1.沿革及び活動について - tottori...


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Post on 03-Feb-2021




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  • 1.沿革及び活動について





    目 次

  • グリーン・サスティナブル・ケミストリー(GSC)は化学分野において世界的な潮流です。しかし,地方では学生諸君がGSC分野の著名研究者の英語での講演と質疑応答を体験することが難しいのが実情でした。そこで,H20年12月に,当時,工学研究科副研究科長の丹羽 幹教授(現在,名誉教授)の呼びかけで応用化学講座内の有志によりGSC研究ラボラトリーを立上げ,学生諸君にGSCの啓発を行うことになりました。丹羽教授からの指名で伊藤教授が世話人代表となり,世界の最前線で活躍中の講師を招きGSCシンポジウムやセミナーを開催し,英語による講演と質疑応答を学部学生・大学院生に体験させる試みが始まりました。第1回のセミナーは日本化学会グリーンケミストリーフォーラム(第17回)とのジョイント形式で平成20年12月10日にとりぎん文化会館(鳥取県民文化会館)小ホールで開催しました。翌年からは学長裁量経費の補助をいただき,セミナーあるいはシンポジウムを毎年2回開催してきました。セミナーの公用語は英語とし,物質工学科,生物応用工学科の学部3,4年生,工学研究科化学・生物応用工学専攻の大学院生全員に出席を求め,国際理解力・語学力等の向上に努めてきました。GSCセミナー・シンポジウムはすでに延べ13回になり,これまでに招いた講師は50名,出席者はすでに延べ2000名以上になります。このような実績を踏まえて平成24年10月2日にセンターが正式に設置されました.

    一言で言えば「環境に易しい物づくりの化学」であり,設計段階で,化学製品の全ライフサイクルに目をくばり,人,生態系への負荷を最小限にして悪影響を及ぼさず,且つ,経済的にものを作ろうという運動であり,化学産業が過去に公害問題を引き起こした歴史を反省し、病気に例えれば,「診断」,「治療」,「予防」のうちで,「予防」を重視する点が特徴.Cf P.T.Anastas, R.L.Lankey, Green Chem., 2000. 2, 289




    1. 沿革及び活動について

  • ・イオン液体を反応媒体とする電子移動型反応の新展開・イオン液体を反応媒体とする酵素反応のブレークスルー・動的共有結合化学・ヘテロ環化合物高効率的合成法の開発・有機電解反応による環境調和型有機合成・バイオマスの最先端科学の開発・新しい高機能潤滑油開発









    2. 研究活動

  • グリーン反応媒体*研究テーマ (伊藤研究室)




    O OF F


    G g




    R1 R2OCOR3







    H3C OHMeO

    C g

    m S


    BnO FFFF



    O FFFF






    F F




    F FH



    HN OMeO O



    NOO O S








    EtEt OMe


    H3C OO



    Fe F







    発N S






    O OMe




  • Trypanosoma brucei


    *研究テーマ (斎本研究室)


  • !




























    OSO3Na OMe







    *研究テーマ (田村研究室)




    *研究テーマ (小林研究室)


    *研究テーマ (木瀬研究室)


  • グリーンエネルギー

    *研究テーマ (江坂研究室)


    *研究テーマ (南条研究室)


  • グリーン触媒

    *研究テーマ (片田研究室)



    Al Si O


    ( ) ( )

    + C4=

    + C2= + C3= + C12=

    ( )

  • バイオテクノロジー

    CO2 CO2CO2

    *研究テーマ (簗瀬研究室)

  • 蛋白質の構造変化と凝集による神経変性病発症機構解明 !


    分�解� 凝集体� 病�気�



    分子シャペロン� 分子シャペロン�


    TEM ! AFM!




    *研究テーマ (河田研究室)


    *研究テーマ (大城研究室)


    *研究テーマ (永野研究室)


    *研究テーマ (松浦研究室)



    b-Annulus peptide-HSA conjugate

    Synthetic Viral Capsid dressed up

    with HSA

  • 【GSC実験室】







  • 1. GSCシンポジウムの開催(海外の第一戦研究者を招聘, 講演・討論は全て基本的には英語で実施)

    ○第11回(2013 Green Sustainable Chemistry Seminar in Tottori(1))有機合成化学協会中国四国支部 (第69回パネル討論会)と共催2013年6月13日(木曜),工学研究科大講義室,出席者105名,講師3名講師:藤井 郁雄(大阪府立大学大学院理学系研究科教授,生命環境科学域 自然科学類・学類長)「Molecular Basis for Transition-state Stabilization in Catalytic Antibodies」講師:宇梶 裕(金沢大学理工研究域物質化学系 教授)「Development of novel synthetic methods for heterocycles utilizing 1,3-dipoles」講師:三好 徳和(徳島大学大学院教授・ソシオアーツ&サイエンス研究部)「Development and Application for Unexpected Sr-mediated Reactions」

    ○第12回(2013 Green Sustainable Chemistry Seminar in Tottori(2))日本化学会中国四国支部(平成25年度 鳥取地区化学講演会)と共催2013年10月25日(金曜),工学研究科大講義室,出席者160名,講師3名講師:Peter Wasserscheid(ドイツ フリードリヒ・アレクサンダー大学エアランゲン=ニュンベルク 教授)「Ionic Liquid Thin Films in Catalysis- Fundamental Aspects and Applications」講師:秋山隆彦(学習院大学理学部化学科 教授)「Recent Progress in the Chiral Phosphoric Acid Catalysis」講師:吉田 勝 (産業技術総合研究所 博士)「Gels and Photoresoponsive Compounds as Novel Smart Materials」

    ○第13回(2013 Green Sustainable Chemistry Seminar in Tottori(3))2014年1月30日(木曜),工学研究科大講義室,出席者118名,講師3名講師:Jason A. C. Clyburne (セントメリー大学 (カナダ) 教授)「Unusual anions in ion-rich media and their implication in catalysis and in nature」講師:柳 日馨 (大阪府立大学大学院理学系研究科 教授)「Greener Synthetic Processes Based on Continuous Micro Flow Systems 」講師:松浦 和則 (鳥取大学大学院工学研究科 教授)「Development of Self-assembled Synthetic Viral Capsids 」


    3. 教育プログラム

    2.国内外の研究機関との連携による大学院GSC教育プログラムの充実*大学院生の海外派遣・ICES(シンガポール) 平成25年7月から10月まで1名

    2013年10月25日 第12回GSCセミナー

    2014年1月30日 第13回GSCセミナー

  • センター長 伊藤 敏幸(工学研究科・応用化学講座 教授)

    副センター長 坂口 裕樹(工学研究科・応用化学講座 教授)簗瀬 英司(工学研究科・生物応用工学講座 教授)

    専任教員 深谷 幸信(工学研究科・応用化学講座 特命准教授)

    専任教員 菅沼 学史(グリーン触媒部門・テニュアトラック助教)

    専任教員 八木 寿梓(バイオテクノロジー部門・テニュアトラック助教)

