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8/2/2019 Unidad 1 White http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/unidad-1-white 1/23 A Heteroskedasticity-Consistent Covariance Matrix Estimator and a Direct Test for Heteroskedasticity Author(s): Halbert White Source: Econometrica, Vol. 48, No. 4 (May, 1980), pp. 817-838 Published by: The Econometric Society Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/1912934 . Accessed: 19/07/2011 11:48 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at . http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp . JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unless you have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use. Please contact the publisher regarding any further use of this work. Publisher contact information may be obtained at . http://www.jstor.org/action/showPublisher?publisherCode=econosoc . . Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the screen or printed page of such transmission. JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. The Econometric Society is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Econometrica. http://www.jstor.org

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A Heteroskedasticity-Consistent Covariance Matrix Estimator and a Direct Test forHeteroskedasticityAuthor(s): Halbert WhiteSource: Econometrica, Vol. 48, No. 4 (May, 1980), pp. 817-838Published by: The Econometric SocietyStable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/1912934 .

Accessed: 19/07/2011 11:48

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This paper presents a parameter covariance matrix estimator which is consistent even

when the disturbances of a linear regression model are heteroskedastic. This estimator

does not depend on a formal model of the structure of the heteroskedasticity. By

comparing the elements of the new estimator to those of the usual covariance estimator,

one obtains a direct test for heteroskedasticity, since in the absence of heteroskedasticity,

the two estimators will be approximately equal, but will generally diverge otherwise. The

test has an appealing least squares interpretation.


IT IS WELL KNOWN that the presence of heteroskedasticity in the disturbances of

an otherwise properly specified linear model leads to consistent but inefficient

parameter estimates and inconsistent covariance matrix estimates. As a result,

faulty inferences will be drawn when testing statistical hypotheses in the presence

of heteroskedasticity.

If the investigator has a formal model of the process generating the differing

variances, these difficulties are easily eliminated by performing an appropriate

linear transformation on the data, based on this model. However, even when sucha model is available, it may be incorrect. Often, several models are considered

(e.g., Griliches [10]), but still without the certain knowledge that any of them is

correct. In this situation one can test each of the alternative transformed models

for remaining heteroskedasticity (using any of several available tests), and eli-

minate those which fail. But what is one to do if all fail the heteroskedasticity test?

Although the investigator will have a fairly good idea of the parameter values of

the linear model, there remains a considerable difficulty in assessing the precision

of the parameter estimates and testing hypotheses due to the possible inconsis-

tency of the usual covariance matrix estimator.In this paper I resolve this difficultyby presenting a covariance matrix estimator

which is consistent in the presence of heteroskedasticity, but does not rely on a

(possibly incorrect) specific formal model of the structure of the heteroskedasti-

city. Thus, even when heteroskedasticity cannot be completely eliminated, proper

inferences can be drawn. Under appropriate conditions, a natural test for

heteroskedasticity can be obtained by comparing the consistent estimator to the

usual covariance matrix estimator; in the absence of heteroskedasticity, both

estimators will be about the same-otherwise, they will generally diverge. The test

shares the advantage of the covariance estimator, in that no formal structure onthe nature of the heteroskedasticity is imposed, in contrast to the tests suggested

1I am greatly indebted to David Tanny, Jon Wellner, Dennis Carlton, the referees, and the

participants of the University of Western Ontario and Harvard/MIT econometrics workshops for

helpful comments and suggestions. Any errors are mine alone.


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by Goldfeld and Quandt [8], Rutemiller and Bowers [20], Glejser [6], or Harvey[12].


To begin, assume that the model has the following structure:

ASSUMPTION 1: The model is known to be

Yi = X,lo + (il, .n)

where (Xi, E,) is a sequence of independent not (necessarily) identically dis-

tributed (i.n.i.d.) random vectors, such that Xi (a 1 x K vector) and Ei (a scalar)

satisfy E(X!Ei) = 0. Ei s unobservable while Yi andXi are observable. /3ois a finiteunknown K x 1 parameter vector to be estimated.

By assuming that the elements of the sequence (Xi, E,) are i.n.i.d., the case offixed regressors with (possibly) heteroskedastic errors is automatically covered.Also covered by this assumption is the case in which observations are obtained notfrom a controlled experiment (as the fixed regressor assumption requires) but

rather from a (possibly) stratified cross section, a case frequently encountered inapplied microeconomics. Note that by assuming only that Xi and Ei are uncor-

related, we automatically cover the less general but frequently encountered casesin which E(Es Xj) = 0 or Xi and Eiare independent, with E(Ej) = 0. Thus, we allow

heteroskedasticity of the form E(E Xi)=g(X), where g is a known (possibly

parametric) function. Such a situation arises, for example, in the randomcoefficients model of Hildreth and Houck [14].

Next, we make the following assumption.

ASSUMPTION 2: (a) There exist positive finite constants a and A suchthat, for all i, E(de2|1+8)<A and

E(LXlJXikL1I8)<Aj, k=..... , K); (b) Mn

n'1 X;?n=1(X'Xi) is nonsingular for (all) n sufficiently large,2 such that det M,>> 0.

The firstpart of this assumption ensures that the error variances are uniformly

bounded (the condition being slightly stronger than this) and that the elements ofthe average covariance matrix of the regressors are also uniformly bounded. In the

fixed regressor case, the condition requires that the regressors themselves be

uniformly bounded. The second part ensures the eventual nonsingularity of the

average covariance matrix of the regressors and the uniform boundedness of theelements of the inverse. Note that Mns not required to converge to any particularlimit.

2In what follows the qualifier "all" will be implicitly understood.

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Define the ordinary least squares (OLS) estimator 13n = (XX)-XX' Y, where X

is the n x K matrix with rows Xi and Y is the n x 1 vector with elements Y1. t is

simple to prove the following lemma.

LEMMA 1 - Given Assumptions 1 and 2, 13 exists almost surely for n sufficientlylarge and 13n - /30.

Proofs are given in the Mathematical Appendix. Thus, OLS provides a strongly

consistent estimator for 80 in the i.n.i.d. regressor and error case defined by

Assumptions 1 and 2.

With the next assumption, an asymptotic normality result can be obtained.

ASSUMPTION 3: (a) There exist positive finite constants 8 and a such that for all

i E(I XiiXikIl+8) <A (j, k = 1,.. ., K); (b) The average covariance matrix

Vn= n1 i=1 E(EiX Xi) is nonsingular for n sufficiently large, such that

det Vn>S>O.

