4 movimientos

EXPLORING THE FOUR EASY MOVES by Anthony Strano Revised from the original book “Reflections” by Anthony Strano Publisher Eternity Ink Email:[email protected] Brahma Kumaris Raja Yoga Centers Australia Inc. First Edition November 2001 Reprinted September 2004 ISBN 0 9587230 4 4 This book has been produced by the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University, a non profit organisation, with the aim of sharing spiritual knowledge as a community service for the personal growth of individuals. The Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University exists to serve the family of humanity: to assist individuals to discover and experience their own spirituality and personal growth; to understand the significance and consequences of individual actions and global interactions; and to reconnect and strengthen the eternal relationship with the Supreme Soul, the spiritual parent.

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by Anthony Strano

Revised from the original book “Reflections” by Anthony StranoPublisher Eternity Ink Email:[email protected] Kumaris Raja Yoga Centers Australia Inc.

First Edition November 2001Reprinted September 2004

ISBN 0 9587230 4 4This book has been produced by the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University, a non profit organisation, with the aim of sharing spiritual knowledge as a community service for the personal growth of individuals. The Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University exists to serve the family of humanity: to assist individuals to discover and experience their own spirituality and personal growth; to understand the significance and consequences of individual actions and global interactions; and to reconnect and strengthen the eternal relationship with the Supreme Soul, the spiritual parent.

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One day about 8 years ago, when I was living in Istanbul, a snowstorm hit the city and I was “locked up” in my home. What to do? Google all day long on the computer, read a book, talk on the telephone, write letters to friends, sleep, get depressed? I had many choices, a privilege given to me by the weather situation. The intuition came that I should not waste the opportunity to ponder on what I had done and where I was going. I joined a spiritual University, the Brahma Kumaris, about 23 years before and its knowledge and practices had given me useful insights into self-awareness and personal change. While reflecting on my situation under the snow some questions came to mind: Had I achieved the quality of living that I wished to? Was there authenticity in what I had chosen to be? Was I genuine in my connection with life, with God and with the others? Outside was this snow, this persistent white silence and I was alone to explore my past experiences, to realize that life changes when I change, to grasp the relevance of my spiritual identity, and how my freedom and happiness were based on the choices I made and the responsibility for the consequences of those choices. I stopped blaming people and expecting from them, I stopped jumping to conclusions and judgments because perspective was always lost. In that Istanbul apartment I decided to accept that I had to move back from the outside, and nature was helping me to move inside. I jotted down some notes because writing always made things clearer for me. Originally this experience was written as impressions for my own evaluation, but somehow I felt I should write them in the form of a book, hoping it would be useful to those trying like me to improve their quality of living. Whilst revising that book, though the basic thoughts and conclusions remain, a few things have been added, unnecessary ones have been put aside, while significant insights have taken place, especially a newness in understanding and application that has inspired me to write this new edition. For example, though I had heard and to some extent used the power of silence, it has now become the primary tool to create clean spaces in the mind. Spaces free and open to be filled by the Divine, by Life, by my own self. Also I let go of the need to evaluate into “bad” and “good” because everything has its own appropriateness. Very significantly in the first edition of the book I had used the word “STEPS” to denote the ways we can develop quality in ourselves, now I thought the word “MOVES ” is far more appropriate. A step is slow and even heavy, takes time and effort and gives the image of a fixed staircase. On the other hand a move is quick, light, flexible, and can be in any


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direction; you just need to forget the anchor when the need to pause is over and you are ready for a new adventure. As in Chess, movements in life are a game which requires careful thought and discernment before playing. As in Chess there always has to be movement, because if you keep staying on one square too long you lose. This book is a record of the moves which I took and am still taking to improve and sustain a spiritual quality in my life and my relationships. For me a qualitative way of being implies having an inner spiritual awareness, a consciousness that works from a more unlimited perspective in one’s inner space, and finds peaceful ways and solutions to challenging situations. One is attentive that thoughts, words and actions keep sailing smoothly and transparently through one’s life, causing no confusion to self or others. To access better qualities of being, it is obvious for me that progress and newness require constant moves, because even though it may seem comfortable to remain stagnate in one place it is highly dangerous, since one can acquire superficial routines, and daily rituals gradually come to mean an emptiness and meaninglessness ensue. Also it became evident that a few “musts” for quality change are useful:

Practice inner peace so that it becomes natural, because meditation is a lifestyle that should be integrated in activities and relationships.

The foundation for a qualitative life is to realize that meditation is quietness, with an integrated practice of observing, listening, reflecting, connecting and concentrating. At different times for different reasons we need one or more of these. Nothing changes for the better without new insights which come from observation and reflection, and the empowering of the self certainly comes through connecting with one’s inner spirit and experience, not just with ideas.

Dignity is essential when relating to the self and/or the world, because to entertain a subtle negativity ultimately undermines self-respect and serenity. A serene, calm person does not lose mastery of self in difficult situations. Inner peace or serenity sustains one’s dignity.

In an increasingly violent world I needed to find ways to live non-violently. I came to understand that my inner world of thoughts, attitudes and values help me to create these ways. At this point I was certain that it was crucial to move to my inner self when facing the outer world. I was thankful it kept snowing it gave me more solitude and time! Slowly it became apparent that on my way, one of the biggest blocks was the power of


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habits which create a mental rigidity difficult to recognize, difficult to overcome. However once habits are understood it is easier to move forward in life. With this understanding I saw the simplicity of the “moves”, while trying to grasp the meaning of “habits”. It became obvious that habits are physical, emotional and mental and definitely interlinked. Physical habits like the misuse of drugs, food, drink; emotional habits like easily pessimistic and despondent, panic and fear attacks, a spiteful and vindictive nature, quickly belligerent, allowing the self to be victimized; mental habits like obsessiveness, worry, stress. These varieties of habits create dependencies that can enslave and victimize us. Any addictive habit cannot respond to logic and reason, but the person cannot live without it, since if a habit pattern has been going on for a long time it is difficult to release it. What habits do is to create an emptiness that needs to be filled, but the more the desires are fulfilled the more the emptiness increases. Paradoxically the more one receives, the more one needs, for example in drug addiction. People under the influence of habits call out, cry, demand, feel guilty but they cannot change their situation because neither do they have the power nor can they always see that they are under their own negative influence. For example, a passionate attachment to a person, or a role, or a position promises love or security or a sense of personal value. The individual then attaches the self to the object of its desire, receives initial fulfillment but gradually becomes dependent. This dependency can turn into disillusionment, disappointment, anger and sometimes addiction. The individual is left powerless, like a puppet with his or her own habits pulling all the strings. How are such habits created? From Raja Yoga philosophy I learnt that a habit is a recurring pattern of thinking and/or action which, in time, becomes an aspect of personality extremely difficult to recognize or detach from it. For habit patterns to be overcome I found that connecting to the original self is necessary. This movement within starts by becoming quiet and silent in order to realize that all solutions and any power we need is already inside us. Meditation facilitates the connection with the original self, the soul. Making this movement I experienced an original freedom that had been forgotten. I realized that I can be free because originally I am. Moving away from identifying myself with my “personality habits” I returned to my true free and peaceful self. As well as this, one finds another help, which is the connection with the non-physical Source of Energy. This Being can and does assist in providing another kind of energy to facilitate the transformation of habits. It became clear that true fulfillment starts from inside, with the original me. This self is the power we can use to dissolve the tyrannical habits. A


