ludc. addtsasen rc.dun t' · 2019-12-17 · oreri .lul h.v. bccn nade bv rhe compa.v fd this;...

789t2014 2_ 3. 8. 0, fhe resion ofarmsplerc wherc Oetre tayef ir lolnd (A) Tro!@phcrc (B) (c) Mee6phere (D) PERC is r lD,adous ch€Eic.l subtet@ {idely usd (A) Dry Cle.nilg (B) (c) Presertltion ol food 6turT (D) $lich orsan i. connoDlv atr€cred by M.ningili.? (A) xidrcr (B) (c) LuDc. (D) W! i6 CSM in dobil. pho.. *Rie? {A) C€r.lal SysreE lor Mobil€ Tcchmlos/ (B) Crcup br Serui@ of Mobiles (C) Clob.l for Mobile ClbEuics.ion (D) Global S€Fi.. oI Mobile. f ime: I nourand r5 Dinurcs tulilicial .ip€ning of fruir.. M.nuf"..urinFolpaper 6. 'P@!ty a.d UnDntish RuIc i! bdia i! s.itt6n by : (A) ADdtsasen (B) (c) Rc.Dun t' 6, 'Itavaodre Puhli. S€pice CoDoildon w.6 onsiiiuted (C) Sd Moolio Tirun.l bv, (B) (D) I4:s!-.c.le @erdde.t6 were €|I€ct d in Con.titutioD oI hdi! ir : (A) 1969 (B) 1975 (c) 19?6 (D) 1992 Tritalns Cthe J.w€lg) th€ pnibsphic.I Eio i! a.sociat€d wilh : (A) Jaini.n (B) Buddhi.n (C) HirrtubE (D) Zoru.idoilE Tte hi.toricrt civ ofColsiqtinopl. i. pre.onily known ft: (A Anrd. (B) l.ilbbut (c) venie (D Ardedria 10. EEr,lom Naho^ubh@ola i. , musical Mp..iiid by : (A) S*attriTil@.| (B) Covi laMr*r (C) Thyastbj. Swrhi (D) Mulhu.t.mi D*k.bitar tP.r.ol

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Page 1: LuDc. ADdtsasen Rc.Dun t' · 2019-12-17 · oreri .lul h.v. bccn nade bv rhe compa.v fD This; one oa the b..i oficrs thor hde b*n mode hv tne codldv (c) This is one of thc b€3t






fhe resion ofarmsplerc wherc Oetre tayef ir lolnd(A) Tro!@phcrc (B)(c) Mee6phere (D)

PERC is r lD,adous ch€Eic.l subtet@ {idely usd(A) Dry Cle.nilg (B)(c) Presertltion ol food 6turT (D)

$lich orsan i. connoDlv atr€cred by M.ningili.?(A) xidrcr (B)(c) LuDc. (D)

W! i6 CSM in dobil. pho.. *Rie?{A) C€r.lal SysreE lor Mobil€ Tcchmlos/(B) Crcup br Serui@ of Mobiles(C) Clob.l for Mobile ClbEuics.ion(D) Global S€Fi.. oI Mobile.

f ime: I nourand r5 Dinurcs

tulilicial .ip€ning of fruir..M.nuf"..urinFolpaper

6. 'P@!ty a.d UnDntish RuIc i! bdia i! s.itt6n by :

(A) ADdtsasen (B)(c) Rc.Dun t'

6, 'Itavaodre Puhli. S€pice CoDoildon w.6 onsiiiuted

(C) Sd Moolio Tirun.l


I4:s!-.c.le @erdde.t6 were €|I€ct d in Con.titutioD oI hdi! ir :(A) 1969 (B) 1975(c) 19?6 (D) 1992

Tritalns Cthe J.w€lg) th€ pnibsphic.I Eio i! a.sociat€d wilh :(A) Jaini.n (B) Buddhi.n(C) HirrtubE (D) Zoru.idoilE

Tte hi.toricrt civ ofColsiqtinopl. i. pre.onily known ft:(A Anrd. (B) l.ilbbut(c) venie (D Ardedria

10. EEr,lom Naho^ubh@ola i. , musical Mp..iiid by :

(A) S*attriTil@.| (B) Covi laMr*r(C) Thyastbj. Swrhi (D) Mulhu.t.mi D*k.bitar


Page 2: LuDc. ADdtsasen Rc.Dun t' · 2019-12-17 · oreri .lul h.v. bccn nade bv rhe compa.v fD This; one oa the b..i oficrs thor hde b*n mode hv tne codldv (c) This is one of thc b€3t

rr Tea6hd i! ! d{n@ f@ of :