Note that with fixed regressors or stochastic regressors independent of Ei,

Assumption 3(a) is implied by Assumption 2 (a).

The uniform boundedness of the elements of Vnin Assumption 3 is guaranteed

by Assumption 3 (a). Assumption 3 (a) and (b) ensure the uniform boundedness of

Together, Assumptions 1-3 allow the multivariate Liapounov central limit

theorem given by White [23] to be applied.

The asymptotic normality result is as follows.

LEMMA 2. Under Assumptions 1-3,

,In nA (n -130) -N(O, IK).

This result is slightly more general than the asymptotic normality results usually

given since the "asymptotic covariance matrix" f1Vn-J1

is not required to

converge to any particular limit. In the fixed regressor case, M2-hVnMIn- has the

familiar form (X'X/n)-1(X'QX/nn)(X'X/n )-1, where Q2is the n x n diagonal

matrix with diagonal elements oK" E(E 2).

Now consider the problem of testing hypotheses. In particular, consider testingthe linear hypotheses

Ho: R/3o= r vs. H1: R,fo r,

where R is a finite q x K matrix of full row rank and r is a finite q x 1 vector. It can

be shown that given Ho

A 2

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under Assumptions 1-3. This statistic is not computable however, since

Mn- 1/,,Mn1 is not known. If it were possible to replace Mn-VnMn with a

consistent estimator, the usual asymptotic tests (the normal and x2 ests analogous

to the familiar finite sample t and F tests) could be performed.

The difficulty evidently arises in estimating Vn. If we consider the fixedregressor case in which Vn= (X'QX/nn), it might appear that we must successfully

estimate each diagonal element of Q2.As the model has been set out, this could

require estimating n different variances o2, obviously an impossible task when

only n observations are available (cf. Goldfeld and Quandt [9, p. 86]). But this

way of looking at the problem is misleading. What is actually required is to

estimate n 1 X>i1E(E4X'Xi), an average of expectations. To do this it is not

necessary to estimate each expectation separately. Under the conditions given

above, a consistent estimator is n1X'=- XiX1. Unfortunately, Ei is not

observable; however, Ei can be estimated by ? = Y1 Xij3, which leads us to

consider the estimatorn

^ 1 vA2wrXVn= n ? in iAi


In the fixed regressor case, this amounts to replacing the ith diagonal element of

12, oK2,with s,n the ith squared residual.

With the next condition, the estimator Vn becomes the key to solving the

problem of obtaining a heteroskedasticity-consistent covariance estimator.

AsSUMPTION 4: There exist positive constants 8 and A such that for all i

(IvJX2 ikX1 I1+) < a (j, k, l = 1,.. .,K).

Uniformly bounded fixed or stochastic regressors are sufficient for Assumption 4

to hold.3

We now present the first main result.


THEOREM 1: (i) V n,-Vf|-0 under Assumptions 1, 2, 3(a) and 4; (ii)a.s.

I(X'X/n)F1 Vn(X'X/n)-1 pM-nV M-l - 0

under Assumptions 1, 2, 3(a), and 4; (iii)

A 2

n(R/3n r)'[R (X'X/n Y-1Vn X'X/n 1R']- (R,3n r) -x,

given Ho and Assumptions 1-4.

The first part of Theorem 1 states that Vn consistently estimates Vn,resolv-

ing the difficulty discussed in the preceding paragraphs. The second part

3Note also that Assumption 4 is sufficient for the second condition in Assumption 2(a), since

ZS'{l- r11+88 FrX2iX2. 11+^8 + 1.

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provides the heteroskedasticity-consistent covariance matrix estimator,

(X'X/n)- Vn(X'X/n)-. Using this estimator to test linear hypotheses in the

usual way gives correct results asymptotically, as the third part of the theorem

demonstrates. This result fills a substantial gap in the econometrics literature, and

should be useful in a wide variety of applications. Since the convergence to

normality of In(8n3-,,- ) can be shown to be uniform, the heteroskedasticity-

consistent covariance estimator can also be shown to be appropriate for use in

constructing asymptotic confidence intervals.

In fact, results similar to propositions (i) and (ii) of Theorem 1 were stated over a

decade ago by Eicker [5], although Eicker considers only fixed and not stochastic

regressors. Also, if r =0 and if R is the 1 x K vector with ith element equal to

unity and the rest zero, then the X test statistic of (iii) is precisely the square of the

asymptotic normal statistic (analogous to the t test) proposed by Eicker [4] for the

heteroskedastic case in an even earlier classic paper. It is somewhat surprisingthat

these very useful facts have remained unfamiliar to practicing econometricians for

so long.

The estimator Vnis also similar to an estimator proposed by Hartley, J. N. K.

Rao, and Kiefer [11] and C. R. Rao [18], namely


Vn = n E Sin i ii=l

where 5in is the minimum norm quadratic unbiased estimator (MINQUE)for a


discussed by C. R. Rao [18] and Chew [2]. i2n is not a MINQUE for Oq;

nevertheless, it is straightforward to show that Vn and Vn are asymptotically

equivalent, so that Theorem 1 also holds for Vn.Note, however, that due to the

complexity of the formula for 5i2n,Vnis always more difficult to compute than Vn

and becomes more so as n increases.

The results of Theorem 1 can be extended to the nonlinear case Yi=

f(Xi, 0) + Eiby replacing Xi1with af(Xi, 0)/1aj in all computations, under condi-

tions given by White [23]. In this case, it resembles the covariance matrix

estimator given by Berndt, Hall, Hall, and Hausman [1]. An expression analogousto Vn can also be easily obtained for instrumental variables estimators. (In the

framework of two-stage least squares, one simply replaces Xi with Xi, the

projection of X, on the space spanned by the instruments; however, as usual, ',, is

still computed using Xi.)


Goldfeld and Quandt [9, Ch. 3] provide several examples to show that

heteroskedasticity can result in serious inconsistencies in the usual least squarescovariance matrix estimator4 an(X'X/n)-l where 02n= n 1 (Yi -XXifn)2.

The estimator 5n is used instead of sn =(n -K)'% X1 (Y la-XI3n)2 to avoid unnecessarily

cluttering the proofs. Obviously, all asymptotic results are valid if sn replaces arn.

