tipografía tektonpro

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  • 8/4/2019 Tipografa TektonPro


    Tekton Pro


  • 8/4/2019 Tipografa TektonPro




  • 8/4/2019 Tipografa TektonPro


    An Adobe Original

    Tekton Proan informal multi-purpose typeface family

    Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.

  • 8/4/2019 Tipografa TektonPro


    For more information about OpenType, please refer to Adobe's web site at www.adobe.com/type/opentype.This document was designed to be viewed on-screen or printed duplex and assembled as a booklet.

  • 8/4/2019 Tipografa TektonPro


    Adobe Originals

    Adobe Systems Incorporated introduces Tekton Pro, a new font soft-

    ware package in the growing library of Adobe Original typefaces de-signed specifically for todays digital technology. Since the inception ofthe Adobe Originals program in , Adobe Originals typefaces havebeen consistently recognized throughout the world for their quality,originality, and practicality. They combine the power of PostScriptlanguage software technology and the most sophisticated electronicdesign tools with the spirit of craftsmanship that has inspired typedesigners since Gutenburg. Comprising both new designs and revivalsof classic typefaces, Adobe Originals font software has set a standardfor typographic excellence.

    What is OpenType?

    Developed jointly by Adobe and Microsoft, OpenType is a highly ver-satile new font file format that represents a significant advance intype functionality on Windows and Mac OS computers. Perhapsmost exciting for designers and typographers is that OpenTypefonts offer extended layout featuresthat bring an unprecedentedlevel of control and sophistication to contemporary typography.

    Because an OpenType typeface can incorporate all glyphs for a spe-cific style and weight into a single font, the need for separate expert,alternate, swash, non-Latin, and other related glyph sets is eliminated.In OpenType savvy applications such as Adobes InDesign, OpenTypelayout features organize groups of glyphs according to their use. Acti-vating these features enables typographic refinements such as liga-tures, small capitals, and oldstyle figures, streamlining the processof seing and fine-tuning text. In addition, all glyphs in an OpenTypefont can be accessed in InDesign, whether or not they are covered bya layout feature. OpenType fonts, coupled with the enhanced typo-graphic control offered by a program such as InDesign, let users oftype take advantage of advanced justification, optical margin align-

    ment, hanging punctuation, and optically sized masters (for fontsthat have two or more optical masters). Adobe OpenType fonts aresome of the most sophisticated typefaces ever offered, allowingtypographers and designers to more effectively take advantage ofthe power of the computer for digital design and typeseing.


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  • 8/4/2019 Tipografa TektonPro


    Tekton Pro

    Since its first release in , Tekton, with its friendly, informal charac-ter, has been used by designers around the world to lend a personal

    touch to millions of documents. The introduction of Tekton Pro, anexpanded OpenType design, makes one of Adobes most popular type-faces even more useful. Tekton, designed by David Siegel, is an AdobeOriginal type family based on the hand-leering of Francis D.K. Ching,a Seale-based architect and noted author on design and drawingfor architectural graphics and building construction. Tekton Pros vari-ety of weights and widths, greatly expanded roman and oblique charac-ter sets and more extensive kerning mean designers can meet eventhe most demanding requirements of contemporary graphic design andtypography. From web page creation to newsleers and packaging,

    Tekton Pro offers a dynamic palee.

    Although Tekton was initially designed with architects in mindTektonis the Greek word for builderit quickly found a much broader audience.The simple, clean leerforms work well with architectural and engineer-ing drawings, while the personalized, informal character of the design,combined with its clear legibility, make it well suited to correspondence,invitations, and signage. In the hands of a skilled designer, its potentialis unlimited.

    Siegel, a former draftsman, conceived the idea of creating a typefaceinspired by the hand-leering of Ching. Siegel contacted Ching andthe two began to collaborate on the design of Tekton. Chings leer-ing style, which exhibits straight vertical stems, slanted horizontalstrokes, and tilted elliptical shapes is featured prominently in hisbooks and has served as the aesthetic model for the hand-leering ofmany contemporary architects.

    This specimen book provides background information on the design,development, production, and historical context of Tekton Pro. It also

    includes text sample showings of Tekton Pro at a full range of weights,widths, and sizes, as well as sample artwork that shows the typefacefamily in use.




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    Designing Tekton

    Before the introduction of CAD (Computer Aided Design), architectsused the same tools to make leers as to render structures on

    a drawing. As a result, the leers and drawing shared key visualcharacteristics, such as similar line weights and emphatic line ter-minationsand each drawing sheet could convey a strong sense ofthe architects personal aesthetic. The widespread use of CAD, withleerforms created by ploers, leering machines, and dot matrixprinters, changed all that. Though efficient and consistent, the textthey produced tended to be fairly crude and lacked the human touchthat made architects leering so visually appealing. Although Tektonwas created to provide a pragmatic alternative for architectural let-tering, it became clear during the development process that it would

    appeal to a much broader audience of creative professionals.

    The design process began in when Ching created a series of textsamples using various drawing tools; from these, Siegel selected a rep-resentative sampling of" leers drawn with a technical pen. Afterenlarging the samples, in order to facilitate the process of renderingChings leerforms digitally, Siegel began to distill the essential charac-

    ter of each leer. In hand-leering, the form of each leer on a pagevaries naturally while a typeface, on the other hand, usually has onlyone image for each character in the font and each characters space ispredefined. For Tekton, an ideal form and width for each leer had to bedetermined. With input and advice from the Adobe type design team,Siegel distilled the design, proportions, and leer spacing from a largegroup of sample characters. As a result, the typeface retains much ofthe strength and character of Chings original hand-leering.

    Another design challenge was to preserve the handmade look and vital-

    ity of Chings original samples, for example, straight strokes made withChings technical pen left characteristic ink blobs at the beginning andending strokes. To maintain this look, stroke terminals were left moreirregular and natural and a careful balance was established between theuniformity of strokes and leer spacing and the lively irregularity ofshapes and alignments.



    Frank Chings

    hand leering

    Left: Chings handleering. Right:Tekton Pro

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    The design of Tekton included many iterations, modifications, andadjustments. Throughout this process, Siegel and the Adobe typedesign staffcarefully studied Tekton rendered at a variety of sizes

    on-screen and output from laser printers and digital typeseersin order to evaluate leer shape, design, and spacing. Adobes FredBrady and Jim Wasco made design refinements and modifications,added bold and oblique weights, and completed the final productionand testing of Tekton.

    Between and , design and production to add new OpenTypeglyphs and features to Tekton Pro was done in-house by ChristopherSlye, with design review and input from others on the Adobe typedesign staff. The familys tradition of refinement continues with a

    greatly expanded character set and other improvements that takeadvantage of the OpenType font format.

    Tekton Pro Oblique

    Introduced with the original Tekton font, the oblique versions provideslightly slanted and condensed leerforms that can be used on theirown or as a companion to the regular face.

    Tekton Pros Weights and Widths

    Tekton Pro roman and oblique include three weightslight, regular, and

    boldand three widthscondensed, normal, and expandedthat givetype users the ability to choose type for a wide range of requirements.The weights of Tekton Pro suggest leers that were created with dif-ferent tools, from a fine-tipped technical pen for the light versions to aheavy felt-tipped marker for the bold. The condensed and normal widthsare ideal for text, headlines, and signage, while the expanded widthsevoke the hand-leering still used by some architects.

    Tekton Pros Kerning

    For beer typographic control, Tekton Pro includes OpenType class

    kerning, which allows many more awkward combinations of leers tobe adjusted than has been previously possible. Thousands of kerningpairs are in the Tekton Pro family, and glyphs that would have formerlybeen in different fonts, and therefore not addressed by kern pairs, arenow adjusted in Tekton Pro.

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    Glyphs in Tekton Pro

    The extensive glyph complement in Tekton Pro was designed to furthermeet the exacting requirements of professional typographers and

    graphic designers worldwide.

    Oldstyle figuresDesigned with ascenders and descenders, Tekton Pros oldstyle figureshave features and proportions compatible with the lowercase charac-ters of the typeface. Oldstyle figures typically are used for text seingbecause they blend in well with the lowercase. In Tekton Pro they areavailable in both fied and tabular versions.

    Regular figuresDesigned to be compatible with capital leers, these figures are usuallycapital height or slightly smaller and are typically designed with identi-cal widths. They are also commonly used in tabular seings such asfinancial reports and spreadsheets. The Tekton Pro regular figures areavailable in both fied and tabular versions.

    Small capitalsThese glyphs are smaller versions of the normal capital leers and aredesigned to be visually compatible with the lowercase leers of thetypeface. They can be used to introduce the first few words at thebeginning of a story, or to highlight key words within text. Tekton Proincludes small capitals in all roman and oblique weights.


    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 &

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    f-ligaturesTekton Pro has a set of f-ligatures that are designed to correct awk-ward combinations where leers may collide. These ligatures can be

    used easily in Adobe InDesign and other OpenType savvy applications.

    Superiors, inferiors, numerators, and denominatorsThe numerator and denominator figures can be used with the fractionbar to construct fractions. The superior and inferior figures can be usedfor footnote reference numbers and as mathematical exponents, forexample, E=mc.

    Math symbolsTekton Pro contains an expanded set of mathematical symbols thathave been designed especially for the family. The set contains some ofthe more common symbols used in mathematics.

    Accented glyphsThe large number of accented glyphs in Tekton Pro supports a broadrange of Latin-based languages. The accented glyphs are available inuppercase, lowercase, and small capital versions.

    Monetary symbolsIncludes symbols for dollar , cent , sterling, yen , florin , and Euro

    , that align with both old style and regular figures.


    fi fl ff ffi ffl fi fl ff ffi ffl fj ffj

  • 8/4/2019 Tipografa TektonPro


    Glyph Set for Tekton Pro


    !?fiflffffiffl(% )

    [] {} !? =+~*-_\/|@.,:;


    Basic Latin Glyphs

    Additional Glyphs

    Accented Small Caps

    Accented Capitals

    Accented Lowercase

  • 8/4/2019 Tipografa TektonPro


    Glyph Set for Tekton Pro Oblique


    !?fiflffffiffl(% )

    [] {} !?^=+~*-_\/|@.,:;


    Basic Latin Glyphs

    Additional Glyphs

    Accented Small Caps

    Accented Capitals

    Accented Lowercase

  • 8/4/2019 Tipografa TektonPro


    Tekton Pro Roman Typefaces


















    Light Condensed


    Bold Condensed



    Light Extended


    Regular Extended

    Bold Extended

  • 8/4/2019 Tipografa TektonPro


    Light Condensed


    Bold Condensed



    Light Extended


    Regular Extended

    Bold Extended

    Tekton Pro Oblique Typefaces


















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    Text Seings

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    Man walks in a straight line because he has a goal; he knows where hes going. He decides to go somewhere

    and walks right up to it. A donkey ambles absentmindedly along, zigzagging to avoid large stones, skirt

    steep inclines, and stay in the shade. He exerts himself as lile as possible. Mans feelings are governedby his reason. Man walks in a straight line because he has a goal; he knows where hes going. He decides to go

    somewhere and walks right up to it. A donkey ambles absentmindedly along, zigzagging to avoid large stones,

    Man walks in a straight line because he has a goal; he knows where hes going. He decides

    to go somewhere and walks right up to it. A donkey ambles absentmindedly along, zigzag-

    ging to avoid large stones, skirt steep inclines, and stay in the shade. He exerts himself aslile as possible. Mans feelings are governed by his reason. Man walks in a straight line because

    he has a goal; he knows where hes going. He decides to go somewhere and walks right up to it.


    Man walks in a straight line because he has a goal; he knows where hes

    going. He decides to go somewhere and walks right up to it. A donkey

    ambles absentmindedly along, zigzagging to avoid large stones, skirt

    steep inclines, and stay in the shade. He exerts himself as lile as possible.

    Mans feelings are governed by his reason. Man walks in a straight line be-

    Man walks in a straight line because he has a goal; he knows

    where hes going. He decides to go somewhere and walks right

    up to it. A donkey ambles absentmindedly along, zigzagging to

    avoid large stones, skirt steep inclines, and stay in the shade. He

    exerts himself as lile as possible. Mans feelings are governed by

    Man walks in a straight line because he has a goal; he knows

    where hes going. He decides to go somewhere and walks

    right up to it. A donkey ambles absentmindedly along, zig

    zagging to avoid large stones, skirt steep inclines, and stay in

    the shade. He exerts himself as lile as possible. Mans feelings

    Man walks in a straight line because he has a goal;

    he knows where hes going. He decides to go some-

    where and walks right up to it. A donkey ambles

    absentmindedly along, zigzagging to avoid large

    stones, skirt steep inclines, and stay in the shade. He

    Man walks in a straight line because he has a goal; he knows where hes going. He decides to go

    somewhere and walks right up to it. A donkey ambles absentmindedly along, zigzagging to avoid

    large stones, skirt steep inclines, and stay in the shade. He exerts himself as lile as possible.

    Mans feelings are governed by his reason. Man walks in a straight line because he has a goal; he knows

    where hes going. He decides to go somewhere and walks right up to it. A donkey ambles absentmindedly

    Man walks in a straight line because he has a goal; he knows where hes going. He

    decides to go somewhere and walks right up to it. A donkey ambles ab sentmindedly

    along, zigzagging to avoid large stones, skirt steep inclines, and stay in the shade.

    He exerts himself as lile as possible. Mans feelings are governed by his reason. Man

    walks in a straight line because he has a goal; he knows where hes going. He decides to

    Man walks in a straight line because he has a goal; he knows where hesgoing. He decides to go somewhere and walks right up to it. A donkey

    ambles absentmindedly along, zigzagging to avoid large stones, skirtsteep inclines, and stay in the shade. He exerts himself as lile as possible.

    Mans feelings are governed by his reason; he ran out of text to fit on a line

    Man walks in a straight line because he has a goal; he knowswhere hes going. He decides to go somewhere and walksright up to it. A donkey ambles absentmindedly along, zig-zagging to avoid large stones, skirt steep inclines, and stay in

    the shade. He exerts himself as lile as possible. Mans feelings

    Man walks in a straight line because he has a goal; he

    knows where hes going. He decides to go somewhereand walks right up to it. A donkey ambles absentmind-

    edly along, zigzagging to avoid large stones, skirt steep in-

    clines, and stay in the shade. He exerts himself as lile as

    Man walks in a straight line because he has

    a goal; he knows where hes going. He decidesto go somewhere and walks right up to it. A

    donkey ambles absentmindedly along, zigzagging

    to avoid large stones, skirt steep inclines, and

    Man walks in a straight line because he has a goal; he knows where hes going. He

    decides to go somewhere and walks right up to it. A donkey ambles absentmindedly

    along, zigzagging to avoid large stones, skirt steep inclines, and stay in the shade.

    He exerts himself as lile as possible. Mans feelings are governed by his reason. Man walks

    in a straight line because he has a goal; he knows where hes going. He decides to go some-

    Man walks in a straight line because he has a goal; he knows where hes

    going. He decides to go somewhere and walks right up to it. A donkey am-

    bles absentmindedly along, zigzagging to avoid large stones, skirt steep

    inclines, and stay in the shade. He exerts himself as lile as possible. Mans

    feelings are governed by his reason. Man walks in a straight line because he

    Man walks in a straight line because he has a goal; he knows where

    hes going. He decides to go somewhere and walks right up to it.

    A donkey ambles absentmindedly along, zigzagging to avoid large

    stones, skirt steep inclines, and stay in the shade. He exerts himself aslile as possible. Mans feelings are governed by his reason. Man walks

    Man walks in a straight line because he has a goal; he

    knows where hes going. He decides to go somewhere and

    walks right up to it. A donkey ambles absentmindedly

    along, zigzagging to avoid large stones, skirt steep inclines, and

    stay in the shade. He exerts himself as lile as possible. Mans

    Man walks in a straight line because he has a goal; he

    knows where hes going. He decides to go somewhere

    and walks right up to it. A donkey ambles absent-

    mindedly along, zigzagging to avoid large stones, skirt

    steep inclines, and stay in the shade. He exerts himself

    Man walks in a straight line because he has

    a goal; he knows where hes going. He decides

    to go somewhere and walks right up to it.

    A donkey ambles absentmindedly along, zigzag-

    ging to avoid large stones, skirt steep inclines,

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    Man walks in a straight line because he has a goal; he knows where hes going.

    He decides to go somewhere and walks right up to it. A donkey ambles absent-

    mindedly along, zigzagging to avoid large stones, skirt steep inclines, and stayin the shade. He exerts himself as lile as possible. Mans feelings are governed by his

    Man walks in a straight line because he has a goal; he knows where hes going.

    He decides to go somewhere and walks right up to it. A donkey ambles absent-

    mindedly along, zigzagging to avoid large stones, skirt steep inclines, and stayin the shade. He exerts himself as lile as possible. Mans feelings are governed by


    Man walks in a straight line because he has a goal; he

    knows where hes going. He decides to go somewhere

    and walks right up to it. A donkey ambles absentmind

    edly along, zigzagging to avoid large stones, skirt steep in-

    Man walks in a straight line because he has a goal; he

    knows where hes going. He decides to go somewhereand walks right up to it. A donkey ambles absentmind

    edly along, zigzagging to avoid large stones, skirt steep in-

    Man walks in a straight line because he has

    a goal; he knows where he s going. He decides

    to go somewhere and walks right up to it.

    A donkey ambles absentmindedly along, zigzag-

    Man walks in a straight line because he hasa goal; he knows where he s going. He decidesto go somewhere and walks right up to it. Adonkey ambles absentmindedly along, zigzagging

    Man walks in a straight line because he has a goal; he knows where hes

    going. He decides to go somewhere and walks right up to it. A donkey am-

    bles absentmindedly along, zigzagging to avoid large stones, skirt steep

    inclines, and stay in the shade. He exerts himself as lile as possible. Mans

    Man walks in a straight line because he has a goal; he knows where hesgoing. He decides to go somewhere and walks right up to it. A donkeyambles absentmindedly along, zigzagging to avoid large stones, skirtsteep inclines, and stay in the shade. He exerts himself as lile as possible.

    Man walks in a straight line because he has a goal; heknows where hes going. He decides to go somewhereand walks right up to it. A donkey ambles absentmind-edly along, zigzagging to avoid large stones, skirt steep

    Man walks in a straight line because he has a goal; heknows where hes going. He decides to go somewhereand walks right up to it. A donkey ambles absentmindedly along, zigzagging to avoid large stones, skirt steep in-

    Man walks in a straight line because he

    has a goal; he knows where hes going. Hedecides to go somewhere and walks right

    up to it. A donkey ambles absentmindedly

    Man walks in a straight line because he

    has a goal; he knows where hes going. Hedecides to go somewhere and walks rightup to it. A donkey ambles absentmindedly

    Man walks in a straight line because he has a goal; he knows

    where hes going. He decides to go somewhere and walks right

    up to it. A donkey ambles absentmindedly along, zigzagging to

    avoid large stones, skirt steep inclines, and stay in the shade. He

    Man walks in a straight line because he has a goal; he knowswhere hes going. He decides to go somewhere and walks rightup to it. A donkey ambles absentmindedly along, zigzagging toavoid large stones, skirt steep inclines, and stay in the shade. He

    Man walks in a straight line because he has a goal;

    he knows where hes going. He decides to go some-

    where and walks right up to it. A donkey amblesabsentmindedly along, zigzagging to avoid large stones,

    Man walks in a straight line because he has a goal;he knows where hes going. He decides to go some-

    where and walks right up to it. A donkey ambles ab-sentmindedly along, zigzagging to avoid large stones,

    Man walks in a straight line because he

    has a goal; he knows where he s going.He decides to go somewhere and walks

    right up to it. A donkey ambles absent-

    Man walks in a straight line because hehas a goal; he knows where he s going.He decides to go somewhere and walks

    right up to it. A donkey ambles absent-

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    Man walks in a straight line because he has a goal; he knows wherehes going. He decides to go somewhere and walks right up to it.

    A donkey ambles absentmindedly along, zigzagging to avoid largestones, skirt steep inclines, and stay in the shade. He exerts himself as

    Man walks in a straight line because he has a goal; he knows wherehes going. He decides to go somewhere and walks right up to it.A donkey ambles absentmindedly along, zigzagging to avoid largestones, skirt steep inclines, and stay in the shade. He exerts himself


    Man walks in a straight line because he has

    a goal; he knows where hes going. He decidesto go somewhere and walks right up to it. A

    donkey ambles absentmindedly along, zigzagging to

    Man walks in a straight line because he hasa goal; he knows where hes going. He decidesto go somewhere and walks right up to it. Adonkey ambles absentmindedly along, zigzagging

    Man walks in a straight line becausehe has a goal; he knows where hes go-ing. He decides to go somewhere andwalks right up to it. A donkey ambles ab-

    Man walks in a straight line becausehe has a goal; he knows where hes go-ing. He decides to go somewhere andwalks right up to it. A donkey ambles ab-

    Man walks in a straight line because he has a goal; he knowswhere hes going. He decides to go somewhere and walks rightup to it. A donkey ambles absentmindedly along, zigzaggingto avoid large stones, skirt steep inclines, and stay in the shade.

    Man walks in a straight line because he has a goal; he knowswhere hes going. He decides to go somewhere and walks rightup to it. A donkey ambles absentmindedly along, zigzaggingto avoid large stones, skirt steep inclines, and stay in the shade.

