y^;'mm& mmk' ^ . . ¦ ¦ .- ,;:>&.,'. , -v, . ¦?&- .., a

¦ y ^; ' Mm& MMk '^ . . ¦ ¦ . - ,;: >&. , ' . , -v, . ¦?&- .., a - ¦ . ^tTHE, ' Ameri c&N IiRAEEiaE ' r - -;J . •/ .- ¦ : ' ^VV :^^ '^^^^^^ i^f^v ¦ " : : 1 : ^"&^ , ' ¦ ft'i ; $£fl!FSl'i^'B ' ^^lm dfr'" wi^them. 1 :^BaHthose " « ' woi^l tfoMi^ii:wi«fwinboscd infolosthwv lng-fc^on b* < sliv&fwfcr^ pfcsentM ¦ -& :a^tolAod 'i om^w^^ioHy fton ' theifolb tor them' to attend. .. . . .Wfl iiiaye nott^ ' v^»f|^^fflBi^* , 4 4BI«^ v ; !]>:&k ' . . J P*¥? *W& ^' . J SMtftttf «Utf ? : ' >mcu refill to ' 'have inTthJinr v to »nd tno &6oondJn Babylon.- IV. - Tlio me. " ?- -&: ' :&^ W; >;i ^y^-- -- ' '^ - fav6r 6f;-tKe^nbl!c - ' and:;pi»vq;kW'aj lo- . fo&tt at.JtitfM^!^^ VllVU U a^a^lHJP* <i£ ^ th .,.. n ¦ .Ai. ii-'tfSiiiii. iw thnir MidrasKln US ori g inal fornWas iridc- . Our matronsVjimjp ifcclvoiaro well *™ sirei ' ;tb sebintnv InTbtl jer - parte: ;;Herp foreign miM ons; ior, vo ioaake 50 prtser .Vl ^^itti^i^i^^i^B '^raJi'^- iS . , ¦ - - -u ^ vw-^i- ^-^ ^^ 7%^ B?^R^fe ^ '' ? ! ^ndeut* otttho * &dmud , Yerushttlml. in the business o>;*uofrnotion and divfc Wbwak ;dl refits: the ' orchestra wlth ^ b ytes . and h«V*;no ^cdn^rt^ ^poo^ o^-S^vS^S'^oS^ I "' ~ " ¦ i BA -tf ri*B^'K*i'-"^- ' •" iWlWW I^ P'W' !^ ^horoW^« ^na9sagw:iyhloh' at first slon, , ' wd I;dott!&pKW* them a blt. es- firm ahand as ever , and hut maimer of 5!°™^ ^ma ma^^ UEO WISE * CO., emphatically. Mi recklessl y do- eight soem to militate against . this pbsl- peclnUyas^eto^fools ojb'oung mcn loading bus greatl y; gained in repose. ialthihta hUeyes^pene^Wtbe beavtMnl; fi SSlnSiS ^SS ' ¦ S < 5 Pu1»ll»her» ind- ' ^prlators. nounced J andi ' .reUukeiH -ti&i anti-Somi tlpt^- Qn-watrt re dpUberatlo n; however* wuo prefer^ unrlDef j friilt at , the risk' of Frau ,&l8tmgor r ate^ntry ^lllprobably. trutkipf hwnoth^sinv; atidjieoottes;. * iS^S B^^MsseVOa^eS 1 ' ¦ ¦2* . ¦ . ¦ . ¦ -\ iiBaB*WBu>;Bw»ia,v, V %: ' . ' V,^ iW'bn I^iiu<,«i^iiinn0 With ?i.*W tb<y ai* seen to have a n eutral; effec t. tdng. ' the%aojifap ' g. , aSlxtechers- who , bemadoin-"Tfae\Beggar Student. ' . ' ,; , comber oraftpjuagp^e. ^ But; we ^ Rortkwtit ' Cor^' slxth^ n* Vn£ ' «&' fe^F v$^^*^ ,SS t* ^' ^Ot^leneWlBuppbsea that Ufa ! Have jlstlefpJWcan hotteallse what On the rieboud da/of RoshHashanah no mission wor^efther herocbr abtoad,^ SBS dMi S^S : ^ Hortf cww ^or^r bixui r >n ^ vu« ^wwew, b ^hJn^t h^t onnd ^o| : . poS9lbl itty. ^gj ; ¦ .patfaSft^fei /^ hwj a y tg 0 jto 0 f the It is ltoibe^iK^P ress' of a househol d, Rev, Dr. Kohler; of thei Toraple Both El, With regard to':*ourquestion ; i^to pb^; $^ : «, i' »n ' M wrsri! '' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦^ ^' ' ¦ '-^. iuiit & b ^denW:therofore , 'taat the 'talk *6$! pruiol pal^wr^bf ^Kah RabbnhR'liro eVehVtho%P^ ttris -a. mother who: delivered asermdn ' at tHe Norfolk street Bible ^ xnodifloaUonB ofj ;reli g lous ; meth. ; ^v^; t ~^|^^J^^ *^i^^ v : « v ^ ; ^^,i^ ; .,... r .,,. , v .^.^ Mltor : tn() B . rlm - e3p , - ;i8. not : antUSemttio^; aVstentetlo attempt has ¦ye t been , mad e- >ughthex»|Smak' o shbrt^akes and synagogue. .. " .^ ¦ ' , . :¦;; : ' . ¦ ¦;. :\ ' <: -^ ¦ ¦ ' &¦: :^s , I may say Aat tdQrthoaoi Judaism; :K^S^ kIS^ v^ ' ^,« V ^^« ^ ,^ aU amin^e^tS ^nS^otVvtti^ W^^ thls 'aSibn:- W^ei eviFiiml- >OT? to : cboS«S&^^ , " There : have^ ; ; 0?Slin<laT; the ' 21st;lnst;; a l vpub lo there is no such possibility. '^ : ¦ ^ v^ : ; oiv&^utStu^toe^t^S- -? ' , . .. . . /. , , : :;. •' . -j j S±a: 8tandlD fr : ^ ¦ . ^ ^JW^*WW«»>; -Mldrashi the latter is assumed to be de- Jng /toitbli g lrlslfthe family ; 'who tTiroat- HWp \tal. \; Thta - :*fflv»nbWrim Vopjpofc, . ¦0°tobor 7 , iB8 3.. v,;, ,, : . _ : , ;.,, ? ;/;,^ > ^ , ¦;¦ ,.;,; : .SS?Vi ^tVlffi^|^aS^^ ' ¦^¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦y -rM& ' aB . f i xW^ pendent on. U^e : former. ' , , :. The Midrash en tobeebm^i j ^aids^a greatcalarii- tiinlty- for the .friends of , the institution, . ""' pENSACOLA Pr iii ^ ' ¦ tankonmi filled ' to ^its utmdst ^ sedtinff ' ' < ; ' ; J :: :^. ¦ . ; ' , ;- ;; ' [OKi!TB^] ; ^<^w s:^K ' ';: icsl'mijnttfttctarera/land ope ratives of Eohah Babbah , it is true, contains nar r ity.to " " thoiigljtl«i' maidens and purse r as well as to " , others, to; inspect one-of .: ¦ ¦ ¦ /. ¦ : .:¦ . ¦ ^- ^" ^V" .. J * u rrr W r ¦^ : -i ^ capabuy wM' devbnt llstehbrt ^ Tii«>ii*niaw lsBAim»and D«»oiRi^ ^ all-klnds ,. boss es 'and iaborerWindoom- ' ratlycs ' aridexpr^iions - slihllar: toithbse; prqud J mottMJfpjutvit: ; is better far ' td the best managed, hospitals . ln: the coun- ,. jj ^ ;y ^ , my;patient : or impatlent - , and Gentilqa ^Hh m ' dsiO^nd^eerembnV' ^ W; ^2 w^ u!^^ii , " ' ""'''' '" . " , ''J S nrla^ tliAt WhftiB^^ hr rt^ninWJiinli ocourring ltt the Posikta derah Kahana. be iAn^d^a^hatt.. a young married ¦ ¦ ¦ ?Spi?5o^.S^ ::;v;::;;:::n::;^ SSMS ^^ iSsw ' m^ ^^^^^ :m a W>wM $k, a - h ?? bfl ^ db °^ ht ^SK fJ SS™ . •h^ w-^ -^^ n^.y^SpPvv.;^ ^T^-te^i^^^ aSB^ ^ r-^ A i^sTAoi to^uabM/bKa jWav^V i ^W^ ^to the pTO fe^lonals , mer- rash is depen dent oa the ,Tesikta 6r, thtt wi^a>Ae^^rd earnings. ! ;,,;, here but itbringfl^ rtlsts^horu^slngcrs :; Such an one have we hercfan heirloom :Pearnnce?wl^al lytho i Jc wHh 'SstorM v^ Aj iTOi oi* lsaJMUrf tt...^.,:: ....... ;...«! oo onant3 ,\ bankers , ^ th^latter^^' the^earller Work; . ' The 'j I^^eBr^fr6^A^he , :lTomaotd::tbat the orjnstramentallste for, tbe now; opera- i n the possession of Mr." A Hudson , f6rmi i olbsed^ ail: ^ Bo^^ rt tb" oneadtoii* ,> "'"- , ' ; " , -tw teachere , ^den^andv, tne ^alleX whole _ m a^^ t Otojdedvln " gre^^- .rabbis .^J^^envj iave ordered the house ^ ety bmillvlew; 1 a- village ^^ Boa. ypers to oneaddie»... I,w tf uO j; e ^r hgnoeit comprises so } ' r ity- " Wanthor ,;doos not. nnder^ M^r^o^^nded , in-order to an- 22d inst , Nilsson is already, here; . : :^ tlUe = reads , ' ! «The Old,^ ¦¦ - . ¦ ¦Sf^^?-^^^ I S^" .^ P 1J U T'' taketodecide whether;these two. works pease thfcwr^fcf the Almighty, who Cdmpanini is expected next week ; Testament , imprinted at' London ' : by^ !tt* ^' |Wfe' lbF " m^B i fi^l^' - ' 'Sol-# ^RATBS OF ABVBlOTSnWK the bulk of . ,tJu>,Rop^atlon ,, whlch, as havennycoMCotJbriwith btie^anbtUer. has sent the'»^s intb thei? city. If the eonduptor , fianesi , arrived ; on Retort rBatker^ p^ntc *l)^ e <Kin^ bbdyMSe^'^h^is^S <• [bkoubh on aunuxl puT>lfcly;'declarea?f:i»;j>ao t anti-Semltto AJ.t^fer^e^W»*ofth>e^ and - within the , next few mosfc ' excbllenCmajes^ oSSlSJSJ? , ^m5nth 0n "" ' !5oo W,** eTer .haf i^beoni ^ OBerliit credSy^; &, W%r,: t Pr, A^aBams; . not aMifehrBmallpOT p ;rWe ,^s hall dW' Pffi ^^^JSSS 1611; 'V- ,IU dedicati6h r smabks ' :of,-the ' eri^ ^^u^ thwe ^ monttlt:;" . ' . :; : ieo that pestllen« w^?8fcvr^;and there # ^«^; from K % Wpst emlnent see; whe|irt^|' ramV horn has 'been trpupe wiil be ready to ^ beg»nthei season , Umos; : f'Tb ihe MostHlghahdMig htie; ,as subflcrlbett^^SEBibX^o^an^«% One, square, six montbft,.;..; ......;.. :... 3S oo u , ' . , . - v r^ . ¦;, ¦?* - : ' . - ^i' . v' - - - '^' iu -i ¦ iV ki. ' MldrasU- critlQsJpji' . the most .fundament .efflcaeiqdsfanail ^so , we may use it-on The ll i'st opera to tj e sung will be. p r i noe. ; ;. James bv the^race - of vGod. 1 ; otiherV IsMelite " because A&a^' -inSi.y-x; * ¦8tfCSS?flS»Viar«*^ft * ^^?*^^ e ^ : ^ ,!ff! W^^ttfero^ . lto«lfigfe'&a^. rf;e«^ ^aust » ^n the : , 8^, * iJ&SJSIb^lSK liS&I ffi W3J08ft^' ^^08 i ..f:^!"S^;^^ ;6 09 of tho Fatherland. ,,;, , ,. .^. : tovlplato "the respect that is due to the quakes !n, w$c1jCase , there will be a cor; Madame Sembrlch will ^ probably^ap. l an | Defender of the Falth. ^: The ^ gen ^ ' ohly ^^ p^ ^lTua%%ur tSeMV «utau V " ' ' ^ ^ ' - ¦ - J- . -J l * , ' ¦: " ' ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ ca^^^ ^ J^b d^voted ;^the ncr i^j S^^ md the Jerusakm rab- pear. There is now no^. dpubfc tjb^tfie: ¦g^^.,Vtt^. -.: i : iif ¦ ¦ famoU8 ^ dlei^i hopcit will^obour a^am-^ "y . . . a ^uare | g four^ven^ otaa , to». ;< , , v .jgj &^^timfof a Talnwdy ad- : ¦^^V>V.%;; »P* f^^.^^« lt ft ! ¦ & ^i°m fflF^«* ^ A 1 ?*' e< ^ ce wUI ^? "^Vt ^^^^ltt^ *M«-V - oharacters : appeara ^ , -;&: brp han ^ asy lumt;>vmv/ne^r- Bbe^» ¦ : ' . ' . :.. . .. . - . ¦ . . ¦¦ ¦ . ¦ . ¦ ;, , .. .„ ¦ ¦ ,.,.1, .-.,.. , , ,.. ¦ ., i^^^i^ KoJ^ iKif '^iw. ' stfitiiiw-' iiiiV several Benpus difficulties ' to contend But I am pertflftded that the old fellows For some t mo pasttho Sunday edition ienffth . - thbvtvne old English and mite. thoueb^bne dfthem reabs^henpfit ? ' ; : ^^^5X£Z&^ m^dernS- ; Im^be^bd 1mS »«Mi»h*i* fcr rt«UB R that ih*y «w «». governOr and mc^t«r > ;and il>e ,i ^also opinion that the; Yerushalmi is obe of , if s ounded at, onelimo f rom the.wall s of denominations regardmg ,the . '' cpndi- brass-bound^ at the ^ tips, : and' clasped 1 ' : The: Sabbath Schbbl:: wili: open next/: ^ ¦ - ' SrVTi^r^'"* - *" -* 1 ! 1 * . : . " ja ^™?*« , ¦ «?^- the source of ' all- sobls ' thatbebbme hV thexhief sources of. Eohah ^ Babbab " Jerusalem wjouldiiiQtcurba single case tiOn , tendency and a^vity of- the rclig- ^i th braMi ' ta the leathern back; two feet SundayT biid oiir mitiisterTintencls^bh- , < ^ : . ¦:¦ ,.,: - .: -, ¦ ¦^, . - , - ..,., ,. -,. ,. ... 7h S afeS SnS?Sn?S the * as ^ ^ver/ he "discoverej l that ^ rfiis . ' The latest;., r>pprt .: in pur marriage Sunday, ^pubhshed^tate^to ^ from abofone-third . foat thick. Wouldiit nbt rUmon^ l^ iopVb yiaUMea^^prb pos! h Tue British Museum, : as has : been * ? tl^e angbl-ptmces arej ons^f . the. assumption -i*; open to serious pbjtic . market is ¦ : quie : ; encouraging. .,TK e Rev.^r. ^ttheiL and Rev ,.^^ 8erve , as a portable ^dd<!:WeM«ffi of ;an : Dub ' bbservation^teilsSme that therb is * * inentioncdbefbreintbis lournal^iately ^^S h ^ lona -^ ^astog .asido^ ali;:premdice, young men arajopbng up and the girls Mendes^ ;The _ inmister .^: t^ , . - , ¦ ' ; " """ £ " "*. ' J*J~' y The dobtrinb'rihderiyng this ; metaphys- he applied himself to the solution of are, rather: weai4;Transactions ' private. said : "One. of the main . purposes of . Last Mbndav' the eve of Rbsh Has- ' -liae-^A meriei -' ¦ : Gontlemen i bFBlb5^& ^ ; ac^r<ul a cpUection . orEa rai^ BiM,- ^ 8pcc ^^ 0n ^^ un v reraftl ^ d the p ' roblem: : -Whava*efbre us two Thb^hterm^artin He lle?^^ Refo rmed ,JudaUm; ie to^nbte g h SS£d ^ ^pobr SS: S ^pS^^SliSay T calmapuscnpte cpntaming the Hebrew. BDeo J- ro4dence oVthe world' s s olo ^fcs- Is th ^ relabon .between ,tbem g^ed^op okBachman^ Consider, ^twnaUeleme^.and to subsWute ^ for CoDgrb gation , at lour tempK. ^ethei; ^aL|begrudge if y bu;will make - a^tt lig text written in; Arabic:charabters -5Most ^V V?^™° M : ™y ?