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Similar problems can be caused by a lack of independence of Eiand Xi, even in the

absence of heteroskedasticity. Of course, the heteroskedasticity consistent

covariance matrix given in Theorem 1 allows one to make proper inferences and

construct appropriate confidence intervals regardless of these complications.

However, this estimator is not as simple to compute as 6-n(X'X/n)j, so it is

particularly useful to have a simple indicator of whether or not 5n(X'X/n)-l is in

fact inconsistent which does not rely on direct computation of

(X'X/n) 1Vn(X'X/n) 1. Further, if this inconsistency can be attributed to

heteroskedasticity (as will often be possible) one also has an indication of whether

there is a potential efficiency payoff to a more careful modeling of the variance


In this section, we derive a simple test for conditions which ensure the

consistency of A2

(X'X/n)-l.The test is based on the fact that in the presence of

homoskedasticity ( 0-0= u, for all i) and with si independent of Xi4, =2 1 EX1. cae cno

o0n X7I 1E(X,Xj. In this case 4ncan be consistently estimated either by Vnor

by 2n(X'X/n). Comparing the elements of VnandA

2(X'X/n) thus provides an

indication of whether or not A2 (X'X/n)-l is a consistent covariance matrix

estimator. Theorem 2 below makes precise the sense in which V4 and Ar (X'X/ n)

must be sufficiently far apart to indicate inconsistency, and Corollary 1 provides a

simple procedure for detecting possible inconsistency. To obtain these results, we

must add additional structure.

First, we make the following assumption.

AsSUMPTION 5: There exist positive constants 8 and A such that, for all i,

E(I4| 1+8) <A, and E(jXijXikXiaXimI1l+8)A (j,k, 1,m = 1, K).

Note that Assumption 5 is sufficient for Assumption 4 and Assumption 2(a).

Next, define the products

'pis XikXii (s=, . K(K +1)/2; k= 1,. . ., K;I =1, . k)

and let Vibe the 1 x K(K + 1)/2 vector with elements t!s. Thus, VJ's the vector

containing the elements of the lower triangle of the matrix X'Xi. Also, define


The vector Tn with elements Tn, contains the elements of the lower triangle of

Mn.Similarly, we define the 1 x K(K + 1)/2 vector t!n= n1 i=1 'i.Vn contains

the elements of the lower triangle of X'X/n. Now assume the following:

ASSUMPTION6: The average covariance matrix

n_ _Bn=n-l > E(E ](i_n)(-n)


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is nonsingular for n sufficiently large such that det Bn > > 0; also, for n

sufficiently arge n-1 in 1E((F 2 _O 2)2) > > O.

In the theorem which follows, we are particularly concerned with the behaviorof the random variables (I'i- -ny[

2 2-7 ]. Assumptions 5 and 6 help to ensure

that the appropriate conditions are satisfied to invoke asymptotic normality. Bn is

the average covariance matrix of these random variables; with Xi independent of

Ei, ts elements are uniformly bounded by Assumption 5. The inverse B-1 exists

for n sufficiently large, and with Xi independent of Ei has uniformly bounded

elements by Assumptions 5 and 6.

Finally, we make the following assumption:

ASSUMPTION 7: There exist positive constants 8 and a such that for all i

E(IX4f1isPitll+j)< A (j= 1,. ..,K; s,t, =1,. ..,K(K + 1)/2).

In vector notation, we can express the lower triangle of the matrix difference

Vn- Un(X'X/n) as the difference vector


Dn66n,OB)= n-1

'P in E in ( On]i=l

We also use an estimator of B,n defined as


Bn = n 1E [in -(J'n] (-n) A'Pi tn)i=l

With this structure, we can now give a direct test for inconsistency of the usual

least squares covariance matrix estimator, 5Jn(X'X/n )-1

THEOREM 2: Given Assumptions 1, 2(b), 3(b), and 5-7, if Eiis independentof

Xi andE(E2) = o_2for all i, then

A 2 1 A 2A 2

(1 nDn (.n, On)B n Dn (X(n,O n) -X K(K +1) 2 .

Note that the null hypothesis maintains not only that the errors are homoske-

dastic, but also that they are independent of the regressors, and that the model is

correctly specified in the sense that Assumptions 1, 2(b), 3(b), and 5-7 hold.

Failure of any of these conditions can lead to a statistically significant test statistic.

Essentially, the statistic (1) is testing a joint hyoothesis that the model's

specification of the first and second moments of the dependent variable is correct.To discover that (1) is not statistically significant for a given model is particularly

good news since it implies that not only is the variance specification of the model

correct (subject to caveats below) but also that the linear specification Yi =

Xi40 + Eiis correct. In this sense, the test based on (1) is a general test for model


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In fact, the test statistic of Theorem 2 is computationally identical to the linear

version of a test for model misspecification proposed in White [22] for the i.i.d.

regressor nonlinear model case. In that situation, the power of this statistic with

respect to the null hypothesis that the explanatory model is correct up to an

independent additive disturbance derives from the fact that(X'X/n)-1Vn(X'X/n)-Y is a consistent estimator of the parameter covariance

matrix even when the model is misspecified, while 2 (X'X/n)-1 is inconsistent.

This inconsistency arises from the fact that when the model is misspecified, the

disturbance of the incorrect specification contains the specification error, so that it

is impossible for the regressors to be independent of the disturbance term, as the

consistency of2(X'X/n)-1 requires. (See White [22 and 24] for further dis-


When the null hypothesis of Theorem 2 is rejected, the appropriate conclusion

to be drawn depends upon whether one is willing to maintain the correctness ofthe model's specification (most importantly, that the true relation is indeed

Yi= Xi4o + Ei).If so, the most plausible reason for rejection is heteroskedasticity.

In the regressor case, this is the only reason. In the stochastic regressor case, lack

of independence of regressors and errors alone can lead to rejection; however, in

the most commonly encountered models, it is heteroskedasticity which leads to

lack of independence, through a dependence of the error variance on the

regressors. Thus, when the model is maintained to be correct, rejection may

reasonably be attributed to heteroskedasticity, so that there is a potential

efficiency gain to be realized from a more careful modeling of the variancestructure.

If the investigator is less confident about the correctness of the linear model, the

test indicates only that something is wrong, but not what. A more thorough

investigation of the model's specification is indicated.SIn what follows, we assume

the model is correct and treat (1) as a heteroskedasticity test.

As given, the statistic (1) is even more cumbersome to compute than Vn.

