Ámbito da comunicación: lingua inglesa€¦ · diferentes niveis de dominio de coñecemento da...

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Ámbito da comunicación: lingua inglesa

Unidade didáctica 16

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Educación secundaria para persoas adultas




1. Programación da unidade....................................................................................................2 1.1 Encadramento da unidade no ámbito da comunicación................................................2 1.2 Descrición da unidade didáctica ...................................................................................3 1.3 Obxectivos didácticos ...................................................................................................3 1.4 Contidos da unidade......................................................................................................4 1.5 Actividades e temporalización......................................................................................5 1.6 Recursos materiais ........................................................................................................9 1.7 Avaliación .....................................................................................................................9

2. Secuencia de actividades...................................................................................................10 3. Language Review..............................................................................................................21 4. Portfolio ............................................................................................................................27

1. Programación da unidade

1.1 Encadramento da unidade no ámbito da comunicación

Unidade 1: Hello?... Hi? Bloque 1

Unidade 2: Ready to go?

Unidade 3: English online MÓDULO 1

Bloque 2 Unidade 4: Let’s learn more (surfing the net)

Unidade 5: Let me tell you about Bloque 1

Unidade 6: English in mind

Unidade 7: Let’s read MÓDULO 2

Bloque 2 Unidade 8: The way we live

Unidade 9: The media Bloque 1

Unidade 10: Publicity

Unidade 11: Audiovisual technology MÓDULO 3

Bloque 2 Unidade 12: English alive

Unidade 13: Getting to know you Bloque 1

Unidade 14: Professional English

Unidade 15: Let’s learn MÓDULO 4

Bloque 2 Unidade 16: Learn more


1.2 Descrición da unidade didáctica Esta unidade está dentro do módulo 4, bloque 2, e denomínase “LEARN MORE”. É un resumo de todo o aprendido ao longo da ESA no eido da lingua estranxeira e o punto de partida para seguir aprendendo fóra da aula.

O alumno debe ter acadado xa experiencia de como debe ser o seu proceso de aprendizaxe, ao potenciar a súa responsabilidade e autonomía. O profesor debeu facilitar ao longo das unidades anteriores ferramentas adecuadas e pertinentes para que a aprendizaxe fose significativa.

A unidade proporciónalle ao alumnado novos exemplos para que dispoña dun maior coñecemento dos aspectos socioculturais dos países onde se fala a lingua inglesa, para que poida contrastalos cos propios, e reforza as fórmulas lingüísticas en situacións concretas de comunicación da vida cotiá.

Nesta unidade, o alumnado terá que formular intencións de futuro. Así terá que escribir un correo electrónico, expoñer previsións sobre proxectos relacionados co traballo, coa súa vida persoal, etc.

Poderá practicar funcións comunicativas diversas na vida diaria en contextos diferentes e saberá empregar os seus coñecementos lingüísticos, paralingüísticos e estratéxicos para facer que a comunicación sexa efectiva.

1.3 Obxectivos didácticos 1 Narrar de forma sinxela e breve feitos e experiencias, expoñer plans e presentar

proxectos de xeito moi elemental e relacionados con asuntos cotiás e de interese persoal empregando os tempos verbais en presente, pasado e futuro, usando unha serie de oracións sinxelas enlazadas con conectores simples.

2 Realizar intercambios sinxelos e participar activamente en conversas relacionadas coas situacións de comunicación habituais, persoais ou profesionais, en lingua estándar: nun aeroporto, facendo unha reserva telefónica, etc.

3 Aplicar os coñecementos sobre a lingua inglesa e as normas de uso lingüístico para resolver problemas de comprensión oral e escrita, e para compoñer e revisar de maneira cada vez máis autónoma os textos propios.

4 Recoñecer os aspectos culturais máis importantes dos países onde se fala a lingua inglesa, destacando as características máis significativas dos costumes, normas, actitudes e valores desa sociedade e valorando positivamente os patróns culturais distintos aos propios.

5 Comprender normas sinxelas para levar adiante unha tarefa como, por exemplo, redactar un correo electrónico, aplicando todas as recomendacións achegadas.

6 Na construción da linguaxe, conseguir un control limitado, cos posibles erros sistemáticos que lle son propios ao nivel.


1.4 Contidos da unidade COMUNICACIÓN ORAL

� Utilización da lingua para tomar conciencia dos coñecementos, das ideas e dos sentimentos propios e alleos, e para regular a propia conduta.

� Estratexias para favorecer a participación en actividades de aprendizaxe compartida fomentando a cooperación e o respecto.

� Uso de estratexias para desenvolver a comprensión das mensaxes orais: contexto verbal e non verbal, coñecementos previos sobre a situación, identificación das palabras clave e da actitude e intención do falante.

� Uso autónomo de estratexias de comunicación para iniciar, manter e terminar a interacción na lingua inglesa.


� Obtención de información xeral de textos orais auténticos, gravados e en soporte multimedia que conteñan vocabulario relativo a lugares, persoas, obxectos, acontecementos e accións ligados a temas de conversa habituais.

� Consolidación de estratexias de lectura xa utilizadas como a identificación do tema dun texto escrito co apoio contextual que este conteña.

� Lectura autónoma de textos máis extensos relacionados cos intereses do alumnado adulto.


� Uso de estratexias de autoavaliación e autocorrección, aceptando o erro como parte do proceso de aprendizaxe.

� Organización e uso, cada vez máis autónomo, de recursos para a aprendizaxe (dicionarios, libros de consulta, bibliotecas ou recursos informáticos).

� Participación na avaliación da propia aprendizaxe e uso de estratexias de autocorrección.