    Man walks in a straight line because he hasa goal; he knows where hes going. He decidesto go somewhere and walks right up to it. Adonkey ambles absentmindedly along, zigzagging

    Man walks in a straight line because he hasa goal; he knows where hes going. He decidesto go somewhere and walks right up to it.A donkey ambles absentmindedly along, zigzag-

    Man walks in a straight line because

    he has a goal; he knows where hesgoing. He decides to go somewhereand walks right up to it. A donkey am-

    Man walks in a straight line because

    he has a goal; he knows where hesgoing. He decides to go somewhereand walks right up to it. A donkey am-

    Man walks in a straight line because he has a goal;he knows where hes going. He decides to go some-where and walks right up to it. A donkey ambles absentmindedly along, zigzagging to avoid large stones,

    Man walks in a straight line because he has a goal;he knows where hes going. He decides to go some-where and walks right up to it. A donkey ambles absentmindedly along, zigzagging to avoid large stones,

    Man walks in a straight line because hehas a goal; he knows where hes going. Hedecides to go somewhere and walks right

    up to it. A donkey ambles absentmindedly

    Man walks in a straight line because hehas a goal; he knows where hes going. Hedecides to go somewhere and walks rightup to it. A donkey ambles absentmindedly

    Man walks in a straight line be-cause he has a goal; he knowswhere hes going. He decides togo somewhere and walks right up to

    Man walks in a straight line be-cause he has a goal; he knowswhere hes going. He decides togo somewhere and walks right up

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    Man walks in a straight line because he has a goal; he knows where hes going. He decides to go some-

    where and walks right up to it. A donkey ambles absentmindedly along, zigzagging to avoid large stones,skirt steep inclines, and stay in the shade. He exerts himself as lile as possible. Man's feelings are governed by

    Man walks in a straight line because he has a goal; he knows where he s go-ing. He decides to go somewhere and walks right up to it. A donkey amblesabsentmindedly along, zigzagging to avoid large stones, skirt steep inclines and

    Man walks in a straight line because he has a goal; he knowswhere hes going. He decides to go somewhere and walksright up to it. A donkey ambles absentmindedly along zigzagging

    Man walks in a straight line because he has a goal; he knows where hes going. He decides to gosomewhere and walks right up to it. A donkey ambles absentmindedly along, zigzagging to avoidlarge stones, skirt steep inclines, and stay in the shade. He exerts himself as lile as possible. Man's

    Man walks in a straight line because he has a goal; he knows where hesgoing. He decides to go somewhere and walks right up to it. A donkeyambles absentmindedly along, zigzagging to avoid large stones, skirt steep

    Man walks in a straight line because he has a goal; he

    knows where hes going. He decides to go somewhereand walks right up to it. A donkey ambles absentmindedly

    Man walks in a straight line because he has a goal; he knows where hes going. Hedecides to go somewhere and walks right up to it. A donkey ambles absentmindedlyalong, zigzagging to avoid large stones, skirt steep inclines, ad stay in the shade. He exerts

    Man walks in a straight line because he has a goal; he knows wherehes going. He decides to go somewhere and walks right up to it. A

    donkey ambles absentmindedly along, zigzagging to avoid large stones,

    Man walks in a straight line because he has a goal;he knows where hes going. He decides to go somewhere and walks right up to it. A donkey ambles absent-

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    Man walks in a straight line because he has a goal; he knows where hes going. He decides to

    go somewhere and walks right up to it. A donkey ambles absentmindedly along, zigzaggingto avoid large stones, skirt steep inclines, and stay in the shade. He exerts himself as lile as

    Man walks in a straight line because he has a goal; he knowswhere hes going. He decides to go somewhere and walks right upto it. A donkey ambles absentmindedly along, zigzagging to avoid large

    Man walks in a straight line because he has a goal;he knows where hes going. He decides to go somewhere and walks right up to it. A donkey ambles absent-

    Man walks in a straight line because he has a goal; he knows where hes going. Hedecides to go somewhere and walks right up to it. A donkey ambles absentmindedlyalong, zigzagging to avoid large stones, skirt steep inclines, and stay in the shade. He

    Man walks in a straight line because he has a goal; he knowswhere hes going. He decides to go somewhere and walks rightup to it. A donkey ambles absentmindedly along, zigzagging to