However, by slightly modifying the conditions of Theorem 2, we can obtain a

comparable statistic which is very easy to obtain. In particular, replace Assump-

tion 7 in Theorem 2 with the assumption that the Ei are homokurtic-that is,

E(E 4=,14 for all i. Now consider the artificial regression

(2) i= ao +a 1IF1+ a2 2J2+ +aK(K+1)/21'K(K+1)/2


=ato+ E E aXjXkn)

j=1 k=j

5 If the investigator is unsure about the correctness of the model's specification, a practical way of

proceeding would be to use the statistic (1), and if rejection occurs, apply a specification test of the typeproposed by Hausman [13] or White [24]. These latter tests are sensitive to model misspecification, butnot heteroskedasticity. Hence, accepting the null hypothesis of no model misspecification wouldindicate that rejection of the null hypothesis of Theorem 2 is indeed due to heteroskedasticity, whereasrejection of the null hypothesis of no misspecification indicates that rejection of the null hypothesis ofTheorem 2 is due to model misspecification. Since these tests are in general dependent, the formal sizeof this sequential procedure will be difficult to determine. Note also that both specification testsmentioned above may detect only a lack of independence between errors and regressors, instead ofmisspecification.

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where the a's are parameters to be estimated by OLS. Equation (2) directs us to

regress the squared estimated residuals on all second order products and cross-

products of the original regressors. The next result uses the fact that (1) is

asymptotically equivalent to testing the joint hypothesis a1 = a2 = . . . =

aK(K+1)/2 = 0 using the standard R2 statistic from the regression (2), given thehomokurtosis assumption. Formally, we have the following corollary.

COROLLARY 1: Given Assumptions 1, 2(b), 3(b), 4-6, if Ei s independent of Xi,

and E(E2) = CO-,E(E 4) = 1 for all i, then

2 A 2(3) nR ~- XK(K?1/2

whereR2 is the (constant-adjusted) squaredmultiple correlationcoefficient rom the

regression (2).

All the remarks made following Theorem 2 apply here as well. It is useful to

note at this point, however, that Assumption 6 can fail identically. In particular, if

the estimating equation contains a constant term, say X1, 1, then equation (2)

contains a redundant constant; equivalently, the corresponding (first) element of

Dn(Wm5n) and the row and column of Bn corresponding to the constant will be

identically zero, implying a singular Bn. In this case, it is entirely appropriate to

delete the redundant constant from (2) (equivalently, the corresponding element

of Dn( (5nn) and row and column of Bn) and proceed, reducing the x2 degrees of

freedom by one. Redundancies will also occur if the Xi contains a constant and

polynomial terms (e.g., the translog production function). For example if Xi,- 1

andX13= Xi2, then Xi1Xi3= X12X12.Again, the redundant term is simply dropped

and degrees of freedom are reduced by one.

Note that when the homokurtosis assumption fails (so that (1) is appropriate),

the only effect is that the nominal size of the test associated with (3) becomes

incorrect. The test statistic (3) will still have unit power asymptotically.

This result allows one to perform the test without first computing the matrixVn.If the test is passed, it indicates the adequacy of A2 (X'X/n)-l for hypothesis

testing, and one could stop at this point (although in some cases further efficiency

gains might be possible-see below). If the test is failed, one can proceed to

calculate the heteroskedasticity-consistent covariance matrix estimator using the


Dn O2ngr )-( it ))cn

where an is the K(K + 1)/2 x 1 vector containing the OLS estimates ofa1,... , aK(K+1)/2. By adding the appropriate element of Dn(f3ng,) to each

element of 52 (X'X/n), one obtains V^.

In the form (3), the test resembles a Lagrange multiplier test for a specific class

of normal heteroskedastic alternatives considered by Godfrey [7]. Note that

normality is not assumed here. From the discussion above, it is clear that the

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power of Godfrey's test must derive, as does that of the statistic (3), from the

inconsistency of 5, (X'X/ n) for '4.

The present testing procedure is also similar to the modified Glejser procedure

proposed by Goldfeld and Quandt [9, p. 93]; however, while Goldfeld and

Quandt accepted or rejected the homoskedasticity hypothesis on the basis of

unidirectional t tests associated with the estimated a's, the test proposed here

considers all a's jointly. Its performance as a heteroskedasticity test should

compare to the modified Gleijser test in a manner roughly analogous to the

performance of Goldfeld and Quandt's FIML x2 test relative to their FIML t test

[9, pp. 94-100].

Although most previous tests for heteroskedasticity have relied upon imposing

some more or less formal structure on the nature of the heteroskedasticity and

then testing to see if this structure is found (e.g., Goldfeld and Quandt [8], Glejser

[6], Rutemiller and Bowers [20], Harvey [12], and Godfrey [7]), the present test

does not require specifying the heteroskedastic structure. Heuristically, one

expects the statistics (1) or (3) to have good power against all heteroskedastic

alternatives which result in inconsistency for the usual covariance matrix estima-

tor; for n sufficiently large, the power of the test in these cases will approach unity.

Tests which correctly formalize the heteroskedasticity should have some power

advantage in finite samples, but (1) or (3) should equal or dominate tests which

incorrectly specify the variance structure. If theory suggests that some of the a 's in

(2) should be zero (as in the original Hildreth-Houck [14] model) or negligible,

power (and degrees of freedom) may be gained by omitting some terms in (2). A

finite sample investigation of the power of (3) absolutely and relative to existing

tests will be undertaken in future work.

Are there cases in which heteroskedasticity does not result in inconsistency for

5rn(X'X/n)Y1? If so, one should expect the power of (1) and (3) to be low in

absolute terms for these cases. Such circumstances are easily characterized,

although it might sometimes be difficultto detect these cases independently of the

statistics given. This characterization is given by the next simple result.

THEOREM 3: Given Assumptions 1, 2(a) and Ei independent of Xi,

0In X'X/n )- Vn| a0 if and only if

| n-f (2 2) (E0(XXi)- ) 0 as n-*ox.

The necessary and sufficient condition for the implied consistency of

5rn(X'X/n)-l provided above says essentiallythat

the second momentsof

theerrors, Ei,must be "uncorrelated" with (asymptotically orthogonal to) all second

moments and cross-moments of the regressors, Xi. Obviously, this occurs when2 _2

- cro, the case of homoskedasticity; but it can also occur when E(XX'Xi) MO a

fixed finite matrix), e.g. when the Xi are obtained from a truly random sample, so

that the regressors are i.i.d. In this last mentioned case, it can be shown that (1) has

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precisely the same XK(K+1)/2 distribution, so that in the presence of heteroske-

dasticity the power of the test is precisely the apparent size of the test.

