4534 presentation kosko_ken

Teaching Reading Comprehension …There is no try.” “Do, or do not…

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TeachingReading Comprehension

…There is no try.”

“Do, or do not…

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First…the Do Not

The one-size, fits-all, reading programs

Aliases: Basal, Core, Foundations, etc

Why should we avoid these?

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Problems With Basal Reading Programs

Haphazard presentation of materials, genres, styles, etc

Failure to enrich vocabulary• Overly academic• No bridges to other meanings

Too many strategies = shallow instruction

Lack of connection with the text

Errors in context

Lack of Release of Responsibility over time

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What should you do?Start: Enrich & practice vocabulary

Synonyms (bubble maps & tree maps)Usages & Contexts (tender & present)Avoid “Rules” (two-vowels, “i” before “e”, etc)The Gallagher effect

Example: “ghoti”Enough




Next: Teach outside the box & make words fun

This also explains why English can be challenging to teach and learn

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Next Steps:Teach “infer” & create background knowledge

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Final Thoughts?Questions?

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Digital Presentation

Reading Comprehension:

A Poetic Exploration

Produced for free at GoAnimateKen Kosko READ 4534 4-17-2013