geography history - algaida digital...bilingüe • competencia lingüística (ccl): lectura y...

Post on 08-Jul-2021






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Geography & History



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Learn in English

© Of the original text: Alberto Ayuela Muñoz, Francisco Bermejo Laguna and Juan Pedro Parra Luna.

© Of this adaptation: Macarena Benot Ferrón, Luis Las Heras García and Elena Martín Gordón.

© Of this edition: Algaida Editores, S. A. 2020. Avda. San Francisco Javier, 22. Edif. Hermes, 5ª, 3-8. 41018 Sevilla.

ISBN: 978-84-9189-225-0

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All of the activities from the Student’s book that require writing should be completed in the student’s notebook.


Unit 1: The Earth in the Universe 1 Ficha técnica y programación 2 Answers to the activities in the student’s book 3 Teaching resources

• Unit summary • Extra activities • Exam • Answers to the extra activities • Answers to the exam • Audio scripts • My portfolio

Unit 2: The Earth’s relief 1 Ficha técnica y programación 2 Answers to the activities in the student’s book 3 Teaching resources

• Unit summary • Extra activities • Exam • Answers to the extra activities • Answers to the exam • Audio scripts • My portfolio

Unit 3: The Earth’s hydrography 1 Ficha técnica y programación 2 Answers to the activities in the student’s book 3 Teaching resources

• Unit summary • Extra activities • Exam • Answers to the extra activities • Answers to the exam • Audio scripts • My portfolio

Unit 4: Climate 1 Ficha técnica y programación 2 Answers to the activities in the student’s book 3 Teaching resources

• Unit summary • Extra activities • Exam • Answers to the extra activities • Answers to the exam • Audio scripts • My portfolio

Unit 5: Landscape and natural environments 1 Ficha técnica y programación 2 Answers to the activities in the student’s book 3 Teaching resources

• Unit summary • Extra activities • Exam • Answers to the extra activities • Answers to the exam • Audio scripts • My portfolio

Unit 6: Environmental problems1 Ficha técnica y programación 2 Answers to the activities in the student’s book 3 Teaching resources

• Unit summary • Extra activities • Exam • Answers to the extra activities • Answers to the exam • Audio scripts • My portfolio







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Unit 7: Prehistory1 Ficha técnica y programación 2 Answers to the activities in the student’s book 3 Teaching resources

• Unit summary • Extra activities • Exam • Answers to the extra activities • Answers to the exam • Audio scripts • My portfolio

Unit 8: Mesopotamia 1 Ficha técnica y programación 2 Answers to the activities in the student’s book 3 Teaching resources

• Unit summary • Extra activities • Exam • Answers to the extra activities • Answers to the exam • Audio scripts • My portfolio

Unit 9: Egypt 1 Ficha técnica y programación 2 Answers to the activities in the student’s book 3 Teaching resources

• Unit summary • Extra activities • Exam • Answers to the extra activities • Answers to the exam • Audio scripts • My portfolio

Unit 10: Ancient Greece 51 Ficha técnica y programación 52 Answers to the activities in the student’s book 63 Teaching resources 9

• Unit summary 9• Extra activities 10• Exam 13• Answers to the extra activities 15• Answers to the exam 16• Audio scripts 17• My portfolio 19

Unit 11: The Roman civilisation 1 Ficha técnica y programación 2 Answers to the activities in the student’s book 3 Teaching resources

• Unit summary • Extra activities • Exam • Answers to the extra activities • Answers to the exam • Audio scripts • My portfolio

Unit 12: The Iberian Peninsula in Antiquity 1 Ficha técnica y programación 2 Answers to the activities in the student’s book 3 Teaching resources

• Unit summary • Extra activities • Exam • Answers to the extra activities • Answers to the exam • Audio scripts • My portfolio






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Ancient Greece 5

Programación de las unidades didácticas


Guion temáticoEn esta unidad vamos a estudiar el medio fisico, el desarrollo historico y la organizacion social y econo-

mica de la civilizacion griega, asi como sus principales manifestaciones culturales, religiosas y artisticas.

