mis 222 phrasal verbs

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  • 8/10/2019 Mis 222 Phrasal Verbs


    "Act on sb's (advice) = Seguir, cumplir" He had {{c1::acted on}} orders given bythe governor. l haba obrado siguiendo rdenes dadas por el Gobernador.Agree with = Estar de acuerdo "All women are bad drivers. ""I don

    t {{c1::agree with}} you."" " """Todas las mujeres son malas conductoras"". ""No estoyde acuerdo contigo"""Back sth up = Hacer una copia de seguridad de {{c1::Back up}} your system overa network. Realice copias de seguridad de su sistema a travs de una red.

    Be about to = Estar a punto de I {{c1::was about to}} leave the house when my friends arrived. Estaba a punto de salir de casa cuando llegaron mis amigos.Be back = Regresar I

    m working late at the office tonight so I won

    t {{c1::be back}} until 10. "Esta noche trabajar hasta tarde en la oficina, as que noregresar hasta las 10."Be out of = Quedarse sin We

    {{c1::re out of}} eggs so we can

    t make a tortilla. "Nos hemos quedado sin huevos, as que no podemos hacer una tortilla."Be over = Terminarse "When the football match {{c1::was over}}, we went to the pub." Cuando el partido de ftbol termin nos fuimos al pub.Be up = Estar levantado Phil {{c1::isn

    t up}} yet: he

    s still in bed. Phone again in ten minutes. Phil todava no est levantado; an est en la cama. Llmalo dentr

    o de 10 minutes.be up to sth = To be doing something "Curious to find out what he {{c1::was up to}}, I said: ""Jos, what are you doing these days? " "Un tanto curioso por saber en qu temas andaba, le pregunt: ""Jos, a qu te dedicas en estos das?""Bent on (adj.) = Empeado, determinado" She

    s {{c1::bent on}} controlling the company. Se ha propuesto controlar la compaa.Bind up with (to be bound up with sth) = Estar estrechamente ligado o vinculadoa algo Why is sustainable development so inextricably {{c1::bound up with}} educational processes? Por qu el desarrollo sostenible est tan inextricablemente ligado al proceso educativo?Blow out (past blew past p. blown) = Apagar We laugh for quite a while and then we go together to {{c1::blow out}} the candles. Nos remos un largo rato yluego nos vamos juntos a soplar las velitas.

    Blow up = Estallar (una bomba) The bomb {{c1::blew up}} killing six people.La bomba estall matando a seis personas.Blow up = Inflar We {{c1::blew up}} at least a hundred balloons for the Christmas party. Inflamos por lo menos cien globos para la fiesta de Navidad.Break down = Averiarse My car {{c1::broke down}} on the way to Cordoba. Mi cochese averi de camino a Crdoba.Break off = Desprender o separarse de algo Chunks of ice are {{c1::breakingoff}} the continental ice sheet. Bloques de hielo se estn separando de lacapa de hielo continental.Break off = Parar de hablar She {{c1::broke off}} in mid-sentence. Ella separ or se detuvo or se call en la mitad de la frase.

    Break off = Partir She {{c1::broke off}} a piece of chocolate and gave it to him Ella parti un trozo de chocolate y se lo dio.Break off = Romper They

    ve {{c1::broken off}} their engagement. Ellos han roto su compromiso.Break out = estallar A civil war will {{c1::break out}}. Estallar una guerra civil.Break up = Terminar Their marriage {{c1::broke up}}. Su matrimonio fracas."Break up sth = Dividir, descomponer" {{c1::Break}} it {{c1::up}} into four pieces. Divdelo rmpelo en cuatro pedazos."Bring sb up = Criar, educar a alguien" She was {{c1::brought up}} in Chile.Se cri en Chile. She was {{c1::brought up}} as a Catholic. Tuvo unaeducacin catlica.

    "Bring up = Mencionar algo, introducir un tema" Why did you have to {{c1::bring}} that {{c1::up}}? Por qu tuviste que sacar eso a relucir?Brush up = Pulir algo I need to {{c1::brush up}} my German before I go to Vien

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    na. Tengo que pulir un poco mi alemn antes de ir a Viena.Call back = Volver a llamar I

    m afraid the manager isn

    t here at the moment.Could you {{c1::call back}} later? Me temo que el director no est aqu en estemomento. Podra volver a llamar ms tarde?"Call for = Requerir, exigir, pedir" I also reiterate my {{c1::call for}} allparties to lay down their weapons. Reitero tambin mi llamamiento a todas laspartes para que depongan las armas.