    専任スタッフ 片垣 亜弥子

    グリーン反応媒体部門 ○伊藤 敏幸(工学研究科・応用化学講座 教授)斎本 博之(工学研究科・応用化学講座 教授)木瀬 直樹(工学研究科・生物応用工学講座 教授)田村 純一(地域学部・地域環境学科 教授)小林 和裕(工学研究科・応用化学講座 准教授)野上 敏材(工学研究科・応用化学講座 准教授)櫻井 敏彦(工学研究科・生物応用工学講座 准教授)早瀬 修一(工学研究科・応用化学講座 助教)井澤 浩則(工学研究科・応用化学講座 助教)

    グリーンエネルギー部門 ○坂口 裕樹(工学研究科・応用化学講座 教授)江坂 享男(工学研究科・応用化学講座 教授)南条 真佐人(工学研究科・応用化学講座 教授)薄井 洋行(工学研究科・応用化学講座 准教授)

    グリーン触媒部門 ○片田 直伸(工学研究科・応用化学講座 教授)*伊藤 敏幸(工学研究科・応用化学講座 教授)奥村 和(工学研究科・応用化学講座 准教授)岡野 多門(工学研究科・応用化学講座 准教授)*野上 敏材(工学研究科・応用化学講座 准教授)

    バイオテクノロジー部門 ○簗瀬 英司(工学研究科・生物応用工学講座 教授)河田 康志(工学研究科・生物応用工学講座 教授)大城 隆(工学研究科・生物応用工学講座 教授)永野 真吾(工学研究科・生物応用工学講座 教授)松浦 和則(工学研究科・応用化学講座 教授)*斎本 博之(工学研究科・応用化学講座 教授)伊福 伸介(工学研究科・応用化学講座 准教授)溝端 知宏(工学研究科・生物応用工学講座 准教授)岡本 賢治(工学研究科・生物応用工学講座 准教授)原田 尚志(工学研究科・生物応用工学講座 准教授)嶋尾 正行(工学研究科・生物応用工学講座 准教授)日野 智也(工学研究科・生物応用工学講座 講師)*井澤 浩則(工学研究科・応用化学講座 助教)本郷 邦広(工学研究科・生物応用工学講座 助教)福間 三喜(工学研究科・生物応用工学講座 助教)

    環境評価部門 ○押村 光雄(医学系研究科・機能再生医科学専攻 教授)南 三郎(鳥取大学 名誉教授)寳來 佐和子(地域学部・地域環境学科 准教授)


    4. プロジェクトメンバー

  • GSC ) ( 23( 1

    0 1) Photovoltaic Properties of OPV Devices using cis- and trans-2,5-Diarylfulleropyrrolidines as Acceptor

    Partners with P3HT on an ITO Electrode with PEDOT:PSS, Yoshimurra, K.; Sugawara, K.; Sakumichi, S.; Matsumoto, K.; Uetani, Y.; Hayase, S.; Nokami, T.; Itoh, T. * Chem. Lett., , 42, 1209-1211 (2013).

    2) Possible Means of Realizing a Sacrifice-free Three Component Separation of Lignocellulose from Wood Biomass Using an Amino Acid Ionic Liquid, Hamada, Y.; Yoshida, Y.; Asai, A.; Hayase, S.; Nokami, T.; Izumi, S.; Itoh, T.* Green Chem., , 15, 1863-1868 (2013).

    3) Synergetic Activation of Lipase by an Amino Acid with Alkyl-PEG-sulfate Ionic Liquid, Yoshiyama, K.; Abe, Y.; Hayase, S.; Nokami, T.; Itoh, T.* Chem. Lett., , 42, 663-665 (2013). Editor’s choice.

    4) Chronicle Review: Regioselective Synthesis of Trifluoromethyl Group Containing Allylic Amines using Palladium-catalyzed Allylic Amination Pathway, Hirakawa, T.; Kawatsura, M.; Itoh, T.* J. Fluorine Chem., , 152, 62-69 (2013).

    5) Structure of regenerated celluloses treated with ionic liquids and comparison of their enzymatic digestibility by purified cellulase components, Mizuno, M.; Kachi, S.; Togawa, E.; Hayashi, N.; Nozaki, K.; Itoh, T.*; Amano, Y.* Aust. J. Chem. , 65, 1491-1496 (2012).

    6) Amino Acid Ionic Liquid as an Efficient Cosolvent of Dimethyl Sulfoxide to Realize Cellulose Dissolution at Room Temperature, Ohira, K.; Yoshida, K.; Hayase, S.; Itoh, T.* Chem. Lett., , 41, 987-989 (2012).

    7) Development of Sequential Type Iron Salt-Catalyzed Nazarov/Michael Reaction in an Ionic Liquid Solvent System, Ibara, C.; Fujiwara, M.; Hayase, S.; Kawatsura, M.; Itoh, T.* Sci. China Chem.,

    , 55, 1627-1632 (2012). 8) Ionic Liquid Engineering for Lipase-mediated Optical Resolution of Secondary Alcohols: Design of

    Ionic Liquids Applicable to Ionic Liquid Coated-Lipase Catalyzed Reaction, Abe, Y.; Yagi, Y.; Hayase, S.; Kawatsura, M.; Itoh, T.* Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, , 51, 9952-9958 (2012).

    9) Heck–Matsuda Reaction for Allylic Nitro Compounds: A Short Asymmetric Synthesis of an FTY720 Derivative, Nakano, T.; Miyahara, M.; Itoh, T.*; Kamimura, A.* Eur. J. Org. Chem., , 2161-2166 (2012).

    10) Thiophene-Substituted Fulleropyrrolidine Derivatives as Acceptor Molecules in a Thin Film Organic Solar Cell, Yoshimura, K.; Matsumoto, K.; Uetani, Y.; Sakumichi, S.; Hayase, S.; Kawatsura, K.; Itoh, T.* Tetrahedron, , 68, 3605-3610 (2012).

    11) Design of Cellulose Dissolving Ionic Liquids Inspired by Nature, Ohira, K.; Abe, Y.; Suzuki, K.; Mizuno, M.; Amano, Y.; Itoh, T.*, ChemSusChem., , 5, 388-391 (2012)

    12) Structural and Electrical properties of Pb-substituted La2Mo2O9 Oxide Ion Conductor, S. Takai, Y. Doi, S. Torii, J. Zuang, T.Y.S. Panca Putra, P. Miao, T. Kamiyama, T. Esaka, Solid State Ionics, , Vol.283, No.1, pp. 36-43 (2013).

    13) Sintering and Electrochemical Properties of Hydrogen Storage Alloys in the System Mg-Ni, T. Esaka, E. Nanbu, Solid State Phenomena, ,Vol.194, pp. 245-248 (2013).

    14) Removal of dissolved humic acid from water by photocatalytic oxidation using a silver orthophosphate semiconductor, K. Hatakeyama, M. Okuda, T. Kuki, T. Esaka, Materials Research Bulletin, , Vol.47, No.12, pp. 4478-4482 (2012).

