zetsuen no tempest

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  • 8/9/2019 Zetsuen No Tempest


    Blast of Tempest 

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     Zetsuen No Tempest 

    Coer of the !rst olume depicting "ahiroFu#a (left) and Yoshino Takiga#a (right)

    絶園のテンペスト( Zetsuen no Tenpesuto)

    GenreFantasy, "ystery, $rama Romance, %ction


    Written by &y' hirodaira



    %rihide anoRen aiaki

    Published b

    y*uare +ni


  • 8/9/2019 Zetsuen No Tempest




    Magazine Monthly Shōnen Ganan

    Original run %ugust -/ 0 "arch -12

    olumes 1

    !nime tele"ision series

    Directed by "asahiro %ndo

    Written by "ari 3kada

    Music by "ichiru 4shima

    #tudio 5ones

    $icensed by


    "adman +ntertainment


    %niple of %merica


    "8" Films

    %etwork  "5, T5, C5C, 59T5

    Original run3cto:er ;, -1- 0 "arch -/,-12

    &pisodes -< (=ist of episodes)

    !nime and Manga portal

     Zetsuen No Tempest  (Japanese:絶園のテンペスト Hepburn: Zetsuen no Tenpesuto?) is a

    Japanese manga series written by Kyō Shirodaira and illustrated by Arihide Sano and Ren

    Saizaki An anime adaptation by !ones aired on "#tober $%&$ to 'ar#h $%& t has been

    li#ensed by Aniple* o+ Ameri#a in ,orth Ameri#a and by 'adman -ntertainment in Australia


    • 1 tory

    • - Characters 

    o -.1 "ain characters

    o -.- &usari:e clan


  • 8/9/2019 Zetsuen No Tempest


    o -.2 3ther characters

    • 2 "edia 

    o 2.1 %nime 

    • < References

    • ; +ternal links


    .he story re/ol/es around 'ahiro 0uwa1 a teenager whose sister was mysteriously murdered

    one year be+ore1 and his +riend 2oshino .akigawa 'ahiro is #onta#ted by Hakaze Kusaribe1

    the leader o+ the Kusaribe #lan who was le+t stranded on an unknown deserted island by her

    +ollowers1 and agrees to help Hakaze in e*#hange +or her help to +ind out the #ulprit +or the

    death o+ his +amily 3pon learning o+ his +riend4s intentions1 2oshino 5oins him on his 6uest to

    stand against the Kusaribe #lan who intends to awaken the 7.ree o+ -*odus7 whose power #an

     bring ruin to the entire world8&9

    Se/eral dialogues and plot elements in Zetsuen no Tempest  pay homage to two works o+

    illiam Shakespeare1 Hamlet  and The Tempest 1 whi#h are two stories about retribution1 albeit

    with #ompletely opposing out#omes ;uring the #on+rontation between Samon and 'ahiro

    amidst the re/i/al o+ the .ree o+ -*odus1 2oshino re#alled a +lashba#k in whi#h his girl+riend

    6uoted +rom Hamlet He replied that it was too unlu#ky to 6uote +rom1 and she replied that the

    situation between him and 'ahiro was similar to .he .empest .his realization allowed himto #hallenge Samon and turn the tides in his +a/or


    "ain characters

     Yoshino Takiga#a (滝川 吉野 Ta!"a#a $osh"no?)

    %o"ce& by' &'ki 6chiyama, >ouko &u#ashima (young)

    "ahiro?s friend #ho @oins his *uest to stop the Tree of +odus in echangefor the means to aenge his family?s murder. Aust like "ahiro, Yoshino can?toercome %ika?s death as he #as her :oyfriend, a fact he al#ays kept asecret from "ahiro :y her re*uest. Yoshino has a more calm and collectedcharacter in contrast to "ahiro?s reckless :ehaior, resorting tomanipulation and deceit #hen needed. >akae also deelops romanticfeelings for Yoshino, :ut refrains from confessing to him upon his claim thathe already has a girlfriend, una#are that said girl is the late %ika.