Unfortunately, these cases are not the only possible ones for which the test will

have low power, since one can construct an unlimited number of them simply by

letting o_ and E(X'Xi) be independent random variables with finite means

(taking these moments as fixed a posteriori).A small x2 tatistic will indicate either

homoskedasticity or any of these other possibilities. Note, however, that if a

variance structure satisfies E(E 2 IQi) g(Qi) for some variables Qi, hen Qiwillhave to be appropriately orthogonal to Xi for the conditions of Theorem 3 to hold;

usually Qi= Xi, so this cannot occur.

Theorem 3 generalizes a simple result given by Malinvaud [16, pp. 303-04] for

the single regressor case. There, Malinvaud shows sufficiency; the present result

shows that necessity is also valid. This result indicates that heteroskedasticity will

be easily detected only when it makes a difference for drawing inferences using the

usual least squares covariance matrix estimator. However, it does not necessarily

follow that in such cases efficiency cannot be improved. The effects of heteroske-

dasticity on the usual covariance matrix estimator and on the efficiency of the least

squares estimator are quite separate. In the case of a diagonal error covariance

matrix, the necessary and sufficient condition for the efficiency of least squares is

precisely homoskedasticity (cf. McElroy [17]). Thus, taking proper account even

of variance structures which satisfy the conditions of Theorem 3 can improve

estimator efficiency. The extent of the improvement can be directly assessed (atleast asymptotically) by comparing the heteroskedasticity-consistent covariance

matrix of the appropriate weighted least squares estimator to that of the OLS


In fact, since the covariance matrix is being consistently estimated, any number

of alternative variance structures may be evaluated in this way, and the structure

with the greatest resulting efficiency can be chosen. One particular such structure

suggested by equation (2) involves choosing weights

coin= (max [on + aIn S >0])

(where 8 is arbitrarily chosen) and forming the weighted least squares estimator

O3n= (X'In- X)-YX'12n Y, where f2n is the diagonal matrix with diagonal ele-

ments Cin. Both Glejser [6] and Goldfeld and Quandt [9] have found in Monte

Carlo studies that even incorrect heteroskedasticity corrections can improve

estimator efficiency over OLS. In future work, possible efficiency improvementsfrom the above choice of weights will be investigated using the heteroskedasticity-

consistent covariance matrix.


This paper has presented general conditions under which a consistent estimator

of the OLS parameter covariance matrix can be obtained, regardless of the

presence of heteroskedasticity in the disturbances of a properly specified linear

model. Since this estimator does not require a formal modeling of the structure of

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the heteroskedasticity and since it requires only the regressors and the estimated

least squares residuals for its computation, the estimator of Theorem 1 should

have wide applicability. Additional conditions are given which allow the investi-

gator to test directly for the presence of heteroskedasticity. If found, elimination

of the heteroskedasticity by a more careful modeling of the stochastic structure of

the model can yield improved estimator efficiency.

Until now, one had either to model heteroskedasticity correctly or suffer the

consequences. The fact that the covariance matrix estimator and heteroskedasti-

city test given here do not require formal modeling of the heteroskedastic

structure is a great convenience, but it does not relieve the investigator of the

burden of carefully specifying his models. Instead, it is hoped that the statistics

presented here will enable researchers to be even more careful in specifying and

estimating econometric models. Thus, when a formal model for heteroskedasti-

city is available, application of the tools presented here will allow one to check the

validity of this model, and undertake further modeling if indicated. But even when

heteroskedasticity cannot be completely eliminated, the heteroskedasticity-

consistent covariance matrix of Theorem 1 allows correct inferences and

confidence intervals to be obtained.

University of Rochester

Manuscript received August, 1978; revision receivedMarch, 1979.


All symbols, definitions, and assumptions are as given in the text.

LEMMA 1: Given Assumptions 1 and 2, 3,nexists almost surely for (all) n sufficiently large and


go/3n, >3o


xists almost surely for (all) n sufficiently large provided (X'X/n) is nonsingular almost

surely for n sufficiently large. When this is true, Assumption 1 allows us to write

/3,n (X'X/n)-1(X' Yln) = g3o+(X'X/n)-1(X'E/n).

Now E(IXijXVk'+)<A for all i and j, k = 1, . . ., K by Assumption 2(a); since the Xi are mutuallyindependent, it follows by Markov's strong law of large numbers (e.g. Chung [3, p. 125]) that

|(X'X/n) -M l- o

where the notation is understood to indicate convergence of the matrices element by element. Now by

Assumption 2(b) Mn is nonsingular for n sufficiently large. By the continuity of the matrix inverse, it

follows that (X'X/n) is nonsingular almost surely for n sufficiently large (so that 3,nexists); theelements of Mf l are uniformly bounded for n sufficiently large, so that

L(X'X/n)-lM-1 -*0.

Next, E(IXj1ej '+")< A for all i and j = 1,.., K as a result of the Holder inequality and Assumption2(a) which ensures E(XI'+") <<a,(Ieii1 ?) <A. Since the X'e, are independent, Markov's strong

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law implies

(X'e/n)-n1 Z E(Xei,) - 0.

Since M-1 has uniformly bounded elements for n sufficiently large by Assumption 2(b), and since

E(X'ej) has uniformly bounded elements, uniform continuity implies

(X'X/n)' (X'e/n) -MRjn1 Z E (X1)| 0.

But E(Xei) = 0 under Assumption 1. Thus

(X'X/n)-1(X'e/n) --O

given Assumptions 1 and 2, implying I3n> -o Q.E.D.

LEMMA 2: Under Assumptions 1-3,

.InVn Mn W(n J0) ~(,I


PROOF:Consider the quantity n-I 1;,=j X'e1. Under Assumption 1 the random vectors X'ej areindependent with E(X'ej) = 0 and average covariance matrix

nVn,= n1 E(E2XXi)


which is positive definite for n sufficiently large by Assumption 3(a). Thus, we can define the symmetricpositive definite matrix V'2 such that (V5 )2 -V1. The elements of V ' are uniformly boundedunder Assumptions 2 and 3, as are E(IX1eiI2+8)or some 8 > 0 and all i, j given Assumption 3(b). Thus,

by the Minkowski inequality for some E>0, IAflAVn-XieII2+/n(2+ /2 *0 for all A in RK.