    15) Conversion of deoxyradicinin to radicinin and of radicinin to 3-epi-radicinin in the phytopathogenic fungus Bipolaris coicis, M. Suzuki, E. Sakuno, A. Ishihara, J-i. Tamura, and H. Nakajima, Phytochemistry, , 75, 14-20 (2012).

    16) Synthesis and the interaction with midkine of biotinylated chondroitin sulfate tetrasaccharides, J-i.

  • Tamura, N. Tsutsumishita(Nakai), Y. Nakao, M. Kawano, S. Kato, N. Takeda, S. Nadanaka, and H. Kitagawa, Bioorg.Med. Chem.Lett., , 22, 1371-1374 (2012).

    17) Chondroitin sulfate-E fine-tunes osteoblast differentiation via ERK1/2, Smad3 and Smad1/5/8 signaling by binding to N-cadherin and cadherin-11, T. Koike, T. Izumikawa, J-i. Tamura, and H. Kitagawa, Biochem. Biophys. Res.Commun., , 420, 523-529 (2012).

    18) Synthesis of heparan sulfate tetrasaccharide as a substrate for human heparanase, N. Takeda, R. Ikeda(Matsumi), K. Ebara(Nagahara), M. Otaki(Nanjo), K. Taniguchi(Morita), M. Nanjo, and J-i. Tamura, Carbohydr.Res., , 353, 13-21 (2012).

    19) Amounts and Compositional Analysis of Glycosaminoglycans from Fish, K. Arima, H. Fujita, R. Toita, A. Imazu(Okada), N. Tsutsumishita(Nakai), N. Takeda, Y. Nakao, H. Wang, M. Kawano, H. Tanaka, K. Matsushita, M. Kitagaki, R. Hatto, Y. Hieda, S. Morimoto, A. Nakamura, H. Hayashi, T. Okuhara, A. Watanabe, T. Yumura, K. Shimizu, K. Nakayama, S. Yoshioka, S. Yoshioka, Y. Ishihara, S. Masuda, S. Shirade, and J-i. Tamura, Carbohydr.Res., , 366, 25-32 (2013).

    20) Synthesis of b-D-GalNAc(4,6-diS)(1-4)[a-L-Fuc(2,4-diS)(1-3)]-b-D-GlcA, a novel trisaccharide unit of chondroitin sulfate with a fucose branch, J-i. Tamura, H. Tanaka, A. Nakamura and N. Takeda, Tetrahedron Lett., , 54, 3940-3943 (2013).

    21) Synthesis of N,N-Dialkyl-9-oxo-9H-acridine-10-carbothioamides via the Reaction of (2-Halophenyl)(2-isothiocyanatophenyl)methanones with Secondary Amines Followed by Cyclization with NaH, K. Kobayashi,* K. Nakagawa, S. Yuba, Helv. Chim. Acta, , 96, 2033-2039 (2013).

    22) Synthesis of 3-Alkoxybenzo[c]thiophen-1(3H)-ones through Hydrolysis of N-Substituted 3-Alkoxybenzo[c]thiophen-1(3H)-imines Derived from 1-Btomo-2-(dialkoxymethyl)benzenes and Isothiocyanates, K. Kobayashi,* M. Kuroda, Helv.Chim.Acta, , 96. 1894-1904 (2013).

    23) Convenient Synthesis of 6-Amino-3,4-dihydro-2H-pyrimido[2,1-a]isoquinoline-7-carbonitriles and 5-Amino-2,3-dihydroimidazo[2,1-a]isoquinoline-6-carbonitriles, K. Kobayashi,* K. Ezaki, T. Komatsu, Heterocycles, , 87, 1925–1931 (2013).

    24) One-Pot Synthesis of 1,4-Oxathiino[2.3-b]quinoxalines or –pyrazines from 2,3-Dichloroquinoxaline or –pyrazines and 1-Aryl-2-bromoalkn-1-ones, K. Kobayashi,* N. Konishi, T. Suzuki, K. Nakagawa, Helv. Chim. Acta, , 96, 1452–1456 (2013).

    25) One-pot synthesis of 2-sulfanyl-3-sulfinyl(or sulfonyl)-1H-indoles via cyclization of 1-isothiocyanato-2-[sulfinyl(or sulfonyl)methyl]benzenes with sodium hydride, K. Kobayashi,* A. Kobayashi, K. Ezaki, Tetrahedron, , 69, 7936–7942 (2013).

    26) One-Pot Synthesis of 2,3-Diarylthieno[2,3-b]-, -[2,3-c]- or –[3,2-c]pyridines from the Respective Aryl(chloropyridinyl)methanones, K. Kobayashi,* T. Ohmichi, W. Miyatani, K. Nakagawa, S. Yuba, Heterocycles, , 87, 1741–1748 (2013).

    27) A Convenient Two-step Synthesis of 7-Aryl-6,7-dihydro[2,3-b]pyrazines from Aryl(3-chloropyrazin-2-yl)methanones, K. Kobayashi,* T. Suzuki, N. Matsumoto, Heterocycles,

    , 87, 1507–1517 (2013). 28) Synthesis of 2-Sulfanyl-4H-3,1-benzothiazine Derivatives by the Reaction of 2-(Bromomethyl)phenyl

    Isothiocyanates with Thiols, K. Ezaki, M. Tanmatsu, K. Kobayashi,* Heterocycles, , 87, 1311–1317 (2013).

    29) A Convenient Synthesis of 2,3-Dihydro-4H-thiopyrano[2,3-b]-, -[2,3-c], or -[3,2-c]pyridine-4-ones by the Reaction of the Corresponding 1-(Chloropyridinyl)alk-2-en-1-ones with NaSH, K. Kobayashi,* A. Imaoka, Helv. Chim. Acta, , 96, 624–632 (2013).

    30) Synthesis of 7H-Thiopyrano[2,3-d]pyrimidines by Hydrobromic Acid-Mediated Cyclization of 1-[4-(1,1-Dimethylethylsulfanyl)-pyrimidin-5-yl]prop-2-en-1-ols, K. Kobayashi,* T. Suzuki, A. Imaoka, H. Hiyoshi, K. Umezu, Heterocycles, , 87, 885–895 (2013).

    31) Synthesis of (4Z)-4-(Arylmethylidene)-5-ethoxy-1,3-oxazolidine-2-thiones by the Reaction of Ethyl (2Z)-3-Aryl-2- isothiocyanato-2-enoates with Organolithium Compounds, K. Kobayashi,* K. Ezaki, H. Hashimoto, Helv. Chim. Acta, , 96, 431–436 (2013).

    32) Synthesis of 10-Aryl- and 10-(Arylmethyl)acridin-9(10H)-ones via the Reaction of (2-Fluorophenyl)(2-halophenyl)methanones with Benzenamines and Arylmethanamines, K. Kobayashi,* K. Nakagawa, S. Yuba, T. Komatsu, Helv. Chim. Acta, , 96, 389–396 (2013).

