttings.

    Trial area o aade showing corrugated pre-patinated copper claddingbehind acid etched glass and pierced copper end panels.

    Detailed drawing showingsaw-toothed arrangement oglass and pierced copper withcorrugated copper behind.

    Photo: Juha Salminen

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    GOLDENTRANSFORMATIONFoster + Partners explain their major project to transorm

    the experience or visitors to Munichs Lenbachhaus Museum,

    where a golden copper alloy intervention enhances the distinc-

    tive, ochre coloured acades o the original building.

    The Museums historic buildings have been careully restored and the ex-

    hibition spaces augmented by a spectacular new wing. As well as radically

    improving the buildings environmental perormance, the remodelling hascreated a new entrance and social spaces, including a restaurant, terrace,

    education acilities and a dramatic ull-height atrium, where the old is ar-

    ticulated within the new.

    Built in 1891 as a studio and villa or the ar tist Franz von Lenbach, the

    Lenbachhaus Museum has been gradually extended over the last century.

    However, its buildings were in need o renewal and the museum lacked the

    acilities to cater to a growing audience o 280,000 people a year. Redefn-

    ing circulation throughout the site, the project has transormed a complex

    sequence o spaces o dierent periods into a unifed, legible museum that

    is accessible and open to all.

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    Our main challenge has been to maintain the same amount of exhibition area,

    within the museums footprint, while creating new circulation and v isitor

    spaces. Given the way that the different parts of the museum had evolved,

    there was no such thing as a typical space every corner is unique and requiredindividual attention and different design decisions. This has been a fascinating

    process. Another important aspect of our design has been creating new oppor-

    tunities for works of art to be exhibited outside the traditional confines of the

    gallery, such as in the atrium. This space develops the idea of the urban room

    it is the museums public and social heart, and point of connection with the

    wider city.

    Lord Foster

    Architect: Foster + Partners Copper Product: TECU Gold Photos: Nigel Young, Foster + Partners

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    Complementary Copper Alloy InterventionPeeling away the unnecessary historical accretions, a 1972 extension

    has been removed to reveal the wall o the original villa, which has been

    sympathetically restored in ochre render. The dierent historical ele-

    ments are then unifed along Richard-Wagner Street by a new gallery

    pavilion, containing two levels o exhibition space. The new building is

    intended as a jewel box or the treasures o the gallery it is clad in

    metal tubes o an alloy o copper and aluminium, their colour and orm

    designed to complement the villas rich ochre hue and textured acades.

    Inside the new building, a sequence o intimate galleries display

    the Museums internationally renowned Blue Rider collection o early

    twentieth-century Expressionist paintings, echoing the domestic scale

    o their original setting in the villa Lenbach. As many o the works o art

    were painted in plein-air, indirect natural light has been deliberately

    drawn into the upper level galleries to create the optimum environment

    or their display.

    A new entrance has been created adjacent to the restaurant, ac-

    cessed via a new landscaped piazza to the east o the museum this

    move reclaims the courtyard garden, turning it rom a pedestrian

    thoroughare into a tranquil space or visitors. The restaurant is open

    outside o the Museums opening hours and its seating continues

    outside, helping to enliven the surrounding streets and attracting new

    visitors into the galleries.

    The new social heart o the building is a dramatic top-lit atrium, with

    ticket and inormation desks, access to a new temporary exhibition

    space on the ground oor and a grand, cantilevered stair to the upper

    level galleries. Clearly articulating the old within the new, its impressive

    volume incorporates the ochre

    exterior wall o the original villa

    and is scaled to accommodate

    large-scale works o art. The

    Museum commissioned the

    artist Olaur Eliasson or a site

    specifc work titled Wirbelwerk.

    During the day, sunlight washes

    the white walls via a long, slen-

    der opening at roo level and

    horizontal louvres cast chang-

    ing patterns o light and shade

    within the space.

