
Post on 08-Jan-2016






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Hola a tod@s!

Seguro que estis como locos buscando temas que suelen salir en los exmenes orales de lasEscuelas Oficiales de Idiomas, pues os voy a ayudar. Si estis preparando elB1 y B2de ingls por EOI, los temas que suelen salir son los que vienen en los libros de texto de B1 y B2, los detallo a continuacin: Las nuevas tecnologas: internet, mviles, redes sociales El medio ambiente ( formas de ahorrar energa / cuidar del medio ambiente) La televisin y los medios de comunicacin Formas de aprendizaje cmo aprendes idiomas? qu mtodos te parecen ms interesantes? online, presencial, viajando, etc? El trabajo (qu es ms importante: salario, condiciones laborales, buen ambiente en el trabajo, horario, etc.) Hablar sobre una pelcula o libro El dinero y su importancia da la felicidad?

Ventajas y desventajas de vivir en un pueblo o en una ciudad

El EBook versus el libro tradicional cul prefieres? Las vacaciones y los viajes (recuerda este post)http://myenglishblogesthereoi.blogspot.com.es/2011/11/trave-trip-journey-tour-and-voyage.html Los estereotipos, la fama, la educacin, los recuerdos, la forma de vida cuando eras pequeo y ahora, la msica, el estrs, los hobbies, el deporte, los hbitos de vida saludable, las compras online, los animales, el arte, etc Podis descargar las pruebas de certificacin de otros aos, algunas CCAA incluyen la prueba oral y as os hacis una idea del tipo de preguntas, temas, etc. Click aqu:


Lista con distintos topics que pueden salir en exmenes orales de ingls por ejemplo de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas.

1. Technologies

2. Computers and the Internet

3. Consumerism (online shopping, men v. women, the crisis, shopping habits, television commercials, shopping addiction, etc)

4. Crimes, law, politicians, corruption, public safety.

5. Inventions (past, present and predictions for the future, cloning, playing with DNA, Robotics, etc)

6. Medicine (traditional v. alternative, NHS = National Health System, lifestyle and health, etc)

7. Modern nature (cloning human beings, technological advances, genetic engineering, etc)

8. Communication and relationships (networks, online dating, etc).

9. Education

10. Money (the crisis, politicians, banks, goverments, economic situation, 40-year mortgages,celebrities, sportspeople, etc)

11. Environment/ climate change/ global warming (carbon footprint make sure you know what it is)

12. Job market (men v. women, unemployment, civil servants, etc )

13. Travelling/ living abroad

14. Food and healthy lifestyle (eating disorders, stress, eating habits, etc.)

15. The media (the news, newspapers, the radio, TV and children, reality shows, advertising, etc)

16. Charity (animal rigths, famous people, governments, ways of raising money, etc.)

17. Appearance (cosmetic surgery, beautiful models and perfect bodies, television, etc.)

18. Work (parents and child raising, civil servants, men v. women, unskilled workers, immigrants, etc)

19. Family and relationships (present and past, changes, the elderly, marriage, etc)

20. Success (young age, celebrities, success and private life, work, stress, corruption, etc)

Temas para hablar en inglsTemas para hablar en ingls, necesitas?Here you have some topics which could be useful for you to practise your oral skills. They are quite advanced topics intended to make students give their opinions and arguments on some current topics which affect society on their everyday life.

Remember, if you really want to improve your English, you must practise as much as you can, even on your own, just to get fluency, as the saying goes practice makes perfect

1. To what extent is the use of animals in scientific research acceptable?

2. Zoos are sometimes seen as necessary but not poor alternatives to a natural environment. Discuss some of the arguments for and/or against keeping animals in zoos.

3. Education is the single most important factor in the development of a country. Do you agree?

4. Children should never be educated at home by their parents. Do you agree or disagree?

5. In Britain, when someone gets old, they often go to live in a home with other old people where there are nurses to look after them. Sometimes the government has to pay for this care. Who should be responsible for our old people? Give reasons.

6. In some countries the average worker is obliged to retire at the age of 50, while in others people can work until they are 65 or 70. Until what age do you think people should be encouraged to remain in paid employment? Give reasons for your answer.

7. To what extent has the traditional male role changed in the last 20 years?

8. TV: could you be without it? Discuss.

9. Tourism is becoming increasingly important as a source of revenue to many countries but its disadvantages should not be overlooked. What are some of the problems of tourism?

10. Should children be taught sex education in schools?

11. Most high level jobs are done by men. Should the government encourage a certain percentage of these jobs to be reserved for women?

12. Are famous people treated unfairly by the media? Should they be given more privacy, or is the price of their fame an invasion into their private lives?

13. Will modern technology, such as the internet ever replace the book or the written word as the main source of information?

14. Should criminals be punished with lengthy jail terms or re-educated and rehabituated, using community service programs for instance, before being reintroduced to society?

15. Recycling Is Necessary. Do you agree or disagree?

Topics for writingsDo you want to practise your writing skills but you dont know what to write about? Heres a list with some ideas:

1.How has education changed in your country over the last 50 years?

Write anarticlefor an English website about this topic.

2. Adescriptionof a place

3. Advantages and disadvantages of city life.

Write afor and against essay.

4. Anarrative text: describe a funny experience.

5.Describe an exciting family party you have been to (a wedding party, a Christmas lunch/dinner, a birthday, etc.)

6. You have a British friend who lives in England. She wants to move to Spain. Writean emailto your friend to give her/him some advice. You can talk about:

the best place to live in.

what the food is like.

costumes, festivals and celebrations.

weather and necessary clothes.

how to learn Spanish.


7. Write adescriptionof the school you go / went to. Include the following information:

a brief introduction: the kind of school, size, location, your age when you went there, number of pupils in each class

homework, uniform, discipline, teachers

subjects best / worst

your general opinion of the school good / bad? Why?

Conectores en inglsConectores en ingls, esas palabras que se utilizan para enlazar ideas, unir oraciones, empezar prrafos y en definitiva, darle cohesin a nuestro discurso, ya sea escrito o hablado. Es cierto que esos conectores varan dependiendo del registro, formal o informal, que siempre hay que tener en cuenta. Por poneros un ejemplo, but es un conector informal que se usa mucho en situaciones comunicativas informales. En cambio, however es ms formal. Hoy quiero que veamos however, yet, nevertheless y but, como un mismo grupo, y como segundo grupo, also. Vamos all!

1)YET = HOWEVER = NEVERTHELESS = BUTLa palabrayetno siempre significa todava, an o ya, sino que en ocasiones se traduce por sinembargo/pero.


I like the house,yetit could be better = me gusta la casa, pero podra ser mejor.

I told him not to tell his father,yethe told him. Now his father is furious = le dije que no se lo dijera a su padre, pero/sin embargo, se lo dijo.

He didnt have any experience.Yethe got the job.

Como veis, se coloca a principio de oracin, delante del sujeto.

A synonym of yet is however, nevertheless and but. Nevertheless is quite formal, so if you are writing a formal email, or any other type of writing, you can use it. However is also more formal than but.


I believe hes the person who stole my granny her bag.However,Im not 100% sure.

She skipped her lessons at university.Nevertheless,she passed all her exams.

Notice that you must write a comma after howevery and nevertheless.

2)ALSODo you know how to use the adverb also? Students have problems with it because they dont know where to place it in the sentence.

Lets see the rule:

Before the main verb. Example: I like pasta. My sisteralsolikesit. Common mistake: After verb to be. Example: Im a student, I study history. My best friendisalsoa student, but he studies German.

Common mistake: After modal verbs. Example: I can dance very well. Icanalsosing quite well.

In the middle, when a verb has two parts(present/past perfect, will + infinitive, would + infinitive, etc). Example: My brother has bought a present for mum. Ihavealsoboughtone.

EXERCISEWrite also in the second sentence.1. I like studying English. I like studying French.

2. I am 34 years old. My friend is 34 years old.

3. My house is very big. Its quite expensive.

4. My father loves sports cars. My brother likes them.

5. I went to the beach last weekend. Peter went to the beach.

6. I can speak English fluently. I can speak German.

7. John plays the piano. He plays the guitar.

8. Ive been to New York twice. Ive been to San Francisco.

KEYS1. I also like studying French = before main verb (like)

2. My friend is also 34 = after to be

3. Its also quite expensive = after to be

4. My brother also likes them = before main verb (like)

5. Peter also went to the beach = before main verb (went)

6. I can also speak German.

7. He also plays the guitar.

8. Ive also been to San Francisco.

Cul es la diferencia entre as y likeSeguramente te habrs preguntando en muchas ocasiones cul es la diferencia entre as y like en ingls, porque si buscas en el diccionario estas dos palabras, te las traduce entre otras muchas cosas por como.

Os voy a poner aqu la regla, veris qu fcilRule for like:

1. Similar to.Example: my mobile is like yours (como el tuyo, similar)

2. Look + like.Example: hes so quick with the ball that he looks like a footballer (se parece). Look like + a noun

3. To give examples.Example: hes good at team sports, like football and basketball.Common mistake:hes good at team sports,football and basketball

Rule for as:

1. Comparisons: as + adjective + as.Example: Im as tall as my little brother = tan alto/a como

2. Jobs.Example: I work as a teacher = yo soy profesora, trabajo de profesora.

3. Function= en calidad de.Example: dont use that plate as an ashtray = no uses ese plato de cenicero, en calidad de cenicero.

4. Conjunction= como.Example: as Im working now, I can give my brother good presents = como estoy trabajando le puedo hacer a mi hermano buenos regalos. Observa que en este ejemplo, as va seguido de sujeto + verbo. Otro ejemplo: As I dont like my shoes, Ill give them away = como no me gustan los zapatos, los donar.

5. As + usual/ always. Con estas palabras, usual y always, se utiliza as.Example: she got angry, as always = se enfad, como siempre.

6. As con el significado de while(mientras).Example: as John was stuying hard for the exam, his best friend was having a weekend away, which is why he failed the exam = mientras Juan estaba estudiando mucho para el examen, su mejor amigo estaba fuera de fin de semana, por eso luego suspendi el examen.

Haz el siguiente ejercicio a ver si lo entiendes.