  • 33) Synthesis of 3-Aryl-2-methoxyindene-1-one (Z)-Phenylhydrazones via Hydrobromic Acid-Mediated Cyclization of 2-(1-Aryl-2-methoxyethenyl)benzaldehyde Phenylhydrazones, K. Kobayashi,* W. Miyatani, N. Matsumoto, Helv. Chim. Acta, , 96, 239–245 (2013).

    34) Synthesis of 3,4-Dihydroisoquinolines by Cyclization of 1-Bromo-2-(2-isocyanoalkyl)benzenes with Butyllithium, K. Kobayashi,* N. Matsumoto, K. Matsumoto, Heterocycles, , 87, 389–397 (2013).

    35) Synthesis of 2,N,N,-Trisubstituted 1H-indole-1-carbothioamides from 2-(Acylmethyl)phenyl Isocyanides, K. Kobayashi,* K. Yamane, S. Fukamachi, Helv. Chim. Acta, , 96, 93–98 (2013).

    36) Three-Step Synthesis of 3-Aryl-2-sulfanylthieno[2,3-b]-, -[2,3-c]-, or -[3,2-c]pyridines from the Corresponding Aryl(halopyridinyl)methanones, K. Kobayashi,* T. Suzuki, Y. Egara, Helv. Chim. Acta,

    , 96, 69–75 (2013). 37) One-Pot Synthesis of 2-(1,4-Dihydro-2H-3,1-benzothiazin-2-ylidene)propanedioic Acid Derivatives by

    the Reaction of 2-(1-Bromoalkyl)phenyl Isothiocyanates with Propanedioic Acid Derivatives Using Sodium Hydride, K. Kobayashi,* K. Ezaki, Heterocycles, , 85, 3007–3013 (2012).

    38) Synthesis of 3-Substituted 4-Alkoxyisoquinolin-1-amines by the Reaction of 2-[Alkoxy(lithio)methyl]benzonitriles with Nitriles, K. Kobayashi,* K. Matsumoto, K. Ezaki, Heterocycles, , 85, 2523–2529 (2013).

    39) Synthesis of 4-Aryl-4-methyl- and 4,4-Dimethyl-4H-pyrrolo[2,1-c][1,4]benzothiazines by an Easy Five-Step Sequence Starting from 2-Sulfanylbenzenamines, K. Kobayashi,* A. Hyota, H. Kondoh, A. Imaoka: Synthesis 2012, 44, 3019–3026.

    40) One-Pot Synthesis of 1,4-Dihydro-2-thioxo-2H-3,1-benzoxazine-4-acetic Acid Derivatives by the Reaction of 2-Isothiocyanatophenyl Ketones with Lithium Enolates of Acetates and Tertiary Acetamides, K. Kobayashi,* S. Fukamachi, A. Kobayashi, A. Gotoh, Helv. Chim. Acta, , 95, 1561–1565 (2012).

    41) A Convenient Synthesis of 3-Arylthiochromen-4-ones (Thioflavones) by Iodine-Mediated Cyclization of 1-[2-(1,1-Dimethylethylsulfanyl)-phenyl]prop-2-en-1-ones, K. Kobayashi,* A. Kobayashi, K. Ezaki, Heterocycles, , 85, 1997–2004 (2012).

    42) Synthesis of 5,6-Disubstituted thieno[2,3-b]pyrimidines from 4-Chloropyrimidines, K. Kobayashi,* T. Suzuki, T. Kozuki, N. Matsumoto, H. Hiyoshi, K. Umezu, Heterocycles, , 85, 1405–1416 (2012).

    43) A Convenient Synthesis of 2-Sulfanylbenzoselenazole Derivatives via the Reaction of 2-Lithiophenyl Isothiocyanates with Selenium, K. Kobayashi,* Y. Yokoi, Helv. Chim. Acta, , 95, 761–765 (2012).

    44) Synhesis pf 4-Aryl-1,7-naphthyridin-2(1H)-thiones by the Electrocylic Reaction of 4-(1-Arylalk-1-enyl)-3-isothiocyanatopyridines Generated in situ from the Corresponding Isocyanides, K. Kobayashi,* T. Kozuki, T. Suzuki, Helv. Shim. Acta, , 95, 556-563 (2012).

    45) A Facile Synthesis of 2-Arylthiochroman-4-ones by the Reaction of 3-Aryl-1-(2-halophenyl)prop-2-en-1-ones with Sodium Hydrogensulfide, K. Kobayashi,* A. Kobayashi, M. Tanmatsu, Heterocycles, , 85, 919–925 (2012).

    46) Synthesis of 3-Substituted 4-Sulfanyl-8-methoxyisoquinolin-1(2H)-ones by the Reaction of Ethyl 2-[Lithio(sulfanyl)methyl]-6-methoxybenzoates with Aliphatic and Aromatic Nitriles, K. Kobayashi,* H. Hashimoto, K. Nakagawa, Heterocycles, , 85, 887–894 (2012).

    47) One-Pot Synthesis of 4-Sunstituted 3,4-Dihtdro-e-methoxyisocoumarins via Carboxylation of -Substituted 2-Lithio-b-methoxystyrenes with Carbon Dioxide, K. Kobayashi,* T. Nagaoka, Y. Shirai, W. Miyatani, Y. Yokoi, H. Konishi, Helv. Shim. Acta, , 95,191-196 (2012).

    48) A Facile Synthesis of 6-Substituted 7-Arylthieno[2,3-b]pyrazines from 2-Chloropyrazines, K. Kobayashi,* T. Suzuki, Heterocycles, , 85, 403–411 (2012).

    49) Synthesis of 1-Amino-1-aryl-1,2-dihydropyrrolo[3,4-c]pyridin-3-one Derivatives by the Reaction of 4-Lithiopyridine-3-carbonitrile with Aromatic Tertiary Amides, K. Kobayashi,* K. Nakagawa, T. Kozuki, Heterocycles, , 85, 165–170 (2012).

    50) Pharmacophore Identification of Ascofuranone, Potent Inhibitor of Cyanide-insensitive Alternative Oxidase of Torypanosoma Brucei, H. Saimoto, Y. Kido, Y. Haga, K. Sakamoto and K. Kita, J. Biochem., 153(3), 267-273 (2013).

  • 51) Structure of the trypanosome cyanide-insensitive alternative oxidase, a promising drug target, T. Shiba, Y. Kido, K. Sakamoto, D. K. Inaoka, C. Tsuge, R. Tatsumi, G. Takahashi, E. O. Balogun, T. Nara, T. Aoki, T. Hanma, A. Tanaka, M. Inoue, S. Matsuoka, H. Saimoto, A. L. Moore, S. Harada, K. Kita, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 110 (12), 4580-4585 (2013).

