
Post on 13-Jul-2015






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Introducci6nEI presente manual contiene los diversos procedimientos utilizados en los calculos de ingenierfa y tiene como principal objetiva Brindar a quienes la consultan, varios rnl?todos de calculos. Su desarrollo paso a paso, facilita la solucian de diversas problemas q:;e SP. pueclan presentar con mas a menos frecuencia en la practica cotidiana de la ingeniPffa. EI ingeniero, se ellconl.rara en condiciones de resolver varios problemas practicos (/Ue se Ie!> planteen en su actividad, al calcular, analizar a realizar evaluccianes de fndole ingienieril. Se ha p/E,fJarado los mel,Jdos de calculos, progresivamentl?, de tal mane,'a que puedan svr seguidos por to.:o aquel que posea algun conocimiento de tipo teenico i?ngeneral. Solo bastara segt,'r las indicaciones de calculo correspondientes al problema ell particular, hasta lIegar a la solucian deseada.

FLSmidth Minerals is your One Source for the world's largest installed base of original equipment, enhanced products, technologies, and services unmatched in the mining an minerals processing industries. .To successfully compete in today's challenging world economy, companies often require Innovative solutions to make their plant operating systems function at peak efficiency. Utll.lzlng the latest In equipment technology, resources, and materials, we deliver the optimum' deSign, equipment: and process support needed. When you select FLSmidth Minerals as you partner, you also bring thiS solid foundation and support to your business. FLSmidth ABON manufactures feeding, sizing, crushing and screening equipment for an ever expanding range of industries in the broad sphere of minerals handling and minerals processing by-product activities. FLSmidth Buffalo is a world class supplier of feeding and crushing equipment for mining and general Industries,offenng extensive experience in design, development, manufacture, and servicing of this equipment.


Dorr-Oliver and EIMCO have long been major pioneers and leaders in liquid/solid separation solutions. These well known companies and brand names each record over 100 years of technical InnOvation In the minerals processing industry. Excel Foundry and Machine specializes in the manufacture and supply of premium crusher parts and mining equipment parts for cone crushers, hydraulic shovels, electric shovels, rope shovels, excavators, mining drills, and drag lines. FLSmidth KOCH designs. manufactures, and services a broad range of material handling equipment and systems for various industries, from minerals and cement to pulp and paper. In addition, It is active In supplying coke oven plant technology, rolling mill systems, and steel construction for hydraUlic engineering. FLSmidth KREBS is the world's leading provider of hydrocyclone separation and severe-dut slurry pumping solutions and has been serving process industries since 1952. Established in 1934, FLSmidth Moller specializes in the design, engineering, procurement, erection, and commissioning of pneumatic conveying systems and silos equipped with pneumatic facilities. FLSmidth MVT designs, manufactures, and services a broad range of material handling eqUipment and systems for various industries, from minerals and cement to pulp and paper. FLSmidth RAHCO designs, manufactures, and services bulk handling systems for the mining, aggregate, and bulk solids industries. Material Handling products include mobile conveyors, radial stackers, portable conveyors, fixed/overland conveyors, and at-the-face mining conveyors.

Con frecuencia se solicita a ingenieros resolver problemas que muchas veces se encuentran fuera del ambito de su especialidad; cuando esto sucede, el ingeniero no se puede rehusar. Asf por ejemplo, a un ingeniero mecanico se Ie puede pedir que calcular el dimensionamiento de un molino de bolas, si bien puede buscar la solucian consultando los textos que ut.iliza en su carrera (si aun los tiene), preferira, par 10 general, un metodo mas directo de solucian. En este manual encontrara el metodo y servira de ayuda al ingeniero que debe resolver algun tipo de problema con el que se encuentra menos familiarizado, aunque este dentro de su misma especialidad

Asimismo este ~anual puede ser utilizado par



de ingenierfa

yo que posee una amplia gama de temas de apticacian de 10carrera y dara a conocer

la mejor manera de arribar a 10solucian de problemas de aplicacian de ingenierfa. Es par ella, que este manual es una herramienta util, tanto para 105 ingenieros como para 105 estudiantes de ingenierfa.

Si bien se estan reemplazando 105 metodos de calculos manuales por /05 metodos de computadoras y equipos electronicos, no pueden utilizarse estos modernos sistemas si se desconoce el metodo correcto de lIegar ala solucion.

Fina/mente, desearnos sefialar que se ha realizado un verdadero esJuerzo para conseguir la mayor precision en 105 metodas de calculos, debe quedar claro que este trabajo se reduce al analisis de 105 resu,'tados y a la interpretacion de las ecuaciones, esto es para una aplicacion practica de 105 conceptos teoricos que nos Jormaron en /a universidad, que se indican en la eleccion de rangos de las variables de estudiu ~ eo escoge[ Qdecuadamente las respuestas.





CONM IN UCION Chancado y Tamizado Transporte de Min ~



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Customer ServicesFLSmidth Minerals provides a wide range of services for mineral processing equipment and systems including raw material testing, process design, equipment installation, troubleshooting, process and mechanical analysis and commissioning of new plants Our customers are our most important assets. Once we have designed and installed your processing systems, we do everything possible to provide the tools to ensure that those systems continue to operate at optimum levels, all the time. It is by no means a radical concept. Indeed, everyone promises it; we deliver it. Through the service technology group, our sales,engineering, and support staff remains accessible to you even after your plant is running. Be assured that you will always be able to draw on our depth of knowledge, breadth of capabilities, and improvements in technology. FLSmidth Minerals Service Technology Group is the only place in the world to get authentic, high quality, original equipment manufacturer spare and replacement parts for your FLSmidth, Fuller, Traylor, and FLSmidth Minerals supplied equipment. It is also the only place to find field engineers and technicians trained specifically to deal with the unique characteristics of this equipment. Browse through the associated pages to find out more about how our service technology group can help you get the most out of your FLSmidth minerals equipment. TechnicalServices Erectionand FLSmidth Minerals is the only place in the world to get authentic, high quality, original equipment manufacturer spa~e and replacement parts for your FLSmidth Minerals supplied equipment, includi~g all the FLSmidth Minerals brands: commissioning Operationsand maintenance Expertservices Technicalassistance

Training It is also the only place to find field engineers and technicians trained specifically to Products deal with the unique characteristics of the Original OEMspar \ equipment. Browse through the associated Product review and pages to find out more about how we can improvement help you get the most out of your equipment. Life cycle analysis FLSmidth Minerals is a supplier of customRepair designed minerals processing equipment and systems. As such, we do not maintain a large Retrofits inventory of spare parts. However, we do keep some items on hand such as special s~als, EngineeringServices graphite wearing parts, nuts and bolts, and Equipment audil\ other more commonly used parts. In i\ddition, Processaudits we occasionally inventory parts that were Testing never shipped to end users for a variety of Erectionsupervi\llIlI reasons. Training Operationsand Maintenance Mill managen1l'111 Plant mainten'; ,~ :::

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