o horto escolar 2014

Post on 05-Aug-2015






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1. O horto escolar. The school garden Plan Proxecta: Agricultura familiar e froita CEIP A LAXE(MARN) 2. Un proxecto de todo o colexio. Temos dous hortos Cada horto ten o seu nome propio Participan tdolos alumnos do centro Fomntase a cooperacin: grupos interniveis Unha agricultura ecolxica: abono orgnico, sen pesticidas. As froitas e os vexetais son moi importantes na nosa dieta 3. Temos dous hortos escolares Horto do Regueirio Horto da Cortia We have got two school gardens. 4. LEITUGA LETTUCE 5. TOMATES TOMATOES 6. chcharos peas 7. acelga chard 8. amorodo strawberry 9. patacas potatoes 10. cenorias carrots 11. millo corn 12. fabas beans 13. menta mint 14. perexil parsley 15. SUNSHINE AIR SOIL WATER PLANTS NEED 16. Were planting tomatoes. Plantamos tomates 17. Were planting some lettuce. Plantamos leitugas 18. Two months later Tomatoes are growing. Dous meses despois Os tomates estn medrando. 19. Os chcharos tamn medran. Peas are growing too. 20. - What are these? - Theyre potatoes. 21. Watering the plants. Regando as plantas 22. We water the vegetables every day. Regamos as plantas tdolos das. 23. - What are these? - Theyre cabbages. 24. - What are these? - Theyre tomatoes 25. Lettuces grow quickly. We eat them in salads. Do you like salads? Yes, I do. As leitugas medran rapidamente. Commolas en ensaladas. 26. What is it ? Its an onion 27. What are you doing? Were looking after the plants Coidamos as plantas. 28. Every class works by turns one day a week. Teachers and students enjoy the activity. Tdalas clases traballan por turnos un da semana. Mestres e alumnos dsifrutan con esta actividade. 29. Were weeding around the corn. - What are you doing? Quitamos as malas herbas arredor do millo. 30. The first crop is here. We set the green market and sell lettuce and chard to parents. Its 1 ! How much is a lettuce? A primeira colleita est lista. Instalamos o mercado verde e vendmoslles leitugas e acelgas s/aos nais/pais.

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