    "Call on = Exhortar, instar, hacer un llamado" And we {{c1::call on}} other governments to help facilitate this progress. Y exhortamos a otros gobiernos aque nos ayuden a facilitar este progreso."Call sth off = Suspender, cancelar" "The plan was {{c1::called off}} after protests, backed by the local government." "El plan fue cancelado debido alas protestas, que fueron apoyadas por el gobierno local.""Carry on = Seguir, continuar" Mr Johnson {{c1::carried on}} getting up at 6:30even after he retired. El seor Johnson continu levantndose a las 6:30 incluso despus de su retiro. I

    m sorry if I interrupted you. Please {{c1::carry on}}."Lo siento si te he interrumpido. Continua, por favor.""Carry out = Llevar a cabo, realizar, cumplir, cumplir con" You must {{c1::carry out}} the manager's instructions exactly. Debes cumplir exactamente las in

    strucciones del director. The attack was {{c1::carried out}} at seven o

    clock in the morning. El ataque se llev a cabo a las siete de la maana. The President {{c1::carried out}} his promise to reduce taxation.Cheer up = Animarse "As I was anxious, Ricardo {{c1::cheered}} me {{c1::up}}. " Estaba ansioso y Ricardo logr darme nimos.Clear up = Despejarse (tiempo) It was raining yesterday morning but it {{c1::cleared up}} later on.Clear up = Poner en orden It took four hours to {{c1::clear up}} after theparty. Tardamos cuatro horas en poner en orden la casa despus de la fiesta.Clutter sth up = To cover a surface or place with things that are not well organised "Certainly, there are a few small stones {{c1::cluttering up}} the track. " Hay sin duda varias piedrecillas en la va. She

    s {{c1::cluttered up

    }} my house with junk. Me ha abarrotado llenado la casa de porqueras.Come across sb/sth = Encontrar algo (de casualidad) She {{c1::came across}}the photographs when she was cleaning her room Ella encontr las fotos cuando estaba limpiando su cuarto. I {{c1::came across}} an old friend on the metroin Madrid. Me encontr con un viejo amigo en el metro de Madrid.Come back = Regresar I

    m going to England for two weeks. I

    m {{c1::coming back}} on the fifth. Me voy a Inglaterra dos semanas. Regreso el da 5."Come down to = Reducirse a algo, ser cuestin de" It all {{c1::comes downto}} money in the end. Al final todo es cuestin de dinero.Come in = Entrar " ""Good morning. {{c1::Come in}} and sit down."" "Buenos das. Entre y sintese.Come into = Heredar Roger {{c1::came into}} a lot of money when his rich unc

    le in Canada died."Come on = Vamos!, Date prisa! " {{c1::Come on}}. We

    re going to be late.Date prisa. Vamos a llegar tarde.Come round = To visit someone at their house Maria {{c1::came round}} to dinner last night. I'll {{c1::come round}} later and see how you are."Come up with sth = Sugerir (una idea, un plan, etc.)" We discussed the problembut nobody {{c1::came up}} with a solution Discutimos el problema pero nadie sugiri una solucin.Cool down = Enfriarse It starts to {{c1::cool down}} around this time of day.A esta hora del da empieza a refrescar."Cope with = Hacer frente, enfrentar" I can

    t {{c1::cope with}} all this work.No me doy abasto o no puedo con tanto trabajo.Cordon off = Acordonar {{c1::Cordon off}} the danger zone prior to installation

    . Debe obstruir el paso a la zona de peligro antes de comenzar con la instalacin.Cut up = Cortar en pedazos We {{c1::cut up}} the birthday cake and gave eve

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    ryone a slice. Cortamos el pastel de cumpleaos en trozos y dimos un trozo a cadauno.Cut down on = Reducir el consumo de algo I'm trying to {{c1::cut down on}}smoking Estoy tratando de fumar menos. You must {{c1::cut down on}} cholesterolor you

    ll have a heart attack. Debes consumir menos colesterol o tendrs un ataque al corazn."Cut off = Cortar, desconectar, perder conexin" "When we didn

    t pay the bill, th

    e electricity was {{c1::cut off}}. " "Como no pagamos la factura, nos cortaron la electricidad." I was talking on the phone to my father last night whenwe suddenly got {{c1::cut off}}."Date back = Datar de, remontarse a" His title {{c1::dates back}} to the 14thcentury. Los orgenes de su ttulo se remontan al siglo XIV.Deal with sth = Tratar con The government won