™ * s™ om^ ation , $50 , 00p; ^yable on the marriage it a p u r e y^ #f; tb<^e tex^ are ^furnished with the 8 ™!^'^ > '^bfcW vowel^bln^ and accents " and ^ thpse who watcli.th e market closely and and ^ligious work. ^^ ' SS^7^ inST^^« ^ , doctrine , we read in ;KM Chtmdah, (see; "^ b e; doubted,, j it Is clear ^ that Dr. ; are experts; ;.^ ; . ¦ ¦ ¦ ;: : - ; . y , ; ; , many^ arc . Jews^ ho Jo m ¥*J for graye r and ; ineditation;:: It;; is;thb^ ^ nhag v America!«: It^would^ be^the also witl. Arable yowbl letters. Some ;^^ ^ ' ^ ^- *. .^^ - : Abrahams; has, 8paredno;palns to render : T)r , Paul v ^indau. v . of , - Berlin, u^y cbngrcgation, : and m this ^^ the Open^oas t of sbme our JehWdim that ^ost^l eomb / acbuisitibn ^ ^bur^^ . .or these m anuscri pts ' exhibit , besides . 'Sa? «£3 wa£* ^^, nyi >.r ft n^,^ his researches as-perfect , and . complete who ;:; - stopped. ' . at . v the ;, palace numpcr^fvehurch members is no indi- n ^ bther cit^ in ' the South of bbmparaV : Vices; v ::f'Zimr ; :::^K;'^O^Z» mirbs - " :Yis- ^ this novel feature/varlant readings of ' m ^ I^^ S bS^ as f V^^™*™^W°^ -* ^Lafe and v othen, finding, ^tion^ fth o ^ual number of^c xte.$$^^^mwL-& ;K»&?ferd lS&afi ' importance Therefore Dr Hoerin^ is , -ft- ^ v ^ g ^^^ ^* ' ' " in ^ h 's most^resting r e8say v v to ,onr on the day priclr to hk deparlure that ; ^hp ? Ull have ^ the eonv cUpns and ti«> ^^5^; , Jt j s : an4 nftssum ibg irame: .ibb;iniich music ^anU ye> not Enough, ; . jmpouance. j .ne , reiore, , i>r , tioenng.is also, the ' angel-princes of all Nations,; in readers, we; heartily . . congratUlate.;;Dr , his only suit wak rather, dusty, ; he rang : religious; practices of that denomina- buildin? sav cicrhtv'fdet dGan anlthirtv- ' ^ and conijr e,rht&mtintiki nSw^obil , ^out to publish: the most remarkable ^der that 111: holy souls of ^ the sev- AbrahamS ^nhis-suc ce ssf|bfi^. ^ We for ^. vco lor^: ; seifvanV^of i whom tion ,/ l ean np Vmake :. any comparison SvoSw^KiSSbSs? Sn SulliSnb^rlc^^ -' V one of these maniSscripts , a fragmentof eb^^ations : should bo bntitledlto bin- tr^t that his work ¦ -, may.be^ duly - ap ^ he * desired . , to ' know ;^oW long between theJe^s ^ and other o>omina- ara of .pUr6 white cblbr. at^ the comers : )sacred musfc^oWhObtinaye^ Exodus 5 , 1. to Tiiw^lto jbb ;an exact Se ^b^^A Ybecbme^ prosblvtbsV P^cinted^o : thatbe.ma ybe, inducedto ; £ yyuU takei to , have , his v clothes twns as . r^ards ^ cxpansKm ; ftecau e I bf ;- wh oli 'Ia simple ' black : ' border Containing musloi ^:;every l|ieca^that * -i : * ¦ ¦ ' iv u /-VT. : J. j ' ¦ '¦;• orace tue ./Aora A (pecome proseiyje s; , continue his useful labors in other dircc- brushed ; and . tivo them a thorough take no more than a general interest in 5^ , ¦ „„ ¦ ri . j, r P pWipi n^B^ ¦¦ ¦ luivn " Minl Vft^ *m«H«W ^An&fnt»^rtnr ' onir, ' fa« simde, for the beneht of students ,^ ;^ ¦ v l- ;i - -V -:i ,: »V ' V ' ' V \ ' harc mam*aJne4 ^ Rab- »^^-^ n^^e;: . TOnld haye' ; l>M . Pfb? re ^wi ^ompar^w^^of^ whbse busmess^as; been seVorelyshat summerrbSOrts arbJ»omb^gain;'exbept ybmA^Jt^ tho ^ay of Atonement, tage ^ wb only received it . froni our fath- bah. ^ epical investigSuoa. B^ Joseph ^^ m S 00 £^ a P e * ^^^^ tered by reason of . yellow fever rumors. . Mr^iFibkVwhoyot tarrt^^ ' SK Lbnfe.. , . annuaUy. demonstrates the vital force Crf'' The author of this passage was ¦ Abrahat n9 '^' ? ^ D V :; - .?^ ¦ ¦ ¦} * ¦ ¦ Lmu>u to^j ff ^ oat , panfe and vestand m keeping with , t^e incr^ o^Jewish You cab readily imagine their obstacles and we ai^ ^lad ^ M^hnYe Sthem^back. of iTudaism "The mvriads of : the o ^' - l *? * > v : ^1 V ? ss * e6 7— . . . = f. at ; dpwn in his shirt and drawers writ- worshippers,, and this i^ duo to the fact ^ buiidin^a.piace ' of Worship, which They nn'dm^d^wbll^libwrfd^iiiUce- oi , o uuaibm . v. ¦ xne mynaas , 01 tne Samuel Lanado (or Lanoido), who lived ^v^T ^ a,, ;. ;; ; ; ;;:•; ;;:.; . inffiipj ] s diaii;>In:a: fev ;mittute a; *t ;out. <pre3ent: . s»j )p!y;of competent; thor upvalue aTlo^ob^ and on which hearth and hbme haobv - ^#^ . thousands : . *^ , wonien\ and children crowd the houses : curs;AVas published inTenlce; 1596 , aid ;: ^ y Wv?K w ™*lT *~~* ,^ ^ r . absortedJpiJiis^vritingV and : imag- .^^ ' . ^^: \ \X^a. . r^i^ ; : ;; ar. , : :Adolph-:.G6ldstuker^acfed : ;.. ' as: . r ' ^t ' ^ ^'^ ;• £' *¦£ ' - "^^ Z ; of worahip, and most of 5 them remain praffUC { m. hence lie certalnlv did : '¦¦ ' :;. .-: ' - ¦di^w.iwJ' ' ¦ •-¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' - ¦ ¦ ' l 1 ^ the ; nc«*V;time was up said: . v . "It ls ^or the ; same , reason that . In chasan during the Tecent : services. It ' ; h ? *&: ¦ ; ?> ^ Ti^J J ^^h:^) ^ ?hprp from mnrriin(r- t! l - flvpnino- in f - i^v ^ V » ^?W .; - , , ,. . 8A.N FRANCISCO. -: "He rein! ' .Inifene ; his astonishment spite of; our deep sense of ..what ought j= S j mni B iustice to add that ho deserves : ¦:¦:>: -^ \, \- -\ : i' -^l v ' ;.::' . ?;:: ' ;:- ' K..^- . . , . eteaay aevotion. , wnat we saw . every tiamty," . in which ; the same , doenncs , : rosh hashanah V ¦ ¦ :,> ¦ thev^tn ; mar^od , in for the purpose; pppulation m the lbwer part of the city, kin(]„essin training tho chUdren to sing . Imadb^ glorious ^by veUed prophets; .who -year, we savv^ again; this^ year , onl y m: of ; , mi ver8a i a bd special providence Has come - and E one;: and we are now of ^^ the songs of our ra^: ;:.:^ '; Increased numbers, the temple crowded becur, and ' that tltbSinal revelation was on the anxious bench awaiting;; the ment ?nd ^uml , : him in that plfelit ! any e^ n s^mc^re^ Miss AntoniaFries : was ^organist; and Amusement i to a * misoellanebus imblti- ' . ¦ tb:its utmost ; capacity duriug the t^-: and 5s intended for the: safcion of all awful day^vhen our fatesAvill be sc aled. SSSlnnS v£u bndoubV ^SS^'SSS was ?^ 80 ^ongraUdated-on her faulttess t«de.bL sigh^eer S«d«nMxed , , mbns and alwavs full of -wbrshiners " ' ; ¦¦ ¦ - •« ¦ ' - *. ' ¦•*— ' ¦ ¦ ' i ia - » i_ It is so easy to say good and" pleasant . a ? ,. lue . gv«ac j oivrnanss win pnapuui- 2r£ ^SrSi S^H playing. . The children sang nicely, and -washed and unwashed, Combed and un- > : S; SvmS p Tl,^^W. S men; wi thout refeTence.t<) eitlier race or , thin - it & qa i xJ& o!(ort i i/ fac W to ^ wnte hornj his^xperience , in , . . San ^ at^e need _ for special nunwtrator to &ter services received double kiss - e ' ^for xombcd-^all were there to^et^glimpse , .during prayer ^ time ll^samewas the 8 ^. .; . T ^^ ^ Sffi^lfis ' b^ v ca^e in all temples and , synagogues wh0 ^^ ffliSab?- ISc h is tn e ^ s9 eL^X ? Gbd : The ^prising feature of: thbeyening;; prophet; Babyland was also;ro^esent- : heardvfromr All: that, declamation oh 8i, aD0 Vka foot W the bboV - Aw^ ^ SS^S,wSw-Sj£S?2f waawhenMiss . slrahDannheiser . agirlpf ;e^d Dy ftoat' Uven , , qur ^ congregation?, steadily , : ^ti ply, any lecture 0 p se ^ 0D r is , to ^ e a; upon ^ ^ them ..^^-^ ,, T ^p le^nd severaV^ther societies - of ^^^^^^^"^ president of theKahU as^^ ; , and the established ones grow in mem- ; Jftwi8h HtcratureV : although : we do not commending their manner of observing ^<* , h« : was; laa ^ honorcd. member, l^ s^ c s^ d^^ ^01 ^^ v/AUbj VlnwSi. lu ' .behalf bf the *AmaranHi the memory of children^ Ab irresistible bership and in ; a spirit of attachment &lwavs bote bur sburceV : :, ^ this New Year. : But , as\I;am a Jew^ ^ Blochwas a ,good; kind , benevolent M^W^^W^^^ S Social Olub,' to present to the officers ; charm hovercd;: abound the mdgic ;mir- and^ood faiths : ¦ ': ,: •: ^aj s n ote our . sources. , ; : tue less said abobt it the betteb. . It was. ^™e$™WW l W ^dreds ^^'^JfJ^^S ^ and members of the Kahl this <; small . rori magic Cave and^ mag ic wan^which , ¦ , .;. * ¦¦ ¦ - - . - i\\ ^ . ¦ ¦ ; . ¦ ¦ . - ., . ,. . .,. . ,.. ,. ,. .. . - . ¦ :• - . thb same as last ' -year/bnl y a little ness ^ th ^ c ^V b ^ : : A^ ne^ ;Rabbinic' al.:SCminary " was ^ ^ , " . : : The JHdrasl. Babbah. ;, ; . ' ; f , and by de^ees.we are becoming .ffqurxyliis loaq.-^ . , , , ¦; , / y ^-M^ Fxm.^,.; S r g^S^S in(; t j W8t < a : of ;kay itg iyo to:the. pfiicers ^d members j itter ,^for ^ the literature^pon ^whieli ' il -ii ; j j v Uj ' ti ¦ ¦ - a ' . n^ 4>,,.o>,Vrho ' PabnV nn T?hi, n-K TioVi fearfully less. The preachers preached: ¦;¦ ¦ ¦ - ¦;- ' ¦ .. . . ' ' « >, ¦ « . ' .: —- : ^ „.„.^„„ i^„» VooA ^ivi»' ^^ i,D !: Y»« - as much pleasure in accepting as it does inf ancy; has been ¦: fed. - The common- . ; bu.lt :and . de^dvla e^ . m . Ams^ and threaders rem and ;^^^ ' ;^ m |otakc to ^ace of ^,^ JTamldmsli - .te-Vhai/im , , winch , , s too* , pact ^ell-written and to th c point. . The those who :;haaV ; front , seats , made ; the . Our ChristianVfriehds .have an' apt and^ in ^actual -membership a;: very ; ^ r b. success of,the; Temple - Bettiel , f cent : , pageant v which ; , paraded , -pur :::there one hbBdred and five , years. ' -Mr; object the author had in view ib com- ^ost pf their ; feathers , and term for those ^lukewarm ' members Of large class of: Jews who ^ otherwise a1 ^ me ' m ^ he ° am ^' 0 ^? uv clu ^f ^ Veets ^^iday :;nig I^.; ,:calW v iwlh ; Simon Monk and his sister^orbthea ' pote lfaV .* :^™ >¦*&&«as h^^nough^ me)t their faith ^wlib e a tte nd ance at;chu r cV wbu M hav e remained: :w i thob t any w^^ou one , andy ; aU- : a:.happy New ; tt^dm^ t^^^the; tmbh^^TK T imAv^ffW ™™ n,« imnnloA t n t l,« stated in his own words. . The; op inion in ; ; a>oahoo- frock , and , the^men who depends upon the leather, They. ' call kind of organized worship,: Morbover =T? S": ¦ i : - ¦ ;^'; : i ri -K- : ; ^: . ; i: , i ??*^ ^ 1 ?^^^**^^^ * ?^ I^uwensteen , gave tto irapulse , to the - ncra] ,^ in vo&ue i 3; ., tnBt th«Mtdn»h ¦^4r.^^ - :^; »^;': P?b«^, «" A' .- ;the m:''fai^weikicr Cteistians^' ^ ani it^af broS-ht -intb^olderi rel^r abd ^ rSolcm -^ ^A°^W\ ¦ ?«-. budt . o^aseale of^andenr. seWom at- erection of , tlns .new/ibiulding.by a;gen- ; | cha b RWah ° is the^ ;wbrk of/on«;au- tkem^in;^^ mbVcsalientrsignification, the essential ^ e ? t ^; a PPJ aU8e ^ ^: 1Il ? s ,P a ? ,3h ^ se ^ ^J ^^ ^m^T : ^^^ ;the , . : erbbs douatipnof 2(^00Q.nbrins; The thbr::that k wM city.tl.e ''fair^cattier 'r . Jews^e in the 'teacliin^bf Judaism an balance of •80, 000 florins wis addeo ^: by and ' th at 'ite-principal:: sources, are the ao . it goes , r athe r werare dnftmg^ I b^b rity, and Spec ially "fair^veather' v ^fiem in 'their purity unenebmbered: by. 1 ? u ^' :^ e .