conocimientos generales de computación

Post on 14-Apr-2018






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  • 7/30/2019 Conocimientos generales de computacin


    12S.PCPS.SUN.1A Fundamentals of Compute r Sc ience J. Vasconcelos /L. GilName Date

    Concepts Review & Exercises #2Instructions: Answer th e following questions to the best of your abilities.

    1. Name the components ofa typical personal computer system: J388a)r.)e)

    2. I nd ic at e t he p u rp o se o f t he following parts :CPU:External memory :USB port:

    3. True (T) or false (F):( ) The Internet is a world-wide collection of networks.( ) A bit has e i gh t bytes.( ) A computer wi th good input devices ha s no need for output ones .( ) Processor speed is measured in gigawatts.( ) A p rogr am is a structured plan ofaction to reach a goal.

    4. Th e allows someone with internet access to exchangemessages with any o t he r in terne t use r around th e world.

    5. A computer 's main circuit board is called:

    12S.FCPS.SUN.1A Fundamentals of Compute r Sc ience J. Vasconcelos/L. Gu6. Indicate what device(s) is (are) no t related to computers:


    r f^> t o fjM,. / . L I(a ) (b ) Cc) (e) (d)

    7. What t ype of data is stored inside an iPod or an MP3 player?

    8. If 1110 r e la t es t o 1 4, 1 0 11 relates to

    9. If 01000001 relates to A, 01000010 relates to

    10 . Which value is t he b a se of a ternary sys tem?

    11. Ind ica te what kind of signals a r e t h es e?

    (b )1 2. H ow do you determine th e w ay t o sort 1 million of 32-bit integers wi thin two

    megabytes of RAM?

    13. How much memo ry would be required by a picture taken with a 6.1 mega pixelscamera if th e r e is no compress ion?

    14 . In your own word s , i nd ic at e:(a ) What is computer science?

  • 7/30/2019 Conocimientos generales de computacin


    12S.FCPS.SUN.1A Fundamentals of Computer Science 3. Vasconcelos/L. Gu

    (b) What does a computer know?

    (c) What is the meaning ofA = A + 1?

    15. When Jean cannot figure out the answer to a question on a multiple-choice test,she just chooses answer "b"because she has been told that this is a goodmethod to use. Jean is relying upon to answer the questionsthat sh e cannot figure out.

    (a )A guaranteedme t h o d

    (b )An algorithm


    (d)A heuris t ic

    (e )Induc t ivereasoning

    16 . Bob is having trouble coming up with the answer to a math problem. He decidesio look through the book and finds the step-by-step procedure for solving theproblem. If he follows the steps in the book, he is using:

    Subgoa's(b )Working


    An algorithm(d)

    A heuris t ic(e )


    17. Let a=5, 6=10, c=2, d-5 and e=l, indicate the value of y after evaluating thefollowing expressions (no calculator allowed):a) y=a+b*c/d+eb) y = a + (b * c) / d + ec) y = a + b * (c / d) + ed) y = (a + b ) * c / d + ee) y = a + b* c / ( d + e)f) y = (a + b) * c / (d + e)

    Integer division Floating point division# y is # y is# vis # vis# y is # y is# y is # y is# y is # y is# y is # vi s

    18 . Let S = 1024, what happens to S, if th e digits of it s binary representation ar eshifted two places to th e right? (Hint: Read and think very carefully.)

    12S.FCPS.SUN.1A Fundamentals of Computer S cience J. Vasconcelos/L. Gu19. In the formula y = 3x* + 2x + 3, x is the independent variable.

    a) In algebra, what does it mean that nx Is a variable"?

    b) In computer programming, what does it mean that "x isa variable"?

    20. Name each category of operators+ -x/ ==* > an d or no t

    21. Given the following decision tree, indicate what condition(s) has (have) to betrue, in order to reach th e "b" at th e bottom.

    22. Given the following conditionals, draw th e corresponding decision tree.

    If playerl has rock thenif player2 ha s paper, then player2 winselse if player2 ha s scissors, then playerl winselse if player2 ha s rock, game tied.

    23 . Given th e expression y = 5x - 2, for x = 2, . . . , 11, how many values of y willbe produced?

    (a) 8,13, 18,... (b) 10 (c) 11 (d) 9

  • 7/30/2019 Conocimientos generales de computacin


    12S .FCPS . SUN .1A Fundamental s of Compute rSc ience J. Vasconcelos/L. Gu24. Suppose you are interested in the next Mariners vs. Rangers game for which

    you can attend to the stadium or watch on TV. Wri te down al l th e possiblecases involved in trying to watch t he game.

    2 5. A

    Go to th e s t ad ium Follow on TV Vatch t h e g ame

    expression compares two values, which results ir a ny o f t w opossible rutcomes: or .

