saint ferdinand · 10:30...

Saint Ferdinand Church San Fernando, CA Junio 10, 2018 1109 Coronel Street San Fernando, CA 91340 Phone: (818) 365-3967 Fax: (818) 365-0067 Website: Facebook: Saint Ferdinand Catholic Church Parish Ofϐice Hours / Oϐicina Parroquial Monday - Friday Lunes a Viernes 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. & 1:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Saturday & Sunday Sabado y Domingo 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Clergy / Clero Rev. Juan Ayala, OMI, Pastor Rev. James E. Taggart, OMI Associate Pastor Rev. Mr. Ricardo Mora, Deacon St. Ferdinand School: 818-361-3264 Religious Education/Catecismo: 818-361-1813 Youth Ministry/Conϐirmation: 818-361-1814 RCIA/RICA: 818-361-8795 Mass Schedule / Horario de Misas Saturday - Sabado 5:00 p.m. English Sunday - Domingo 7:00 a.m. Español 8:30 a.m. English 10:30 a.m. Español 12:00 p.m. English 1:30 p.m. Español 5:00 p.m. English (Teen Mass) Daily Mass: Monday - Friday 7:00 a.m. English Misa Durante la Semana: Martes y Jueves 7:00 p.m. Español Sacrament of Reconciliation ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Sacramento de Reconciliación Saturday - Sabado 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Or by appointment - O Haciendo una Cita

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Saint Ferdinand Church San Fernando, CA Junio 10, 2018

1109 Coronel Street San Fernando, CA 91340 Phone: (818) 365-3967 Fax: (818) 365-0067 Website: Facebook: Saint Ferdinand Catholic Church ParishOf iceHours/O icinaParroquialMonday-Friday LunesaViernes9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. & 1:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Saturday&Sunday SabadoyDomingo9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Clergy/CleroRev. Juan Ayala, OMI, Pastor Rev. James E. Taggart, OMI Associate Pastor Rev. Mr. Ricardo Mora, Deacon St.FerdinandSchool: 818-361-3264 ReligiousEducation/Catecismo: 818-361-1813 YouthMinistry/Con irmation: 818-361-1814 RCIA/RICA: 818-361-8795


Saturday-Sabado5:00 p.m. English

Sunday-Domingo7:00 a.m. Espanol 8:30 a.m. English 10:30 a.m. Espanol 12:00 p.m. English 1:30 p.m. Espanol 5:00 p.m. English (Teen Mass)

DailyMass:Monday-Friday7:00 a.m. English

MisaDurantelaSemana:MartesyJueves7:00 p.m. Espanol SacramentofReconciliation


SacramentodeReconciliaciónSaturday - Sabado 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Or by appointment - O Haciendo una Cita


Sick:Camen Landin, Joel Arroyo, Becky Rodrıguez Deceased: Jim Mendrala, Ruth Moreno, Ima Vela, Rafael Martınez


CalledToBeGoodStewardsMay/Mayo27,2018 Jesus asks us to commit ourselves to be good Stewards of the gifts entrusted to us, to share our time, our talent and our treasure as on outward sign of the love and gratitude we have for Him. 5:00 p.m. Mass $665 7:00 a.m. Mass $697 8:30 a.m. Mass $1,047 10:30 a.m. Mass $1,231 12:00 p.m. Mass $1,296 1:30 p.m. Mass $576 5:00 p.m. Mass $523 Night Drop & Coin $1,789.73



FondodeConstrucción:CampañadelAireAcondicionado Jesus nos pide que hagamos un compromiso con nosotros mismos para ser buenos administradores de los dones que nos ha entregado. Compartir nuestro tiempo, talentos y tesoros como una senal evidente del amor y agradecimiento que le tenemos a El.