Competencias clave adaptadas a la modalidad


• Competencia lingüistica (CCL): lectura y produccion de textos y uso del vocabulario y la gramatica estudiados.

• Conciencia y expresiones culturales (CEC): analisis y comentario de diversas imagenes.

• Competencias civicas y sociales (CSC): desarrollo de habilidades sociales que permiten el trabajo en equipo y la formacion de una conciencia ciudadana.

• Sentido de iniciativa y espiritu emprendedor (SIEP): desarrollo de estrategias que faciliten la realizacion de debates, trabajos individuales, en grupo y favorecen la autonomia personal y la autoestima.

Contenidos lingüisticos

• Lexico: civilisation, colonisation, colony, trade, agriculture, Greeks, Minoans, Mycenaean, Dorians, poleis, Athens, Sparta, Greco-Persian Wars, Peloponnesian War, government, democracy, oligarchy, Macedonians, citizens, political rights, non-citizens, assembly, magistrates, aristocracy, nobility, legislators, tyrants, legal equality, dryland farming, acropolis, agora, lintel, column, classical orders, temple, beauty, harmony, canon, polytheistic, gods, heroes, mortals, immortal, oracles, Olympic Games, philosophy, science, literature, history, theatre, tragedy, comedy.

• Gramática: present simple, past simple and passive voice sentences; causative structures; time connectors, and comparatives.

Modelos discursivos

• Dialogos.• Textos informativos.• Textos descriptivos.• Textos expositivos• Debates.

Tareas especificas de la modalidad bilingüe

• Completar textos (o bien con palabras o bien seleccionando una opcion entre varias propuestas) para darles sentido.

• Actividades de verdadero y falso para corregir errores. • Comprension de una lectura a traves de preguntas. • Completar tablas: ordenar ideas, construir frases o clasificar elementos. • Resolucion de problemas y exposicion de las soluciones. • Lectura e interpretacion de fotografias o ilustraciones. • Observacion y descripcion de imagenes. • Audicion: escuchar y contestar, escuchar y resolver, escuchar y completar textos. • Reordenar letras para formar palabras/reordenar palabras para formar frases/ reordenar frases para

formar textos con sentido. • Construir textos relacionando elementos y ordenando sintagmas. • Ordenar elementos en una linea temporal. • Definir conceptos clave. • Busqueda de informacion y tratamiento de la misma.

Criterios de evaluación de la modalidad bilingüe

• CCL: adquiere un vocabulario especifico de la propia materia y estructuras gramaticales en lengua inglesa. Comprende las preguntas que se formulan sobre la materia.

• CEC: describe imagenes de forma ordenada y coherente en ingles.• CSC: desarrolla una actitud participativa y de escucha en los trabajos en equipo. • SIEP: escucha atentamente y participa en los debates respetando otras opiniones.

Ancient Greece10Unit






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Ancient Greece

Unit 10

1. Match the elements from the two columns that describe the different characteristics of Greek civilisation in your notebook. Work in pairs. With the help of your partner, try to write a short explanation for each of the characteristics.

1. c)2. d)3. h)

4. a)5. f)6. b)

7. e)8. g)

Open answer. Some examples:• Common language. All Greeks felt that they belonged

to the same community because they all spoke Greek.• Balkan Peninsula. This is where the Greek civilisation

originated. • Maritime trade. This was the most important economic

activity because the sea was an enormous presence in this civilisation.