    t {{c1::deal with}} terrorists. El gobierno no negociar con los terroristas."Die out = Desaparecer, extinguirse, morir, caer en desuso" "This is a ""tradition"" in the area that is starting to {{c1::die out}}. " "Esta es una ""tradicin"" en la zona que est empezando a desaparecer." Scientists are still arguing as to why exactly the dinosaurs {{c1::died out}}."Do up = Abrochar, atar" She wears her hair {{c1::done up}}. Ella lle

    va el pelo recogido. {{c1::Do up}} your tie. {{c1::Do}} your shoes {{c1::up}}. Hazle el nudo de la corbata. Amrrate los pasadores. I was five before I knew how to {{c1::do up}} my shoelaces. Hasta los cinco aos no saba abrocharme los cordones de mis zapatos."Do up = Decorar, arreglar, refaccionar" The apartment was {{c1::done up}} in Viennese style. We are having our living room {{c1::done up}}."Do with = Tener algo que ver con, tener relacin con" "What

    s MS DOS? ""It

    s got something to {{c1::do with}} computers."" " "Qu es MS DOS? ""Tiene algo que ver con computadoras"".""Do without = Pasarse sin, prescindir de" The shops are shut so we

    ll haveto {{c1::do without}} sugar. "Las tiendas estn cerradas, as que tendremos que prescindir del azcar."Draw up = Pararse The car {{c1::drew up}} at the zebra crossing. El coche

    se par en el paso de cebra (lneas de paso peatonal o cruce peatonal).Dream sth up = Idear I don

    t know how he {{c1::dreams up}} these notions.No s de dnde saca or cmo se le ocurren esas cosas."Drop in = Ir, pasar, venir a visitar a alguien" {{c1::Drop in}} any time. Ven cuando quieras. I

    ll {{c1::drop in}} sometime tomorrow.Pasar maana en algn momento."Drop off (to sleep) = Quedarse dormido, dormirse" I must have {{c1::dropped off}} to sleep. Debo haberme quedado dormido. I was so tired last night that I {{c1::dropped off}} in front of the TV."Drop out = Abandonar (estudios), marginarse" "As soon as he could, Patrick {{c1::dropped out}} of school." "Tan pronto como pudo, Patrick abandon la escuela."

    Drop sb off = Dejar a alguien (en un lugar) Can you {{c1::drop}} Tom {{c1::off}} at school? Puedes dejar a Tom en el colegio?"End up = Terminar, acabar" We {{c1::ended up}} in Boston. Terminamos acabamos en Boston."Face up to = Afrontar, aceptar, reconocer" She had to {{c1::face up to}} the fact that he was guilty. Ella tuvo que aceptar el hecho que l era culpable."Fall out (PS fell; PP fallen) = Pelearse, dejar de ser amigos" I {{c1::fell out}} with my brother years ago. Me pele con mi hermano hace aos. They used to bebest friends but they {{c1::fell out}} when Sheila started going out with Claire

    s ex-boyfriend."Fall through = Fracasar, quedar en nada" My holiday plans had {{c1::fallen through}} at the last minute. Mis planes de vacaciones quedaron en nada a ltimo

    minuto.Fed up = Harta Are you {{c1::fed up}} with hidden charges when you buy products? Est harto de los gastos ocultos cuando compra bienes?

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    Fiddle with sth = Juguetear con algo He {{c1::fiddled}} nervously {{c1::with}} his tie. l jugueteaba nerviosamente con la corbata."Figure out = Entender, comprender" I think I

    ve {{c1::figured out}} how itworks. Me parece que he entendido cmo funciona.Fill in = Completar/llenar algo (formulario) Please {{c1::fill in}} this formand return it to the office.Fit in = Encajar I never really felt I {{c1::fit in}}. Siempre sent que

    no encajaba."Get back = Volver, regresar" Cinderella had to {{c1::get back}} by twelve o

    clock. Cenicienta tuvo que regresar antes de las doce.Get away with sth = Hacer algo malo y salir impune. Escape punishment. That man{{c1::got away with}} stealing a valuable picture. Ese hombre sali impune derobar una valiosa pintura.Get down to sth = Ponerse/dedicarse a hacer algo "After these festivities, we {{c1::got down to}} work. " Despus de estas festividades nos dedicamos al trabajo.Get in(to) = Entrar I lost my keys and so I couldn

    t {{c1::get into}} the house. Perd mis llaves y por eso no pude entrar en la casa."Get off = Bajar (de un autobs, tren)" You have to {{c1::get off}} the bus at t

    he next stop if you want the station. Tienes que bajarte del autobs en la prximaparada si quieres ir a la estacin."Get on = Subir (a un autobs, tren, moto)" "Quick! {{c1::Get on}} the train, it