Saturday/Sábado,June9 5:00 pm Russell, Sonia & Zoa Kallstrom, Joel Arroyo, Our Lay of Guadalupe

Fortheeternalrestof: Ruben Saenz

Sunday/Domingo,June107:00 am Joel Arroyo, Marıa Zamora Eternodescansode: David Padilla, Rosario Perez 8:30 am Jose Cardenas and Family For the eternal rest of: Josephine Mendoza, Soledad Lopez, Jim Mendrala 10:30 am Marcos Cesar Lopez (Cumpleanos), Salvador Munguıa, Roman Salazar, Ana Velasquez Eternodescansode: Armando Mendoza Garnica, Alfonso Orozco 12:00 pm Russell, Sonia and Zoa Kallstrom 1:30 pm Artemio Montero Huerta, Susano Montero, Zoraida Zarate Eterno descanso de: Miguel Sandoval, Rene Alfonso del Valle, Plasido Reinoso Villegas 5:00 pm Pro Populo

Monday/Lunes,June11 7:00 am Joel Arroyo

Tuesday/Martes,June12 7:00 am Fortheeternalrestof: Ramon Mendoza 7:00 pm Joel Arroyo, Marıa Zamora Eternodescansode: Rosario Perez

Wednesday/Miércoles,June13 7:00 am Joel Arroyo Thursday/Jueves,June14

7:00 am Pro Populo 7:00 pm Joel Arroyo Eternodescansode: Rosario Perez Friday/Viernes,June15 7:00 am Joel Arroyo

ForintentionstoappearinthebulletinpleasestopbytheParishOf iceatleasttwoweeksinadvance.

Para que las intenciones de la Misa estén en el boletín por favor de inscribir sus intenciones por lo menos 2 semanas antes en la

O icina Parroquial.


PARISH REGISTRATION Interested in becoming a Parishioner of St. Ferdinand Church or have you moved to another address and want to update your current registration? Please take the time to ill out the information below and drop it in the collection basket or in person at the Parish Rectory.

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––REGISTRACION PARROQUIAL

¿Estás interesado en ser feligrés de la Iglesia de Saint Ferdi-nand o se han mudado a otro domicilio y desea actualizar su registro actual? Tomen el tiempo para llenar la información que se encuentra debajo y deposítenla en la canasta durante el ofertorio o en persona en la Oficina Parroquial. Name/Nombre_______________________________________________________________ Address/Domicilio________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Phone/Teléfono___________________________________________ _____ Need Envelopes - NecesitoSobres _____ Change of Address – CambiodeDomicilio _____ New in the Parish -- NuevoenlaParroquia










RECTORYHOURSThe rectory will be closed on Monday,June11thinthemorningto help the of ice staff get things back to normal after the Fiesta. We’ll open the parish of ice at 5:00 p.m.

HORARIODERECTORIALa rectorıa estara cerrada el lunes11 de junio por la mañana. Nuestro personal necesita el dıa para reorganizar todo despues de la Fiesta. La o icina parroquial se abrira a las 5:00 p.m.

Stay after Mass and enjoy this

year’s 2018 Fiesta!





An opportunity to win one of these fabulous prizes!!!

¡Quédense después de la Misa y disfru-

ten de Nuestra Fiesta 2018!






& ¡Una oportunidad

de ganar uno de estos premios!!!

RenewedintheEucharist RenovadosenlaEucaristía


Desarrollar un plan de evacuacion familiar en caso de incendio puede salvar vidas. Los ninos deben ser parte de la planeacion y deben saber que salidas usar y donde reunirse. Los detectores de humo y los extintores de incendios tambien deben formar parte de su plan, y sus hijos deben saber que hacer si el detector de humo se activa y los nino mayores deben saber como usar un extintor de incendios. Para obtener una copia del artıculo completo de VIRTUS® “A Reminder about Fire Safety in the Home” (Recordatorio sobre la seguridad contra incendios en el hogar), visite


PracticeFireSafetyintheHome Developing a family ire plan for evacuation can save lives. Children should be a part of the planning, and should know which exits to use to get out of the house and where to meet once they are safely outside. Smoke detectors and ire extinguishers should also be part of your plan; children should know what to do if the smoke detector goes off, and older children should be taught how to use a ire extinguisher. For a copy of the complete VIRTUS® article “A Reminder about Fire Safety in the Home,” visit

In today’s second reading Saint Paul argues that a community’s journey of faith culminates in the thanksgiving expressed in the Eucharis-tic meal, when the bread is broken, the cup of salvation is lifted up and the covenant with Christ is af irmed. In fact, he maintains that the entire community’s “inner nature” is constantly being renewed in hope through this thanksgiv-ing meal. Good stewards understand that the weekly celebration of the Eucharist is a communal gesture by which the gathered community reveals its faith and hope in the risen Lord. Moreover, that it is a profound communal act of faith that Christ is present and active in the world at this moment. Given that understanding, what responsibilities do we take on to lift up the faith of our community? What part do we play in giving it hope?

