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    23 de ABRIL de 2012



    INTRODUCCIÓN .............................................................................................................................................3

    PROGRAMA START UP SPAIN 2 .....................................................................................................................4

    NOTICIAS START UP SPAIN 2 EN PRENSA ......................................................................................................6

    PONENTES START UP SPAIN 2 .......................................................................................................................9


    España está en una encrucijada, buscando un nuevo impulso de crecimiento. Se escuchan

    continuamente voces que claman por un “nuevo modelo económico” pero, ¿qué modelo económico

    debemos seguir? Existen diversas propuestas para lograrlo, exploramos en esta sesión, cómo

    podemos llevar a España hacia una economía de innovación.

    Las nuevas tecnologías están transformando de manera acelerada nuestras vidas, se multiplican los

    usuarios a la vez que las infraestructuras y los productos tecnológicos proliferan. Una España 3.0

    necesita sin embargo resetear una serie de reformas e impulsar otras para liberar más potencial.

    ESADE y la Fundación Rafael del Pino, con la colaboración de Campus Party, se han unido para

    desarrollar estas iniciativas de impacto económico y social de actualidad patente.

    Hemos previsto una serie de conferencias Start Up Spain con el objetivo de alimentar el debate

    político con ideas y tener un impacto en el futuro desarrollo de las políticas: los emprendedores, las

    empresas tecnológicas y el capital riesgo deben ocupar un lugar prioritario.

    Para lograrlo, reunimos en esta segunda sesión a los gestores de fondos -extranjeros y

    españoles- de venture capital así como business angels extranjeros que tienen inversiones en

    startups en España.

    Les preguntamos por qué han elegido España para impulsar la inversión en startups.

    Además, buscamos saber qué podría o debería hacer España –y, en concreto, Madrid o

    Barcelona, y otras grandes ciudades- para facilitar la llegada de más fondos de venture

    capital extranjero. ¿Cómo podemos acelerar esta tendencia? ¿Qué dificultades deben

    superarse y qué oportunidades deben potenciarse?

    Terminamos la sesión con las conclusiones y comentarios desde la perspectiva política; les

    concedemos la oportunidad de conocer el día a día de los emprendedores y les ayudamos en

    la entrada de más capital riesgo y compañías startup en España.

    Las sesiones siguen el modelo de reuniones de Davos: estilo “brain-storming” con intervenciones de 5

    minutos por ponente. El encuentro estará organizado en dos mesas redondas. Ambas mesas tendrán

    una duración de una hora, tanto la sesión de emprendedores extranjeros como la sesión de

    conclusiones. Serán moderadas como intercambios inter pares.

    El segundo encuentro de Start Up Spain contó con inscripción de más de 700 personas, de las que

    cerca de 400 pudieron seguir en directo el encuentro en el Auditorio de la Fundación Rafael del Pino.

    Además, siguieron la retransmisión vía live-streaming cerca de 800 personas.

    En esta memoria repasamos el programa que se ha ofrecido, las repercusiones en prensa, así como el

    currícula de los ponentes de este segundo Start Up Spain.


    Start Up Spain 2

    Venture Capital y Business Angels

    Lunes 23 de abril, de 17h a 20.30h

    Auditorio Fundación Rafael del Pino

    Calle de Rafael Calvo, 39 28010 Madrid

    La inversión en Venture Capital tecnológico / digital en España no supera 1 euro per cápita cuando

    es superior a los 140 dólares per cápita en Israel y los 70 en EEUU.

    A pesar de las dificultades existe una (gran) cantera de talento emprendedor en el país e

    inversores activos, algunos de ellos extranjeros.

    17.00h Bienvenida

    María del Pino, Presidenta, Fundación Rafael del Pino

    Eugenia Bieto, Directora General, ESADE

    17.20h Introducción

    Javier Santiso, Profesor, ESADE Business School y Miembro de la Junta Directiva de ESADE BAN

    17.30h Presentación. Venture capital: Europa vs. EEUU

    Hendrik Brandis, Fundador y Partner, Earlybird, Munich

    17.45h Mesa redonda: Los fondos de VC extranjeros que invierten en España.

    ¿Por qué han invertido o por qué invierten en España? ¿Qué deberíamos hacer para que haya más

    como ellos que inviertan en el futuro?

    Moderador: Javier Santiso, Profesor, ESADE Business School y Miembro de la Junta Directiva de

    ESADE BAN Madrid.