    s about to leave. " "Rpido! Sbete al tren, est a punto se salir."Get on sb's nerves = Sacar a alguien de quicio That kind of music {{c1::gets onmy nerves}} Esa msica me irrita.Get over = Recover from It took her many years to {{c1::get over}} the loss of her husband."Get under way = Ponerse en marcha, comenzar" The championships {{c1::get under way}} in two weeks

    time. Los campeonatos comenzarn dentro de dos semanas.Get up = Levantarse When I {{c1::got up}} this morning it was still dark.Cuando me levant esta maana todava estaba oscuro.Give back = Devolver "If you don

    t like the dress, the shop will {{c1::give}}

    you your money {{c1::back}}. " "Si no te gusta el vestido, la tienda puede devolverte el dinero."Give out = Repartir/distribuir algo The teacher {{c1::gave out}} the photocopies to the students."Give up = Dejar, abandonar, renunciar a" I

    ve {{c1::given up}} smoking/taking those vitamins. He dejado de fumar/tomar esas vitaminas. You

    ll get cancer if you don

    t {{c1::give up}} smoking. Tendrs cncer si no dejas de fumar."Give up = Perder la esperanza, rendirse" "If you find phrasal verbs difficult, don

    t {{c1::give up}}. " "Si encuentras difciles los verbos frasales, no te rindas."Go about doing sth = Empezar a hacer algo What do you think is the best way to {{c1::go about}} learning a new language? Cul crees que es la mejor manera d

    e empezar a aprender un nuevo idioma?Go ahead = Siga! "Can I use the telephone? ""Yes, {{c1::go ahead}}."" " "Puedo usar el telfono? - Si, sigue""Go away = Irse, marcharse" "Are you {{c1::going away}} for Christmas, or are you staying at home. " Te marchas por Navidad o te quedas en casa?"Go back = Volver, regresar" "Although she

    s forty, she

    s {{c1::going back}}to University to study French. " "Aunque tiene cuarenta aos, va a volver ala universidad para estudiar francs"".""Go down = Bajar, reducir, disminuir " The price of fruit {{c1::goes down}} inthe summer. El precio de la fruta baja en verano. You should put ice on your wrist until the swelling {{c1::goes down}}."Go for + n (a break/walk/coffee) = To go somewhere in order to take a break/walk/drink a cup of coffee, etc" To {{c1::go for}} a walk/run "Salir a caminar

    , correr."Go for sth = Decidirse/optar por algo Designers have {{c1::gone for}} a romantic look this year. Los diseadores apuestan por or se han decantado por un es

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    tilo romntico para este ao."Go off = Echarse a perder (alimento), pasarse" Fresh fruit and vegetables may not be sold to consumers if they have {{c1::gone off}} or are rotten.Las frutas y hortalizas frescas no pueden venderse a los consumidores si estn pasadas o podridas.Go off (alarm) = Sonar I've set the alarm clock to {{c1::go off}} at 7 am.The thieves ran away when the alarm {{c1::went off}}.

    Go off = Explotar The bomb {{c1::went off}} near a supermarket."Go on = Seguir, pasar" What's {{c1::going on}} in there? Qu pasa ah?Go out = Salir (por la calle) I always {{c1::go out}} and have a few drinks on Saturday night. Yo siempre salgo y tomo unas copas el sbado por la noche.Go through = Revisar algo; pasar por The security guard at the airport {{c1::went through}} all my luggage."Go through with = Llevar a cabo, cumplir, poner en marcha, realizar" We are anxious to {{c1::go through with}} it. Estamos ansiosos por ponerla en marcha.Go up = Subir The price of cigarettes {{c1::went up}} in January 1992.El precio de los cigarrillos subi en enero de 1992."Go with = Quedar bien, looks good with" Choose a tie to {{c1::go with}}your shirt. Elija una corbata que quede bien que combine con su camisa.

    Do you think this scarf {{c1::goes with}} this?Grew up = Crecer I {{c1::grew up}} on a farm Me cri en una granjaHang on to = Conservar You must {{c1::hang on to}} your receipt for your new shoes Debes conservar tu recibo de compra por tus zapatos.Hang on/Hold on = Esperar {{c1::Hold on}} for a minute as Pablo will be back in five minutes. Espera un momento porque Pablo regresar en cinco minutos.Hang up = Colgar (el telfono) My ex-girlfriend {{c1::hung up}} when I phoned her. Mi ex-novia me colg cuando la llam."Head for sth = Ir rumbo a, dirigirse a/hacia algo" The ship was {{c1::heading for}} Barcelona. El barco iba con rumbo a Barcelona.Hit it off = Congeniar con alguien Pete and Sue {{c1::hit it off}} immediately. "Pete y Sue enseguida congeniaron, Pete y Sue se cayeron bien desde el principio. " I didn