(A) TrDil Ndu (B) oriM(c) B€nsrl (D) Mahara.hha

r2, Sile.t V.lley de.laed diioDal pdl iD :

{A) 193.r G) 1936(c) 19?? (D) 1978

18. hdi.r stats vith !oqg.6t @itd line :

(A) A!dh. (B) Tlnil Nadq(c)|. (D) Gqj{!r(

14 Wtich o@ i. tie lllsElt Asi.n d€sft?(A) Thd (B) TrtlaDal!! (D) KtaLrn

16. WLo rc lb6 ffihry of KeElr Prude.i Con3*!. Connitt€e *lten ii ws folbed in 1921?(A) Ic MtdhaearNai (D) C. SidrcsN.n(C) K K€l.ppin (D) KP, K€ Menor

16, Counky th.i wu .@0.!ded &@ c.8 h MN! 20I,t I

(A) nrEim (B) Rui.(c) Crna.L. (D) Jlpu

17. fte Aai.leltll Pies Miniet FTh6 Mrtils a.d UoarLins of M.odol8 Silgl is booL

(A) Sha.hi1ll.t@ (B) P.C. Pd.Lh(c) slqjaylBm (D) Alhil cupt

r& &to Lo'@ i. .! oq6! of *!reEiltr i! :(A) Eert (B) SourbA&io(C) Soucb Suda (D) Nis€ria

re. Indid gtrt! wbich hunchsrl th. .ch.D. Bloo.t @ C.U :

(A) l&.be!.btn (B) Ta6il Nrdu(c) (D) I(rmlt5li

t0. Aihlete wlD tG h.€D uDsrail€il ce.tb' to 6rt pla@ in h6. *r! !t th€ 2006 Mdr6 WorldAdn€tic. Ch.eDio!.lip :

(a) T.ryan. Kotoh (B) Anju Boby o6rco(C) Y€l€nr l6ilblyeva (D) sh€uy Arn Fnet

tt. P@dur to an.n.l th€ 6!.tit{rion of lodi. b.letqilod i! tL6 Anid6 :(A) 368 (a) 066{q 8?0 (D) 32,1

$s/2014 1

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22. Che3e rho n8li aniwer I

(A) Presidcrt oflndid praside. ovor ihojoini oitiing ofb6th ihe houe6 ofDarliom.nt(B) No. anfideno. norion c.n h€ p6sr6d only ir tle l,& Sabh, .(C) PriEc Miniltcr c6n noftin.t. 12 nehbcGlo ihe Rsjr.!(D) Pre€ideni en djdelre th€ Rrjyr S.bha or re@aEcndario. ol ite .abi.6i

,3, h rhe o$lihiion of l.dia em€rs.rcy csu*d by th€ fdilue of@!6riiutionrl nlchin€ry in ..Etc is pwded rn ih..n'cle

(A) 360 (B) 3i6(o 352 (D) 324

t4. ln ihe @n.iitul,ion ol Indi. rh€ &ction DiFctiv€ P.i.ciple! of Srlrc Policy sa. towed frenth€ on*itution of :

(A) GclEa,v (B) in(c) usA (D) rreland

25. Pick fte n8hr atuwe. :(A) FuodrEental Duti€. .F !d I0 in nuDb€r(B) ftnddnenr.l Durie was .rld€d io rh. Conariaurio! ty ilE 4rrd on.ifttrriosl

denrheni(C) 'n'.e j! m Dryisid fir dist € of Fu.d.berbi Duii.. i! lhe

(D) Al dle above @ @.Et20. Pick rtre lishi .B*.! les.lilins rh. pdeB ol tlE Pe!id..t of Indi*

(A) PEaid.nt appoi.t! the CNofMidnt tu ofltate.(B) PE.idenr *l*r the Cabiret MinigteF(O Prsnbd appoilb tn€ PliEe Miniltcr(D) All the ebov€ aF 6@t

t?. Chse tte n3h an!@r ;

(A) Dimtiv€ Pn@ipb! ud lundiEent l R*Lt e ju.ticirbl. rLbt!(B) Onl, Furbrcntal Rishtg .rc€ aml Di@ii@ P.isirle. e non-

ju.ii.iable(C) Dircctiw Pdeipl$ cu b6 rEendod but hnrlaEentsl Rtltu @nrot b€ amend.d

by ih. Ili8l io Prcrrry i. ! F!nd!ne..!l Righi

t8. nichi io EdutioD wu .ddcd to the FudlEeotd risht of the C.n.titutio. of ldia byine.tinr whi.! ..ricL in the @tutitution :

