aprende a dibujar animales

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  • 7/29/2019 Aprende a Dibujar Animales


  • 7/29/2019 Aprende a Dibujar Animales


    YouCan Draw


    Damien TolI

  • 7/29/2019 Aprende a Dibujar Animales


    I ntrod uction

    Black felt-tip marker

    Drawing is a fun and rewarding hobby for ehildren and adults alike. This book is designedto show how easy lt is t o draw great pictures by bui lding them in simple stages .. W hat you will need.

    Only basie materials are required for effeetive drawing. These are:

    B or H B peneil

    ~ Qualityeraser

    ~ ! ! ~ ~ ~ E ~ > :oloured peneils~ ~These will be enough to get started. Avoid buying the eheapest peneils. Their leads oftenbreak off in the sharpener, even before they can be used. The leads are also generally toohard, making them diffieult to see on the page.Cheap erasers also cause problems by smudging rather than erasing. This oftenl eaves a permanent stain on the paper . B y spending a little more on art supplies inthese areas, problems such as these can be avoided.When purchasing a black marker, choose one to suit the size of your drawingsIf you draw on a large seale, a thiek felt-tip marker may be neeessary. If you draw ona m ed iu m sea le, a medium-point marker will do and i f o n a s mal l s cal e, a O.3m m, O.5m m,O.7mm or O.8mm felt-tip marker will best suit,

  • 7/29/2019 Aprende a Dibujar Animales


    T he E lephantThe elephant is the largest land mammal in the world. Thishuge animal can weigh more than tour and a half tonnesand ean spend up to 20 hours a day eating grass, leavesand bark. Elephants live in groups ealled herds. Anelephant's life span ean b_eas long as 80 years.

    1.Draw a grid with four equal squaresgoing across and three down.Draw the oval for the body first.Next draw the eirele for the head.Notiee how the front wire-frameleg is at the end of the body shape.The middle wire-frame is nearlyhalf way along the body shape.The last wire-frame leg is at theother end of the body shape.Draw in a ground line and checkeverything is in the right position.

    2.Draw in the tusk near the bottomleft of the head eirele. Add on thelegs based on the wire-frames.Notiee how the middle leg extendsright up into the body.The baek leg flows smoothly ontothe body shape so there is no wayto tell where it joins.

  • 7/29/2019 Aprende a Dibujar Animales


    3 .The trunk flows off the head at thefront in the same way the back legflowed off the body shape in thep rev io us s tag e.The mouth starts under the tus kand extends outside the head cirele.Above the mouth is the cheekand eye.Add in the other back leg, which issituated behind the middle leg.Draw in the crease in the back legand add on the tail.

    4.Draw on the curved ridges of thetrunk. Add the eyeball and the ears.Imagine where the front of theelephant's foot is on each leg andadd sorne toenails.

    When you are ready to outline yourartwork remember to only draw inthe lines needed to make thepicture. Check the final picture tosee which ones you need.

    5 .Once you have rubbed out thepencil lines, colour your elephantand add some dry grass.


  • 7/29/2019 Aprende a Dibujar Animales


    Th e L io nLions Uveand hunt in groups cal led pr ides. Great eyesightand a keen sense of smel! helps the lion eateh its prey. Whenchasing, they can reach speeds of up to 80 kilometres perhour. Resting is also important. A lion can sleep far up to20 hours a day. A lion's roar can be heard nearly fivekilometres away. Only male lions have a mane.

    1.Draw a grid with four equal squaresgoing across and three down.Start by drawing a shape for thesnout. Add a similar shape for thehead behind it. Check to see if yourdrawing i s correctly posit ioned onthe grid.

    2.Draw in another shape around thefirst two shapes. This will be themane around the neck.Add shapes for the feet and thelegs eoming out of the mane.

  • 7/29/2019 Aprende a Dibujar Animales


    3.Draw in the shapes for the backleg, foot and tail.

    Draw in the nose on the right sideof the snout shape. Modify themane that was drawn in thelast stage.

    4.Draw in so rn e l in es and po in ts tomake the mane look scruffy.Put the ears on just outside of thehead shape. Draw the eyes pushedup by the cheeks. Divide the mouthparts into a curved "W" and definethe bottom jaw.Finally, divide the foot into pawsand add sharp nails.

    5.Outline your lion with a felt-tip markerand rub out the pencil lines. You arenow ready to colour. Keep the bodya tan colour while making the manea dark er , m ore red d is h co lo u r .o

  • 7/29/2019 Aprende a Dibujar Animales


    The hippopotamus is a huge animal that can grow to beover fo u r m et res lo n g and w eig h near ly tw o to nn es . It5head alone can weigh a ton ne. It eats up to 45 kilograms01 leaves per night and during the day retreats to the cool01 the river where it can drink up to 250 litres 01water.Hippos are only lound in Alrica where they live in herds.