     Yoshino?s setup and :ehaior includes allusions to >oratio from amlet ,#ho is the eponymous protagonist?s closest friend and con!dant. Bt also

    includes allusions to %riel from The Tempest , #ho #orks :ehind the scenes


  • 8/9/2019 Zetsuen No Tempest


    and seres as the magician?s primary means of communication ando:taining information.

    "ahiro Fu#a (不破 真広 u#a Mah"ro?)

    %o"ce& by'  Toshiyuki Toyonaga, Yko anpei (young) The son of a #ealthy entrepreneur, "ahiro is %ika?s step9:rother and Yoshino?s :est friend. "ahiro?s familyDconsisting of his father, mother, and%ikaD#ere all found dead one year :efore the :eginning of the series. Bnechange for help #ith !nding the culprit responsi:le for killing %ika,"ahiro agrees #ith >akae?s plan to stop the resurrection of the Tree of+odus #ith Yoshino?s help. With little care for the destiny of the #orld,"ahiro?s only desire is to locate and kill the murderer of his family,especially for %ika?s sake. Though he is not related to %ika :y :lood, "ahiroclaims he neer had any romantic feelings for her, een if his actions imply


    "ahiro?s setup and :ehaior includes allusions to Erince >amlet, as @ustlike the main character from hakespeare?s tragedy amlet , he is prone toa:andon all morals and reason for the sake of eacting his reenge. Bt alsoincludes allusions to =aertes, the :rother of >amlet?s :eloed 3phelia #hoalso seeks reenge for the deaths of his father and sister.

    %ika Fu#a (不破 愛花 u#a *"!a?)

    %o"ce& by' &ana >anaa#a

    &illed one year :efore, along #ith her parents, %ika #as "ahiro?s stepsisterand Yoshino?s girlfriend. $espite :eing already dead, :oth are still far fromoercoming her loss, #ith "ahiro determined to aenge her at all costs and

     Yoshino still claiming he has a loer. %ika is a crucial character along #iththe main protagonists, it is hinted that she is the one #ho is the key tomany unans#ered mysteries surrounding them. Bt is reealed #hen >akaetime traels to a time prior to %ika?s death that she #as actually the"agician of +odus, #ho, after learning of the future descri:ed :y>akae, decided to take her parents? and her o#n life to sae the #orld

    haing easily restrained >akae #ho tried to stop her. >er po#ers #eretransferred to "egumu >anemura upon her death.

    %ika?s character is :ased on ycora, also from The Tempest , #hich is adeceased character #ho appears in Gash:acks and de!nes seeral of therelationships in the play, and 3phelia from amlet  #hose :rother getsfrenied :y his drie for reenge after her death.

    >akae &usari:e (鎖部 葉風 +usar"be a!a,e?)

    %o"ce& by' "iyuki a#ashiro


  • 8/9/2019 Zetsuen No Tempest


     The leader of the &usari:e Clan also kno#n as the "agician of Henesis#ith the task of protecting the Tree of Henesis #hich is the source of themagic used :y her clan. 5etrayed :y her aide amon, #ho intends to haltthe Tree of Henesis? adent :y haing the Tree of +odus resurrected !rst,she is left stranded in a :arrel #hich #as #ashed ashore of a desert island.

    he uses the last remains of her magic to create a pair of #ooden dolls#ith one of them thro#n inside a :ottle to the sea and the other in herpossession. The doll is found :y "ahiro, and she uses it to communicate#ith him, giing him and Yoshino instructions to confront the &usari:e Clanand preent the return of the Tree of Zetsuen. >akae also deelopsromantic feelings for Yoshino, :ut refrains from confessing to him upon hisclaim that he already has a girlfriend, una#are that said girl is the late%ika.