� Futuro going to, will. � Léxico: go on holiday, make plans for, book a house/room, etc. � Passport, boarding card, hand luggage, a ticket, flight number, gate, passenger, a

window/middle/an aisle seat, check-in desk.


� Coñecemento dos elementos culturais máis relevantes dos países onde se fala a lingua inglesa, obtendo a información por diferentes medios (biblioteca, prensa, Internet e outras tecnoloxías da información e da comunicación).

� Uso apropiado, dende o punto de vista sociocultural, de fórmulas lingüísticas en situacións concretas de comunicación para expresar matices semánticos, como a cortesía.


1.5 Actividades e temporalización Abreviaturas utilizadas nesta táboa: CO = Comprensión Oral; CL = Comprensión Lectora; EO = Expresión Oral; EE = Expresión Escrita; VB/PR =

Vocabulario e pronunciación; PR = Pronunciación


CO/EO A1 Happy New Year! Nesta actividade o alumnado escoita a dúas persoas en Nova York falando sobre o que fixeron o día de fin de ano. Poderase escoitar ata 3 veces; en cada unha das escoitas o profesorado deberá irlle facilitando certas pautas para a súa comprensión (fincapé na escoita dos tempos verbais, etc.) Previamente á realización da actividade hai un warmer, no que se presenta o tema da actividade e se proporciona o seu contexto. A participación de todo o alumnado sería o desexable, aínda que o profesor necesite preguntar aleatoriamente a toda a aula de como celebran o día de fin de ano e aninovo.


CL A2 New Year’s Day Actividade de comprensión lectora sobre a celebración do aninovo: datas, costumes, cambios, etc. Tamén pode servir como revisión dos números ordinais para expresar as datas. A actividade pode facerse en parellas, non necesariamente coa persoa que estivese á beira; sería bo emparellar a alumnos de diferentes niveis de dominio de coñecemento da lingua, de xeito que un membro da parella axude á outra.

Quick Review/Warmer Como comezo da sesión, antes de seguir coa seguinte actividade, sería recomendable repasar, a través dunha actividade comunicativa de non máis de 5 minutos, algúns dos contidos estudados.

Gramática A3 Future Tenses Presentación dos tempos futuros con will e going to, usos e formas. Xa se presentara previamente na unidade 10 a forma will (para facer previsións do tempo atmosférico).

2 Gramática A3 Future Tenses O alumnado practica os distintos tempos futuros por medio duns exercicios. O primeiro deles enlaza coa

temática da sesión anterior. Trátase dun exercicio sobre New Year’s Resolutions. KEY: 1. lose/get; 2. spend; 3. spend; 4. Find; 5. Quit; 6. find; 7. learn; 8. Help; 9. Reduce; 10. get O segundo exercicio de práctica é para completar un cuestionario sobre se somos ou non persoas previsoras. Pode realizarse en parellas de estudantes que se alternan para facerse o cuestionario. Ao final, segundo o número de respostas, saberemos se somos ou non persoas ás que nos gusta planificar a nosa vida.

Quick Review/Warmer Como comezo da sesión, antes de seguir coa seguinte actividade, sería recomendable repasar, a través dunha actividade comunicativa de non máis de 5 minutos, algúns dos contidos estudados.

Gramática A3 Future Tenses Séguese coa actividade c de práctica na que se introduce a previsión de futuro e se enlaza coa actividade fortune teller.


VB/PR/EO A4 The Fortune Teller Actividade A. Actividade de matching. O profesorado deberá ler cada unha das opcións para que o alumnado se familiarice coa pronuncia de cada unha das expresións. Nesta actividade deberán escribir ao que corresponde cada imaxe. Poderase explicar o sinónimo común de fotune teller = clairvoyant. KEY: 4 get divorced, 8 win the lottery, 9 get a new job, 2 get married, 7 be famous, 1 fall in love, 10 write a


MÓDULO 4 BLOQUE 2 UNIDADE 16 book, 6 be lucky, 12 travel to a new country, 3 have a child, 11 have your own company, 5 buy a new house Actividade B: nesta, como na actividade previa, o alumando agrupa as predicións de futuro de acordo coa temática. Segue sendo unha actividade eminentemente escrita pero o profesorado corrixiraa oralmente. KEY: LOVE & FAMILY WORK HOLIDAYS FORTUNE

get married find a new job travel win the lottery fall in love have your own company be lucky buy a new house have a child write a book be famous get divorced

EO A4 The Fortune Teller I’m going to tell you about your future. Role play no que o alumnado se alterna para ser a vidente ou o seu cliente. Deberase, en todo caso, seguir as instrucións marcadas e empregar o tempo futuro coma tamén facer uso do vocabulario que se vén de aprender na mesma actividade. O profesorado procurará escoitar a todo o seu alumnado.

CO A5 Canción “Forget Domani” de Frank Sinatra (1964) ou “The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow” do musical “Annie”.

3 Gramática A6 Time clauses/Adverb position

Remata esta sesión facendo fincapé no comportamento de certas expresións de tempo co uso do tempo futuro así como a posición dos adverbios no tempo futuro. Ao finalizar as explicacións sobre o futuro, hai un curto exercicio de práctica.

Quick Review/Warmer Como comezo da sesión, antes de continuar coa seguinte actividade, sería recomendable repasar, por exemplo, a colocación dos adverbios e das expresións de tempo, na que parte do alumnado proporía un exemplo de cada.