^Sf^^ ^ '^ th^LaLns of othe r iidWduak ^nd Tal mud ceremonial for the comprehensiob of ark and ^^- ^ d^ :$ this ^ lft, .prevailed ;^ ^ crowding^ andojam . . the dopauqns of oHierindividuals and ; shit,v, RftDbaK;. aa d the; Pesitklv derftD waters 0 are , consta ntly : receding, - and rf^d vat' from the appearance of the Jew and-Christiab alike. ^ith VegaVd wasbOnce^d ^ ti^ dub^ompose^of ,ng4ncident , to the occasion the , abseneev the congregation ; for the budding as U Kannna . i 1 ; jj ^-^Abrahams ' "investiga- that:^o-Wilt soon findVourselves with temples and sy mgogues on. ttosh HaV to attendabcei although - sufficien tly:'^ a1 ^m}^ 3^^^0^^^^ P f tha trumanism;which goes far toward ¦:¦ etands costs 100 , 000} florins wd is de, tion is anbttempfc tb prbvethat all thtsc :our ark high-and-dry. - I draw a veil , hanah;; -yerylew; i! . any of them, had la rge* it -has' not increased. : ^T hfa is ^ n ^ ^^ s .^«i er Ro^tein ,; .J ice; creating a ? panH; was; especiallyi norice - bcribe das bein-r a palac e on the Rapdn ^: propositions can ^ only, he received-: with over, the :picture. :, I ^te : to; contend, thbirbeati n^ ^i pacitv .full y tested; abd .solcW: for t^ SJ strcet ^hl iiteribr ' of^ he^ew qualification;: becausfc , , : ^ plate , ^e . fo ture^ aa. thel presen^ is ; ; so fat^nbne of tuenY wobldv worshipers .too worsnip becomes more ' and more :aia£ '^W* a ^ ^s Be^ Colien^Secre- ^ght^ ^e ^ok yn^bridgc ^as tc r Jurger strcet The m^r^he MW, H . t . ., j^ / ^^^.^^^, ^. ^ f raught wih; nothingness -that it pams pobritopayfdr;;membership ;:br:a: seat : bf ndclssarv * ttendabce; ob. -b usibess ^t^^^f ^^^^ f ^. ^^^^Otlve^^ope. ;;, *a:^ - building is arrange d about the , same,as Us present fbhbas the work ok & least me vto look ^ oyer . ilievbattlefield^and 6 av e ; bCen refuU admission. ; That bur matters aba v prof essional dutiesV The ^M l »^ w .fi^ ¦ * S^V:/V=» i ¦ ; Vi-• ¦ r ¦^' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ l ¦ ; ^^^^^^^^^f ^ the Hebrew Union College of Cincinnati , ^authors or Compilers/ thdvlatterbf counttlie slain. , The synagogues were : rabbi s did ^ no L have ^then ' as . large religious feelingbf^e older: members; : |^9 a P^¦H^:^.9 ndo ?; J . tt * ^¦Wl , , ?^. ¦ ; »S:^ifte .W«?^^j *«^™^d;ijHe- ouly that the library :in: Amsterdam >vhom was thoroughl y acquainted - with well filledon the first ; d.i y ; sermons ^ and . BudienQes . .a s Usual , : *mst -be ; ^ is "Srong enough:- to resist ^theseV.de- ^^^^:^^? 10 3^^^ ^^^ S T a ife^^ H ^ Vv, m^t btrmuclrthe larffcs t as is evident thb Talmud.Rabli?A " songs w.ere highly acceptablcvanithere bribed, to tie . : :rain. - whicl i . from mands . Sut amlng ihbvybbnger mem- ?he °pening ^ pf _ tho :;^clmU? ;,; was ^ must be^uchtb^argest, «s ^evident , .^ ^ ^ ^^^ ^^ ^ was? . more ^ order .and^ ^cor^m : every- early mbra - ubfii: late in the afternoon: hersfwhb were born bnl educated ib' ^ ^ c ^f a ^ W1 " be ^' ? mem ^ e " d V R^v ^ ^^rael , have -duly vob se ryed : from the , bibuogtajihy of . SabaUii Bass jnal iorta waS altogether independent Of; where ' , but - far^ss^gipj ayand' - but pou kd down unceasing ly.: , 7 \ this ' cobniry ; and who enter Jife with- ¦ ¦ ^f: 1 ^ 1 ^ ^^^ ^^ fe P . 1 ^; ^h BashawKourppw ^r^ congre- (Siplkei Yeihenlm), which was . printed : the.Talmud Yeruslialmi. " > ' ¦; ^ry little: . of- mety. . - The ^»yan.«-- T Mr: ; Sidney Kosenfej d is back from out:faby dOTlifications^v to in Amsterdam in 1680, in which 2, 121 . 1H. ''We have not sufficient grounds three ^ . ; an%dld;^^ thbease is otferwisa , ' . " : ' . " -\ -: "£¦ " ¦ w ^ e . W d !. ^ f f^ W3: : R ^ ia M-^:^^ -works prints and! manuscripts are ' re- for assumingthat the Midrash; fichah is ™g . business , of f pnner . year?, t^^tion of^O'he goggar Student , ^V : : :»Youb;questibn as tb^ IS ^S ! 5 ^^W^r wL not dependent on the :Pbsikta : derab as oiir people, . ,f , they ^ cannot; ¦ tKe comib opcr* wluch^ now the rage : between tub Jewish and other churches, : ^t^S'^^^^ ^£$&? b ^ ^^^1&^^4^^ , ported. Ihe . nntbpr of that worjr was Kanan{L'. «.; v : , , ¦;. . enter the main cireusywill.not. patronize , on the Continent, Rdsebfeld' s version: I will answer^ frankly; Attempts to ' es ^ ^asurer , and . Sol. Cann ^ < a basso suiger, native of Pragiie; whoso /The author having commented upon ' l^' Mdc B^w^^^lmtoilftj. 'wcrp bt >Pan6e- ' \ M^bBale^y ' .' fe'-ii n' eoi ,ta« tabVish a Va„proc/iemea« with bther de- " o ( - o»^«-1^ ' ' ¦ ' ' ¦ ;: , : G ^ BA ^' :; ^S^ S . TO^^^^ .^^fe?^ ! family name appears, to have been the imperfect manner in which most showered ;v;ith IaYish|and, and cards y clfcvercst renditions of . foreiffn , fun wi th nbminatibbs li ' avebeeb; made by us, es- b^ , i883 . . . . -. - - . ; . . ; v ^^^ h^^y ^ ^, . i^M^ Mi Stricmers. writers on the . Midrash h ave bitherfo tlie cheap kind ^ werfl ^ thrown ^ about p rd- wuic b:t:am acqiiainted.; Not a night pecially with siicli as seenfed to ' avbw v JEFFBRSOS CIII. MO, ?Ss? P „r fi?^' " A^i^r ^ vt^^W amcmeis. . , ^ ^ ^^ mqu . rie8 ^ regftrd ^ miscuously. Presents . were rare ¦ ¦ I p iigaes , but .^vhat his. witty : libes Ire monotheism; ; -But though they : were ' ^ xaM ^i^V' ' ' .L "' :{ >. ; ' , , ^#^, ai ^ 1 ^^.%^5 ^ ™.w 1 «,r 'l nt wn« »i, D n,f n this subject , and tl?c ir readincssto-pro- looked for several, but it seems that the | roc ted by.pcals of laug hter. : ; waU ' -redavW ^' d^ nbt-^l i^efe: ^ Jefferson City, the Capita;^of Missouri; ^^^™^^ a ^ f S^5;:^ ^ A beuahkable event was the Octo- nounce J a9 ' ^.^pt a ii,pass a ge8 that fashion is: not favorably looked-upon by- ° The Directors of the Young Men ' s fruitful/.tney werb not redprocatod 'to ber election in the State of Ohio, not- geem to contradict their ; theories, goes those who, at one .time, , Avere willing to Hebrew Association are'evidently thbr- W apj ireciable " extent Upon tbfe, inhabitants, amongst whom reside ei ght ; w ^v ; ' :V v y^irt/???.7:C^^M ] 2 *& ' because the Democrats were victorious, on to lay down two " f undamental rules, - receive, but are -down , ^ on the cus- 0Ugbly in earnest in their effbrts.to extend whole I am : - ' not dTssatisfieo; with , the pbr : to ten Jewish familiesrbesidesievcral ' ^: \^ . :;WOMEN HsiiTNo ;WQJiEN. ~ry; -;; andeleotedtheirticket byal2, 000major- that mig ht afford the-student great as- fom t ? iu ^^?S?^^,^hl ^^ !n : what niay ^e , t8rmed the down-^wn smbtf of/Judaism^b this^ city. ^It has single men. . : . ' - . , -V . . ^ ;, ^ jM^ ;.\ i <)ur Woman' s^ 'Exchab^e is alor^ctiea]: ire frtr Ohin iin'ilnno. iiPPn .„ „»„„,/„!„ sistance in his endeavors to discover the - 'Andtfot ^ do1 nope, inaf j iu . tpo, cmioren miaaiouary work of the society. , Not taken: departures in aome; directions -Five years ago , the Jewish, ladies of iii ug (. ratto n>that women as ; a classbvin- ,ty . for Ohio has long been an uncertain ori gin of Echall Kabbah. With this pre- ¦tfttoMi ™H - be entered upon the hpok content : with establishing ; a braneli.in which may devel6 P_ greater powers of .J^rsOn City^ganizedand formed^the , ; baS S^SSubeo ^^ State. Also , not because the Prohibition fftC ° ; „„ at; ^hce proceeds to set fbaiithe: of life;; that they may live, to see the East Broadway, : another /important usefulness/than the Judaism of Europe Hebrew Ladres rSewi ng Soeietyiihavl ng ¦S^ ^JroS ^ MBiffii ^'XSP^. Amendment was defeated ; for fif ty rel ation of the Midras h to ^. Talmud e rro r of their way s, if .tliey are chargea- step has just been taken in securing from as found at present. '' , ' inview the erection of a place of worship , - W er i oveVanc e: a, fQW^ntorbrisini' ladies million dollars of property was it stake Babli ; A\ Tolmuo; Yerushalmi ;.and: G f ' , wiWi errors, and that whateve ^ r be- tho trustees of the Five*bints ' Hoiiseof The ; rabbf of /the:. Nineteenth: " street, . and after many btruggies1 . ;therr . bright, ,^ 8l i, in g thea;6U« i tra nsit' in in the form of breweries distilloriM the Pesikta derab Kahana. , ' ; ; tide , whether the ^o/ar . falls no , longer Indu stry : thtj use of: their class-rooms synagogii e( responded as follows : ' «'There, dreams : are at last realized./ .This .^nefican individuallife> saw the adv ' an- 1 ?k T-,^ % ' o * , f v ' ' "\A. One of tlie revisers of Eohah Rab- pleasantlj- upon thclr; ears , or. whetller for each night of tlic week (Friday and are 'enoT-mbusvimmigrations fr6m Slav- morning : I was.sho^a.beautUul struo- S^S^ SS^. and other buildings in which tho liquor bah was bequaibtod with tlib: Talmud tbc A6een^ ^^ longe r Sunday exoepted^ and of their large bbic abd M agyar :bommunities , whence: tur^ business is done, besides vineyards , hop- Babli. ' All things tend to prove this: any charm Jor tnem . tu oy wiu they have flbd to avoid a bitter persecu- K^ fiel ds, etc ; , and ' the livolihood of thou- Several sectibnsl n the Midrashbear a g 0 2 d ' ' ; vh °^J^ V^«$A ^i$$£: persons; for, Saturday CTObings. -It is; tibn. Tbelieveithatthenumberofthese ^ and;displayed: to;the^best ' advantage. ' RimU at familips wfl^ iponn.rili^rf By, striking resemblance to corresponding and .with out .tno ^ gaTes ana , ^proclaim proposed tb^ pen classes for . instructing^ immigrants . .In this city cannot fall short be proud. I will also state.,. that Mrs;, Orders can " alflO 'be leftv for evervth&ir san<b5 of famdies was jeopardi ?ed. Re- * in - the; Talmud; whenever proudly whcneVer necessary, ^dbnav ^ub g eo^eligionists in rudiments of the of, 25^0 , all ^ of. whom are thormighlyi Fannie Strauss, no^.deceased . was the ~ mSi^^ : &^m^i^^^ markablc in . tho event is this, that most i hia : obcurs :there : is evidence ' to show ^ chod. , ^ . . , ,- w,; , ¦ ¦ , Vernacular , ' ;: as well as to impress upon,/Orthodox ' Jt is obvious that; aa ' wi: first President of the H. L. S. S. ; Many ba^Sels ^ 'S r^ca^P^ all riotestant clergymen, preachers , that the Echah Babbah account is later bilveh weddings them sbm ' e of . the duties pf . American make no proselytes ^ our on ly gains niust tka^/ar e dne . the Jewish K«l^ parsotis, and deacons and deaconesses, than that of the Rabli. We are, there- Are not always celebrated when twenty- citizens. The most essential things be from the natural increase of the Jew* cit y; The: ladies interested in this hoblej man y. 0f.. the voung ladies " present - 'to k ciders together with the ladies and the fore< "naturally ledto conclude thatthe five years have passed overthe heads of which many of our unfortunate Russian i3 h population in New York , and. such a work are the Mesdames . Hpohstadter , . : thoir eentleroa ^a ifnends- asf.ohilobbjna , . ' .? , ¦ ¦ . ' , , , , latter furnished the reviser [of tho Mid- a mamed couple; at aU events , in this brethren are in sad need of b. eibg taught jbovwaent as has recehtly ' takeb place VetsburgV ' Bbdcnhelmor, " i i Goldman, - ^retA nt,, ¦ ;,„ ; ,, ; * t „;,, ' bo iiSw*t4iioli - other pillars of the church, have- rash] with his matter. The only hypothe- cV, we are not so particular as to -English, and at loftst sonie MqUamt in Easl«rn Europe. Our numbers all WoUermab zmd several others whose t ^^^ preached and prayed these three months sis that can be suggested against^t is, dates in this respect as has recently onCO with the ' riidimcbtary laws : of told are between 80,000 and 90, 000, of names If ailed to learn. The name ;ot ^oman ' tsnmorb^ entHle 'atb' bld- ' and-avm- in all parts of the State. Not only was that the author of rEchah Kabbah had at been demonstrated. I asked , a lady health, hygiencr-will - receive a largo whom perhaps a fractibniless than 20, 00 0 . the . congregation is Beth El , numbering . p^thv. ; ¦than^ anV" Other; , ¦¦ ' cIass ' ¦ ; i' f6r ' ¦it ' : ¦is• every church and overv vestry room 00- nis disposal ' a- collection of Hagadoth friend, a short time ago whom I met at gharQ of the attention of the are of the Reformed nersuasion^J, ' ' now only twelve, members, ,, Our co- . ¦ ^tTCmelv^hara ' '-^ „. ;li i,„ n, ^^i,^/,., ; _ " i„.,^„> .