(A) Artl8A (B) Arr.leA(C) Ari,204 (D) ,1\Il.zr A

,9. Articl€ 312 ol rhe fudirn @rtitrcion deil. with :

(A) A[ Indir Serie!(B) Unior Judicitrt(q Pd.6 oa the Eletion C.nmidrion ol InditaD) Cobpttoler sd Aud'br Gcnaral ol Indi,

A6 rE9/20r4lP.T_O.l

Page 4: LuDc. ADdtsasen Rc.Dun t' · 2019-12-17 · oreri .lul h.v. bccn nade bv rhe compa.v fD This; one oa the b..i oficrs thor hde b*n mode hv tne codldv (c) This is one of thc b€3t

ItO. Pi.k ibe right answe. egardirs ihe Preaebl€ of lh€ @tuiitutiotr of I i! :

(A) P{li.m€nl cannot tDdd th. Pbamble(B) Tte id€! of PEanblo sa. bo@d nor the comlitution of in(C) PEaDbl€ aid6 in ihe lesal intlrpBtstion of tho oBtitltion ehe. ti*d

@nfudon of adhisdqv in ilD @tu$tltion.l pdi.ion.(D) PE@bl. rnbim lndi! to b. a &d!

lr. Vi.iuous nen,ltays ddtrin


b.d habrt3,

(A) in G) fJoe(O for @) ai

3r. Un.cLnowledsld u* of. r$le i. elled :

(A) pl!s,&i'm (B) .gtu.ti4ilb(Cl) optinim (D) vandilbo

8t. ASAP i. aD eemple for:(A) eponyb (B) h@ontt(c) iynonyD (D) acrnyo

!4, H@d in the sdd'cllndhdd i. t :

(A) pre6' (B) PftP@iuo.(c) .uftu (D) e4 orthe.hoE

36. A petun €ho n€E! @. slohol ir . :

(A) ni&5Di6l{C) t ctot lLr

17. @rb tir in D.rts:(A) d.n,ton

l!. Wi* p6ple are E.dt to th€n styb of Uvils io ih6ir circu.tlE'

(D) Meof the doB

t8. Th€re aB nsny!h!dr.nsu.s€.i! the world. P!.t of 3pel ollib. ud. idl*odi.:@) Erb

st. Am€.io l|. pmdtot E oalaillDe-s|llfd3uu6utlj..'lb€ u €dined otra* in th€ Mie@! :

(A) idli6tl! fri.nd (B) 3@l h€lp*(C) ..@t eEDy (D) w.u wiltcr

1EStgor4 6

Page 5: LuDc. ADdtsasen Rc.Dun t' · 2019-12-17 · oreri .lul h.v. bccn nade bv rhe compa.v fD This; one oa the b..i oficrs thor hde b*n mode hv tne codldv (c) This is one of thc b€3t

40. Selst rhe srect *nr.tue froD tbc loUNins :(A) Thi3; one of lne b€s. oreri .lul h.v. bccn nade bv rhe compa.vfD This; one oa the b..i oficrs thor hde b*n mode hv tne codldv(c) This is one of thc b€3t 6flet rhrt h.e dade bt the onpanv(D) This i3 on€ of th€ b€st offor inal hdvc hm. nade b) the conpanr

'I2, Certsin fach or eveht6 by virtue of shich tho riFh! has be@ne *stad r ts owner is demted aB I

(A) Objeci of the .ight G) ndc(c) CoDte.tofdD dglt (D) Th. sabject olthe iicht

,11, wlo snons the followi.s has defincd ldw d3

lersonal wishes of one nan can be coEbined;ccorddce with dre law ol lieedom"l

(A) Eena Maine{C) Innanuel(aht

.r3, Powssion ota pabnt rtht E :

(A) Inco.pnealrrcssion(C) Adv€k pmoesD.