PR A7 Actividade na que o alumnado, despois de escoitar os sons, deberá reproducilos. KEY: rank, pink,

bank; sing, writing


CL/EO A8 The Chinese Horoscope

Sería interesante presentar, como introdución ao exercicio do horóscopo chino, o álbum “Zodiac” do grupo Shanghai Restoration Project. Este álbum inclúe 12 cancións, cada unha delas representando a un animal do zodíaco. Na seguinte ligazón, o alumnado poderá premer sobre a imaxe de cada animal para escoitar a música: http://www.zodiac.shanghairestorationproject.com Esta banda de música electrónica contemporánea, combina instrumentos tradicionais chinos con hip-hop, electrónica e jazz. Tamén está dispoñible o vídeo a través desta ligazón de YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fx6D6KKyRp4) Antes de centrarse no horóscopo chino, o profesorado preguntaralle aos estudantes sobre se creen ou non na influencia da astroloxía sobre as persoas. (A) O alumnado deberá responder oralmente ás tres preguntas formuladas. (B) De seguido, en grupos de 3 lerase sobre as orixes do horóscopo chino, dando resposta ás preguntas 1 e 2. KEY: 1. Buddha; 2. 1 year. (C) Nesta parte do exercicio cada grupo deberá buscar as respostas ao quiz. KEY: 1. the rat; 2. the dog; 3. the snake. (D) O grupo de tres deberá escoller un representante ou portavoz. Unha vez discutidas as preguntas


MÓDULO 4 BLOQUE 2 UNIDADE 16 formuladas, o portavoz comentaralle ao resto da clase as respostas dadas ás preguntas 1ª a 4ª polo seu grupo.

Quick Review/Warmer Como comezo da sesión, antes de seguir coa seguinte actividade, sería recomendable repasar, a través dunha actividade comunicativa, algúns dos contidos estudados.

CL/EO A9 Cultural Differences

Actividade sobre as diferenzas culturais e a linguaxe non verbal, nas que o currículo da ESA tamén fai fincapé: a competencia sociocultural na que se incluiría este exercicio é parte esencial do currículo. O alumnado poderá facer esta actividade primeiramente intentando comprender por si o texto, para logo colocarse por grupos de 3-4 persoas. Novamente haberá un speaker que ofrecerá as respostas do grupo.

5 CO A9 Cultural

Differences O alumnado escoitará estes dous audios nos que dous estranxeiros falan da súa experiencia na Gran Bretaña. Os textos falan do que supón vivir noutro país. Coa segunda escoita o profesorado poderá facilitarlle o tapescript da actividade.

KEY: Interview #1 Interview #2 Alexander Dario Fango Russian Portuguese musician works in films 1 year ago 5 years ago (South) London Soho, London No, he doesn’t Yes, he does.

Quick Review/Warmer Como comezo da sesión, antes de seguir coa seguinte actividade, sería recomendable repasar, a través dunha actividade comunicativa, algúns dos contidos estudados.

CL A10 British, not English

Coñecer unha lingua, como xa dixemos, tamén é coñecer a súa cultura e as súas diferenzas. Comprensión lectora na que se diferencian certos conceptos xeográficos e se presenta a Commonwealth, que aglutina un terzo da poboación mundial. Esta actividade farase en parellas ou de maneira autónoma por cada alumno/a. Ao principio o profesorado debe orientar sobre o que van ler, e dar resposta ás preguntas suscitadas para comprobar se efectivamente houbo comprensión da información máis relevante do texto.


PR A11 /ȴ/ e /ȷ/ Esta sesión rematará cunha actividade de pronuncia na que o alumnado escoitará e despois pronunciará estes dous sons que resultan máis difíciles para eles.

KEY: /ȴ/: joke, enjoy; /ȷ/: church, future, match Quick Review/Warmer Como comezo da sesión, antes de seguir coa seguinte actividade, sería recomendable repasar, a través

dunha actividade comunicativa de non máis de 5 minutos, algúns dos contidos estudados. 7

EE A12 Keeping in e-touch

Actividade na que se orienta e se dan 10 recomendacións (tips) a ter en conta á hora de redactar un correo electrónico Na segunda parte do exercicio preséntase un correo electrónico (auténtico) sobre o que se formulan cinco preguntas. KEY: A) 1. T; 2. T; 3. T; 4. F; 5 F B) He didn’t proofread it: he didn’t use capital letters. Na terceira parte desta actividade o alumnado, á vista das 10 recomendacións, debe redactarlle un correo electrónico a un amigo. O desexable sería poder facer esta actividade nun ordenador. Poderíanse enviar a outros membros da aula, por exemplo. O profesorado deberá revisar as producións do alumnado ou, se


MÓDULO 4 BLOQUE 2 UNIDADE 16 non pode revisar todas, facer unha síntese dos puntos a mellorar.

CO A13 Interview: Helping Travellers

Ao longo das unidades vénse facendo fincapé moi fundamentalmente no inglés de Gran Bretaña e EEUU, pero isto non nos pode levar a equívocos, porque a lingua inglesa se fala tamén en moitos outros países do mundo. Esta entrevista é un exemplo. Tashi é Indio e fálanos do seu traballo como guía de expedicións de trekking na parte de máis altitude, máis descoñecida do seu país. KEY: (Part I) 1. b; 2. a; 3. b; 4. b (Part II) 5. a; 6. a; 7. c; 8. c

CO A14 Canción “Don’t You (Forget About Me)” de Simple Minds (1985), (banda sonora da película “The Breakfast Club”)

ou “Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow”, versión de Amy Winehouse, da canción escrita por Carole King para o grupo The Shirelles e que foi número 1 en 1961.