    >akae?s setup and :ehaior includes allusions to Erospero, the main

    character from hakespeare?s play The Tempest , #ho is a duke #ithmagical po#er. >is :rother :etrays him and he escapes #ith his daughterto an island. 3n this island he makes plans to gain his dukedom :ack fromhis :rother.I-J

    &usari:e clan

    amon &usari:e (鎖部 左門 +usar"be Samon?)

    %o"ce& by' Rikiya &oyama

    >akae?s former aide #ho usurped her position as leader of the &usari:eclan #ith the intention of a#akening the Tree of +odus to preent theadent of the Tree of Henesis. =ater it is reealed that he did so :ecausehe kno#s that upon fully a#akening, the Tree of Henesis #ill recreate the#orld, fearing that :y doing so, all :eings preiously created (includingmankind) may :e destroyed.

    7atsumura &usari:e (鎖部 夏村 +usar"be -atsumura?)

    %o"ce& by'  Aunichi u#a:e

    amon?s right hand and one of the :est magicians of the &usari:e Clan. >e!ghts armed #ith a spear.

     Tetsuma &usari:e (鎖部 哲馬 +usar"be Tetsuma?)

    %o"ce& by' >iroyuki Yoshino

    amon?s su:ordinate and mage of the &usari:e clan. >e is ery smart and:eliees in the reason of the #orld. 5ecause of this :elief he has a dislike

    of >akae #ho de!es reason as she is protected :y the Tree of Henesis.>as a tattoo of an arro# on his face.


  • 8/9/2019 Zetsuen No Tempest


    3ther characters

    "egumu >anemura (羽村 めぐむ anemura Meumu?)

    %o"ce& by'  Yki &a@i

     The current "agician of +odus. >is po#ers started manifesting :y thetime of %ika?s death #hen he #as chosen :y the Tree of +odus to replaceher and got stronger #hen the &usari:e Clan tried to reie it. 6nlike themem:ers of the &usari:e Clan, #ho are capa:le only of healing anddefensie magic, "egumu?s magic is solely focused on destruction anddoes not need any oKerings to :e actiated. >e !rst appears :efore

     Yoshino and >akae #hile looking for the Tree of +odus, and despite>anemura is la:eled as the greatest threat to her, and #as suspicious of:eing the one #ho killed %ika, >akae decides to train him to ensure thathe has the strength to stop the Tree of Henesis should her fears that all

    mankind #ill :e destroyed #hen it fully a#akens are con!rmed. "egumuclaims he had a girlfriend, #hom he claims is his ali:i for the time of %ika?sdeath, :ut #as dumped :y her recently. >e is unsure if he should sae the#orld for his girlfriend :ecause it might seem uncool. Frauline tracks do#nhis former girlfriend?s num:er and address for him. %s the "agician of+odus, he eentually defeats the Tree of Henesis after the Tree of +odus#as reied.

    +angeline Yamamoto (エヴァンジェンL!" ./aner"n $amamoto?)

    %o"ce& by' 7ana "iuki% Aapanese agent #orking under Takumi to inestigate "ahiro and hisconnection #ith >akae. %t !rst, she !nds Yoshino and *uestions him a:out"ahiro?s #herea:outs, :ut then later makes a deal #ith him concerning hisfriend. he is the !rst person to #hom Yoshino confesses that %ika #as hisgirlfriend.

     Aunichirou >oshimura (#村 $%& osh"mura un"ch"rō?)

    %o"ce& by' >irofumi 7o@ima

    % mem:er of the &usari:e clan that left to aoid conGict :ecause hedislikes !ghting. %s the only one >akae can really trust, she left him apo#erful talisman created from a "E; su:9machine gun #ith the po#er tostop the Tree of +odus. Currently Aunichirou is attending college and trueto his paci!st nature, his magic a:ilities are focused on deGecting enemyattacks, dropping them into the ground should they try to hit him, in asimilar fashion to a Audo thro#. Bt is said that not een >akae can :reakthrough his defenses, leaing his enemies #ith no options :ut to gie up orto collapse :y ehaustion. >e is also ery perceptie, *uickly realiing#hen >akae falls in loe #ith Yoshino.