    Hendrik Brandis (Alemania), Fundador y Socio, Earlybird. Con sede en Munich.

    David Carratt (Gran Bretaña), Socio, Kennet Partners. Inversor en BuyVip, Madrid. Con sede en


    Yuval Cohen (Israel), CEO, StageOne. Con sede en Tel Aviv

    Tom Henriksson (Finlandia), Socio Director, Open Ocean Capital, Finlandia. Inversor en Zentyal,

    Madrid. Con sede en Helsinki

  • José Marín Fundador y Partner, IG Expansion, business angel e inversor. Con sede en Madrid

    Vadim Tarasov (Rusia), Director de inversiones, Bright Capital. Asesor de estrategia digital,

    Media3. Con sede en Moscú y Barcelona.

    Blake Winchell (EEUU), Partner, Fremont Ventures and Partner Ventures. Inversor en identified,

    Palo Alto. Con sede en California

    19.00h Break

    19.15h Mesa Redonda: Los fondos VC y business angels con sede en España y fundados

    por extranjeros.

    ¿Por qué se han instalado en España? ¿Por qué han invertido o por qué invierten en España? ¿Qué

    deberíamos hacer para que haya más como ellos que inviertan en el futuro?

    Moderadora: Luisa Alemany, Directora, ESADE Entrepreneurship Institute

    Alberto Benbunan (Venezuela), Managing Director, Mobile Dreams Factory y business angel. Con

    sede en Madrid

    Antonio Fontanini (Italia), business angel. Establecido en Madrid.

    Nicolás Goulet (EEUU, Irlanda), Fundador, Adara Venture Partners. Con sede en Madrid

    Allan Majotra (India, España, EEUU), Venture Partner, Axon Capital. Con sede en Madrid

    Stefan Mathesius (Alemania), Director Fondos Junta de Andalucía. Con sede en Sevilla

    Gary Stewart (EEUU), Director Academia Madrid y Barcelona, Wayra. Con sede en Madrid

    Christopher Pommerening (Alemania), Fundador, Active Venture Partners. Con sede en Barcelona

    20.20h Palabras de cierre


    Cinco Días (28.04.12)

    Inversor extranjero busca emprendedor español global

    Nadie ha dicho que emprender sea fácil, pero aquellos que lo han hecho aseguran que no hay

    nada más estimulante que la satisfacción de comprobar que una idea, por peregrina que sea y con

    todas las dificultades que conlleva, llega a buen puerto. Algunos apuntan que una de las mayores

    dificultades es conseguir financiación para ver cumplido ese sueño empresarial. Precisamente, y

    con el fin de poner una pizca de luz a todo ello, se celebró esta semana la jornada ¿Por qué

    invierten las empresas extranjeras en start-ups españolas?, organizada por Esade y la Fundación

    Rafael del Pino. La presidenta de esta institución y anfitriona de los 500 asistentes a esta sesión,

    María del Pino, destaca que es necesario "conformar un entorno financiero favorable para los



    Expansión (25.05.12)

    Los nuevos empresarios toman la palabra y elaboran un documento con sus propias propuestas para

    favorecer el impulso emprendedor en nuestro país, al tiempo que el Ejecutivo sigue trabajando en la

    legislación que intentará favorecer el autoempleo y los nuevos negocios.

    Son las propuestas de los propios emprendedores. Javier Santiso, director del Center for Global

    Economy and Geopolitics de Esade (ESADEgeo), ha coordinado la primera reunión Start Up Spain

    celebrada en Madrid, organizada por esta escuela de negocios y la Fundación Rafael del Pino.

    El acto ha congregado a 350 emprendedores, que han expuesto qué sería lo que realmente les ayudaría

    a sacar adelante sus empresas y qué favorecería el impulso a la puesta en marcha de nuevos negocios

    en nuestro país. Ideas que se han recogido en un informe con cuarenta propuestas que podrían incluirse

    en la futura Ley de Emprendedores. El profesor Santiso está convencido de que "el emprendimiento es

    la única vía para salir de la crisis y el paro".


  • El País (07.12.05)

    Start Up Spain: toca pensar en grande

    “La crisis es una bendición, porque hace que España no le quede otra que pensar en grande”. Con esta

    frase resumía Javier Santiso, profesor de Economía de ESADE, el espíritu de la segunda cita de Start

    Up Spain celebrada en Madrid y al que asistieron más de 500 emprendedores. Durante tres horas, los

    invitados, que abarrotaron la sala de conferencias de la Fundación Rafael del Pino, tuvieron la ocasión

    de conocer, de primera mano, la imagen que la nueva empresa española ofrece a business angels y

    socios deventure capital de todo el mundo.