Traducir espaol ingls:

1. En Espaa no hace tanto fro como en el Reino Unido.

2. Mi hermano se parece a mi padre.

3. Estos zapatos son como los tuyos.

4. Mientras ella se duchaba, l haca la cena.

5. Mi padre es electricista.

6. Mi ordenador no es como el tuyo, es ms viejo.

7. Como sabes, no me gusta ir al cine.

8. Los nios estn discutiendo, como de costumbre.

9. Mientras me duchaba, son el telfono dos veces.

10. Huele a pintura.


1. En Espaa no hace tanto fro como en el Reino Unido = In Spain its not as cold as in the UK.

2. Mi hermano se parece a mi padre = My brother looks like my father.

3. Estos zapatos son como los tuyos = These shoes are like yours.

4. Mientras ella se duchaba, l haca la cena = As she was having a shower, he was cooking dinner.

5. Mi padre es electricista = My father works as an electrician.

6. Mi ordenador no es como el tuyo, es ms viejo = My computer is not like yours, its older.

7. Como sabes, no me gusta ir al cine = As you know, I dont like going to the cinema.

8. Los nios estn discutiendo, como de costumbre = The children are arguing, as usual.

9. Mientras me duchaba, son el telfono dos veces = As I was having a shower, the phone rang twice.

10. Huele a pintura = It smells like paint.

An entry to a blog YOUR LAST TRIPltimamente, y debido al uso de las nuevas tecnologas en la enseanza de idiomas, es muy comn encontrar en los exmenes de expresin escrita (writings) algo relacionado con los blogs y las pginas webs. Os propongo hoy la siguiente tarea:

A post with an entry to a blog about your last trip.

Vamos a explicar primero lo qu es un blog y un post, que aunque no estamos aqu para ese cometido, es importante que el alumno entienda estos dos conceptos por si se encontrara con un writing de este tipo.

Bien, un blog es una pgina web relativamente sencilla, que cualquier persona, sin conocimientos de programacin, puede llegar a realizar. Me pongo a m misma de ejemplo. Esta pgina web, que t ests consultando y leyendo en estos momentos, es un blog. Yo no soy ni ingeniera, ni informtica, por lo que no tengo conocimientos de programacin, pero en cambio, s soy capaz de confeccionar mi propio blog, porque como te digo, es sencillo. Vale, dentro de lo que es el blog, tenemos unos post, que es simplemente las noticias, explicaciones, artculos, etc. que el creador del blog pone a disposicin de todos sus lectores.

Dicho esto, si en un examen de expresin escrita se te pide que escribas un post en un blog, ya sabes que tendrs que escribir un artculo sobre el tema que se pida. Los alumnos me suelen preguntar qu registro habra que utilizar, a lo que yo contesto, depende del blog. Si la temtica del blog son viajes, el registro ser informal. Si es sobre experiencias en tu vida, momentos inolvidables, etc., informal tambin. Si fuera de literatura, donde participan escritos, profesores, etc., entonces formal. Es decir, es importante tener en cuenta la temtica del blog para entonces darle un registro adecuado.

El caso que hoy vamos a analizar es sobre viajes, your last trip, por tanto, lo haremos informal o neutro, pero no demasiado formal. A m me gusta que el post, en un blog de temtica informal, comience llamando un poco la atencin del lector, para despertar su inters por lo que yo voy a contar y as contine leyendo el artculo.

Otra cosa que tambin podemos incluir es una pregunta dirigida a ese lector, o algn imperativo, etc.

Explicado esto, pasemos ahora al writing, que es real. Ha sido escrito por uno de mis alumnos, Vicente, al cual agradezco que quiera compartir sus conocimientos con tod@s vosotr@s!

If you are a personwho likesbeing surroundedbynature on the mountains or if youenjoyswimmingin thesea, here it is.

Dont waste your time and pay attention!

Have you everbeentoMojacar?

Its located inthe province of Almeria exactly eastward,atwenty-minute drivefrom Almera.

Pricesdependonboththe quality and the place where the hotelsare situated.

Hotelsare used toshowingtheir pricesontheir websites so have a look atwhichone suitsyou.

If you hadthe opportunity of bookingin advance, youwould havemany and special offers.

Also I recommend you notspendmuch moneyonaccommodation as youll spenda lot oftime enjoying outdoors.

Dontmissvisitingthe city centre because it is nice for peoplewho wantto buy a souvenir and taste the menus in the bar while youre breathingfresh air and sunbathing.

Its saidMojacar isby farone of the most colourfulplacesinAndaluca, so take a note of it.

NOTAS:Aspectos positivos:

1. Relative clauses: a person who likes /it is nice for peoplewho want /have a look at which one

2. Enjoy + ing: enjoy swimming

3. Passive voice: its located, the hotels are situated

4. Verbs + prepositions:dependon/spendon5. Prepositions:ontheir websites

6. Be used to + V-ing: are used to showing

6. Mixed conditonal:If you hadthe opportunity of bookingin advance, youwould have

7. Verb pattern: miss + V-ing: dont miss visiting

8. Its said: se dice

9: By far + superlative:by farone of the most colourfulplaces

10. Superlative + in: by farone of themost colourfulplacesinAndaluca

En lo que a gramtica se refiere, como podis ver, hay muchas cosas positivas. El alumno ha intentado emplear gramtica propia del nivel B1.

En cuanto a la estructura, decir que est muy bien, ya que el alumno ha utilizado preguntas dirigidas al lector e imperativos, como comentbamos al principio, por ejemplo:

If you are a personwho likesbeing surroundedbynature on the mountains or if youenjoyswimmingin thesea, here it is.

Dont waste your time and pay attention!

Have you everbeentoMojacar?

Como veis, el alumno ha intentado llamar la atencin de su lector al principio del post, lo cual es muy apropiado, para as llamar su atencin y hacer que quiera seguir leyendo. Y por otro lado, al final, tambin se dirige al lector, con la oracin: take a note of it.

An email for a language school (formal)Vamos a trabajar hoy el writing que nos ha mandado una seguidora de la Web del Ingls, Yolanda R. Agradecerle antes de nada su participacin con la Web del Ingls,MUCHAS GRACIAS!El nivel de este writing es A2 (pre-intermediate) y la tarea es la siguiente:

Read the advert and write a formal e-mail telling the language school what course you would like to do.The English School- Brighton

Learn English by the sea in Brighton

We do one- week, two- week and six- week courses

With accommodation in flats or with an English family

We organize trips to london in Oxford

E-mail us to find out more

Para la correccin, enrojovamos a ponerloserroresyenazullascosas buenas, tanto de vocabulario (porque sea adecuado para el nivel) como de gramtica, que le dan nivel y calidad al writing.

Vamos all!




I am writingtoyou becauseI have seenyouradvert ontheinternet., I am a student of English. Iam studyingEnglish because Iwant totravel around the world, howeverlanguagesarevery difficult for me. I am 22 years old and I live in Spain.

My level of English is pre-intermediate although Iwould liketoreach an intermediate level. I want to study Englishforsixweeksbecause I think that it is more interesting than a one- week course. I prefertostay with an English familybecause this wayI can improve my English faster. .

I would likeyouto send memore information. For example:

What kind of languages do you teach?Whichis better live in a flat or with an English family?In conclusion if you go to English course, I will prefer sox- week courses.ASPECTOS A MEJORAR:1. Es recomendable indicar la direccin de email de la persona que escribe (sender), la direccin del que lo recibe (receiver) y el subject. Nuestra seguidora ha escrito From, To y Subject pero no lo ha rellenado. Hay a alumnos que se les olvida especificar estos datos, y son importantes cuando se nos pide escribir un email.

2. Se trata de un email formal, por tanto, hay que utilizar un lenguaje formal. A esto se le llama registro. Bien, os preguntareis, y qu es lenguaje formal? Por ejemplo:

En lugar de I want to, mejor decir I would like to

No usar contracciones (Im, Ive, isnt, etc). Mejor utilizar la forma larga: I am, I have, is not, etc.

A la hora de hacer las preguntas sobre el curso, aqu os pongo algunas sugerencias formales, empleadas en este tipo de emails:

I would be grateful if you could send me more details/ the details of the six-week courses.

Could you please send me more information about the courses?

I would like to know the starting dates and details about the level of the courses.

Could you tell me how much the course costs?

3. Para empezar el email ponemos: I am writing to you

4. En este tipo de email no se pone conclusion, adems, la informacin que da nuestra seguidora, es redundante, ya que ya se ha dicho anteriormente que se prefiere el six-week course.

5. Para acabar el email, stas son las frmulas:

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully

Yolanda (aqu firmaramos)

Cabe destacar que como hay que firmar obligatoriamente, al comenzar el email no es necesario decir nuestro nombre, por eso lo he tachado.

6. El email se debe comenzar saludando, de la siguiente manera:

Dear Sir/ Madam,

7.Diferencia entre what y which. Os recomiendo ver la siguiente explicacin sobre estas dos question words.

Bien, pues esto es todo. Os recomiendo otro email formal que tenemos en la Web del Ingls, tambin de nivel A2, con el que podis seguir aprendiendo a escribir email formales:Formal Email -nivel A2Aqu tenemos un modelo de un email formal intercambio de casa, no es demasiado formal, pero s un poco porque se manda a una persona con la que no tienes confianza y apenas conoces. Se trata de mandar un email a una familia para intercambiar las casas para pasar el verano.

Este writing lo ha escrito el alumno Jess F. Yo se lo voy a corregir ahora para que otros alumnos puedan aprender de los errores.Enrojovamos a ponerloserrores, que los corregir escribiendo lo correcto entre parntesis, enverdelasestructuras fijasque debemos emplear ante este tipo de textos y enazullascosas buenas, tanto de vocabulario (porque sea adecuado para el nivel) como de gramtica, que le dan nivel y calidad al writing.

El writing es nivel B1.

From:jes67tg@yahoo.esTo:bolt129@hotmail.comSubject: exchange the flat

Dear Mr and Mrs Bolton,I am Jess from Spain andI am writing to you in order togive you more information about our flat in Benidorm.