Revisión xeral O “language review” debe entenderse como actividades illadas de reforzo e de coñecemento de lingua, necesarias para interiorizar os compoñentes lingüísticos e, para ser capaz de comprender e producir actividades comunicativas. O profesorado deberá facer unha selección dado o gran abano de exercicios e proporcionarllos antes e durante a propia unidade. R2 Destination Gate number Departure/Boarding time Airliner

1. Philadelphia 5 10:40 American Airlines 2. London 11 3:30 Iberia 3. Paris 4. Madrid 7 6:00 British Airways

R7 /d/ /t/ /Id/ stayed, listened, opened, died liked, walked, stopped waited, visited, protected R11 Eire: Dublin; England: Salisbury, York; Northern Ireland: Belfast; Scotland: Glasgow; Edinburgh;

Wales: Cardiff R12 1. The Mayflower was the famous ship that transported the English Separatists, known as the

Pilgrims, from Southampton, England, to Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1620. The Mayflower is a symbol of early European colonization of the future US. The passengers were escaping from religious oppression by the English Church and government. They wanted a life where they could practise their religion freely. 2. 50 states 3. George Washington 4. The Pentagon is the US Department of Defence 5. Washington D.C. (District of Columbia: It is called District of Columbia, because it was built on land of the Territory of Columbia, a 10 square mile piece of land that used to be part of Virginia and Maryland. The territory of Columbia was named after Christopher Columbus.)

R16 1. T; 2. F (she’s British); 3. T; 4. F (Police asked her to go and she did); 5. F (She saw him very well.)


Portfolio self-assessment

Exercicio onde o alumnado reflexiona e autoavalía o seu progreso na aprendizaxe da lingua inglesa.


1.6 Recursos materiais Textos da unidade. Internet. Bibliotecas do contorno

1.7 Avaliación Chegados a esta unidade final da ESA de adultos, o alumnado xa tivo ocasión de participar en moitas actividades comunicativas, polo que xa debe ser quen de:

No tocante á comprensión escrita:

Identificar a intención comunicativa, o asunto, os puntos principais e os detalles relevantes de textos sobre temas familiares, sinxelos, breves e contextualizados (mensaxes, cartas, documentos auténticos frecuentes — billetes, sinais, folletos, formularios, CV, anuncios, instrucións e relatos).

Do mesmo xeito poderá consultar información e a pronuncia en listaxes, dicionarios, páxinas web, etc.

Poderá inferir o significado de palabras descoñecidas sobre o contido dos textos a partir da situación, do contexto, do formato, das imaxes e do seu coñecemento do mundo.

No tocante á expresión oral:

Participar en conversas relacionadas coas situacións e transaccións cotiás habituais e cumprir as funcións básicas de relación e intercambio de información.

O alumnado poderá presentar asuntos que lle son familiares, expresar as súas opinións, relatar experiencias, dar explicacións sobre plans e expectativas de futuro.

En definitiva, o alumnado terá acadado os obxectivos da ESA se cumpre os seguintes criterios de avaliación:

Se é comprensible, aínda que con frecuencia sexa necesaria a axuda do interlocutor. Se o contido responde basicamente ao que se lle pide, cumpre as funcións comunicativas esperadas e interpreta e adecúa os comportamentos e acenos básicos da cultura anglosaxona.

Se emprega recursos gramaticais, léxicos e discursivos básicos pero suficientes para levar adiante a finalidade da comunicación.

Se emprega estruturas aprendidas relacionadas coas situacións cotiás.

Se a pronuncia é comprensible, aínda que ás veces haxa que facer aclaracións e se mesture co acento da lingua propia.

Na expresión escrita será capaz de:

Escribir mensaxes e textos sinxelos, relativos a aspectos concretos coñecidos: impresos básicos, cartas persoais e sociais, solicitudes de traballo, CV, narracións e relatos de experiencias, descrición de persoas e situacións, correos electrónicos e blogs.

A avaliación terá que darse a partir das observacións que o profesorado realice das evidencias e producións do alumnado (individualmente, en parella e en grupo) ao longo do curso e das distintas probas de progreso nas que se proporán actividades comunicativas en situacións auténticas ou verosímiles e contextualizadas.


2. Secuencia de actividades A1 Listening

New Year’s Eve

How do people celebrate New Year’s Eve in your country? Do people stay at home with

their family? Do they go out with friends?

A. Listen to Mark and Jennifer from New York. Who went to a party on New Year’s Eve?

B. Listen again. Write J (Jennifer) or M (Mark) next to each statement.

1. is married.

2. had dinner at his/her parents’ house.

3. spent New Year’s Eve at Times Square with friends.

4. his/her cousin organized a party.

5. enjoyed the evening.

6. would like to go clubbing next year.

7. got drunk and took a taxi home.

A2 Reading

Answer the questions about the text.

1. When was New Year’s Day changed to December 25th? _____________________

2. What was special about March 25th? ________________________________________

New Year’s Day has not always been on January 1st. This day became the beginning

of the New Year in 46 B.C., under the Roman emperor Julius Caesar. In the Middle

Ages, the Christian church changed New Year's Day to December 25th, the birth of

Jesus. Later, they moved it to March 25th, a festivity called the Annunciation. In the

sixteenth century, Pope Gregory XIII changed the Julian calendar, and New Year’s

Day returned to January 1st.

Today, the year begins on that date in cultures that use a 365-day solar calendar. The

Chinese, for example, use a lunar calendar, so their New Year begins between

January 19th and February 21st.

New Year's Day is not the same in every culture, but it is always a time for celebration

and for traditions that will bring good luck in the new year. One of those customs is

the New Year’s Resolution, a promise we make for the coming year.


3. Do the Chinese use a solar calendar? _______________________________________

4. When do the Chinese celebrate the New Year?______________________________

5. What do New Year’s traditions bring for the New Year? _______________________

A3 Grammar

FUTURE TENSES: will & going toFUTURE TENSES: will & going toFUTURE TENSES: will & going toFUTURE TENSES: will & going to


will + verb infinitive


� He will arrive later. � Will he arrive later? Yes, he will/ No, he will not . (won’t) � He will not arrive later.