    1.Drawa grid with tour equal squaresgo in g ac ro s s an d th ree d ow n .Draw in the head cirele lirst. Addthe body shape. Make sure thebody shape is correct belore goingto the next stage.

    2.Draw in a wobbly line lor a waterline. The water line in Iront 01 thehippo should be a little lower thanthe rest 01 the water line.Note where the legs are inrelation to the grid and drawthem in. Because the legs areso sh o r t th ere is no need forw ire-f ram es h ere.

  • 7/29/2019 Aprende a Dibujar Animales


    3.Draw the mouth and define the eyeon the head cirele.

    4.Add on the eye and ear and thecreases on the back of the neck,and you are ready to outlineyour hippo.

    5.Colour your hippo and the water.Notice how the hippo is darkerbelow the water line.o

  • 7/29/2019 Aprende a Dibujar Animales


    RhinocerosRhinos are large animals found in both Africa and Asia. Theycan grow to be nearly two metres tall, four metres long andweigh almost two and a half tonnes. Being herbivores, theyo n ly eat g ras s an d leaves and som et im es p lan ts w i th s harpthistles. Rhinos have excellent hearing but cannot see thingsclose to them very well.

    1.Drawa grid with four equal squaresgoing across and three down.Start with an oval for the head. Thisoval is on a slight angle. Draw intwo larger and wider shapes behindthe first oval. Notice these shapesare pointier than a normal ovalThey are more like an egg on topoCheck that your shapes are cor rec tand in the right places on the grid.

    2.Use the grid to position the hornson the head circle. Draw in the lipoutside the head circle.The eye is slightly below the centreof one of the grid squares. Draw aleaf shape for the ear in the tophalf of the grid square.


  • 7/29/2019 Aprende a Dibujar Animales


    3.Draw in the other ear opposite thefirst ear. Continue the head abovethe first head circle. Add somec reas e l in es aro u n d th e flrst earand areund the eye.Draw in the legs and roundedshapes for the feet.

    4.Draw c reas es in th e s h o u ld erabove the front leg. Draw a curvedline between the front and backleg to define the stomach.Break the feet up into toes. Noticehow the back toes are smaller thanthe frent ones.

    5.Outline your rhino and erase thepenei l l ines. Rhinos can be dif ferentcolours, from white to grey tobrown. You could put a shadowa centimetre below the rhino's feetto show i t is in the air running.

  • 7/29/2019 Aprende a Dibujar Animales


    T he CheetahCheetahs are long, thin cats and are welldesigned for speed. In a chase, they reachs peed s in ex ces s o f 100 k i lom etres p erhour. This makes them the fastest animalin the world. Cheetahs cannot roar, butmake a sound called a "chirrup".

    1.Drawa grid with two equal squares going acrossand four down.Draw in th e b as ic s h apes in th e co r rec t p o s i t io non the grid. Check to make sure your shapeslook the same as the shapes on our grid.

    Add another circle in the lower left corner ofthe original ci rcle. Th is is for the snout. Drawthe ears on the head circle.Add shapes for the back legs on either side ofthe long body shape. Draw the two long linesinside the body shape. These will make up thefront legs. Finally, add in the shapes for the feet.

  • 7/29/2019 Aprende a Dibujar Animales


    ut the nose on the small cirele drawn in theecond stage. Position it just left of the centref the bottom circle. Now break up the cirele byrawing the curved "W" shape that makes uphe cheeks and bottom jaw. Draw the whiskersoming out from each side of the cheeks.raw in the eyes, taking notice where theyre positioned on the head cirele. They arever half way up the cirele and on the leftand side of it.raw in the line for the cheetah's back next to

    he leg on the left and some lines for the chestalf way down the cheetah. Add some lines tohow fur. Finish with the shape for the backoot on the right.

    .dd spots to the legs, back and head.otice how the spots fade out by gettingmaller around the face and eventually

    e careful not to put spots too far intohe chest or on the snout. Colour yourheetah using yellow for the base andrange for the back, legs and head.eave the snout and the chest lighterhan the rest of the animal.

  • 7/29/2019 Aprende a Dibujar Animales


    Leopards are very strong and fast members of the eat family.They can drag freshly-eaught animals that are mueh heavierthan themselves up a tree to keep it away from lions andhyenas. They are amazing jumpers, able to leap six metresforward in a single bound and three metres straight up.Each leopard has lts own unique spot pattern.

    1.Draw a grid with three equal squares goingacross and three down.

    First, draw in the head in the top left of thegrid. Draw in the tall rectangle on its si deunder the head eirele. Draw in the last shapeon the right side to complete this stage.

    o2.Draw a small eirele on the bottom of the headcirele just going outside of the head eirele.Draw in the legs around and inside the longrectangle. Draw in the underside of the bellyline and add the shapes for the baek leg andthe foot.