  • 8/9/2019 Zetsuen No Tempest


    >e has an etreme fetish for #omen?s :reasts, #hich comes up inconersation against the dramatic mood usually set in the anime.

     Takumi >ayaka#a ('( ) aya!a#a Ta!um"?)

    %o"ce& by' hintar' %sanuma% high9ranking goernment oMcial #ho possesses kno#ledge a:out magicdue to his ancestor?s ties #ith the &usari:e Clan. %ppointed to deal #iththe matter of the Tree of +odus, he falls from grace after all the deathscaused :y the Tree of Henesis and starts #orking together #ith amon tolook for #ays to learn more a:out the truth :ehind :oth trees and theirrespectie magicians including the real threat they can pose to mankind.$ue to the goernment?s dire need of kno#ledge a:out magic in order todeal #ith the Tree of Henesis, he #as shortly promoted :ack to his formerposition.

    "imori >ayashi (* +, ayash" M"mor"?)

    "ahiro?s ne# girlfriend #ho appeared in the last chapter of the manga.



    .he anime began airing on '!S (Animeism blo#k) on "#tober

  • 8/9/2019 Zetsuen No Tempest


    :eing a:andoned there inside a :arrel. ome time later, #hile isiting the graeof his girlfriend %ika Fu#a, Yoshino Takiga#a is confronted and threatened :y a#oman named +angeline Yamamoto #ho asks him a:out the #herea:outs ofhis friend, %ika?s :rother "ahiro. "ahiro arries at the scene, and the t#o

    escape @ust as almost eeryone else is aNicted :y a strange disease that turnsits ictims? :odies into metal.


    >e aidhe Was8ery5eautiful+anoo #a


    +"re"&attato Shounen

    #a 4tta (彼女はとてもきれいだった、と少年


    3cto:er 1-, -1-

     Yoshino learns from "ahiro that he accepted >akae?s oKer to !nd %ika?smurderer for him in echange for helping her stop the resurrection of the Treeof +odus, #hich is :eing orchestrated :y amon, the man #ho :etrayed>akae and ordered her eile. 6pon using magic to track the culprit, they learnthat someho# there are no traces leading to the perpetrator, #hich leads themto :eliee that a mem:er of the &usari:e Clan is responsi:le. %s the duo#anders through the raaged city looking for more magic talismans left :ehind:y >akae, they come across amon?s aide 7atsumura and, ignoring >akae?sorders, "ahiro confronts him head on.


    There %re

     Things+en "agicCannot $oDe!"na"

    +oto 5a

    Mahou -"

    Mo *ru (できないとは、魔法!


    3cto:er 1/, -1-

  • 8/9/2019 Zetsuen No Tempest


    "ahiro has a hard time !ghting 7atsumura #hile Yoshino learns from >akaeho# to actiate the talismans. Yoshino manages to regroup #ith "ahiro anddrie oK 7atsumura.




    utar" ($"た%、&


    3cto:er -O, -1-

    "ahiro and Yoshino take shelter in an a:andoned house. %s Yoshino preparesfood for them, he reeals to >akae the history of ho# they met and :ecamefriends.


    +erything>appensFor aReason

    Subete no+oto n" #a

    5a!e a

     *ru ('てのと!は、


    7oem:er -, -1-

    While looking for more talismans, Yoshino and "ahiro are confronted :ymem:ers of the &usari:e Clan led :y amon?s aide Tetsuma. %fter they manageto escape, the duo meets >akae?s friend Aunichirou >oshimura to fetch apo#erful talisman she left #ith him. "uch to their surprise, Aunichirou reeals tothem that >akae is already dead, a fact that he personally con!rmed.