Going Going Going Going ttttoooo

am/is/are + going to + verb infinitive


� She is going to visit Pauline tomorrow. � Is she going to visit Pauline tomorrow? Yes, she is / No, she is not . (isn’t) � She is not going to visit Pauline tomorrow.

Uses of will

1. To express a voluntary action


� I will send you the book when I buy it. � I will translate the email, so Mrs. Cartrell can read it. � Will you help me, please? � I won't do all the housework. � A: I'm really hungry.

B: I'll make some sandwiches.

2. To express a promise


� I’ll call you when I arrive. � Don't worry, I'll be careful. � I won't tell your secret.

3. In weather forecasts (as we saw in Unit 10)


� Temperatures will drop to 5 minus degrees Celsius. � There will be showers all around the country. � It will rain most of the day.


Uses of going to

To express a plan or an intention


� He is going to spend his holiday in Jamaica. � They are going to drive all around the country. � Who are you going to invite to the party?


Have you ever made a New Year’s resolution? Were you successful?

A. Complete the 10 most popular New Year’s Resolutions with going to and the correct verb.

1. I _______________________________ weight and _________ in shape.

2. I _______________________________ less money.

3. I _______________________________ more time with family & friends.

4. I _______________________________ a partner.

5. I _______________________________ smoking.

6. I _______________________________ a better job.

7. I _______________________________ something new.

8. I _______________________________ other people.

9. I _______________________________ stress.

10. I _______________________________ organised.

B. Questionnaire

1. Ask your partner the following questions. 2. Write their answers. 3. Count their answers. If they have more positive answers, they like planning and they are

organised people. If they have more negative answers (“I don’t know”) they don’t like planning, they live the present and are spontaneous.

Question Your partner’s answer

a. What are you going to do this weekend?

b. What are you going to eat tomorrow for lunch?

c. Where are you going to go on holiday next summer?

d. Where are you going to be next New Year’s Eve?

e. What time are you going to get up next Friday?

f. When are you going to go to the cinema?

g. What are you going to do for Easter?

h. When are you going out?

lose learn get (2) quit help spend (2) find (2) reduce


Uses of will or going to, to express a prediction

To express a general prediction about the future 1. You are going to meet somebody important in your life. 2. You will be very lucky next year.


C. Complete the following dialogue.

Pam: Can you see my future in the crystal ball? What (happen) __________ next year? Fortune Teller: You (meet) __________ a Latin lover. You (marry) __________ that mystery man. Michelle: I want to know if I (get) __________ a new job, that’s all.

Michelle is not interested in meeting any mysterious man, only in finding a job. Many people are interested in other aspects of their future and visit the same Fortune Teller.

A4 Speaking

A. Look at the twelve crystal balls. What do they tell you about the future? Match the verb phrases and pictures.

B. Match the groups of pictures about people’s future with the four topics below.

Pictures 1 to 4 ____ Pictures 5 to 8 ____ Pictures 9 to 11 ____ Picture 12 ____

___ get divorced

___ win the lottery

___ have your own company

___ get married

___ be famous

___ fall in love

___ write a book

___ be lucky

___ travel to a new country

___ have a child

___ find a new job

___ buy a new house


A5 Listening �song “Forget Domani” by Frank Sinatra

A6 Grammar

Future tense: time clauses

The future tenses cannot be used in clauses beginning with time expressions: when, while, before, after, as soon as, if, etc.

In these clauses we use the simple present.


� When you will arrive tomorrow, we will go out for dinner. � When you arrive tomorrow, we will go out for dinner.

Future tense: adverb position

Look at table. Notice the position of the adverbs always, only, never, ever, just, etc.

With will, they go before the main verb .

With going to, they go before going to .


subject will adverb infinitive

will You will never see him from there.

subject be adverb going to infinitive

going to You are never going to meet Jane.


will subject adverb infinitive will

Will you ever come with me?

be subject adverb going to infinitive going to

Are you ever going to meet Paul?

C. Role-play

1. Choose a partner. 2. You will be the fortune teller. Your partner will be a

customer. 3. Look at the 12 crystal balls in exercise A. 4. Choose 7 crystal balls. Don’t tell your partner. 5. Predict your partner’s future using the crystal balls. 6. Change roles.

Start like this: I’m going to tell you about your future. In my crystal ball I see… a star. You’re going to travel. Maybe you’re going to travel to Los Angeles and become a star.



Complete the dialogues. Use will, going to or the simple present.

1. Sue: Where are you going?

Alfie I (go) _________________ to the store to buy some groceries.

Sue: What (you, get) ___________________?

Alfie: I (buy) ___________________ some milk, some bread, and some tea.

Sue: Before you (go)__________, we (have) ___________ some tea.

2. Madge: Fred and I (visit) ___________________ Padua next summer. Have you ever been there?

Sofia: My parents live there. I (give) __________ you my parents' phone number. When you __________ (get) to Padua, call them and they (give) __________ you a little tour of the town. They (be) ________ happy to (see) ______________ you.

A7 Pronunciation

rank pink bank sing writing

A8 Reading & Speaking

A. Answer the questions about you.

1. Do you believe in the influence of stars on people?

2. Do you read your horoscope?

3. When, where and how often do you read it?

B. Read about the Chinese horoscope and answer the two questions.

The Chinese horoscope is one of the most famous in the world. It has been used for thousands of years. According to a legend, when Buddha was leaving Earth he invited all the animals to visit him on New Year's Day. The first twelve to arrive got their own zodiac sign, in order of arrival. In Chinese astrology there is a 12-year cycle, so each sign lasts for one year.