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number of Eastern and Western philosophers speak of this cleaning process via connection with the original self and God as spiritual enlightenment. I had thought that transformation of these habits that rule the mind and emotions was very difficult but I could see that it was easy if one knows and is aware of the right moves at the right times. I have found it useful to design a simple map of four different moves that we can make to navigate in our boat of life. In Istanbul I placed myself in a solitary harbor to asses and then set sail and found different routes necessary for different situations. Because of this experience I have described The Four Moves. The weather conditions are constantly changing for each one of us, and each one needs their own moves at their own time, with their own map, and their own compass.

MOVE OUT: This move is essential if we are to enjoy and contribute to life. During this move I understand and practice basic truths, attentive that habits and patterns neither deceive nor rob me of my self-respect, nor my respect towards others. Serenity and dignity govern my behavior. I meet the world and enter harbors where I meet many others. MOVE BACK: When there is confusion, pain and lack of clarity it becomes useful to Move Back from it all. We often cannot see the habit patterns that influence and injure us. To Move Back gives a clean space to discern how and where our boat is sailing. MOVE IN: We disconnect (unplug) from the outside world and we “plug in”. We drop the anchor in the self, becoming silent and we detach from external activities. In this quiet, inner space we discover and explore, seeing what requires change. Sometimes we have the will to do it, at other times we hesitate and the change gets left till we are ready.

MOVE UP: Sometimes we need to go beyond life’s great waves and unexpected storms, even beyond our thinking. It is clear that we need to Move Up and connect to the Ultimate Benevolence, The Divine Lighthouse. There, any boat that comes, irrespective of any label or belief, is guided to its destination. The Divine Lighthouse is the Universal Reference Point for all, so to say our Polar star. Through this vertical movement we receive grace, the light which works wonders in the soul. In the Move Up we remain “plugged in to the Source” to recharge and find guidance. A different energy circulates in us.

These 4 Moves described so briefly can be taken at different moments in our lives, which means that you can start to read this book at any page according


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to your own inspiration, or can consult the detailed index at the back of the book to find a suitable move, but bear in mind that to move out is both the first and last movement because we need the others to survive and reach our plenitude. These 4 Moves are cyclic, I cannot stay all the time Out, nor Up, nor In, nor Back; each move has its own time and we return to it often during the course of our living. In the pages that follow we begin our adventure by moving back. In Istanbul during the snowstorm I had to consciously decide to move back from everything and everyone for a time, in that case the other moves naturally flowed from this decision.


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Hazte observador durante unos breves minutos. Vigila la mente; observa los pensamientos; controla su velocidad, su criticismo, su ira, su estrés. Ralentízalos. En la medida en que te apeas de tu mente y de tu situación, las cosas cobran otra perspectiva y empiezas a sentir sosiego

Move backBecome the observer for a few minutes. Watch the mind: observe thoughts; check their speed, their criticism, their anger,their stress. Slow them down. As you step back from your mind and your situation, things fall into perspective and you begin to feel calm.


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Sólo importa una cosa - que nada importa de verdad,excepto mantener la serenidad de la mente y del habla.Únicamente la serenidad salvaguarda la dignidad.

There is only one thing that matters – that nothing really matters,except to keep serenity of mind and speech.:only serenity safeguards dignity.


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La religión de la vida es transformación.La naturaleza se transforma constantemente en ciclos que se repiten.Épocas de cambio en las que se crean, sustenta, destruyey de nuevo se crea, sustenta y destruye.Nada se extingue, pues todo se transforma.Incluso mi respiración es un vínculo con lo eterno,no como algunos piensan con la muerte.

Life is transformation.Nature is constantly transforming herself in cycles.Seasons of change which create, sustain, destroy,nothing becomes extinct but all things are transformed.Even my breath is a link to eternity,not to death, as some think.


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Mantente sosegado. Deja fluir el silencioPorque en él cuanto necesito viene a mí, como la aurora.

Be still. Let silence flowthen all that I need will come to me,like the dawn.


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Para sintonizar conmigo, voy más alládel eco de los pensamientos, del eco de los sentimientos,y especialmente más allá del qué, cómo, cuándo, quién y por qué.

To be in tune with myself, I go beyondthe sound of thoughts,the sound of feelingsand especially beyondthe sounds of what, how, when, who, why.


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Dale tiempo al tiempo.Despeja el día y crea ventanas de silencio en tu mente.Ventanas que capten la claridad y luminosidad de la paz.Ventanas que reflejen tranquilidad y quietud eternas.Ventanas que oxigenen el cerebro.

Make time for time.Unclutter the day and create windows of silence for the mind.Windows, which catch the light of peace and clarity.Windows which reflect the stillness and calmness of eternity.Windows which let oxygen into the mind.


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El tiempo es mi instrumento de expresión.Sin su fluir permanezco bloqueado,como la semilla no plantada.Yo, como la flor, aguardo la oportunidad del tiempo.

Time is my instrument of expression.Without the flow of time I am locked,like the seed that is not planted in the earth,I wait for the opportunity of time.


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No te agotes al esforzarteen ser mejor, en realizarte y ser auténtico.El cansancio se produce al ser demasiado yo–Yo y lo mío.Yo hago, yo conozco, yo tengo.Mi debilidad, mi esfuerzo y mi éxito.Permanezco en calma, observo y siento el milagro del cambioque Dios realiza en mí, con mi consentimiento.