    TheEarado ofthe kullMuun


    Tōa" (+,


    7oem:er /, -1-

  • 8/9/2019 Zetsuen No Tempest


    till #ondering a:out Aunichirou?s reelation, Yoshino and "ahiro take thespecial talisman he gae them and prepare themseles to confront amondirectly, :ut Yoshino is captured :y the Aapanese %rmy and #hile he hasanother meeting #ith +angeline, "ahiro confronts the military to rescue him.


    First &issasuto

    +"su (012スト D3ス)

    7oem:er 1O, -1-

    3nce again reunited, "ahiro and Yoshino take shelter in an a:andoned :us,

    #here Yoshino reminisces a:out his days #ith %ika #hen she #as still alie.


    The >ourof theErincessuppressionMao #o


     "!an (魔女456、7


    7oem:er -2, -1-

    %s the Aapanese forces gather around the Tree of +odus near "t. Fu@i, "ahiroand Yoshino take adantage of their attack to :ypass the :arrier protecting it.5ut :efore them and the tree lies amon, #ho sho#s them >akae?s skeleton.>akae learns that she is already dead and contacting them from the past.amon also reeals that his true o:@ectie is to preent the reial of the Treeof Henesis, #hich, according to him, is a :igger threat to the #orld than the

     Tree of +odus.

    /5oyfriend+aresh" (彼9)

    7oem:er 2, -1-

    5elieing that >akae cannot help him anymore no# that she is dead, "ahirostrikes a :argain #ith amon instead, promising to surrender in echange for

    haing %ika?s murderer deliered to him. "ean#hile, 7atsumura confronts the

  • 8/9/2019 Zetsuen No Tempest


    military, su:duing all opposition until +angeline, armed #ith some talismans,appears to challenge him. Remem:ering %ika?s #ords a:out hakespeare?s playThe Tempest  and its coincidences #ith the current situation, Yoshino coninces"ahiro to terminate his deal #ith amon and re@oin >akae?s side should

     Yoshino !nd a #ay to :ring her :ack. Bn echange, he promises to reeal theidentity of %ika?s :oyfriend.


    >o# to"ake a


    Mash"n no

    Tsu!ur"!ata (:;ンの6?


    $ecem:er P, -1-

    %s the conGict #ith the military intensi!es, Yoshino make use of all theinformation at his hand to proe that there is indeed a #ay for >akae to :e:rought :ack to the present as part of a countermeasure deised :y amonhimself to ensure that he could count on her help should his plans go #rong.


    $aughterof TimeTo!" no

    Musume (7のA)

    $ecem:er 1

  • 8/9/2019 Zetsuen No Tempest



    ten no




    777 (BCBDのEFG%HIJ


    With no conclusie eidence a:out #ho may :e %ika?s murderer, >akae looks

    for the oKering #ith no success until a missile lands on the island thanks to the Tree of Henesis? proidence, #hich she uses to perform the ritual to s#itch herskeleton on the island #ith the future skeleton :eside Yoshino and safely reach"t. Fu@i. Aust as she arries, the Tree of Henesis starts spreading its :ranchesthrough the entire #orld, destroying all man9made o:@ects it touches andattacking the Tree of +odus. 5efore >akae come up #ith a plan to calm do#n:oth trees, :oth "ahiro and Yoshino are critically #ounded :y their attacks andshe turns her attentions to saing them #ith amon?s help instead.


    Ehilosophyof $reams$ume no

    +oto#ar" (LのM)

     Aanuary 11, -12

    "ahiro has a nightmare regarding all eents so far and the !rst person hemeets upon #aking up is amon #ho reeals to him that one month has passedsince the Tree of Henesis a#akened. %s amon asks "ahiro if he could kill

     Yoshino if necessary, a construction #orker hears rumors a:out the "age of+odus and reeals his magic a:ilities to a co9#orker, and contemplating#hether or not he is the one.