En la segunda lectura del dıa de hoy San Pablo argumenta que el camino de fe de una comuni-dad culmina en la accion de gracias expresada en la Cena Eucarıstica, cuando se parte el pan, y la copa de salvacion es levantada y el pacto con Cristo es a irmado. De hecho, sostiene que la “naturaleza interna” es constantemente renova-da en esperanza a traves de la Cena Eucarıstica. Los buenos corresponsables entienden que la celebracion semanal de la Eucaristıa es un gesto comunal, por el cual la comunidad reunida revela su fe y esperanza en el Senor resucitado. Ademas es un profundo acto de fe comu-nitario que Cristo esta presente y activo en el mundo en este momento. Dado ese entendimiento, ¿Que responsabilidades asumimos para elevar la fe de nuestra comunidad? ¿Que pa-pel jugamos para darle esperanza?

MISADESANACION-(GrupodeOración)El Grupo de Oracion los invita a una Misa de Sanacion con el Padre Chelo de la Republica Dominicana. Los esperamos el dıa jueves14dejunio7:00pmen la Iglesia.

FATHER’SDAYNOVENA We will be celebrating a Novena of Masses for our Fathers (living and deceased) from June16th thruJune24th; the intentions will be offered at all our Masses. Please take a Father’s Day Envelope and write the names of all the im-portant men in your life who have been a father igure. The envelopes are available in the pews, in back of the church and the Parish Of ice. Please return these envelopes before Father’s Day weekend.

NOVENAPARAELDIADELOSPADRES Estaremos celebrando una Novena de Misas para nuestros Padres (vivos y que han fallecido) del 16dejuniohastael24de junio; las intenciones seran ofrecidas en todas las Misas. Por favor tomen un Sobre del Dıa de la Padres y es-criban los nombres de todas los hombres importantes en su vida que han sido iguras paternas. Los sobres estan dispo-nibles en las bancas, detras de la Iglesia y en la O icina Pa-rroquial. Favor de regresarlos antes de la celebracion del Dıa de los Padres. Dear Parish Community: St. Ferdinand Parish has received allegations involving Mr. Ricardo Jimenez, Jr. of possible inappropriate communication with minor females and improper conduct with a current adult which was initiated when she was under 18. The matters have been reported to the authorities and the Archdiocese is also investigating. Mr. Jimenez has been placed on leave as a con irmation program volunteer at the parish and as a part-time music teacher at our parish school pending the result of the investigation. Anyone with a concern or relevant infor-mation regarding this matter is encouraged to contact Father Juan Ayala, at (818) 361-3264, or Dr. Heather Banis, Coordina-tor of Victims Assistance Ministry for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles at (213) 637-7650. Please keep everyone impacted by this situation in your thoughts and prayers.

GRUPODEJOVENESADULTOSENESPAÑOLSi tienes entre las edades de 18 y 35 anos, la parroquia de St. Ferdinand te invita a formar parte del nuevo Grupo de Jovenes Adultos espanol, “Juventud en Victoria.” Nos estamos reunien-do todos los viernes a la 7:00 pm en Biblioteca de la iglesia. Co-noce a Dios y cambia tu vida. Para mas informacion o si tienes alguna pregunta, favor de llamar a Pepe Gomez al 818-314-4021.! Teesperamos!

HELPNEEDED!Our Outreach Center needs volunteers to help in the distribution of our Mobile Food Pantry. We are asking if you are available to sort/pack and distribute food. (requires to be standing and lifting bags and boxes). Dates of Distribution are the second and 4th Friday of the Month from 8:00am to 11:00am. Must be over 18 years of age and happy to serve others in Christ. If you are interested please contact Gabriel Hernandez at (818) 365-3194

APOSTOLESEUCARISTICOSDELADIVINAMISERICORDIA Nuestro grupo, Apostoles Eucarısticos de la Divina Misericordia se reune todos los lunes

alas7:00pmenelSalón6. Unase a nues-tros Senor en un momento de oracion!

SEARCHING FOR A COOK We are in search of a cook here at our St. Ferdinand Rectory (for the Oblate Priests). The position is being offered Monday thru Friday and the cook would only be responsible for preparing the priests lunch. We ask that you please have experience in varieties of foods when applying. For more information, please contact the Parish Of ice at (818) 365-3967!