    52) Simple Preparation of Chitin Nanofibers from Dry Squid Pen β-chitin Powder by the Star Burst System, A. K. Dutta, H. Izawa, M. Morimoto, H. Saimoto, S. Ifuku, Journal of Citin and Chitosan Science, 1,186-191(6) (2013).

    53) Characterization of antifungal activity of the GH-46 subclass III chitosanase from Bacillus circulans MH-K1, M, Tomita., A, Kikuchi., M, Kobayashi., M, Yamaguchi., S, Ifuku., S, Yamashoji., A, Ando., A, Saito., Antonie van Leewenhoek Journal of Microbiology, 104(5), 737-48 (2013) .

    54) Preparation of high-strength transparent chitosan film reinforced with surface-deacetylated chitin nanofibers, S. Ifuku, A. Ikuta, M. Egusa, H. Kaminaka, H. Izawa, M. Morimoto, H. Saimoto, Carbohydrate Polymers, Carbohydrate Polymers, 98, 1198-1202 (2013).

    55) Simple preparation of chitosan nanofibers from dry chitosan powder by the Star Burst system, A. K. Dutta, N. Kawamoto, G. Sugino, H. Izawa, M. Morimoto, H. Saimoto, S. Ifuku, Carbohydrate Polymers, 97, 363-367 (2013).

    56) Preparation of Chitin Nanofibers from Dry Chitin Powder by Star Burst System: Dependence on Number of Passes, A. K. Dutta, K. Yamada, H. Izawa, M. Morimoto, H. Saimoto, S. Ifuku, Journal of Chitin and Chitosan Science, 1, 59-64 (2013).

    57) Preparation of chitin nanofiber-reinforced double-decker-shaped polysilsesquioxane film, S. Ifuku, K. Nakata, A. Ikuta, T. Oba, Z. Shervani, A. K. Dutta, H. Izawa, M. Morimoto, H. Saimoto, Journal of Chitin and Chitosan Science, 1, 21-25 (2013).

    58) Fabrication of chitin nanofiber-reinforced polylactic acid nanocomposites by an environmentally friendly process, A. N. Norio, M. Morimoto, S. Ifuku, Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy, 7, 152-156 (2013).

    59) Protective effects of galacturonic acid-rich vinegar brewedfrom Japanese pear in a dextran sodium sulfate-inducedacute colitis model, T. Wakuda, K. Azuma, H. Saimoto, S. Ifuku, M. Morimoto, I. Arifuku, M. Asaka, T. Tsuka, T. Imagawa, Y. Okamoto, T. Osaki, S. Minamia, Journal of Functional Food, 5, 516-523 (2013).

    60) 9, 1-4 (2013).61)

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    (2013).63) Tough and Catalytically Active Hybrid Biofibers Wet-Spun From Nanochitin Hydrogels, P. Das, T.

    Heuser, A. Wolf, B. Zhu, D. E. Demco, S. Ifuku, A. Walther, Biomacromolecules, 13, 4205-4212 (2012).

    64) Effects of oral administration of fucoidan extracted from Cladosiphon okamuranus on tumor growth and survival time in a tumor-bearing mouse model, K. Azuma, T. Ishihara, H. Nakamoto, T. Amaha, T. Osaki, T. Tsuka, T. Imagawa, S. Minami, H. Kawamoto, Y. Okamoto, O. Takashima, S. Ifuku, M. Morimoto, H. Saimoto, Marine Drugs, 10, 2337-2348 (2012).

    65) Thermoresponsive chitosan/N-isopropylacrylamide copolymer through atom transfer radical polymerization, S. Ifuku, T. Miwa, M. Morimoto, H. Saimoto, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 52, 14-19 (2013).

    66) Preparation of highly regioselective amphiprotic chitosan derivative via "click chemistry", S. Ifuku, C. Matsumoto, M. Wada, M. Morimoto, H. Saimoto, Intrenational Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 52, 72-76 (2013).

    67) Synthesis of organosoluble chitosan derivatives with polyphenolic side chains, M. Morimoto, T. Nakajima, M. Ishikura, Y. Shigemasa, S. Ifuku, H. Saimoto, Carbohydrate Polymers, 90, 1259-1264 (2012).

    68) A short synthesis of highly soluble chemoselective chitosan derivatives via “click chemistry”, S. Ifuku, M. Wada, M. Morimoto, H. Saimoto, Carbohydrate Polymers, 90, 1182-1186 (2012).

    69) Nano-fibrillation of dry chitin powder by Star Burst system, S. Ifuku, K. Yamada, M. Morimoto, H. Saimoto, Journal of Nanomaterials, 2012, 1-7 (2012).

  • 70) Graft polymerization of acrylic acid onto chitin nanofiber to improve dispersibility in basic water, S. Ifuku, M. Iwasaki, M. Morimoto, H. Saimoto, Carbohydrate Polymers, 90, 623-627 (2012).

    71) Alpha-chitin nanofibrils improve inflammatory and fibrosis responses in inflammatory bowel disease mice model, K. Azuma, T. Osaki, S. Ifuku, H. Saimoto, T. Tsuka, T. Imagawa, Y. Okamoto, S. Minami Carbohydrate Polymers, 90, 197-200 (2012).

    72) Preparation of polysilsesquioxane-urethaneacrylate copolymer film reinforced with chitin nanofibers, S. Ifuku, A. Ikuta, T. Hosomi, S. Kanaya, Z. Shervani, M. Morimoto, H. Saimoto, Carbohydrate Polymers, 89, 865-869 (2012).

    73) Chitin nanofiber membranes for chiral separation, S. Yuuki, T. Hashimoto, M. Yoshikawa, S. Ifuku, Sustainable Agriculture Research, 1, 42-47 (2012).

    74) Beneficial and preventive effect of chitin nanofibers in a dextran sulfate sodium-induced acute ulcerative colitis model, K. Azuma, T. Osaki, T. Wakuda, S. Ifuku, H. Saimoto, T. Imagawa, Y. Okamoto, S. Minami, Carbohydrate Polymers, 87, 1399-1403 (2012).

    75) 48, 331-335 (2012).

    76) 65, 23-28 (2012).

    77) Chitin Nanofibers: Preparations, Modifications, and Applications, S. Ifuku, H. Saimoto, Nanoscale, 4, 3308-3318 (2012).

    78) , 69, 460-467 (2012).

    79) 57, 15-20 (2012).

    80) Nanoporous carbon sensor with cage-in-fiber structure: highly-selective aniline adsorbent towards cancer risk management, Y. Kosaki, H. Izawa*, S. Ishihara*, K. Kawakami, M. Sumita, Y. Tateyama, Q. Ji, V. Krishnan, S. Hishita, J. P. Hill, A. Vinu, S. Shiratori*, K. Ariga*, ACS Appl. Mater. Inter., 5, 2930-2934 (2013).