    As well as repairing the abric o the existing buildings, one o the

    main aims o the project has been to radically improve the museums

    environmental perormance. A water-based heating and cooling system

    within the oors has been implemented using signifcantly less energy

    than an air based heating, this represents an innovative step in a gallery

    context. Rainwater is also collected and recycled and lighting has been

    replaced and upgraded with low-energy systems.

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    Lenbachhaus Ground Floor Plan / Foster + Partners

    Lenbachhaus First Floor Plan / Foster + Partners

    BPR/Foster + Partners

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    Developing the FacadeGolden copper alloy sheets ormed into 10 cm diameter

    cylindrical bars around 4 m high are the defning eature o

    the second and third oor aade o the southern extension.Behind these cylindrical bars, the aade is clad in concave

    sheets o the same copper alloy. The western ace o the

    building, along Richard-Wagner-Strae, oers a par ticularly

    compelling view o how this metal aade structures the build-

    ing. The cylindrical bars highlight the completely new sections

    o the building, whereas the section based on an underlying

    historic structure presents a series o concave golden panels

    and existing structures that have been integrated into the new

    building are clad in at sheets.


    Drawings: Foster + Partners

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    BRASS REEDSbased on an article by Klaus Sikora

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    Ahrenshoop - located between the Baltic Sea and the salt marsh

    coast o Germany - is historically important as a ormer artists

    colony and, today, is well known as an attractive tourist destina-

    tion. The new Kunstmuseum Ahrenshoop will house works o art

    created locally over the years that display an intense connection

    with the landscape. The new building itsel is destined to become

    a signifcant landmark and a magnet or the many visitors who,

    especially in summer, pass through the isthmus near Ahren-

    shoop heading or the string o islands o the coast.

    Staab Architektens design was inspired by an old photo o theregion, showing an irregular grouping o similarly shaped,

    traditional, buildings - obviously a armstead characterised by

    steep thatched roos. From this image, the architecture o the

    new museum developed rom the local agricultural vernacular,

    resonating with the exhibited artists strong local connections.

    A cluster o housesThe result is a homogeneous ensemble o fve, largely window-

    less, single-room buildings with hipped roos virtually cut o

    below the ridge-line a dev ice that enables the internal exhibition

    spaces to be naturally lit. The individual houses, constructed

    entirely rom reinorced concrete, are clustered together as ina traditional village - ace dierent directions and are interlinked

    by a central at roo at their eaves. The entire complex is de-

    signed as a sculptural whole with a central oyer rom which the

    individual exhibition spaces can be accessed.

    From the outset, the architects sought a modern interpretation

    o the reed thatch used to cover traditional buildings to clad the

    new museum. A sustainable copper cladding was avoured as

    it naturally exhibits similar ageing properties. Ultimately, brass

    was chosen to exhibit colour changes resulting rom oxidisa-

    tion mirroring those o traditional thatch. Initially, the brass is

    reminiscent o a reed-covered roo glowing in the sunlight. Likethe reed, the metal will gradually change with shades o greenish

    brown, through grey-brown to dark brown-anthracite, caused by

    the ormation o a natural protective layer that guarantees the

    resistance and longevity o the material.

    In this new museum, Staab Architekten introduce

    modulation and complexity with a profled brass

    covering a contemporary take on reed thatched

    roos enveloping a cluster o distinctive orms,

    reminiscent o local rural buildings.

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    Animated profled surace structureBut the architects went a step urther with their analogy,seeking a surace orm resembling reeds to act as the

    buildings skin. This involved a patented process and close

    collaboration with specialist metal orming company MN

    Metallverarbeitung Neustadt. A unique sheet profle was de-

    veloped that exhibits the depth and complexity o a thatched

    surace on the preabricated brass acade.

    The apparently random, animated profled surace structure

    ows continuously with no visible oset even in the transi-

    tion where the eaves meet giving the impression that the

    whole has been cast as one piece. The variations o light and

    shadow on the edges and curves o the brass surace allowthe cladding to change in alternating shades, already sug-

    gesting how the colour o the surace will alter over time as

    a result o oxidisation.