(A) Co)o.i,rresislation(C) JDdici,rresblatior

'sun toi.l ol ihe L$.dnions under whic! inewith tbc personsl wish€s ol anothe. m,n in

4,1. The thdry rhich s&rt! th't .hc personalitv in , erporation is tut a frctitiou a.sunptionor ! @nce$ion of law bul a relhry i

(A) Ficno thsry (B) C.nce$ion thdrj(C) Pupo&tb@ty (D) R€'liat lhdrY

{s. A rcrsFFd @mp$y alErs ,b , '.1.!

of qsuiBton, lheml+ chds€s 'ls

@nel r urion tndda@cment, tbs t'nd ol l.gl3l!do! [email protected]:

(B) co.pore,r possssDn(D) Duplicate pcp$ion

(B) Muniopd lqitlation(D) Autononouslqislatio.

,r5. Tbe ihsry ihat ihe qsren€.t €nLroil inio bv th6 tiltce must be 611d.d bv then in s@d

iA) Auio limitation iheory(C) Pacta Sunt s€randa

4?. Wlich of th€ followi.s ihoori€s siatd ihal athrcush recosai on o.ny a.d exclusiveb ?

(A) c.nstitutive iheory(C) Declarat .r theory

48. Wlrich ofthe folowing stdt€nert! h fdhe?(A) When s stale is coDplorely merred with tnothe. atrls, thmugh subjqdtio! ii is

universal sucessio.

@) When a $rereisn 5t5E a@prs th€ su*rtintv ot anoth€r 3tat6 it is Da.tiql


aB) $rhcn a strte treaks ilro $veralitrt€mtioral person, it i3 p.rti.l sumEion

(O wn€n a pad olthe dtoi€ rlollo and afler a.hicving Feedom b€omes ainterMtidndl pere!, ii i3 Drtli.l .u@sioD

(B) Theoryof@n*nt(D) Th@ry of fundanental nsht3

silr€ is dnd becones d interration,l p€r.on

(B) Elidentia.y theory(D) None or ihe abov€

Page 6: LuDc. ADdtsasen Rc.Dun t' · 2019-12-17 · oreri .lul h.v. bccn nade bv rhe compa.v fD This; one oa the b..i oficrs thor hde b*n mode hv tne codldv (c) This is one of thc b€3t

49. \rthich ofthe lollo1fn,g jrruviinrR of$e $tu!L(c oflhe intcmation.lcourlorjusfi@ pbvidesihat the intefnational cour! oljustico slrnll d..jd. thc dispmt€s cubnftted ro it ac@rding trhe int€Dal]onal la$ ,nd ilill iprlv r[r] souK:s ol int rDational ta* in ile pr€eribed

(A) tuliclc 16 (2) (B) Ariicte33(2)(C) Article J6(1) (J)) .^|ti.le 33 (1)

50, The ruleofint rpretdrion ilri.d i,) I{.vdonsclcc:(A) Lsicalrulc (B) Mischi€frule{c) Liter{l rule (D) Colden rule

51. The nsxin which mcanc a word id known by th. comp,ny il L@ps" :

(A) NGcilur 3 Sociis (R) Ex vise.ibB Acius(C) Ejulden g€nuis (D) In Bonan P,rt€n

62. Wh.h anons rhe follorins E lhc purtos( of! pmlso:(A) To qudiry ed,in prcvisione fron thc moin cnncin€.t(B) To prorid. nn erFrtion to emethiDc to sD€thing witlin ihe n,in €nach€nr(C) It bay eniirely clong€ thc ve'r mnepl of ate itrt€ldne.t of thd en,crneDr by

insbline Dn etui. h.ndltory conditionE ro be 6r$lled in oider ro nale rheenactdenr eorlable

lD) AI the aborc

53. The pnnciple $hich d€terni.B $nethe. q lcsidation b uril'trn.d d Dot b :

(A) A*iic Drinciplo (8) Arbit alyptnciple(C) Iledoni6ticc.ldlus (D) Pri@iple of synDat$y Md a.tipathy

5.1. Ihe qucstid wheilter a statub is nanddtory or di@to., do lot it€pe t on :

(10 lntentioa ofihe lagirbrioD(B) Ianguase ir wLich tho inbnr i. clolhcd(C) The m€aning ol lhe lesilbtioa(D) The .onse@enes which lolo$ &oE int€prehng thrt way

55. wlich of the foUo*ins ia ndt e ohaacter of ihc iraditiondl th6ry or mpa.arid of pw€E?CA) CrD@nbol,ion ol pos€rs in ode percoa i6 li]rely b 6.ult i. tlaamx !en@

gNernm€.ral poweB muot h. vcstcd in ihree dificrenr o.gans(B) Eech ofthe organ snolH bs independ€li ofthe oth€r(O Thele dho d be Drdision forjrdicial €view oflesislqtion(D) One orsan should noi pdld.h ihc aunciiona orrh€ oihe!