Do not get tired in the effortto be better, to be realised, to be true.Tiredness comes because there is too much self:I and my, I do, I know, I have, I own;My weakness, my effort and my achievement.‘Mine” is the source of all conflict. It blocks my compassion.

I remain still, and aware of the miracle of change that God accomplishes with my consent.


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No puedo saberlo todo.No puedo hacerlo todo.No puedo poseerlo todo.No puedo ser todo – sólo una parte del todo.Cuando descubro esta parte,la alegría me inunday la serenidad reina en mi mente.

I cannot know all.I cannot do all.I cannot own all.I cannot be all – just a part of the whole.When I discover that part,contentment floods the souland serenity reigns in the mind.


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Observing myself is possible when there is detachment.In yoga, this consciousness is expressed by :I see but don’t see, I hear but don’t hear.There is awarenessbut nothing penetrates the mind to make it negative.


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Cada cosa tiene su tiempo. Y todas tienen su respuesta.Todas las cosas tienen derecho a ser.Al aceptarlo, todas encuentran su armonía.

All things have their time. All things have their answers.All things have their right to be.

All things are in harmony.

Dondequiera que esté, soy un huésped.Cualquier cosa que haga, soy un instrumento.Cualquier cosa que tenga, soy un administrador.

Wherever I am, I am a guest.Whatever I do, I am an instrument.Whatever I have, I am a trustee.


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Entra dentro

Cuando entres en un estado de sosiego, se abrirá el tesoro del equilibrio y de la armonía. Con este único pensamiento – soy un alma de paz – la mente se desconectará de corrientes negativas externas y se conectará con tu interior. A partir de aquí selecciona una reflexión de este libro. Cada reflexión está escrita en primera persona para que te la puedas aplicar a ti.

Move in

As you enter the calm state, you open the treasures of balance and harmony. With this one thought - I am a being of peace, the mind will unplug itself from external negative sockets and plug into the original,peaceful self.


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Para crear una paz permanente, necesito conocerme.El respeto hacia mi persona disuelve la dependenciaque crea emociones contrapuestas;a veces próximas,a veces distantes,a veces amorosas,a veces que rechazan.Conflicto es el resultado combinadode la dependencia, las expectativas y los deseos egoístas.Para crear una armonía auténtica, olvido las expectativasde ser comprendido, considerado, reconocido.En su lugar, acepto que las cosas no siempre sucedan como deseo.

To create permanent peace, I need to know my spiritual self.This awareness will dissolve dependencethat creates mixed emotions:sometimes close,sometimes distant,sometimes loving,sometimes rejecting.Conflict is the combined resultof dependence, expectation and selfish desires.To create true harmony, I let go of expectingto be understood, to be considered, to be recognised,instead, I accept that things cannot always happen as I want.


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Aprendo a preguntarme y a no esperar respuestas.Las cuestiones relevantes son como cepillosbarren la mente y crean espacios limpios.La mente necesita un espacio limpio.Las respuestas entran en espacios limpios.Si me focalizo demasiado en las respuestas, las pierdo.

I am learning to ask questions and let go of wanting answers.When I am too focussed on answers,I lose them.Relevant questions are like broomsthat sweep the mind and create a clean space.The mind needs clean space.Answers enter clean space.Now I start finding the essentials.


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Deja de forzar, disuelve el ego y permite que las cosas sean.Disuelve el enfado y la reacción.Observa y cultiva la confianza.Disuelve la distracción de mirar afuera.Ve dentro, llega a tu base.Sé libre.

Dissolve ego and forcefulness,let things be.Dissolve anger and reaction,Let peace emerge.Observe and cultivate trust,let us connect.Look outward,and also go in.

Touch baseAnd let us be free.


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El deseo y la reacción son los hermanos gemelos.En cuanto uno nace, el otro llega rápidamente.

Narcisstic desire and reaction are twins,one is born and the other quickly arrives ..

El deseo de reconocimiento hace mi esfuerzo deshonestoy la calidad de la tarea se poluciona.De manera inevitable mi integridad se pierde.

The desire for recognition,makes my spiritual effort dishonest;and the spirit is polluted.Inevitably my integrity is lost.


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Los deseos como el dragón de muchas cabezas, alimentan la infelicidad.Su objetivo es llenarme, pero me mantienen vacíoen la medida en que cada deseo se cumple.Esta paradoja no se entiende fácilmentehasta que capto que los hábitos crean los deseos.Los hábitos son el viejo dragón que no permite la realización;que no admite nuestra debilidad, que no percibe el yo.

Desires, like the many-headed dragon, nourish unhappiness.They aim to fill me but keep me emptyto the extent that each desire is fulfilled.This is a paradox not understood easilyuntil I see that desire works through habit.Habit is the huge old dragon,that does not permit realisation,does not admit personal weakness,does not perceive self.


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“Yo quiero”; “yo necesito” y “tú tienes que darme”son dragones hambrientos con estómagos insaciables.Cualquier cosa con que los alimente aumenta su hambre.La satisfacción aparece cuando disuelvo estos deseosque quieren siempre algo de alguien.Esta satisfacción me permite viviralerta al significado de cada escena,de cada encuentro,de cada instante.

“I want”, “I need” and “you have to give me”,are hungry dragons with a fathomless stomach.Whatever I feed them their appetite increases.

When I dissolve these dragonsthat always want something from someone,contentment blooms.This satisfaction allows me to live,aware of the meaning in each scene,in each human encounter,in each breath of time.

This is how I would like to be.


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Estoy desorientado.Sin ancla. Sin fundamento.Nada a que agarrarme excepto en la confianza y el silencio.Brota la paciencia.Mi primer pensamiento es controlar y dirigir las consecuenciaspero en lugar de eso confío en mi destinoy una voz dice “… transformarse es divertido.”

I am disoriented,no destiny,no anchor,no base,like a ship in an unknown sea.

Nothing to hold onto,nothing to hold onto except trust and stillness.

My primary thought was to just survivebut now I have learnt to trust a voice that tells me”…transformation is joy”.


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¿Quién no tiene tiempo?Puedo no tenerlo para hacer cosaspero siempre lo tengo para ser una persona mejor.Para ser una persona más paciente,más generosa, más tolerante y más indulgente,pues no pasa un día sin que necesite practicar estos valores.El tiempo me da siempre estas oportunidades.¿Puedo decir que no tengo tiempo para ellas?