Hence, the multivariate Liapounov central limit theorem (White [23, Theorem 3.1]) implies that

Vn5n E XIe -N(0, IK).i=l


nV- Mnn3 - 3O) V Mn XX/ n)1V V- n Xi ,

almost surely for n sufficiently large. Next,

|Vn2Mn X'X/n ) Vn-IKI-*O?

by Lemma 3.2 of White [23], since I(X'X/n)F - Ma

l- 0 under Assumption 2 as argued in Lemma

1, so that

(a. 1) | oIn V,ZMn 1n- (o)- n XiEi


It then follows from Lemma 3.3 of White [23] that

-n VMN I).A

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THEOREM 1: (i) V4,-14 -0 underAssumptions 1, 2, 3(a) and 4; (ii)

I(X'X/n)-l Vn(X'X/n)-l-M- ,V Mn-1 - 0

under Assumptions 1, 2, 3(a) and 4; (iii)

n(Rf3n- r)'[R(X'X/n)-lYn(X'X1n)-1R'1-1(R,n - r) >X2q

given Ho and Assumptions 1-4.

PROOF: (i) Since P3os finite, there exists a compact neighborhood I of flosuch that (flj- i3oi) s finite,

j= 1. K, where 16iand 16o1 re the jth elements of P3and flo in IJ, espectively. There also exists a

finite vector 13 not necessarily in ii) with elements 13j uch that (13 013j) 613 i1o1)2 for all 1P n ii, sothat for all 1P n v

IXi; (j-o>)XikXill." | i6|,: iO)2 XikXill


l(Yi -Xip) 2XikXil = ( iX(6 -1o))2 XikXill

under Assumption 1, and it is a direct consequence of the elementary inequality

a + b Ir 2'- aI r+2r- bI (r- 1)

that there exist finite positive constants AO. .. AK such that for allPin v


(a.2) V -X1)XikXil ieXikCXil + 1X ~-Io)XikXilI

-<AoIeiXikXi11+ E AlXy,XikXil (3I -oj)



Thus |(Yi - Xi8) 2XikXilI is dominated by mkl(Xi, Ei)-Now it also follows from the above inequality that there exist finite positive constants ,0. P


such that, for 8 > 0,

E(|Mk1(Xi9 Ei)|l+") --- ,oA '+"E( E2 XikXilll8



2 + i 1i niorlSince E(| EiXikXi I +) is uniformly bounded by Assumption 3(a), since E()X 2jXikXij I is uniformlybounded by Assumption 4, j = 1, ... . K, and since ,. ..., K AO,... . AK, and (1j -

1301)2+2, ... (3(OK 13OK 2+2 are finite positive constants, E( mkl (Xi,eE) I +'6)s uniformly bounded on

P. It then follows from White [23, Lemma 2.3] that

sup |n- E ( y, _Xi6)2 XikXil -n _, E(( Yi _Xip)2XikXi1) |0.

Since 1n a,S.160under Assumptions 1 and 2 as established by Lemma 1, it follows from White[23,

Lemma 2.6] that

In1 E (Yi-XX4)2XiEkXil- n E(2XiX I)- 0 (k, I = 1, .. ., K)i=l i=l

or I 4n,-V a- >0, the desired result.

(ii) In Lemma 1 it was established that |(X'X/n)- lMn- - 0, and MT has uniformly bounded

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elements for n sufficiently large under Assumption 2. Combining this result with (i) above,

I(X'X/ ) V (X'X/n - 1 M-LV V1-Ia.s O

follows by uniform continuity, since Vn has uniformly bounded elements under Assumption 3(a).(iii) We can write

Rf3n-r=Rf30-r+R(3n -f30).

Applying Ho: R130= r and multiplying by In yields

l n(R,n - r) = dnR (l3n 10).

For convenience let Fn,=-RM- Vn,M-R' (which exists, has uniformly bounded elements, and is

nonsingular for n sufficientl2yarge given Assumptions 1-3) and define the symmetric positive definite

matrixrF, such that (F2) )r The elements of rF' are also uniformlybounded by Assumption 2

and 3. Consider the quantity

lnrE- (R,Bn - r) = d nr2R (1,n - 13-

Since FT,'R is uniformly bounded, it follows from (a.1) that

and by Lemma 3.3 of White [24] that InFI2R(/3fn-,Bo)has the same asymptotic distribution as



provided this is multivariate normal. The random variables r' RRM2X'"ej re independent withE(f,R'RM_1X'j) = 0 and covariance matrix

n1 E FRMT,'E(e2X,X)MT,1RTT,'


nnViRMn-l,MT,IR'FT, - F2F,,F2


By the multivariate Liapounov central limit theorem,

n I An-I E, j;n3RRnlXiij -N(O, IK3


provided that for some 8 > 0,

(a.3) E |A'Z nRR1Xi_-*0+8/n 0i=l

for all A in R'.Equation (a.3) holds by the Minkowski inequality since F7, RMt 1 has uniformly bounded elements

given 2 and 3 and since for some 3, E(1XjTej12+1)s uniformly bounded for all i, j by Assumptions 3(a).

Thus, we may infer

A(a.4) VniE (ROn r) -N(O, IK).

Since f,n is not computable, consider the quantity


(R nr)

where PT1ns the symmetric positive definite matrix such that (Fn)2 = PT1, andP

R(X'X/n)-flVn(X'X/n)-1R' exists and is nonsingular almost surely for n sufficiently large given

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Assumptions 1-4. Since R is finite it follows from (ii) above that

_ P

Fn-rn |-o.

It then follows from Lemma 3.3 of White [23] thatA

1/n17 (R3n- r) -N(O, IK)

and that

or, substituting for En,

n(Rn -r)'[R(X'X/n)-F Vn(X'X/n)-1R']-P(R/ -r) AXq Q.E.D.

THEOREM 2: Given Assumptions 1,2(b), 3(b), 5-7, if eiisindependentofX andE(Ei ) = cr for all i,


nDn(3n,5n)'Bn Dn(3n,5n) AXK(K+1)/2-

PROOF: Let 0 =(p, ar) and consider the quantities

nDs (0) = n-1 'I-ns) (s =1. K(K + 1)/2)


tVns n E(tVs), tVis XikXil

(s =1. K(K + 1)/2; k = 1, K;= 1 . k).