    >appy7e# Year*!emash"t 




     Aanuary 1Q, -12

  • 8/9/2019 Zetsuen No Tempest


    Bt?s 7e# Year?s $ay and "ahiro is :rought :y amon to his associates to discusshis proposal. %s they *uestion the potential threat Yoshino can :e due to>akae?s ne#found infatuation and trust on him, the pair trael around Aapanlooking for the remaining fruits of the Tree of +odus. %fter paying a isit to

    %ika?s grae, >akae and Yoshino come across "egumu >anemura, the same:oy from the construction site and learn a:out his po#ers. >akae thenchallenges him to measure his po#ers and to see if he may :e %ika?s killer asthey suspected.


    You eemto 5eElottingomething



    $ō&ear" (RSTUVでい#GQで


     Aanuary -;, -12

    "egumu is :rought :efore "ahiro and the others #ho *uestioned him a:out hisali:i during the time of %ika?s death. %s Takumi and amon deise a plan to use"egumu?s po#ers in their faor, "ahiro spars #ith him to increase his a:ility."ean#hile, Aunichiro got >akae to realie that she has fallen in loe #ith




    suru Bōre" (WX-#YZ)

    Fe:ruary 1, -12

    Follo#ing amon and Takumi?s plan, "egumu performs a pu:lic demonstrationof his po#ers #here he destroys a huge :ranch of the Tree of Henesis :efore ahuge cro#d. "ean#hile, >akae is informed a:out a spy appearing at the&usari:e Clan?s illage and departs there #ith Yoshino to inestigate. till inaniety regarding her feelings for him, >akae !nds herself in a dire situation#hen one of the illage?s children is held hostage in a possi:le attempt to hae

    the clan reeal their magic po#ers. $espite seeing Yoshino risking his life tosae the child, +angeline, 7atsumura and Tetsuma @ust #atch from afar as

  • 8/9/2019 Zetsuen No Tempest


    they are suspicious that he may :e someho# related to the Tree of +odus.





    Fe:ruary Q, -12

    "egumu traels around the #orld destroying :ranches of the Tree of Henesis#hile stirring up the pu:lic opinion and the commotion caused :y him allo#s

     Takumi to regain his position in the Aapanese goernment. "ean#hile >akae isstill in distress due to her feelings for Yoshino, and #orries a:out the safety of

    his girlfriend. %s amon, "ahiro, Aunichiro and "egumu discuss ho# to deal#ith the possi:ility of Yoshino :eing connected to the Tree of +odus, theydeli:erate a:out #ho may :e Yoshino?s secret girlfriend to hae some leerageoer him and no conclusie eidence is found until "egumu epresses hissuspicions a:out said girl :eing %ika, #hich Yoshino con!rms to >akae aftershe confesses her feelings for him.



    ErincessMa"h"me (]^)

    Fe:ruary 1;, -12

    6pon learning that Yoshino?s girlfriend #as %ika, >akae starts :laming the Treeof Henesis for her death and decides to aid amon?s plan. When "egumuappears to destroy another :ranch, a disguised >akae appears :efore him totest his po#ers and soon after she Gees, allo#ing him to destroy the :ranchand stir up further the pu:lic opinion. "ean#hile, Takumi, +angeline and

     Tetsuma discuss a:out the mysterious stone found in the &usari:e 8illage andits connection #ith :oth trees. 6pon learning that "ahiro has !nally a#akened, Yoshino departs to meet him, kno#ing that the time has come to tell him all thetruth a:out his relationship #ith his sister.

    1/ The 3:@ectof $esire-eatta

    Mono #a (_ったもの

    Fe:ruary --, -12

  • 8/9/2019 Zetsuen No Tempest



    %s the full resurrection of the Tree of +odus is at hand, at last "ahiro and

     Yoshino come face to face and :oth epress to each other their true feelingsto#ard %ika. 5ut #hile Yoshino is still determined to preent that %ika?s deathmay result in another tragedy, "ahiro still upholds his resole to enact reengeat any costs. 3nce again reunited #ith the others, >akae announces her planto return to the past in order to !nd out at last #ho killed %ika and #hy.