„ similar to those occurring in the Jtabli. a silver we . ddingv and whom *l have instructors of the . proposed classes. "The question you ask with regard to religioniste of Jeffei-sbn City are gentle- whb hfls ' onlv a fftsiuonabifi e ducation cupied by the nghtepus m prayer as- Bufc thU grat uitous nsSumption-which knOwn when she was married-twenty- In , order that the people out efforts to supply the religioi^n<ieds men ofstabdlhg, Who take a great in- SS «SM- ^ Bcmbled , but halls and public localities s]10uld - never be proposed except, as a five ' years ago—why she does not eele : sought to be benetited may be fiilly in- of the Jewish tenement-house eleincnt, teiSest in the peq>etiiatipn Of Jbdaismy- ' complishments - wliieli in former -din s were hired or rented, and Heaven was last resource—is, in the present instance , brato her sih' er WeddingP The lady formed in rcgiu-d to the scheme insti- I can only answer by saying that our and it is -to .be' hoped that.this under- were/ merel v orn aibental ¦ aib ^in ' a assailed from all sides and in all kinds repugnant to all philosophical reason- , placed her finger , to her still pretty tuted iu their behalf , meetings will be position in, t h is ' respect is: peculiar. : taking will bo successful- and' induce f ee ble way made bibad-winners - ' . ~r , „.,., 1 „*i« ^„ iv* j„ inff. ! It would " be absurd to assume , mouth and motioned me to follow; her held 611 the Saturday ni ghts of this These immigiants have a strength of others in small towiis to imita^^ of ways and earnestly besought to de- ;w 1 h ' 6ut the slightest reason , the exist- to the corner of the crowded room and month , at which persons 6 desirous ' of religious conviction which make ' s:mis- good example. : iSrfS: S. to oiSha^bwhhS fea t the ficc-thinkcr , Judge Hoadly, and Cnce of a collection of Hagadoth , when then startled me With the following in- joining the ' clasKCS are expected to be siou work unnecessary. Hardly aro Optobo r 0. 1883, , ^ . - ,.;¦ ¦ /- - ,. : ¦ ' ¦^^^^^^^ ri&6^-( gy B^. ' -- , iii. his Democratic compatriots , and to tho facts that certain paragraphs occur- formation , : V'Of course you know lam present. In entering upon this miich- they lande d before they begin to forni ipivpwwnb'rif ttaic oroer\b Y sweii the-^reaHuW" ' ; '^ " grant a majority of votes for tho liquor ring in E. R, can be ^ accounted for by married ni gh unto twenty-eight years, needed work , the Y.: M. R. A. richly de- societies which we call chebra , a term ^"^VfcflttUKIH , ; *.AJi. , ¦; ;. ? . :gfi- e ::^-j , k^>^- 0 ^r3le4' ; aoori' 'r»nd Prohibition Amendment. And yet Judge th 1, pr ^ ett f °! ^n l^Tnl ^^ ^ w \T££ It mv T?, X C? P ^ BBtT t - the support of the Jewish com- which would appl y equally to a benefit The Rabbi. Isaac Rubens^ ,r 1, , ' " » ¦#. Most scholars, have hith ert o but-^do you see my flattie theie^ She munuy. It is an intelligent and sen- society. Among the members of these out lWre fro m th« Hphmw nnlrtW wnA ' ' refused "ft^mittanco 'to obr ebml s. Hoadl y was elected Governor of Ohio thought that Echah Rabbah obtained is twenty-six years of age, _ and 0,1s attempt to dispe! ignorance. chcbrA no matter how poor; ignorant C fefhas S excledin^^ and the liquor Prohibition Amendment . the greater par t' of its matter from Tal- a better and handsomer girl is not and: to teach peoji le habituated and degraded they may be, there is al- a s hort time He united, ^ the ' discbW effort- she peVsevertd' ' ' snapped^ was defeated. This is certainly re- mud Yerushalmi. Dr. Abrahams ' re- in the city, and though some old to dirt and squalor how to live cleanly, ways.at least one person who is compe- dant elements of the - con ^ rega mmkable. especially in Ohio, which is searches, however, ^ mduocd him to Californmns wto ¦ ^. k »«?^ r »' The extent of t,e Assoc.ation' s . labors tent to read the servicb and ^ the la^v , ^^^^ , F vu» jr * ' , "" " take a different pew of the matter. It since I was a girl and would , if their at- will , I suppose , onl y bo limited by the which are of coui-se in pure Biblical He^ niPmlJrs K-i i Wn inn,Wefivl -hv kliniit ' abbol ntpd ' Kv (^v Butler hfMass ' aohu- governed very much by the politics of is cv!dont that the. " Midrash in its pre- tention was called to jt , remember that means at ita disposal. The greater the brew. Such men act as if they were 3™&^^^^ ft ^m^- «tW "S^&SlSSK * the vestry rooms. This time, however, sent form is written in two totall y dis- I > 8 | hould have celebra ted my silver wed- means , the greater the good ° to be ac- rabbis, which now means only a man of '^ 6^^^ye S&^^' '^^SS ai^^^^mi^ the material interests overbalanced the tinct styles. It not unfrequentl y cxhib- ding three years ago, yet no one ha*, jpomplished. ^ . religiops learrtingv alfliougli strictly it is ,vhich are volunteers Vwhl0h:W6iated a 1 m^^^^^ influence of the church. '*? fl *W te "^nF? to combine the spoken to mo about it but you , and T The opening, teek at the Thalia has equiva entto the t tie of J ioctor of Di- on j? 0 ^^ s ^„ A accompanied by ?thb ^ '^^^^ , Yerushalmi aud -Babli versions of the don' t want you to mention it ag ^ ai n to been entirely dfeVoted to; "The Queen!« v nlty. . We have in reality no genuine 0rtfab He' lab obenad the « > Hr - same narrative. It often shows a strong any one until Hattie is married. %ung Lace Haudker(^of. " :Stranss ' 8 ?charm- pricsthbod , and in the hundreds of so- sB with tlirte S^s andS' t Sre ^G»A ^ Ue^T^nubMI^r6ipect The munici pal election in Berlin, ' tendency in favor of the latter Talmud fellows, you know , don ' t want to marry ing strains, in tij is case illustrating one cieties which are formed in this way, the nihotv pupils, and thb confirmatfob: ' vpaid ^ Wnv'bv the liar of St. touis wasbot, coming on in a few weeks , agitates the b 7 rendering into the Baby lonian , girls over whose. heads twenty-hve years of the most istu pid librettos ever pub tp- reader is appointed frbm ^ the society ami blass with ^webty-sbvctt ^ candidates. : solely' on booount bf ' his pbsltibn biitas a. community of the German Capital. All P hraseo Wy , 8 . ,n S^^ 7 n l ^ n flnd Whpl ° K T, P w ^?-M««^*^^i£r g?^ ,er , b >' lltc ™Ff ha ? ks < ls **"*? $[ by the society. Many of- these are per- His sermons are well liked, and nb:ha3; : just tribute to his superiority ai ariiablo, vu umu .ijmwiv ui.inittn uapiuu. aii 8enten ces which , we have every reason and as long as I stave off my silver wed- given by Mr. Aniberg' s company wh ich manent , others are.formed onlyfor the nreaclipd also in several 1 nfaoes outside lurist ¦ " ¦ ' / V ¦ ' ' ' ¦ ' ¦ " ¦ partiesare prepanng for the campaign. to believe, were ori^inany written in the ding Hattie, who looks as young at fr have no hes itation in calling the celebration of sacred days,and^^^ Tho Christian Social party, known as Palestinian dialect. Tho instances ox- twonty-six as most girls do at eighteen , strongest organization for its purpose "Tlie average attendancbat'the sypa- This youbi* 1 ' Rabbi it appears \ : ^ brings -his ''Intellectiial ¦ ' attainment interfere ' the Anti-Semites, led by Stoccker , also amined and compared (IC in number) I havba readier market for her. Ihaye now to be^seen on our stage. I have goguo is falling off , because: '^ strains every nerve to gain some ad- "Vl Pomt to the conclusion thar wlicro earned this trick from Mis. M—-, who never seen Herr Klcm act with , wlio . belong to the Nineteenth ^ str eet; Ho works with a yVisonian ' enthusiasm: jb liavb ^larsto ' d gcJOcl; «me , JVan<i;ho. n,, U, ' 1VU . W ' fe a,u °^ V ,lu similarity exists between Echah Rabbah has four , mari ' iagable , daughters , the more humor or use Ms ' pretty Synagogiie Jive a long iWay up ^ towM WriS Pttrlm-anob ; :• -:: '' a (*: ' ¦ - ¦ Wh.il it ' ¦ ^- - t'v: " ¦ " . ¦ - ''- ' :V :'^ ' ; - - ' ::: ::¦ ' ¦ ' vantage. The party is too smaj l to elect an d the Verushalmi alone, the Midrash eldest of wlioni is exactly Hattie' s age, and sympathetic - voice with beMer ef- Thb^omen .hav e :re%idus - scrupled ^tob ct S^' ¦: .: : :- - -r ' i ? v ' "'" ¦ >. ,. Ki adibs' ail ' h ' ave J «io : house ' deco- nnybod y. It is hiited by tho Liberal s; is independent of tho Talmud. " Wo and she will not think of a silver wed- feet. Frl. Secbold'has much improved againbtridiri g-ih n bar W^ and the Conservatives can not well asso- ttV0 warranted in assuming from these ding until at least the eldest has fou nd as an:aotrcss; while hoi- voice ^as beyer and the distance , is. : to^rgreat f6? ; walk-: i.posiH ;wj ^ %n ' y V' 0s-mucn as 'five dpll avs'Spbr ciate with that crowd and so Stoeekcr data that : I. Tho Midrash Echah is a husband. People calculate too read- in . better form. Herr Scliutz .is at opcb lng.. ^Tb- ascribe the .mon-attebtlaneft of sbonVdiscbver.tho value. of/tliat:bnthn- . lessbn ior lier : newi<f ' devol opbd-ttalent > g, Am „.,„„ -i \ 1 * no homogeneous comp ilation. II. Ono ily the agb of gij ls in the , house when; a. graceful and impassioned arid.hisres ' o ' - many wlio ' belong to Uioi synagogue t^ Bifts ' mland t \ os ,vpmp .iny raacie snong appeals to of the revisers was acquainted with both si lver wedding is announced, a^d-I pro- nant tenbrdS-al^aysv used .Svith discre- indutcre ' nce \V0hrd be upjiJst. cbecause , 4a sttidopts tak^ tho la> - - . ^O: T forkingiuen ' s . party pi' Berlin to Talmudim. JH. Tho -tetreceiffiiottof [for toseo m ' y daug hter, marr icd 'to .hay-|Uoa. V' Of the UniorrCollegb.^ED. AMi IsjtiJLtsB.J.r/ ; ; ' .l, - - .\y. - , r} ' > . ., v- i. ' " . " . l^ ' " ' ^. •^¦ "; , °' , ' ' '