    Fundación Rafael del Pino

    Start Up Spain. Venture Capital y Business Angels

    La Fundación Rafael del Pino ha albergado, el día 23 de abril de 2012, el II Encuentro Start Up Spain-Venture Capital y Business Angels , en colaboración con ESADE y Campus Party Spain.

    Tras el primero de estos encuentros, celebrado en noviembre de 2011, la sesión del día 23 ha dado la palabra a los inversores activos en el área del emprendimiento en nuestro país, alguno de ellos extranjeros afincados en España, con la intención de que explicasen los motivos que les han llevado a invertir aquí y encontrar los incentivos para que esa inversión aumente.

    La inauguración de este II Encuentro Start Up Spain ha corrido a cargo de María del Pino, Presidenta de la Fundación Rafael del Pino y de Eugenia Bieto, Directora General de ESADE.


    Start Up Spain: toca pensar en grande

    “La crisis es una bendición, porque hace que a España no le quede otra que pensar en grande”. Con esta frase resumía Javier Santiso, profesor de Economía de ESADE, el espíritu de la segunda cita de Start Up Spain celebrada en Madrid y al que asistieron más de 500 emprendedores la semana pasada. Durante más de tres horas, los asistentes, que abarrotaron la sala de conferencias de la Fundación Rafael del Pino, tuvieron la ocasión de conocer, de primera mano, la imagen que la nueva empresa española ofrece a business angels y socios de venture capitalde todo el mundo.

  • Europapress (18.05.12)

    Esade apuesta por la desregulación como forma más eficiente para salir de la crisis

    El centro de estudios Esade sostiene que "el emprendimiento es la única vía para salir de la crisis" y generar empleo. En relación a las leyes que afectan a los emprendedores, el centro señala que es necesario desregular.

    Club MBA La Fundación Rafael del Pino albergará, el día 23 de abril de 2012, el II Encuentro Start Up Spain-

    Venture Capital y Business Angels, en colaboración con ESADE y Campus Party Spain.


    Allan Majotra, Partner, Axon Capital

    Allan is an experienced executive in venture capital, private equity, banking and general management

    within the TMT, energy and financial services sectors. Prior to joining Axon Capital, Allan was the

    Director of Business Development and Marketing at eBay Spain. He has also been a Vice President in

    the Investment Banking Group of Union Bank (Mitsubishi UFJ), Los Angeles, where he led financings in

    excess of $1.5 Billion. Allan has co-founded and managed a major specialty e-commerce retailer, out of

    Spain and the U.S. Allan has also advised Citic Private Equity, China´s leading private equity firm on

    internet investments, two U.S. private equity funds on their European fundraising strategy and served

    on the committee for the British Venture Capital Association.

    He has been a Sloan Fellow and received his MBA at London Business School. He has lived and worked in the U.S., Europe, Asia and Latin America. Allan is trilingual in English, Spanish and Hindi. Alberto Benbunan, Co-Fundador y Director General, Mobile Dreams Factory A mediados de los noventa fundó varias empresas de tecnología y servicio en Latinoamérica. En el 2002

    se mudo a Europa donde trabajó en el Diario Marca (Grupo Recoletos) como Gerente de Desarrollo de

    Negocios Internacionales.

    En el 2004 funda “Mobile Dreams Factory” una de las agencias de publicidad y marketing móvil líder a

    nivel mundial. Desde sus inicios, Mobile Dreams ha desarrollado campañas innovadoras en el área del

    Marketing Móvil. Mobile Dreams ha sido galardonada con varios premios internacionales como: Premio

    MMA, Cannes Lions, Eurobest y El Sol. Actualmente Mobile Dreams trabaja con marcas como Grupo

    Mahou-San Miguel, Vodafone, IKEA, SonyEricsson, entre otras.