    Architect: Staab Architekten

    Copper Product: TECU Brass

    Photos: Christian Richters / KME / MN




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    by Nigel Cotton and Irina Dumitrescu

    Copper Recycling

    Closing the Loop

    Copper is one o the most valuable materials in mod-

    ern construction. This value results in the high level o

    recovery o copper which, in turn, can be recycled or

    building applications including roos and acades. Ac-

    cording to the International Copper Study Group (ICSG)

    overall 41.5 % o the copper used in Europe in 2011 came

    rom recycling. Although this rate has been stable or

    the last decade, the 2012 estimate o 44 % reveals that

    our copper requirements will increasingly be met by re-

    cycling in uture. The physical nature o copper means

    that it can be recycled again and again without loss o

    perormance and copper products or construction can

    be made o up to 100 % recycled copper content.

    For building construction, the demand or 100 % re-

    cycled content is also increasingly being satisfed,

    as suppliers receive more materials back rom the

    recycling chain. Selective dismantling or building dem-

    olition or reverse-construction rom roo to oundation

    can result in closed loop recycling. Most o the recov-

    ery processes are done manually and although this is

    not the astest method, it is the most efcient. Ater-

    wards, in partnership with their architectural copper

    suppliers, architects can ensure that the copper taken

    rom the building site is transormed into new copper

    or use in their regeneration projects. The ollowing two

    case studies demonstrate this closed loop recycling ap-


    The red metal is used or its intrinsic qualities o electrical and

    thermal conductivity, corrosion resistance and workability in the

    building construction sector. In Copper Forum 34, you read that

    environmental reporting requirements in the building sector are

    also steadily increasing. One o the real sustainable benefts o

    copper is that many o the copper and copper alloy products used

    in plumbing, heating ventilation and cooling, solar thermal instal-

    lations and architectural applications, can be produced with 100 %

    recycled content.

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    Renovation o this 12,500 m2, typical midtwentieth cen-

    tury styled civic building included re-cladding using the

    very same copper material originally installed in the

    1960s an impressive demonstration o the extreme-

    ly long-term value o copper as an asset to buildings.Technically, there was nothing wrong with the original

    copper but moisture ingress and a lack o thermal insu-

    lation created some problems or the owners. Around

    70 tons o copper and 10 tons o brass were stripped

    and taken back to the original supplier who recycled it

    back into replica parts or the restoration o the build-

    ing. Samples or the new cassettes and trim were taken

    rom the dismantled aade and were aithully repro-


    Pre-oxidised copper, giving a warm shade o light

    brown, was used throughout the project. Copper has

    been re-used here in a versatile way rom cornice tobase. The aades now consist o the original brick wall,

    contrasting with proled copper panels and protrud-

    ing pilasters. Major savings resulted rom this process

    both in nancial and environmental terms. This clear-

    ly demonstrates how the whole lie cost o a project

    needs to be considered and how copper can save em-

    bodied energy or carbon ootprint i correctly managed.

    The County Administrative Building in Turku, Finland

    St Michaelis Church, Hamburg, Germany

    The re-roong o the church roo o St Michaelis Church

    in Hamburg was necessary because the previous 72

    cm wide copper plates were too large to withstand the

    suction orces o the strong local winds. This was par-

    ticularly true in the lee o the tower, where the copper

    sheets were coming loose and even threatened to fyaway in a storm. A technical assessment o the copper

    roo was carried out and recommended replacing the

    old roo with new, smaller (52 cm wide, 0.7 mm thick)

    copper roong panels that could withstand the wind

    suction. A total o 3,250 m2 o copper sheets, weighing

    44 tonnes, were installed as part o the restoration pro-


    The old copper was removed rom the site, melted

    down, cast and re-rolled into new sheets ready or

    installation. Original olding techniques used in the

    cladding o the original roo design were used to restore

    the roo. The church originally built in 1751 and hav-ing survived a re in 1906 and damage rom the second

    world war is today a distinctive landmark in Hamburg

    restored to its ormer glory.

    For more inormation on this project, see Copper Architecture Forum 30/2011


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    AT STAND N118

    HALL 5A