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Page 1: y^;'Mm& MMk' ^ . . ¦ ¦ .- ,;:>&.,'. , -v, . ¦?&- .., a

¦y ^; 'Mm&MMk' . . ¦ ¦ .- ,;:> & . ,' . , -v, . ¦?&- . . , a -¦ .^tTHE, ' Ameri c&N IiRAEEiaE'r- -;J .•/ .- ¦: ' ^VV :^^ '^^^^^^ i^f^v ¦" : : 1: "& ,'¦ ft'i;$£fl!FSl'i 'B' ^lmdfr'"wi^them.1: BaHthose"«'woi^l tfoMi^ii:wi«fwinboscd infolosthwv lng-fc^on b* < sliv&fwfcrpfcsentM¦-& :a tolAod'iom^w^^ioHy fton' theifolb tor them'to attend. .....Wfliiiaye nott^ 'v^»f| ^fflBi^*,44BI«^ v;!]>:&k' . . JP*¥?*W& '.J SMtftttf «Utf

?:' >mcu refill to ''have inTthJinr vto »nd tno &6oondJn Babylon.- IV.- Tlio me." ?- -&:':&^W;>;i ^y ^- - -- ' ' - fav6r 6f;-tKe^nbl!c - 'and:;pi»vq;kW'aj lo-. fo&tt at.JtitfM^! ^VllVUU a^a^lHJP*

<i£ ^

th .,.. n ¦.Ai.ii-'tfSiiiii. iw thnir MidrasKln US original fornWas iridc- . Our matronsVjimjpifcclvoiaro well*™ sirei ';tb sebintnv InTbtlj er-parte: ;;Herp foreign miM ons; ior, vo ioaake 50 prtser .Vl ^^itti^i^i^^i^B' raJi'^-iS

. , ¦ - - -u ^vw-^i- ^-^ 7%^B?^R^fe

^ ' ' ?! ^ndeut* otttho* &dmud , Yerushttlml. in the business o>;*uofrnotion and divfc Wbwak ;dlrefits: the ' orchestra wlth

b ytes .and h«V*;no^cdn^rt^ poo o^-S^vS S' oS I"' ~ "¦ i BA -tf ri*B^'K*i'-"^- '•"• iWlWW I^P'W'! ^horoW^«^na9sagw:iyhloh'at first slon, ,'wd I;dott!&pKW* them a blt. es- firm ahand as ever, and hut maimer of 5!°™ ^ma ma^^

UEO WISE * CO., emphatically. Mi recklessly do- eight soem to militate against .this pbsl- peclnUyas^eto^fools ojb'oungmcn

loading bus greatly ; gained in repose. ialthihta hUeyes^pene^WtbebeavtMnl; fiSSlnSiS ^SS '¦ S<5Pu1»ll»her» ind- ' prlators. nounced J andi

'.reUukeiH -ti&i anti-Somi tlpt^- Qn-watrtredpUberatlon; however* wuo prefer^ unrlDef j friilt at, the risk'of Frau ,&l8tmgorrate^ntry ^lllprobably. trutkipf hwnoth^sinv; atidjieoottes;.* iS SB^^MsseVOa^eS1 • ' ¦¦2*. ¦.¦.

¦-• \ iiBaB*WBu>;Bw»ia,v, V %:' .' V, iW'bn I^iiu<,«i^iiinn0

With ?i.*W tb<y ai*




a neutral; effect. g«tdng.'the%aojifap'g.,aSlxtechers- who, bemadoin-"Tfae\Beggar Student.'.', ; , comber oraftpjuagp^e.^

But; weRortkwtit 'Cor ' slxth^n*

Vn£ '«&' fe^F v$^^* ,SS t* ^' Ot^leneWlBuppbsea that Ufa! Have j lstlefpJWcan hotteallsewhat

On the

rieboud da/of RoshHashanah no mission wor^efther herocbr abtoad, SBSdMi S S: ^Hortfcww ^or^r bixui r >n^

vu« wwew, b^hJn^th^tonnd^o|:.poS9lblitty. gj ; ¦.patfaSft^fei /^hwj ay tg 0jto

0f the

It isltoibe^iK^Press' of a household, Rev, Dr. Kohler; of theiToraple Both El, With regard to':*ourquestion;i^to pb^; $

:«,i'»n' M wrsri!'' ¦¦¦ ¦¦¦ ¦'¦ ¦ ^'' ¦'- . iuiit& b ^denW:therofore,'taat the 'talk *6$! pruiolpal^wr^bf ^Kah RabbnhR'liro eVehVtho%P ttris -a.

mother who: delivered asermdn 'at tHe Norfolk street Bible^

xnodifloaUonB ofj ;religlous ; meth.; ^v^;t~^| ^J^^* i^ v :«v ^; ^,i^;



,v. . Mltor: tn() B .rlm -e3p,- ;i8. not :antUSemttio^; aVstentetlo attempt has ¦yet been , made- >ughthex»|Smak'o shbrt^akes and synagogue. .. " . ¦' , . :¦;; :'. ¦¦;. : \ ' < : -^ ¦

¦'&¦: : s, I may say Aat tdQrthoaoi Judaism; :K^S kIS v^' ^,« V^^«^, aU amin^e^tSnS^otVvtti^ W^^ thls'aSibn:- W^eieviFiiml- >OT?to :cboS«S&^ , " There: have^ ; ;0?Slin<laT; the' 21st;lnst;; alvpub lo there is no such possibility.' :

¦ ^ v^ : ; oiv&^utStu toe t^S- -?

' , . .. .• ./ . , ,::;. •' .-jjS±a: 8tandlDfr : ¦ .^^JW^*WW«»>; -Mldrashithe latter is assumed to be

de- Jng/toitbliglrlslfthe family;'who tTiroat- HWp\tal.\;Thta- :*fflv»nbWrimVopjpofc, .¦0°tobor 7,iB83..v,;,,,: ._ :,;.,,? ;/;,^ >^ ,¦;¦,.;,; :.SS?Vi tVlffi^| aS ^

'¦ ¦ ¦¦¦ '¦¦¦y-rM& 'aB. f i xW^ pendent on. U^e:former.',,:. The Midrash en tobeebm^ij^aids^a greatcalarii- tiinlty-for the

.friends of , the institution, . ""'pENSACOLA Pr iii^ ' ¦ tankonmi filled 'to its utmdst ^sedtinff '' < ;';J::: . ¦• .• ;', ;- ;;'[OKi!TB^]; <^ws: K '';: icsl'mijnttfttctarera/land operatives of Eohah Babbah, it is true, contains narr ity.to" "thoiigljtl«i' maidens and purser as well as to" , others, to; inspect one-of .: ¦¦ ¦/ .

¦: .: ¦. ¦ ^-^"^V" .. J *urrr Wr • ¦ :- i ^capabuy wM' devbnt llstehbrt ^Tii«>ii*niaw lsBAim»and D«»oiRi^

all-klnds,. bosses'and iaborerWindoom-' ratlycs 'aridexpr^iions-slihllar: toithbse; prqud J mottMJfpjutvit:; isbetter far 'td the best managed, hospitals.ln: the coun- ,. jj ^ ;y^, my;patient: or impatlent - , and Gentilqa ^Hh m'dsiO^nd^eerembnV' ^W;^2w^ u! ^ii,"' ""'''' '".",''JS nrla^ tliAt WhftiB^^ hr rt^ninWJiinli ocourring ltt the Posikta derah Kahana. be iAn^d^a^hatt.. a

young married¦¦¦ ?Spi?5o^.S ::;v;::;;:::n::; SSMS^ iSsw' m^ ^^ :m aW>wM$k, a-h??bfl^

db° ht ^SK fJ SS™ .•h^w-^-^^n^.y^SpPvv.; ^T^-te^i^ ^ aSB^^r-^

A i sTAoi to^uabM/bKa jWav^V i ^W^ ^to the pTOfe^lonals, mer- rash is dependent oa the ,Tesikta6r, thtt wi^a>Ae^^rd earnings.! ;, ,;, here but itbringfl rtlsts^horu^slngcrs :; Such an one have we hercfan heirloom :Pearnnce?wl^allytho i JcwHh'SstorM v^Aj iTOioi* lsaJMUrftt... .,::....... ;...«! oo onant3,\ bankers, th^latter^^'the^earller Work;. 'The 'j I^^eBr^fr6^A^he, :lTomaotd::tbat the orjnstramentallste for, tbe now; opera- in the possession of Mr." A Hudson,f6rmi iolbsed ail:^Bo^ rt tb"oneadtoii*,> "'"- , ';", -tw teachere, ^den^andv,tne^alleX whole_ ma^^ tOtojdedvln"gre^^- .rabbis. J^^envj iave

ordered the house

^ ety bmillvlew;1 a- village^^Boa.ypersto oneaddie»... I,w

tf uOj ;e^rhgnoeit comprises so}'rity-" Wanthor,;doos not. nnder^ M^r^o^^nded, in-order to an- 22d inst, Nilsson is already, here; . :: tlUe = reads, '!«The Old,^¦¦ - . ¦ ¦Sf^^?-^^^

IS^". P1JUT'' taketodecide whether;these two.works pease thfcwr^fcf the Almighty, who Cdmpanini

is expected next week ; Testament, imprinted at' London' :by^ !tt*^'|Wfe'lbF"m^Bifi^l^' -''Sol-#

^RATBS OF ABVBlOTSnWK the bulk of . ,tJu>,Rop^atlon,,whlch, as havennycoMCotJbriwith btie^anbtUer. has sent the'»^sintb thei? city. If the eonduptor, fianesi, arrived ;on Retort rBatker^ p^ntc*l) e<Kin^ bbdyMSe^' h^is^S<• [bkoubh on aunuxl puT>lfcly;'declarea?f:i»;j>aot anti-Semltto AJ.t fer^e^W»*ofth>e^ and -

within the, next few mosfc 'excbllenCmajes^

oSSlSJSJ?,^m5nth0n"" ' !5oo W,** eTer.haf i beoni ^OBerliit credSy^; &,W%r,:

tPr, A^aBams; .not aMifehrBmallpOTp ;rWe , shall dW' Pffi ^ ^JSSS 1611;'V-,IU dedicati6hr smabks' :of,-the ' eri^^^u^thwemonttlt:;".'.:;:::::::: ieo that pestllen«w^?8fcvr^;and there #^«^;fromK % Wpst emlnent see; whe|irt^|'ramV horn has'been trpupewiil be ready to

^beg»ntheiseason, Umos;: f'Tb ihe MostHlghahdMightie; ,as subflcrlbett^^SEBibX^o^an^«%

One, square, six montbft,.;..;......;..:... 3S oo u, •' . , . - vr^ . ¦;,¦?*-: ' . - ^i'. v'---'^' iu -i ¦iVki.' MldrasU-critlQsJpj i'.the most .fundament .efflcaeiqdsfanail^so, we may use it-on The lli'st opera to tje sung will be. prinoe.;;. James bv the^race- of vGod. 1 ;otiherV IsMelite "because A&a^'-inSi.y-x; *¦8tfCSS?flS»Viar«* ft * ^?* e

^:^,!ff! W^^ttfero^ .lto«lfigfe'&a^.rf;e«^ ^aust » n the : ,8 ,* iJ&SJSIb^lSKliS&I ffiW3J08ft '

^^08i..f: !"S ; ^ ;6 09 of tho Fatherland.,,;, , ,. . . : tovlplato "the respect that is due to the quakes !n,w$c1jCase, there will be a cor; Madame Sembrlch will ^

probably^ap. lan| Defender of the Falth.^: The gen^ 'ohly ^p^^lTua%%urtSeMV«utauV" '' ^^

'- ¦ -J - .-J l *, ' ¦:"' ¦' '¦ ¦ ca^^ J^b d^voted; the ncr i j S^ md the

Jerusakm rab-

pear. There

is now no^.