1. According to the legend, who created the Chinese horoscope? _______________________

2. In the western zodiac a sign lasts for one month. How long does a sign last in the Chinese zodiac? ________________________________________

C. Now do the short quiz. Work with a partner.

1. This is the first sign in the Chinese zodiac. _______________________________________

2. This sign is man's best friend. These people are often unlucky in love. _________________

3. In western cultures this animal is often badly considered, but in the Chinese zodiac it is very talented. ______________________________

D. Work in groups of three. Answer the questions below. Discuss your answers. One member of the group will be the reporter and will tell the rest of the class about the answers to questions 1 and 4.

1. What sign are you? Do you agree with what the stars say about you? Why/why not?

2. Underline the positive adjectives about the sign.

3. Underline the negative adjectives about the sign.

4. Does your partner agree with what the stars say about him or her? Why/why not?



A9 Reading & Listening

A. Read the text below and answer the questions.

There are millions of people working abroad. It is easy when everyone speaks the same language and

behaves in the same way. But when you leave your country and your culture, it is clear that things are not

the same. There are small and large differences between cultures. For example:

• The British say “please” and “thank you” more than Americans. The British may say “thank you” two or

three times during a conversation. Americans say “thank you” once.

• Americans always answer “you’re welcome” after “thank you”. The British sometimes reply “thank you”,

or sometimes they do not answer.

Like language, the way we communicate non-verbally is different. It can be very difficult to know what

the non-verbal rules are. In Europe, for example, there is great confusion in the way we greet other

people. Spanish people give two kisses when meeting, but the French kiss on one cheek, on both cheeks or

they might give three kisses. In Britain people just shake hands.

Other differences between cultures are eye contact, or touching. In southern Europe for example, a

smile, friendly body language and eye contact are very important when you are asking something and people

usually stand close. In Asia, people sometimes give a very small bow and it is rude to stand close.

What about gestures? Some cultures use a lot of gestures, while others do not. Cultures with a lot of

gestures think the others do not have emotions or interest. In cultures where gestures are not used,

people think that it is rude to use them. Even simple things like using

hands to point and count are different.

• Pointing: US with index finger; Germany with little finger;

Japanese with entire hand (most Asians consider pointing with

the index finger to be rude).

• Counting: Thumb = 1 in Germany, 5 in Japan, middle finger for 1

in Indonesia.

As you can see, non-verbal language is also a learning process!

Questions 1. Give three main differences in body language.

2. How do American and British people say thank you?

3. What differences are there between your culture and British culture? And with American culture? In

groups, write at least three differences.

4. There are similarities with others too. In groups write some similarities with other European countries.

5. After doing this each group must choose a speaker to give their information to the rest of the class.

B. 1) Listen to two interviews. Where are the people from? 2) Listen again and complete the table.

Interview #1 Interview #2



Present job

Arrived in England (When?)

Lives (Where?)

Wants to go back to his country?


A10 Reading

The Scottish, Welsh or North Irish are angry when they are called “English”. The thing is, they are all British but only the people from England are English. There are different words and concepts we need to distinguish:

The United Kingdom, known as the UK, is the political name for the country made up of England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland (Ulster) and several islands: Isles of Wight, the Orkneys, Isles of Scilly, Hebrides and Shetlands. The Isle of Man and the Channel Islands are not part of the United Kingdom.

Great Britain is the same as The United Kingdom but it refers to the bigger island, that is, England, Wales and Scotland.

The British Isles is the geographical name for all Ireland (south and north), Great Britain, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man.

The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy and a multiracial country. The Commonwealth citizens had free entry until 1962.

What is the Commonwealth?

The Commonwealth is an association of British colonies, and Mozambique.

After India and Pakistan's independence in 1947, the Commonwealth became an association for decolonised nations. The British monarch is the official "head of the Commonwealth".

The Commonwealth has no constitution or charter, but the heads of government of its members meet every two years to discuss common interests. These meetings are called Commonwealth Heads of Government Meetings.


Antigua & Barbuda Canada Jamaica Mozambique Sierra Leone Tanzania

Australia Cyprus Kenya Namibia Singapore Tonga

The Bahamas Dominica Kiribati Nauru Solomons Trinidad

Bangladesh Fiji (suspended) Lesotho New Zealand South Africa Tuvalu

Barbados The Gambia Malawi Nigeria Sri Lanka Uganda

Belize Ghana Malaysia Pakistan St Kitts United Kingdom

Botswana Grenada Maldives Papua NG St Lucia Vanuatu

Brunei Guyana Malta Seychelles St Vincent Zambia

Cameroon India Mauritius Samoa Swaziland Zimbabwe (out)*

(from www.bbc.co.uk) *Zimbabwe was not allowed to be a member in 2002 after a violent general election in that country.


��� FFFooo uuu nnn ddd eeeddd ::: 111999333111 ��� MMMeeemmm bbb eeerrr sss ::: 555333 sss ttt aaattt eeesss ��� HHHeeeaaaddd qqq uuu aaarrr ttt eeerrr sss ::: MMMaaarrr lll bbb ooo rrrooo uuu ggg hhh

HHHooo uuu sss eee,,, LLL ooo nnn ddd ooo nnn ��� PPPooo ppp uuu lll aaattt iii ooo nnn ::: 111...888 bbb iii lll lll iii ooo nnn (((333000%%% ooo fff

www ooorrr lll ddd ppp ooo ppp uuu lll aaattt iii ooo nnn )))

Map of the British Isles


Answer the following questions.