    Who $idBtS9&an"tto

    (Dare a$atta !a) (02`abト cd*


    "arch 1, -12

    5y the same method she used to trael from the past to the present, >akaereturns to the past on the same island #here she #as left stranded and makesuse of the oKering left there :y amon to return to ciiliation. Aust a fe# hours

    left :efore the time of %ika?s death, >akae meets #ith her :y chance andmuch to her astonishment, she learns that the original "age of +odus is noneother than %ika herself.




    (;nme" no

    8nna) (01akae and decides that to ensure thatthe present stay unaltered and her po#ers are transferred to "egumu, shemust commit suicide. >akae tries to stop her to preent "ahiro and Yoshino

    from suKering, #hile %ika claims that she intends to kill herself #ith the sole

  • 8/9/2019 Zetsuen No Tempest


    purpose of protecting them. %fter a icious confrontation, >akae is defeatedand knocked unconscious. 6pon a#akening, >akae rushes to %ika?s house @ustto !nd her already lifeless :ody and a letter addressed to her, containing amessage that shall :e deliered to "ahiro and Yoshino once the Tree of Henesis

    is destroyed.



     *"!a (ijkl)

    "arch 1;, -12

    3nce returned to the present, >akae eplains to the others the truth a:out%ika?s death and the Tree of Henesis. "uch to the others? surprise, neither"ahiro nor Yoshino seems surprised or angry #ith %ika?s decision to commitsuicide, nor do they :lame >akae or anyone else for #hat happened, :ut theyare curious a:out the content of her !nal message to them. "ean#hile, the#orld?s most po#erful nations decide to protect the Tree of Henesis andesta:lish a naal defense perimeter around its main core, in case of an attack:y the "age of +odus. 6pon learning a:out the situation, "ahiro come up #itha plan to hae "egumu reach the core and destroy it #ithout :ringingcasualties to the Geet. %s "ahiro and Yoshino reminisce a:out their !rst

    meeting #ith %ika, their friends prepare themseles for the !nal :attle againstthe Tree of Henesis.


    The 5attleof Henesisa"mar"

    no Tata!a" (はmN%のnい)

    "arch --, -12

    %lthough they apparently hae no need to inole themseles further, "ahiroand Yoshino conince >akae and the others to let them assist #ith the task ofdestroying the Tree of Henesis. With >akae and "egumu distracting the naalforces according to "ahiro?s plan, the others manage to hi@ack the small :oatspositioned closer to the main core and take them a#ay to safety. >o#eer, as"egumu approaches the Tree and prepares himself to deal the !nal :lo#, oneof the capties manages to dra# a pistol and shoot at Yoshino.

    -< To +ach, "arch -/, -12

  • 8/9/2019 Zetsuen No Tempest


     Their 3#n TaleSore,ore




    $espite :eing shot in the arm, Yoshino, together #ith "ahiro and the others,manage to dra# a#ay the naal Geet and allo# "egumu to face the Tree ofHenesis #ith no distractions. When "egumu is a:out to :e defeated, the Tree of +odus transforms itself into a giant s#ord, #hich he uses to destroy the Tree of Henesis for good. 3ne month after the trees disappeared, Takumi proides

    assistance to the no# po#erless &usari:e Clan. "egumu !nds the courage toreconcile #ith his girlfriend and they start dating again. "ahiro and Yoshinolearn the contents of %ika?s !nal message, in #hich she thanks the t#o foreerything they?e done #ith her and asks them to moe on #ith their lies.While "ahiro starts dating a girl he saed from the Bron yndrome, >akaeleaes the &usari:e illage and reunites #ith Yoshino.