    Alberto ha sido tesorero de la Mobile Marketing Association (MMA) EMEA y miembro del Comité

    Ejecutivo Global de la MMA. Ha demostrado su liderazgo como Chairman del Comité global de Cupones

    Móviles y también como Chairman del Comité global de Proximidad de la MMA. Alberto es profesor de

    Marketing Móvil y de Nuevas Tendencias, así como Director Académico del Master in Digital Marketing

    en la escuela de negocios del Instituto Empresa (considerada entre las 10 mejores escuelas de negocios

    del mundo según FT y Newsweek). Colabora con diferentes organizaciones sin fines de lucro en Europa

    e Israel y es autor del libro “Correo Electrónico en una semana” de Gestion 2000 de la Editorial Planeta.

  • Blake Winchell, Managing Director, Partner Ventures

    For the past 29 years, Blake has focused on private equity investments with Leucadia National

    Corporation, the Channel Investment Group, Generation Ventures, The Fremont Group and Partner

    Ventures. In addition to his role as Managing Director of Partner Ventures, Blake is the Managing

    General Partner of Fremont Ventures, the private equity growth-capital fund of the Fremont Group.

    Fremont Ventures was named by EETimes as one of the top 10 venture capital firms in the US for adding

    value to portfolio companies.

    Blake joined Bain & Company in 1978, and was one of the founders of the San Francisco Bain office. In

    1983, he joined the Brae Corporation division of Leucadia National Corporation (NYSE – LUK) as Vice

    President of Strategic Planning, and subsequently founded and managed the acquisition group for


    Blake graduated from Dartmouth College in 1975 with high honors in English and Economics as a Rufus

    Choate Scholar where he was awarded the Henley Economics Award. He received his MBA from the

    Stanford University Graduate School of Business in 1979 and is a Certified Public Accountant.

    Blake lives in Portola Valley, California with his wife and their three children. He is a member of the

    World President’s Organization. He is a visiting professor at IE Business School in Madrid, Spain, one

    Europe's leading business schools, where he teaches a highly rated course on Entrepreneurship and

    Venture Capital. He is also on the IE Business School International Advisory Board.

    Stefan Mathesius, Head Investor, Andalusian Innovation and Development Agency

    Head of Investments Funds at the Andalusian Innovation and Development Agency of Andalusia forming

    part of the Ministry of Economy, Innovation and Science since 2009. He is managing about 800 Millions

    of Euros in nine specialized funds (equity and mezzanine funds) with the following focuses: Efficiency

    /Cleantech; Cultural projects; Internationalization; Sustainability projects; Technological start-ups;

    Productive spaces; 2 Generic funds.

    In the last 24 months his funds invested 270 Millions of Euros in about 150 companies, most of them

    innovative start-up or early stage companies based in Andalusia.

    Before to that position he was economic advisor at the Ministry of Innovation, Science and Enterprise.

    Prior to joining the Andalusian Government he was working for six years in Management Consultancy

    and Private Equity at Goetzpartners, Valoris and Investment Banking/Distressed Debts at Cerberus

    Capital Management.

    Stefan studied Industrial Engineering and Economics in Karsruhe (Germany) and Seville and holds an

    executive MBA from IIST.

    Over the last ten years Stefan has actively invested in several seed and start-up companies, some of

    them have successfully launched an IPO.

  • Christopher Pommerening

    Christopher Pommerening started his professional career in Spain in 1998 co-founding AutoScout24

    Spain as CEO and member of the Board of Directors. Christopher was appointed Managing Director of

    Scout24 Spain in 2001. While preparing the internationalisation of the Scout24 Group, he also set up

    B24 Networks, a Europe wide on-line market place for the yachting sector.

    In 2002, he co-founded Active Venture Partners, one of Europe’s few entrepreneurial driven VC

    companies, and in the same year he co-started the Spanish chapter of the Entrepreneurs Organisation

    (EO) being one of the largest entrepreneur organisations in the world.

    In 2006 He has been elected to be the Ambassador for EO Europe & Africa, growing the organisation in

    12 countries. In 2007 Christopher co-founded Linqia, the first marketplace for online communities.

    In 2007 he created the terminology for Venturepreneurship and Venturepreneurs and created the

    Venturepreneurs’ Organisation.

    In 2008 he initiated the Global Entrepreneurs Week in Spain and created the vision for the Barcelona

    Entrepreneurship City Commission.

    In 2010 he co-founded the philanthropic venture Foundum, the global on-line ecosystem for


    Currently he is Managing Partner of Active Venture Partners, Advisor to the Board of Oooferton, Restalo

    and Whisbi Technologies, Non Executive co-founder and Advisor of Foundum and Linqia, member of the

    Venture Committee of ASCRI, Chairman of the Venturepreneurs' Organisation and of the Barcelona

    Entrepreneurship City Commission.