Who lacks time, time to do things time to be a better person?There is always time to be more patient, generous, tolerant ,forgiving.Time always gives me the opportunityto use these values.Can I say that I lack time to practise them?

Cuando nos focalizamos en las debilidades de un alma,el potencial para realizar virtudes y valores se arruina,en mí, en los otros y en cualquier tarea.Para conseguir un entorno positivo, me focalizo en “lo bueno”.

When the focus falls on a soul’s weaknesses,the potential to realise virtue and valuein myself, in others, and in tasks, is ruined.To make an environment positive,I focus on the ‘good’.


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La satisfacción llega y sólo llegacuando finalmente decido vivir como debería.Ser lo que sé que soy,amar a los otros como son,estar atento a las necesidades del ahora.La satisfacción significano atascarse con pensamientos de otros.Más allá del miedo, deseo o presunción, disfruto de ti.

Contentment comes and only comeswhen decide to live as I am meant to live.To be what I know I am,to love others as they are,to be attentive to the needs of now.

Contentment comes and only comesif I am no longer clogged with thoughts of others,beyond fear, desire and pretension,I enjoy joy.

Olvidar mi singularidad crea ausencia de significado y propósito.Estar atada a mi singularidad,crea arrogancia y erradica la benevolencia.El universo reconoce mi contribución única a la vida,y yo también.

To forget my uniqueness creates a lack of purpose and meaning.To be attached to my uniquenesscreates arrogance and cancels benevolence.

The universe recognises my unique contribution to life,I should too.


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La autoestima surge cuando no estoy apegado a mí.Cuando esto ocurrese poluciona la pureza de cualquier acción, pensamiento o palabra.La autoestima radica en no apegarse a las acciones.No hago nada. Todo se hace.

Self-esteem comes when I am not attached to myself,attachment to myself pollutes the purity of any thought or word.In non-attachment to actions,I do nothing:everything is being done.

Cuanto más consciente soy de la verdad, más permanezco en silencioporque la verdad genuina se demuestra en el curso del tiempo.Correcciones, demostraciones, insistencianunca revelan la verdad.A menudo son máscaras,que camuflan la irritación y los prejuicios personales.

If I am aware of the truth, I remain silent. Genuine truth proves itself in the course of time.Corrections, proofs, insistenceare never points of revealing truth.Often they are masks,camouflaging personal irritation and bias.


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No necesito ver lo erróneo.Libremente escojo penetrar en míy con compasión pongo las cosas en su sitio,en silencio y con humildad, si es posible cuando sea posible.Porque lanzarme a una reacción moralista multiplica mil veces el error.

I do not need to judge nor dramatise,I choose to go inside and with compassion try to put things right,silently and humbly, if possible and when possible.Because to jump into a moralistic reactionmultiplies the wrong a thousand fold.


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Nunca dejes de esforzarte,ni olvides el objetivo.Nunca dejes de creer en el cambio.Mantente.Agárrate a lo que sea,pues mientras el amor y el tiempo guíen y protejanla meta se alcanza

Never let go of the effort,never forget the aim,Never let go of the faith to change.Hold on.Keep holding on no matter what,because as love and time guide and protect,the goal is attained.


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En realidad, sólo tengo lo que de verdad soy.Ésta es mi fuerza.Si me he beneficiado de un nombre,un rol, un cargo, un grupo o una persona,llega un día en que todo se disuelve y me siento vacío,forcejeando para encontrar un sentido a mi identidad,desesperado en busca de autoestima.Penetro en mí y me encuentro.Toda la ayuda, sabiduría y soluciones están ya allí.Sencillamente, necesito recordar.

I only have what I truly am,that is my strength.If I have borrowed power from a name,a role, a position, a group or a person,there comes a point when it all dissolves,and I will feel empty.Floundering for a sense of identity and desperate for self-estreem.I decide to go ‘inside’ to find myself,Wisdom and solutions are already there.Simply I need to remember.


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Si pido de los otros amor y respeto;debo ser merecedor de recibir amor y respeto.Si quiero que los otros sean virtuosos y comprensivos;debo ser lo que quiero que sean los otros.Espero que los otros me den lo mejor que tienen;no obstante, acepto lo que puedan darme y empiezo desde ahí.Si me agarro a los otrosconvencido de que son la fuente de mi felicidad,debo soltar esos soportes afectivos. Ser libre.

If I am asking others to show me love and respect;I need to be worthy to receive love and respect.If I am waiting for others to be understanding;that is what I need to do.Instead of expecting others to give me their best; I accept whatever they can give .

If I am holding onto othersto manipulate and exploit,then I can cancel happiness.

Aprendea sera cambiara aceptara soltar.Entonces experimento el amor.

Learnto become,to change,to accept,to let go,to love.


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Da un paso hacia lo alto

Ahora deja que tu mente vaya hacia Dios. En la naturaleza las plantas crecen cuando les da el sol. De igual modo tu potencial divino sólo puede realizarse cuando la luz de Dios te toca. Entonces sientes como la paz y el amor fluyen dentro, y desde esta cima espiritual, tu amor y paz se desparramarán hacia fuera.

Move upNow let your mind rise to God. In nature, plants rise as the rays of the sun touch them. Divine potential can only be released when touched by God’s light. Peace and love flow in , and then from that spiritual height ,your love and peace flows out.


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De madrugada, cuando todo está sereno y en silenciolos pensamientos empiezan a animarse.Un pensamiento es una gota de energíay focalizada y dirigida hacia Dioscada gota, crece y se ensanchay pronto la mente es como un océanodesbordante de paz perfecta y alegría tranquila.Un regalo del Supremo.

Cuanto más observador soy, soy más honesto y calmado.Cuando hay honestidad y quietudme llega la fuerza de Dios.

In the early morning, when all is still and silent,thought begins to stir.

A thought is a drop of energyand if focused and directed towards God,each drop grows and swellsand the mind becomes a peaceful oceanof quiet joy.A gift from the Supreme.

Cuanto más observador soySoy más honesto y calmado.Cuando hay honestidad y quietudme llega la fuerza de Dios

When there is honesty and quietness,the strength of God comes to me.

The more I am an observer,The more I am honest and quiet.