With homoskedastic disturbances independent of Xi, the random variables [f O]( I' - 'Ins) have

expectation zero. Define the average covariance matrix Bn(O) with elements


Bns(0)= n _ EY([(i Xj3)2 - _2]2(' - 'nI)( I'- In)) (s, t = 1,...,K(K + 1)/2).i=l

By Assumption 6, Bn(0O) is nonsingular for n sufficiently large, with uniformly bounded elements

given Assumption 5 and independence of Xi and Ei. For n sufficiently large, we can define the

symmetric positive definite matrix Bn(00) 2 such that [Bn(O0)]2 =Bn (0) 1

Assumptions 5, 6, and the independence of Xi and Eiensure the eventual uniform boundedness of

the elements of Bn(o0Y1. Let Dn(O0)be the K(K + 1)/2 x 1 vector with elements Ds(O0). Then


by the multivariate Liapounov central limit theorem, provided that for some 8 > 0

EA'B(o)2( - )'(E2 _ aO )12+8n (2+8)/2_ Oi=l

K(K+1)2for all A in R But this holds by the Minkowski inequality since Bn(00)-f has uniformly

bounded elements and since E (pi, - -s)(Ei 2+ is uniformly bounded for some 8 >0 givenAssumption 5 and the independence of Xi and Ei.

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To obtain the desired result, we first show that


(in) )- nDs

(0,,) v


Ds (6n)= n -R: iY- XiOn)2 2]pi'




Oan n ( -XO)i=l



n-i E [(RYi -X ] n


is identically zero, we have


Dsn(6n = n_1 i [(iY-X48 )2_2a ]( Vis-Tlns )i=1

Next, 6,n>s 6o under Assumption 1, 2, and the homoskedasticity assumption, so that there exists a

sequence (6,n) which is tail equivalent to (6n) such that each 6n takes its values in a convex compactneighborhood ii of 6o, such that all 0 in v are finite. Let /n = (/3nl ... .83nK) and let ,Bo=

(01.I3oK). Since Ds(0) satisfies the conditions of Jennrich [15, Lemma 3], there exists ameasurable function 6n lying between 6,nand 00 such that

KDs (in)=Ds (00)+ Z(nj- Poi)aDs (Wn)/a.;


+ (n-c2)_ D6_2 )/ao2.

Rearranging and multiplying by 'In gives


jVinDs(jn )-VnDs(Oo)j= | -1n(3,nj-30oj)dDsn(jna)/a3j+ n (&2 _ a2 aDs (Jn)/au2

Using the triangle inequality and factoring yields


(a.S5) |,1nDs(jn)-,1nDsn(O)1--:: E l/n(X3nj-,8oj)j * JaDsn(0n)1adSj

+ 1jVn(5-, - _1_2I1 laDs (6,)/da|2.

Now each term 1In( 3,nj 8Oj)j is Op(l) by the tail equivalence of p3,nand 3,nand Lemma 2, givenAssumptions 1-3. Also, In (ern -aO) is easily shown to be Op(l) given Assumptions 1-3, provided the

e2 are uniformly asymptotically negligible, as ensured by Assumption 5. Next,


aDn(On 1a3j =-2n- , (Yi-Xil#n)Xij(!P's-'Fns)i=l


aDs ( 6)/aa =n E 'Ps-Tlns,i=1

Assumptions 1, 2, and 5 ensure that (Y, -Xj3)X1jj's5 and (Y, -Xj3)X,1 I are appropriatelydominated (arguingas in part (i) of Theorem 1 above) so that Lemma 2.3 of White [23] can be appliedto obtain

n n

sup n-_

(Yj-XjP)X1j(lI5s-1Pns)-n 1 E E((Yi-Xj3)Xj(VJ's-Tns as))| > 0.a s'v i=1

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a.s.Since n, >,Bo,t follows from White [23, Lemma 2.6] that


(Y-Xi3,,)Xi't3-Y'n,)-n I Z E(Ej)E(Xij(lI'15t,-5n)) |O.

Under Assumption 1, and independence of Xi and Ei,E(ei) = O, ol dD n(O,,)/831 0. In Lemma 1,itwas shown that I(X'X/ n) - 0Mn-a s o under Assumption 2, so IaDsn(O)/ao_2 a-s >O.Hence, (a.6) andthe immediately preceding arguments imply


J/nDs (in) -nDs(Oo) 0 (s=1... K(K + 1)/2)

by 2c.4x(a) of Rao [19]. The uniform boundedness of the elements of B (00)Y2then ensures that

1K/nB,n(Ooh)n(On)--/nB,n(6o)32Dn (Go)I0.

The desired result will follow in a straightforward way from Lemma 3.3 of White [24] if we can finda

consistent estimator for Bn(0O).Accordingly, consider the estimator Bn with elements

nSnt n-

1[Y-in)2_ 2]2(,Tis-lns)(tpit-t


nwhere (tns= n 1 X 'i,. Expanding BA"'gives


nn [(Y_Xi-Xn)2 -a]2(tis Ins)(1pit n

i=l~~~~~~~~~~= n= n X, (Yi-Xi(53 )4,pis pit

2c iXO )2 pi, piti= i=l

n n

+ c4 n- 1

is Pit -1nn (yi =X4)4 1it

i=l t~~~~=1


n n

=1i=s Lema 1,~J~S2 -n's 0 ine Assump Itio 2, andsn is unifomybudd,yAsmto

n n

--Pntnt i2 ) pis2snt niYii



(Yi-Xi^On) + 11nsPntCrn,

As in Lemma 1, I 0n n |- under Assumption 2, and Tns is uniformly bounded by Assumption

2. Also 5fn- 0 .0 under Assumptions 1, 2, and the homoskedasticity assumption. Consider aconvex compact neighborhood a of ,Bo uch that all 13 n i' are finite. Using the same kind of argumentas that at the outset of the proof of Theorem 1, part (i), there exists ,B* finite with elements ,3 *such that

(pi_ oi)4, -3 Boi)4 for all 13n v, so that for all 13n v


1(y _X 4Bpi pit Io|f 4!'isji? | + AjIX4,pisIt,i(138 - -4st(Xi ei)i-l1

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where Ao,..., AK are finite positive constants. Similarly,


I( Yi-X_i3) 41 AO|i I+ I AijX4j (f3 -Oj)4 -1(Xi, Ei)j=1

for all,

in v.Since 1IVi


it follows that

1(yi_Xi,3)4 tisl_<I(yi_Xig)4ti21+1(yi_Xig)41_-Ss(Xi, i)+ 'q(Xi, i)

for all 63 n v. Similarly, for all 63 n z'

1(yi _XijG)2,ispitl_-

vs(Xi' Ei) + 1,pispitl


i( Yi _Xi8)2 jis I_-:vss Xi, Ei) + 1.