    81) b-Cyclodextrin-crosslinked alginate gel for patient-controlled drug delivery systems: regulation of host–guest interactions with mechanical stimuli, H. Izawa, K. Kawakami*, M. Sumita, Y. Tateyama, J. P. Hill, K. Ariga*, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 1, 2155-2161 (2013). (Most read article; 3rd, 2013, March,)

    82) Synthesis of highly branched anionic alpha-glucans by thermostable phosphorylase-catalyzed alpha-glucuronylation, Y. Takemoto, H. Izawa, Y. Umegatani, K. Yamamoto, A. Kubo, M. Yanase, T. Tanaha, J. Kadokawa*, Carbohydrate Research, 366, 38-44 (2013).

    83) Enzymatic a-glucuronylation of maltooligosaccharides using a-glucuronic acid 1-phosphate as glycosyl donor catalyzed by a thermostable phosphorylase from Aquifex aeolicus VF5, Y. Umegatani, H. Izawa, M. Nawaji, K. Yamamoto, A. Kubo, M. Yanase, T. Takaha, J. Kadokawa*, Carbohydrate Research, 350, 81-85 (2012).

    84) Supramolecular approaches for drug development, K. Kawakami, M. Ebara, H. Izawa, N. M. Sanchez-Ballester, J. P. Hill, K. Ariga, Curr. Med. Chem., 19, 2388-2398 (2012).

    85) , Drug Delivery SystemDDS 28 pp 92-98(2013).

    86) Crystal structure of quinol-dependent nitric oxide reductase from Geobacillus stearothermophilus, Matsumoto, Y.; Tosha, T.; Pisliakov, A. V.; Hino, T.; Sugimoto, H.; *Nagano, S.; Sugita, Y.; and *Shiro, Y.; Nature Struct. Mol. Biol. 19, 238-245. (2012).

    87) Coupling Reaction of Indolepyruvic Acid by StaD and Its Product: Implications for Biosynthesis of Indolocarbazole and Violacein, *Nagano, S.; 5 6 ChemBioChem 13, 2495-2500,

    (2012). 88) Molecular structure and function of bacterial nitric oxide reductase, Hino, T.; Nagano, S.; Sugimoto, H.;

    Tosha, T;. and *Shiro, Y.; Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1817, 680-687. (2012). 89) Structural basis for nitrous oxide generation by bacterial nitric oxide reductases, Nagano, S.; 4

    4 Philos. Trans. R. Soc. B-Biol. Sci. 367, 1195-1203. (2012). 90) Molecular Dynamics Simulations Reveal Proton Transfer Pathways in Cytochrome C-Dependent Nitric

  • Oxide Reductase, T, Hino.; 3 02 PLoS Comput. Biol., 8, e1002674 (2012). 91) G-protein coupled receptor inactivation by an allosteric inverse agonist antibody, T, Hino.; T, Arakawa.;

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    96) Probing the Dynamic Process of Encapsulation in Escherichia coli GroEL, Mizuta, T.; Ando, K.; Uemura, T.; Kawata, Y.; Mizobata, T.* PLoS ONE, , vol.8, issue10, e78135 (2013).

    97) Amyloid Fibril Formation Mechanism of alpha-Synuclein, a Causative Protein of Parkinson’s Disease, Kawata, Y. Proceedings of the Specialist Research Meeting on ‘Abnormal protein aggregation and the folding diseases, and their protection and repair system’, KURRI-KR-184, 26-30 (2013).

    98) Role of C-Terminal Negative Charges and Tyrosine Residues in Fibril Formation of alpha-Synuclein, Izawa, Y.; Tateno, H.; Kameda, H.; Hirakawa, K.; Hato, K.; Yagi, H.; Hongo, K.; Mizobata, T.; Kawata, Y.* Brain and Behavior, , 2, 595-605 (2012).

    99) Suppression of Sup35 Amyloid Fibril Formation by Group II Chaperonin from Thermoplasma Acidophilum, Noi, K.; Kitamura, A.; Hirai, H.; Hongo, K.; Sakurai, T.; Mizobata, T.; Kawata, Y.* Am. J. Mol. Biol., , 2, 265-275 (2012).

    100) Varied Effects of Pyrococcus furiosus Prefoldin and P. furiosus Chaperonin on the Refolding Reactions of Substrate Proteins, Hongo, K.; Itai, H.; Mizobata, T.; Kawata, Y.* J. Biochem., , 154, 383-390 (2012).

    101) Molecular Study on Conformational Changes and Amyloid Fibril Formation of Protein, Kawata, Y. Proceedings of the Specialist Research Meeting on ‘Abnormal protein aggregation and the folding diseases, and their protection and repair system’, KURRI-KR-169, 15-18 (2012).

    102) Using Circular Permutation to Probe Various Characteristics of E. coli GroEL, Mizobata, T.*; Mizuta, T.; Isaji, K.; Uemura, T.; Hirayama, T.; Hongo, K.; Kawata, Y. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Meeting: Molecular Chaperones & Stress Responses, p.101 (New York) (2012).

    103) Bilberry anthocyanins neutralize the cytotoxicity of co-chaperonin GroES fibrillation intermediates, Iwasa, H.; Kameda, H.; Fukui, N.; Yoshida, S.; Hongo, K.; Mizobata, T.; Kobayashi, S.; and Kawata, Y. Biochemistry, 52(51), 9202-9211 (2013), doi:10.1021/bi401135j

    104) Biomolecular Self-assembling Systems for Multivalent Ligand Display, K. Matsuura, Trend Glycosci. Glycotech., Vol.25, No.146, pp.227-239 (2013).

    105) Guest-Binding Behavior of Peptide Nanocapsules Self-assembled from Viral Peptide Fragments, K. Matsuura, K. Watanabe, Y. Matsushita, and N. Kimizuka, Polymer J., 45, 529–534 (2013).

    0 0 0 0 0 0 )(,.

    106) S 4E E NVol.68, No.9, pp.19-23 (2013).

    107) S E N Vol.51, No.2, pp.10-21 (2013).

    108) S Vol.33, No.5, pp.52-56 (2013).

    109) Construction of spherical virus-inspired peptide nano- assemblies, K. Matsuura, Polymer J., 44, 469-474 (2012). Invited focus review, Cover picture.

    110) S o 63(6), pp.409-414 (2012).

  • 111) DDS

    pp. 231-234 (2012). 112) Electroreductive Intermolecular Coupling of 3-Methoxycarbonylindoles with Ketones, N. Kise,* Y.

    Inoue, S. Takeuchi, and T. Sakurai, Org. Lett., 15, 2746-2749 (2013). 113) Electroreductive intramolecular coupling of aliphatic cyclic imides with a,b-unsaturated esters and

    ketones: Unusual methyl-alkoxy exchange in silyl ketene acetals, N. Kise,* Y. Inoue, and T. Sakurai, Tetrahedron Lett., 54, 3281-3285 (2013).

    114) Electroreductive Intermolecular Coupling of Phthalimides with Aldehydes: Application to the Synthesis of Alkylideneisoindolin-1-ones, N. Kise,* S. Isemoto, and T. Sakurai, Tetrahedron, 68, 8805-8816 (2012).