As I told you before, this apartment is near the beach, only 50 metresaway(about 20 miles). It is on the 10thfloor and it is very sunny and very confortable(comfortable)I remember you told methat you were a young couple,didnt you?SoI thinkyouwillhave fun inthe flat. The flat is(fully equipped)with two televisions (one in the living room and the other one in the main bedroom). The flat has a second bedroomwhichhastwin beds, soif someone decidedto visit youthey could use them.

The flat has a new and modern kitchen too whichwas redecoratedlast year.

However, the most importantthingfor me is the view you will have: the beach, the city centre, the gardens and the lovely private pool.

Our urbanization is very quiet and it is near the main street,whereyou can find a lot of pubs, shops and restaurants, and if you likeIndian food, you have to visit the White Elephant,dont miss it!If you want to know what(you can visit)in the area, you can go to the tourist information,whichyou can find near the town hall, and remember, we drive on the right! But I suppose that if you spend two weeks here, youwill get used to it.

Well, if you would like to know more information about the flat, the city or the area,dont hesitate toask me.

Finally, could you send me more information about your flat, please?

I am looking forward to hearing from you.Yours sincerelyJess F.


1. El writing est bastante bien, ya que el alumno ha intentado utilizar gramtica de nivel, como por ejemplo:

question tags: , didnt you?

think + will: I think you will have fun

2nd conditional:if someone decidedto visit youthey could use them

pasiva de pasado simple: was redecorated

relativos: which, where

get used to

2. Tambin ha hecho uso de estructuras propias de las cartas formales:

Dear Mr and Mrs Bolton,

I am writing to you in order to

As I told you before


Dont hesitate to

I am looking forward to hearing from you

Yours sincerely

Aqu tenemos un modelo de un Email -intercambio de casa, no es demasiado formal, pero s un poco porque se manda a una persona con la que no tienes confianza y apenas conoces. Se trata de mandar un email a una familia para intercambiar las casas para pasar el verano.

Este writing lo ha escrito el alumno Juan Antonio R. Yo se lo voy a corregir ahora para que otros alumnos puedan aprender de los errores.Enrojovamos a ponerloserrores, que los corregir escribiendo lo correcto entre parntesis, enverdelasestructuras fijasque debemos emplear ante este tipo de textos y enazullascosas buenas, tanto de vocabulario (porque sea adecuado para el nivel) como de gramtica, que le dan nivel y calidad al writing.

From: juanr45@gmail.comTo:shirley676@hotmail.comSubject: exchange the flatDear Mr and Mrs Murray,My name is Juan Antonio R.

I am writing in response toyour advertisement which I saw publishedonthe Second Hand web.

I have a flat in Oliva near Valencia.It is said thatithas the best beaches in the area.

It is very well located,ittakesonlyone minute to getto the nearest beach, and not too farfromthe main street,which isfullof shops and regional restaurants. If you like Spanish food, you can try the authentic Paellahere.

The apartmentwas builtin 2008. It hasthree bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living room with a big terrace whichshowsastunning viewof the beach, and a kitchen. The flat isfully equippedwith air conditioning,awashing machine,adishwasher,amicrowave andadryer. It has garageas well,whichis a big advantageasit is very difficult to parkinthe street.

The(housing estate)is very quiet; it has a big private pool. If you are a young couple, you could enjoy at nights as there are some beach clubs(in Spanishchiringuitos)whereyou could dance lively music.

If you rent a car to visitotherplacesnear Oliva, you should remember that we drive on the right. It will be difficult at first, but youwill get used to it.

If youneedmore information, dont hesitatetoask me.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerelyJuan Antonio R.



1.It is said that

2.ittakesonlyone minute to getto the nearest beach = buena estructura, que se utiliza para decir se tarda 2 minutos en llegar a 3. Uso de relativos:the main street,whichisfullof shops. No obstante, el alumno debe repasarse la gramtica de los relativos, ya que a veces olvida poner la coma que precede al relativo, y otras veces utiliza un pronombre relativo incorrecto, como en la oracin:there are some beach clubs(in Spanishchiringuitos)whereyou could dance lively music.

4. Pasivas:The apartmentwas builtin 2008.

5. Other + plural:otherplaces

6. Get used to:youwill get used to it.


fully equipped, as (meaning because), as well, stunning view

Email informal- where to live in SpainEsto es un email informal entre amigos, uno espaol y otro ingls. El amigo ingls quiere venir a Espaa y le pregunta por email a su amigo, que vive en Espaa, consejos. Como se trata de un texto informal, hay que usar lenguaje informal, se pueden usar contracciones, a diferencia de los textos formales. Si quieres contrastar ambos registros, formal e informal, te recomiendo que veas lascartas de queja en ingls, que son formales y compares ambos textos.

Este email ha sido enviado por un alumno,Juan A., y yo se lo voy a corregir para que as otros estudiantes puedan aprender de sus errores. Se trata de un writing nivel B1.

Enrojovamos a ponerloserrores, que los corregir escribiendo lo correcto entre parntesis, enverdelasestructuras fijasque debemos emplear ante este tipo de textos y enazullascosas buenas, tanto de vocabulario (porque sea adecuado para el nivel) como de gramtica, que le dan nivel y calidad al writing.

Hi Lizzy,How are you? I hopeeverythinggoeswell.

Sorryforthe delay toanswer you so late(Better: sorry for replying so late). Ihavent been able to do itbefore.

How are things in London?(On)your last email, you told me that youhave(at last OR just, already)finishedyourdegree.

Congratulations.youhave studiedso much!!!

I wish I finishedmy degree tooI wish I had studiedjournalism,if I had known I wouldnt have studiedeconomy.

Also you(told)me that youwant to move to Spain.

Let me tell you some advicethat you should consider:

Firstly, I suggest youlive in Madrid.

In my opinion, itsthe bestcityinSpain. Ive livedheresince I was child though I live in Rivas, a cityfifteen kilometresaway.

Madrid offersmanyalternativesto be chosenas your(destination),such asamazing people, thousands of goodrestaurants, beautiful museums and monuments, excellent transports (tube and bus lines), exciting night life.

However,if you wanted to movearoundby caryou wouldhavesome problems as awful traffic orour(driving side). We drive on the right side, I hope youllget used todriving(this way)soon.

I advise youtorenta room in ashared apartment in thecenter (centre in British English)Concerningthe Spanish food,I canonlytell youthat it is recogniced (recognized) as one ofthe bestinthe world.

In Madrid, youll have the posibility (possibility) totry many typical dishes of our territory.I suggest you try the tapas.

In comparison toyou, we have lunch and dinner later, but beeris drunkat all hours(too).

Youare used tohavingdinner atseven, here weusually have dinner at nine or ten.

In Spain there are many festivals and important fairssuch asSan Isidro, here in Madrid; people wear typical costumes,calledchulapos andchulapas;otherimportant festivalsare The Fallas in Valencia, Fair of Seville, The Bonfires in Alicante, San Fermines in Pamplona

I wish we couldsee(all of them).

Regardingthe weather in Madrid,summers are very hot,temperaturesnearthirty-seven degrees(OR temperatures get close to 37 degrees)and winters arecolder thanin London.

You need to(bring)t-shirts and a couple of coats.

Finally, I suggest you learnSpanishthrough private classes, with aqualified teacher.To learn the speaking, I suggest you attendclassesof interchange with Spanish people who are very interestedinit.

A lot of peoplebeginto speak in Spanish orEnglishso (por qu so aqu??)Classesaregivenin pubs orotherplaces.

I hope to see you soon.Kisses


1. El writing est muy bien para un nivel B1, aunque hay errores, el alumno Juan A. ha utilizado una gramtica muy buena, lo cual se valora muy positivamente.

2. Gramtica buena utilizada:

Everythinggoes= everything + verbo en singular Uso del presente perfecto = Ihavent been able to do it,youhave(at last OR just, already)finishedyourdegree,youhave studiedso much!!!

Wish + past simple o past perfect: I wish I finishedmy degree tooI wish I had studiedjournalism.

2nd conditional:if you wanted to movearoundby caryou wouldhave

3rd conditional: if I had known I wouldnt have studiedeconomy.

Pasivas: to be chosen, beer is drunk, classes are given

Get used to + ing:I hope youllget used todriving Be used to + ing:Youare used tohavingdinner

Other + plural noun:otherfestivals Regarding, concerning, such as

Comparatives: colder than


Email formalHoy tenemos un modelo de email formal. Se trata de un writing enviado por una alumna, Laura F., donde yo ahora se lo voy a corregir con anotaciones para que as otros estudiantes se puedan beneficiar de ello y aprender de las correcciones.Enrojovamos a ponerloserrores, que los corregir escribiendo lo correcto entre parntesis, enverdelasestructuras fijasque debemos emplear ante este tipo de textos y enazullascosas buenas, tanto de vocabulario (porque sea adecuado para el nivel) como de gramtica, que le dan nivel y calidad al writing.

La tarea consiste en escribir un email para ser publicado en una pgina web de Home exchange/house swap, donde tienes que describir tu casa, que la quieres intercambiar con otra persona de otro pas durante las vacaciones.

Es un writing de nivel B1.

From:laurathm10@yahoo.esTo:sharonka39@live.esSubject: house swap

Dear Sir/Madam,We have an apartment in Benidormwhichis very sunny and comfortable.Ithastwo bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living room and a kitchen.It was builtin 2010 so it is new and(fully-equipped).

The location is wonderful too, it is a quiet area andthere aresome cheap shops, so if you dont want to spend a lot of money,trybuyingthere.

The apartment(belongs)to anurbanization and its(forbidden)to celebrate partiesuntil(no tiene sentido until aqu, sta prohibido celebrar fiestas hasta las 12???)12 oclock at night or later and youwill have to respectthe common areas. Andremember toswitch on the alarm every time you go out.

Im sureyouwilllike our apartment.

Im looking forward to hearing(from)you.



1. En general el writing est algo flojo para nivel B1, se podra haber empleado ms vocabulario relacionado con las casas, ms avanzado, no slo bedrooms, bathrooms, living room and kitchen, como por ejemplo, aire acondicionado, lavadora, lavavajillas, microondas, secadora, secador, balcn, plaza de garaje, etc.

2. Hay cosas de gramtica que estn muy bien: pasiva en pasado simple, oracin de relativo, try + ing, remember + to infinitive, will have to, Im sure + future.