¦g^^.,Vtt^.-.: i :iif ¦¦

famoU8 dlei^ihopcit will^obour a^am-^

"y.. . a ^uare|g four^ven^otaa, to».;<,,v .jgj &^^timfof a Talnwdy ad-: ¦ ^V>V.%;;»P*f^^. ^«ltft !

¦& i°mff lF ^« * A

1?*' e<^

ce wUI^? " Vt ^^^^ltt^ *M«-V - oharacters : appeara^,-;&: brphan^ asylumt;>vmv/ne^r- Bbe^»¦ • : ' . ' . : . . . .. . - . ¦ . .¦¦¦• . ¦ . ¦ ;, , .. .„ ¦¦,.,.1,.-.,.. , , ,..¦., i^^^i^KoJ^iKif ' iw.'stfitiiiw-' iiiiV several Benpus difficulties' to contend But I am pertflftded that the old fellows For some t mo pasttho Sunday edition ienffth .- thbvtvne old English and mite. thoueb^bne dfthem reabs^henpfit ? ';

:^^^5X£Z&^ m^dernS-; Im^be^bd 1mS»«Mi»h*i*fcr rt«UBR that ih*y «w «». governOr and mc^t«r>;andil>e ,i ^also opinion that the; Yerushalmi is obe of , if sounded at, onelimo f rom the.walls of denominations regardmg ,the . ''cpndi- brass-bound^ at the tips,: and' clasped1 ' : The: Sabbath Schbbl::wili: open next/: • ^¦

- ' SrVTi r^'"* -*" -*1!1*.:." j a ™?*«,*» ¦ «? - the source of 'all- sobls'thatbebbme hV thexhief sources of. Eohah^

Babbab " Jerusalem wjou ldiiiQtcurba single case tiOn, tendency and a^vity of- the rclig- ^ith braMi'ta the leathern back; two feet SundayT biid oiir mitiisterTintencls^bh- , < ^

: .¦:¦ ,.,: -.:-, ¦• ¦ ,.- , -..,., ,. •-,. ,.. . . 7h SafeSSnS?Sn?S the *as ^ver/he "discoverej l that^rfiis. ' The latest;.,r>pprt.: in pur marriage Sunday, ^pubhshed^tate^to

^from abofone-third.foat thick. Wouldiit nbt rUmon^l iopVbyiaUMea^^prbpos! h

Tue British Museum,: as has : been *? tl^e angbl-ptmces arejons^f.the. assumption -i*; open to serious pbjtic. market is ¦:quie:; encouraging. .,TKe Rev. r. ^ttheiL and Rev,. 8erve,as a portable ^dd<!:WeM«ffi of ;an :Dub 'bbservation^teilsSme that therb is **

inentioncdbefbreintbislournal^iately ^Sh

lona-^ ^astog .asido^ali;:premdice, young men araj opbng up and the girls Mendes^ ;The_ inmister . :t^

, . - , • ¦' ; " """ £" "*.' J*J~'y The dobtrinb'rihderiyng this ; metaphys- he applied himself to the solution of are,rather:weai4;Transactions'private. said : "One. of the main . purposes of . Last Mbndav' the eve of Rbsh Has-' -liae-^A meriei -'¦:Gontlemen ibFBlb5^& ^; ac^r<ula cpUection.orEarai^ BiM,-

8pcc^^0n^^unvreraftl^d the p'roblem:: -Whava*efbre us two Thb^hterm^artin Helle?^^

Reformed ,JudaUm;ie to^nbte g hSS£d ^^pobr SS: S^pS^^SliSay Tcalmapuscnpte cpntaming the Hebrew.

BDeoJ-ro4dence oVthe world's solo ^fcs-Is


relabon .between ,tbem g^ed^opokBachman^Consider, ^twnaUeleme^.and to subsWute^

for CoDgrbgation , at lour tempK.^ethei; ^aL|begrudge if ybu;will make -a^ttligtext written in; Arabic:charabters-5Most ^VV?^™°M : ™y ?™ * s™ om^ ation , $50,00p;^yable

on the marriage it

apurey#f; tb<^e tex^ are^furnished with the 8™! ' >

'^bfcW vowel^bln^and accents " and thpsewho watcli.the market closely and and ligious work. ^

' SS^7 inST^ « ,doctrine, we read in;KM Chtmdah, (see; " be;

doubted,,jit Is clear^that Dr.; are experts;;. ;.

¦¦ ¦;: : :¦ -;.y , ; ; , many^ arc. Jews hoJ o m ¥*J for grayer and ; ineditation;:: It;;is;thb^ ^nhag vAmerica!«: It^would be^thealso witl. Arable yowbl letters. Some ; ^

' ^-

*. . ^£ - :Abrahams;has,8paredno;palns to render : T)r, Paul v ^indau.v . of, -Berlin, u^y cbngrcgation,: and m this

^^the Open^oast of sbme our JehWdim that ^ost^leomb /acbuisitibn^^bur^^

..or these manuscripts ' exhibit, besides .'Sa?«£3wa£* ^^,nyi >.rftn^,^ his researches as-perfect , and . complete who ;:; - stopped.' . at . v the ;, palace numpcr^fvehurch members is no

indi- n^ bther cit^ in'the South of bbmparaV :Vices;v ::f'Zimr ;::: K;'^O^Z»mirbs -":Yis- ^this novel feature/varlant readings of' m ^

I^ SbS as f V ^™*™^W°^

-* Lafe andv othen, finding, tion^fth o ^ual number of^c xte.$$^^^mwL-& ;K»&?ferd lS&afi 'importance Therefore Dr Hoerin^ is , -ft- v ^

g ^^^ * ' '" in

^h's most^resting r e8say

vv to ,onr on the day priclr to hk deparlure that ; hp ?Ull have

^the eonv cUpns and ti«> ^^5^; , Jt js :an4nftssumibg irame: .ibb;iniich music anU ye> not Enough, ;

. j mpouance. j .ne,reiore, ,i>r, tioenng.is also, the 'angel-princes of all Nations,; in readers, we; heartily ..congratUlate.;;Dr, his only suit wak rather, dusty,; he rang: religious; practices of that denomina- buildin? sav cicrhtv'fdet dGan anlthirtv- ' and conijre,rht&mtintiki nSw^obil ,^out

to publish: the most remarkable ^der that 111: holy souls of the sev- AbrahamS nhis-suc


^We for

^.vcolor^:; seifvanV^of i whom tion,/ l ean npVmake:. any comparison SvoSw^KiSSbSs? Sn SulliSnb^rlc^ -'V one of these maniSscripts,a fragmentof eb^^ations: should bo bntitledlto bin- tr^t that his work ¦-, may.be^ duly - ap^ he * desired . , to ' know ; oW long between theJe^s

^and other o>omina- ara of .pUr6 white cblbr. at^ the comers: )sacred musfc^oWhObtinaye^

Exodus 5, 1. to Tiiw^ltojbb ;an exact Se ^b^^AYbecbme^ prosblvtbsV P^cinted^o:thatbe.maybe,inducedto; £ yyuU takei to, have , his v clothes twns as. r^ards^cxpansKm; ftecau e I bf ;- wh oli 'Ia simple ' black :' border Containing musloi ^:;everyl|ieca^that

* • -i :*¦¦' iv u /-VT.: J. j '¦'¦;• orace tue ./Aora A (pecome proseiyje s;, continue his useful labors in other dircc- brushed ; and . tivo them a thorough take no more than a general interest in 5^ , ¦„„ ¦ ri . j , r PpWipin^B^ •¦¦¦ w« luivn "MinlVft^ *m«H«W ^An&fnt»^rtnr 'onir,'

fa« simde, for the beneht of students, ;^¦ v l-

^ ¦;i--V -:i ,: »V'V '

' V\ ' harc mam*aJne4 Rab- »^^-^n^^e;:.TOnld haye' ;l>M . Pfb?re wi ^ompar^w^^of^ whbse busmess^as;

beenseVorelyshat summerrbSOrts arbJ»omb^gain;'exbept


^ay of Atonement, tage^wb only received it .froni our fath- bah. epical investigSuoa. B^ Joseph

^^m S00£^aPe* ^^^^



of . yellow fever rumors. . Mr^iFibkVwhoyottarrt^^'SK Lbnfe.., . annuaUy. demonstrates the vital force Cr f' ' The author of this passage was ¦Abrahatn9' '?^DV:;- .? ^¦¦¦¦} *: ¦ ¦¦ Lmu>u to j ff ^oat, panfe and vestand m keeping with , t^e incr^ o^Jewish You cab readily imagine their obstacles and we ai^ ^ladM^hnYe Sthem^back.

• of iTudaism "The mvriads of : the o ' - l *? * > v : ^1

V? ss*e6 ™ ™ 7— .. . = f.at ;dpwn in his shirt and drawers writ- worshippers,, and this i^ duo to the fact

^ buiidin^a.piace 'of Worship, which They nn'dm^d^wbll^libwrfd^iiiUce-oi ,o uuaibm . v. ¦ xne mynaas, 01 tne Samuel Lanado (or Lanoido), who lived ^v^T^a,, ;.;;;; ;;:•;;;:.; . inffiipj ] sdiaii;>In:a: fev ;mittute a; *t ;out.<pre3ent:.s»j)p!y;of competent; thor upvalue aTlo^oband on which hearth and hbme haobv - ^#^. thousands : .*, wonien\ and children crowd the houses :curs;AVas published inTenlce; 1596, aid ;: ™yWv?K w ™*lT*~~*, ^r.absortedJpiJiis^vritingV and: imag- . ^ '. ^:\\X^a. . r^i^ ; :;;ar.,::Adolph-:.G6ldstuker^acfed :;..'as:. r ' t ' ' ;• £'*¦£ '- " ^Z

;of worahip, and most of 5 them remain praffUC {m. hence lie certalnlv did : '¦ ¦ ' :;. .-:'- ¦di^w.iwJ' ' ¦ •-¦¦ ¦ ¦'•-¦ • ¦' l1 the ; nc«*V;time was up said: .v. "It ls ^or the ; same, reason that . In chasan during the Tecent : services. It ' ; h ? *&:

¦; ?> Ti JJ ^^h: ) ^

?hprp from mnrriin (r- t! l - flvpnino- in f W«- i^v^

V » ^?W ™ .;-, , , . . 8A.N FRANCISCO. -: "Herein! ' .Inifene ; his astonishment spite of; our deep sense of ..what ought j = SjmniB iustice to add that ho deserves : ¦ : ¦ :> : -^ \, \-- \ : i'- l v ';.::'.?;::';:- 'K..^- .

. , . eteaay aevotion. , wnat we saw .every tiamty,". in which ; the same , doenncs , : rosh hashanah V ¦¦:,> ¦ thev^tn ;mar^od,in for the purpose; pppulation m the lbwer part of the city, kin(]„essin training tho chUdren to sing. Imadb^ glorious by veUed prophets; .who-year, we savv again; this^ year, only m: of ; ,miver8ai abd special providence Has come - and Eone;: and we are now of ^

the songs of our ra^:

; : . :^'; Increased numbers, the temple crowded becur, and'that tltbSinal revelation was on the anxious bench awaiting;; the ment ?nd ^uml,:him in that plfelit ! any e ns^mc^re^ Miss AntoniaFries: was organist; and Amusement i to a* misoellanebus imblti- '.¦ tb:its utmost ; capacity duriug thet^-: and 5s intended for the: safcion of all awful day^vhen our fatesAvill be scaled. SSSlnnS v£u bndoubV ^SS 'SSS


?^80 ongraUdated-on her faulttess t«de.bL sigh^eerS«d«nMxed, ,mbns and alwavs full of -wbrshiners " ' ; ¦¦¦-•« ¦ ' - *.' ¦•*— '¦¦ ' i ia - » i_ It is so easy to say good and" pleasant .a?,. lue.gv«ac joivrnanss win pnapuui- 2r£^SrSiS^H playing. . The children sang nicely, and -washed and unwashed, Combed and un- >

: S;SvmSp Tl, ^W.S

men; wi

thout refeTence.t<)eitlier race or , thin -it &qaixJ & o!(orti i/facW to

wnte hornj his^xperience, in, ..San at^e need_for special nunwtrator to &ter services received double kiss-e' for xombcd-^all were there to^et^glimpse

,.during prayer^time ll^samewas the 8 ..;.T^^^ Sffi^lfis 'b^v ca^e

in all temples and ,synagogues wh0 ^ ffliSab?- ISch is tn e s9eL^X?Gbd : The ^prising feature of: thbeyening;; prophet; Babyland was also;ro^esent-: heardvfromr All: that, declamation oh 8i,aD0 Vka footW the bboV - Aw^^ SS^S,wSw-Sj£S?2f waawhenMiss.slrahDannheiser.agirlpf ;e^d Dyftoat'Uven

,, qur ^

congregation?, steadily , : tiply, any lecture 0p se^0Dr is , to^e

a;upon them .. ^- ,, T ple^nd severaV^ther societies - of ^^^^^^^"^


of theKahU as^^;, and the established ones grow in mem-; Jftwi8h HtcratureV: although : we do not commending their manner of observing ^<*, h«: was; laa

^honorcd. member, l^s cs^d^^ 01

^ v/AUbj VlnwSi.lu'.behalf bf the *AmaranHi the memory of children^ Ab irresistible

bership and in ; a spirit of attachment &lwavs bote bur sburceV : :, ^ this New Year. : But, as\I;am a Jew^ ^Blochwas a,good; kind , benevolent M^W^^W^^^S


Olub,' to present to the officers ; charm hovercd;: abound the mdgic ;mir-and^ood faiths :

¦': , : • : ^aj s note our .sources. , ; : tue less said abobt it the betteb.. It was. ^™e$™WWl ™W ^dreds ^^'^JfJ^^S

and members of the Kahl this <; small . rori magic Cave and^ magic wan^which,¦,.;.* ¦¦¦ - • - .- i\\ . ¦ ¦; .¦¦. - ., . ,. . .,. . ,.. ,. ,. . . . -. ¦