Continuing the same kind of argument as in part (i) of Theorem 1, it is easily shown that

E(J4s,(Xi, e)j1+^) is uniformly bounded under Assumptions 5, 7 and independence of Xi and Ei,and

that E(l(Xi, Ei)11+8)s uniformly bounded under Assumption 5. It is also easily shown that

E(|ss(XiEi)+(Xi,Ei) ) t(Xiei) tisit ), and E( ss(Xi Ei)+1l1 )

are uniformly bounded given Assumptions 5, 7 and independence of Xi and Ei.Thus by Lemma 2.3 ofWhite [23]

sup in-

1Z (Yi-Xii6)4[isjpiJ'-n1I

E((Yi-Xi3 )4 'pri) ?0,

sup n_1 , (Yi-Xigj)2 Vis '-n-1n E((Yi-Xi3)2 is'i) -*0,

sup |n - iY-Xi3)4 [i'_-n1a.

Es((Y-Xj3)4x') --?,j3v i= i=l

sup n nY-X113)2tfr-n' Z E((Yi-Xig)24i) - 0,3ev ii=


sup n-1 Z (Yi-Xi3)4-n-1 Z E((Yi-Xi3)4) -0 (s,t=l. K(K?1)/2).(3v i=l i=l

Since j35n s ,o under Assumptions 1 and 2 as established by Lemma 1, it follows from White [23,Lemma 2.6] that





n 2 (Yi XiBn ) tisi-n- E Ei isPit)| ?-

i=l i=l

In yiY Xi~n titt-n1 E E(i ts 'PO 0?

In yi - X4n it-n1 Y E(E tit 30,i=l1i=l

In yi - Xifn) t-n1 EE(i 0,)| >i=l i=l1



-n-1 E E(E 0.

i=l i=l

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By Markov's strong law of large numbers

|n-1 EPiPit-n 1 fiE(Ii,i,)


i=l i=l

given Assumption 5. Since all relevant expectations are contained in a compact subset of a Euclideanspace, uniform continuity and the foregoing facts imply B3n Bn,(O0-l s, t = 1,..., K(K + 1)/2,as straightforward (but tedious) algebra will verify. It then follows from White [23, Lemma 3.3] that


Dn( -)XK(K+1)12- QED

COROLLARY 1: Given Assumptions 1, 2(b), 3(b), 4-6, if Ei s independent of Xi, and E(E 2) =02

E(E ) = 4 for all i, then


nR XK(K+1)/2

whereR2 is the (constant-adjusted) squared multiple correlationcoefficientof the regression (2).

PROOF: If Xi and Eiare independent, E(Ei) = 0o and E(E4)= ,U4for all i, then


Bsn(60)=(A4-ao)*n1 E E((Vis- Ins)(tPit- ')) (s, t 1. K(K + 1)/2)


for which a strongly consistent estimator is

n n

Bnt = n4 E i2n-5On) *n1

(ti, - ls)(ni/OP-ift5n) (s, t= 1, K(K+ 1)/2)i=l i=l

given Assumption 5. Arguing exactly as in Theorem 2 above, it follows that


where fin is the matrix with elements A3,'. he left-hand side of (a.7) can be written more explicitly as

(a.8) nDnensmnae Dn -fon th r

=n n( i i [Ein -rn] (n E 'PnAt(i- 'Pni=l i=l

-1 )/( i-1 -/)2

The estimates of a,. .o., aK(K+1)/2 from the regression (2) may be written in mean-deviation form as

o n nc diven b(yiThei [21n p. 17 tion) ()in- Hnc


n n

n f3,i [Ein- n,] =i YK(K?/2-

(a.8) becomes

(a.9) nDn , ( n) Dn (~n )r

no n ti nAV-

ti-n )) 'tn i(Ein-f On))-

Except for the proportionalitzy factor n, the right-hand side of (a.9) is easily recognized to be in the form

for the constant-adjusted R given by Theil [21, p. 176, equation (4.4)]. Hence


nDn(fin, a) n Dn (fin, = nR XK(K+1/

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where R is the constant-adjusted squared multiple correlation coefficient for the regression (2).Q.E.D.

THEOREM3: Given Assumptions 1, 2(a), andei independentof Xi,

| n(X'Xl n) )-Vn 0

if and only if

| n1(i-2)(E(X'Xi)-JMn -O.

PROOF: (i) By the triangle inequality

2 -~~~~rn - &Rf(an (X'X/ n) -n C fnX'X/ n) 2n n nnM-n |-

Since -,, and Mn are uniformly bounded by Assumption 2(a) and since oa22 I-2a.s0 and

(X'X/n) -M_Ln-Is 0 by Markov's strong law of large numbers, Lemma 3.2 of White [23] implies

a-n (X'X/n))-JnM-n | O. With Xi and Eiindependent,

|n E1 (0_2 &2)(E(XiXi) - n) &V-2nRn 0


by hypothesis. Hence, I2n X'Xln) - Vn,-0.(ii) Suppose

n-l (oF2-_a2)(E(X'Xi)-Mn) O

i =l

does not hold. Then there exists 8 > 0 such that if n is any natural number there is a natural numberm(n) > n such that

| Vmnik- inMmik i S

for some indices j, k E{1, . . . K}. Given Assumptions 1 and 2(a), there exists no(8/2) such that

I nn E XqjXikO-nMnik <8/2

almost surely for all n ? no(8/2). The triangle inequality implies

-2 -1 2Crnn XijXik-Vnik > VnIk-JrVMk nk - 0ann Y X,,Xik- nM Ik

In view of the above, there exist m(n) ? n ? no(8/2) and 8 > 0 such that, almost surely,

|amm E_ Xi,Xk jVmik :8/2

so that 0 nX'X/n) - Vn 0 cannot hold, a contradiction. Q.E.D.


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