66. which of ile loilNlns bun.n riglls inairum€nrs is ali! to thai oI P,r1 tV of India!

(A) Inierndtional convention on Rrii;l {ononic .!d culrural Bigbtd(B) International conrention on .ivil and political righi6lC) Convenlion asai$i forturclD) Ceneva C.nvondon


Page 7: LuDc. ADdtsasen Rc.Dun t' · 2019-12-17 · oreri .lul h.v. bccn nade bv rhe compa.v fD This; one oa the b..i oficrs thor hde b*n mode hv tne codldv (c) This is one of thc b€3t

5?. $hich olrls follo$ins is acaBgDrt oladminisrraht€ aciion?(,\) tuls making adio. (R) Rnle decisio! dcrion(q Mnrisrerial action (D) nrl trle

53. Whrh dtihc fo lowins is nDr a nech,!i$ tu judici,t r€yiew ofadnriniekaiive action?(A) Article 226oltbeonctitutidn(B) rii.le jr2 ofrhe onsirrution(c) suit for danases(l)) Seclio! 482 of Oode ol C.ieinal prusdue

59. Ine insiitutionol ol onburlslllm tri6r olisiMicd in :

c\) lrance (B) s*eden(q€rl StaGs ofAnerie (D) England

60, Wlich of thc 6Uowi4 D€6ons m@6 udcr tbc ddiritu oI resd dbabr)iiy i. tle tihitaron

G0 UnEdliEdwonenofMy as€ (B) Widor of a"y as€(C) Woda. 60yeare otag6 (D) Unsonn.l wonlr ofany aso

51. A !.po.l Dude by a Po[c. OIfi€r in . @se which disclGes, u1ie. inveartarjon. rlEdnoissio! of a nor coelizable ofiere i6 :

(A) !'lR (B) Canplainr(C) Poli6 rport u{rer s€ctio! lTlt (2) (D) charce

62. A *onan a8ed ?0 yea.s hei.g su8p*t€d ol onmittins an ofien@ punilhable $tL titinprilonEerr susht for ban. S[e {as .arlie. @nvicieil fo. @nmiuin8 rlefi. C.urr stured!ail. Do you ilinl thai iLe ilecision of ihe sun is prcper?

(A) No, und€! Sec 43?, 6!6 beins susplcied ofconnitlinc oileee punilnabb sirh ti6inDli6 nnent cannoi be sranrcd bail

@) No, $ ihere is earlier conviction for therr(C) Ied, as per s@ a37, she beins an old won$(D) Yss,,6psrBec 437A, Bhe b.i.! dn old wonrn

63. rvhich ol th. followi.s p.ovisions give risbt ro th€ d..esr.d !€tun b reer an ddlmare or hischoie duilg ilt€rrccation?

(A) S€ctio. cr B G) s€dion tr D(c) Se.tion 42 D (D) S€chd 42 B

64. which ot tbe followins c.*, lherc is oncl$ive ptuf of l€gitinac/(A) Bi.ih of a clnd wtnin 270 dlys ol th€ di6slution of Daniagc and nis horher is

(B) Bi.rh of a chnd mthLn 290 day6 ol the &ssolutior of EaEiagc and !b nothef is

(C) Bjrth of d child vitnin 280 days ol the di6slution of asriasc ond lis norher is

(D) Bilrh ot a child withitr 260 dar{ of the rlismlutio! of maniase and his noth€. is

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65. which of the tollowins coEes under the facts ol which cou.t snaU take jldicill mri@?(A) All ld*s in fo@ in ihe te.ntory of Indid(B) Anicl€s ofwar fo. lLe lndian rmy(c) Tne oxi.bnc ot natio.,l aag of e@ry st3te !@cd*d !y ihe O@t ol l.dia(D) All the {bo!e

66. Which of tne fouositrg 6tatements is true uith rc6p€ct b dyinc decladtior?I. Tho peBon must nake the staidmoni under tls aapectation ofrlaaihII. Tbo pc$on mutmk€ thestaiemontastothecauseof hbdeothUL The s!.t€Eert is relevant in dny pmc.€ding in whicL th€ caue of his death @oe3

(A) Onlyl&llbright (B) Onty II & Ill is dghi(C) I,II & Ill,Ensht (D) OdyI&III.eruht

5?, Fack wticn, thou3l .ot in i$u. aE s co!tucted $ii! a flct i. i..!e .. to forn lari of 3rn6trmction i6 reId.nt i3 :

(A) Estoppel (B) SMndary ovid€De{C) R?sgetae {D) IleaE,y evid€n@

G8, A, witn th€ intention io conni| |!sfi, thudt6 bk han& in rh. p@l€t of B. gowev€. thep@ket was €mD!y. Whst b the cdniral li.bUity of A?

iA) A i. Urbl€ under Seclion 51 I ol lPC.(B) A b nor liable 6}is act ha8 rcacn€d the stace of prpaatio(C) A i. not liabl€, as it i3 u imp@ibl€ aiEnpt(D) A i. li,blc unde. s€ction 510 ol IPC

G9. Uliedor ini€nt i! :

(A) Moiiv€ (B) l€cu*sn€.8(c) Negligsne (D) Enowled3B

?0. A b lhe seddnr of X, X ssted A to r.novc and deshoy dre .orp8o of P, whoD X had kiued.He thftateneil tnat ilA did mi do so, A and As wife will h€ tiled ihnediat€]y. A.enov€dand de.koyed tle 6rD*. At the t.ial silcE A pl€aded ilw$ ad a defe@. mEiler A *il

(A) A sill6tl@d under S€c 9,t oI IPC(B) A will su@sd ude! S.. 93 of IPC(c) a rill noi .u€e4 s due$ b rcl avlillble s a ile6@ in nude. c,*3.(D) A qiu not su@eil ao he has cau4d dio.ppeda@ ofev €8, wni.L io on oft€n@

?1. Mat h th€ followidS I

I. Conhon intr.tio! .. Sechon 300IPCiL D€fanatior b, Section 403 IPCIll. Mudq .. SdtiolrgglPcn'- Cribinal Mbappbpii6tid d. Setio' 3i IPC(A) I-r, II-c lll.d, rv-b (B) I-il, II{,III-d,Iv-b(c) l-d, Il.E, UI'b, rvc (D) I-b, n-d,III.a,lV{

169/201.r r0 A

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?2. Where there i. a risnr, thaE is a rcEed/?(A) D.nnun Sinc lau.i.(C) Ubij$ibiem€diun

(B) Voluli Non lit injuri.(D) Injulia sile Dlaru

78. wbich of tlo followins i. not an €eption lo slnd liability !(A) Actofcod (B) MirEk€olllw(C) Stltrb.y rufionly (D) Nole ofth€ ahove

?4, A , had instrutud hi. .Lircr 'P rcI, sive lif! io rny untuthod*d !er.on.- Tli. {!. clearlvslipulsr€d in th€ &, oa enploynoni b€.wM A & P, while d duty P stve lilt lo B, .numurbon*d rercn. An *cdent o@ded in whi.h B sufercd e.iow injury. wl.the. A i.liable uder law of tort!?

(A) A is liabl€ url€r rhe p.incipl€ of viqriou. liabiliiy for ihe act of hi! &mnt(B) A i. no! li,bla d tlo pt€a oI sc! oa Cod(C) A is not liable as the lift w,. giwn i! dieelard ro N3 qpE.t ord.rd@) Nom ofde tbow

?6. M.Lh the 6nct r|jlwr gFup:Urr I li..ll1, Mrlie & Slnct LitbilitY2. Qui Facit F.r 6lun fccii pe! * b. Ader ir boih @Dtr&r $d lori3. Unuqui.t*€d d,tas!. c lll Fill4. Donoshle v. StarcM! d. vidnou. lisbilitv

e, Vol.nti @n 6t injuiat A!i46 only in rorta. Pliviry of@!h*t

(A) r- c, 2.!, 3.d, ,1.1 G) ra,2'd,3_t,"3(C) r-d,2-l S-$ 4.b (D) r_s, t_d,3-b,4{

?6. For a Elid doption u.der llindu Adoption .nd Mdnt€utuo Act, t\e clild tdopt d hu.t not

(A) lSyerr.ofas€ (B) l6JeF oraeB(C) rsyEdsoflsF @) 2r Ye.6 of..6

??. A ltindr di.s inr4dt re, le.vilg ,l 6s .nd 3 d.ughi€E. What vill b. the th& of..cL d

(A) Ea.h so! will sr! r/4 of lh€ pbperty to tha .Elui,! oI d.\8hl€B(B) E{ch 30. anrl each druEhr.r will elt r/? of ih. Drop.rtv(C) E&h dsushterwiU set tl olch. t tne excluioo or&a.D) No@otthe

?8. Wlich of th. lollotins 18. th€ Eseids "a. t..r .s posible'?(A) Cy-Pe (B) FlciuE valct(C) Piou Obliaatiot (D) 'Ary6v.hirika' debt

rE 2014lP.T.o.I


Page 10: LuDc. ADdtsasen Rc.Dun t' · 2019-12-17 · oreri .lul h.v. bccn nade bv rhe compa.v fD This; one oa the b..i oficrs thor hde b*n mode hv tne codldv (c) This is one of thc b€3t

79. [-]icb ollhd followinc is nor ! d€clec?( ) c.e!rcnire decrea(B) Ibjediotr or, lhint(C) Det mimtion of.ny queslionwithih seciion r4il(D) An order for didhis.dl ao! dcfauh

80. Wheihe! pend€ndy of I su in s foeign coult ft{td peclude rh. @urcs ir Indja fem r.yinsth6 6uit tound€d oa the same cru* of acrior€€n rle 3rEa partie.?

(A) Y6, under S.cti6n r0 ol Civil D@<lw Coila(B) No, !nde. Sectior 10 of Civil predure Yea u.d6r S*rioD I I of Civil p@dure C.d.(D) No, uder S€ction I I of Civ'l Predure Code

3r, Wlic! of tlE loUding is ths pbper oode ot arh.hreni ot MdabL prcpgrty otlP. plodu@ iD po*.6iotr ofjudseo€nr d6btor?

(A) By l€aviDg it in thc custody ofu E.pectqble D€Fon a. custodian(B) By.ctuai *izurc thereof(C) By p{dng.r o.der for€ ofir, rtateve. b6 tn. @ liri.D ofihe Dbp6rr,(D) No.€ oftLe lhore

42. Whic! of ihe 6!o*ins @*! i! *hich an apDli.srioD for qiew cM b. filed,!(A) Fbb r deBs tom whicb tu apD€d hr. ten pE&red(B) Fme sr odq fJod {Lici tro ,ppe.l is sUMd !{ld civil pl@duE 6d.(c) FrcD a deisi@ on a Eercne lEm 6nall ciu* 6urtlD) All tte.bore

33. [rhich ofthe follosing prcp.die. @ b. F,n.fered und€r $. TuDd€r of pr@rr" Act?(A) Sp€s Sue$i@(B) Blcht to futN Eainbnane(C) A claiD for a ddbt, whicl i. an asedliDtble.ub ot bon.y(I)) A mercrisr b.ue

84, Which ol rh€ foUdins @ses! rte lulo .sainsr p€rD€tuily do si aDpty?(A) TmrEfer for th€ benedt ofrh€ pubtrc (B) V€sd ht4e€r,(C) CoveEriforrcdedpiio oanodsrge (D) AI,€

65. Which ofthe foll.wiDc is not ilu€ with E.pecr io rest€d ini.e.r?(A) lt i! .n iri.E3r rhi.h i. fo.thsid(B) It i3 not ileferi.d by iho d..tb of ih. rm.6Ee before t€trj4 poeeio!(C) alway! h6nt bte(D) Th6 rigl!! to 6njoyn6nt Day, j! ene case. b€ pdrpo..d

86. Th€ Action for fNcl@G i. dE remedy available ro re :

(A) Modgas€ (B) Lp*€(c) Mortsas€! (D) Donee

laSn|l4 1l ^

Page 11: LuDc. ADdtsasen Rc.Dun t' · 2019-12-17 · oreri .lul h.v. bccn nade bv rhe compa.v fD This; one oa the b..i oficrs thor hde b*n mode hv tne codldv (c) This is one of thc b€3t


nd( c.nsid€Rd.s h.6ri!l evidene in dcbr'rinnrg th. rss oflhe

( ) M*rriculslio. o. eolivalcnr @rii6or.(B) Rirt} @rtiliFle given br t he orpur.,ion{C) Birth @.ti6catc tos thc rchool i.cludins llc pld} school in $hich lho child nrel

a.@nded(D) Ntcdi@l opin'on ftum , dlLv @rsr,iluicd t!!rd

80. wlich ottho followirs provisn,naolPmbalion otOfend€E A.qgopulahr rhar N D6rsn shoi! giwD thc olDtub,rioo shall nol rufls.xn, diiquslilicaiion?

reccrh. th. rdvrDhg. nugh!.lsoDongdo lqordr Causa (R) lscisnm.nt

(D) SubbFdtion

00, \4lich of tho aollo$ins prcvieionN of InntrnNrion rshnolosr' ,{c., dcnh sirh Clher


(D Sfttion 66 C(D) S*tion 66!-

until, ii hae be€n hbushi io dE lmwledse of rlic

tt. Aw€s@Ee Eftyto B ur.lcr , 6ntrdct. li *,. rrmcd A. B&Crha!Bsbrlllh.n@aoltb dc@p! q a3 ht debtor, iaeiead of N. Tbe old dohi of,1 ro B hdi ben ended uda n.* debt rreD C ro A bu hee! conila@d. Thi! i!

A! ofae qlot b. aacrbd u.)os. dndp.reD b wh@ it i! Eadc" w.. held !n:

(l1) C$liU v. Carbolic Snoke Blll(B) klmon.hullav. Gdlri Da.r(C) &rour Y. Bauou(D) Moftidv. Morr'rl

(A) Qu.!i Canrmcl(c) Novatior

tS. Find.rollGlcm& id a:

9a. W'ich of rhs followi.g dl!.enenr! rrc trw siib rcsDecr, @ IiEiEd liatili.y P.rin€rehip?L It b o lybrid ol Pdrtnoahip ,nd snpo.y fo.n of or!.ni6rlionIL Pedu6 of [email protected] of LiEit3d L&bilily PotueFlip i. .inil.. io rhar ot.

psr1n6!.hip 6rnm. U.biliry ofa partrer b hi. aa@d @niibul.ion{A) Onlr I ie lrue{8) Only II ard III aE true(c) onb I & IrI !E ilue(D) l,ll &lll aEirue



Page 12: LuDc. ADdtsasen Rc.Dun t' · 2019-12-17 · oreri .lul h.v. bccn nade bv rhe compa.v fD This; one oa the b..i oficrs thor hde b*n mode hv tne codldv (c) This is one of thc b€3t

95. Wbich ofth€ follosins !e implied coditios lnder Ssle of C@d. Act?

(A) C.ndiiio! s to quie! Pd&$ion(B) Codition $ to d€*.iptio!(c) Conilition e to &ft Eod encumbEne(D) No!. olihe abov.

t6. FoEitr @npar'y m..ns:(A) A 6bpa.y i@rloraled imid. India, *ltich ha. plc of buie* outli& lDdia

{B) A 6mp.ry [email protected]€d imid€ lndi., whi.h @nducrs lctivirv wiibi!

(C) A [email protected] [email protected] OuBide Indit, whi.h h$ 9l.e of i. lndia(D) None ofthe.bore

O?. Isw .nil tnrEer of .*uitio. by tb. li.t6d @npanie. o tho* mp.Di€. {hic! iltlbd to

s.t rIEn ffiids lilred @ .ny rsc.sDiled Stek Aclose ir lddi, !h.I b. ..lnini.t Ed bv :

(A) C6ntt.l C@rnnent (B) Co@hed St{t GoemEoni(O CoEpsry las Botrd (D) TIE S4uitie..nd Errhan& Bo.rd

e8. Wbd of tL [email protected] t nent i. rot tru€ F3!rdi!t p@tetu?(A) PMn .tut.!.lt ho i!.@d b.ioR tb. &ie of i|! Dublicrtim(B) The rgn!ft shll cai.E! tLe pdpetu. onlv .ft.! th. regi.tntion

BquiEnent tE mpli.d wiih(C) If pMp€ctu i. i!.u€d in @ d*ntor of 6EpEi8 Att, esrv wlD i!

loffinsly r pr.ty to th. isB of th€ .u€ i. lidL bt iopri.onDoni(D) Pdpectu! n$t be i!s@d o! b€ha[ of sry petun who i. int ft.i.rl itr th€

6rD.tio! otihe oopary

00. Whial oI tle folding @diiioE i. a rst b! a D€!&n b eljov lh. b6mdt ol HoU.! h dw

(A) Obrd!€d tL iolruDdt.n4 the Datuiiv d.b(B) obhined the sfter.ndorenent(c) Obkinod|!e plyiry valid 6!tid,ati@(D) Non. olth€ aboE

1OO. I'h tiDe lilit 61 6 ruibority to glvo iDSdation on aD aDplictti.! uil€r Bisht to

(A) WihinSoibF (B) witlh 16 d!y.(C) Widdn 45 d.y. (D) Wilhi!6od.t

1E9€014 l,l