2. Listen to the audio recording and complete the following table in your notebook. Then write the date of the events.

Events Centuries

Minoan and Mycenaean civilisations

a) 1600 to 1100 BC

d) 1450 BC

Archaic period f) 800 to 600 BC

i) 800 to 600 BC

Classical period

c) 500 to 400 B

b) 480 to 336 BC

g) 400 BC

h) 492 to 479 BC


e) 400 BC, 336 to 323 BC

k) 323 to 146 BC

j) 146 BC

3. Read the text and answer the questions below in your notebook:

a) They appeared in the seventh century BC.b) They were soldiers and peasants at the same time (they

worked the land and fought to protect their city).c) Their equipment was formed by a shield, a spear, a

sword, greaves, a cuirass and a helmet.d) They protected their partners with the right-hand side

of their shield.e) They obtained important political rights in exchange

for their military help.f) Students must reach the conclusion that the hoplites

gained political power as they were aware of their military role to defend the poleis. They knew that they were necessary to guarantee the survival of the city. They also knew they had money to buy their own

military equipment, and that awareness gave them the power to claim their rights, especially their participation in political life.

4. Find information about the geographical environment of Greece and look closely at the map of Greek colonisation. Discuss the following questions with your partner and write your conclusions in your notebook.

a) Mount Olympus. It was very important for the Greek culture because the people thought that gods lived there.

b) Because of the mountainous territory of the country. The communication between the different parts of the poleis was very complicated.

c) Greeks had a common language and culture. d) Because most of the poleis were close to the sea and

had important maritime trade.

5. Read this list of famous figures from Ancient Greece. Listen to the descriptions and write down which corresponds to each figure in your notebook.

a) 4.b) 3.c) 1.

d) 6.e) 2.f) 5.

6. Put the sentences in order to construct the biography of the well-known conqueror Alexander the Great. Write the biography using some of the following time connectors: later, after that, next. Use other to add ideas: in addition, also, besides. And to finish off: in the end, finally, at last.

1. b)2. c)3. e)

4. f)5. a)6. d)

7. What democratic institution is being described in each case? Listen carefully and in your notebook put the following institutions in the correct order: magistrates, boule, public courts, assembly.

1. Assembly or ekklesia.2. Public courts.

3. Boule or restricted assembly.

4. Magistrates.

8. In your notebook, make sentences about the Greek society using the following words (you can repeat some of them):

• Citizens formed the minority of the population. • Citizens had political rights. • Citizens were men from parents born in the polis. • Non-citizens formed the majority of the population. • Non-citizens lacked political rights. • Non-citizens included foreigners, women and slaves. • Non-citizens had to pay taxes and serve in the army.







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Ancient Greece 7





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Answers to the activities in the student’s book

9. Read the following text about the situation of women in Greece and answer the questions in your notebook:

a) Women didn’t participate in politics, they didn’t have property and they rarely participated in social or religious acts.

b) Gynaceums. c) They worked as peasants, sellers, midwives and

servants. d) No, they always had to obey a man: father, husband,

brother or another family member.e) Since the World Conference on Women in Beijing,

significant progress has been made, particularly in advancing women’s legal rights. However, as progress shows, in an era of unprecedented global wealth, millions of women around the world are trapped in low-paid, poor-quality jobs, denied even basic levels of healthcare, water and sanitation. Women still carry the burden of unpaid care work, which austerity policies and cuts have only intensified. To build fairer, more sustainable economies that work for both women and men, more of the same will not do. You can find more information at, where there are numerous studies about the situation of women in the world.

10. Read the following statements and write the corresponding questions in your notebook using the question words provided:

a) Who were excluded from democracy in Athens? b) Where was there an aristocratic government with

two kings? c) When were many poleis ruled by an oligarchy? d) Which economic activities were the most important

in Greece? e) Why was trade so developed in Greece?

11. Imagine that you are a member of one of the social groups who were excluded from democracy (women, slaves, foreigners). In your notebook, write a short paragraph giving some reasons why you should participate in the Athenian democracy as a citizen. Then read it out loud to your classmates.

Example:I am a woman. I don’t want to be excluded from democracy. I think I should participate in politics because I must be considered a citizen too. I work as hard as a man and I am a human being too, so I should have the same rights as men do. I want to elect the government and take part in the democratic institutions.

12. Look at the illustration and indicate the names of the different parts of the city. Then explain them in your own words in your notebook: acropolis, theatre, agora, wall, houses.