    26 . Write an algebraic expression equivalent Lo th e claim: w,f I ge t a ca r with ga s ora bicycle, then I go to th e park."

    27 . Given this logic circuit, what ligl : is turned on in th e following cases?

    &> tt^ _TaT1 / * a) 0n'y sw|tcn SI isturnedon:2


    b) Only switch S2 is t u rned on :c) Only switch S3 is t u rn ed on:

    28. How many random numbers you can ge t following an algorithm?29 . Provide a recursive definition for the se r ies 1, 1, ?., 3, 5, 8, ...

    30 . Given the expression 0 < X < 10, how many va lues can X Lake?a) If X is a whole number: b) If X is a real number:.

    3 1 . T he v al ue nf t\ js

    12S .FCPS . SUN .1A Fundamentals of Computer Sc ience J. Vasconcelos /L. Gu

    32 . A. is the implementation of an algori thm in a part icularcomputer language, like Ruby or Python.33. A is the graphical representation of an algorithm.

    34 . What is th e meaning of th e following symbols?

    o35 . If th e number a is divided by b, how do you ge t the remainder? (Note:Describe the procedure without using the modulus operator. Also, neither a or b ar ef loating point values.)

    36. Youwere asked to compute the decimal values of Vi/ Vi, 1/j, Vi, Vs, followingth e instructions below. However, someho/v th e results you g e t a re no tcorrect; could you f igure out t he problem(s)?

    (1 ) Start with th e number 0(2 ) While the number remains < 5 do(2.1) Compute result as 1 / number(2.2) Write down result(2.3) Proceed to t h e nex t number(3) End While

  • 7/30/2019 Conocimientos generales de computacin


    12S.FCPS.SUN.1A Fundamentals of Computer Sc ience J. Vasconcelos/L. Gu

    37. What result should you expect to happen ifthe following instructions arefollowed correctly? .

    Letx be equal to 0, and / equal tc 0.Repeat

    Inc rease the value on x by /Increase th e value on / by 1

    Unt il / i s equal *.o 1nDisplay th e value v

    38. Describe what th e following procedure does:

    Given A, a list of numbers.Se t X to th e first i tem n AFo r each i t em in A

    If t h e i t em > XSet X to th e i t emOutput X

    39. Indicate the purpose ofthe formula: y = Viv*

    40 . Given th e following table:



    -4 -12.5.7 -6.502


    4 11.56 17.5

    a) Findthe formula that relates thevariable X wi th var i able Y.

    b) Descr ibe the s teps needed to get thelist of V-values.

    12S.FCPS.SUN.1A Fundamentals of Computer Sc ience J. Vasconcelos/L. Gu41. Given the formula y = 0.5x2 - 3, describe the necessary steps to getthe list ofV-values, for an X-valuerange from-3 to +3.

    42. What could beanappropriate description (definition) for (1?!$}^amatryoshka, the typical nested Russian dolls? iifeSp*1!^iSJ)

    43. Five lotto balls were transported within a cylindricalcanister (with caps at both ends). When the balls areretrieved, the appearing numbers are 14, 8, 21, 3,and 12 . Determine the order in which th e balls were inserted if(a) a "first come, first served" approach was followed: , , .(b) a "l ast come, first ser ved" a pproach was followed: , , _

    44. In yourownwords, what isTuring legac to Computerscience?

    45. What did you learn in this class?



  • 7/30/2019 Conocimientos generales de computacin


    09C.CMPS.BTH.1A Foundations of ProgrammingNa m e

    J .Vasconce lo s / V. Suward iman

    Dat e

    Concepts Review & Exercises #11. Name the components of a typical personal computer system:


    b). . d)

    2. Indicate th e purpose o f th e following parts:CPU: ..External memory.US3 po rt :

    3. True (T) or salse (F):( ) The Internet is a world-wide collectionof networks.( ) A bit ha s eight bytes.( ) Acomputer with good input devices has nc need for output ones.( ) Processor speed is measured in gigawatts.( ) A program is a s tructured plan of action to reach a goal.

    4 . T h e allows someone with internet access to exchangemessages with any other internet user around the world

    5. A computer's main circuit board is called:

    09CXMPS . BTH . 1A Foundat ions of Programming J.Vasconcelos / V. Suwardiman6. How do you determine the way to sort 1 million of 32-bit integers within twomegabytes of RAM?

    7. Let a=5, 6=10, c=2, o*=5 and e=l, indicate the value of y after evaluating thefollowing expressions (no calculator allowed):a)y = a + b * c / d + e / /y is .b) y = a + (b * c) / d + e // y is.c) y = a + b * (c / d) + e / / y is.d) y = (a + b) * c / d + e / / y is.e) y = a + b * c / (d + e) // y is.0 y = (a + b) * c / (d + e) / / y is.