    115) Reductive Coupling of N-Methoxycarbonyl Lactams with Benzophenone and 9-Fluorenone by Low-Valent Titanium, N. Kise,* Y. Takenaga, Y. Ishikawa, Y. Morikami, and T. Sakurai, Tetrahedron Lett., 53, 1940-1945 (2012).

    116) Electroreductive Five- and Six-Membered Cyclization of Aromatic b- and g-Imino Esters Derived from (S)-Aspartic Acid and (S)-Glutamic Acid, Y. Takenaga, Y. Umesaki, T. Sakurai, and N. Kise,* Tetrahedron, 68 (12), 2579-2589 (2012).

    117) Recent Development of the "Cation Pool Method", Yoshida, J.*; Ashikari, Y.; Matsumoto, K.; Nokami, T. J. Synth. Org. Chem. Jpn., , 71, (11), 1136-1144 (2013).

    118) Automated Solution-Phase Synthesis of Oligosaccharides via Iterative Electrochemical Assembly of Thioglycosides, Nokami, T.*; Hayashi, R.; Saigusa, Y.; Shimizu, A.; Liu, C.-Y.; Mong, K.-K.; Yoshida, J.* Org. Lett., , 15, 4520-4523 (2013).

    119) Photovoltaic Properties of OPV Devices using cis- and trans-2,5-Diarylfulleropyrrolidines as Acceptor Partners with P3HT on an ITO Electrode with or without PEDOT:PSS, Yoshimura, K.; Sugawara, K.; Sakumichi, S.; Matsumoto, K.; Uetani, Y.; Hayase, S.; Nokami, T.; Itoh, T.* Chem. Lett., , 42, 663-665 (2013).

    120) Possible Means of Realizing a Sacrifice-Free Three Component Separation of Lignocellulose from Wood Biomass Using an Amino Acid Ionic Liquid, Hamada, Y.; Yoshida, K.; Asai, R.; Hayase, S.; Nokami, T.; Izumi, S.; Itoh, T.* Green Chem., , 15, 1863-1868 (2013).

    121) Synergetic Activation of Lipase by an Amino Acid with Alkyl-PEG-sulfate Ionic Liquid, Yoshiyama, K.; Abe, Y.; Hayase, S.; Nokami, T.; Itoh, T.* Chem. Lett., , 42, 663-665 (2013). Editor’s choice.

    122) Integration of Electrooxidative Cyclization and Chemical oxidation Mediated by Alkoxysulfonium Ions. Synthesis of Ketones from Alkenes with Cyclization, Ashikari, Y.; Nokami, T.; Yoshida, J.* Org. Biomol. Chem., , 11, 3322-3331 (2013).

    123) Multiple Alkylation of Thiophene Derivatives with Simple and Extended Diarylcarbenium Ion Pools, Nokami, T.; Watanabe, T.; Terao, K.; Soga, K.; Ohata, K.; Yoshida, J.* Electrochemistry, , 81, 399-401 (2013).

    124) Synthetic Carbohydrate Research Based on Organic Electrochemistry, Nokami, T.*; Saito, K.; Yoshida, J.* Carbohydr. Res., , 363, 1-6 (2012).

    125) Polymer-Bound Pyrene-4,5,9,10-Tetraones for Ultrafast-Charge and -Discharge Lithium-Ion Batteries with High Capacity, Nokami, T.; Matsuo, T.; Inatomi, Y.; Hojo, N.; Tsukagoshi, T.; Yoshizawa, H.; Shimizu, A.; Kuramoto, H.; Komae, K.; Tsuyama, H.; Yoshida, J.* J. Am. Chem. Soc., , 134, 19694-19700 (2012).

    126) Electrochemical Generation of 2,3-Oxazolidinone Glycosyl Triflates as an Intermediate for Stereoselective Glycosylation, Nokami, T.; Shibuya, A.; Saigusa, Y.; Manabe, S.*; Ito, Y.; Yoshida, J.* Beilstein J. Org. Chem., , 8, 456-460 (2012).

    127) Oxidative Hydroxylation Mediated by Alkoxysulfonium Ions, Ashikari, Y.; Nokami, T.; Yoshida, J.* Org. Lett., , 14, 938-941 (2012).

    128) Sulfonium Ions as Reactive Glycosylation Intermediates, Nokami, T. Trends in Glycoscience and

  • Glycotechnology, , 24, 203-214 (2012).129) , ,

    , , 65, pp.780-781 (2012).130) Electrochemical Na-insertion/extraction properties of SnO thick-film electrodes prepared by

    gas-deposition, Shimizu, M.; Usui, H.; Sakaguchi, H.* J. Power Sources, , 248, 378-382 (2014).

    131) Electrochemical Properties of Metal/ZnO Composites Synthesized by Co-Precipitation Method for Li-Ion Battery Anode, Usui, H.; Kono, T.; Sakaguchi, H.* J. Nanoeng. Nanomanuf., , 3, 326-330 (2013).

    132) TiO2/Si composites synthesized by sol-gel method and their improved electrode performance as Li-ion battery anodes, Usui, H.; Wasada, K.; Shimizu M.; Sakaguchi, H.* Electrochim. Acta, , 111, 575-580 (2013).

    133) Applicability of ionic liquid electrolytes to LaSi2/Si composite thick-film anodes in Li-ion battery, Usui, H.; Shimizu M.; Sakaguchi, H.* J. Power Sources, , 235, 29-35 (2013).

    134) Improved anode performance of NiP-coated Si thick-film electrodes for Li-ion battery, Usui, H; Uchida N.; Sakaguchi, H.* Electrochemistry, , 80 (10), 737-739 (2012).

    135) Effect of carrier gas on anode performance of Si thick-film electrodes prepared by gas-deposition method, Usui, H.; Kiri,Y.; Sakaguchi, H.* Thin Solid Films, , 520, 7006-7010 (2012).

    136) Production and characterization of L-fucose dehydrogenase from newly isolated Acinetobacter sp. strain SA-134, Ohshiro, T. Morita, N. Prep. Biochem. Biotechnol., , 44(4), 382-91 (2014).

    137) Microbial Fucoidan Degradation by Luteolibacter algae H18 with Deacetylation, Ohshiro, T. Harada, N. Kobayashi, Y. Miki, Y. Kawamoto, H. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., , 76, 620-623(2012).

    138) Direct ethanol production from cellulosic materials by Zymobacter palmae carrying Cellulomonas endoglucanase and Ruminococcus beta-glucosidase genes, Kojima, M.; Okamoto, K.; Yanase, H. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 97, 5137-5147 (2013)

    139) C5 C6 ,53(2), 63-70 (2012).

    140) Efficient xylose fermentation by the brown rot fungus Neolentinus lepideus, K. Okamoto, R. Kanawaku, M. Masumoto and H. Yanase, Enzyme Microb. Technol, , 50(2), 96-100 (2012).