1. Wall: They were built of stone and protected the cities.

2. Houses: Places where the inhabitants of the city lived. 3. Agora: Public place where people met. It was also a

marketplace. 4. Theatre: Place where Greeks went to watch plays. 5. Acropolis: Highest point of the cities where the most

important temples were located.

13. Listen to the audio recording about democracy in Athens and copy the key words or ideas into your notebook. Then compare the words with your partner and try to rewrite the text with the notes that both of you have made.

• Athenian democracy was direct.• They voted by raising their hand and with black and

white stones.• The members of the institutions were elected by lot.• All citizens had the same rights and were equal in the

eyes of the law. • Gods influenced the lot.• Black and white beans were used in the lot.• A citizen could be banished for 10 years through


14. Listen to the descriptions of the following works of Greek art and write in your notebook which description matches each image.

1. e) Palace of Knossos.2. c) Kouros.3. a) Parthenon. Porch

of the Caryatids.

4. b) Doryphoros.5. d) Laocoön.

15. In your notebook, write the area of knowledge for which each of these figures is renowned: literature, philosophy, medicine, history, theatre, mathematics and astronomy.

a) Pythagoras: mathematics.b) Thucydides: history.c) Aristarchus: astronomy.d) Plato: philosophy.e) Homer: literature.f) Aristotle: philosophy.g) Hippocrates: medicine.h) Archimedes: philosophy.i) Aeschylus: theatre.j) Socrates: philosophy.k) Aristophanes: theatre.

16. Complete the text about the Acropolis in Athens using the following words in your notebook: gold, protector, porch, entrance, Parthenon, temples, statue, Athena, city.

The Acropolis was situated at the highest point of the city. The most important temples were found






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Ancient Greece

Unit 10


Answers to the activities in the student’s book

there. One of the most important temples was the Parthenon, which was dedicated to the goddess Athena, considered to be the protector of Athens. Inside, there was a colossal statue of the goddess made of gold and ivory. Apart from the Parthenon, there were other important buildings such as the Erechtheion, with its famous porch of the Caryatids, and the Temple of Athena Nike next to the entrance of the Acropolis.

17. Do some research about one of the most famous women in history, Hypatia of Alexandria, to find the required information:

a) She lived during the Roman Empire (fourth and fifth centuries AD).

b) She was a prominent figure in philosophy, astronomy and mathematics.

c) No, she wasn’t. She was pagan.d) She advised Orestes, the Roman prefect of Alexandria.e) She was tortured and murdered by a group of radical

monks. f) She was 45.g) Rachel Weisz.

18. Look for information about the Greek gods and relate each god or goddess to their corresponding power in your notebook:

1. e) 2. f) 3. i) 4. j) 5. a) 6. b) 7. k) 8. h) 9. m) 10. c) 11. d) 12. l) 13. g)






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Ancient Greece 9


Unit summary

` Greek civilisation developed in Hellas, and later, thanks to the colonisations, it spread to the rest of the Mediterranean and the Black Sea.

` Hellas was divided into independent political units called poleis or city-states. All the Greeks were conscious of belonging to the same culture and language.

` Greek society was divided into two main groups: citizens and soldiers (they had political rights and obligations); and non-citizens (they lacked political rights).

` The most outstanding political system was the Athenian democracy. The main institutions in Athens were the assembly, the magistrates, the restricted assembly and the public courts.

` In Sparta an aristocracy was maintained, led by two kings, aided by an assembly, a council of elders and five magistrates.

` Greek economy was based on dryland agriculture and livestock. Maritime trade was the most important activity.

` Greek architecture was adapted to the needs of the population. The main elements employed were columns.

` The Greeks created architectural styles: Doric, Ionic and Corinthian.

` The most important building was the temple.

` Greek sculptors concerned themselves with creating the beauty and harmony of the human body. They invented the canon.

` The Greeks were polytheistic and divided their universe into three orders: gods, heroes and mortals. They also paid great importance to the oracles. Greek culture is the birthplace of western civilisation.