    t exactly {{c1::hit it off}} with his family. "A su fa

    milia no le ca muy bien, que digamos."Hit up sb for sth = To ask someone for something Did he {{c1::hit}} you {{c1::up for}} money again? te volvi a pedir dinero?Hold down a job = Mantener un trabajo It is extremely difficult to {{c1::holddown a job}} if you have problems communicating. Es muy difcil mantener elpuesto de trabajo si se tienen dificultades de comunicacin."Hold up = Delayed. Demorar, retrasar" Sorry I

    m late. I got {{c1::held up}} bythe traffic.Insight into = Lucidez para comprender algo It gives you an {{c1::insight into}} their way of life. Esto te permite entender mejor su manera de vivir.Insist on -ing = Insistir en + inf/en que + subj She {{c1::insisted on}}paying/my going with her. Ella insisti or se empe en pagar/en que yo fuera co

    n ella.Keep away = No acercarse {{c1::Keep away}} from the edge. No te acerques al borde.Keep on = Continuar He {{c1::keeps on}} criticising me. I

    m fed up with it.Keep up with = Mantenerse a la par/altura de She is having trouble {{c1::keeping up with}} the others in English. Le est costando mantenerse al nivel de los dems en Ingls. I can

    t {{c1::keep up with}} my father when we go cycling as hegoes too fast. No puedo mantenerme a la altura de mi padre cuando nos vamos a montar en bicicleta porque l va muy deprisa.Keep up with = Stay up to date It

    s hard to {{c1::keep up with}} all the latestimprovements and breakthroughs in technology nowadays.Keep up with sth = To manage to do work as it is given to you and not be late indoing what you have to do "In addition to {{c1::keep up with}} their studi

    es, university students often have to cope on very low budgets.""Knock down = Derribar, atropellar, demoler" He {{c1::knocked}} him {{c1::down}} in the second round. l lo derrib en el segundo asalto. My grandfather


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    old house was {{c1::knocked down}} and a bank was built. La vieja casa demi abuelo fue derribada y construyeron un banco.Lap sth up = Deleitarse He told the most obscene jokes and the audience{{c1::lapped}} it all {{c1::up}}. l cont los chistes ms obscenos y el pblico se deleit con ellos."Leave behind = Olvidar, dejar" "When I got to the airport, I realised I had {{c1::left}} my passport {{c1::behind}}. " Cuando llegu al aeropuerto me di cuenta d

    e que me haba olvidado el pasaporte."Leave out = Omitir, excluir." She feels {{c1::left out}}. Se siente excluida.Let down = Decepcionar/fallarle a alguien A real friend will never {{c1::let}} you {{c1::down}}.Let in = Dejar entrar She opened the door and {{c1::let in}} the cat. Ella abri la puerta para dejar entrar al gato.Live down = Lograr hacer olvidar algo a la gente "*You

    ll never {{c1::live}} it {{c1::down}}. *If I fail the test and everyone else passes, I

    ll never beable to {{c1::live}} it {{c1::down}}." "No se van ( or no nos vamos etc) a olvidar nunca de eso, te van ( or vamos etc) a seguir tomando el pelo toda la vida."Live off = Vivir a costa de; vivir de You could {{c1::live off}} the interest.

    T podras vivir de los intereses.Look after = Cuidar My mother {{c1::looks after}} the children when we go away. Mi madre cuida de los nios cuando nosotros estamos fuera.Look back = Think about the past When I {{c1::look back}} on my childhoodI think that in many ways I was lucky.Look for = Buscar I spent two hours {{c1::looking for}} my glasses beforeI found them. Tard dos horas en buscar mis gafas antes de encontrarlas.Look forward to = Esperar con ilusin I

    m {{c1::looking forward to}} the Easter holidays. Estoy esperando con ilusin las vacaciones de Semana Santa."Look into = Investigar, estudiar, considerar" "Since that time, I have {{c1::looked into}} it deeply." Desde entonces he investigado profundamente."Look out = Tener cuidado, Ojo!" {{c1::Look out}}! - There

    s a car coming."Ten cuidado! ""Viene un coche""."