Si no recuerdas el uso de try y remember, te aconsejo que mires estos posts:

Verbos con ing o to infinitive-Ing en inglsHoy voy a corregir el writing de una seguidora de la Web del Ingls, Marta Fernndez, que nos ha mandado una carta de queja. Se lo voy a corregir, sealando enverdelasestructuras propiasde este tipo de writing, enazullas cosas buenas, tanto de vocabulario (porque sea adecuado para el nivel) como de gramtica, que le dan nivel y calidad al writing, y enrojolos errores.Esta es la tarea: Write a note to a local newspaper where you tell them about a problem in your town.

El nivel de este writing es B1.

Dear Sir, Madame (Dear Sir/Madam,)I am writing to complain aboutseveral problems I believe are important to solve as soon as possible. Its about public transport and the animals which can get into there.

* I am writing to complain about the problem with animals in public transport.

First of all,its needed to saythatI have no problem when guide dogs areonthe bus with their owners, butthats not mean all of them must do it (??).I feel this law is a little bitthoughtlesswith the rest of the population, mainly because unnecessary situations can be come off as a result of this (???).

ByOnthe other hand, as a lot of people also think, allpoliticiansmust go further and the makebetterdecisions on important mattersin order toimprovepeople lifestylepeoples lifestyle, therefore, from my point of viewthis is not the way to get it (what does this refer to??)Finally, I am willing to give yousomesuggestionsand measuresthatcan be takenlike erasingthis last step(which one?)and come back to normality, or, for instance,take some vehicles only for animals and their owners. This way, we all win (???)I hope my letterwill be read and considered, andI look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully,


Things to avoid in future writings:

1. Siempre que escribimos un writing en un examen hay que intentar explicar todas y cada una de nuestras ideas y pensad que el corrector (profesor) no tiene porqu saber lo que nosotros estamos pensando. Como digo siempre a mis alumnos, una vez expuesta la idea, la solucin, la sugerencia, hay que decir el porque (because).

En esta carta vemos varios ejemplos en los que no se ha explicado el porqu de las ideas, por ejemplo:

mainly because unnecessary situations can be come off as a result of this (???)= as a result of what? = Hay que decir el resultado de qu.allpoliticiansmust go further and the makebetterdecisions on important mattersin order toimprovepeople lifestylepeoples lifestyle= hay que explicar qu decisiones podran tomar los polticos para mejorar la vida de la gente, hay que dar una propuesta, decir lo qu t, la persona que escribe, hara en el lugar de los polticos.can be takenlike erasingthis last step= cul es el last step?take some vehicles only for animals and their owners= take where?This way, we all win= cmo ganaremos y quines ganaremos, nosotros quines somos?Positive things:

in order to

some + plural nouns

passive: can be taken, will be read and considered

Cartas de queja en inglsCartas de quejas en ingls hay varios modelos, con distintas estructuras las puedes encontrar, pero muy parecidas entre ellas. Las cartas de quejas se tratan de cartas formales, donde tienes que utilizarlenguaje formalcomo por ejemplo pasivas y condicionales y evitar, como en cualquier texto formal,las contracciones.

En este post os voy a poner un ejemplo de carta de queja (letter of complaint) donde la persona se queja sobre una estancia en un hotel que ha estado. Se trata de un writing realizado por una alumna, donde yo se lo corrijo. Enrojovamos a ponerlos errores, que los corregir escribiendo lo correcto entre parntesis, enverdelasestructuras fijasque debemos emplear ante este tipo de textos y enazullas cosas buenas, tanto de vocabulario (porque sea adecuado para el nivel) como de gramtica, que le dan nivel y calidad al writing.

El nivel de este writing es B1.

Dear Sir/Madam,(recordad que siempre escribimos coma en lugar de dos puntos)I am writing to complain aboutmy stay last week at the Atlantic hotel. Its not my first time at the Atlantic hotel but this time wast(terrible, horrible)because I(had ordered) a double room and when Mr. Sanchez and Iarrived atthe room, the room was a single. I(spoke)tothe receptionist and he told me that the hotel was full anditwas impossible to getanother room. I asked if I could speaktotheheadreceptionist.Afterwaitingfor 3 hours,Mrs. Martin,the headreceptionist, andshesuggestedus movingto another hotel company, but the hotel was 50kmsand wedidnot accept because wewanted to be near the Spa Mayor and we didnt have a car.

In the end, they changedus single bed for a double bed, but the room was small for our luggage and the bathroomdidnt havea bathtub.

In conclusion, my experience was notverypleseant.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,Alice S.


1. Recordarte que las cartas se empiezan siempre con Dear + algo, ese algo puede ser:

Dear Sir/Madam, = si no conocemos el apellido de la persona, no sabemos a quin va dirigida

Dear Mr Bolton, = si conocemos el apellido, ponemos primero el tratamiento Mr + apellido, nunca el nombre.

La carta se acaba en funcin de cmo hemos empezado:

Yours faithfully = si hemos empezado con Dear Sir/Madam,

Yours sincerely = si hemos empezado con Dear + tratamiento + apellido

2. I look forward to hearing from you = es una forma de terminar y se utiliza si esperas que la otra persona te conteste, qu ponemos en espaol, a esperas de sus noticias, por ejemplo?

3. Al finalizar se debe poner el nombre y el apellido de quien la escribe y firmarla abajo

4. Negative grammar:

Hay varios errores de tiempos verbales importantes para el nivel, por ejemplo:

I was spoken = esto es una pasiva, y aqu no requiere pasiva, sino activa = I spoke (yo habl)

we do not accept = en presente, cuando se est hablando en pasado simple.

they change us = tambin presente, y necesitamos pasado simple.

the bathroom hadnt = el verbo have en pasado simple es didnt have, NUNCA hadnt.

I ordered = ausencia de past perfect, que es ms adecuado, ya que se quiere decir yo haba reservado, con antelacin.

El verbo speak lleva la preposicin to en British English, no with.

5. Positive grammar:

arrive + at (NEVER to)

another + singular noun

after + V-ing

In the end = finally

6. Bien, cuando se escribe una carta de queja, se hace con la intencin de que te compensen de alguna manera, no simplemente por quejarte, y esa compensacin suele ser econmica. En esta carta, la persona que se queja no ha pedido compensacin de ningn tipo, por tanto, te aconsejo que leas la siguienteletter/email of complaint, para que aprendas cmo pedir una compensacin en ingls de manera formal y educada.

Cartas de quejas en inglsCartas de quejas en ingls hay varios modelos, con distintas estructuras las puedes encontrar, pero muy parecidas entre ellas. Las cartas de quejas se tratan de cartas formales, donde tienes que utilizarlenguaje formalcomo por ejemplo pasivas y condicionales yevitar, como en cualquier texto formal,las contracciones.

En este post os voy a poner un ejemplo de carta de queja (letter of complaint) donde la persona se queja sobre una estancia en un hotel que ha estado. Se trata de un writing realizado por un alumno, donde yo se lo corrijo. Enrojovamos a ponerlos errores, que los corregir escribiendo lo correcto entre parntesis, enverdelasestructuras fijasque debemos emplear ante este tipo de textos y enazullas cosas buenas, tanto de vocabulario (porque sea adecuado para el nivel) como de gramtica, que le dan nivel y calidad al writing.

El nivel de este writing es B1.

Dear Sir/Madam, (recordar que ponemos siempre una coma)I am writing to complain aboutthe room I stayedINlast weekend in London Hotel,which isin Oxford Street.

I have beenon many occasionsin London for job(WRONG ORDER: in London for work on many occasions), and this is theHotel (hotel) I usually go becauseitis comfortable,quite(quiet)and theemployers(staff)are very friendly and the location is wonderful.

So last weekend my girlfriend and I decided to spend a couple of days in the city and I suggested thisHotel(hotel)and my experience was not so pleasent(pleasant)asolders was(previous times or previous ones).We ordered a double bed and werecived(received)atwice bed(twin one). I said in reception Ihad ordereda double bed and I wanted a change, but they told me thatIt(it)was imposible because theHotel(hotel)wasplenty(full)and there was any free room.

However,it(this)was not theworse(worst). Saturday night was terrible, there was aweeding(wedding)in theHotel(hotel)and they wereon party(partying)until four oclock in the morning soit was imposible to sleep. I phonedreception to tellthem aboutthe problem and they told me theywere workingto solve the problem.

In conclusion, we had a room wewere not choosen(had not chosen)and a very bad night. Sofor this unacceptable treatmentI would like to recive(receive)my money back(esto no es apropiado para acabar una carta de queda).Te aconsejo que mires un ejemplo decartas de quejasque puse en otra entrada para ver cmo acabar la carta.

I look forward to hearing from you.


Roberto Parra


1. Recordarte que las cartas se empiezan siempre con Dear + algo, ese algo puede ser:

Dear Sir/Madam, = si no conocemos el apellido de la persona, no sabemos a quin va dirigida

Dear Mr Bolton, = si conocemos el apellido, ponemos primero el tratamiento Mr + apellido, nunca el nombre.

La carta se acaba en funcin de cmo hemos empezado:

Yours faithfully = si hemos empezado con Dear Sir/Madam,

Yours sincerely = si hemos empezado con Dear + tratamiento + apellido

2. I look forward to hearing from you = es una forma de terminar y se utiliza si esperas que la otra persona te conteste, qu ponemos en espaol, a esperas de sus noticias, por ejemplo?

3. Al finalizar se debe poner el nombre y el apellido de quien la escribe y firmarla abajo.

Formal letter -covering letterLaCover letteren ingls, tambin llamadacovering letter, application letteromotivation letter, es una carta de presentacin que se adjunta al currculum vitate (CV) cuando alguien va a solicitar un trabajo (en ingls, apply for a job). El objetivo de estas cartas es presentarse a uno mismo, explicar en detalle lo que est en el CV y hacerle ver al empleador (employer) que t eres el candidato perfecto para el puesto ofertado. Hay distintos modelos de covering letter y cualquiera puede ser vlido, pero lo que s hay que tener en cuenta es que:

No hay que dar informacin personal del tipo los aos que se tienen, el nombre y los apellidos, la familia, etc. Esto no interesa en absoluto a la persona que est pensando en contratarte.