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Cada mañana,dejo que mi corazón se concentre en las cualidades de Dios,que se convierten en el proyecto de mi día.Cada día necesito este ejercicio, para mantenerme librede espejismos y colores que debilitan.En el silencio matutino,recuerdo no creerme ni un pensamiento baldío.Si lo creo, se hace real.La verdad me llegacuanto más alejado estoy de mi propio pensamiento.Observándome puedo saber si hay desapego.En el yoga, esta conciencia se expresa así:veo pero no veo, oigo pero no oigo.Hay concienciapero nada penetra en la mente que la pueda hacer negativa.

I let my heart concentrate on the qualities of God,which become the blueprint for my day.Every day I need this link so as to remain freeof the mirages that weaken me.

In the silence of the morning,I remind myself not to believe a wasteful thought,because if I believe it, it becomes reality.

Truth comes to meWhen I keep myself free from my own thinking.


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Le abro la puerta a Dios para que vea como soy.No necesito justificarme.De todas formas no podría.Soy una persona humana, vulnerable al miedo, al ego, a los celos y la ira.Él lo acepta,y mientras yo acepte estas cosas sobre mí, me guiará para salir de este laberinto – si quiero salir.Si no… esperará.No pensará que soy un fracaso.Dios es mi Amigo.No ve fracasos.Ve el futuro.

I do not have to prove myself,I can’t anyway.I am human,I am vulnerable to fear, ego, jealousy and anger.He accepts this,and as long as I accept these things about myself,He will guide me out of this labyrinth,– if I want a way out,if not…He will wait.

God is my Friend.He does not see failure.He sees the future.

I have opened the door to God,so I see myself as I am.


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Deja hacer a Dios.Dale permiso para actuar.Deja que la vida sea.Por qué pienso que todo depende de mí… De que yo lo arregle…De mí calculando la exactitud de cada paso…De mí…¡Deja ser!Planta la semilla de cualquier cosa que te inspire.Cualquiera que sea mi responsabilidad,lo que pueda ser mi contribución, después deja ser…¡Deja ser!Deja que la vida te ayude.Dios está ahí para cooperar, no para probarme o analizarme.La cooperación de Dios me ayuda a ser quien soy.

Allow God to do,give God permission to act,allow life to be.

Why do I think that it all depends on me……on me getting it right…..on me calculating the accuracy of every step…..on me….Let it be!

Whatever is my responsibility,whatever can be my contribution,whatever is the inspiration, just sow the seed and let Life assist.

God co-operates without analysing me,helping me to be me.


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Esta mañana estar solo es una gran alegríay emprender el camino silencioso hacia la luz.Mi Padre Espiritual es Luz. Su mundo es Luz.Sus pensamientos son Luz.En el silencio cristalino de la mañana, Él me convierte en luz.Me inspira a ser limpio, honesto, auténtico.Ahora me observo con amor.Ahora me enseño con amor.Me abro a cambiar y a seguir cambiando.Así todo cambiará.

This morning there is great joy in being aloneand taking the silent journey into light.I feel my Spiritual Father as Light, I am in His world of light.

In the pure silence of the morning, He turns me into light.He inspires me to become pure, to be honest and to be true.

Now I observe myself with love,now I teach myself with love.

Let me change and keep changing.then all things will change.


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¿Qué quiere hoy Dios de mí?Me abriréPara que Dios pueda darme una respuesta honesta.Si no Él permanecerá en silencio y esperará a que yo esté a punto.Esta paciencia y tranquilidad supremas a menudo no se entienden,y se le pregunta a Dios:“¿Por qué no escuchas, por qué no haces algo?”

What does God wish for me today?I shall open myselfto such an extent that I can listen to Him,completely.Otherwise He will keep quiet and wait til I am ready.This absolute patience is often misunderstood ,so we ask“Why don’t You listen, why don’t you speak?”

Amigo mío Eterno,¿qué punto ciego puedo abandonar hoypara acercarme a ti, para ser como tú,para sólo servir con tu Luz?

My Friend,what blind spot can I let go of todayin order to come closer to You, to be like You.


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Dios, ¿quién eres? ¿Quién eres tú?Soy el Gran Músicoy tú eres el instrumento en la orquesta de la vida.Déjame tocar mi canción a través de ti;la canción de la Verdad,la canción de la Libertad,la canción de la Paz.Es una canción con un ritmo único cuando suena a través tuyo.Cuando cada alma, cada instrumento, toca una única notala melodía es un sonido puro, que vibra a lo largo y ancho de la tierra.Toda la creación se une a este ritmo eterno y baila.Bailar así te recuerda quién eres tú.Al acordarte de quien eres, sabrás quien soy yo.

I am the Great Musicianand you are the orchestra of life.Let me play my Song ;the Song of Truth, of Freedom, of Love,in unique rhythm through each of you.

When each soul, each instrument, plays its unique notesuch music is an inspiration for the Earth.

The creation joins in this rhythm and dances.

Remember who you are, and you will know who I AM.


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Una bendición es una inspiración divina.Una bendición es una ventana en mi mentepor la que veo la eternidad de la verdad,vislumbro mi proyecto posible,y realizo que nací para alcanzar lo esencial.

A blessing is an inspiration from God.A blessing is a window in my mindthrough which I see the eternity of Truth,through which I glimpse the blueprint of my potential,through which I know that I am born to reach the Ultimate.


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Anclo mi ser en el silencio y me focalizo en lo divino.Absorbo la bendición de la verdad.Entonces tengo la valentía de hacer los cambios necesariossin acobardarme, sin excusas, sin teatralizar.

In silence I anchor my beingAnd focus on the Divine,and I absorb the blessing of the Truth,which gives me the courage to make the necessary changeswithout flinching, without excuse, without show.

“Tú no cooperas”; “no escuchas”; “no comprendes”; “no me valoras bastante”son acusaciones y demandas de la mente egocéntricaque se siente sola, no escuchada ni querida.Hasta que se escucha a sí mismay quiere estar con Dios.

“You don’t co-operate”, “You don’t listen”,“You don’t understand”, “I am not valued enough”,are all accusations and demands of the narcisstic mind,which eventually finds itself unheard, unwanted, alone.It remains such,until that instant when the mind opensand wants to be with God.


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No deseo mendigar, implorar, necesitar o pedir a Dios.Quiero liberarme de estas palabras y actitudes.La necesidad crea dependencia.Entonces no puede haber respeto o madurez en las relaciones,ya sea con Dios o con los humanos.En la dependencia hay culpa.Culpabilizo a Dios por no hacer que pase lo que yo quiero;por no cooperar en lo que espero,por no producir los milagros que necesito.A la gente la culpabilizo de- mismo modo.¿Es esto un sacrilegio?