    He graduated from the European Business School of London and is enrolled in the Entrepreneurial

    Master Programm at MIT.

    David Carratt, Managing Director, Kennet Partners

    David led Kennet’s successful investments in Cramer Systems (acquired by Amdocs) and FRS Global, the

    global leader in banking regulatory compliance, acquired by Wolters Kluwer in September 2010 and

    BuyVIP (acquired by David is a board member of Exony, Telemedicine Clinic and


    David is interested in international investments in e-commerce, software and digital media businesses.

    David has been involved in building Kennet since he joined as a partner in March 1998. Prior to joining

    Kennet, he was Director of Professional Services at Sybase UK during the client-server boom, where he

    built the headcount from 100 to 1,500 in the space of four years.

    Before joining Sybase, David started, developed and sold two high-technology divisions at Mars Inc,

    having established subsidiaries in the US, France and the UK, as well as an international distribution

    network. In David’s early career, he was a divisional manager at Scicon, a leading systems integrator

    which was subsequently acquired by EDS.

    He has a Bachelor of Science degree with Honours in Mathematics with Physics from the University of


  • Gary Stewart, Executive Director, Wayra

    Director of one of Spain's most potent business accelerators (Wayra, powered by Telefónica), after 2

    years of experience redesigning and relaunching IE Business School's accelerator for MBA students.

    Proactive entrepreneur. Co-founder of, an Internet start-up based in Barcelona, Spain that

    has raised over €3 million in financing.

    Results oriented, highly creative, out-of-the-box strategic thinker with strong orientation toward

    understanding customer behaviors.

    Yale-trained lawyer with first-class experience in top global law firms. Specialized in mergers and

    acquisitions and securities law.

    Graduated magna cum laude (first honours), Phi Beta Kappa (National Honour Society) from Yale

    College. Was one of two Executive Editors at the Yale Law Journal.

    Jose Marin, co-Foundar and co-CEO, IG Expansion

    Jose started his professional career as a consultant at The Boston Consulting Group.

    In 1999 he co-founded (eBay model for Latin America). The company raised 75 M USD,

    did a partial cash-out sale to Terra and later merged with Mercado Libre that went Public in Nasdaq .

    Currently Jose is co-Founder and co-CEO of IG Expansion. IG takes successful internet business models

    into emerging markets (main focus Brazil). IG builds one project per year and will not build more than 6

    (investing the first 3 to 5 M USD per project). 5 of the 6 are already operating being Viajanet (Expedia

    for Latam) its biggest success.

    Jose is also founder of Serendipity Investments, company that has invested in >70 start-ups. Before this,

    Jose invested in projects such as Bazee (auctions sold to eBay in 2005) and eDreams (European Travel

    site sold to TA Associates in 2006) obtaining top tier returns.

    Jose is a Mechanical and Electrical Engineer and holds an MBA and an MA in International development

    Economics from Stanford.

    Hendrik Brandis, co-founder and Managing Partner, Earlybird

    Dr. Hendrik Brandis is a co-founder and Managing Partner of Earlybird. His current domain focus is web-

    enabled services. Hendrik is board member of EVCA (European Private Equity & Venture Capital

    Association) and past Chairman of the EVCA Venture Capital Platform Council.

    Hendrik brings together long standing investment, operational and entrepreneurial experience. He was

    a board member of element5 AG, where he was a driving force behind the sale to Digital River

    (NASDAQ:DRIV), AG (Berlin) which was sold to S.A and Dianoema S.p.A., which

    listed on the Borsa Italiana (Milan: NOE.MI). Hendrik currently serves on the boards of Earlybird

    portfolio companies B2X Care Solutions GmbH (Munich), conject AG (Munich), GmbH

    (Munich), Simfy AG (Cologne) and nfon (Munich).

  • Hendrik gained his entrepreneurial experience as a Co-Founder of GMM, a group of private investors

    focusing on buy-outs of mid-sized companies and gained his operational experience as Project Manager

    in the Technology Department ofMesserschmitt-Boelkow-Blohm (now Daimler-Chrysler Aerospace)

    focusing on thedesign and innovative manufacturing processes of composite aircraft structures.

    Previously, Hendrik was a Partner with McKinsey & Co., in their Munich and Madrid offices where he led

    McKinsey's small and mid-sized company initiative and participated in creating McKinsey New Venture.