Hay que ser conciso, no enrollarse demasiado, simplemente poner la informacin que puede hacer que el empleador te contrate. Piensa que en los procesos de seleccin hay, en muchas ocasiones, varios candidatos a los que entrevistar, y lo que no queremos es hacernos pesados. Todo lo contrario, que la informacin que contamos interese.

Es un writing formal, por tanto, el lenguaje que vamos a emplear tiene que ser formal. Recuerda, no utilices contracciones, ni vocabulario informal propio del lenguaje hablado o de los emails informales.

Bien, dicho esto, vamos a ver ahora un ejemplo real de covering letter.Se trata de un writing realizado por un alumno, Vicente G., donde yo se lo corrijo. Enrojovamos a ponerloserrores, que los corregir escribiendo lo correcto entre parntesis, enverdelasestructuras fijasque debemos emplear ante este tipo de textos y enazullascosas buenas, tanto de vocabulario (porque sea adecuado para el nivel) como de gramtica, que le dan nivel y calidad al writing.

El nivel de este writing es B1.

Dear Sir/ Madam,I am writing in reply toyour advertisement(in)the newspaper as I(am applying) for a job and your vacant job is very suitable for me.

I have the requested qualifications totake part inthe medical support staff.

I havea degreeinnursing and a(wide)range of crash coursesthrough whichI am veryupdatedon new sports medical technologies.

Ihave been workingforten years in the provincial hospital developing tasks like cures and rehabilitation butnevertheless, what I am really specialized in is Sports Medicine andapart frommy weekdays Iam in charge ofthe rehabilitation of a football team.

I havea very high level ofEnglish(due to the fact that)my(degree)was partially donein England.

I enclose you my CV as requestedandif you require any further information, I will be very pleased to provide it to you. My telephone number is 690458328

I look forward to hearing from youYours faithfullyVicente

NOTAS:El writing est muy bien en todos los aspectos, tanto a nivel estructural como a nivel gramatical.

El registro es adecuado, formal, como ya comentamos al principio que deba ser.

En cuanto al vocabulario, el alumno ha empleado vocabulario propio de este tipo de cartas, por ejemplo:

-apply for a job

I have a degree in

a wide range of


I am in charge of

I have a very high level of English

Pasemos ahora comentar algunas cuestiones sobre los errores cometidos:

1. in the newspaper = con newspaper la preposicin es in, no on. Sin embargo, con radio, TV, phone es on.

2. el alumno haba puesto a huge range of = se suele decir wide range of, que significa una amplia gama de

3. due to va seguido de sustantivo o de verbo en ing, pero cuando va seguido de una oracin que tiene sujeto y verbo, como es este caso, debemos poner: due to the fact that + subject + verb.

4. career es diferente a degree. Degree es carrera universitaria, mientras que career es la carrera profesional una vez una persona ha empezado a trabajar.

LaCover letteren ingls, tambin llamadacovering letter, application letteromotivation letter, es una carta de presentacin que se adjunta al currculum vitate (CV) cuando alguien va a solicitar un trabajo (en ingls, apply for a job). El objetivo de estas cartas es presentarse a uno mismo, explicar en detalle lo que est en el CV y hacerle ver al empleador (employer) que t eres el candidato perfecto para el puesto ofertado. Hay distintos modelos de covering letter y cualquiera puede ser vlido, pero lo que s hay que tener en cuenta es que:

No hay que dar informacin personal del tipo los aos que se tienen, el nombre y los apellidos, la familia, etc. Esto no interesa en absoluto a la persona que est pensando en contratarte.

Hay que ser conciso, no enrollarse demasiado, simplemente poner la informacin que puede hacer que el empleador te contrate. Piensa que en los procesos de seleccin hay, en muchas ocasiones, varios candidatos a los que entrevistar, y lo que no queremos es hacernos pesados. Todo lo contrario, que la informacin que contamos interese.

Es un writing formal, por tanto, el lenguaje que vamos a emplear tiene que ser formal. Recuerda, no utilices contracciones, ni vocabulario informal propio del lenguaje hablado o de los emails informales.

Bien, dicho esto, vamos a ver ahora un ejemplo real de covering letter.Se trata de un writing realizado por una alumna, donde yo se lo corrijo. Enrojovamos a ponerlos errores, que los corregir escribiendo lo correcto entre parntesis, enverdelasestructuras fijasque debemos emplear ante este tipo de textos y enazullas cosas buenas, tanto de vocabulario (porque sea adecuado para el nivel) como de gramtica, que le dan nivel y calidad al writing.

El nivel de este writing es B1.

ste es el advertisement:

Teaching assistant, Bahamas:Primary school is looking for a teaching assistant to start ASAP. The school is a short walk from the beach. No formal qualifications are necessary, however, a genuine love for the job is required. Please forward CVs or contact me for further information.Dear Sir/Madam,(ponemos coma en lugar de dos puntos)I am writing to you regarding your advertisementfor a teaching assistant in the Bahamas which I saw on www.jobbahamas.com.I would like to sumbit an application for the post.I strongly believeI possess the right combination ofbothskills and experience you are looking for.

I amateacher and Ihave been workingin a nursery school. I thinkthis is a great opportunity to do something different with my life in the placeI have always wantedto gotosinceI was a child. Iused todream ofbeinga teacher and livingnear the beach.

Therefore, when I saw your advertisement I hoped thatall my dreams would come true. Iloveteachingchildren, I am responsible and hardworking.

If you requiere any further information, or would like to arrange an interview, please call me on 679024986 or email me at teacher493@gmail.com

I look forward to hearing from you.


Carmen C.


En general, el writing est bien, aunque sera conveniente hablar ms de la experiencia en otros trabajos, que puedan venir bien para el trabajo al cual se aspira. Aunque el vocabulario de all my dreams would come true est muy bien y le da nivel al writing, no es del todo oportuno, ya que eso no aporta informacin relevante para el contratante. Lo que s es importante es I love teaching, ya que en el nuevo trabajo vas a ensear a nios, y los adjetivos para describirse a uno mismo (responsible and hardworking). No obstante, estos adjetivos son ms bsicos, por qu no usar adjetivos de ms nivel para dar ms nota a nuestro writing? Por ejemplo:reliable, diligent, methodical, confident, punctual, honest, loyal, team player, easy-going, etc.

Aunque la estructura no est mal, veo ms adecuada la estructura que puedes ver en otro de los ejemplos que tenemos en la web, que puedes ver aqu:covering letter. Como vers, aqu tenemos la estructura con diferentes puntos, lo cual da claridad a la carta.

Good grammar:

1. a + job = a teacher

2. present perfect + since = I have always wanted to go since I was a child

3. present perfect continuous = I have been working in a nursery school

4. dream of V-ing = I used to dream of being a teacher and living near the beach = recuerda, las preposiciones en ingls siempre van seguidas de V-ing. Si no lo recuerdas, o necesitas ms prctica, lo puedes ver aqu: las preposiciones en ingls5. love + V-ing = I love teaching

E-mail formalVamos a ver hoy un e-mail formal enviado por Mario B. Yo ahora se lo voy a corregir con anotaciones para que as otros estudiantes se puedan beneficiar de ello y aprender de las correcciones.Enrojovamos a ponerloserrores, que los corregir escribiendo lo correcto entre parntesis, enverdelasestructuras fijasque debemos emplear ante este tipo de textos y enazullascosas buenas, tanto de vocabulario (porque sea adecuado para el nivel) como de gramtica, que le dan nivel y calidad al writing.

La tarea consiste en escribir un e-mail formal a la Universidad de Seattle porque te han concedido una beca (grant) para ir a estudiar all y mejorar tu nivel de ingls, que ahora es intermediate. Te piden que escribas por qu aprender ingls es importante para ti y qu quieres conseguir con ello.

Es un writing de B1.

Dear Sir/Madam,Iused tothink thatif I wantedto work in Spain I(would)never need to speak English, so I didnt spend a lot of time(on) my languages formation(studies)and(that)was a big mistake.

Iremember my girlfriendtellingme(that I had to learn English), but I did not do it.

Ihave been workingin a companyasa(an)ITsince2010 in Madrid, soI am used toworkingand livingoutofhome(and this)has helped meto be stronger and I have learned the(the importance)of(speaking)anotherlanguage.

I consider I have a good job but I thinkif I hada better English level,I would havea better one. So in this momentI wish I hadmore English knowledge to improve my job. So in my casethe jobhasto my surprisemademe wantto learn more and more English. So I think this is a good moment to learn English and a grant in Seattle could be fantastic because the best way to learn a language is in the(other)country. Iwill never forgettravellingto England some summers ago. It was anunforgettableexperience I would like to repeat.

Yours faithfullyMario B.


1. El alumno ha intentado hacer una condicional, pero lo ha hecho mal, ya que ha mezclado la primera y la segunda. Esto es lo que ha puesto:if I wantedto work in Spain Inever need to

Est poniendo: if + past simple, will

Te acuerdas de las condicionales? Vamos a revisarlas rpidamente aqu:

1 if + present simple, will + infinitive

2 if + past simple, would + infinitive

3 if + past perfect, would + have + infinitive

El alumno en su oracin ha puesto past simple con will, como ves, esto es imposible, debera haber usado una 2 condicional, por eso en la correccin, yo le he puesto would, en lugar de will.

2. the importance of to speak. Aqu hay un error, recuerda, preposicin + ing en ingls, te acuerdas? Puedes revisar este post sobrelas preposiciones en ingls.

3. El writing de Mario B. tiene muchas cosas de gramtica buenas:

used to: I used to think

remember + ing: I remember my girlfriend telling me

present perfect continuous = I have been working + since

be used to + ing: I am used to working and living

uso correcto de la 3 persona del singular con -s: this hashelped me, the job has

another + singular: another language

2 condicional:if I hada better English level,I would havea better one.

verb pattern: made me want

forget + ing: I will never forget travelling

wish + past simple: I wish I had


Este uso bastante elevado de gramtica se valora muy positivamente a la hora de evaluar al alumno.