BUSCAMOS COCINERO/A Estamos buscando un/a cocinero/a para la nuestra rectorıa (para los Sacerdotes Oblatos). El puesto disponible es de lunes a viernes y solamente se en-cargarıa de cocinar para la hora de la comida del medio dıa. Pedimos que por favor tenga experiencia en variedades de comidas. Mas informacion, llamar a la O icina al (818) 365-3967!

SANDWISHSUNDAY&CLOTHINGDRIVENext Sunday, June 17th is Sandwich Sunday. We start bagging lunches at 10:00 am in the Parish Hall. All are welcomed to help us making the lunches. We are in need of the following items: individually packaged chips and cookies and bottled water (16.9 l. oz.) These items can be taken to the rectory any time during the month. We also have a clothing drive every Sandwich Sunday. Clothes can be dropped off (only) at the parish hall between 10:00 and 11:30 a.m. on Sandwich Sunday. You can also get a tax write off for your donation. The lunches and clothing will be picked up by MEND. If you have any questions, please call Linda Medina (818) 437-4738.

DOMINGODESANDWICHEl proximo domingo17dejunioes Domingo de Sandwich. Comenzamos a embolsar lonches a las 10:00 am en el Salon Parroquial. Todos son invitados a venir a ayudar. Necesitamos donaciones de: bolsas individuales de chips, galletas y agua embotellada de (16.9 oz.) Puede traer sus donaciones a la rectorıa cualquier dıa durante el mes. Tambien tenemos una colecta de ropa cada Domingo de Sandwich. La ropa la puede dejar solamente en el salon parroquial entre las 10:00 am a 11:30 am. Tambien puede recibir su recibo deducible de impuestos por su donacion. Los lonches y ropa seran recogidos por MEND. Si tienen preguntas, favor de llamar a Linda Medina (818) 437-4738.

RetirementFundforArchdiocesanPriestsThis weekend all of our parishioners will be asked to give generously to support the Retirement Fund for Archdiocesan Priests. Currently, the fund provides for 100 priests who are retired. Over the next ten years, that number will increase signi icantly. All of these individuals have committed their lives to serve the spiritual needs of our parish communities. We, in turn, owe it to them to assure that they do not have to worry about their retirement years. Please take one of the envelopes on your pew or back of the church and consider giving a donation to help those men who gave their lives to preach the Gospel.

FondodeJubilaciónparalosSacerdotesArquidiocesanosEl proximo in de semana se estara pidiendo a todos los feligreses contribuir generosamente para el inanciamiento del Fondo de Retiro de los Sacerdotes Arquidiocesanos. En la actualidad, el fondo sostiene a 100 sacerdotes jubilados. En los proximos diez anos, ese numero ascendera signi icantemente. Todos ellos han dedicado sus vidas a atender las necesidades espirituales de nuestras comunidades parroquiales. Ahora, nosotros debemos retribuirlos, encargandonos de un retiro libre de preocupaciones para ellos. Por favor tomar uno de los sobres que estan en su banca o detras de la iglesia y considere en dar una donacion para ayudar a estos hombres que dieron su vida en predicar el evangelio.

COMO COMPORTARSE EN MISA AyunarantesdelaMisa. Es ley de la Iglesia que uno ayune por lo menos (1) hora antes de recibir la Sagrada Comunion. El agua y la medicina pueden ser consumidas, por supuesto. El proposito es para ayudar a prepararnos para recibir a Jesus en la Eucaristıa. NohaycomidaybebidasdentrodelaIglesia. Las excep-ciones serıan una bebida para ninos pequenos, el agua para el sacerdote o el coro (si es discreta) y agua para los que estan enfermos. Traer un aperitivo en la iglesia no es apro-piado, porque queremos establecer que la iglesia es un lugar de oracion y re lexion.


FastbeforeMass. It is Church law that one fasts for at least (1) hour before receiving Holy Communion. Water and med-icine can be consumed, of course. The purpose is to help us prepare to receive Jesus in the Eucharist. NoFoodandDrinkinChurch. The exceptions would be a drink for small children, water for the priest or choir (if dis-creet) and water for those who are ill. Bringing a snack into church is not appropriate, because we want to set the church apart as a place of prayer and re lection.