    8. What would this sequence of instructions accomplish? (Hint: Read very carefully)Step 1: Divide 100 by 24 .Step 2: Round that answer up to t he nex t larger whole number.

    a) Calculates howmany gallons ofgas are used togo 100 miles.


    b) Calcu.ates howmany vehicles areneeded totransport 10 0people if everyvehicle carries 24people.

    Calculates howmany boxes will becompletely filledwith apples if 10 0apples are to bepu t in 24-appleboxes .

    d) All options aregood.



    ~ \

  • 7/30/2019 Conocimientos generales de computacin



    09C.CMPS.BTH.1A Foundations of Programming J.Vasconcclos / V. Suwardiman

    G3" " - r "' =_._ A __f' " A S TD1

    2 ! H C L L3 ! P s Y K1 ' TS C M

    9. Given this snapshot of anspreadsheet, what word can beread in the second column?

    10 Ateceptioniit works daily 3Vi hours during the morning before taking a%hourlunch. During theafternoon, she works 4Vi before retiring for the day at 5:30PM.What time did she s tar t working? .

    11. Anew computer system is being installed ina bulldozer for better controlling its efficiency.What Caterpillar belt the programmer mustorder to be stopped, so the rocksare pushedto th e right?

    (a) Left (b) Right

    12. A portion of an electromechanical system iss hown t o th e left.(a) If the weight a is 10 Kgan d th e weight b is 2 Kg, inwhat direction r o ta te s t h eshaf t c?

    (b ) If the shaft c rotates indirection 2, wiat weightgoes up?

    09C.CMPS.BTH.1A Foundations oi Programming j.Vasconcelos / V. Suwardiman13. Given the following decision tree, indicate what condition has to be true, in

    order to reach th e "b " a t t he bottom.

    14. Given the following conditionals, drawthe corresponding decision tree.

    If playerl ha s rock thenif player2 has paper, then player2 winselse if player2 has scissors, then playerl winselse if player2 has rock, game tied.

    15. Given the expression x > 6, what values are allowed?fa;0,1, 2,... (b) 5,6, 7,... ft) 6, 7, 8, ... (d)7, 8 10

    16. Imaginethat only two factors affect yourdecisions: money andtime. Also,you are Interested In watching a movie inthe theatre. Writedown all the possible cases involved intryingto attend the movie theatre.Money ITime Movie




  • 7/30/2019 Conocimientos generales de computacin


    09C.CMPS.BTH.1A Foundations of Prog rammin g J.Vasco ncelos / V.Suwardimanf* 17. If the number a isdivided by b, h ow d o you getthe remainder?


    18 . What results from following these steps?Step 1: Thi nk of a number, bu t ke3p it s il en tly in your mind.Step 2: Take your number and mul ti pl y it by 2Step 3: Add 8 to th e previous result .Step 4: Take the resul t in step 3 and subtract the number you startedwith.Step 5: Write down your answer:

    (Note: There is only one resul t . )

    19. /ou were asked to compute the decimal values of l/i, %, /z, Vi, Vs/ followingth e i n st ruc t ions below. However , s omehow the results yo u g e t a r e no tcorrect, could you figure out the problem(s)?

    (1) Start with the number 0(2) While the number remains < 5 do(2.1) Compute result as 1 / number(2.2) Write down result(2.3) Proceed to the next number(3) End While

    20. Wha t r es ul t s hou ld you expect to happen if th e following instructions ar efo'lowed correctly?

    Let x be equa l to 0 , a nd i equal to 0.Repeat

    Increase th e value on x by /Inc rea se the value on / by 1

    Until /i s e qu al t o 1 0Display the value of x

    09C .CMPS.BTH.1A Founda t i on s o f P r og r amming J .V asconce l o s / V. Suward iman

    2 1. Describe a s tep-by- s tep procedureto d raw the figure to th e right.(Hint: Look very, very carefully.)

    22 . A t e r r ib l e vi rus has devasta ted your computer an d now yo uhave u se a n old mechanical typewrit e r to finish your sciencereport. The cove r p age is pretty laborious: any t ext t he re mus tappear neatly centered. To avoid guessing, you should dev. sea formula that , regardless of th e text length, t e ll s you th e rightamount of spaces to be left before typing th e text. (Hint: thistypewr i te r has a page width of only 60 charac ters . )



  • 7/30/2019 Conocimientos generales de computacin


    09C.CMPS.BTH.1A Foundations of Programming J.Vasconcelos / V.Suwardiman?* 23.What typeofdata isstored inside an IPod oran MP3


    24. Any previous experience with computers?


    D Word Q Excel PowerpointQ WWW D HTML D Flash

    25. What do you expec t to lea rn in this c lass?

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