Voy a poner aqu referencias a otras entradas donde se explican algunos puntos gramaticales que Mario B. ha utilizado, por si cuando veas las correcciones no las entiendes y necesitas recordar o aprenderlo.

verb patternsverbos con ing o to infinitiveing en ingls- another y other-wish en inglsused toA competitionOs propongo hoy una tarea que nos ha mandado una de la seguidoras de la Web del Ingls, Gema M. Agradecerle de antemano su aportacin con la Web del Ingls y su inters por compartir su aprendizaje con el resto de seguidores, MUCHAS GRACIAS!!

Enrojovamos a ponerloserroresyenazullascosas buenas, tanto de vocabulario (porque sea adecuado para el nivel) como de gramtica, que le dan nivel y calidad al writing.

Es un writing denivel B1.

sta es la tarea:

A friend writes to you because there is a competition about photographs. You have to send an email with the following points:

- Describe a photo

- Story of photo

-What is happening behind the photo

Dear Sir/Madam,I am writing toparticipate in the competition about photographs,which was advertisedyesterday in the ABC.

This is a photo of The Trevi Fountain in Rome lastsummer. In addition to that, you can see the fountain with a play of light and shadow.

I took the photo because I believed that it showed a little sight of Rome. Furthermore, I wanted totakea picture with my friends.

In spite of the fact thatwe had a good time, behind thephotographit was happening something funny. A man asked her girlfriend if shewanted to marry himand she answered of course!.

I look forward tohearingfrom you. Thanks inadvancefor your help.

Yours faithfully,

Peter Smith

NOTAS:- El writing no est mal en su conjunto, pero es cierto que para ser un nivel B1 (intermedio 2 en la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas en Espaa), faltara meter gramtica ms avanzada.

- El formato del writing es apropiado. Puesto que se pide un email, tanto la manera de comenzar, como de acabar, es correcta (Dear/ Yours faithfully).

-Positive grammar: I am writing to

Relative pronoun: which

Passive: was advertised

In spite of the fact that

A correct use of past simple

Esto es un writing sobre la rutina diaria de una persona (daily routine) que ha escrito un alumno, Antonio B., y ahora yo se lo voy a corregir. Se trata de un writing sencillo, que podramos ubicar en un nivel intermedio bajo, pero a pesar de su sencillez, est muy bien escrito, tanto en estructuras gramaticales como en vocabulario.

Enrojovamos a ponerloserrores, que los corregir escribiendo lo correcto entre parntesis y enazullascosas buenas, tanto de vocabulario (porque sea adecuado para el nivel) como de gramtica, que le dan nivel y calidad al writing.

Ihave never worked yetso Idevote my life totake care of my child, who is one year old. I get up when my son wakesup. The first thing I do every morning is prepare mysons breakfast. Children dont know that they sometimes have to wait for something, if they are hungry, they have to eat. Its important to be quick becauseas I said, he cant wait for eating. When hefinishes offhis breakfast, I can drink a cup of milk.

After breakfast we usually play in the dining room until he needs to sleep. While he is sleeping, I do myothertaskswhich are quite simple, I cook my sons meal and I also cook the meal for my wife and me. When Ifinishcooking, I usually clean the kitchen andIf (if)I haveenough time, Itidyupmy house.

When my child wakesup, we play again the dining room until heis (gets)bored. He has lunch at about 2p.m. While he is watching TV, my wife and I have lunch at 3p.m. because she works in Alicante and she go (goes back)home at about 2.15.

After lunch, my wife and I talk about our mornings and then she goes to bed while Im playing with my child. When my child is sleeping, I do my English homework. Twice a week I go to Elchein order tohave English lessons from 7 to 9p.m.

The best part of my daily routine is seeing how my son is growing. Hehas changeda lot in one year. But I sometimes feel tired because my child is reallynaughty. I only relaxbysleepingat night.

NOTAS: El writing est muy bien escrito en cuanto a gramtica se refiere. Cosas buenas que podemos destacar:

Present Perfect + yet: I have never changed yet

Present Perfect: He has changed a lot in one year

Uso de la -s de 3 persona del singular: my son wakes up, my wife works

Other + plural noun: other tasks

Finish + V-ing: when I finish cooking

Saxon genitive: my sons breakfast

In order to + infinitive: in order to have English lessons

Preposition + V-ing: I only relax by sleeping at night

By: indica la manera en la que se hace algo. Cmo se relaja? = durmiendo. En ingls como nos referimos a la manera, ponemos el by.

Vocabulary: devote my life to, naughty (travieso), finish off + breakfast, take care of

A continuacin, te recomiendo que revises la siguiente gramtica en la web, para que puedas entender mejor las correcciones:

Cmo y cuando se utiliza el genitivo sajnAnother otherLas preposiciones en inglsRecommend a movieEsto es un email informal entre amigos, donde uno le escribe al otro para recomendarle una pelcula. Como se trata de un texto informal, hay que usar lenguaje informal y se pueden usar contracciones, a diferencia de los textos formales.

Este email ha sido enviado por un alumno,Antonio B., y yo se lo voy a corregir para que as otros estudiantes puedan aprender de sus errores. Se trata de unwriting nivel B1.

Enrojovamos a ponerloserrores, que los corregir escribiendo lo correcto entre parntesis, enverdelasestructuras fijasque debemos emplear ante este tipo de textos y enazullascosas buenas, tanto de vocabulario (porque sea adecuado para el nivel) como de gramtica, que le dan nivel y calidad al writing.

Puedes ver las instrucciones de la tarea aqu:Can you recommend a movie?Ah va el ejemplo:

Dear friend,If I were you, I would seeMamma Mia! The Movie because if you want to forget your problems and have a good time, this is the best movie. Ihave seen it recentlyand Ithinkyouwillenjoy with it because youhave always likedABBAs songs. Thecastis quite good and it has some famous actors. Theplotisnt very bad and thesoundtrackis full of ABBAs songs.

This movie is amusical comedyand it hasnt got a lot ofspecial effects. The star is Meryl Streepwho plays the role ofDonna.Otherstars are Pierce Brosnan, Colin Firth and Stellan Skarsgard who play the part of Donnas boyfriends.It was dubbed intoother languages but I recommend you to see it in English.

The plot is amazing. Donnas daughter, called Sophie, is going to get married and(she invites her three possible fathers to her wedding). Donna, who doesnt know anything about her daughthers plan, is surprised by her older lovers. The movie,which was filmed on locationin Greece, has an incredible end.

Hope youre ok too.


NOTAS:El writing en su conjunto est muy bien.

Anivel gramatical, el alumno ha utilizado una gran variedad detiempos verbalesque dan calidad a su writing, por ejemplo:

A second conditional: if I were you, I would see

Present perfect: I have seen it recently/ you have always liked

Future simple: I think you will enjoy

Passive voice: It was dubbed into other languages/ was filmed on location

Oraciones de relativo:

Meryl Streepwhoplaysthe role of Donna

The movie,whichwas filmed on location in Greece, has an incredible end.

Anivel de vocabulario, una gran variedad detrminos relaciones con cinema: cast, plot, soundtrack, special effects, musical commedy, was dubbed into, was filmed on location.

Por ltimo, algo que yo mejorara en este writing es la manera de empezar el email, si es tu amigo el que te ha pedido que le recomiendes una pelcula, no empezaras el email directamente a hablarle de la pelcula, sino que le diras algo ms, cmo ests, cmo te va la vida, cmo te han salido los exmenes, etc.

Por lo dems, un writing muy bien escrito, que puede ayudar a much@s otr@s alumn@s a mejorar su nivel.

A continuacin, vamos a ponerotro ejemplo, de otra alumna, Mara Teresa R.

Hi Mandy,

I think you would like The Goonies.Althoughits an old film there is a film season about the 80s cinema and they are projecting this film.If you enjoy adventure movies, youll love The Goonies.

The filmwas directed byRichard Donner in 1985 andproduced bySteven Spilberg.In fact, its based ona Spilbergs story. The main characters are teenagers and children. Itssoundtrackis very famous especially the song The Goonies R Good Enough,played byCyndi Lauper. Thespecial effectsare fantastic! Although(special effects didnt used to be as spectacular as they are nowadays), youll be impressed. Itwas filmedin the rea place, Astoria (Oregon), and in a studio.

The Goonies are about a group of friendswhichhave to separate because their housesare going to be knocked down. They find a treasure map and they start to look for the treasure, but there is a problem, a family of thieves want to find it too.

Itsby far the best adventure filmIve ever seen. Iused tosee it when I was younger. If you want, you haveanotherfantastic options (other fantastic options)such asE.T. or Back to the Future. Let me know soon your opinion about the film.

Hope to hear from you soon.


NOTAS:Al igual que el writing anterior, ste est muy bien. Vamos a destacar lo positivo:

Good grammar:

First Conditional: If you enjoy adventure movies, youll love The Goonies

Passive voice: The film was directed by Richard Donner in 1985 and produced by Steven Spilberg/ its based on a Spilbergs story/ It was filmed in the rea place/ their houses are going to be knocked down.

Relative clauses: which have to separate

Superlative with by far (emphasis) + present perfect: Its by far the best adventure film Ive ever seen

Used to (past habits): I used to see it.

Good vocabulary related to cinema: adventure movies, soundtrack, special effects

Connectors/ Linkers: Although, in fact, such as

La alumna ha cometido un error en another. Aqu os dejo la explicacin deanother other, por si no lo recordis.

Os pongo otro ejemplo, en este caso de nuestra lectora y alumna Adriana:

Hi Mandy,

Im really gladto hearfrom you. Ive been ill with flu. Apart from that Im well.

You are right. Imkeen on thecinema. Recently, Ive watchedHer. This filmwas directed bySpeke Jonze,andthe main actor is J. Phoenix.On the other hand, we can hear ScarlettJohanssons voice. Thefilm genreis something between a romantic comedy and science fiction. In my opinion it has a curious script.

The film is about a manwho fallsin love. He loves a Computer Operative System. The operative system has a pretty nice voice (S. Johansson). Theyget onreally well. Their romance goes on asnormal couples. They begin tomakeplans together: they go shopping, camping andtheyalsogo out with friends. Of course, they have a little crisis. The issue is that the O.S. is very intelligent and its able to develop.

Im not going to tell you more. I think it will be very interesting for you.

I hopeyouwillenjoy it. When you see it, let me know your opinion, please.

Best regards,


NOTAS:La alumna ha cometido un error al querer utilizar el genitivo sajn, the films genre. Aconsejo ver la siguiente explicacin sobrecundo y cmo se utiliza el genitivo sajn en ingls.

Para cualquier pregunta en alguna de las correcciones, no dudes en dejar un comentario, que ser contestado con la mayor brevedad posibleVale, pues ahora ya puedes practicar. Te recomiendo que leas estos tres ejemplos, analices los errores, entiendas los aspectos positivos, y entonces escribas tu writing. Si quieres que te lo corrija, no dudes en mandrmelo y en breve lo tendrs corregido y publicado en la web, para as ayudar a otros estudiantes.

Otro ejemplo, de la seguidora Estefany. Muchas gracias por compartir conocimiento con tod@s!!


Well,if I were you, Id see300:Rise of an Empire, because its a really good action movie and I Know you enjoy watchingthis kind of movies.Theplotis about a man called Temstocles(Sullivan Stapleton)whotriesto join all Greece again, but in his way hehas tofight against Xerxes(Rodrigo Santoro) and Artimisa(Eva Green), and many people die. This movie hasa lotofspecial effects andthe sound really makes you feeladrenalin.It has a goodcast,the stars that appear on this movie are: Lena Headey,whoplaysthe role ofQueen Gorgo and Jack OConnell(II) as Temistocles sonsbest friend. I watched it 2 weeks ago, and I know that youwilllove it .

I hope to hear from you soonLove,


NOTAS:Bien, la seguidora Estefany, que ha escrito este writing, es de nivel A2, por tanto, la voy a evaluar como alumna de este nivel, y no de nivel B1 como los ejemplos anteriores.

Para un nivel A2, el writing est muy bien.

Cosas positivas:

2nd conditional: If I were, Id see

relative clauses: who plays the role of

3rd person singular in present simple: has to, tries,

enjoy + Verb in -ing

Saxon genitive: sons best friend

Future tense: will love

Specific vocabulary: cast, plot, sound


Como siempre digo, hay que tener muy presente, a la hora de escribir cualquier writing, el tipo de texto que se nos pide. En este caso, es un email a un amigo, por tanto, conviene empezar el email como cuando mandamos en la vida real un email a los amigos, saludndolos antes que nada, por ejemplo: how are you? Im fine/ busy/. I hope you are well.

Dear + name = se utiliza si el email es ms formal. Cuando es informal: Hi + name

La alumna se ha olvidado de un artculo, en el caso de plot y de un relativo, en el caso de who.

Por lo dems, muy bien para un nivel A2.

Email informal- where to live in SpainEsto es un email informal entre amigos, uno espaol y otro ingls. El amigo ingls quiere venir a Espaa y le pregunta por email a su amigo, que vive en Espaa, consejos. Como se trata de un texto informal, hay que usar lenguaje informal, se pueden usar contracciones, a diferencia de los textos formales. Si quieres contrastar ambos registros, formal e informal, te recomiendo que veas lascartas de queja en ingls, que son formales y compares ambos textos.

Este email ha sido enviado por un alumno,Jose Antonio., y yo se lo voy a corregir para que as otros estudiantes puedan aprender de sus errores. Se trata de un writing nivel B1.

Enrojovamos a ponerloserrores, que los corregir escribiendo lo correcto entre parntesis, enverdelasestructuras fijasque debemos emplear ante este tipo de textos y enazullascosas buenas, tanto de vocabulario (porque sea adecuado para el nivel) como de gramtica, que le dan nivel y calidad al writing.

Hi John,

How are you? Im very fine. Omar told me that you(are moving)to Spain.

I(lived)in Madrid for two months, but now Im living in Alicante. Its a good place to live and I found my job very fast.

If you want to live with me, youll have a bedroom in my flat, because when I went to England I stayed in your home for a month.

Im proud of meeting you, because you helped me when I was in England and(if)(if I hadnt met you, I wouldnt have found)a job there.

The Spanish food ishealthier thanEngland food, so I thinksuit you for your too many kilograms??? (itll be good for your health)Aseveryoneknowshere, the weather(in)summeritis very hot and(in)winter it isnt very cold.

In my opinion the best wayoflearningSpanish is to talk(to)a native Spanish and youdont have tobe(embarrassed)when you speak in Spanish.

I hope youlltelephone me as soon as you arriveinSpain.

All the best,


Esto es un email informal entre amigos, donde uno le escribe al otro recomendarle una pelcula. Como se trata de un texto informal, hay que usar lenguaje informal y se pueden usar contracciones, a diferencia de los textos formales.

Este email ha sido enviado por un alumno,Salvador C.., y yo se lo voy a corregir para que as otros estudiantes puedan aprender de sus errores. Se trata de un writing nivel B1.

Enrojovamos a ponerloserrores, que los corregir escribiendo lo correcto entre parntesis, enverdelasestructuras fijasque debemos emplear ante este tipo de textos y enazullascosas buenas, tanto de vocabulario (porque sea adecuado para el nivel) como de gramtica, que le dan nivel y calidad al writing.

Puedes ver las instrucciones de la tarea aqu:Can you recommend a movie?Bien, ah os pongo el ejemplo.

Hello Mandy ,

Im glad to hear that you are well. I am well too. I am working(long)hours at the moment and I dont have free time to go the cinema lately.

Lukily(Luckily),(I)went to see a fantastic movie called Jack Reacher last weekend. It is a thriller and itwas directedbyChristopher Mc Quarrie. Its basedona novelbyLee Child. The main actor is Tom Cruise and itwas shotin Pittsburg, Pensilvania.

The film is about a man who killsfive people around the river Alleegheny. The police believe(this is) a clear murder and arrest a man, but the man wants (wants Jack Reacher to help him)Jack Reacher, (Tom Cruise)(Jack Reacher, played by Tom Cruise)is a retired military who always worksin the shade. He will try to resolve these crimes and helps(his)friend. In fact, I think that is the best film(I)saw last year.

I strongly recommendto watch this film and obviously thesoundtrackis wonderful.

I hope youlllike it .

best wishes, (Best wishes)

NOTAS:El writing en su general no est mal. Entre las cosas a destacar est el comienzo: Im glad to hear that you are well. I am well too, y el final: I strongly recommend to watch this film y I hope youll like it . Por otro lado, se valora muy positivamente el uso de la pasiva para hablar de la pelcula:

it was directedbyChristopher Mc Quarrie. Its basedona novelbyLee Child. itwas shotin Pittsburg, Pensilvania.

En cuanto a los errores gramaticales, tambin los hay y algunos de ellos bsicos para un nivel B1, por ejemplo, omisin de la -s de tercera persona del singular, en dos ocasiones, as como confunsin de un posesivo, your en lugar de his.

Otro error bsico es escribir el pronombre personal de primera persona, I, en minscula. Es el nico pronombre sujeto que SIEMPRE se escribe en mayscula, aunque no vaya precedido de punto o empiece oracin.

Por ltimo recordar dos aspectos gramaticales:

1. El verbo want, va seguido deinfinitivo con to, y no de una oracin con that, como en espaol. Por ejemplo:

I wantto goto the beach: quiero ir a la playa (quiero yo)

I want you to go to the beach (quiero que t vayas a la playa). Ponemos el pronombre you detrs de want y despus to infinitive (to go).

2.Hopemswillpara referirse a una accin futura:

Espero que apruebes el examen: I hope youwillpass your exam.

Email informal -a friends weddingEsto es un email informal entre amigos, donde uno le escribe al otro para contarle todo sobre una boda a la que ha ido, de un amigo comn. Como se trata de un texto informal, hay que usar lenguaje informal, se pueden usar contracciones, a diferencia de los textos formales.

Este email ha sido enviado por un alumno,Juan A., y yo se lo voy a corregir para que as otros estudiantes puedan aprender de sus errores. Se trata de un writing nivel B1.

Enrojovamos a ponerloserrores, que los corregir escribiendo lo correcto entre parntesis, enverdelasestructuras fijasque debemos emplear ante este tipo de textos y enazullascosas buenas, tanto de vocabulario (porque sea adecuado para el nivel) como de gramtica, que le dan nivel y calidad al writing.


To:stevenborton@gmail.comSubject: Davids wedding

Hi Steven,

Thanks for your email. Hope you and your family are well in Canada. Its a pity that you couldnt comeat(to)Davids wedding last week. Wemissedyou.

He told me thatif he hadfree timeinduringhis honeymoon, hewould writean email to you.

You asked me about howthe weddinghad been. It was wonderful.

Firstly, I have to describe the bride because you dont(know)her. Her name is Sara. She is thirty years old, she is very pretty, redhead and a funny person.

They met in a pub in London seven months agoand they fell in love. Theyhave been livingtogetherforfive months. Finally, they decided to get married last month. Everythingwasvery fast.

Concerningthe marriage ceremony, itwas celebratedin Saint Andrews Church, near their home at Trafalgars square. It lastedoveran hourthe priest was very old, and hekept forgettingforgotwhat he had to saycontinually.

(Then)the party was in the Sheraton Hotel, a very expensive hoteloutside. ?? NO S A QU SE REFIERE CON OUTSIDERegardingthe guests, I metfewpeople, only his close family and some mutual friends. Many colleagues from his job, uncles, cousins and teammates who I didnt(know)were invitedby David. In total, we were two hundred fifty guests. Hehasgotmany friends.

The feast was beautiful.In spite of the fact thatwe were(there were)many people, a lot of quality foodwas served byan excellent team of waiters.

Finally, we were at Pachas disco, near the hotel; wewere dancing (danced)until they closed.

To my surprise, I metJohnin the church,, do you remember him?, ouruniversityfriend. Ihadnt seenhim for a long time. The last time was in my wedding five years ago. He was changed,fatterandbalderthanbefore.

If he hadnt greeted me, I wouldnt have recognized him.

He gavemeregardsforto you.

I hope see you soon.