:• - . thb same as last'-year/bnly a littleness ^th

^ c^V


:: A^ ne^ ;Rabbinic'al.:SCminary"was^ ^ ,". :: The JHdrasl. Babbah. ;, ; .'; f , and by de^ees.we are becoming .ffqurxyliis loaq.-^ . ,, , ¦;, / y^-M^ Fxm. ,.; Sr

g^S^Sin(;tjW8t<a:of ;kay itgiyo to:the.pfiicers d members j itter ,^for ^ the literature^pon ^whieli '

il -ii ; j j v Uj ' t i !¦¦¦ - a '. n^ 4>,,.o>,Vrho' PabnV nn T?hi, n-K TioVi fearfully less. The preachers preached: ;¦¦;¦¦¦• - ¦;-' ¦.. . . ' '« >, ¦« . ' .:—- : ^ „.„. „„ i^„» VooA ^ivi»' ^ i,D • !:Y»« - as much pleasure in accepting as it does infancy; has been ¦: fed. - The common- .; bu.lt :and .de^dvla e^ . m .Ams^ and threaders remand ;^^^ '; m|otakc



^,JTa mldmsli- .te-Vhai/ im, , winch, , s too* , pact^ell-written and to thc point.. The those who :;haaV; front , seats, made ; the . Our ChristianVfriehds .have an' apt and^ in ^actual -membership a;: very; ^

rb. success of,the ; Temple - Bettiel, f cent :, pageant v which; , paraded ,-pur:::there one hbBdred and five , years. ' -Mr; object the author had in view ib com- ^ost pf their ; feathers , and term for those lukewarm' members Of large class of: Jews who otherwise a1

me' m ^

he °

am^' 0 ?uv clu

^f *° ^Veets^^iday :;nigI^.;,:calW v iwlh

; Simon Monk and his sister^orbthea 'potelfaV.* : ™>¦*&&«as h^^nough^ me)t their faith wlib e attendance at;churcV wbuM have remained: :withobt any w^^ou


, andy

;aU-:a:.happy New; tt^dm^t^^^the;

tmbh^^TKTimAv^ffW ™™ n,« imnnloA tn t l,« stated in his own words.. The; opinion in;;a>oahoo- frock, and , the^men who depends upon the leather, They. 'call kind of organized worship,: Morbover =T?S": ¦ • i:- ¦;^ ' ; :i ri-K- : ; ^ : . ; i:, i ??* ^

1?^^^** ^^*?^I^uwensteen, gave tto irapulse ,to the - ncra], in vo&ue i3; .,

tnBt th«Mtdn»h ¦ 4r. ^ - : ;» ;':P?b«^,«"A'.- ;them:''fai^weikicr Cteistians^' ^ ani it^af broS-ht -intb^olderirel^r abd ^rSolcm-^ A° W\ ¦?«-. budt .o^aseale of^andenr.seWom at-

erection of , tlns.new/ibiulding.by a;gen-; |chab RWah°is the^;wbrk of/on«;au- tkem^in;^^ mbVcsalientrsignification, the essential ^e?t^; aPPJaU8e^ ^: 1Il?s,Pa?,3h


^ J ^^ ^m^T :^^



.: erbbs douatipnof 2(^00Q.nbrins; The thbr::that k wM city.tl.e ''fair^cattier'r . Jews^e in the 'teacliin^bf Judaism anbalance of •80,000 florins wis addeo: by and 'that 'ite-principal:: sources, are the ao.it goes, r ather werare dnftmg I b^brity, and Specially "fair^veather'v ^fiem in'their purity unenebmbered: by. ^¦1?u^' : e. Sf^^ ^ 'th^LaLns of other iidWduak ^nd Talmud ceremonial for the comprehensiob of ark and ^^- d^ :$


^lft, .prevailed ;

^crowding andojam

. . the dopauqns of oHierindividuals and ; shit,v, RftDbaK;. aad the; Pesitklv derftD waters0are ,constantly : receding,-and rf^d vat' from the appearance of the Jew and-Christiab alike. ^ith VegaVd wasbOnce^d

ti^dub^ompose^of ,ng4ncident ,to the occasion the ,abseneev

the congregation ; for the budding as U Kannna.i 1 ; • jj ^-^Abrahams' "investiga- that:^o-Wilt soon findVourselves with temples and sy mgogues on. ttosh HaV to attendabcei although - sufficien tly:'^a1^m} 3^^^0^^^^ Pf tha

trumanism;whichgoesfar toward

¦:¦ etands costs 100,000} florins wd is de, tion is anbttempfc tb prbvethat all thtsc :our ark high-and-dry. -I draw a veil , hanah;;-yerylew;i!. any of them, had large* it -has' not increased.: Thfa is ^

n ^

s. «ier

Ro^tein,; .Jice; creating a?panH; was; especiallyi norice-

bcribedas bein-r a palace on the Rapdn : propositions can only, he received-: with over, the :picture. :,I^te: to; contend, thbirbeatin^^ipacitv .fully tested; abd .solcW: for t^SJ strcet ^hl iiteribr'of^he^ew qualification;: becausfc , , :

plate , ^e.foture aa. thel presen^ is;;so fat^nbne of tuenY wobldv worshipers .too worsnip becomes more' and more :aia£ ' W* a s Be Colien^Secre- ^ght^^e ok yn^bridgc^as


Jurger strcet The m^r^heMW, H .t.., j / ^^ . ^^, .

fraught wih ; nothingness -that it pams pobritopayfdr ;;membership;:br:a:seat: bf ndclssarv* ttendabce; ob.-busibess ^t^^ f ^^^f ^. ^^^Otlve^^ope.;;, *a: -building is arranged about the ,same,as Us present fbhbas the work ok & least me vto look

^oyer.ilievbattlefield^and 6ave;bCen refuU admission. ; That bur matters abav prof essional dutiesV The ^Ml»^w.fi ^¦

¦*S^V:/V=» i¦;Vi- • ¦r ¦ '¦¦¦¦¦l¦; ^ ^^ ^ ^ f ^

the Hebrew Union College of Cincinnati, ^authors or Compilers/ thdvlatterbf counttlie slain. , The synagogues were :rabbis did ^no L have then' as . large religious feelingbf^e older: members; :| 9aP^¦H^: .9ndo?;J.tt* ¦Wl,,?^.¦ ;»S: ifte.W«?^ j*« ™^d;ijHe-

ouly that the library :in: Amsterdam >vhom was thoroughly acquainted- with well filledon the first ;d.iy;sermons^

and. BudienQes. .as Usual, :*mst -be ; is "Srong enough:- to resist theseV.de- ^^^ :^^?103^ ^^^

STa ife^^ H ^ Vv,m^t btrmuclrthe larffcst as is evident thb Talmud.Rabli?A " songs w.ere highly acceptablcvanithere bribed, to tie .: :rain.- whicli . from mands.Sut amlng ihbvybbnger mem- ?he °pening

^pf _tho :; clmU?;,;was^must be^uchtb^argest, «s ^evident , .

^^^^ was? .more ^ order .and^ ^cor^m :every- early mbra- ubfii: late in the afternoon: hersfwhb were born bnl educated ib' ^ c^f a


be ^' ?

mem^e"dV R v ^^rael ,

have -dulyvob

seryed: from the , bibuogtajihy of . SabaUii Bass jnal iorta waS altogether independent Of; where ', but - far^ss^gipj ayand'- but poukd down unceasingly.: , 7 \ this 'cobniry; and who enter Jife with- ¦ ¦ ^f:1 1

^^ ^^feP.1 ; ^hBashawKourppw ^r^congre-(Siplkei Yeihenlm), which was. printed :the.Talmud Yeruslialmi." > '¦; ^ry little:.of- mety. . - The ^»yan.«-- T Mr:; Sidney Kosenfejd is back from out:faby dOTlifications^vtoin Amsterdam in 1680, in which 2,121 . 1H. ''We have not sufficient grounds three

.; an%dld;^^ thbease is otferwisa ,' ." : ' . "-\- : "£¦"¦ w

^e .Wd!.


: R^

iaM-^: ^

-works prints and! manuscripts are're- for assuming that the Midrash; fichah is ™g .business , of • fpnner . year?, t^^tion of^O'hegoggar Student, V :: :»Youb;questibn as tb^IS ^S !!5 ^^W^r wL not dependent on the :Pbsikta : derab as oiir people, . ,f , they

^ cannot; ¦ tKe comib opcr* wluch^ now the rage: between tub Jewish and other churches,: ^t^S' ^^^ £$&? b^^^ 1&^ 4^^ ,

ported. Ihe . nntbpr of that worjr was Kanan{L'.«. ; v : , •, ¦;.. enter the main cireusywill.not. patronize ,on the Continent, Rdsebfeld's version: I will answer^ frankly; Attempts to'es^ ^asurer, and .Sol. Cann^ <a basso suiger, native of Pragiie; whoso /The author having commented upon 'l ' Mdc B^w^^^lmtoilftj.'wcrp bt>Pan6e-' \M^bBale^y'.' fe'-iin'eoi ,ta« tabVish a Va„proc/iemea« with bther de-" o( -o»^«-1^ • ' '¦' '¦ ;:,:G^

BA^' :; ^S^S.TO^ ^ . ^fe?^ !

family name appears, to have been the imperfect manner in which most showered ;v;ith IaYish|and, and cardsy clfcvercst renditions of .foreiffn ,fun with nbminatibbs li'avebeeb; made by us, es- b^r», i883.. . . - . - - . ; . . ; v ^^^h^ y^ ,.i^M^Mi

Stricmers. writers on the .Midrash have bitherfo tlie cheap kind^


^about prd- wuicb:t:am acqiiainted.; Not a night pecially with siicli as seenfed to'avbw v JEFFBRSOS CIII. MO, ?Ss?P„r fi? ' " A^i^r vt^^Wamcmeis. .,

^ mqu.rie8 regftrd miscuously. Presents . were rare ¦ ¦ I piigaes ,but . vhat his. witty: libes Ire monotheism; ; -But though they : were ' ^

xaM^i^V'' '.L "':{ >.; ', , #^,ai

1 ^.%^5^™.w1«,r 'lnt wn« »i,D n,fn this subject, and tl?cir readincssto-pro- looked for several, but it seems that the |rocted by.pcals of laughter. : ; waU'-redavW^'d^ nbt-^li efe: Jefferson City, the Capita; of Missouri; ^^^™^^a

^fS 5;:^

A beuahkable event was the Octo- nounce J

a9 ' . pt aii,passage8

that fashion is: not favorably looked-upon by- ° The Directors of the Young Men's fruitful/ .tney werb not redprocatod 'tober election in the State of Ohio, not- geem to contradict their ; theories, goes those who, at one .time, , Avere willing to Hebrew Association are'evidently thbr- W apj ireciable "extent Upon tbfe, inhabitants, amongst whom reside eight ;w v;':Vv y^irt/ ???.7:C^^M] 2*& 'because the Democrats were victorious, on to lay down two" fundamental rules,- receive, but are -down ,

^ on the cus- 0Ugbly in earnest in their effbrts.to extend whole I am:- 'not dTssatisfieo;with , the pbr: to ten Jewish familiesrbesidesievcral ' : \ .:;WOMEN HsiiTNo ;WQJiEN.~ry; -;;

andeleotedtheirticket byal2,000major- that might afford the-student great as- fomt ?iu^^?S?^^, hl^ !n: what niay^e ,t8rmed the down-^wn smbtf of/Judaism^b this^ city.

^It has single men. . :. '- .,-V . . ^


^j M^;.\ i <)ur Woman's 'Exchab^e is alor^ctiea]:ire frtr Ohin iin'ilnno. iiPPn .„„»„„,/„!„ sistance in his endeavors to discover the - 'Andtfot

^do1 nope, inaf j iu. tpo, cmioren miaaiouary work of the society. , Not taken: departures in aome; directions -Five years ago, the Jewish, ladies of iiiug(.ratton>that women as ; a classbvin-,ty .for Ohio has long been an uncertain origin of Echall Kabbah. With this pre- ¦tfttoMi ™H - be entered upon the hpok content :with establishing ; a braneli.in which may devel6P_greater powers of .J rsOnCity^ganizedand formed^the,; baS S SSubeo ^

State. Also, not because the Prohibition fftC°; „„ at; hce proceeds to set fbaiithe: of life;; that they may live, to see the East Broadway, : another /important usefulness/than the Judaism of Europe Hebrew Ladresr Sewing Soeietyiihavlng ¦S ^JroS MBiffii^'XSP^.