I do not wish to beg, to plead, to need or demand from God.I wish to be free from these words and attitudes:need creates dependencies.

There cannot be respect or maturity in a relationship,whether it is with God or humans,because in dependency there is blame.

I blame God for not cooperating in the things I expect,for not producing the miracles I need,for not making it happen the way I want.I blame people in the same way.Is this attitude a sacrilege?


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Cuando la mente está sosegada, en silencio y despreocupadael pensamiento teje un hilo hacia Dios.Estar unido a Dios produce una conscienciamás allá de la materia y del tiempo, incluso del pensamiento.Esto es la iluminación.

When the mind is still, silent, detachedthen thought becomes a thread that stitches itself to God.To be combined with God brings a consciousnessbeyond matter, time, even thoughts.This is enlightenment.

La comunicación sincera con Dios implicaencontrarle como soy, como estoy.

Honest communication with God meansto meet Him as I am, how I am.


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Te esfuerzas por ser auténtico. Tu libertad está garantizada.Has decidido conocerte y por eso estoy obligado a ayudarte.Has plantado la semilla del coraje sin mancha y por eso serás saciado.Creces con luz y aun así empequeñeces- un punto pequeño de dicha.Acoges al océano con un pensamiento.Cada uno de tus pensamientos florecefresco, vital y entusiasta,calmando mentes, despertando corazones, animando la fe.El fluir de la misericordia brilla en tus ojos,a través de tus manos, a través de tu luz.Este rebosar lleva a los demás hacia la seguridad.El propósito se enciende.El mundo implora esta luzque cura cada corazón humano, cada mente.¿Estás preparado?

You strive to be true. Your freedom is guaranteed.You have decided to know yourself, so I am bound to help you.You planted the seed of pure courage, so you are being filled.You are growing with light, yet becoming smaller:a tiny point of bliss.

You hold the ocean in a thought,your thoughts flow vital and freshcooling minds and awakening hearts.

The flow of mercy glows in your eyes,through your hands, through your light,this glow leads others to safety.Purpose is lit,the world pleads for this lightthat heals each human heart, each human mind.Are you ready?


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Sal fuera

Siente que tu visión es distinta, repleta de generosidad y más allá de cualquier mezquindad.Llegas a todos. Continúa con tus actividades diarias

Move outNowMy vision is different, filled with generosity and beyond pettiness. I reach out to all through .


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Ante cualquier cosa que suceda o no sucedapermanezco calmado y confiadopues todo es apropiado y de alguna forma necesario.

Whatever is happening or not happeningI remain calm and confidentbecause it is all appropriate and somehow, it is all necessary.

Cualquier cosa que se diga, o se haga,ten el coraje para no ser influido.Permanece más allá de opiniones, alabanzas y difamacionesy con el ánimo de seguir cuidando a los demás.

Whatever is said, whatever is done,have the strength not to be influenced.Remain beyond opinion, praise and defamationand have the strength to remain caring.


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Me desapego y entiendo la dependencia.Si no, sólo avanzo si me aprueban.Y nunca soy libre para pensar y actuar como yo quiero.No debería enfadarme con nadie,porque la dificultad empieza en mí y sólo puede acabar en mí.Los otros simplemente reflejanlo que no quiero reconocer en mí.Pero no puedo evitarlo para siempre.Tarde o temprano el espejo del tiempo refleja la realidad,que pide ser vista.Me retracto de las reacciones de culpa y acusación,evito la tentación de la desesperanza,de querer aislarme y justificar mis “razones”.Ya no busco el apoyo de aquellosque están de acuerdo con mi indignación e insatisfacción.Estoy dispuesto, con máxima valentía y humildad,a aceptar y creer de que ya es tiempo de que “yo cambie”.

I detach and observe dependence.I see that I need approval to move foreward that I have not allowed myself the freedom to think and act as I choose.

I observe,I should not blame anyonebecause the difficulty begins and ends with me .Others simply mirrorwhat I have refused to acknowledge in myself.

I cannot avoid myself forever, the mirror of time reflects reality,begging to be seen.

I cease to blame and accuse,I avoid the temptation of hopelessness,of wanting to isolate and to justify my ‘ rightness’.

I no longer take support from thosewhom I know will agree with my indignations .I am willing, with all courage and humility,to accept that it is truly time that “I change”.


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Permanece flexible.La flexibilidad es fortaleza,apertura, aceptación, facilidad y seguridadconfiada en el proceso.No tengo que justificarme ni convencer a nadie.La bondad real se alcanza sin ayuda ni insistencia.

Remain easy.Easiness is strength.Goodness does not need to insist.Easiness means: open, accepting, flexible, confident, trusting .

I do not have to prove myself or convince anyone.


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Necesito valentía y respeto para comunicarme.Hablar con valentía y respetuosamente significadecir lo que quiero y lo que sientosin inhibir a la otra persona.A veces expongo mi opinión con valentíapero olvido los sentimientos de la otra persona.De esta manera oprimo la verdad.A veces mi respeto es tímidoy no expreso mi opiniónni digo lo que realmente quiero.Entonces me siento reprimido.La valentía surge de la fe en uno mismoy el respeto surge de la fe en los demás.

I need courage and respect to communicate.To speak courageously and respectfully meansto say what I mean and what I feelwithout inhibiting another soul.Sometimes I speak my opinion with couragebut forget the feelings of the other .In this way, I can oppress .

Sometimes I am timidso I neither express my opinionnor say what I really mean,I feel suppressed.

Courage is born from faith in the selfand respect from faith in others.


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No entres ni te extravíes en las mentes e ideas ajenas,adaptándote a ellas por moda, opinión o miedo.Eso sería vivir como un pájaro que quiere ser un pez.

Let one not trespassnor dwell on thoughts that are negative,adapting to them simply because of opinion or fear,that would be like a bird trying to live life as a fish.

Cuando hay malos sentimientos o desconfianzaun error genuino se percibe como violencia calculada, como parte de un plan mayor.

When there are bad feelings or mistrustthen a genuine mistake is perceived as a plot,a calculated violence, a part of a bigger scheme.


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No presiones, engatuses, pidasamenaces u obligues a nadiea estar en un sitio para el que no está a punto,o a hacer algo que no ha escogido.Todo tipo de fuerza rápidamente crea un muro de resentimiento que después costará mucho derruir.La confianza puede perderse en un segundo, y tardar años en reconstruirse.Cuando las personas pueden escoger líbremente ,lo mejor de ellas brota espontáneamente.