    141) Bioconversion of xylose, hexoses and biomass to ethanol by a new isolate of the white rot basidiomycete, Okamoto, K.; Uchii, A.; Kanawaku, R.; Yanase, H. Trametes versicolor, SpringerPlus, 3:121 (2014)

    142) Construction of transplastomic lettuce (Lactuca sativa) dominantly producing astaxanthin fatty acid esters and detailed chemical analysis of generated carotenoids, Harada, H.; Maoka, T.; Osawa.; Hattan, JI.; Kanamoto, H.; Shindo, K.; Otomatsu, T.; Misawa, N , Transgenic Res, e-pub ahead of print, (2013)

    143) Biocatalytic synthesis of flavones and hydroxyl-small molecules by recombinant Escherichia coli cells expressing the cyanobacterial CYP110E1 gene, Makino, T.; Otomatsu, T.; Shindo, K.; Kitamura, E.; Sandmann, G.; Harada, H.; Misawa, N.* Microb Cell Fact., , 11, e95 (2012)

    144) Number and Brønsted Acid Strength of Bridging OH Groups with Different Stretching Frequencies in Zeolite β Analyzed by Ammonia IRMS-TPD Measurement and DFT Calculations, N. Katada, H. Tamagawa and M. Niwa, Catal. Today, , vol.226, pp.37-46 (2014).

    145) Formation and Catalysis of the Thermally Stable Au Nanoparticles Generated on USY Zeolites, T. Sanada, C. Murakami, K. G.-Marek, A. Isoda, N. Katada, K. Okumura, Catalysis, , 3, 599-613 (2013).

    146) Formation of Copper Nanoparticles in Mordenites with Variable SiO2/Al2O3 Molar Ratios under Redox Treatments, V. Petranovskii, E. Stoyanov, V. Gurin, N. Katada, M.-A. Hernandez, M. Avalos, A. Pestryakov, F. Chávez Rivas, R. Zamorano Ulloa, R. Portillo, Revista Mexicana de Fisica, , 59, 170-185 (2013).

    147) Dependence of Cracking Activity upon the Brønsted Acidity of Y Zeolite: DFT Study and Experimental Confirmation, M. Niwa, K. Suzuki, N. Morishita, G. Sastre, K. Okumura, N. Katada, Catal. Sci. Tech.,

  • , 3, 1919-1927 (2013). Hot Paper, Cover Picture. 148) Structure and Catalysis of Layered Nb-W Oxide Constructed by the Self-assembly of Nanofibers, K.

    Okumura, S. Ishida, R. Takahata, N. Katada, Catal. Today, , 204, 197-203 (2013). 149) Formation and Catalysis of Mesoporous Nb-Mo Oxide Generated by the Self-assembly of

    Nanoparticles, K. Okumura, S. Ishida, Y. Kinoshita, T. Sanada, K. Iida, N. Katada, Chem. Lett., , 41, 947-949 (2012).

    150) Formation of Nanometer-sized Au Particles on USY Zeolites under Hydrogen Atmosphere, K. Okumura, C. Murakami, T. Oyama, T. Sanada, A. Isoda, N. Katada, Gold Bull., , 45, 83-90 (2012).

    151) Spontaneous Dispersion of Gold Nanoparticles Loaded on USY Zeolites as Analyzed by XAFS, XRD, and TEM, T. Sanada, K. Okumura, C. Murakami, T. Oyama, A. Isoda, N. Katada, Chem. Lett., , 41, 337-339 (2012).

    152) HZSM-5 Treated with Ammonia and Water Vapor; Characterization and Cracking Activity, M. Niwa, N. Morishita, H. Tamagawa, N. Katada, Catal. Today, , 198, 12-18 (2012).

    153) Strong Brønsted Acid Site in HZSM-5 Created by Mild Steaming, M. Niwa, S. Sota, N. Katada, Catal. Today, , 185, 17-24 (2012).

    154) Bimetallic AuPd Nanocluster Catalysts with Controlled Atomic Gold Distribution for Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Tetralin, A. Murugadoss, K. Okumura, H. Sakurai, J. Phys. Chem. C, , 116, pp. 26776-26783 (2012).

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    1) Synthesis of gem-Difluoromethylene Building Blocks through Regioselective Allylation of

    gem-Difluorocyclopropanes, D. Munemori: T. Kawamura: S. Hayase: T. Nokami:Toshiyuki Itoh*, 4th Japan-Korea-China Joint Seminar on Fluorine Chemistry, April 10-12, 2013, Nagoya, Japan

    2) Realizing a Sacrifice-free Three Component Separation of Lignocellulose from Wood Biomass Using an Amino Acid Ionic Liquid, Toshiyuki Itoh*, Yuko Hamada, Kohei Yoshida, Ryo-ichi Asai, Toshiki Nokami, WBS 2013 World Bioenergy Symposium, Sept 29- Oct 03/2013, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Invited Lecturer.

    3) Design of Fulleropyrrolidine Derivatives as Acceptor Partner with P3HT for OPV Devices, Toshiyuki Itoh, The 11th International Symposium on Organic Reaction (ISOR 11) Taipei, IL5A, October 26, 2013, Invited Lecturer.

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    7) Development of Self-assembled Synthetic Viral Capsids, Kazunori Matsuura 2013 3 GSC2014 1 30

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    6 26 4 18) Acid Strength of AlOHSi Unit in Aluminosilicate, Naonobu Katada, ABC-7 (7th International

    Symposium on Acid-Base Catalysis), Tokyo, TKP Garden City Shinagawa, KL-A4 , May 14, 2013.19) XAFS: 23

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    13 2013 6 1324) Molecular mechanism of protein amyloid fibril formation, Yasushi Kawata, Special Lecture in Institute

    of Biological Chemistry, Academia Sinica , Taipei, Taiwan, June 26, 2013, Invited Lecture 25) Structure and function of flexible protein: Chaperonin GroEL/ES and intrinsically disordered protein

    alpha-synuclein, Yasushi Kawata, The 18th Biophysics Conference, at Institute of Biomedical Science, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, June 27, 2013, Plenary Lecture (Invited)

    26) : 1 72013 9 15

    27) , 0 25 2014 1 16

    28) 0 , S in MOBIO Forum

    2014 3 7 S29) i HasA 2013 1130) , i HasA

    2013 631) ,

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  • 32) 50th Anniversary Symposium for Cytochrome P450 in Fukuoka “Structural and Functional Diversity of P450”, Nagano, S. 2012 12

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    40) Preparation of high-strength transparent film reinforced with surface-deacetylated chitin nanofibers, Shinsuke Ifuku, 10th Asia Pacific Chitin and Chitosan Symposium, 2013 10

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    43) C59 2013 7

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    45) 4 C2013 2013 6

    46) 2013 6

    47) Synthesis of silver nanoparticles templated by TEMPO-mediated oxidized bacterial cellulose nanofibers, Shinsuke Ifuku, 245th ACS National Meeting, 2013 4

    0 1

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