    "Look up = Buscar algo (en un libro, diccionario)" "If you don t understandthe word, {{c1::look}} it {{c1::up}} in a dictionary. " "Si no entiendesla palabra, bscala en el diccionario.""Look up to = Admirar, respetar (a alguien)" Everyone in the office {{c1::looked up to}} the manager Todos en la oficina admiraban al director."Make out = Distinguir, divisar" It was so dark in the room that I couldn

    t {{c1::make out}} what the people were doing."Make up = Componer algo, constituir algo" Women {{c1::make up}} 56% of thepopulation. Las mujeres constituyen el 56% de la poblacin.Make up = Hacer las paces Tom and Alice had an argument but they

    ve {{c1::made}} it {{c1::up}} now.Make up = Inventar You

    ve {{c1::made}} the whole thing {{c1::up}}. Lo has i

    nventado todo. He is very good at {{c1::making up}} stories."Map out = Planear, modificar" I

    ve got the plot {{c1::mapped out}} already.Ya tengo preparado el esquema del argumento."Meet up with = Juntarse, encontrarse con alguien" "My team and I {{c1::meet up with}} other clients to discuss their portfolios, current market trends andideas." "Mi equipo y yo nos reunimos con otros clientes para comentar sus carteras, las tendencias de los mercados actuales e ideas. "Move on = Seguir/continuar con el viaje After three days we decided it was timeto {{c1::move on}}."Move out = Mudarse, cambiarse, irse" We

    re waiting for the tenants to {{c1::move out}}. Estamos esperando a que se vayan se muden los inquilinos.Pass away = Fallecer Joan

    s grandmother {{c1::passed away}} in 2002.Pay up = Pagar (cuando uno se resiste a hacerlo) "To force your debtor to

    {{c1::pay up}}, you will have to go to the enforcement authorities." "Para obligar a su deudor a pagarle su deuda, deber apelar a las autoridades encargadas de la ejecucin."

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    Pick sb up = Give a lift in a car to someone. Give me a call when your train gets in and I

    ll {{c1::pick}} you {{c1::up}} at the station."Pick sth out = Elegir, escoger, seleccionar" She {{c1::picked out}} the onesshe wanted to take and left the rest.Pick up sth = Aprender algo You

    ll soon {{c1::pick up}} the language.No vas a tardar en aprender el idioma agarrar la onda al idioma.Pop in = Hacer una visita muy corta I only {{c1::popped in}} to say hello.

    Slo pas un momento a saludar.Post on = Publicar en That guide is now {{c1::posted on}} the Committee

    s website. Esa gua ahora se ha publicado en el sitio web del Comit."Power by = Alimentar, propulsar," The plane is {{c1::powered by}} four engines. El avin est propulsado por cuatro motores.Power by = Funcionar It

    s {{c1::powered by}} electricity. "Funciona con electricidad, es elctrico.""Pull by = Tirar de, jalar, arrastrar" The cart was {{c1::pulled by}} a donkey.Un burro tiraba de o jalaba la carreta.Pull over = Acercarse a la acera y parar el vehculo The car was {{c1::pulledover}} a short time later by a marked municipal police car. El coche fue detenido poco tiempo despus por un auto marcado como polica municipal.

    "Pull through = Recuperarse, reponerse, salir adelante" "Luckily, she {{c1::pulled through}} and went on to enjoy several cancerfree years. " "Por fortuna, logr salir adelante y disfrut de varios aos sin cncer." To {{c1::pull through}}an illness. Reponerse de una enfermedad.Pull up = Parar (un vehculo) The buses {{c1::pulled up}} in front of Hotel Cocoyoc. Los autobuses se detuvieron frente al Hotel Cocoyoc.Put down = Atribuir I can only {{c1::put}} it {{c1::down}} to her shyness.Solo puedo atriburselo a su timidez."Put forward = Presentar, proponer, postular" "In the meantime, expert bodieshave {{c1::put forward}} at least a dozen different solutions." "Mientras tanto,organismos expertos han presentado al menos una docena de soluciones.""Put in = Meter, introducir" {{c1::Put}} ten pence {{c1::in}} the machine andyou will get a cup of coffee. Introduce diez peniques en la mquina y tendrs un c

    af."Put in place = Implantar, poner en marcha, adoptar, implementar" A similar mechanism is being {{c1::put in place}} in Southeastern Europe. En Europa sudoriental se est poniendo en marcha un mecanismo similar."Put off = Desalentar, desanimar" "I

    d love to see them, but the thought of the journey {{c1::puts}} me {{c1::off}}." "Me encantara verlos, pero pensaren el viaje me quita las ganas."Put on = Encender "{{c1::Put on}} the light, it

    s getting dark. " "Enciende la luz, se est haciendo de noche."Put on = Ponerse (la ropa) {{c1::Put}} your coat {{c1::on}} or you

    ll get cold. Ponte el abrigo o te dar fro.Put on weight = Engordar I {{c1::put on weight}} when I gave up smoking