Do not pressure, cajole, demand,threaten or oblige someoneinto a position they are not ready for,nor into something they have not chosen.

Any type of force quickly creates a wall of resentmentthat will take a lot of time to demolish.

Trust can be lost in an instant, but can take years to rebuild.When people are allowed to choose,all the best comes from them spontaneously.


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Utilizar acontecimientos del pasado para demostrar cuanta razón tuve,recordar a alguien su pasado,implica aumentar su carga de culpa y pena.Les hace imposibleperdonarse y empezar de nuevo.La razón para recordarles es castigarA quien no me escuchó, aceptó o valoró.Yo no lo he olvidadoy me aseguro de que aquella persona no lo olvide.¿Es así como quiero ser?

To use events of the past to prove I am right,to remind someone of the past, increases their load of guilt and regret.It makes it impossible for themto forgive themselves and start again.

The reason I remind them is to punish the onewho did not listen, who did not accept or value me.I have not wanted to forgetand I make sure that person does not forget.Is this the way I want to be?


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Hacerse estricto, duro, esforzado,Insistiendo en un camino, o en una idea derrota el propósito.Al ser así, sólo piensoen sobrevivir, defenderme o protegerme a mí mismo.Esta rigidez crea agresióny paraliza cualquier movimiento hacia adelante.Esta fijación en mí, combinada con mezquindad,produce continuas pérdidas.¿Es éste mi estilo?

To become tight, hard, forceful,insisting on a way of thinking,a way of doing, defeats the purpose.Behaving like this, I only survive, defend, protect myself.This rigidity creates aggressionand paralyses my movement forward.This self-attachment, blended with pettiness,breeds constant loss.Is this my style?


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Una seguridad arrogante, que se esfuerza por el éxitoaplasta cualquier cosa y a cualquiera en el camino.Basada en el miedo, esta arrogancia no puede ser amable o desdecirse.Desdecirse o dar espaciose interpreta como pérdida, debilidad, incluso como un insultopor eso se siente obligada a seguir aplastando,empujando y precipitandohacia el objetivo a cualquier coste.La seguridad auténtica no puede tener ego.La seguridad sin ego llega con humildad e intenciones puras.Esta seguridad en uno mismo es compasiva,flexible, fácil, ligera y da espacio a los demás.

Arrogancecrushes everything and everyone,based on fear, it cannot be kind .Allowing spaceis misunderstood as a loss, a weakness or even an insult.Arrogance feels obliged to keep crushing,pushing and rushingtowards the goal at all and any cost.

Self-confidence does not have ego,it is compassionate,it is humble and has pure intention.


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Hay quienes piensan que lo que dicen o hacen es “correcto”.Cuando usan su posición para imponer sus ideas,su ceguera coarta la confianza y la libertad de los otrosporque imponen con ingenio, fuerza o diplomaciauna versión tendenciosa de la verdad.Puntos de vista estrechos y limitados nunca inspiran cooperación.

Narrow viewpoints never inspire cooperation.People think that they are right,when they use their position to force their ideas;their blindness curbs the confidence and freedom of othersby cleverly imposing, either forcefully or diplomatically,a biased view of truth

Es erróneo tratar de imponer mi razón contra quien sea.Lo más sincero es ser justo en mi interior.Sentir placer o sensación de victoriaporque tenemos razón y los otros no,desarrolla una autocomplacencia enfermiza.Ésta es la gran decepción.

It is wrong to prove myself against anyone,the way is to be sincere in the self.To feel pleasure or a sense of victoryabout being right and the other wrong,is the greatest deception.Is this the way I want to be?


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Cuando me siento víctima y preocupadapor lo que otros dicen, o pueden decir…Cuando muestro evidencias para demostrar lo mal que los otros me tratan…Cuando me quejo de ser controlado…Soy dependiente.

When I complain of being controlled I am dependent. When I feel victimised and preoccupiedwith what others say or might be saying,when I produce evidence to prove how badly others treat me,I have lost my freedomAnd sense of being.


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Ya no me tientan la dificultad ni la negatividadpara dejar una situación o persona,aprendo a crecer a su través.Cuando planto la semilla de un pensamiento determinado,crezcoal aceptar la necesidad de cambiar mi posición mental.El cambio de posición cambia mi modelo de crecimiento.Crezco hacia mi verdad original y mi autenticidad.Y mi ejemplo fluye en los corazones y mentes de los demásque brillan con esperaza e inspiración, y piensan “nosotros también podemos ser así”.

No more does difficulty or negativity tempt meto leave situations and people because I accept them and so learn to grow.I destroy the deep habitof rejection which nourishes unhappiness.

I sow the seed of determined thought,by accepting the necessity of changing my mental position.

The change in position changes my growth pattern,I grow into my original truth and authenticity;my example flows into the hearts and minds of others,they glow with hope and inspiration, feeling “we can also become like this”, we can also do this”..


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Frente a un conflicto ¿qué posición tomar?Si cedo demasiado, surgen sentimientos represivos.Si me impongo demasiado, puedo dominar.Lo mejor es apearse de ambos sentimientos y elevarse.Mirarlo todo desde allí.Observar en lugar de enmarañarme en una lucha.Si observo, me separo.Me vuelvo más ligero y transparente.Nada parece ser un problema.Desde ahí arriba comprendoque nadie es “malo” ni “bueno”.Esta sabiduría crea paciencia y comprensión;compasión y no reacción. Desde arriba, encuentro el equilibrio.No tomo partido.Al haber vencido los prejuicios, soy imparcial y justo.Cuando actúo, sabré comoceder sin reprimir y afirmar sin dominar.

When there is conflict what position should I take?If I yield too much, there are feelings of suppression,if I assert too much, there is a danger of domination.

I try to go up above.and look at everything from there.

Observe, rather than entangle the self in struggle.

As I observe, I detachand clarity is born.Problems tend to disappear.From that angle I understandthat no-one is ‘bad’ or ‘good’.This detachment creates understanding and compassion.

I find balance,I do not take sides, I remain just.

I will yield without suppression and assert without dominance.


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La felicidad no es posible cuando estoy solo. Únicamente al formar parte de una comunidad la expresión de mi individualidad puede ser genuina y no entrometida, y beneficiar a la colectividad. Entonces mi felicidad dura.