    He attended the Technical University of Munich andholds a Dipl.-Ing. (MSc equivalent) and PhD degree

    in Aerospace Engineering.

    Antonio Fontanini, business angel


    Dottore (Cum Laude) en “Scienze Della Informazione”, Pisa, Italia.

    GSMP 2008, University of Chicago Booth School of Buisness, IE Business School

    Miembro del Symposium sobre “Mgmt in a changing environment”, Harvard University DRCLAS

    Miembro del Symposium sobre “Education and Technology”, Harvard University DRCLAS

    Private Wealth Management, University of Chicago Booth School of Business

    Executive Program for Growing Companies, University of Stanford Graduate School of Business

    Business Actual (2001-)

    Presidente de Erasmus Equities Inc. (VC, Switzerland) para invertir en start-ups de Alta Tecnología.

    Presidente de Informalia Consulting (Family Office, Madrid).

    Consejero, Bolear Consultadoría (Business Development, Portugal).

    Consejero de Planet Capital (Fondo de Capital Riesgo, Holanda).

    Miembro de Keiretsu Forum (La mayor red de business angels del mundo).

    Member of the Board, University of Chicago España (hasta Diciembre 2011).

    Teaching Experience (2001-)

    Profesor asociado, EOI, IE Business School, UPC, UCAB, UNITEC, Fundación San Pablo Ceu

    Director académico asociado, EOI: Master en Dirección de Marketing y Wine Internationalization MBA

    Conferenciante, Coach (Esade), Host y organizador del TedxPlazaCibeles 2011 y 2012

    Tom Henriksson, Partner, Open Ocean Capital

    Tom joined Open Ocean Capital from Nokia Corporation, where he spent almost 9 years in various

    leadership roles developing and investing in new businesses. In his last role as Head of Corporate

    Business Development his teams identified and executed multiple new businesses for Nokia. From 2006

    – 2009 Tom built Nokia Interactive Advertising as the General Manager to the world leader in premium

    mobile advertising. Previously he managed business development and early stage investments for Nokia

  • Ventures Organization. Prior to Nokia, Tom was Managing Partner of Holtron Ventures, one of the A

    round investors into MySQL AB, delivering industry leading returns for the fund.

    Tom has MBA and BBA degrees from the Helsinki School of Economics, complemented with foreign

    studies and executive education at the University of Texas at Austin, MIT and University of Chicago.

    Vadim Tarasov, Investment Director @ Bright Capital & Digital Stragegy Advisor @ Media3

    Entrepreneur with 10 year track record in the IT industry in Russia, US and Spain.

    Areas: International Business Development; VC & PE; Outsourcing.

    Markets: Consumer Electronics; Mobile Telephony; Digital Music & Entertainment.

    Media3 is one of the biggest privately-held media holding companies in Russia at US$0.5 bln in total

    sales. It's portfolio includes: a) publishers: AiF, the largest weekly newspaper in Russia; free papers

    Extra-M & Center Plus, Trud and other papers and magazines; b) printed press retail network and

    distribution company ARIA-AiF boasting 2,5 thousand proprietary newsstands and stores which they

    own and operate in 15 Russian regions; c) the largest in Russia newspaper printing house "Extra M"

    d) various Internet properties.

    Media3 is actively investing in the digital space. Latest operations include TVigle ( Online TV - ) and Business World Online ( Online Classifieds - ).

    Yuval Cohen, Co-Founder and Managing Partner, StageOne Ventures

    Over 15 years of demonstrated success in founding and managing venture capital funds and Technology

    Incubators. Yuval has a deep understanding of technology markets’ trends and proven track record in

    initiating, identifying and investing in early stage projects. He has been involved, as an early stage

    investor and director, in several successful companies, taking some of these companies to successful

    M&A and IPO transactions.

    Currently working at StageOne Ventures, a $50M Information Technology Fund, which focuses mainly

    on early stage investments.

    During this period Yuval has been responsible for the creation and development of numerous

    communications and software companies. He served on the Board of Directors of few technology

    companies including, Guardium (acquired by IBM), Trivnet (acquired by Gemalto), cVidya networks,

    Fiberzone Networks and Traffix Systems (recently acquired by F5 Networks).

    In each of these companies he has played an integral role in helping management teams recruit,

    develop strategies, and establish partnership agreements.

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