1. Look at the map of the British Isles. Find each of the members and concepts explained.

2. What is the Commonwealth? _______________________________________________

3. How many members are there? _____________________________________________

4. Which member left the Commonwealth in 2002? ________________________________

5. Does the Commonwealth have a constitutional charter? __________________________

6. When do they meet? ______________________________________________________

7. What do they meet for? ____________________________________________________

A11 Pronunciation

joke church future enjoy match


Writing an email

E-mails are an easy and fast way to communicate in business. They are also a great way to keep in touch with people from around the world. Just remember these tips when you write an e-mail, especially it it’s formal.

1. Write a significant subject line. 2. Identify yourself clearly. 3. Make it short . 4. Be positive . 6. Distinguish between formal and informal situations.

� Use smiles ☺, winks ;) and other symbols in informal mails only. 7. Reply quickly . 8. Be nice —don’t flame .

� Flaming is sending aggressive messages (like when you are angry). 9. Proofread : Check punctuation, spelling, and grammar. 10. Format your email for plain text , not HTML.

From: ManuSrahul@hotmail.com Subject: HAPPY NEW YEAR Date: 1 January 2009 15:52:47 GMT+01:00 To: maridlf@gmail.com hi...Mari....

how are you? where have you been? long time no mail... well, wish you and your family a very happy and prosperous new year....

so how's your work going on? and when are you planning to come to India next time?

my semester went nicely … hopefully the exam results should be good... take care.. Manu


A. Read the Email above. Write T (True) or F (False) in the box.

1. The email was written on New Year’s Day.

2. Manu is writing to a friend.

3. Mari is not a student.

4. Manu and Mari both live in India.

5. Manu doesn’t think he will do well on his exams.

B. Which of the 10 tips does Manu not follow?

C. Now write an email to a friend. Follow some of the 10 tips.

A13 Video-Listening

Interview: Helping travellers

Listen to part I of the interview with Tashi. What’s his job? He’s a t __ __ __ __ __ __ g __ __ __ __.

Listen again to part I. Choose the correct answer.

Part I

1. How old is he? a. 29 b. 39 c. 49

2. Where is he from? a. India b. Pakistan c. Sri Lanka

3. At what age did he start working? a. 15 b 16 c. 26

4. How long has he been working in this field? a. since 1994 b. since 1995 c. since 1997

Listen to part II of the interview. Choose the correct answer.

Part II

5. Does he enjoy his job? a. Yes, he does. b. Yes, sometimes c. No, it’s boring.

6. What does he like most? a. trekking expeditions b. tours in the Rajasthan

7. How high has he climbed? About... a. 5000 m b. 6000 m c. 7000 m

8. In what season does he work in the Himalayas? a. in spring b. in summer c. in winter

A14 Listening �song “Don’t You (Forget About Me)” by Simple Minds

From: ___________________________ Subject: _________________________ Date: ___________________________ To: _____________________________


3. Language Review

R1 Reading


A TV dinner (also called frozen dinner or ready meal) is a pre-packaged , frozen or chilled meal that usually comes in an individual package.

The term “TV Dinner” was originally used for a packaged meal developed in 1953 for C.A. Swanson & Sons. Swanson stopped using the name “TV Dinner" in 1962. Today in the U.S. the term is used for any pre-packaged dinner that you buy frozen in a supermarket and heat at home.

The original TV Dinner came in an aluminium tray and was heated in an oven . Most frozen food trays are now made of material that can be used in a microwave , usually plastic.


A. Do you know these words from the text? Use your bilingual dictionary to find the Gallician word. Write the Gallician word on the line provided.

pre-packaged ______________________________________________

chilled ____________________________________________________

term ______________________________________________________

heat (v) ___________________________________________________

oven ______________________________________________________

microwave _________________________________________________

B. Write True or False after each statement.

1. TV Dinners are always frozen. __________

2. The expression TV Dinner was invented by Swanson & Sons. __________

3. Swanson still uses the expression TV Dinner for their product. __________

4. The trays are usually made of aluminium. __________

5. Today frozen meals can be heated in a microwave. __________

R2 At the airport

A. Listen and complete the table.

Destination Gate Departure/Boarding time Airline 1 2 3 4

B. Finish the two conversations at the airport. Use the words to help you.


1. A: Have you got any hand luggage? B: ____________________________________________________ . A: Smoking or non-smoking? B: ____________________________________________________ . A: Window or aisle seat? B: ____________________________________________________ . A: Here’s your boarding card. You’ll be boarding at Gate 22. B: ____________________________________________________ ? A: At 1.30 pm. B: ____________________________________________________ .

2. A: Can I __________ (see) your passport and ticket, please? B: Yes. Here you are. __________ (be) the flight on time? A: Yes. B: What time ______________________ (arrive) in Athens? A: At 7:30 pm.

R3 Match the questions in A with the answers in B.


How much are they? Over there.

What colour shoes do you want? I’m a size 39.

What size are you? Red, please.

Hello, can I help you? They’re £20.00.

Where’s the changing room? Of course you can.

Can I change it? Yes, I want to buy some shoes.

We have a lot of warm hats. Can I try some on?

R4 Complete the conversations.

1 A: Where (you/go) (1) _________________________________ last night?

B: I (go) (2)__________________________________________ to the theatre. A: What (you/see) (3)__________________________________ ? B: “The Mousetrap”. A: Oh, I (see) (4) _____________________________________ that five years ago. B: (you/like) (5) ______________________________________ it? A: Yes, I (do) (6) ___________________________ I (love) (7) ___________ it. A: (you/know) (8) _____________________________________ who wrote it? B: Oh yes. It was Agatha Christie.

2 A: Where (you/live) (1)____________________________ when you were a child? B: In Spain. A: What (you study) (2) ________________________________ ? B: (I study) (3) _____________________ adult secondary education in a state school. A: I (live) (4) ____________________________________ in England for 10 years now. B: (How old/your/children) (5) ____________________________________________? A: Twelve and ten.