Amendment was defeated ; for fif ty relation of the Midrash to ^. Talmud error of their ways, if .tliey are chargea- step has just been taken in securing from as found at present. '', ' inview the erection of a place of worship,- WerioveVance: a, fQW^ntorbrisini' ladiesmillion dollars of property was it stake Babli ; A\ Tolmuo; Yerushalmi ;.and: Gf ', W« wiWi errors, and that whateve

^r be- tho trustees of the Five*bints'Hoiiseof The; rabbf of /the:.Nineteenth:"street, .and after many btruggies1. ;therr .bright, , 8li,ing thea;6U«i tra nsit' in

in the form of breweries distilloriM the Pesikta derab Kahana. , ' ; ;tide, whether the ^o/ar. falls no ,longer Industry : thtj use of: their class-rooms synagogiie( responded as follows: '«'There, dreams : are at last realized./ .This . nefican individuallife> saw the adv'an-1 ?k T-, % 'o*, f v ' '"\A. One of tlie revisers of Eohah Rab- pleasantlj- upon thclr; ears, or. whetller for each night of tlic week (Friday and are 'enoT-mbusvimmigrations fr6m Slav- morning: I was.sho^a.beautUulstruo- S S SS .

and other buildings in which tho liquor bah was bequaibtod with tlib: Talmud tbc A6een^ ^^ longer Sunday exoepted^ and of

their large bbicabd M

agyar :bommunities, whence: tur^business is done, besides vineyards, hop- Babli. ' All things tend to prove this: any charm Jor tnem .tuoy wiu they have flbd to avoid a bitter persecu- K^fields, etc;, and ' the livolihoodof thou- Several sectibnsln the Midrashbear a g02d'';vh°^J V^«$A i$$£: persons; for, Saturday CTObings. -It is; tibn. Tbelieveithatthenumberofthese

and;displayed: to;the^best' advantage.'RimU at familips wfl iponn.rili^rf By, striking resemblance to corresponding and .without .tno

^gaTes ana , proclaim proposed tb pen classes for. instructing^ immigrants..In this city cannot fall short be proud. I will also state.,.that Mrs;, Orders can" alflO 'be leftv for evervth&irsan<b5 of famdies was jeopardi ?ed. Re- * in -the; Talmud; whenever proudly whcneVer • necessary, ^dbnav ^ubg eo^eligionists in rudiments of the of, 25^0, all of. whom are thormighlyi Fannie Strauss, no^.deceased.was the ~

mSi^ :&^m i ^markablc in.tho event is this, that most ihia : obcurs :there : is evidence ' to show chod. ,

..,,- w,; , ¦¦ , Vernacular,';: as well as to impress upon,/Orthodox' Jt is obvious that; aa'wi: first President of the H. L. S. S. • ; Many ba^Sels'Sr^ca^P^all riotestant clergymen, preachers, that the Echah Babbah account is later bilveh weddings them sbm'e of .the duties pf . American make no proselytes^

our only gainsniust tka^/are dne .the Jewish K«l^parsotis, and deacons and deaconesses, than that of the Rabli. We are, there- Are not always celebrated when twenty- citizens. The most essential things be from the natural increase of the Jew* city; The: ladies interested in this hoblej many. 0f.. the voung ladies " present - 'tokciders together with the ladies and the fore< "naturally ledto conclude thatthe five years have passed overthe heads of which many of our unfortunate Russian i3h population in New York, and. such a work are the Mesdames. Hpohstadter,. :thoir eentleroaa ifnends- asf.ohilobbjna,. ' .?, ¦ ¦. ' , , , , latter furnished the reviser [of tho Mid- a mamed couple; at aU events, in this brethren are in sad need of b.eibg taught jbovwaent as has recehtly'takeb place VetsburgV' Bbdcnhelmor, " i i Goldman, - ^retAnt,, ¦;,„;,,; „*t „;,,' boiiSw*t4iioli -

other pillars of the church, have- rash] with his matter. The only hypothe- cV, we are not so particular as to -English, and at loftst sonie MqUamt in Easl«rn Europe. Our numbers all WoUermab zmd several others whose t^^^preached and prayed these three months sis that can be suggested against^t is, dates in this respect as has recently onCO with the ' riidimcbtary laws: of told are between 80,000 and 90,000, of names If ailed to learn. The name ;ot ^oman ' tsnmorb entHle'atb'bld-' and-avm-in all parts of the State. • Not only was that the author of rEchah Kabbah had at been demonstrated. I asked , a lady health, hygiencr-will -receive a largo whom perhaps a fractibniless than 20,000 .the . congregation is Beth El, numbering .•p^thv.; ¦than^ anV"Other;,¦¦'cIass '¦;i'f6r'¦it' :¦is•every church and overv vestry room 00- nis disposal ' a- collection of Hagadoth friend, a short time ago whom I met at gharQ of the attention of the are of the Reformed nersuasion^J,' ' now only twelve, members, ,, Our co- .¦^tTCmelv^hara ''-„. ;li i,„ n, ^^i, /,., ;_ " i„.,^„> .„ similar to those occurring in the Jtabli. a silver we.ddingv and whom*l have instructors of the . proposed classes. "The question you ask with regard to religioniste of Jeffei-sbn City are gentle- whb hfls 'onlv a fftsiuonabifi educationcupied by the nghtepus m prayer as- Bufc thU gratuitous nsSumption-which knOwn when she was married-twenty- In , order that the people out efforts to supply the religioi^n<ieds men ofstabdlhg, Who take a great in- SS«SM-Bcmbled , but halls and public localities s]10uld - never be proposed except, as a five 'years ago—why she does not eele: sought to be benetited may be fiilly in- of the Jewish tenement-house eleincnt, teiSest in the peq>etiiatipn Of Jbdaismy-' complishments - wliieli in former -din swere hired or rented, and Heaven was last resource—is, in the present instance, brato her sih'er WeddingP The lady formed in rcgiu-d to the scheme insti- I can only answer by saying that our and it is -to .be' hoped that.this under- were/ merelv orn aibental ¦ aib ^in ' aassailed from all sides and in all kinds repugnant to all philosophical reason-, placed her finger , to her still pretty tuted iu their behalf , meetings will be position in, this 'respect is: peculiar.: taking will bo successful- and' induce feeble way made bibad-winners - ' .~r , „.,., „ 1 „*i« ^„ i v * j„ inff. ! It would" be absurd to assume, mouth and motioned me to follow; her held 611 the Saturday nights of this These immigiants have a strength of others in small towiis to imita^^of ways and earnestly besought to de- ;w1h'6ut the slightest reason, the exist- to the corner of the crowded room and month, at which persons6 desirous 'of religious conviction which make's:mis- good example. : iSrf S: S. to oiSha^bwhhSfeat the ficc-thinkcr , Judge Hoadly, and Cnce of a collection of Hagadoth, when then startled me With the following in- joining the ' clasKCS are expected to be siou work unnecessary. Hardly aro Optobor 0.1883, ,

^. - ,.;¦¦ /- - ,. : ¦ '¦^^^^^^ ri&6^-(gy B .' -- ,iii.

his Democratic compatriots, and to tho facts that certain paragraphs occur- formation,: V'Of course you know lam present. In entering upon this miich- they landed before they begin to forni ipivpwwnb'rif ttaic oroer\bYsweii the-^reaHuW" ' ;' "grant a majority of votes for tho liquor ring in E. R, can be

^accounted for by married nigh unto twenty-eight years, needed work, the Y.: M. R. A. richly de- societies which we call chebra , a term ^"^VfcflttUKIH,;*.AJi. , ¦; ;.?.:gfi-e:: -j ,k^>^-0 r3le4';aoori''r»nd

Prohibition Amendment. And yet Judge th1,pr^


°! ^nl Tnl ^ ^ w \T££ It mv T?,X C?P


t -the support of the Jewish com- which would apply equally to a benefit The Rabbi. Isaac Rubens^

,r 1, , , « ' "„» ¦#. Most scholars, have hitherto but-^do you see my flattie theie^ She munuy. It is an intelligent and sen- society. Among the members of these out lWre from th« Hphmw nnlrtW wnA'' refused "ft^mittanco'to obr ebmls.Hoadly was elected Governor of Ohio thought that Echah Rabbah obtained is twenty-six years of age, _ and 0,1s attempt to dispe! ignorance. chcbrA no matter how poor; ignorant C fefhas S excledin^^and the liquor Prohibition Amendment . the greater part'of its matter from Tal- a better and handsomer girl is not and: to teach peoji le habituated and degraded they may be, there is al- a short time He united, the 'discbW effort-she peVsevertd'' ' snapped^was defeated. This is certainly re- mud Yerushalmi. Dr. Abrahams' re- in the city, and though some old to dirt and squalor how to live cleanly, ways.at least one person who is compe- dant elements of the - con^regammkable. especially in Ohio, which is searches, however,

^mduocd him to

Californmns wto ¦ ^. k»«?^

r ™»' The extent of t ,e Assoc.ation's . labors tent to read the servicb and^

the la^v, ^^^^, F vu» jr * ' ™,"" " take a different pew of the matter. It since I was a girl and would, if their at- will, I suppose, onl y bo limited by the which are of coui-se in pure Biblical He^ niPmlJrs K-ii Wn inn,Wefivl -hv kliniit ' abbolntpd ' Kv (^v Butler hfMass'aohu-governed very much by the politics of is cv!dont that the. "Midrash in its pre- tention was called to j t, remember that means at ita disposal. The greater the brew. Such men act as if they were 3™&^ ^ ft^m^- «tW"S &SlSSK *the vestry rooms. This time, however, sent form is written in two totally dis- I >8|hould have celebrated my silver wed- means, the greater the good° to be ac- rabbis, which now means only a man of ' 6^^ yeS&^^'' ^SS ai ^ ^mithe material interests overbalanced the tinct styles. It not unfrequently cxhib- ding three years ago, yet no one ha*, jpomplished.

^ . religiops learrtingv alfliougli strictly it is ,vhich are volunteers Vwhl0h:W6iated a 1

m^^^^^influence of the church. '*? fl *W te" nF?

to combine the spoken

to mo about

it but you, and T The opening, teekat the Thalia has equiva entto the t tie of J ioctor of Di- on j?0 ^s^„A accompanied by ?thb^ '^^^^, Yerushalmi aud -Babli versions of the don't want you to mention it ag^ain to been entirely dfeVoted to; "The Queen!« v nlty. . We have in reality no genuine 0rtfab He' lab obenad the

• « > Hr- same narrative. It often shows a strong any one until Hattie is married. %ung Lace Haudker(^of." :Stranss'8?charm- pricsthbod, and in the hundreds of so- sBwith tlirte S s andS't Sre ^G»AUe^T^nubMI^r6ipectThe municipal election in Berlin,' tendency in favor of the latter Talmud fellows, you know, don't want to marry ing strains, in tij is case illustrating one cieties which are formed in this way, the nihotv pupils, and thb confirmatfob:' vpaid Wnv'bv the liar of St. touis wasbot,

coming on in a few weeks, agitates the b7 rendering into the Babylonian , girls over whose.heads twenty-hve years of the most istupid librettos ever pub tp- reader is appointed frbm^the society ami blass with ^webty-sbvctt • candidates.: solely'on•booount bf'hispbsltibn biitas a.

community of the German Capital. All PhraseoWy ,8.,nS 7nl^ n

flnd Whpl° KT,Pw^?-M««^*^^i£r g?^,er, b>' lltc™Ff ha?ks< ls **"*?$[ by the society. Many of- these are per- His sermons are well liked, and nb:ha3; : just tribute to his superiority ai ariiablo,vu umu .ijmwiv ui.inittn uapiuu. aii 8entences which, we have every reason and as long as I stave off my silver wed- given by Mr. Aniberg's company which manent, others are.formed onlyfor the nreaclipd also in several1 nfaoes outside lurist ¦" ¦ ' / V ¦'''¦' ¦"¦partiesare prepanngfor the campaign. to believe, were ori^inany written

in the ding Hattie, who looks as young at fr have no hesitation in calling the celebration of sacred days,and^^^Tho Christian Social party, known as Palestinian dialect. Tho instances ox- twonty-six as most girls do at eighteen , strongest organization for its purpose "Tlie average attendancbat'the sypa- This youbi*1' Rabbi it appears\ : brings -his ''Intellectiial ¦' attainment interfere'the Anti-Semites, led by Stoccker, also amined and compared (IC in number) I havba readier market for her. Ihaye now to be^seen on our stage. I have goguo is falling off , because:'strains every nerve to gain some ad- "Vl Pomt to the conclusion thar wlicro earned this trick from Mis. M—-, who never seen Herr Klcm act with, wlio . belong to the Nineteenth

^ street; Ho works with a yVisonian 'enthusiasm: jb liavb larsto'd gcJOcl; «me,JVan<i;ho.

n,, U,'1VU .W' fea,u ° V ,lu similarity exists between Echah Rabbah has four , mari'iagable , daughters, the more humor or use Ms ' pretty Synagogiie Jive a long iWay up^towM WriS Pttrlm-anob ; :• •-::'' a (*: ' ¦- ¦ Wh.il it ' ¦ ^- - t'v:" ¦" . ¦- ' '-':V:' ' ;- - ':::•::¦ '¦'vantage. The party is too smaj l to elect and the Verushalmi alone, the Midrash eldest of wlioni is exactly Hattie's age, and sympathetic •- voice with beMer ef- Thb^omen .have :re%idus- scrupled tobctS ' ¦:.:::-- - r ' i ?v ' " ' "¦>. ,. Kiadibs' ail'h'ave J«io : house 'deco-nnybody. It is hiited by tho Liberals; is independent of tho Talmud." Wo and she will not think of a silver wed- feet. Frl. Secbold'has much improved againbtridirig-ih n bar W^and the Conservatives can not well asso- ttV0 warranted in assuming from these ding until at least the eldest has found as an:aotrcss; while hoi- voice ^asbeyer and the distance , is.: to^rgreatf6?;walk-: i.posiH ;wj ^ %n'yV' 0s-mucn as 'five dpllavs'Spbrciate with that crowd and so Stoeekcr data that : I. Tho Midrash Echah is a husband. People calculate too read- in .better form. Herr Scliutz .is at opcb lng.. ^Tb- ascribe the .mon-attebtlaneft of sbonVdiscbver.tho value. of/tliat :bnthn-. lessbn ior lier :newi<f' devolopbd-ttalent >g, Am„.,„„ -i \ 1 *

no homogeneous compilation. II. Ono ily the agb of gij ls in the , house when; a. graceful and impassioned arid.hisres'o'- many wlio'belong to Uioi synagogue t^ Bifts'mland t \os ,vpmp .iny raacie snong appeals to of the revisers was acquainted with both silver wedding is announced, a^d-I pro- nant tenbrdS-al^aysv used .Svith discre- indutcre'nce \V0hrdbe upjiJst.cbecause,4a sttidopts tak^ tho la> -

- . ^O: Tforkingiuen's. party pi'Berlin to Talmudim. JH. Tho-tetreceiffiiottof [for toseo m'y daughter,marricd 'to .hay-|Uoa.V' Of the UniorrCollegb.^ED. AMi IsjtiJLtsB.J.r/;; '.l,--. \y. - , r}'> .., v-i.' ".". l^ ' "' ^. •^¦";,°', '''