Juan Antonio


1. Las estructuras gramaticales de nivel estn muy bien metidas en contexto, todo cuadra, perfecto!

2. Buen nivel gramatical:

2nd conditional:if he hadfree time duringhis honeymoon, hewould write

3rd conditional:If he hadnt greeted me, I wouldnt have recognized him.

present perfect continuous + for:Theyhave been livingtogetherforfive months

pasivas:itwas celebrated, foodwas served by

past perfect:Ihadnt seenhim for a long time

comparatives: fatter and balder

in spite of the fact that

regarding, concerning, firstly, to my surprise

Email informal- where to live in SpainEsto es un email informal entre amigos, uno espaol y otro ingls. El amigo ingls quiere venir a Espaa y le pregunta por email a su amigo, que vive en Espaa, consejos. Como se trata de un texto informal, hay que usar lenguaje informal, se pueden usar contracciones, a diferencia de los textos formales. Si quieres contrastar ambos registros, formal e informal, te recomiendo que veas lascartas de queja en ingls, que son formales y compares ambos textos.

Este email ha sido enviado por un alumno,Juan A., y yo se lo voy a corregir para que as otros estudiantes puedan aprender de sus errores. Se trata de un writing nivel B1.

Enrojovamos a ponerloserrores, que los corregir escribiendo lo correcto entre parntesis, enverdelasestructuras fijasque debemos emplear ante este tipo de textos y enazullascosas buenas, tanto de vocabulario (porque sea adecuado para el nivel) como de gramtica, que le dan nivel y calidad al writing.

Hi Lizzy,How are you? I hopeeverythinggoeswell.

Sorryforthe delay toanswer you so late(Better: sorry for replying so late). Ihavent been able to do itbefore.

How are things in London?(On)your last email, you told me that youhave(at last OR just, already)finishedyourdegree.

Congratulations.youhave studiedso much!!!

I wish I finishedmy degree tooI wish I had studiedjournalism,if I had known I wouldnt have studiedeconomy.

Also you(told)me that youwant to move to Spain.

Let me tell you some advicethat you should consider:

Firstly, I suggest youlive in Madrid.

In my opinion, itsthe bestcityinSpain. Ive livedheresince I was child though I live in Rivas, a cityfifteen kilometresaway.

Madrid offersmanyalternativesto be chosenas your(destination),such asamazing people, thousands of goodrestaurants, beautiful museums and monuments, excellent transports (tube and bus lines), exciting night life.

However,if you wanted to movearoundby caryou wouldhavesome problems as awful traffic orour(driving side). We drive on the right side, I hope youllget used todriving(this way)soon.

I advise youtorenta room in ashared apartment in thecenter (centre in British English)Concerningthe Spanish food,I canonlytell youthat it is recogniced (recognized) as one ofthe bestinthe world.

In Madrid, youll have the posibility (possibility) totry many typical dishes of our territory.I suggest you try the tapas.

In comparison toyou, we have lunch and dinner later, but beeris drunkat all hours(too).

Youare used tohavingdinner atseven, here weusually have dinner at nine or ten.

In Spain there are many festivals and important fairssuch asSan Isidro, here in Madrid; people wear typical costumes,calledchulapos andchulapas;otherimportant festivalsare The Fallas in Valencia, Fair of Seville, The Bonfires in Alicante, San Fermines in Pamplona

I wish we couldsee(all of them).

Regardingthe weather in Madrid,summers are very hot,temperaturesnearthirty-seven degrees(OR temperatures get close to 37 degrees)and winters arecolder thanin London.

You need to(bring)t-shirts and a couple of coats.

Finally, I suggest you learnSpanishthrough private classes, with aqualified teacher.To learn the speaking, I suggest you attendclassesof interchange with Spanish people who are very interestedinit.

A lot of peoplebeginto speak in Spanish orEnglishso (por qu so aqu??)Classesaregivenin pubs orotherplaces.

I hope to see you soon.Kisses


1. El writing est muy bien para un nivel B1, aunque hay errores, el alumno Juan A. ha utilizado una gramtica muy buena, lo cual se valora muy positivamente.

2. Gramtica buena utilizada:

Everythinggoes= everything + verbo en singular Uso del presente perfecto = Ihavent been able to do it,youhave(at last OR just, already)finishedyourdegree,youhave studiedso much!!!

Wish + past simple o past perfect: I wish I finishedmy degree tooI wish I had studiedjournalism.

2nd conditional:if you wanted to movearoundby caryou wouldhave

3rd conditional: if I had known I wouldnt have studiedeconomy.

Pasivas: to be chosen, beer is drunk, classes are given

Get used to + ing:I hope youllget used todriving Be used to + ing:Youare used tohavingdinner

Other + plural noun:otherfestivals Regarding, concerning, such as

Comparatives: colder than


Emails informalesEsto es un email informal entre amigos donde uno de ellos le cuenta al otro un problema que ha tenido con su novia. Como se trata de un texto informal, hay que usar lenguaje informal, se pueden usar contracciones, a diferencia de los textos formales. Si quieres contrastar ambos registros, formal e informal, te recomiendo que veas lascartas de queja en ingls, que son formales y compares ambos textos.

Este email ha sido enviado por un alumno, Manuel T., y yo se lo voy a corregir para que as otros estudiantes puedan aprender de sus errores. Se trata de un writing nivel B1. Enrojovamos a ponerloserrores, que los corregir escribiendo lo correcto entre parntesis, enverdelasestructuras fijasque debemos emplear ante este tipo de textos y enazullascosas buenas, tanto de vocabulario (porque sea adecuado para el nivel) como de gramtica, que le dan nivel y calidad al writing.

From:martin5pl8@hotmail.comTo:john62id@live.esSubject: an argument

Dear John,How are you? Im a bit worried because I have had an argument with my girlfriend and I dont know what to do.

Everything startedlast weekwhile we were planning(our)Christmas. Ihad boughttwo tickets to Parisasit is the citywhere we metand Iwill never forgettravellingto Paris(that)year. When Itold her aboutthe trip, she told me thatit sounded good, but she preferred to spent(spend)Christmas at home with the familyas we use to(as we usually do). I thought(travelling OR this trip) could be a good idea because Im bored every yearatChristmas but she said that Ihave to get used tospendingthis holiday with them andif I had suggestedthis trip in the sumer, wewould have gonethere. The main problem is thatthe tickets were boughtas a present and the agency doesnt want to give me(my)money backand(they)are quite expensive so I am a bit frustrated for that and she is angry with me.I wishthe travel agency changedme the day of the trip, butIm not sureif theywill.

ImpositiveIm likely tospendchristmas (Christmas) at home.

Lots of loveMartin


1. He sealado last week como correcto, porque un common mistake que suelen hacer los alumnos es poner el artculo delante de last = the last week, pero no es correcto, por tanto, este alumno, Manuel, lo ha hecho bien y se le valora positivamente.

2. Como podis ver, en este writing hay muchas cosas en azul, cosas muy buenas, como forget + ing para el pasado, variacin en los tiempos verbales (past continuous, past perfect, past simple, future), 3 condicional, pasiva en pasado simple, I wish + past simple, to be likely + to infinitive, get used to + ing, etc. Todo esto se valora muy positivamente, porque el alumno est demostrando un nivel elevado de lengua para un B1 y los errores no son graves, por tanto, felicitar al alumno Manuel T. por su writing.

Hay otro ejemplo del mismo writing pero hecho por otro alumno, te aconsejo que lo mires y compares ambos writings, para sacar lo positivo y negativo de ambos y aprender as tanto de lo bueno como de lo malo. Aqu est:

Otroemail informalEmail informalEsto es un email informal entre amigos donde uno de ellos le cuenta al otro un problema que ha tenido con su novia. Como se trata de un texto informal, hay que usar lenguaje informal, se pueden usar contracciones, a diferencia de los textos formales. Si quieres contrastar ambos registros, formal e informal, te recomiendo que veas lascartas de queja en ingls, que son formales y compares ambos textos.

Este email ha sido enviado por un alumno, Alfredo M., y yo se lo voy a corregir para que as otros estudiantes puedan aprender de sus errores. Se trata de un writing nivel B1. Enrojovamos a ponerloserrores, que los corregir escribiendo lo correcto entre parntesis, enverdelasestructuras fijasque debemos emplear ante este tipo de textos y enazullascosas buenas, tanto de vocabulario (porque sea adecuado para el nivel) como de gramtica, que le dan nivel y calidad al writing.

From:alfredo29td@yahoo.esTo:peter398@hotmail.esSubject: big problem!

Hello Peter,How are you? I hope youwere(are)fine,unless(at least)better than me.

Ihave(have had OR ve had)a big problem with my girlfriend since last Sunday. The problem started on Saturday. Irememberedyou tellingmeyouwould rathergoto the cinema instead of goingclubbing, but I didntwhat? (esta idea no est clara, uno prefera ir al cine, el otro de discotecas, pero entonces se van cada uno por su lado a un sitio??? No queda claro)So when Iwas havinga bear IsawLaura. Ihavent seen(hadnt seen)herin agesand wewere talking(talked)for a while. Then when Icome(came)home I decided to send her an SMSinwhich I told her I would like to see her again, but the SMSwas sent tomy girlfriend and now she is furious with me. Ihave explainedher everything(I have explained everything to her), but you know she is very jealous andI have told her shehas to get used tothe fact thatI speak with other girls as Im very social and extrovert.

I am very frustrated because I I told her Ihavent gotanotherrelationshipbut she doesntbelive(believe)me. What can I do?

If I had gonewith you to the cinema, I wouldnthad(have) this problemnow.Im surenext time Illcheck thedestinatary(receiver)twice.

Lots of loveAlfredo

NOTAS: 1. En la primera oracin del email, I have a big problem with my girlfriend since las Sunday, hemos cambiado el tiempo verbal (tense) por have had (ve had), que es un present perfect. Si quieres revisarcando y cmo utilizar el presente perfecto, te aconsejo que mires un post especfico sobre este tema.

2. Instead of go = hemos corregido go, aadiendo ing, going. Revisa este post sobrepreposiciones en ingls, donde explico la regla.

3. Explain something to somebody. Example: Explain that to me, please.Common mistake:.

Advantages and disadvantages of studying abroadHoy os propongo trabajar con un writing que nos ha mandado una lectura de nivel de selectividad, Esther G. Se trata de for and against, o lo que es lo mismo, advantages and disadvantages. Adems de selectividad y bachillerato, el writing puede ser til para unnivel b1de ingls.

Nowadays only a fewpeople can study abroad becaus

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