YOUNGADULTGROUPMINISTRYOur young adult ministry REMAIN invites all the young adults of our parish ages 18- 35 to join us at 6:30 pm after the teen Mass in the church. We hope to see you there for a night of fellowship and prayer. For more information on young adult ministry please contact our youth minister Car-ol Cervantes at (818) 361-1814.

HAVEYOUTHOUGHTABOUTPRIESTHOODORARELIGIOUSLIFE?Do you have questions? Call Fr. Juan or Fr. James at (818) 365-3967

¿HASPENSADOENELSACERDOCIOOUNAVIDARELIGIOSA?¿Tienes preguntas? Llama a Padre Juan o a Padre James al (818) 365-3967

GrupoDeOraciónEstudioBíblico El Grupo de Oracion ofrece un estudio bıblico todos los miér-colesalas7:00PMenlaSalón8, para todos los que guste asistir. ¡El estudio es totalmente gratis!

SCHOOL OPEN ENROLLMENT GRADES PRE-K – 8TH GRADE We now have Open Enrollment at the school! Interested families may visit our website at or call the school of ice at 818-361-3264 for an admissions packet. Take advantage of the lowest registration fees—the sooner your family regis-ters, the lower your fees will be! At St. Ferdinand Catholic School:

• Students attend weekly Mass and Assemblies • 1:1 Devices for 1st Grade through 8th Grade • Small Group Technology integrated throughout each grade • Instruction Driven by Common Core State Standards & California State Standards • Self-contained preschool and elementary classrooms • Departmentalized Middle School Program • Physical Education & Music Education Programs • Resource Specialist (Kindergarten – 6th Grade) • Title I Services • Liturgical Choir • Student Council • Before & After School Care Available


PRE-KINDER AL 8º GRADO ¡Ya tenemos Inscripciones Abiertas para el ano escolar 2018-2019! Familias intere-sadas pueden visitar nuestra pagina Web en o llamar a la o icina escolar al 818-361-3264. Aprove-che las ventajas de los precios mas bajos de registro: lo mas pronto que se pague la inscripcion, es mas el ahorro. En la escuela catolica San Fernando:

• Los estudiantes asisten a la misa seminal y Asambleas • Dispositivos 1:1 para el 1er grado hasta octavo grado • Grupo pequeno Tecnologıa integrada en cada grado • Instruccion Dirigid por Common Core State Standards y California State Standards • Salones auto-contenidos preescolar y de primaria • Programa de Secundaria Organizado • Programa de Educacion Fısica y los programas de Edu-cacion Musical • Especialista de Recursos (Kindergarten - 6º grado) • Servicios de TITULO I • Coro Liturgico • Consejo Estudiantil • Programa de antes y despues de la escuela, disponible

God is calling YOU to the Sacrament of Marriage Are you married civilly or living with someone? If your answer is yes, God is calling you to cele-brate the Sacrament of Marriage and to live in His grace and receive His blessings. Please stop by the Parish Of ice to inquire how to begin the preparation and have your union blessed by God.

Dios te está llamando al Sacramento del Matrimonio

¿Estas casado por lo civil o viviendo con una al-guien? Si la respuesta es "Si", Dios te esta lla-mando al Sacramento del Matrimonio. Pasen a la O icina Parroquial para obtener informacion de como co-menzar las preparaciones y recibir la bendicion de Dios.

Looking for Volunteers Do you want to get involved in the parish? There are many opportunities to help us within the parish such as: Extra-Ordinary Minister's of Holy Communion, Lectors, Ministers of Hospitality (ushers), Catechists, Catechist aides, Choir (singing or playing an instrument), etc. If your answer is "Yes" and you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please stop by the parish of ice or call us to leave your name, phone number and which ministry you are interested to be in-volved in.

Buscando Voluntarios ¿Quieres participar dentro de la parroquia? Hay muchas oportunidades para ayudarnos dentro de la parroquia como: Ministros de la Santa Comunion Extra-Ordinarios, Lectores, Ministros de Hospitalidad, Catequistas, asistentes para Cate-quistas, Coro (cantante o tocar un instrumento), etc. Si su respuesta es “Si” y estan interesados en ser un voluntario, por favor pasen por la o icina parroquial o llamen para dejar su nombre, numero de telefono y cual ministerio estan in-teresados en participar.


This week the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed on Tuesday from7:30a.m. –6:30p.m.;as well as every Tuesday after the 7:00 a.m. Daily Mass. Come and invite all to spend time with the Lord, HE is waiting for YOU!