Happiness is not possible when I am alone,because I need to belong.When I am conscious of others,I share;then the expression of my individualityis genuine and happiness is born.


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Tiempo de “calidad” significa que cuido con naturalidad mi vida, de manera que cualquier progreso me beneficia a mí y a los demás. Relaciones de calidad se viven si en ellas no hay motivos ni necesidades egoístas. Son las que hacen surgir el empoderamiento espiritual. Este poder es la capacidad de realizarme y mantenerme libre de influencias egoístas. Comprendo a fondo mi ser. Cuando hay una comprensión de calidad, el sentido del compromiso es fuerte y hay un deseo sincero de cumplirlo. Las realizaciones “inteligentes”, provocan cambios superficiales que pueden dejarse de lado con excusas o por las circunstancias.

Spiritual power is the capacityto realise the selfand keep free of selfish influence. Spiritual power is to have natural attention on myselfso that any improvement benefits me and others.

Quality relationships mean there is no selfish motive or need,quality relationships bring me spiritual empowerment.

When there is quality realisationthe sense of commitment is strong,and there is attention to sincere application.Such realisation penetrates my being.

Simulated realisations bring superficial change,which are easily sidetrackedby excuses and circumstances.


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Deja que cada quien aprenda su leccióna su aire, a su tiempo.No seas juez y hazte amigo.Un amigo aligera la carga.Un amigo anima a lo nuevo,Un amigo ayuda a olvidar.A menudo la cólera es una expectativa frustrada,Un intento de encontrar en otroslo que no hallo en mí.

Let each one learn their own lessonin their own way, at their own time.Stop being the judge and become a friend.A friend lightens the load,a friend encourages newness,a friend helps to forget.Often anger is an unfilled expectation,it is an attempt to try to find in otherswhat I cannot find in myself.


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El fuerte da.El débil espera.

El fuerte cambia.El débil se queja.

El fuerte perdona.El débil guarda rencor

El fuerte crea.El débil duda.

El más fuerte fluye.El más débil calcula.

El más fuerte cede.El más débil se atrinchera.

El más fuerte permite.El más débil limita.

El más fuerte se inclina.El más débil se rompe.

Los más débiles proclaman y anuncian.Los más fuertes calman y tranquilizan.


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The strong give.The weak expect.

The strong change.The weak complain.

The strong forgive. The weak resent.

The strong createThe weak hesitate.

The stronger flow. The weaker measure.

The stronger yield.The weaker tighten.

The stronger allow.The weaker limit.

The stronger bend.The weaker break.

The weakest clamour and announce.The strongest calm and quieten.


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Dios es como el lavandero – pone en remojo el alma en el agua templada del conocimiento, añade el detergente de la virtudes, luego lava, aclara, fricciona, estruja, seca y plancha. La mente necesita especialmente ser planchada. Con la plancha desaparecen las arrugas pasadas, los desperdicios, las dudas, el miedo, la dependencia. La mente está limpia – a punto para un servicio espiritual.

God is like the laundry man, He soaks the soul in the warm water of knowledge, adding the detergent of virtues,then washes, rinses, rubs, wrings, dries,irons it. The mind especially needs ironing,ironing removes the wrinkles of the past, of waste, of doubt, of fear, of looking at others.The mind is clean – ready for spiritual living.


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IndexExploring the 4 Easy Moves 2

Move backBecome the observer for a few minutes 7There is only one thing that matters – that nothing really matters 8Life is transformation 9Be still Let silence flow 10To be in tune with myself, I go beyond the sound of thoughts 11Make time for time 12Time is my instrument of expression 13Do not get tired in the effort to be better, to be realised, to be true 14I can not know all 15Observing myself is possible when there is detachment 16All things have their time 17Wherever I am, I am a guest 17

Move inAs you enter the calm state, you open the treasures of balance and harmony 18To create permanent peace, I need to know my spiritual self 19I am learning to ask questions and let go of wanting answers 20Dissolve ego and forcefulness, let things be 21The desire for recognition, makes my spiritual effort dishones 22Desires, like the many-headed dragon, nourish unhappiness 23“I want”, “I need” and “you have to give me”, are hungry dragons with a fathomless stomach 24Nothing to hold onto, nothing to hold onto except trust and stillness 25Time always gives me the opportunity 26To make an environment positive, I focus on the ‘good’ 26Contentment comes and only comes when decide to live as I am meant to live 27To forget my uniqueness creates a lack of purpose and meaning 27Self-esteem comes when I am not attached to myself 28If I am aware of the truth, I remain silent 28I do not need to judge nor dramatise 29


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Never let go of the effort 30I only have what I truly am 31If I am asking others to show me love and respect 32Learn to become 32

Move upNow let your mind rise to God 33In the early morning, when all is still and silent, thought begins to stir 34When there is honesty and quietness, the strength of God comes to me 34I let my heart concentrate on the qualities of God 35I do not have to prove myself 36Allow God to do, give God permission to act 37In the pure silence of the morning, He turns me into light 38What does God wish for me today? 39My Friend, what blind spot can I let go of today 39I am the Great Musician and you are the orchestra of life. Let me play my Song 40A blessing is an inspiration from God 41In silence I anchor my being and focus on the Divine 42Accusations and demands of the narcisstic mind 42I do not wish to beg, to plead, to need or demand from God 43When the mind is still, silent, detached then thought becomes a thread that stitches itself to God 44Honest communication with God 44You strive to be true. Your freedom is guaranteed 45

Move outNow My vision is different 46Whatever is happening or not happening I remain calm and confident 47I detach and observe dependence 48Remain easy. Easiness is strength 49I need courage and respect to communicate 50Let one not trespass nor dwell on thoughts that are negative 51When there are bad feelings 51Do not pressure, cajole, demand, threaten or oblige someone 52To use events of the past to prove I am right 53To become tight, hard, forceful insisting on a way of thinking,defeats purpose 54Arrogance crushes everything and everyone 55Narrow viewpoints never inspire cooperation 56It is wrong to prove myself against anyone 56


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When I complain of being controlled I am dependent 57No more does difficulty or negativity tempt me to leave situations and 57people because I accept them and so learn to grow 58When there is conflict what position should I take? 59Happiness is not possible when I am alone, because I need to belong 60Spiritual power is the capacity to realise the self 61Let each one learn their own lesson in their own way 62The strong give. The weak expect 64God is like the laundry man 65

Index 66