    Investigadores en nutricin an estn tratando de dilucidar/aclarar la funcin exacta del sodio en la hipertensin.Put out = Apagar This is a no-smoking area. Please {{c1::put out}} your cigarette.Put sth off = Postergar Today's meeting has been {{c1::put off}} until next week.La reunin de hoy ha sido postergada para la prxima semana."Put up with = Aguantar, soportar" No teacher will {{c1::put up with}} badbehaviour in class. Ningn profesor tolerar mal comportamiento en clase."Release on = Lanzar, estreno, poner en libertad, comunicado" Annex 1 containsa copy of a press {{c1::release on}} this matter. En el Anexo 1 figura eltexto de un comunicado de prensa sobre este tema."Rule out = Descartar, hacer imposible" His injury {{c1::rules}} him {{c1::out}}for tomorrow

    s game. Su lesin lo excluye del partido de maana.

    Run into = Encontrar a alguien de casualidad I {{c1::ran into}} Sophie the other day I hadn

    t seen her for ages.Run out of = Quedarse sin algo We have {{c1::run out of}} milk. Nos hemo

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    s quedado sin leche. We {{c1::ran out of}} petrol so we had to get the bus."No quedamos sin gasolina, as que tuvimos que tomar un autobs."See sb off = Despedir a alguien (que se va) When my cousin Betty went to America we all went to the airport to {{c1::see}} her {{c1::off}}."Set off = Ponerse en camino, partir, salir" We {{c1::set off}} to Madrid atfive o

    clock to avoid the traffic. Nos pusimos de camino a Madrid a las cinco en punto para evitar el trfico.

    Set off sth = Hacer explotar/estallar algo Any movement could have {{c1::set off}} the bomb. Cualquier movimiento podra haber activado la bomba."Set sth out = Organizar, colocar. To arrange a number of things in a particularway" The children

    s work was {{c1::set out}} on the tables. El trabajo de los nios estaba expuesto dispuesto sobre las mesas. The site is {{c1::set out}} with information panels."Set up sth = Crear, abrir, fundar" He {{c1::set up}} his own business. lmont su propio negocio."Settle down = Establecerse, instalarse" In 1969 the Salesians arrived and decided to {{c1::settle down}} there amidst the marginalised. "En 1969llegaron los Salesianos y decidieron instalarse justamente aqu, entre los ""ltimos""."

    "Settle into sth = Asentarse, habituarse, establecerse" "In the meantime, the classrooms of Buluk A are helping the returnees {{c1::settle into}} their new environment." "Mientras tanto, en las aulas de Buluk A se ayuda a que los nuevos alumnos se acostumbren a sus nuevas circunstancias. "Settle on sth = Decidirse por algo "By the 1960s, researchers had begun to{{c1::settle on}} an effective solution to this problem. " "Alrededor de ladcada de 1960, los investigadores haban empe- zado a decidirse por una solucin efectiva para este problema."Settle up = Pagarle a alguien Have you {{c1::settled up}} with the butcher forthe turkey? le has pagado el pavo al carnicero?"Show off = Presumir, lucirse(trying to impress)" Look at that boy ridinghis bicycle with no hands. He

    s just {{c1::showing off}}."Show up = Poner de manifiesto, poner en evidencia, hacer quedar mal" The inci

    dent {{c1::showed}} him {{c1::up}} to be a coward o as a coward. El incidente lo mostr como un cobarde. Try not to {{c1::show}} me {{c1::up}} in front of the boss. Procura no ponerme en evidencia hacerme quedar mal delante del jefe."Slow down = Aflojar el paso, aminorar la marcha, reducir la velocidad, hablar msdespacio, ralentizar" She

    s {{c1::slowing down}} as she gets older. Se est haciendo ms lenta a medida que envejece.Speak up = Speak more loudly Can you {{c1::speak up}} a bit please? I can

    t hear you very well."Split up = Separarse de alguien, terminar con alguien" Alain {{c1::split up}} with Julie. Alain termin con Julie."Stand for = Mean, be an abbreviation of" What do the letters NATO {{c1::s

    tand for}}?Stay out = permanecer fuera He usually {{c1::stays out}} late. Normalmente no vuelve a casa hasta tarde."Stroll over = Pasear, caminar" "Instead of using the phone or email, {{c1::stroll over}} to see your co-worker in person." "En lugar de usar el telfono o elcorreo electrnico, camine para ver a su compaero de trabajo en persona.""Study under sb = Ser discpulo de algn, estudiar con algn" "In 1933, he moved to Budapest to {{c1::study under}} the guidance of Ern Dohnnyi." "En 1993, se traslad a Budapest para estudiar bajo la tutela de Ern Dohnnyi."Succeeded in doing sth = Conseguir hacer algo "After hours of negotiation, they {{c1::succeeded in}} getting the new contract" "Despus de horas de negociacin, ellos consiguieron el nuevo contrato.""Sweep sth aside = Destruir, eliminar, desechar" We must hope that the ju

    dges have enough common sense to {{c1::sweep aside}} the charges. Cabe esperar que el juez tenga suficiente sentido comn como para liquidar/hacer a un ladola acusacin.