10 Ancient Greece

Unit 10


Class: Group: Date:

Unit 10








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1. Indicate whether the following statements about the Greek geographical environment are true or false and correct the false ones:

a) The mountainous territory of Hellas facilitated the unification of the Greeks into a single state.

b) Proximity to the sea helped to develop trade.

c) The Greeks had different languages depending on the polis.

d) The Greek world spread beyond the Mediterranean through colonisation.

e) The Greeks were conscious of sharing a common culture.

2. Read the following text and answer the questions:

Pericles’ speech

Our form of government is called a democracy. Its administration is in the hands of all the people and not just a few.

When solving private disputes, everyone is equal before the law. Election to public office is based on ability, not on membership of a particular class. No man is kept out of public office because of his low social standing or his poverty if he can be of service to the state.

In short, I say our city is a model for Greece to follow.

Text adapted from History of the Peloponnesian War by Thucydides.

a) Match each paragraph with its main idea:

1. The conclusion is in paragraph number .

2. The definition of democracy is in the paragraph.

3. The characteristics of democracy are mentioned in the paragraph.

b) What was the Athenian political system called?

c) Were all citizens considered equal before the law?

d) Could someone be kept out of public office because he was very poor?

e) Do you think Athenian democracy was as perfect as the text suggests? Why?

3. Complete this text in your notebook with the following words: coins, dryland, maritime, cereals, oil, colonies, metals, olive groves, sheep, domestic.

The Greeks practised farming, based on crops such as , vineyards and

. However, in general Greek soil was not of very good quality, so they had to develop other economic

activities in order to improve their economy: livestock (especially and goats), and, of course, trade,

which was also very important, especially trade, because most of the poleis had a port and exchanged

products with the and other states. trade inside the poleis was notable too because

craftsmen sold their products in the cities. The main goods sold by the Greeks were and crafts, and

they bought cereals and luxury products. To exchange these products they started to use .









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Ancient Greece

4. Work in pairs. One of you will be an Athenian citizen and the other will take the role of a Spartan. Have a chat with your partner about the advantages and disadvantages of each form of government. You can use these expressions:

• The best/worst thing about my form of government is...

• The advantages/disadvantages are...

• The aspect we should change is...

• The most useful institution is... because...

5. Read this text about the Olympic Games and answer the questions below:

The first ancient Olympic Games can be traced back to 776 BC. They were dedicated to the Olympian gods and were held on the ancient plains of Olympia.

The tradition of the ‘Olympic Truce’ was established in ancient Greece in the ninth century BC. During this truce period, athletes, artists and their families were able to travel in complete safety to participate in or attend the Games. Messengers went from city to city to announce the date of the competitions and demanded the truce before, during and after the Games. At the modern Olympic Games, the first, second and third-placed athletes are awarded gold, silver and bronze medals, respectively. At the ancient Games there was only one winner whose prize was a laurel wreath or crown. The winner also received a red woollen ribbon and a palm frond. Although winners did not receive any financial reward, Olympic champions became important figures in their town or city. When Olympic champions returned from the Games, they were given a hero’s welcome and received numerous benefits for the rest of their lives.

Text adapted from the official website of the Olympic Movement

a) How did the Games affect the conflicts between the various Greek poleis?

b) Where were the Olympic Games held?

c) What did winners receive at the ancient Games?

d) Was an Olympic champion an important figure in ancient Greece? What about nowadays?

e) When did these competitions begin to take place?

6. Look at the picture of the construction of a Greek temple and complete it with the names of the different parts: opisthodomos, pronaos, entablature, naos, base, colonnade.






Extra activities








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12 Ancient Greece

Unit 10

7. Order the following events and write their corresponding date next to each one:

a) Appearance of the Minoan civilisation.

b) Greco-Persian wars.

c) Death of Alexander the Great.

d) Beginning of the Mycenaean civilisation.

e) Conquest of Greece by the Romans.

f) Celebration of the first Olympic Games.

g) Alexander the Great ascends to the throne.

h) End of the Minoan civilisation.

8. Answer the following questions:

a) What was the most important economic activity in Greece?

b) What factors drove the Greeks to establish colonies far from their polis?

c) What opposing political systems existed in Athens and Sparta?

d) What was the most important building in Greek architecture?

e) What materials did the Greeks use in sculpture?

9. Choose a Greek god and look for information about him/her. Add a drawing or photograph to it and describe it by following this guide: 

a) Greek name:  

b) Roman name:  

c) Powers/Attributes:  

d) Son/daughter of:  

e) Curiosities:  

Extra activities



Ancient Greece


Class: Group: Date:


Ancient Greece








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1. Date the following periods:

a) Hellenistic Period. b) Archaic Period. c) Classical Period.

2. Order the words to make complete sentences:

a) of / were / Non-citizens / population / majority / the / the / .

b) political / Citizens / rights / had / .

c) from / born / men / the / Citizens / were / in / polis parents / .

d) and / foreigners, / included / women / Non-citizens / slaves / .

3. Listen to the following definitions and indicate what concept is being described:

a) .

b) .

c) .

d) .e) .

f) .

g) .

h) .

4. Link each concept related to the Greek world to the area to which it belongs.

Concepts Areas

a) Democracy

1. Politicalb) Citizen

c) City-state

d) Mediterranean agriculture

2. Sociale) Foreigner

f) Magistrate

g) Maritime trade

3. Economich) Assembly

i) Emperor

j) History

4. Culturalk) Philosophy

l) Slave









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14 Ancient Greece

Unit 10

5. Complete this table about the evolution of Greek sculpture: 

a) Moment of greatest splendour. 

b) Sculptures like Laocoön are outstanding. 

c) Sculptors look for movement in the figures. 

d) Sculptors like Phidias, Myron or Praxiteles are notable. 

e) Rigid sculptures. 

f) Realism. 

g) Artist look for the ideal beauty. 

h) Naked athletes (kouroi) stand out and the dressed female figures (korai). 

Archaic Period Classical Period Hellenistic Period 







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Ancient Greece 15



a) The mountainous territory of Hellas facilitated the unification of the Greeks into a single state. False. The mountainous territory of Hellas complicated the unification of the Greeks into a single state.

b) Proximity to the sea helped to develop trade. True.c) The Greeks had different languages depending

on the polis. False. The Greeks had a common language.

d) The Greek world spread beyond the Mediterranean through colonisation. True.

e) The Greeks were conscious of sharing a common culture. True.


a) 1. The conclusion is paragraph number 3. 2. The definition of democracy is in the first paragraph. 3. The characteristics of democracy are mentioned in

the second paragraph. b) The Athenian political system was called democracy. c) Yes, they were. They had the same rights and duties. d) No, because every citizen could have access to public

office if he was able to serve the state. e) Open answer: It wasn’t so perfect because the

majority of the population (women, foreigners and slaves) couldn’t participate in the political life of the poleis. Only men considered citizens could do this, so the system was unfair. However, at least a part of the citizens had political rights, something very unusual in that period.


The Greeks practised dryland farming, based on crops such as cereals, vineyards and olive groves. However, in general Greek soil was not of very good quality, so they had to develop other economic activities in order to improve their economy: livestock (especially sheep and goats), and, of course, trade, which was also very important, especially maritime trade, because most of the poleis had a port and exchanged products with the colonies and other states. Domestic trade inside the poleis was notable too because craftsmen sold their products in the cities. The main goods sold by the Greeks were metals and crafts, and they bought cereals and luxury products. To exchange these products they started to use coins.


Example: Athenian citizen: The best thing about my form of government is that every citizen can participate in democracy and they have

the same rights. The worst thing is that there are many people excluded from democracy. The advantages are that we can all participate in political life, discussing laws, helping to judge people… The disadvantages are that sometimes you don’t want to participate in the institutions, because you must give up your work and spend less time with your family. Besides, we often have problems to reach an agreement because there are a lot of people in the institutions. The aspect we should change is that democracy should include all the inhabitants in Athens: women, foreigners and slaves. The most useful institution is the Assembly because it makes the most important decisions. Spartan citizen: The best thing about my form of government is that citizens don’t have to worry about political decisions. They don’t have such a big responsibility. The worst thing is that we have to accept the decisions made by our governors, whether we agree with them or not.The advantages are that we can’t make a mistake when it comes to making a new law, or declaring war on other poleis, because it’s a decision that we can’t make. Only the governors make it, so we don’t have to worry about ethics or moral causes. The disadvantages are that sometimes you don’t agree with the decisions made by the government, but you have to accept them, including risking your life if you have to fight in a war. The aspect we should change is that oligarchy is not a fair form of government. We should count more on citizens when it comes to passing laws or to making any political decision. The most useful institution is the Gerousia because the elderly give good advice due to their experience.


a) During the Games, the Olympic truce was established; consequently athletes, artists and their families were able to travel in complete safety to participate in or attend games.

b) They were held in Olympia. c) They were awarded a laurel wreath or a crown, and

they also received a red woollen ribbon and a palm frond.

d) Yes, he was. Winners were given a hero’s welcome and received numerous benefits for the rest of their lives. Nowadays, Olympic champions are very well considered too.

e) They began to take place in 776 BC.


a) Ophistodomos.b) Entablature.c) Colonnade.

d) Base.e) Pronaos.f) Naos.






S. A


Ancient Greece

Unit 10



1. a) Appearance of the Minoan civilisation (3000 BC). 2. d) Beginning of the Mycenaean civilisation (1550 BC). 3. h) End of the Minoan civilisation (1400 BC). 4. f) Celebration of the First Olympic Games (776 BC). 5. b) Greco-Persian Wars (492-479 BC). 6. g) Ascent of Alexander the Great to the throne (336

BC). 7. c) Death of Alexander the Great (323 BC). 8. e) Conquest of Greece by the Romans (146 BC).


a) Maritime trade. b) The scarcity of land and growth in population. c) Athens had a democracy and Sparta an oligarchy or

diarchy. d) The temple. e) Marble and bronze.


Example: a) Greek name: Athena. b) Roman name: Minerva. c) Powers/Attributes: goddess of war, wisdom and the

arts. d) Son/daughter of: Zeus and Metis. e) Curiosities: protector goddess of the city of Athens.

Never married nor had lovers. 

Answers to the exam



a) 336-146 BC.b) 776-480 BC.c) 480-336 BC.


a) Non-citizens formed the majority of the population.b) Citizens had political rights.c) Citizens were men from parents born in the polis.d) Non-citizens included foreigners, women and slaves.


a) 1b) 1c) 1

d) 3e) 2f) 1

g) 3h) 1i) 1

j) 4k) 4l) 2


a) Kings.b) Poleis.c) Colonies.d) Dryland.e) Acropolis.f) Orders.g) Heroes.h) Philosophy.


Archaic Period Classical Period Hellenistic Period 

e, h a, d, g b, c, f



Ancient Greece 17








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S. A



}Track 00. Unit 10, activity 2, page 57. Listen and complete the table.

a) The conquests of the Dorians and the Achaeans. b) The Persian wars. c) The maximum splendour of Greek civilisation. d) The destruction of Knossos. e) The conquests of Alexander the Great. f) The emergence of the polis. g) The heyday of Athens and the age of Pericles. h) The Peloponnesian War.i) Greek colonisation. j) The Roman Empire’s conquest of Greece. k) The kingdoms of the Successors.

}Track 00. Unit 10, activity 5, page 57. Listen to the descriptions and identify each figure.

1. Athenian soldier who had to run 40 kilometres from Marathon to Athens to give warning about the Greek victory and prevent the Athenians from burning down their city.

2. Another important Greek poet who wrote the Theogony, where he explained the origin of the universe and the gods and goddesses.

3. Athenian politician and soldier under whom Athens reached its maximum splendour and democracy was strengthened. 4. Poet from the eighth century BC, author of the Iliad and the Odyssey. 5. Last queen of the Ptolemaic dynasty. She formed an alliance with Mark Anthony against Octavian, the first Roman

emperor. She committed suicide.6. Greek conqueror who created a great empire stretching from Greece to India.

}Track 00. Unit 10, activity 7, page 59. Listen and put the institutions in order.

1. It was made up of all the citizens of Athens. They voted on laws, controlled the budget and decided about going to war.

2. They were made up of 6,000 citizens over 30 years old who were elected annually. 3. It was made up of 500 citizens. They made laws and oversaw the magistrates. 4. They were citizens elected by the Assembly. The most important ones were the strategists and the archons.

}Track 00. Unit 10, activity 13, page 59. Listen and copy the key words or ideas.

Democracy in Athens was a direct form of democracy. Citizens could participate in meetings of the assembly, and they voted by raising their hand or using black and white stones. The members of the institutions were elected by lot, and only citizens could take part. The Athenians believed that this was the fairest and most democratic system because all citizens were equal in the eyes of the law and they all had the same rights. They also believed that the will of the gods influenced the result of the lot. Coloured beans were used in elections (black and white). A white bean meant that you had been elected and a black one meant that you hadn’t been elected. There was a curious custom known as ostracism, whereby citizens could decide to banish another citizen for 10 years if they thought he was dangerous.

18 Ancient Greece

Unit 10


Audio scripts








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}Track 00. Unit 10, activity 14, page 61. Listen and identify which description matches each image.

1. Palace of Knossos: It’s located on the island of Crete and is the most important building of the Minoan civilisation.2. Kouros: It’s a sculpture from the Archaic period characterised by its rigidity and simplicity.3. Parthenon: It’s the most famous building in Greek architecture. It’s located in Athens and is dedicated to the goddess

Athena.4. Doryphoros: His name means ‘spear bearer’. It was made during the classical period.5. Laocoön: It’s a masterpiece of Hellenistic art and represents a priest and his two sons being strangled by a snake.

}Track 00. Unit 10, exam activity 3. Listen and say what concept is being described.

a) There were two of them in the Spartan government. b) Independent city-states consisting of a city, village, farmland and forests. c) Greeks established many of them in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. d) Type of farming practised by the Greeks. e) Sacred place where the most important temples were located. f) Greeks created three of them to regulate the shape of the base, the column and the elements above it. g) In Greek mythology they were children of a god and a mortal. h) Socrates, Plato and Aristotle are the most important representatives of this subject.








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Ancient Greece


Skill I can…I need to improve

I need a little help

I am doing well




When I listen, I can understand…

■ Main events in Greek history.

■ The different political institutions in Greece.

■ Descriptions of Greek works of art.

■ Descriptions of important figures of Ancient Greece.

■ The main features of Greek art, religion and culture.

■ …



I can write texts and express myself about…

■ The Greek society.

■ Advantages of Athenian democracy.

■ A biography about famous figures (for example Alexander the Great).

■ The key concepts of the unit.

■ …




I can read and understand texts about…

■ The Olympic Games.

■ The economy in Ancient Greece.

■ The situation of women in Ancient Greece.

■ The characteristics of Greek art, religion and culture.

■ The Greek gods.

■ …




When I speak, I can…

■ Use correct sentences in present simple, present continuous and past simple.

■ Answer simple questions about the key concepts of the unit.

■ Use connectors, linkers and relative pronouns.

■ Use modal verbs.

■ Use comparatives and superlatives.

■ Describe pictures.

■ …





When I have a conversation with my classmates, I can…

■ Use correct sentences in present simple, present continuous and past simple.

■ Answer yes/no questions about the contents of the unit.

■ Use the new vocabulary of the unit.

■ Correct my answers with the help of my classmates.

■ …




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