    Man walks in a straight line because he has agoal; he knows where hes going. He decides togo somewhere and walks right up to it. A donkey

    Man walks in a straight line because he has a goal; he knows where hes go-ing. He decides to go somewhere and walks right up to it. A donkey amblesabsentmindedly along, zigzagging to avoid large stones, skirt steep inclines, ad

    Man walks in a straight line because he has a goal; he knowswhere hes going. He decides to go somewhere and walksright up to it. A donkey ambles absentmindedly along, zigzag-

    Man walks in a straight line because he hasa goal; he knows where hes going. He decidesto go somewhere and walks right up to it. A don-

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    Man walksin a straight line because he has a goalhe knowswhere he is going. He de-cides to go somewhereand

    Man walks in a straight linebecause he has agoal, he knows where he is going.Hedecides to go somewhere

    Man walks in a straight line becausehehas a goal; he knowswhere he isgoing. He decides to go

    Man walksin a straight line because he has a goal; he knowswhere he is going. He decidesto go some-where and walks rightup to it. A

    Man walks in a straight line becausehe has a goal; heknows wherehe is going and walks rightup to it. A donkeyambles absent-

    Man walks in a straight linebecause he has a goalhe knows where he is going. He decidestogo somewhereand walks right up

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    Sample Art

  • 8/4/2019 Tipografa TektonPro



    a film by Jean Maur

    narrated by Nicholas Scullee

    preview June

    Vincent Sculley onMIES VAN DER ROHE

    October PM Wright AuditoriumMuseum of ArchitectureNew York City


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  • 8/4/2019 Tipografa TektonPro




  • 8/4/2019 Tipografa TektonPro


    Type Development at Adobe

    Type is developed at Adobe by a full-time staffof type design pro-fessionals. Each member of this group has specialized skills in typedesign and the use of tools needed to develop digital type. The Adobetype staffhas a working relationship with many outside professionals,whose expertise represents a broad spectrum of historical, scholarly,and practical knowledge of typography and graphic arts.

    David Siegel is currently a computer graphics and design consultantwhose newest venture, Siegel Vision, builds strategic direction and inte-gration of technology with the online world. He is the author of severalbooks including Secrets of Successful Web Sites: Project Management onthe World Wide Web, and Creating Killer Web Sites, one of the best-selling

    books available on the internet. Siegel is the chairman of Studio Verso,a site-design consultancy in San Francisco. In , he was chosen asa Top multimedia producer by Multimedia Producer Magazine. Healso serves as advisor to the and commiees of the ,a consortium in charge of the further development of standards onthe web. Siegel received a masters degree in digital typography fromStanford University in , and worked at Pixar for one year beforegoing into business for himself.

  • 8/4/2019 Tipografa TektonPro


    AcknowledgementsSpecimen book design and production by Fred Brady and Robert Slimbach.Text wrien and edited by Ellen Wixted, Fred Brady and Robert Slimbach.

    Sample art designed by:Fred Brady Jocelyn BergenDonald Craig Ewa GarielovLisa Jeans Linnea LundquistSushma Patel Laurie SzujewskaPhillip Ting James YoungMin Wang

    The quotation of Le Corbusier used for the specimen pages is from Paris: LEspiritNouveau, No , . The excerpt from The Steadfast Tin Soldier is from Tales fromAnderson (New York: Arco Publishing, ).

    This specimen book was produced using InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshopsoftware from Adobe. The typeface is Tekton Pro designed by David Siegel.PDF created August , .

    Special thanks to Kelly Davis, Kat Gatzke, Harold Grey, Donna Kolnes, David Lemon,Ernie March, Jim Mildrew, Micki Montalvo, Thomas Phinney, and Christopher Slye forreview of this specimen book.

    Some of the text and samples for this book were derived from Tekton and TektonMultiple Master specimen books released by Adobe in and respectively andproduced by Fred Brady, E.M. Ginger, Laurie Szujewska, Ewa Gavrielov, David Siegel,Judy Walthers Von Alten, and Min Wang.

    Adobe, the Adobe logo, the Adobe Originals logo, Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop,PostScript, and Tekton are either registered trademarks or trademarks of AdobeSystems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. Mac andMacintosh are trademarks of Apple Computer Incorporated registered in the UnitedStates and other countries. OpenType and Windows are either registered trademarksor trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

    Adobe Systems Incorporated Park AvenueSan Jose, - USA