R5 At the hotel

Complete the conversation between Paul Fisher (P) and the receptionist (R).

P Hello. My name’s Fisher, Paul Fisher. I’ve got a reservation.

R ________________________________________________________________ ?



R ________________________________________________________________ ?

P No, it’s for two nights.

R ________________________________________________________________ ?

P Of course. Where shall I sign?

R ________________________________________________________________ .

P Room 504, second floor. Thank you. What time do you serve breakfast?

R ________________________________________________________________ .

R6 At a restaurant

Complete the conversation between the waiter (W) and two customers (C1 & C2).

W Are you ready to order, sir?

C1 ________________________________________________________________ .

W Anything to drink?

C1 ________________________________________________________________ .

W And for you, sir?

C2 ________________________________________________________________ .

W A ham pie. OK. Anything to drink?

C2 ________________________________________________________________ .

W A glass of red wine. Thank you. Is that all, sir?

C2 ________________________________________________________________ .

W Thank you, sir.

R7 Do you remember the three ways of pronouncing the –ed ending in regular verbs? Listen to the verbs and put them in the right column.

protected listened waited stopped visited

liked stayed died walked opened

/d/ /t/ /Id/

R8 Complete the dialogues with the correct determiner any, some, the, a, an, or Ø.

1. I need _______ help. 2. A: Do you want _______ piece of cake with your tea?

B: Yes, please. Only _______ little piece. 3. He hasn’t got _______ money. He’s very poor now. 4. I heard _______ news in the car. What _______ nice surprise! 5. The girl has got _______ lovely smile. 6. To keep fit, drink _______ water. 7. My older sister is _______ architect.

R9 Correct the following sentences.


A) The weather are horrible this winter.

B) I didn’t see Mary today.

C) Your clothes is very nice.

D) I didn’t ate any fish yesterday.

E) I haven’t got any warms hats

R10 Giving and following instructions.

You will need 50 cents (2 quarters) to make a local call (<=3 minutes). Types of calls: local, long distance, collect


1. Pick up the receiver. 2. Drop your coins into the coin slot. 3. When you hear a dial tone, dial the number. 4. If the call does not register, your money will

be returned in the coin return slot at the bottom of the phone.

Do you understand the text?

Work with a partner. Give instructions on how to use a bank cash dispenser (U.S. = ATM).

R11 In which country is each of cities? Match them.

City Country Glasgow Eire

Salisbury England

Cardiff Wales

York Scotland

Belfast Northern Ireland



R12 General Knowledge Quiz

See who can answer the following questions the fastest in the class.

1. What was the Mayflower? 2. How many states are there in the USA? 3. Who was the first president of North America?


4. What is the Pentagon? 5. What is the capital city of the USA?

R13 Write five differences between your country and Great Britain.

R14 Talking about the cinema and films. Match the questions with their correct answers.

1. Do you often go to the movies?

2. How often do you go to the cinema?

3. What kind of films do you like?

4. What’s your favourite film?

5. Who are the stars in your favourite film?

6. Who’s your favourite actor?

7. Who’s your favourite actress?

8. Do you prefer going to the cinema or watching a video at home?

a) I always prefer going to the cinema.

b) I love comedies best.

c) I can only go once or twice a month, but I would like to go more.

d) No, I don’t go to the cinema very often.

e) My favourite film of all times is “Gone with the Wind”.

f) My favourite actress is Meryl Streep.

g) I don’t have a favourite actor. I like a few.

h) The main actress and actor were Vivien Leigh and Clark Gable.

R15 Fill in the gaps in the following dialogue.

Bank clerk (C); Mrs. Stevens (Mrs. S.)

C Would you (1) ____________ open a bank account with us, madam? Mrs. S. Yes, (2) ____________. C Because you're a housewife, we'll give you two free theatre tickets, two free diaries, and (3)

_________ for two at the local Greek restaurant. Do you visit foreign countries? Mrs. S. Yes, (4) ____________. C (5) ____________ Visa credit card? Mrs. S. I'll (6) ____________ an account, but I don't want the Visa or your presents, thank you. C Of course, madam. Would you (7) ____________ this form for me? Could you (8)

____________ here please? Here’s a pen. Thank you.

R16 Reading & Listening

I love mysteries. Last July, I was on holiday in Philadelphia (USA). I witnessed a robbery

there. One evening, I saw a strange man near my room. He was running with a gun in his right hand.

One hour later somebody came to my door. It was the Police. They asked me…

Listen and say if the following statements are (T) true or (F) false.

1. The witness was staying at the Strand Hotel in Philadelphia. 2. The witness is American. 3. The crook had a bag and a gun in his hands. 4. The witness did not go to the Police Station. 5. The witness did not see the man well.

The police want you to complete the suspect description form. Listen a second time. Tick the correct answers.


General aspect

Race: White Black Asian Sex: man woman Age: 20s 30s 40s Weight: thin fat Height: short tall

Head & Face

Hair: long, fair short, fair short, black Eyes: brown blue green Nose: long small big


Tick the clothes the crook was wearing.

shirt tie hat t-shirt skirt trainers jeans shoes boots trousers

R16 Write about the best day in your life. When was it? Why was it special? Where were you? Who were you with? Write from 60 to 80 words. Begin your text like this:

It was the most incredible day in my life, a day I would never forget. I


4. Portfolio

I CAN DO (TICK=����) With a lot of


With some

help On my own



I can understand general and specific information in standard everyday conversations.

I can express my life expectations.

I can give details about English speaking countries and express examples of non-verbal language differences.

I know the 10 tips to consider when writing and answering e-mails.

I can use the future tenses

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