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    "Take aback = Sorprender, desconcertar" I was {{c1::taken aback}} by his attitude. Su actitud me sorprendi o me desconcert.Take after = Parecerse a Pablo {{c1::takes after}} his mother: they are both optimistic. Pablo se parece a su madre: ambos son optimistas.Take back = Retirar I {{c1::take}} it all {{c1::back}}. Retiro lo dicho.Take in = Ser engaado Many people were {{c1::taken in}} by his apparent sincerity. Su aparente sinceridad enga a muchos.

    "Take off = Despegar, salir, tomar vuelo" The economy {{c1::took off}} inthe fifties. La economa empez a florecer en los aos cincuenta. The flight was delayed for two hours and the plane eventually took off at 6 p.m. El vuelose retras dos horas y el avin finalmente despeg a las seis de la tarde. Our flight {{c1::took off}} two hours late.Take off = Quitarse la ropa {{c1::Take off}} your coat and make yourself comfortable. Qutate el abrigo y ponte cmodo."Take out = Extraer, sacar " He {{c1::took out}} a cigarette and lit it. lse sac un cigarrillo y se lo encendi.Take up = Empezar a hacer algo When my uncle retired he {{c1::took up}} golf.Cuando mi to se jubilo empez a jugar golf. To {{c1::take up}} the piano.Empezar a estudiar piano.

    "Tear sth up (PS tore; PP torn) = Hacer pedazos, romper algo" After he

    d readthe letter he slowly {{c1::tore}} it {{c1::up}} and put the pieces in the bin."Tease out sth = Dilucidar, descubrir" Nutrition researchers are still trying to {{c1::tease out}} the exact role of sodium in hypertension. Investigadores en nutricin an estn tratando de dilucidar/aclarar la funcin exacta del sodio en la hipertensin.Tell off = Regaar a alguien My dad {{c1::told}} me {{c1::off}} for swearing.Mi pap me rega por decir malas palabras.Tell sb apart = Distinguir a alguien (de otra persona) You can't {{c1::tell}} them {{c1::apart}} because they're identical twins No puedes distinguirlos porque son gemelos idnticos.Throw away = Tirar (en la basura) Don

    t {{c1::throw}} these papers {{c1::away}}: They

    re important. No tires estos papeles: son importantes.

    "Tidy up = Ordenar, poner en orden, asear, arreglar" Many homes require thatyou be responsible to make your bed and {{c1::tidy up}} your room. Muchos hogares requieren que usted sea responsable de hacer su propia cama y arreglar sucuarto."Try on = Probarse, medirse" Can I {{c1::try}} it {{c1::on}}? me lo puedo probar/medir?Try out = Probar I

    m going to {{c1::try out}} this recipe for chicken breasts I saw on TV.Turn down = Bajar (el volumen) {{c1::Turn down}} the radio: it

    s too loud.Baja el volumen de la radio: est demasiado alta.Turn down = Rechazar "If Joana hadn't {{c1::turned down}} his invitation, Peterwouldn't be angry." "Si Joanna no hubiera rechazado su invitacin, Pedro no es

    tara enojado.""Turn on = Encender (televisin, luces etc.)" "{{c1::Turn on}} the television,please, I want to see the news." "Enciende la tele, por favor. Quiero verlas noticias.""Turn out = Quedar, salir" The photos {{c1::turned out}} quite well.Las fotos salieron quedaron bastante bien.Turn out = Resultar It {{c1::turned out}} that he was her cousin. Result que l era su primo.Turn over = Voltearse He {{c1::turned over}} onto his stomach. Se dio la vuelta y se puso boca abajo."Turn up = Llegar, aparecer" "If I'd caught the 10:20 train, I would have {{c1::turned up}} on time." "Si hubiera tomado el tren de las 10:20, hubiera llegadoa tiempo."

    "Turn up = Llegar, aparecer" Steve {{c1::turned up}} late as usual. Steve lleg tarde como de costumbre.Turn up = Poner el volumen ms fuerte {{c1::Turn up}} the radio. I can

    t hear

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