Sunday/Domingo,June/ Junio 10Fiesta5:30 am Hombres de Fe, Library

Monday/LunesJune/ Junio 11 Rectoryopenat5:00pm 7:00 am Mass, Church 7:00 pm Clase Bautismal, Library 7:00 pm Apostoles Eucarısticos de la Divina Misericordia, Salon 6 7:00 pm Encuentro Matrimonial, Salon 7 Tuesday/MartesJune/ Junio 12 7:00 am Mass, Church 7:30 am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Church 7:00 pm Misa, Church 7:00 pm RCIA Class, Library 7:00 pm Clase RICA, Salon 8 Wednesday/MiércolesJune/ Junio 13 7:00 am Mass, Church 1:00 pm 50’s Plus Club, Hall 7:00 pm ACTS, Room 7 7:00 pm Clase Bıblica, Salon 8

Thursday/JuevesJune/ Junio 14 7:00 am Mass, Church 7:00 pm Misa, Church 7:00 pm Encuentro Matrimonial, Salon 7 7:00 pm Jovenes Adultos, Salon 8 7:30 pm Grupo de Oracion, Church

Friday/ViernesJune/ Junio 15 7:00 am Mass, Church Saturday/SábadoJune/ Junio 16 10:00 am Baptisms, Church 12:00 pm Wedding of Camberos - Rodrıguez, Church 2:00 pm Wedding of Rosas - Arrecis, Church 3:30 pm Confessions, Church 4:00 pm Cena y Baile de Encuentro Matrimonial, Hall 5:00 pm Mass, Church TheBible&TheVirginMary(video presentation) Join us for an in depth Bible Study Series on the Blessed Mother. Thursday evenings from 7:00 p.m. -9:00 p.m., in the St. Ferdinand Library. Study started on Thursday, May 3rd and continues until June 21st; no cost to attend. Donations are accepted for parish needs. Come learn, pray and fellowship with us as we discover why Mary is re-ferred to as the New Eve, the New Ark of the Covenant and under many titles. For more information, please contact MarioL.Murillo,

818.493.9550,[email protected].


5:00 PM Evy Levine, Gerald De La Cerda, Berta Arevalo, Geraldo De La Cerda, Joe Garcıa, Lita Natividad, Mark Munoz Sunday/Domingo,17

7:00 AM Maricarmen Jasso, Marıa Del Carmen, Librada Vasquez, Martin Vasquez, Juana Dorame 8:30 AM Debbie Roberts, Ben Cardenas, Lydia Carrizosa, Jose & Rose Cardenas, Estela Perallon, Rita Ontiveros, Jose Alvarez, Virginia Daniels 10:30 AM Thomy Perez, Oscar Mendoza Jr., Marıa Olmos, Daniel Olmos, Felipe Reyes, Margarita Zuniga, Oscar Mendoza, Jessica Mendoza, Bielma Perez, Juan Carmona, Marıa Carmona 12:00 PM Andrew & Yolanda Guerrero, Angie Herrera, Joe & Carmen Torres, Edgar & Rozanne Gonzales 1:30 PM Karina Gomez, Esperanza Gomez, Teresa Poblano, Sara Perez, Alma Chavez, Rosa Hernandez, Juan Hernandez, Luz Marıa Gonzalez, Mariaelena Corona-Aguila LECTORSCHEDULE

June/Junio16 5:00 PM Isabella Perez & Valerie O’Reilly

June/Junio17 7:00 AM Pablo Ochoa & Victoria Castaneda 8:30 AM Cristian Cardenas & Terry Barragan 10:30 AM Luis Sanchez & Cirilo Zuniga 12:00 PM Laura Ascenio Real & Alex Guzman 1:30 PM Sergio Ortiz & Ricardo Padilla Please arrive 15 minutes before the Mass and report to the Sacristy.

Por favor de llegar 15 minutos antes de la Misa y reportarse en la Sacristía.

CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. Ferdinand Church #004976 1109 Coronel Street San Fernando, CA 91340 TELEPHONE 818 365-3967 CONTACT PERSON Edgar Caldera EMAIL: [email protected] SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2016 Adobe Acrobat 2017 Windows 10 TRANSMISSION TIME Monday 4:00 SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION June 10, 2018 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 8 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS