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  • 8/17/2019 SAR EL-2 07032013


    Self Assessment Report Electronic Engineering Department



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  • 8/17/2019 SAR EL-2 07032013


    Self Assessment Report Electronic Engineering Department

    SELF ASSESSMENT CRITERIA..................................................................................6

    CRITERION 1: Programme Missio! O"#e$%i&es a' O%$omes...............................

    S%a'ar' 1*1 Programme measra"+e O"#e$%i&es.....................................................

    1*1.1.......................................................Missio S%a%eme% of %,e -i&ersi%

    .....................................................................................................................................1*1./ ................................................... Missio S%a%eme% of %,e De0ar%me%


    1*1..................................................... Missio S%a%eme% of %,e Programme


    1.1.2 Measra"+e O"#e$%i&es of %,e Programme...................................................

    1*1.3 Pro$ess for Es%a"+is,ig Programme E'$a%ioa+ O"#e$%i&es.....................

    1*1.6 Program O"#e$%i&es Assessme%.....................................................................

    S%a'ar' 1*/ T,e 0rogram ms% ,a&e 'o$me%e' o%$omes for gra'a%ig

    s%'e%s. I% ms% "e 'emos%ra%e' %,a% %,e o%$omes s00or% %,e 0rogram

    o"#e$%i&es a' %,a% gra'a%ig s%'e%s are $a0a"+e of 0erformig %,ese


    1*/.1 Programme O%$omes of %,e Gra'a%ig S%'e%.......................................4

    1*/./.... Pro$ess for Es%a"+is,ig a' Re&isig Programme Learig O%$omes


    1*/. Ma%ri5 %,a% re+a%es %,e 0rogramme o"#e$%i&es %o %,e e50e$%e' o%$omes...4

    1*/.2 Sr&e Forms....................................................................................................

    S%a'ar' 1* T,e res+%s of 0rogram7s assessme% a' %,e e5%e% %o 8,i$, %,e

    are se' %o im0ro&e %,e 0rogram ms% "e 'o$me%e'. (No% a00+i$a"+e for %,e

    %ime "eig).....................................................................................................................

    S%a'ar' 1*2 T,e 'e0ar%me% ms% assess i%s o&era++ 0erforma$e 0erio'i$a++...

    sig 9a%ifia"+e measres.........................................................................................

    CRITERION /: Crri$+m Desig a' Orgaia%io.............................................1;

    S%a'ar' /*1 T,e $rri$+m ms% "e $osis%e% a' s00or%s %,e 0rogramme7s

    'o$me%e' o"#e$%i&es................................................................................................1;

    2-1.1 Scheme of studies................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.


  • 8/17/2019 SAR EL-2 07032013


    Self Assessment Report Electronic Engineering Department

    S%a'ar' /*/ T,eore%i$a+ "a$=gro's! 0ro"+ems aa+sis a' so+%io 'esig

    ms% "e s%resse' 8i%,i %,e 0rogramme7s $ore ma%eria+.........................................1/

    S%a'ar' /* T,e $rri$+m ms% sa%isf %,e $ore re9ireme%s for %,e

    0rogramme! as s0e$ifie' " %,e res0e$%i&e a$$re'i%a%io "o'...............................1

    S%a'ar' /*2: T,e $rri$+m ms% sa%isf %,e ma#or re9ireme%s for %,e......1

    Programme as s0e$ifie' " >EC? or %,e res0e$%i&e a$$re'i%a%io "o'..........Error!

    Bookmark not defined.

    S%a'ar' /*3: T,e $rri$+m ms% sa%isf geera+ e'$a%io! ar%s a'

    0rofessioa+ a' o%,er 'is$i0+ie re9ireme%s for %,e 0rogram! as s0e$ifie' "

    %,e res0e$%i&e a$$re'i%a%io "o'. (I $ase of >mai%ies 0rogram! Geera+ Ma%,

    re9ireme%s ms% "e f+fi++e'.).................................................................................1


  • 8/17/2019 SAR EL-2 07032013


    Self Assessment Report Electronic Engineering Department

    Orie%a%io Da:......................................................................................................1

    Carrier Fair:............................................................................................................1

    De0ar%me% orgaises a aa+ e&e% 8,ere i's%ries are i&i%e' %o o"ser&e

    s%'e%s7 fia+ ear 0ro#e$% a' a$,ie&eme%s. I's%ries $o'$% mo$=

    i%er&ie8s a' 0ro&i'e $arrier a'&i$e...................................................................1

    CRITERION 3: PROCESS CONTROL..................................................................../;

    S%a'ar' 3*1: T,e 0ro$ess " 8,i$, s%'e%s are a'mi%%e' %o %,e 0rogramme

    ms% "e "ase' o 9a%i%a%i&e a' 9a+i%a%i&e $ri%eria a' $+ear+ 'o$me%e'./;

    3*1.1 A'&er%iseme% for A'missio......................................................................../;

    3*1./ Dis%ri"%io a' S"missio of A00+i$a%io Forms..................................../;

    3*1. Da%a E%r....................................................................................................../;

    3*1.2 Pre*A'missio E%r Tes%............................................................................../;

    3*1.3 erifi$a%io from Re+e&a%

  • 8/17/2019 SAR EL-2 07032013


    Self Assessment Report Electronic Engineering Department

    CRITERION 6: FAC-LT@........................................................................................../

    S%a'ar' 6*1: T,ere ms% "e eog, f++ %ime fa$+% 8,o are $ommi%%e' %o %,e

    0rogramme %o 0ro&i'e a'e9a%e $o&erage of %,e 0rogramme areas?$orse 8i%,

    $o%ii% a' s%a"i+i%.............................................................................................../


  • 8/17/2019 SAR EL-2 07032013


    Self Assessment Report Electronic Engineering Department


    Te material of tis selfassessment is consisting of follo"ing criteria#

    $riterion 1# %rogramme &ission' ()*ecti+es and (,tcomes

    $riterion 2# $,rric,l,m Design and (rgani-ation$riterion 3# a)orator/ and $omp,ting 0acilit/

    $riterion 4# St,dent S,pport and Ad+ising

    $riterion 5# %rocess $ontrol

    $riterion # 0ac,lt/

    $riterion # nstit,tional 0acilities

    $riterion # nstit,tional S,pport

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    Self Assessment Report Electronic Engineering Department

    CRITERION 1: Pror!mme Missio"# O$%ecti&es !"d Outcomes

    S%a'ar' 1*1 Programme measra"+e O"#e$%i&es

    1.1.1 Missio" St!teme"t of the '"i&ersit(

    Te mission of ED 6ni+ersit/ is to prepare leaders and inno+ation in science' engineering and

    tecnolog/ tro,g 7,alit/ ed,cation and researc. As a p,)lic sector organi-ation' it "ill

    remain afforda)le and accessi)le' create +al,e and economic gro"t' )ot directl/ tro,g

    rele+ant researc as "ell as its st,dents.

    1-1.2 Missio" St!teme"t of the )e*!rtme"t 

    Department of Electronic Engineering aims to )e more tan an instit,tion to its treas,red

    st,dents )/ mo,lding tem into competiti+e engineers in teir field of speciali-ation and

    inc,lcating in tem te tecnical kno"ledge' skill and proficienc/ to ser+e te societ/.

    1-1.+ Missio" St!teme"t of the Pror!mme

    Te mission of te programme is 8to  pro+ide state of art kno"ledge of teor/ and practical for 

    te design' anal/sis and implementation of electronic )ased s/stems and circ,its keeping in

    +ie" te drastic canges tat are occ,rring e+er/ da/ in te electronics era to s/ncroni-e te

    st,dents "it te latest de+elopment in different speciali-ations of electronic field.9

    1.1., Me!sur!$e O$%ecti&es of the Pror!mme

    i. %repare grad,ates "it te tecnical skills for s,ccessf,l careers in design' application'

    implementation' testing and tro,)lesooting of electronic )ased s/stems.

    ii. %repare grad,ates to e:ercise teir kno"ledge "ic te/ a+e learnt in teir profession and to

    recogni-e te glo)al impacts of teir profession on te societ/.

    iii. %repare grad,ates to "ork as effecti+e team mem)ers "it commanding oral and "rittencomm,nication skills' as "ell as to ad+ance in teir careers and contin,e teir professional


    1-1. Process for Est!$ishi" Pror!mme Educ!tio"! O$%ecti&es

    1. Board of St,dies meeting eld eac 7,arter to asses and impro+es te programme and ,pdated

    of c,rric,l,m.

    2. Assess te programme tro,g feed)ack stake olders.

    3. Tro,g researc opport,nities at te department )/ ,tili-ing te "e)' ;o,rnals and f,nded


    1-1./ Pror!m O$%ecti&es Assessme"t 

    Page  of 41

    O"#e$%i&e  >o8

    measre',e measre'






    Semester' 0inal




    Assignments and


    E+er/ Semester 

    Al,mni S,r+e/After E+er/ 2


    2 Emplo/er S,r+e/After E+er/ 2


    Ta)le 11.1 # %rogram o)*ecti+es assessment >Reference @E$ Ta)le 4.1?

  • 8/17/2019 SAR EL-2 07032013


    Self Assessment Report Electronic Engineering Department

    Standard 12 T,e 0rogram ms% ,a&e 'o$me%e' o%$omes for gra'a%ig

    s%'e%s. I% ms% "e 'emos%ra%e' %,a% %,e o%$omes s00or% %,e 0rogram

    o"#e$%i&es a' %,a% gra'a%ig s%'e%s are $a0a"+e of 0erformig %,ese o%$omes.

    1-2.1 Pror!mme Outcomes of the 0r!du!ti" Stude"t 

    Recent grad,ates of Electronic Engineering possess#

    a. An a)ilit/ to appl/ kno"ledge of matematics' science and engineering.

     ). An a)ilit/ to design and cond,ct e:periments as "ell as to anal/-e and interpret data.

    c. An a)ilit/ to design a s/stem to meet desired needs "itin realistic constraints.

    d. An a)ilit/ to f,nction on m,ltidisciplinar/ teams.

    e. An a)ilit/ to identif/' form,late and sol+e engineering pro)lems.

    f. An a)ilit/ to comm,nicate effecti+el/.

    g. An a)ilit/ to ,se tecni7,es' skills' and modern engineering tools necessar/ for

    engineering practice.

    . An ,nderstanding of professional and etical responsi)ilit/.

    1-2.2 Process for Est!$ishi" !"d Re&isi" Pror!mme Le!r"i" Outcomes

    0eed)ack from stake olders.

    12.3 &atri: th!t re!tes the *ror!mme o$%ecti&es to the e*ected outcomes



     Pror!mme Outcomes

    a " $ ' e f g ,




       $ompletel/ f,lfil %artiall/ f,lfil    ot f,lfil

    Ta)le 12.1# ()*ecti+es +s. (,tcomes >Reference @E$ Ta)le 4.2?

    1-2., Sur&e( Forms

    S,r+e/ forms for emplo/er' Al,mni and grad,ating s,r+e/ are attaced in A00e'i5 A.

    Standard 1* T,e res+%s of 0rogram7s assessme% a' %,e e5%e% %o 8,i$, %,e are

    se' %o im0ro&e %,e 0rogram ms% "e 'o$me%e'. (No% a00+i$a"+e for %,e %ime "eig)

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    Self Assessment Report Electronic Engineering Department

      AT Fi'igCorre$%i&e Im0+eme%a%io Res0osi"+e Resor$es

    A$%io Da%e Reference @E$ Ta)le A.2?

    Standard 1*2 T,e 'e0ar%me% ms% assess i%s o&era++ 0erforma$e 0erio'i$a++

    sig 9a%ifia"+e measres.

    2C13 2C12 2C11>Batc# 2CC1C? >Batc# 2CCC? >Batc# 2CCC?






    %ass o,t133
























    time for


    te 6nder



    4 /ears 4 /ears 4 /ears

      Ta)le 14.1 ,antifia)le &eas,res

    CRITERION /: Crri$+m Desig a' Orgaia%io

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    Self Assessment Report Electronic Engineering Department

    Standard 21 Te c,rric,l,m m,st )e consistent and s,pports te programme9s

    doc,mented o)*ecti+es

    21.1 Sceme of st,dies

    a) Ti%+e of 'egree 0rogramme: $redit @o,rs?

    &ats F

    BasicSciences $ore$o,rses



    @,manitiesF Social





    FE  S0rig 3 14 2 ; 11 ;

    Fa++ 6 /; ; 11 ; /

    SES0rig 3 14 ; 13 ; ;

    Fa++ 6 1 ; 12 ; /

    TES0rig 6 /1 ; ; 14 ; ;

    Fa++ 3 1 ; ; 16 ;

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    Self Assessment Report Electronic Engineering Department

    2-1.4 $o,rse Specifications# or $o,rse %rofiles are gi+en in Appendi: B.

    21.5 $o,rses +s. %rogramme (,tcomes &atri:

      First Year  a " $ ' e f g ,

    EL*1;1 E+e$%roi$ Egieerig Dra8ig or=s,o0  

    EE*112*1/1 A00+ie' P,si$s  

    >S*1;1 Eg+is,

    ME*1;1 Egieerig Me$,ai$s  

    EL*1;S*1;3 Pa=is%a S%'ies OR  

    >S*1/ Pa=is%a S%'ies (For Foreigers)

    Second Year 

    EL*/6 E+e$%roi$ De&i$es a' Cir$i%s  

    EL*/33 Programmig Lagages  

    EE*/// Is%rme%a%io a' Measreme%  

    EE*/11 Cir$i% T,eor*I  

    MT*/// Liear A+ge"ra Or'iar Differe%ia+ E9a%ios  

    EL*/2 Am0+ifiers a' Os$i++a%ors  

    MT*//2 Com0+e5 aria"+e a' Forier Aa+sis  

    EE*/26 E+e$%ri$a+ Ma$,ies  

    CS*/;3 Logi$ Desig a' S8i%$,ig T,eor 

    EE*4/ E+e$%romage%i$ Fie+'s  

    >S*/;3 Is+ami$ S%'ies OR  

    >S*/; E%,i$a+

  • 8/17/2019 SAR EL-2 07032013


    Self Assessment Report Electronic Engineering Department

    EL*2 Po8er E+e$%roi$s 

    EL*46 I%ro'$%io %o S*;2

  • 8/17/2019 SAR EL-2 07032013


    Self Assessment Report Electronic Engineering Department















    Ta)le 22.1#Standard 22 re7,irement >Reference @E$ Ta)le 4.5?

    Standard 23 Te c,rric,l,m m,st satisf/ te core re7,irements for te programme' as

    specified )/ te respecti+e accreditation )od/.

    Refer %o S%a'ar' /*3

    Standard 24# Te c,rric,l,m m,st satisf/ te ma*or re7,irements for te%rogramme as

    specified )/ @E$H or te respecti+e accreditation )od/.

    Refer %o S%a'ar' /*3

    S%a'ar' /*3: T,e $rri$+m ms% sa%isf geera+ e'$a%io! ar%s a' 0rofessioa+

    a' o%,er 'is$i0+ie re9ireme%s for %,e 0rogram! as s0e$ifie' " %,e res0e$%i&e

    a$$re'i%a%io "o'. (I $ase of >mai%ies 0rogram! Geera+ Ma%, re9ireme%s

    ms% "e f+fi++e'.)

    >%rogramme semester credit o,rs?

    %rogramme&ats and Basic




    (ter >Electronic

    %ro*ect etc.?

    Electronic /; 116 1 6

    Re7,irements/; 4/ / 6

    Ta)le 2.5.1# &inim,m re7,irements for eac programme >Reference Ta)le @E$ A.1?

    ;,stification for De+iation#

    T,is is 9i%e a 'efi$ie$ i %,e 0er$e%age of $re'i%s for Ma%,7s o8e&er! %,e

    Page 13 of 41

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    Self Assessment Report Electronic Engineering Department

    'efi$ie$ is sa%isfie' " e5%esi&e re9ireme%s of 0rese%a%ios! re0or%s! i%ers,i0s!

    i's%ria+ &isi%s! ges%*s0ea=er sessios e%$.! i ma#ori% of %,e $orses.

    Standard 2 nformation Tecnolog/ component of te c,rric,l,m m,st )e integrated

    tro,go,t te programme

    $o,rses T $ontents

    CS*1;1 I%ro'$%io %o Com0%er Assem"+ Lagage

    EL*/33 Programmig Lagages C*Lagage

    >S*;2 S*1;2 Eg+is,


  • 8/17/2019 SAR EL-2 07032013


    Self Assessment Report Electronic Engineering Department

    st,dents of te department. Tese instr,ctions are kept "it te a) instr,ctors of te concerned a)

    so tat it ma/ easil/ )e a+aila)le to fac,lt/ mem)ers too.

    S%a'ar' */T,ere ms% "e a'e9a%e s00or% 0ersoe+ for is%r$%io a'

    mai%aiig %,e +a"ora%ories.

    An instr,ctor and a tecnician are a+aila)le d,ring te la) time to elp st,dents in ,nderstanding te

    e:perimental concepts.

    nformation related to te a)oratories is descri)ed in Ta)le 32.1

    All la)s are e7,ipped "it maintained 0ire E:ting,isers and 0irst Aid )o:es.

    S%a'ar' * T,e -i&ersi% $om0%ig ifras%r$%re a' fa$i+i%ies ms% "e

    a'e9a%e %o s00or% Programme o"#e$%i&es

    +-+.1 Num$er of com*uters !&!i!$e for the f!cut(:

    The University rovides comter to each faclty mem"er.

    +-+.2 Num$er of com*uters !&!i!$e for stude"ts:

    T#oflly frnished comter la"s$ containin% total &4comters$ are availa"le for the stdents of the

     Electronic En%ineerin% 'eartment.

    +-+.2 List of Soft4!re !&!i!$e:Te 6ni+ersit/ as ig performance comp,ting centre >information is a+aila)le at "e)site? from

    "ere st,dents and staff mem)ers can searc te list of a+aila)le soft"are. Te centre is "orking ,nder 

    te nformation and Tecnolog/ Department.

  • 8/17/2019 SAR EL-2 07032013


    Self Assessment Report Electronic Engineering Department


    Amplifier F

    (scillator1. Am0+ifiers a' Os$i++a%ors

    /. Aa+og I%egra%e' Cir$i%s

    1. La" I$,arge


    /. Te$,i$ia

    . La" A%%e'a%


    (scilloscope' 0,nction

    $orei3'D,al $ore'

    $ore 2 ,ad?

    C2 St,dentsH



    12 $omp,ter $enter

    1. Aa+og I%egra%e' Cir$i%s./. LSI 'esig

    . E+e$%roi$ EgieerigDra8ig a' or=s,o0

    1. La" I$,arge

     (IT Maager)

    /. Te$,i$ia. DEO

    2. La" A%%e'a%

    %racticalHSt,dent 6se $omp,ters >$orei3'D,al $ore'$ore 2 ,ad?

    C2 St,dentsH


    13StoreH i)rar/ and

    %ro*ect Arci+es

    1 TesisH%ro*ect Korks

    2 Assignment etc.

    1. S%ore Jee0er

    /. A%%e'a%St,dent 6se

    1. //; )? St,dents9 demand.

    To teac tese co,rses' 7,alified fac,lt/ staff is assigned te co,rses rele+ant to teir field of

    speciali-ation or researc.

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    Self Assessment Report Electronic Engineering Department

    Te Department of Electronic Engineering as taken one step for"ard in offering tecnical co,rses

     )/ keeping in +ie" te c,rrent demands of te ind,str/. Trained fac,lt/ staff is moti+ated to offer

    special training co,rses tat are elpf,l for st,dent in getting *o)s. Tis practice as also increased

    te la) ,tili-ation and effecti+e ,se of e7,ipment in te respecti+e la)s.

    S%a'ar' 2*/ Corses i %,e ma#or ms% "e s%r$%re' %o esre effe$%i&e

    i%era$%io "e%8ee s%'e%s! fa$+% a' %ea$,ig assis%a%s.E+er/ fac,lt/ mem)er pro+ides alread/ defined co,nselling o,rs "eekl/. Eac teacer empasi-es

    a disc,ssion on te o)*ecti+es of te co,rse and grading distri),tion in initial sessions.

    E+er/ fac,lt/ mem)er s,)mits a co,rse plan and sessional criteria to te respecti+e class ad+isor at

    te )eginning of te session. Te attendance seet of e+er/ class contains a field MTopic of te

    classN' "ic elps te ad+isor to track te progress of e+er/ co,rse.

    S%a'ar' 2* Gi'a$e o ,o8 %o $om0+e%e %,e Programme ms% "e a&ai+a"+e %o a++

    s%'e%s a' a$$ess %o 9a+ifie' a'&isig ms% "e a&ai+a"+e %o ma=e $orse

    'e$isios a' $areer $,oi$e.,-+.1 0uid!"ce to Stude"ts

    St,dents are enco,raged to )e responsi)le for kno"ing teir o"n academic standing and

    re7,irements in reference to 6ni+ersit/ standards' reg,lations' and degree completion. Te

    6ni+ersit/ p,)lises te 6ndergrad,ate %rospect,s e+er/ /ear descri)ing all 6ni+ersit/

    %rogramme re7,irements. Te mission' o)*ecti+es' co,rse re7,irements and co,rse options for 

    all te co,rses offered )/ te department are pro+ided in te %rospect,s. Department also

     pro+ides important information on its "e)site and notice )oards' "ic pro+ide te st,dents

    "it necessar/ c,rric,l,m information incl,ding te admission re7,irements' re7,ired co,rses

    and prere7,isites>if an/? for eac programme and list of electi+e co,rses.

    ,-+.2 Stude"t Ad&isi" S(stem

    n specific circ,mstances' st,dents a+e to cons,lt teir respecti+e ad+isors and o)tain appro+al

    for special re7,ests s,c as selection of co,rses. @o"e+er' in all circ,mstances st,dents are

    strongl/ enco,raged to cons,lt teir respecti+e ad+isors d,ring co,rse registration for seeking

    e:pert ad+ice. Te fac,lt/ mem)ers in te Department pro+ide e:tra o,rs d,ring tese

    acti+ities. 0,rtermore' te St,dent Affairs Department organi-es lect,res and social meetings in

    eac academic /ear' "ere st,dents and fac,lt/ e:cange concerns and a+e informal


    Te 0irst =ear st,dents a+e session "it li)rar/ administration to get familiarit/ "it te

    li)rar/ and )ook lending s/stem. Te information related to li)rar/ is also a+aila)le on te

    li)rar/ "e)site and te li)rar/ staffs elp te st,dent to ,se te li)rar/ data)ase s/stem. Te

    Department of Electronic Engineering also a+e its o"n li)rar/ "ic contains te most

    referenced )ooks in te Department. &oreo+er' te 0inal =ear %ro*ect reports of all te passed

    o,t )atces are present in tis li)rar/.

    Te st,dents also a+e one session "it te staff of comp,ter centre' located in te Department

    of Electronic Engineering. Te staff distri),tes te D and %K of te st,dent portal and also

    g,ides a)o,t te ,se of tis portal. Te portal contains te information related to co,rses

    offered' e:amination res,lts and st,dent attendance.

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    Self Assessment Report Electronic Engineering Department

    ,-+.+ Stude"t Cou"sei" S(stem

    $o,nselling is a colla)orati+e process' "ic in+ol+es te de+elopment of a ,ni7,e'

    confidential elporiented relationsip. E department treats all of its contacts "it st,dents in

    ig confidentialit/.

    • ndi+id,al co,nselling# A st,dent meets "it a co,nsellorHteacer on a onetoone )asis

    to "ork tro,g personal concerns.

    • mostl/ al,mni? are in+ited from ind,stries so

    tat te/ can *,dge and ad+ice te st,dents a)o,t teir pro*ect according to te needs of te


     S'MMER 6 7INTER SC8OOL:Department of (&A T >,nder te administration of Department of Electronic Engineering?

    organi-es anoter tecnical session d,ring "inter and s,mmer +acations. St,dents and fac,lt/

    mem)ers are enco,raged to attend te session in "ic training on t"o ind,str/ leading

    soft"are is gi+en.

     SPAR9:Started in 2CC' S%ARJ maga-ine is te +oice of all te st,dents of te department. Te

    maga-ine not onl/ contains engineering articles ),t also incl,des inter+ie"s of te fac,lt/

    mem)ers and ind,str/ professionals' "ic is an effecti+e "a/ of red,cing te gap )et"eenteacer and te st,dent. Te st,dents also present teir +ie"s a)o,t te ,ni+ersit/

    Page 1 of 41

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    Self Assessment Report Electronic Engineering Department

    administration' fac,lt/ and te en+ironment "ic is anoter "a/ of getting feed)ack from te

    st,dents. Te S%ARJ maga-ine as also enco,raged st,dents to impro+e teir tecnical "riting

    skills. Te maga-ine also s,ffices te academic profile of all te st,dents of 0inal =ear' "ic is

    elpf,l for ind,stries to sort most competent st,dent according to teir o"n criteria. Te

    maga-ine is distri),ted free of cost to all te st,dents of te department' "ile teir official

    copies are sent to almost all te rele+ant companies.

    Firs% @ear

    S0rig Semes%er Fa++ Semes%er


    e Co'eCorse Ti%+e

    Cre'i% >ors Corse

    Co'eCorse Ti%+e

    Cre'i% >ors

    T, Pr To%a+ T, Pr To%a+

    E1C1Electronic EngineeringDra"ing F Korksop

    1 2 3 E1C2 Basic Electronics 3 1 4

    EE110,ndamentals of Electrical

    Engineering3 1 4 &T111 $alc,l,s 3 C 3

    %@121 Applied %/sics 3 1 4 $=1C5 Applied $emistr/ 3 1 4

    @S1C1 Englis 3 C 3 $S1C1 ntrod,ction to $omp,ters 2 1 3

    &E1C1 Engineering &ecanics 3 1 4 &E1C5 Applied Termod/namics 3 1 4

    @S1C5 %akistan St,dies (R 2 C 2

    @S12%akistan St,dies >0or


    Se$o' @ear

    E233Electronic De+ices and

    $irc,its3 1 4 E234

    Amplifiers and

    (scillators3 1 4

    E255 %rogramming ang,ages 2 1 3 &T224 $omple: Garia)le and0o,rier Anal/sis

    3 C 3

    EE222nstr,mentation and&eas,rement

    3 1 4 EE24 Electrical &acines 2 1 3

    EE211 $irc,it Teor/1 3 1 4 $S2C5ogic Design andS"itcing Teor/

    3 1 4

    &T222inear Alge)ra and(rdinar/ DifferentialE7,ations

    3 C 3 EE21 Electromagnetic 0ields 3 C 3

    @S2C5 slamic St,dies (R 2 C 2

    @S2CEtical Bea+io,r >for on&,slims?


    T,ir' @ear

    E3C2 Analog ntegrated $irc,its 3 1 4 E3C3 Digital ntegrated $irc,its 3 1 4

    E343 %o"er Electronics 3 1 4 E3C4 nd,strial Electronics 3 1 4

    E3ntrod,ction to Biomedical

    Engineering2 1 3 T$31

    $omm,nication S/stems

    3 1 4

    $S3C5 $omp,ter Arcitect,re and 3 1 4 EE312 $irc,it Teor/ 3 1 4

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    Self Assessment Report Electronic Engineering Department


    E03C3Applied Economics for

    Engineers3 C 3 @S3C4

    B,siness $omm,nication

    F Etics3 C 3

    &T331 %ro)a)ilit/ and Statistics 3 C 3

    Fia+ @ear

    E433 Solid State De+ices 3 1 4 $S41$omp,ter $omm,nication

     et"orks2 1 3

    E4C GS S/stems Design 3 1 4 EE44 0eed)ack $ontrol S/stems 3 1 4

    T$42$omm,nication S/stems

    3 1 4 E44

    (pto Electronics and

    &icro"a+e s/stems3 1 4

    EE43 Digital Signal %rocessing 3 1 4 $S41C&icroprocessor and

    Assem)l/ ang,age3 1 4

    E4C1Electronic Engineering


    &T442 ,merical &etods 3 C 3

    E4C1Electronic Engineering%ro*ect


    Ta)le 41.1 $o,rses offered in Electronic Engineering Department


    S%a'ar' 3*1: T,e 0ro$ess " 8,i$, s%'e%s are a'mi%%e' %o %,e 0rogramme ms%

    "e "ase' o 9a%i%a%i&e a' 9a+i%a%i&e $ri%eria a' $+ear+ 'o$me%e'.-1.1 Ad&ertiseme"t for Admissio"

       otice for admission in first /ear is p,)lised in different dail/ ne"spapers for in+itingapplicationsL soon after @S$ >%reEngineering? res,lts are anno,nced )/ te rele+ant Sind

    and 0ederal Boards.

     -1.2 )istri$utio" !"d Su$missio" of A**ic!tio" Forms

    %rospect,s and admission forms are sold tro,g ational Bank of %akistan ED Branc.

    Sced,le for s,)mission of forms is displa/ed on te 6ni+ersit/ otice Boards.

    Application forms for admissions ,nder all categories are s,)mitted at Admission $o,nters

    according to sced,le' "ic is notified on notice )oards' d,ring te period mentioned in tead+ertisement.

    Admit $ards for preentr/ admission test are iss,ed at te time of s,)mission of applications.

    Te same card is ,sed for s,)mission of oter applications ,nder oter categories' if re7,ired )/

    te applicant.

     -1.+ )!t! E"tr(

      AdmissionHapplication forms are sorted according to $ategor/ "ise. All rele+ant data of 

    applications are entered in te Data $entre >$omp,ter a)? and te main >&aster? Data file


      Pre0ara%io! Re&ie8 a' Se+e$%io

     -1., Pre-Admissio" E"tr( Test 

    Page 2C of 41

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    Self Assessment Report Electronic Engineering Department

      %readmission entr/ test is eld for all applicants ,nder different categories e:cept for foreignst,dents "o ma/ appear in SAT e:amination instead of preadmission entr/ test or an/ oter 

    entr/ test accepta)le )/ te 6ni+ersit/.

      Te list of applicants "o 7,alif/ te preentr/ test is displa/ed on all te otice Boards.

     -1. 5erific!tio" from Ree&!"t o!rds

    &arks certificates and lists of s,ccessf,l applicants are sent to te rele+ant Boards' "itin

    %akistan' for +erification of marks. Gerification of marks is not done for candidates "o adappeared in foreign e:aminations e.g. 8A9 e+els.

    Te Admission forms of nominees are recei+ed from teir concerned nominating a,torities

    "en te/ a+e 7,alified entr/ tests of tose a,torities.

     -1./ Pre*!ri" Merit List   A merit list is prepared after +erification of marks9 certificates.   )is*!( of Merit List   0inal merit list is displa/ed on all otice Boards along "it sced,le of inter+ie"s and oter 

    rele+ant instr,ctions. 

     Aoc!tio" of )isci*i"e

    Allocation of all disciplines is done categor/ "ise as mentioned in te %rospect,s' on te )asis of merit and coice preferences of eac candidate d,ring te inter+ie".

       Medic! E!mi"!tio"Before appearing for inter+ie" all applicants are medicall/ e:amined )/ te 6ni+ersit/ &edical


      I"ter&ie4s of A**ic!"ts  nter+ie"s of applicants are eld to e:amine original doc,ments of eac candidate .

      )is*!( of 7!iti" List   Kaiting lists are also displa/ed for +acant seats >if an/? in categories' if re7,ired.

      '*-r!di" )isci*i"e

    After inter+ie"' ,pgrading from disciplines of lo"er demand in order of meritc,mcoice to fill+acancies as te/ arise.

    Standard 52# T,e 0ro$ess " 8,i$, s%'e%s are regis%ere' i %,e 0rogramme a'

    moi%orig of s%'e%s7 0rogress %o esre %ime+ $om0+e%io of %,e 0rogramme

    ms% "e 'o$me%e'. T,is 0ro$ess ms% "e 0erio'i$a++ e&a+a%e' %o esre %,a% i%

    is mee%ig i%s o"#e$%i&es.

    (nce admitted F discipline allocated' a st,dents9 progress is mentioned )/ te department and

    registrar office. Tis process is e+al,ated ann,all/ in a ,ni+ersit/ le+el )oard of re+ie" meeting

    Standard 53# T,e 0ro$ess of re$ri%ig a' re%aiig ,ig,+ 9a+ifie' fa$+%

    mem"ers ms% "e i 0+a$e a' $+ear+ 'o$me%e'. A+so 0ro$esses a' 0ro$e'res

    for fa$+% e&a+a%io! 0romo%io ms% "e $osis%e% 8i%, is%i%%io missio

    s%a%eme%. T,ese 0ro$esses ms% "e 0erio'i$a++ e&a+a%e' %o esre %,a% i% is

    mee%ig 8i%, i%s o"#e$%i&es.

    -+.1 Recruiti" !"d Tr!i"i" of F!cut( Mem$ers:

    All te fac,lt/ mem)ers so,ld a+e minim,m si:teen /ears of ed,cation "it 0irst di+ision.

    0ac,lt/ mem)ers are facilitated "it sort term co,rses and on *o) trainings. Sessions on

    comm,nicationskill de+elopment are reg,larl/ eld and preparation of researc proposals is

    enco,raged. 0eed)ack of a performance of a fac,lt/ mem)er is gatered at te end of e+er/

    semester. Tis feed)ack is comm,nicated to te fac,lt/ mem)er and eHse is nominated for +ario,s co,rses' if impro+ements are re7,ired.

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    Self Assessment Report Electronic Engineering Department

    Ta"+e "e+o8 ,ig,+ig,%s %,e %raiigs $o'$%e' for %,e for %,e ear /;1







    1&s. @ira mtia-

    &s. Salea Bano

    T Tools for Academic %rofession

    12tF13t Septem)er 2C13>C2 da/s?Satisfactor/

    2&s. a+eera Sami

    D,ties F Responsi)ilities of n+igilators andE:aminers

    25t F 2t &arc >C2 da/s?



    &s. Sana &oin

    &s. &aeen &a-ar ngredients of s,ccessf,l Academic carers

    2t &arc 2C13 >C1 da/?Satisfactor/


    &s. Sana &oin

    &s. &aeen &a-ar 

    &s. a+eera Sami

    Effecti+e Teacing %ractices

    1t '1t F 1t &arc >C3 da/s?Satisfactor/


    &s. A/esa Aktar 

    &r. Tari7 Raman&r. &,ammad asir 

    D,ties F Responsi)ilities of $lass Ad+isors

    2t ;an,ar/ >C1da/s? Satisfactor/

    Standard 54# T,e 0ro$ess a' 0ro$e'res se' %o esre %,a% %ea$,ig a' 'e+i&er

    of $orse ma%eria+ %o %,e s%'e%s em0,asies +earig a$%i&e +earig a' %,a%

    $orse +earig o%$omes are me%. T,e 0ro$ess ms% "e 0erio'i$a++ e&a+a%e' %o

    esre %,a% i% is mee%ig i%s o"#e$%i&es.• $o,rse files are de+eloped )/ fac,lt/ mem)ers' "ic are e+al,ated e+er/ semester )/

    class ad+isors for impro+ement

    • atest edition of )ooks are enclosed in teacing.

    • $ontin,o,s impro+ement in co,rse material is disc,ssed in 7,arterl/ departmental


    S%a'ar'3*3: T,e 0ro$ess %,a% esres %,a% gra'a%e ,as $om0+e%e' %,e

    re9ireme%s of %,e 0rogramme ms% "e "ase' o s%a'ar's! effe$%i&e a' $+ear+

    'o$me%e' 0ro$e'res. T,is 0ro$ess ms% "e 0erio'i$a++ e&a+a%e' %o esre %,a%

    i% is mee%ig i%s o"#e$%i&es.

    n addition to tis' te office of te registrar maintains a data)ase "ic contains#

    1. atest appro+ed c,rric,l,m'

    2. %rere7,isite str,ct,re of te co,rses >if an/?'

    3. ist of electi+e co,rses'

    4. ist of accepta)le tecnical electi+es'5. ist of ,manitiesHsocial science co,rses'

    . Registration forms for s,)se7,ent /ears.

    Tis comp,teri-ed s/stem generates a report for eac st,dent entitled# MAnal/sis of Academic

    %rogressN. Tis report contains te list of co,rses alread/ taken along "it te respecti+e grade

    and a list of co,rses /et to )e taken.

    .,.1 A4!rd of )eree

    An/ st,dent "o "as admitted in 0irst =ear and as passed all co,rses as prescri)ed for isHer 

    Discipline "it $

  • 8/17/2019 SAR EL-2 07032013


    Self Assessment Report Electronic Engineering Department

    st,dent "as allo"ed e:emption on te )asis of a+ing st,died te co,rse>s? in te former 

    nstit,tion sall not o"e+er )e co,nted for determining isHer 0all 2C12?

     ,m)er of

    fac,lt/ "it

    %. D


    See Ta)le 41.1

    11 C4

    Electrical C C2

    Telecomm,nications C5 C

    $omp,ter s/stems C3 C1

    Ta"+e 6*1.1 fa$+% 'is%ri"%io " 0rogramme areas >Refr. Ta"+e >EC 2.6)

    -1.1 U/0*F*(/T*+,S +F F/(U0TY EBE)S 



    %rofessor>s? ,alification

    1. Prof. Dr. A%%a++a,

    J,a8a#aP,.D (Com0 Ifo. Ss.)

    M.Egg (E+e$%ri$a+ Egg.)

  • 8/17/2019 SAR EL-2 07032013


    Self Assessment Report Electronic Engineering Department

    2. Dr. A'ee+ Rai P,D (E+e$%ri$a+ Egg.)! -NS! As%ra+ia

    MS$ (Comm Egg.)! RT> Aa$,e! Germa

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    Self Assessment Report Electronic Engineering Department

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    Self Assessment Report Electronic Engineering Department

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    Self Assessment Report Electronic Engineering Department

    $onference paper • Desig EM Sim+a%io of O*$,i0 Trasformer . R.

    J,a! F.Kafar !A. R. Bres,i! a' B. a,a" ! /;1/ Asia*Pa$ifi$ E+e$%romage%i$

    Com0a%i"i+i% Sm0osim a' Te$,i$a+ E5,i"i%io! Siga0ore! Ma /1*/2! /;1/

    • Soe% EM Sim+a%io of >ig, Po8er Trasformers for RF Po8er Am0+ifiers! >. R.

    J,a! F.Kafar !A. R. Bres,i! a' B. a,a" ! /4%, I%era%ioa+ Re&ie8 of Progress i

    A00+ie' Com0%a%ioa+ E+e$%romage%i$s! Co+m"s! O>! -SA! A0ri+ /;1/

    • Desig of a 1*//G> i'e"a' LNA i ;.1m CMOS Te$,o+og -sig Trasmissio

    Lies! F. Kafar! S. Ars,a' a' B. a,a"! 12%, IEEE I%era%ioa+ M+%i%o0i$ Cofere$e

    (INMIC /;11)! Jara$,i! Pa=is%a! De$em"er /;11

    • A F++ I%egra%e' C+ass*E Po8er Am0+ifier i ;.1m CMOS Te$,o+og! >. R. J,a! A.

    R. Bres,i a' B. a,a" ! %, IEEE I%era%ioa+ NECAS Cofere$e! . R. J,a! A.

    R. Bres,i a' B. a,a" ! %, IEEE I%era%ioa+ NECAS Cofere$e! ! -SA! A0ri+ /;1/

    • A F++ I%egra%e' Dis%ri"%e' A$%i&e Trasformer ig, Po8er

    Trasformers for RF Po8er Am0+ifiers! /4%, I%era%ioa+ Re&ie8 of Progress i A00+ie'

    Com0%a%ioa+ E+e$%romage%i$s! Co+m"s! O>! -SA! A0ri+ /;1/

    • Desig of a 2*6G> i'e"a' LNA i ;.1m CMOS Te$,o+og! S. Ars,a' ! F. Kafar B. a,a" !/;1/ IEEE I%era%ioa+ Cofere$e o E+e$%roi$s Desig! Ss%ems a'

    A00+i$a%ios(ICEDSA /;1/)!Ma+asia! No&em"er 3*6! /;1/

    • E+e$%ri$a+ C,ara$%eria%io of I%erfa$e S%a%es i Ni?KO S$,o%%= Dio'es! S. M. Fara! .

    J,rao&s=! R. @a=imo&a! A. -+as,i a' B. a,a"! MRS*/;11 fa++ mee%ig!

    No&em"er /4* De$em"er /! /;11! /6.4 '. R. J,a! . Fri%i!

    B. a,a"! A. A+&a'0or! 3%, Germa Mi$ro8a&e Cofere$e (GEMMIC) /;1;!

  • 8/17/2019 SAR EL-2 07032013


    Self Assessment Report Electronic Engineering Department

    • M. Asg,ar! S. Fara! . o="a&i$is! B.a,a" a' M. S&a#ar&i! S%' of 'ee0 +e&e+

    'efe$%s i * a' 0*%0e 6>*SiC gro8 " s"+ima%io e0i%a5 for f+ores$e% 0ro0er%ies!

    /;11* I%era%ioa+ Cofere$e o Si+i$o Car"i'e a' Re+a%e' Ma%eria+s (ICSCRM

    /;11)!C+e&e+a'! O,io! -SA

    • >. R. J,a! F.Kafar !A. R. Bres,i! a' B. a,a" ! Desig EM Sim+a%io of O*$,i0

    Trasformer ?' 2' .

    • S. &. 0ara-' . @. Al+i' A. @enr/' (. ,r' &. Killander and .Kaa)' MAnnealing effects on

    electrical and optical properties of nPn(HpSi etero*,nction diodesN' Ad+anced &aterials

    Researc' +ol. 324' pp 233' A,g. 2C11.

    • S. &. 0ara-' . @. Al+i' A. @enr/ ' (. ,r' &. Killander' . Kaa)' M%ost fa)rication

    annealing effects on electrical and optical caracteristics of nPn( nanorodsHpSi etero*,nction

    diodesN' Tecconnect Korld 2C11' anotec $onference' ;,ne 131' 2C11' Boston'

    &assac,setts' 6SA. STanotec 2C11' Gol.2' pp. ' 2C11. SB# 143133.

    • S. &. 0ara-' &. Killander and . Kaa)' M$,rrent Transport St,dies and E:traction of SeriesResistance of %dHPn( Scottk/ DiodeN' 14t EEE nternational &,ltitopic $onference

    >&$ 2C11?' Jaraci' %akistan' Decem)er 2224' 2C11. SB# 145C54' doi


    • S. &. 0ara-' G. Jrano+sk//' R. =akimo+a' A. 6l/asin and . Kaa)' MTemperat,re

    dependent c,rrent transport in Scottk/ diodes of nano str,ct,red Pn( gro"n on Si )/

    magnetron sp,tteringN' %roceedings 2C11 EEE Regional S/mposi,m of &icro F ano

    Electronics' pp.4' Sept. 2C11. SB# 112444.

    • S. &. 0ara-' @. Asraf' &. mran Arsad' %. R. @ageman' &. Asgar and . Kaa)' Mnterface

    state densit/ of freestanding

  • 8/17/2019 SAR EL-2 07032013


  • 8/17/2019 SAR EL-2 07032013


    Self Assessment Report Electronic Engineering Department

    ,e%ero#$%io +ig,% emi%%ig 'io'e! %o Fe" /;1/! Nao%e$, /;1/! I%era%ioa+

    $ofere$e i Ira.

    • Se' M. -sma A+i! M. Jas,if! K. > I"0o%o! Mo#%a"a Nasr*Esfa,ai! -. >as,im.

    Mags i++a'er! O0%i$a+ a' e+e$%ro$,emi$a+ sesig $,ara$%eria%io of KO

    aof+a=es! %o Fe" /;1/! Nao%e$, /;1/! I%era%ioa+ $ofere$e i Ira.

    • Jas,if! Se' M. -sma A+i! J. L. Foo! -. >as,im! Mags i++a'er! KO ao0oross%r$%re gro8%,! o0%i$a+ a' s%r$%ra+ $,ara$%eria%io " a9eos so+%io ro%e!

    ea"+ig s$ie$e a' ao%e$,o+og: /;1; I%era%ioa+ $ofere$e o ea"+ig s$ie$e

    a' ao%e$,o+og Es$iao /;1;. AIP Cofere$e 0ro$ee'igs! &o+me 121! 00. /*3


    • M,amma' >. Asif ! Se' M. -sma A+i ! Omer Nr! Mags i++a'er ! -+ri=a >.

    Eg+'! Fre'ri= E+i'er! F$%ioa+ie' KO aoro'*"ase' se+e$%i&e magesim io

    sesor for i%ra$e+++ar measreme%s! as,im! Mags i++a'er! Fa"ri$a%io of *KO*

    NPs?0 Si ,e%ero#$%io a' i%s e+e$%ro*o0%i$a+ $,ara$%eria%io! INSC /;11 2%, %o 3%,

    +! /;11! Seri Jem"aga Se+agor! Ma+asia.

    •  M. Jas,if! Se' M. -sma A+i! -. >as,im! Mags i++a'er! S%r$%ra+ a' e+e$%ri$a+

    s%' of KO: A+ aoro's! IPEC /;11! i%era%ioa+ Cofere$e i Ma+asia.

    • Fara Ma,moo'! Se' M. -sma A+i! M. Jas,if! -. >as,im! Mags Jar+sso a'

    Mags i++a'er! Desig of a a',e+' A00+i$a%ios!

    //*/ O$%o"er! IPEC /;11! i%era%ioa+ Cofere$e i Ma+asia.

    •  J.L. Foo! M. Jas,if! -. >as,im! Se' M. -sma A+i! M. i++a'er! Gro8%, of KO %,ifi+m o si+i$o s"s%ra%e for o0%i$a+ a00+i$a%io " sig so+ge+ s0i $oa%ig me%,o'!


  • 8/17/2019 SAR EL-2 07032013


  • 8/17/2019 SAR EL-2 07032013


    Self Assessment Report Electronic Engineering Department

    • S/ed &. 6sman Ali' Pafar @. ),poto' Sala Salman' (mer ,r' &agn,s Killander' Bengt.

    Danielsson' Selecti+e determination of ,rea ,sing ,rease immo)ili-ed on Pn( nano"ires'

    Sensors F Act,ators# B. $em. 1C >2C11? pp. 343.

    • S/ed &. 6sman Ali ' &. Jasif ' Pafar @,ssain ),poto' &. 0akareAlam' 6. @asim'

    &agn,s Killander' 0,nctionali-ed Pn( nanot,)es arra/s as electrocemical sensor for te

    selecti+e determination of gl,cose' &icro F ano etters' 2C11' Gol. ' iss,e. ' pp. C13.

    • S/ed &. 6sman Ali' P. @.),poto' &' Jasif' 6. @asim' &agn,s Killander' A %otentiometricndirect 6ric Acid Sensor Based on Pn( anoflakes and mmo)ili-ed 6ricase' Sensors 2C12'


    • S/ed &. 6sman Ali' Pafar @,ssain ),poto' $. (. $e/' (mer ,r' &agn,s Killander' Bengt

    Danielsson' 0,nctionali-ed Pn( nanot,)e arra/s for te selecti+e determination of ,ric acid

    "it immo)ili-ed ,ricase' $emical Sensors 2C11' 1# 1.

    • S/ed &. 6smanAli' &. 0akareAlam' P.Ka-ir'&.Jasif' &. Atif ' &agn,s Killander and K.

    A. S/ed' $/toto:ic Effects of Pinc (:ide anoflakes>P( 0S? in @,man &,scle $arcinoma'

    nternational ;o,rnal of &edicine and &edical Sciences Gol. 2>1?' pp. C53C5.

    • &. @. Asif' S/ed &. 6sman Ali' (. ,r' &. Killander' $ecilia BrQnnmark' %eter Strlfors '

    6lrika Engl,nd ' 0redrik Elinder and B. Danielsson' 0,nctionali-ed Pn( nanorod )ased

    intracell,lar gl,cose sensor' Biosensors and Bioelectronics 25 >2C1C? 22C52211.

    •  . @. Al+i' S/ed &. 6sman Ali' S. @,ssain' (. ,r' and &. Killander'0a)rication and

    comparati+e optical caracteri-ation of nPn( nanostr,ct,res >nano"alls'nanorods'

    nanoflo"ers and nanot,)es?Hp2C1C? 3C.

    • &,ammad @. Asif ' S/ed &. 6sman Ali ' (mer ,r ' &agn,s Killander' 6lrika @. Engl,nd'

    0redrik Elinder' 0,nctionali-ed Pn( nanorod)ased selecti+e magnesi,m ion sensor for

    intracell,lar meas,rements' Biosensors and Bioelectronics 2 >2C1C? 1111123.

    • T. S. Dai' 6. @asim' T. a-"a' &. Jasif' S/ed &. 6sman Ali' p@ meas,rement ,singmicro gap str,ct,re' nternational *o,rnal of mecanical and materials engineering' >2? p.1


    • 0ara- &amood' mran &osin' S/ed &. 6sman Ali ' A)id Jarim' Design of an ,ltra

    "ide)and monopole antenna for andeld de+ices' Asian *o,rnal of engineering' sciences and

    tecnolog/ Gol. 1 iss,e 1>2C11?.

    • &. Jasif' S/ed &. 6sman Ali' &.E. Ali' @. . A)d,l gafo,r' 6. @asim &. Killander and P.

    @assan' &orpological' optical and raman caracteri-ation of Pn( nanoflakes prepared +ia sol

    gel metod' %/s.Stat,s Solidi A' 15 >2C11? H D( 1C.1CC2Hpssa.2C11235.

    Page 32 of 41

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    • $. (. $e/' S/ed &. 6sman Ali' P. ),poto' J. J,n' (. ,r' &. Killander' %otentiometric

    creatinine )iosensor )ased on immo)ili-ation of creatinine deiminase >$D? on Pn( nano"ires'

    ;. anosci. ett. 2C12' 2# 24.

    • P. @. ),poto' S/ed &. 6sman Ali' $.(. $e/' J. Jimleang' (. ,r' &agn,s Killander'

    0,nctionali-ed Pn( nanorods coated "it selecti+e ionopore for te potentiometric

    determination of Pn2 ions' ;(6RA (0 A%%ED %@=S$S 2C11>11C? pp. 1C4C2

    1C4C• P. @. ),poto' S/ed &. 6sman Ali' J. Jimleang' $.(. $e/' (. ,r' &agn,s Killander' Pn(

    nanorods )ased en-/matic )iosensor for te selecti+e determination of %enicillin' Biosensors

    2C11' 1>4?' 15313.

    • J. J,n' P. @. ),poto' S/ed &. 6sman Ali' $. (. $e/' (. ,r' &. Killander' Te selecti+e

    iron >0e3? ion sensor )ased on f,nctionali-ed Pn( nanorods "it selecti+e ionopore'

     *o,rnal of Electroanal/sis 2C11>22? pp. 1

    • P. @. ),poto' S/ed &. 6sman Ali' J. Jimleang' &. Killander' Ascor)ic acid )iosensor

     )ased on immo)ili-ed en-/me on Pn( nanorods' ; Biosens Bioelectron' 2C11 2>3? pp.C14.

    • P. @. ),poto' J. J,n' S/ed &. 6sman Ali' &. Killander' Electrocemical actic Acid

    Sensor Based on mmo)ili-ed Pn( anorods "it actate (:idasease' Sensors 2C12' 12'245


    • &. 0akar e Alam' S. &. 6. Ali' P. @. ),poto' &. Atif' and &. Killander' %ototo:ic Effects

    of Pinc (:ide ano"ires >Pn( Ks? $omple:ed "it 5 AA in RD $ell ine1' aser

    %/sics' 2C11' Gol. 21' o. 11' pp. 1U.

    • &. 0akareAlam' S. &. 6. Ali' P. @. ),poto' J. Jimleang' &. Atif' &. Jasif' 0. J

    oong' 6. @asim and &. Killander' Sensiti+it/ of A54 ,man l,ng cancer cells to

    nanoporo,s -inc o:ide con*,gated "it %otofrin' asers &ed Sci' D( 1C.1CCHs1C1C3C11


    •&. Jasif' =. AlDo,ri1' 6. @asim ' &. E. Ali' S. &. 6. Ali' P. &. Killander'$aracteri-ation' anal/sis and properties st,dies of nanostr,ct,re Pn( ,sing solgel metod'

    &icro F ano etters' 2C12' >2? pp. 131.

    • &. Jasif' 6. @asim' S/ed &. 6sman Ali' Ala9eddin A. Saif ' &agn,s Killander' &d.

    Ea7,)Ali ' Str,ct,ral and impedancespectroscop/ st,d/ of Aldoped Pn( nanorods gro"n )/

    solgel metod' 2C12' Gol. 2 ss# 3.

    • &. Jasif' S/ed &. 6sman Ali' &. E. Ali' 6. @asim ' Effect of 6G on impedance

    spectroscop/ of Sn doped Pn( anorods' ;o,rnal of (+onic Researc' Gol. ' o. 3' 2C12' p.

    1 .

    • P. @. ),poto' S/ed &. 6sman Ali' J' J,n and &. Killander' OTalli,m >? ion sensor )ased

    on f,nctionali-ed Pn( nanorodsO' ;o,rnal of anotecnolog/' Gol. 2C12' Artical D 1C2' pp. 1' doi#1C.1155H2C12H1C2.

    • &. Jasif' 6. @asim' &. E. Ali' S/ed &. 6sman Ali' &. R,sopd' P. @. ),poto and &agn,s

    Killander' OEffect of different seed sol,tions on te morpolog/ and electrooptical properties

    of Pn( nanorodsO' ;o,rnal of anomaterial' Gol. 2C12' Article D 4524C' pp. 1' doi#


    • &. Jasif' 6. @asim' &. E. Ali' J. . 0oo' S/ed &. 6sman Ali' Effect of 6G e:pos,re time

    on te c,rrent to +oltage >G? caracteristics of Pn( anorods' >S,)mitted?.

    • &.Jasif' &.E.Ali' S/ed &. 6sman Ali' J.. 0oo1' 6.@asim' &agn,s Killander Sol

  • 8/17/2019 SAR EL-2 07032013


    Self Assessment Report Electronic Engineering Department

    • & .Jasif' &.E.Ali' S/ed &. 6sman Ali' 6. @asim' Solgel S/ntesis of %d doped Pn(

     anorods for Room Temperat,re @/drogen Sensing' accepted in $eramics nternational

    >mpact 0actor 1.5?' ttp#HHd:.doi.orgH1C.1C1H*.ceramint.2C13.C1.C5.

    • &. Jasif' &. E. Ali' S/ed &. 6sman Ali' 6. @asim' and S.B. A)d @amid' mpact of

    @/drogen $oncentrations on te mpedance Spectroscopic Bea+ior of %d Sensiti-ed Pn(

     anorods accepted in anoscale Researc etters >mpact 0actor 2.3?' doi#1C.11H155


    Dr. Sadia 0ara-

    $onference paper 

    • E+e$%ri$a+ C,ara$%eria%io of I%erfa$e S%a%es i Ni?KO S$,o%%= Dio'es! S. M. Fara! .

    J,rao&s=! R. @a=imo&a! A. -+as,i a' B. a,a"! MRS*/;11 fa++ mee%ig!

    No&em"er /4* De$em"er /! /;11!

  • 8/17/2019 SAR EL-2 07032013


    Self Assessment Report Electronic Engineering Department

    • &. Asgar' 0. 7)al' S.&. 0ara-' G. ;ok,)a+ici,s' . Kaa)' &. S/+a*ar+i ' MSt,d/ of deep le+el

    defects in doped and semiins,lating n@Si$ epila/ers gro"n )/ s,)limation metodN '

    %/sica B# $ondensed &atter' +ol. 4C' no.15' pp. 3C3' 2C12.

    • &. Asgar' 0. 7)al' S.&. 0ara-' G. ;ok,)a+ici,s' . Kaa)' &. S/+a*ar+i ' MSt,d/ of deep le+el

    defects in doped and semiins,lating n@Si$ epila/ers gro"n )/ s,)limation metodN '

    %/sica B# $ondensed &atter' +ol. 4C' no.15' pp. 3C3' 2C12.

    • &. Asgar' 0. 7)al' S. &. 0ara-' G. ;ok,)a+ici,s' . Kaa)' &. S/+Q*Qr+i' M$aracteri-ation of deep le+el defects in s,)limation gro"n pt/pe @Si$ epila/ers )/ deep le+el transient

    spectroscop/N %/sica B# $ondensed &atter' Gol. 4C' no.15' pp. 3C41' 2C12.

    Ria- 6n a)i

    $onference %aper 

    • K. Li! S. Ria a' R. C,e++a+i! isa+ 0+a$e re$ogi%io for m+%i ro"o%s ma0s mergig!

    I 0ro$ee'igs of IEEE SSRR! No&. /;1/

    • S. Ria! K. Li! A. A,me' a' R. C,e++a+i! Laser o+ fea%re "ase' m+%i ro"o% SLAM!

    I 0ro$ee'igs of IEEE ICARC! De$. /;1/

    • S. Ria! L.

  • 8/17/2019 SAR EL-2 07032013


    Self Assessment Report Electronic Engineering Department

    • Soe% EM Sim+a%io of >ig, Po8er Trasformers for RF Po8er Am0+ifiers! >. R.

    J,a! F.Kafar !A. R. Bres,i! a' B. a,a" ! /4%, I%era%ioa+ Re&ie8 of Progress i

    A00+ie' Com0%a%ioa+ E+e$%romage%i$s! Co+m"s! O>! -SA! A0ri+ /;1/

    • A F++ I%egra%e' C+ass*E Po8er Am0+ifier i ;.1m CMOS Te$,o+og! >. R. J,a! A.

    R. Bres,i a' B. a,a" ! %, IEEE I%era%ioa+ NECAS Cofere$e! . R. J,a! A.

    R. Bres,i a' B. a,a" ! %, IEEE I%era%ioa+ NECAS Cofere$e! ! -SA! A0ri+ /;1/

    • A F++ I%egra%e' Dis%ri"%e' A$%i&e Trasformer ig, Po8er

    Trasformers for RF Po8er Am0+ifiers! /4%, I%era%ioa+ Re&ie8 of Progress i A00+ie'

    Com0%a%ioa+ E+e$%romage%i$s! Co+m"s! O>! -SA! A0ri+ /;1/

    • A ;;M> /6.4 '. R. J,a! . Fri%i!

    B. a,a"! A. A+&a'0or! 3%, Germa Mi$ro8a&e Cofere$e (GEMMIC) /;1;! . R. J,a! F.Kafar !A. R. Bres,i! a' B. a,a" ! Desig EM Sim+a%io of O*$,i0


  • 8/17/2019 SAR EL-2 07032013


    Self Assessment Report Electronic Engineering Department

    • Desig of a 1*//G> i'e"a' LNA i ;.1m CMOS Te$,o+og -sig Trasmissio

    Lies! F. Kafar! S. Ars,a' a' B. a,a"! 12%, IEEE I%era%ioa+ M+%i%o0i$ Cofere$e

    (INMIC /;11)! Jara$,i! Pa=is%a! De$em"er /;11

    • Desig of a 2*6G> i'e"a' LNA i ;.1m CMOS Te$,o+og! S. Ars,a' ! F. Kafar

    B. a,a" !/;1/ IEEE I%era%ioa+ Cofere$e o E+e$%roi$s Desig! Ss%ems a'

    A00+i$a%ios(ICEDSA /;1/)!Ma+asia! No&em"er 3*6! /;1/

    ;o,rnal %aper 

    • R. Ram-an' 0.Pafar 'S. Arsad ' and . Kaa) ' 0ig,re of &erit for arro")and'Kide)and and

    &,lti)and As' nternational ;o,rnal of Electronics'+ol. ' iss,e 11' pp.1C311C' ;,ne


    • 0ig,re of &erit for arro")and'Kide)and and &,lti)and As' R. Ram-an' 0.Pafar 'S.

    Arsad ' and . Kaa) ' nternational ;o,rnal of Electronics'+ol. ' iss,e 11' pp.1C311C'

    ;,ne 2C12

    • S. Arsad ' 0. Pafar' R. Ram-an F . Kaa)' MKide)and and &,lti)and $&(S As#State

    ofteArt and 0,t,re %rospectsN' Else+ier &icroelectronics ;o,rnal' April 2C13

    A)d,r Raeem ,resi

    $onference %aper 

    • Desig EM Sim+a%io of O*$,i0 Trasformer . R.

    J,a! F.Kafar !A. R. Bres,i! a' B. a,a" ! /;1/ Asia*Pa$ifi$ E+e$%romage%i$

    Com0a%i"i+i% Sm0osim a' Te$,i$a+ E5,i"i%io! Siga0ore! Ma /1*/2! /;1/

    • Soe% EM Sim+a%io of >ig, Po8er Trasformers for RF Po8er Am0+ifiers! >. R.

    J,a! F.Kafar !A. R. Bres,i! a' B. a,a" ! /4%, I%era%ioa+ Re&ie8 of Progress i

    A00+ie' Com0%a%ioa+ E+e$%romage%i$s! Co+m"s! O>! -SA! A0ri+ /;1/

    • Desig of a 1*//G> i'e"a' LNA i ;.1m CMOS Te$,o+og -sig Trasmissio

    Lies! F. Kafar! S. Ars,a' a' B. a,a"! 12%, IEEE I%era%ioa+ M+%i%o0i$ Cofere$e

    (INMIC /;11)! Jara$,i! Pa=is%a! De$em"er /;11

    • A F++ I%egra%e' C+ass*E Po8er Am0+ifier i ;.1m CMOS Te$,o+og! >. R. J,a! A.

    R. Bres,i a' B. a,a" ! %, IEEE I%era%ioa+ NECAS Cofere$e! . R. J,a! A.

    R. Bres,i a' B. a,a" ! %, IEEE I%era%ioa+ NECAS Cofere$e! ! -SA! A0ri+ /;1/

    • >. R. J,a! F.Kafar !A. R. Bres,i! a' B. a,a" ! Desig EM Sim+a%io of O*$,i0


  • 8/17/2019 SAR EL-2 07032013


    Self Assessment Report Electronic Engineering Department

    ;o,rnal %aper 

    • @ig Efficienc/ S"itcing $lasses R0 %o"er Amplifiers in Kireless $omm,nication' A. R.

    ,resi' @. R. Jan and . Kaa) ' ED 6ni+ersit/ ;o,rnal of Researc >Tematic ss,e on

    Energ/?' ;an,ar/ 2C12

    Salea Bano

    $onference %aper 

    • S.

  • 8/17/2019 SAR EL-2 07032013


    Self Assessment Report Electronic Engineering Department

    Amna Sa))ir 

    $onference %aper 

    Ama S,a""ir! Im0ro&ig s0a$e Time Di&ersi% i a Fi5e' Poi% Li= -sig LMS

  • 8/17/2019 SAR EL-2 07032013


    Self Assessment Report Electronic Engineering Department


    Standard 1# T,ere ms% "e sffi$ie% s00or% a' fia$ia+ resor$es %o a%%ra$%

    a' re%ai ,ig, 9a+i% fa$+% a' 0ro&i'e' %,e meas for %,em %o mai%ai

    $om0e%e$e as %ea$,ers a' s$,o+ars.

    Te 6ni+ersit/ as a "ole pro+ides s,fficient s,pport and financial reso,rces to retain ig

    7,alit/ fac,lt/ and pro+ide te means to maintain competence as teacers and researc scolars.

    n recent /ears te department as )een iring grad,ates "it master degree and sending senior 

    fac,lt/ for %.D.

    Standard 2# T,ere ms% "e a a'e9a%e m"er of ,ig, 9a+i% gra'a%e s%'e%s!

    resear$, assis%a%s a' P,.D. s%'e%s.

    @ie+' 2C13 2C12 2C11


  • 8/17/2019 SAR EL-2 07032013


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    B B $(6RSE S%E$0$AT(S or $(6RSE %R(0ES

    $ BRAR= 0(R&AT( rele+ant to &D.